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In-Service Inspection Codes Rsem and Asme Section Xi Codes Comparison

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Transactions, SMiRT-24

BEXCO, Busan, Korea - August 20-25, 2017

Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05


Claude Faidy1
Consultant, Structural Integrity Mechanical Engineer, AFCEN, France
This paper will compare 2 major In-Service Inspection Nuclear Codes: the Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code section XI developed by ASME in one hand and French RSE-M in the other hand. These 2 Codes
cover totally or partially:
‐ General Introduction
‐ In-service and pre-service inspection program
‐ In-service inspection techniques and qualifications
‐ Surveillance in Operation
‐ Flaw evaluation
‐ Repair- Replacement
‐ Quality Assurance and Documentation
‐ Appendices and Code Cases
A general review of the 2 Codes will be developed and followed by a general comparison.
Many differences are discussed in the paper and for particular examples, on-going developments are
considered, like environment effects on fatigue crack growth and new Appendix C re-write.
The differences are historical, attached to local regulation requirements and technical differences.
The comparison of two major In-service Nuclear codes for Mechanical Components, ASME Section XI
and French AFCEN RSE-M, considers:
‐ the scope of these Codes
‐ the development procedure
‐ the Code objectives
‐ the general organization of the Codes
‐ the in-service inspection program
‐ the surveillance program
‐ the repair – replacement activities
‐ a first conclusion
The Section XI of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code "Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear
Components" considers LWR metallic pressure boundary of components designed with ASME Section
III, and metallic and concrete containment
The requirements cover:
‐ classification of equipment,
‐ pre-service, in-service inspection and testing areas subject to inspection,
‐ jurisdiction and responsibilities,
‐ provisions for accessibility and inspect ability,
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

‐ examination methods and procedures,

‐ personnel qualifications,
‐ frequency of inspection,
‐ record keeping and report requirements
Different procedures for evaluation of inspection results are proposed with subsequent disposition of
results of evaluations.
Some repair/replacement activities are also proposed with associated requirements, including
procurement, design, welding, brazing, defect removal, fabrication, installation, examination and pressure
RSE-M Scope
The RSE-M Code "In-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands"
considers PWR Metallic Pressure Equipment designed with RCC-M (and partly ASME Section III for
older plants):
‐ Vessels, Pipes, Pumps, Valves,… and partly supports
‐ During Operation, Storage or Transportation
The requirements cover:
‐ "RSE-M" Classification of components
‐ Pre-service, In-service Inspection and testing
‐ Area subject to inspection
‐ Examination methods and personnel qualification
‐ Documentation and record keeping
Different procedures for indication analysis, flaw evaluation and consequences of inspection results are
proposed. Procedures for surveillance in operation are also proposed. Maintenance Operations are
considered: classification, repair, replacement, pressure tests and connections with design Codes.
ASME XI development
The ASME Section XI is developed through regular ASME Code Week meetings join by Industry and
Technical support organizations (vendors, consultants, utilities, national labs, EPRI…), including
participation of the USA regulator (NRC). Figure 1 presents the different Working Groups in charge of
ASME XI improvements.
The 1st edition has been published in 1971 and the last one in 2015.
ASME Section XI is partially accepted by USNRC that justified some complementary requests in periodic
10CFR50.55.a publication. Last approved Edition is 2008 Edition.
RSE-M development
The RSE-M is developed inside AFCEN "French Association for Design, Construction and Surveillance
Rules of Nuclear Power Plant Components". This association was mainly formed by EDF-AREVA-CEA,
without regulator, recently opens to many national and international companies (around 50 companies and
350 active participants in charge of 7 Nuclear Codes, including RSE-M). Figure 2 presents the different
Working Groups in charge of RSE-M improvements.
The 1st edition was published in 1990; last one in 2016 in French and in English. A previous version has
been translated in Chinese for Daya-Bay plant or similar CPR 1000 plants. The TAISHAN EPR will use
RSEM 2007 edition.
"Globally" accepted by French safety authority, in particular the Utility guides required by French
regulation, In-Service Inspection plan and maintenance operation classification, are under final approval
process. More detailed conformity to French regulation is detailed in EDF R2SEM EDF internal report, to
precise how EDF Utility apply the RSEM Code to fulfil all the regulatory requirements.
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

ASME XI Objectives
The major objective of ASME Section XI is the ISI program definition: why, where, how, when?
2 ways are proposed:
‐ Sampling function of component classes (% of welds àn a 10-year basis with intermediate ISI)
‐ Risk Informed In-Service Inspection: probability of failure multiply by consequences through
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) in term of Core Damage Frequency (CDF)
Case by case a supplementary program associated to field experience feedback is necessary to develop.
Another part of ASME Section XI is associated to consequences of ISI results: allowable standards, flaw
evaluation and consequences in term of repair- replacement and future ISI.
There is no consideration of surveillance activities in ASME Section XI, like radiation surveillance
program or fatigue monitoring…
Repair- Replacement and pressure tests are in the ASME Section XI requirements.
Figure 3 present the table of content of ASME XI and Figure 4 the list of appendices.
RSE-M Objectives
A periodic "re-qualification" of components is required every 10 years by RSE-M. A re-qualification is:
‐ ISI of inner and outer surfaces
‐ pressure test (1.2 time design pressure)
An ISI program has to be defined between previous requalification: why (objectives), where (locations),
how (performance) and when (frequency)?
Two ways are proposed:
‐ damage oriented (including field experience)
‐ or Risk Informed In-Service Inspection (OMF- maintenance optimization through reliability)
Case by case a supplementary program associated to field experience feedback has to be developed,
associated to few random inspection
Another part of RSE-M is associated to consequences of ISI: allowable standards, flaw evaluation and
consequences on:
‐ Surveillance/ Monitoring programs
‐ Repair – Replacement and pressure tests
‐ In-service inspection program improvement
ASME XI: Scope and OWNER Responsibility
The jurisdiction of this Division covers individual components and complete plants that have met all the
requirements of the Construction Code, commencing when the Construction Code requirements have been
met, irrespective of physical location. When portions of systems or plants are completed at different times,
jurisdiction of this Division shall cover only those portions for which all of the construction requirements
have been met. Prior to installation, an item that has met all requirements of the Construction Code may
be corrected using the rules of either the Construction Code or this Division, as determined by the Owner.
Components identified in this Division for inspection and testing shall be included in the in-service
inspection plan. These components include nuclear power plant items such as vessels, containments,
piping systems, pumps, valves, core support structures, and storage tanks, including their respective
supports. The selection of components for the in-service inspection plan is subject to review by the
regulatory and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.
RSEM: Periodic Requalification- X 2000
Periodic requalification of pressure components is an inspection operation carried out at regular intervals
with a view to ensuring that the component continues to display a satisfactory safety standard.
This inspection operation is carried out by the competent Administrative Authority or by an entitled body
or, where applicable, by a recognized inspection service in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Periodic requalification of a pressure component generally includes:
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

‐ an inspection of the component, including safety accessories and pressurized accessories which are
connected to or associated with the component,
‐ an operating checks on safety accessories,
‐ an hydraulic proof test where applicable.
RSEM Inspections and Visits- X 3000
An inspection, also referred to as a visit, is a preventive maintenance operation which is performed on a
scheduled and systematic basis. It comprises a pre-determined set of examinations conducted on all or part
of the constituent parts of a component during shutdown. It makes it possible to assess the safety level of
the component.
The inspection, or visit, is performed in accordance with a surveillance and maintenance program, also
referred to as a basic preventive maintenance program, which is drawn up by the Licensee. This program
outlines the nature of surveillance and maintenance operations and sets out a schedule for these
operations. The inspection is specific to a pre-determined component or a consistent family of components
and is redefined on a periodic basis.
For certain categories of regulated components, the surveillance and maintenance operations program
includes Periodic Inspections which are implemented in accordance with the conditions imposed by the
applicable regulations.
This surveillance and maintenance operations program may be replaced by an inspection plan which is
drawn up by the Licensee in accordance with professional guidelines accepted by the Administrative
Authority in the case of Class 2 and 3 components and components which are not assigned to any of the
RSE-M classes provided that the Licensee has a recognized inspection service.
The surveillance and maintenance operations program is specific to a component or a consistent family of
components. It is drawn up:
‐ on the basis of a standard maintenance program,
‐ or using a specific program applicable to a consistent component family, with additional specific
requirements as defined below.
The requirements relate to compilation of surveillance and maintenance programs and do not apply to
cases in which an inspection plan is used.
When compiling surveillance and maintenance operations programs, the following are taken into account:
a. the safety implications of a component failure which could result from the development of a
defect, with a view to selecting the areas to be examined,
b. the current requirements and provisions applicable to components which are subject to the
regulations, and in particular those relating to Periodic Inspections,
c. surveillance requirements defined by the manufacturer,
d. the requirements of the present code,
e. potential risks of damage and defects according to the design and construction of the
As a general rule, welds shall be considered as more susceptible to certain types of damage risk than base
metal parts of components. However, this consideration may not be valid for certain types of damage.
The OMF (Reliability-based Maintenance Optimization) method is used on an elementary system or
component as selected by the Licensee. The method is based on carrying out a functional analysis and a
failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), to identify components which are subject to serious failure
modes with regard to the various problem areas (generally safety, radiological protection, availability,
environment, cost).
This method thus makes it possible to justify the maintenance operations selected within the program by a
risk analysis of the causes and consequences of potential failures as a function of problems and tasks
associated with the components.
Conditional maintenance covers a series of non-intrusive in-operation inspection tasks which may be
carried out without making the components unavailable. This method is based on the principle that
damage which is likely to lead to component failure may be monitored on the basis of parameters which
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

can be measured during operation. It is based on carrying out an FMEA-type functional analysis which
makes it possible.
There are three stages when using this program:
‐ surveillance,
‐ diagnostics,
‐ prognosis.
Preventive maintenance tasks on components are scheduled if the prognosis concludes that the damage
has changed in a detrimental way.
The sampling method applies if it is possible to draw conclusions for a consistent family of components
based on checks carried out on a representative sample of components.
Some regulated component categories are subject to Periodic Inspection actions (also called partial in-
service inspections) performed in accordance with the performance conditions specified by the applicable
regulations. These Periodic Inspections form part of the component surveillance and maintenance
operations program.
The inspection plan for a component comprises all the scheduled and systematic inspection actions
specified by the inspection service to maintain the safety standard of the component at the required level.
The detailed inspection plan specifically lists and locates the areas to be examined, the nature and
frequency of the checks to be performed, the content and frequency of inspections and periodic
requalification operations (for certain regulated components) and monitoring of relevant operating
The visits or inspections schedule is drawn up by the Licensee and takes account of:
a. the current statutory provisions and requirements for components subject to pressure
equipment regulations,
b. specific terms granted by the Administrative Authority, particularly with respect to
adjustments between two Periodic Inspections,
c. requirements from the inspection plans in the event of follow-up by an inspection service,
d. the requirements of the surveillance and maintenance operations program and specifically the
frequencies specified in the applicable visit program,
e. choice of maintenance strategy adopted by the Licensee ,
f. planing for plant shutdowns.
RSEM Pre-Service Inspection Program- X 3600
The inspection carried out before components are commissioned is known as the pre-service inspection.
Examinations carried out in this case, if required, shall at the very least include inspections to be
performed during periodic requalification inspections (complete in-service inspections) and those to be
performed during periodic inspections (partial in-service inspections). These are intended to act as
reference material or as a “zero point” for those to be performed at a later date.
All examinations performed during a check shall be described in a written procedure containing a detailed
description of the techniques and process to be used, as well as the operating conditions, recording criteria
and characterization thresholds.
Each Inspection is concluded by minutes which refer back to the certificates and results of the operations
RSEM Examination Methods Used for Visits- X 4000
All examinations shall be performed in accordance with the instructions given in a set of duly identified
documents, which must comply with the requirements of the present code. The extent of the areas subject
to examination is defined for each examination method. If there is any obstacle to straightforward, direct
application of the general conditions defined in this code, an analysis must be provided to justify that the
aims of this code will be met, subject to compensatory measures if necessary.
Non-destructive examination methods are based on use of specific physical principles. The non-
destructive examination technique concerns specific use of a non-destructive examination method. The
NDE process covers both NDE equipment and the support equipment required to implement a non-
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

destructive examination technique. The application entails implementing the process, or a set of processes
with the same objective, to the area to be examined by qualified staff certified as a minimum requirement.
Other analysis methods (metallography, physical/chemical analyses, mechanical tests, etc.) may also be
used to determine the type and cause of the defects observed and defect growth observed.
Description of Examination Methods:
‐ mechanical, physical, physico-chemical and chemical tests
‐ ultrasonic examination
‐ radiographic examination
‐ Penetrant examination
‐ Magnetic particle testing
‐ Eddy current examination
‐ Visual examinations and video examinations
‐ Acoustic emission
‐ Leak tests
‐ Metallographic examination
In most cases, visits of mechanical components involve the use of non-destructive examination methods
based on known practice (documented in codes or standards). Applying such methods to an area
corresponds to applications which are subjected to one of the following:
‐ the qualification requirements: "Conventional", "General", "Specific" qualification
‐ the requirements which apply to applications not requiring qualification
‐ an expert assessment
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

RSEM Indication Processing- X 5000

All indications exceeding a recording threshold shall be subject to a set of operations known as indication
processing as per a defined method.
Indication processing entails:
‐ identifying and analyzing these indications to enable the Licensee to recognize a deviant situation
and then to confirm whether or not this is a genuine defect,
‐ collating the various items to enable the best processing solution to be selected: immediate or
delayed repair, keeping the component in its current state,
‐ finally, selecting and implementing a processing solution.
Operating decisions concerning the component and, as a consequence, the facility as a whole shall be
made as a result of this process, in accordance with the general operating rules.
Methods, rules and criteria necessary for indication processing are proposed. Additional or specific A non-
real indication is a signal, image or characteristic which does not correspond to any physical defect, but
which is an effect produced by:
‐ the normal metallurgical structure (dark or light lines on radiographic testing, phantom echoes in
ultrasound, background noise in penetrant examination or ultrasound, artifact in magnetic particle
testing, etc.)
‐ the geometric shape or surface condition (tapering, connection irregularity, excess weld
reinforcement, machining lines, etc.).
Significant variation is assessed solely on the basis of notable indications which are not regarded as non-
real indications.
If the indication corresponds to a physical defect or if it is not merely non-real, the component is
considered to be in a deviant situation. Processing continues by analyzing the deviation, after which a
deviation processing file is opened.
If the indication is non-real, particular surveillance is the minimum requirement.
If the parameter(s) of the indication which led to the deviation file being opened is/are not confirmed by
two successive visits, the deviation file is resolved. However, in this case, subsequent surveillance of the
indication is no longer required.
Deviation analysis is compulsory. Its purpose is to assemble all characteristic information for the deviant
situation encountered. The Licensee will need this in order to select or confirm the way in which he
intends to process the deviation. Information that is useful or necessary for deviation analysis is collected,
along with the analysis procedure and associated specific rules.
The processing solution selected is documented in the deviation processing file.
If necessary, a repair solution has to be implemented with all the required documents.
RSEM Surveillance Program- X 7000
Only RSE-M has a set of requirements concerning surveillance:
‐ Surveillance in operation covers operations which can be performed without any dismantling of the
components or taking samples of material, like leak tests or transient monitoring, water chemistry,
vibration surveillance, loose part detection
‐ Surveillance during shutdown periods covers predictive surveillance performed through laboratory
tests (mechanical properties, ageing effects) and radiation surveillance program
RSEM Repair – Replacement Activities- X 8000
This chapter defines requirements regarding implementation of a maintenance operation
A maintenance operation comprises all the activities relating to design (studies, development,
procurement, process qualification, tool qualification, etc.), and execution (decontamination,
assembly/dismantling, repair, inspection, testing, etc.) of this operation and managing radiological
protection aspects.
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

The Licensee:
‐ decides to develop, study and initiate the maintenance operation, allocate the necessary resources
(equipment, staff, funding),
‐ identifies the RSE-M class and, where applicable, the pressure risk category
‐ classifies the maintenance operation,
‐ sets requirements for maintaining safety in terms of quality, organization, batching and scheduling
as the Licensee deems necessary and adequate in order to meet his objectives, commitments and
statutory obligations,
‐ provides the Supplier with the necessary information to comply with the requirements, including
radiological protection information,
‐ provides feedback,
‐ maintains and updates documentation for the facility and component history
‐ draws up a technical specification for the Supplier, which defines his objectives and requirements.
In particular, these requirements shall ensure that performing the maintenance operation will not be
prejudicial to safety of the facility,
‐ defines surveillance actions for the Supplier (plus any subcontractors) at all stages, in order to
ensure that the pre-defined requirements relating to quality, design and performance in particular,
are properly understood and applied. The Licensee shall make sure that all goods and services
supplied are checked for compliance with requirements, and defines mutual notification procedures
When the Licensee does not carry out the maintenance operation himself, he shall select a Supplier
and approve any necessary subcontractors.
When the Licensee carries out the maintenance operation himself, he shall appoint a member of his own
staff to assume the role of Supplier. This person will be referred to as the "Supplier".
ASME XI duties of Inspector
The duties of the inspector are as follow:
a. The Inspector shall review the inspection plan and, as necessary, the implementation schedule
prior to the start of preservice inspection and each inspection interval. The review shall cover
any features that are affected by the requirements of this Division.
Shop and field preservice examinations are exempt from prior review.
b. The Inspector shall review any revisions to the inspection plan and, as necessary, the
implementation schedule during the preservice inspection or the inspection interval.
c. The Inspector shall submit a report to the Owner documenting review of the items identified
in (a) and (b).
d. The Inspector shall verify that the required examinations and system pressure tests have been
performed and the results recorded.
e. The Inspector shall verify that the required visual examinations have been performed and the
results recorded.
f. The Inspector shall perform any additional investigations necessary to verify that all
applicable requirements of IWA-2110 have been met.
g. The Inspector shall verify that the nondestructive examination methods used follow the
techniques specified in this Division and that the examinations are performed in accordance
with written qualified procedures and by personnel employed by the Owner or the Owner’s
agent and qualified.
h. The Inspector may require, at any time, requalification of any procedure or operator if the
Inspector has reason to believe that the requirements are not being met.
i. The Inspector shall certify the examination records after verifying that the requirements have
been met and that the records are correct.
j. The Inspector shall verify that repair/replacement activities are performed in accordance with
the requirements of the Owner’s Repair/Replacement Program.
k. The Inspector shall review the Repair/Replacement Program and its implementation.
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

The Owner shall arrange for an Inspector to have access to all parts of the plant as necessary to make the
required inspections. The Owner shall keep the Inspector informed of the progress of the preparatory work
necessary to permit inspections and shall notify the Inspector at a time reasonably in advance of when the
components will be ready for inspection.
ASME XI Inspection Methods
Concerning the Examination Methods:
a. The three types of examinations used during in-service inspection are defined as visual,
surface, and volumetric. The examination method to be used is specified in X-2500. If a
component must be examined in a high radiation area, remotely controlled equipment may be
b. When preparation of a surface for nondestructive examination is required, the preparation
shall be by a mechanical method. Such surfaces shall be blended into the surrounding area as
may be required to perform the examination. The wall thickness shall not be reduced below
the minimum thickness required by design. Non-mandatory Appendix may be used for such
surface preparation.
c. All nondestructive examinations of the required examination surface or volume shall be
conducted to the maximum extent practical. When performing VT‐1, surface, radiographic, or
ultrasonic examination on a component with defined surface or volume, essentially 100% of
the required surface or volume shall be examined. Essentially 100% coverage is achieved
when the applicable examination coverage is greater than 90%; however, in no case shall the
examination be terminated when greater than 90% coverage is achieved, if additional
coverage of the required examination surface or volume is practical. Non-mandatory
Appendix provides guidance that may be used for evaluating examination coverage.
A surface examination indicates the presence of surface discontinuities. It may be conducted using a
magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, eddy current, or ultrasonic method. Any linear indication detected by
magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, or eddy current examination that exceeds the allowable linear surface
flaw standards shall be recorded. Any flaw recorded by ultrasonic examination shall be compared to the
volumetric examination acceptance standards of Table for surface planar flaw.
A volumetric examination indicates the presence of discontinuities throughout the volume of material and
may be conducted from either the inside or outside surface of a component:
‐ Radiographic Examination
‐ Ultrasonic Examination
‐ Eddy Current Examination
‐ Acoustic Emission Examination
‐ Alternative examination methods, a combination of methods, or newly developed techniques may
be substituted for the methods specified
ASME XI- Personnel Qualification
Personnel performing non-destructive examinations (NDE) shall be qualified and certified using a written
practice prepared in accordance with ANSI/ASNT CP‐189, Standard for Qualification and Certification of
Non-destructive Testing Personnel, as amended by the requirements of this Division. Certifications based
on SNT‐TC‐1A, ANSI N45.2.6, or earlier editions of ANSI/ASNT CP‐189 are valid until recertification is
required. Recertification shall be in accordance with the edition of ANSI/ASNT CP‐189 referenced in
IWA-1600 as amended by the requirements of this Division. Outside agencies, as defined in Mandatory
Appendix VII, may be used to qualify NDE personnel; however, the Employer shall be solely responsible
for the certification of Levels I, II, and III personnel. Non-destructive and visual examination personnel
qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of this Division are qualified and certified to
perform examinations in accordance with the requirements of previous Editions and Addenda.
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

ASME XI- Inspection program

Inspection plans and schedules shall be prepared for the preservice inspection, the first in-service
inspection interval, and subsequent in-service inspection intervals:
a. Each inspection plan shall include the following:
b. inspection period and interval dates
c. An implementation schedule for performance of examinations and tests shall be prepared for
each inspection plan.
The inspection intervals shall comply with the following, except as modified by IWA:
a. 1st Inspection Interval — 10 years following initial start of plant commercial service
b. Successive Inspection Intervals — 10 years following the previous inspection interval
Requirements for examination of welds apply only to welds joining items and not welds correcting flaws
in base material (including core closure welds in casting), unless otherwise stated.
A reference system shall be established for all welds and areas subject to surface or volumetric
examination. Each such weld and area shall be located and identified by a system of reference points. The
system shall permit identification of each weld, location of each weld centerline, and designation of
regular intervals along the length of the weld.
ASME XI Standards for Examination Evaluation- X-3000
ASME XI Flaw evaluation:
a. Evaluation shall be made of flaws detected during an in-service examination as required by
IWB-3000 for Class 1 pressure retaining components, IWC-3000 for Class 2 pressure
retaining components, IWD-3000 for Class 3, IWF-3000 for component supports.
b. If acceptance standards for a particular component, Examination Category, or examination
method are not specified in this Division, flaws that exceed the acceptance standards for
materials and welds specified in the Section III Edition applicable to the construction of the
component shall be evaluated to determine disposition. Such disposition shall be subject to
review by the regulatory and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.
‐ Flaw characterization:
a. Flaws detected by the preservice and in-service examinations shall be sized by the bounding
rectangle or square for the purpose of description and dimensioning.
b. The dimensions of a flaw shall be determined by the size of a rectangle or square that fully
contains the area of the flaw.
c. The clad thickness dimension may be taken from the manufacturer’s drawings.
d. Flaws detected by the in-service examinations of steam generator tubing shall be described as
a percentage of wall thickness. The depth is the maximum radial dimension of the flaw. The
wall thickness t is the nominal wall thickness and the tube radius r is the mean radius
‐ Different type of flaws are considered: Surface Planar Flaws, Multiple Planar Flaws, Nonplanar
Flaws, Parallel Planar Flaws, Laminar flaws, Radiographic Examination, Multiple Nonaligned
Coplanar Flaws, Multiple Aligned Separate Flaws
‐ Linear Flaws Detected By Surface or Volumetric Examinations:
Linear flaws detected by surface (PT/MT) or volumetric (RT) examination methods shall be considered
single linear surface flaws provided the separation distance between flaws is equal to or less than the
dimension S; The overall length ℓ of a single and discontinuous linear flaw shall be determined
ASME XI Repair / Replacement Activities- X 4000
a. the requirements apply regardless of the reason for the repair/replacement activity or the
method that detected the condition requiring the repair/ replacement activity.
b. requirements for repair/replacement activities associated with pressure retaining components
and their supports, including appurtenances, subassemblies, parts of a component, core
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

support structures and their integral attachments. Repair/replacement activities include

welding, brazing, defect removal, metal removal by thermal means, rerating, and removing,
adding, and modifying items or systems. These requirements are applicable to procurement,
design, fabrication installation, examination, and pressure testing of items within the scope of
a. this Article apply to items classified by the Owner as Code Class 1, 2, 3 and their associated
supports. Class 1 heat exchanger tube plugs and Class 2 and 3 welded or brazed heat
exchanger tube plugs shall be considered pressure‐retaining material.
b. this Article do not apply to the following, except as provided in (c) through (d)
c. If items identified in (b) require welding or brazing to the pressure retaining portion of a
component or to a component support such installation shall comply with the requirements of
this Article.
d. Applicable Construction Code requirements, such as design requirements for Class 1 valve
stems, Owner responsibilities for assuring adequacy of intervening elements in the component
support load path, and nondestructive examination of springs for Class 1 component supports,
shall be met for items identified in (b).
ASME XI System Pressure Tests- X 5000
Periodic System Pressure Tests
‐ System pressure tests shall be conducted in accordance with the Examination Categories (IWX-
‐ Piping that penetrates a containment vessel is exempt from the periodic system pressure test when
the piping and isolation valves perform a containment function
System Test Requirements
System pressure tests has to be performed under which conditions a VT‐2 visual examination is performed
to detect leakage:
‐ a system leakage test conducted while the system is in operation, during a system operability test, or
while the system is at test conditions using an external pressurization source;
‐ a system hydrostatic test conducted during a plant shutdown at an elevated test pressure as specified
‐ a system pneumatic test conducted in lieu of either of the above system pressure tests for Class 2 or
Class 3 components as permitted
‐ system leakage tests and system hydrostatic tests shall be conducted at the pressure and temperature
‐ system test conditions shall be maintained during the course of the visual examination
‐ holding time after pressurization to test conditions, before the visual examinations commence, shall
be as specified
‐ system hydrostatic test and accompanying visual examination are acceptable in lieu of the system
leakage test and visual examination
System Leakage Test Holding Time
‐ For the system leakage tests, holding time after attaining test pressure:
o For Class 1 components no holding time
o For Class 2 and Class 3 components not required to operate during normal plant
operation, a 10 min holding time is required
o For Class 2 and Class 3 components required to operate during normal plant operation,
no holding time is required, provided the system has been in operation for at least 4
hours for insulated components or 10 min for non-insulated components.
o For system pneumatic tests, a 10 min holding time is required
‐ For system pressure tests, a 10 min holding time for non-insulated components or 4 hours for
insulated components
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

‐ A preservice system pressure test is not required, except following repair/replacement activities
Visual Examination
‐ Insulated and Non-insulated Components
o The VT‐2 visual examination shall be conducted by examining the accessible external exposed
surfaces of pressure retaining components for evidence of leakage.
o For components whose external surfaces are inaccessible for direct VT‐2 visual examination,
only the examination of the surrounding area (including floor areas or equipment surfaces
located underneath the components) for evidence of leakage shall be required.
Elevated Temperature Tests- Corrective Action
‐ sources of leakage detected during the conduct of a system pressure test shall be located and
evaluated by the Owner for corrective action
‐ If boric acid residues are detected on components, the leakage source and the areas of general
corrosion shall be located.
‐ Alternative Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections

‐ Scope: mainly PWR ‐ Scope: larger than RSE-M, PWR è BWR…
‐ Objectives: inspection, evaluation, maintenance ‐ Objectives: inspection, evaluation, maintenance
+ surveillance ‐ ASME XI Classification: safety levels + Non-
‐ RSE-M Classification: safety level + new rules Classified components
since EPR
‐ ISI : degradation oriented + sampling or RI-ISI ‐ ISI : % of welds or risk informed
(OMF) ‐ ISI results and flaw evaluation
‐ ISI results and flaw evaluation: Extremely
detailed and largely validated fracture mechanic
approaches; thermal ageing considered for all
materials; all cladded components specific
validated rules; all data and procedure are in
the Code; Standards consider fatigue and are
plant dependent
‐ More stringent NDE qualification ‐ Less stringent NDE qualification
‐ International practices for NDE personal ‐ National practices for NDE personal
qualification (ISO 9712 based on third party qualification
‐ Major surveillance programs are considered ‐ Surveillance program: not considered
‐ Repair – Replacement: less efficient proposals ‐ Repair – Replacement: More efficient proposals

‐ Pressure tests: many requirements at 1.2 Design ‐ Pressure tests: Many requirements at lower
Pressure (French Regulation); different pressure (leak close to operating pressure); more
exemption rules; larger frequency; after some exemption rules; lower frequency; After some
repairs repairs
‐ "Ageing Management": Practically sufficient ‐ "Ageing Management": not sufficient
and largely used for Periodic Safety Review
every 10 years
‐ Regulation dependent, based on French ‐ Regulation dependent, based on USNRC
regulation 10CFR50


24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05


Stress Intensity Factor Handbook- Comparison
Comparison are presented in References.
In general, but not systematically, ASME A-3000 is more conservative than RSE-M Appendix 5-4 of 5 to
40%; major differences are obtained for Ri / t equal 1 and low K values.
It's difficult to compare the very old data used by ASME and develop by API before 1995, with RSE-M
results developed consistently by 3 companies (CEA-AREVA and EDF) published in 2007. RSE-M has
used more refine meshes and accurate methods to compute K without any computer limitation.
Fitness for service Codes are very important tools for ISI, maintenance and remaining life estimations,
including Long Term Operation (LTO).
ASME Section XI and RSE-M have similar scope, but, different organization and content arrangements:
‐ ISI: many differences, detailed cases comparison is needed to better understand differences
‐ Flaw evaluation: more detailed in RSE-M
‐ Repair replacement: more proposals in ASME XI
‐ Pressure tests at lower pressure with ASME XI (with few exception)
‐ Both are strongly connected to Design & Construction Codes:
o Initial Codes can be used with ASME XI
o Last Construction Codes have to be used with RSE-M
‐ Key tool to support Ageing Management of NPPs and Periodic Safety Reviews every 10Y
As all the AFCEN-RCC (Design & Construction rules), similar work will be done:
‐ Put in appendices the specific requirements from the French Regulation
‐ Continue to improve the Code rules
‐ Answer to user requests
‐ Improve probabilistic and Risk Inform technology
‐ Compare with International Approaches: ASME, JSME … (planned next year)
Possible harmonization on some particular topics is absolutely possible. Both Codes are strongly National
Regulation dependent.
Improvements continue to:
‐ Assure Safety and Availability, including field experience
‐ Consider new plants (it's OK for EPR with very few adaptation)
Next on-going step will be a more detailed and quantified comparison.
This project was sponsored by AFCEN "French Nuclear Code Organization". Thanks for Denis Buisines
(chairmen of AFCEN Editorial Committee) and Luce Lobgeois (chairwomen of RSE-M Sub-committee)
for their support and reviews of the project and the different phase of results.
RSE-M Code, "Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", AFCEN RSE-M
2016 Edition
Boilers and Pressure Vessels ASME Code Section XI: "Rules for In-service Inspection of Nuclear
Components", 2013 Edition, New York
Boilers and Pressure Vessels ASME Code Section III: "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facilities",
2013 Edition
RSE-M Code: "In-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Island", 2012
Edition, AFCEN, Paris
RCC-M Code: "Design and Construction Code for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Island",
2013 Edition, AFCEN, Paris
24th International Conférence on Structural Mechanic in Reactor Technology
August 20-25, 2017 BEXCO/Centrum Hotel, Busan, Korea
Division D2 – Paper 02-08-05

Faidy C., "Stress Intensity Factor Handbook- Comparison of RSE-M and ASME XI Codes", Paper PVP –
2015 45199, Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, PVP 2015, July
19-23, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Marie S. & al., "French RSE-M and RCCMR code Appendices for flaw analysis: presentation of the
fracture parameters calculation- Part III: cracked pipes", International Journal of Pressure Vessels
and Piping 84 (2007) p. 614-638

Figure 1: ASME XI General Organization

Figure 2: RSE-M General Organization

In-Service Inspection Rules for Mechanical Subsection IWA General Requirements (76 pages)
RSEM 2012
Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
Requirements for Class 1 Components
Subsection IWB
Sections of Light‐Water Cooled Plants (65 pages)
Requirements for Class 2 Components
Subsection IWC
SECTION A GENERAL RULES (123 pages) of Light‐Water Cooled Plants (40 pages)
Requirements for Class 3 Components
Subsection IWD
SECTION B SPECIFIC RULES FOR CLASS 1 COMPONENTS (179 pages) of Light‐Water Cooled Plants (12 pages)
Requirements for Class MC and Metallic Liners of Class CC Components of
Subsection IWE
SECTION C SPECIFIC RULES FOR CLASS 2 AND 3 COMPONENTS (67 pages) Light‐Water Cooled Plants (13 pages)

SPECIFIC RULES FOR COMPONENTS NOT ASSIGNED TO ANY PARTICULAR RSE-M CLASS (49 Requirements for Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Components Supports of Light‐Water
SECTION D Subsection IWF
pages) Cooled Plants (9 pages)
Requirements for Class CC Concrete Components of Light‐Water‐Cooled
Appendices (1150 pages) Subsection IWL
Plants (16 pages)

RSE-M Number of Pages: 1568 Appendices (318 pages)

ASME XI Number of Pages: 549

Figure 3: RSE-M - General Organization Figure 4: ASME XI - General Organization

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