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IT Governance Implementation in Enterprise: A Review

Article in International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) · August 2019

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Hassan USMAN Shuaibu

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University


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IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 Apr-June 2019 ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE)

MIT Governance Implementation in Enterprise: A Review

Shuaibu Hassan Usman
Department of Management and Information Technology
AbubakarTafawaBalewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria
Abstract- IT governance enables enterprise to lay down regarding strategic management of Information Technology
effective strategies for future forecast as well as recurrent (IT). As it is now, IT decision making is paramount in every
issues on IT.The sustenance of any operations and organization, although, the decision from each organization
implementation of IT in enterprises and other organizations differs significantly in determining accountability,
depend on some elements, which IT governance is one of formalization and communication of the decision-making
those elements. IT governance guarantees the meeting of processes. Notwithstanding, lack of formal ITG could lead to
expectations for IT. On the other hand, IT governance reduces individual managers resolving issues in isolation, which may
IT risks and uncertainty through engaging top management in create conflict of interest. It is already investigated that when
enterprises and enterprises. It allows enterprises to align IT top management take time in designing, implementing, and
with the business objectives, to be aware of changes in the IT communicating of IT governance, organizations receive
domain, to carefully manage risks and to identify various value from Information and communication Technology
opportunities in order to take advantage. Therefore, this article (ICT) [7].
discussed some important aspect of IT governance that In a simple term, IT governance enables top managers to
include decision matrix, Key IT Decisions, ITgovernance direct and regulate all activities of IT in an enterprise to
Style, Benefits, Challenges and Reasons for IT governance. achieve IT alignment with business strategy[8]. Enterprises
should treat IT resources as a whole through integrating
Keyword- IT Governance, Decision matrix, Key IT Decisions, formalized IT governance into overallstructureof their IT
IT governance Style functions. This will allow them to set objectives, guidelines
I. INTRODUCTION and standardstoward achieving the value of IT investment.
Information Technology (IT) is changing and driving the The fundamental element of IT governance consists IT
growth of the global economy. It enables enterprises to be governance, IT management and IT production [8]
more productive, thereby encouraging growth. Despite the At end, this article aimed to contribute to the IT policy
huge benefits of IT, it is not enough to place IT onto the formulation among enterprises Nigeria, to trigger research on
development agenda without also addressing other critical IT governance and to prompt the top management in
elements of the development equation [1]. Information enterprises on need to implement IT Governance in their
Technology Governance (IT G) is among the critical elements enterprises.
for driving IT in Enterprises[2]. II. METHODOLOGY
Enterprises achieve full value of IT investment when they The main focus of this research is to review the literature on
align IT with business strategies, performance of IT are IT governance implementation in Enterprises. The choice of
Monitored, IT-related risks are Managed and mitigated [3, 4, the method is enable the researcher to review IT governance
5]. IT Governance in enterprises considercorporate failures, implementation. The review used Journal articles, books and
and scandals[3]. web sites to discuss the subject matter.
Many enterprises are not fully utilizing their resources as they
lack adequate knowledge. This happen because most Concept of IT Governance
enterprisesdo not implement IT governance [5]. In addition, In history, wider concept of governance was introduce with
higher education are sacrificing money, competitive advantage the aimed at financial reporting and auditing. The IT
and productivity by not implementing effective IT governance Governance Institute [9] in 2003 explains that global thinking
[6]. on the issue of governance has led to its adoption in field of
Although, research activities on IT governance have been IT. The reasons for governance being one of the IT fields
studied since early 20s around the globe, in Nigeria, the area include sincerity, truthfulness, responsibilityand
receive silence by scholars. In this era, there is a need for accountabilityin developing standards for changing the
business professional and the Enterprises around the globe to enterprise performance. In addition, it strengthening the
focus on the topic of Information Technology governance organization and controlling of an enterprises activities while
(ITG). These lead in achieving good corporate governance, maintainingenterprise spirit of IT functions and processes. IT
corporate management and compliance. The purpose for ITG governance recognizes responsibilities for executive board. IT
implementation is to achieve better decision making governance plays important role within the field of IT. In the


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IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 Apr-June 2019 ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE)
early stage, IT help enterprise to perform business activities as “IT governance (ITG) is defined as the processes that ensure
an enabler (i.e. technology provider). For many years, IT the effective and efficient use of IT in enabling an
stands as the backbone for enterprises, which now it has organization to achieve its goals”[14].
become inevitable to do without to it. IT is an important “IT governance is the responsibility of the board of directors
component for all types of enterprises [10]. IT function has and executive management. It is an integral part of enterprise
changed from technology provider to Service Provider to governance and consists of the leadership and organizational
Strategic Partner. The transformation from technology structures and processes that ensure that the organization’s
providers into strategic partners by IT function follow three IT sustains and extends the organization’s strategies and
stages. The first stage starts building from IT infrastructure objectives”[15].
management (ITIM) whereby IT organizations tend to make Although the IT governance’s definitions differ in several
sure that management of the enterprise infrastructure is aspects, they tend to have similar focus, making a right
improved. Managing IT infrastructure effectively involves decision and placing a framework for accountability in
getting the best return from the computing assets. Similarly, providing path for using IT in an organization. IT governance
organizations should take control over all of their IT focuses on change behaviors that ensure good process in an
infrastructure including the devices and the data they organization is maintained. Good process involves firmness,
generated. The second stage is the IT service management consistencies and accountabilities in decision making in using
(ITSM) in which the IT organizations try to identify the IT. This allow the enterprise to determine the rightand wrong
services needed by their customers. Similarly, the in the IT functions. Proper implementation of IT Governance
organizations focus on the best practice and delivery channels enables quick respond in term of identifying the problem and
for those identified services to meet up with the requirements way to solve them (it) on time. It has been already said that
of performance, availability and security. Furthermore, the governance in general is not only making right decision but
stage is concern with managing of service-level agreements of also taking correct process for decision-making [16].
both internal and external in order to achieve quality and cost However, the difference between IT governance and IT
targets. Finally, IT Governance is concern about IT management is made clear in a study [13]. IT management is
organizations growing to become IT business value a process of organizing, controlling, and maintaining IT
management. It means that enabling new business products and services for effective operations meanwhile IT
opportunities through transformation of business partners. governance focuses on the widening transformation and
This stage, there are full integration of all the processes and performance of IT in meeting the business demands of an
functions of IT to the enterprise framework for better service organization and its customers in the short-term (present) and
quality and business agility [11]. long-term (future) [13].
The IT Governance Institute [15]defines IT governance as a
IT Governance defined fundamentalaspect of enterprise.IT governance should be
TherearemanydefinitionsofITgovernance as a result of its
treated as any governance subjects that is to say the board and
multifaceted nature that include decision making, top
executives are responsible for it stewardship in an
management responsibility and accountability, and
organization. The fundamentalaspect of enterprise
implementation Strategy. IT governance is defined as the
governance encompasses top management, processes and
combine effort of executivemanagement (i.e. CEOs and CIOs)
structures within the enterprise to sustain IT infrastructures
and ITmanagementput in place to harness IT strategy with the
within the enterprise for strategies achievement of
objectives of the organization in creating business value. In
enterprise’s objectives [15].
addition, there are four more definitions of ITgovernance that
are used in this article: III. REASONS FOR IT GOVERNANCE
The advancement in IT has driven the economy of today’s
“IT governance is the alignment of leadership, organizational
world. Nowadays, large portions of products and services of
structures, and processes to actualize and sustain the
enterprises have transitioned from the tangible assets (e.g.
organizational objectives through the use of IT[12].
inventory, facilities, etc.) to the intangible assets (e.g. data,
“IT governance is the organizational capacity exercised by the knowledge, information, expertise, reputation, patents, etc.).
Board, executive management Almost of the mentioned assets are surrounded by the use of
andITmanagementtocontroltheformulationandimplementation IT. The IT governance is essential component forachieving
ofITstrategy and in this way ensure the fusion of business and goals of enterprise [15]. Part of the reasons for IT governance
IT”[13]. is that opportunities and reality regularlyare not the same
because the executives presume management to deliver the
following [15]:


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IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 Apr-June 2019 ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE)
1. Provide solution to IT functions and process with c. Enterprises experience poor quality of IT deliverables due
required quality within the limited resources(i.e. budget) to negative impact on efficiency and core processes.
and on time. d. Enterprises face with problems of ineffective plan for IT
2. Integrate all IT processes to achieve business value of IT resource, which deliver benefits to the enterprise.
3. Controland manage all IT functions for high productivity Benefitsof theITGovernance
pand efficiency IT governance has a tremendous benefits to organizations in
4. Handlingof all risks of IT functions and processes 21st century. When carefully reviewed a literature on IT
governance, one will come across four main points, which are
However, absent or ineffective IT governance is the major repeatedly mentioned (i.e. avoiding potential business threats,
problems that organization usually experiences in reality in Strategic alignment of IT with business objectives, guarding
many boards had with IT [15]. These problems are not the IT investment and attractivebusiness opportunities). In
restricted to the following: this article, four research publication were reviewed on the
a. Enterprises lose businesses, bad reputations emerge or benefit of IT governance [17] [18] [19] [20]. The table 1
weakening the competitive advantages shows the benefit based on authorship
b. Enterprises miss projects deadlines, high costs operations
and/or low quality than anticipated

Table 1: Benefit of IT Governance

SN Author(s) Benefit of IT Governance

1. The National i. Enhance Performance
Computing Centre, ii. Better Return on investment and added value for stakeholder
2005 iii. givesbusiness opportunities and easy partnerships facilitation
iv. Permits compliance to external regulation
v. Enhancedclearness and accountability
2. IT Governance i. Alignment of business opportunities withIT functions
Institute, 2004 ii. Provide concrete protection of shareholder
iii. Guides and protects all investment of IT infrastructure
iv. Toleratesall form difficulties in current operations and arranges for the
v. Handles withrisks IT
3. P. D. Weill and J. i. Provide strategic IT spending priorities
W. Ross, 2004 ii. Get about 20% or higher return on Investment
iii. Implementation business opportunities provided by advanced
iv. Assigns IT decision making to experience staff saddle with preparing
business goals
v. Learn the value of IT
vi. Create team that handle IT decision making process
vii. Make decision making process straight and obvious
4. P. Haghjoo 2012 i. Plan a good alignment between IT investment and the objectives of
ii. Protecting the investment of IT
iii. Utilize the business opportunities of IT
iv. Mitigating threats to business

Challengeof ITGovernance continuously being badly managed and governed [21]. In an

In spite of positive evidences about influence of IT article authored by Anthony David Giordano [22], clarifies the
Governance in making enterprises to succeed on IT major objections that prevent organizations from
Investment, however, there are also evidences of IT implementing IT governance. The author explains the


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IJRECE VOL. 7 ISSUE 2 Apr-June 2019 ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE)
achievement or failure in IT governance implementation representative from the units. The styleis applicable to
remainscommonlyon the steps enterprise are taking in independent business units’enterprise[24].
addressing most of the well-known challenges. The author 5 Duopoly: The IT duopoly comprises of two parties
listed the following as major challenges in implementation of arrangement between business group and IT executives
IT Governance: where decisions represent agreement.[24].
1 Right-sizing an IT governance process: the 6 Anarchy: This is where decision rights are being carried
organization should ensure thatthe proposed solutions fits out by individual. Users or small group in units take
the problem to avoid incurring tremendous costs. decision to satisfy immediate need [24].
2 The impact of existing industry standards: the
organization should make sure that standards are used and The Key IT Decisions for IT Governance
obeyed in its endeavors. This section discusses the IT governance archetype basedon
3 Information management maturity: the organization Weill and Ross (2005) where they places five decisions ofIT
should beready to implement IT governance. Information called Governance Arrangement Matrix [25]. The five
management maturity is a requirement for successful IT decisions comprise IT principles, IT infrastructure strategies,
governance implementation. IT architecture, business application needs and IT investment
4 The "Big Data" conundrum: this is to determine what and prioritization [25, 24, 23]. Enterprises use both decision
to manage and how to do it.Themain task of IT and response rights in place of each of the five decisions to
governance implementation is to accurately and logically which organization’s approach by archetype is categorized
review all the types of Big Data with a mind in [23]. Generally, input rights come from several individuals.
developing a strategy for each type On the other hand, the decision rights come from
5 IT governance: Project or process? The organization diversegroups’ decision. Federal model are mostly used for
should define and identify how to implement IT input rights onbusiness- oriented IT decisionsof the
governance. IT governance implementations may fail due enterprises.The input right come from three decision rights,
incorrect expectations between sponsors and those which areIT principles, IT investments and business
attempting to implement information governance. application needs. The input and feedback on these IT
decisions are delivered by budget teams and process teams
[23]. Usually, Duopoly model is used for input rights in
ITgovernance Style
technical IT decisions, which comprise IT architecture and
This is the way (approach) organization and Enterprises
infrastructure strategies[23].
govern IT to achieve their goal. Weill 2004[23], studies 250
enterprises in 23 countries, which indicate that there some Designing of IT governance on decision matrix
broad patterns or confirmation of IT governance. The study IT governance specifies the individual responsible for the
found that few enterprises use the feudal approachesand decision rights, and what he/she should be accountable in
anarchy to govern their IT processes and function. Regarding making the decision. In view of these, it is not advisable to
ITgovernancestyles,most of the enterprises placetheir make decision in an isolation. It is recommended that proper
policymakingrightand structuresonIT functions. Therefore, information is assured through clearly defined solution to
there are six governance styles called archetype comprise of problems IT Governance implementation [26]. Available
different combinations of IT executives and business at literature has shown that comparing the five decision
various levels in an organization. alongside the approaches of the archetypesto become a matrix
1 Business Monarchy: This is where decision-making is gives aninstrument for identifying, examining and
made by a team of top management. The team consists of collaborating IT decisions [7]. The table 2 shows the matrix of
executive business committee and IT executives[24] IT governance arrangements [26]. Looking at the matrix, there
2 Federal style: this is where decision rightare shared are six archetypes that enterprises need to choose one for their
between the top management and some business team implementation for effective IT governanceachievement.
within the enterprise [24]. Thefederalmodel is an After selecting the appropriate IT governance style (i.e.
organized decision-makingapproach that takes archetype), enterprises should place it against the five
cognizance of adepartment (i.e. center) and decisions to be able to show evident in business-performance
businessunits. metrics.
3 IT monarchy: this is where the top management make
decision on IT activities usually by the Office of the Chief
Information Officer[24].
4 Feudal style: this is where the decision-making on IT are
carried out by the leaders of Business unit or


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Table 2: IT Governance Matrix

IT Governance Arrangements
Archetype Decisions
IT Principles IT Architecture IT Infrastructure Business IT Investment
Strategies Application Needs
Input Decision Input Decision Input Decision Input Decision Input Decision
IT Monarchy
Source: adopted from [26]
IV. CONCLUSION [7]. P. Weill and J. W. Ross, "A Matrixed Approach to Designing IT
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enterprises, which it was found making a right decision and 01 2005.
placing a framework for accountability in providing path for [8]. M. Messerschmidt and M. Böhm , "IT governance framework,"
2017. [Online]. Available:
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poor reputations, lose businesses, weak competitive advantages, [Accessed 30 10 2017].
miss projects deadlines, high costs of operations and/or low [9]. ITGI, Board Briefing on IT Governance, 2nd ed., Rolling
quality and experience poor quality of IT deliverables due to Meadows, Ilinois: IT Governance Institute, 2003.
failure to implement IT governance. [10]. W. Grembergen, "Strategies for Information Technology
Governance," Idea Group Publishing, 2004.
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