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MAY, 2023.
We hereby declare that this project has been written by us and a record of our own research work. It

has not been presented in any previous application for a higher degree of this or any other university.

All citations and sources of information are clearly acknowledged by means of reference.

Adeniyi Ademola Johnson ………………………..…..

EES/17/18/0057 Signature/Date

Akintola Abideen Isola …………………………....

EES/17/18/0105 Signature/Date

Oladunjoye Emmanuel Abiodun ……………………………..

EES/17/18/0322 Signature/Date

This project entitled “Thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking using selected pot

types and sizes”, meets the regulation governing the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering

of the Olabisi Onabanio University, Ago-Iwoye and is approved for its contributions to Engineering

Knowledge and literary presentation.

………………………….. …………………………..
Engr. Adetifa B.O. Date
Project Supervisor

………………………….. …………………………..
Engr. Babalola A.A. Date
Ag. Head of Department

This project is dedicated to almighty God, the creator of the universe and the owner of the breath,

whose mercy and omnipotence made this work a reality.

Our profound gratitude goes to almighty God for guiding us through this study.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed to

the successful completion of this project.

First and foremost, we would like to extend our deepest thanks to my project supervisor, Engr. B.O.

Adetifa, for their invaluable guidance, support, and expertise throughout the duration of this project.

His insightful feedback, constructive criticism, and constant encouragement have been instrumental

in shaping the direction and quality of this work. We would also like to acknowledge the

contributions of the faculty members of the Agricultural Engineering department at Olabisi

Onabanjo University for their support and encouragement throughout my academic journey. Their

dedication to teaching and research has been a constant source of inspiration.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our classmates and friends who provided assistance and

encouragement during the project's execution. Their willingness to collaborate, share ideas, and

engage in fruitful discussions greatly enriched the project's outcomes. We would like to express our

gratitude to the participants and individuals who generously shared their time, knowledge, and

expertise to support the data collection process. Their contributions were invaluable in providing the

necessary insights and perspectives for this research.

We would like to acknowledge the support and resources provided by Department of Agricultural

Engineering, Olabisi Onabanjo University during the course of this project. Their cooperation and

willingness to provide access to facilities, equipment, and materials were essential in carrying out

the experiments and analysis.

Finally, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our families for their unwavering

support, love, and encouragement. Their belief in our abilities and their constant motivation has been

the driving force behind our accomplishments. Although it is not possible to name everyone who has

contributed to this project, we want to express our gratitude to all those who have played a role,

either big or small.

Thank you all for being a part of this journey and for making this project possible.


TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................VI
LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF PLATES.................................................................................................................................X
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................................................XI
LIST OF NOMENCLATURES.........................................................................................................XII
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 General Background................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement...................................................................................................................2
1.3 Aim and Objectives..................................................................................................................3
1.4 Justification..............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope........................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................4
2.1 Cooking....................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Pot Sizes and Cooking Efficiency...........................................................................................4
2.3 Energy Balance and Efficiency................................................................................................5
2.4 Cooking Heat Transfer.............................................................................................................5
2.5 Boiling and evaporation...........................................................................................................5
2.6 Heat Transfer and Cooking Time.............................................................................................6
2.6.1 Modes of Heat Transfer........................................................................................................6
2.7 Types of Pot.............................................................................................................................7
2.7.1 Properties of clay pot..........................................................................................................10
2.7.2 Advantages of clay pot........................................................................................................11
2.8 Characteristics of Quality Cookware.....................................................................................11

2.8.1 Good conductivity...............................................................................................................11
2.8.2 Uniform heat distribution...................................................................................................12
2.8.3 Proper thickness/Gauge......................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................................................13
3.1 Materials................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Experimental Procedures for Water Heating Test..................................................................17
3.3 Experimental Procedures for Cooking Test...........................................................................19
3.4 Experimental Setup................................................................................................................20
3.5Experimental Analysis............................................................................................................22
3.5.1Temperature Distribution and Heat Energy Used................................................................22
3.5.2 Cooking Efficiency.............................................................................................................24
3.5.3 Total Heat Supply...............................................................................................................24
3.5.4 Cooking Power...................................................................................................................25
3.5.5 Thermal Efficiency.............................................................................................................25
3.5.6 Energy Balance...................................................................................................................25
3.5.7 Unaccountable Losses........................................................................................................26
3.6 Statistical analysis..................................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FOUR...............................................................................................................................27
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..........................................................................................................27
4.1 Water Heating Test Results....................................................................................................27
4.2 Food Temperature Distribution..............................................................................................39
4.3 Cooking Power and Cooking Efficiency...............................................................................51
4.4. ENERGY BALANCE..........................................................................................................62
4.5. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS..............................................................................................64
CHAPTER FIVE.................................................................................................................................70
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................70
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................70
5.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................................70

Figure 4.1: 1 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots………………………...28

Figure 4.2: 2 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots………………………...29

Figure 4.3: 3 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots………………………...30

Figure 4.4: 1 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots………...…………....32

Figure 4.5: 2 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots ………………..……33

Figure 4.6: 3 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots……………………...35

Figure 4.7: 1 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots……………………….......36

Figure 4.8: 2 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots ………………………......37

Figure 4.9: 3 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots……………………….......39

Figure 4.10: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 85 g……...40

Figure 4.11: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 170 g…….41

Figure 4.12: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 250 g…….43

Figure 4.13: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 85 g…...44

Figure 4.14: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 170 g….45

Figure 4.15: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 250 g….47

Figure 4.16: Temperature distribution for different big sized pots with rice of 85 g………...48

Figure 4.17: Temperature distribution for different big pots sizes with rice of 170 g……….49

Figure 4.18: Temperature distribution for different big pots sizes with rice of 250 g……….51

Figure 4.19: Cooking Power for different small sized pots with 1 kg of water quantity…….52

Figure 4.20: Cooking Power for different small size pots with 2 kg of water quantity……...53

Figure 4.21: Cooking Power for different small size pots with 3 kg of water quantity……...54

Figure 4.22: Cooking Power for different medium size pots with 1 kg of water quantity…..56

Figure 4.23: Cooking Power for different medium size pots with 2 kg of water quantity…..57

Figure 4.24: Cooking Power for different medium size pots with 3 kg of water quantity…..58

Figure 4.25: Cooking Power for different big size pots with 1 kg of water quantity………..59

Figure 4.26: Cooking Power for different big size pots with 2 kg of water quantity………..61

Figure 4.27: Cooking Power for different big size pots with 3 kg of water quantity………..62


Plate 2.1: Iron Pot ……………………………………………………………………...……8

Plate 2.2: Stainless Pot ……………………………………………………………………....8

Plate 2.3: Aluminium Pot ……………………………………………………………….…...9

Plate 2.4: Clay Pot ………………………………………………………………………….10

Plate 3.1 Digital Temperature Logger (4 Channels) with Four k –Type Thermocouples...…16

Plate 3.2: Digital Electronic Weighing Balance …………………………………………....16

Plate 3.3: Digital Hygrometer ……………………………………………………………....17

Plate 3.4: Experimental setup for Aluminium pot of different sizes ………………………..20

Plate 3.5: Experimental setup for Stainless pot of different sizes …………………………..20

Plate 3.6: Experimental setup for Iron pot of different sizes ……………………………..…21

Plate 3.7: Experimental setup for Clay pot of different sizes ……………………………….21


Table 3.1 Aluminum pots specification ………………………....13

Table 3.2 Stainless pots specification ……………………….......13

Table 3.3 Stainless pots specification …………………………...14

Table 3.4 Clay pots specification……………………………..….14

Table 3.5 Energy balance ………………………………………..63

Table 3.6 Comparative analysis …………………………………64

Table 3.7 Comparative analysis …………………………………66

Table 3.8 Comparative analysis …………………………............68


Parameters Meaning Unit

Quantity of heat transferred to water j

Quantity of heat transferred to pot j

Quantity of heat transferred to wall j

Mass of water kg

Specific heat capacity of pot j/kg0c

Mass of pot kg

Change in pot temperature C

Change in wall temperature C

Mass of wall kg

Mass of air kg

Specific heat capacity of water j/kg0c

Specific heat capacity of air j/kg0c

Change in air temperature C

Volume of air m 3

Length of kitchen m

Breadth of kitchen m

Height of kitchen m

Thermal efficiency %

Initial water temperature C

Change in water temperature C

Mass of gas used by minute g

Initial mass of water Kg

Density of air at room temperature kg/m3

Total amount of heat transferred j

Calorific value of cooking gas kj/g0c

Cooking power W

Time Minutes

Energy accountable j

Energy utilized j


The thermal performance and energy balance of cooking using selected cook pots were

investigated in this study. The aim of this study is to determine the thermal performance and energy

balance of food cooking using selected cook pots. The objective is to study the temperature

distribution of selected pot types and their contents during and after cooking. Four pot types were

selected for the experiment: aluminum, stainless, iron and clay.

Three different quantities of rice 85 g, 170 g and 250 g were used for the cooking test and three

quantities of water 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg were used for water heating test using a standard cooking

setup. Energy balance calculations were conducted to assess the overall energy utilization, cooking

power and cooking efficiency of each cook pot. Energy balance calculations were conducted using

MS Excel and SPSS to carry out comparative analysis.

The results revealed significant variations in the thermal performance of the cook pots. The Iron

pot exhibited higher heat retention, leading to extended cooking durations even after the heat source

was turned off. The aluminum pot was identified as the most energy-efficient option, whereas the

clay pot offered faster heat transfer but consumed more energy and exhibited prolonged cooking

times. The stainless pot provided a balance between energy efficiency and heat retention.

Further research could focus on experimenting on different food types, effects of pot shapes and

other heating source to provide a comprehensive understanding of cook pot selection for optimal

cooking experiences.


1.1 General Background

Thermal performance of food cooking is the combination of temperature and time required to

eliminate a desired number of microorganisms from a food product. Thermal properties are involved

in almost every food processing operation. The most important thermal properties in food processing

such as, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity of food materials depend

mostly on the food’s composition, temperature and density. They have a significant effect on the rate

of heat transfer into the particulates within the food product. When considering heat transfer during

food processing, the thermal conductivity of the food plays an important role. The thermal

conductivity of food determines how fast heat can be evenly transferred to the entire food mass,

which in turn affects the quality of the final product.

Cooking is an inevitable part of daily life for many reasons such as to reduce food borne

illnesses, and to enhance taste, texture, and digestibility. Food is cooked using thermal energy. The

energy is heat. Depending on the cooking appliance, it can either be electrical or chemical potential

energy and the electric potential energy is converted to thermal energy by electric cooker. Pots and

utensils used for cooking and food preparation typically work on Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),

coal, biomass, or electric stoves. Liquefied petroleum gas LPG gas is the most used energy source.

Kitchens are one of the places where deals with this phenomenon daily in cookware application

(Paisarn N., 2014).

Cooking, ultimately, is about heat, how heat enters the food and what happens to the food

when it enters. In cooking, typically there is a heating element (such as a fire), a heat transfer

medium (oil, water, air, a pan or pot), and the food itself. The heat moves from the element through

the medium to the food (Burr Z., 2022). The heat moves from the element through the medium to the


'Temperature' and 'heat' are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.

Temperature is the driving force for heat transfer. Like gravity moves masses, temperature moves

heat. Heat moves from hotter materials to colder materials (a temperature difference causes the heat

to move). Temperature measures, roughly speaking, how much the molecules in a material are

vibrating. Temperature is a property of a material independent of how much of a material there is.

Heat or thermal energy, is a measure of the amount of energy that is contained in a material (this is a

bit simplified - there are lots of different measures and forms of energy).

Heat depends on how much of the material you have, you double the amount of a material,

and you double the heat. Thermal performance is a basic tool that assesses how efficiently a stove

uses fuel to heat water in a cooking pot and amount of emissions created as a result. The ratio of heat

energy entering the cooking pot to the energy content of the fuel consumed is known as the thermal

efficiency of cook stove.

1.2 Problem Statement

The thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking using selected pot types and

sizes pose a significant problem in achieving energy-efficient and sustainable cooking practices.

Despite the widespread use of various pot materials and sizes, there is a lack of comprehensive

understanding regarding their thermal properties and their impact on heat transfer, cooking times,

and energy utilization. This knowledge gap hinders the ability to make informed decisions in

selecting appropriate pots for efficient cooking and optimal energy utilization. By gaining a deeper

understanding of the thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking using selected pot

types and sizes, it will be possible to provide evidence-based recommendations, guidelines, and

strategies for selecting pots that optimize heat transfer, cooking times, and energy utilization.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to determine the thermal performance and energy balance of food

cooking using selected cook pots. The specific objectives include to;

I. To study the temperature distribution of selected pot types and their contents during and after


II. To investigate the energy balance, cooking efficiency and cooking power for selected pot types

and sizes heating different quantities of water.

III. To carry out a comparative analysis to determine the effect of pot type and size on different

cooking parameters.

1.4 Justification

The justification for studying the thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking

using selected pot types and sizes lies in promoting energy efficiency, resource conservation,

optimizing cooking times, raising consumer awareness, and driving advancements in the culinary

industry. By understanding the thermal properties of different pots, we can make informed decisions

that result in more sustainable and efficient cooking practices, benefiting both individuals and the


1.5 Scope

This study is based on thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking using

different cook pots, (Iron, Stainless & aluminum) of different sizes.


2.1 Cooking

Cooking is a fundamental activity that requires efficient heat transfer and energy utilization to

achieve desirable outcomes. The thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking,

particularly when considering the pot types and sizes used have significant implications for energy

efficiency and cooking effectiveness. This literature review aims to examine existing research on

cooking, focusing on the thermal performance and energy balance associated with selected pot types

and sizes, highlighting key findings and their implications for energy-efficient cooking practices.

The reason for cooking include;

1. To improve its digestibility, that is, to make it easier to eat, break down and absorb,

2. To increase its palatability, which means to make it more attractive by improving the taste,

smell and colour, and

3. To make it safe to eat, in relation to food poisoning and food spoilage micro-organisms.

2.2 Pot Sizes and Cooking Efficiency

The size of the pot relative to the amount of food being cooked plays a crucial role in thermal

performance and energy balance. Oversized pots can result in increased energy consumption due to

higher heat loss to the surroundings (Liu et al., 2020). Conversely, using an undersized pot may lead

to uneven cooking and longer cooking times (Sarkar et al., 2018). Therefore, selecting an

appropriately sized pot is essential for optimizing cooking efficiency and energy utilization.

2.3 Energy Balance and Efficiency

Numerous studies have examined the energy balance and efficiency of various pot types and

sizes during cooking. Ogunlowo et al. (2017) conducted experiments comparing aluminum and

stainless steel pots of different sizes. They found that smaller pots exhibited higher energy efficiency

due to reduced heat loss. However, larger pots had shorter cooking times due to increased heat

transfer. Adeosun et al. (2020) investigated the energy balance of cast iron pots and observed that

although they consumed more energy, their heat retention properties minimized the need for

extended heating during cooking.

2.4 Cooking Heat Transfer

Cooking of food usually uses a combination of three methods. Leland (2015) explains that

cooking food using conduction involves direct heat transfer through contact with a metal pan, liquid,

or surrounding air. According to Özisik (2012), convection heat transfer occurs faster than

conduction and is facilitated by the movement of air, liquid, or steam around the food during

cooking. Bird et al. (2007) discuss that stirring a pan during cooking redistributes heat through

convection, ensuring even cooking by moving hot parts of the food to cooler regions. As explained

by Holman (2010), heat transfer inside a pot of water is primarily accomplished by convection.

Hotter water rises and transfers heat to other regions, while colder water sinks to the bottom.

2.5 Boiling and evaporation

According to Çengel and Boles (2014), boiling and evaporation both involve the phase

change from liquid to vapor, but they differ in that evaporation occurs at the liquid-vapor interface

without bubble formation, while boiling is characterized by the rapid motion of vapor bubbles

forming at the solid-liquid interface.

Serway and Jewett (2017) explain that radiation heat transfer in microwave cooking occurs

when microwave (light waves) or infrared energy (heat waves) penetrate the food, causing molecules

of water and fat to vibrate rapidly, generating friction and heat that cooks the food.

2.6 Heat Transfer and Cooking Time

The efficiency of heat transfer directly impacts cooking times and energy consumption.

Research has demonstrated that the thermal conductivity of the pot material significantly influences

heat transfer efficiency (Dehkordi et al., 2019). Aluminum pots, with their high thermal conductivity,

promote rapid and uniform heat distribution, resulting in shorter cooking times (Chiew et al., 2021).

In contrast, stainless steel pots, despite lower thermal conductivity, exhibit better heat retention,

reduce the need for continuous heating and contributing to overall energy efficiency (Ogunlowo et

al., 2017). Clay pots excel in heat retention but it requires longer preheating times and consumes

more energy.

2.6.1 Modes of Heat Transfer

The three fundamental modes of heat transfer are: conduction, radiation and convection.

I. Conduction: According to Çengel and Boles (2014), conduction is the transfer of heat

between substances that are in direct contact with each other. It occurs when heated particles

gain energy and transfer it to nearby particles through direct contact, leading to the passage

of heat from the hot end to the colder end of the substance.

II. Convection: Pulkit Agarwal et al. (2015) explain that convection occurs when warmer areas

of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas, resulting in a continuous circulation pattern.

Convection ovens use fans to enhance convective heat transfer and circulate hot air for more

efficient cooking.

III. Radiation: According to Serway and Jewett (2017), radiation is a method of heat transfer

that does not require any physical contact between the heat source and the heated object. It

involves transmitting heat through empty space via thermal radiation, such as infrared

radiation emitted by the sun or a light bulb filament.

2.7 Types of Pot

Different pot types and materials have varying thermal properties, which affect heat transfer and

energy utilization during cooking. Common pot materials include aluminum, stainless steel, iron,

and clay. Studies have shown that aluminum pots have high thermal conductivity, allowing for

efficient heat distribution and shorter cooking times (Dehkordi et al., 2019). Stainless steel pots,

although lower in thermal conductivity, offer good heat retention properties, leading to more even

cooking and reduced energy consumption (Ogunlowo et al., 2017). Cast iron pots are known for

their excellent heat retention, but they may require longer preheating times and consume more

energy (Adeosun et al., 2020).

1. Iron Pot

Iron cookware is a classic. It is strong, inexpensive, and an even conductor of heat. Cooking

with iron pot provides a source of iron, which is an important nutrient. Cooking foods in unglazed

cast iron may double the amount of iron in foods. Iron cookware as shown in Plate 2.1 requires

special handling to prevent rust damage. Frequently coat the inside of cast iron cookware with

unsalted cooking oil, do not scour or wash with strong detergents.

Plate 2.1: Iron Pot (Yaoota. 2023).

2. Stainless Pot

Stainless pots are widely used in food contact applications. This is largely because of the

corrosion resistance of stainless steels coupled with their strength and durability, their ability to be

readily cleaned and sterilized without deterioration using a wide range of cleaning/sterilizing

systems, and the fact that they impart neither color nor flavor to foodstuffs and beverages.

Serway and Jewett (2017) explain that stainless pots are a combination of iron and other

metals, such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, or titanium, which contribute to their hardness,

resistance to damage at high temperatures, scratching, and corrosion. According to McGee (2004),

stainless steel as shown in Plate 2.2 is regarded as a durable cookware choice because it will not

permanently corrode or tarnish and its hard, nonporous surface is resistant to wear. Ricketts et al.

(2018) mention that stainless steel cookware does not conduct heat evenly, and it is commonly

constructed with copper or aluminum bottoms to improve heat distribution.

e 2.2: Stainless Pot (Le Creuset. 2023).

3. Aluminum Pot

Callister and Rethwisch (2014) explain that aluminum is the third most abundant element in

the Earth's crust and is widespread in minerals. Due to its reactive nature, pure aluminum does not

occur in nature in a free element state. It has good working and forming properties, high ductility,

but low mechanical strength, which is why it is often used in alloys. According to Geankoplis and

Brater (2003), more than half of all cookware sold today is made of aluminum. Aluminum cookware

as shown in Plate 2.3 is often coated with nonstick finishes or treated to harden the surface and make

it more scratch resistant. Helfferich (1962) mentions that the acid in some foods may cause more

aluminum than usual to enter the food when using aluminum cookware, which can lead to pitting on

the pot's surface.

Geankoplis and Brater (2003) explain that anodized aluminum has been processed to harden

the cookware surface, creating a nonstick, scratch-resistant, and easy-to-clean product. The anodized

surface prevents reactions with acidic foods, and manufacturers claim that the aluminum is sealed

during the final stage of anodization to prevent leaching of aluminum into food. Serway and Jewett

(2017) mention that aluminum is a lightweight material, making pots and pans easy to handle. The

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises against storing highly acidic or salty foods in

aluminum pots and pans due to potential reactions that may occur. They also caution that thin-walled

aluminum pots and pans can easily get dents, scratches, and become deformed.

Plate 2.3: Aluminium Pot (Yaoota. 2023).

4. Clay Pot

Clay pots as shown in Plate 2.4 are made from clay soil. This is rich old traditional

knowledge passed from generation to generation. However, this culture of life is in very much longer

of dying a natural death because of modernization. The use of clay item has been in use for long


Plate 2.4: Clay Pot

2.7.1 Properties of clay pot

• Plasticity: we can’t begin to make pottery without it. To be usable, clay has to have the

ability to hold its form while at the same time be pliable enough to be moved by the potter’s

hands. This is plasticity, and it is determined by the size and shape of very fine grains or

particles of clay called platelets.

• Porosity:is the second necessary property that clay must have. Clay has to dry without

cracking. Remember, some clay is too plastic, like bentonite. The platelets are too fine and

smooth and closely squeezes together to let the water of plasticity evaporate without cracking

the pot.

• Vitrification: is the third important property of clay. Vitrification is the process of becoming

glasslike. Although clay products never become absolutely vitrified or glasslike, it is

necessary that the clay become hard (or almost vitrified) at a reasonable temperature. Any

substance will melt at some temperature. Most materials tend to become soft and deform

before they melt. The ability of clay to hold its shape and not sag or slump in the primary

melting stages sets it apart from other materials. Vitrification is not less important than

plasticity or porosity. It is mentioned last only because it is the last stage in pottery


2.7.2 Advantages of clay pot

• Availability and cost: clay pots are easily available and very cheap compared to others and

also more environmentally friendly. The cheapest and most durable of all the traditional pot is

the clay pot.

• Clay pot can be re-used: we can use the old discarded broken clay pots for production of

new one.

• Durability: Clay pots last long unless they are purposely or accidentally broken. They can

last as long as one can think. It is a better option with less financial investment.

2.8 Characteristics of Quality Cookware

2.8.1 Good conductivity

To work effectively, cookware should be made of a material that conducts heat quickly and

evenly. Many believe a material’s ability to conduct heat quickly is one of the most important

considerations in choosing cookware.

Aluminum is considered a fast conductor of heat. Its conductivity is four times that of iron or

steel. Aluminum cookware is made by stamping, drawing, or casting and comes in a variety of

gauges (thin, medium, and thick). Iron pots have been around for a long time. Iron is heavy, brittle,

and rusts unless protected. It is a slow conductor of heat. However, once heated, it tends to retain

heat evenly for some time after the heat source is turned off.

Stainless cookware is iron with carbon dissolved in it. It is lighter and stronger than iron but

still rusts. Stainless is an uneven conductor of heat. Stainless steel cookware is created by adding

chromium and nickel to steel. Stainless steel will not rust. Generally, stainless steel cookware is not

magnetic unless some magnetic material has been added during production. While stainless steel is

easy to clean, durable, and resistant to corrosion, it can warp and develop hot spots.

2.8.2 Uniform heat distribution

Generally, a thin bottom conducts heat quickly but unevenly. In contrast, a thick bottomed

cooking utensil conducts heat slower, but more evenly, reducing hot spots. The thicker the bottom

material, the more heat retained, and the greater the possibility of even cooking performance.

2.8.3 Proper thickness/Gauge

Along with the conductivity of the materials used in the cookware, the gauge or thickness of

the material is another feature that determines the quality of cookware and cooking performance.

When looking at the gauge or weight of a cooking utensil, the thickness of its bottom is most


3.1 Materials

The materials used in this study include:

1. Aluminum pot: The specific heat capacity of Aluminium is 902 j/kg 0C (Glow Blogs, n.d.) and

the specifications are shown in Table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1: Aluminum pots specification

Pot sizes Length Diameter Pot weight

Small size 0.1 m 0.18 m 0.2839 Kg

0.09 m 0.21 m 0.295 Kg

Big size 0.11 m 0.26 m 0.41 Kg

2. Stainless pot: The specific heat capacity of stainless is 468 j/kg 0C (The Engineering Mindset,

2016) and the specifications are shown in Table 3.2 below.

Table 3.2: Stainless pots specification

Pot sizes Length Diameter
Small size 0.09 m 0.06 m 0.455 kg
0.09 m 0.08 m 0.555 kg
Big size 0.1 m 0.22 m 0.705 kg

3. Iron pot: The specific heat capacity of Iron is 449 j/kg 0C (The Engineering Toolbox, 2003) and

the specifications are shown in Table 3.3 below.

Table 3.3: Stainless pots specification

Pot sizes Length Diameter Pot weight

Small size 0.08 m 0.21 m 0.495 kg

0.1 m 0.26 m 0.85 kg
Big size 0.13 m 0.28 m 1.05 kg

4. Clay pot: The specific heat capacity of Clay is 878 j/kg 0C (The Engineering Mindset, 2016) and

the specifications are shown in Table 3.4 below.

Table 3.4: Clay pots specification

Pot sizes Length Diameter Pot weight

Small size 0.07 m 0.085 m 0.69 kg

0.08 m 0.2 m 1.23 kg
Big size 0.11 m 0.25 m 1.77 kg

5. Water (1, 2 and 3 kg)

6. Rice (85 g, 170 g and 250 g)

The equipment used includes:

1. Gas Cooker: A gas cooker or a gas stove, is a kitchen appliance designed for cooking food using

natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a fuel source. It was used as the heating source

throughout the experiment.

2. Digital Temperature Logger (4 Channels) with Four k –Type Thermocouples: This device as

shown in Plate 3.1 was used to monitor and record temperature data from multiple points

simultaneously. The points are:

i. Food Temperature

ii. Pot Temperature

iii. Wall Temperature

iv. Kitchen Temperature

Key features of a digital temperature logger with four channels and four K-type thermocouples


i. Dual Type K thermocouple inputs

ii. Large display with backlight

iii. Max/Min/Avg reading recording function

iv. Data hold function

v. Temperature unit 0C, 0F, K switchable

vi. Auto power off setup

vii. Low battery indicator


Temperature range (T1-T4): - 50 to 1350 0C; - 58 to 2462 0F

Operation temperature: 0 to 50 0C (32 to 122 0F)

Operation humidity: 10 to 90% RH

Storage temperature: -10 to 60 0C (14 to 140 0F)

Storage humidity: 10 to 75% RH

Power supply: 9 V

Dimension: 260 x 55 x 35 mm

Weight: 190 g (battery, four thermocouples included)

Plate 3.1: Digital Temperature Logger (4 Channels) with Four k –Type Thermocouples

3. Digital Electronic Weighing Balance: A digital electronic weighing balance as shown in Plate

3.2 is a precision instrument which was used to weigh the mass of empty pot, rice, water and gas


Plate 3.2: Digital Electronic Weighing Balance

4. Digital Hygrometer: This device was used to measure and monitor the relative humidity (RH) in

the air in the cooking space (kitchen). As shown in Plate 3.3, it feature digital displays that

provide direct readings of relative humidity and offer high accuracy, quick response, and

additional features such as temperature measurement, time and alarm clock. The humidity

measuring range is 10% to 99% RH.

Plate 3.3: Digital Hygrometer

5. Stopwatch or Timer: This enabled us to gather important data regarding heating times, cooking

durations, and cooking efficiency. The data was recorded at 1 minute intervals throughout the


3.2 Experimental Procedures for Water Heating Test

The following experimental procedures for water heating test were carried out for each cook pot:

Step 1: The four K type thermocouples were connected to the temperature logger device using the
connecting cables. Each thermocouple was connected to a different channel of the logger.

Step 2: Initially, the quantity of cooking gas was weighed; weight of empty cooking pot and the

required mass of water was measured.

Step 3: The required cook pot was filled with the required mass of water and then placed on the

cooking gas.

Step 4: One thermocouple was placed inside the pot filled with water, one at the side of the pot, one

at the kitchen wall near the pot, and one in the ambient air in the cooking space (kitchen).

Step 5: The thermometer was turned on and the measurement unit (Celsius) was selected on it.

Step 6: The initial temperature for water, pot, wall, kitchen and humidity were recorded.

Step 7: The heat source (gas cooker) was turned on as well as the stopwatch to track the heating

duration and monitor the heating process.

Step 8: Temperature of the water was recorded at 1 minute intervals until the water reached boiling


Step 9: Once the water reached boiling point, the gas cooker was turned off and the time taken was


Step 10: The temperature distribution was continuously taken for up to 5 minutes after the gas was

turned off before the thermocouples were removed from the water and pot body.

Step 11: The gas was weighed at the end of the heating process to determine the quantity of gas used

for the heating.

Step 12: Temperature distributions results were graphed and necessary calculations were done for

each of the cook pots, based on the temperature data obtained and were represented in graphical


Step 13: Finally, statistical analysis was performed on the recorded data to compare the thermal

performance and energy balance of the cook pots. The data was used to make recommendations on

the type of cook pots that are most suitable for cooking.

3.3 Experimental Procedures for Cooking Test

The following experimental procedure for cooking test was carried out for each cook pot:

Step 1: The four K type thermocouples were connected to the temperature logger device using the
connecting cables.

Step 2: Initially, the quantity of cooking gas was weighed; weight of empty cooking pot and the

required mass of rice was measured.

Step 3: The required cook pot was filled with the required mass of rice with water and then placed

on the cooking gas.

Step 4: One thermocouple was placed inside the pot filled with rice and water, one at the side of the

pot, one at the kitchen wall near the pot, and one in the ambient air in the cooking space (kitchen).

Step 5: The thermometer was turned on and the measurement unit (Celsius) was selected on it.

Step 6: The heat source (gas cooker) was turned on as well as the stopwatch to track the cooking

time and monitor the cooking process.

Step 7: Temperature of the rice was recorded at 1 minute intervals till it was cooked.

Step 8: After the rice was cooked, the gas cooker was turned off and the time cooked was recorded.

Step 9: The temperature distribution was continuously recorded for 10-15 minutes after the gas was

turned off before interruption of the thermocouples from the rice and pot body.

Step 10: The gas was weighed at the end of the rice cooking to determine the quantity of gas used.

Step 11: Temperature distributions results were graphed and necessary calculations were done for

each of the cook pots, based on the temperature data obtained and were represented in graphical


Step 12: Finally, statistical analysis was performed on the recorded data to compare the thermal

performance and energy balance of the cook pots. The data was used to make recommendations on

the type of cook pots that are most suitable for cooking.

3.4 Experimental Setup

Plate 3.4: Experimental setup for Aluminium pot of different sizes (Small, medium and big).

Plate 3.5: Experimental setup for Stainless pot of different sizes (Small, medium and big).

Plate 3.6: Experimental setup for Iron pot of different sizes (Small, medium and big).

Plate 3.7: Experimental setup for Clay pot of different sizes (Small, medium and big).

3.5Experimental Analysis

3.5.1Temperature Distribution and Heat Energy Used

When the experiment was carried out, the heat transferred from the cooking gas to various points

such as the water, pot, kitchen wall and cooking space (kitchen) as stated below in equation 3.1, 3.2,

3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 were determined.

i. (3.1)


= Amount of heat transferred through the pot to the water

= Mass of water

= Specific heat capacity of water (4186 j/kg 0C)

= Change in water temperature

ii. (3.2)


is the quantity of heat energy lost to the pot.

is the mass of the pot

is the specific heat capacity of the material (pot) is composed of e.g.

(aluminum,stainless, iron and clay material).

is the change in pot temperature.

iii. (3.3)


is the quantity of heat energy transferred to the kitchen wall

is the mass of wall (115200 kg)

is the specific heat capacity of brick

is the change in wall temperature.

iv. (3.4)


is the kitchen temperature

is the mass of air (76.8 kg)

is the specific heat capacity of air (1005 j/kg 0C)

is the change in air temperature.

v. (3.5)


is the density of air at room temperature (1.28 kg/m3)

is the mass of air

is the volume of air

vi. (3.6)


l is the length of the kitchen (1.79 m)

b is the breadth of the kitchen (1.19 m)

h is the height of the kitchen (2.55 m)

Therefore: Volume of air ( ) = 5.43 m3

Room Temperature = 33.5 °C

3.5.2 Cooking Efficiency

The cooking efficiency is the ratio of the heat energy entering the water and the energy supplied by

the cooking gas as stated in equation 3.7...



is thermal/cooking Efficiency

Specific heat capacity of water at constant pressure

The initial temperature of water

Change in water temperature

Total amount of heat transferred from gas cooker surface through bottom of the pot to


3.5.3 Total Heat Supply

Total heat energy used as stated in equation 3.3 is the amount of energy used in heating the water.

The equation is expressed as:



is the total energy used in boiling

m is the mass of gas used per minute (g)

is the calorific value of cooking gas = 50 kJ/g

3.5.4 Cooking Power

Cooking power represents the rate at which energy is being transferred to the cooking process and it

is simply represented as equation 3.9;



= Cooking power

= Amount of heat transferred from the gas through the pot to water

= Time taken

3.5.5 Thermal Efficiency

This is the ratio of cooking power to energy used in cooking as shown below in equation 3.10



3.5.6 Energy Balance

Energy balance involves assessing the energy input (heat energy supplied) and energy output

(heat energy transferred to the water and any energy losses) during the cooking process. As

shown in equation 3.11, it is the relationship or balance between the amount of heat energy

transferred to the water, pot, wall and kitchen.



= Energy accountable

3.5.7 Unaccountable Losses

Energy losses occur during the cooking process and can impact the overall energy balance. This is the

subtraction of energy accountable from total energy used in cooking as shown in equation 3.12



Unaccountable energy loss or energy utilized

3.6 Statistical analysis

The Experiment was analyzed with MS Excel to determine the cooking power, cooking efficiency,

energy balance and SPSS to carry out comparative analysis.

4.1 Water Heating Test Results

Figure 4.1 shows the results and graphical representation of 1 kg of water heating test result for

small sized pots of different materials. Aluminium pot revealed that the water initial temperature was

31 °C and that of pot was 30.1 °C. Water reached a maximum temperature of 100.5 °C around the

4th minute. Meanwhile, the pot temperature initially lagged behind but eventually peaked at 106.6

°C around the 3rd minute before gradually decreasing when the gas cooker was turned off. For

Stainless pot, the graph shows that the water and pot temperature started at 34.6 °C and 35.4 °C

respectively. Both temperatures reached a peak of 102 °C and 102.9 °C. The pot temperature

followed the water temperature then gradually decreased when gas was turned off, mirroring the

trend of the water temperature.

For Iron pot, the graph reveals that the water and pot temperature began at 33.3 °C and 34 °C. By the

4th minute, both reached a peak of 101.8 °C and 92.2 °C. When the gas was turned off, the water

temperature gradually decreased but remained relatively stable throughout the experiment. The pot

temperature followed a similar trend as the water temperature. For Clay pot, the initial temperature

of water and pot was 32.6 °C and 32.7 °C respectively. At 7th minute, both water and pot reaches a

peak temperature of 101.9 °C and 127.7 °C. At 8th minute when the gas was turned off the water

temperature reduced to a temperature of 101.4 °C and that of pot sharply reduced to 95.7 °C.

Figure 4.1: 1 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots

Figure 4.2 shows the graphical representation of 2 kg of water heating test result for small sized pots

of different materials. Aluminium pot initially had a water temperature of 32.8 °C, while the pot

itself was at 34.4 °C. By the 7th minute, both the water and the pot had temperatures of 100.6 °C and

102.1 °C, respectively. After turning off the gas at the 8th minute, the water temperature decreased to

101.6 °C, while the pot temperature dropped to 91.3 °C. Water temperature in the stainless pot

started at a temperature of 36.9 °C, and the pot itself was initially at 37.9 °C. At the 6th minute, both

the water and the pot reached their peak temperatures of 102.8 °C and 108.7 °C, respectively.

Turning off the gas at the 7th minute led to a decrease in the water temperature to 102.2 °C, while

the pot temperature decreased to 96.3 °C.

Water in the Iron pot was initially at a temperature of 35.4 °C, and the pot itself was at 38.8 °C. By

the 7th minute, both the water and the pot reached their peak temperatures of 101.7 °C and 103.3 °C,

respectively. After turning off the gas at the 8th minute, the water temperature decreased to 97.7 °C,

while the pot temperature dropped to 86.4 °C. Clay pot initial water temperature was 35.1 °C, while

the pot was initially at 44.1 °C. At the 11th minute, both the water and the pot reached their peak

temperatures of 102 °C and 135.1 °C, respectively. Turning off the gas at the 12th minute caused the

water temperature to decrease to 101.7 °C, while the pot temperature sharply dropped to 99.8 °C.

Figure 4.2: 2 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots

Figure 4.3 shows the graphical representation of 3 kg of water heating test result for small sized pots

of different materials. Water temperature of Aluminium pot at time 0, was 33 °C, and the pot

temperature was 33.5 °C. At time 10, the water temperature reached its peak at 101.5 °C, and the pot

temperature reached 100.6 °C. At time 11, the gas was turned off, and the water temperature dropped

to 97.7 °C, while the pot temperature decreased to 82 °C. At time 0, the water temperature for

Stainless pot was 36.2 °C, and the pot temperature was 37 °C. At time 8, the water temperature

reached its peak at 101.5 °C, and the pot temperature reached 105.2 °C. At time 9, the gas was

turned off, and the water temperature decreased, reaching 98.1 °C, while the pot temperature

decreased to 90.5 °C.

For Iron pot, at the beginning of the experiment, the water in the iron pot was at a temperature of

36.8 °C, while the pot itself registered 37.2 °C. After 9 minutes, the water reached its maximum

temperature of 101.7 °C, accompanied by the pot's peak temperature of 107.8 °C. At the 10th

minute, the gas supply was ceased, resulting in a decline in the water temperature to 97.3 °C, while

the pot's temperature decreased to 87 °C. For Clay pot, the water had a temperature of 34.3 °C at the

beginning of the experiment, while the pot itself was slightly warmer at 37.9 °C. By the 11th minute,

the water temperature reached its peak value at 100.7 °C, coinciding with the pot temperature

peaking at 132.8 °C. When the gas was turned off at the 12th minute, the water temperature

decreased to 99.6 °C, while the pot temperature experienced a significant drop to 95.1 °C.

Figure 4.3: 3 kg of water heating test for different small sized pots

Figure 4.4 shows the graphical representation of 1 kg of water heating test result for medium sized

pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 40.6 °C

and 38.3 °C respectively. At 6th minute, both water and pot reaches a peak temperature of 102.1 °C

and 125.1 °C. At 7th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a

temperature of 100.8 °C and that of pot reduced to 90.1 °C. Initially, the water in the Stainless pot

had a temperature of 34 °C, while the pot itself was slightly warmer at 33.3 °C. By the 4th minute,

the water temperature reached its peak value at 102 °C, while the pot temperature peaked at 116.3

°C. This indicates efficient heat transfer from the burner to the stainless steel pot and the water.

Subsequently, as the gas was turned off, the water temperature decreased to 99.5 °C at the 5th

minute, and the pot temperature dropped to 92.8 °C. This reduction in temperature can be attributed

to the dissipation of heat without further heating.

For Iron pot, initially, the water in the pot had a starting temperature of 32.2 °C, while the pot itself

was at 34.7 °C. By the 5th minute, the water temperature reached a significant milestone, reaching a

value of 102.1 °C, while the pot temperature rose to 92.8 °C. As time went on, the gas was turned

off, leading to a gradual decrease in both the water and pot temperatures. At the start of the

experiment for clay pot, the water temperature was 33 °C, while the pot temperature was slightly

higher at 34.6 °C. By the 5th minute, the water temperature reached 86.1 °C, demonstrating a

significant increase. The pot temperature also rose to 113.5 °C, indicating efficient heat transfer

between the burner and the pot. As the experiment continued, the water temperature peaked at 100.7

°C by the 7th minute, while the pot temperature reached its highest point at 131.8 °C. This showed

that the pot effectively absorbed and retained heat. However, as the gas was turned off, both the

water and pot temperatures began to decrease.

Figure 4.4: 1 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots

Figure 4.5 shows the graphical representation of 2 kg of water heating test result for medium sized

pots of different materials. When Aluminium pot was used, the initial temperature of water and pot

was 34.7 °C and 38.3 °C respectively. At 6th minute, both water and pot reached a peak temperature

of 101.2 °C and 127.5 °C. At 7th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced

to a temperature of 98.9 °C and that of pot reduced to 85.3 °C. At the beginning of the experiment

for stainless pot, the water in the pot had a temperature of 36.5 °C, while the pot itself was at 38.5

°C. By the 5th minute, the water temperature reached 91.9 °C, indicating a significant increase. The

pot temperature also climbed to 95.3 °C, demonstrating efficient heat transfer between the heat

source and the pot. However, once the gas was turned off, both the water and pot temperatures began

to decline.

The initial water temperature when Iron pot was used was 37.5 °C, and the pot temperature was

slightly higher at 38.4 °C. By the 6th minute, the water temperature reached its peak at 100.9 °C,

while the pot temperature peaked at 102.3 °C. This indicates efficient heat transfer and absorption by

the pot. When gas was turned off, both the water and pot temperatures started to decline gradually.

By the end of the 15-minute period, the water temperature decreased to 81.9 °C, and the pot

temperature decreased to 73.4 °C. For Clay pot, the initial water temperature was 35.1 °C, while the

pot temperature started at 38.3 °C. As the experiment progressed, both the water and pot

temperatures increased. When gas was turned off at the 12th minute, the pot temperature sharply

dropped to 70.9 °C, while the water temperature decreased more gradually to 98.1 °C.

Figure 4.5: 2 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots

Figure 4.6 shows the graphical representation of 3 kg of water heating test result for medium sized

pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 33.3 °C

and 37.7 °C respectively. At 7th minute, both water and pot reaches a peak temperature of 100.2 °C

and 115.6 °C. At 8th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a

temperature of 96.1 °C and that of pot reduced to 112.3 °C. When Stainless pot was used, the initial

temperature of water and pot was 36.6 °C and 38.9 °C respectively. At 10th minute, both water and

pot reaches a temperature of 101.2 °C and 98 °C. At 11th minute when the gas was turned off the

water temperature reduced to a temperature of 98.2 °C and that of pot reduced to 88.5 °C.

For Iron pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 34 °C and 33.9 °C respectively. At 5th

minute, both water and pot reaches temperature of 104.1 °C and 85.1 °C. At 6th minute when the gas

was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 99.1 °C and that of pot reduced to

83.7 °C. For Clay pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 35.8 °C and 43.5 °C respectively.

At 11th minute, both water and pot reaches a peak temperature of 104.1 °C and 101.8 °C. At 12th

minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of

96.6 °C and that of pot reduced to 79.5 °C.

Figure 4.6: 3 kg of water heating test for different medium sized pots

Figure 4.7 shows the graphical representation of 1 kg of water heating test result for big sized pots of

different materials. For Aluminium pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 36.1 °C and

33.8 °C respectively. At 3rd minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 102.9 °C and 82.2

°C. At 4th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of

98.3 °C and that of pot reduced to 83.2 °C. For Stainless pot, the initial temperature of water and pot

was 35.1 °C and 35.6 °C respectively. At 4th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of

101.5 °C and 90.5 °C. At 5th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a

temperature of 96.7 °C and that of pot reduced to 87.5 °C.

For Iron pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 32.6 °C and 32.4 °C respectively. At 5th

minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 102.1 °C and 90.6 °C. At 6th minute when the

gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 97.6 °C and that of pot reduced

to 82 °C. For Clay pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 31.1 °C and 36.6 °C respectively.

At 7th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 100.4 °C and 127.6 °C. At 8th minute

when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 98.9 °C and that of

pot reduced to 97.5 °C.

Figure 4.7: 1 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots

Figure 4.8 shows the graphical representation of 2 kg of water heating test result for big sized pots of

different materials. For Aluminium pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 37 °C and 36.7

°C respectively. At 5th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 101.6 °C and 96.9 °C.

At 6th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 97.3

°C and that of pot reduced to 89.8 °C. For Stainless pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was

36.8 °C and 36.3 °C respectively. At 5th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 100.1

°C and 101.6 °C. At 6th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a

temperature of 97.8 °C and that of pot reduced to 91.6 °C.

For Iron pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 34.9 °C and 34.9 °C respectively. At 5th

minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 101 °C and 92.1 °C. At 6th minute when the gas

was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 95.1 °C and that of pot reduced to

86.7 °C. For Clay pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was 33.7 °C and 37.9 °C respectively.

At 9th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 102.7 °C and 123.5 °C. At 10th minute

when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 99.1 °C and that of

pot reduced to 86.8 °C.

Figure 4.8: 2 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots

Figure 4.9 shows the graphical representation of 3 kg of water heating test result for big sized pots of

different materials. For Aluminium pot, the initial water temperature was 32.7 °C, while the pot

started at 37.5 °C. By the 6th minute, the water temperature reached a peak at 103.3 °C, and the pot

temperature peaked at 100.5 °C. When the heat source was turned off between the 7th and 8th

minutes, the water temperature decreased from 101.6 °C to 100.7 °C, while the pot temperature

decreased from 90.5 °C to 91.6 °C. For Stainless pot, the initial temperature of water and pot was

35.6 °C and 38.3 °C respectively. At 7th minute, both water and pot reaches a temperature of 101.7

°C and 101.1 °C. At 8th minute when the gas was turned off the water temperature reduced to a

temperature of 98.3 °C and that of pot reduced to 89.9 °C.

For Iron pot, the initial water temperature was 31.6 °C, while the pot started at 32 °C. During the

experiment, both the water and pot temperatures increased steadily. By the 6th minute, the water

temperature reached 100 °C, while the pot temperature rose to 82 °C. At the end of the 15-minute

period, the water temperature was 84.5 °C, and the pot temperature was 73.1 °C. For Clay pot, the

initial temperature of water and pot was 35.8°C and 43.5°C respectively. At 10th minute, both water

and pot reaches a peak temperature of 102.1°C and 132.6°C. At 11th minute when the gas cooker

was turned off the water temperature reduced to a temperature of 98.4°C and that of pot reduced to


Figure 4.9: 3 kg of water heating test for different big sized pots

4.2 Food Temperature Distribution

Figure 4.10 shows the thermal distribution across the food and pot body per minutes using small pot

sizes of different pot materials with 85 g of rice. At 1 minute the food in the aluminium Pot had a

temperature of 45.8 0C while the aluminium pot itself had a temperature of 51.9 0C. The temperature

of rice and pot increased to 101.3 0C and 107.4 0C respectively at 18 minutes. The food and pot

temperature decreased to 95.7 0C and 93.6 0C respectively after the heating source (gas cooker) was

turned off at 19 minutes. For Stainless Pot, the food had a temperature of 19.7 0C while the pot had a

temperature of 51 0C at 1 minute. The temperature of rice and pot increased to 102.1 0C and 92.8 0C

respectively at 16 minutes. The food and pot temperature decreased to 99.1 0C and 85.6 0C

respectively after the heating source (gas cooker) was turned off at 19 minutes.

For Iron Pot, the food had a temperature of 94 0C while the pot had a temperature of 50.1 0C at 1

minute. The temperature of rice and pot increased to 111.3 0C and 90.1 0C respectively at 14 minutes.

The food and pot temperature decreased to 98.8 0C and 69.4 0C respectively after the heating source

(gas cooker) was turned off at 18 minutes. For Clay Pot, the food had a temperature of 44.1 0C while

the pot had a temperature of 50.2 0C at 1 minute. The temperature of rice and pot increased to 133.2
C and 152.8 0C respectively at 18 minutes. The food and pot temperature decreased to 109.6 0C and

98.5 0C respectively after the heating source (gas cooker) was turned off at 21 minutes.

Figure 4.10: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 85 g

Figure 4.11 shows the temperature distribution across different pot materials with small pot sizes,

along with the temperature changes in the food and pot over time. The experiment involved cooking

170 g of rice. At 1 minute of cooking, the rice inside the aluminium pot reached a temperature of

35.7 °C, while the pot itself was at 62.3 °C. Over the next 15 minutes, the temperature of the rice and

pot increased to 111.5 °C and 103.7 °C, respectively. After the gas cooker was turned off at 20

minutes, the food and pot temperature decreased to 96.8 °C and 89.8 °C, respectively. Similarly, in

the Stainless Pot, the food started at a temperature of 33.3 °C, while the pot was at 49.3 °C at exactly

1 minute. At the 21-minute mark, the rice and pot temperature rose to 93 °C and 84 °C, respectively.

When the heating source was turned off at 28 minutes, the food and pot temperature dropped to 74

°C and 73.2 °C, respectively.

For the Iron Pot, the food began at 72.1 °C, and the pot was at 50.2 °C after 1 minute. After 14

minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 112.6 °C and 83.2 °C, respectively.

Following the cessation of heating at 18 minutes, the food and pot temperature decreased to 94.5 °C

and 77.4 °C, respectively. Lastly, in the Clay Pot, the food had an initial temperature of 34.3 °C, and

the pot was at 56.5 °C after 1 minute. At the 21-minute mark, the rice and pot temperature rose to

142.6 °C and 160.2 °C, respectively. After turning off the gas cooker at 27 minutes, the food and pot

temperature decreased to 109.9 °C and 98.5 °C, respectively.

Figure 4.11: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 170 g

Figure 4.12 shows the thermal distribution across the food and pot body per minutes using small pot

sizes of different pot materials with 250 g of rice. In the Aluminium Pot, at 1 minute of heating, the

food reached a temperature of 32.5 °C, while the pot itself was at 61.1 °C. At 20 minutes, the

temperature of the rice and pot increased to 102.6 °C and 84.5 °C, respectively. Once the gas cooker

was turned off at 26 minutes, the food and pot temperatures decreased to 90.8 °C and 80.2 °C,

respectively. In the Stainless Pot, at 1 minute, the food had a temperature of 33.9 °C, and the pot was

at 52.2 °C. After 13 minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 112.6 °C and 96.3 °C,

respectively. When the gas cooker was turned off at 23 minutes, the food and pot temperatures

decreased to 96.6 °C and 78.5 °C, respectively.

In the Iron Pot, at 1 minute, the food had a temperature of 63.9 °C, while the pot was at 46.3 °C.

After 13 minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 117.4 °C and 91.2 °C, respectively.

Once the gas cooker was turned off at 25 minutes, the food and pot temperatures decreased to 103.1

°C and 79.1 °C, respectively. In the Clay Pot, at 1 minute, the food had a temperature of 38.9 °C, and

the pot was at 68.6 °C. After 30 minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 119.2 °C

and 126.6 °C, respectively. When the gas cooker was turned off at 33 minutes, the food and pot

temperatures decreased to 113.8 °C and 96.8 °C, respectively.

Figure 4.12: Temperature distribution for different small sized pots with rice of 250 g

Figure 4.13 displays the thermal distribution over time for medium-sized pots made of different

materials and containing 85 g of rice. In the case of the Aluminium Pot, after 1 minute of heating, the

food had a temperature of 25.5 °C, while the pot itself was at 70.2 °C. Over the next 20 minutes, the

temperature of the rice and pot increased to 96.8 °C and 74.2 °C, respectively. Once the gas cooker

was turned off at 21 minutes, the food and pot temperatures decreased to 84.4 °C and 69.5 °C,

respectively. Moving on to the Stainless Pot, at 1 minute, the food had a temperature of 36.1 °C, and

the pot was at 55.8 °C. After 13 minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 86.6 °C and

100.5 °C, respectively. When the heating source was turned off at 15 minutes, the food and pot

temperatures decreased to 76.7 °C and 98.7 °C, respectively.

For the Iron Pot, at the beginning, the food had a temperature of 58.5 °C, while the pot was at 49.4

°C. Within 9 minutes, the temperature of the rice and pot increased to 117.1 °C and 95.7 °C,

respectively. After the gas cooker was turned off at 14 minutes, the food and pot temperatures

decreased to 95 °C and 71 °C, respectively. Lastly, in the case of the Clay Pot, the food started at a

temperature of 46.7 °C, while the pot had a temperature of 32.9 °C. After 13 minutes, the

temperature of the rice and pot increased to 104.3 °C and 95.7 °C, respectively. When the heating

source was turned off at 20 minutes, the food and pot temperatures decreased to 100.2 °C and 74.4

°C, respectively.

Figure 4.13: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 85 g

In Figure 4.14, a graphical representation illustrates the thermal distribution over time for medium

sized pots of various materials and containing 170 g of rice. Aluminium Pot: At the initial 1-minute

mark, the food had a temperature of 33.9 °C, while the pot registered 59.7 °C. Over the next 12

minutes, both the rice and pot temperature gradually increased to 109.6 °C and 95 °C, respectively.

When the gas cooker was turned off at the 18-minute mark, the food and pot temperatures decreased

to 99.8 °C and 85.7 °C, respectively. Stainless Pot: Starting at 36.9 °C for the food and 52.3 °C for

the pot, the temperatures continued to rise over a span of 16 minutes, reaching 112.4 °C for the rice

and 96.8 °C for the pot. After switching off the gas cooker at 18 minutes, the food temperature

decreased to 98.1 °C, while the pot temperature dropped to 87.3 °C.

Iron Pot: With an initial food temperature of 105.8 °C and a pot temperature of 38.9 °C, the rice and

pot temperatures increased to 112.9 °C and 80.4 °C, respectively, after 16 minutes. Following the gas

cooker being turned off at the 22-minute mark, the food and pot temperatures declined to 95.6 °C

and 62.9 °C, respectively. Clay Pot: Beginning at 40.3 °C for the food and 48.2 °C for the pot, the

rice and pot temperatures progressively raised to 101.2 °C and 100.6 °C, respectively, after 22

minutes. Once the gas cooker was turned off at 23 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 99.3

°C, while the pot temperature reduced to 88 °C.

Figure 4.14: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 170 g

Figure 4.15 depicts the temperature distribution across the food and pot body over time using

medium-sized pots made of different materials with 250 g of rice. Aluminium Pot: At 1 minute, the

food temperature was 39.9 °C, while the pot temperature was 28.2 °C. Over the course of 26

minutes, the rice and pot temperatures increased to 138.4 °C and 65.7 °C, respectively. After the gas

cooker was turned off at 35 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 109.1 °C, while the pot

temperature remained at 64.5 °C. Stainless Pot: The food temperature was 45.5 °C, and the pot

temperature was 56.2 °C at the 1-minute mark. Subsequently, after 21 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures rose to 119.9 °C and 96 °C, respectively. When the heating source was switched off at

24 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 97.7 °C, while the pot temperature dropped to 88.5


Iron Pot: Starting with a food temperature of 42.9 °C and a pot temperature of 49.1 °C at 1 minute,

the rice and pot temperatures increased to 102.3 °C and 80.4 °C, respectively, after 19 minutes.

Following the gas cooker being turned off at 21 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 98.7 °C,

while the pot temperature decreased to 75.7 °C. Clay Pot: At the initial 1-minute mark, the food

temperature was 35.5 °C, and the pot temperature was 40.8 °C. After 23 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures reached 102.7 °C and 101.8 °C, respectively. When the heating source was turned off at

24 minutes, the food temperature reduced to 101.3 °C, while the pot temperature decreased to

93.2 °C.

Figure 4.15: Temperature distribution for different medium sized pots with rice of 250 g

Figure 4.16 shows the thermal distribution across the food and pot body per minutes using big pot

sizes made of different materials with 85 g of rice. Aluminium Pot: At 1 minute, the food

temperature was 47.6 °C, while the pot temperature was 58.9 °C. As time progressed, the rice and

pot temperatures increased to 138.2 °C and 109.9 °C, respectively, at 11 minutes. After the gas

cooker was turned off at 20 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 101.9 °C, while the pot

temperature reduced to 60.1 °C. Stainless Pot: The food temperature started at 66.2 °C, and the pot

temperature was 53.7 °C at 1 minute. Over the course of 13 minutes, the rice and pot temperatures

rose to 101.6 °C and 101.5 °C, respectively. Once the heating source was switched off at 16 minutes,

the food temperature decreased to 99.2 °C, while the pot temperature dropped to 87.7 °C.

Iron Pot: Starting with a food temperature of 56.3 °C and a pot temperature of 44.5 °C at 1 minute,

the rice and pot temperatures increased to 119.3 °C and 96 °C, respectively, after 13 minutes.

Following the gas cooker being turned off at 18 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 101.1

°C, while the pot temperature decreased to 80.2 °C. Clay Pot: At the initial 1-minute mark, the food

temperature was 52.7 °C, and the pot temperature was 51.7 °C. After 11 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures reached 102.3 °C and 110.3 °C, respectively. When the heating source was turned off at

12 minutes, the food temperature reduced to 102 °C, while the pot temperature decreased to 95.6 °C.

Figure 4.16: Temperature distribution for different big sized pots with rice of 85 g

Figure 4.17 shows the thermal distribution across the food and pot body per minutes using big pot

sizes of different pot materials containing 170 g of rice. Aluminium Pot: Initially, at 1 minute, the

food temperature was 35.3 °C, while the pot temperature was 14.6 °C. As time progressed, the rice

and pot temperatures increased to 112.8 °C and 107.2 °C, respectively, at 14 minutes. After turning

off the gas cooker at 18 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 98.6 °C, while the pot

temperature dropped to 92.1 °C. Stainless Pot: The food started at a temperature of 30.4 °C, and the

pot temperature was 58.7 °C at 1 minute. Over the course of 28 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures rose to 102.4 °C and 136.3 °C, respectively. After the heating source was turned off at

31 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 101.8 °C, while the pot temperature reduced to 82.9


Iron Pot: At 1 minute, the food temperature was 73.3 °C, and the pot temperature was 45.6 °C. As

time progressed, the rice and pot temperatures increased to 126.6 °C and 91.4 °C, respectively, at 12

minutes. After the gas cooker was turned off at 19 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 99.9

°C, while the pot temperature dropped to 87.8 °C. Clay Pot: Initially, at 1 minute, the food

temperature was 36.8 °C, and the pot temperature was 56.7 °C. After 17 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures reached 101.5 °C and 111.2 °C, respectively. Following the turning off of the gas

cooker at 18 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 102.1 °C, while the pot temperature

decreased to 99.4 °C.

Figure 4.17: Temperature distribution for different big pots sizes with rice of 170 g
Figure 4.18 shows the temperature distribution across the food and pot body per minutes using big

pot sizes of different materials containing 250 g of rice. In the case of the Aluminium Pot, after 1

minute of cooking, the food reached a temperature of 60.6 °C, while the pot itself was at 49.6 °C.

Over a span of 28 minutes, the rice and pot temperatures increased to 102.9 °C and 106.1 °C,

respectively. When the gas cooker was turned off at 29 minutes, the food temperature dropped to

102.6 °C, and the pot temperature decreased to 90.5 °C. Regarding the Stainless Pot, at 1 minute, the

food started at a temperature of 29.1 °C, and the pot was at 46.7 °C. After 29 minutes, the rice and

pot temperatures rose to 102.1 °C and 104.4 °C, respectively. Once the heating source was turned off

at 30 minutes, the food temperature decreased to 101.2 °C, and the pot temperature lowered to 86.5


For the Iron Pot, the food began with a temperature of 51.7 °C, while the pot had a temperature of

33.9 °C at 1 minute. Within 20 minutes, the rice and pot temperatures increased to 131.3 °C and 96.4

°C, respectively. After turning off the gas cooker at 34 minutes, the food temperature decreased to

96.6 °C, while the pot temperature decreased to 71.6 °C. Lastly, with the Clay Pot, at 1 minute, the

food had a temperature of 44.2 °C, and the pot was at 68.7 °C. After 16 minutes, the rice and pot

temperatures increased to 102.4 °C and 114.6 °C, respectively. When the heating source was turned

off at 18 minutes, the food temperature dropped to 100.2 °C, and the pot temperature decreased to

95.5 °C.

Figure 4.18: Temperature distribution for different big pots sizes with rice of 250 g

4.3 Cooking Power and Cooking Efficiency

Figure 4.19 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 1 kg of water quantity for small sized

pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the highest values are observed at the 2nd minute,

with a cooking efficiency of approximately 70% and a cooking power of around 1751.14 W. After

the peak, both parameters gradually decrease. For Stainless pot, the cooking efficiency increased

from 0 at time 0 to a peak value of approximately 77.86% at the 1st minute. However, from the 2nd

minute onwards, the cooking efficiency gradually decreased. Similarly, the cooking power starts at 0

and increases to its peak value of 1946.49 W at the 1st minute, but then decreased over time.

For Iron pot, the cooking efficiency initially increased, reaching its peak value of approximately

65.9% at the 1st minute. However, from the 2nd minute onwards, the cooking efficiency gradually

decreased. Similarly, the cooking power started at 0 and increased to its peak value of 1646.49 W at

the 1st minute, but then decreased over time. By the 4th minute, the cooking efficiency has dropped

to approximately 47.8% and the cooking power to around 1194.75 watts. For Clay pot, the cooking

efficiency shows a slight increase initially, reaching a peak value of approximately 30.1% at the 4th

minute. However, it fluctuates around this peak value in the subsequent minutes. The cooking power

follows a similar trend, with a peak value of around 753.48 W at the 4th minute.

Figure 4.19: Cooking Power for different small sized pots with 1 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.20 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 2 kg of water quantity for small sized

pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the cooking efficiency starts at 0 and gradually

increased, reaching a peak value of approximately 59.2% at the 3rd minute. After that, the efficiency

remained relatively stable. Similarly, the cooking power increased initially and reached a peak value

of around 1479.05 W at the 3rd and 4th minute, followed by a slight decrease. For Stainless, the

cooking efficiency started at 0 and gradually increased, reaching its highest value of approximately

152.4% at the 1st minute. However, from the 2nd minute onwards, the cooking efficiency decreased

steadily. The cooking power followed a similar trend, starting at 0 and peaking at around 3809.26 W

at the 1st minute, but then gradually decreasing.

For Iron pot, the cooking efficiency starts at 0 and gradually increased, reaching a peak value of

approximately 82% at the 1st minute. However, from the 2nd minute onwards, the cooking

efficiency fluctuates but generally decreases. The cooking power follows a similar trend, starting at 0

and peaking at around 2051.14 W at the 1st minute, but then shows variations with a general

decreasing trend. For Clay Pot, the cooking efficiency fluctuates over the observed time period, with

a peak value of approximately 39.6% at the 8th minute. The cooking power starts at 0 and gradually

increases, peaking at approximately 990.69 W at the 8th minute. However, after the peak, the

cooking power fluctuates and generally shows a decreasing trend.

Figure 4.20: Cooking Power for different small sized pots with 2 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.21 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 3 kg of water quantity for small sized

pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the cooking power steadily increases from 0 to a

peak value of approximately 1862.77 W at the 3rd minute. After reaching the peak, the cooking

power fluctuates but generally decreases. The cooking efficiency, on the other hand, starts at 0 and

gradually increases, reaching its highest value of approximately 74.5% at the 3rd minute. It then

fluctuates but remains relatively high throughout the observed time period. For Stainless pot, the

cooking power starts at 0 and gradually increased, reaching its peak value of approximately 4311.58

W at the 1st minute. However, from the 2nd minute onwards, the cooking power shows a decreasing

trend with fluctuations. The peak cooking efficiency was observed at the 1st minute, with a value of

approximately 172.5%. However, the cooking efficiency also decreases over time.

For Iron pot, the cooking power increased from 0 and peaked at approximately 3055.78 W at the 1st

minute. However, it gradually decreased over subsequent minutes. The peak cooking efficiency was

observed at the 1st minute, with a value of approximately 122.2%. However, the cooking efficiency

also decreased over time. For Clay pot, the cooking power gradually increased, reaching its highest

point at approximately 1967.42 W during the 1st minute. However, it started to decline in subsequent

minutes. The cooking efficiency peaked at the 1st minute, with a value of around 78.7%.

Following the peak, the cooking efficiency showed fluctuations but generally decreased over time.

Figure 4.21: Cooking Power for different small sized pots with 3 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.22 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 1 kg of water quantity for medium

sized pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the cooking power gradually increased from 0

and reached its peak at approximately 837.2 W during the 1st minute. Following the peak, the

cooking power remained relatively stable with minor fluctuations. The highest cooking efficiency

was observed at the 5th minute, with a value of approximately 31.8%. However, the cooking

efficiency experienced variations throughout the observed time. For Stainless pot, the cooking power

gradually increased, peaking at around 1667.42 W during the 1st minute. However, it then showed a

downward trend with fluctuations. On the other hand, the cooking efficiency followed a similar


For Iron pot, the cooking power gradually increased, peaking at approximately 1590.68 W during the

2nd minute. However, it then showed a declining trend with subsequent decreases. On the other

hand, the cooking efficiency started moderately high, but fluctuated throughout the observed time

period. For Clay pot, the cooking power gradually increased, reaching its peak around 896.50 W

during the 2nd minute. However, it then displayed a slight decline with subsequent fluctuations.

Meanwhile, the cooking efficiency showed variations throughout the observed time period,

gradually decreasing over time.

Figure 4.22: Cooking Power for different medium sized pots with 1 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.23 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 2 kg of water quantity for medium

sized pots of different materials. For Aluminium pot, the cooking power gradually increased,

reaching a peak value of approximately 2379.04 W during the 2nd minute. Subsequently, it

displayed a slight decrease while exhibiting fluctuations. On the other hand, the cooking efficiency

showcased variations throughout the observed time period, demonstrating a general decreasing

trend. For Stainless pot, the cooking power gradually increased, reaching its highest point at

approximately 1925.56 W during the 1st minute. However, it then showed a downward trend with

subsequent fluctuations. On the other hand, the cooking efficiency started moderately high, but

gradually decreased over time, demonstrating variations throughout the observed period.

For Iron pot, the cooking power gradually increased, reaching a peak of approximately 2525.55 W

during the 1st minute. However, it then exhibited a declining trend with subsequent fluctuations. In

contrast, the cooking efficiency started at a high level but gradually decreased over time,

demonstrating variations throughout the observed period. For Clay pot, the cooking power gradually

increased, reaching its peak value of approximately 1010.22 W during the 5th minute. Subsequently,

it displayed slight fluctuations but remained relatively stable. On the other hand, the cooking

efficiency showed variations throughout the observed time period, initially increasing and then

reaching a relatively stable level.

Figure 4.23: Cooking Power for different medium sized pots with 2 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.24 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 3 kg of water quantity for medium

sized pots of different materials. Aluminium pot, the cooking power gradually increased, reaching its

peak value of approximately 3641.82 W during the 1st minute. However, it then exhibited a

declining trend with subsequent fluctuations. In contrast, the cooking efficiency displayed variations

throughout the observed period, initially starting at a high level and later stabilizing. For Stainless,

The cooking power initially increased, reaching a peak value of approximately 2909.27 W during the

first minute. However, it gradually decreased over subsequent intervals. Similarly, the cooking

efficiency varied, with initial high values followed by a downward trend.

For Iron pot, the cooking power experienced a notable increase, reaching its peak at 4960.41 W

during the first minute. However, it gradually decreased in subsequent intervals. On the other hand,

the cooking efficiency exhibited a similar trend, starting high and gradually declining over time.

Clay pot cooking power initially started at 0 and gradually increased over time, reaching a peak of

1299.56 W at the eleventh interval. The cooking efficiency displayed fluctuations throughout the

intervals, with some variations in its values.

Figure 4.24: Cooking Power for different medium sized pots with 3 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.25 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 1 kg of water quantity for big sized

pots of different materials. Aluminium pot, the cooking power started at 0 and gradually increased

over time, reaching a peak of 1866.26 W at the second interval. The cooking efficiency also

displayed variations throughout the intervals, with some fluctuations in its values. Stainless pot

cooking power started at 0 and gradually increased over time, reaching a peak of 1455.79 W at the

third interval. The cooking efficiency for stainless pot also displayed variations throughout the

intervals, with some fluctuations in its values.

Iron pot cooking power started at 0 and gradually increased over time, reaching its peak at 1159.87

W during the fourth interval. The cooking efficiency, on the other hand, exhibited some variations

throughout the intervals. It started at 0, increased in the first interval, decreased in the second

interval, and fluctuated thereafter. In Clay pot, the cooking power gradually increased over time,

starting from 0 and reaching a peak of 1144.17 W during the first interval. However, it experienced

some fluctuations afterward, with slight decreases and increases. On the other hand, the cooking

efficiency showed a decreasing trend throughout the intervals. It started at 45.7%, gradually

decreased, and reached its lowest point at 27.62%.

Figure 4.25: Cooking Power for different big sized pots with 1 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.26 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 2 kg of water quantity for big sized

pots of different materials. Aluminium pot cooking power exhibited a positive trend over time,

starting from 0 and steadily increasing. It reached its peak at 2902.29 W during the first interval and

maintained relatively high values in the subsequent intervals. In contrast, the cooking efficiency

started at a high value of 116%, then, it gradually decreased. The cooking power for Stainless pot

increased gradually over the observed time intervals, starting from 0 and reaching a peak of 3865.07

W during the first interval. It then gradually decreased but remained at relatively high levels

throughout the subsequent intervals.

The cooking power for Iron pot shows a relatively stable pattern with some fluctuations. It starts at 0

and gradually increases over time, reaching a peak of 2539.51 W during the first interval. However,

there is a slight decline in the subsequent intervals, but the power remains at relatively high levels.

On the other hand, the cooking efficiency also exhibits a similar trend, starting from 0 and gradually

increasing. It reaches a peak of 101% during the first interval and then fluctuates around a slightly

lower value in the following intervals. Clay pot cooking power starts at 0 and gradually increases,

reaching a peak of 1395.33 W during the first interval. However, the power decreases in the

subsequent intervals, with some fluctuations. Similarly, the cooking efficiency also starts relatively

low at 0 and increases gradually. It reaches its peak value of 55.8% during the first interval and

fluctuates around a slightly lower value in the following intervals.

Figure 4.26: Cooking Power for different big sized pots with 2 kg of water quantity.

Figure 4.27 shows the cooking power and time used in heating 3 kg of water quantity for big sized

pots of different materials. Aluminium pot cooking power steadily increases over time, starting at 0

and reaching a peak of 7053.41 W during the first interval. This indicates a higher energy output for

cooking. Similarly, the cooking efficiency also increases over time, starting at 0 and reaching a peak

value of 282% during the first interval. Stainless pot cooking power steadily increases over time,

starting from 0 and reaching a peak value of 4939.48 Watts during the first interval. This indicates a

significant energy output for cooking. On the other hand, the cooking efficiency also shows a

consistent pattern. It starts from 0 and reaches a peak value of 197% during the first interval.

Iron pot cooking power gradually rises from 0 to a peak value of 6237.14 W during the first interval.

Simultaneously, the cooking efficiency also demonstrates an upward trend, starting from 0 and

reaching a maximum value of 249% during the first interval. The cooking power for Clay pot

gradually increases over time, starting from 0 and reaching a peak value of 1728.81 W during the

fifth interval. This indicates a significant increase in the amount of energy being used for cooking

simultaneously, the cooking efficiency exhibits a fluctuating trend. It starts at 0 during the first

interval, and then rises gradually until the fifth interval, where it reaches a peak value of 69%.

Figure 4.27: Cooking Power for different big sized pots with 3 kg


Table 3.5 shows the energy balance on energy utilization of selected pot types and sizes based on the

amount of water heated. The table shows that energy utilization varies significantly depending on pot

type, size, and the amount of water heated. Aluminium pots generally exhibit higher energy

utilization values compared to other materials like Clay, Iron, and Stainless. The amount of water

heated is another factor influencing energy utilization. When larger quantities of water were heated,

the total energy used (Qtot) tends to be higher. These factors indicate that the choice of pot material

and the volume of water being heated affect the thermal performance and energy balance of cooking.

Table 3.5: Energy balance on energy utilization of selected pot types and sizes based on the amount of
water heated.
Pot type Pot Size Water Heated Time Qw QP Qk Qtot Qac Qu


Aluminium Big 1 3 279624.80 17899.29 30873.60 450000.00 328398.31 121601.69

2 5 540831.20 22263.16 46310.40 750000.00 609405.49 140594.51

3 6 886594.80 23298.66 69465.60 900000.00 979360.05 0.00

Medium 1 6 257439.00 23096.61 46310.40 900000.00 326846.30 573153.70

2 6 556738.00 23735.23 38592.00 900000.00 619065.85 280934.15

3 7 840130.20 20728.41 30873.60 1050000.00 891733.01 158266.99

Small 1 5 290927.00 19589.95 54028.80 650000.00 362086.83 287913.17

2 7 567621.60 17336.47 30873.60 1050000.00 615832.21 434167.79

3 10 860223.00 17239.97 30873.60 1500000.00 908337.14 591662.86

Clay Big 1 7 290089.80 141419.46 331891.20 1050000.00 763400.74 489993.54

2 9 577668.00 133027.54 23155.20 1150000.00 733851.24 468898.09

3 10 832595.40 138466.75 23155.20 1200000.00 994218.04 260132.46

Medium 1 7 283392.20 104970.17 23155.20 1050000.00 411517.84 638482.16

2 11 546691.60 80239.54 54028.80 1250000.00 677828.55 572171.45

3 11 857711.40 64580.41 46310.40 1250000.00 966982.99 476153.71

Small 1 7 290089.80 57552.90 46310.40 1050000.00 393953.38 656046.62

2 12 560086.80 55129.62 61747.20 1800000.00 669245.56 1146933.12

3 11 833851.20 57492.32 23155.20 1650000.00 914499.22 735500.78

Iron Big 1 5 290927.00 27438.39 15436.80 750000.00 333802.58 416197.42

2 5 553389.20 26966.94 7718.40 750000.00 588075.28 161924.72

3 6 858967.20 23572.50 38592.00 900000.00 921132.65 0.00

Medium 1 5 292601.40 22173.87 787276.80 750000.00 1102052.46 319417.44

2 6 530784.80 24387.44 15436.80 900000.00 570609.62 329390.38

3 5 880315.80 19540.48 23155.20 750000.00 923012.65 0.00

Small 1 4 286741.00 12935.24 0.00 600000.00 299676.72 300323.28

2 7 555063.60 14335.45 15436.80 1050000.00 584836.38 465163.62

3 9 815014.20 15691.20 15436.80 1350000.00 846142.81 503857.19

Stainless Big 1 4 277950.40 18113.71 15436.80 600000.00 311501.37 288498.63

2 5 529947.60 21545.08 23155.20 750000.00 574648.59 175351.41

3 7 830083.80 20720.23 38592.00 1050000.00 889396.82 160603.18

Medium 1 4 284648.00 21558.42 23155.20 600000.00 329362.09 270637.91

2 7 541668.40 17948.03 15436.80 1050000.00 575053.75 474946.25

3 10 811246.80 15350.63 23155.20 1500000.00 849753.17 650246.83

Small 1 4 282136.40 14373.45 0.00 600000.00 296510.32 303489.68

2 6 551714.80 15076.15 15436.80 900000.00 582228.37 317771.63

3 8 820037.40 14522.51 7718.40 1200000.00 842278.99 357721.01


Table 3.6 shows the comparative analysis of the effect of amount of water heated on energy utilization of

selected cooking pots. Aluminium pots generally exhibit high energy utilization with a significant portion of

the energy being accountable (Qac). Clay pots show mixed results with varying energy utilization across

scenarios, making it less consistent in terms of efficiency. Iron pots, especially in the "Big" and "Medium"

sizes, also display relatively high energy utilization. Stainless pots yield mixed outcomes, with some

scenarios being energy-efficient while others are less so. Larger pot sizes consistently require more energy

compared to smaller sizes, this is expected since heating a larger quantity of water requires more energy.

Table 3.6: Effect of amount of water heated on energy utilization of selected cooking pots

Pot type Pot Size Water Heated (kg) Time Qw QP Qk Qtot Qac Qu

1 (A) C

2 (B) C

3 (C) A A

1 (A) C

2 (B)
Aluminium Medium

3 (C) A

1 (A) BC

2 (B)

3 (C)

1 (A)

2 (B)

3 (C) A

1 (A)

2 (B)
Clay Medium

3 (C)

1 (A)

2 (B) C

3 (C) A A

Iron 1 (A) C

2 (B) C

3 (C) A A

1 (A)

2 (B) C

3 (C)

Small 1 (A)

2 (B)

3 (C)

1 (A) C

2 (B)

3 (C) A A

1 (A)

2 (B)
Stainless Medium

3 (C) A B A

1 (A)

2 (B) C

3 (C) A A

Table 3.7 shows the comparative analysis of effect of pot sizes on energy utilization of selected cooking pots.

The data consistently highlights that the size of the pot (Big, Medium, and Small) has a notable influence on

energy utilization during cooking. Larger pots generally demand more energy compared to smaller ones,

when the same amount of water is heated. This shows that pot size has a significant impact on energy

utilization. The data also reveals that the effect of pot size on energy utilization can vary depending on the

pot type. Different materials (Aluminium, Clay, Iron, Stainless) exhibit unique characteristics in terms of

heat transfer and efficiency. This indicates that the selected cooking pots can be energy-efficient under

specific conditions.

In summary, the filled areas of the table demonstrate that pot size plays a significant role in energy utilization

during cooking. Smaller pot sizes generally tend to be more energy-efficient, but the specific trends can vary

depending on the pot type and other factors.

Table 3.7: Effect of pot sizes on energy utilization of selected cooking pots
Heated Pot Type Time Qw QP Qk Qtot Qac Qu
1 Aluminiu Big (A)
Medium (B)

Small (C)

Big (A)

Medium (B)
Small (C)

Big (A)

Medium (B)
Small (C)

Big (A)

Medium (B) C
Small (C)

Big (A)

Aluminiu Medium (B)

Small (C) A

Big (A) BC

Medium (B)
Small (C)
Big (A)

Medium (B)
Small (C)

Big (A)

Medium (B)
Small (C)

3 Big (A)

Aluminiu Medium (B) A

Small (C) AB

Clay Big (A) BC

Medium (B)

Small (C)

Big (A)

Medium (B)
Small (C) AB

Big (A) C

Medium (B) C A
Small (C)

Table 3.8 shows the comparative analysis on effect of pot types on energy utilization of selected cooking

pots. Clay pots across all scenarios, tend to have lower heat discharge to the kitchen environment (Q k)

compared to other pot types, indicating that they retain heat well due to high specific heat capacity of clay.

Heating 1 kg of water typically results in lower energy utilization compared to higher water quantities. As the

quantity of water increases to 2 kg and 3 kg, the energy utilization increases accordingly. However, the

relative performance of different pot types and sizes remains relatively consistent. Small pots especially

iron(C) and Stainless (D) small pots consistently show higher heat discharge to the kitchen compared to other

pot types. The blank spaces indicate that they have no significant effect.

Table 3.8: Effect of pot types on energy utilization of selected cooking pots
Water Heated Pot Size Pot Type Time Qw QP Qk Qtot Qac Qu
1 Aluminiu
Clay (B) ACD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

Medium Aluminiu
Clay (B) ACD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

(A) CD
Clay (B) ACD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

Clay (B) ACD ACD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

Clay (B) ACD AC

2 Medium
Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

Clay (B) ACD CD CD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

3 Aluminiu
Clay (B) ACD ACD

Iron (C)

Stainless (D) A

Medium Aluminiu
Clay (B) ACD AC

Iron (C)

Stainless (D) C

(A) CD
Clay (B) ACD D

Iron (C)

Stainless (D)

5.1 Conclusion

This study aimed to investigate the thermal performance and energy balance of food cooking using selected

pot types (aluminium, stainless, iron and clay). Different water quantities of 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and different

quantities of rice 85 g, 170 g and 250 g were experimented on. Through a meticulous experimental setup and

comprehensive data analysis, we have gained valuable insights into the effects of pot material on cooking

efficiency, cooking power and energy balance. The findings of this study shed light on the diverse

temperature distribution and heat retention properties of the different pot materials. Aluminium pots

demonstrated rapid heating but tended to lose heat quickly. Stainless steel exhibited balanced performance

with moderate heating rates and heat retention. Iron and clay pots displayed slower heating rates but

excellent heat retention, contributing to energy savings over prolonged cooking periods. These results

reinforce the importance of pot selection in optimizing energy usage during food preparation. By making

informed decisions about pot selection based on cooking requirements and material properties, individuals

can contribute to reducing energy consumption and minimizing environmental impact.

5.2 Recommendation

The following recommendations were suggested for further studies:

I. Experimenting on different food types, such as beans, yam, vegetables, corn, or soups. Different

food items have varying thermal characteristics, and their interaction with different pot types can

yield diverse results.

II. Further research should delve deeper into the effects of pot shapes on thermal performance and

energy balance. This will help to provide a more understanding of the pot types' performance.

III. Different heat source should be used to carry out the experiment, such as electric cooker or



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