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Q10.2 - Raider LTD - SOL

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Raider (Pty) Limited

Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 20.4

Revenue (450 000 + 400 000 – 30 000) 820 000
Cost of sales and operating expenses (excl. depr.) (balance) (576 700)
Depreciation (40 000 + 29 000 – 8 000) (61 000)
Operating Profit (148 300 + 93 000 + 2 000(Inv) – 40 000 – 29 000 + 8 000(Depr)) 182 300
Investment income (400 – 200) 200
Finance costs (2 000 – 200) (1 800)
Profit before taxation 180 700
Taxation (42 000 + 30 000 + 800 + 3 200) (76 000)
Profit after taxation and total comprehensive income 104 700

Attributable to:
Non-controlling interests 8 300
Parent shareholders 96 400
104 700

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 31 December 20.4

Share General Retained Total Non- Total

Capital Reserve Earnings Parent Controlling Equity
Equity Interests
Balances 1 January 20.4 276 000 28 750(2) 127 250(1) 432 500 50 650 482 650
Total comprehensive income for the year
Dividends 96 400 96 400 8 300 104 700
Transfer to general reserve (12 000) (12 000) (13 000) (25 000)
Balances 31 December 20.4 18 750(3) (18 750)(3) – – –
276 000 47 500 192 900 516 400 45 950 562 380

140 900 – 15 600(Plant and DT) + 1 950 = 127 250
40 000 – 15 000 + 3 750 = 28 750
15 000 + 3 750 = 18 750

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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position of Raider (Pty) Limited and its subsidiary
at 31 December 20.4
Non-current assets (Note 5) 611 000

Current assets 145 250

Inventory (37 750 – 2 000 + 22 000) 57 750
Accounts receivable (46 000 + 26 500) 72 500
Bank (14 800 + 200) 15 000

756 250


Share capital 276 000
Reserves (40 000 + 7 500) 47 500
Retained earnings 192 900
Total parent equity 516 400
Non-controlling interests 45 950
Total equity 562 350

Non-current liabilities 92 500

Deferred taxation (70 000 – 7 200 + 8 000 – 800) 70 000
Debentures (25 000 – 2 500) 22 500

Current liabilities 101 400

Account payable (54 400 + 11 500 + 12 500(Non-controlling div)) 78 400
Shareholders for dividend 12 000
Taxation payable 8 000
Bank overdraft 3 000

756 250
Note to the financial statements:

5. Non-current assets:
Cost Accumulated Carrying
Depreciation Amount
Property, plant and equipment: R R R
Land 390 000 (1) – 390 000
Plant and machinery 250 000 (2) (80 500)(4) 169 500
Furniture and fittings 103 000 (3) (51 500)(5) 51 500
743 000 (132 000) 611 000

210 000 + 180 000 = 390 000
180 000 + 110 000 – 40 000 = 250 000
75 000 + 70 000 – 42 000* = 103 000
(4) 42 000 + 60 500 – 6 000 – 8 000 – 8 000 = 80 500
(5) 30 500 + 63 000 – 42 000* = 51 500

* At acquisition depreciation

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1. Worksheet

Date Details S Cap G. Res RE Land Invent DT Total NCI Inv RE G. Res Purchase 100 000 25 000 50 000 20 000 – – 195 000 48 750 146 250* Sale Prop 30 000 (20 000) 10 000 2 500 7 500
Dividend (30 000) (30 000) (7 500) (22 500) Increase –RE 25 000 (4 000) (1) 1 600 22 600 5 650 16 950
– G.Res 5 000 5 000 1 250 3 750
100 000 30 000 75 000 – (4 000) 1 600 202 600 50 650 146 250 1 950 3 750 Profit 32 000 2 000 (2) (800) 33 200 8 300 24 900
Transfer 5 000 (5 000) – – (3 750) 3 750
Dividends (52 000) (52 000) (13 000) (39 000)
100 000 35 000 50 000 – (2 000) 800 183 800 45 950 146 250 15 900 7 500

* 138 250 + 8 000 (impairment reversal) = 146 250

2. Plant:

Unrealised Deferred
Profit Tax Net
1. 4.20.2 Sale 40 000 (16 000) 24 000 Dep (6 000) 2 400 (3 600) Dep (8 000) 3 200 (4 800) Dep (8 000) 3 200 (4 800)
18 000 (7 200) 10 800

(1) 25% × 16 000 = 4 000

25% (16 000 – 8 000) = 2 000

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Pro forma journal entries:

Investment in V Ltd 8 000
Impairment expense (V Ltd) 8 000

Share capital 100 000

General reserve 25 000
Retained earnings 50 000
Land 20 000
Non-controlling interest 48 750
Investment in V Ltd 146 250

Retained earnings 15 000

Non-controlling interests 5 000
Land 20 000

Retained earnings (4 000 – 1 600) 2 400

Trading profit 4 000
Deferred taxation (SOFP) 1 600
(prior years)

Trading profit 2 000

Inventory 2 000
(current year)

Deferred taxation (P/L) 800

Deferred taxation (SOFP) 800
(NCI share : prior years)

Retained earnings 5 650

Non-controlling interests 5 650
(NCI share : prior years)

General reserve 1 250

Non-controlling interests 1 250
(NCI share : prior years)

General reserve 1 250

Transfer to General reserve 1 250
(NCI share of current year transfer)

Dividends received 39 000

Non Controlling interests 13 000
Dividends paid 2 000
Dividends declared 50 000

Shareholders for dividend 50 000

Current account V Ltd 37 500
Accounts payable 12 500

Cash-in-transit 200
Current account V Ltd 200

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Debentures 2 500
Investment in V Ltd – Debentures 2 500

Interest received 200

Interest paid 200
Retained earnings 15 600
Deferred taxation (SOFP) 10 400
Plant – acc depr 14 000
Plant – cost 40 000

Plant – acc depr 8 000

Depreciation 8 000

Deferred taxation (P/L) 3 200

Deferred taxation (SOFP) 3 200

Sales 30 000
Cost of sales and operating expenses 30 000

Non-controlling interests share of current year profit 8 300

Non-controlling interests 8 300

Furniture and fittings – acc depr 42 000

Furniture and fittings – costs 42 000
(at acq acc. depr. (63 000 – 3 × 7 000))

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