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Rusiana Ayutri Fadhila*, Fandita Tonyka Maharani, Cahya Arbitera
Department of Public Health, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta, South Jakarta, 12450,
*Corresponding Author. Email:

Risk management is a work process included recognizing, identifying, and assessing risk hazards. This
program is one of the components that illustrates the fundamental of occupational health and safety in
a company. The purpose was to identify the category of each risks and find the most accurate way to
control. This research is semi-quantitative with descriptive design, using interview guidelines,
observation checklist, and self-assessing risk based on AS/NZS 4360:2004. Result showed highest
risks for mechanical work are risk of workers could had an electric shock while repairing electrical
tools; formwork are risk of workers can fall while doing a job on column (over 2 meters) and risk of
workers can inhale wood dust while working on wood’s fabrication; lastly, reinforcing iron work are
risk of workers can be breathing on particles of irons or concrete dust while doing an iron fabrication.
Corona virus was also highest risk for workers. Therefore, researcher gave recommendation by: (1)
Installation of barrier around electrical panels area plus cable hanger; (2) Using cross brace scaffolding
for activities on the edge of building; (3) Application of dry exhaust system for dusts on formwork
area; (4) Using an on-tool extraction for manual grinder on iron fabrications area.
Key Words: Building Project, Construction, Risk Management

Each year it is estimated that thousands of working as the highest number with total cases are 2/3 from the
hours are lost due to accidents occur at the workplace. world cases. In Asia, the most deathly common cases
All workers should have implement and maintain the are comes from work related disease with a
work environment that are safe and has no risks at the presentation of 86.3%, and the rest 13.7% comes from
very best way [1]. On present time, the unfavorable fatal accident [3]. On the other hand, Indonesia, as it
and uncertainty labor conditions plus high rates of stated by Social Security Administrator for Workers,
work accidents have encourage various sectors to be reporting that by the year of 2015 there are 105.182
involved in making efforts to reduce the number of cases of accident at work with 2.375 of it are high
work accidents, one of which is by OHS Management impact accident and about 30% of the total cases
System [2]. According to Presidential Decree Number occurred in the construction sector [4].
50 at the year of 2012 describing OHS Management There are many factors and models that could be
System as one of the system that had been used to known as a driving force of an accident. The models
control risks in every part of work and help to reach are described by the theory of loss causation model.
the goals for a safe, productive and efficient All of the risks and hazard that show up because of
workplace. those factors could be identified by JSA (Job Safety
According to ILO (2013), it is estimated that every Analysis) method. JSA is one way of conducting a
year there are around 250 million cases of work risk assessment. Risk assessment is a part of risk
accident and more than 160 million workers are management that illustrates the fundamental of
exposed by biological hazard at work. The numbers occupational health and safety in a company [5].
not included with around 1.2 million workers that died There are multiple standard that can be use on
due to work accident or by occupational disease. On conducting a risk management, some of them are ACT
the year of 2014, Global Burden of Disease Study 2004, AS/NZS 2004, Committee 2004, DGQ 2007,
estimating there are 2.78 million cases of death related FAA 2007, HB 2004, IEC 2008, ON 2008, Rio Tinto
to work on every country in Asia. The fact makes Asia 2007, Treasury Board of Canada 2001.

Based on the result of observation on project X owned 3. RESULTS
by Y company holdings, there are three work parts
that considered as the most dangerous as it required a On the phase of observation and hazard identification,
lot of risks. These are the three work parts: (1) researcher successfully identified around 57 hazards,
Mechanical; (2) Formwork; and (3) Reinforce. all categorized on 6 hazard categories known as
According to Law on Safety and Health at Work stated physical, mechanical, biological, chemical,
on [6], risk is the chance of injury, illness, or damage ergonomic, and psychological hazard. At the final
to workers arising from an exposure to hazard. result, hazard and risks are categorized on a particular
Meanwhile the hazard itself is a source of damage that level such as Low Risk, Moderate Risk, High Risk, and
can have a negative impact on people and the Extreme High Risk, all still refers to Australian
environment or even the organization [7]. The hazards Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004.
that will be identified are include all hazard
categories; physical, mechanical, chemical, biological, Table 1 List of Hazard and Risks Categorized on
ergonomic and psychological hazard. Extreme High Risk Level in Mechanical,
Based on the result of interview with HSE staff on Formwork, and Iron Work Process in Project X
project X, most of the workers have known that the
hazard risk category in project X can be categorized as Type of
a high risk level. Meanwhile during the construction Work Part Risk
process, the auditor of the project site usually uses Mechanical Mechanical Risk of workers
JSA method to identify hazards. On the result of JSA Work Hazard could have an
method, the dominant-identified hazard was safety-
electric shock
related hazard such as physical and chemical. While
while repairing
health-related hazards such as biological hazards were
almost never identified. Therefore, the authors wish to electrical tools
conduct a more detailed and comprehensive research Biological Workers who
related to all hazards and risks in the construction Hazard work during the
sector. Covid-19
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is considered pandemic are at
as an applied science. Thus, implementing risk risks of being
management and providing concrete recommendations exposed to Corona
for companies are kind of research that is most in virus.
accordance with OHS. With this, researcher hope that Formwork Mechanical Risk of workers
this study can also be a useful reference and give Hazard can fall while
feedback for project X management to improve the doing a job on
quality of Occupational Health and Safety in the column (over 2
project area. According to the background above, meters)
author set the title "Occupational Health and Safety Chemical Risk of workers
Risk Management in Mechanics, Formwork, and Hazard can inhale wood
Ironing Work in Project X Year 2020" as the focus of dust while
working on
wood’s fabrication
2. METHODS Biological Workers who
Hazard work during the
This research was conducted to identify hazard and Covid-19
risks in every work process of mechanical, formwork, pandemic are at
and reinforcing, also to describe the category of each risks of being
hazards and find the most accurate way to control. exposed to Corona
This study taking place in one of the site projects at virus
South Tangerang. The type of this study is semi- Iron Work Chemical Risk of workers
quantitative with descriptive design. Research are held
Hazard can be breathing
from March to June 2020. Data collected by
on particles of
observation and interviews.
On this study, quantitative data for risk assessment are irons or concrete
being processed with an Australian Standard AS/NZS dust while doing
4360:2004. And for data validation author uses 2 steps an iron fabrication
of data triangulation included data source (secondary Biological Workers who
source is from company JSA) and data method using Hazard work during the
observation checklist and interviews. Covid-19
pandemic are at
risks of being
exposed to Corona

the risk of exploding objects [12]. The following is a
Table 1 above are showing risks and types of list of the highest risks in the work of mechanical
hazards with highest category from all work process parts, formwork, and ironing in project X in 2020:
on 3 work section. a. Mechanical
Those risk categorizing are done after passing 1) Risk of workers got electrical shock during
the risk assessment phase and the value of likelihood mechanical reparation on tools
and consequences were found. Both values were then In the results of risk management carried out on
analyzed by using matrix method from AS/NZS mechanical parts work, it is known that the
4360:2004. highest hazard is on electric current of
mechanical equipment with the risk of electric
Table 2. Matrix Method Based on AS/NZS shock. The danger of electric current creates the
4360:2004 risk of being electrocuted whether by directly or
indirectly (through a panel) is strangely common
Consequences for mechanical workers. Direct electric shock
Likelihood occurs when workers are directly exposed to an
1 2 3 4 5 electric current without any safety equipment
and indirectly occur if workers are exposed to
electric current through the conducting material
B M H H E E (pole made of steel and cables under water) in
the area near the electric panel.
C L M H E E Electric current is a common cause of fire, shock
or electric shock, and most cases of thermal
burns in construction work [13]. In the United
E L L M H H States, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Administration) states that electrical hazards are
Source: Australian Standard AS/NZS 4360:2004 on one of the four fatal hazards in the construction
[8]; [9]; and [10] sector and studies show that worker’s behavior
and habits have a major influence on the
Beside managing a risk assessment, data can occurrence of accidents related to electrical
be obtained from interviews. The following are the hazards [14].
points from researcher’s interviews with management The National Fire Protection and Association
and related workers: (NFPA) data reveals that based on cases of fatal
a. Project management has a strong OHS incidents due to electric current by type of work,
commitment and is firm in its implementation. the construction work being ranked first with
b. Systematic approach and good communication 923 total fatal cases in the United States. More
are use on implementation of OHS program. than half of the total cases (47%) of workers
were injured in explosive incidents which is a
c. Workers are generally aware and understand all directly caused by electricity occurred on the
hazard and risks that are exist on the job.
construction sector (119 out of 255 people) at the
d. Project management is considered good enough year of 2011-2013 [15].
at controlling hazards and is responsible if any 2) Workers who work during the Covid-19
kind of work accident occur. pandemic are at risks of being exposed to
e. Most of the hazard control focuses only on PPE Corona virus.
(Personal Protective Equipment) without b. Formwork
maximizing all the phase that are above 1) Workers could fall from height (above 2 meters)
according to hierarchy control. while working on columns
The highest risk level found on formwork area
are workers could fall while working at height
4. DISCUSSION (above 2 meters). Author sees that almost every
formwork in project X are working at height
Highest Risk of Mechanical Work, Formwork, and because it relates to work on columns,
Reinforcing Iron Work at Project X scaffolding, and timber. On the previous data,
In the result of risk management, there are several jobs working at height are estimated to cause about
in each division that are categorized as an extreme 50-60 fatal cases (more than any other type of
high risk category. According to Safe Work Australia, work) and causes 4,000 cases of injury each year
high risk work could be define as a job that requires a [16].
Safe Work Method Statement in the process, or Formwork workers spent a whole day and night
commonly known as a Work Permit [11]. The extreme to work with total 2 times break per day. Each
high risk category that has been identified by the break duration for about an hour and so. Dense
author is in accordance with the list of highest risks working hours plus strenuous work activities had
issued by Safe Work Australia, which includes the risk an effect to formwork workers often being
of falling from a height (2 meters), the risk of negligent and careless in their work. An earlier
asbestosis to occur, the risk of electrical hazards, and study in Brazil and Uruguay showed that the

average worker who worked at heights workers were shown to have a high to extreme
(including formwork) relied on confidence and risk of exposure to excess silica dust. [21].
experience in work, so they did not prioritize Silica dust are found most on sand, stone, clay,
hazard warnings or safety procedures. Therefore, concrete, ceramics, brick and cement-based
more effective risk management and more materials. The highest risk of inhalation to silica
efficient controls are needed for workers [17]. dust is found in fabrication work which includes
2) Workers can inhale wood dust that are floating cutting, sawing, drilling, polishing, and milling
in the air during cutting process (can cause lung [22].
disease if exposed repeatedly) 2) Workers who work during the Covid-19
Formwork is closely related to wood dust. pandemic are at risks of being exposed to
Exposure to wood dust is felt by workers at any Corona virus.
formwork activities. Starting from the
installation of scaffolding braces, fabrication Biological Hazard (Covid-19 Pandemic) and
processes, column work, and other processes. Project Site Program
The whole process involves wood cutting and According to the result of survey conducted by IAMPI
crushing tools, which of course, will create wood (Indonesian Project Management Expert
dust. In terms of health, long term dust Associationand IPMA (International Project
inhalation can cause a lot of adverse effect on Management Association) Indonesia on 3 phase of
human, such as skin diseases, respiratory construction work in Indonesia, the results in the
problems and rhinitis, asthma, even several types planning phase show that 43% of respondents
of nose cancer. Meanwhile, in terms of safety, in answered Corona virus was very impactful and 26%
certain conditions, wood dust are known as one answered that it had an impact; result of construction
of the cause of fires and explosions due to its phase show that 55% of respondents said it was very
flammability [18]. impactful and 27% said it had an impact; result of
Previous studies have been carried out in Brazil operational phase show that 51% of respondents said
to observe the spread of dust in construction it was very impactful and 23% said it had an impact
work. The results show that wood dust in the [23].
process of cutting wood using a grinder is Project X itself is one of the projects that is considered
considered to exceed the Threshold Limit Value to have had a significant impact due to the Covid-19
(TLV) that have been state on ACGIH virus, since it was announced to be in the red zone, on
(American Conference of Governmental April 22 the project management decided to stop most
Industrial Hygienists). [19]. Another study of the work process and return the workers to their
conducted in Australia using an experimental hometowns. The work process is slowly continuing to
method on 6 wood workers showed that all start again on June 2, 2020. During the period from
workers experienced changes in activity and April to the present, project X management has
lung function, where 2 workers who were active implemented several Occupational Health programs
smokers and had a history of asthma showed an specifically in handling Covid-19. The following are
adverse-significant change after exposing to some of the work programs launched by project
wood dust. [20]. management related to Covid-19:
3) Workers who work during the Covid-19 a. Measurement of temperature in workers
pandemic are at risks of being exposed to b. Spraying disinfectant on workers mess and
Corona virus. project area
c. Iron Work c. Provide vitamin C to all workers
1) Workers can breathe in concrete and fine metal d. Restricted access for visitor around the project
dust during the fabrication process, which in the area.
long term can cause lung disease. In March 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health
While carrying out a fabrication work, workers Administration (OSHA) issued guidelines for workers
are very susceptible to inhaling concrete and fine who were still working during the Covid-19
metal dust from grinding tools and cutter bars. pandemic. The following is the contents of the manual
The masks that have been provided by guidelines (OSHA, 2020):
management are not always worn by workers. a. Develop preparedness for infectious diseases and
With thus, researcher gave recommendation to plan response actions
control the hazards by engineering control. b. Prepare all the basic prevention needs of
Studies that have been conducted in Netherland infectious diseases
show that there are many construction workers c. Develop policies and regulations for workers
exposed to silica dust above the established who are indicated to be sick, such as isolation or
National Threshold Value of 0.075 mg / m³, the partial quarantine
study also confirms that there are significant d. Communicate and implement the protective
errors in the reported number of silica dust cases measures to all workers
in the world and the quality of their e. Implementing the principle of hierarchy control
measurements. Another study in the UK came while dealing with viruses in the work area.
with the same conclusion, where construction The results of researcher’s observations regarding the
occupational health program carried out by the project

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