Chapter 1 5final
Chapter 1 5final
Chapter 1 5final
secondary education. It is carefully designed to provide students with practical skills and
hands-on learning experiences essential for their overall growth. This study examines how
DepEd's work immersion program affects students' self-efficacy beliefs. This discourse aims
and preparedness for future academic and professional endeavors through a systematic
and grounded in empirical evidence, this inquiry endeavors to illuminate the transformative
Moreover, the relationship between high school students' academic success and their
cited in Kimani, B., 2024). Results indicate that work-based learning experiences and
enhanced academic results are positively correlated. Through practical experiences in real-
world settings, work immersion programs enable students to apply classroom theory to real-
world scenarios across various industries. Naranjo, J. E., Sanchez, D. G., Robalino-Lopez, A.,
Robalino-Lopez, P., et al. (2020) investigate how well work immersion programs improve
students' preparedness for the workforce. Educating students about the needs of the
work immersion programs and their effects on Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science
(HUMSS) majors are not well understood or supported by data. The researchers in this study
will provide thorough knowledge and supporting documentation of why it has a significant
impact on students. For Grade 12 students’ specializing in Humanities and Social Sciences
career paths, develop essential skills such as communication and critical thinking, and gain
The association between involvement in the work immersion programs and academic
results can be quanti-quali examined by educators. Decisions about the optimization and
integration of these programs within the educational framework can be made with knowledge
by stakeholders and policymakers. There is a vacuum in the field of study at this time. In
immersion programs on Grade 12 students engaged in the Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) track exists. Mixed method research is required to provide empirical and statistical
evidence of the program's impact on academic performance, skill development, and career
In addressing this gap in the literature, the researchers hope to provide useful
information to stakeholders, educators, and legislators who are interested in improving the
educational opportunities and prospects for Grade 12 HUMSS students through work
immersion programs. By performing a mixed method analysis, they hope to provide useful
information about quantifiable outcomes like academic performance, skill development, and
career readiness among this population. The study is crucial because it offers evidence-based
suggestions for improving the educational experiences and future employment opportunities
recommendations can affect educational policies and practices. Furthermore, the research's
secondary education, making them an invaluable tool for educators, decision-makers, and
The study sought to determine the effectiveness of the work immersion program to the
Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) S.Y 2023-2024 students, as measured by
following questions:
1.3 section?
3. What are the factors influencing the work immersion performance of Grade 12
HUMSS students?
4. How does the level of self-efficacy among Grade 12 HUMSS students affect their
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
This theoretical framework guides the inquiry into the effects of work
Figure 1
Work Immersion
Level of Work Immersion
Respondents’ Input Performance
Learning Experience
Figure 1 shows the Social Cognitive Theory of Lent, Brown, and Hackett (SCCT)
cognitive factors, social interactions, and environmental conditions. In the context of this
investigation, SCT serves as the guiding theoretical lens through which to comprehend and
analyze the level of work immersion performance among Grade 12 HUMSS (Humanities
and Social Sciences) students, alongside the diverse factors influencing such performance.
immersion performance.
Moreover, SCT underscores the pivotal role of environmental factors, such as access
to resources and opportunities, in either fostering or impeding career development. Thus, the
study delves into the repercussions of institutional support, workplace conditions, and socio-
The adoption of SCT as the theoretical framework for this study finds robust
justification in its solid theoretical foundation and its aptness for comprehending career-
embracing SCT as the guiding theoretical framework, this study endeavors to yield nuanced
insights into the determinants of Grade 12 HUMSS students' work immersion performance,
thereby guiding educational policies and interventions aimed at fostering students' career
the reinforcement of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In line
with this legal mandate, the Department of Education (DepEd) advocates for the
The research seeks to explore how work experience programs affect Grade 12
students, in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) track aiming to understand how
these initiatives help these students get ready, for their pursuits. This study aims to give
important insights that can drive curriculum design, career advising practices, educational
policies, and interventions created specifically to suit the requirements of Grade 12 HUMSS
This study addresses the critical need for educational methods and policies aimed at
enhancing students' readiness for the workforce or higher education, particularly focusing on
Grade 12 HUMSS students. By analyzing the impact of work immersion programs, it offers
the parents can better engage with educational institutions, advocating for the
inclusion of such programs in the curriculum and providing input on their effectiveness;
the teachers equipped with knowledge from the study, can tailor curriculum content
endeavors. Additionally, future researchers can build upon this study's findings, contributing
the career counselors can utilize the insights to design effective advising programs
tailored to the needs of Grade 12 HUMSS students. Ultimately, this study serves as
a foundational resource for shaping educational policies and practices that foster holistic
development and equip students with the necessary experiences, knowledge, and skills to
the future researchers' study serves as a guide to understanding how the work
immersion program affects their studies, academic performance, career aspirations, and
career readiness with the help of the study's statistical evidence. It can also shed light on how
To sum up, this study is important because it can help shape educational policies,
practices, and interventions that support Grade 12 HUMSS students' holistic development
and give them the experiences, knowledge, and skills they need to succeed in a constantly
The primary focus of the study is to explore whether engaging in these programs
affects different facets of their academic and personal growth. The study will be conducted at
Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School, and the respondents are specifically the
Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science students. A random simple sampling approach will
combined. The study does not generalize the findings and is not applicable to all strands, only
Definition of Terms
operationally defined:
the employer of the partner industry of the school or the supervisor who is in charge of the
student in work immersion, which is assessed based on their knowledge of the technical field,
Self-efficacy refers to a person's confidence in their ability to carry out the actions
Student performance in this study is used to describe the ratings the students
are deployed to a certain institution to experience working 180 hours in order to gain and
practice their skills and knowledge that align with their strand
Career readiness refers to the student's insights from the work immersion program
Real-world settings are where students engage in their work immersion program and
Level of work immersion performance is the output of the displayed attitude of the
students in the workplace and criteria for the students to know where they stand most.
Skill development refers to the student's acquired and enhanced knowledge to their
tasks, and activities as part of their learning process within the work immersion program.
the work immersion program within the senior high school curriculum.
it explores how work immersion experiences can impact students' academic, personal, and
Work immersion programs offer a valuable opportunity for students to gain hands-on
experience in real-world work settings aligned with their field of study or career goals (Araña
& Yu, 2021, as cited in Pestijo, 2023). These programs complement traditional classroom
knowledge in real-world contexts. Several studies have shed light on the challenges
encountered by students during work immersion programs, such as difficulties related to the
nature of work, responsibilities, and behavior during immersion (Macatuggal, J., & Cancino,
M., & David, M.,& Dismaya, S., et al., 2020), a lack of partner industries, students' work
habits, and insufficient teacher supervision (Vecino & Doromalhe, 2020), as well as potential
negative issues like poor teamwork and workplace communication. (McCallum, 2019)
Despite these challenges, research suggests that work immersion programs have a
facilitating hands-on experience and application of competencies (Tanaleon, A., & Abang,
D., & Alarcon, J. A., & Camino, W. R., et al., 2020), fostering critical thinking, problem-
solving, and collaboration skills, and equipping students with life and professional skills.
However, further investigation into the specific elements affecting the efficiency of work
immersion programs, including the level of assistance and direction provided to students, is
needed (Cariño & Palma, 2020, as cited in Fujio, C., & Catulinan, A., & Cordero, S., &
The Educational Reform Laws and The K to 12 Basic Education Program in the
Philippines mandate that grade 12 students engage in work immersion, aiming to provide
students with practical experience and equip them for further education or entry into the
workforce (Acut, D. P., Curaraton, E. P., Latonio, G. C., & Latonio, R. a. C., 2021).
Discrimination Act (Republic Act No. 7610) ensures that student work immersion
experiences are conducted in a manner that is safe and educational, safeguarding students'
Apart from that, the Experiential Learning Theory by David Kolb (1984) provides a
theoretical basis for work immersion programs. According to Kolb, as cited in "Experiential
learning effectiveness, and enhance work and life skills. Experiential learning empowers
students to actively engage in their education, bridging the gap between theory and practice
while expanding learning beyond the classroom. Moreover, Wang, Kang, and Choi (2021)
raises expectations for them and puts more pressure on their position. Furthermore, effective
knowledge sharing, which is crucial in work immersion programs, depends on factors such as
motivation, work culture, attitudes (Sohail & Daud, 2019), priorities and limitations of the
organization (Chouikha & Dakhil, 2012, as cited in Favila, A., Erfe, P., Pimentel, M., Naval,
J., et al., 2019) as well as trust, incentives, culture, and open communication (Tan, 2015).
This chapter presents the methods used, research locale, description of the
Research Design
The objective of the mixed method study is to find out how work immersion programs
affect Grade 12 students who specialize in Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
academic performance and job preparedness. The purpose of the study is to measure the
correlation between two important variables, such as the dependent variable of academic
accomplishment, and independent variables like job readiness and involvement in work
immersion programs. While professional preparedness will take into account elements like
will be gauged by objective measures like grades, test scores, and graduation rates. In
addition to adding to the body of knowledge already available on experiential learning and
educational outcomes, the research aims to provide statistical evidence regarding the impact
of work immersion programs on Grade 12 HUMSS students through a Likert scale and open-
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
located on Macopa Street., Basak Pardo, Cebu City. The respondents of the study are
randomly selected Grade 12 students in Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) from the
Research Participants
The participants of this study are the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science
(HUMSS) senior high school students of Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School
(DVRMNHS) for the school year 2023-2024. The participants for the study will be chosen
respondents for HUMSS 2, 13 respondents for HUMSS 3, and 9 respondents for HUMSS 4
Research Instrument
In this study, a survey questionnaire will serve as the primary data collection tool. It
contains a demographic profile, 15 Likert scale questions, and 2 open-ended questions that
will be utilized in the study to determine the overall importance of the instrument.
Before the survey, informed consent will be obtained from all participants, clearly
outlining the purpose of the study, confidentiality measures, and the voluntary nature of
participation. Participants will be assured that their responses will remain confidential and
will only be used for research purposes. To ensure representativeness, a random sampling
method will be employed to select participants from each Grade 12 Humanities and Social
participants for the study by drawing names using the lottery method. Students will be given
adequate time to complete the survey, ensuring they can provide thoughtful responses. The
survey questionnaire, approved by the research teacher, will include demographic questions,
This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered in this study. The
various results were presented in tabular forms with corresponding discussions and
17 10 20 5 10 17 30
18 20 40 8 16 31 56
19 3 6 1 2 4 8
20 1 2 2 4 3 6
Total 34 68 16 32 50 100
Table 1, shows that the majority of respondents are female, totaling 34 students,
whereas males consist of only 16 students out of a total of 50 respondents. Among females,
those aged 18 represent the highest group of respondents, totaling 20 individuals, accounting
for 40% of the total. In comparison, there are 10 respondents aged 17, constituting 20% of the
total; 3 respondents aged 19, making up 6%; and only 1 respondent aged 20, representing 2%
of the total. Male respondents aged 18 accounted for 8 students, comprising 16% of the total.
Meanwhile, there were 5 respondents aged 17, representing 10% of the total. Additionally,
there were 2 students aged 20, constituting 4% of the total, and only 1 respondent aged 19,
representing 2%.
Figure 2
Demographic Profile of the Respondents
(18%) 12
The pie graph shows the results of a survey conducted among students in four
HUMSS classes in Grade 12. Among these classes, HUMSS 2 had the most participants, with
16 students making up 32% of the total responses. Following closely behind, HUMSS 3 had
representing 24% of the total, while HUMSS 4 had the fewest respondents, with 9 students
comprising 18% of the responses. Overall, HUMSS 2 received the most responses, indicating
a higher level of participation, while HUMSS 4 had the lowest response rate.
Figure 3
Level of Work Immersion Performance
35 33 33 33 33
30 26 26
25 25
20 17 18
14 13 13 13
15 11 12 11
8 9
10 7 7 6
5 5 4
5 21 22 33 21 32
00 0 00 10 00 1 11 1
students. The table consists of different contents, which are: (1) Knowledge of Technical
Field. (2) Practical Competence. (3) Ability to learn. (4) Interest in Work. (5) Takes
Initiative. (6) Communication Skills. (7) Punctuality. (8) Housekeeping and Tidiness. (9)
Based on the level of work immersion performance, it can be seen in (1) Knowledge
technical field appropriate to their level of study. It can be seen that those 25 students shared
overall performance. Meanwhile, one student displayed a need for improvement in their
performance. It is widely believed that sharing knowledge helps build strong partnerships and
close friendships, which is the main way of transferring skills (Gonondo, 2017). Sharing
communication (Tan, 2015). People with similar jobs or working in the same place are more
likely to share knowledge (Muslem, A., & Abbas, M., 2017). However, effective
knowledge sharing depends on the priorities and limitations of the community or organization
(Chouikha & Dakhil, 2012, as cited in Favila, A., Erfe, P., Pimentel, M., Naval, J., et al.,
2019), as well as the motivation, work culture, and attitudes of the people involved (Sohail &
Daud, 2019). Therefore, the 25 students distributed newly acquired knowledge and skills in a
On the contrary, (2) practical competence showed that 26 students had displayed
competence, they can effectively carry out tasks at a level appropriate to their level of
encountered in the workplace. Apart from that, there are no respondents who did not meet the
workplace gives students a chance to put their skills to the test and use what they've learned
outside of the classroom. They were able to experience social interactions in a professional
environment and put their previous training to use. The students’ work immersion
experiences will help them acquire a variety of skills and values that will be useful when they
go from high school to the working world. (DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2017, Section 4);
(3) Ability to learn showed that 33 students had displayed outstanding performance in
their level of work immersion performance, and there’s no work immersion immersing
student that needed improvement for the particular characteristic. Every person's desire to
learn for themselves must be fulfilled not just in college and university but additionally, in
other places, in a variety of situations, with the resources, instruments, and motivations to
make personal study a productive endeavor, students gain greater knowledge. (Faure, 2020);
(4) Interest in work showed that 33 students had displayed outstanding performance in
their level of work immersion performance, and the participants displayed adequacy in the
identified characteristic without any requirement for improvement. (Dela Cruz & Permejo,
2020) state that means of work immersion, students gained experience in handling clients,
upholding ethical standards at work, organizing and running webinars, and a job-experience
simulation. Their encounters gave them knowledge, abilities, and a positive outlook on
(5) Takes initiative showed that 29 students had displayed outstanding performance in
their level of work immersion performance, and participants showed competency in the
designated trait without any need for enhancement. Thus, in order for students to be highly
productive, they must be ready to perform well in the complicated, unpredictable, and
changing workplace (Marinova, 2017, as cited in Brin, S., & Malvar, H., 2021). Regarding
the initiative and proactivity of senior high school students during their job immersion;
performance in their level of work immersion performance and no student participants in this
communicating, Umali and Tamayo (2020) as cited in Fujio, C., & Catulinan, A., & Cordero,
S., & Natividad, V., et al., (2023) study provided support for it, indicating that support for job
Moreover, Lao (2021) study as cited in Fujio, C., & Catulinan, A., & Cordero, S., &
Natividad, V., et al., (2023) further discovered that throughout work-immersion programs,
students who got more help and guidance tended to possess higher levels of workplace skills
their level of work immersion performance and there is 1 student who needed to improve in
arriving at work on time and keeping time. Not only that, punctuality has also been linked to
academic achievement. A study conducted by Obafemi and Redinat (2014) revealed that
students who are punctual to class tend to have better attendance records, higher grades, and
better overall academic performance compared to those who are frequently late. Punctuality
instills discipline and time management skills, which are crucial for academic success and the
tidiness, indicating that they were able to exhibit the proper attitude toward housekeeping
tasks and voluntarily participated in them. This result aligns with the study of Horrevorts, M.,
Van Ophem, J., & Terpstra, P. (2017) on the impact of cleanliness on employee productivity.
Their research revealed a significant correlation between perceived productivity and objective
cleanliness levels in non-profit organizations' offices in The Netherlands. They found that
higher levels of objective cleanliness were associated with greater perceived productivity
employees' work satisfaction levels and the cleanliness of their office environments,
(9) Safety is about the student's understanding and following safe work practices. It
was shown that 33 participants were able to meet the criteria while only 1 student needed
improvement; furthermore, Line and Albrechtsen (2016) stated that every employee will be
more aware of health and safety concerns and capable of improving security and health levels
through appropriate and safe practices. As a result, a basic understanding of workplace safety
management is required of all parties concerned, including the public, employers, and
level of work immwersion performance. However, one student needs to make improvements
in terms of this area (Gault 2018, as cited in Brin, F. S., & Malvar, R. H. 2023) stated that
one's overall performance in the workplace is correlated with their work attitude, hence if one
possesses the attitude, it will be a lot simpler and more transparent to discuss issues or ideas.
Therefore, in the level of work immersion performance in attitude and cooperation showed
that the 38 students had demonstrated readiness, possessed a positive outlook, and had
interpersonal skills.
The students who undergo the work immersion program differ greatly in their
experiences. Therefore, they can share their experience of their work immersion performance.
They were asked what factors influence the work immersion performance of Grade 12
HUMSS students.
Based on the responses from the participants three themes were made. First is Work
Environment and Support, Under the work environment, the following sub-themes were
found; cleanliness, friendliness, and healthiness. Some of the respondents had the same
“The first factor is the environment. I believe that if learners are immersed in a very
clean, friendly, and healthy environment, this will influence their performance in a very
positive way. Second is the support of peers. They will be deployed in a new workplace which
will need adjustment. So, with the help of peers, encouraging, motivating, and
communicating with each other, then for sure it will transform the performance of the
my abilities and to work participate and be motivated” In addition a respondent also stated
The factors showed that the respondents had experienced the given theme, not only
that, the researchers explored the legal structures that define and regulate those experiences
that the learners had obtained as observed in the Educational Reform Laws; The K to 12
Basic Education Program in the Philippines, which mandates that grade 12 students engage in
work immersion. This legislation aims to provide students with practical experience,
equipping them for further education or entry into the workforce (Acut et al., 2021). The
students can gain valuable insights in a workplace setting that they can use in their careers
that the student might adhere, apart from, the Child Labor Laws and Protections; The Special
Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act also known as
the Republic Act No. 7610 is crucial in ensuring that student work immersion experiences are
conducted in a manner that is safe and educational, safeguarding students' rights and well-
memorandum agreements. These documents outline how work immersion programs should
operate, emphasizing student safety, learning objectives, and appropriate work assignments
so that the students can be prepared for the work immersion program.
The analysis of the researchers investigates whether these immersion programs conform to
the legal standards and how this affects students' experiences and learning outcomes. The
findings from the reality of how these regulations are applied can lead to valuable insights
and recommendations for refining the work immersion programs to better meet educational
The second theme is Personal Development and Skills Enhancement. Here are the
participants’ answers;
While another respondent answered that “Work immersion provides students to adopt the real
world I work environment that will help the students to be able to communicate and interact
professionals”; and
“to improve our soft skills abilities and also to learn in work immersion placement to gain
The results show that there's a strong motivation for knowledge acquisition and self-
work ethics. The participants expressed a keenness to gain firsthand experience in their
chosen career paths, highlighting the importance of practical exposure. Participants also
stress the significance of being immersed in a real-world work environment, which allows for
the grade 12 HUMSS students is seen as an opportunity to enhance soft skills and acquire
valuable workplace experience. The findings are supported by the Experiential Learning
experience. Moreover, experience learning can boost student engagement, improve learning
effectiveness, and enhance work and life skills. Students who participate in experiential
learning are positioned as active participants in their learning and gain the ability to bridge
the gap between theory and practice and integrate learning beyond the Classroom
Figure 4
Level of Self-Efficacy
Level of Self-Efficacy
25 22
20 20
20 17 17
15 15
14 14
15 13
10 7
4 4
5 2
I am confident in my I feel motivated to My performance Societal expectations The encouragement
ability to actively participate during work impact my and positive
communicate and engage in tasks immersion is confidence in my feedback from my
effectively with assigned during my influenced abilities supervisor boost my
professionals during work immersion. by my level of self- belief in my
my work immersion efficacy. capabilities
positively impacted by the shows that students participating in the Work Immersion Program
are commonly confident in their ability to communicate with professionals and demonstrate a
passionate motivation to engage in assigned tasks. The student's encouragement and feedback
contributing factor to their levels of confidence. This data highlights how creating supportive
environments and providing positive reinforcement during work immersion can boost
students' confidence and performance. This result supported the study conducted by Wang et
since it raises expectations for him and puts more pressure on his position.
Furthermore, it shows that 22% strongly agreed that encouragement and positive
feedback from their supervisor boost their belief in their capabilities. Following closely
behind with 20%, that indicates feeling motivated to actively participate and engage in tasks
assigned. Additionally, 20% stated that their performance during work immersion is
expectations impact their confidence in their abilities. Lastly, only 2% disagreed regarding
their confidence in their ability to communicate effectively with professionals. This implies
that students' opinions of their skills and confidence in professional situations are greatly
the whole study to paint a complete picture of the phenomenon the researchers studied.
The study sought to determine the effectiveness of the work immersion program to
the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) S.Y 2023-2024 students, as measured
To answer the above-cited problem, the researcher needs to answer the following
1.1 gender;
1.3 section?
3. What are the factors influencing the work immersion performance of Grade 12
HUMSS students?
4. How does the level of self-efficacy among Grade 12 HUMSS students affect their
1. It is evident that the majority of respondents are female, totaling 34 students, whereas
males consist of only 16 students out of a total of 50 respondents. Among females, those aged
respondents aged 17, there are 3 respondents aged 19, and lastly, there is only 1 respondent
aged 20, male respondents aged 18 accounted for 8 students. Meanwhile, there were 5
respondents aged 17. Additionally, there were 2 students aged 20 and only 1 respondent aged
2. The findings reveal that grade 12 students participating in work immersion generally excel
students exhibited excellent ability to learn, while none required improvement. Similarly, 33
3. The results indicate a strong drive for self-improvement and knowledge acquisition among
participants, with a focus on developing work ethics and time management skills. Practical
patience, respect, and responsibility. Participants highlight the benefits of real-world work
environments for improving communication and soft skills, especially for grade 12 HUMSS
4. The level of self-efficacy shown by Grade 12 HUMSS students has an important effect on
their participation and output throughout the work immersion program. Students' confidence
is greatly enhanced by supervisors' encouraging words and positive feedback; about 22% of
students strongly agree that this increases their belief in their talents. Furthermore, about 20%
report that they feel motivated to actively engage in tasks when encouraged, and an equal
number claim that their degree of self-efficacy has a direct impact on how well they do
during work immersion. Also, as stated by about 17% of students, confidence levels are
The findings of our study on the impact of work immersion programs on Grade 12
HUMSS students reveal several key insights: (1) the demographic distribution highlights
gender disparities within the program, with a majority of female participants. (2) performance
evaluations indicate significant improvements across various skill sets, demonstrating the
and soft skills. (3) participants express a strong desire for self-improvement and emphasize
the value of practical exposure in developing work ethics and time management skills. (4) the
environment and positive reinforcement. To sum up, the findings of the study emphasize the
significant impact of work immersion programs in preparing students for future career
The study's findings support the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) by Lent, Brown, and
Hackett from 1994. The theory explains how personal factors, behaviors, and environment
influence each other and shape a person's beliefs, motivations, and actions. In the work
immersion program, SCT helps understand the results. The improvements in technical
knowledge, practical skills, and soft skills demonstrate how the immersive program and
SCT's focus on self-efficacy beliefs. These beliefs are formed through mastery experiences,
environment and positive reinforcement further highlights how the environment influences
environment that boosted self-efficacy beliefs, skill development, and personal growth,
The study's findings and conclusions have been carefully evaluated, and the following
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Work Immersion of Senior High School Learners in Calabarzon: Basis for Proposed
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HUMSS Strand Courses: The Ultimate Guide to Graduating in Humanities and Social Sciences
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Sohail, M. S., & Daud, S. (2019). Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions. VINE.
Tanaleon, A., Abang, D., Alarcon, J. A., Camino, W. R., Versoza, A., & Bernales, G., Jr.
the Philippines.
Wang, W., Kang, S., & Choi, S. B. (2021). Effects of Employee Well-Being and Self-
Dear respondents,
Program to the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) SY2023-2024 students
Your kind response to the question will be highly appreciated and every information
1.) Gender:
2.) Age:
3.) Section:
1.) What are the factors influencing the work immersion performance of Grade 12
HUMSS students?
Personal Data
Seminar Attended
Etika sa Panahon ng AI: Pagpanatili ng Integridad laban sa Plagiarismo last June 24, 2023
UP Cebu CODE 2022: Colloquium on Development and Education last December 10, 2022
Personal Data
School Attended
Senior High: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2021 - present
Personal Data
School Attended
Senior High: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2022 - present
High School: Quiot National High School 2017 - 2022
Elementary: Quiot Elementary School 2012 – 2017
Seminar Attended
Etika sa Panahon ng AI: Pagpanatili ng Integridad laban sa Plagiarismo last June 24, 2023
UP Cebu CODE 2022: Colloquium on Development and Education last December 10, 2022
Personal Data
School Attended
Senior High: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2022 - present
High School: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2017 - 2022
Elementary: Don Vicente Rama Memorial Elementary School 2012 - 2017
Seminar Attended
Etika sa Panahon ng AI: Pagpanatili ng Integridad laban sa Plagiarismo last June 24, 2023
UP Cebu CODE 2022: Colloquium on Development and Education last December 10, 2022
Personal Data
School Attended
Senior High: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2022 - present
High School: Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School 2017 - 2022
Elementary: Don Vicente Rama Memorial Elementary School 2012 - 2017
Seminar Attended
Etika sa Panahon ng AI: Pagpanatili ng Integridad laban sa Plagiarismo last June 24, 2023
UP Cebu CODE 2022: Colloquium on Development and Education last December 10, 2022