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Lumbar Interbody Fusions 1st Edition

Edition Sunil Manjila

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Lumbar Interbody

Sunil V. Manjila, MD
Staff Neurosurgeon
McLaren Bay Region Medical Center
Bay City, Michigan, USA

Thomas E. Mroz, MD
Director, Center for Spine Health
Director, Clinical Research
Center for Spine Health
Departments of Orthopaedic and Neurological Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Michael P. Steinmetz, MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Neurosurgery
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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“No matter what measures are taken, doctors will sometimes fal- implant/screw options and role of spinous process plates, facet
ter, and it isn’t reasonable to ask that we achieve perfection. What screws, and pedicle screws in offering spinal stability. Finally, Sec-
is reasonable is to ask that we never cease to aim for it.” tion V provides an overview of revision interbody fusions, thoracic
― Atul Gawande, Complications: A Surgeon’s and lumbar overlap diseases, and evidence-based reports on lum-
Notes on an Imperfect Science bar interbody fusions. This practical template gives a 360-degree
approach to lumbar spine surgery, providing ample insights and
It is a distinct honor and privilege to present the inaugural edition tenets to deal with complex lumbar spine procedures in vexing
of Lumbar Interbody Fusions by Manjila, Mroz, and Steinmetz, clinical situations. The authors have infused their vast clinical and
showcasing the techniques and nuances in lumbar spine surgery surgical experience into what makes for a well-choreographed,
that can improve both safety and efficacy in our operating rooms. rehearsed operation, notably in an era where “10,000 hours of
This highly technical and contextualized treatise provides a unique practice to perfection” is cumbersome with current residency
and state-of-the-art “single-stop shop” for the reader, whether a training restrictions.
novice resident or an expert practitioner, perusing all the major We also thank the publishers at Elsevier for their boundless
lumbar interbody fusion techniques in its sum and substance. and unfailing support as well as tireless assistance in bringing out
This book will truly serve as a vade mecum procedural guide, this volume. I would personally like to thank Sharon Nash (Senior
and a perfect addendum to the conventional pedagogical texts in Content Development Specialist), Belinda Kuhn (Senior Content
spine surgery. This book has five intuitive sections and spans 232 Strategist), and Beula Christopher King (Senior Project Manager)
pages. Section I provides a primer to the subject with relevant and for their continued interactions and diligent interventions in
updated clinical studies, while Section II provides an overview of bringing out this magnum opus in a timely manner. We welcome
pertinent surgical anatomy and intraoperative imaging. Section your thoughtful comments, suggestions, and criticisms to improve
III discusses the surgical options of lumbar interbody fusions with subsequent editions, as we truly believe that surgical training is
indications, techniques, pearls and pitfalls, with complication a mesmerizing art and science, ever-changing and evolving with
avoidance and management. Section IV presents contemporary time and ensuing needs of both patients and the providers.
updates on adjunct instrumentation, implant biomaterials, and
biologic options in lumbar fusion, with subsections on integrated Sunil V. Manjila, MD

List of Contributors

Vincent J. Alentado, MD Ryan Cohen, BS

Neurosurgery Resident Boston University School of Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Kelly A. Frank, MS
Clinical Research
Neel Anand, MD Spine Institute of Louisiana
Professor of Orthopaedics Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Department of Orthopaedics
Cedars-Sinai Spine Center Mark B. Frenkel, MD
Los Angeles, California, USA Neurosurgical Resident
Department of Neurological Surgery
Mauricio J. Avila, MD Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Neurosurgery Resident Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Arizona Zoher Ghogawala, MD
Tucson, Arizona, USA Professor
Tufts University School of Medicine
Ali A. Baaj, MD Chairman
Associate Professor Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurological Surgery Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
Weill Cornell Medicine Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
New York, New York, USA
Colin Haines, MD
Charles L. Branch Jr., MD Clinical Spine Fellow
Professor and Chairman Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health
Department of Neurological Surgery Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA David J. Hart, MD
Associate Professor
Julie L. Chan, MD PhD Department of Neurological Surgery
Resident Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Department of Neurosurgery Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, California, USA Roger Härtl, MD
Professor of Neurological Surgery
Hsuan-Kan Chang, MD Director of Spinal Surgery
Clinical Research Fellow Department of Neurological Surgery
Department of Neurosurgery Weill Cornell Medicine
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine New York, New York, USA
Miami, Florida, USA
Hamid Hassanzadeh, MD
Peng-Yuan Chang, MD Assistant Professor
Clinical Research Fellow Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Neurosurgery University of Virginia
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Miami, Florida, USA

Jason Cohen, BS
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, New York, USA
x List of Contributors

Wellington K. Hsu, MD Sunil V. Manjila, MD

Clifford C. Raisbeck, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Staff Neurosurgeon
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurological McLaren Bay Region Medical Center
Surgery Bay City, Michigan, USA
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois, USA Glen Manzano, MD
Assistant Professor
Andre M. Jakoi, MD Department of Neurological Surgery
Spine Fellow University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Jackson Memorial Hospital
University of Southern California Miami, Florida, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Marco C. Mendoza, MD
Jacob R. Joseph, MD Resident
Resident Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Neurosurgery Northwestern University
University of Michigan Chicago, Illinois, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Thomas E. Mroz, MD
Adam S. Kanter, MD Director, Center for Spine Health
Chief of Presbyterian Spine Service Director, Clinical Research
Director, Minimally Invasive Spine Program Center for Spine Health
Department of Neurological Surgery Departments of Orthopaedic and Neurological Surgery
University of Pittsburgh Cleveland Clinic
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Adam Khalil, MD Rodrigo Navarro-Ramirez, MD

Resident Neurological Surgery Fellow
Department of Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine
Cleveland Clinic New York, New York, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Pierce D. Nunley, MD
John Paul G. Kolcun, BS Director, Spine Institute of Louisiana
Clinical Research Associate Spine Institute of Louisiana;
Department of Neurosurgery Associate Professor
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Louisiana State University Health Science Center Orthopaedics
Miami, Florida, USA Shreveport, Louisiana, USA

Ajit A. Krishnaney, MD R. Douglas Orr, MD

Staff Surgeon Staff
Department of Neurosurgery Center for Spine Health
Cleveland Clinic Neurologic Institute
Cleveland, Ohio, USA Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Abhishek Kumar, MD FRCSC
Assistant Professor Samuel C. Overley, MD
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Resident
Louisiana State University Department of Orthopedic Surgery
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Mount Sinai Medical Center
New York, New York, USA
Shankar A. Kutty, MCh
Consultant Neurosurgeon Paul Park, MD
NMC Specialty Hospital Associate Professor
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Department of Neurosurgery
University of Michigan
Allan D. Levi, MD PhD Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Professor and Chair
Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Hospital
Miami, Florida, USA
List of Contributors xi

Neil N. Patel, MD David J. Salvetti, MD

Spine Fellow Spine Fellow
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Neurological Surgery
University of Southern California University of Pittsburgh
Los Angeles, California, USA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Martin H. Pham, MD Jason W. Savage, MD

Spine Fellow Staff Spine Surgeon
Department of Neurological Surgery Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health
University of Southern California Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Michael P. Steinmetz, MD
Varun Puvanesarajah, MD Professor and Chairman
Resident Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
John’s Hopkins Medical Institute Cleveland Clinic
Baltimore, Maryland, USA Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Rabia Qureshi, BS Zachary J. Tempel, MD

Clinical Research Fellow Neurosurgeon
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Spine Division Mayfield Brain and Spine
University of Virginia School of Medicine Mayfield Clinic
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Sheeraz Qureshi, MD Jeffrey C. Wang, MD

Associate Professor Chief, Orthopaedic Spine Service
Department of Orthopedic Surgery Co-Director, USC Spine Center
Mount Sinai Medical Center Professor of Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery
New York, New York, USA University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California, USA
Jaclyn J. Renfrow, MD
Resident Michael Y. Wang, MD FACS
Department of Neurological Surgery Professor
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Departments of Neurosurgery and Rehabilitation Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Miami, Florida, USA
Angela M. Richardon, MD PhD
Resident Robert G. Whitmore, MD, FAANS
Department of Neurological Surgery Assistant Professor
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine
Jackson Memorial Hospital Department of Neurosurgery
Miami, Florida, USA Lahey Hospital and Medical System
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Timothy T. Roberts, MD
Spine Surgeon Alex M. Witek, MD
Coastal Spine Center Resident
Coastal Orthopedics Sports and Pain Management Department of Neurosurgery
Bradenton, Florida, USA Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Brett D. Rosenthal, MD
Resident Physician
Orthopaedic Surgery
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois, USA

I would like to acknowledge all the outstanding contributing I would like to acknowledge all of my mentors. Their training
authors who volunteered their time, effort, and energy in mak- and guidance have made this project possible. I would like to fur-
ing this work an astounding success. I appreciate all the ideas, ther acknowledge present and past partners, collaborators, fellows,
suggestions, and guidance from the editorial/publishing team and ­residents, and medical students.
content developers of Elsevier, and I dedicate this volume to the
esteemed readers who will make best use of its contents for the Michael P. Steinmetz, MD
welfare and well-being of our patients all across the world.

Sunil V. Manjila, MD

I would like to dedicate this book to my mentors,
teachers, benefactors, friends, and family, especially
my loving sons—Nihal Manjila and Rehan Manjila.
Sunil V. Manjila, MD

I would like to dedicate this book to my wife, Bettina,

and my two children, Cameron and Marcus. ­Editing
a book is a challenging endeavor and consumes
considerable time. Much of this time is taken away
from family. This is not lost on us as editors, and this
finished product is a testament to a supportive and
loving family.
Michael P. Steinmetz, MD

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S E C T I ON 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

General Indications and

Introduction The next major step in development of spinal surgery occurred

when Watkins reported the posterolateral intertransverse fusion
This chapter provides an overview of the contemporary literature on in 1953.4
lumbar interbody fusion (LIF) instrumentation based on the Spine In 1962 Harrington reported on his series of scoliosis surgery
Patient Outcome Research Trial, Swedish Spinal Stenosis Study, and a using sublaminar hooks and rods, and the era of spinal instru-
recent New England Journal of Medicine article on clinical outcomes. mentation began.5 Advances in metallurgy and surgical tech-
Preoperative factors influencing the surgical outcome are discussed, niques led to the development of transpedicular, translaminar,
along with five basic tenets of LIF based on: (1) presence and extent corticopedicular, and facet screw systems as well as myriad types
of concurrent listhesis at the level of fusion, (2) need for unilateral of interbody cages made of titanium, polyetheretherketone, and
versus bilateral foraminal decompression, (3) presence of central canal so forth, with variations such as trabecular mesh. Spinal tech-
stenosis, (4) loss of coronal and sagittal balance, and (5) the history nology grew closely following the prosthetic joint technology;
of prior surgery at the same level or adjacent levels with or without for example, the lessons of enhanced biomechanical pull-out
instrumentations. We also discuss the complications of some original strength and migration resistance offered by porous coating of
LIF approaches with relevant illustrations depicting the successful use hip implant (first application of Plasmapore coating of titanium
of alternate LIF approaches to correct them. The chapter also por- hip prosthesis) in 1986 slowly made its way to the lumbar spine
trays the synergistic role of novel techniques and technologies that can market in 2012 (as the first Plasmapore-coated polyetherether-
make modern LIF procedures safer, more feasible, and more effica- ketone lumbar implant). Continuous improvisation of novel
cious. These LIF techniques require a lot of expertise and can often be technologies, designs, navigation, and robotics make LIF an
hard to do well, especially in reoperations. These operations are very ever-evolving area of spine surgery.
equipment dependent, and it is important to be familiar with all the Other revolutionizing factors included various osteoinductive
common LIF techniques in clinical practice and their individual ben- and osteoconductive materials being used in bone fusion. A sig-
efits and complications. Clear understanding about the various LIF nificant step forward was made with the development of recom-
approaches can equip the spine surgeon especially when dealing with binant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP). BMPs
a complication needing implant retrieval from a distinct approach comprise a group of osteoinductive cytokines that belong to the
that was performed by another surgeon. transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily. BMP-2
had been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
Background (FDA) in 2002 for anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) based
on a pivotal study by Burkus et al.6 Since its introduction into
The first recorded surgical attempt at fusion of the spinal col- clinical use, BMP had an immense surge in popularity as spinal
umn was in 1891, when Hadra attempted cervical interspinous surgeons started using osteobiologicals in large numbers to avoid
wiring to treat subluxation caused by Potts spine.1 However, it the graft site complications associated with iliac crest grafts. This,
took another two decades before the first reports of surgery in in turn, led to reports of many serious complications following
the lumbosacral spine emerged in 1911, when Russell Hibbs and off-label use in posterior surgeries, as well as in ALIF. Carragee
Fred Albee2,3 reported on their techniques of spinal fusion to et al.7 reported a higher reoperation rate in patients treated with
treat tuberculosis. Hibbs used “feathered” (morselized) laminae rhBMP-2, mainly to correct graft subsidence. They, among other
and spinal processes, which were placed into decorticated facet researchers, found that as many as 20% to 70% of patients had suf-
joints to create the world’s first dynamic stabilization. Albee, on fered some complications that could be attributed to BMP, includ-
the other hand, used tibial grafts between the spinous processes to ing endplate resorption, retrograde ejaculation, seroma formation,
stimulate fusion. The rationale behind the “posterior fusion” sur- bone overgrowth, osteolysis, and an increased risk of cancer.8,9 The
gery was to prevent deformity, improve stability, and reduce pain. Yale University Open Data Access study10 was conducted against
2 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

this background to assess the safety and utility of BMP-2 and The benefit of surgery has been demonstrated repeatedly in vari-
found that the incidence of retrograde ejaculation and neurologic ous trials, with the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial being
complications were equal in both autograft and BMP-augmented the most significant study to support surgery for these patients.16–18
ALIF surgeries. It also demonstrated a small increased relative The best surgery indicated in each case of degenerative spondy-
risk of malignancy with the use of rhBMP-2 in posterolateral lolisthesis and whether these patients need spinal fusion are still
lumbar surgeries. However, the absolute risk was very low and open to debate. Presence of spondylolisthesis in patients with
therefore clinically insignificant. No difference was found between lumbar canal stenosis was considered an indication for fusion sur-
rhBMP-2 and iliac crest graft, but there was a higher rate of ecto- gery, even in stable cases where the slip is less than 3 mm. Recent
pic bone formation in these procedures. Based on these findings, studies have shown that in the United States approximately half
judicious use of BMP is now advocated in posterior lumbar sur- the patients with lumbar spinal stenosis and 96% of those with
geries. In transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF), a high degenerative spondylolisthesis undergo spinal fusion.19–21 This
risk of postoperative radiculitis has been reported; hence, the use view has been challenged by recent studies from Sweden and the
of BMP in these cases is not encouraged.11a The use of bone mar- United States, which found that the benefit of fusion in patients
row aspiration from the exposed lumbar vertebral bodies during with stable spondylolisthesis and lumbar spinal stenosis was mar-
the surgery, and then using this aspirate as graft material has been ginal at best. The Swedish Spinal Stenosis Study was a randomized
recently reported.11b This overcomes the graft site complications controlled trial of 247 patients who were divided into fusion and
as well as the problems associated with the use of BMP-2. Further nonfusion groups, with each group containing at least 40 patients
research is ongoing about the use of growth differentiation factor with and without degenerative spondylolisthesis (at least 3 mm).
5, also known as BMP-14, as an osteogenetic material. At 2- and 5-year follow-ups, no significant difference in outcomes
were found in the two groups. The rates of reoperation were also
remarkably similar, raising a question about the need for fusion
Interbody Fusion: A Primer and Recent in degenerative spondylolisthesis. In this study, the preoperative
Literature evaluation did not include flexion-extension x-ray studies; if this
had been done and patients with demonstrable instability were
Over the years a number of approaches have been developed assigned to the fusion group, the results in the nonfusion group vis
for LIF, namely posterior, anterior, axial, transforaminal, lateral, à vis repeated surgery may have been even better.22
extreme lateral, and oblique lateral. In keeping with the trend However, another study, albeit smaller, published in the same
toward minimally invasive surgeries, reports of percutaneous issue of New England Journal Medicine mentioned above, found
attempts at surgical stabilization of the lumbar spine first appeared a minimally improved physical outcome in patients who had
more than two decades ago.12,13 Although posterior lumbar undergone fusion surgery at 2, 3, and 4 years. This was not con-
fusion via minimally invasive techniques has become common- sidered sufficiently significant to support the higher cost in terms
place, endoscopic surgeries for TLIF require special training. Even of financial burden, blood loss, operative time, and hospital stay in
though the exact procedure that is chosen for a particular patient these patients. Counter-intuitively the reoperation rate was higher
may depend on a number of factors, such as the exact pathol- in patients who did not undergo fusion even though this study
ogy and surgical anatomy of a particular patient and the surgeon’s had excluded patients with instability as demonstrated by flexion-
preference, the pathologies that need surgical fusion of the lumbar extension x-ray study.23 This apparent confounding factor may be
spine remain broadly the same. These include degenerative dis- related to the physician approach in the two countries where the
eases, spinal trauma, deformity correction, infections, and tumors. studies were done, with physicians in the United States tending
Interbody fusion is indicated in a subgroup of patients in to offer revision-with-fusion to those patients who had pain after
whom the surgical approach to treat a pathology results in spinal decompression alone, whereas the threshold for offering revision
instability or if preexisting instability is present. Spondylolisthe- surgery to a patient with pain, who had already undergone spinal
sis, the most common indication for interbody fusion, is defined stabilization, may be much higher. The current evidence seems to
as the horizontal translation of a vertebral body over an adjacent point to the need for fusion only in those with unstable degen-
one and was divided into five groups by Newman and Stone,15 erative spondylolisthesis as shown on flexion-extension x-ray films,
namely, congenital, degenerative, spondylolytic, traumatic, and patients with destruction of vertebral bodies owing to trauma,
pathologic. Spondylolisthesis is graded depending on the length infection or tumors, and spinal deformities such as other variants
of the vertebral body that is not in contact with the adjacent ver- of spondylolisthesis or scoliosis. The need for fusion in neural-
tebra (extent of slippage). In grade I spondylolisthesis, the area of foraminal stenosis owing to postsurgical disk prolapse is another
noncontact is less than 25% of the anteroposterior diameter of contentious area, with no evidence to support improved outcome
the vertebral body on a lateral x-ray study, whereas in grade II, with fusion.24
the slip is between 26% and 50%. When the area of noncontact In isthmic spondylolisthesis, there is a fracture of the pars
is between 51% and 75%, it is called grade III; in grade IV, the interarticularis or isthmus, which is the area of the vertebra where
slip is between 76% and 100%. A greater than 100% slip, where the lamina and inferior articular process join the pedicle and the
the adjacent vertebral bodies are lying totally separated from each superior articular process. These cases often occur in a patient
other, is designated grade V, or spondyloptosis. Grades I and II population that is younger than the typical patient with degen-
are considered low grade, whereas the rest are designated as high- erative spondylolisthesis, which is common in the third to fifth
grade spondylolisthesis. The degenerative variant is usually seen decades. The management strategy is similar, with a 3-month trial
in women over the age of 50 years. Low-grade lesions are com- of conservative therapy before opting for surgical management,
monly treated conservatively, and surgery is reserved for those even though some studies have shown a better outcome for sur-
patients who fail to respond or for those who have neurologic gery in these patients.25,26 Even in this case, multiple surgical tech-
deterioration. niques are described to treat isthmic spondylolisthesis, depending
CHAPTER 1 General Indications and Contraindications 3

on many factors such as lateral foraminal compression, fusion of stenosis resulting in neurogenic claudication rather than radiculo-
facets, grade of listhesis, and expertise of surgeon. pathic symptoms, a TLIF would be a better option.
AxiaLIF can be used if central canal stenosis is not significant,
and the foraminal compression does not cause symptomatic radicu-
Preoperative Factors Influencing Outcome of lopathy. With a predominantly unilateral radiculopathy, a TLIF with
Spinal Fusion wide facetectomy at the side of radiculopathy can be used, with facetal
decompression along the symptomatic side. If the surgeon feels that
Although appropriate patient selection and an impeccable tech- an indirect foraminal decompression is sufficient to treat radiculopa-
nique go far in ensuring the success of spinal stabilization surger- thy, a direct lateral (DLIF/lateral lumbar interbody fusion [XLIF]) can
ies, a number of comorbid conditions or extraneous factors, such be used. There is always a concern about using stand-alone techniques
as diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and smoking, may affect a good with ALIF, AxiaLIF, and direct lateral approaches, which then would
outcome. Patients with diabetes mellitus have a much higher rate of require adjunct instrumentation posteriorly with pedicle screws, facet
complications following any spinal surgery, with surgical site infec- screws, or cortical/corticopedicular screw placement at those levels.
tions accounting for a majority of problems.27 A study in 2003 by In reoperations, the following factors must be considered while
Glassman et al.28 showed that the overall complication rates in dia- planning the surgery. Avoid dissecting through the old surgical scar
betic patients were over 50%, whereas it was only 21% in controls. if possible; for example, if there is recurrence after multiple posterior
Nonunion rates in the diabetic patients ranged between 22% and approaches, an ALIF or DLIF can be used, unless the old hard-
26%, whereas it was 5% in controls.28 A more recent study by Guz- ware needs to be revised owing to fracture. A fractured/displaced
man et al.29 showed that for diabetic patients the mean length of L4-5 DLIF graft can removed by repeat DLIF or ALIF as the cage
stay increased (∼2.5 d), costs were greater (1.3-fold), and there was a is large, whereas a combined TLIF or posterior lumbar interbody
greater risk of inpatient mortality (odds ratio = 2.6, P < .0009). The fusion (PLIF) might be needed to get the fragmented cage if it has
ability of cigarette smoke to inhibit fusion was demonstrated in ani- slipped below the level of disk space or is compressing the axilla of
mal studies and fusion rates following surgery have also been found nerve root.2 Always anticipate cerebrospinal fluid leak from a dural
to be lower in patients who smoked. Cessation of smoking at least 6 tear owing to severe epidural fibrosis from prior surgery, in which
months prior to a planned surgery may overcome this risk.30,31 Con- case an open approach is preferred over minimally invasive trans-
comitant rheumatoid arthritis can also increase the risk of complica- tubular retractors. It is easier to follow the normal dura mater with
tions, such as surgical site infections and implant failure, but fusion an open or mini-open approach compared to transtubular vision.3
rates in patients with rheumatoid arthritis have been reported to be Patients with failed back syndrome are advised to have an electro-
comparable to that of controls.32 Osteoporosis is known to increase myography (EMG) to evaluate residual deficits from prior surgery
the risk of implant failure and fractures and should be medically to prognosticate on expected neurologic recovery.4 Always review
managed prior to, or concurrent with, surgery. Bone density index the existing hardware using a computed tomography scan, rather
(bone densitometry) prior to an elective surgery in a patient at high than a magnetic resonance image of the lumbosacral spine to rule
risk can assess the chance of graft failure and vertebral body osteo- for fractured implants or haloing around screws (nonunion) or graft
porotic collapse. High risk patients undergoing elective surgery can dislodgement.5 Always verify the sagittal/coronal balance (using a
be assessed by an endocrinologist, as the management strategies of full scoliosis film, if needed) and the levels adjacent to the symptom-
these patients are complex and include not only the use of calcium atic one (dynamic x-ray study of flexion and extension).
and vitamin D replacement, but also administration of alendronate, Continuous EMG and somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP)
parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and raloxifene,33,34 with use of a monitoring during the surgery may be useful in reducing the risk of
post-operative external bone stimulator. complications caused by overzealous manipulation.35–37a The lat-
est published guidelines on the use of intra-operative monitoring
Tenets of Interbody Fusion has focused attention on the absence of level I evidence regarding
the ability of intraoperative monitoring to prevent (as opposed to
The five basic tenets that govern the type of interbody fusion are (1) diagnosing) injury to the spinal cord during surgery.37b We would
the presence and extent of spondylolisthesis; (2) the need for uni- however, advise a set of electrophysiologic monitoring before and
lateral or bilateral neural foraminal decompression; (3) the presence after the patient is positioned prone or lateral, especially the latter
of coexistent central canal stenosis requiring decompression; (4) the after breaking/bending the operating table which causes stretch-
loss of coronal and sagittal balance in relation to the level of disease; ing of the psoas muscle. It may be necessary to monitor the upper
and (5) the presence of prior surgery at the same level or adjacent lumbar plexus in selected cases.
levels with or without instrumentation and/or interbody grafts. Each case should be individually assessed for safety and fea-
Symptomatic low-grade spondylolisthesis is by far the most sibility of each approach; for example, if ALIF in a young male
common indication for interbody fusion in the lumbar spine. patient runs the risk of retrograde ejaculation, XLIF graft, which
Careful selection of approaches must be directed by goal, lateral- migrated into the central canal, can be retrieved only by an XLIF
ization of clinical signs, loss of curvature, and prior surgery, and approach because of the larger footprint of the cage. In osteopenic
these must be in relation to the age, gender, and medical condition cases with fractured pedicles, an adjunct posterior support can be pro-
of the patient. With significant spondylolisthesis and both neural vided by facet screws, laminar clamps, or even interspinous clamps,
foramina at lower lumbar levels needing to be decompressed, an depending on the presence of canal stenosis and features of spinal
ALIF can be used, especially if there is no canal stenosis. ALIF is anatomy on imaging. It is important for surgeons to be familiar
useful for correcting listhesis, especially if the slippage is the cause with these multiple interbody fusion techniques and specific implant
of central, lateral recess, or foraminal stenosis, as against signifi- retrieval methods in graft failures, as one could potentially encounter
cant ligamentum flavum hypertrophy with associated large hyper- a complication from any of these approaches (e.g., graft migration,
trophic facets. If the patient has circumferential soft tissue canal nonunion, osteomyelitic collapse) in the years to come (Figs. 1.1–1.3).
4 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer


• Fig. 1.1 A–C. Patient with recurrent severe backache and right radiculopathy; computed tomography
(CT) scan images of failed fusion L5-S1, graft subsidence, and nonunion. D–F. Postoperative CT scan
showing removal of old cage, new AxiaLIF rod at L5-S1 with pedicle screw fixation. (Courtesy Jonathan
Pace, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and David J.
Hart, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem,
North Carolina.)
CHAPTER 1 General Indications and Contraindications 5

• Fig. 1.1, cont’d

• Fig. 1.2 A–C. Patient with refractory postoperative back pain, computed tomography (CT) scan of
spine showing haloing around screws at L4-5 level bilaterally, more on the left with a displaced interbody
cage. D–F. Postoperative CT scan showing repositioned L4-5 graft, with bigger graft size and a larger
diameter pedicle screws. (Courtesy Jonathan Pace, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and David J. Hart, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.)
6 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer


• Fig. 1.2, cont’d
CHAPTER 1 General Indications and Contraindications 7

• Fig. 1.3 A–C. Adjacent level disease: Patient with midlumbar backache (prior L3-4 direct lateral fusion
with plate, backed with pedicle screws) and new preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan showing
a retropulsed and migrated prior L2-3 interbody cage. D–F. Postoperative CT scan showing replacement
of a larger graft at L2-3 level via direct lateral approach, with pedicle screws with dramatic relief of symp-
toms. (Courtesy Jonathan Pace, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, and David J. Hart, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Wake Forest University Baptist
Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.)
8 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer


• Fig. 1.3, cont’d

Complications Following Lumbar Interbody of postoperative deficits would mandate an emergent computed
Fusion Surgery tomography scan to rule out hardware failure, malposition, frac-
ture, or migration—treatable causes.44 Computed tomography
Acute and delayed complications of any spinal surgery may be or magnetic resonance imaging could be used to assess surgical
associated with LIFs as well. The most devastating complication, site hematoma, cerebrospinal fluid leak, and pressure on neural
of course, is death, and mortality rates following spine surgery structures. The complications specific to each LIF technique are
have been reported to be between 0.15% and 0.29%.38,39 Surgi- extensively described in Chapter 2.
cal site infections may be superficial or deep, and may necessitate Deep vein thrombosis has been reported to occur in as many
prolonged antibiotic therapy or even the removal of implants.40 as 15% to 17% of patients undergoing spine surgery, although
Discitis following surgery is a debilitating, but fortunately rare, the incidence of symptomatic deep venous thromboembolism is
complication.41 Incidental dural tears during surgery may result much lower. The use of chemoprophylaxis is still controversial
in postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis and may owing to the incidence of postoperative epidural hematoma which
result in symptomatic adhesive arachnoiditis. A rare, but often may cause neurologic deficits. Judicious use of mechanical pro-
irreversible complication is loss of vision owing to compression of phylaxis and early mobilization of patients at high risk may help
the orbits while the patient is positioned prone for lumbar spine to mitigate the incidence of symptomatic deep venous thrombo-
surgery.42 embolism. Low-molecular-weight heparin has also been used for
Neurologic injury may range from injury to the nerve roots the first week in some studies.45,46
to a complete cauda equina syndrome (0.38%).43 This syndrome Ekman et al.47 followed 111 patients who were randomized
could result owing to an injury from a misplaced screw (out of the to exercise, surgery without fusion, or surgery with spinal instru-
pedicle), neuropraxia from excessive manipulation during reduc- mentation for a mean of 12.6 years.47 They found that adjacent
tion of the spondylolisthesis, or even from direct injury to the segment disk disease was higher in patients with spinal instrumen-
neural structures. Postoperative epidural hematoma compressing tation, and that it was highest in patients who had laminectomy
on the cauda equina or conus medullaris also needs to be ruled and spinal stabilization. Semirigid or dynamic stabilization has
out, especially when the neurologic deficit is rapidly worsen- been attempted to reduce the incidence of this complication, but
ing in the acute postoperative period. In most cases, a finding the results are not yet convincing.48
CHAPTER 1 General Indications and Contraindications 9





• Fig. 1.4 A and B. Vessel retraction during anterior retroperitoneal exposure at L5-S1 and L4-5 levels,
respectively. C. An oblique cage insertion at 25 degrees obviating vessel retraction and ligation-sectioning
of its branches. D. Use of inserter protecting the large vessels. E and F. Anchoring blades with directional
serrations to prevent graft back-outs, compared to conventional straight screws. (Figures C–F Courtesy
Zimmer Biomet, Warsaw, Indiana, USA.)

Techniques and Technologies in Lumbar TLIF using a “pedicle-based” lateral retractor system, providing
Interbody Fusion Surgery an extended lateral view of the disk space, causing lesser muscu-
lar and vascular interruption, and also preventing muscle creep
This textbook provides an overview of the novel technologies from intraoperative shifting of retractor assembly. This technique
and techniques involved in modern LIF surgeries. Fig. 1.4 clearly provides a better visualization of Kambin’s triangle during TLIF,
represents the vessel-mobilization strategies at various disk lev- providing wider lateral working space and hence safe and easy
els during an anterior lumbar interbody exposure and the new placement of interbody graft.
oblique-modification technique synergized with appropriate Neuronavigation and robotics have emerged as the latest addi-
nuances in technology. This is a perfect example of synergistic tions to the armamentarium. Fig. 1.6 illustrates intraoperative
improvisation in both anatomy-based technique and technology, navigation using interbody graft registration with intraoperative
which also accommodates the straight transpedicular screws eas- images using O-arm images transferred to a Stealth system. Both
ily. Likewise, Fig. 1.5 describes the mini-open modification of two-dimensional and three-dimensional image acquisitions are
10 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

Medial Retractor Plank MIS

Gelpi Blade Retractor

Pedicle Based
Lateral Retractor

• Fig. 1.5 Lateral retractor-distractor blade based on pedicle to expose the Kambin’s triangle. This lat-
eral retractor, along with a Gelpi self-retaining ratcheted finger-ring retractor, can facilitate extreme lateral
dissection by providing a fixed “extreme lateral” point preventing vascular disruption and muscle shifting
caused by migration of the retractor assembly. (Courtesy K2M, Inc., Leesburg, Virginia.)

• Fig. 1.6 O-arm technology for intraoperative spinal navigation and use in lumbar interbody fusion sur-
gery. Note the radiation dose curves around the surgical table. (Images Provided by Medtronic Inc. Incor-
porates technology developed by Gary K. Michelson, MD.)

possible with surgical personnel situated at least 15 feet away from Conclusions
the patient during image acquisition, minimizing the radiation
load for the surgeon and the operating room team. Similarly, there Although a century has passed since the first attempt at fusion
have been many recent FDA–approved devices in spinal robotics of the lumbar spine, the relative and absolute indications and
marketed for transpedicular access, including MedTech’s ROSA contraindications are still a matter of debate. Whereas there is
and Mazor X, a third-generation robotic system following the a broad consensus that patients with unstable spondylolisthesis
original Spine Assist in 2004 and Renaissance system in 2011. and symptomatic disease need surgical fixation, other scenarios
However, there is paucity of literature elucidating the efficacy and are not so clear-cut as in the presence of associated synovial cysts
superiority of using robotic technology in lumbar interbody graft at that level suggesting mobility. Most surgeons would agree that
insertion. the following patients would merit surgery for spinal stabilization:
CHAPTER 1 General Indications and Contraindications 11

spondylolisthesis with failed medical management, traumatic and 18. Herkowitz HN. Degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: evolution
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sial, and more studies are required to elucidate the best treatment
20. Bridwell KH, Sedgewick TA, O’Brien MF, et al. The role of fusion
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23. Ghogawala Z, Dziura J, Butler WE, et al. Laminectomy plus fusion
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12 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

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Complications and Avoidance in
Lumbar Interbody Fusions

Introduction placed on the thecal sac and nerve roots in order to gain access to
the intervertebral space.1 Furthermore, PLIF requires violation of
As with any surgical procedure, interbody fusions are associated both facet joints to enable adequate exposure for graft placement.
with unique complications. Given the wide variety of approaches
utilized when performing an interbody fusion, it is important to Nerve Root Injury
recognize common complications associated with each specific
technique. Recognition of these complications allows the surgeon Arguably the worst complication that commonly occurs with
to utilize a more protective surgical approach to limit periopera- the PLIF procedure is nerve root injury. The current literature is
tive complications. Furthermore, recognition of common compli- widely variable in reported rates of nerve root injury with inci-
cations better enables the surgeon to inform patients of the risks dences ranging from 0.6% to 24%.2–5 Davne and Myers5 reported
of potential surgical treatment. the lowest rate of nerve root injury at only a 0.6% in their series
All pressure points should be padded to avoid peroneal of 384 PLIF procedures.
neuropathy with pressure on the lateral leg at the proximal Given the high rates and significant morbidity associated with
fibula. Care must also be made when positioning the patient nerve root injury during PLIF, many authors have investigated
in the lateral position. The authors do not advocate aggres- techniques to lower the rates of this complication. Barnes and
sive “breaking” of the table when lateral interbody fusion is colleagues2 reported a 14% incidence of permanent nerve root
performed. This aggressive “breaking” or bending the bed with injury when using threaded fusion cages compared to a 0% inci-
the bed and foot of the bed lowered while the fulcrum at the dence using smaller allograft wedges in their retrospective review
lumbar spine is raised directly or indirectly has resulted in of 49 patients. The authors noted their preference for allograft
opening of the space between the iliac crest and rib cage. This wedges given these findings and their discovery that clinical out-
was performed at the expense of potential stretching of the comes were better in the allograft wedge group. Krishna and col-
lumbar plexus and resultant neuropathy (i.e., ipsilateral thigh leagues6 noted a 9.7% rate of postoperative neuralgia in patients
pain and/or weakness). treated with subtotal facetectomy compared with a 4.9% rate in
At times intraoperative neuromonitoring is utilized in an 226 patients treated with total facetectomy. Although this was not
attempt to minimize neurological complications following inter- statistically significant, the authors noted their preferred practice
body fusion. No high level evidence suggests the usage of these of total facetectomy to help prevent nerve root injury. In a separate
techniques results in improved outcome or decreased complica- study, Okuda et al.7 found a 6.8% rate of postoperative neuralgia
tions. Triggered electromyography (EMG) is commonly used with total facetectomy during PLIF.
during transpsoas direct lateral interbody fusion. Identification of The aforementioned studies demonstrate the importance of
motor nerves may decrease the incidence of weakness following a wide exposure with adequate facetectomy, careful dissection
surgery; however, it should be noted that this technique cannot techniques without unnecessary traction of nerve root (especially
accurately identify sensory nerves. with canal stenosis at the levels above), and avoidance of oversized
grafts in order to minimize the risk of nerve root injury during
Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion PLIF. Angled nerve root retractors and direct visualization of the
nerve roots at all times can also help prevent neurologic injury
Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) is a technically challeng- during the procedure. A more aggressive total facetectomy can
ing procedure and therefore is associated with increased complica- provide an excellent window for graft placement while minimiz-
tion rates compared with other lumbar fusion techniques. Two ing the amount of retraction on the nerve root. Triggered EMG,
of the primary complications of PLIF are nerve root injury and if utilized, may enable assessment of undue retraction during this
incidental durotomy. The reason for higher rates of these specific step of the operation; however, data do not support an improved
complications is owing to the significant traction that must be outcome.

14 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

• Fig. 2.1 Migration of the interbody cage. Axial (A) and sagittal (B)
computed tomography (CT) scan of the lumbar spine showing posterior
migration of an interbody cage (the first approach), which has resulted in
neural compression. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Compli-
cation Avoidance, & Management. 3rd ed Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders;

Incidental durotomies are another common complication that
occurs at higher rates during PLIF procedures owing to the direct
retraction of the thecal sac intraoperatively. Studies have reported
rates of durotomies at 9% to 19%, with higher rates occurring dur-
ing reoperation surgeries owing to dural adhesions.3,7,8 If a durot-
omy does occur, it can usually be repaired primarily. However, repair
may be more difficult when using a minimally invasive technique.

• Fig. 2.2 Steerable cage placed along the anterior annulus. Newer
Graft- and Cage-Related Complications cage design allows cage placement as anterior as possible. Cages can
Graft dislodgement and loosening are other complications asso- now be steered and placed along the anterior annulus.
ciated with PLIF, especially during early use of the technique
(Fig. 2.1). The cumulative incidence of graft-related complications utilized to prevent this development. Lastly, there is a risk of loss
is less than 5%.9 However, the rate of this complication is even of lumbar lordosis. This was much more relevant with the use of
lower when posterior pedicle screw stabilization is used with the older cages; however, careful attention to detail should minimize
PLIF procedure. Conversely, total facetectomy is associated with a this complication.
higher incidence of graft extrusion owing to the decreased stability
associated with this technique, but is lessened with the use of screw Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
fixation. When graft-related complications are symptomatic, they
require revision surgery, which is technically challenging. In contrast to PLIF, the anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF)
Interbody cage type and positioning have been shown to effect technique can provide the same interbody support without
rates of migration, with newer technologies being utilized to manipulation of the dural or posterior neural structures. However,
decrease the incidence of graft dislodgement (Fig. 2.2).10 Further- the ventral approach required during the ALIF procedure often
more, subsidence of the implants may also occur after PLIF, which necessitates significant retraction of the iliac vessels, hypogastric
may result in postoperative neuralgia (Fig. 2.3).6 nerves, and peritoneum, which may result in direct injury to these
structures. Other complications associated with ALIF include an
increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), abdominal wall
Nonunion hernias, and retrograde ejaculation in men.13
Fusion rates after PLIF are generally high, with studies reporting
incidences of 95% to 98%.7,8,11 However, there is some reported Vascular Injury
variability with Rivet et al.12 achieving a fusion rate of only 74%
in 42 patients receiving PLIF. Major blood vessel injuries are rare during ALIF. However, vas-
cular injury to the common iliac vessels occurs at a rate of 1%
to 7%, with higher rates occurring during exposure of the L5-S1
Other Complications level.14–16 The common iliac vein is very compressible; it lies pos-
Other complications, including epidural hematoma (1%),3 wound terior to the artery such that it can easily be mistaken for soft tis-
infections, and other nonimplant-related complications, seem to sues during exposure. The iliolumbar vein is at higher risk during
occur with a similar frequency in PLIF as in other reconstructive exposure of the L4-5 level. Some surgeons advocate for controlled
spinal operations. Although adjacent segment disease (ASD) is ligation of this vessel in all exposures to minimize the risk of inad-
more of an adverse outcome than complication, some studies have vertent tearing with retraction.15,17 To avoid injury of these ves-
demonstrated earlier rates of ASD and revision surgery compared sels, self-retaining retractors should not be used on these vessels
with other cohorts. However, new surgical techniques have been during exposure.
CHAPTER 2 Complications and Avoidance in Lumbar Interbody Fusions 15

• Fig. 2.3 Subsidence of the interbody cage. A. This patient underwent a two-level interbody fusion,
L3-4 and L4-5. B. One month after index surgery, the patient developed severe back and leg pain. Lateral
radiograph demonstrates subsidence of the L4-5 interbody graft and instability.

Arterial thrombosis secondary to aggressive retraction or arte-

rial injury during ALIF has also been reported.15,16,18 These occur
Retrograde Ejaculation
at a rate of 1%.15 In contrast, DVT occurs in 1% to 11% of Retrograde ejaculation as a result of hypogastric plexus injury has
patients receiving ALIF, which is higher than in other fusion pro- been reported in 0.1% to 8% of ALIF procedures performed on
cedures.14,16,19,20 Resultant nonfatal pulmonary embolism (PE) male patients.14,16,19,21–23 This complication usually occurs after
was seen at an incidence of 3% in one study.20 To avoid thrombo- exposure of the L5-S1 level. The mechanism for this complication
sis, retraction should not be prolonged and self-retaining retrac- is secondary to relaxation of the internal sphincter of the blad-
tors should not be used on vessels. It is important to check the der with subsequent retrograde flow of ejaculate into the bladder.
lower extremity pulses bilaterally after the procedure. If throm- Avoidance of this complication is possible with good operative
bosis is suspected, an immediate angiogram or venogram should technique and anatomical understanding. Inoue et al.19 noted a
be obtained. decrease in both ileus and retrograde ejaculation with improved
surgical technique over the last 13 years in their 27 year study of
Intraabdominal Complications 350 ALIF patients. Over the last 13 years, no patients had ileus or
retrograde ejaculation.
Ventral exposure during ALIF is often performed by vascular or The prevertebral sympathetic plexus runs along the anterolat-
general surgeons to decrease the rate of vascular and intraabomi- eral edge of the vertebral bodies before traversing over the aortic
nal complications. However, gastrointestinal (GI) tract injuries bifurcation and common iliac vessels and forming the hypogastric
still occur in 2% of all patients receiving ALIF.14 GI tract injury plexus. Blunt dissection must be utilized to mobilize the more
rates can be lowered by placing packing behind self-retaining cephalad prevertebral plexus before the hypogastric plexus can
retractors. Furthermore, some surgeons advocate for preopera- be adequately exposed.24 Furthermore, aggressive electrocautery
tive bowel preparation, including enema, to help decompress the should be minimized during the approach of the caudal lumbar
bowel, theoretically decreasing the rate of bowel injury. A naso- spine.
gastric tube can also be placed preoperatively to facilitate bowel If retrograde ejaculation does occur, patients may be counseled
decompression. that 25% to 88% of patients suffering from this complication
Violation of the peritoneum during the retroperitoneal have spontaneous resolution by the end of the second year.19
approach or violation of the transversalis fascia during iliac bone
graft harvest can lead to the development of postoperative hernias.
Although hernias occur in less than 1% of cases, they can lead to
Neurologic Complications
bowel obstruction and/or infaction.16 Major neurologic complications during ALIF are rare because the
Ileus after ALIF is common with reported incidences of 1% to epidural space is not entered and no attempt is made to decom-
8%. However, this complication usually resolves within 1 week of press the neural elements during the procedure. However, injuries
the operation.14,16,19,21 Prolonged ileus should raise suspicion of a to the genitofemoral or ilioinguinal nerves may occur after ALIF,
postoperative hernia with bowel obstruction. with some authors reporting rates as high as 15%.21,25 Injuries to
16 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

these nerves are characterized by postoperative numbness in the

groin and/or medial thigh. This complication is most common in
Other Complications
patients who undergo ALIF procedures at the upper lumbar levels. Urinary retention after ALIF has been reported in 5% to 28% of
Usually, these nerve palsies resolve spontaneously. cases, but is usually temporary and may be related to narcotic use.21
A sympathomimetic dysfunction occurs in 7% to 14% of Postoperative infections of the iliac crest donor site occur in
patients undergoing ALIF procedures.14,21 Patients with this com- 1% to 9% of all ALIF procedures.20,21 These are best prevented by
plication note that the lower extremity of the side of operation is avoiding the use of foreign materials in the wound and using peri-
warmer and possibly more swollen than the contralateral lower operative antibiotics, copious irrigation, and maintaining intraop-
extremity. This complication also resolves over time. erative hemostasis.
Flynn et al.23 noted impotence in 2% of patients receiving
Graft- and Cage-Related Complications ALIF, but this was deemed nonorganic and patients were treated
with psychotherapy.
Graft collapse after ALIF occurs in 1% to 2% of patients.25 This
complication usually results from excessive removal of subchon- Translumbar Interbody Fusion
dral bone from the adjacent vertebral body endplates. This col-
lapse may result in a kyphotic spinal deformity. Graft absorption To avoid the complications associated with ALIF and PLIF pro-
may also occur, especially in smokers, although this complication cedures, Harms and Rolinger26 described the posterior transfo-
is rare.25 raminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) technique. As TLIF does
Graft dislodgement occurs in 1% of patients receiving ALIF.25 not require anterior abdominal wall exposure, it avoids all of the
Such graft displacements can be minimized by using a ventral vascular, abdominal wall, and autonomic complications of ALIF.
plate or posterior pedicle fixation to enhance stability. Furthermore, exposure and retraction of the thecal sac are mini-
The aforementioned complication may be minimized by the mal compared with the PLIF procedure. Therefore, TLIF can be
addition of anterior or posterior instrumentation. Biologics may performed more safely in the upper lumbar spine owing to the
also have both a positive and negative effect. Bone morphoge- lower risk of conus medullaris retraction and injury. The lessened
netic protein-2 (BMP-2) has been demonstrated to result in early retraction of the thecal sac also makes TLIF better suited for revi-
osteolysis, which may result in subsidence or graft collapse if per- sion cases where there may be significant epidural adhesions and
formed in a stand-alone ALIF. This may be minimized with the scarring. Furthermore, if a unilateral approach is used, the contra-
use of posterior instrumentation. lateral lamina, facet joint, and pars can be spared, which provides
increased surface area for fusion.26
Pseudoarthrosis after ALIF is reported at highly variable rates,
Neurologic Deficit
ranging from 3% to 58%25 (Fig. 2.4). Higher rates of non- Neurologic deficits are among the most common complications
union are seen in patients who smoke more than one pack of resulting from TLIF. Neurologic deficits lasting longer than 3
cigarettes daily.25 Nonunion may also be minimized with the months after surgery occur in 4% of patients undergoing mini-
use of biologics, such as BMP-2, and the addition of spinal mally invasive TLIF.27 Case of contralateral radiculopathy after
instrumentation. unilateral TLIF have been reported.28,29 This complication is
hypothesized to occur secondary to asymptomatic contralateral
stenosis that is exacerbated by the increased segmental lordosis
resulting from the TLIF procedure.

Graft Dislodgement
Graft dislodgement is an infrequent complication following TLIF
(see Fig. 2.1). Anecdotal reports suggest cage migration after TLIF
may not cause neural compression, or necessitate revision surgery,
as often as after PLIF.30

Achievement of fusion at 1 year after TLIF ranges from 80% to
98%, with lower fusion rates seen in multilevel fusions.31,32

EXtreme Lateral Interbody Fusion (XLIF:

Direct Lateral Approach)
The extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) procedure was first
• Fig. 2.4 Nonunion of the interbody graft. Two years following multi- described by Ozgur et al.33 in 2006. The XLIF procedure allows
level fusion for scoliosis, this patient presented with increasing back pain. anterior access to the disk space without the complication of an
The patient demonstrates a clear nonunion at the L5-S1 interbody graft. anterior abdominal procedure. As this is a newer procedure, the
Lucency is clear around the graft (arrow). literature examining complications is sparse. The most common
CHAPTER 2 Complications and Avoidance in Lumbar Interbody Fusions 17

complications seen with the XLIF technique are transient groin For all interbody fusions, care must be taken in patients with
and thigh paresthesias secondary to injury of the genitofemoral advanced osteoporosis. In fact, interbody fusion with a structural graft
nerve. should be avoided in such circumstances in the authors’ opinion. The
rate of subsidence, construct failure, and nonunion are greater than
Neurologic Complications the benefits of this surgical technique (authors’ opinion). Surgery
may be indicated for discitis, which fails to be effectively treated with
The reported incidence of paresthesias after XLIF is extremely antibiotics. In this situation, diskectomy may be required to effec-
variable with incidences ranging from 0.7% to 62.7%.34–37 These tively debride the disk space. A structural interbody graft should be
paresthesias are usually located in the groin and thigh owing to not placed in this situation, especially polyetheretherketone (PEEK),
injury of the genitofemoral nerve. In most cases, the paresthesias but rather autograft packed in the disk space.
improve within 4 to 12 weeks postoperatively, with more than
90% recovering by 1 year.34–37 In addition to paresthesias, tran- Conclusion
sient psoas or quadriceps weakness occurs at a rate of 1% to 24%
after XLIF.35,37,38 Interbody fusion is effective for successful treatment of a number
Cummock et al.35 noted a higher rate of thigh pain, numbness, of lumbar pathologies. It has been shown to result in improved
and weakness after L4-5 surgery in their review of 59 patients fusion rates and segmental alignment. A number of complications
receiving XLIF. However, this was not a statistically significant dif- may be seen following each specific interbody technique. These
ference, possibly owing to low sample size. Because of the poten- complications may be mitigated by careful patient selection and
tial for higher neurologic complication rates at this level, Rodgers careful attention to detail.
and colleagues38 opted to give patients 10 mg of IV dexametha-
sone intraoperatively during L4-5 XLIF procedures. The authors References
noted a significantly lower rate of paresthesias in patients given
dexamethasone compared with patients who did not receive it 1. Cole CD, McCall TD, Schmidt MH, et al. Comparison of low back
during XLIF of the L4-5 level. fusion techniques: transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF)
The natural history of these injuries is favorable. Most cases or posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) approaches. Curr Rev
of weakness, numbness, or paresthesias are usually resolved by six Musculoskelet Med. 2009;2(2):118–126.
months postoperatively.
2. Barnes B, Rodts GE, Haid RW, et al. Allograft implants for posterior
To avoid neurologic injury after XLIF, it is imperative to lumbar interbody fusion: results comparing cylindrical dowels and
perform careful dissection, avoid tension on the muscle, and impacted wedges. Neurosurgery. 2002;51(5):1191–1198. discussion
perform gentle dilation to the disk space. Furthermore, dila- 1198.
tion should not be greater than the minimum required for 3. Hosono N, Namekata M, Makino T, et al. Perioperative compli-
diskectomy. Neurologic monitoring may also decrease the risk cations of primary posterior lumbar interbody fusion for nonisth-
of nerve injury. Lastly, less “breaking of the table” has been mic spondylolisthesis: analysis of risk factors. J Neurosurg Spine.
theorized to decrease the incidence of ipsilateral lumbar plexus 2008;9(5):403–407.
injury. Originally, ipsilateral hip flexor/knee extensor weakness, 4. Elias WJ, Simmons NE, Kaptain GJ, et al. Complications of poste-
numbness, and/or pain was thought to be caused by dissec- rior lumbar interbody fusion when using a titanium threaded cage
device. J Neurosurg. 2000;93(suppl 1):45–52.
tion through the psoas muscle; however, it is currently thought
5. Davne SH, Myers DL. Complications of lumbar spinal fusion with
more likely to be caused by stretching the lumbar plexus during transpedicular instrumentation. Spine. 1992;17(suppl 6):S184–
positioning. S189.
6. Krishna M, Pollock RD, Bhatia C. Incidence, etiology, classifica-
Graft Dislodgement tion, and management of neuralgia after posterior lumbar interbody
fusion surgery in 226 patients. Spine J Off J North Am Spine Soc.
As with ALIF, direct lateral approaches utilize large interbody 2008;8(2):374–379.
grafts. These grafts may be secured in the interbody space via a 7. Okuda S, Miyauchi A, Oda T, et al. Surgical complications of poste-
lateral plate, screw rod construct, or integrated screw plate design. rior lumbar interbody fusion with total facetectomy in 251 patients.
Alternatively, they may be secured via posterior pedicle, facet J Neurosurg Spine. 2006;4(4):304–309.
screws, or spinous process plate. Dislocations of these large XLIF
8. Brantigan JW, Steffee AD, Lewis ML, et al. Lumbar interbody
grafts are more likely to cause severe deficits if posterior migration fusion using the Brantigan I/F cage for posterior lumbar interbody
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direct lateral approach. results from a Food and Drug Administration investigational device
exemption clinical trial. Spine. 2000;25(11):1437–1446.
9. Zhang Q, Yuan Z, Zhou M, et al. A comparison of posterior lum-
Other Complications bar interbody fusion and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion:
Postoperative ileus occurs at a rate of 1% after XLIF.38 As with the a literature review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord.
ALIF procedure, most cases of ileus resolve within a week after 2014;15(1):367.
surgery. Rodgers and colleagues38 also described one incidence of 10. Imagama S, Kawakami N, Matsubara Y, et al. Preventive effect of arti-
ficial ligamentous stabilization on the upper adjacent segment impair-
gastric volvulus in their series of 600 patients.
ment following posterior lumbar interbody fusion. Spine. 2009;34(25):
Postoperative hernias may occur after XLIF if the peritoneum 2775–2781.
is violated during the procedure. The incidence of this compli- 11. Kim K-T, Lee S-H, Lee Y-H, et al. Clinical outcomes of 3 fusion
cation is 0.3%.38 Postoperative retroperitoneal hematomas occur methods through the posterior approach in the lumbar spine. Spine.
at a rate of 0.3% to 5% after XLIF, most commonly occurring 2006;31(12):1351–1357. discussion 1358.
within the psoas muscle.34–36,38 01.brs.0000218635.14571.55.
18 SE C T I O N 1 Lumbar Interbody Fusions – A Primer

12. Rivet DJ, Jeck D, Brennan J, et al. Clinical outcomes and compli- 28. Hunt T, Shen FH, Shaffrey CI, et al. Contralateral radiculopathy
cations associated with pedicle screw fixation-augmented lumbar after transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. Eur Spine J Off Publ
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13. Mummaneni PV, Haid RW, Rodts GE. Lumbar interbody fusion: 0387-x.
state-of-the-art technical advances. Invited submission from the 29. Jang K-M, Park S-W, Kim Y-B, et al. Acute contralateral radiculopa-
Joint Section Meeting on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral thy after unilateral transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. J Korean
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14. Rajaraman V, Vingan R, Roth P, Heary RF, Conklin L, Jacobs GB. 30. Aoki Y, Yamagata M, Nakajima F, et al. Posterior migration of fusion
Visceral and vascular complications resulting from anterior lumbar cages in degenerative lumbar disease treated with transforaminal lum-
interbody fusion. J Neurosurg. 1999;91(suppl 1):60–64. bar interbody fusion: a report of three patients. Spine. 2009;34(1):E54–
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16. Brau SA. Mini-open approach to the spine for anterior lumbar inter- outcomes of minimally invasive versus open transforaminal lum-
body fusion: description of the procedure, results and complications. bar interbody fusion. Spine. 2009;34(13):1385–1389. https://doi.
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Technique and graft materials. Clin Orthop. 1994;(300):45–51. comparison of mini-open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
18. Hackenberg L, Liljenqvist U, Halm H, et al. Occlusion of the left with open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion in 42 patients
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popliteal artery following anterior lumbar interbody fusion. J Spinal
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19. Inoue S, Watanabe T, Hirose A, et al. Anterior discectomy and inter- Fusion (XLIF): a novel surgical technique for anterior lumbar inter-
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S E C T I ON 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the
Dorsal Lumbar Spine

Introduction to L5 (14 mm).3 With the exception of L5, which has especially
wide pedicles, the lumbar pedicles are taller than they are wide,
The typical lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae that are con- and it is therefore the transverse width of the pedicle that limits
nected in series and permit motion between each segment. its instrumentation.
Each lumbar vertebra is an anatomically complex structure that The pedicle is connected to the dorsal vertebral elements at
consists of multiple distinct subunits. Adjacent vertebrae are the junction of the superior articulating process (SAP) and the
connected through the disk space anteriorly and the paired zyg- pars interarticularis (“pars”). The pars connects the SAP and ped-
apophyseal (facet) joints posteriorly. Further stability is provided icle to the lamina and the inferior articulating process (IAP). The
by a variety of supporting ligaments. The lumbar spinal canal lamina is a sheet-like subunit that forms the dorsal roof of the
houses the conus medullaris rostrally, along with the emerging spinal canal. In the sagittal plane, it slopes posteriorly from supe-
cauda equina, with each lumbar nerve root extending caudally rior to inferior; in the axial plane, it is angled posteriorly from
and exiting the canal through its neural foramen directly below lateral to medial, with an apex at the midline. When viewed in
the same-numbered pedicle. Understanding the anatomic rela- the coronal plane, the lamina is tall and narrow at the superior
tionships between these neural structures and the neighboring lumbar levels and becomes shorter and wider as it goes down to
vertebral bone, disk, and ligament is key to performing effective the lower lumbar levels. Between the SAP and IAP, the lamina is
and safe posterior interbody fusion. contiguous with the pars interarticularis, which forms the nar-
Illustrated views of a lumbar vertebra are provided in Figs. 3.1 rowest point along the lateral edge of the dorsal vertebra. The
and 3.2. The most ventral part of each vertebra is the vertebral body, spinous process is oriented in the midline sagittal plane and proj-
a cylindrically shaped unit that serves to support axial loads. The ects dorsally from the lamina with downward angulation, lying
vertebral bodies become progressively larger in a cranial –o-caudal slightly below its corresponding vertebral body and overlying the
direction. In the lumbar spine, where the bodies are largest, the subjacent interlaminar space. The spinous process is the most
average vertebral body height is 27 mm and is similar among all dorsal part of the vertebra and the first bone encountered during
lumbar levels. In the axial plane, the anterior-posterior length is posterior midline surgical exposure. The paired transverse pro-
greater than the transverse width, and the bodies are longer and cesses originate from the junction of the pedicle with the SAP
wider at either endplate than at their cranial-caudal midpoint. The and project laterally.
transverse width and mid-sagittal length of the vertebral bodies The zygapophyseal (facet) joints are paired synovial joints
increase progressively from L1 (29 mm wide and 40 mm long at the that allow for articulation of the posterior portion of the ver-
cranial-caudal midpoint) to L5 (32 mm wide and 46 mm long).1 tebrae. Each facet joint consists of the IAP from the rostral ver-
The endplate is composed of cortical bone and is slightly concave. tebra (e.g., L4) and the SAP of the caudal vertebra (e.g., L5).
Its central portion is thinnest and porous, whereas the outer portion Each of the apposed articular surfaces consists of smooth cortical
(the apophyseal ring) is thicker and stronger.2 bone covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage. The joint space
The pedicles are oriented primarily in an anterior-to-posterior contains synovial fluid and is enclosed posteriorly by a fibrous
direction and connect the vertebral body to the dorsal elements. capsule.4 The facet joints in the lumbar spine are angled anteri-
Each pedicle is angled medially in the axial plane from posterior orly (i.e., anterior-superior to posterior-inferior) in the sagittal
to anterior, and this angle increases progressively from L1 (average plane, and medially (i.e., posterior-lateral to anterior-medial) in
medial angulation of 11 degrees) to L5 (30 degrees). The trans- the axial plane. This orientation allows significant flexion/exten-
verse pedicle width also increases progressively from L1 (8.7 mm sion and moderate lateral bending, but minimal axial rotation.5,6
average width) to L5 (18 mm). The sagittal pedicle height displays The facet joint angle in the axial plane (with respect to midline)
an opposite relationship, decreasing slightly from L1 (15.4 mm) decreases progressively at each level from rostral to caudal, such

20 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

resistance to extension. The PLL runs vertically along the poste-

rior aspect of the vertebral bodies (i.e., the ventral border of the
SP spinal canal) and provides resistance to flexion. The PLL is nar-
rowest behind the vertebral bodies and widens as it crosses each
SAP disk space. The ligamentum flavum (‘yellow ligament,’ named so
owing to its color) is a discontinuous ligament that bridges the
interlaminar space and forms part of the dorsal border of the spi-
nal canal. The ligamentum flavum has its origin on the superior
TP dorsal edge of the caudal lamina and inserts onto the inferior
C ventral edge of the superior lamina. It provides resistance to flex-
ion at each level. The ligamentum flavum is surgically relevant
because it is often hypertrophied in the degenerative spine, in
which case it can cause compression of the central canal and lat-
eral recess, and removal of this compressive ligament is key to an
effective decompressive surgery. During laminectomy, the liga-
mentum protects the dura from violation during exposure and
bone removal. Because of its discontinuity, the upper half of the
lamina has no ligamentum ventrally between the bone and dura,
a crucial anatomic landmark in tubular surgical procedures. The
B surgeon must also be aware that in patients who have undergone
previous operations, the ligamentum flavum may be absent at a
• Fig. 3.1 Superior view of a lumbar vertebra. B, Vertebral body; C,
spinal canal; L, lamina; P, pedicle; SAP, superior articulating process; SP,
given level, a point of caution in reexploratory surgeries where
spinous process. inadvertent dural tears may occur. The lumbar interspinous liga-
ment is discontinuous and spans the interval between spinous
processes in the sagittal plane, whereas the supraspinous liga-
SAP ment is a continuous structure that runs in the midline along
the dorsal edge of the spinous process; both provide resistance
to flexion.10 In lumbar surgical procedures, it is important to
TP preserve the interspinous ligaments wherever possible, to avoid
unnecessary iatrogenic instability.
The intervertebral disk allows for transmission of axial loads
B P between vertebral bodies while permitting motion at each seg-
ment. The disk consists of three main components: the annulus
fibrosis, the outer ring composed of type I collagen, and fibro-
cartilage arranged in concentric lamellae; the nucleus pulposis,
an amorphous inner core composed of water, type II collagen,
and proteoglycans; and the cartilaginous endplates, which are
IAP SP composed of hyaline cartilage lining the bony endplates.11,12
Mean disk height increases progressively from L1-2 (8 mm)
L to a maximum at L4-5 (11 mm) before decreasing slightly at
• Fig. 3.2 Lateral view of a lumbar vertebra. B, Vertebral body; C, spi- L5-S1, but there is significant variation among individuals and
nal canal; IAP, inferior articulating process; L, lamina; P, pedicle; PI, pars disk height is a dynamic property that varies with loading con-
interarticularis; SAP, superior articulating process; SP, spinous process; ditions.13 Significant loss of height can be found with degener-
TP, transverse process. ation of the disk.14 The disk is clinically and surgically relevant
because degeneration and herniation can narrow the spinal
canal, lateral recesses, and foramina and lead to symptomatic
compression of neural elements (such as neurogenic claudica-
that the upper lumbar facet joints are oriented more in the sagit- tion, radiculopathy, or cauda equina syndrome). Removal of
tal plane and the lower facets are more coronally oriented.4,6–9 ectopic disk material is therefore a principal component of
The articular surface is curved so that the posterior portion of many surgical interventions. There are 23 disks in the typical
the joint is more sagittally oriented and the most anterior por- spine, one at each level from C2-3 through L5-S1, and these
tion is more coronally oriented, which makes the SAP articular disk spaces are relevant to interbody fusion, as they serve as the
surface concave, and the IAP surface convex. A clear understand- site of arthrodesis. In this setting, it is important to perform
ing of facetal anatomy is mandatory to optimize bone drilling, a thorough diskectomy including removal of the cartilaginous
especially during open and minimally invasive transforaminal endplates, to allow for sufficient exposure of the bony endplate
lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) surgeries. and placement of ample bone graft to create optimal condi-
The lumbar spine contains several ligaments that intercon- tions for fusion.
nect and stabilize the vertebrae: anterior and posterior longitu- The sacrum deserves brief mention because it articulates
dinal ligaments (ALL and PLL), supraspinous and interspinous with the lumbar spine and is often instrumented in the set-
ligaments, as well as the ligamentum flavum. The ALL runs ver- ting of lumbar fusion. The sacrum is composed of five fused
tically along the anterior edge of the spinal column and provides vertebrae that are arranged in a kyphotic shape and are tilted
CHAPTER 3 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Dorsal Lumbar Spine 21

anteriorly in the sagittal plane. The rostral laminae are fused,

with no interlaminar space, and the median sacral crest repre-
sents the fused former spinous processes. The posterior neuro-
foramina are arranged in paired vertical rows on each side and R
are the sites of exit of the dorsal rami from the spinal canal. P
S1 has a superior endplate and SAPs that are similar to those
of the lumbar vertebrae, which allow it to articulate with L5
via the intervertebral disk and facet joints. S1 varies from the
lumbar vertebrae in that the body and pedicles are flanked on
each side by large alae. The S1 pedicle lies between the SAP
and the S1 foramen.15 The S1 pedicles are unique from those B
of the lumbar vertebrae in that they are taller (21 mm),16 lack
a lateral cortex (given that the pedicle is continuous with the F
ala), and allow for a shorter cortex-to-cortex screw trajectory.
This means that S1 pedicle screws tend to be shorter and have D
less cortical bone surrounding them, making them more sus- IAP
ceptible to pullout or toggling. Strategies for optimizing pull-
out strength given these limitations include bicortical purchase
through the ventral S1 cortex, or tricortical purchase by direct-
ing the screw to the apex of the sacral promontory.17 S1 pedicle P’
screws are at a further disadvantage when at the caudal end of
a long construct given the long moment arm applied above the
L5-S1 level. Iliac screws or additional points of sacral fixation
• Fig. 3.3 T2-weighted sagittal magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the
may be helpful in this scenario. lumbar spine, demonstrating the position of the nerve root (R) in the supe-
The lumbar spinal canal has a triangular shape when viewed in rior aspect of the foramen (F). The foramen is bordered superiorly by the
the axial plane. It has a flat anterior edge formed by the posterior pedicle (P), anteriorly by the posterior vertebral body (B) and intervertebral
wall of the vertebral body and the PLL. The posterior edges of the disk (D), inferiorly of the pedicle of the vertebra below (P’), and posteri-
canal meet at an apex in the midline, and are formed by the lamina orly by the superior articulating process of the vertebra below (SAP’). The
and facet on each side, and the underlying ligamentum flavum. inferior articulating process (IAP) lies posterior to the SAP, and these two
The canal’s transverse width is greater than its anterior-posterior processes articulate to form the facet joint.
height. The height remains relatively constant among levels in the
lumbar spine (17 mm), whereas the width increases progressively
from L1 (22 mm) to L5 (26 mm).1 The epidural space within the A standard open approach posterior lumbar interbody
canal contains fat and a venous plexus that is most prominent fusion (PLIF) or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
ventrally. The venous plexus must often be coagulated in order to (TLIF) begins with a midline skin incision and subperiosteal
access the disk space and to retract the thecal sac and nerve root exposure of the dorsal spinal elements (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4).
medially. Unlike posterolateral fusion, it is not necessary to expose the
The neural foramen serves as the exit site for the nerve root lateral aspects of the facet joints and the transverse processes
and is frequently the site of symptomatic compression from when performing interbody fusion. The location of the deeper
degenerative pathology. When viewed in the sagittal plan, the structures (such as the pedicle, neural foramen, and interver-
foramen exhibits a keyhole shape, with a wider and circular tebral disk) can be inferred from this superficial anatomy (Fig.
upper portion and a narrower lower portion (Fig. 3.3). The 3.5). The dorsal projection of the pedicle is located on the SAP
upper portion is bordered anteriorly by the vertebral body and (or inferior half of the facet joint), at the junction of the SAP
superiorly by the pedicle of the same numbered vertebra. The with the transverse process and pars. The disk space lies deep
inferior portion of the foramen is bordered anteriorly by the disk to the inferior articulating process (or superior half of the facet
and inferiorly by the pedicle of the subjacent vertebra. The fora- joint) and the inferior edge of the lamina. The neural foramen
men is bordered dorsally by the ventral aspect of the facet joint lies deep to the pars, and the exiting nerve root passes through
(primarily the SAP, which lies anterior to the IAP) and its under- the superior portion of the foramen, just below the pedicle, as
lying ligamentum flavum. it travels laterally.
The important neural structures of the lumbar spine include The most important anatomic relationship in the setting of
the lower spinal cord, conus medullaris, and nerve roots. In nor- lumbar interbody fusion is that of the lateral edge of the the-
mal adults, the conus terminates at the L1 level on average, with cal sac, the exiting nerve root, the posterolateral aspect of the
a range of T12 to L2/3,18 but in pathologic conditions it can lie intervertebral disk (IVD), and the traversing nerve root that
much lower. Below the conus, the nerve roots of the more caudal exits at the subjacent level. This relationship is demonstrated
levels form the cauda equina and travel caudally within the spinal in Fig. 3.6. The IVD lies close to the subjacent pedicle (average
canal. As a root nears its same-numbered vertebral level, it courses distance of 3 mm), whereas a significant gap exists between the
laterally into the lateral recess and exits the dura at or just below disk and the superjacent pedicle (average distance of 10 mm).19
the superjacent disk space (i.e., the L3 nerve root exits the dura at The corridor for diskectomy and placement of graft and implant
the level of the L2-3 disk space). The extradural nerve root then is a trapezoid-shaped window whose superior margin is formed
travels in an inferolateral direction and exits the spinal canal just by the exiting nerve root, medial margin by the lateral edge of
below the same-numbered pedicle. the thecal sac and shoulder of the traversing nerve root, and
22 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

R’ R

P’ P

Caudal Cranial


Right IAP



F F • Fig. 3.5 Posterior view of the dorsal lumbar spine (SP, spinous process;
L, lamina; SAP′, superior articulating process of the subjacent vertebra; PI,
pars interarticularis; IAP, inferior articulating process). The IAP and SAP′
L combine to form the facet joint (F). The dashed lines toward the left of the
spine represent the projections of deeper structures, including the same-
numbered pedicle (P), exiting nerve root (R), intervertebral disk (D), subja-
cent pedicle (P′), and traversing nerve root (R′).

• Fig. 3.4 A. Surgeon’s view of the dorsal spinal elements following a R’
midline incision and subperiosteal elevation of the paraspinal muscles. The
directions (left, right, cranial, caudal) have been labeled for orientation. B.
The spinal elements of the index level have been outlined and labeled for
easier visualization. The spinous process (SP) lies in the midline. The lamina TS
(L) slopes downward where it meets the pars interarticularis (arrow) and the
facet joint capsules (F). Ligamentum flavum (LF) separates the lamina of this
level from that of the vertebra above.

inferior margin by the pedicle of the subjacent level. It is the

method for establishing this window that differentiates TLIF
from PLIF. PLIF consists of a wide laminectomy and medial
facetectomy. The remaining IAP constricts the working corridor
along its lateral edge. This may necessitate moderate retraction • Fig. 3.6 Removal of the inferior articulating process and pars signifi-
of the thecal sac medially to create ample working room, and cantly improves the degree of lateral exposure compared to laminectomy
may limit the surgeon’s ability to angle medially upon enter- alone. The traversing nerve root (R’) is seen as it exits the thecal sac (TS)
and travels inferolaterally on its way to the foramen of the level below. The
ing the disk space. For this reason, PLIF often involves bilateral
posterolateral aspect of the intervertebral disk (arrow) is seen ventral to the
disk space access and implant placement. In contrast to this, thecal sac and nerve root.
the TLIF technique involves complete removal of the facet to
CHAPTER 3 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Dorsal Lumbar Spine 23

diskectomy, and place a biomechanical cage in the midline, all

through unilateral disk space access.
Another important anatomic detail relevant to posterior
interbody fusion is the structure of the IVD and its relation-
ship to surrounding structures. The biomechanical cage should
ideally be placed as anterior as possible within the disk space.
This allows for maximal lordosis and places the cage at the ring
apophysis, where the endplates are strongest. Meanwhile, the
anterior annulus fibrosis should be kept intact because it serves
as a barrier to prevent ventral extrusion of the implant and bone
graft, and also prevents violation of the structures that lie ven-
tral to the disk space, most importantly the aorta, inferior vena
cava, and the iliac arteries and veins. The distance from the
posterior site of opening of the annulus fibrosis to the ventral
disk margin varies from 36 to 47 mm, with lower levels having
slightly longer disk spaces.19 This serves as a guide for the maxi-
mal depth of insertion of instruments within the disk space to
avoid violating the anterior annulus; in general, a 3-cm depth
should be safe.
A The dorsal surgical anatomy of the normal lumbar spine can
be altered by a variety of conditions. Facet hypertrophy can
R’ R obscure the local anatomy and add difficulty to pedicle screw
placement. Spondylolisthesis in the setting of a pars defect alters
the normal SAP-pars-IAP relationship. In this case, the rostral
facet joint lies more anterior and inferiorly than expected, and
P’ P often the joints appear directly apposed when viewed dorsally
(Fig. 3.8). The anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal
and the neural foramina are typically narrowed at the level of
spondylolisthesis. Severe loss of disk height can make it diffi-
cult to obtain access to the disk space when performing inter-
body fusion. Scoliosis imparts a coronal curvature to the spine
so that the pedicles on the concave side lie closer to one another
than on the convex side, as well as a rotational component that
alters the normal angle of the pedicles in the axial plane. This
alteration of the normal anatomy adds difficulty to pedicle screw
B placement in patients with scoliosis. Nerve root anomalies, such
as conjoined nerve roots, closely adjacent roots, and extradu-
• Fig. 3.7 A. The transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) expo- ral anastomoses,20 may increase the risk of nerve root injury if
sure creates a trapezoid-shaped window (highlighted in yellow) to the
unrecognized by the surgeon. Rib abnormalities at the thora-
posterolateral disk space. This window, which serves as the site of entry
into the disk space, is bordered medially by the thecal sac and traversing
columbar junction, such as an absent 12th rib or an extra lum-
nerve root, inferiorly by the pedicle of the vertebra below, and supero- bar rib, occur in approximately 8% of patients,21 and for this
laterally by the exiting nerve root (not well visualized in this photograph). reason the ribs are not a reliable reference for the purpose of
This window can be widened by gently retracting the shoulder of the tra- surgical localization. The presence of a lumbosacral transitional
versing nerve root medially. B. Illustrated view of the TLIF window (high- vertebrae is another factor that can complicate localization of
lighted in yellow), demonstrating the relationship of the disk space to the the correct surgical level, and occurs in approximately 16%
exiting nerve root (R), traversing nerve root (R’), same-numbered pedicle of the population.22
(P), and subjacent pedicle (P’), as well as to the overlying bony struc-
tures. Note that the window for accessing the disk space lies directly
below the inferior articulating process. Conclusion
The lumbar spine is an anatomically complex structure. Knowl-
create a wider window whose lateral border extends to the exit- edge of the normal dorsal lumbar anatomy, as well as awareness of
ing nerve root as it slopes gently downward in its lateral course common variants, are essential to performing posterior interbody
(Fig. 3.7). Access to the disk space can therefore be obtained fusion. This knowledge allows for careful preoperative planning,
with minimal or no medial retraction of the thecal sac. The adequate decompression, placement of biomechanically optimal
wider exposure allows the surgeon to angle more medially and interbody cages and posterior instrumentation, creation of opti-
across the midline within the disk space, perform a thorough mal conditions for arthrodesis, and avoidance of complications.
24 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion


• Fig. 3.8 Illustration of isthmic spondylolisthesis. Posterior (A) and lateral (B) views demonstrate that the superior facet joint is shifted ventrally and
inferiorly with respect to the inferior facet joint, and the defective pars interarticularis is elongated. A normal facet joint is shown for comparison, with (C)
posterior and (D) lateral views demonstrating the normal relationship of the facet joints to the pars interarticularis (arrow).
CHAPTER 3 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Dorsal Lumbar Spine 25

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Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the
Lateral and Anterior Lumbar Spine

Introduction provides an anterior tension band preventing hyperextension when

left in situ; however, with care, release of this ligament can allow
Anterior and lateral approaches to the lumbar spine are performed for greater correction of sagittal deformity.2 Although the poste-
with increasing frequency and for a wider range of indications. To rior longitudinal ligament does not contribute to stability to the
avoid complications and maximize patient outcomes, a clear under- extent of the anterior longitudinal ligament, it prevents herniation
standing of the anatomy encountered during these approaches is of nucleus pulposus centrally into the spinal canal. This ligament is
necessary. Here we consider the bony, vascular, and neural anatomy not disrupted in either the anterior or lateral approaches but defines
most pertinent to the anterior and lateral transpsoas approaches. a plane posteriorly between the disk space and the spinal canal. The
contralateral ligament is routinely released during lateral approaches
Bony and Ligamentous Anatomy and care must be taken during left-sided approaches to prevent the
interbody graft from injuring vessels on the contralateral side. This
The lumbar spine consists of five kidney-shaped vertebral bodies bor- risk is increased in patients with deformity, especially with axial
dered by the thoracic spine above and the sacrum below (Fig. 4.1). rotation, as the vessels may lie outside their usual location.3
These five vertebral bodies typically have a combined lordosis of 20
to 45 degrees.1 Each vertebral body consists of a central depression
surrounded by an apophyseal ring. The intervertebral disk sits in this
Musculature of the Lumbar Spine
depression between adjacent vertebral bodies. The pedicles, lamina, In anterior approaches the spinal musculature is not violated.
and spinous process form the boundaries of the spinal canal and Instead, the muscle layers divided are those of the abdominal wall.
compose the posterior elements. Facet joints link the superior and Closure of these layers and the fascia is important to prevent the
inferior articulating processes of adjacent vertebral bodies posteriorly. development of true abdominal wall hernias. These are to be dis-
These posterior elements are not visualized during anterior or lateral tinguished from abdominal wall pseudo hernias that are caused by
approaches to the spine (Fig. 4.2). abdominal wall weakness secondary to a neural injury (e.g., sub-
Anterior approaches allow direct visualization of the anterior costal nerve). Lateral approaches also spare the paraspinous muscles
lumbar spine and typically allow intervention at the L4-5 and the but do require passing through the psoas muscle. The psoas muscle
L5-S1 disk spaces. The lateral approaches typically utilize dilators originates from the transverse processes and lateral vertebral bodies
and minimal access retractor systems with fluoroscopic visualiza- of L1-5 and along with the iliacus muscle inserts into the femur
tion of the exact position of the retractor. Direct visualization and after passing under the posterior inguinal ligament (Fig. 4.3).
neural monitoring form a critical component of safe access to the
lumbar spine. Not all levels of the lumbar spine (e.g., L5-S1) can
be accessed via a lateral transpsoas approach. Careful preoperative Vascular Anatomy
evaluation with a lateral x-ray demonstrating the position of the
iliac crests in relation to the vertebral bodies will help determine
Large Vessels of the Retroperitoneum
the lowest accessible disk space. Superior disk space access may be Anterior to the vertebral bodies, in close proximity within the ret-
limited by the ribcage or diaphragm, although modifications of roperitoneal space, lie the aorta, its terminal branches, and the
the approach may still allow access. inferior vena cava (IVC). The close anatomic relationship of these
The ligaments most commonly encountered in anterior and large vessels to the lumbar spine places them at greater risk dur-
lateral approaches to the lumbar spine are the anterior longitudi- ing lateral and anterior approaches than in posterior approaches.
nal ligament and the posterior longitudinal ligament. The ante- Cadaveric and radiologic studies have sought to describe more
rior longitudinal ligament spans the entire spine and increases in thoroughly these anatomic relationships in an attempt to define a
width along the rostral-caudal axis. This multi-layered ligament is safe working corridor as injuries to these vessels can cause serious
encountered early in the anterior approach and must be divided to morbidity and even death.4
access the disk space. In lateral approaches it provides a protective True anterior retroperitoneal lumbar spine approaches typically
layer between the disk space and the large vessels located immedi- involve a paramedian or low abdominal incision to gain access to
ately anteriorly that are not directly visualized. This ligament also the retroperitoneum.

28 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

1 1
2 Atlas 2
Cervical 3 Axis 3
vertebrae 4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
1 T1 1
2 2
3 4
Thoracic 6
vertebrae 7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
1 1
3 3
vertebrae 3
4 4 4

5 5 5



• Fig. 4.1Coronal and sagittal views of the bony anatomy of the spine. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Tech-
niques, Complication Avoidance, & Management, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012: Figure 32-1.)


Superior articular
Spinous process B
Transverse Body Transverse process
A Superior articular

Spinous process

Inferior articular

D Inferior vertebral
• Fig. 4.2 Lumbar vertebral bodies from superior (A), anterior (B), midsagittal (C), and lateral (D) views. (From
Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Management, 3rd ed. Philadelphia:
Elsevier Saunders; 2012: Figure 36-2.)
CHAPTER 4 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral and Anterior Lumbar Spine 29


Rectus abdominis
Psoas minor muscle
Transverse abdominal muscle
Psoas major muscle Internal oblique abdominal muscle

External oblique abdominal muscle

Psoas minor muscle

Psoas major muscle
Quadratus lumborum

dorsi muscle
Multifidus muscle Iliocostalis lumborum muscle

A B Longissimus thoracis muscle

• Fig. 4.3 Muscular anatomy of relevance for lateral and anterior approaches – (A) the psoas muscles
extending from the spine and passing under the inguinal ligament to insert on the femur. (B) Axial section
showing mediolateral orientation of erector spinae and psoas muscles. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery:
Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Management, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012:
Figures 36-6 and 36-7b.)

Access to the L5-S1 disk space is through a working corridor lie in close proximity to the center of the disk space at L5-S1 and
developed between the common iliac arteries and veins after sac- are thus at risk for injury in the anterior approach to this level.7
rificing the median sacral artery. At L4-5, a left-sided approach is Anatomic variations in the relative positions of the aorta and the
usually preferred, which involves retraction of the aorta to gain IVC have been described (Fig. 4.5). The aorta typically lies ventral
access to the mid-line disk space. to the IVC and slightly to the left. Owing to this variation in the
The aorta descends along the ventromedial spine only 2.1 cm from course of the aorta, IVC, their relative positions, and the location
the center of the intervertebral disk.5 This large vessel begins at the of the bifurcation, many authors advocate preoperative imaging to
fourth thoracic vertebra and continues to the fourth lumbar vertebra thoroughly define the vascular anatomy of each patient.
where it divides into the two common iliac arteries. The common iliac
veins join ventral to the fifth lumbar vertebra forming the IVC. This Arterial Supply to the Spine
vessel parallels the path of the aorta traveling along the right anterior
aspect of the lumbar vertebrae, with a mean of 1.4 cm between the Lumbar arteries are direct branches of the aorta that run across the
vessel and the center of the intervertebral disk.5 The IVC migrates vertebral body, approximately 4 mm on average, below the infe-
posteriorly and laterally with caudal progression from L1 to L5. The rior endplate of the superior intervertebral disk space (Fig. 4.6).5
iliolumbar vein crosses from the IVC at the level of the L5 vertebral These vessels originate near the midpoint of the vertebral body
body crossing the psoas muscle. In approaches that require dissection and pass under the sympathetic chain and onto the muscles of the
at L4-5, this vein is usually ligated and divided to the left of the left abdominal wall forming numerous anastomoses with each other
common iliac vein (Fig. 4.4). and lower posterior intercostal, subcostal, iliolumbar, deep cir-
Analysis of the location of the IVC in magnetic resonance cumflex iliac, and inferior epigastric arteries. The spinal branches
images of 48 individuals demonstrated that in 70% the position pierce the dura in the vicinity of the dorsal root ganglia and are
of this vessel at the L4-5 disk level would place it at risk during named according to their termination: radicular if the vessel ter-
a right-sided lateral approach.6 Additionally, the right common minates along the root, radiculopial if it anastomosis with the
iliac vein can lie draped across the anterolateral corner of the disk pial vessels of the spinal cord, radiculomedullary if it anastomoses
space, precluding safe entry at this point.5 During anterior lumbar with the anterior spinal artery. The artery of Adamkiewicz is the
interbody fusion, the disk space associated with the highest risk largest radiculomedullary artery and may originate between the
of vascular complication is the L4-5 disk space with reported vas- ninth intercostal (thoracic) artery and the second lumbar artery,
cular injury rates of 2% to 15%. At this level the left iliac artery most commonly on the left side. Cadaveric studies have shown
is at risk since it must be mobilized for adequate exposure of the little variation in the course of the lumbar arteries, although the
disk space. The iliac veins are also susceptible to injury at this level number present varied (2–4).8 Injury to even these small vessels
as they are mobilized.4 The left iliac vein and iliocaval junction can lead to complications. Santillan et al.9 reported a vascular
30 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Common Common Iliolumbar vein, Iliolumbar vein,

iliac artery iliac vein divided divided

Psoas Lumbosacral Psoas

A muscle B trunk muscle
• Fig. 4.4 A. The iliolumbar vein is seen on the surface of the psoas muscle in the anterior approach to
the spine. B. After ligating and dividing this vein, access to the disk spaces is enhanced. (From Benzel
E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Management. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier
Saunders; 2012; Figure 55-3.)

Vena cava Aorta

L4 artery
and vein

L5 artery
and vein
Internal iliac artery
External iliac artery Medial sacral artery and vein

• Fig. 4.5 Anterior view of the lumbar spine demonstrating anatomical variation in the location of the
aorta, inferior vena cava, and their branches. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication
Avoidance, & Management, ed 3, Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012; Figure 36-12.)

injury of the left L2 segmental artery after an L2-3 eXtreme lateral successful endovascular embolization of a left L-2 segmental artery
interbody fusion procedure thought to be caused by the lateral pseudoaneurysm.9
expandable split retractor blade. The injury was discovered 48
hours postoperatively when the patient became hemodynamically Venous Drainage of the Spine
unstable and a computed tomography scan showed a large left
retroperitoneal hematoma. Immediately, the patient underwent a A large valveless venous plexus is responsible for drainage of
the spine (Fig. 4.7). This plexus has external and epidural
CHAPTER 4 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral and Anterior Lumbar Spine 31

Dorsal branch of
intercostal artery

7 Th
8 Posterior
intercostal Aorta
arteries Intercostal artery
10 Segmental Spinal branch
11 Left segmental
12 Subcostal
artery Aorta

2 Radiculomedullary
3 Neural branch

Spinal nerve
Aorta Segmental
Spinal branch

• Fig. 4.6 A. Arterial supply to the spine. The aorta originating on the anterolateral left side of the thoracic
spine and crossing to a more medial location. B. The segmental and spinal branches passing around the
vertebral body and entering the dura at the site of the nerve root. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Tech-
niques, Complication Avoidance, & Management. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012; Figure

components, and has portions both ventrally and dorsally. Intra- crosses over the common iliac artery.11 Vigilance in identifying
dural venous drainage is performed by the radiculomedullary the ureter may help prevent injury by dissection during the
veins which feed into the anterior and posterior spinal veins. The approach or by retraction.
venous system closely parallels the arterial system. The lumbar
veins travel with the lumbar arteries but with greater variation in Neural Anatomy
course and number. Cadaveric studies frequently identify veins
on the left side.8 In the average adult the spinal cord terminates at the L1 level, giv-
ing rise to the conus medullaris and the nerve roots of the cauda
Urinary System equina. As the dorsal and ventral roots exit the spinal cord, they join
to form the spinal nerve in the dural sleeve. This nerve then exits
The kidneys and the ureters lie within the retroperitoneal below the pedicle with the same number (Fig. 4.8). These nerves
space in proximity to the spine and may also be at risk during then join to form the lumbar plexus within the psoas major and
the lateral and anterior approaches. The left kidney is more give rise to the sensory and motor innervation of the abdomen and
caudal than the right with the upper pole on the left at the proximal leg (Fig. 4.9). The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves
level of T11-12 and the lower pole at L2-3. The upper pole originate from L1 and pass laterally and anteriorly into the abdo-
of the right kidney is typically at T12-L1, and the lower pole men. The genitofemoral nerve (from L1 and L2) exits the ventral
at L3-4.10 The ureters exit the renal pelvis and travel postero- psoas and later divides into two femoral and genital branches, lat-
laterally on the anterior surface of the psoas muscle. The right eral to the common and iliac arteries. The lateral femoral cutaneous
ureter courses along the right aspect of the IVC and crosses nerve arises from the L1 and L2 roots. The largest branches of the
the external iliac artery as it enters the pelvis. The left ureter lumbar plexus, which provide motor function to the proximal leg,
32 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

are the obturator and femoral nerves, which arise from L2, L3, and genitofemoral nerve is in the middle third. Perforating branches of
L4. L4 and L5 combine to form the lumbosacral trunk and join the the lumbar nerve roots can be found in all thirds.
first sacral nerve. The obturator nerve lies medial to the psoas and is Other studies have divided the vertebral body into six zones:
not at risk during lateral transpsoas approaches. The femoral nerve A is the most anterior at the anterior border of the vertebral body,
is very much at risk, particularly at the L4-5 level. followed by zones 1–4, and then zone P, the most posterior defined
as the posterior border of the vertebral body.13 The more superior
disk levels have a larger safe zone than at L4-5 where only the
Defining a Safe Corridor anterior fourth (zone 1) is safe for a right-sided approach, whereas
With the growing popularity of minimally invasive approaches zones 2 and 3 define the safe corridor in a left-sided approach.6,13
where visualization of the regional anatomy is limited, many authors Radiographic and cadaveric studies have increased our knowl-
have attempted to define safe corridors to allow access to the spine edge of the anatomy and normal variants of the lumbar spine and
with minimal risk of complications. After the spinal nerves exit the surrounding structures. One cadaveric study measured the ratio of
lateral foramen, they traverse the lateral surface of the spine and the distance from the posterior endplate of the disk space to the
form the plexus within the psoas muscle. The minimally invasive lat- total length of the disk space. This study demonstrated the ven-
eral approach to the lumbar spine requires traversing the ipsilateral tral migration of the lumbosacral plexus from the posterior border
psoas muscle with, dilators and retractors; the location of the nerves of the disk space at L1-2 (ratio = 0) to a more anterior position
and plexus places them at risk during this approach. Both cadaveric (ratio = 0.28) at L4-5 moving caudally through the lumbar spine.
and radiographic studies have been performed in attempts to define The safe working zone at L2-3 and L3-4 is in the anterior three-
a safe working corridor for this approach. This surgical approach fourth of the disk space but with the ventral migration of the
was mimicked in cadavers; in 25% of mimicked cases, nerve dam- plexus, this decreases to the anterior two-thirds at L4-5. At this
age occurred owing to piercing either a lumbar nerve root or the level the nerve root is at the greatest risk of injury.14 Another study
genitofemoral nerve. Dilation of the retractor resulted in stretch on focused on the neural structures, identifing zone 3 as a safe area
the lumbar nerve roots in all cases.12 One simple scheme describ- for an approach from L1-2, L2-3, and L3-4. However, at L4-5
ing the anatomy divides the psoas muscle into thirds. The sympa- the safe area of approach was the border between zone 2 and zone
thetic chain travels in the anterior one-third of the psoas muscle; the 3, at the midpoint of the vertebral body. Specific analysis of the

Right innominate Internal jugular vein

vein External jugular vein
T2 Left innominate vein

Superior Subclavian vein

vena cava
Highest left
Azygos intercostal vein
hemiazygos vein
internal vertebral
venous plexus
internal vertebral
venous plexus
Azygos vein

vena cava


Dorsal branch
Common iliac vein
External intercostal vein Internal iliac vein
vertebral Hemiazygos vein
venous plexus

• Fig. 4.7 Venous drainage of the spine. A. The internal and external venous plexuses in relation to the
vertebral body. B. The inferior vena cava passes on the anterolateral surface of the lumbar spine, to the
right of midline. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Management,
3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012; Figure 32-27.)
CHAPTER 4 Relevant Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral and Anterior Lumbar Spine 33

genitofemoral nerve localized it to zone 2 at L2-3, and zone 1 and

L3-4 and L4-5.15 In another cadaver study the authors used 8 mm
as their definition of a safe radius, to allow space for the dilators and
distraction instruments. In levels rostral to L4-5, the nerve roots
and trunks were greater than 8 mm from the midpoint of the disk
space. At L4-5, however, in 25% of dissections the neural structures
were present within 8 mm of the center of the disk space.16 Radio-
graphic studies examining the position of the large vessels anteriorly
and the nerves posterolaterally have confirmed these findings. The
percentage of the vertebral body believed to be safe from potential
injury to neurovascular structures decreases from rostral to caudal
2 with one author reporting 48% at L1-2 to 13% at L4-5.17 This
1 precipitous decline is owing to the posterior migration of the ante-
riorly located vascular structures and the anterior migration of the
nerves of the plexus relative to the vertebral body.
In addition to cadaveric and radiographic studies, clinical expe-
rience also informs us of the risk of these approaches. At L4-5 the
risk of femoral nerve injury in one single-center study was 4.8%
using a lateral approach; in contrast, the overall risk of femoral
nerve injury when considering the lateral approach to any level
was 1.7%.18 This study highlights the increased risk at L4-5 in
clinical practice—correlating with what was described. This same
study also reports five attempted lateral interbody fusions that
• Fig. 4.8 Vascular and neural anatomy (posterior view). The nerve were aborted owing to the anterior location of the motor nerve
root (1) exits under the pedicle of the same number. The spinal branch in the psoas, preventing access to the disk space (success rate 98%
(2) enters under the pedicle, in proximity to the nerve root. (From Ben- at L3-4, 92% at L4-5).18 Analysis of the preoperative imaging in
zel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Manage- conjunction with expertise in the anatomy of the lumbar spine
ment, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012; Figure 32-20.)
and knowledge of common variants is key to avoiding neurovas-
cular complications.

Phrenic nerve
Vena cava

splanchic nerve Aorta
Medial crus
Lateral arcuate ligament
Subcostal nerve

Twelfth rib
Medial arcuate ligament
Iliohypogastric nerve Quadratus lumborum
Ilioinguinal nerve muscle

Genitofemoral nerve Psoas major muscle

Psoas minor muscle
Lateral cutaneous
nerve of the thigh


Sympathetic trunk
• Fig. 4.9 The spine as seen (anterior view) with the blood vessels removed. The sympathetic chain is on
the anterior surface. The nerves of the lumbar plexus are seen exiting from the psoas major. (From Benzel
E. Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, & Management, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier
Saunders; 2012; Figure 36-11.)
34 SE C T I O N 2 Anatomy and Intraoperative Imaging for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Vena cava


• Fig. 4.10 The superior hypogastric plexus and variations. (From Benzel E. Spine Surgery: Techniques,
Complication Avoidance, & Management, 3rd ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders; 2012; Figure 36-9.)

Hypogastric Plexus Conclusion

Retrograde ejaculation is an often-discussed complication of Modern approaches to the lumbar spine allow the surgeon to
anterior lumbar interbody fusions that can occur with damage approach from nearly any angle, allowing the approach to be tai-
to the superior hypogastric plexus. This plexus lies on the ven- lored to the patient’s particular pathology and needs. It is important
tral surface of the aorta and within its bifurcation, extending to account for the unique risk profiles of each approach in planning
from the level of L4 to S1, with variation between individuals surgery–preparing for possible complications, and minimizing risk.
(Fig. 4.10). This prevertebral plexus receives both sympathetic In the lateral transpsoas approach, cognizance of the width of the
and parasympathetic contributions from lumbar and sacral approach corridor as it narrows from rostral to caudal will allow for
autonomic nerves.19 In males this plexus innervates the blad- the avoidance of neurologic or vascular complications. This corridor
der, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles, with damage to this progressively narrows as the neural structures migrate from poste-
structure preventing closure of the bladder neck during ejacu- rior to anterior along the vertebral bodies and the vascular structures
lation with resultant retrograde ejaculation. The likelihood of migrate to lie along the anterior surface of the vertebral bodies. The
injury can be reduced by avoidance of electrocautery, blunt greatest risk for injury is at L4-5; however, this level may be suc-
dissection, and careful retraction of the plexus from left to cessfully treated with experience and knowledge of the anatomy in
right.20 many cases.

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vascular injury due to lateral transpsoas approach leading to fatality. rogenic lumbar artery pseudoaneurysm following extreme lateral inter-
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org/10.1097/01.BRS.0000049226.87064.3B. nerve with respective to the anterior approach lumbar surgery. Surg
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Intraoperative Image-Guided
Navigation for Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Introduction seconds, including fluoroscopy at the beginning of the case to

ensure accurate positioning. Of note, significant increases in radi-
Minimally invasive spine surgery has gained much popularity in ation exposure were noted in unprotected areas when compared
recent years owing to the reductions in patient morbidity, length to the dosimeter located under the lead apron of the primary
of hospital stay, and costs. Although these short-term outcomes surgeon.5 Bindal et al.3 observed an average fluoroscopy time of
have seen marked improvements, there has been little improve- 101 seconds during minimally invasive transforaminal interbody
ment in the long-term outcomes when comparing minimally fusion (MIS-TLIF), with radiation exposures that were generally
invasive lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-LIF) to open techniques.1 improved in a later study by Funao et al., who used a one-shot
When first developed, MIS-LIF required extensive fluoroscopy fluoroscopy technique in an attempt to lessen or reduce surgeon
to ensure accurate interbody cage placement and extensive imag- radiation exposure.2 Other similar low-dose fluoroscopy proto-
ing for the percutaneous placement of pedicle screws. The conse- cols have been developed to decrease radiation exposure during
quent accumulation of radiation from many of these minimally MIS-TLIF cases.6
invasive procedures may result in dangerous radiation dosages to The significance of such radiation exposures to the surgeon is
the surgeons who perform these procedures.2,3 As such, there has unclear, although various authors have suggested that exposures
been an increased development and use of navigation-based tech- may have a more critical impact on younger surgeons who are
niques that rely on the use of intraoperatively acquired images beginning their practice and have a lifetime of fluoroscopy-depen-
with subsequent image registration allowing for navigation of dent spine procedures ahead of them. With this in mind, Taher
interbody cage and percutaneous screw placement.4 This approach et al. calculated that 2700 LLIF procedures theoretically could be
exposes surgeons to much less radiation while maintaining com- performed each year without exceeding standards for “safe” occu-
parable accuracy. pational radiation exposure.5 Although this may be true, an inter-
In this chapter, we review various advanced imaging modali- est in reducing surgeon radiation exposure persists.
ties related to both accurate interbody cage and associated pedicle
screw placement in the lumbar spine. Stereotactic Navigation
Fluoroscopy To alleviate the concerns of increases in surgeon radiation expo-
sure and of the placement accuracy of both pedicle screws and
Prior to the advent of advanced imaging modalities relying on interbody cages, there has been a recent push toward the develop-
computer-aided image processing and registration, fluoroscopy ment of technologies that utilize imaging to register an image at
was utilized to ensure proper cage placement. This method the start of the procedure to be used as a reference for navigating
requires successive anterior-posterior and lateral C-arm images to instruments. Radiation exposure to surgeons and ancillary per-
ensure that the cage is inserted orthogonal to the disk space. In sonnel is thereby theoretically reduced, as the images taken at the
patients with deformity or multilevel degenerative disease, ensur- beginning of the procedure for image registration do not require
ing a perfect orthogonal position can require tilting the table the close proximity of staff. As the procedure progresses and is
to acquire appropriate images; consequently, with the repetitive fully navigated, surgeon visibility improves, ideally also improving
imaging, there can be significant radiation exposure. Additionally, the accuracy of placement and addressing both concerns.
the accuracy of cage and pedicle screw placement has been a con- Imaging modalities that have been used for the generation of
cern, particularly in comparison to more open techniques where these reference images include intraoperative C-arm fluoroscopy
visualization is much easier. and computed tomography (CT) scans via either an O-arm or
Given the increased exposure to large amounts of low-level another intraoperative CT scanner (Fig. 5.1).7 In MIS-LIF cases,
radiation that can result from high case volumes, several studies there is the added benefit of using image registration methods
have aimed to quantify the average surgeon radiation exposure that can be performed after positioning and draping, to decrease
during MIS-LIF cases. Regarding lateral lumbar interbody fusion navigation error owing to the changes of patient positioning. One
(LLIF) cases, Taher et al.5 found that during eighteen cases fus- general drawback of using navigated instrumentation is increased
ing a mean 2.4 levels, average total fluoroscopy time was 88.7 set-up time, although this may not be a significant issue as time

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banishing melancholy remembrances by launching into cheerful
conversation, when the gallery door was suddenly opened, and the
Queen rose, exclaiming, ‘The King here already!’ When, however,
she saw that, instead of the King, it was only the Prince of Wales,
and ‘detesting the exchange of the son for the daughter, she burst
out anew into tears, and cried out, “Oh, God! this is too much!”’ She
was only relieved by the entry of the King, who, perceiving but not
speaking to his son, took the Queen by the hand and led her out to
This ‘cut direct,’ by affecting to be unconscious of the presence
of the obnoxious person, was a habit with the King. ‘Whenever the
prince was in a room with him,’ says Lord Hervey, ‘it put one in mind
of stories that one has heard of ghosts which appear to part of the
company and were invisible to the rest; and in this manner, wherever
the prince stood, though the King passed him ever so often, or ever
so near, it always seemed as if the King thought the prince filled a
void space.’
On the following day, the 22nd of October, the Princess Anne
suddenly appeared before her parents. They thought her at Harwich,
or on the seas, the wind being fair. Tears and kisses were her
welcome from her mother, and smiles and an embrace formed the
greeting from her father. The return was ill-advised, but the Queen,
with a growing conviction of decaying health, could not be
displeased at seeing again her first child.
The health of Caroline was undoubtedly at this time much
impaired, but the King allowed her scant respite from labour on that
account. Thus on the 29th of this month, although the Queen was
labouring under cold, cough, and symptoms of fever, in addition to
having been weakened by loss of blood, a process she had recently
undergone twice, the King not only brought her from Kensington to
London for the birthday, but forced her to go with him to the opera to
hear the inimitable Farinelli. He himself thought so little of illness, or
liked so little to be thought ill, that he would rise from a sick couch to
proceed to hold a levée, which was no sooner concluded than he
would immediately betake himself to bed again. His affection for the
Queen was not so great but that he compelled the same sacrifices
from her; and on the occasion of this birthday, at the morning
drawing-room, she found herself so near swooning, that she was
obliged to send her chamberlain to the King, begging him to retire,
‘for she was unable to stand any longer.’ Notwithstanding which, we
are told by Lord Hervey, that ‘at night he brought her into a still
greater crowd at the ball, and there kept her till eleven o’clock.’
Sir Robert Walpole frequently, and never more urgently than at
this time, impressed upon her the necessity of being careful of her
own health. He addressed her as though she had been Queen
Regnant of England—as she certainly was governing sovereign—
and he described to her in such pathetic terms the dangers which
England would, and Europe might, incur, if any fatal accident
deprived her of life, and the King were to fall under the influence of
any other woman, that the poor Queen, complaining and coughing,
with head heavy, and aching eyes half closed with pain, cheeks
flushed, pulse quick, spirits low, and breathing oppressed, burst into
tears, alarmed at the picture, and with every disposition to do her
utmost for the benefit of her health and the well-being of the body
It was the opinion of Caroline, that in case of her demise the
King would undoubtedly marry again, and she had often advised him
to take such a step. She affected, however, to believe that a second
wife would not be able to influence him to act contrary to the system
which he had adopted through the influence of herself and Walpole.
It was during the sojourn of the Princess Anne in England that
she heard the details of the withdrawal of Lady Suffolk from court.
Everybody appeared to be rejoiced at that lady’s downfall, but most
of all the Princess Anne. The King thought that of all the children of
himself and Caroline, Anne loved him best. This dutiful daughter,
however, despised him, and treated him as an insufferable bore, who
always required novelty in conversation from others, but never told
anything new of his own. In allusion to the withdrawal of Lady Suffolk
from court, this amiable child remarked, ‘I wish with all my heart he
would take somebody else, that Mamma might be a little relieved
from the occasion of seeing him for ever in her room!’
In November the Princess Anne once more proceeded to
Harwich, put to sea, and was so annoyed by the usual
inconveniences that she compelled the captain to land her again.
She declared that she should not be well enough for ten days to go
once more aboard. This caused great confusion. Her father, and
indeed the Queen also, insisted on her repairing to Holland by way
of Calais, as her husband had thoughtfully suggested. She was
compelled to pass through London, much to the King’s annoyance,
but he declared that she should not stop, but proceed at once over
London Bridge to Dover. He added, that she should never again
come to England in the same condition of health. His threat was
partly founded on the expense, her visit having cost him 20,000l. Her
reluctance to proceed to her husband’s native country was founded,
it has been suggested, on her own ambitious ideas. Her brothers
were unmarried, and she was anxious, it is thought, that her own
child should be English born, as it would stand in the line of
inheritance to the throne. However this may be, the Queen saw the
false step the daughter had already taken, and insisted on the
wishes of her husband, the prince, being attended to; and so the
poor foiled Anne went home to become a mother, very much against
her will.
The Princess Amelia observed to Mrs. Clayton, the Queen’s
bedchamber-woman, that her brother, Prince Frederick, would have
been displeased if the accouchement of the princess had taken
place in England. To this, Mrs. Clayton, as Lord Hervey observes,
very justly remarked, ‘I cannot imagine, madam, how it can affect the
prince at all where she lies in; since with regard to those who wish
more of your royal highness’s family on the throne, it is no matter
whether she be brought to bed here or in Holland, or of a son or a
daughter, or whether she has any child at all; and with regard to
those who wish all your family well, for your sake, madam, as well as
our own, we shall be very glad to take any of you in your turn, but
none of you out of it.’
But the Queen had other business this year wherewith to occupy
her besides royal marriages, or filial indispositions. In some of these
matters her sincerity is sadly called in question. Here is an instance.
In 1734 the Bishop of Winchester was stricken with apoplexy,
and Lord Hervey was no sooner aware of that significant fact—it was
a mortal attack—than he wrote to Hoadly at Salisbury, urging him in
the strongest terms to make application to be promoted from Sarum
to the almost vacant see.
This promotion had been promised him by the King, Queen, and
Walpole, all of whom joined in blandly reproving the bishop for being
silent when Durham was vacant, whereby alone he lost that golden
appointment. He had served government so well, and yet had
contrived to maintain most of his usual popularity with the public, that
he had been told to look upon Winchester as his own, whenever an
opening occurred.
Hoadly was simple enough to believe that the Queen and
Walpole were really sincere. He addressed a letter to the King
through his ‘two ears’—the Queen and Walpole; and he wrote as if
he were sure of being promoted, according to engagement, while at
the same time he acted as if he were sure of nothing.
Caroline called the bishop’s letter indelicate, hasty, ill-timed, and
such like; but Hoadly so well obeyed the instructions given to him
that there was no room for escape, and he received the
appointment. When he went to kiss hands upon his elevation, the
King was the only one who behaved with common honesty. He, and
Caroline too, disliked the man, whom the latter affected a delight to
honour, for the reason that his respect for royalty was not so great as
to blind him to popular rights, which he supported with much
earnestness. On his reception by the King, the latter treated him with
disgraceful incivility, exactly in accordance with his feelings. Caroline
did violence to hers, and gave him honeyed words, and showered
congratulations upon him, and pelted him, as it were, with
compliments and candied courtesy. As for Sir Robert Walpole, who
hated Hoadly as much as his royal mistress and her consort did
together, he took the new Bishop of Winchester aside, and, warmly
pressing his hand, assured him without a blush that his translation
from Sarum to Winchester was entirely owing to the mediation of
himself, Sir Robert. It was a daring assertion, and Sir Robert would
have hardly ventured upon making it had he known the share Lord
Hervey had had in this little ecclesiastical intrigue. Hoadly was not
deluded by Walpole, but he was the perfect dupe of the Queen.
Lord Mahon, in speaking of Caroline, says that ‘her character
was without a blemish.’ Compared with many around her, perhaps it
was; but if the face had not spots it had ‘patches,’ which looked very
much like them. On this matter, the noble lord appears to admit that
some doubt may exist, and he subsequently adds: ‘But no doubt can
exist as to her discerning and most praiseworthy patronage of worth
and learning in the Church. The most able and pious men were
everywhere sought and preferred, and the episcopal bench was
graced by such men as Hare, Sherlock, and Butler.’ Of course,
Queen Caroline’s dislike of Hoadly may be set down as founded
upon that prelate’s alleged want of orthodoxy. It has been noticed in
another page, that, according to Walpole, the Queen had rather
weakened than enlightened her faith by her study of divinity, and that
her Majesty herself ‘was at best not orthodox.’ Her countenance of
the ‘less-believing’ clergy is said, upon the same authority, to have
been the effect of the influence of Lady Sundon, who ‘espoused the
heterodox clergy.’
Lord Mahon also says that the Queen was distinguished for
charity towards those whom she accounted her enemies. She could
nurse her rage, however, a good while to keep it warm. Witness her
feeling manifested against that daughter of Lord Portland who
married Mr. Godolphin. Her hatred of this lady was irreconcileable,
nor was the King’s of a more Christian quality. That lady’s sole
offence, however, was her acceptance of the office ‘of governess to
their daughter in the late reign, without their consent, at the time they
had been turned out of St. James’s, and the education of their
children, who were kept there, taken from them.’ For this offence
the King and Queen were very unwilling to confer a peerage and
pension on Godolphin in 1735, when he resigned his office of groom
of the stole in the royal household. The peerage and pension were,
nevertheless, ultimately conferred at the earnest solicitation of
Walpole, and with great ill-humour on the part of the King.
Even Walpole, with all his power and influence, was not at this
time so powerful and influential but that when he was crossed in
parliament he suffered for it at court. Thus, when the Crown lost
several supporters in the house by adverse decisions on election
petitions, the King was annoyed, and the Queen gave expression to
her own anger on the occasion. It was rare indeed that she ever
spoke her dissatisfaction of Sir Robert; but on the occasion in
question she is reported as having said that Sir Robert Walpole
either neglected these things, and judged it enough to think they
were trifles, though in government, and especially in this country,
nothing was a trifle, ‘or, perhaps,’ she said, ‘there is some
mismanagement I know nothing of, or some circumstances we are
none of us acquainted with; but, whatever it is, to me these things
seem very ill-conducted.’
The Queen really thought that Walpole was on the point of
having outlived his ability and his powers to apply it for the benefit of
herself and husband. She observed him melancholy, and set it down
that he was mourning over his own difficulties and failures. When
Caroline, however, was told that Sir Robert was not in sorrow
because of the difficulties of government, but simply because his
mistress, Miss Skerret, was dangerously ill of a pleuritic fever, the
‘unblemished Queen’ was glad! She rejoiced that politics had nothing
to do with his grief, and she was extremely well pleased to find that
the prime-minister was as immoral as men of greater and less
dignity. And then she took to satirising both the prime-minister and
the lady of his homage. She laughed at him for believing in the
attachment of a woman whose motives must be mercenary, and who
could not possibly see any attraction in such a man but through the
meshes of his purse. ‘She must be a clever gentlewoman,’ said
Caroline, ‘to have made him believe that she cares for him on any
other score; and to show you what fools we all are on some point or
other, she has certainly told him some fine story or other of her love,
and her passion, and that poor man, with his burly body, swollen
legs, and villainous stomach (“avec ce gros corps, jambes enflés, et
ce vilain ventre”) believes her!—ah, what is human nature?’ On this
rhapsody Lord Hervey makes a comment in the spirit of Burns’

Would but some god the giftie gi’e us,

To see ourselves as ithers see us—

and it was excellent opportunity for such comment. ‘While she was
saying this,’ remarks the noble lord, ‘she little reflected in what
degree she herself possessed all the impediments and antidotes to
love she had been enumerating, and that, “Ah, what is human
nature?” was as applicable to her own blindness as to his.’
She certainly illustrated in her own person her assertion that in
government nothing was a trifle. Thus, when what was called the
Scotch Election Petition was before parliament and threatening to
give some trouble to the ministerial side, her anxiety till the question
was decided favourably to the Crown side, and her affected
indifference after the victory, were both marked and striking. On the
morning before the petition was presented, praying the House of
Lords to take into consideration certain alleged illegalities in the
recent election of sixteen representative peers of Scotland—a
petition which the house ultimately dismissed—the anxiety of
Caroline was so great ‘to know what was said, thought, or done, or
expected on this occasion, that she sent for Lord Hervey while she
was in bed; and because it was contrary to the queenly etiquette to
admit a man to her bedside while she was in it, she kept him talking
upon one side of the door, which was just upon her bed, while she
conversed with him on the other for two hours together, and then
sent him to the King’s side to repeat to his Majesty all he had related
to her.’ By the King’s side is meant, not his Majesty’s side of the
royal couch, but the side of the palace wherein he had his separate
It was soon after this period (1735), that the King set out for
Hanover, much against the inclination of his ministers, who dreaded
lest he should be drawn in to conclude some engagement, when
abroad, adverse to the welfare of England. His departure, however,
was witnessed by Caroline with much resignation. It gave her
infinitely more power and more pleasure; for, as regent, she had no
superior to consult or guide, and in her husband’s absence she had
not the task of amusing a man who was growing as little amusable
as Louis XIV. was when Madame de Maintenon complained of her
terrible toil in that way. His prospective absence of even half a year’s
duration did not alarm Caroline, for it released her from receiving the
daily sallies of a temper that, let it be charged by what hand it would,
used always to discharge its hottest fire, on some pretence or other,
upon her!
The Queen’s enjoyment, however, was somewhat dashed by
information conveyed to her by that very husband, and by which she
learned that the royal reprobate, having become smitten by the
attractions of a young married German lady, named Walmoden, had
had the rascality to induce her to leave her husband—a course
which she had readily adopted for the small consideration of a
thousand ducats.
This Madame Walmoden brings us back to the times of Sophia
Dorothea. Elizabeth, sister of the Countess von Platen who brought
about the catastrophe in which Königsmark perished and Sophia
Dorothea was ruined, was married, first to von Busch, and secondly
to von Weyhe (or Weyke). By this second marriage she had a
daughter, who became the wife of General von Wendt. These von
Wendts had a daughter also, who married Herr Walmoden. It was
this last lady whom the son of Sophia Dorothea lured from her
husband, and whom he ultimately raised to the dignity of Countess
of Yarmouth.
Not the smallest incident which marked the progress of this
infamous connection was concealed by the husband from his wife.
He wrote at length minute details of the person of the new mistress,
for whom he bespoke the love of his own wife!
Lord Hervey thinks that the pride of the Queen was much more
hurt than her affections on this occasion; which is not improbable, for
the reasoning public, to whom the affair soon became known, at
once concluded that the rise of the new mistress would be attended
with the downfall of the influence of Caroline.
The latter, however, knew well how to maintain her influence, let
who would be the object of the impure homage of her exceedingly
worthless husband. To the letters which he addressed to her with
particular unction, she replied with an unction quite as rich in quality
and profuse in degree. Pure and dignified as she might seem in
discoursing with divines, listening to philosophers, receiving the
metrical tributes of poets, or cavilling with scholars, she had no
objection to descend from Olympus and find relaxation in wallowing
in Epicurus’ stye. Nor did she thus condescend merely to suit a
purpose and to gain an end. Her letters, encouraging her husband in
his amours with women at Hanover, were coarse enough to have
called up a blush on the cheek of one of Congreve’s waiting-maids.
They have the poor excuse tied to them of having been written for
the purpose of securing her own power. The same apology does not
apply to the correspondence with the dirty Duchess of Orleans.
Caroline appears to have indulged in the details of that
correspondence for the sake of the mere pleasure itself. And yet she
has been called a woman without blemish!
The King’s letters to her are said to have extended to sixty, and
never to less than forty, pages. They were filled, says Lord Hervey,
‘with an hourly account of everything he saw, heard, thought, or did,
and crammed with minute trifling circumstances, not only unworthy
of a man to write, but even of a woman to read; most of which I saw,
and almost all of them I heard reported by Sir Robert Walpole, to
whose perusal few were not committed, and many passages were
transmitted to him by the King’s own order; who used to tag several
paragraphs with “Montrez ceci et consultez ladessus le gros
homme.” Among many extraordinary things and expressions these
letters contained was one in which he desired the Queen to contrive,
if she could, that the Prince of Modena, who was to come at the
latter end of the year to England, might bring his wife with him.’ She
was the younger daughter of the Regent Duke of Orleans. The
reason which the King gave to his wife for the request which he had
made with respect to this lady was, that he had understood the latter
was by no means particular as to what quarter or person she
received homage from, and he had the greatest inclination
imaginable to pay his addresses to a daughter of the late Regent of
France. ‘Un plaisir,’ he said—for this German husband wrote even to
his German wife in French—‘que je suis sûr, ma chère Caroline,
vous serez bien aise de me procurer, quand je vous dis combien je
le souhaite!’ If Wycherley had placed such an incident as this in a
comedy, he would have been censured as offending equally against
modesty and probability.
In the summer of this year, Lord Hervey was absent for a while
from attendance on his royal mistress; but we may perhaps learn
from one of his letters, addressed to her while he was resting in the
country from his light labours, the nature of his office and the way in
which Caroline was served. The narrative is given by the writer as
part of an imaginary post-obit diary, in which he describes himself as
having died on the day he left her, and as having been repeatedly
buried in the various dull country houses by whose proprietors he
was hospitably received. He thus proceeds:—
‘But whilst my body, madam, was thus disposed of, my spirit (as
when alive) was still hovering, though invisible, round your Majesty,
anxious for your welfare, and watching to do you any little service
that lay within my power.
‘On Monday, whilst you walked, my shade still turned on the side
of the sun to guard you from its beams.
‘On Tuesday morning, at breakfast, I brushed away a fly that had
escaped Teed’s observation’ (Teed was one of the Queen’s
attendants) ‘and was just going to be the taster of your chocolate.
‘On Wednesday, in the afternoon, I took off the chillness of some
strawberry-water your Majesty was going to drink as you came in hot
from walking; and at night I hunted a bat out of your bedchamber,
and shut a sash just as you fell asleep, which your Majesty had a
little indiscreetly ordered Mrs. Purcel to leave open.
‘On Thursday, in the drawing-room, I took the forms and voices
of several of my acquaintances, made strange faces, put myself into
awkward postures, and talked a good deal of nonsense, whilst your
Majesty entertained me very gravely, recommended me very
graciously, and laughed at me internally very heartily.
‘On Friday, being post-day, I proposed to get the best pen in the
other world for your Majesty’s use, and slip it invisibly into your
standish just as Mr. Shaw was bringing it into your gallery for you to
write; and accordingly I went to Voiture, and desired him to hand me
his pen; but when I told him for whom it was designed, he only
laughed at me for a blockhead, and asked me if I had been at court
for four years to so little purpose as not to know that your Majesty
had a much better of your own.
‘On Saturday I went on the shaft of your Majesty’s chaise to
Richmond; as you walked there I went before you, and with an
invisible wand I brushed the dew and the worms out of your path all
the way, and several times uncrumpled your Majesty’s stocking.
‘Sunday.—This very day, at chapel, I did your Majesty some
service, by tearing six leaves out of the parson’s sermon and
shortening his discourse six minutes.’
While these imaginary services were being rendered by the
visionary Lord Hervey to the Queen, realities more serious and not
less amusing were claiming the attention of Caroline and her
In return for the information communicated by the King to the
Queen on the subject of Madame Walmoden and her charms,
Caroline had to inform her husband of the marriage we have spoken
of between Lady Suffolk and Mr. George Berkeley. The royal ex-lover
noticed the communication in his reply in a coarse way, and
expressed his entire satisfaction at being rid of the lady, and at the
lady’s disposal of herself.
When Caroline informed her vice-chamberlain, Lord Hervey, of
the report of this marriage, his alleged disbelief of the report made
her peevish with him, and induced her to call him an ‘obstinate devil,’
who would not believe merely improbable facts to be truths. Caroline
then railed at Lady Suffolk in good set terms as a sayer and doer of
silly things, entirely unworthy of the reputation she had with some
people of being the sayer and doer of wise ones.
It was on this occasion that Caroline herself described to Lord
Hervey the farewell interview she had had with Lady Suffolk. The ex-
mistress took a sentimental view of her position, and lamented to the
wife that she, the mistress, was no longer so kindly treated as
formerly by the husband. ‘I told her,’ said the Queen, ‘in reply, that
she and I were not of an age to think of these sort of things in such a
romantic way, and said, “My good Lady Suffolk, you are the best
servant in the world; and, as I should be most extremely sorry to lose
you, pray take a week to consider of this business, and give me your
word not to read any romances in that time, and then I dare say you
will lay aside all thoughts of doing what, believe me, you will repent,
and what I am very sure I shall be very sorry for.”’ It was at one of
these conversations with Lord Hervey that the Queen told him that
Lady Suffolk ‘had had 2,000l. a year constantly from the King whilst
he was prince, and 3,200l. ever since he was King; besides several
little dabs of money both before and since he came to the crown.’
A letter of Lady Pomfret’s will serve to show us not only a picture
of the Queen at this time, but an illustration of feeling in a fine lady.
Lady Pomfret, writing to Lady Sundon, in 1735, says: ‘All I can
say of Kensington is, that it is just the same as it was, only pared as
close as the bishop does the sacrament. My Lord Pomfret and I were
the greatest strangers there; no secretary of state, no chamberlain or
vice-chamberlain, but Lord Robert, and he just in the same coat, the
same spot of ground, and the same words in his mouth that he had
when I left there. Mrs. Meadows in the window at work; but, though
half an hour after two, the Queen was not quite dressed, so that I
had the honour of seeing her before she came out of her little blue
room, where I was graciously received, and acquainted her Majesty,
to her great sorrow, how ill you had been; and then, to alleviate that
sorrow, I informed her how much Sundon was altered for the better,
and that it looked like a castle. From thence we proceeded to a very
short drawing-room, where the Queen joked much with my Lord
Pomfret about Barbadoes. The two ladies of the bedchamber and
the governess are yet on so bad a foot, that upon the latter coming
into the room to dine with Lady Bristol, the others went away, though
just going to sit down, and strangers in the place.’
The writer of this letter soon after lost a son, the Honourable
Thomas Fermor. It was a severely felt loss; so severe that some
weeks elapsed before the disconsolate mother was able, as she
says, ‘to enjoy the kind and obliging concern’ expressed by the
Queen’s bedchamber-woman in her late misfortune. Christianity
itself, as this charming mother averred, would have authorised her in
lamenting such a calamity during the remainder of her life; but then,
oh joy! her maternal lamentation was put an end to and Rachel was
comforted, and all because—‘It was impossible for any behaviour to
be more gracious than that of the Queen on this occasion, who
made it quite fashionable to be concerned’ at the death of Lady
Pomfret’s son.
But there were more bustling scenes at Kensington than such as
those described by this fashionably sorrowing lady and the
sympathising sovereign.
On Sunday, the 26th of October, the Queen and her court had
just left the little chapel in the palace of Kensington, when intimation
was given to her Majesty that the King, who had left Hanover on the
previous Wednesday, was approaching the gate. Caroline, at the
head of her ladies and the gentlemen of her suite, hastened down to
receive him; and, as he alighted from his ponderous coach, she took
his hand and kissed it. This ceremony performed by the regent, a
very unceremonious, hearty, and honest kiss was impressed on his
lips by the wife. The King endured the latter without emotion, and
then, taking the Queen-regent by the fingers, he led her upstairs in a
very stately and formal manner. In the gallery there was a grand
presentation, at which his Majesty exhibited much ill-humour, and
conversed with everybody but the Queen.
His ill-humour arose from various sources. He had heated
himself by rapid and continual travelling, whereby he had brought on
an attack of a complaint to which he was subject, which made him
very ill at ease, and which is irritating enough to break down the
patience of the most patient of people.
On ordinary occasions of his return from Hanover his most
sacred Majesty was generally of as sour disposition as man so little
heroic could well be. He loved the Electorate better than he did his
kingdom, and would not allow that there was anything in the latter
which could not be found in Hanover of a superior quality. There was
no exception to this: men, women, artists, philosophers, actors,
citizens, the virtues, the sciences, and the wits, the country, its
natural beauties and productions, the courage of the men and the
attractions of the women—all of these in England seemed to him
worthless. In Hanover they assumed the guise of perfection.
This time he returned to his ‘old’ wife laden with a fresh sorrow—
the memory of a new favourite. He had left his heart with the
insinuating Walmoden, and he brought to his superb Caroline
nothing but a tribute of ill-humour and spite. He hated more than
ever the change from an Electorate where he was so delightfully
despotic, to a country where he was only chief magistrate, and
where the people, through their representatives, kept a very sharp
watch upon him in the execution of his duties. He was accordingly as
coarse and evil-disposed towards the circle of his court as he was to
her who was the centre of it. He, too, was like one of those
pantomime potentates who are for ever in King Cambyses’ vein, and
who sweep through the scene in a whirlwind of farcically furious
words and of violent acts, or of threats almost as bad as if the
menaces had been actually realised. It was observed that his
behaviour to Caroline had never been so little tinged with outward
respect as now. She bore his ill-humour with admirable patience; and
her quiet endurance only the more provoked the petulance of the
little and worthless King.
He was not only ill-tempered with the mistress of the palace, but
was made, or chose to think himself, especially angry at trifling
improvements which Caroline had carried into effect in the suburban
palace during the temporary absence of its master. The
improvements consisted chiefly in removing some worthless pictures
and indifferent statues and placing master-pieces in their stead. The
King would have all restored to the condition it was in when he had
last left the palace; and he treated Lord Hervey as a fool for
venturing to defend the Queen’s taste and the changes which had
followed the exercise of it. ‘I suppose,’ said the dignified King to the
courteous vice-chamberlain, ‘I suppose you assisted the Queen with
your fine advice when she was pulling my house to pieces, and
spoiling all my furniture. Thank God! at least she has left the walls
Lord Hervey asked if he would not allow the two Vandykes which
the Queen had substituted for ‘two signposts,’ to remain. George
pettishly answered, that he didn’t care whether they were changed or
no; ‘but,’ he added, ‘for the picture with the dirty frame over the door,
and the three nasty little children, I will have them taken away, and
the old ones restored. I will have it done, too, to-morrow morning,
before I go to London, or else I know it will not be done at all.’
Lord Hervey next enquired if his Majesty would also have ‘his
gigantic fat Venus restored too?’ The King replied that he would, for
he liked his fat Venus better than anything which had been put in its
place. Upon this Lord Hervey says he fell to thinking ‘that if his
Majesty had liked his fat Venus as well as he used to do, there would
have been none of these disputations.’
By a night’s calm repose the ill-humour of the Sovereign was not
dispersed. On the following morning we meet with the insufferable
little man in the gallery, where the Queen and her daughters were
taking chocolate; her son, the Duke of Cumberland, standing by. He
only stayed five minutes, but in that short time the husband and
father contrived to wound the feelings of his wife and children. ‘He
snubbed the Queen, who was drinking chocolate, for being always
stuffing; the Princess Amelia for not hearing him; the Princess
Caroline for being grown fat; the Duke of Cumberland for standing
awkwardly; and then he carried the Queen out to walk, to be re-
snubbed in the garden.’
Sir Robert Walpole told his friend Hervey that he had done his
utmost to prepare the Queen for this change in the King’s feelings
and actions towards her. He reminded her that her personal
attractions were not what they had been, and he counselled her to
depend more upon her intellectual superiority than ever. The virtuous
man advised her to secure the good temper of the King by throwing
certain ladies in his way of an evening. Sir Robert mentioned, among
others, Lady Tankerville, ‘a very safe fool, who would give the King
some amusement without giving her Majesty any trouble.’ Lady
Deloraine, the Delia from whose rage Pope bade his readers dread
slander and poison, had already attracted the royal notice, and the
King liked to play cards with her in his daughter’s apartments. This
lady, who had the loosest tongue of the least modest women about
the court, was characterised by Walpole as likely to exercise a
dangerous influence over the King. If Caroline would retain her
power, he insinuated, she must select her husband’s favourites,
through whom she might still reign supreme.
Caroline is said to have taken this advice in good part. There
would be difficulty in believing that it ever was given did we not know
that the Queen herself could joke, not very delicately, in full court, on
her position as a woman not first in her husband’s regard. Sir Robert
would comment on these jokes in the same locality, and with
increase of coarseness. The Queen, however, though she affected
to laugh, was both hurt and displeased—hurt by the joke and
displeased with the joker, of whom Swift has said, that—

By favour and fortune fastidiously blest,

He was loud in his laugh and was coarse in his jest.

In spite of the King’s increased ill-temper towards the Queen,

and in spite of what Sir Robert Walpole thought and said upon that
delicate subject, Lord Hervey maintains that at this very time the
King’s heart, as affected towards the Queen, was not less warm than
his temper. The facts which are detailed by the gentle official
immediately after he has made this assertion go strongly to disprove
the latter. The detail involves a rather long extract; but its interest,
and the elaborate minuteness with which this picture of a royal
interior is painted, will doubtless be considered ample excuse for
reproducing the passages. Lord Hervey was eye and ear-witness of
what he here so well describes:—
‘About nine o’clock every night the King used to return to the
Queen’s apartment from that of his daughter’s, where, from the time
of Lady Suffolk’s disgrace, he used to pass those evenings he did
not go to the opera or play at quadrille, constraining them, tiring
himself, and talking a little indecently to Lady Deloraine, who was
always of the party.
‘At his return to the Queen’s side, the Queen used often to send
for Lord Hervey to entertain them till they retired, which was
generally at eleven. One evening among the rest, as soon as Lord
Hervey came into the room, the Queen, who was knotting, while the
King walked backwards and forwards, began jocosely to attack Lord
Hervey upon an answer just published to a book of his friend Bishop
Hoadly’s on the Sacrament, in which the bishop was very ill-treated;
but before she had uttered half what she had a mind to say, the King
interrupted her, and told her she always loved talking of such
nonsense, and things she knew nothing of; adding, that if it were not
for such foolish people loving to talk of these things when they were
written, the fools who wrote upon them would never think of
publishing their nonsense, and disturbing the government with
impertinent disputes that nobody of any sense ever troubled himself
about. The Queen bowed, and said, “Sir, I only did it to let Lord
Hervey know that his friend’s book had not met with that general
approbation he had pretended.” “A pretty fellow for a friend!” said the
King, turning to Lord Hervey. “Pray what is it that charms you in him?
His pretty limping gait?” And then he acted the bishop’s lameness,
and entered upon some unpleasant defects which it is not necessary
to repeat. The stomachs of the listeners must have been strong, if
they experienced no qualm at the too graphic and nasty detail. “Or is
it,” continued the King, “his great honesty that charms your lordship?
His asking a thing of me for one man, and when he came to have it
in his own power to bestow, refusing the Queen to give it to the very
man for whom he had asked it? Or do you admire his conscience,
that makes him now put out a book that, till he was Bishop of
Winchester, for fear his conscience might hurt his preferment, he
kept locked up in his chest? Is his conscience so much improved
beyond what it was when he was Bishop of Bangor, or Hereford, or
Salisbury—for this book, I fear, was written so long ago—or is it that
he would not risk losing a shilling a year more whilst there was
anything better to be got than what he had? I cannot help saying,
that if the Bishop of Winchester is your friend, you have a great
puppy, and a very dull fellow, and a great rascal, for your friend. It is
a very pretty thing for such scoundrels, when they are raised by
favour above their deserts, to be talking and writing their stuff, to give
trouble to the government which has showed them that favour; and
very modest for a canting, hypocritical knave to be crying that the
kingdom of Christ is not of this world at the same time that he, as
Christ’s ambassador, receives 6,000l. or 7,000l. a year. But he is just
the same thing in the Church that he is in the government, and as
ready to receive the best pay for preaching the Bible, though he
does not believe a word of it, as he is to take favour from the Crown,
though, by his republican spirit and doctrine, he would be glad to
abolish its power.”’
There is something melancholily suggestive in thus hearing the
temporal head of a Church accusing of rank infidelity a man whom
he had raised to be an overseer and bishop of souls in that very
Church. If George knew that Hoadly did not believe in Scripture, he
was infinitely worse than the prelate for the simple fact of his having
made him a prelate, or having translated him from one diocese to
another of more importance and more value. But, to resume:—
‘During the whole time the King was speaking, the Queen, by
smiling and nodding in proper places, endeavoured all she could, but
in vain, to make her court, by seeming to approve everything he
said.’ Lord Hervey then attempted to give a pleasant turn to the
conversation by remarking on prelates who were more docile
towards government than Hoadly, and who, for being dull branches
of episcopacy, and ignorant piecers of orthodoxy, were none the less
good and quiet subjects. From the persons of the Church the vice-
chamberlain got to the fabric, and then descanted to the Queen upon
the newly restored bronze gates in Henry VII.’s Chapel. This excited
the King’s ire anew. ‘My lord,’ said he, ‘you are always putting some
of these fine things in the Queen’s head, and then I am to be
plagued with a thousand plans and workmen.’ He grew sarcastic,
too, on the Queen’s grotto in Richmond Gardens, which was known
as Merlin’s Cave, from a statue of the great enchanter therein; and in
which there was a collection of books, over which Stephen Duck,
thresher, poet, and parson, had been constituted librarian. The
Craftsman paper had attacked this plaything of the Queen, and her
husband was delighted at the annoyance caused to her by such an
The poor Queen probably thought she had succeeded in cleverly
changing the topic of conversation by referring to and expressing
disapproval of the expensive habit of giving vails to the servants of
the house at which a person has been visiting. She remarked that
she had found it no inconsiderable expense during the past summer
to visit her friends even in town. ‘That is your own fault,’ growled the
King; ‘for my father, when he went to people’s houses in town, never
was fool enough to give away his money.’ The Queen pleaded that
she only gave what her chamberlain, Lord Grantham, informed her
was usual; whereupon poor Lord Grantham came in for his full share
of censure. The Queen, said her consort, ‘was always asking some
fool or another what she was to do, and that none but a fool would
ask another fool’s advice.’
The vice-chamberlain gently hinted that liberality would be
expected from a Queen on such occasions as her visits at the
houses of her subjects. ‘Then let her stay at home, as I do,’ said the
King. ‘You do not see me running into every puppy’s house to see
his new chairs and stools.’ And then, turning to the Queen, he
added: ‘Nor is it for you to be running your nose everywhere, and to
be trotting about the town, to every fellow that will give you some
bread and butter, like an old girl who loves to go abroad, no matter
where, or whether it be proper or no.’ The Queen coloured, and
knotted a good deal faster during this speech than before; whilst the
tears came into her eyes, but she said not one word.
Such is the description of Lord Hervey, and it shows Caroline in
a favourable light. The vice-chamberlain struck in for her, by
observing that her Majesty could not see private collections of
pictures without going to the owners’ houses, and honouring them by
her presence. ‘Supposing,’ said the King, ‘she had a curiosity to see
a tavern, would it be fit for her to satisfy it? and yet the innkeeper
would be very glad to see her.’ The vice-chamberlain did not fail to
see that this was a most illogical remark, and he very well observed,
in reply, that, ‘if the innkeepers were used to be well received by her
Majesty in her palace, he should think that the Queen’s seeing them
at their own houses would give no additional scandal.’ As George
found himself foiled by this observation, he felt only the more
displeasure, and he gave vent to the last by bursting forth into a
torrent of German, which sounded like abuse, and during the
outpouring of which ‘the Queen made not one word of reply, but
knotted on till she tangled her thread, then snuffed the candles that
stood on the table before her, and snuffed one of them out. Upon
which the King, in English, began a new dissertation upon her
Majesty, and took her awkwardness for his text.’
Unmoved as Caroline appeared at this degrading scene, she felt
it acutely; but she did not wish that others should be aware of her
feelings under such a visitation. Lord Hervey was aware of this; and
when, on the following morning, she remarked that he had looked at
her the evening before as if he thought she had been going to cry,
the courtier protested that he had neither done the one nor thought
the other, but had expressly directed his eyes on another object, lest
if they met hers, the comicality of the scene should have set both of
them laughing.
And such scenes were of constant occurrence. The King
extracted something unpleasant from his very pleasures, just as
acids may be produced from sugar. Sometimes he fell into a difficulty
during the process. Thus, on one occasion, when the party were
again assembled for their usual delightful evening, the Queen had
mentioned the name of a person whose father, she said, was known
to the King. It was at the time when his Majesty was most bitterly
incensed against his eldest son. Caroline was on better terms with
Frederick; but, as she remarked, they each knew the other too well
to love or trust one another. Well, the King hearing father and son
alluded to, observed, that ‘one very often sees fathers and sons very

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