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(splenic fever, charbon, wool sorters disease,

malignant carbuncle )

Dr. Krishna Khadka

Assistant Professsor
M.V.Sc (Veterinary Pathology)
IAAS, Paklihawa Campus
• Anthrax is a peracute , acute disease characterized
by septicaemia and sudden death accompanied by
the exudation of tarry blood from the body orifices
of the carcass , absence of rigor mortis and extensive
enlargement of spleen.

• Anthrax is worldwide in distribution.

Bacillus anthracis
Capsulated, Gram-positive, rodshaped bacillus,
produces spores
However, spores are not formed until it has been
exposed to air and live for long outside.
Has two virulent factors(capsule(pDg) and triple
Predisposing factors
• Ph (Alkaline pH: reserve the organism, acidic soil : destroy the

• Wet soil: stagnant water spores are concentrated and suspended.

• Major source of infection: contaminated bone meal, pasture and

fodder grown on infected soil, blood and other discharges from
infected animals.
Economic impact
• Severe economic loss
• High mortality
• Reduce milk yield
• Expenses during prevention and control
Host affected
• Mainly a disease of herbivorous animals, but may
affect a wide variety of species, including humans.
• Most susceptible :Cattle, sheep and goats
• Slightly more resistant :horses and mules.
• Pigs, dogs, cats are even more resistant.
• Ingestion or inhalation of spores or vegetative forms
of the organism
• Entry of the organism through the broken skin.
• Animal waste and product like bone meal, wool,
bristles and hides also can cause infection causing
wool sorters disease.
• Infected excretion and secretions from animals.
• Mechanical transmission through Tabanid fly bite.
Infection through ingestion of the spores or opening

Genmination of spore

Localized multiplication

Spread by lymphatics to lymph nodes and further to blood stream

• The bacteria possesses both capsule and exotoxin.
• Due to presence of capsule phagocytic cells become unable to destroy
• The exotoxin is lethal in nature, it causes edema and tissue damage. The
exotoxin has 3 components:
1. Edema factor (EF) or factor I is adenyl cyclase which causes increase
in cellular c-AMP level that causes electrolyte and fluid loss.
2. Protective antigen (PA) or factor II is a fragment of exotoxin and has
anti-phagocytic activity.
3. Lethal factor (LF) or factor III stimulates macrophages for production
of oxidizing radicals and cytokines. Mainly ILl and TNF- (x, which induce
shock and death.
Cattle and sheep(highly susceptible)
• disease occurs either in the peracute or the acute form.
• Sudden Death is the first premoniory indication of the presence of disease.
• Fever up to 107° F with signs of muscle tremor, dyspnoea, depression,
weakness, congestion of mucous membrane.
• Animal collapses and die due to terminal convulsions.
• Most animals so affected die within a few hours, or a day.
• After death, bloody discharges from body orifices: nostrils, mouth, anus,
vulva .
• Occasional subcutaneous swellings.
Acute form:
• IP: 1-2 weeks
• Course of the disease is about 48 hrs.
• Fever, severe depression, listlessness, congestion and hemorrhage of
mucous membrane, increased heart rate and rapid respiration.
• Mouth breathing due to oxygen hunger.
• Abortion, decrease in milk yield, blood stained milk, diarrhoea, local
edema of tongue and throat, sternum, flank occur.
anthrax-infected bovine carcass. Note the marked bloating. Bacteria in body fluids
exuded from orifices after death
An anthrax-infected bovine carcass. The head is covered by a plastic bag and the
body by a plastic sheet
• Fatal disease of human beings.
• Agent of Bio-terrorism and listed as category A
disease by OIE.
• Occupational hazard: by inhalation of spores in
wool sorter in wool industry while sorting in
wool and processing of hides (leather industry).
Macroscopic lesions
• Post mortem examination of animals suspected for anthrax should not be
• Unclotted tarry colored blood oozes out through natural orifices.
• Oedematous and haemorrhagic changes in any part of the body, particularly
in serous membranes.
• Spleen: enlarged and engorged with dark, unclotted blood.
• Lymph nodes: swollen, oedematous, and sometimes haemorrhagic.
• Haemorrhages and swelling may occur in the intestinal tract, Liver, and
• Pigs: oedema and haemorrhages are seen in the pharynx and cervical lymph
• In cases of longer duration, lymph nodes become enlarged and solid, with
yellowish foci surrounded by fibrous connective tissue.
Microscopic Findings
• Large rod-shaped organisms can be
demonstrated in the smears or tissue sections.
• Degenerative and necrotic changes in kidneys
and liver.
• Haemorrhage in spleen and accumulation of
blood in red pulp of kidney
A photomicrograph of Bacillus anthracis bacteria using Gram’s stain technique
• Symptoms and necropsy findings.
• Isolation and identification of organism.
• Haematological and blood chemistry
examination should not conducted because of
risk for humans.
• Microscopic examination smear: Square ended blue bacilli
chain with metachromatic pink capsule after staining with
polychrome methylene blue stain is called “McFadyean’s
• In early stage ;bacilli may not be present in blood so culture
can be done or fluid can be injected into guinea pigs would
give proper diagnosis.
• Fluorescent antibody technique.

• Gelatin stab culture: Growth resembles “inverted fir tree


• Nutrient agar media: 5 % blood agar show “Medusa head


• Ascolis test: To demonstrate the antigen in severely decayed

carcass and the skin . The tube containing positive
serum(antibody) is overlayed with suspected
sample(antigen) develops a white precipitation ring at the
junction of the two liquids in positive case.
Differential Diagnosis
– Blackleg
-Lightening strike
-Malignant edema
– Bacillary haemoglobinurea
– Hemorrhagic speticemia.

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