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Jaymin Shah, 2Eddison Paz, 2Emil Elias, 2Audrey Alimo, 2Shrawan Sharma, 2Inaki Elizondo,
Chris Malone, 2Piers Milner, 2Trish Winn. 1London North West University Healthcare NHS
Trust, Northwick Park Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, LND HA13UJ, United Kingdom;
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust; 3Luscii Healthtech


Introduction The corona virus pandemic has resulted in a

need to rethink how we manage patient care. Remote moni-
toring of patients using digital technology is an exciting Abstract 114 Figure 1 Flow diagram of patient recruitment to HFVW
option for supporting patients on discharge from hospital par-
ticularly in patients with heart failure as it may prevent
decompensation events and provide opportunity to maximise specialist support using digital technology. The patients
prognostic medications for patients to improve prognosis. Lon- recruited were predominantly patients with reduced ejection
don North West University Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWUH) fraction and are highly co-morbid. There remain significant
partnered with LUSCIITM a remote monitoring app that challenges to tackle digital exclusion to increase the propor-
allows patients to upload daily observations and symptoms sta- tion of heart failure patients recruited as currently only 1 in
tus to aid in symptom management and optimisation of medi- 6 patients are successfully recruited.
cal therapy. We present an analysis of the first 198 days of Conflict of Interest None
our experience of launching our service. Methods and
Results We performed a retrospective analysis of all patients
admitted to the two acute sites with a presumed diagnosis of
heart failure between July 19th 2021 and February 2nd 2022. 115 TARGETED USE OF RIGHT HEART CATHETERISATION IN
A sub group between November 16th 2021 and February 2nd THE MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK: A CASE SERIES
2022 had an in-depth analysis of the reasons for not being James Oldman, 2John Graby, 2William Mears, 2Ben McKee, 2Raveen Kandan,
recruited onto the HFVW. Figure 1 demonstrates the in-depth Dan Augustine, 2Kevin Carson. 1Royal United Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Combe Park,
review. A total of 280 patients were admitted with a pre- Bath, SOM BA1 3NG, United Kingdom; 2Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust
sumed diagnosis of heart failure, of these 142 (50.8%) were
eligible for the HFVW. Of the 142 patients 24 (16.9% -
approximately 1 in 6) patients who had a discharge diagnoses Introduction Circulatory shock is a life-threatening condition
of heart failure were able to be recruited to the HFVW. Rea- associated with in-hospital mortality rates as high as 45%. In
sons for not recruiting the patient to the HFVW were divided some cases, there is a clear cause, when mechanical interven-
into patient factors (frailty, compliance issues, need for special- tion such as revascularisation is often indicated. However,
ised care, language barrier; n=97), technology related factors there is often a mixed picture with more than one underlying
(no-access to smart phone, struggles with technology; n=72) pathological mechanism. Right heart catheterisation (RHC)
and patient refusal to be recruited (n=5). An individual permits detailed evaluation of haemodynamics to enable better
patient may have more than 1 reason for not being recruited. patient tailored therapy. ESC guidance suggests consideration
Since the beginning of recruitment, a total of 64 patients have of RHC in patients who, despite pharmacological treatment,
been recruited, mean age 62.0 ± 12.1 years, 48 (75.0%) male have refractory shock or shock of unclear aetiology. Evidence
and 58 (90.6%) had HF with reduced ejection fraction. The from large registries is accumulating that RHC assessment in
patients on the HFVW had high prevalence of comorbidity; suspected cardiogenic shock is associated with favourable out-
45 (70.3%) had hypertension, 32 (50.0%) with Diabetes, 11 comes. To demonstrate the value of RHC assessment, ten
(17.2%) with chronic kidney disease and 28(43.8%) with patients with shock and a sub-optimal response to therapy or
ischaemic heart disease. Patient spent an average of 7.1 weeks with suspected mixed pathology are reported.
(range 0.0 – 21.1 weeks) on the HFVW, a total of 26 Methods Retrospective analysis of ten patients who had RHC
(40.6%) have been successfully optimised, stabilised and dis- for shock of uncertain aetiology or not responsive to conven-
charged to community/OP HF services. 3 patients withdrew tional therapy between June 2015 and 2020. Clinical course,
when on the HFVW. Eight of the 64 (12.5%) patients had an therapy adjustment, survival to discharge, one month and one
admission whilst on the HFVW, however only 1 (1.6%) was year were evaluated.
heart failure related in a patient who was refractory to ambu- Results Eight patients were male and median age was 69 (IQR
latory intravenous diuretics. 1 (1.6%) patient despite a biven- 8.5). Each patient had a mean of five comorbidities – most
tricular pacemaker and defibrillator; being on optimised HF commonly - type 2 diabetes, ischaemic heart disease and left
medications had a sudden cardiac death associated with refrac- ventricular systolic dysfunction. Prior to RHC, five patients
tory ventricular arrhythmia despite exhausted therapy from his were in Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interven-
implantable device. Patients with reduced ejection fraction on tion (SCAI) stage C shock and five in stage D. Nine had
the HFVW were shown to have excellent medical therapy ongoing infusions of vasopressors or inotropes, with five on
with 94.8% on ACEI/ARB/ARNI, 93.1% Beta-blocker, 56.9% two agents. RHC studies significantly changed management in
on MRA and 44.8% on SGLT2i. 8/10 patients. Five patients had therapy changes in the cathe-
Conclusion HFVW provides and exciting opportunity to moni- ter lab allowing real time monitoring of invasive haemody-
tor and optimise heart failure patients in the community with namics. RHC evaluation led to a change in diagnosis in 4/10

Heart 2022;108(Suppl 1):A1–A184 A85

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