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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Health Insurance
Anita Ho*
Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Health insurance is one of the ways that people in various countries finance their medical needs. It is
estimated that out-of-pocket expenditure of over 15–20 % of total health expenditure or 40 % of
household net income of subsistence needs can lead to financial catastrophe. When people on low
incomes with no financial risk protection fall ill, they face a dilemma: they can use health services and
suffer further impoverishment in paying for them, or they can forego services, remain ill, and risk being
unable to work or function.
Variation in financing and organization structures in various countries notwithstanding, there is now
nearly a unanimous commitment to assuring universal access to medically necessary care in high-income
countries. Internationally, health insurance serves to improve service utilization and protect households
against impoverishment from out-of-pocket expenditures. Analysis of how health insurance schemes
function in a particular country, especially in relation to other funding aspects and health outcomes, can
provide a glimpse of the performance of the whole healthcare system.

Health insurance; Access to healthcare; Right to health; Distributive justice; Universal health coverage;
Safety net; Medically necessary; Resource allocation; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; World
Health Organization; National health insurance; Social health insurance; Private health insurance;
Community-based health insurance; Socialized medicine

Health insurance, which is coverage against the risk of incurring medical and related financial costs, is one
of the ways that people in various countries pay for their medical needs. In every country, there are people
who are unable to pay directly or out of pocket for the healthcare services they need, or financially they
may be seriously disadvantaged by doing so. In lower-income countries, many forms of health
insurance – whether public or private – cover only a minimum set of services, such that they do not
provide full financial risk protection. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that out-of-pocket
expenditure of over 15–20 % of total health expenditure or 40 % of household net income of subsistence
needs can lead to financial catastrophe (Doetinchem et al. 2010). When people on low incomes with no
financial risk protection fall ill, they face a dilemma: they can use health services (if available) and suffer
further impoverishment in paying for them, or they can forego services, remain ill, and risk being unable
to work or function.


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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Variation in financing and organization structures in various countries notwithstanding, there is now
nearly a unanimous commitment to assuring universal access to medically necessary care in high-income
countries, with the United States being one of the last developed countries to achieve such goals.
Internationally, health insurance serves to improve service utilization and protect households against
impoverishment from out-of-pocket expenditures (Spaan et al. 2012). The WHO considers health
insurance a promising means for achieving universal health coverage. Analysis of how health insurance
schemes function in a particular country, especially in relation to other funding aspects and health
outcomes, can provide a glimpse of the performance of the whole healthcare system.

History and Development

The history of health insurance has evolved internationally. Delivery of medical care, particularly in
industrialized countries, is no longer confined to the offices of primary care physicians. As medical
technologies become increasingly advanced, acute and critical care can now treat many catastrophic,
complex, chronic, and serious conditions and injuries that used to be fatal or disabling. While the
development of new treatments that can restore functioning and/or extend life is welcoming, the costs
of these interventions and accompanying hospital stays can be prohibitively high for many people. The
WHO (2013) estimates that 150 million people worldwide suffer financial catastrophe each year because
of out-of-pocket expenses for their healthcare needs.
Different countries have been utilizing various models of insurance and financing schemes to pay for
medical services based on their respective socioeconomic realities and cultural contexts. These insurance
plans, whether public or private, have different components and payment requirements depending on the
nature of the insurance plan and the services being covered. Some insurance plans require members to pay
premium costs for enrolling in the program and have various levels of out-of-pocket payments such as
deductibles, co-payments, or coinsurance. They may also require prior authorization from insurance
companies to activate coverage for certain procedures or may impose coverage limits for enrollees. Some
insurance companies may also utilize payment capitation for healthcare providers to control costs by
motivating providers to provide only needed services and in the lowest cost setting.
In general, there are three salient categories of health insurance. Nonetheless, variations abound for
each category, and some countries with diverse populations across vast geographical areas (e.g., China)
have multiple insurance programs even for basic healthcare.

National or Social Health Insurance (NHI/SHI)

National or social health insurance (NHI/SHI) is one mechanism for raising and pooling funds to finance
health services for a national population, generally in terms of what is deemed medically necessary. In the
late 1880s, Germany’s (Bismarck) social health insurance model was developed as part of the effort to
build and unify the nation as well as to solve health-related problems due to industrialization (e.g.,
tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and alcoholism). This model relied on household premiums
and payroll taxes, many risk pools, and services purchased largely from private but nonprofit insurance
providers (Lagomarsino et al. 2012). Employers and employees both contribute to these sickness funds,
which are required to provide a comprehensive benefit package. In the early twentieth century, the
Beveridge National Health Service model in the United Kingdom relied on general taxes, one national
risk pool, and publicly provided services (Lagomarsino et al. 2012). These two general models continue
today and have been adapted for many systems that strive to provide healthcare coverage for their people.
As various versions of these models evolve into more mature SHI systems, enrollees and in some cases
their employers are mandated by national legislation to pay contributions, either through taxation

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

(e.g., Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Thailand) or separate levies. For example, in Singapore,
residents and citizens with employment are required to contribute to the Provident Fund. Together with
employer contribution, a portion of an individual’s fund goes to a Medisave account that can be drawn
upon for healthcare expenses. These various schemes across the globe would cover a package of services
available to the insurees and their dependents.
Many governments also contribute into these systems in order to ensure or improve their financial
sustainability and to extend coverage to people who cannot afford to pay (Doetinchem et al. 2010). In
China, the most populous nation, the Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance Program (UE-BMI) was
established in 1998. It mandates urban employers and employees of state-owned or private enterprises to
contribute to the insurance program administered at municipal level (Barber and Yao 2010). The newest
scheme in the country, the Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance (UR-BMI), which was piloted in
2007 and rolled out nationwide subsequently, is a voluntary scheme that enrolls children, students,
elderly, disabled, and other non-working urban residents.
Despite similar basic ideas, there is considerable variation in how SHI systems have developed across
countries. Contributions are held either in a single fund (e.g., Italy) or several competing funds (e.g.,
“sickness funds” in Germany) (Thomson et al. 2013). These funds may be administered by the public
sector (e.g., Australia), the private sector (e.g., Switzerland, the Netherlands), or a combination of both,
such as in Japan, which has a mix of noncompeting public, quasi-public, and employer-based insurers.
For NHI/SHI, contributions do not typically vary with health status, such that the financial risks of paying
for care are shared across the population. Multiple ways of paying providers can be observed even within
one country, from unrestricted fee for service (e.g., the United States) to selective contracting at negotiated
rates (e.g., the Netherlands) (Doetinchem et al. 2010).
NHI/SHI schemes of various countries also offer different coverages. For example, Germany includes
optometry and dental care as part of their schemes, whereas provincial plans in Canada exclude these
services but may cover fertility treatments (e.g., Quebec). Taiwan’s NHI scheme, which is also more
comprehensive than that of many other larger countries, covers dental services, traditional Chinese
medicine, and prescription drugs. One of the lower-middle-income countries, Thailand, provides cover-
age for over 99 % of the population, ranging from HIV treatment to primary care and health prevention
and hospitalization.
There are some systems that only provide NHI/SHI for a subset of population as a safety net and require
or encourage the rest of the population to purchase their own insurance. In the developed world, the
United States is one such example. Medicaid – a joint states and federal social insurance program – is a
means-tested program that pays for basic medical services and drug coverage for Americans with the least
income and resources. It is the biggest health safety net program in the country for people who have low
income and fit into one of the designated needs-based eligibility categories. Another federally legislated
program, Medicare, provides low-cost hospitalization and medical insurance primarily for seniors over
the age of 65, although some low-income seniors and people with disabilities are “dual enrollees” in both
Medicare and Medicaid.
Until recently, those who were not eligible for these two insurance programs but also could not afford
private insurance made up a large proportion of the almost 50 million Americans without coverage. Many
of these patients delay care due to the unaffordability of various healthcare services, and there are
concerns that such delays can contribute to patients ending up with more costly procedures if their
conditions worsen. In an effort to promote health insurance coverage in the United States, the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (now only known as the Affordable Care Act), which was signed into
law in 2010, contains an individual insurance mandate that took effect in 2014 (The Henry J. Kaiser
Family Foundation 2013). This mandate intends to produce similar effects of NHI/SHI by requiring most
citizens and legal residents, unless exempted, to have health insurance. Individuals and/or their employers

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

can obtain coverage from private companies, employers, or state-based insurance exchanges that are
administered by non-governmental and/or nonprofit organizations. Penalties can be levied on those who
do not have any form of insurance. Persons who would be paying greater than 8 % of their household
incomes for health insurance can obtain subsidized premiums through the insurance exchanges.

Voluntary and Private Health Insurance (PHI)

While most people paying for NHI/SHI will utilize services rendered within the public scheme, voluntary
and private health insurance (PHI) schemes are increasingly available in various countries. Some of these
insurance plans are offered by nonprofit organizations, including the federally legislated Consumer
Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) program in the United States, whereas others are sold on the private
market, such as various Medisave-approved integrated private insurance plans in Singapore. “Indemnity”
and “cash plan” policies are also available in the private market in the United Kingdom. Depending on
their risk perception, availability and comprehensiveness of public health coverage, quality and accessi-
bility of public healthcare, and the relative and respective affordability of insurance premiums and
healthcare procedures, some people may purchase additional PHI to substitute what would otherwise
be covered by the NHI (Costa and Garcia 2003). Private insurance in healthcare systems that provide
universal access to medically necessary services may offer choice among private hospitals, inhospital
specialists, and shorter wait time for procedures, as in the case of Australia and the United Kingdom
(Boyle 2011; Costa and Garcia 2003).
In other countries, private insurance plans can provide supplementary coverage such as income
replacement in case of missed work due to sickness (e.g., Japan) or pay for costs or co-payments that
are not fully covered by government subsidies or public services (e.g., France) (Boyle 2011; Thomson
et al. 2013). In Canada, people can purchase PHI or extended health plans to finance non-covered services
such as prescription medications, dental care, physiotherapy, ambulance services, and optometry. While
some Canadian provinces prohibited private health insurance for covered services to prevent unequal
access, and that private clinics cannot charge above the agreed-upon provincial fee schedule or for
publicly insured services, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in Chaoulli v Quebec (AG) in 2005 that
prohibiting private medical insurance in the face of long wait times violated the Quebec Charter of Human
Rights and Freedoms and Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In the United States, many people with private insurance are covered under an employer-based plan,
although individual health insurance coverage can also be obtained through some companies. Given that
the aforementioned Affordable Care Act mandates purchase of insurance plans, enrollment in insurance
plans is not discretionary. Nonetheless, these plans are mostly offered on the private market, and unlike
other countries with compulsory contributions (e.g., Germany, Singapore), enrollees are not required to
contribute a particular percentage of their income toward their health insurance.
Unlike NHI/SHI, which generally does not implement differential premium or coverage eligibility
based on people’s health status, private health insurance plans often charge higher premium for
preexisting conditions and family history or impose restrictions on coverage. Insurance companies may
require applicants to disclose full individual and family medical health history and care-seeking activities
and then decide which conditions to cover and at what price based on the companies’ risk assessment.
Preexisting conditions are often excluded from at least temporary coverage (e.g., first 2 years of
coverage), and insurers may consider other factors such as age, sex, smoking status, and occupational
status in determining coverage eligibility and setting premium prices. In the United States, where people
are now required to purchase health insurance, companies are prohibited from canceling or rescinding
coverage except in cases of fraud, or from excluding coverage or charging higher premiums for
preexisting conditions. Before the Affordable Care Act came into effect in 2014, people with various
prior conditions or disabilities could obtain coverage through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI)

In lower-income countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Rwanda, and Senegal,
micro health insurance schemes such as community-based health insurance (CBHI) have been established
as a nonprofit financing mechanism to benefit the poor (Spaan et al. 2012). CBHI is usually based on
voluntary membership, whereby members are linked to a healthcare provider (often a hospital in the area).
It is based on an ethic of mutual aid/solidarity whereby members who are susceptible to risk put together
their resources and contribute into mutual health organizations, medical aid societies, and micro-
insurance schemes (Odeyemi 2014). Funds are thereby accumulated and managed to spread the risk of
payment for healthcare among all scheme members. In the 1990s, many rural residents in China lost
insurance coverage due to dissolution of rural cooperatives. However, efforts to revamp and expand the
voluntary rural schemes under the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme have resulted in a sevenfold
increase (from 13 % to 93 %) of insurance coverage rate for rural residents between 2003 and 2008
(Barber and Yao 2010). In addition to individual contributions, the central and local governments also
subsidize the program.
While CBHI improves resource mobilization for health and health service utilization and protection for
financial risks, it is vulnerable to adverse selection, where disproportionate enrollment by high-risk
contributors accompanies nonparticipation by low-risk individuals (Odeyemi 2014). While Ghana and
Rwanda have introduced schemes with effective government control and support coupled with intensive
implementation programs, poor support for CBHI is repeatedly linked in other places with low uptake
(e.g., Nigeria), failure to engage and account for the actual needs of beneficiaries, lack of clear legislative
and regulatory frameworks, inadequate financial support, and unrealistic enrollment requirements
(Odeyemi 2014).

Conceptual Clarification/Definition
The various forms of health insurance and different coverage these schemes offer reveal a complex and
evolving healthcare financial system across the globe, particularly in the face of new diagnostic technol-
ogies and interventions that offer uncertain levels of benefits (e.g., genetic tests, stem cell therapies).
While international organizations such as the WHO have been keenly advocating for universal health
coverage, the path to achieving such goal is not without ethical and political controversy as well as
conceptual confusions.
In the United States, which is undergoing a major overhaul of its healthcare financing system,
confusion abounds regarding whether the Affordable Care Act is advocating for “socialized medicine,”
a misnomer that has come to denote government or bureaucratic control and lack of patient choices.
SHI/NHI socializes the financial risks of getting injured or sick by setting up national insurance schemes
or funds. Nonetheless, in almost all healthcare systems that utilize such insurance schemes, with Cuba’s
highly controlled and tightly structured system being a notable exception, the government does not
directly deliver the services or own the healthcare facilities – most hospitals are privately owned and
compete with each other. Even in systems where the government owns some of the hospitals, as in the
United Kingdom, physicians are private practitioners. In England, for example, there has been an
increasing emphasis on developing patient choice, provider competition, and the use of private providers
to deliver publicly funded healthcare (Bevan et al. 2014).
Another conceptual issue that is ethically important is how a system determines what services ought to
be covered in an insurance scheme. Even among more mature systems, there continue to be questions of
what should be covered and whether these schemes can sustainably fulfill enrollees’ health needs in the
long run, given the aging population and increasingly advanced and thus more expensive care. Resource

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

constraints and increasing needs have begged for ethically, economically, and clinically justifiable criteria
in allocating healthcare dollars.
In determining what services should be covered, many NHI/SHI systems assess the medical necessity
of the procedure. In Canada, when a healthcare service to be provided to a patient is deemed medically
necessary, it is fully funded by the provincial insurance plan. Otherwise, patients must pay for it directly.
The basic idea is to have needs, not wants, determine what the insurance system would cover. Nonethe-
less, the Canada Health Act does not provide a national definition of medical necessity, and coverage for
hospital and medical services differs in every province, which makes its own determination of medical
necessity. Some scholars believe that any attempt to define this term will either result in a definition too
broad and too vague to assist in developing policy, or it could result in long lists of diverse needs of many
groups, which do not add up to a meaningful whole (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
2002). The American federal program, Medicare, defines medically necessary services as any healthcare
services and/or supplies that a doctor decides are required to diagnose, prevent, or treat an illness, injury,
or disease. Nonetheless, since most Americans rely on insurance plans purchased in the private market, it
is unclear that this definition provides meaningful guidance to people operating private insurance plans
that fund the majority of Americans’ medical needs.
In lower-income countries, many of which have different disease patterns, economic realities, cultural
practices, and technological capacities from the higher-income systems, coverage priorities differ accord-
ingly. The WHO believes that these countries should cover “essential health services” and key interven-
tions targeting the health Millennium Development Goals, such as to reduce child mortality, improve
maternal health, and combat HIV/AIDs and other infectious diseases. In advising various countries in
their journey toward universal health coverage (UHC), defined as ensuring all people receiving quality
and comprehensive range of key health services without being exposed to financial hardship in paying for
the services, the WHO pays specific attention to the backdrop of inequality in many low-income
countries. It suggests progressively expanding priority services by considering relevant criteria such as
cost-effectiveness, priority to the disadvantaged groups, and financial risk protection. A commitment to
fairness and the overlapping concern for equity have been deemed important in guiding countries in
making these decisions. Advancing UHC has been identified as a central theme in the ongoing deliber-
ation over the post-2015 development agenda.
As technologies continue to advance and the global population continues to age, there will be
increasing pressure on various countries in reconsidering how to prioritize their resources in maintaining
and improving population health. There will be also questions regarding whether the gap in international
access to healthcare services is widening. While lower-income countries continue to struggle with
providing coverage for basic services, higher-income countries continue to debate whether to provide
coverage for genetic tests that are predictive and probabilistic, aggressive treatments that are potentially
non-beneficial, and other expensive experimental treatments (e.g., stem cell therapies).

Ethical Dimension
The last point regarding inequality and health access brings out the central ethical dimension of health
insurance – whether unequal and inadequate access to health insurance or essential healthcare is a problem
of justice.
In international discussion of health insurance, calls to ensure just allocation of healthcare resources are
sometimes expressed in terms of rights. Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states
that every person has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

one’s family, including medical care. Other international organizations such as the WHO also recognize
the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental right of every human being.
There have been many debates regarding whether there is truly a right to health or to healthcare, given
that rights claims are accompanied by duties and obligations from others. Libertarians, who emphasize
noninterference from the states, would agree that people have a negative right to obtain health insurance
on their own without state restrictions. If people in a society so desire, they can organize themselves so
that everyone in the society can acquire the means to provide their healthcare needs. Nonetheless,
libertarians deny that people have a positive right to have these needs met by others if they could not
afford to purchase insurance coverage on their own.
The libertarian argument, which is an important political theory that elucidates the legitimate purposes
and boundaries of the state, is sometimes juxtaposed with other theories of justice. Justice is about what is
due or owed to persons, and distributive justice in particular deals with just allocation of resources to
address or mitigate incidental inequalities based on moral luck and are beyond people’s control. John
Rawls, one of the most prominent liberal egalitarians in the twentieth century, argued that people should
not be disadvantaged because of various morally arbitrary factors, such as their ethnic background,
geographical location, health status, etc. He argued that the concept of justice as fairness implies that all
people should have access to equal opportunity ranges in their society regardless of whether they were
born rich or poor. Any social or economic inequalities can only be justified if the least-advantaged
members of the society are to benefit from such inequality. Applying these ideas to access to health
insurance, Norman Daniels and others (Saloner and Daniels 2011) have argued that liberal societies have
an obligation to provide at least a decent minimum level of healthcare access (e.g., through affordable
health insurance) to citizens so that their opportunity ranges would not be unduly compromised due to
serious illnesses or disabilities. Healthcare can often maintain or restore normal species functioning and
the array of life plans that people construct for themselves and should be socially guaranteed according to
the liberal egalitarian account.
Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that while health insurance helps reduce general disparities in healthcare
among various socioeconomic groups by improving availability of services that may otherwise be
unaffordable to many, it can also introduce other forms of disparity when those with financial means
can purchase private plans that would allow priority or premium access to various types and qualities of
care that are unavailable to those without economic means. Higher-income earners, such as those in
Germany, can be exempt from supporting the public sickness fund by opting out and purchasing insurance
from private insurers. A flourishing market of private insurance may also bid healthcare providers away
from publicly funded systems and create shortages in the public sector. Without ongoing financial and
political support from the rich and from healthcare providers, there is a worry that the inevitable result will
be tiers that are sharply differentiated in terms of both quality and access for those who depend on social
insurance and publicly funded services. Moreover, studies in the United Kingdom have shown that health
inequalities by class have not been reduced by the presence of universal coverage (Daniels 2013). And as
long as private insurance schemes can deny coverage or charge differential premiums for preexisting
conditions, financial protection for those in such vulnerable positions may continue to be disadvantaged.

As the global population continues to age and live longer, there will be increasingly more pressure for
states to find sustainable ways to ensure that their people are not impoverished by healthcare costs.
However, cost is only one of the factors in promoting reliable access to essential services. As many
countries, particularly those of lower income, strive to provide universal coverage, there are other calls to

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

also attend to other infrastructure matters that can help to promote the quality of services that are to be
covered and delivered. Health insurance will need to be complemented with supply-side investments to
ensure better distribution of facilities, healthcare personnel, functional medical equipment, and computer
systems. There will also need to be careful monitoring of various delivery systems to ensure account-
ability and high performance. Without investments in quality, countries run the risk of wasteful increases
in access to unnecessary or poor-quality services (Lagomarsino et al. 2012).

I would like to thank Nigel Hee for his assistance with literature review and editing in preparation for this

▶ Access to Health Care
▶ Egalitarianism
▶ Equality and Equity
▶ Justice: Theories of
▶ Resource Allocation
▶ Right to Health

Barber, S., & Yao, L. (2010). Health insurance systems in China: A briefing note. World Health Report
Background Paper, 37. Geneva.
Bevan, G., Karanikolos, M., Exley, J., Nolte, E., Connolly, S., & Mays, N. (2014). The four health systems
of the United Kingdom: How do they compare? London: The Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust.
Boyle, S. (2011). United Kingdom (England) health system review (Health systems in transition, 13:11).
Copenhagen: European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. (2002). Medically necessary: what is it, and who
decides? Retrieved from
cussion_Paper_Medically_necessary_What_is_and_who_decides.sflb.ashx. Accessed 5 Mar 2015.
Costa, J., & Garcia, J. (2003). Demand for private health insurance: How important is the quality gap?
Health Economics, 12, 587–599. doi:10.1002/hec.756.
Daniels, N. (2013). Justice and access to health care. In Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved
from Accessed 1 Mar 2015.
Doetinchem, O., Carrin, G., & Evans, D. (2010). Thinking of introducing social health insurance? Ten
questions. World Health Report Background Paper, 26. Geneva.
Lagomarsino, G., Garabrant, A., Adyas, A., Muga, R., & Otoo, N. (2012). Moving towards universal
health coverage: Health insurance reforms in nine developing countries in Africa and Asia. Lancet,
380, 933–943.
Odeyemi, I. A. O. (2014). Community-based health insurance programmes and the national health
insurance scheme of Nigeria: Challenges to uptake and integration. International Journal for Equity
in Health, 13, 20.

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Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05544-2_222-1
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Saloner, B., & Daniels, N. (2011). The ethics of the affordability of health insurance. Journal of Health
Politics, Policy and Law, 36(5). doi:10.1215/03616878-1407631.
Spaan, E., Mathijssen, J., Tromp, N., McBain, F., ten Have, A., & Baltussen, R. (2012). The impact of
health insurance in Africa and Asia: A systematic review. Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
90, 685–692. doi:10.2471/BLT.12.102301.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (2013). Summary of the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from Accessed 1 Mar 2015.
Thomson, S., Squires, D., & Jun, M. (2013). International profiles of health care systems 2013. New York:
The Commonwealth Fund.
WHO. (2013). Research for universal health coverage. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Further Readings
Daniels, N. (1985). Just health care. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nyman, J. A. (1999). The value of health insurance: The access motive. Journal of Health Economics, 18,
Stuckler, D., Feigl, A. B., Basu, S., & McKee, M. (2010). The political economy of universal health
coverage. First global symposium on health systems research. Montreux.
Trygve, O., Norheim, O. F., Chitah, B. M., Cookson, R., Daniels, N., Defaye, F. B.,. . . Yamin, A. E.
(2014). Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage. Final report of the WHO
Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage. Geneva.

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