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Money &

An Enneagram Guide
for Couples
Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3

Type 1 ....................................................................................................................... 4

Type 2 ....................................................................................................................... 5

Type 3 ....................................................................................................................... 6

Type 4 ....................................................................................................................... 7

Type 5 ....................................................................................................................... 8

Type 6 ....................................................................................................................... 9

Type 7 ..................................................................................................................... 10

Type 8 ..................................................................................................................... 11

Type 9 ..................................................................................................................... 12

Additional Resources ............................................................................................. 13 2
Money is a topic Jesus talked about often, but we struggle to talk about it with
our spouse. If talking about money makes you uncomfortable, please know that
you're not alone! We ALL struggle with issues involving our finances. But if we dig
deeper, we'll discover that our money frustrations often come down to motive.
And as the Enneagram and the Gospel have shown, our heart motivations fuel
why we do what we do.

By understanding what you and your spouse value and how it connects to your
Enneagram Type, you'll open the door to greater oneness in your relationship,
blessing your finances and your marriage!

How each Enneagram Type Approaches Money:

“We can tell you to talk about money in your marriage, but if we don’t address
what is happening in your hearts, those conversations aren’t going anywhere.”
- Jeff McCord 3
Type 1 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You are responsible and naturally follow a budget.
• You seek out the best financial practices, principles, and rules.
• You are practical in your spending and avoid impulse buying.
• You like to help others by teaching them how to use their money wisely.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can be critical of your financial decisions.
• You can become rigid, insisting that others follow a precise budget.
• On the outside, you appear self-righteous, but secretly you splurge
on yourself.

Aligned with Money:

• You share your financial wisdom from a gracious and non-judgmental heart,
which greatly blesses those around you.
• You recognize that you can only change what you can change, and release
your need to control others.
• You are more content with what the Lord has blessed you with and rejoice in
all His provisions and care.

Action Item:
Stick close to your budget but purposely build in freedom to make spontaneous
purchases without overspending. 4
Type 2 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You approach finances relationally.
• You use your money to serve and show love to others.
• You like to receive gratitude and appreciation for your thoughtfulness and
• You often place other’s financial needs above your own.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can become intrusive by giving more than you should, sometimes to the
point of enabling those you love.
• You can use money as a manipulative tool to receive gratitude, which to you
feels like love.
• You often ignore your own needs, falsely believing that caring for your
budget is selfish.

Aligned with Money:

• You embrace humility, recognizing the difference between helping someone
and enabling them.
• You more easily discern what is yours to do, realizing that you can not come
through for everyone; that is God's role.
• You can stick to a budget, knowing that caring for yourself is not selfish.

Action Item:
Create a "safe-to-spend" category in your budget. This allows you to
spontaneously help others without harming your own goals or needs. 5
Type 3 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You spend money to help accomplish your goals.
• You invest in self-improvement products to create an admirable,
successful image.
• You buy products of high value, quality, and brand-name to bring you
prestige and admiration.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can be opportunistic and boastful, using your money to create the
attention you crave.
• You can become hyper-focused on outward appearances.
• Your driven nature can cause you to overlook others' needs, especially if
they do not share your goals.

Aligned with Money:

• You recognize your value apart from your money and status.
• You find joy and fulfillment in the truth that your status is solely in the King
of kings, which releases your need for worldly admiration.
• You learn to balance work and life, blessing those around you with your
talent, time, AND true self.

Action Item:
Spend time journaling to discover what the Lord values vs. what the world tells
you to value. Rearrange your budget to reflect your true heart and His values so it
will bless others and yourself. 6
Type 4 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You approach your finances from a desire to be unique, different, and true
to yourself.
• Budgeting may feel mundane and not for you.
• You splurge on items that express your uniqueness and eye for beauty or to help
you on your quest for self-discovery.
• Your sense of envy can cause you to spend money on unnecessary things,
believing that the grass is greener on the other side.
• You tend to be an emotional buyer.

Misaligned with Money:

• You focus on what you're missing, which results in a dissatisfied heart and a sense
of isolation from others.
• In your search for uniqueness, you can overspend on items that enhance your
aesthetic and represent your authentic self.
• You can jeopardize your financial future by believing that managing money is
mundane and for other people, not for you.

Aligned with Money:

• You remain true to yourself, but don't allow your emotions to dictate your spending.
• By following your growth path to a healthy Type 1, you can create financial goals
and meet them.
• Budgeting, and adhering to it, gives you the freedom to spend money on creative
projects and self-expression, without jeopardizing your financial future.

Action Item:
To combat feelings of envy, start a gratitude journal for your finances, and also
schedule a time to volunteer in a less fortunate community. 7
Type 5 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• Your fear of not having enough makes you frugal and less likely to spend
money on unnecessary things.
• You collect information about money topics but struggle to feel confident
enough to follow through with the advice.
• Your fierce independence stops you from spending money to fit in or keep
up with appearances.
• You can struggle to communicate your personal or financial needs
with others.

Misaligned with Money:

• By hoarding your money, you can miss out on new experiences that bring joy.
• You become reclusive, critical, and overly private, which can fuel your
financial paranoia.
• Your feelings of incompetence can overwhelm you to the point of inaction,
thus missing opportunities to manage your money well.

Aligned with Money:

• You are observant, open-minded, and thoughtful with your financial
• You put into practice all you have researched and learned.
• You’re in partnership with your finances, neither avoiding them nor letting
them overwhelm you.
• You leave room in your budget for spontaneity and to connect with others.

Action Item:
From your research, choose a financial strategy and put it into action. Then share
what you're doing with a trusted friend. 8
Type 6 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

Tendencies (Phobic):
• You require a lot of details before spending your money.
• You avoid "high-risk" investments.
• You abide by timeless financial advice from those you trust.
• You keep a large emergency fund because you are always thinking about the "what-ifs."
• You are dependable and responsible with your money to provide security for those you love.

Tendencies (Counter Phobic):

• You are more focused on building safety in your relationships vs. in a budget or
savings account.
• You need a financial cushion for the "what-ifs," but like to use your extra money to
connect with others.
• You may be willing to take financial risks, especially if it is with a group of friends.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can be indecisive, self-doubting, and cynical regarding your money.
• Your need for safety can prevent you from enjoying your money and spending it.
• You might blindly follow the financial advice of others in hopes of feeling safe
and secure.
• You can become overly suspicious of others' motives. Yet, you lack the confidence to
manage your money alone. This leaves you in a cycle of doubt.

Aligned with Money:

• You recognize that you don't need to rely on other people for financial advice. You are
capable of learning all you need to know.
• You strike a balance between saving and spending and learn to have more fun with
your money.
• You find a financial system that works for you, not one you've adopted blindly, which
gives you more confidence and a restful heart.

Action Item:
Create an "irresponsible" category in your budget and spontaneously splurge on something
fun. Enjoy this splurge, knowing that God has your future secure. 9
Type 7 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You love life and use your finances to fund new, fun experiences.
• You can be impulsive with your purchases and overspend on an item or a
hobby you may not stick with in the long run.
• You are naturally optimistic and view money as a means to avoid negative
emotions and obtain complete joy and satisfaction for yourself and others
to experience.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can overspend to avoid feeling trapped, bored, or deprived.
• You find it challenging to stick to a budget because you hate feeling limited.
• You reframe the consequences of your spending and may neglect taking
responsibility for your finances.

Aligned with Money:

• You recognize that money will ultimately control and limit you if you don't
learn to manage it well.
• You focus on what you want in the long-term, not just what you want in the
immediate moment.
• You accept your negative emotions without needing to fix them with an
impulsive purchase.
• You learn to pause and to practice gratitude for all that God has given you.

Action Item:
Print some photos of your ultimate financial goals that you'd love to obtain.
Anytime you feel the urge to buy impulsively, take out the photos and remind
yourself of your long-term goals. 10
Type 8 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You work hard to earn enough money to be financially independent and to
buy what you want and need.
• You are generous with your inner circle, and enjoy spending money on your
loved ones.
• Money is a form of protection. If you can't provide for yourself and your
family, you feel vulnerable to being harmed or controlled.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can feel controlled by a budget and refuse to keep one.
• You might buy what you want, with little regard for the consequences or the
opinions of others.
• You avoid vulnerability and may hide money to protect yourself from betrayal.

Aligned with Money:

• You adhere to a budget, recognizing that money will control you if you don't
learn to control it.
• You listen to financial advice with a humble heart.
• You are honest and vulnerable about your financial situation.
• You rest in God's ultimate protection, not in the false security of wealth.

Action Item:
Invite a trusted friend or financial advisor to help you stay on track with your
budget. Your finances will benefit from a trusted outside voice, and you'll have
an opportunity to practice vulnerability. 11
Type 9 Money & Motivations
An Enneagram Guide for Couples

• You are generous with your money and use it to please others and
avoid conflict.
• You get pulled into spending money on things you wouldn't usually
purchase for yourself.
• You are optimistic about your finances and tend to believe it will all work
out in the end.
• You have well-intended financial goals but often lack follow-through.

Misaligned with Money:

• You can be unmotivated and lack follow through with your financial
• You avoid money conflicts by dodging the topic or becoming stubborn
and resistant.
• Unaware of your people-pleasing tendencies, you allow others to take
advantage of your generosity.

Aligned with Money:

• You are practical, thoughtful, and considerate with your finances.
• You are aware of your passions and desires and wisely use your money to
achieve them.
• Seeing your budget as a path towards peace with yourself and others allows
you to set goals and stay focused.

Action Item:
Before you say "yes" to spending your money, take time to reflect, and ask
yourself these essential questions: Is this something I want to do? Is it in my best
interest? Is it in the best interest of my budgeted goals? 12
Additional Resources
As you can see, each Enneagram Type approaches money from a different
perspective. No wonder we have problems talking about money!

With this new knowledge, how can you and your spouse approach conversations
about money with more humility and compassion?

What did you learn about your approach to money that you didn’t realize before?
How can this new knowledge help you communicate better with your spouse?

Additional Resources:
For more information on Marriage & Money, check out Your Enneagram Coach:
The Podcast episodes 6, 7, & 8! 13

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