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02 06 24 JR Iit Star Co Scmodel A Jee Adv 2022P I Wat 8 QP

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Sec: JR.

IIT _*CO-SC Date: 02-06-24

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 180
nth term, Sum of n terms of an A.P, Introduction to G.P,.nth term, Sum
of n terms of an G.P, Sum of terms of a finite/infinite A.G.P/Number of
common terms to two different sequences
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Equations reducible to quadratic, Quadratic
Inequations/ Inequations involving Logarithms, Exponentials, Modulus,
Range of Rational functions
PHYSICS: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Relative velocity (Relative velocity 1D,2D,Rate
of approach and rate of separation, condition for collision of two
projectiles, relative motion of one projectile with respect to another
projectile, rain problems, river boat problems, air craft wind problems
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Non - uniformly accelarated motion in 1D &
related graphs, Motion in 2D,Projectile motion, projectile motion on
inclined planes
CHEMISTRY: PRESENT WEEK (80%): Thermochemistry: Enthalpy change and
Internal energy change of a reaction, Kirchoff reaction, Enthalpy of
formation, Enthalpy of combustion, Hess law, Bomb
calorimeter,Enthalpy of atomisation, Neutrlisation, hydrogenation,
Enthalpy of phase transition, Enthalpy of solution, Bond enthalpy,
Resonance energy
PREVIOUS WEEK (20%): Limitations of first law of thermodynamics;
Second law of Thermodynamics; Carnot cycle, efficiency of
thermodynamic system, Entropy -physical significance , expressions in
all types of processes, Gibb's free energy - physical significance,
spontneity of processes
Narayana IIT Academy 02-06-24_JR.*CO-SC_JEE-ADV_WAT-8_ QP

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 8) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 9 – 14) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 15 – 18) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 26) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 27 – 32) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 44) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 45 – 50) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 51 – 54) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

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MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
1. The sum of an infinite geometric series is 2 and the sum of the geometric series made
from the cubes of the terms of this series is 24. Then the sum of series made from the
square of the terms of that infinite geometric series is________

2. The value of x satisfying the equation

(2011)log10 x  11log10 (135.... 4021) is____

5n  2 n
3. The value of  n
is equal to
n 1 10

4.   
If x 2  5 x  1 x 2  x  1  8 x 2  0 and let  is the number of distinct real roots and 

is the number of distinct non real roots of the equation. Then absolute value of    is

2   3
5. If  2  10  12,  2  15   27 and    , then the value of is

6. The value of 21/4 41/8 81/16 161/32... is

7. First term of an A.P. of distinct terms is 3 and its second, tenth and thirty-fourth terms
form a G.P., then the common difference is

8. Let a1, a2 , a3..... be a G.P. with a1  a and common ratio r, where a and r
positive integers, then the number of ordered pairs (a,r) such that
 log8 ar  2010 is
r 1

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(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
9. a1, a2 , a3..... are distinct terms of an A.P. we call ( p, q, r ) an increasing triad if a p , aq , ar

are in G.P. where p, q, r  N such that p  q  r . If (5,9,16) is an increasing triad, then

which of the following option is/are correct

A) If a1 is a multiple of 4 then every term of the A.P. is an integer

B) (85, 149, 261) is an increasing triad

1 1
C) If the common difference of the A.P. is , then its first term is
4 3

D) Ratio of the (4k  1)th term and 4k th term can be 4

10. For an increasing A.P. a1, a2 if a1  a2  a3  a5  19 and a1a3a5  80, then which
of the following is/are true?
A) a1  10 B) a2  1 C) a3  4 D) a5  2
11. There are two different A.P’s 3, 6, 9, 12, …… 3r…..81 and 2, 4, 6, 8, …. 2r…..76, then
which of the following is true
A) common difference of common term is 3
B) Number of commons terms between two A.P’s is 12
C) 10th common term is 60
D) sum of the common terms is 468
12. The consecutive digits of a three-digit number are in G.P. If the middle digit is increased
by 2, then they form an A.P. If 792 is subtracted from that three digit number, then we
get the number constituting of same three digits but in reverse order. Then number is
divisible by
A) 7 B) 49 C) 19 D) None of these

13. If the arithmetic mean of two positive numbers a & b(a  b) is twice their geometric
mean, then a : b can be

A) 2  3 : 2  3 B) 7  4 3 :1 C) 1: 7  4 3 D) 2 : 3

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14. Let x  111...11,
  y  444...44,
  z  777...77,
  w  999...99
  then choose the correct
20 digits 10 digits 10 digits 10 digits
49 x  9 z 2 7 49 x  9 z 2 2
A)  B) 
14w 9 14w 9
16  x  y  10
C) 9 y  4 w2  8w D)    10  1
5  z  w

(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
15. Match the following

List – I List – II
The possible integral value of  for which
I) P) 2
   2  x 2  8x     4   0x  R is

  
The equation x 2  2 a 2  1 x  a 2  14a  48  0 
II) possesses roots of opposite signs, then the value of Q) 7
‘a’ can be
The number of negative integers satisfying the
III) R) 4
inequality 2 x 2  2 x3  2 x 4  5 x 1  5x 2
The number of negative integers satisfying the
IV)   x2  x   S) 0
inequality log 0.6  log 6 
    0
  x  4 
The correct option is:
A) I – Q, II – R, III – P, IV – S B) I – Q, II – Q, III – S, IV – S
C) I – R, II – Q, III – S, IV – S D) I – Q, II – Q, III – R, IV – S

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16. Match the following:

List – I List – II
Let Sn , S2 n , S3n are the sums of n,2n,3n terms of an
I) S3 n P) 3
arithmetic progression, then is equal to
S2 n  S n
If a1  3, an  96, and S n  189 , the number of terms in
II) Q) 4
the G.P. is ___
Let g n be the nth term of the geometric progression of
100 100
10 5
III) positive numbers. If  g2n 
and  g 2n1  , then
R) 6
n1 n1
the common ratio of geometric progression is
A geometric progression consists of an even number of
IV) terms. If the sum of all the terms is 5 times the sum of S) 8
terms occupy the odd place then its common ratio is
T) 10
The correct option is:
A) I – P, II – R, III – R, IV – Q B) I – P, II – R, III – S, IV – T
C) I – P, II – R, III – P, IV – T D) I – P, II – R, III – R, IV – S
17. Match the following:
List – I List – II
 7
If log 5 2, log 5 (2 x  5) and log 5  2 x   are in A.P.,
I)  2 P) 6
then value of 2x is equal to
Let S n denote sum of first n terms of an A.P. If
II) S3n Q) 9
S2 n  3Sn , then is

8 12 16
III) Sum of infinite AGP 4   2  3  .... is R) 4
3 3 3
The length, breadth, height of a rectangular box are
IV) in G.P., The volume is 27, the total surface area is S) 1
78. Then the length is (Smaller than Height)
T) 0
The correct option is:
A) I – P, II – R, III – T, IV – Q B) I – Q, II – P, III – S, IV – T
C) I – P, II – P, III – Q, IV – S D) I – Q, II – T, III – R, IV – S
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18. Match the following.

List – I List – II

If a, b, c, d are distinct real numbers in A.P. such that

I) 2(a  b)  x(b  c)2  (c  a )3  2(a  d )  (b  d ) 2  (c  d )3 P) 16
then the value of x can be

(2n  1) G.M’s are inserted between 4 and 2916 . Then the

II) (n  1)th G.M. is divisible by greatest odd integer which is Q) 10
less than

In a certain progression, the consecutive terms are

III) 40,30,24,20 then the integral part of the next term of the R) 34
progression is more than

4 7 10 a
1  2  3  ..... to   , where H.C.F (a, b)  1, then
IV) 5 5 5 b S) 30
a  b is less than

The correct option is:

A) I – PRS; II – RS; III – PQ; IV – R,S

B) I – PQRS; II – RS; III – PQ; IV – RS

C) I – PRS; II – RS; III – PQ; IV – P,R,S

D) I – PRS; II–RS; III – PQ; IV – Q,R,S

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-06-24_JR.*CO-SC_JEE-ADV_WAT-8_ QP
PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
19. In the figure, the man is moving on the track and rain appeared to him as shown by
arrows. Finally the man moves down the inclined plane at 300 . The actual speed of the
rain w.r.t ground in meter per second is found to be . The value of K is

20. A person crosses the river twice on the same path from same starting point to same end
point directed at an angle 0  300 with the downstream direction, first time in 2 minutes
and second time in 4 minutes. If the speed of person relative to water flow is 3m / s in
both case. Find speed of the water flow in m/s

21. A stream of water coming out from a pipe at point A as shown in figure. A rod AD along
the projected velocity of stream. There are four points A,B,C,D on the rod (AB = BC =
CD) from which string of length 1 , 2 , 3 are hanging. These string are touching the
trajectory of stream of water. If the length 2  4 cm find 3

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22. The river flows with constant velocity VR  2m / s iˆ . Consider a boat which moves in a
circle of radius 20 m and constant speed 4 m/s w.r.t river. The magnitude of
displacement of boat w.r.t ground when it completes one rotation (with respect to river)
is______ (in m)

23. A man moving on track ABC, getting rain drops vertical for the path AB, and along
same line of his motion for path BC then actual speed of rain drop is m/s


24. Two particles P and Q move with constant velocities v1  2ms 1 and v2  4ms 1 along two
mutually perpendicular straight lines towards the intersection point 0. At moment t=0,
the particles were located at distances l1  12m and l2  19m from 0, respectively. Find the
time in second when they are nearest.

25. A particle is released from the top of an equilateral triangular groove which is made in
the plane of an incline plane of inclination   530 . The corners of triangular groove are
curved to neglect impulse. Side of triangle is 8 3 m. calculate the time of a complete

round trip (at corners there is no change in speed) ( g  10 m / s 2 ) &  tan 530  
 3

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26. Two particles are projected simultaneously from ground as shown in figure. Find
minimum distance in meter between during their flight.

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
27. Two particles are projected simultaneously from two points O and O such that d is the
horizontal distance and h is the vertical distance between them as shown in the figure.
They are projected at the same inclination to the horizontal with the same speed  . The
time after which their separation becomes minimum is

d 2d d d
A) B) C) D)
 cos   cos  2 cos  

28. A cat is chasing a rat. The rat is running with a constant velocity u. The cat moves with
constant speed v  v  u  with her velocity always directed towards the rat. Consider time
to be t  0 at an instant where both are moving perpendicular to each other and separation
between then is L. choose the correct statement(s)

A) The time t0 when the rat is caught by cat is  2 2 

v u  

B) The time t0 when the rat is caught by cat is  2 2 

v u  

C) The time t0 when the rat is caught by cat is  2 2 

v u  

D) The acceleration of cat immediately before it catches the rat is almost zero.

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29. A river is flowing with a speed of 1km/hr. A Swimmer wants to go to point ‘C’ starting
from ‘A’. He swims with a speed of 5 km/hr, at an angle  w.r.t. the river. If AB =
BC=400m. Then:

A) The Value of  is 530 B) Time taken by the man is 6 min

C) Time taken by the man is 8 min D) The value of  is 450

30. A railway compartment is 16m long, 2.4m wide and 3.2m height , it is moving
horizontally with a constant velocity v as shown in the figure. A particle moving
horizontally with a speed u perpendicular to the direction of motion enters the
compartment through a hole at an upper corner A and strikes the diagonally opposite
corner B. Assuming g  10m / s 2 . Which of the following statements are correct?
( g  10 m / s 2 )

A) v  20 m / s

B) u  3 m / s

C) To an observer inside the compartment, the path of the particle is a parabola

D) To a stationary observer outside the compartment, the path of the particle is a


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31. A man is standing on a road and observes that rain is falling at angle 450 with the
vertical. The man starts running on the road with constant acceleration 0.5 m / s 2 . After a
certain time from the start of the motion, it appears to him that rain is still falling at angle
450 450with the vertical, with speed 2 2 m / s . Motion of the man is in the same vertical

plane in which the rain is falling. Then which of the following statement(s) are true:

A) It is not possible

B) Speed of the rain relative to the ground is 2m/s.

C) Speed of the man when he finds rain to be falling at angle 450 with the vertical, is

D) The man has travelled a distance 16m on the road by the time he again finds rain to
be falling at angle 450

32. A water sprinkler is positioned at O on horizontal ground as shown (in top view). Water
sprinkler sprays water drops in every possible direction with fixed speed u. This way the
sprinkler is able to completely wet maximum circular area(of radius R) of ground as
shown in diagram. Now a horizontal wind starts blowing at speed of . Choose
2 2

CORRECT statements

A) After the wind starts moving it will again wet a circular area of same radius.

 u4
B) The area which wet after wind start moving is

C) Centre of circle shifts by a distance of

D) The region which will wet after wind start is elliptical.

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(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
33. Two particles A and B moving in x-y plane are at origin at t = 0 sec. The initial velocity
 
vectors of A and B are u A  8iˆ m / s and uB  8 ˆj m / s . The acceleration of A and B are
 
constant and are a A  2iˆ m / s 2 and aB  2 ˆj m / s 2 . Column-I gives certain statements
regarding particle A and B. Column-II gives corresponding results. Match the statements
in Column-I with corresponding results in Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
The time (in seconds) at which velocity of A relative to B
A) p) 16 2
is zero
The distance (in metres) between A and B when their
B) q) 8 2
relative velocity is zero
The time (in seconds) after t = 0 sec, at which A and B are
C) r) 8
at same position
The magnitude of relative velocity of A and B at the
D) s) 4
instant they are at same position
A) A-P,B-S,C-R,D-Q B) A-S,B-P,C-R,D-Q

C) A-S,B-R,C-P,D-Q D) A-S,B-P,C-Q,D-R

34. In the shown figure, both cat and dog starts from rest. Cat has constant acceleration a in
the shown direction. Dog also increases its speed at a constant rate ‘b’. But the direction
of its velocity is always towards A.

 a  3 m / s , b  5 m / s , l  160m 
2 2

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Column-I Column-II
Time taken by the dog to catch
A) p) 150
the cat (in sec)
Total distance travelled by the
B) q) 0
dog (in meter)
Minimum relative velocity of
C) r) 50
approach (in m/s)
Total distance travelled by the
D) s) 250
cat(in meter)
A) A-R, B-S, C-Q, D-P B) A-S, B-Q, C-P, D-R

C) A-S, B-Q, C-R, D-P D) A-R, B-S, C-Q, D-P

35. Two cannon A and B situated at two cliffs fire as shown. Cannon A fires 1 sec after
cannon B and they collide in the mid air. ( g  10 m / s 2 )

Column-I Column-II
A) D = ___ meter P) 5

B) Time of flight of B till collision (in sec) Q) 40

C) Vertical displacement of A (in meter) R) 20

D) Horizontal displacement of A (in meter) S) 2

A) A – Q ; B – S ; C – P ; D – R B) A – R ; B – P ; C – S ; D – P

C) A – R ; B – Q ; C – P ; D – S D) A – R ; B – S ; C – P ; D – Q

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36. A gun is fixed to a trolley car at an angle 60 . If a shell is projected from gun with a
velocity 40m/s with respect to trolley car and velocity of trolley is 10 m/s (constant).
Then match the following.  g  10m / s 2  (assume that the shell hits the floor of the


List-I List-II
Time of flight of shell in seconds for an
A) P) 6 3
observer on the ground

Time of flight of shell in seconds for an

B) Q) 4 3
observer on the trolley car

Horizontal range of shell in meters with

C) R) 120 3
respect to trolley

Horizontal range of shell in meters with

D) S) 80 3
respect to ground

A) A-Q, B-Q, C-S, D-R B) A-P, B-Q, C-S, D-R

C) A-P, B-Q, C-R, D-S D) B-Q, A-Q, C-R, D-S

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
37. If water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vapourisation
of 1 mol of water at 1bar and 100°C is 41kJ mol–1. Calculate the internal energy change
(IN kJ/ mol), when 1 mol of water is vaporised at 1 bar pressure and 100°C.

38. How many of the following are correct ?

i) (ionization enthalpy) = E0 (ionization energy) + 5/2 RT

ii) (electron gain enthalpy) = – A( electron affinity) – 5/2 RT

iii) The magnitude of enthalpy of combustion of diamond is greater than that of


iv) Graphite is thermodynamically more stable from of carbon than diamond

v) For all the salts completely soluble in water, the magnitude of sum of the enthalpies
of hydration of ions is greater than lattice enthalpy of the salt, then the salt is completely
soluble in water

vi) H 0f  0 for elemental black phosphorus

vii) H 0f  0 I 2 solid

39. The difference between heat absorbed at constant pressure and constant volume for the
2C6 H 6  l   15O2  g   12CO2  g   6 H 2O  l  at 298 K in kJ is

40. Enthalpy of neutralization of oxalic acid is -25.4 kcal/ mol using strong base, NaOH.
Enthalpy change for the process in (k Cal)

H 2C2O4  aq   2 H   aq   C2O42  aq 

(Given: H neut  13.7 Kcal / mol of H  )

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41. Calculate  f H for ZnSO4  s  from the following data

ZnS  s   Zn  s   S  rhombic  , H1  44 kcal/mol

2ZnS  s   3O2  g   2ZnO  s   2SO2  g  , H 2  221.88 kcal/mol

2SO2  g   O2  g   2SO3  g  , H 3  46.88 kcal/mol

ZnSO4  s   ZnO  s   SO3  g  , H 4  55.1 kcal/mol

42. 2.4 g coal is burnt in a bomb calorimeter in excess of oxygen at 298 K and 1 atm pressure.

The temperature of the calorimeter rises from 298 K to 300 K . The enthalpy change
during the combustion of coal is x kJ mol 1 . The value of x is____ . (Nearest integer)

(Given : Heat capacity of bomb calorimeter is 20.0 kJ K 1 . Assume coal to be pure


43. If bond dissociation energies of XY, X2 and Y2 (all diatomic molecules) are in the ratio
of 1:1:0.5 and H f for the formation of XY is -200 kJ mol 1 . The bond dissociation

energy of X2 will be  in kJ mol 1 

44. The enthalpy of atomization of CH 4 and C2 H 6 are 360 and 620 k mol 1 respectively. The C–
C bond enthalpy (in kcal/mole) is expected to be.

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases
45. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

A) E  0 for combustion of C2H6(g) in a sealed rigid adiabatic container

B)  f H  S , monoclinic   0

C) If dissociation energy CH4(g) is 1656 kJ/mol and C2H6(g) is 2812 kJ/mol, then value
of C–C bond energy will be 328 kJ/mol

D) If H f  H 2O, g  = –242 kJ/mol, H vap (H2O, l) = 44 kJ/mol then  f H o  OH  , aq 

will be –142 kJ/mol

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46. For which of the following substance(s), the standard enthalpy of formation is /are zero?
A) C (graphite) B) O3  g  C) I 2  g  D) Br2  l 

47. Which of the following statement is (are) correct?

A) for an exothermic reactions,  H 0
f (products)   H 0f (reactants)

B)  H 0
f of CO2  g  is same as the H comb of carbon (graphite)
C) All exothermic reactions have a free energy change negative
D) For a reaction N 2 g   O2 g   2 NO g  the heat at constant pressure and the heat at

constant volume at a given temperature are same

48. Select the correct option –

A) H formation  H  g   is equal to H atomisation of H 2  g 

B) H BE  H  H  is equal to H f of H  g 

C) H BE  H  H  is equal to H atomisation of H 2  g 

D) H combustion  H 2  g   is equal to H formation  H 2O  l   at 298K

49. Which of the following do(es) not represent Hº formation of the product.
A) H 2  g   I 2  s   2 HI  g  B) 3 / 2O2  g   O3  g 

C) NH 4  g   Cl   g   NH 4Cl  s  D) P4  red   5O2  g   P4O10  s 

50. The reaction CH 4  g   Cl2  g   CH 3Cl  g   HCl  g  has H  25 kCal

Bond Bond energy

C-Cl 84
H-Cl 103
C-H x
Cl-Cl y
x:y= 9 : 5
From the given data, what is the bond energy of Cl  Cl bond
A) 242.9 kJ B) 279.1 kJ C) 67.75 kCal D) 57.85 kCal

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(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
51. Match the columns

Column-I Column-II

A) C (Diamond) + O2  g   CO2  g  P)  r H 0  c H 0

B) C (Graphite) + O2  g   CO2  g  Q) r H 0   f H 0

C) H 2  g   2H  g  R)  r H 0   atomization H 0

D) CH 4  g   C  g   4 H  g  S)  r H 0   bond H 0

A) A  Q ; B  P, Q ; C  R, S ; D  R B) A  P ; B  R, S ; C  P, Q ; D  R
C) A  R ; B  P, Q ; C  R, S ; D  P D) A  P ; B  P, Q ; C  R, S ; D  R

52. Match the columns.

Column-I Column-II
A) C  s   O2  g   CO  g  P) Combustion
B) CO  g   O2  g   CO2  g  Q) Neutralization

C) NaOH  aq   HCl  aq   NaCl  aq   H 2O  l  R) Formation

D) H 2  g   O2  g   H 2O  l  S) Used in fuel cell

A) A  P; B  R, ; C  Q ; D  P, R , S B) A  R; B  P, ; C  P, Q ; D  P , S
C) A  R; B  P, ; C  Q ; D  P, R , S D) A  R; B  P, ; C  R ; D  Q

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53. Match the columns.

Column-I Column-II

A) C (s, graphite) + O2  g   CO2  g  P) H 0 Combustion

B) C (s, graphite)  C  g  Q) H 0 formation

C) CO  g   O2  g   CO2  g  R) H 0 atomization

D) CH 4  g   C  g   4 H  g  S) H 0sublimation

A) A  p, q; B  q, r , s; C  p; D  r B) A  q, r ; B  p, q; C  p; D  r
C) A  p, q; B  q, r , s; C  r ; D  p D) A  p, q; B  p; C  q, r ; D  r

54. For chemical reaction,

C  s graphite  O 2  g   CO  g   x kcal at 25° C and 1 atm
(B.E. = Bond dissociation enthalpy)

Column-I Column-II

A) B.E. Product   B.E. Reactant   H sublimation of C P) –x kcal

B)  H  U  Q) 0

C) H f  CO  g   R) +0.3 kcal

D) H f  O 2  g   S) +x kcal

A) A  R; B  S ; C  Q; D  P B) A  Q; B  R; C  P; D  S
C) A  S ; B  P; C  R; D  Q D) A  S ; B  R; C  P; D  Q

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