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21et54-Rf Circuits MQP

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Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU
V Semester B.E. April -2024 Examinations
RF Circuits
(2021 SCHEME)
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions to candidates:
1. Answer all questions from Part A. Part A questions should be answered in first three pages of the answer
book only.
2. Answer FIVE full questions from Part B. In Part B question number 2 is compulsory. Answer any one full
question from 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, and 9 and 10.
PART-A (Objective type for one or two marks)
(True & false and match the following questions are not permitted)
1 1.1
Define VSWR. Write down the expression for VSWR in terms of reflection 2
What is the condition to check the lossless property of any N port network in terms of 2
S Parameters.
Draw figure to show construction of PIN diode and its equivalent circuit 2
configuration in forward and reverse bias condition.
1.4 List the important factors in the selection of matching network 2
1.5 A waveguide termination having VSWR of 1.1 is used to dissipate 100 watts of 2
power. Find the reflected power.
1.6 A matched isolator has insertion loss of 0.5dB and isolation 25dB. Find the scattering 2
1.7 Write the S-Matrix of the branch line coupler 1
1.8 Why semiconductor phase shifters are preferred compared to ferrite phase shifters 1
1.9 Write the frequency transformation of normalized low pass to band pass filter. 2
Define velocity modulation process in Reflex Klystron oscillator 2

Define MMIC. How does it differ from a hybrid IC? Write any two. 2

PART-B (Maximum subdivisions is limited to 4 in each question)

2 a Write the lumped equivalent circuit for the transmission line. Derive the expression for 8
the current and voltage in a transmission line
Design a microstrip line on a 0.5 mm alumina substrate (εr = 9.9, tanδ=0.001) for a
b 50Ω characteristic impedance. Calculate the length of this line required to produce a 8
phase delay of 270o at 10 GHz, and compute the total loss on this line, assuming
copper conductors.

A load impedance of 40 + j70Ω terminates a 100Ω transmission line that is 0.3λ
3 a long. Using a smith chart, calculate the reflection coefficient at the load, the 8
reflection coefficient at the input to the line, the input impedance, the standing
wave ratio on the line, and the return loss.
b Discuss the construction of resistance and reactance circle in smith chart 8

A 300 Ω line is terminated by an unknown impedance. VSWR is 4.48 and the first
4 a voltage minimum is situated at 6cm from the termination when the frequency is 8
200MHz. Using a smith chart, determine the unknown load impedance if the line is

b Design a matching network using a single shunt open stub as a tuning element to 8
match a load impedance ZL=15+j10 Ω to a 50 Ω transmission line

Explain the following waveguide components with diagram
i) E-plane Tee
5 a ii) H-plane Tee 8
iii) Microwave attenuator
iv) Matched Terminations

A 20mW signal is fed into one of collinear port 1 of a lossless H-plane T-junction.
b Calculate the power delivered through each port when other ports are terminated in 8
matched load

6 a Explain the design of equal and unequal wilkinson power divider and branch line 8

Design a maximally flat low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 2 GHz,

b impedance of 50 Ω , and at least 15 dB insertion loss at 3 GHz. 8
(Assume N=5, Filter coefficients are: g1=0.618, g2 = 1.618, g3 = 2.000, g4 =
1.618, g5 = 0.618)

7 a Explain with neat diagram, how reflex klystron generates microwave oscillations 8

b Explain the V-I characteristics of a GUNN diode and the modes of operation of the 8


8 a Explain the construction and operation of GaAs MESFET. Draw its small signal 8
equivalent circuit in common source configuration.
Illustrate the working of transmission type switched line phase shifters and
b reflection type hybrid phase shifters. 8
Explain the following two port power gains with necessary equations
9 a i) Power Gain 8
ii) Available Power Gain
iii) Transducer Power Gain
A silicon bipolar junction transistor has the following scattering parameters at 1.0
GHz, with a 50 Ω reference impedance

b 8

The source impedance is ZS = 25Ω and the load impedance is ZL = 40Ω . Compute
the power gain, the available power gain, and the transducer power gain.
10 a Discuss the conditions for stability of the transistor amplifier. 8
The GaN HEMT has the following scattering parameters at 1.9GHz (Zo=50 Ω)

b 8

Determine the stability of this transistor by using K- Δ Test and the μ - Test.

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