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Us Careers Benefits

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Thriving Together

Deloitte cares about you. Through our

comprehensive programs, you have access to
a wide range of options to help support and
empower you through your individual journey
toward thriving mentally, physically, and
financially, and caring for your well-being.
at Deloitte
• Before-tax transportation and
parking programs

• Career development and performance snapshots
• Discount purchase program

your finances
• Flexible and virtual work arrangements
• Flexible Spending Accounts (including limited purpose)
• Health Savings Account
• Integrated Mental Health Services
• National health plans, including medical, dental, • 529 college savings plan
and vision coverage, prescription drug, and gender • Auto and home insurance
dysphoria coverage • Before-tax transportation and parking programs
• Opportunities to go to Deloitte University and • Disability, life, and accident insurance
take advantage of DFit • Flexible Spending Accounts (includes limited purpose)
• Paid time-off, holidays, personal leave, and military leave • Group legal
• Student loan refinancing and personal loan solutions • Health Savings Account
• Thank it Forward recognition program • Identity theft protection and Long-term care insurance
• Wealth Accumulation Program • Personal banking program
• Well-being app • Personal umbrella liability insurance
• Well-being Subsidy • Pet insurance
• Well-being Wizards • Student loan refinancing and personal loan solutions
• Wealth Accumulation Program
• WealthPlanner
• WealthPortal

• Well-being Subsidy

a home

Auto and home insurance
Discount purchase program Starting

Group legal
Personal banking program a family
• Personal umbrella liability insurance
• 529 college savings plan
• Pet insurance
• Adoption and surrogacy reimbursement program
• Well-being Subsidy
• Bright Beginnings family support, medically necessary fertility
preservation (egg/sperm cryopreservation), and lactation
support through our national health plans
• Deloitte University nursing mothers program
• Emergency back-up dependent care and family support services
• Family leave
• Inflection (reproductive health, fertility, and menopause education)

• Flexible and virtual work arrangements
• Flexible Spending Accounts (including limited purpose)

a passion
• Health Savings Account
• Integrated Mental Health Services
• Life and accident insurance
• Corporate citizenship and community engagement • National health plans, including medical, dental, vision,
• Flexible and virtual work arrangements and prescription drug coverage
• Paid and unpaid sabbatical programs • Nursing support while traveling for business
• Tuition assistance • Reproductive health resource guide
• Well-being Subsidy • Social cryopreservation (voluntary egg and/or sperm freezing)
reimbursement program
• Well-being Subsidy

Planning for the

Preparing for •

Approved time away from work
Disability, life, and accident insurance

Retirement •

Disaster relief fund
Emergency back-up dependent care and family support services
• Family leave
• Group legal • Flexible and virtual work arrangements
• Health Savings Account • Group legal
• Integrated Mental Health Services • Identity theft protection
• Life and accident insurance • Integrated Mental Health Services
• Long-term care insurance • International SOS
• Personal umbrella liability insurance • Long-term care insurance
• Retiree health insurance • Personal umbrella liability insurance
• Wealth Accumulation Program • Remembrance fund
• WealthPlanner • Student loan refinancing and personal loan solutions
• WealthPortal • Wealth Accumulation Program
• Well-being Subsidy
Access/make changes any time during the year

529 college savings plan1,3 makes saving for college easy with automatic International SOS3 offers a host of services (i.e., emergency and routine
contributions directly from your bank account into a 529 account featuring a medical service, online travel security information, etc.) to all professionals and
range of investment options that provide the opportunity for tax-free growth. their immediate family members traveling outside of their home country, on
either business or vacation.
Adoption and surrogacy reimbursement programs3 reimburse up to
$50,000, cumulative lifetime maximum, for eligible expenses associated with Long-term care insurance3,4 provides help and supervision for individuals
the adoption of a minor child and the birth of a child through surrogacy. The with severe, cognitive impairment or the inability to perform the activities
cumulative lifetime maximum includes reimbursement amounts received of daily living. Services may be provided at home or in a facility, and care
through either program without regard to the number of children. Note: In order may be provided by a professional or informal caregiver, such as a friend or
for surrogacy expenses to be reimbursed, the surrogacy arrangement, procedure, family member.
and birth must be based in an eligible United States jurisdiction (and in a jurisdiction
where surrogacy is not otherwise prohibited). Nursing support while traveling for business3,6 reimburses nursing
mothers for reasonable expenses related to expressing milk incurred
Approved time away from work3,6 is provided for a variety of reasons, for out-of-town business travel. Expenses may be related to special
including but not limited to bereavement, military duty, jury duty, and more. accommodations at hotels or meeting sites or additional shipping charges
for shipping expressed breast milk.
Auto and home insurance3 provides a special group discount for
insurance coverage. Additionally, DU’s nursing mother program provides those at DU with resources
to pump, pack, and ship expressed milk in dry ice for next-day delivery.
Before-tax transportation and parking programs4 help you save money on
qualified transportation expenses, such as parking and mass transit costs. Family leave3 offers up to 16 weeks of fully paid leave in a rolling 365-day
period to bond with a new child, following their birth, adoption, or foster
Bright Horizons emergency back-up dependent care and family support placement OR to care for a family member with a serious health condition.
services3 offer options and support when you need to be at work and your
regular child, adult, or elder care is unavailable. Family support services provide Personal banking program3 provides professionals with access to several
easy access to resources when researching babysitters, nannies, housekeepers, financial institutions where they can take advantage of reduced fees associated
and elder care providers; as well as dog sitters. with basic banking services, including checking and savings accounts as well as
loans and mortgage assistance.
Career development and performance snapshots3 provide professionals
with on-the-job trainings, diverse learning opportunities, and frequent Pet insurance3 is offered at a discounted rate to help reduce certain pet care
performance feedback to facilitate career growth. expenses from routine office visits to significant medical incidents. A wellness
option that covers additional preventive care services is also available.
Corporate citizenship and community engagement6 provide professionals
with opportunities and resources to be leaders in their communities through Remembrance fund3 provides optional financial and non-financial benefits to
skills-based volunteering, pro bono, nonprofit board service, and charitable giving. Deloitte families if a Deloitte professional or immediate family member dies.

Deloitte’s emergency back-up dependent care reimbursement Reproductive health resource guide includes an overview of the available
program3 provides for reimbursement of fees paid, up to $100 per day for a benefits and programs to help support you and your family through every step
maximum of seven days, for care not provided through the Bright Horizons of the family building journey, including medical insurance for infertility, paid
program (any days reimbursed will be subtracted from Bright Horizons’ family leave for time away from work for bonding, and more.
emergency back-up dependent care 30-day limit)
Sabbatical programs3 offer two options, including unpaid for one month
Deloitte-provided short-term disability (STD) insurance is available if
for any reason or partially paid for three to six months to pursue personal or
you become unable to work due to illness, injury, physical condition (including professional growth opportunities.
pregnancy and pregnancy-related), or mental condition.
Social cryopreservation (voluntary egg, sperm, and/or embryo freezing)
Deloitte University (DU)6 is a premier learning and education facility reimbursement program3 reimburses 50% of eligible expenses (for non-
where Deloitte professionals can take advantage of leadership training and medically necessary procedures), up to a lifetime maximum benefit of $20,000
professional growth opportunities. for eligible professionals and their spouses/domestic partners who are actively
enrolled in a Deloitte national medical plan.
• DFit is a state-of-the-art, 12,000-square-foot indoor fitness facility offering
fitness equipment and classes, personal training, nutrition assessments, Student loan refinancing and personal loan solutions3 allow eligible
and more. participants to combine their existing private and federal student loans into one
loan, consolidate credit card debt, and pay off high interest debt by obtaining a
• Deloitte University’s wellness clinic is staffed by nurse practitioners personal loan. Welcome interest rate discounts or a welcome “bonus” may be
who provide: basic wellness exams, assistance if you have forgotten your available for eligible participants. Independence restrictions may apply.2
prescription, assistance if you are not feeling well, and travel immunization
consultation and vaccines, including annual flu shots. Thank it Forward3 is our recognition program designed to reinforce the value
we place on our professionals and our appreciation for all they do. The Thank it
Disaster relief fund3 provides immediate economic assistance to Deloitte Forward web and mobile application allows professionals to publicly say “thank
professionals who have suffered a significant loss due to natural disaster. you,” and express gratitude through non-monetary “Shout Outs”. The program
also includes monetary awards for eligible professionals to acknowledge efforts
Discount purchase program3 provides professionals access to discounts
that exceed expectations and recognize exceptional contributions.
to more than 30,000 online retailers, local restaurants, and merchants, as well
as Deloitte exclusives. Tuition assistance3 is available to eligible professionals for approved degree
programs, professional certifications, and job-related courses.
Inflection3,8 (formerly known as FertilityIQ) is an online resource that provides
inclusive and equitable educational materials about reproductive health, Wealth Accumulation Program that is competitive, flexible, and easy to
fertility, and menopause; as well as extensive data and courses to help you understand, and can help you build a solid foundation for a strong financial
navigate your journey. Inflection is available at any time at no cost to you with future. Deloitte’s annual contribution to eligible professionals’ Wealth
unlimited access to all features. Accumulation varies between a minimum of 6% up to a maximum of 12% of
eligible pay each year, which meets or exceeds the market. In general, this
Flexible and virtual work arrangements3 may be offered to meet the
means the longer you stay at Deloitte, the greater the annual addition to the
evolving and individual needs of eligible professionals.
Wealth Accumulation program on your behalf will be. Note: Assumes a 6%
Health Savings Account (HSA)4,5 that allows you to use before-tax dollars to employee contribution to the 401(k) savings plan. The total annual contributions to
pay for eligible health care expenses (as defined by the IRS) that are not paid by your Wealth Accumulation accounts depends on your specific circumstances.
a Deloitte medical, dental, or vision plan (or any other plan under which you or
• 401(k) savings plan3,7 includes both Traditional (before-tax) and Roth
your eligible dependents are covered). Note: You must be enrolled in an eligible
(after-tax) options. Deloitte matches $0.50 for every dollar you contribute,
High Deductible Health Plans to participate in an HSA.
up to the first 6% of your eligible pay per year (e.g., Deloitte contributes 3%
Identity theft protection3, offered at a discounted rate, provides credit of your eligible pay annually if you contribute at least 6%). You become fully
reports, scores, and alerts, Internet fraud monitoring, and identity fraud vested in Deloitte’s matching contributions after completing three years
resolution services. of continuous service. Diverse investment options to align with your risk
tolerance, and investment advice/financial education services, are available
Integrated Mental Health Services6 offers a personalized, concierge-style through Vanguard.
approach to support you and your eligible dependents’ psychological health
along the continuum of human experience―from thriving to challenged. • Cash balance plan4,7 account that’s provided by and maintained by Deloitte
Our in-house team of professionals facilitate the delivery of clinical and at no cost to you. Deloitte contributes a minimum of 3% to your cash
Performance Psychology services through a highly curated, private panel of balance account annually. Once your age + credited service years reaches
clinical professionals and Performance Psychology experts. There is no cost 40, Deloitte’s annual contribution increases by 1% every five years thereafter
to you to speak with a mental health clinician, and you may qualify for up to (e.g., 5% at 50 years, 6% at 60 years, etc.), up to a maximum 9%, as your
eight complimentary counseling sessions (per incident/per year). Treatment tenure increases. The account earns 3.8% minimum interest each year. You
navigation assistance also is available for higher level of care needs. What’s become fully vested after completing three years of continuous service or at
more, IMHS is available in addition to any existing mental health services age 62 while actively employed.
you may already receive and does not impact any existing medical benefits,
insurance coverage or benefit, or self-pay arrangements. Note: Currently,
Performance Psychology is available only to PPMDs.
WealthPlanner6 is designed to help you plan for your financial future. You can Well-being Wizards6 are passionate professionals who move well-being from
review the value of your retirement benefits and create personalized scenarios theory to practice through assimilation, action, and advocacy. Wizards educate
to model your active and retirement cash flows. professionals on Empowered Well-being programs and resources, promote local
engagement, elevate grassroots initiatives to the national level, pilot and test new
WealthPortal6 is a one-stop hub for your current retirement and insurance concepts for well-being programs, and ensure branding and communication of
information. You can quickly look at your Deloitte accounts and balances, review programs align to national standards.
additional financial well-being resources, and find useful contacts for assistance.
Well-being app6 enables access to our Empowered Well-being resources from
your mobile device, including articles, podcasts, micro-learning videos, and more.

Access/make changes only during Open Enrollment (held in the Fall of each year) or within 31 days
of a qualifying life event5

Deloitte-provided core long-term disability (LTD) insurance4,5 is • Gender dysphoria coverage includes transgender reassignment
available after 26 weeks of absence due to diagnosed illness, injury, physical benefits and certain reconstructive surgery procedures considered
condition or mental condition and replaces 40% of your pre-disability medically necessary when paired with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria,
annual base salary, up to a monthly maximum benefit of $10,000 for eligible including eligible surgical and non-surgical treatments (including
professionals. A buy-up supplemental LTD coverage is also available. hormone therapy).
• Hinge Health digital physical therapy to support musculoskeletal
Group legal4 provides professionals and eligible dependents with personal health and help reduce muscle and joint pain is available at no cost to
legal services, including advice and consultation, either through an office you and your eligible dependents (age 18+) enrolled in our national
consultation or by telephone. medical plans.
• Dental plan with in- and out-of-network coverage that provides three
Healthcare options4,5 to meet any combination of needs for professionals,
exams and cleanings each year; as well as coverage for a wide range of
spouses, domestic partners, and children up to 26 years of age.
services, including adult and child orthodontia.
• Multiple national medical plans with varying coverage levels, provider
• Vision care options that include a Deloitte-provided discount program and
networks, and costs; as well as prescription drug coverage, and 100%
an optional vision insurance plan with in- and out-of-network coverage.
coverage for in-network preventive care and certain cancer screenings.
Both include benefits for eye exams, lenses, frames, and contact lenses.
• Mental health coverage is available and includes inpatient, outpatient,
• Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) (including Limited Purpose) that
and telemedicine services, as well as prescription drug coverage.
allow you to use before-tax dollars to pay for eligible healthcare expenses
• Medical travel benefits includes travel within the United States for (as defined by the IRS) that are not paid by a Deloitte medical, dental, or
any covered service, to the extent permitted by law, that can only be vision plan (or any other plan under which you or your eligible dependents
obtained from an in-network provider more than 100 miles from your are covered).
home. Coverage includes transportation and lodging reimbursement, up
to the maximum allowed by IRS rules. Life and accident insurance4,5 provides different levels of coverage to help
• Bright Beginnings—Family Support Network is a comprehensive protect eligible professionals and their families from the financial impact of an
national medical carrier program to assist and guide you through fertility, unexpected loss of life or an accident.
maternity, and neonatal care. • Core (basic) life insurance provides coverage through group term
• Fertility solutions are available if your healthcare provider diagnoses life insurance equal to the the professional’s annual base salary, up to
you with infertility. These services include but are not limited to, $750,000.
assisted reproductive technologies (ART), frozen embryo transfer cycles, • Optional life insurance allows professionals to choose 1-10x their
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and insemination procedures annual base salary up to a maximum of $1,500,000 (evidence of insurability
such as artificial insemination (AI) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). may be required).
• Donor and fertility preservation coverage includes medical expenses • Dependent life insurance coverage for spouse, domestic partner, and
related to and the prescription drugs associated with donor collection and child is also available.
preparation of ovum and/or sperm. These services are available to females
• Business travel accident (BTA) insurance provides Deloitte
without a male partner and males without a female partner. Additionally,
professionals with coverage to protect their families if death or serious
fertility preservation is available for medical reasons when cancer or other
injury occurs as the result of an accident while traveling on business.
medical treatments are likely to produce infertility/sterility.
• Personal accident insurance can be purchased at various levels in
• Lactation support includes a professional-grade breast pump and
addition to your life and BTA insurance.
lactation counseling with a certified lactation consultant under our
national medical plans.
Personal umbrella liability insurance4 increases personal liability limits
by supplementing primary insurance on a wide range of personal liability
exposures such as residences, autos, watercrafts, recreational vehicles, pets,
swimming pools and more. Note: PPMDs may enroll in this benefit at any time
during the year. Professionals can enroll in this benefit only during Open Enrollment.

Renews each fiscal year (late May/early June)

Bright Horizons emergency back-up dependent care and family Deloitte’s emergency back-up dependent care reimbursement
support services3 provides options and support when you need to be at program3 provides reimbursement of fees paid, up to $100 per day for a
work and your regular child or adult/elder care is unavailable. Family support maximum of seven days, for care not provided through the Bright Horizons
services provide easy access to resources when researching babysitters, program (any days reimbursed will be subtracted from Bright Horizons’
nannies, housekeepers, and elder care providers; as well as dog sitters. emergency back-up dependent care 30-day limit)

Well-being Subsidy3 covers 100% of qualifying well-being related expenses

up to $1,000 per fiscal year (i.e., gym membership, sports and safety
equipment, ergonomic office furniture, musical instruments, composting
equipments, etc.).
Renews each calendar year (January 1)

Paid Collective Disconnects and holidays6 are in addition to PTO and Paid time-off (PTO)6 is offered in a single bundle (vacation, personal, sick
allow all professionals to rest and recover at the same time. time) to provide maximum flexibility. Professionals can carry over a certain
amount of unused PTO per year. Paid sick and safe time is offered to
professionals who are not eligible for standard paid time-off.
The Vanguard 529 College Savings Plan satisfies Deloitte’s Independence Policy, so it’s one less thing to worry about when saving for college. All professionals who are required to report their Financial Relationships in Tracking & Trading should remember to report any
529 Plan in which they are invested (including the Vanguard Plan). If you should decide to invest in a non-Vanguard 529 Plan, consideration should be given to your role and the clients you serve prior to investing as certain 529 plans are Restricted Entities.
This program is offered through a restricted entity and independence policy may prohibit participation for certain individuals. Professionals with a Tracking & Trading requirement should pre-clear the lender prior to obtaining any loans through this program.
Access Talent on Demand (ToD) for more information and details about eligibility.
Access the Deloitte Benefits Center for more information and details about eligibility.
You may change or access coverage during the year if you experience a “qualified life event” (e.g., change in marital or domestic partnership status, having a baby or adopting a child, your spouse/domestic partner loses or gains employment or benefits coverage.)
Access DeloitteNet for more information and details about eligibility.
The “cash balance plan” refers to the Deloitte Pension Plan or any other defined benefit plan sponsored by Deloitte under which you are entitled to a benefit. Likewise, the “401(k) savings plan” refers to the Deloitte 401(k) Plan or any other defined contribution plan
sponsored by Deloitte under which you are entitled to a benefit.
Inflection is a separate entity from Deloitte. Resources available via Inflection are provided as a convenience for informational purposes only; Deloitte does not endorse or recommend any particular service, provider, or content contained within the Inflection
site or subsequent links. Inflection cannot guarantee that a doctor or clinic it suggests to you will be in-network with your health plan, whether that plan is Deloitte-sponsored or otherwise. You should confirm network coverage with your health plan provider
before choosing a specific health care provider.

Benefits listed here are examples of benefits currently offered by Deloitte but any benefit for which you may become eligible if employed by Deloitte will be governed by the terms and conditions of your employment and by the terms of each individual plan or program
document. The official plan or program documents (as interpreted by the plan administrator in its sole discretion) and the laws that govern each plan or program will be followed in determining your rights and benefits under each plan or program. Deloitte reserves the
right to amend, modify, suspend, or terminate the plans or programs, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice, to the extent allowed by law. This means Deloitte has the right to change plan or program terms (including eligibility for benefits) or to discontinue
any part or all of the benefits described herein at any time.

About Deloitte
As used in this document, “Deloitte” refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and
independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the “Deloitte” name in the United States
and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

Copyright © 2024 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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