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Discussion 4

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Group 2

Group Members: Mohd Umar Payawala, Ashish Manocha, Fagavi Patel, Dhruv Patel, Raj Rao

Part 1:
Imagine your phone suddenly stops working, and you can't access the internet. That
happened to millions in Canada on July 8, 2022, because of a big problem with Rogers
Communications, a major telecom company. Not only regular folks like you and me were
affected but also important services like debit card transactions and even 911 calls were
disrupted. This outage caused chaos and even forced some events, like concerts, to be
rescheduled. It showed that our essential systems, like traffic lights and medical services, can
be vulnerable too.
Part 2:
So, to make sure this doesn't happen again, the government came up with some new rules.
They want all telecom companies to help each other out during outages, offer emergency
services to customers of other companies, and make sure everyone knows what's going on
during an outage. These rules will make the telecom industry work better together and be
more prepared for problems. They also want to make sure that no one company has too
much control over everything, which can be risky. The goal is to make sure our phones and
internet stay reliable, and that when problems happen, they don't cause as much trouble as
they did this time.
Table 1. Incremental Benefits Identification Worksheet
Benefits What is the Indirect
type of
Stakeholder Which Telecommunication Providers, Consumers, Investors,
stakeholders Government, and other businesses and critical sectors like
benefit? healthcare, banking, and law enforcement.

Qualitative Describe the Improved coordination during outages, leading to faster

benefit restoration of services and minimized disruptions.
Strengthened infrastructure and response mechanisms,
reducing the frequency and severity of future outages.
Quantitative Can the The benefit of improved resilience and reliability can be
benefit be quantified regarding reduced downtime, improved service
quantified? availability, and minimized economic losses during
Monetized Can the The benefit can be monetized through cost savings
benefit be associated with reduced downtime, potential revenue
monetized? gains from improved customer satisfaction and retention,
and avoiding fines or penalties for non-compliance with
regulatory requirements.
Rank the How Very significant, as it addresses critical issues impacting a
benefit significant is wide range of stakeholders and can lead to substantial
this benefit improvements in service reliability and public safety.
likely to be?

Regulatory Describe the The regulatory requirements include:

requirement regulatory
s requirements Providing mutual assistance during outages, offering
related to this emergency roaming service for affected customers of rival
benefit companies, and establishing plans for communicating
outage information to the public.
Potential Identify the Data sources for assessing the benefit may include outage
data sources data sources reports, customer feedback, financial records indicating
for the cost savings, and regulatory compliance documentation.

Table 1. Incremental Costs Identification Worksheet

Costs What is the Direct
type of cost?
Stakeholder Which  Rogers Communications
stakeholders  Affected businesses nationwide (e.g., Interac, OLG)
will incur the  Government agencies (e.g., Service Canada, Canada
cost? Revenue Agency)
 Small businesses (e.g., Canadian Federation of
Independent Business)
 Public transport agencies
 Medical facilities
Qualitative Describe the  Loss of revenue due to service outage
cost  Additional expenses incurred for service restoration
 Compensation costs (e.g., rebates, free month of
 Legal expenses (e.g., class action lawsuit)
 Review and potential renegotiation of contracts (e.g.,
legacy contracts in Toronto)
Quantitative Can the cost The cost can be quantified based on the estimated
be amounts provided.
Please explain
Monetized Can the cost Yes, the cost can be monetized as it involves financial
be losses incurred by the company (Rogers) and potential
monetized? compensation payouts.
Please explain

Rank the How The cost is likely to be significant given the scale of the
benefit significant is outage, the number of affected stakeholders, and the
this cost likely potential financial impact on the company and other
to be? entities involved.

Regulatory Describe the Compliance with regulations related to customer

requirement regulatory compensation (e.g., CRTC regulations) and compliance
s requirements with consumer protection laws and regulations regarding
related to this service quality and reliability.

Potential Identify the  Financial records and reports from Rogers

data sources data sources Communications
for the cost  Legal documents related to compensation claims and
 Reports and statements from affected businesses,
government agencies, and other stakeholders
 Regulatory documents outlining compensation and
service quality requirements.

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