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Skeletons: The Frame of Life Jan

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the frame of life


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© Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams 2018
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To Adrian Rushton
nonpareil colleague and scholar of ancient skeletons


Acknowledgements ix
Prologue xi
Geological Timeline xiv

1. Skeletons Appear 1

2. A Shell on the Outside 21

3. A Shell on the Inside 60

4. Plant Skeletons 108

5. Mega-skeletons 127

6. Mini-skeletons 149

7. Flying Skeletons 174

8. Skeleton Archives 195

9. Future Skeletons 225

10. Skeletons on Alien Planets 245

Notes 263
References 267
Figure Credits 273
Index 275


T his book arose, as did the previous ones we have written, out of a
moment of improvisation, which then somehow had to be carried
forwards to some kind of conclusion. The idea was to take skeletons, the
(mostly) hidden framework of biological life, which, in ancient form, has also
provided the framework—in somewhat more exposed and visible form—of
much of our professional lives, and make sense of them in the way that
they have underpinned the development of complex life on Earth.
In making this story take shape, we are deeply grateful for the unceas-
ing support and encouragement of Latha Menon and others at Oxford
University Press. Latha has an unrivalled ability to see where a narrative
line might be heading for the rocks, and to gently steer it into more
productive waters, while Jenny Nugee and her colleagues have been
cheerfully patient with our perilously close encounters with deadlines,
and marvellously efficient in compiling the finished product.
As to the subject matter, the content here has been influenced by all
the people who have influenced us as we have come to grips with fossil
skeletons, old and new, in our studies and in our working lives. That is an
awfully long list, but includes colleagues such as David and Derek Siveter,
Richard Fortey, and the late and much missed figures of Dick Aldridge
and Barrie Rickards. We dedicate this book to Adrian Rushton, who has
influenced these pages both directly and indirectly; the range of fossil
skeletons he has covered, expertly, has not been rivalled since the days of
the great Victorian-era polymaths, and the amount of help and support
he has given to others through his career has been immeasurable. We
also thank the following for the images that we have used in this book
and for advice on images: John Ahlgren, Peiyun Cong, Iván Cortijo, Jason
Dunlop, Dennis Hansen, Tom Harvey, Soraya Marali, David Martill,


Giles Miller, Chris Nedza, Mark Purnell, Adrian Rushton, Paul Selden,
David Siveter, Derek Siveter, Vincent Perrier, Ulrich Salzmann, Bernd
Schöne, Ian Wilkinson, Xianguang Hou, Xiaoya Ma, and Jeremy Young.
We thank our families, too—Asih, Kasia, Milana, Mat—for the support
and inspiration that they continually give—and infinite patience, too, as
we steal time to write this book. And our parents too, Doreen, Les, Irena,
and Feliks, who gave us the inspiration to be inquisitive.



W hat links the tumbleweed that has invaded the North American
plains, the single outstretched canine tooth of a narwhal, the
fourth finger of a pterosaur, the carapace of a beetle, and the ancient
submarine mountains, reaching 5 kilometres tall, at the top of which the
coral islands of tropical oceans just emerge at the ocean surface? These are
all forms of skeleton, produced by living organisms in an extraordinary
late flurry of evolution on a planet that was already easing into middle age.
Imagine, then, a world where skeletons had not evolved. We would
not see birds flying through the air to perch on a tree branch, or a cat
leaping high onto a garden wall (perhaps to try to catch one of those
birds), or a crab scuttling on a beach, or a child running through a
playground. We might be forgiven for thinking that a world without
such familiar things would be a bizarre place indeed. But that is just how
it was for most of the history of life on Earth.
The Earth’s surface now holds a vast array of skeletons, from micro-
scopic to gigantic. Some piles of skeletons, like the Great Barrier Reef of
Australia, are so large that they can be seen from space, while others,
visible only through powerful microscopes, show exquisite preservation
of minute structures from hundreds of millions of years ago. Specimens
of the most spectacular skeletons have been avidly sought by humans,
even in antiquity, and their power to awe remains undimmed. Looking
from another perspective, skeletons en masse, assembled down the years
and stored within layers of rock, have been crucial in controlling some of
the Earth’s most important chemical cycles, and in maintaining a habit-
able climate on our planet.
In this book we look at skeletons from many angles, and encompass
all of those mineral frameworks that have allowed life to engineer the


planet we live on. We look at the skeleton innovations that occurred in

deep antiquity, within tiny cells that built forms of scaffolding for them-
selves, and how this led to the eventual evolution of the familiar skel-
etons of today. We explain the very different strategies by which
skeletons can be built, and we show how these frameworks can engineer
an extraordinary diversity of bodies, shapes, sizes, and solutions to the
problem of living.
Looking at life on Earth from the perspective of skeletons can help to
answer some big questions. Why are skeletons made from certain mater-
ials? Why do some animals have their skeletons on the outside, and
others on the inside? What advantages have skeletons conferred to
animals and plants, and what lifestyle possibilities have they enabled?
And how have they re-engineered our planet, in providing the frame-
work for sophisticated networks of life that fashioned the evolution of
Earth’s oceans, land, and atmosphere.
How have skeletons, too, helped human life? The bones of dinosaurs
and marine reptiles are not only prized as spectacular museum pieces, to
give us glimpses of the Earth’s ancient and dramatic past. Farmers have
used them, too, in a much more prosaic and functional way, albeit in a
way that would dismay a palaeontologist. And, now, as we enhance our
own skeletons technologically, and build new skeletons to allow us to
explore our world and other worlds, scientists can look to the structure
of bone and shell that has evolved over millions of years, to provide
inspiration as they construct the new material fabrics of our society.
To humans, skeletons have long been more profound symbols, too, of
both death and permanence, and this resonance has undoubtedly
increased their fascination. In the course of this book, we will come across
some of the scientists who have discovered and studied spectacular skel-
etons, living and fossil, and worked to solve the many mysteries of life and
death on Earth: of how that life came to flourish and develop—and how it
crashed when those skeleton-building powers periodically failed.
What might be the future for skeletons as the Earth grows old? The
inexorable course of our Sun’s evolution as a star means that there is



about another billion years for this particular experiment of Earth-bound

life to run. There is time, therefore, for the story of skeletons on Earth to
develop new chapters yet—and, as we write, new chapters seem to be
beginning. We seem to be on the verge of repeating ancient catastrophes
to the skeletal fabric of our world, and recreating some of the nightmare
worlds of the past, as a gift to our children.
Yet, simultaneously, our species is producing extraordinary novelty.
What might be the future of a planet where skeletons are fashioned of
metal, plastic, silicon, and re-engineered tissue and bone? Perhaps our
new, invented frameworks for life will help us travel towards distant stars
and planets to encounter different organisms with different skeletons?
After the past few tumultuous years of discovery, such odysseys, on this
world and others, might now be realistically contemplated, with both
foreboding and anticipation. Wherever they will take us, skeletons of one
sort or another will establish the framework for future evolution—and
endure thereafter to tell the story.


Time range of different types


of organisms


Burrowing animals
Complex mineralized skeletons



Life ?
Billion years ago


Geological timeline.


EPOCHS Technological
0 0 HOLOCENE skeletons

10 Beginning of
100 CRETA- bipedalism

Abundant calcifying plankton in the oceans
Vertebrate flight


300 40
IFEROUS Beginning of
evolution of
whale skeleton

First known

400 IAN
bat skeleton
Invertebrate flight

Skeletons on land

VICIAN Extinction of

Million years ago

Million years
Diverse complex
skeletons in the sea


C harles Darwin saw a world of two halves. It perplexed him deeply.

He looked at the familiar world around him where cats walked and
leaped, insects and pigeons flew, fish and whales swam in the seas, and
shellfish abounded on sea floors and along coastlines. As a young
scientist circumnavigating the globe on the Beagle, he had collected
fossilized shells in the Canary Islands and the bones of gigantic extinct
sloths and armadillos on the coast of Argentina. Even before that, as a
Cambridge undergraduate student, he had been in the field with that
mighty geologist of Victorian days, Adam Sedgwick, a man who had
extracted countless fossil trilobite skeletons from rock strata formed
during the Cambrian Period that long predated the appearance of bony
animals on land.
Yet, Darwin knew that below these Cambrian rock strata that held
fossil skeletons of many different kinds, there were enormous thicknesses
of yet older rocks of Precambrian times, in which there were no bones
and no shells. How had this ancient world without skeletons changed—
suddenly, it seemed—to a world abounding in these most durable and
versatile frameworks for life?
It is a dilemma that scientists still puzzle over, although the problem is
now framed differently. Perhaps, in some ways, it is even greater. Darwin
could see no evidence for life of any kind in the ancient rocks of the
Precambrian. For all he knew, that world might have been a dead planet.
And, he had no way of measuring the time spans involved, in order to

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assess how long ago this all was. Because we have leant to read the
atomic clocks built into some specific minerals that can be found in
rocks, we know that the Earth is 4.54 billion years old, that traces of
microbial life can be found in rocks at least 3.8 billion years old and
perhaps even as old as 4.1 billion years—and that the skeleton-packed
Cambrian Period began just 541 million years ago. Life has existed
therefore for at least fourth-fifths—and perhaps nine-tenths—of our
planet’s duration. Yet thoroughgoing, familiar, skeletons, and the kind
of life that they literally supported, occupy just the past 12% of Earth
time. Skeletons may, on a planetary timescale, be a latecomer innov-
ation, but they changed the world fundamentally. Indeed, they define
the present geological eon, the Phanerozoic, of which the Cambrian is
the lowest rung.
The problem becomes yet more curious in that we now know too, that
for almost all of the time that life has existed on Earth, microbes could
indeed produce skeletons of a kind that were either too tiny for Darwin
to see or too crude for him to recognize. We know, too, from exceedingly
rare fossils, that soft-bodied multicellular organisms have existed on
Earth for at least 1.2 billion years, and that a distinctive array of mysteri-
ous, multicellular but seemingly skeleton-less organisms, the ‘Ediacara
biota’, became quite widespread in the oceans about 60 million years
before the start of the Cambrian Period.
Whatever the skeleton factor is, it is clearly pretty special—and when
little Cloudina appeared on Earth about 550 million years ago, with its
brand new shell, it was the start of a revolution on the planet.

The First True Skeletons

Preston Cloud would be included in any sensible catalogue of remarkable

geologists. As a young man in the US Navy of the early 1930s, he
became that organization’s bantamweight boxing champion. Later,
not able to attend university due to the Great Depression, he went to


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night school and did manual work at the US National Museum during
the day. An enthusiasm for fossils got him a job as a preparator in the
palaeontology laboratory at the museum, from which opportunity his
career blossomed. A man with a wide-angle view of the Earth and its
place in the cosmos, he is best known for deciphering, in memorable
terms, the larger structure of Precambrian history—he was the one to
coin the term ‘Hadean Eon’ to mark the earliest, most mysterious
part of Precambrian time, for instance. So it is fitting that one of the
earliest known truly skeleton-bearing organisms on Earth is named
after him (Figure 1).
Cloudina (of the family Cloudinidae, just to add further lustre to the
great man) is hugely important, but it is not at all the most spectacular
of fossils. It is basically a rather irregular curved tube, up to a few
millimetres wide and a few centimetres long. The tube has a distinctive
structure, being a set of long cones, stacked one inside the other; the
first cone is closed at its narrow end, and all the others are open.1 And

Figure 1. Cloudina carinata, late Ediacaran (Precambrian), El Membrillar olistostrome,

Helechosa de los Montes, Badajoz Province, Extremadura Region, Spain. Scale bar
is 5 mm.


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that’s it: there are no structures such as holdfasts, no internal partitions,

and no lid. Cloudina is moderately common in strata of the very latest
Precambrian, from about 550 million years ago. It coexisted with the last
of the enigmatic Ediacaran organisms—but they are not found together
in the same rock strata, so perhaps they lived on different parts of the sea
floor. Cloudina has a reasonable claim to represent the beginning of
skeleton formation as we commonly understand it.
The tubes seem to have been constructed of calcite, the common
form of calcium carbonate. Discerning the original composition of
these very early skeletons, of Cloudina and the forms that were to
shortly succeed it, is not always easy. Perhaps because of the chemical
makeup of late Precambrian seas, the shell material was prone to
being altered after death, on the sea floor or just following burial by
sediment. The replacing material is often calcium phosphate, though
in other examples silica is involved, or alternatively calcium carbon-
ate. In the case of Cloudina, well-preserved examples seem to show
that the original shell material was of calcite, in tiny, micrometre-sized
crystals. These crystals seem to have originally been embedded in
some sort of tough exterior organic material, for the somewhat
corrugated appearance of the tubes suggests that they were moder-
ately flexible in life, though they became brittle after death and
What kind of biochemical trick did Cloudina use to make its skeleton?
The basic mechanism of all such biomineralization in all skeleton-builders
hinges on modifying conditions inside the tissues to encourage chemicals
that are generally dissolved in fluid in and around the organism to
crystallize out as hard structures. The sea, in general, is so saturated
with ions of calcium (Ca2+) and carbonate (CO32− ) that calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) can easily crystallize out of it—with no help from biology at all.
Organisms can then encourage this process by tweaking the chemical
conditions around them, by concentrating the ingredients. Or they can
change factors that affect crystallization, of which one of the most
important is the acidity, which is measured on the pH scale, a measure


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of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). The lower the pH—that is

the more hydrogen ions, as it’s an inverse relation—the more acid are the
conditions, discouraging crystallization. Raise the pH in the tissues,
though, to give more alkaline conditions, and crystallization is encour-
aged. Cloudina had clearly evolved an effective biomineralizing mechan-
ism. It had a makeshift skeleton, compared with some of the marvels that
we will consider later. Nevertheless, a thoroughgoing skeleton it was.
Why go to the effort to build it?

Attack of the Soft Animals

Cloudina appeared at about the same time as another major innovation

in the Earth’s biosphere. About 550 million years ago, strata also
begin to show the first signs of substantial burrowing, indicating the
evolution of animals sufficiently muscular and active to push through
the sediments of the sea floor. These animals punctured or churned the
surface of the sediment in a process that geologists call bioturbation, to
produce a mottled, disturbed texture in the rocks. There are occasionally a
few simpler traces in older Precambrian rocks, but nothing of this scale
and complexity. From the beginning of the Cambrian, though, this kind of
bioturbated rock texture becomes common. To push through the sea
floor sediments in this way, a special kind of skeleton was needed, one
with a recognizable head and tail end, of a bilaterian animal.
More primitive animals, such as jellyfish, possess a simple, soft hydro-
static skeleton, a fluid-filled interior, surrounded by muscular layers
under the control of a nervous system. As the fluid here—seawater—is
incompressible, contraction of muscles that may be arranged either
around the animal, or along its length, will change its shape. That is
only a beginning of such muscularity. A jellyfish can move in this way
through seawater—but it cannot burrow through sediment.2
With a more advanced body plan—one with a flexible but tough
external cuticle—the animal can do just that, as any glance at an


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earthworm in garden soil will show (Darwin, who made a detailed study
of earthworms, had as good an insight into these processes as anyone).
That kind of advance was only possible with the evolution of a more
sophisticated and robust array of structural tissues, in the body plan of a
bilaterian animal. Bilaterians include most major animal groups, and the
appearance of bioturbated strata 550 million years ago is evidence of
when this major step within evolution took place.
This truly was a major step, perhaps taken in response to the invention
of predation. For though jellyfish and sea anemones may possess muscle
tissues, and nerves, and a simple gut, at the embryonic stage they only
possess two germ layers of tissue and this limits the range of structures
they can produce. These animals are called diploblasts, and some of them,
like corals, nevertheless went on to build the greatest skeletal structures
that have ever functioned. Most animals, from worms to humans, are
triploblasts, in that the embryo possesses three layers of germ cells. This
evolutionary step was of crucial importance for skeletons, because it
allowed triploblasts to make a much wider range of structures, including
organs. But for our story it enabled the development of the internal bony
skeleton of humans, which is derived from the mesoderm germ layer,
and the mineralized exoskeleton of a trilobite, which is derived from the
outer layer, the ectoderm. And crucially, it produces the unmineralized
but nevertheless tough outer cuticle of a worm, of the kind of organism
that first began tunnelling into the Precambrian sea floor.
This revolution marks our eon, for it heralded the transformation of
the biosphere shortly to follow, and, as one result, made hard skeletons a
crucial part of the biological toolkit for survival. The body of bilaterians
was a major factor—perhaps the major factor—in kick-starting this
biospheric revolution, and as regards our narrative it provided the stron-
gest of selective pressures to encourage development of the solid skeletons
that soon followed. It was an innovation fit to mark an eon.
The formal boundary for the beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon—the one
we still live in—was chosen for a particularly distinctive kind of early burrow,
which represented a kind of three-dimensional corkscrewing movement,


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and named Treptichnus pedum, first seen to appear within sea floor sediments
that now comprise strata in Newfoundland, Canada. These burrows are
similar to burrows made today by a priapulid worm, as it corkscrews
through sea floor sediment in search of prey. This new trick of muscular
movement was thought to represent the most consistently traceable
level for the eon’s beginning and, although it is has proved a little problematic
in practice,3 that is the boundary which, for now, remains in place.
Any animal then possessing the ability to crawl, slither, or burrow
could exploit the food reserves in organic-rich mud, simply by eating that
mud, while microbial mats could be treated as food too. At that delicate
point, the stage was set for further developments. That muscularity, for
many of those early forms, began to be directed towards the hunting and
eating of other organisms, particularly if they were just a little smaller
and a little less mobile. The evolutionary arms race, for so long slow and
quiescent—as far as we can decipher—had begun in earnest. Cloudina was
the first defensive riposte that we know of in this arms race.
The evidence is clear in the fossils themselves. In well-preserved
assemblages of these skeletons, up to one-fifth of Cloudina tubes may
show evidence of attack, in the form of neat circular puncture holes in
the shells.4 Some of the holes are incomplete—they did not penetrate all
the shell, and others were unsuccessful, for the Cloudina individual lived to
be punctured again later in its life—sometimes several times. The shell
therefore undoubtedly formed a protective armour that increased the
chances of survival to the skeleton-maker.
Even at this early stage in the arms race, though, the ecology was not
simple. There seems to have been just one predator in the examples studied,
for there appears to be just one type of puncture mark. But there was
another potential target. Cloudina assemblages may be accompanied in
places by another, similar tubular shell, Sinotubulites (which differs by having
a two-layered tube that is open at both ends5). Where these coexist and there
is evidence of predation, it is Cloudina that is the victim, while Sinotubulites
shells have—in the specimens examined to date, at least—shown no signs
of attack. The early predator seems to have been selective.


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What kept Sinotubulites safe? Perhaps it secreted toxins to keep the

unknown predator at bay, or had additional protective armour made of
organic material, that was not preserved. In the arms race made possible
by mobility and armour, complexity was there right from the start—and
it was only to increase, with the extraordinary outburst of skeleton
construction that was, very shortly, to follow.

An Eruption of Skeletons

‘Darwin’s dilemma’ marked the sudden change from ancient barren strata,
seemingly devoid of signs of life, to more recent strata abounding in the
remains of shells and carapaces, of which Cloudina and Sinotubulites were just
the advance guard. Charles Darwin saw this absence as a major problem in his
attempts to explain how life evolved on Earth—and would have been even
more puzzled had he been aware that the Earth nurtured skeleton-bearing life
for a mere one-eighth of its history. He would have expected to see the
fossilized remains of more primitive ancestors, extending back into the
mists of time. To him complex, skeletonized, fossilizable life seemed to
come in abruptly at the ‘explosion’ of fossils at the beginning of the Cambrian.
However, after more than a century of painstaking study of the strata,
we can now ask more detailed questions about this Cambrian explosion
of life. Quite how sudden was it, and how closely tied to the acquisition
of skeletons? Was the explosion essentially one of easily fossilizable
skeletons that followed a long, cryptic history of complex, soft, multi-
cellular organisms? Did skeleton-making arise just once, or did it appear
independently in different evolutionary lines of organisms? Was the
ability to make skeletons triggered by the development of sufficiently
sophisticated biology, or was it caused by some kind of environmental
changes, to make skeleton-making easier? Or by both? There is a plethora
of questions here, based around the complex relation of skeletons
to biology and to planetary conditions. We can unpick them—some of
them, at least—one by one.


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The fossil record is much better known than it was in Darwin’s time
(Darwin himself was rather deprecating about the use of fossils in
providing evidence for what he called ‘descent with modification’ and
what we now know as biological evolution; in The Origin of Species, he
placed more weight on evidence from animal breeding). Crucially, the
fossil record has now been numerically calibrated—that is, it has been
dated in numbers of millions of years, using radiometric ages. Amid the
skeleton-bearing strata, there are, here and there, layers of volcanic ash.
These commonly contain crystals of minerals such as zircon (zirconium
silicate) and monazite (a phosphate of rare earth elements) which, when
they grew, included significant amounts of the radioactive element uran-
ium. Radioactive decay of the uranium to lead within the crystal is
the basis of a highly effective atomic clock, which in good circumstances
can establish the age of a stratum to the nearest million years or so—even
at a distance of half a billion years.
Cloudina, Sinotubulites, and others—those first true shell-formers—
followed shortly after the very first burrows, and were themselves
followed soon after, in geological terms, by the distinctive three-
dimensional fossilized burrows of Treptichnus pedum, chosen to mark the
official beginning of the Cambrian Period and simultaneously the Phan-
erozoic Eon (and simultaneously too, of the intermediate category of
time division, the Palaeozoic Era that ended catastrophically 252 million
years ago). Strata laid down over the next few million years of the
Cambrian Period include the next stage in skeleton formation. These
are the ‘small shelly fossils’—a variety of minute button-like, or tube-
like, or shell-like fossils, which typically range from fractions of a milli-
metre to a few millimetres in size. These are disarticulated remains, like a
broken-up suite of chainmail armour. And as a result, it is often difficult
to know what animal they belonged to. Many of these animals remain
puzzling, but some have, by careful study, been related to different types
of organism. The Cambrian explosion was gathering pace.
Then, a little more than 520 million years ago, there appeared the
signature fossil of the Cambrian, the trilobite (Figure 2). To many people,


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Figure 2. Trilobite, Paradoxides paradoxissimus preserved in limestone, Varnhem,

12 km E of Skara, Vastergotland, Sweden. Scale bar is 5 cm.

these charismatic fossils symbolize palaeontology perhaps even more

than do the dinosaurs and the mammoths. With their large, lustrous,
calcified external skeleton, subdivided into head, body, and tail, com-
monly armed with prominent spinose projections, they are unlike any
animal living, and have attracted attention long before they began to


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be studied palaeontologically. They were prized as decorative objects by

the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Romans—and also by the Ute Native
Americans, who extracted superb specimens of the trilobite now known
to paleontologists as Elrathia kingi from the rock layers of Utah, and who
believed that amulets made of these ‘little water bugs’ guarded against
illness and bullets. This allure to the human sense of the aesthetic (and,
in the case of the Ute people, the spiritual) is a reflection of the complex,
segmented trilobite armour, which has a skeletal sophistication far beyond
the simple tubes of Cloudina. Trilobites can be found even in rock strata that
have been strongly altered by heat and pressure underground—such as the
Welsh slates that Adam Sedgwick studied. Their skeletons are emblematic
of the change that came in with the advent of Cambrian time, and they are
often the only fossils to be commonly found when palaeontologists
hammer their way through early Cambrian rock successions.
Other types of skeleton appeared around the same time. As well as the
‘small shelly fossils’, which include some enigmatic, if not downright
weird animals, there were the first echinoderms, brachiopods (sometimes
called ‘lamp shells’), gastropods, and archaeocyathids—extinct sponge-
like organisms whose robust tube-like skeletons could pile up so thickly
that they formed the first true reefs of the ocean. It was quite a menagerie.
The main burst of skeleton formation in the Cambrian explosion took
perhaps as long as 30 million years—roughly half the time that separ-
ates us from the dinosaurs. Preston Cloud called it the ‘Cambrian eruption’
because of its unfolding over such a long duration—and also because, as
he wryly noted, ‘it didn’t make any noise’. Nevertheless, following billions
of years of morphological near stasis in Precambrian time, it was an
extraordinary, and exceedingly rapid, burst of skeletal innovation, which
effectively determined the pattern of life and of evolution up to the present
day. Virtually all of the major body plans of living organisms—including
that of the vertebrates—appeared in this radiation, and this has determined
the development of skeleton types to this day.
Rapid though this evolution was, it was not unreasonably rapid.6 Darwin’s
famous misgivings about this event, about it not being explicable by


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normal evolutionary processes, can be allayed, although that has not

stopped the generation of adventurous ideas. It is known that evolution
is not a one-speed process, whether measured in terms of observable
change in size and shape between older and younger fossilized organ-
isms, or as change inferred from genetic patterns in modern organ-
isms. For instance, small islands do not usually have enough resources
to support large mammals, and so any large mammal populations
that do find themselves on small islands—trapped there by some
change in sea level, perhaps—commonly undergo ‘island dwarfing’,
markedly and rapidly shrinking in size. Fossils show that this can
happen over only thousands, rather than millions, of years (the last
known mammoths, on Wrangel Island north of Siberia, were not
much bigger than a pony for this reason, before they finally died out
some 4000 years ago7). The appearance of major biological innov-
ations, too, leads to rapid evolution, as the new features are quickly
honed—and as the other species affected by them adapt in response.
The Cambrian explosion, or eruption, was a time of extraordinary
and major biological innovation, and rates of evolution were height-
ened to match that.

Harder and Softer Skeletons

There is something of a catch-22 here. If all of our direct evidence of past

life comes from fossils, then it is restricted to those organisms that
fossilize, and hence to those organisms with skeletons of one sort or
another. These skeletons may possess a complete body armour as in
some organisms, or just one or two skeletal parts in an otherwise soft-
bodied organism, like the hard resistant teeth of mostly soft-bodied
sharks. No matter—each will leave easily traceable clues to their former
owners in the strata. But what about organisms that are wholly soft-
bodied? How much of the evolutionary story of the Cambrian is hidden
from us because of our understandable focus on skeletons?


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Luckily, we now have some measure of this, because Cambrian rock

successions are—for reasons that have been much debated but are still a
little obscure—rich in those prized fossil localities where both soft and
hard tissues have been petrified, to give a more complete picture of the
biology of those times: ‘windows on life’, as they have sometimes been
called, or, more technically, conservation ‘Lagerstätten’ (the word derives
from the German for ‘storage place’. The word is usually capitalized, as are
all nouns in German, and the singular form is ‘Lagerstätte’).
Two such Lagerstätten are of prime importance to this story. One is
the Burgess Shale, in British Columbia in Canada, and the other is
the equally astonishing, more recently discovered Chengjiang Biota of
Yunnan Province, China. The Burgess Shale was discovered by the
celebrated geologist Charles Walcott. This particular shale lies in high,
rugged terrain, on the steep flank of Mount Stephen. Walcott first heard
in 1886 that magnificent trilobite specimens had come from thereabouts,
but it was only in 1907 that he managed to explore the mountain for
himself; the visit was brief, but he found some fine trilobites, encouraging
him to go back and look for more. And in 1909 he first found fossils of a
kind never seen before—including sponges and baroque crustacean-like
animals, their legs and antennae finely preserved. Knowing this was a
major find, he went back each summer, complete with wife and children,
who made the steep trek up the mountainside with him on horseback.
Over several summers this improvised family business opened up a
respectably sized quarry on the mountain side. Using hammers, chisels,
large crowbars—and sometimes dynamite—large slabs of shale were
levered out, slid down the slope and split open for their treasure trove
of magnificent fossils, of which some 65 000 specimens eventually made
their way back to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, where they
still reside, neatly arranged in drawers with their original labels.
The Burgess Shale represents the middle part of the Cambrian Period,
about 500 million years ago, and some time after the main detonation of
the Cambrian explosion. The Chengjiang deposits are even older, dating
back to just after the appearance of trilobites on the Earth. These were


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discovered, serendipitously,8 by a young geologist, Xianguang Hou, who

at that time was working at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palae-
ontology. The fossils, with their exquisite preservation of both soft and
hard tissues, are preserved in vivid orange and brown on the pale yellow
rock, contrasting nicely with the silvery-fossil-on-black-shale preserva-
tion common in the Burgess Shale. In both cases, the high-fidelity
preservation is at least partly due to both of these rock successions
representing mass burial events, when portions of Cambrian sea floors
where the animals lived were suddenly overwhelmed by catastrophic
slurries of dense mud.9 Thus entombed, the carcasses were preserved
from both scavenging and decay—until brought into the light again by
the questing palaeontologists of our era. Given this much more repre-
sentative sampling of the biology of the Cambrian sea floor—how
common, or how rare, were animals with hard skeletons compared to
soft-bodied ones? Were they still just rarities among a throng of soft-
bodied animals that we happen to find commonly as fossils because of
their hard shells—or were they really abundant at those times?
Based on systematic studies of tens of thousands of specimens from
both of these Lagerstätten, the pattern is clear. Even just after the main
phase of the Cambrian explosion, skeletons were very much the order of
the day on Cambrian sea floors. Three main sorts of skeleton could be
recognized, and between them they accounted for most of the fossils
present. First, there were animals like the trilobites and brachiopods, with
hard biomineralized external skeletons. These are the kind of ‘hard-
shelled’ animals that are commonly found as fossils in ‘normal’ strata,
and not just in rare Lagerstätten.
Then, there are animals, including many arthropods, which have skel-
etons every bit as biologically real as those of their hard-shelled kin that act
as support for muscles in exactly the same way—but which differ simply in
not being biomineralized, in lacking that extra hardening by (usually)
calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate. This kind of non-biomineralized
skeleton is rarely found in normal strata, and it needs the enhanced
fossil-preserving qualities of a Lagerstätte to illuminate the former


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abundance and diversity of the animals that were so lightly armoured.

Today, such a delicate, non-biomineralized skeleton is typical of many
shrimps and of animals like krill, which are hugely abundant, but which
have a very sparse fossil record. Even in animals with mineralized skeletons
such as the trilobites, there were portions, such as the limbs, which lacked
such armouring and so are typically only seen in Lagerstätte specimens.
Then, there are kinds of ‘soft’ skeletons that we have noted above,
where bilaterian animals such as worms possess a tough outer cuticle
that is the framework for the soft tissues within. These also are rarely
preserved as fossils in normal circumstances. (They are also rarely con-
sidered as ‘skeletons’ in the common understanding of the word.)
Arthropods, with their external or exoskeletons, are the dominant
fossils in both the Chengjiang and Burgess shales,10 in terms of both
numbers of individuals and numbers of species recognized (Figure 3).
Most of them possess non-biomineralized skeletons and so are only
‘visible’ in these Lagerstätten. Other common skeletal fossils were the

Figure 3. Fossil arthropod Chuandianella ovata, lower Cambrian, Chengjiang

Biota, Yunnan Province, China. Horizontal field of view is 3 cm. The head-end
of the animal is to the left, with the segmented trunk to the right.


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Figure 4. Fossil worms, Maotianshania cyclindrica, lower Cambrian, Chengjiang

Biota, Yunnan Province, China. Horizontal field of view is 2.3 cm.

brachiopods, sponges, hyolithids (enigmatic animals with a conical

shell, which have recently been allied with the brachiopods11) and mol-
luscs. Worms with their cuticular skeletons (Figure 4) made a strong
showing, particularly the priapulid worms (so named for their fanciful
resemblance to a human penis) that we have already mentioned. Indeed,
in terms of individuals, the priapulids formed the dominant element in
collections made at a few levels within the Chengjiang deposits. Other
animals included lobopods, which also have a flexible, sclerotized external
skeleton rather like that of worms, sometimes with mineralized sclerites
that make small shelly fossils (Figure 5). Truly soft-bodied animals like the
cnidarians (sea anemones) and ctenophores (comb jellies) are rarely found
in these Lagerstätten (Figure 6). The chordates, from which the vertebrates
were to arise, are great rarities in these strata too.


Figure 5. Fossil lobopod, Microdictyon sinicum, lower Cambrian, Chengjiang

Biota, Yunnan Province, China. The narrow coiled part of the body to the left
is assumed to be the head end. Horizontal field of view is 2 cm.

Figure 6. Fossil comb jelly, Maotianoascus octonarius, lower Cambrian, Chengjiang

Biota, Yunnan Province, China. Horizontal field of view is 0.78 cm.


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The skeleton factor, therefore, clearly played a large part from very
near the beginning of complex multicellular life. Both the ‘normal’ fossil
record and exceptional localities like those of the Burgess and Chengjiang
mudrocks have given us powerful insights into how skeleton-bearing
animals were an integral part, and not a bit player, amid the pattern of life
in Cambrian times.

Primordial Skeletons of Lilliput?

Michael Welland’s book Sand12 shows beautifully how ordinary material

can be extraordinary when viewed through an appropriate prism.
Among the most striking aspects of sand are not the grains themselves,
although the physics of sand grain movement is both beautiful and
complex. It is what can be found between them, among grains on a
beach or in a shallow sea. Making a living in the spaces between the sand
grains are a multitude of tiny animals, a fraction—often a very small
fraction—of a millimetre long. There is a whole gallery of them, most
with entirely unfamiliar names: gastrotrichs, kinorhynchs, loriciferans,
gnathostomulids, and more.
The unfamiliarity extends to science. The loriciferans, for example,
were recognized as a distinct category only in 1983, and yet they repre-
sent a separate animal phylum. Since that time, 36 species have been
described, at least a hundred new forms are present, not yet described, in
museum collections, and perhaps as many as a thousand further species
are out there in the world, as yet unrecognized. The loriciferans have
their own chitinous outer skeleton, looking a little like a microscopic ice-
cream cone, which they anchor so firmly to sediment grains that they
can’t be shaken off (a major reason for their late discovery), and from this
cone extends a mass of feeding arms.
The kinorhynchs are relatives of the loriciferans and equally tiny,
though have been given the more ferocious-sounding nickname of
mud dragons, as they can live between mud as well as sand particles.


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Kinorhynchs have a microscopic segmented body, with a tough cuticle

exterior serving as exoskeleton, from which extend spines that are used
to help the animal move around. The gnathostomulids by contrast are
soft-bodied, worm-like in appearance—though they have minute but
tough ‘teeth’ made of chitin.
These, and other Lilliputian animals, make up quite a menagerie, and
are abundant on Earth (similar assemblages are found in soils), if mostly
unnoticed by we Brobdignadian humans. Collectively they form the
meiofauna.13 The crucial thing about them is that although they are
not much larger than many single-celled protozoans (and are indeed,
smaller than some), they are complete, if highly miniaturized animals,
with tissue layers and organs—and many have thoroughgoing, elaborate
skeletons too, albeit ones that are too tiny and too weakly mineralized
to be capable of being easily fossilized. This has led to the meiofauna
being suggested as one answer to the key question of the Cambrian
explosion: how complex, skeleton-bearing multicellular organisms
seem to have appeared over a relatively short time, geologically speaking,
already fully formed. ‘Darwin’s dilemma’ had been compounded because
of evidence arising out of a ‘molecular clock’, where analysis of the
molecular structure of the genes of living organisms has suggested
that the major branches of animals began to split off from each other
some 800 million years ago.
Perhaps, it has been said, the visible, palaeontological record of evo-
lution of large, multicellular animals with complex, hard mineralized
skeletons like the trilobites was preceded by tens or even hundreds of
millions of years of evolution of such meiofaunal animals, so tiny and
with such delicate skeletons that they would be almost unfossilizable
under normal conditions, and so would be hidden from us?14
It is a lovely, enticing idea, of evolution in a Lilliput animal world of the
late Precambrian. And one aspect of some of the meiofaunal animals has
been seen as offering support for such an early, hidden phase of evolu-
tion of tiny animals with diaphanous skeletons: the ability of some of
them to survive under conditions with very little oxygen—conditions that


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would have been more widespread in Precambrian seas. This has led to
much searching of late Precambrian strata for some ‘meiofauana
Lagerstätte’ that might yield exceptionally preserved examples of such
minuscule, delicate fossils—and hence give proof to this tempting theory.
Alas, the Precambrian has so far stubbornly refused to yield any such
fossils. It has yielded other fossils that one would have thought yet
more delicate and unfossilizable, such as fossilized embryos of some
still unknown organism in 570-million-year-old rocks in China. And,
conversely, the palaeontologists Tom Harvey and Nick Butterfield have
recently found a beautifully preserved fossil of an undoubted loriciferan,
with its delicate skeleton-cone containing a tangled mass of its (soft) arms
too, in Cambrian strata from Canada.15 Hence, such miniaturized ani-
mals can indeed be fossilized, albeit rarely.
It seems likely, then, that the Cambrian explosion (or eruption) is
exactly what the name conveys—a phenomenon where the major
groups of animals arose, and developed their skeletons (whether full
size or miniature), essentially in Cambrian times.
It is time to look at that variety of skeletons more closely.



I n the summer of 1945, in the part of the New Mexico desert called the
‘Jornado del Muerto’– which translates as the ‘journey of the dead
man’—the world’s first atomic bomb exploded. Some time later, giant
human-eating ants climbed out of the desert to terrorize the inhabitants
of Los Angeles, building a colossal underground nest in the city’s drains
and sewers. This, at least, is what happened in the 1954 sci-fi classic
Hollywood movie Them. The idea of giant arthropods, mutating after
scientists have tinkered with their biology, did not stop with the ants. In
1955, a 30-metre-high tarantula rampaged out of the Arizona desert in
the film titled, predictably enough, Tarantula! It had been re-engineered by
scientists whose inventiveness also stretched to giant rabbits and enor-
mous guinea pigs. After consuming a few cows and people, this spec-
tacular arachnid was finally itself consumed, by fire, napalmed by the US
Air Force. The giant arthropod theme has been reprised: the Starship
Troopers battled an endless supply of oversized insects from outer space,
while just to turn the tables, in the film Aliens Sigourney Weaver dons an
artificial exoskeleton to do final battle with the monstrous queen Alien.
Is the possibility of gigantic man-eating bugs a realistic proposition?
Looking back at the truly huge organisms that once roamed—and indeed
still roam—our planet, did any of them have their skeletons on the
outside? The answer, luckily, is ‘no’. Because, 30 metres of angry Tarantula
with its giant pincer-like claws would likely have made short work of any
animal with an internal skeleton, including elephants, mammoths, and

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Tyrannosaurus rex. Animals with their skeletons on the outside—those

with exoskeletons—have a limited size range to which they can grow,
on this planet at least. How big is big, then, for different types of skeleton?

How Big is Big?

‘Bigness’ in skeletons is relative. For a tiny, unicellular foraminifer—

a relative of an amoeba with a shell—to have a skeleton over 1 centimetre
in diameter is enormous. Yet, just such giant foraminifer skeletons—
called Nummulites—packed together in their billions, form the limestones
of which the great pyramids at Giza in Egypt were constructed. We
humans, though, looking from the perspective of our own vertebrate
skeletons, tend to be impressed by yet bigger vertebrates. Blue whales,
hence, are big, the biggest being over 30 metres long (Figure 7). Some
dinosaurs were even bigger, if length is the main criterion: the South

Figure 7. The skeleton of the blue whale exhibited in the main gallery of the
Natural History Museum in London.


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American Cretaceous dinosaur Argentinosaurus may have been nearly

40 metres long. Such ‘big’ animals grow their skeletons on the inside.
How big can an animal become, though, if its skeleton is on the
outside? The empirical answer seems to be about 3 metres. This is with
a whole-body exoskeleton. If the external shell is reduced or lost through
evolution, then the constraints are relaxed, and the animal can grow
larger. The ‘colossal squid’ (that really is the animal’s name) is a gigantic
mollusc known to grow to nearly 14 metres long. Its ancestors had an
external skeleton, and the colossal squid still preserves a skeleton, though
this has become internal: called a gladius, it resembles the shape of a
Roman soldier’s sword. The colossal squid is truly big, then, being
somewhat larger than the biggest great white shark which is just over
6 metres long—though the squid’s long tentacles make up most of its
length, the body itself being 2 to 3 metres long.
Why is it that animals with their skeletons on the outside are
generally—from our perspective—quite small?
The answer is a matter of engineering. Skeletons support a body’s
tissues, including heavy structures such as the major organs, and make
points of attachment for the muscles. As an animal grows, the skeleton
grows with it, thickening its supportive structures. It is here that two clear
problems arise for an animal with its skeleton on the outside: how does it
continue to grow within its skeleton; and how does it continue to
support its body using, essentially, hollow tubes?
For animals with open-ended external skeletons such as molluscs,
which add continuously to their shells as they grow bigger, the first
problem is easily solved. A gastropod like the humble garden snail
simply adds coils to its shell, and a bivalve such as a scallop adds new
shell at its edge. Even then, it is notable that the largest living bivalve, the
giant clam, is typically just over 1 metre long, whilst the largest of all
ancient bivalves, the Cretaceous Inoceramus steenstrupi, may have reached
about twice that size.
But in an animal like an arthropod, the tissues are entirely enclosed
within its cuticle. Think of a spider or a lobster. Simply adding to the


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edges, or growing an extra coil, is no answer, and is indeed impossible.

This poses a major problem for arthropods, particularly those on land,
because while they are growing the animal must moult its skeleton
to form a newer, larger one. Arthropods, then, are vulnerable to attack,
and that might be one of the reasons for their overall small size. All the
authorities in Los Angeles terrorized by ‘Them’ needed to do was to
simply sit back and wait for the ants to moult, at which point they
could have been dispatched with ease.
There is a more significant problem for those giant ants too, because
their legs would literally crumple beneath them as they got bigger. Their
skeleton is a thin, hollow structure, essentially an elongated long tube
suspended on a series of smaller tubular legs (six in the case of ants). And
therein lies the problem. As our radioactive ants grew bigger, doubling
their length, their weight went up eightfold. Their tubular, hollow legs
could not keep pace with this increasing weight, and the only answer—
thickening the tubes—would simply produce a skeleton so heavy that
the ants’ muscles would fail. Poor ants! Rather than Los Angeles being a
city of terrorized citizens, fleeing in all directions, it would have been
a somewhat grisly but quite harmless sight: a mass of half-moulted
and rotted carcasses of collapsed giant arthropods. That 30-metres-high
tarantula, of course, would have been proportionately in a yet more
distressed state.
Perhaps the filmmakers of Them! and Tarantula would have had better
luck with a gigantic, marauding millipede, though this creature does not
quite conjure up the same horror. Nevertheless, the largest terrestrial
arthropod that ever lived was Arthropleura, a millipede that regularly grew
beyond 2 metres long, but which, thankfully for us, lived 300 million
years ago in the tropical forests of the Carboniferous Period. Arthropleura
was once thought to be a ferocious predator, but more likely it was a
plant eater, with rather modest mouthparts. How then, did Arthropleura
get so big? There are probably several reasons. Firstly, given its size,
Arthropleura may have had few natural predators in its Carboniferous
homelands. After all, arthropods had a head start in the process of


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colonizing the land, the ancestors of Arthropleura being in the vanguard of

this colonization during the late Silurian Period, some 100 million years
earlier. They were therefore already very well adapted for the Carbon-
iferous landscape. And, the Carboniferous atmosphere may have been
much richer in oxygen too, perhaps to as much as 35%, making respir-
ation easier for a large land-based arthropod. Though details of the
respiration system in Arthropleura are unknown, by analogy with living
millipedes, it likely breathed through two pairs of tiny surface valves or
spiracles in the exoskeleton of each body segment, and these were
attached to a tracheal system—itself a series of infolds of the exoskeleton
that delivered oxygen to the animal’s tissues. In Arthropleura, the tracheal
system was probably attached to a long tubular heart that extended
through much of the body. For terrestrial arthropods, this tracheal
system, which is not able to deliver oxygen to the animal’s tissues as
effectively as can the lungs or gills of vertebrate animals, is another factor
limiting overall body size.
But Arthropleura was not the largest arthropod of all time. That crown is
taken by two aquatic animals: one from the Devonian Period, a giant ‘sea
scorpion’ called Jaekelopterus, and the other being the living Japanese
Spider Crab. Jaekelopterus was a fearsome creature that lived in the Late
Devonian Period about 380 million years ago. Despite being a ‘sea
scorpion’, it actually lived in freshwater lakes of Europe and North
America. With its 2.5-metre-long body and nearly half-metre-long
chelicerae (claws), it must have been an effective predator that likely
hunted fish and other arthropods. Also looking like a monster from
one of those 1950s American horror movies, but rather less ferocious
in reality, is the Japanese Spider Crab, the largest of all arthropods if its
appendages are included, reaching an impressive 5.5 metres in length from
claw to claw. In reaching this size the crab has avoided the problem of
hollow tubes and increasing weight, in that its body remains small (only
about 40 centimetres long) whilst its legs grow extraordinarily gangly.
And this is why, in that epic deep-sea battle between the sperm whale
and the giant squid, it will always be the whale that outclasses the squid in


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‘tentacle to jaw’ combat. The spider crab and colossal squid may be big, if
the size of their limbs is also included, though their bodies must always
remain quite small. Possessing an exoskeleton precludes growing a large
body––at least from the point of view of a terrestrial vertebrate. But the
huge number of animals that have adopted this style of skeleton, or have
secondarily adopted it in vertebrates such as the porcupine, hedgehog,
and the dinosaur Anklyosaurus, indicate that exoskeletons are nonetheless
really useful, not just as support structures, but also as armour-plating.

Armour-Plated Animals

For most of Earth history, organisms did not possess armour-plating. Its
invention during the late Precambrian and early Cambrian, between
about 550 and 520 million years ago, may have led to an evolutionary
arms race between predator and predated, rather in the way that the
discovery of metal—and artificial armour-plating—in the Bronze Age
produced an arms race between different human cultures that still goes
on today.
Despite the limits to size, many groups of animals make their skel-
etons on the outside, not just because this is a good way to support and
articulate muscles, but because this armour-plating offers considerable
security against attack. Many of these animals with exoskeletons are as
familiar to us as snails, oysters, and the Nautilus, though some molluscs
buck this trend—squid having a remnant shell on the inside, but no shell
on the outside. Corals, brachiopods, and less commonly known groups
such as pterobranchs, bryozoans, and phoronids also have their skel-
etons on the outside. But the most successful group of animals to have
evolved exoskeletons are the Ecdysozoa, those which periodically shed
their ‘skins’ by moulting (a process technically termed ecdysis, hence the
name), and which include ants, velvet worms, priapulid worms, beetles,
spiders, and crabs. To this group of ‘skin-shedding’ animals belong
groups such as the polychaete worms, well known to fishermen, who


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collect lugworms by digging beneath their telltale ‘worm-like’ patterns

on a sandy beach at falling tide. These were the patterns you may have
squashed with your feet as a child.
Why then, given that building an exoskeleton limits your overall size,
have so many different kinds of animal developed them? That story
begins in the late Precambrian, about 550 million years ago, with some
of the probable ancestors of later animals. Given that the development of
some of the earliest skeletons was possibly a response to predation, with
tiny holes drilled in the shells of Cloudina, one should revisit the Cambrian
world to seek evidence of animals making a wider range of exoskeletons.

Humpty Dumpty World

As different types of animals began to make external skeletons during the

early Cambrian Period, they experimented with many shapes and forms.
They typically constructed these exoskeletons piecemeal, so we find them
mainly as disarticulated remains, broken up by the action of sea bottom
currents and decay, to be preserved in rocks as ‘small shelly fossils’, usually
abbreviated by palaeontologists to ‘SSFs’. Reassembling these broken-up
remains to discover the animal’s true identity needs time, patience, and
much familiarity with these fossils. It is rather like all of the king’s horses
and all the king’s men putting Humpty Dumpty back together again—
though, as most of the pieces are usually missing, there is little clue to what
Humpty originally looked like.
The name ‘small shelly fossils’ was first coined by the palaeontologists
Crosbie Matthews and Vladimir Missarzhevsky in 1975. The name is a bit
of a ‘catch-all’, in that it refers to the skeletal remains of diverse animals
including brachiopods, the ancient relatives of sea urchins and velvet
worms, possible molluscs, and some animals that are so bizarre that
they currently defy classification. Nevertheless, it has proved popular
with scientists who, understanding its limitations, use the term to help
their discussions about the origins of different skeletons during latest


    

Precambrian and early Cambrian times. SSFs are one of nature’s first
extensive experiments with making many different types of complex
biomineralized skeletons. While some SSFs represent the whole skeleton
of a tiny presumed animal, as with Cloudina, most are disassembled and
hence need putting back together.
One of the great pioneers of studying the disarticulated remains of
these early animal skeletons was Englishman Edgar Sterling Cobbold,
born in 1851, the eldest son of a surgeon. Cobbold worked as a civil
engineer—he was in part responsible for engineering the impressive late
Victorian dams of the Elan Valley in central Wales that supply the English
city of Birmingham with much of its water. But it was really geology that
he devoted himself to. In 1886, he moved to the small Shropshire town of
Church Stretton, near the border with Wales. With its nearby rolling hills
encompassing strata of Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian
age, Church Stretton was a veritable paradise for Cobbold. Or rather, he
made it so, becoming adept, over decades of work, at patiently gleaning
fossils even from unpromising-looking rock layers, and then patiently
extricating them from the tough rock matrix, with the help of a mounted
needle and magnifying glass. He was one of those tireless, dedicated field
geologists who took the broad geological visions of the great geologists
of Victorian times and hammered them out into precisely detailed pat-
terns of the history of ancient life.
Cobbold—who continued to collect fossils to within a week of his
death—found, amongst many other fossils, small shelly fossils in Cam-
brian rocks near the hamlet of Comley. Cobbold recorded his fossil
discoveries in many scientific publications. Perhaps his most significant
work, published in 1921, is The Cambrian Horizons of Comley (Shropshire) and
their Brachiopoda, Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, etc. The title is dry, but the study
was meticulous and influential. Amongst his many descriptions in
that work is that of the skeleton of an animal he called Lapworthella,
after one of those grand figures of Victorian times, Charles Lapworth,
Professor at Birmingham University and founder of the Ordovician
System. Lapworthella is included among the small shelly fossils, being

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
12,000 30,000
Wood flour filler 5,000- 10-25 28,000- 10,000- 0.08
12,000 36,000 16,000
Mineral filler 4,000- 10-45 24,000- 8,000- 0.08
12,000 36,000 14,000
Fabric filler 5,000- 7-12 26,000- 10,000- 1.6
10,000 30,000 16,000
Urea—Formaldehyde 8,000- 16 24,000- 13,000- 0.7
13,000 35,000 15,000
Vinyl, unfilled 8,000- 3.5-4.1 10,000- 0.3
10,000 13,000
Vinyl, filled 6,000- 3.5-8.5 0.1
Acrylate 7,000- 1.0 6 8,000 15,000- 0.25
9,000 17,000
Polystyrene 5,500- 1.0 4.6-5.1 13,000- 6,500- 0.16
7,500 13,500 8,000
Other plastics:
Shellac compound 900-
Cold molded 6,000- 5,300-
15,000 7,500
} 16,000 6,000
Rubber compounds:
Chlorinated rubber 3.
Modified isomerized rubber 4,300 0.013 4.7 8,500-11,000 7,000- 2.6
Hard rubber 4,000- 8-15 5.3 8,000-
10,000 12,000
Casein 7,600 5.1-5.7
Cellulose compounds:
Ethyl cellulose 2,000- 2.8 1-4; I, N
Cellulose acetate sheet 6,000- 20-55 1-3 4,000- 2-7; C,
11,000 16,000
Cellulose acetate molding 3,500- 10-48 2-4 11,000- 5,200- 3-12; C,
10,000 16,000 8,800
Cellulose nitrate 5,000- 10-40 2-4 3-12; C,

1 ASTM D256-34T. C = Charpy; I = izod; N = notched; U = unnotched.

2 2.5 mm ball; 25 kg. load unless otherwise noted.

3 50 kg. load.

4 10 mm. ball; 500 kg. load.

5 Shore.

6 10 kg. load.

Note.—The values for the properties in this table are based upon maximum and minimum figures
submitted to Modern Plastics by a number of manufacturers of each type of material. Differences in
test procedures and sizes of test specimens may lead to erroneous conclusions in some cases if
direct comparisons are attempted. Special grades of materials are often available which excel in one
particular property.
Source: Modern Plastics, vol. 15, No. 2, opp. p. 120; October 1937.

Table 20.—Synthetic resins and other plastics: Heat properties

Thermal Specific Thermal to Softening
Type u
conductivity heat expansion continuous point
10⁻⁴ calories
per second per Calories per
square centimeter °C. per gram 10⁻⁶ per °C. °F. °F.
per 1°C. per
Synthetic resins:
Molded, wood flour filler 4-12.2 0.35-0.36 3.7-7.5 350 None 24
Molded, mineral filler 8-20 0.25-0.35 2.5-4 450 do.
Molded, fabric filler 3-5 0.30-0.35 2-6 250-350 do.
Laminated, paper base 5-8 0.3 -0.4 2 212-300 do. 3
Laminated, fabric base 5-8 0.3 -0.4 3 212-350 do.
Laminated, asbestos cloth base 2 400-500 do.
Cast 3-5 0.3-0.4 2.8 160
Wood flour filler 3.5-5 0.3-0.4 3 280-400 Chars 450 26
Mineral filler 10-20 0.3-0.4 2 350-500 Chars 550 27
Fabric filler 5-8 0.3-0.4 4.5 280-350 Chars 400
Urea—Formaldehyde 7.13 1.5 160 None 2
Vinyl, unfilled 4 0.244 6.9 130-160 14
Vinyl, filled Varies Varies Varies 130-160 14
Acrylate 4.3-6.8 0.45 8.5 170-235
Styrol 1.9 0.324 10.2 110-200
Other plastics:
Shellac compound 150-190 150
Cold molded:
Nonrefractory 500
Refractory 1,300
Rubber compounds:
Chlorinated rubber 175-230
Modified isomerized rubber 2.6-2.9 7-8 165-220 16
Hard rubber 3.2 0.33 8.0 150-190
Casein 8 2
Cellulose compounds:
Ethyl cellulose 21
Cellulose acetate sheet 5.4-8.7 0.3-0.4 14-16 140-180 140-230 12
Cellulose acetate molding 5.4-8.7 0.3-0.45 14-16 140-180 145-260 12
Cellulose nitrate 3.1-5.1 0.34-0.38 12-16 ca. 140 160-195

Note.—The values for the properties in this table are based upon maximum and minimum figures
submitted to Modern Plastics by a number of manufacturers of each type of material. Differences in
test procedures and sizes of test specimens may lead to erroneous conclusions in some cases if
direct comparisons are attempted. Special grades of material are often available which excel in one
particular property.
Source: Modern Plastics, vol. 15, No. 2, opp. p. 120. October 1937.

Table 21.—Synthetic resins and other plastics: Electrical properties

resistivity Dielectric constant Power fact
Type 60 cycles
(volts per mil 60 10³ 10⁶ 60 10³
(instantaneous)) cycles cycles cycles cycles cycles
(ohm =
Synthetic resins:
Molded, wood flour filler 10¹⁰-10¹² 300-500 5-12 4-8 4.5-8 0.04- 0.04-
0.30 0.15
Molded, mineral filler 10⁹-10¹¹ 250-400 5-20 4.5- 4.5- 0.10- 0.10-
20 20 0.30 0.15
Molded, fabric filler 10⁹-10¹¹ 300-450 5-10 4.5-6 4.5-6 0.08- 0.08-
0.30 0.20
Laminated, paper base 10¹⁰-10¹³ 400-1,300 4-6

Laminated, fabric base 10¹⁰-10¹² 150-600 4.5-7

Laminated, asbestos cloth base 90

Cast 10⁹-10¹⁴ 300-450 5-10 5-7 0.025- 0.005-
0.20 0.08
Wood flour filler 10¹⁰-10¹² 400-600 4-8 6-7.5 0.04-
Mineral filler 10⁹-10¹¹ 200-500 4.5- 5-18 0.1-
20 0.15
Fabric filler 0.4 × 200-500 4.5-6 5-7.5 0.08-
10¹¹ 0.20
Urea—Formaldehyde (2-2.8) × 650-720 6.6 6 0.034
Vinyl, unfilled 10¹⁴ 400-500 4 0.0143
Vinyl, filled 10¹¹ 350-400 4.7 4 0.02-
Acrylate 10¹⁵ 480 4-6 2.8 0.06-
Polystyrene 10¹⁷-10¹⁸ 500-700 2.6 2.65 2.7 0.0003 0.0001
Other plastics:
Shellac compound 100-400
Cold molded:
Nonrefractory 1.3 × 85 15 6 0.20
Rubber compounds:
Chlorinated rubber 2,300 ca. 3 0.003
Modified isomerized rubber (5-7) × 2.7 2.68 0.006
Hard rubber 10¹²-10¹⁵ 250-900 2.8 3

Casein 400-700 6.15-

Cellulose compounds:
Ethyl cellulose 1,500 3.72 0.011
Cellulose acetate sheet (5-30) × 800-2,500 5.1- 4.2- 0.025-
10¹² 7.5 5.3 0.07
Cellulose acetate molding (4.2-6.2) 800-850 5.8- 4.4- 0.042-
× 10¹² 6.0 4.6 0.058
Cellulose nitrate (2-30) × 600-1,200 6.7- 6.15 0.062-
10¹⁰ 7.3 0.144

Note.—The values for the properties in this table are based upon maximum and minimum figures
submitted to Modern Plastics by a number of manufacturers of each type of material. Differences in
test procedures and sizes of test specimens may lead to erroneous conclusions in some cases if
direct comparisons are attempted. Special grades of materials are often available which excel in one
particular property.
Source: Modern Plastics, vol. 15, No. 2, opp. p. 120. October 1937.

Table 22.—Synthetic resins and other plastics: Specific gravity, specific volume, and resistance to other

absorption, Ef
Specific Specific Effect of Effect of
Type immersion w
gravity volume weak acids strong acids
24 hours1
Cubic inches
per pound
Synthetic resins:
Molded, wood flour filler 1.34- 20.7-18.2 0.2-0.6 None to Varies2 Sl
1.52 slight. m
Molded, mineral filler 1.70- 16.4-13.3 0.01-0.3 do. do.2
Molded, fabric filler 1.37- 20.2-19.8 1.0-1.3 do. do.2
Laminated, paper base 1.34- 20.7-17.8 0.5-9.0 do. do.2
Laminated, fabric base 1.34- 20.7-17.8 0.5-9.0 do. do.2
Laminated, asbestos cloth base 1.6- 17.3-16.8 0.5 do. do.2
Cast 1.27- 21.8-20.0 0.01-0.5 do.
Wood flour filler 1.3-1.4 21.3-19.8 0.2-0.6 do. do.2
Mineral filler 1.6-2.0 17.3-13.9 0.01-0.15 do. do.2
Fabric filler 1.3-1.4 21.3-19.8 0.8-1.4 do. do.2
Urea—Formaldehyde 1.48- 18.7-16.5 1-2 do. Decomposed
1.50 or surface
Vinyl, unfilled 1.34- 20.7-20.4 0.05-0.15 Resistant Resistant Re
Vinyl, filled 1.35- 20.5-11.1 0.2-4.0 Dependent Dependent Dep
2.5 on filler. on filler. on
Acrylate 1.18 23.3 0.3 None Oxidizing N
acids attack
Polystyrene 1.05- 26.3-25.8 0 do. None
Other plastics:
Shellac compound 1.1-2.7 25.2-10.3 Deteriorates Deteriorates Dete

Cold molded:
Nonrefractory 1.98- 14.0-13.9 1.5 Slight Decomposes Deco
Refractory 2.2 12.6 0.5-15 Decomposes do. N
Rubber compounds:
Chlorinated rubber 1.5 18.5 0.1-0.3 Resistant Resistant Re

Modified isomerized rubber 1.06 26.1 0.02 do. do.

Hard rubber 1.12- 24.7-15.4 0.02 do. Attacked by

1.8 oxidizing
Casein 1.35 20.5 3-7 do. Decomposes S
Cellulose compounds:
Ethyl cellulose 1.14 24.3 61.25 Slight Decomposes N

Cellulose acetate sheet 1.27- 21.8-20.2 1.5-3.0 do do S

Cellulose acetate molding 1.27- 21.8-17.0 1.4-2.8 do do
Cellulose nitrate 1.35- 20.5-17.3 1.0-3.0 do do

1 ASTM D48-33.

2 Decomposed by oxidizing acids; reducing and organic acids no effect.

3 On bleed-proof materials.

4 Resists alcohols, aliphatic hydrocarbons, and oils. Soluble in ketones and esters; swells in
aromatic hydrocarbons.
5 Soluble in ketones, esters, and aromatic hydrocarbons.

6 48 hours.

7 Soluble in ketones and esters; softened by alcohols; little affected by hydrocarbons.

Note.—The values for the properties in this table are based upon maximum and minimum figures
submitted to Modern Plastics by a number of manufacturers of each type of material. Differences in
test procedure and sizes of test specimens may lead to erroneous conclusions in some cases if direct
comparisons are attempted. Special grades of materials are often available which excel in one
particular property.
Source: Modern Plastics, vol. 15, No. 2, opp. p. 120. October 1937.
Large-scale production of synthetic resins is confined principally to the United
States, Germany, and Great Britain. There is small production in many other
countries, of which the most important are France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Canada,
and Japan.
In 1934 the world output was estimated at 135 million pounds, of which the United
States produced about 44 percent, Germany 26 percent, and Great Britain 24
percent. In 1937 world output was estimated at 360 million pounds, the United
States’ share of the total being almost 50 percent, followed by 27 percent for
Germany, 20 percent for Great Britain, and the remaining 3 percent scattered.
European estimates indicate that about 40 percent of the output goes into surface
coatings and that 60 percent of the surface-coating resins are tar-acid and 40
percent alkyds. The Tariff Commission found that in 1937 50 percent of the United
States production of all synthetic resins went into surface coatings, 27 percent into
molded articles, and the remaining 23 percent into laminating and miscellaneous
uses. Approximately three-fourths of the surface-coating resins were alkyds and
one-fourth tar-acid resins.



In recent years Germany’s production of synthetic resins has increased rapidly,

each succeeding year registering the attainment of a new record. In 1933 production
totaled 17,500,000 pounds and by 1935 had increased to 55,000,000 pounds. A
further expansion of about 30 percent to 70,000,000 pounds in 1936 and present
production trends indicate a gain of about 40 percent more in 1937, to an estimated
total of 100,000,000 pounds.
Although tar-acid resins comprise the bulk of the German output, considerable
gains are shown for other types, notably injection molding resins of the polystyrene
and vinyl types. The development of completely automatic injection molding
machinery has given an impetus to these types. While technical progress, including
improvement of molding equipment, has contributed to the expanded production, the
use of synthetic resins in Germany has had a strong stimulus because they are
made almost wholly of domestic materials. Under the “Four-Year Plan” for the
greatest possible national economic independence, synthetic resins are replacing
imported materials, such as the heavier nonferrous metals, iron, hardwoods, cork,
and natural gums and resins in many uses. This displacement of materials has also
affected such domestic products as glass and porcelain, which caused the
Government to intervene and impose restrictions upon the use of resins for
purposes adequately served by other materials of German origin.
Germany’s expanding production of synthetic resin has also been aided by a
sharp increase in exports, which have increased well over 100 percent since 1932.
Tar-acid resins.—German output of tar-acid resins has been estimated at 35
million pounds in 1934, at 49 million pounds in 1935, and at 63 million pounds in
1936. Such resins comprise the bulk of the German production of molding resins.
There are at least seven producers of tar-acid resins in Germany and nine
producers of molding powders and pellets. Tar-acid resins for surface coatings are
produced by a number of these concerns. Among the important makers in Germany
are The Bakelite Gesellschaft (organized in 1910 to operate under the Baekeland
patents); the explosives and munitions firm of Dynamit A.G.; Dr. Kurt Albert
G.m.b.H.; the I.G. Farbenindustrie; Beckacite Kunstharzfabrik G.m.b.H.; and Rohm
& Haas A.G. The Beckacite firm has associates in the United States and in the
United Kingdom, and Rohm & Haas, an associate in the United States.
Alkyd resins.—The manufacture of alkyd resins has developed in Germany in the
past few years. Demand for these resins has been given a marked impetus by the
development of a new standardized substitute for linseed-oil varnish known as El
Varnish, the use of which is required by the Control Board for Industrial Fats for
certain interior and exterior painting.
There are five makers of resins for paints, varnishes, and lacquers. The output of
alkyd resins has increased sharply since 1934, probably reaching 10 million pounds
in 1936.
Urea resins.—The output of urea resins in Germany is relatively small; two of the
more important types are known as Locron and Pollopas.
Polystyrene and vinyl resins.—In 1936 Germany’s production of thermoplastic
resins exceeded 1 million pounds, principally of the polystyrene and vinyl types.
Among the vinyl resins are Acronal and Mowilith, both of which are manufactured by
the I.G. Farbenindustrie. This combine also produces several types of polystyrene
resins known as Mollit and Metastyrol. Dynamit A.G. produces a polystyrene resin
known as Trolitul.

Uses of synthetic resins.

The original and most important use of synthetic resins in Germany was for
electrical insulation. This use was so extensive that the industry was organized in
1924 into an association known as non-rubber insulation materials industry.
Materials were standardized and classified into 14 types, of which 5 were tar-acid
resins and 1 was a urea resin. Every type must meet certain specifications in order
to be recognized by the Reich Testing Institute. More than 100 firms produce
insulating materials meeting the institute’s specifications.
Radio panels of the popular sets sponsored by the Government are made of
synthetic resins. Consumption in the automobile industry is increasing for such parts
as instrument panels, electrical equipment, steering wheels, gear-shift knobs, and
numerous others. The latest airplanes show increased use of synthetic resins,
where they contribute light weight, great strength, and resistance to corrosion.
In cameras and moving-picture equipment, wood and metal have been in part
replaced by synthetic resins. Other applications of resins in Germany include
bearings for rolling mills, goggles and spectacles (including the lens), and perfume
and medicine bottles.
Resins for surface coatings are undergoing rapid development in Germany, owing
to the shortage of linseed oil. Alkyd resins in coatings are being promoted by the
Government, which prohibits or limits the use of the older oil-type coatings for
certain uses so as to decrease the use of linseed oil and other paint oils that must
be imported and hence require outlays of foreign exchange. Penalties have been
imposed for violating the regulations.[13]


The synthetic-resin industry in Germany is a unit within the national industrial

organization. It is a subdivision of the industrial chemical group, called Fachgruppe
Kunststoffe, or Group 13 of the 19 trade groups in the chemical division. This
subdivision controls casein and cellulose plastics as well as synthetic resins, and is
further divided as follows: (1) Casein plastics, (2) cast phenolic resins, (3) molding
compositions, (4) resins for lacquers, (5) celluloid and zellon, (6) transparent
sheeting, (7) linoleum, and (8) miscellaneous (such as vulcanized fiber, bottle caps,
and die-casting resins).
There are two cartels distinct from the national organization, which expressly
excludes all functions and activities of cartels. One cartel represents the firms
interested in molding compositions and the other those interested in synthetic resins
for other purposes. Some of the producers are members of both cartels.

Foreign trade.

Imports of synthetic resins are negligible, although the duty of 4.6 cents per pound
(25 marks per 100 kilograms) on imports into Germany is not prohibitive. Exports
have increased practically every year since 1930, when they were first recorded
Table 23 shows the quantity and value of exports in recent years.

Table 23.—Synthetic resins: German exports, 1930-37

Hardening resins Nonhardening resins
Value Value
Year 1,000 1,000
pounds 1,000 1,000 pounds 1,000 1,000
marks dollars marks dollars
1930 2,549 1,973 472
1931 3,775 2,757 651
1932 3,162 2,112 501
1933 4,009 2,625 801 6,628 3,566 1,088
1934 4,924 3,162 1,246 7,076 3,415 1,346
1935 4,948 2,993 1,206 6,921 3,445 1,388
1936 6,392 3,501 1,411 7,764 3,820 1,539
19371 8,706 4,402 1,770 10,866 5,389 2,117

1 Preliminary.

Source: Consular reports.

German exports of synthetic resins are, for the most part, destined to European
countries, most of which have increased their purchases considerably in recent
years. Exports to Latin American countries have increased recently, especially to
Brazil. Table 24 shows the distribution of exports in recent years.

Table 24.—Synthetic resins: German exports, by countries, 1934-37

[Thousands of marks]
Destination 1934 1935 1936 19371
Austria 259 352 446 593
Belgium 215 259 297 420
Czechoslovakia 347 345 604 825
Denmark 316 391 473 540
France 626 651 680 734
Great Britain 1,247 563 596 844
Hungary 240 135 182 (2)
Italy 252 359 523 615
Netherlands 530 572 645 1,031
Spain 225 302 178 57
Sweden 415 457 463 691
Switzerland 721 705 714 749
Other European countries 370 618 706 (2)
Argentina 250 207 194 (2)
Brazil 46 77 109 (2)
Other Latin American countries 17 18 75 (2)
All other countries 501 427 436 2,692
Total 6,577 6,438 7,321 9,791

1 Preliminary.

2 Included in all other countries.

Source: Official German statistics.

As in most other countries, the history of the synthetic-resin industry in Great
Britain begins with the acquisition of rights by a British concern to manufacture
under the original Bakelite patents. The Damard Lacquer Co., Ltd. was probably the
pioneer maker of phenolic resins in England. The principal product was a baking
lacquer sold under the trade name Damarda, marketed for and used principally as a
coating to prevent corrosion on brass. The outbreak of the World War created such
an urgent demand for laminated materials that this firm started production of them
for the British Government. In 1926 this concern was merged with Mouldesite, Ltd.
and Redmanol, Ltd., under the name of Bakelite, Ltd.


Statistics of production of synthetic resins in Great Britain are available only for
1934 and 1935. They are given in table 25.

Table 25.—Synthetic resins: Production in Great Britain, 1934 and 1935

Type 1934 1935

Pounds Pounds
Solid, liquid, cured, uncured, and hardened 25,558,400 13,283,200
Molding powder, 50 percent or more resin 25,872,000
Laminated sheets, rods, blocks, tubes 1,164,800 1,646,400
Total 26,723,200 40,801,600

Source: Great Britain. Board of Trade, Census of Production.

Capital invested in the British industry is reported as 15,000,000 pounds sterling

and direct employment as 20,000 people.
Tar-acid resins.—Many large moldings are made in England, such as large radio
cases, desk files, trays, and drain boards. Cast phenolic resin production has just
been started in England.
Among the novelties recently produced in England is a toy railway molded of tar-
acid resin. The trains and track spacers are of nonconducting resin; the molded rails
are made conductive by a thin covering of metal which is pressed in and secured at
the ends. Two trains may be run on the same set of rails at different speeds, or one
can go forward and another backward, since the two outer rails are separate
conductors, the third rail acting as a common return.
Molded piano parts are being tried in an attempt to solve the troubles hitherto
encountered with wood, owing to variations in humidity. Resins have long been used
in facing the keys, but the production of piano action parts has presented many
technical difficulties. The secret of success with molded resin parts lies in molding
the joints in position when the main body is molded. There are 88 sections in each
Urea resins.—British Cyanides, Ltd., well-known makers of synthetic resins in
England, acquired the Pollopas patents for the manufacture of urea resins in the
United Kingdom, in certain continental European countries, and in the British Empire
except Canada. The agreement called for a full exchange of patents and other
information with the other licensees of the Pollopas patents. These arrangements
were made for the purpose of consolidating the patent position and for the pooling of
technical data already existing on manufacture, with the object of improving quality.
Acrylate resins.—An outstanding development in Great Britain has been the
production of the thermoplastic resins known as Diakon and Perspex. These are
made from methyl methacrylate and are developments of the Imperial Chemical
Industries, Ltd. Diakon is for molding powders and Perspex is in the form of cast
sheets, rods, tubes, and optical forms.
These new commercial resins are considered the best combination thus far
obtained of strength, transparency, and light weight. Applications in England include
fittings for aircraft, transparent inspection covers for machinery, medical equipment,
instrument windows, lenses and prisms in optical systems, and aircraft windscreens.
They are used in subways for lenses for deflecting and diffusing light and in battery
cases and coil forms.
The general properties of the acrylate resins include transparency to both visible
and ultraviolet light, almost unlimited color range, resistance to acids and alkalies,
and superior electrical properties.
Aniline resin.—Panilax is an aniline-formaldehyde condensation product made in
England. It has high electrical and thermal insulating properties, great mechanical
strength, is odorless and odor repelling, and practically unaffected by water, oil, and


Most of the British producers of synthetic resins are members of the British
Plastics Federation, Ltd.
Several years ago a 10-year contract was made between the Imperial Chemical
Industries, Ltd. and the Toledo Synthetic Products Co. (now Plaskon Co.) of Toledo,
Ohio. This agreement provides for an exchange of all technical and commercial
information on urea-resin products and processes and the granting of free licenses
under present or future patents.
Agreements probably also exist between the British Bakelite Co. and the
American firm on tar-acid resins; between Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd. and E. I. du
Pont de Nemours & Co. on alkyd resins; between British Thompson Houston Co.,
Ltd., and the General Electric Co. on alkyd resins; between Imperial Chemical
Industries, Ltd. and du Pont on acrylate resins; and between Beetle Products Co.
and American Cyanamid Co. on urea resins.

Foreign trade in resins.

British imports of synthetic resins, by principal sources, are shown in table 26.

Table 26.—Synthetic resins: Imports into the United Kingdom, in selected years,

[1,000 pounds]
Source 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936
British countries. 1 (1) 5 2 19 24
Germany 508 1,621 2,267 2,259 1,476 914
Netherlands 679 667 151 114 (2) (2)
UNITED STATES 119 229 656 902 986 1,056
All other countries 65 281 246 257 323 435
Total 1,372 2,798 3,470 3,534 2,804 2,429

1 Less than 500.

2 Included in “All other countries.”

Source: Official statistics of the United Kingdom.

British exports of synthetic resins to principal countries are shown in table 27.

Table 27.—Synthetic resins: Exports from the United Kingdom, in selected years,

[1,000 pounds]
Source 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936
British countries 138 170 992 1,350 1,788 2,732
Sweden 40 69 242 452 558 650
Denmark (1) (1) 99 140 159 150
Belgium (1) (1) 104 205 237 203
Italy (1) 1
( ) 49 95 1
( ) (1)
Argentina (1) (1) 28 198 156 238
All other countries 104 171 366 505 735 1,084
Total 282 410 1,880 2,945 3,633 5,057

1 Not available; included in “All other countries.”

Source: Official statistics of the United Kingdom.



Statistics of French production and sales of synthetic resin are not available.
Larousse Commercial Illustré describes the French synthetic resin industry as not
important and estimates the output in
1930 at 2,000,000 pounds. The Revue Général des Matières Plastiques, most
important technical review in France, estimates the production in 1931 as about
3,500,000 pounds.
The comparatively few French companies producing synthetic resins are, for the
most part, under British or German control. The types of synthetic resin made in
France, the trade names, and the names of the manufacturers, follow:
Bakelite.—Tar-acid molding compounds and laminating materials; cast phenolic
resins; Cie La Bakelite, Bezous, Seine.
Plastose and Ferodo.—Tar-acid molding compounds; Société Ferodo-Plastose,
Saint Ouen, Seine.
Pollopas.—Urea molding compounds and laminating materials; Établissements
Kuhlmann, Paris.

Foreign trade.

French imports of synthetic resins are classified under tariff item No. 0376 bis:
Synthetic resins (solid or resinous products of the Bakelite, Albertol, Plastose types,
etc.) derived from the condensation of aldehydes with phenols, amines, and amides.
Several subclassifications are shown: (a) Soluble in oil and not polymerizable, (b)
which may be rendered insoluble and infusible, and (c) infusible. Imports in recent
years, from principal sources, are shown in table 28.

Table 28.—Synthetic resins: French imports, by types and by countries, 1931 and
Source 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 19371
Soluble in oil
Germany 563,860 1,003,860 1,359,600 1,164,470 1,085,766 (2)
UNITED STATES 174,900 126,280 185,680 284,458 162,699 (2)
United Kingdom 184,800 131,120 80,520 109,789 18,960 (2)
Austria 35,640 162,580 193,564 575,180 (2)
Netherlands 49,720 16,755 (2) (2)
All other countries 4,620 5,720 3,080 11,023 33,069 (2)
Total 928,180 1,352,340 1,791,460 1,744,059 1,875,894 1,794,985
Molding compounds
United Kingdom 21,780 71,060 10,340 11,243 23,589 (2)
Germany 248,600 49,060 20,460 68,563 39,242 (2)
Switzerland 13,200 31,900 11,464 (2) (2)
UNITED STATES 11,220 18,920 22,660 20,062 66,799 (2)
Belgium 31,240 49,500 7,716 (2) (2)
All other countries 3,080 4,840 6,173 5,732 (2)
Total 284,680 183,480 139,700 125,221 135,362 105,380
Molded, cast, and laminated articles
Germany 12,980 7,700 4,840 9,039 17,857 (2)
Netherlands 220 (2)
Austria 4,840 440 220 (2)
United Kingdom 220 (2)
UNITED STATES 220 220 (2)
All other countries 1,320 1,984 (2)
Total 19,140 8,360 5,280 9,479 19,841 8,377

1 Preliminary.

2 Not separately reported.

Source: Consular reports.

Exports of synthetic resins from France, by principal markets, are shown in table

Table 29.—Synthetic resins: French exports 1931 and 1933-37

Destination 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937
Belgium 203,060 224,180 186,780 113,757 165,565 (1)
Argentina 69,080 91,300 (1) (1) (1)
Switzerland 16,940 12,787 37,258 (1)
Italy 12,980 (1) (1) (1)
All other countries 4,840 29,260 15,180 54,895 36,376 (1)
Total 220,880 322,520 310,200 181,439 239,199 417,772

1 Not separately reported.

Source: Consular reports.

Production of phenolic resins in Czechoslovakia has increased rapidly in recent
years and is ample to supply domestic requirements. Most of the raw materials are
imported from Germany, Great Britain, and France, but formaldehyde is produced
locally in sufficient quantities.
The principal makers of synthetic resins in Czechoslovakia are:

(1) Bratislavska tovarna na kable Bratislava.

(2) Schreiber & Co. Lipnik
(3) Ing. Alex Reiber Sered
(4) J. Elias Prague
(5) Mathias Oechsler & Sohn Riegersdorf
(6) J. Batistello, Jr. Gablonz

Resin products are widely used by the electrical industries for wall plates, plugs,
switches, fuse boxes, etc. Other articles made of synthetic resins are: handles and
knobs for furniture and kitchen equipment, bottle caps, fountain pens and pencils,
clock and radio housings, tableware, cutlery handles, trays, buttons, toilet ware and
Imports of synthetic resins in 1934 totaled 1,270,500 pounds; Germany supplied
46 percent and Great Britain 22 percent of this total. Exports of synthetic resins
during the same year amounted to 166,540 pounds and went principally to Poland,
Yugoslavia, Germany, and Argentina.

The Societa Italiana Resine, an affiliate of the important chemical firm, Chimiche
Forestali, is a leading maker of tar-acid resins in Italy. A new and modern plant is
located at Milan in close proximity to the electrical and textile industries, both
important markets for resins.
In 1936 the Ministry of Corporations granted Montecatini Societe Generale per
l’Industria Mineraria, Milan, a permit to develop a factory for alkyd resins; and also
Societe Italiana Ebonite and Sostituti, Milan, one to produce tar-acid resins. In 1937
a permit was granted to Montecatini S.A. for a plant to manufacture acrylic acid
resins at the Villadossola works of the Soc. Elletrochimica del Toce.

The history of the synthetic resin industry in Japan goes back to 1913 when Dr.
Jokichi Takamine, discoverer of adrenalin and takadiastase, acquired the right to
manufacture and sell tar-acid resin Products in Japan. The business was financed
by the Sankyo Co., Ltd., and a factory was built at Shinagawa, near Tokyo. In 1923 a
subsidiary company known as the Japan Bakelite Co., Ltd., was formed with a paid-
in capital of 1,200,000 yen. This firm considers itself an affiliate of the Bakelite
Corporation of the United States and, according to an existing agreement, cannot
export to the United States. Its territory includes the Japanese Empire and
Manchukuo. China is considered an open market.
The original plant at Shinagawa was partially destroyed by fire in 1919, and the
following year was moved to Mukojima, Tokyo. The firm makes tar-acid resins, and a
full line of products covered by the patents of the American concern. Included are
laminated sheets, molding compounds, molded articles, surface coating resins,
laminated resin gears and spindles for rayon mills. An interesting development is the
adaption of tar-acid resin lacquers to the production of Japanese lacquer ware such
as bowls, vases, etc.
Since the establishment of the Japan Bakelite Co., several other firms have
started the production of synthetic resins. The Tokyo Electric Co., an affiliate of the
General Electric Co., makes tar-acid resins under the trade name Tecolite. Products
are used principally for insulation, although molding compositions and molded
articles such as are used by the electrical trade are commercially produced.
The Matsushita Electrical Works at Osaka are producers of tar-acid resins and
articles made therefrom. The output is used largely for radio and electrical
equipment. The Nissholite Manufacturing Co., Ltd., with a factory at Yasui-cho,
Uzumasa, Kyoto specializes in decorative laminated material sold under the trade
name Nissholite. The Japan Nitrogenous Fertilizer Co. (Nippon Chisso Hirijo
Kabushiki Kaisha) is an important maker of tar-acid resins, marketing them under
the trade names Chissolite, Safeloid, and Minaloid. The Yokahama Resin Co., a
relatively small company, produces tar-acid resins and markets them in the form of
molding powders. The firms listed account for practically all of the Japanese
production of synthetic resins and for about 50 percent of the molded articles made
from them. The remaining 50 percent of the output of molded articles is made by a
large number of small firms, the majority being household industries. It is reported
that there are about 2,000 of these so-called plants already engaged in this relatively
new industry.


The Japanese production of manufactures of tar-acid resin reported by the

Department of Commerce and Industry is shown in table 30. These data include the
output of plants employing more than five operators and apparently account for only
half of the total.

Table 30.—Manufactures of tar-acid resins: Production in Japan, 1929-35

Year Quantity Of quantity
Additional1 Total
1929 28,681 $46,594 $125,404 $171,998
1930 607,800 52,409 442,583 494,992
1931 744,119 99,907 268,594 368,501
1932 286,422 36,584 367,220 403,804
1933 229,854 26,747 516,903 543,650
1934 1,435,977 193,857 926,951 1,120,808
1935 3,176,441 477,526 923,546 1,401,072

1 Quantity not reported.

Source: Factory statistics of Department of Commerce and Industry, Japan.

Estimates from other sources of Japanese productions of tar-acid resins indicate

an output of 2,600,000 pounds of resin and 3,600,000 pounds of molded resin
articles in 1933, and of 4,900,000 pounds of resin and 7,500,000 pounds of resin
articles in 1935.
It was recently announced that the Gosei Chemical Co. will manufacture vinyl
resins in Japan. This firm’s principal interest is in acetate fiber and rayon
manufacture. Later in 1936 the Showa Fertilizer Co. announced the successful
development of a process for making urea. Urea resins are in commercial
production by the Toyo Gosei Kagaku Kogyo K.K., an affiliate of Chugoku Toyo K.K.
The resin industry in Japan is expected to undergo considerable development in
the near future. Raw materials are available in sufficient quantities and the art of
molding is fairly well developed.

The producers of synthetic resins in Canada are:

Bakelite Corporation of Canada, Ltd. Toronto.

Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd. Shawinigan Falls.
Canadian General Electric Co. Toronto.
Canadian Industries, Ltd. Toronto.

The Bakelite Corporation of Canada, Ltd., an affiliate of the firm of the same name
in the United States, was formed in 1925. This plant makes molding materials,
laminating materials, and an extensive line of technical varnishes. Molded parts
were made at this factory until 1932.
Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd. is the pioneer organic chemical maker in Canada. A
modern plant at Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, produces synthetic acetic acid,
acetaldehyde, vinyl acetate, vinyl resins, and other chemicals. The vinyl resins
manufactured by this firm have already been described (see p. 44). Appreciable
quantities of these resins have been exported to the United States in the past but
the construction of a factory (jointly owned by Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd., and the
Fiberloid Corporation) at Indian Orchard, Mass., for the manufacture of vinyl resins
will probably result in a decrease of exports from Canada to the United States.
The Canadian General Electric Co. makes alkyd resins for use in surface
coatings. Phthalic anhydride and other raw materials are imported from the United
States. Canadian Industries, Ltd., produces alkyd resins at a plant in Toronto,
There are about 14 molders of synthetic resins in Canada, of which all but 3 are in
Ontario. These firms make a general line of molded articles including electrical
articles, closures, costume jewelry, and smokers’ accessories. Appreciable
quantities of molded articles are imported from the United States and smaller
quantities from Germany.


The synthetic resin industry in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is
concentrated in two public departments, known as Public Commissariates: (a) Public
Department for Heavy Industry and (b) Public Department for Light Industry.
The Department for Heavy Industry, known as Soyuzchemplastmass, controls the
following plants:
1. Karbolit-pawod in Ljubatschani, producing tar-acid resin laminated fabric known
as Textolite.
2. Karbolit-stroj in Ljubatschani, making cast phenolic resins.
3. Karbolitni-pawer in Dubrowka, making tar-acid resin molding compounds. This
plant has at least 350 molding presses producing electrical parts and automotive
parts. The number of presses was to have been increased to 1,000 in 1937.
4. Komsomolskaja prawda in Leningrad manufactures articles, including phone
sets, from cast phenolic resins.
5. Ochtenski Chimkombinat in Ochta. This plant makes nitrocellulose plastics. No
information could be obtained by our Chargé d’Affaires at Moscow concerning its
production of synthetic resins, although it is believed to be considerable.
The Department for Light Industry has a resin section known as Mosplastmass
producing casein plastics only.

There has been no production of synthetic resins in the Netherlands; but a plant is
under construction (October 1937) at Groningen for the manufacture of alkyd resins.
The manufacture of surface coating and electrical parts from imported resins is
carried on, chiefly by N. V. Philips’ Gloeilampenfabrieken, Afdeeling Inkoop,
Eindhaven, manufacturers of radios, filament lamps, and electrical appliances.
Efforts are being made to employ resins for other purposes, such as the bonding of
plywood and the manufacture of closures and novelties, but little has been
accomplished thus far. The relatively high cost of the resins is the principal difficulty.
Molding compounds and laminated sheets, rods, and tubes are imported from
Germany, Great Britain, Austria, and the United States.
The paint, varnish, and lacquer industry in the Netherlands has been
experimenting with synthetic resins for several years. Alkyd resins of the glycerol
phthalate type are being used by Dutch paint makers, imported principally from
Germany and Austria. In spite of high cost, they have been found to have many
advantages, especially better and more uniform quality. The prices of gums and
resins in the Netherlands during the latter part of 1936 are shown in table 31.

Table 31.—Prices of gums and resins in the Netherlands, 1936

Florins per
100 kilos
Damar 37.
Congo copal (various qualities) 12 to 45.
Indian copal (various qualities) 20 to 35.
Kauri (various qualities) 25 to 200.
Shellac (various qualities) 37 to 52.
Pine resin (rosin) (various qualities) 13 to 14.
Synthetic resins 80 to 120.

The Dutch aviation industry is using tar-acid resins to bond plywood for wing
surfacing on Fokker-type wooden planes. The advantages obtained are excellent
adhesiveness and resistance to moisture and temperature changes. In this
application they have replaced casein.
Germany supplies more than 85 percent of the Netherland imports of synthetic
resins, as shown in table 32.

Table 32.—Synthetic resins: Netherland imports by countries, 1931 and 1933-37

Source 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 19371
Germany 1,203,393 1,257,568 1,207,857 1,351,581 1,490,310 2,449,311
Kingdom 8,520 47,843 64,458 94,565 335,099 1,223,553
Austria 63,758 7,297 30,886 63,642 (2) 132,276
STATES 3,168 24,193 27,434 50,888 (2) (2)
Belgium 2,640 3,923 1,514 (2) (2)
France 3,120 4,129 616 (2) (2)
Czechoslovakia 3,326 4,948 (2) (2)
Switzerland 1,789 4,193 (2) (2)
Other countries 1,450 1,027 2,629 1,573 216,051 207,232
Total 1,288,044 1,354,112 1,337,393 1,564,379 2,041,460 4,012,372

1 Preliminary.

2 Not separately reported.

Source: Consular reports.

The annual output of synthetic resins in Denmark is about 500,000 pounds,
almost entirely of the tar-acid type.
Bakelite is produced by the Nordiske Kabel and Traadfabrikker A. S. Fabrikvej at
Copenhagen. Other brands made in Denmark are Nokait, Helomit, and Etronit.
There are 14 manufacturers of finished products, making electrical equipment

Production of synthetic resins in Poland in 1936 totaled 660,000 pounds, entirely
of the tar-acid type.

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