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Ibrahim - Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Associated With Fresh and Smoked Fish

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Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 2014, Vol. 2, No.

3, 81-85
Available online at
© Science and Education Publishing

Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Associated with

Fresh and Smoked Fish (Clarias gariepinus) In Minna
Metropolis, Niger State. Nigeria
Ibrahim B. U.1,*, BABA J.2, Sheshi M. S.1
Department of Biology Faculty of Natural Science Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai. Niger State. Nigeria
Department of Microbiology Faculty of Natural Science Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Mlapai. Niger State. Nigeria
*Corresponding author:
Received January 18, 2014; Revised March 29, 2014; Accepted March 31, 2014
Abstract An in-vitro assay was conducted to ascertain and identify major bacterial contaminants of fish, which
hitherto had constituted an imported dietary intake of the people of Minna Metropolis, Nigeria. Fresh and smoked
fish samples were collected from three different markets, the bacterial load of the samples was determined using the
pour plate method. Identification and characterization of various isolates were based on gram-staining technique and
biochemical tests. Clarias gariepinus was used for the study. In-vitro assay result revealed that the samples were
contaminated by six bacteria species, which include Staphilococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Staphilococcus
epidermis, Salmonella epidermis, Salmonella typhii, Streptococcus spp. and Shigella sp. The mean bacterial load for
the fresh fish was 1.84 x 106 cfu/ ml. and for the smoked fish 2.06 x 106 cfu/ ml.
Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, bacterial load, fresh fish, smoked fish, Minna metropolis
Cite This Article: Ibrahim B. U., BABA J., and Sheshi M. S., “Isolation and Identification of Bacteria
Associated with Fresh and Smoked Fish (Clarias gariepinus) In Minna Metropolis, Niger State. Nigeria.” Journal
of Applied & Environmental Microbiology, vol. 2, no. 3 (2014): 81-85. doi: 10.12691/jaem-2-3-4.

(1990), carried out a survey of Helminthes parasites of

fish in Imo River, and recorded a low 7.7% level of
1. Introduction infection. Robert (1999), reported that intensification of
pond fish culture favour increase of disease agents and
The importance of fish cannot be overemphasized. Fish disease outbreak. Kabata (2008), also reported that
is a low fat food, a great source of protein, vitamins and pathological conditions arising from parasitic infection
minerals. Over the years, agriculture has gained a rapid posed a serious consequences especially under a crowded
interest due to the importance of fish as a cheap source of conditions.
protein, since beef meat and even goat meat are beyond In various ways, fish could be contaminated by micro
the reach of an average Nigerian citizen (Fang et. al., organisms. The aim of the present study is to determined
2010). Fish constitute about 45% of the total amount of and identify the bacterial pathogens contaminating fresh
protein (FDF, 2007), even for a long time to come, this and smoked fish in Minna metropolis, Niger State.
trend will continue. In Nigeria, the demand for fish greatly
exceeds supply. This problem is aggravated by the low
level of domestic fish production against the increase 2. Materials and Methods
human production (Adeleke, 1999). As a result of the
crucial role played by fish production in meeting the 2.1. Study Area
protein demand, information on the parasites of fish
becomes particularly important, as they are known to The study was conducted in Minna metropolis, Niger
significantly affect yield in fisheries (Hundson et. al., State, located within longitude 6°33'E and latitude 9°3'N,
2005). with a land mass of 88 Km2. The vegetation of the area
Fish parasites may be grouped broadly as bacteria, reflect that of Savannah zone, dominated by grass with
fungi, virus e.t.c. These parasites put together are scattered trees species. The climate presents two distinct
responsible for about 45% loses in fish farms (Kabata, seasons, a rainy season between April and October, and, a
2008). dry season (November-March) completely devoid of rain.
One of the earliest reports of fish parasites in Nigeria,
was that of Awachie (1996) on the parasite of fish in the 2.2. Collection of Fish Samples
area of Kainji Reservoir, with 30% of Sarotherodon Fresh and dried fish samples were obtained from three
niloticus infected by acanthocephalan, and 9% of Clarias different markets within Minna metropolis (Kure Ultra
gariepinus infected by cestodes. In Eastern Nigeria, Jonah modern market, Tunga Goro market and Chanchaga
82 Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology

market), between 7.00 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. local time. They Nutrient agar was prepared by weighing 28 g and
were packed in a leather bag and transferred to the dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water. The dissolved
laboratory for identification and biological assays. nutrient agar was then autoclaved at a temperature of
121°C for 15 minutes. The media was allowed to cool
3. Sample Preparation down and pour into each of the 8 petri dishes containing 1
ml. of the diluents. It was then allowed to solidify and
3.1. Preparation of Serial Dilution incubate at temperature of 37°C for 24 hrs.
Sample preparation was made using the method 3.3. Bacteria Colony Count
described by Obi and Krakowiaka (1983). The part of the
fresh fish body were scraped and swab stick was used to Bacteria colonies were counted using colony machine.
swab the fish body and inserted into the first test tube The number of colonies on the plate was multiplied by the
containing 9 ml of distilled water as a stock, and five other reciprocal of the dilution factor and calculation was done
test tubes also containing 9 ml of distilled water were for 1 ml of original sample, and plating was done in
arranged serially in the test tube rack. 1 ml. of the stock duplicate foe each dilution. An average count was taken to
was collected using a pipette to the first test tube and from obtain the total count.
the first test tube to the second test tube up to the fifth test 3.4. Identification and Characterization of the
tube respectively i.e. 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5
respectively. 10-4 and 10-5 were used as the dilution factor Isolates
and 1 ml. was taken from each factor into a sterilized petri All isolates were sub-cultured to obtain a pure culture
dish in duplicate. All plates were incubated at a and a gram-staining carried out. Identification of the
temperature of 37°C for 24 hrs, before colony counting isolates was carried out based on the method described by
and isolation procedures. Sakazaki and Shimad (1986), Collins et. al.,(1989) and
Cheesebrough (2002).
3.2. Media Preparation
4. Results
Table 1. Total Bacteria count of fresh fish samples

Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella spp. 10-4 102 1.02 X 106

TUNGA GORO Staphylococcus epidermis, Shigella spp., Bacillus subtilis 10-4 219 2.19 X 106

Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella spp.,

CHANCHAGA 10-4 232 2.32 X 106
Staphylococcus epidermis, Salmonnella typhii

Table 2. Total Bacteria count for smoked fish samples


KURE ULTRA Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella spp.,

10-4 193 1.93 X 106
MODERN Staphylococcus epidermis

TUNGA GORO Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella spp. 10-4 185 1.85 X 106

Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Shigella spp.,

CHANCHAGA 10-4 241 2.41 X 106
Staphylococcus epidermis

Bacterial colony count of fresh fish (Clarias gariepinus) Minna metropolis, Niger State, revealed that samples from
from the three markets above revealed that samples from Chanchaga has the highest number of bacterial load,
Chanchaga market, Minna metropolis has the highest similar to what was obtained for fresh fish in Table 1.
number of Bacteria load, and the following species of Chanchaga market and Kure ultra modern market
bacteria were identified from the samples from Chanchaga recorded the following four bacteria species identified
market S. aureus, B. subtilis, Shigella sp., S. epidermis from the smoked sampled fishes collected S. aureus, B.
and S. typhii. It also has the highest number of species subtilis, Shigella sp. and S. epidermis. While Tunga Goro
identified, while Kure ultra modern market and Tunga market has three bacteria species identified i.e. S. aureus,
Goro market has three species identified from each of B. subtilis and Shigella sp. from the smoked sample fishes
them as follows respectively S. aureus, B. subtilis, collected.
Shigella sp., and, S. epidermis, Shigella sp., B. subtilis. The results of the gram-stain and the biochemical tests
Bacterial colony count of smoked fish (Clarias the isolates were subjected to are presented in Table 3 and
gariepinus) from the three markets sampled above in Table 4.
Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology 83

Table 3. The result of the biochemical and identification of bacterial isolate of the smoked fish specimens (Clarias gariepinus)
Samp Gra TSI Slop
Ca Co s.u S.s m.s E.m Gl Fru Su La Ma In Ci M V ed
le m Shape A e
t a . a a b u ct c ct n d t r p organis
code Rxn H2S Butt
S1 + - - - - - - + + + + + - + + - - R
CI aureus
COC B.subtili
S2 + + + - - - - + + + - - - + - + - Y
CI s
S3 + ROD - - + - - - - + + + - - + + - - Y
S4 - + + - - - - + + + - + - - - + - Y
CI aureus
S5 + ROD - - + - - - + + + + - + - - + - Y
S6 - - - - - + + + + + + - - + + - + R epiderm
S7 + ROD - - - - - - + + + + - + + - + - R
CI B.subtili
S8 + - - + + - + - + + + - - + + - - Y
S9 + - - - - + - + - - + - + + - + - Y
CI aureus
S10 - + + - - - - + - + + + - + - + - Y
CI aureus
S11 + ROD - - + - - - - + + + - - + + - - Y
S12 - ROD - - + - - - - + + + - - + + - - Y
+ = Positive, - = negative, cat = catalase, coa =coagulase, s.u. = starch utilization, S. sa= Salmonella shigella agar, ind = indole test, cit = citrate, suc =
sucrose, mr = methyl red, vp = voges proskauer, man = mannitol

Table 4. The result of the biochemical and identification of bacterial isolate of the fresh fish specimens (Clarias gariepinus)
Samp Gra TSI Slop
Ca Co s.u S.s m.s E.m Gl Fru Su La Ma In Ci M V ed
le m Shape A e
t a . a a b u ct c ct n d t r p organis
code Rxn H2S Butt
S1 + + + - - + - + - + + + - + - + - Y
CI aureus
S2 + ROD + - + - - - - + + + - - + + - - Y
S3 + + + - - + - + - + + + - + - - - Y
CI aureus
S4 - ROD - - - + - + + + + + - - - - - - R
S5 + + - - - + + + + + + - + + + + - R epiderm
S6 - ROD - - - + - - + - + + - - + + + + Y S. typhii
S7 + + - - - - - + - - + - + + - + - Y
CHAI aureus
S8 + ROD + - + + + + - + + + - - + + + - Y
S9 + + - - - - + + + - + - - + + + - R epiderm
S10 - ROD - - - + + - + - + + - - + + + - R S. typhii
S11 + + - - - - + + + + + - - + + + - R epiderm
S12 - ROD - - - + - - + - + + - - + + + - R S. typhii
+ = Positive, - = negative, cat = catalase, coa =coagulase, s.u. = starch utilization, S. sa= Salmonella shigella agar, ind = indole test, cit = citrate, suc =
sucrose, mr = methyl red, vp = voges proskauer, man = mannitol
84 Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology

(2010). In support of Samonella typhii that was isolated in

this study, Salmonella sp. have been recovered from gills,
5. Discussion intestine and whole body of catfish Clarias gariepinus and
sea food in Malaysia (Bundiati et. al., 2011; Bremer et. al.,
The study revealed a mean bacteria count value of 1.84 2003; Kumar et. al., 2009; Heinitz et. al., 2000; and Ponce
x 106 cfu/ml. for the fresh fish and 2.06 x 106 cfu/ml. for et. al., 2008). Also, in a study conducted by Efuntoye et.
the smoked fish. The bacteria count for the fresh fish al., (2012), Salmonella typhii and Salmonella entridis
ranged from 1.02 x 106-2.32 x 106 cfu/ml. which is less were isolated among other organisms. This constitutes a
than that of smoked fish that ranged from 1.85 x 106-2.41 food safety problem, because catfish could be a potential
x 106 cfu/ml. The mean and the range of fresh samples is agent of transfer of these species to unsuspecting
less than those of smoked fish. This could be due to customers.
sanitary conditions under which the smoked fish samples The pathogenic state of species of streptococcus is
are handled and kept (Tiamiyu et. al., 2011). alarming. For instance, Streptococcus parauberis has
The result of this study revealed that Staphylococcus become important disease agent in the aqua culture
aureus, Shigella spp., Staphylococcus epidermis, Bacillus industries of North East Asia (Korea, Japan and China),
subtilis were the common pathogenic bacteria found most especially among olive flounder aqua culture farms
associated with fresh and smoked fish in Minna (Seong et. al., 2013). Only recently, Nho et. al., (2009),
metropolis. The presence of S. aureus was attributed to the reported that S. parauberis is the dominant
contamination of the fish samples by man through etiologicalagent of Streptococcus characterized y clinical
handling and processing. Clucas and Ward (1996), symptoms, such as chronic wasting syndrome,
recorded S. aureus, but stated that if ever, it seldom occurs heamorrhagic septicaemia, exophtaimia and meningitis
as natural microflora of fish and shellfish. Its main habitat with abnormal swimming. Streptococcal diseases have
is humans and animals, and found mostly in the nose, been reported worldwide in wild and farmed populations
throat and skin of healthy individuals (Clucas and Ward, of diverse fresh water and marine fish (Austin and Austin,
1996). This indicates that fresh and smoked fish with this 1993, Kusuda and Salati, 1993). In 1993, there was an
bacteria pathogens, must have been contaminated through important epizootic outbreak of Streptococcosis in turbot
handling during post harvest. In a similar study carried out Scophthalmus maximum cultured in Galacia (NW Spain),
by Moshood and TengkuHaziyamin (2012), Bacillus that was initially thought to be caused by an Enterococcus
aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, protens mirabilis, species-like bacterium (Toranzo et. al., 1994). The disease
Klebsiella sp., Salmonella typhii and Streptococcus sp. has been the main limiting factor of the turbot culture in
were all found to be associated with smoked fish. It was spain (Toranzo et. al., 1995, Romalde et. al., 1996). Other
suspected that these organisms may have contaminated the Streptococcus sp. that have been found to be associated
smoked fish through human handlers, air and soil. The with aquatic contamination include Streptococcus
findings of Moshood et. al., 2012 corroborates the pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumonia etc.
findings in this study, since common bacteria such as The public health importance of bacterial flora of
Staphylococcus aureu, Salmonella typhii and Bacillus Nigeria fish species have not been adequately defined due
subtilis were also isolated. The presence of these mainly to mode of food preparation in the tropics, which
organisms in the smoked fish samples of Clarias involved cooking for considerable length of time. The heat
gariepinus might be due to increase in moisture content of would have eliminated most, if not all the bacterial flora
the product during storage, and also increase in (Sowunmi et. al., 2008).
temperature that favours the growth of these organisms. It is noteworthy that sanitary condition under which
During handling of fish, the natural flora of fish fishes are handled, processed and stored be improved
environment will be contaminated with organisms upon to reflect standard or good practices.
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