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Tempest Video

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Short Question :

1. How does Ariel create confusion between Stephano

and Trinculo? What does it achieve? Write your answer in
a short paragraph of 100-150 words

Answer : In Act 3 Scene 2 of The Tempest, Ariel creates

confusion between Stephano, the drunken butler and
Trinculo, the jester by using his magical abilities to
imitate the voice of Trinculo. Ariel's manipulation where
he says ``Thou liest'' to Caliban in the voice of Trinculo,
causes Stephano to believe that Trinculo is mocking
them. Ariel's move to insult leads to a misunderstanding
between Stephano and Trinculo. Ariel's actions lead to a
comical scene of mistrust between the three characters.
By creating fissures, Ariel hinders their plot to kill
Prospero. It also showcases the power of illusion and
manipulation, an integral theme of the Tempest.

2. How does Prospero forgive all his enemies in Act 5.

Write your answer in a short paragraph of 100-150

Answer : In Act 5 of `The Tempest', Prospero forgives all

his enemies through a powerful act of reconciliation and
mercy. In the final scene, he confronts his enemies who
had wronged him twelve years ago by reminding them of
their betrayals. As a result, Alonso acknowledges his guilt
and offers the Dukedom of Milan back to Prospero.
Instead of seeking revenge, Prospero chooses to forgive
Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio and chooses the path of
reconciliation. He delivers a poignant speech in which he
``forgives'' the trio because he realises that forgiveness
is the ultimate path to freedom and redemption. It is
significant because this is one of the significant themes of
the play, reinforcing the value of compassion over
bitterness. It also marks the transformation of Prospero as
he decides to ``drown my book'' and ``break my staff''
and allows Shakespeare to end the play with a
harmonious resolution.

Long Question :

1. Why does Caliban want Stephano and Trinculo to kill

Prospero? Why doesn't Caliban kill Prospero himself?
Explain in 200-250 words.

Answer : In `The Tempest', Caliban who is the deformed

and enslaved native of the island proposes to Stephano
and Trinculo who are members of the royal party, that
they kill Prospero. He wants Prospero to be eliminated as
he believes that ``by sorcery he got this isle; From me he
got it''. He resents the control Prospero exercises over
him and wants to regain his freedom and control over the
island. Caliban offers to show the duo where Prospero
sleeps and how to kill him.

However, Caliban doesn't intend to do it himself because

he is afraid of Prospero's magical powers and fears
retribution if he were to attempt the assassination
himself. Prospero has used magic to control and punish
Caliban in the past so he is wary of directly confronting
him. Caliban is not as skilled or powerful as Prospero in
magic or combat. He knows that attempting to assassinate
Prospero on his own would likely end in causing himself
harm. He believes that through collaboration, he stands a
better chance of overthrowing Prospero and gaining his
long-awaited freedom.

Caliban sees Stephano and Trinculo as potential allies who

could help him overthrow Prospero. He believes that by
enlisting their aid, they can together eliminate Prospero
and take control of the island. He believes Stephano is
powerful than Prospero and tempts Stephano by telling
him that once Prospero is finished, ``Thou shalt be lord
of it and I'll serve thee'', referring to the ownership of the
island. Ironically, he wants to replace Prospero with
Stephano as his master, highlighting his inherent
subservient persona.

2. Discuss the role and significance of Ariel in the play

with particular regard to the theme of colonisation and
freedom in The Tempest in 200-250 words.

Answer : In `The Tempest', Ariel is a ``spirit'' enslaved

by the powerful magician Prospero and therefore his
character along with Caliban, is a representative of the
theme of colonisation in the play.

Ariel has a servile attitude towards Prospero and this

reflects the relationship between the colonizers and the
colonized. Ariel's subjugation by Prospero over the years
mirrors the way European powers colonized various parts
of the world during the Age of Exploration. The manner in
which Ariel keeps requesting for his freedom emphasizes
the power imbalance that was part of the process of
colonization. Prospero has a patronising attitude towards
Ariel, calling him ``delicate'' and ``tricksy'' before finally
setting him free.

Ariel's quest for independence and his willingness to carry

out Prospero's commands in the hope of eventual
liberation are central to the theme of colonization. This
reflects how many colonized peoples had to make
difficult choices in the face of colonial oppression, often
cooperating with their oppressors to secure their own
Exploitation was another inherent aspect of colonisation.
Here Prospero uses Ariel's magical abilities to control the
elements, manipulate the environment and ultimately
gain control of the island. This parallels the way
colonizers sought to control and exploit the natural
resources, inhabitants and lands of the territories they

Caliban is the other indigenous inhabitant of the island

who is colonized by Prospero. Ariel's character is
different as he is more ethereal and supernatural. This
can be seen as a metaphor for the way colonizers often
viewed indigenous people who they colonised as exotic or

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