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Judaism Report

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Judaism 3.

Gentiles - they are the Non-Jews in the  Judaism has sometimes loosely been called
Mosaism, or the Mosaic faith.
Hebrew Bible.
Leaders of the Judaism 10 Commandments
 It is one of the world’s oldest religions,
Abraham 1. You shall have no other “Gods” before me.
dating back nearly 4,000 years, and is
 The first Patriarch(which originally means 2. You shall not make yourself an idol.
considered to be the original Abrahamic
“father-source”) among the three patriarchs 3. You shall not take the name of God in vain.
faith (which include Islam and Christianity).
of the Jewish people. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
As a monotheistic faith, followers of
 His wife was first called Sarai but was later 5. Honor your father and your mother.
Judaism believe in one God who revealed
on called Sarah by God also after this 6. You shall not murder.
himself through ancient prophets, including
covenant. 7. You shall not commit adultery.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Solomon
 Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans(Iraq 8. You shall not steal.
and others.
today). 9. You shall not lie.
 The followers of Judaism are called Jews.
 The covenant of God and Abraham stated in 10. You shall not covet.
 Based on a recent estimate by Deming in 2015,
there are about 14 million Jews in the world. the book of Genesis(12:1) made him the
 The terms “Judaism” and “Jew” were founder of Judaism and his descendants Sacred texts: Torah, Poetry, and Talmud
divided from the word Judah, which was the Jews. 1. Torah
name of the fourth of the 12 sons of Jacob.  People who are non-direct descendants of  “to teach” is considered as Judaism’s most
 Each of the 12 sons of Jacob became the Abraham but entered the covenant are called important text and composed of the Five
ancestor of a certain tribe. The tribe of Juda, “sons and daughters of Abraham.” Books of Moses as well as the 613
therefore, was on of the 12 tribes of Moses Commandments or Mitzvot.
Israel(for Jacob was also called Israel).  Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in  Sefer Torah - a Torah is written on a scroll
 Originally the term “Jews” (“Yehudi,” in the 13th century BCE(before the Common that is then wound around two wooden piles.
Hebrew) thus referred to the members of the Era, or BC), delivered his people from  Sofer(scribe) - the one who writes the sefer
tribe of Judah. Egyptian slavery. and must copy the text perfectly.
Terms used to refer Jew  In the Covenant ceremony at Mt. Sinai, 2. Piyyut
1. Hebrew- they are descendants of where the Ten Commandments were  A Jewish liturgical poem, usually
Abraham(the grandfather of Jacob) who was promulgated, he founded the religious designated to be sung, chanted, or recited
called Hebrew. community known as Israel. during religious services.
2. Israelites - they are descendants of Jacob,  He was the organizer of the community’s  Most Piyyut are in Hebrew or Aramaic, and
who was also called Israel. The term religious and civil traditions. In the Judaic most follow some poetic scheme.
“Israelites” means “Children of Israel” or tradition, he is revered as the greatest 3. Talmud
“God’s chosen people.” prophet and teacher.
 An authoritative collection of rabbbinic Name.” Many Jews also write “G-d” 7. Moses’ prophecies are true, and Moses was
interpretations of the sacred scriptures. instead of “God.” the greatest of the prophets.
Two types: 8. The Written Torah and the Oral Torah were
Mishnah - oral instructions intended to Sects given to Moses.
supplement the laws of the written Torah Rabbinic Judaism - it is characterized by 9. There will be no other Torah.
Gemara- collection of legal and ethical the belief that the written Torah cannot be 10. God knows the thoughts and deeds of men.
commentaries on the Mishnah. correctly interpreted without reference to the 11. God will reward the good and punish the
Oral Torah and the literature that specifies which world.
The Doctrines: 10 Commandments and behavior is allowed by the law. 12. The Messiah will come.
613 rules However, by the late 18th century, the 13. The dead will be resurrected.
 Synagogue - Jews hold religious services Jewish enlightenment resulted to the division of
here which includes prayer and readings the Jews (from North America and other 2. Conservative Judaism
from the Torah. English-speaking countries into Orthodox,  It is characterized by a commitment to
 Rabbi - leads the religious services and is Conservative and Reform Liberal Jews. traditional Jewish laws and customs.
assisted by a Cantor  This means that followers of Conservative
 There are 613 commandment included in the 1. Orthodox Judaism Judaism accept both traditional rabbinic and
Torah, which also includes the “Ten  Holds that both the Written Oral Torah were modern scholarship of Jewish religious texts.
Commandments.” divinely revealed to Moses, thus, the laws Anchored on the belief that the Jewish laws
 Miztvot- Jewish term for the “613 within it are binding and unchanging. has always developed in response to
Commandments”.  They also place a high importance on changing conditions.
 These governs Jewish law covering such Shloshah Asar Ikkarim or the “Thirteen 3. Reform liberal or Progressive Judaism
areas as philanthropy, sacrifices, prayer, Fundamentals Principles” which was  The view the Judaism as a religion rather
ritual purity, dietary laws, and observances compiled by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon or than as a race or culture. They reject most of
of the Sabbath and other holy days. Maimonides. the ritual and ceremonial laws of the Torah
Jewish Principles of Faith but observe the moral laws and strive to live
YHWH- the name of God 1. God exists. ethical lives.
2. God is one and unique.
 Adonai - refers to God instead of the four 3. God is incorporeal.
4. God is eternal. Prepared by:
letter name of god “YHWH” because it is so
5. Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no CANDIDATO, SARHAWI R.
holy that jews are forbidden to utter.
 In conversation, many Jewish people will other,
call God “HaShem”, which in Hebrew “the 6. The words of Prophets are true.

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