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Physics Experiments Cycle 1 Grade 12 (2022-23)

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GRADE 12 : 2022-23

1. To determine resistivity of two wires by plotting a graph for potential difference versus

2. To find resistance of a given wire using metre bridge.

3 To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its

figure of merit.

4 To find the frequency of AC mains with a sonometer.

To determine resistivity of two wires by plotting a graph for potential difference versus current.

Two resistance wires, a voltmeter and an ammeter of appropriate range, a battery eliminator, a
rheostat, a metre scale, one way key, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.


According to the Ohm’s law, the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the
applied voltage, provided temperature and other physical conditions of the conductor remain

V = IR, where R is the resistance of the conductor.

Reisitivity ρ = , where A is the area of cross-section and l is the length of the wire.
Model Graph


1. Arrange the apparatus in the same manner as given in the arrangement diagram.
2. Determine the least count of voltmeter and ammeter
3. Insert the key K, slide the rheostat contact and see that ammeter and voltmeter are
working properly.
4. Adjust the sliding contact of the rheostat such that a measurable current passes through
the resistance coil or the resistance wire.
5. Note down the value of potential difference V” from voltmeter and current I from
6. Shift the rheostat contact slightly and take readings on both ammeter and voltmeter
7. Take at least six sets of independent observations
8. Plot a graph between V along X axis and I along Y-axis. Find V/I by taking slope
between two points in the graph and find the resistance of first wire.
9. Note the area of cross section of the wire
10. Find the resistivity of the first wire using the formula.
11. Repeat the experiment for the second wire and find the resistivity of the second wire.

Least count of voltmeter=
Least count of ammeter =

S. No Voltmeter reading(volt) Ammeter reading(ampere)


S. No Voltmeter reading(volt) Ammeter reading(ampere)

Area of cross section the wire 1=
Resistance of the wire 1= 1/slope =
Length of the wire 1=
Resistivity of the wire 1, ρ = 𝑙 ,

Area of cross section the wire 2=

Resistance of the wire 2= 1/slope =
Length of the wire 2=
Resistivity of the wire 2, ρ = 𝑙 , =

Resistivity of the wire-1=
Resistivity of the wire-2=


1. The connections should be neat, clean and tight.

2. Voltmeter and ammeter should be of proper range.

Sources of error

1. The instrument screws may be loose.

2. Thick connecting wires may not be available.

Video link:


To find resistance of a given wire using Metre Bridge.


A meter bridge, galvanometer, one way key, a resistance box, a battery, jockey, unknown
resistance wire about 1m long and connecting wire.

The unknown resistance X is given by

where, R is known resistance placed in the left gap and I (in cm) is the length of metre bridge
wire from zero end upto balance point.

1. Arrange the apparatus as shown in arrangement diagram.

2. Connect the resistance wire whose resistance is to be determined in the right gap between C
and B. Take care that no part of the wire forms a loop:
3. Connect resistance box of low range in the left hand gap between A and B.
4. Make all the other connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
5. Take out some resistance (say 2 ohm) from the resistance box, plug the key K.
6. Touch the jockey gently first at left end and then at right end of the bridge wire.
7. Note the deflections in the galvanometer. If the galvanometer shows deflections in opposite
directions, the connections are correct. If the deflection is one side only, then there is some
fault in the circuit. Check or take help of your teacher and rectify the fault.
8. Move (slide) the jockey gently along the wire from left to right till galvanometer gives zero
deflection. The point where the jockey is touching the wire is null point D
9. Note length AB and call it as l, BC will be (100-l)
10. Repeat the above procedure for five different values of ‘R’. The value of this resistance ‘R’
taken out from R. B. should be such that the null point is between 40 cm and 60 cm of meter
bridge wire. Note the point where the galvanometer shows 0 deflections, this is called the
balance point.

Observation table

S.NO Reading of Reading of X=R(100-l) / l

resistance box Null point
R (Ω) l(cm) (100-l)cm Ω

Mean X = Ω


The resistance of the given wire=


1. All the plugs in the resistance box should be tight.

2. Move the jockey gently over the bridge wire and do not rub it.
Sources of error

1. The instrument screws may be loose.

2. The wire may not have uniform thickness.

Video link:


To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of

A galvanometer, a voltmeter, a battery or battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and 200 Ω)
resistance boxes, two one-way keys, a rheostat, a screw gauge, a metre scale, an ammeter of
given range, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.

Figure of merit of the galvanometer , where E is the emf of the battery.

Circuit Diagram

Observation table


Mean G = Ω

Figure of merit =

Resistance of the given galvanometer=
Figure of merit of the galvanometer =


1. All the plugs in resistance boxes should be tight.

2. The e.m.f. of cell or battery should be constant.

Sources of error

1. The screws of the instruments may be loose.

2. The plugs of resistance boxes may not be clean
Video link:


To find the frequency of the AC mains with a sonometer.

A sonometer (with soft iron wire), ½ kg hanger, seven ½ kg slotted weights, an electromagnet
with a step-down transformer, clamp stand, rubber pad, metre scale.

1 √𝑻
Frequency of ac mains using sonometer ,𝜐 = , where l is the resonance length, T the
4 √𝑚 𝒍
tension in the string and m is the mass per unit length of the wire.

1. Place the sonometer on the table such that pulley projects beyond the edge of the table.
Put suitable weight on the hanger.
2. Move the bridges to outward position so that maximum length can be accommodated.
3. Clamp the electromagnet in a stand keeping one of its core very close to the middle of the
sonometer wire.
4. Switch on the electromagnet and adjust the length of vibrating wire by moving knife
edges with small length until the wire begins to vibrate.
5. Now make minor adjustments to make the amplitude of the vibrating wire maximum, in
that case we will hear a hissing sound in wire.
6. Note the load on the wire and measure the length of the vibrating portion of wire in both
length increasing and decreasing i.e l1 and l2
7. Now change the load of the hanger and repeat the same procedure to obtain resonating
length of the wire. Take 5 sets of such readings.

Linear density of the wire, m = kgm -1
Observation table
Tension Resonant Length
S.NO Length Length Mean
T=mg l1 l2 l= (l1+l2)/2 𝒍
(in N) N1/2m-1
Increasing Decreasing (m)

Mean = N1/2m-1

1 √𝑻
𝜐= =
4 √𝑚 𝒍

The frequency of alternating current = Hz


1. The wire should be of soft iron or of any other magnetic material.

2. Tip of electromagnet should be very close to the wire in its middle.

Sources of error

1. Wire may not be rigid and of uniform cross-sectional area.

2. Pulley may not be frictionless.

Video link:

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