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User Screen Editor

User Guide


December 2014 (Issue 7)

© 2014
All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any
form by any means, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system other than for the purpose to act as an aid in
operating the equipment to which the document relates, without prior written permission of the

The manufacturer pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specifications
in this document may therefore be changed without notice. The information in this document is given in good
faith, but is intended for guidance only. The manufacturer will not accept responsibility for any losses arising
from errors in this document.


Table of Contents
1 USER SCREEN EDITOR ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1.1 LINtools Online Help................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1.2 LIN Blocks Reference Manual ................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1.3 Application And Control Modules Operator Manual ....................................................................................... 15
1.2 USER SCREEN EDITOR - OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 16
1.2.1 Page Sets, Pages, and Targets ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.2.2 Panes ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1.2.3 Page Items.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.4 Page Item Properties dialogue ............................................................................................................................... 17
2 GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.1 DESIGNING A USER SCREEN ......................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 OPEN THE USER SCREEN EDITOR ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 To open the User Screen Editor: ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 USE THE USER SCREEN EDITOR ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.1 To use the User Screen Editor: ............................................................................................................................... 19
3 MAIN DISPLAY REGIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.1 MAIN DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.1.1 Page set ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.1.2 Pages and Panes ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.3 Page items.................................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.4 To Define customised colours ................................................................................................................................ 24
3.2 REPORT WINDOW ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 LIN DATABASE BROWSER ............................................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.1 Associating a LIN Database with the Page Set ................................................................................................... 26
3.3.2 Instrument browser ................................................................................................................................................... 27
4 TARGET DEFINITION .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 HOW TO CREATE A TARGET SCREEN TYPE .............................................................................................................. 28
4.2 HOW TO EDIT THE TARGET SCREEN TYPE................................................................................................................ 29
5 MENUS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.1 FILE MENU ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30
5.2 EDIT MENU ....................................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 VIEW MENU ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.4 PAGESET MENU ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.5 PAGE MENU ...................................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.6 WINDOW MENU .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
5.7 HELP MENU....................................................................................................................................................................... 36

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6 TOOLBARS...................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1 MAIN TOOLBAR............................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.1 New Page Set command .......................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.2 Open Page Set command ........................................................................................................................................ 37
6.1.3 Save Page Set command .......................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.4 New Page command ................................................................................................................................................. 37
6.1.5 Open Page command ............................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.6 Close Page command ............................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.7 Build Output (OIFL) Files command ..................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.8 Verify Page Set command ....................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.9 Find command ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
6.1.10 Open Database command ....................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.11 Back Command .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.12 Cut command ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
6.1.13 Copy command .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.14 Paste command .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.15 Undo command ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.16 Redo command .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.1.17 Zoom Factor command............................................................................................................................................ 39
6.1.18 Whats This? command ............................................................................................................................................. 39
6.2 STATUS BAR ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3 TEXT BAR ........................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.1 Font style command ................................................................................................................................................. 40
6.3.2 Align Text Left command ........................................................................................................................................ 40
6.3.3 Align Text Left-biased Centre command ............................................................................................................. 40
6.3.4 Align Text Right-biased Centre command .......................................................................................................... 40
6.3.5 Align Text Right command ...................................................................................................................................... 40
6.4 PLACEMENT BAR ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.4.1 Grid settings dialogue ............................................................................................................................................... 42
6.5 DRAW BAR ........................................................................................................................................................................ 43
7 HOW TO... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
7.1 SPECIFY/CONFIGURE A TARGET SCREEN TYPE ........................................................................................................ 45
7.2 SPECIFY CHARACTER MAPPINGS ................................................................................................................................ 45
7.3 ASSOCIATE A LIN DATABASE WITH A PAGE SET .................................................................................................... 46
7.4 SHOW COLD START VALUES ....................................................................................................................................... 46
7.5 VERIFY A PAGE SET ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
7.5.1 To verify a Page Set ................................................................................................................................................... 47
7.6 USE THE FIND DIALOGUE ............................................................................................................................................. 47
7.6.1 To find all occurrences of a text string ................................................................................................................ 47
7.7 SET DEFAULT OFF SCREEN FUNCTION KEY (OSFK) PANE ................................................................................... 48
7.8 WRITE PAGE ITEM ACTIONS......................................................................................................................................... 48

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7.8.1 Example ........................................................................................................................................................................ 48

7.8.2 Structured Text syntax.............................................................................................................................................. 48
7.8.3 Action Lists .................................................................................................................................................................. 48
7.8.4 Actions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.8.5 Action qualifiers ......................................................................................................................................................... 49
7.9 USE THE TEXT BAR COMMANDS TO... ...................................................................................................................... 50
7.9.1 Edit Text ....................................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.9.2 Edit the Font Style ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.9.3 Align Text to the left ................................................................................................................................................. 50
7.9.4 Align Text to the centre with Left-Bias ................................................................................................................ 51
7.9.5 Align Text to the right .............................................................................................................................................. 51
7.9.6 Align Text to the centre with Right-Bias .............................................................................................................. 51
7.10 USE THE DRAW BAR COMMAND TO... ..................................................................................................................... 52
7.10.1 Select or Edit a Page Item ....................................................................................................................................... 52
7.10.2 Add a Bar Chart .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
7.10.3 Add a Bitmap .............................................................................................................................................................. 52
7.10.4 Add a Button ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.10.5 Add a Text Variable ................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.10.6 Add a Touch Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.10.7 Add a Trend Graph.................................................................................................................................................... 54
7.10.8 Add a Program Profile .............................................................................................................................................. 54
7.10.9 Add an OIFL Object ................................................................................................................................................... 54
7.10.10 Draw a Line ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
7.10.11 Draw a Rectangle .................................................................................................................................................. 55
7.10.12 Draw a Rounded Rectangle................................................................................................................................ 55
7.10.13 Draw a Triangle ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
7.10.14 Draw an Ellipse or Circle ..................................................................................................................................... 56
7.10.15 Select a Line/Text Colour ................................................................................................................................... 56
7.10.16 Select a Fill/Background Colour ....................................................................................................................... 56
7.11 USE THE PLACEMENT BAR COMMANDS TO... ........................................................................................................ 57
7.11.1 Activate the Snap object(s) to nearest gridline ................................................................................................. 57
7.11.2 Align the bottom edges of objects ....................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.3 Align the left edges of objects ............................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.4 Align the right edges of objects ............................................................................................................................. 57
7.11.5 Align the top edges of objects ............................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.6 Bring an object forward by one layer................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.7 Bring an object to the front .................................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.8 Send an object backward by one layer ................................................................................................................ 57
7.11.9 Send an object to the back ..................................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.10 Flip object(s) horizontally ................................................................................................................................... 57
7.11.11 Flip object(s) vertically ........................................................................................................................................ 58

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7.11.12 Group multiple objects ....................................................................................................................................... 58

7.11.13 Ungroup a grouped object ................................................................................................................................ 58
7.11.14 Show/Hide the gridlines...................................................................................................................................... 58
8 CUSTOMISING THE USER SCREEN EDITOR ............................................................................................................................ 59
8.1 DEFINE CUSTOMISED COLOURS ................................................................................................................................. 59
8.2 SELECT THE COLOUR OF THE GRIDLINES ................................................................................................................. 59
8.3 CUSTOMISE THE GRID SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................ 59
8.4 CUSTOMISE THE USER SCREEN BACKGROUND COLOUR .................................................................................... 59
9 STRUCTURED TEXT (ST).............................................................................................................................................................. 60
9.1 WHAT IS STRUCTURED TEXT? ..................................................................................................................................... 60
9.1.1 Structured Text - Example ....................................................................................................................................... 60
9.2 EDITING STRUCTURED TEXT ........................................................................................................................................ 61
9.3 COMMENTS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST)................................................................................................................... 61
9.4 CONSTANTS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) .................................................................................................................. 61
9.4.1 Integer constants ....................................................................................................................................................... 61
9.4.2 Real constants ............................................................................................................................................................. 62
9.4.3 Time constants ........................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.4.4 String constant ........................................................................................................................................................... 62
9.4.5 String constants & T1000/T100 fields ................................................................................................................... 62
9.5 EXPRESSIONS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ................................................................................................................ 63
9.5.1 Arithmetical ................................................................................................................................................................. 63
9.5.2 Logical ........................................................................................................................................................................... 63
9.6 IDENTIFIERS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ................................................................................................................... 63
9.6.1 Valid Structured Text identifiers ............................................................................................................................ 63
9.6.2 Invalid Structured Text identifiers ......................................................................................................................... 63
9.7 OPERATORS AND FUNCTIONS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ................................................................................ 64
9.8 SPACES IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST)............................................................................................................................ 67
9.8.1 Mandatory spaces ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
9.8.2 Illegal spaces ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
9.8.3 Optional spaces .......................................................................................................................................................... 67
9.9 STATEMENTS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ................................................................................................................ 67
9.9.1 Assignment .................................................................................................................................................................. 67
9.9.2 IF-statement ................................................................................................................................................................ 68
9.10 TRANSITIONS IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ................................................................................................................ 68
9.11 VARIABLES IN STRUCTURED TEXT (ST) ..................................................................................................................... 68
9.12 LIN DATABASE FIELD/SUBFIELD NAMES ................................................................................................................... 69
9.12.1 Bitfields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 69
9.12.2 Aliases ........................................................................................................................................................................... 69
9.12.3 LIN Sequence step variables ................................................................................................................................... 69
10 GETTING SPECIFIC HELP ........................................................................................................................................................ 70
10.1 OPEN ONLINE HELP FILE ............................................................................................................................................... 70

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10.2 SHOW CONTEXT-SENSITIVE HELP .............................................................................................................................. 70

10.2.1 Dialogue Help ............................................................................................................................................................. 70
10.2.2 Menu Help ................................................................................................................................................................... 70
10.2.3 Toolbutton Help ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
11 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 71
11.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 71
11.2 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - BITMAPS PAGE ................................................................................................. 72
11.2.1 Bitmaps list .................................................................................................................................................................. 72
11.2.2 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 72
11.2.3 Edit ................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
11.2.4 Remove ......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
11.3 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - CAPABILITIES PAGE ......................................................................................... 73
11.3.1 Capabilities .................................................................................................................................................................. 73
11.4 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - COLOURS PAGE ............................................................................................... 74
11.4.1 Table list ....................................................................................................................................................................... 74
11.4.2 Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
11.4.3 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
11.4.4 Edit ................................................................................................................................................................................. 74
11.4.5 Remove ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
11.5 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - DRAWING PAGE .............................................................................................. 75
11.6 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - FILENAME PAGE .............................................................................................. 75
11.6.1 Target filename .......................................................................................................................................................... 75
11.7 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - FONTS PAGE ..................................................................................................... 76
11.7.1 Table list ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
11.7.2 Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................. 76
11.7.3 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 76
11.7.4 Edit ................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
11.7.5 Remove ......................................................................................................................................................................... 76
11.8 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - GENERAL PAGE ................................................................................................ 77
11.8.1 Target Name ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
11.8.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................................. 77
11.8.3 Character Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................... 77
11.9 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - GRID PAGE ........................................................................................................ 77
11.9.1 Default Major Grid Settings .................................................................................................................................... 77
11.9.2 Default Minor Grid Settings .................................................................................................................................... 77
11.9.3 Default Zoom .............................................................................................................................................................. 78
11.10 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - INSTRUMENTS PAGE ...................................................................................... 78
11.10.1 Instruments list ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
11.10.2 Add ........................................................................................................................................................................... 78
11.10.3 Edit ........................................................................................................................................................................... 78
11.10.4 Remove ................................................................................................................................................................... 78

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11.11 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - MAPPINGS PAGE ............................................................................................. 79

11.11.1 Character drawing capabilities .......................................................................................................................... 79
11.11.2 Graphical symbol-character mappings............................................................................................................ 79
11.11.3 Browse… .................................................................................................................................................................. 79
11.12 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - MISCELLANEOUS PAGE ................................................................................. 79
11.12.1 Miscellaneous features ........................................................................................................................................ 79
11.12.2 Database ................................................................................................................................................................. 79
11.13 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - OSFK PAGE........................................................................................................ 80
11.13.1 Off Screen Function Keys ................................................................................................................................... 80
11.14 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - PANES PAGE ..................................................................................................... 81
11.14.1 Table list .................................................................................................................................................................. 81
11.14.2 Setup ........................................................................................................................................................................ 81
11.14.3 Add ........................................................................................................................................................................... 81
11.14.4 Edit ........................................................................................................................................................................... 81
11.14.5 Remove ................................................................................................................................................................... 81
11.15 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - UNDERLINES PAGE ......................................................................................... 82
11.15.1 Special underline characters.............................................................................................................................. 82
11.15.2 Underline colours ................................................................................................................................................. 82
11.16 TARGET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE - VARIABLES PAGE ............................................................................................. 83
11.16.1 Target Specific System Variables list ............................................................................................................... 83
11.16.2 Add ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.16.3 Edit ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.16.4 Delete ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.16.5 Export ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.16.6 Import ...................................................................................................................................................................... 83
12 WHAT IS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
12.1 A LIN DATABASE? ........................................................................................................................................................... 84
12.2 A LIN FUNCTION BLOCK? ............................................................................................................................................. 84
12.3 A USER SCREEN EDITOR ACTION?.............................................................................................................................. 84
12.3.1 Supported Actions ..................................................................................................................................................... 85
12.4 A VARIABLE? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87
12.4.1 LIN Variable ................................................................................................................................................................. 87
12.4.2 Instrument Variable................................................................................................................................................... 87
12.5 AN AGENT? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 87
12.6 AN INSTRUMENT VARIABLE BROWSER? ................................................................................................................... 88
12.6.1 Using the Instrument Variable Browser window ............................................................................................... 88
12.7 AN OPERATOR INTERFACE LANGUAGE (OIFL)?...................................................................................................... 88
12.8 A LIN DATABASE BROWSER? ....................................................................................................................................... 88
12.8.1 Using the Browser window ...................................................................................................................................... 88
12.9 A REPORT WINDOW? ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
13 OTHER ITEMS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 89

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13.1 3D STYLING PROPERTIES PAGE.................................................................................................................................... 89

13.1.1 Bordering ..................................................................................................................................................................... 89
13.1.2 OK .................................................................................................................................................................................. 89
13.1.3 Apply ............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
13.1.4 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 89
13.2 ACCESS PROPERTIES PAGE............................................................................................................................................ 89
13.2.1 Visibility ........................................................................................................................................................................ 89
13.2.2 Writability .................................................................................................................................................................... 90
13.2.3 OK .................................................................................................................................................................................. 90
13.2.4 Apply ............................................................................................................................................................................. 90
13.2.5 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 90
13.3 ADD/EDIT BITMAP DIALOGUE ..................................................................................................................................... 90
13.3.1 Bitmap name ............................................................................................................................................................... 90
13.3.2 Bitmap filename ......................................................................................................................................................... 90
13.3.3 Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 90
13.3.4 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 90
13.3.5 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 90
13.4 ADD/EDIT COLOUR DIALOGUE ................................................................................................................................... 91
13.4.1 Colour details .............................................................................................................................................................. 91
13.4.2 Colour ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91
13.4.3 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
13.4.4 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91
13.5 ADD/EDIT FONT DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 91
13.5.1 Font name .................................................................................................................................................................... 91
13.5.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................................. 91
13.5.3 Font properties ........................................................................................................................................................... 91
13.5.4 Font filename (under Targets Font directory): .................................................................................................. 91
13.5.5 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 91
13.5.6 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 91
13.6 ADD/EDIT PANE DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 92
13.6.1 Pane type and name ................................................................................................................................................. 92
13.6.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................................. 92
13.6.3 Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 92
13.6.4 Support Default Pages .............................................................................................................................................. 92
13.7 ADD/EDIT TARGET VARIABLE DIALOGUE ................................................................................................................. 92
13.7.1 Target Variable ........................................................................................................................................................... 92
13.7.2 Add ................................................................................................................................................................................ 92
13.7.3 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 92
13.8 APPEARANCE PROPERTIES PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 93
13.8.1 Line/Text ...................................................................................................................................................................... 93
13.8.2 Fill/Background .......................................................................................................................................................... 93

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13.8.3 OK .................................................................................................................................................................................. 93
13.8.4 Apply ............................................................................................................................................................................. 93
13.8.5 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 93
13.9 BAR CHART PROPERTIES PAGE .................................................................................................................................... 93
13.9.1 Fill direction ................................................................................................................................................................ 93
13.9.2 Underline used for bar chart .................................................................................................................................. 93
13.9.3 OK .................................................................................................................................................................................. 94
13.9.4 Apply ............................................................................................................................................................................. 94
13.9.5 Cancel ........................................................................................................................................................................... 94
13.10 BITMAP ENUMERATION PROPERTIES PAGE ............................................................................................................. 94
13.10.1 Enumerated ............................................................................................................................................................ 94
13.10.2 Variable selection ................................................................................................................................................. 94
13.10.3 Bitmap selection ................................................................................................................................................... 95
13.10.4 OK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 95
13.10.5 Apply ........................................................................................................................................................................ 95
13.10.6 Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 95
13.11 BITMAP PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 96
13.11.1 Bitmap ..................................................................................................................................................................... 96
13.11.2 OK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 96
13.11.3 Apply ........................................................................................................................................................................ 96
13.11.4 Cancel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 96
13.12 BROWSER BLOCK ............................................................................................................................................................ 97
13.12.1 Browser Field (no subfields) .............................................................................................................................. 97
13.12.2 Browser Field (with subfields) ........................................................................................................................... 97
13.12.3 Browser Multi-bit field ........................................................................................................................................ 97
13.12.4 Browser Selection box ......................................................................................................................................... 97
13.12.5 Browser Subfield ................................................................................................................................................... 97
13.12.6 Browser Type box ................................................................................................................................................. 98
13.13 BUTTON TOOL PROPERTIES PAGE.............................................................................................................................. 98
13.14 COLOUR PALETTE ........................................................................................................................................................... 98
13.15 CHARACTER BASED SCREEN TYPES ............................................................................................................................ 99
13.16 COLOUR ATTRIBUTE PROPERTIES PAGE ................................................................................................................... 99
13.16.1 Colour Change....................................................................................................................................................... 99
13.16.2 Variable selection ................................................................................................................................................. 99
13.16.3 Colour selection .................................................................................................................................................. 100
13.16.4 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 100
13.16.5 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 100
13.16.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 100
13.17 COLOUR LIMITS PROPERTIES PAGE .......................................................................................................................... 100
13.17.1 Colour Limit Minimum ...................................................................................................................................... 100
13.17.2 Colour Limit Maximum ..................................................................................................................................... 101

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13.17.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 101

13.17.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 101
13.17.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 101
13.18 COLOUR SETUP DIALOGUE ........................................................................................................................................ 101
13.18.1 Default colours .................................................................................................................................................... 101
13.18.2 Colour options .................................................................................................................................................... 101
13.19 CONFIGURE PAGE ITEM ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 101
13.19.1 Enabling Actions ................................................................................................................................................. 101
13.20 CONFIRMATION PROPERTIES PAGE ......................................................................................................................... 102
13.20.1 Required Confirmation Type ........................................................................................................................... 102
13.20.2 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 102
13.20.3 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 102
13.20.4 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 102
13.21 DATA TYPES .................................................................................................................................................................... 103
13.22 DEFAULT T2900 AGENTS............................................................................................................................................. 104
13.23 ENUMERATION PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................................... 105
13.23.1 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 105
13.23.2 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 105
13.23.3 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 105
13.24 FILL STYLE PROPERTIES PAGE..................................................................................................................................... 106
13.24.1 Fill style ................................................................................................................................................................. 106
13.24.2 Fill mode ............................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.24.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.24.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.24.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.25 FONT SETUP DIALOGUE .............................................................................................................................................. 106
13.25.1 Default Font ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.25.2 Font options ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.25.3 Font dialogue ....................................................................................................................................................... 106
13.26 FORMAT PROPERTIES PAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.1 Number accuracy ............................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.2 Real Number format .......................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.3 Integer Number format .................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.4 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.5 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 107
13.26.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 107
13.27 GRID SETTINGS DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 108
13.27.1 Major grid settings ............................................................................................................................................. 108
13.27.2 Minor grid settings ............................................................................................................................................. 108
13.27.3 General grid settings .......................................................................................................................................... 108
13.27.4 Configure using default font ........................................................................................................................... 108

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13.27.5 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 108

13.27.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 108
13.28 LIMITS PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 109
13.28.1 Low Limit .............................................................................................................................................................. 109
13.28.2 Maximum .............................................................................................................................................................. 109
13.28.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 109
13.28.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 109
13.28.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 109
13.29 MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................................ 110
13.29.1 Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................................................................... 110
13.29.2 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 110
13.29.3 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 110
13.29.4 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 110
13.30 NEW PAGE SET DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 110
13.30.1 Name of new Page Set ...................................................................................................................................... 110
13.30.2 Target panel ......................................................................................................................................................... 110
13.30.3 Status Pane OIFL file .......................................................................................................................................... 111
13.30.4 Location of DB file for Page Set ..................................................................................................................... 111
13.30.5 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 111
13.30.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 111
13.31 OIFL PROPERTIES PAGE................................................................................................................................................ 111
13.31.1 Display ................................................................................................................................................................... 111
13.31.2 OIFL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 112
13.31.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 112
13.31.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 112
13.31.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 112
13.32 PAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 112
13.32.1 Page Item Actions - Example ........................................................................................................................... 112
13.32.2 Page Item Properties dialogue ........................................................................................................................ 113
13.32.3 Page Properties dialogue - Names page ....................................................................................................... 113
13.32.4 Page Properties dialogue - OSFK page ......................................................................................................... 114
13.32.5 OSFK Pane list...................................................................................................................................................... 114
13.32.6 Page Properties dialogue - Target page........................................................................................................ 115
13.33 PAGE SET PROPERTIES DIALOGUE ............................................................................................................................ 115
13.33.1 Name of Page Set ............................................................................................................................................... 115
13.33.2 Location of DB file for Page Set ..................................................................................................................... 115
13.33.3 Status Pane OIFL file .......................................................................................................................................... 115
13.33.4 Target panel ......................................................................................................................................................... 116
13.33.5 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 116
13.33.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 116
13.34 PANE SETUP DIALOGUE .............................................................................................................................................. 116

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13.34.1 Default Pane ........................................................................................................................................................ 116

13.35 PASSWORD PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................... 116
13.36 PROGRAM PROFILE PROPERTIES PAGE.................................................................................................................... 117
13.36.1 Program profile ................................................................................................................................................... 117
13.36.2 Program Profile appearance ............................................................................................................................ 117
13.37 TARGET INSTRUMENT DIALOGUE ............................................................................................................................ 118
13.37.1 Instrument ............................................................................................................................................................ 118
13.38 TARGET PANEL DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................... 118
13.38.1 Currently defined Target Panels ..................................................................................................................... 118
13.38.2 New ........................................................................................................................................................................ 118
13.38.3 Edit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118
13.38.4 Remove ................................................................................................................................................................. 118
13.38.5 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 118
13.38.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 118
13.38.7 Set Password ........................................................................................................................................................ 118
13.39 TEXT PROPERTIES PAGE ............................................................................................................................................... 119
13.39.1 Font ........................................................................................................................................................................ 119
13.39.2 Alignment & Underlining .................................................................................................................................. 119
13.39.3 Text......................................................................................................................................................................... 119
13.39.4 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 119
13.39.5 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 119
13.39.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 119
13.40 TEXT VARIABLE PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................................... 120
13.40.1 Text Tab ................................................................................................................................................................ 120
13.40.2 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 120
13.40.3 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 120
13.40.4 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 120
13.41 TOUCH AREA PROPERTIES PAGE .............................................................................................................................. 121
13.41.1 Touch Area Type................................................................................................................................................. 121
13.41.2 Destination Page ID & Name ........................................................................................................................... 121
13.41.3 Action .................................................................................................................................................................... 121
13.41.4 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 121
13.41.5 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 121
13.41.6 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 121
13.42 TREND GRAPH PROPERTIES PAGE ............................................................................................................................ 122
13.42.1 Growth direction ................................................................................................................................................ 122
13.42.2 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 122
13.42.3 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 122
13.42.4 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 122
13.43 TREND GRAPH VARIABLE PROPERTIES PAGE ........................................................................................................ 122
13.43.1 Variable ................................................................................................................................................................. 122

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13.43.2 Channel selection ............................................................................................................................................... 122

13.43.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 122
13.43.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 122
13.43.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 123
13.44 VARIABLE......................................................................................................................................................................... 123
13.44.1 Variable Properties page .................................................................................................................................. 123
13.44.2 Variable Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 124
13.44.3 OK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 124
13.44.4 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................................... 124
13.44.5 Cancel .................................................................................................................................................................... 124
14 DEFAULT PASSWORD........................................................................................................................................................... 125
15 INDEX ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 126

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The purpose of the User Screen Editor Online Help File is to explain the principles required to understand the
User Screen Editor and its available functions.
The document describes how the Tools, as part of the Editor, are used to create a pictorial arrangement of
Screens that represent your plant by dividing it into logical sections that display all appropriate runtime


1.1.1 LINtools Online Help
The LINtools Online Help file describes the use of the LINtools software program. It is a powerful multi-purpose
Windows-based software package for performing both off- and on-line configuration of a Target Instrument
control strategy.
Offline LINtools creates and modifies LIN-based process control strategies, sequences, and actions
for a range of target instruments.
Online it lets you monitor and interact with control and sequence strategies running in remote
instruments across the LIN, ELIN, or ALIN, providing a versatile commissioning and strategy
debugging toolkit.

1.1.2 LIN Blocks Reference Manual

The LIN Blocks Reference Manual (Part no. HA082375U003) describes the available instruments function blocks
that can be connected to this manufacturers’ Local Instrument Network (LIN). The purpose and workings of
each block are explained, specification menu parameters are defined and inputs and outputs indicated giving
enough detailed information needed to configure the block in a control strategy.

1.1.3 Application And Control Modules Operator Manual

This Application And Control Modules Operator Manual (Part no. HA084012U003) describe the application
(Section 1) and control modules (Section 2) available within the LIN environment. These modules can be used
in conjunction with existing LIN function blocks to perform a wide range of control tasks. Application modules
can be utilised for specific activities such as combustion control, load management and pump set control, while
Control modules consist of common devices such as motors and valves.

Contact your distributor if these documents are unavailable.

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The User Screen Editor is a Windows-style PC standalone graphical Editor that allows the design of custom
screens for products, otherwise described as Target Instruments, with operator panels (Target Instrument
Screen types). It outputs the Page designs in the Operator InterFace Language (OIFL) format, ready for
downloading to defined Target Instruments.

From Version 1.9, the User Screen Editor is NOT compatible with previous releases of the User Screen
Editor and will ONLY run on Windows XP and later operating systems.

The purpose of the User Screen Editor is to simplify the creation of interactive and inactive screens that can be
displayed on a specific Target Instrument Screen type, Target Panel. Each Target Panel contains a combination
of Pages (Page Sets), each Page representing a Pane on the Target Panel screen.

User Screen Editor project files (.uxp) should be edited using the appropriate User Screen Editor version.
Failure to do so will result in the Page Set becoming incompatible with previous versions of the User
Screen Editor. To resolve this problem, Open and Save each Page Set in turn using the latest User Screen
Editor version, available from the manufacturer.

1.2.1 Page Sets, Pages, and Targets

Using the User Screen Editor’s comprehensive set of tools, you design the screens as individual Pages in a group
of pages, called a Page Set. Page Sets must be designed for downloading to a specific Instrument Panel, whose
capabilities are pre-specified in a Target Definition File, called a Target.
All Page Sets, Pages, and Targets are configured using the appropriate Properties dialogue.
See also:
Page Set Properties dialogue
Page Properties dialogue - Name page
Page Properties dialogue - Target page

1.2.2 Panes
The Main pane is used to display the most significant information. It occupies most of the Target Instruments
screen, but other types of smaller pane are also configurable, e.g. 'Pop-up' panes that overlay the Main pane,
and a permanently visible 'Status' pane, often used as an alarm banner.

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1.2.3 Page Items

Graphical objects, Page Items, available for use in the designs include lines, geometric shapes, text, buttons,
touch-sensitive areas, bitmaps, etc. Three-dimensional relief effects can be applied to some Page Items.
Page Items may be left static or linked to variables in the associated LIN Database so that they change
appearance dynamically with changes in the variable's value. These Page Items include dynamic bar charts,
trend plots, and variable text legends. For Target Instruments supporting colour, dynamic colour-scheme
changes can also be configured to enhance operator awareness of the state of the LIN Database variables.

1.2.4 Page Item Properties dialogue

The properties of each Page Item differ, i.e. the Touch Area Page Item includes an, Access page, Fill Style page,
Touch Area page, and a Miscellaneous page, whereas the Rectangle Page Item includes the Access page,
Appearance page, Fill Style page, Colour Attribute page, Colour Limits page, and Miscellaneous page.
A confirmation page appears where applicable.

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Before starting to use to User Screen Editor to produce the required screens for the Target Instrument, try to
understand how all the appropriate information can be displayed on each Page, including any specific
information that is required at all times.
Start by analysing the process or instrument. To help with the analysis, it is very useful to sub-divide the process
or instrument into smaller groups of related functionality or equipment.

These smaller groups are the equivalent to the Pages of the User Screen Editor.

Information only relevant to a specific process or instrument could be displayed in the Main or User Panes.
Information that requires immediate attention, and therefore needs to be constantly displayed, such as Alarms,
could be displayed in a Status Pane.
Specific function block information could be displayed on both the Point and Faceplate Panes. The Point Pane
is a full size image, while the Faceplate Pane is a thumbnail version.

Creating a storybook or description of what is to appear on each of the Pages required is usually of help in
later stages of generating the User Screens, for the definition of Pop-up Panes, or Point Panes.

When satisfied with what is required on each Page, open the User Screen Editor and continue to generate the
required Pages using the Panes.


The User Screen Editor’s starting window permits Target Instruments to be specified, Page Sets to be created,
and generally initiate the design process.

2.2.1 To open the User Screen Editor:

Press  Start > Programs > LINtools Advanced. This reveals a menu of the installed tools.
Finally, click on User Screen Editor to launch the application. The blank User Screen Editor window appears.

If LINtools is currently open, simply select and open the Page Set file (.uxp) using the File > Open
command or double-click the selected Page Set file (.uxp). Alternatively, create a new Page Set file (.uxp)
using the File > New command. The Location of DB file for Page Set may still need to be configured.

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The User Screen Editor’s starting window permits a Target Instrument and Screen type to be specified, a Page
Set to be created, and to generally initiate the design process.

2.3.1 To use the User Screen Editor:

1. Open the User Screen Editor
2. Select,  Start > Programs > LINtools Advanced > User Screen Editor.
3. Create and/or edit a Page Set for the Target Instrument Screen Type
4. Create Page Sets that associate with a LIN Database, or open an existing Page Set using the command
and dialogue windows to show Pages applicable to the Target Instrument.
5. Specify and/or configure Target Screen type.
6. Create and/or edit a Page for the Target Instrument Screen Type
7. Create, or open existing Pages using the appropriate command and dialogue windows to show the
Page Items used, including Touch Areas, Bar Charts and Drawing tools.
8. Find and replace specific text strings.
9. Save and verify the Target Instrument User Screen configuration
10. All edits can now be displayed at the Target Instrument defined in the New Page Set dialogue.
11. The Error: No Database Defined error message appears if attempting to verify a Page Set before a LIN
Database has been associated.

Customised Target Screen types can be created. This is not recommended as each file (.uxt) contains the
unique pre specified configuration of the selected Target Screen type.

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The Main Display region of the Editor can be divided into design, and information regions.


Page Set
Page (Pane)
Page Item

3.1.1 Page set

A Page Set is a group of Pages associated with an application designed to be run in a Target Instrument with a
particular Target Instrument Screen type. A Page Set is similar to a folder, and only one is required per Target

Page Set filenames are assigned a .uxp extension when saved.

Before generating the individual screens for the Target Instrument, first create an 'empty' Page Set to
accommodate them. When the Pages are complete and ready to download to the Target Instrument, the whole
Page Set is downloaded, rather than the individual Pages.

If LINtools is currently open, simply select the File > New Page Set command to open the User Screen
Editor and display the New Page Set dialogue.

With the User Screen Editor open, simply select File > New Page Set command to display the Page Set dialogue.
Alternatively, click the New Page Set button.
Enter a name in the Name of new Page Set field that matches the LIN Database (.dbf) filename. The Target
Instrument uses the Page Set that matches the LIN Database (.dbf) filename.
From the Target Panel field, click the drop-down menu and select the required Target Panel type.
Enter the filename of the OIFL file (.ofl), in the Status Pane OIFL file field, needed for display in the Status Pane.

This field should remain unchanged unless an alternative Status Pane is required.

Finally, locate and select the LIN Database file (.dbf) that is to be associated with this Page Set Use the Browse
button to display the Open dialogue, which will assist with locating the required LIN Database file. Confirm
using the OK button.

New Page Sets created within the Project environment are automatically associated with the default LIN
Database filename (.dbf) in the same the Instrument folder.

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3.1.2 Pages and Panes

Pages are individual WYSIWYG ('What You See Is What You Get') Panes created and edited on the User Screen
Editor worksheet. Each Page corresponds to each specific Pane used by the Target Instrument.
Individual Pages, or group of Pages are combined to create a set of screens displayed by the Target Instrument.

Pages are stored in a Page Set, which is associated with a particular Target Instrument.

A Page must be configured with a Page Name, ID number, and Page Title, and the particular Pane in the
associated Target Instrument that the Page will be displayed on.

After opening the required Page, the colour of the User Screen background can be customised using the
Page > Panel Colour command.

A Pane is part of the User Screen Editor displaying specific types of information. Each Pane has unique
dimensions, applicable to the Target Instrument it is configured for, but other types of smaller pane, see below,
can be included in the Page Set.

Each Target Panel has a specific default set of Panes.
Main Pane This Pane occupies most of the Target Instrument screen, except for a narrow strip along the
top where the Status pane is located. It is used for a specific area of the system. Only one
Main Pane is configurable for a given target display. (In general, the location of the main
pane is target-dependent).
User Pane This is similar to the Main Pane occupies most of the Target Instrument screen.
Pop-up Pane This Pane will overlay the Main and User panes, but not the Status Pane, until closed by the
User. Several differently-sized Pop-up Panes can be configured.
Status Pane This Pane is a narrow strip located at the top of the Target Screen that is permanently visible,
i.e. 'always on top'. It is often used to show alarm status information. There can only be one
Status Pane in a display. (In general, the location of the status pane is target-dependent).
Point Pane This Pane has dimensions of 320  170 (VGA) and 800  450 (SVGA). It can be use d to
display a graphical representation for a specific block and its parameters. This is a Panel size
version of a Faceplate Pane.
Faceplate Pane This Pane has dimensions of 132  40 (VGA) and 172  80 (SVGA). It can be used to display
a graphical representation for a specific block and its parameters. This is a thumbnail version
of a Point Pane, allowing multiple Faceplate Panes to be displayed on one screen.
Off Screen Function Key (OSFK) Pane
This Pane has dimensions that are dependent on the size of the Target Screen. It is used to
configure the operation of the function keys (Fn) for Target Screen types that support off
screen keys, and is displayed below the pane when viewing or editing a page.
Dialogue Box Pane This is similar to a Pop-up pane, but is invoked by the system rather than by the operator. It
is often used to display warnings and system messages.

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3.1.2 PAGES AND PANES (Cont.)

Pages are the individual displays that correspond to the actual panel screens or part of the panel screen in the
Target Instrument depending on the Pane selected in the New Page dialogue.
12. Click the New Page button to display the New Page dialogue. Alternatively, select the Page Set > New
Page… command.
13. Edit the Page Name and ID parameters.
Enter a concise name in Name field to describe the function of this Page. This Page Name is displayed
in the Title bar for use in the User Screen Editor only, as the Page icon name. An ID number entered
in the ID field to the right must accompany the Name field. Any value between 1 and 999 can be

The 'home page' is normally assigned an ID of '1'. This is usually the power-up and timeout page, and is
accessible from the top-level menu. 'Built-in' pages have IDs > 999.

14. Edit the Page Title parameters. This is title of the Page as it appears on the instrument display.
For a fixed title, simply type the required character string into the Title field. Check the Use
Dictionary box if you want the title to change if the language is changed. Enter the corresponding
user-dictionary reference number in the Dictionary Entry No field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the current
user dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by the specified reference is displayed as the
15. Edit the Target field. Only the Pane field can be edited.
Select the required Pane type from the drop-down list. All other fields were defined when the Page
Set was created.

These fields become Read Only when the New Page dialogue is complete and accepted.

16. Edit the Legend parameters.

For a fixed legend, simply type the required character string into the Legend field. Check the Use
Dictionary box if you want the legend to change if the language is changed. Enter the corresponding
user-dictionary reference number in the Dictionary Entry No field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the current
user dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by the specified reference is displayed as the
17. Edit the Access Level parameters.
Always Accessible is selected by default. It indicates that this Page is unrestricted. Accessible if the
Operator Level is >= indicates that only Operators assigned to an Access Level greater than or equal
to the value specified can interact with this Page. The value can be changed using the up/down
buttons or simply by typing in the required Access Level number, 1 to 4.
18. Edit the Description parameter.
Enter a Page Description. This is user-information only, and is intended as an aid to maintainability,
and is not transferred to the runtime system.
19. Press, OK to confirm the Page parameters and close the dialogue, or Cancel to ignore the Page
parameters and close the dialogue.
The (blank) Page now appears on the Editor worksheet in its own window, entitled with the Page Set Name, and
ID and the Page name that was configured in this dialogue.

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3.1.3 Page items

A Page Item is defined as any WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) element, textual or pictorial, that can
be placed on a Page. By WYSIWYG is meant that the Page Item on the Editor worksheet page closely resembles
the corresponding display in the Target Instrument.
Page Items have a variety of configurable attributes - 'properties' - associated with them, that determine the
on-screen appearance and how they behave dynamically in the Target Instrument display.
Example property types include: appearance (line weight, colour, etc.), text (font, flashing, etc.), variable (linked
variable name, cold start value, etc.), and format (decimal places, date format, etc.)
After creating a Page Item, it must be configured using the appropriate values. The subset of properties
associated with each type of Page Item differs from item to item. Help topics describe the complete set of
properties currently offered by the User Screen Editor.
You can create two types of Page Item on a Page: Static and Dynamic.
A Static Page Item is one that has not been linked to the LIN Database and does not change its appearance in
the display. Such Page Items usually include text, lines, rectangles, etc. They are used to construct the static
parts of the screen display.

These Page Items can be configured to change colour dynamically if required.


A Dynamic Page Item is a Page Item that is linked to a point in the LIN Database running in the Target
Instrument, and responds in a specified way to the value of that point.
Some Dynamic Page Items change appearance continuously with the value of the linked point (e.g. bar graphs,
text variables) and so can give an indication of its current value at any time.
Others may alter only when the linked variable moves into or out of default value ranges.
All Page Items (except OIFLs and Touch Areas) can be configured to change colour or brightness with changes
in a LIN Database variable.
Page Items are configured using the Page Item Properties dialogue for that particular Page Item type.
Every Page Item Properties dialogue contains a number of pages, each page applying to one of the properties
applicable to the Page Item selected.

After opening the required Page, the colour of the User Screen background can be customised using the
Page > Panel Colour command.


The Panel colour palette permits selection of a colour for the screen of the Target Panel. A range of colours is
displayed on the ‘Color’ palette dialogue.

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3.1.3 PAGE ITEMS (Cont.)

20. Open the required Page.
21. Select Page > Panel Colour to reveal the Color dialogue.
22. Select the colour and confirm using the OK button.

3.1.4 To Define customised colours

All colours can be customised using the colour editing palette displayed when the Define Custom Colors button
is pressed.
23. Open the Colors palette dialogue.
24. Select the required colour and confirm using the OK button. Alternatively, define a customised colour
palette using the Define Custom Colors button to reveal additional colour editing palette.
25. Select a vacant custom colour slot, and adjust the colour using the numeric fields or the cross-hair on
the colour spectrum screen beside.
26. When satisfied, press the Add to Custom Colors button.
27. Now, select the required colour and confirm using the OK button.

Up to sixteen customised colours can be stored using the vacant Custom colors slots.


28. Double-click the Page Item with the left mouse button to display the Page Item Properties dialogue.
29. Alternatively, to display the Page Item Properties dialogue, select the Page Item on the worksheet,
then right-click the Page Item and select Properties from the pop-up menu,
or click Edit > Properties > Page Item…

To select a Page Item click anywhere on or within its outline. This applies to unfilled as well as to filled

30. The Page Item Properties dialogue appears, displaying all the pages applicable to the selected Page
31. Select each page in-turn, editing the parameters as required. Individual text strings can be found
and/or replaced using the Search command to reveal the Find dialogue.
32. Press OK to confirm the parameter changes and close the dialogue, or Cancel to ignore the changes
and close the dialogue.

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This window records the operation it attempts and displays any validation warnings or errors it may have found.
Validation involves checking that the data is complete and that it is consistent with the LIN Database file (.dbf),
i.e. the referenced LIN fields exist in the LIN Database file (.dbf) and are of the correct type.
Validation is carried out when,
the Verify Page Set command is selected
a Page Set file is loaded
a Page Set file is saved
a Page Set file is closed

Double-click an error or warning record to access the application needed to correct the problem.

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Use the LIN Database Browser dialogue to select a Variable or function block in the associated LIN Database,
for linking to a Dynamic Page Item.

3.3.1 Associating a LIN Database with the Page Set

The reason for associating a LIN Database with Page Set is to allow Dynamic Page Items to display defined
points in the LIN Database running in the during runtime.

LIN Databases are associated with a Page Set using either the New Page Set or the Page Set Properties

33. A LIN Database can be associated when first creating a Page Set. Select the File > New Page Set
command to display the New Page Set dialogue. Alternatively, select File > Properties > Page Set to
display the Page Set Properties dialogue.
34. The required LIN Database filename can be entered in the Location of DB file for Page Set field. If the
LIN Database filename (. dbf) is unknown, press the Browse… button to reveal the Open dialogue to
help locate the LIN Database filename. If the LIN Database functions are unavailable because the LIN
Database file (.dbf) failed to load, the LINDBIF.dll could be missing.
35. Press OK to confirm LIN Database selection.

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The action of the LIN Database Browser is context-sensitive. It displays only the LIN function blocks and fields
relevant to the current page item property.

3.3.2 Instrument browser

This is an example of a partially designed Page Set for a defined Target Screen type.

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A Target is an Instrument manufactured with a specific screen type. The screen type capabilities are pre
specified in a Target Definition file. All existing Target Screen type templates can be edited using the Target
Panels dialogue.
Each Target Definition file contains all relevant information about the screen type, i.e. overall screen size, what
Panes, Drawing tools, Capabilities (such as, Signing (21CFRpt11), or Touch Areas) are supported.

Customised Target Screen types can be created. This is not recommended as each file (.uxt) contains the
unique default configuration of the selected Target Screen type.

Target Definition (.uxt) files should NOT be created or edited by users who are not fully competent to do
so. Otherwise, Target Definition files may be created that are NOT compatible with any of the
manufacturers Target Screen types. In such as case, pages using incompatible Target Definition files will
have to be redrawn in their entirety using the appropriate Target Definition file.


Select the Target Definitions command, File > Target Definitions, to display the Target Panels dialogue.
Alternatively, press <Crtl + T>.

The Target Definition may be password protected. If either the Default Password or changed Password is
configured any attempt to open this dialogue will request a password to continue.

Press ‘New’ to initiate the Target Panel wizard. The first dialogue of the Target Panel wizard appears.
Enter an appropriate template name for the Target Screen type being created. Select the Target Instrument
and Target Screen type (Pixel based or character based).
Select the type of database the Target Instrument uses (LIN Database or SIB, (not supported - greyed out)).
Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Enter the required Target Screen type size in pixels. Enter the width of the Target Screen type. Enter the
height of the Target Screen type.
If the Character based screen type was selected previously, additional width and height characters parameters
are requested. Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the colour capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select a radio button to specify the colour capabilities supported by the Target Screen type.
Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the interactive capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the interactive capability supported by the Target Screen type.
Press Next to continue.

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Select the screen indication capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the indication capability supported by the Target Screen type.
Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the screen Chart Drawing capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the Chart Drawing capabilities supported by the Target Screen
type. Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the General Drawing capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the Drawing capabilities supported by the Target Screen type.
Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the Object Drawing capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the Object Drawing capabilities supported by the Target Screen
type. Press ‘Next’ to continue.
If the Pixel based display was selected previously in step 2 continue from step 12.
If the Character based display was selected previously in step 2 the additional parameters must be completed.
Select the Character Drawing capabilities of.
Select the appropriate checkboxes to specify the Character Drawing capabilities supported by the Target Screen
type. Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Select the Character Underline capabilities of Target Screen type.
Select the first checkbox to specify the Character Underline capabilities supported by the Target Screen type.
Enter the number of special underline sections the Target Screen type has and the height of the character cells
in pixels.
Select the last checkbox to permit the use of underline section in Bar Charts. Press ‘Next’ to continue.
Enter an appropriate filename for the Target Screen type being created.
Press Finish to save the Target Screen type to the User Screen Editor > Targets directory.
The Target Screen type is created, however it must now be selected to define the Target Screen type.


All Target Screen type templates can be edited via the Target Properties dialogue. Either press the Edit button
on the Target Panels dialogue or double-click the required Target Screen type.
Select the Target Definitions command, File > Target Definitions, to display the Target Panels dialogue.
Alternatively, press <Crtl + T>.

The Set Password button is used to restrict access to the Target Panels dialogue. If a Password is configured any
attempt to open this dialogue will request a password to continue.

Select the Target Screen type.

Press Edit to display the Target Properties dialogue. Edit each page in turn as required. Press the appropriate
button to continue: OK to accept the changes and close the dialogue, Cancel to ignore any changes and close
the dialogue. Apply to accept the changes, but continue to edit the Target Properties.

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The Menu Bar is a special toolbar at the top of the screen that contains 7 pulldown functions. Each pulldown
displays a list of commands.


The File pulldown enables the User to manage the User Screen Editor by offering the following commands.

Some commands are only available in certain circumstances. When unavailable, commands are greyed out.

New Page Set Click this to display the New Page Set dialogue allowing the Page Set Properties to be
configured in readiness for the required Target Instrument Pages.
Open Page Set Click this to display the Open/Browse dialogue in order to locate an existing Page Set. If
another instance of the selected file is already open, a message appears asking if a new
instance of the page set is to be opened, or if the existing instance should be switched to.
Where several instances are open, ‘Switch to…’ always opens the first instance.
Close Page set Click to close the selected Page Set window. A prompt dialogue may appear if there are
unsaved changes.
Import Page set Click this to display the ‘Open’ dialogue. This allows a Page Set from another source to be
included in the current Target Instrument.
Save Click to save the currently open file with its current file name, location, and file format,
overwriting the existing file.
Save As… Saves the active file with a different file name, location, or file format.

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5.1 FILE MENU (Cont.)

Target definitions… Click this to display the Target Panels dialogue. This allows the Target Panel type to be
Options… Click this to display the Options dialogue. This allows the user to change the destination of
the Target Panel type files and Portmap files using the Browse button.
Build Output (OIFL) files
Click this to open the Report Window and build the current Page Set, listing any errors and
warnings that may cause the Target Instrument to function incorrectly.
Configure automatic building of output files
Click this display the Save OIFL dialogue. This allows the configuration of a default response
to saving an OIFL to be specified.

Print Setup Click this to display the Print Setup dialogue. This configures the paper source, paper size,
page orientation, and other layout options for the active file.
Print Preview Click this to display an impression in the Print Preview window of the selected Page when
Print… Click this to display the Print dialogue. This prints the active file or selected items.

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The Edit pulldown enables the User to manipulate the current objects by offering the following commands.

Some commands are available only in certain circumstances. Unavailable commands are greyed out.

Undo Click this to reverse the last command or deletes the last entry you typed. To reverse more
than one action at a time, click the arrow next to the Redo tool command, and then click
the actions you want to undo.
Redo Click this to reverse the action of the Undo command. To redo more than one action at a
time, click the arrow next to the Undo tool command, and then click the actions you want
to redo.
Cut Click this to remove the selected object from the active document and place it on the
Copy Click this to copy the selected object to the Clipboard.
Paste Click this to insert the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point, and replaces any selection.
This command is available only if you have cut or copied an object, text, or contents of a
Delete Click to remove the selected object from the currently open window.
Select All Click to select all objects in the currently open window, either Pages in the Page Set or Page
Items in the Page

Multiple objects or files can be selected individually while pressing the <Ctrl> key, or a consecutive group of
files by selecting the first file, then while pressing the <SHIFT> key, click the last file.

Save to Library… Click this to store a copy of the selected object or grouped objects to the User Screen Editor
library. The Library can store commonly used Page Items.
Load from Library...Click this to display the library of commonly used Page Items.
Find… Click this to display the Find and Replace dialogue. This dialogue permits the User to search
for specific sequence of characters. When located the results can be sorted in alphabetical
ascending or descending order.
Properties Click to reveal a further menu, allowing selection of the Page Set, Page or Page Item.
Selection displays the appropriate Properties dialogue.

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5.2 EDIT MENU (Cont.)

Use this to search for a specific text string within a Page Set, and if required, to replace it with another defined
text string. The fields are:
Find what Enter the text string that is to be searched for.
Incremental searching
Indicates that the search for the specific text string will commence immediately, refining the
search as characters are added to the text string.
Exact match Indicates that the search for the specific text string will list only those occurrences that
match the ‘Find what’ text exactly.
Match case Indicates that the search for the specific text string will list only those occurrences that
match the case as entered in the Find what field. For example, Type in AcSource, not
Acsource to find the LIN Variable, AcSource.
Replace Enables the Replace with field, and indicates that any occurrence of the specific text string
being searched for can be replaced with the text string in the Replace with field.
Replace with This is the LIN Variable, Instrument Variable, or specific text string that will replace the text
string entered in the Find what field. Use the Browse button to display the LIN Database or
the Instrument Browser dialogue, may assist in locating the required Variable.
LIN Variable Use this radio button to select to search the LIN Database Variable. Use the Browse button
to display the LIN Database Browser dialogue, to assist with locating the required Variable.
Instrument Variable
Use this radio button to select to search the Instrument Variable. Use the Browse button to
display the Instrument Browser dialogue, to assist with locating the required Variable.
Start search Initiates the search for the text string specified in the Find what field.
Replace Replaces the selected occurrence of the text string specified in the Find what field with the
text string in the Replace with field.
Replace all Replaces all occurrences of the text string specified in the Find what field with the text string
in the Replace with field.
Done Closes the dialogue.
Table Lists all occurrences of the text string specified in the Find what field.

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The View pulldown enables the User to control the appearance of Pages displayed in the Page Set window, and
to select and indicate which toolbars are currently displayed.

Toolbar The Toolbar hosts icon buttons that enable quick access to a limited amount of Edit and
View commands. It is displayed by default and located at the top of the User Screen Editor.
Drawbar The Drawbar tools allow the user to create new graphical and text items on the active Page.
The items may be static, or if linked to an instrument or LIN database can be made to
change colour, to ‘fiil’ or ‘empty’ etc. according to the value of the variable.
Textbar The Textbar permits quick access to the Text tools provided, which are used to modify the
attributes and appearance of Text Page Items on the currently open Page.
Statusbar The Status Bar displays specific User Screen Editor information, such as, current editor action
or status, and various properties of the Page Item(s) selected on the page. It is displayed by
default and located along the foot of the User Screen Editor.
Large Icon Click to show the contents of the selected Page Set in a standard size icon format.
Small Icons Click to show the contents of the selected Page Set in a small size icon format.
List Click to show the contents of the selected Page Set in list format, alphabetically and
Details Click to show the contents of the selected Page Set in list format, but including further
specific information for each Page.

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The PageSet pulldown enables the User to manage the Page Set.

New Page… Click this to display the New Page dialogue allowing the Page Properties to be configured.
Open Page Click this to open the Page currently selected in the Page Set.
Close Page Click this to close the currently open Page.
Verify Page Set Click this to immediately open the Report Window and build the current Page Set, listing any
errors and warnings that may cause the Target Instrument to function incorrectly.
On-line to panel Click this to create a communications link from the current Page Set to the Target
Instrument, defined in the Location of DB for Page Set in the Page Set Properties dialogue,
in a live system.
Show Page Set OIFL Strings
Click this to display all OIFL Strings used in the current Page Set in a Read-Only OIFL Strings
for… window.


The Page menu allows the User to control the Page Items on the Page.

Show OIFL Strings Click to display the OIFL Strings used on the current Page. The OIFL strings are displayed in a
Read-Only window.
Show Cold Start Values
If this item is selected, the User Screen representation shows the Show Cold Start Value if
possible, or a series of question marks ( ? ) if the value does not fit the graphic. If not
selected, or if the values are not available for a particular Variable, the value appears as a
series of asterisks ( * ). The number of asterisks displayed is equivalent to the number of
display characters allocated to the variable, which can edited on the worksheet.
Panel Colour... Click to display the Colour palette dialogue. This allows the user to select the required
colour for the User Screen of the Target Instrument, defined in the Location of DB for Page
Set field of the Page Set Properties dialogue, in a live system.

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The Window menu allows the User to the Page Set, and Page locations on the pc screen.

Cascade Click this to display the currently open windows one on top of the other, but in such a way
that title bar for each window remains visible.
Tile Click this to display the currently open windows equally in the main User Screen Editor, so as
to display as much of the window as possible.
Arrange Icon Click this to display all open files in separate windows on the screen. The Arrange Icon
command makes it easier to drag between files.
Current Window Click the required entry to display it as the main window.


Help Opens the on-line help file including Contents, Index, and Search facilities. <F1> help also
opens this help file, but at a topic appropriate to the cursor position.
About User Screen Editor…
This displays the program details including the name, version number, and description.

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6.1.1 New Page Set command

Click this to display the New Page Set dialogue allowing the Page Set Properties to be configured in readiness
for the required Target Instrument Pages

6.1.2 Open Page Set command

Click this to display the Open/Browse dialogue in order to locate an existing Page Set. If another instance of the
selected file is already open, a message appears asking if a new instance of the page set is to be opened, or if
the existing instance should be switched to. Where several instances are open, ‘Switch to…’ always opens the
first instance.

6.1.3 Save Page Set command

Click this to overwrite the current Page Set information with the current changes.

6.1.4 New Page command

Click this to display the New Page dialogue allowing the Page Properties to be configured.

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6.1.5 Open Page command

Click this to open the Page currently selected in the Page Set.

6.1.6 Close Page command

Click this to close the currently open Page.

6.1.7 Build Output (OIFL) Files command

Click this to open the Report Window and build the current Page Set, listing any errors and warnings that may
cause the Target Instrument to function incorrectly.

6.1.8 Verify Page Set command

Click this to immediately open the Report Window and build the current Page Set, listing any errors and
warnings that may cause the Target Instrument to function incorrectly.

6.1.9 Find command

Click this to display the Find and Replace dialogue. This dialogue permits the User to search for specific
sequence of characters. When located the results can be sorted in alphabetical ascending or descending order.

6.1.10 Open Database command

Click this to open the associated LIN Database using the LINtools configurator.

6.1.11 Back Command

This command returns the user to the calling application. For example, if this instance of User Screen Editor
has been launched from LINtools by double-clicking on ‘User Screen Editor’ in the Tools menu, then clicking on
this icon returns the focus to LINtools.

6.1.12 Cut command

Click this to removes the selected object from the active document and place it on the Clipboard.

6.1.13 Copy command

Click this to copy the selected object to the Clipboard.

6.1.14 Paste command

Click this to insert the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point, and replaces any selection. This
command is available only if you have cut or copied an object, text, or contents of a cell.

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6.1.15 Undo command

Click this to reverse the last command or deletes the last entry you typed. To reverse more than one action at a
time, click the arrow next to the Redo tool command, and then click the actions you want to undo

6.1.16 Redo command

Click this to reverse the action of the Undo command. To redo more than one action at a time, click the arrow
next to the Undo tool command, and then click the actions you want to redo.

6.1.17 Zoom Factor command

Click this to display the top left corner of the Page at the Zoom Factor indicated.

6.1.18 Whats This? command

Click this to display a simple explanation of the next selected User Screen Editor command.


The Status Bar displays specific User Screen Editor information, such as, current editor action or status, and
various properties of the Page Item(s) selected on the page. It is displayed by default and located along the foot
of the User Screen Editor.

VIS: This field shows the Access State of the selected Page Item as defined in the objects
Properties dialogue.
WRI: This field shows the Variable State of the selected Page Item as defined in the Page Item
Properties dialogue.
MAX: This field shows the High Limit, if supported by the selected Page Item, as configured in the
Limit Page of the Page Item Properties dialogue.
MIN: This field shows the Low Limit, if supported by the selected Page Item, as configured in the
Limit Page of the Page Item Properties dialogue.
X: Y: This field shows the page co-ordinates in Pixels of the most upper left point of the selected
Page Item.
W: H: This field shows the Width and Height in Pixels of the selected Page Item.
total items This shows the total number of Page Items used and how many are currently selected on
this Page.
Communications Status
This indicates the communication status of the User Screen Editor, e.g. that it is
communicating with the Target Instrument in a live system.
Time This indicates to current time according to the location of the User Screen Editor.

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The Text bar permits quick access to the Text tools provided, which are used to modify the attributes and
appearance of Text Page Items on the currently open Page.

6.3.1 Font style command

Click this to select a font type for the currently selected Text Page Item.

6.3.2 Align Text Left command

Click to align the selected Text Page Item within the available text frame, to the left.

6.3.3 Align Text Left-biased Centre command

Click to align the selected Text Page Item, within the available text frame, to the centre with a left-hand bias.
Text is aligned to the nearest character width. ‘Left-biased Centre’ biases the alignment one character-width to
the left when the string cannot be positioned in the exact centre.

6.3.4 Align Text Right-biased Centre command

Click to align the selected Text Page Item within the available text frame to the centre with a right-hand bias.
Text is aligned to the nearest character width. ‘Right-biased Centre’ biases the alignment one character-width to
the right when the string cannot be positioned in the exact centre.

6.3.5 Align Text Right command

Click to align the selected Text Page Item within the available text frame to the right.

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The Placement bar tool icons allow the user to manipulate the position and orientation of a selected Page Item.
The default position for this toolbar is vertically, against the right-hand side of the screen. For convenience, it
is shown here detached and horizontal.
Not all tools are enabled for all page items. Disabled tools are greyed out.

Bring to front. Click to bring the selected Page Item to the front of the page, i.e. to the top layer.

Send to back. Click to send the selected Page item to the back of the page, i.e. to the bottom layer.

Bring Forward. Brings the selected item forward (up) one layer.

Send backward. Sends the selected item back (down) one layer.

Group. Places all selected items in a group.

UnGroup. Ungroups one level of grouping.

Flip horizontal. Flips item or group left-right.

Flip vertical. Flips item or group up/down

Rotate clockwise. Rotates item 90 degrees clockwise.

Custom rotate. Allows the user to enter an absolute angle for the item.
Increasing angle rotates clockwise.

Align objects left. Aligns left edges of all selected items.

Align objects right. Aligns right edges of all selected items.

Align objects top. Aligns top edges of all selected item.

Align objects bottom. Aligns bottom edges of all selected item.

Toggles gridline visibility on and off. If enabled, ‘Snap to Gridlines’ still operates when grid lines off.
Gridlines do not appear at the target screen.

Grid Colour. Allows the user to select a colour for the gridlines.

Grid settings. Allows the grid and ‘snap to grid’ characteristics to be edited. See ‘Grid settings’, below,
for further details.

Snap object(s) to grid. If ‘Snap to grid’ is disabled in ‘Grid settings’, then this button can be used to
snap individual items to the grid if required. Aligns the top and left edges to the nearest grid line.

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6.4.1 Grid settings dialogue

Accessed by clicking on the grid settings icon in the Placement bar. The tool is disabled for character-based
targets, where settings are fixed (based on target character cell size).

Turning the Grid on will help when attempting to align Page Items.

A Grid will have the same effect when displayed or hidden.


These fields specify the major grid horizontal and vertical spacing.
The minor grid settings are relative to the top-left corner of each major grid cell (0, 0).
General grid settings
Snap to grid Check this to cause the vertices (or bounding-box corners) of Page Item being drawn to
snap to the grid (whether hidden or not).
Use minor grid lines for item alignment
Check this to make the ‘snap to grid’ (if selected) and ‘nudge items…’ alignment action work
on the minor grid lines. If left unchecked, only the major grid lines are used.
Nudge items to nearest grid line
Check this to cause highlighted item(s) to jump one grid spacing in the selected direction
each time a keyboard cursor key is pressed. If unchecked, they jump one pixel only. This
works even if ‘snap to grid’ is not selected.
Use dotted lines for grid lines
Check this to make the grid lines appear dashed. If unchecked, the grid lines are solid.
Click this button to set the major grid spacing to match the default font cell size -- convenient for laying out

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Click to close the dialogue and enable the grid settings.
Click to close the dialogue without altering the existing grid settings.


The Draw bar tool icons allow the user to create new and edit existing Page Items. Generally items are
positioned on the page by clicking on the tool icon, clicking on the screen to define the top left-hand corner,
and then without releasing the left mouse key, dragging the bottom right-hand corner of the item to the
required position. The size, and aspect ratio of an item on the screen can subsequently be edited using the
item's handles. The position on the screen is adjusted by click / dragging on the item outline (or if filled, within
the item).
The properties of an item (colours, assignment of variables and so on) are set in the properties page associated
with the item. This is most readily accessed by double clicking on the item, but it can also be opened by right
clicking on the item and selecting 'Properties...' or by using the shortcut <Alt> + <Enter>.

Selection tool. Used to select an object, or a group of objects for editing.

Text tool. Allows new text to be entered or existing text to be edited.

Line tool. Allows straight lines to be drawn on the screen.

Rectangle tool. Allows rectangles to be drawn. Squares are deemed to be rectangle with sides of equal

Rounded Rectangle Tool. Not applicable with this version of software. Always 'greyed out' (disabled).

Ellipse tool. Allows ellipses to be drawn. A circle is an ellipse having minor axes the same length as the
major axis.

Triangle tool. Triangles are drawn with the base horizontal: the corner positions must be edited if any
other orientation is required.

Bitmap tool. Allows a bitmap image to be placed on the screen. Initially, this item is drawn with the text
'Bitmap undefined' inside its area. The bitmap is defined, by selecting it using the Browse key, as described in
the Bitmap Properties page topic.

Barchart tool. Allows the inclusion of a barchart display on the screen. Initially, this is drawn containing a
question mark to indicate that there is no source defined for the item. Once a suitable source has been
selected the question mark disappears. One way of doing this is to double click on the bar chart and then to
use the browse key in the resulting 'Bar Chart Item Properties' page to navigate to a suitable variable which is
then clicked-on to select it. See 'Bar Chart Properties page' for more details.

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6.5 DRAW BAR (Cont.)

Trend Graph tool. Allows a Trend Graph to be incorporated in the user screen. As described for 'Barchart',
above, it is initially drawn with a question mark within it, and this remains until a variable has been assigned to
the trend. See 'Trend Graph Properties page' for more details.

Program Profile tool. Similar to the Trend Graph tool, this allows a set point programmer profile to be
added to the screen. This can either be static or dynamic as selected from the Program Profile properties page.
The item is initially drawn containing a question mark which remains until a program block has been assigned
to it..

Text Variable tool. This allows a 'dynamic' text string (a process variable value for example) to appear on
the user screen, by linking the text to a database variable. Initially the item appears as a string of question
marks, but once linked to the database, the question marks change to a asterisks (*). If a suitable variable is
selected, the Enumerations area of the Text Variable Properties page can be used to change text strings
according to the value of the variable. Further, for supporting instruments only, if a suitable variable is
selected, then the text variable can be configured such that the actual text string displayed at the instrument's
operator interface can be selected, by the user, from a drop down (combo) list.

Touch Area tool. This allows an area of the screen to become touch sensitive. The action(s) to be carried
out when this area of screen is touched are defined in the Touch Area properties page, described in a separate
topic. The touch area is invisible at the Operator interface, but it can be overlaid by another suitable item if
required, Alternatively other page items, such as triangles, rectangles etc. can be made touch sensitive by
configuring the 'Touch Area' tab of their properties page appropriately.

Button Tool. Allows a 'button' to be positioned on the screen. Buttons are items that are touch sensitive;
the action(s) to be carried out being configured in the 'Touch Area' tab of the Button Tool Properties page.

OIFL tool. This allows an area containing Operator Interface Language text to be positioned on the screen.
See the 'OIFL properties page' topic for further details.

Line / Text Colour. This defines the default colour for Text and Line page items. Text
appears on a background colour defined in the Fill / Background, but line items such as rectangles, triangles
etc. are filled only if 'Object is filled' is enabled in the item's properties. The required colour is selected from a
pull down palette which appears when the down arrow is clicked-on.

Fill/Background colour. This defines the default background colour for text (which appears
in the Foreground colour), and the fill colour for any line item which has 'Object is filled' enabled in its
properties page. The required colour is selected from a pull down palette which appears when the down arrow
is clicked-on

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7 HOW TO...
This indicates the specific Screen type, including the supported capabilities, fitted in the Target Instrument. To
configure a target screen:
Select the Target Definitions command, File > Target Definitions, to display the Target Panels dialogue.
Alternatively, press <Crtl + T>.
This dialogue shows a list of pre-defined Target Screen types. Either:
Press ‘New’ to initiate the Target Panel wizard and create a Customised Target Screen type template,
Click a pre-defined Target Screen type and press ‘Edit’ to reveal the Target Properties dialogue allowing these
properties to be edited, or
Click a pre-defined Target Screen type and press ‘Remove’ to delete the Target Screen type template after
Click a Target Screen type and press ‘OK’ to accept.

The Target Definition may be password protected. If a Password is configured any attempt to open this dialogue
will request a password to continue.
Customised Target Screen types can be created. This is not recommended as each file (.uxt) contains the unique
default configuration of the selected Target Screen type.

See also: Create a Target Screen type, Edit a Target Screen type


To allow the User Screen Editor to draw realistic character-based lines in a similar way, the required characters
must be mapped to each of these special line-segment symbols. The mapping is configured via a graphical
character-symbol map as follows:.
Access the Target Properties dialogue for the character-based Target Screen type and click the ‘Mappings’ tab
to see the Mappings page.
Click the Character drawing capability checkboxes according to whether the Target Screen type has characters
for drawing straight lines and/or 45° lines.
In the Character description field, select a character from the dropdown menu, and type in the corresponding
ASCII code (0-255). This code maps the particular character to its image in the font bitmap that will be active
when character lines are drawn on the User Screen Editor worksheet.
Map the remaining graphics characters to their ASCII codes, then click 'OK' to store your entries and return to
the Target Panels dialogue.

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Associating a LIN Database with a Page Set allows Page Items to display LIN database points, dynamically, during

LIN Databases are associated with a Page Set using either the New Page Set or the Page Set Properties

A LIN Database can be associated when first creating a Page Set. Select the File > New Page Set command to
display the New Page Set dialogue. Alternatively, select File > Properties > Page Set to display the Page Set
Properties dialogue.
The required LIN Database filename can be entered in the Location of DB file for Page Set field.
If the LIN Database filename (. dbf) is unknown, press the Browse… button to reveal the Open dialogue to help
locate the LIN Database filename.
If the LIN Database functions are unavailable because the LIN Database file (.dbf) failed to load, the LINDBIF.dll
could be missing.
Press OK to confirm LIN Database selection.


If the LIN Database for the current Page Set is configured and specified at the Page Set Properties dialogue in
the ‘Location of DB file for Page Set’ field, selecting Show Cold Start Values command will display actual Cold
Start Values instead of asterisks ( * ) in screen Page Items incorporating a Variable (e.g. Text Variables).
With ‘Show Cold Start Values’ selected, the User Screen representation shows the Show Cold Start Value if
possible, or a series of question marks ( ? ) if the value does not fit the graphic.
If ‘Show Cold Start Values’ is not selected, or if the values are not available for a particular Variable, the value
appears as a series of asterisks ( * ). The number of asterisks displayed is equivalent to the number of display
characters allocated to the variable, which can edited on the worksheet.


This command starts the verification process ensuring the currently open Page Set has been correctly
configured and builds the Target Instrument screens. It can be performed at any time, giving an up to date
report of the Page Set.

You MUST verify a Page Set and eliminate all problems before downloading to the Target Instrument.
Failure to do so will result in downloading Pages (screens) to the instrument, which may be incorrect.
This could cause problems with the operation of the instrument.
To resolve this problem,
Follow the instructions below.


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7.5.1 To verify a Page Set

Initiate Page Set verification by clicking the ‘Verify Page Set’ button or by selecting Page Set > Verify Page Set
The Report Window is revealed and verification of the Page Set is started. This window records the operations it
attempts and any warnings or errors it may have found. These can be used to help diagnose and correct

Double-click an error or warning record to access the application needed to correct the problem.

“Warning: Database Not Defined. Variable references will not be verified.”
This indicates that one or more Variables have been specified incorrectly.

“Build finished: no errors and no warnings.”

This indicates a completely successful result.


The Find dialogue permits the User to search for a specific text string within a Page Set, and if required, replace
with a LIN Variable, Instrument Variable, or another defined text string.

7.6.1 To find all occurrences of a text string

Select the Search command, Edit > Search, to display the Find dialogue.
In the Find what field, enter the text string to be located.

Use wildcard characters or enter only part of the required sequence of characters to broaden the results.
By using the ‘%’ wildcard character any single character is found; a search for ‘s?t’ finds ‘sit’ and ‘set’ and
the ‘*’ wildcard character finds any multiple characters in a string of text, a search for ‘s*t’ finds ‘seat’,
‘sent’ and ‘settlement’.

Refine the search criteria, if required.

Use the Incremental Searching checkbox to start searching the Page Set as the first character is entered. As
characters are added the occurrences that match the text string appear in the table.
Use the Exact match checkbox to find only occurrences that are identical to the text string in the Find what
Use the Match case checkbox to find only occurrences that are identical to the text string in the Find what

Incremental searching can improve response time when searching for a text string across many Pages.

If the text string in the Find what field must be replaced, select the Replace checkbox to enable Replace with
field. Use the LIN Variable radio button, Instrument Variable radio button and Browse button to specify what
the text string in the Find what field must be changed to.
Press the Start search button to initiate the search for the text string entered in the Find what field. As each
occurrence is located it is listed in the table below the Replace with field.

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Edit the occurrences as appropriate.
Move directly to an occurrence by double-clicking the list item.
Select a single list item and replace the selected text string occurrence with the text string in the ‘Replace with’
field by pressing the ‘Replace’ button.
Replace all occurrences of the selected text string with the text string in the ‘Replace with’ field by pressing the
‘Replace all’ button.
Press ‘Done’ to close the Find dialogue.


If more than 2 Off Screen Function Key (OSFK) Panes have been configured in the Page Set a default must be
Determine which Off Screen Function Key (OSFK) Pane is required.
Select the required OSFK Pane to reveal the context-sensitive menu and select the Set As Default command.
This is now the default OSFK pane, with a page ID of 998.


Structured Text (ST) strings are limited to the form "<name>:=<value>;", where <name> is the name of a LIN
Database field or subfield enclosed in square brackets, and <value> is a string representing the value to be
The value string may be enclosed in single quotes, and may then make use of standard Structured Text (ST) ‘$’
escape sequences.
Alternatively, it may be unquoted, in which case it is terminated by ‘;’ or a space.
Space characters are permitted either side of ":=" and before the ‘;’. The effect of the assignment will be the
same as if the value string had been typed in via LINtools.
For numeric or Boolean variables, <value> may also be a limited form of Structured Text (ST) expression,
involving only fields within the function block being assigned.

7.8.1 Example
ST:"[PID1.SL]:=SL+10.0;" (increments SL when button pressed).

7.8.2 Structured Text syntax

Page Item Actions are written using Structured Text. When writing Page Item Actions the following Structured
Text syntax must be used.
[...] indicates ‘optional’,
{...} indicates ‘one or more’,
‘|’ indicates alternatives.

7.8.3 Action Lists

<Action List> ::= <Action> [{ ‘,’ <Action> }]

7.8.4 Actions
<Action> ::= <Action Mnemonic> [{ ‘:’ <Action Qualifier> }]

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7.8.5 Action qualifiers

The following syntax is generic, and depends on specific User Screen Editor action type:
<Action Qualifier> ::= <Decimal Number> | <String>
<Decimal Number> ::= [‘-‘] { <Digit> }
<Digit> ::= ‘0’ | ‘1’ | . . . | ‘9’
<String> ::= ‘ " ’ [{<Character>}] ‘ " ’
The possible values of <Character> are context specific. The character ‘ " ’ is obtained using repeated double
quotes, e.g.:
The permitted number and type(s) of qualifiers are action-specific.

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7.9.1 Edit Text
Click the Text Tool.
Position the text-cursor at the start of the proposed text item.
Type in the required text characters.
Click the Text Tool.
Click the existing text item at the required position to insert a text cursor.
Type in or delete (backspace) characters as required.

The Text tool is disabled if the target has no Fonts specified.

7.9.2 Edit the Font Style

Click the Text Tool.
Select all the required text in the Text Frame.
Pull down the menu of fonts (from those configured for the target) and click your selection.

A font can also be selected from the Page Item’s Text Properties page, or Text Variable Properties page.

7.9.3 Align Text to the left

This command is useful when attempting to align text that may vary in length, such as Variable value or
Language variant legends.
Click the Text Tool.
Select all text in the Text Frame.
Then, click the Align Text Left tool command.

Text can also be aligned using the item’s Text Properties page, or Text Variable Properties page.

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7.9.4 Align Text to the centre with Left-Bias

Useful when attempting to align text that may vary in length, such as Variable value or Language variant
legends. Text is aligned one character to the left if it cannot be centred exactly.
Click the Text Tool to load the cursor with the Text Page Item.
Select all text in the Text Frame.
Then, click the Align Text Left-Bias tool command.

Text can also be aligned using the item’s Text Properties page, or Text Variable Properties page.

7.9.5 Align Text to the right

This command is useful when attempting to align text that may vary in length, such as Variable value or
Language variant legends.
Click the Text Tool to load the cursor with the Text Page Item.
Select all text in the Text Frame.
Then, click the Align Text Right tool command.

Text can also be aligned using the item’s Text Properties page, or Text Variable Properties page.

7.9.6 Align Text to the centre with Right-Bias

This command is useful when attempting to align text that may vary in length, such as Variable value or
Language variant legends. Text is aligned one character to the right if it cannot be centred exactly.
Click the Text Tool to load the cursor with the Text Page Item.
Select all text in the Text Frame.
Then, click the Align Text Right-Bias tool command.

Text can also be aligned using the item’s Text Properties page, or Text Variable Properties page.

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7.10.1 Select or Edit a Page Item
This allows the User to select a Page Item or group of Page Items before editing to achieve the required effect.
Click the Selection tool, then
To select a Page Item: left-click on or within a Page Item.
To extend the selection: click more Page Items whilst holding <Ctrl> down.
To reduce the selection; click previously selected Page Items while holding <Ctrl> down. Each previously
selected Page Items Page Item is deselected.
To multiple-select: click the page background (not an item), drag out a box to surround the Page Items, then
release the mouse button. Surrounded Page items are selected.
To move selected Page Items: drag the selected Page Items to the new location.
To reshape a selected Page Item: drag a handle.

7.10.2 Add a Bar Chart

This allows the User to include a Bar Chart on the current Page in order to display a specific point in the LIN
Database and dynamically change its appearance to indicate varying point values.
Click the Bar Chart tool to load the cursor with the Bar Chart object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed Bar Chart.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the Bar Chart.
Release to fix the opposite corner.
The bar chart appears by default as a ‘left-to-right’ fill Bar Chart labelled with ‘?’.

The Bar Chart tool is disabled for targets not supporting bar charts. Character targets using underline
characters for Bar Charts can draw them only within the underline character areas.

7.10.3 Add a Bitmap

This allows the User to include a Bitmap Page Item on the current Page to display a specific Bitmap graphic.
Click the Bitmap tool to load the cursor with the Bitmap object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed bitmap.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the bitmap.
The bitmap appears as a shaded area labelled <’Bitmap Undefined’>.

The Bitmap tool is disabled for all character targets, and pixel targets not supporting bitmaps.

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7.10.4 Add a Button

This allows the User to include a Button Page Item on the current Page. This Page Item can be configured in
conjunction with Structured Text and/or the Touch Area Page Item in order to initiate a specified activity, e.g.
go to another display page, or execute an ‘action’.
Click the Button tool to load the cursor with the Button object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed Button.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the Button.
Release to fix the opposite corner.

The Button tool is disabled if the target has no Fonts specified.

7.10.5 Add a Text Variable

This allows the User to include a Text Variable Page Items on the current Page to display a specific LIN Database
Click the Text Variable tool to load the cursor with the Text Variable object.
Position the cross-cursor at the start of the proposed text variable.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag rightwards.
Release to fix the length of the Text Variable.
The Text Variable appears as a row of ‘?’ characters.

The Text Variable tool is disabled if the target has no Fonts specified.

7.10.6 Add a Touch Area

This allows the User to include a Touch Area Page Items on the current Page for the purpose of navigation
between Target Instrument Pages and/or Panes.
Click the Touch Area tool to load the cursor with the Touch Area object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed Touch Area.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the Touch Area.
Release to fix the opposite corner.
The Touch Area appears as a shaded box labelled ‘Touch Area’.

The Touch Area tool is disabled for targets not supporting touch areas.

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7.10.7 Add a Trend Graph

This allows the User to include a Trend Graph Page Item on the current Page to display variable point values in
the LIN Database against time.
Click the Trend Graph tool to load the cursor with the Trend Graph object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed Trend Graph.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the trend.
Release to fix the opposite corner.
The Trend Graph appears by default as a ‘horizontal scroll’ trend labelled with ‘?’.

The Trend Graph tool is disabled for targets not supporting Trend Graphs.

7.10.8 Add a Program Profile

This allows the User to include a Program Profile Item on the current Page.
Click the Program profile tool (enabled only for instruments which support Program Profiles). .
Position the cross-cursor at the top left-hand corner of the proposed position.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the item.
Release to fix the opposite corner.
The Profile appears by default labelled with ‘?’. Once a variable has been assigned, the question mark

7.10.9 Add an OIFL Object

This allows the User to include a OIFL Page Item for the purpose of adding specified OIFL code, generated from
other objects on the page. It allows any advanced or new features to be driven from a Page Set.
To add an OIFL object:
Click the OIFL tool to load the cursor with the OIFL object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed OIFL object.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag to define the size and shape of the object.
Release to fix the opposite corner.
The OIFL object appears as a shaded box labelled ‘OIFL’.

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7.10.10 Draw a Line

This allows the User to draw a Line Page Item between two points on the current Page.
Click the Line tool to load the cursor with the Line object.
Position the cross-cursor at the start of the proposed line.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to size the line.
Release the mouse button to fix the line endpoint.

The Line tool is disabled for character targets not supporting angled line draw characters. Character-based
targets approximate to the ideal line, in a rectangular bounding-box.

7.10.11 Draw a Rectangle

This allows the User to draw a Rectangle Page Item between a top-left point and a second bottom-right point
on the current Page.
Click the Rectangle tool to load the cursor with the Rectangle object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed rectangle.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to size the rectangle.
Release the mouse button to fix the opposite corner.

The Rectangle tool is disabled for character targets not supporting straight line draw characters.

7.10.12 Draw a Rounded Rectangle

Not used with this issue of software

7.10.13 Draw a Triangle

This allows the User to draw a Triangle Page Item between a top-left point and a second bottom-right point on
the current Page. The dimensions of the Triangle Page Item can also be changed.
Click the Triangle tool to load the cursor with the Triangle object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed triangle’s bounding-box.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to size the triangle. Release the mouse button.
The result is an upright isosceles triangle with base defined by the base of the box, and peak located at the top-
centre of the box. The shape and orientation of the triangle can be edited.
To edit a Triangle’s shape and orientation:
Click the Selection tool.
Click anywhere on or inside the triangle to be edited and use the cursor to drag corners of the triangle to new
positions as required.

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7.10.14 Draw an Ellipse or Circle

This allows the User to draw an Ellipse or Circle Page Item between a top-left point and a second bottom-right
point on the current Page.
Click the ellipse tool to load the cursor with the Ellipse/Circle object.
Position the cross-cursor at a corner of the proposed ellipse’s bounding-box.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to size the ellipse/circle.
Release the mouse button to fix the size and shape of the ellipse/circle.

The Ellipse tool is disabled for all character targets, and pixel targets not supporting ellipses.

7.10.15 Select a Line/Text Colour

This Line/Text colour palette lets you select outline colours for line items (line, rectangle, ellipse, etc.), and for
the characters in text items.
Select the line or text object, e.g. using the Selection tool
Click the ‘Foreground’ pulldown to reveal a list of available colours and select the required colour from the
palette’s pulldown menu. The Foreground colour palette retains the colour of the last-selected item.
See also ‘Define Customised colours’.

7.10.16 Select a Fill/Background Colour

The Fill/Background colour palette lets you select fill colours for geometrical items (rectangles, ellipses,
triangles, etc.), and background colours for text items.
Select the item, e.g. using the Selection tool
Click on a ‘background/fill’ colour from the palette’s pulldown menu. The palette retains the background/fill
colour of the last-selected item.
See also ‘Define Customised colours’.

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7.11.1 Activate the Snap object(s) to nearest gridline
Select the object(s), using the Selection tool.
Click the ‘Snap Object(s) to Grid’ tool. Each object snaps independently to the nearest gridline.

7.11.2 Align the bottom edges of objects

Select the objects, using the Selection tool.
Click the Align Objects Bottom tool.

7.11.3 Align the left edges of objects

Select the objects, using the Selection tool.
Click the Align Objects Left tool.

7.11.4 Align the right edges of objects

Select the objects, using the Selection tool.
Click the Align Objects Right tool.

7.11.5 Align the top edges of objects

Select the objects, using the Selection tool.
Click the Align Objects Top tool.

7.11.6 Bring an object forward by one layer

Select the Page Item using the Selection tool.
Click the Bring Forward tool.

7.11.7 Bring an object to the front

Select the Page Item using the Selection tool.
Click the Bring to Front tool.

7.11.8 Send an object backward by one layer

Select the Page Item using the Selection tool.
Click the Send Backward tool.

7.11.9 Send an object to the back

Select the Page Item using the Selection tool.
Click the Send to Back tool.

7.11.10 Flip object(s) horizontally

Select the object(s), using the Selection tool.
Click the Flip Horizontal tool.

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7.11.11 Flip object(s) vertically

Select the object(s), using the Selection tool.
Click the Flip Vertical tool.

7.11.12 Group multiple objects

Select the required Page Items, using the Selection tool.
Use the <Ctrl> key to select multiple Page Items on a worksheet.
Click the `Group' tool.

7.11.13 Ungroup a grouped object

Select the grouped Page Item, using the Selection tool.
Click the Ungroup tool.

7.11.14 Show/Hide the gridlines

Click the Toggle Gridlines tool change the current Grid state.
Repeat to revert to previous Grid state.

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Up to 16 custom colours can be stored in the ‘Custom colors’ slots in the colour palette. To define a custom
Open the Colors palette dialogue.
Use the ‘Define Custom Colors’ button to reveal the colour editing palette.
Select a vacant custom colour slot, and adjust the colour using the numeric fields or the cross-hair on the
colour spectrum screen beside.
When satisfied, press the ‘Add to Custom Colors’ button.
To use a colour, click on it and confirm using the OK button.


Click the Grid Colour toolbutton to display the Color dialogue.
Select the required colour and confirm using the ‘OK’ button.
See also ‘Define Customised colours’


Click the ‘Grid Settings’ tool to display the Grid Settings dialogue.
Configure the required grid settings in the dialogue.
Click ‘OK’ to apply the settings.

The ‘Configure using default font’ button changes the Grid Settings to fit the Font Style selected in the Text


Allows the background colour for the target screen to be selected.
Open the required Page.
Select Page > Panel Colour to reveal the Color dialogue.
Select the colour and confirm using the OK button.
See also ‘Define Customised colours’

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Structured Text (ST) is the language used to write the statements and expressions that specify Actions in the
User Screen Editor.

An Action is a set of instructions written in Structured Text (ST), specifying direct operations on the LIN
Database of the running control strategy.

Structured Text (ST) strings are limited to the form "<name>:=<value>;", where <name> is the name of a LIN
Database field or subfield enclosed in square brackets, and <value> is a string representing the value to be
The value string may be enclosed in single quotes, and may then make use of standard Structured Text (ST) ‘$’
escape sequences. Alternatively, it may be unquoted, in which case it is terminated by ‘;’ or a space.
Space characters are permitted either side of ":=" and before the ‘;’. The effect of the assignment will be the
same as if the value string had been typed in via LINtools.
For numeric or Boolean variables, <value> may also be a limited form of Structured Text (ST) expression,
involving only fields within the function block being assigned.
ST:"[PID1.SL]:=SL+10.0;" (increments SL when button pressed).
With the use of the instruction categories below, the User Screen Editor can achieve a specific response to a
User Screen action, or changes of a value at a specified point.
(*ADJUST TEMP SETPOINT*) TIC_100.SL:= REC1.A4;(*A statement*)
Dig_A.Out AND 64 (*An expression*)

9.1.1 Structured Text - Example

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Structured Text can be edited only in the Action field of a Page Item Properties dialogue. It allows a structured
string of text consisting of a sequence of paragraphs to achieve a specific response to a User Screen action, or
to changes of a value at a specified point.
Variable… In a LIN Database Variable, a list of LIN Database blocks, including fields and subfields,
derived from the current target LIN Database (.dbf). In an Instrument Variable, a list of
System blocks derived from the current (validated) Target Instrument.
Operator This is a list of mathematical and logical operators.
Outline This is a list of ready-made formats, e.g. time, hex, and ‘comment’.
Function This is a list of mathematical functions.
If… Statements These three items insert the corresponding multi-line 'If' statement structures, with dummy
Variables for subsequent editing.


Example: (*character string*)
Non-executing character strings can be added as 'comments' in the Structured Text of an Action or Transition,
e.g. to clarify its purpose. Comments can occupy separate lines, or precede or follow a statement/expression on
the same line, or be inserted anywhere that an optional space can go.
Example: (*ADJUST TEMP SETPOINT*) TIC_100.SL:= REC1.A4;(*RECIPE #5*)
See also ‘Notation Formats’.


Structured Text (ST) supports four types of constant: Integer. Real. Time. String.

9.4.1 Integer constants

Decimal constants have the format: {sign} digit {digit}…
Example: 45
Example: -12345
Hexadecimal constants have the format: 16#hexdigit {hexdigit}…
Example: 16#FF (represents 255 decimal)
Example: 16#00ff (represents 255 decimal - padding zeroes OK)
Example: 16#03e8 (represents 1000 decimal)

Hexadecimal digits are not case-sensitive.

Binary constants have the format: 2# binarydigit { binarydigit }…

Example: 2#1100 (represents 12 decimal)
Example: 2#0010 (represents 2 decimal)

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9.4.2 Real constants

These have the format: {sign} integer.integer
Example: 3.6
Example: -0.0033

9.4.3 Time constants

These have the format: T# {integer unit} real unit
Units are d (days) h (hours) m (minutes) or s (seconds). Time constants evaluate to seconds if assigned or
compared with real constants. E.g. In the assignment Recipe.A3:=T#1h; Recipe.A3 takes the value 3600.
Example: T#3s (3 seconds)
Example: T#4m13.0s (4 minutes, 13 seconds)
Example: T#5.6h (5 hours, 36 minutes)
Example: T#1d12.2h (36 hours, 12 minutes)

Time units may be input as upper or lower case.

9.4.4 String constant

String constants can be up to eight characters long and must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
Example: "MANUAL"
Example: "P"

9.4.5 String constants & T1000/T100 fields

At software Issue 3/2, certain T1000/T100 block fields can be written to from Structured Text (ST) only by using
the string constant format, e.g.
Example: Total.Target:="10230890";
Example: TimeDate.Date1:="18-07-04";
The table below lists the fields requiring this format:

Block Field(s)

COUNT SetCount

TOTAL Target

TIMEDATE Time_1 … Time_8, Date_1 … Date_4, CurrTime, CurrDate

Any Field that cannot be written to via a screen readout cannot be written to by Structured Text.

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Expressions can contain operators, functions, variables, and constants. Brackets are allowed and can be nested
to any level. The evaluation order of an expression is shown in the Operators & Functions table.

9.5.1 Arithmetical
Example: (Block_5.PV + 3.5) / Const.A7 + Const.A6
Example: COS(Block_6.PV)**1.5
Example: Dig_A.Out AND 64

9.5.2 Logical
Example: Recipe.A0 < 4
Example: Dig_B.Out.Bit5 = Dig_A.Out.Bit3
vSTEP3.T >= T#4m
See also ‘Notation Formats’


An identifier is a blockname, fieldname, or stepname. A valid identifier must have the format:
letter | _ {letter | digit | _ }... that is, one letter or underscore, followed by any number (including zero) of
letters, digits or underscores, up to a maximum of eight characters.

'_' is the underscore (underline) character, not the hyphen or minus sign.

9.6.1 Valid Structured Text identifiers

X__3Y (consecutive underscores)

9.6.2 Invalid Structured Text identifiers

1A (digit first)
Pump 3 (space)
Flow-Mtr (minus sign)
x*y*z (multiply sign)
6366 (digit first)
T1.2 (dot)
Pulserate (too long)

Variable names containing bad Identifiers can be made recognisable as Variables by enclosing the whole
Variable name in square brackets:
Example: [6366.MN]
Example: [DG_CONN3.W Field2.Bit6]
Example: [x*y*z.OP]

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In the table below, A, B, C etc., are appropriate operands or arguments. Use the correct number format in
Structured Text (ST) expressions, and the correct trigonometric Trigonometric units.

In an Expression, the evaluation order of operators follows the table, with the earliest-evaluated operators at
the top.
Some operators are effective only with the appropriate operand types. E.g. the power operator (**) requires A
to be positive; the MOD operator must have positive integer operands, etc.

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Operator Purpose Format

() Brackets (alter precedence) (A+B)*(C+D)

- Negate -A

NOT Logical invert NOT(A)

TRUNC Truncate (to an integer) TRUNC(A)

FLOAT Convert to Floating Point FLOAT(A)

ROUND Round (up or down) ROUND(A)

ABS Absolute ABS(A)

DEG Degrees (from Radians) DEG(A)

RAD Radians (from degrees) RAD(A)

SIN Sine (Radians) SIN(A)

COS Cosine (Radians) COS(A)

TAN Tangent (Radians) TAN(A)

ASIN Arc Sine (Radians) ASIN(A)

ACOS Arc Cosine (Radians) ACOS(A)

ATAN2 Arc Tangent (Radians) ATAN2(A,B) [Tangent=A/B]

SQRT Square Root SQRT(A)

LN Natural Logarithm (base e) LN(A)

LOG Logarithm (base 10) LOG(A)

EXP Exponentiation (eA) EXP(A)

MIN Minimum value MIN(A,B,C,...)

MAX Maximum value MAX(A,B,C,...)

AVG Average (arithmetic mean) AVG(A,B,C,...)

RANDOM Random value RANDOM(A) [A=max modulus]

SWITCH Selects A (integer C<1) else B SWITCH(A,B,C)

** Exponentiate (Power AB) A**B[1]

* Multiply () A*B

/ Divide () A/B

MOD Modulo (remainder of A/B) TRUNC(A) MOD TRUNC(B)[2]

+ Add A+B

- Subtract A-B

= Equals A=B

< Less Than A<B

HA260749U005 Page 65
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> Greater Than A>B

<= Less Than Or Equal To A<=B

>= Greater Than Or Equal To A>=B

<> Not Equals A<>B


XOR Logical XOR (exclusive OR) A XOR B

OR Logical OR A OR B

[1] ‘A’ must exceed zero. [2] ‘A’ and ‘B’ must be integers.

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9.8.1 Mandatory spaces
Space characters must separate logical operators from their operands.
Example: LEV.OP>15 AND TEMP.OP<55.5 is correct.

9.8.2 Illegal spaces

Spaces must not be left anywhere inside operators, database names, identifiers, or constants.
Example: HEAT_PID. SL:=REC1. A3; is incorrect.

9.8.3 Optional spaces

Spaces other than mandatory or illegal spaces may be inserted at will to improve the clarity of the expression
or statement.
Example: TIC_100.PV := 45.5; needs no spaces but may be clearer with the two shown.

Space characters occupy the same amount of memory as other characters.


A statement can be an Assignment or an IF-statement.

Statements must be terminated by a semicolon.

9.9.1 Assignment
variable := expression;
Various types of assignment are possible, including the following examples:
Assign a constant to a real variable.
Example: PIC_004.PV:=35.5;
Assign a calculation to a real variable.
Example: ANOP_3.PV:=Const.A6 + (Block_5.PV+3.5) / Const.A7;
Assign a constant to a digital variable. Example: Dig_B.Out.Bit0:=1;
Assign a calculation to a digital variable. Example: SEQ4.Hold:=(PIC_005.PV > 30) AND Dig_B.Out.Bit5;
Assign a string to a mode. Example: PIC_004.Mode:="CASCADE";
Assign an integer to a bitfield. Example: Dig_A.Out:=96;
Assign a bitwise calculation to a bitfield. Example: Dig_A.Out:=Dig_B.Out XOR 96;

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9.9.2 IF-statement
IF expression THEN statement-list
{ELSIF expression THEN statement-list}
{ELSE statement-list}

The IF-statement allows zero or more ELSIF clauses, and zero or one ELSE clause. IF-statements can be nested.

IF PIC_004.PV < 10 THEN
Dig_B.Out.Bit0 := 1;
Dig_B.Out.Bit1 := 1;
THEN Dig_B.Out.Bit1 := 0;
See also ‘Notation Formats’


Transitions are Structured Text (ST) expressions that may be either TRUE (evaluate to logic or integer 1) or
FALSE (evaluate to logic or integer 0).
A Transition is used in an Sequence Action to test for a condition in the control strategy. A TRUE Transition
following an active step (or parallel steps) causes the Sequence to move on to the next step(s). That is, the
active step(s) preceding the Transition de-activate(s), and the step(s) following the Transition activate(s).
Test a real variable against a constant. Example: Recipe.a0 < 4
Test a digital for TRUE. Example: Dig_B.Out.Bit5
Test a digital for FALSE. Example: NOT Dig_B.Out.Bit5
Test a step time. Example: STEP6.T >= T#2m
Test a step time in seconds. Example: waitstep.t > 95
Test if an SFC Action end-step reached. Example: Act4_end.X
Logical combination of tests. Example: Dig_B.Out.Bit5 AND (Rec.A0<4 OR Rec.A0>5) OR step6.T>=T#4s
See also ‘Notation Formats’.


The source of a Variable can be from either the LIN Instrument via the Instrument Variable Browser or the LIN
Database via the LIN Database Browser.

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These can take the following formats:
blockname.fieldname Example: PIC_004.PV
blockname.bitfield.bit Example: Dig_A.Out.Bit3
blockname.bitfield Example: TIC_100.Options
blockname.Alarms.alarmname Example: ANIN_005.Alarms.HiLevel

Database names are not case-sensitive, i.e. capital or small letters may be freely used or mixed in the names.
Example: Dig_A.OUT.BIT3 is equivalent to Dig_A.Out.

9.12.1 Bitfields
8-bit bitfields may be referred to as decimal integers in the range 0 to 255 (i.e. binary 00000000 to 11111111).
Example: Dig_A.Out:=96; assigns the binary value 01100000 to the bitfield.
16-bit bitfields may be referred to as decimal integers in the range -32768 to +32767 (i.e. binary 1000 0000
0000 0000 to 0111 1111 1111 1111, in 2's complement format).

9.12.2 Aliases
TagName aliases can be used in Structured Text.

9.12.3 LIN Sequence step variables

These can take the following formats:
stepname.X Example: END_STEP.X
stepname.T Example: STEP5.T
Stepname.X is TRUE when the step called Stepname is active, or when the step timers have been stopped but
not initialised (Run and Init = FALSE, in the SFC_CON block). Otherwise Stepname.X is FALSE.
Stepname.T is the elapsed time in the step called Stepname, in seconds. Stepname.T is frozen when Stepname is
exited, and zeroed when Stepname starts or when the SFC is reset.

Identifiers contained in a Variable must be valid.

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To access the User Screen Editor’s help file, pull down the Help menu and click Help Topics. The help file opens
at the ‘Welcome to the User Screen Editor!’ topic.
If already open, the help topic last accessed is displayed instead.
Use the help window’s Contents, Index, or Search tabs to get help on any topic.

If you want to step from one topic to the next in a logical order, click the browse buttons in the required


10.2.1 Dialogue Help
To get help with filling in dialogues, press the PC’s <F1> key while the dialogue is active. This opens up the User
Screen Editor Help file at the relevant topic.
The Help file open can remain open, ready to display the relevant topic the next time <F1> is clicked.

10.2.2 Menu Help

To get help with menu items, highlight the item and press the PC’s <F1> key. This opens up the User Screen
Editor Help file at the relevant topic (if available).

10.2.3 Toolbutton Help

To get help with using any of the editor’s toolbuttons, first click the Help mode button then locate the Help
cursor over the toolbutton to be queried. Note that it does not matter if the required toolbutton is inactive
(‘greyed out’). Click to display the relevant help topic.
Alternatively, locate the ordinary cursor over the toolbutton and hold down the left mouse button. Click the
PC’s <F1> key to display the relevant help topic in the Online Help.

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This dialogue is used to edit either Pixel-based or Character-based Target Screen types.
To access the dialogue, either, press the Edit button on the Target Panels dialogue, or double-click the required
Target Screen type
To simplify editing Target Screen type properties, this dialogue is divided in pages. Each page displays the
properties of a selection of the pre-specified parameters stored in the Target Definitions file.
The Target Properties dialogue pages are as foillows,
Bitmaps This page shows the Bitmaps configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User
to configure and edit the User Screen Editor Bitmaps parameters.
Capabilities If displayed, this page shows the Capabilities configured for this Screen type. It also permits
the User to configure and edit the Capabilities supported by this Screen type.
Colours If displayed, this page shows the Colours configured for this Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit the Colours supported by this Screen type.
Drawing This page shows the Drawing features configured for this Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit the Drawing features supported by this Screen type.
Filename This page shows the Filename (.uxt) configured for this Screen type. It also permits the User
to edit the Filename of this Screen type.
Fonts This page shows the Fonts configured for this Screen type. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Fonts supported by this Screen type.
General These are Screen type name and the Screen size parameters. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Fonts supported by this Screen type.
Grid This page shows the Grid parameters of the selected Target Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit the Grid parameters supported by this Target Screen type.
Instruments This page shows the Instruments configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit the User Screen Editor Instruments parameters supported by this
Target Screen type.
Mappings If displayed, this page shows the Character Drawing and Symbol Mapping capabilities
configured for this Target Screen type.
Miscellaneous If displayed, this page shows the Miscellaneous features configured for this Screen type. It
also permits the User to configure and edit the Miscellaneous features supported by this
Screen type.
OSFK If displayed, this page shows the default capabilities of the Off Screen Function Keys
configured for this Target Screen type.
Panes This page shows the Panes configured for this Screen type. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Panes supported by this Screen type.
Underlines If displayed, this page shows the Underlining parameters configured for this Target Screen
type. It also permits the User to edit the Underlining parameters of this Target Screen type.
Variables This page shows all specific system Variables associated with the selected Target Screen type.
It also permits the User to configure and edit other required System Variables supported by
this Target Screen type.

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This page shows the Bitmaps configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User to configure and
edit the User Screen Editor Bitmaps parameters supported by this Target Screen type.

11.2.1 Bitmaps list

The list display the properties of each Bitmap for this Target Screen type as configured via the Add Font
dialogue displayed when the Add or Edit button is pressed.
Name Shows the name of the Bitmap, as it will appear on the User Screen Editor worksheet during
Page configuration. Select a particular Bitmap using this name.
Filename Shows the Windows bitmap (.bmp) file name for the Bitmap, as stored in the target/bitmaps
Description Use this to enter a concise description of the Bitmap file, as stored in the target/bitmaps

11.2.2 Add
Use this button to display the Add Bitmap dialogue. The Add Bitmap dialogue allows the configuration of a new
Bitmap in the list of the required Bitmap properties.

11.2.3 Edit
Use this button to display the Edit Bitmap dialogue revealing the properties of the Bitmap selected in the Table
list. The Edit Bitmap dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of the selected Bitmap to be

11.2.4 Remove
Use this button to remove the selected Bitmap from the Table list.

The selected Bitmap is removed without requesting confirmation. This may the cause the User Screen
page to display incorrectly.

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If displayed, this page shows the Capabilities configured for this Screen type. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Capabilities supported by this Screen type.

11.3.1 Capabilities
This series of checkboxes define the resources supported by the Target Screen type.
Supports display agent driven sub-panes
If enabled, the Target Screen type will display sub-panes requested from an Agent.
Supports flashing If enabled, a configured Page Item continuously alternates its appearance, e.g. flashes on and
off, or switches between two different colours.
Supports highlighting
If enabled,, a configured Page Item is displayed differently from non highlighted objects, e.g.
with increased colour brightness, or with swapped foreground and background colours.
Supports touch areas
If If enabled, the Target Screen type will respond to an operation originating from a Touch
Area. Touch areas are intrinsically invisible, but can be identified to the operator by
overlapping them with suitable graphics.
Supports buttons If If enabled, the Target Screen type will respond to an operation originating from a Button.
Further configuration may be required if a Target Screen type requires a Button to have an
internal border, see next point.
Buttons have a VT220-style single character border
If enabled, the Target Screen type Button will have an single character internal border. This
is disabled if the ‘Supports buttons’ capability is not enabled (not ticked).
Supports signing (21CFR11)
If enabled, the Target Screen type will request Confirmation when the configured Action is

The Confirmation Properties page will appear on the appropriate Page Item Properties dialogues to configure
the required confirmation.

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If displayed, this page shows the Colours configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Colours supported by this Screen type.

11.4.1 Table list

This list displays the properties of each Pane for this Target Screen type as configured via the Add Colour and
Edit Colour dialogues displayed when the Add or Edit button, respectively (see below), is pressed.
Number A User defined numeric reference assigned to the configured Colour.
Name A User defined name reference assigned to the configured Colour.
Colour This shows a list of the Target Screen type colours corresponding to the colour's Number.

These colour specifications are not downloadable to the Target Instrument. Their purpose is simply to
ensure that the colours seen on the User Screen Editor worksheet match as closely as possible those
appearing on the Target Screen when the configurations are downloaded and run.

11.4.2 Setup
Use this button to display the ‘Colour Setup’ dialogue. This allows the default background and foreground
colours to be defined and to specify that the Target Screen type can support Colour change commands.

11.4.3 Add
Use this button to display the Add Colour dialogue. The Add Colour dialogue allows the configuration of a
new colour in the Table list of the required Colour properties. Customised Colours can also be defined.

11.4.4 Edit
Use this button to display the Edit Colour dialogue revealing the properties of the Colour selected in the Table
list. The Edit Colour dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of the selected Colour to be
edited and customised Colours to be defined.

11.4.5 Remove
Use this button to remove the selected Colour from the Table list.

The selected Colour is removed without requesting confirmation. This may the cause the User Screen page
to display incorrectly.

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If displayed, this page shows the Drawing features configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit the Drawing features supported by this Target Screen type.
Supports bar charts If enabled, the Target Screen type will display bar charts.
Supports trend graphs If enabled, the Target Screen type will display trend graphs.
Supports drawing of bitmaps
If enabled, the Target Screen type permits new bitmap graphic Page Items to be created
on a Page.
Supports drawing of circles
If enabled, the Target Screen type permits circle Page Items to be created on a Page.
Supports drawing of rounded rectangles
If enabled, the Target Screen type permits rectangles with filleted corner Page Items to
be created on a Page.
Supports drawing of polylines
If enabled, the Target Screen type permits multiple segment line Page Items to be
created on a Page.


If displayed, this page shows the Filename (.uxt) configured of this Target Screen type. It also permits the User
to edit the Filename of this Target Screen type.

11.6.1 Target filename

Filename (under Targets directory):
A name assigned to the configured Target Screen type file used.

Change the Filename field, and the Target name field on the General page, to create a duplicate set of
Target Screen type properties.

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This page shows the Fonts configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User to configure and edit
the Fonts supported by this Target Screen type.

11.7.1 Table list

This list displays the properties of each Font for this Target Screen type as configured via the Add Font dialogue
displayed when the ‘Add’ button (see below) is pressed.
Number This number corresponds to a particular font resident in the Target Instrument. It must be
understood by the Target Instrument to represent that font. (There could be only one Font
resident in the Target Instrument). It is used by the Operator InterFace Language (OIFL)
output files, downloaded to the Target Instrument, to specify display of that Font at runtime.
Name This is the name of the Font as it will appear on the User Screen Editor worksheet during
Page configuration. Select a particular Font using this name.
Dimensions This shows the width by height dimensions (in pixels) of the configured character cell.
Proportional This shows that the configured Font is either a Proportional or Fixed width font. Yes
indicates that the configured Font has characters of differing widths. No shows that the font
has a fixed width.
Filename The Windows bitmap (.bmp) file name for the Font, as stored in the target/fonts directory.

11.7.2 Setup
Use this button to display the Font Setup dialogue. This allows the default Font to be specified, and indicate
that the Target Screen type can support Font change configuration.

11.7.3 Add
Use this button to display the Add Font dialogue. The Add Font dialogue allows the configuration of a new Font
in the Table list of the required fonts properties.

11.7.4 Edit
Use this button to display the Edit Font dialogue revealing the properties of the Font selected in the Table list.
The Edit Font dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of the selected Font to be edited.

11.7.5 Remove
Use this button to remove the selected Font from the Table list.

The selected Font is removed without requesting confirmation. This may cause the User Screen page to
display incorrectly.

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These are the Screen type name and the Target Screen size parameters. It also permits the User to configure
and edit the type of Fonts supported by this Target Screen type. The fields are:

11.8.1 Target Name

Name Use this field to specify an appropriate Target Screen Type name.

11.8.2 Dimensions
Width Use this field to specify the width, in pixels, of the designed Target Screen Type.
Height Use this field to specify the height, in pixels, of the designed Target Screen Type.

11.8.3 Character Dimensions

Width Use this field to specify the width, in pixels, of the required characters.
Height Use this field to specify the height, in pixels, of the required characters.
Hide target from new Page Set configurations
If enabled, the specified Target Screen type will not be available for any future Page Set

Height and width fields are omitted for configuration of Pixel-based Target Screen types.


This page shows the default Grid parameters of the selected Target Screen type. It also permits the User to
configure and edit the Grid parameters supported by this Target Screen type.

11.9.1 Default Major Grid Settings

This displays the default intervals of each visible grid line for this Target Screen.
Horizontal (pixels): Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease the intervals in pixels between each
visible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.
Vertical (pixels): Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease the intervals in pixels between each
visible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.

A maximum of 9999 pixel intervals can be configured.

11.9.2 Default Minor Grid Settings

This displays the default intervals between the Major Grid Settings, of each invisible grid line for this Target
Horizontal (pixels): Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease the intervals in pixels between each
invisible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.
Vertical (pixels): Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease the intervals in pixels between each
invisible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.
A maximum of 9999 pixel intervals can be configured.

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11.9.3 Default Zoom

Zoom Show the default zoom factor, when using the User Screen Editor. Select the required
default zoom factor from the list.


This page shows the Instruments configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User to configure
and edit the User Screen Editor Instruments parameters supported by this Target Screen type.

11.10.1 Instruments list

This list displays the properties of each Instrument for this Target Screen type as configured via the ‘Add
Instrument’ dialogue displayed when the ‘Add’ or ‘Edit’ button is pressed.
Type This is the Type of the Instrument manufactured with this Target Screen type. Select a
particular Instrument type.
Version This is the V rsion of the Type of the Instrument manufactured with this Target Screen type.

11.10.2 Add
Use this button to display the ‘Add Instrument’ dialogue. The ‘Add Instrument’ dialogue allows the
configuration of a new Instrument in the list of the required Instrument properties.

11.10.3 Edit
Use this button to display the ‘Edit Instrument’ dialogue revealing the properties of the Instrument type
selected in the Table list. The ‘Edit Instrument’ dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of
the selected Instrument to be edited.

11.10.4 Remove
Use this button to remove the selected Instrument from the Table list.

The selected Instrument type is removed without requesting confirmation. This may prevent the display of
the User Screen page.

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If displayed, this page shows the Character Drawing and Symbol Mapping capabilities configured for this Target
Screen type.

11.11.1 Character drawing capabilities

Has characters for drawing straight lines
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit text to be used to draw straight lines as
defined in the Graphical symbol-character mappings list and ASCII Key code field.
Has characters for drawing angled lines
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit text to be used to draw angled lines as defined
in the Graphical symbol-character mappings list and ASCII Key code field.

11.11.2 Graphical symbol-character mappings

Character description
Use the list to select the orientation of the line being configured. If a character has already
been defined, the ASCII key code field will automatically show it.
ASCII key code This shows the ASCII key code already defined for the selected line type displayed in the
Character description list.

11.11.3 Browse…
Use this button to reveal the ‘Open’ dialogue. This can then be used to locate an existing file containing all
required ASCII Codes.


If displayed, this page shows the Miscellaneous features configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits
the User to configure and edit the Miscellaneous features supported by this Target Screen type.

11.12.1 Miscellaneous features

Supports action lists
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit Structured Text actions.
Supports 3D styling
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit the drawing of bevelled edges on appropriate
Page Items.
Supports different draw modes (e.g. COPY, OR, XOR, etc.)
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit new bitmap graphic Page Items to be created
on a Page.
Supports different fill patterns (e.g. chequered, etc.)
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit pattern filled Page Items to be created on a
Page. This will fill the Page Item with a selected chequered pattern, not a simple solid colour

11.12.2 Database
LINDB This shows the type of Database used by the Target Screen type.

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If displayed, this page shows the default capabilities of the Off Screen Function Keys configured for this Target
Screen type.

11.13.1 Off Screen Function Keys

Always display default Off Screen Function Keys image
If enabled, the Target Screen type will only display the default Off Screen Function Keys
Bitmap image, as defined in the Default Off Screen Function Keys image field.
Default Off Screen Function Keys Image
Shows the path and filename of the Bitmap (.bmp) file, required as the default.
Browse Use this button to reveal the Open dialogue. This can then be used to locate an existing
Bitmap (.bmp) file for use in the OSFK pane.
Define Function key image cropping area.
Imported bitmaps are scaled according to the setting in the ‘Panes’ dialogueue. The values
entered in the ‘Top’, ‘Bottom’, ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ fields of the ‘Define Function Key image
cropping area’ define a rectangle, within this scaled bitmap, to appear in the function keys
pane. Setting all values to 10, for example, would define a rectangle as follows: the top left-
hand corner would be 10 pixels down from the top of the scaled image and 10 pixels in
from its left edge; the bottom right-hand corner would be 10 pixels up from the bottom and
10 pixels in from the right.
Buttons and Touch areas on OSFK panes…
If enabled, all functions from the OSFK Pane will require Confirmation.
Off Screen Function Keys area cannot…
If enabled, configuration of the OSFK Pane is not permitted by the user.
User configurable area disabled from
Shows the highest point of the Target Screen type, in pixels, where configuration is not
User configurable area disabled to
Shows the lowest point of the Target Screen type, in pixels, where configuration is not

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This page shows the Panes configured for this Target Screen type. It also permits the User to configure and edit
the Panes supported by this Target Screen type.

11.14.1 Table list

This list displays the properties of each Pane for this Target Screen type as configured via the ‘Add Pane’ and
‘Edit Pane ‘dialogues displayed when ‘Add’ or ‘Edit’, respectively, is pressed.
Pane Type A list of the types of Pane used by this Target Screen type.
Name A name assigned to the configured Pane type as displayed in the Page Properties and Pane
Setup dialogues, e.g. the Status Pane might be named 'Status Area'.
Dimensions This shows the width by height dimensions in characters or pixels according to the
configured Pane type of the Target Screen type.
Description This shows information that is relevant to the selected Pane type, e.g. the status pane might
be described as 'Constant date/time display'.

11.14.2 Setup
Use this button to display the ‘Pane Setup’ dialogue. This allows a default Font to be defined.

11.14.3 Add
Use this button to display the ‘Add Pane’ dialogue which allows the configuration of a new Pane type in the
Table list of the required Pane properties.

11.14.4 Edit
Use this button to display the ‘Edit Pane’ dialogue revealing the properties of the Pane selected in the Table list.
The ‘Edit Pane’ dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of the selected Font to be edited.

11.14.5 Remove
Use this button to remove the selected Pane from the Table list.

The selected Pane is removed without requesting confirmation. This may cause prevent the display of a
User Screen page.

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If displayed, this page shows the Underlining parameters configured for this Screen type. It also permits the
User to edit the Underlining parameters of this Screen type.

11.15.1 Special underline characters

Special underline characters below character cells
If enabled, the Target Screen type will permit text to be used to draw straight lines as
defined in the Graphical symbol-character mappings list and ASCII Key code field.
Number Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease User defined number of the intervals in
pixels between each invisible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.
Height Shows the Height of the specified Font type, in pixels.
Use underline sections for bar charts
If enabled, the target Screen type will permit text to be used to draw straight lines as
defined in the Graphical symbol-character mappings list and ASCII Key code field.

11.15.2 Underline colours

Number Use the spin button to change, increase or decrease User defined number of the intervals in
pixels between each invisible grid line. Type in the required value if necessary.
Colour swatch Shows a colour sample for the Colour specified by the User defined Name and Number
Edit Use this button to reveal the Colour editing palette. This will allow the User to change the
colour shown in the colour swatch, that will eventually be defined by the User defined Name
and Number fields.

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This page shows all specific system Variables associated with the selected Target Screen type. It also permits the
User to configure and edit other required System Variables supported by this Target Screen type.

11.16.1 Target Specific System Variables list

This list displays the System Variables for this Target Screen type. Additional Variables can be configured via the
‘Target Variable dialogue’ displayed when the ‘Add’ or ‘Edit’ button is pressed.
Name This is the name of System Variable, as it will appear in the Instrument Browser dialogue
when attempting to display an Instrument Variable on the User Screen page.
Mnemonic This is the short sequence of letters used by the software to easily recognise the System
Variable supported by this Target Screen type.
Type This is the Variable data type, i.e. String, Boolean, Integer, etc..

11.16.2 Add
Use this button to display the ‘Target Variable’ dialogue. The ‘Target Variable’ dialogue allows the configuration
of a new Variable in the list.

11.16.3 Edit
Use this button to display the ‘Target Variable’ dialogue revealing the properties of the Variable selected in the
Table list. The ‘Target Variable’ dialogue allows the properties, as displayed in the Table list, of the selected
Instrument to be edited.

11.16.4 Delete
Use this button to remove the selected Variable from the Table list.

The selected System Variable is removed without requesting confirmation. This may the cause the User
Screen page to display incorrect information.

11.16.5 Export
Use this button to display the ‘Save As’ dialogue and generate a Text file (.txt) of the selected Variable from the
Table list.

11.16.6 Import
Use this button to display the ‘Open’ dialogue and locate a Text file (.txt) of a required Variable instance.

Use the Import and Export buttons to generate a Text file (.txt) of System Variables that are used
consistently throughout the System.

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A LIN Database (.dbf) is a software program that runs in a LIN Instrument. The running LIN Database takes in
signals from sensors in an outside entity (e.g. an industrial plant), processes them in specified ways, and then
outputs signals to actuators in the entity to control its behaviour in the required manner.
The cycle of signal input to the LIN Database, signal processing, and signal output to the entity is repeated
continuously while the LIN Database runs.
More than one LIN Instrument can be involved in controlling a single entity, but only one LIN Database can run
in a single LIN Instrument at a time.
A LIN Database can work in conjunction with one or more LIN Sequences running in the LIN instrument. It can
also make use of LIN Actions stored in action files in the LIN instrument.


LIN Instruments use a block-structured approach to a control strategy, where various Function Block Categories
of ready-made LIN function blocks perform the processing required.
A LIN function block is an instance of a reusable module of program code, called a template, dedicated to a
particular type of processing operation, e.g. the ADD2 template adds two numbers. In general, function blocks
take in analogue and/or digital signals via their inputs, process them in a variety of methods and then pass the
results on via their outputs. These function blocks are then ‘wired’ together so that the signals can flow
between them to execute the control strategy.


A User Screen Editor action is script (Structured Text) comprising a comma-separated list of one or more User
Actions, which can be configured to execute when a touch-enabled object is activated. These objects include
touch areas, rectangles, ellipses, bitmaps, and buttons.
Typical user actions might include,
setting a function block field to a specified value
acknowledging alarms
changing the programmer state (RUN/HOLD/SKIP/ABORT)

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12.3.1 Supported Actions

This table lists the action mnemonics, action qualifiers, and functions of the actions currently supported.

Mnemonic Qualifier(s) Action

ABORT None Abort the currently executing SPP program.

ACK_ALL None Acknowledge all alarms.

BREAK Boolean Make this the final action in the list, if true. Example:
means that the "COND.In_3" action is not carried out whilst the break
condition (IP_2 status) is true. See also ‘CONTINUE’

CONTINUE Boolean Go to the next action in the list only if true. Example:
means that the "COND.In_3" action is carried out only whilst the continue
condition (IP_2 status) is true. See also ‘BREAK’

DESC Integer Descend to the Agent with the specified ID number. A subsequent use of the
‘escape’ key will return to the current Main page. Example: DESC;50

DICT_ADD String: integer Moves the specified dictionary’s pointer by the value of the integer. Example:
DICT_ADD:"W":-2 decrements the dictionary W pointer by 2.
Omission of the integer results in an OIFL error.

DICT_SET String: integer Sets the specified dictionary’s pointer to the value of the integer. Example:
DICT_SET:"W":1 sets the dictionary W pointer to location 1.

DICT_PUT String:[integers] Replaces the dictionary entry, or entries, in the location(s) specified by the
String integer(s) with a new value. Example:
DICT_PUT:"W":1:5:"Help" places the word ‘Help’ into locations 1 to 5 of
dictionary W.

DISABLE Boolean Disable button/area if true. Example:

(or DIS) DISABLE:"[Door.Status.Intlcked]" See also ‘ENABLE’

ENABLE Boolean Enable button/area if true. Example:

(or ENA) ENABLE:"[Temp.ModeAct.ManAct]" See also ‘DISABLE’

EVENT String:[Integer] Generate an event in the Event Log with string (max 16-characters) and
priority indicator (default = 1). Example:
EVENT:"Filling Started":2

GOTO Integer Go to the Agent with the specified ID number. Example:


HOLD None Hold the currently running SPP program.

NOTE String:[Integer] Generate a note (max. 24 characters) in the Event log with a priority indicator
as specified by the integer (default =1). Example: NOTE:"Agitator started":6

NULL None No Action, always disabled.

REPEAT None If this action is present in the list, the action is repeated for as long as the
button or touch area is touched. The repetition rate depends on the screen
update rate.

RUN None Run the currently loaded SPP program.

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SKIP [Integer] Skip the current SPP program segment. If the integer qualifier is included then
this action will only be enabled for the specified segment number.

ST String(s) Perform assignment(s) defined in Structured Text.

The total length of all text in a list of actions must not exceed 200 Characters.
The action text specified may be a list of comma-separated variables, with each action being performed in
sequence starting with the leftmost and proceeding rightwards to the end unless an exit condition such as
BREAK is detected.
Within the limit above, there is no restriction on the number of Enables and Disables in a string.
An action is enabled only when all relevant enables are True and all relevant disables are False. An action is
disabled if any relevant enable is false and /or any relevant disable is true.

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A Variable is a list of LIN function block, or System block, fields or subfields currently used in the LIN Database
(.dbf) (LIN Variable) or in the Target instrument itself (Instrument Variable), respectively.

12.4.1 LIN Variable

A LIN Variable is a list of LIN function blocks, including the field/subfields in each block, currently used in the
LIN Database (.dbf) of a Target Instrument.
A LIN Variable, (LIN function block field or subfield) can be located and selected via the LIN Database Browser
dialogue. LIN block field or subfield names, can be inserted into dedicated fields of a Page Item Properties
dialogue, and used along with Structured Text to achieve a specific response to a User Screen operation or to
changes of a value at a specified point. The LIN Database Browser dialogue displays a list of those LIN block or
field names that can be inserted. The LIN block and field names are derived from the target LIN Database.

Each LIN Block has a specifically associated Data type.

12.4.2 Instrument Variable

An Instrument Variable is a list of system blocks used in the Target Instrument.
An Instrument Variable can be located and selected via the Instrument Variable Browser dialogue. System
blocks can be inserted into dedicated fields of a Page Item Properties dialogue, and used along with Structured
Text to achieve a specific response to a User Screen operation or to changes of a value at a specified point. The
Instrument Variable Browser dialogue displays a list of System blocks that can be inserted. The System blocks
names are derived from the target Instrument.

Each System block has a specifically associated Data type.

12.5 AN AGENT?
An 'Agent' is a software module that encapsulates User Screen functionality and 'drives' an area of the screen.
Agents are given names and IDs for reference.
A user-configured Page is an example of an Agent.
Target Instruments may have in-built default agents for commonly required displays, e.g. Alarm History, Clock
Set-up, etc. These have IDs of 1000 and upward.
IDs 1 - 999 is reserved for user generated Pages created using the User Screen Editor.

Some instruments may contain built-in Agents (e.g. T2900). These are generally accessible via User Screen
touch-enabled objects.

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Use the Instrument Variable Browser dialogue to select a Variable System function block in the associated LIN
Instrument, for linking to a Dynamic Page Item. The dialogue appears when you press the ‘Browse Instrument…’
button in Page Item Properties dialogue that let you configure these links, e.g. ‘Colour Attributes’, ‘Colour
Limits’, ‘Limits’, ‘Trend Graph Variable’, ‘Variable’, etc.

12.6.1 Using the Instrument Variable Browser window

The Action of the Instrument Variable Browser is context-sensitive. It displays only the system blocks supported
by the current Page Item property.


Operator InterFace Language (OIFL (.ofl)) is a software language used by the User Screen Editor and is stored
as an .ofl text file containing instructions for the Target Instrument. The .ofl file indicates what is in the Page Set
and how to build the runtime User Screens.
The Operator InterFace Language (OIFL) of a Page Set or an individual Page can be displayed.


Use the LIN Database Browser dialogue to select a Variable or function block in the associated LIN Database,
for linking to a Dynamic Page Item.
The dialogue appears when you press the ‘Browse…’ button in Page Item Properties dialogue that let you
configure these links, e.g. ‘Colour Attributes’, ‘Colour Limits’, ‘Limit’s, ‘Trend Graph Variable’, ‘Variable’, etc.

12.8.1 Using the Browser window

The action of the LIN Database Browser is context-sensitive. It displays only the LIN function blocks and fields
relevant to the current page item property.


This window records the operation it attempts and displays any validation warnings or errors it may have found.
Validation involves checking that the data is complete and that it is consistent with the LIN Database file (.dbf),
i.e. the referenced LIN fields exist in the LIN Database file (.dbf) and are of the correct type.
Validation is carried out when,
the Verify Page Set command is selected
a Page Set file is loaded
a Page Set file is saved
a Page Set file is closed

Double-click an error or warning record to access the application needed to correct the problem.

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This dialogue applies only to the rectangle page object. Use it to add a 3-dimensional 'bevel' effect at the edges
of a rectangle drawn with the rectangle tool, making it appear either raised or lowered (recessed).
This effect is particularly useful if the rectangle is to act as a push-button (via the Touch Area Properties page).
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select Properties…, from the context menu to pop up the
relevant Page Item Properties page. Then click the 3D Styling page.
The fields are:

13.1.1 Bordering
Style Select either the ‘Bevelled, Raised’ or the ‘Bevelled, Lowered’ styling from this list. In these
effects, the rectangle appears to be lit from the top-left of the display.
Depth Specify the depth of the bevel in this field, i.e. the amount by which the rectangle appears to
lie above or below the plane of the screen. Use the scrollable box to select a value from 0 to
10 (maximum depth). Entering zero, (the default) removes the 3D-bevel effect completely.

13.1.2 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.1.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.1.4 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This dialogue applies only to Dynamic Page Items. Use this dialogue to specify the visibility of the Page Item, i.e.
by what criteria, in terms of operator access level you want it to be seen on the display.
It can also specify the Variable's writability, i.e. the conditions under which the operator is allowed to alter the
Variable value via the display.

By default, Variables are 'always visible' and 'never writable'. These settings can be edited via the
appropriate radio buttons and input fields.

13.2.1 Visibility
Always visible Use this radio button to indicate that the Page Item must always visible to any operator.
Visible if operator level is
Use this radio button, in conjunction with the additional fields beside, to indicate that the
Page Item can only visible to an operator with privileges that correspond to the defined
parameters. Use the relationship (=, >=, <) from the pull-down menu, and an access level (1-
4) from the spin button. The Page Item will only be visible to operators whose access level
corresponds to these parameters.

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13.2.2 Writability
Never writable Use this radio button to indicate that the Variable linked to the Page Item is Read-Only.
Always writable but unreadable (Password)
Use this radio button to indicate that the Variable linked to the Page Item can be written to
if visible, but is only displayed as a series of asterisks (*), e.g. for password-entry use.
Always writable Use this radio button to indicate that the Variable linked to the Page Item can be written to
if visible.
Writable if operator level is
Use this radio button, in conjunction with the additional fields beside, to specify a minimum
operator access level for writing to the Variable linked to the Page Item, if visible. The Page
Item will be writable only by operators whose access level equal or exceed the level
specified in the field beside.

13.2.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.2.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.2.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This dialogue permits the user to include a defined Bitmap in this Page Set.

13.3.1 Bitmap name

Name The User defined name of the Bitmap, as recognised in the list.

13.3.2 Bitmap filename

Filename The Bitmap filename, as selected via the Browse… button or, if known, simply typed in.
Browse… Use the Browse… button to display the Open dialogue allowing selection of the required

13.3.3 Description
Description A concise description of the Bitmap file, as stored in the target/bitmaps directory.

13.3.4 Add
Use this button to accept the changes and close this dialogue.

13.3.5 Cancel
Use this button to ignore the changes and close this dialogue.

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This dialogue permits the user to permanently include a defined Colour in this Page Set.

13.4.1 Colour details

Number Shows the User defined number of the Colour, as recognised in the list.
Name Shows the User defined name of the Colour, as recognised in the list.

13.4.2 Colour
Colour swatch Shows a colour sample for the Colour specified by the User defined Name and Number
Edit Use this button to reveal the Colour editing palette. This will allow the User to change the
colour shown in the colour swatch, that will eventually be defined by the User defined Name
and Number fields.

13.4.3 Add
Use this button to accept the changes and close this dialogue.

13.4.4 Cancel
Use this button to ignore the changes and close this dialogue.


This dialogue permits the user to permanently include a defined Font style in this Page Set.

13.5.1 Font name

Number The User defined number of the Font, as recognised in the list.
Name The User defined name of the Font, as recognised in the list.

13.5.2 Dimensions
Width Shows the Width of the specified Font type, in pixels.
Height Shows the Height of the specified Font type, in pixels.

13.5.3 Font properties

Is the Font proportional?
If enabled, all characters in this configured Font will be of an identical width.

13.5.4 Font filename (under Targets Font directory):

Filename Shows the Windows bitmap (.bmp) file name for the Font, as stored in the target/fonts
Browse… Use the ‘Browse…’ button to display the ‘Open’ dialogue allowing selection of the required

13.5.5 Add
Use this button to accept the changes and close this dialogue.

13.5.6 Cancel
Use this button to ignore the changes and close this dialogue.

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This dialogue permits the user to permanently include a defined Pane in this Page Set.

13.6.1 Pane type and name

Pane Type Shows the type of the Pane, as recognised in the list. Use this list to select the required
default Pane.
Name Shows the User defined name of the Pane, as recognised in the list.

13.6.2 Dimensions
Width Shows the Width of the specified Pane type, in pixels.
Height Shows the Height of the specified Pane type, in pixels.

13.6.3 Description
Description A concise description of the Pane, as stored in the target/bitmaps directory.

13.6.4 Support Default Pages

Description If enabled, this Pane allows the default Pages to be displayed.


This dialogue permits the user to include a defined Target Instrument Variable in this Page Set.

13.7.1 Target Variable

Description A concise description of the Target Variable, as stored in the target/bitmaps directory.
Mnemonic This is the short sequence of letters used by the software to easily recognise the System
Variable supported by this Target Screen type.
Type This is the Variable data type, i.e. String, Boolean, Integer, etc..

13.7.2 Add
Use this button to accept the changes and close this dialogue.

13.7.3 Cancel
Use this button to ignore the changes and close this dialogue.

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Use this dialogue to specify the graphical appearance of the Page Item.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Appearance’ tab. The fields are:

13.8.1 Line/Text
Weight Applies only to pixel-based Target Screen types. Used to change the line thickness (in pixels).
Foreground colour Used to change the line/text colour for the specified Target Screen type.

13.8.2 Fill/Background
Object is filled Use this checkbox to specify the fill parameters of the selected Page Item.
Background/Fill Use this pull-down menu to specify the background colour for the selected Text Page Items
or a fill colour for the selected geometrical Page Item.

For lines, background colour applies only for character-based Target Screen Type.

13.8.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.8.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.8.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This properties page applies only to Bar Chart Page Items. It lets you specify the fill direction of the chart, and
for charts drawn with underline cells, whether single or double underline. To access this Properties page, right-
click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to display the relevant Page Item Properties
dialogue. Then click the ‘Bar Chart’ page. The fields are:

13.9.1 Fill direction

Set the required radio button to specify the fill direction:
Left to right Bar Chart fills from left to right as the linked value increases.
Right to left Bar Chart fills from right to left as the linked value increases.
Top-down Bar Chart fills from top to bottom as the linked value increases.
Bottom-up Bar Chart fills from bottom to top as the linked value increases.

13.9.2 Underline used for bar chart

Underline number Select the number of underlines required (1 or 2)
Flash bar when negative
Check the box to make the Bar Chart flash when the linked value goes out of range.

‘Underline’ Bar Chart types can grow only horizontally.

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13.9.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.9.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.9.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This page applies only to the Bitmap Page Item. Use it to specify up to three bitmaps that will be displayed
alternately by the bitmap object, depending on the value of the linked LIN Database variable.
To access the dialogue, right-click the bitmap object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop up
the Bitmap Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Enumeration’ tab. The fields are:

13.10.1 Enumerated
Tick this checkbox to enable the enumeration action of the bitmap object. If left unchecked, the bitmap
displayed will be the one specified in the Bitmap Properties dialogue. If ticked, the Bitmap Properties dialogue
is partially disabled to avoid conflicts.

13.10.2 Variable selection

Click this radio button if you want the bitmap enumeration to be controlled by a LIN Database Variable. Then
enter the required point name in the Name box, or use the ‘Browse…’ button to find the point.
Click this button to link an Instrument Variable to the Page Item.
Name Type in the name of the variable to be linked (or use ‘Browse…’). The Variable type (e.g.
Integer) is automatically entered for you from list to the right of the ‘Name’ box. Use the
standard LIN formats for the variable name, i.e. blockname.fieldname (e.g. TIC001.PV) or
blockname.bitfield.bit format (e.g. Dig_A.Out.Bit3).
Browse… Click this button to pop up a LIN Database Browser window. This lets you to select the
required block and point from the database you associated with the Page Set (via the
PageSet Properties dialogue), or the New PageSet dialogue.) The variable type is
automatically entered for you when you use Browse.

The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

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13.10.3 Bitmap selection

Filename Click this button for a fixed bitmap specified by its filename (entered in the Bitmap box).
Dictionary Click this button if you want the enumerated bitmap to be language-dependent. Use the
Bitmap box (see below) to enter the relevant dictionary entry.
Value With floating-point variables, select one of the three conditions from this list, for individual
configuration. You can configure for when the linked variable is less than ‘lo_limit’, is on or
between the ‘lo’ and ‘hi’ limits, and when it is greater than the ‘hi_limit’. These low and high
limits are specified in the item’s Limits Properties page.
With Integer or Boolean variables, use the small scroll buttons in the Value box to select one
of the possible values from the menu for individual configuration.
Browse… Click this button to search for a suitable bitmap file to enter in the Bitmap box.
Bitmap Use this box to associate a bitmap with the condition or value you specified in the Value
box. For language-dependent bitmaps, enter the correct user-dictionary reference number
in this box, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the current user dictionary is consulted and the bitmap
referred to by the specified reference is displayed. For fixed bitmaps, enter the full path and
filename of the required bitmap file.
In-Place Toggle This checkbox is active only if the linked variable is an operator-writeable Integer or
Boolean. Tick the box if you want to allow the operator to cycle (or toggle, in the case of
Boolean values) round the possible values by simply touching the bitmap item on-screen.
Leave it unticked if you instead want a menu of values to pop-up for selection when the
operator touches the bitmap.

13.10.4 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.10.5 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.10.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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Use this dialogue to specify the bitmap to be displayed on-screen by the Bitmap page object.

.bmp, .pcx, .emf, .gif, .png bitmaps can be used. Bitmap filenames must be in standard DOS 8.3 format,
(i.e. the 8-character filename is restricted to characters ’A’ .. ‘Z’, ‘a’ .. ‘z’, ‘0’ ..’9’, and ‘_’. No other
characters are permitted as they could cause OIFL (. ofl) file-parsing problems in the target instrument.)

To access this Properties page, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’, from the context menu to pop-up
the relevant Page Item Properties page. Then click the ‘Bitmap’ page.

If bitmap enumeration has been enabled (in the Bitmap Enumeration Properties dialogue), all fields and
buttons are disabled except for the ‘Monochrome’ and ‘Transparent’ checkboxes, which remain

The fields are:

13.11.1 Bitmap
Dictionary Click this radio button if the bitmap is language-dependent. The correct user-dictionary
reference number must be entered in the Bitmap field, see below).
Filename Click this button for a fixed bitmap specified by its filename (entered in the Bitmap field).
Bitmap For language-dependent bitmaps, enter the correct user-dictionary reference number in this
field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the current user dictionary is consulted and the bitmap
referred to by the specified reference is displayed. For fixed bitmaps, enter the full path and
filename of the required bitmap file.
Monochrome Tick this checkbox if you want the bitmap to display in ‘black-and-white’ only, even if the
original bitmap is in colour.
Transparent Tick this checkbox to make the bitmap appear ‘transparent’, i.e. other page objects overlaid
by the bitmap will remain partially visible.
Browse… Click this button to search for a suitable bitmap file to enter in the Bitmap box.

13.11.2 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.11.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.11.4 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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The icon represents the LIN function block category that the block belongs to.
The block name (e.g. ‘t800’) is shown to the right of the category icon.
Click the block’s ‘expand’ box on the left of the icon (initially labelled ‘+’) to see the individual block fields
within as a ‘tree diagram’.

When only LIN Function Blocks can be selected (e.g. a GROUP block in the Trend Graph Variable properties
dialogue), ‘expand’ boxes are absent.

If the browser lets you select a block, click the required block icon or name to select it. The block name and
block category appear in the ‘Selection’ and ‘Type’ boxes, respectively, at the foot of the Browser window.

13.12.1 Browser Field (no subfields)

This icon represents a single block field in the (expanded) LIN function block.
The absence of an ‘expand’ box next to the field icon means that the field contains no subfields.
Select the field by clicking on it. Its full LIN name appears in the ‘Selection’ box at the foot of the Browser
window, in the blockname.fieldname format. Its data type appears in the ‘Type’ box.

13.12.2 Browser Field (with subfields)

This icon represents a single block field in the (expanded) LIN function block. The field cannot be selected
directly, only the expanded contents. (An ‘expand’ box next to the field icon means that the field contains
subfields. Click the ‘+’ box to see the subfields.)

13.12.3 Browser Multi-bit field

A data type enclosed in angle brackets – e.g. <Subfield16> -- represents the entire multi-bit field above it.
You can select this item if you want to link to the whole field, rather than just an individual bit.
Click the field icon or name to select it. Its full LIN name appears in the ‘Selection’ box at the foot of the
browser window, in the blockname.bitfield format. Its data type appears in the ‘Type’ box.

13.12.4 Browser Selection box

This shows the full LIN address of the selected block, field, or subfield.
For a LIN block, the selection is displayed as a block name – e.g. ‘Group1’.
For a field, the selection is displayed in blockname.fieldname format – e.g. ‘t800.Date’.
For a whole multi-bit field, the selection is displayed in blockname.bitfield format – e.g. ‘t800.IP_type’.
For a subfield, the selection is displayed in blockname.bitfield.bit format – e.g. ‘t800.IP_type.Imperial’.

13.12.5 Browser Subfield

This icon represents a single subfield in a multi-bit field.
Click the subfield icon or name to select it. Its full LIN name appears in the ‘Selection’ box at the foot of the
browser window, in the blockname.bitfield.bit format. Its data type appears in the ‘Type’ box.
If you want to link to the whole field -- rather than just this individual bit – click the multi-bit field icon or name
<in angled brackets> instead.

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13.12.6 Browser Type box

This shows the variable type or function block category for the selection.
For a LIN block, the LIN function block category of the selected block is shown.
For block fields, subfields, and multi-bit fields, the data type is shown.


The button tool properties page is accessed as follows:.
1. Double clicking on the Button
2. Right-clicking on the item and selecting 'Properties...' in the resulting pop-up (context) menu,
3. Via Properties/Page item... in the Edit menu
4 Using the shortcut <Alt> + <Enter>.
The properties page opens:

Access See separate topic 'Access Properties page'.

Confirmation. See separate topic 'Confirmation Properties page'.
Miscellaneous. See separate topic 'Miscellaneous Properties page'.
Text. See separate topic 'Text Properties page'.
Touch area. See separate topic 'Touch Area Properties page'.


(Foreground shown - Background similar)

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In Character based Screen types, straight lines at various angles are drawn on the Target Screen type using
special graphics characters that fit together to produce a best approximation to what is required. Line-segment
characters include points, corners, horizontal, vertical, and 45° elements. At runtime these Line-segment
characters are assembled by the Target Instrument to construct the required lines.
To allow the editor to draw realistic character-based lines in a similar way, the required ASCII key code
characters must be mapped to each of these special Line-segment symbols. The mapping is configured via a
graphical character-symbol map.


Use this dialogue to configure the item to change colour as the value of a linked variable in the LIN Database
changes. Suitable variable types for linking to colour-change items are shown in the Data Types table.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop up the
relevant ‘Page Item Properties dialogue’. Then click the ‘Colour Attribute’ tab. The fields are,

13.16.1 Colour Change

Tick this box to enable colour-change for the selected page item.

13.16.2 Variable selection

LIN Variable
Click this radio button if you want a LIN Database variable to control the colour changes. Enter the required
point name in the ‘Name’ box, or use the ‘Browse…’ button to find the point, see below.
Instrument Variable
Click this button if you want an Instrument variable to control the colour changes.
Name Type in the name of the controlling variable (or use ‘Browse…’, see next). The Variable type
(e.g. Integer) is automatically entered for you from the list to the right of the ‘Name’ box.
Use the standard LIN formats for the variable name, i.e. blockname.fieldname (e.g.
TIC001.PV) or blockname.bitfield.bit format (e.g. Dig_A.Out.Bit3).
Browse… Click this button to pop up a LIN Database Browser window. This lets you to select the
required block and point from the database you associated with the Page Set (via the Page
Set Properties dialogue), or the New Page Set dialogue.) The variable type is automatically
entered for you when you use Browse.

The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

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13.16.3 Colour selection

Value Select one of the three colour-change conditions from this pulldown menu, for individual
configuration. You can configure for when the selected variable is less than ‘lo_limit’, is on
or between the ‘lo’ and ‘hi’ limits, and when it is greater than the ‘hi_limit’. These low and
high limits are specified in the Colour Limits Properties dialogue.
Change Foreground
Tick this box if you want to specify a Foreground colour-change when Value enters the
selected condition. Click the required colour from the pulldown palette of colours
configured for this target.
Change Background/Fill
Tick this box if you want to specify a Background/Fill colour-change when Value enters the
selected condition. Click the required colour from the pulldown palette of colours.

13.16.4 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.16.5 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.16.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


Use this dialogue to define the low and high limits used in the Colour Attributes Properties dialogue.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Colour Limits’ tab. The fields are:

13.17.1 Colour Limit Minimum

None Click this radio button if you do not require a low limit.
Constant Click if you want the low limit to be a fixed value. Type the required constant in the ‘Value’
LIN Variable Click if you want the low limit to be equal to a LIN Database variable. Type in the name of
the variable in the ‘Name’ box (or use ‘Browse…’, see next). Use the standard LIN formats for
the variable name, i.e. blockname.fieldname (e.g. TIC001.PV) or blockname.bitfield.bit
format (e.g. Dig_A.Out.Bit3).

The variable type must be the same as that of the Colour Attribute controlling variable.

Instrument Variable [Not implemented].

Browse… Click this button to pop-up a LIN Database Browser window. This lets you to select the
required block and point from the Database you associated with the Page Set (via the Page
Set Properties dialogue), or the New Page Set dialogue).
The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

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13.17.2 Colour Limit Maximum

Use these fields in the same way as the corresponding ‘Colour Limit Minimum’ fields.

13.17.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.17.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.17.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This dialogue permits the Colour setup for the current Target Screen type.

13.18.1 Default colours

Default foreground colour
Use this list to select the required default foreground colour.
Default background colour
Use this list to select the required default background colour.

13.18.2 Colour options

Target supports Colour change commands
If enabled, the Target Screen type will allow the default Colour to change at the request of a
configured Action.


To configure a suitable object to execute a User Screen Editor Action enter the Action script into the specific
Page Item ‘Action’ edit box. This appears in the Touch Area Properties dialogue. Up to 200 characters can be
used to specify a comma-separated list of Actions.

13.19.1 Enabling Actions

Individual Actions may be 'enabled' or 'disabled' according to the state of the Target Instrument. For example:
‘ACK_ALL’ is disabled if there are no unacknowledged alarms present.
‘GOTO:4’ is disabled if there is insufficient Operator Access Level to permit viewing of this particular User
Screen, etc.

If one or more Actions in a list is in the disabled state, then none of the actions execute when the object
is activated, even the enabled ones. For Button Page Items, the 'disabled' state is indicated by the button
legend being 'greyed out'.

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This dialogue is available for non-variable Text-based Page Items (buttons and text). It allows the User to specify
any confirmation characteristics required.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Confirmation’ tab. The fields are:

13.20.1 Required Confirmation Type

No Confirmation Use this radio button to specify that confirmation is not required to initiate the action
configured for this Page Item.
Confirmation Only Use this radio button to specify that only confirmation is required to initiate the action
configured for this Page Item.
Signature Use this radio button to specify that only one signature is required to initiate the action
configured for this Page Item.
Sign and Authorise Use this radio button to specify that two signatures are required to initiate the action
configured for this Page Item.

13.20.2 OK
Accepts the changes and closes the dialogue.

13.20.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.20.4 Cancel

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When linking a Variable to a Page Item to make it Dynamic, the User Screen Editor displays the relevant data
type for the Variable.

If the Variable is not recognised by the User Screen Editor, it may have to be entered manually.

Data Type Description

CharacterNC Single 8-bit character

BooleanEN Bit (0 or 1)

IntegerBC EN Signed 16-bit integer

LongBC EN Signed 32-bit integer

SingleBC EN 32-bit floating-point value

DoubleBC EN 64-bit floating-point value

StringNC String of 8 characters

EnumerationEN List of strings representing values

BlockRefNC LIN Block TagName (8 character max)

UIntegerBC EN Unsigned 16-bit integer

UlongBC EN Unsigned 32-bit integer

Alarm LIN Block Alarm State

(0=Inactive, 1=Active, 2=Inact Unack, 3=Act Unack)

TimeNC Time-of-Day
(hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:am/pm)

Date Date
(dd:mm:yyyy) [plus International formats]

Subfield8 8-bit Subfield

Subfield16 16-bit Subfield

Normalised Normalised floating-point value

NormLow Low value used for normalisation

NormHigh High value used for normalisation

NC = Not Compatible Colour Change Data Type.
BC = Compatible Bar Chart Page Item Data Type.
EN = Enumeration compatible Text Variable Page Item Data
Type (via the Enumeration Properties dialogue).

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The table below lists the IDs and names of the default T2900 built-in Agents.
ID Agent Name
1000 Top Level Menu
2000 System Menu
2010 System Summary
2020 Application Summary
2030 Startup Setup
2040 Communications Setup
2050 Clock Setup
2060 Internationalisation Setup
2070 Panel Setup
2080 Cloning
2200 Application Menu
2210 Application Manager
2300 Setup Menu
3000 Programmer Menu
3010 Programmer - Monitor
3011 Programmer - Program Selection
3012 Programmer - Scheduling
3013 Programmer - Preplot
3014 Programmer - Editor
3015 Programmer - Preview
3016 Programmer - Run form
4000 Security Access
5000 Logging Menu
5010 Logging - Monitor
5011 Logging - Offline
5012 Logging - Archive Management
5013 Logging - Groups
9000 Alarm Menu
9010 Alarm History

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Use this dialogue to specify what enumeration, i.e. text string, a Text Variable Page Item is to display as the
value of the linked variable changes.
A suitable linked Variable must first be specified via the Variable Properties dialogue.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Enumeration’ tab. The fields are:
No enum Use the radio button if an enumeration is not required, i.e. the actual linked variable value is
Text Use this radio button in conjunction with the ‘Value’ and ‘Enumeration’ fields to indicate a
set of text strings are to be displayed, dependent on the value of the linked Variable.
Dictionary Use this radio button in conjunction with the ‘Value’ and ‘Enumeration’ fields to indicate the
enumeration strings are language-dependent.
Value Floating-point Variables
These are Variables that can be configured when the linked Variable is less than ‘lo_limit’,
is on or between the ‘lo’ and ‘hi’ limits, and when it is greater than the ‘hi_limit’. These low
and high limits are specified in the item’s Limits Properties dialogue.
Integer or Boolean Variables
Use the ‘Value’ field to specify one of the possible values from the menu for individual
Enumeration Text
Use this field to specify the text string that is to be displayed when the linked Variable
obeys the condition, or adopts the value selected in the ‘Value’ box.
Use this field to specify the correct user-dictionary reference number in this field, e.g.
'U123'. At runtime, the current user dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by
the specified reference is displayed as the text enumeration.
In-Place Toggle This checkbox is active only if the linked Variable is an operator-writeable integer or
Boolean. Use it to allow the operator to cycle (or toggle, in the case of Boolean) round the
possible values by simply touching the Page Item on-screen.
If the check box remains blank, a list of values is revealed in a pop-up when the operator
touches the Page Item.

13.23.1 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.23.2 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.23.3 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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This dialogue applies to Page Items that possess a solid border, such as a Rectangle, Ellipse, or Triangle. Use this
dialogue to specify how the selected Page Item should appear on the Target Screen type. The fields are:

13.24.1 Fill style

Fill style/pattern Use this list to select the fill pattern required for the selected Page Item.

13.24.2 Fill mode

Fill mode Use this list to select the how the fill pattern should react.

13.24.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.24.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.24.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This dialogue permits the Font setup for the current Target Screen type.

13.25.1 Default Font

Default Font Use this list to select the required default Font.

13.25.2 Font options

Target supports Font change commands
If enabled, the Target Screen type will allow the default Font to change at the request of a
configured Action.

13.25.3 Font dialogue

Use this dialogue to configure the parameters for the selected Font Page Item. This dialogue permits changes to
Font Select the Font required. Select from any Windows Font currently installed in the Fonts
Font Style Select the style required, i.e. Regular, Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic.
Font Size Select the Font Size required. This is generally in the range of 8 to 72, but some Fonts may
only support limited Font Sizes.
Effects Select the effects required. This includes Strikeout, a single line through the centre of the
text, Underline, a single line below the text, and Color, a picklist to specify the colour
required for the selected Text.
Script Select the Script required. This is used to assist with the display of Fonts that may be used in
other regions throughout the world.
Sample Shows an example of the defined parameters.

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Use this dialogue to specify the precision and format of real number Page Item, and the format of integer
number Page Items.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Format’ tab. The fields are:

13.26.1 Number accuracy

Decimal places For real numbers, select the required number of decimal places using the scrollable menu in
the box.

13.26.2 Real Number format

Fixed point Selects decimal format e.g. 123,456,000.00
Engineering notation
Selects an ‘exponent’ format, where the exponent value must be 3, 6, 9, 12 etc (i.e. a
multiple of three). This is in order that the value be represented in terms of thousands,
millions, billions, trillions etc. There may be up to three digits before the decimal point, e.g.
123.456E+6. [Not implemented]
Scientific notation Selects ‘standard’ exponent format (only one digit before the decimal point, e.g. 1.234E+8.

13.26.3 Integer Number format

Decimal Value is displayed as a base 10 value, e.g. 239.
HEX Use this radio button to indicate that ‘hexadecimal’ display of the value (base 16) is
required, e.g. 1E4F.
HEX (lowercase) Use this radio button to indicate that ‘hexadecimal’ with lower-case characters display of the
value (base 16) is required, e.g.1e4f.
Binary Use this radio button to indicate that ‘binary’ display of the value (base 2) is required, e.g.
Pad with Leading Zeroes
Use this checkbox to indicate that zeroes will automatically be inserted in front of the
displayed number, to completely fill any spare character spaces in the field, e.g. for a 6-
character field width, the decimal display might be 000239.

13.26.4 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.26.5 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.26.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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Use this dialogue to configure the snap-to points of the User Screen Editor’s grid.

Turning the Grid on will help when attempting to align Page Items.

A Grid has the same effect when displayed or hidden.

Access the dialogue by clicking the Grid Settings button in the Placement Bar. The dialogue fields are:

13.27.1 Major grid settings

These fields specify the major grid horizontal and vertical spacing.

13.27.2 Minor grid settings

The minor grid settings are relative to the top-left corner of each major grid cell (0, 0).

13.27.3 General grid settings

Snap to grid Check this to cause the vertices (or bounding-box corners) of Page Item being drawn to
snap to the grid (whether hidden or not).
Use minor grid lines for item alignment
Check this to make the ‘snap to grid’ (if selected) and ‘nudge items…’ alignment action work
on the minor grid lines. If left unchecked, only the major grid lines are used.
Nudge items to nearest grid line
Check this to cause highlighted item(s) to jump one grid spacing in the selected direction
each time a keyboard cursor key is pressed. If unchecked, they jump one pixel only. This
works even if ‘snap to grid’ is not selected.
Use dotted lines for grid lines
Check this to make the grid lines appear dashed. If unchecked, the grid lines are solid.

13.27.4 Configure using default font

Click this button to set the major grid spacing to match the default font cell size -- convenient for laying out

13.27.5 OK
Click to close the dialogue and enable the grid settings.

13.27.6 Cancel
Click to close the dialogue without altering the existing grid settings.

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Use this dialogue to apply minimum and maximum limits to Page Item Variable. Limits can perform several
They specify high/low ranges for a Page Item (e.g. the 0% and 100% display values on a Bar Chart).
They set operator input limits for writeable linked Variables.
They define the three zones for enumerated Instrument Variable (i.e. less than the low limit, on or between the
limits, greater than the high limit).

Limits do not affect the linked LIN Database Variables, only their display.

To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Limits’ tab. The fields are:

13.28.1 Low Limit

None Use this radio button if a minimum limit is not required.
Constant Use this radio button if the minimum limit must be the constant (fixed) value, as entered in
the adjacent ‘Value’ field.
LIN Variable Use this radio button if the minimum limit must be equal to a LIN Database Variable. Use
the standard LIN formats for the variable name, i.e. blockname.fieldname (e.g. TIC001.PV)
or blockname.bitfield.bit format (e.g. Dig_A.Out.Bit3). Use the ‘Browse…’ button to
display the LIN Database Browser dialogue, to assist with locating the required Variable.

The Variable type (i.e. boolean) must be the same as that of the linked Variable (i.e. boolean).
Instrument Variable
Use this radio button to select to link the Page Item with a Instrument Variable. Use the
Browse… button to display the Instrument Browser dialogue, to assist with locating the
required Variable.

The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

13.28.2 Maximum
Use these fields in the same way as the corresponding ‘Minimum’ fields – see above.

13.28.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.28.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.28.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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This properties page applies to all Page Items. It is used it to generate an OIFL string, contained in an OIFL file
(.ofl). To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up
the relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the Miscellaneous tab. The fields are,

13.29.1 Miscellaneous
Generate OIFL string for this page
A ticked check box indicates an OIFL string will be immediately generated for the selected Page Item and
appended to the OIFL file (that ultimately will be downloaded to the Target Instrument).
An empty check box indicates an OIFL string is either not generated, or, is deleted if the string for that Page
Item already exists in the file.

13.29.2 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.29.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.29.4 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

The OIFL for the whole page can be inspected using the Page > Show OIFL Strings drop-down menu.


Use this dialogue to create a new Page Set required to store all Pages used by the Target Instrument, defined in
the Location of DB file for Page Set field. The fields are:

13.30.1 Name of new Page Set

The Name of new Page Set is used within the User Screen Editor to identify the Target Instrument or Project,
e.g. 'T2900_0f'. This field will automatically include the .uxp extension when saved.

The Page Set name MUST match the LIN Database (*.dbf) filename so the correct screens are displayed
when downloaded.
Failure to ensure this will result in downloading a Page Set to the Target Instrument, which may be
incorrect. This could cause problems with the operation of the instrument.
To resolve this problem,
Rename the Page Set. Select Edit > Properties > Page Set to display the Page Set Properties dialogue.

13.30.2 Target panel

Lists all the Target Instrument Panes type currently configured in the Targets directory.

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13.30.3 Status Pane OIFL file

This field specifies a path to the .OFL file that is added automatically to User Screen Editor output, to define the
required Status pane.

If left in its pre-configured default value (blank) the default Status pane will be specified.

13.30.4 Location of DB file for Page Set

Shows the full path and filename of the LIN Database file (*.dbf, control strategy) that Dynamic Page Items in
the Page Set will be linked to.
Use the ‘Browse…’ button to help locate the LIN Database file, if required.

This field can initially be left blank.

13.30.5 OK
Accepts and closes the configured Page Set dialogue. An empty Page Set window appears on the worksheet
entitled with the name entered in the ‘Name of new Page Set’ field.

A Page Set can also be saved using the Save commands.

13.30.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Set properties.


This page applies only to the OIFL Page Item. Use it to directly specify any OIFL (.ofl) (Operator InterFace
Language, .ofl) code that you want added to the code generated by other objects on the page. This is a way to
add functionality to the User Screen that is not currently provided by standard User Screen Editor Page Items. It
is not likely to be required by most developers.
The added code is inserted in the OIFL output, located by default according to when the OIFL Page Item was
created. You can alter its position using the layer-ordering tools (Bring to Front, Send to Back, etc.).
To view the OIFL code generated by the page, in the Editor’s Page menu, select ‘Show OIFL Strings’. The OIFL
for the current page is displayed in a pop-up window.

The OIFL Page Item is not shown as an object on the actual Target Screen.

To access the page, right-click the OIFL Page Item and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop up
the Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘OIFL’ page. The fields are,

13.31.1 Display
Label Enter a suitable identifying legend to appear on the OIFL Page Item. This is not seen in the
OIFL code or anywhere else.

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13.31.2 OIFL
Type in the OIFL code you want added to the output for the page.
OIFL code syntax is not described in this help file. Contact the manufacturer for further information.

13.31.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.31.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.31.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

13.32 PAGE
13.32.1 Page Item Actions - Example
This action runs the currently loaded SPP program.
This list causes all alarms to be acknowledged, then jumps to the User Screen with an ID of 4. (It could also
jump to a built-in page if its ID is correctly specified, e.g. the Alarm History page, which has a default ID of
This ‘Structured Text’ Action sets the function block input PID1.SL to 12.34.
This ‘Structured Text’ Action creates a Toggle button. It causes a configured Page Item to toggle between the
Background colour and original appearance when activated. Add this text to the Touch Area page of the Page
Item Properties dialogue and ensure the Action radio button is defined.
This provides an ‘Enable’ instruction, used to enable an action. It causes a configured Page Item to remain
disabled until a specified condition is achieved. Add this text to the Touch Area page of the Page Item
Properties dialogue and ensure the Action radio button is defined.
When entering the 'Action' text, add the ‘Enable’ instruction and ‘Structured Text’ Action, separated with a
comma (,). The following example shows a motor start button, that will remain disabled unless the motor is in
manual mode.

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13.32.2 Page Item Properties dialogue

The properties of each Page Item differ, i.e. the Touch Area Page Item includes an, Access page, Fill Style page,
Touch Area page, and a Miscellaneous page, whereas the Rectangle Page Item includes the Access page,
Appearance page, Fill Style page, Colour Attribute page, Colour Limits page, and Miscellaneous page.

A Confirmation page appears if an appropriate Target Panel type was selected, e.g. svga v4.0 Auditor

13.32.3 Page Properties dialogue - Names page

Use this dialogue to inspect and edit the ‘name’ properties of an existing Page. To access the dialogue from the
Page Set window, right-click the Page icon and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu, or highlight the
Page icon, then pull down the Edit menu and click Properties > Page…
Click the ‘Names’ tab to see the Names page of the dialogue. The fields are:
Inspect/edit the Page Name. It is used within the User Screen Editor for information only. E.g. it appears in the
Page Set window as an icon label.
Inspect/edit the ID number for the page. This must be a positive integer, 1-999.
'Built-in' pages have IDs > 999.
The ID is used in the OIFL file to refer to the page, and in other pages, e.g. for a button jumping to this page or
a built-in page. The 'home page' is normally assigned an ID of '1'. This is usually the power-up and timeout
page, and is accessible from the top-level menu.
Inspect/edit the title to appear on the instrument display for the page, as a fixed string or a dictionary
Check the Use Dictionary box if you want the title to change if the language is changed. Enter the
corresponding user-dictionary reference number in the Dictionary Entry No field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the
current user dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by the specified reference is displayed as the title.
For a fixed title, simply type the required character string into the Title field.

User dictionaries have filenames such as _user.uyl (for single-language systems), or _user n.uyl (for
multilingual systems, where n = 0 to 9).

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Inspect/edit the page Legend. This is normally a very brief (typically 8 characters max.) description of the page
that can appear in a displayed selection-menu in the Target Instrument. In use, the operator selects or 'clicks'
the legend, which may often be displayed as a 'button' marked with the legend, and the page pops up on-
Check the Use Dictionary box if you want the legend to change if the language is changed. Enter the
corresponding user-dictionary reference number in the Dictionary Entry No field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the
current user dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by the specified reference is displayed as the
For a fixed legend, simply type the required character string into the Legend field.
Inspect/edit the Access Level for the whole page, by clicking the required radio button:
Always accessible, (i.e. for any operator level) or
Accessible if operator level is >= (greater than or equal to). Select an operator level (1 to 4).
This is for user-information only as an aid to maintainability, and is not transferred to the runtime system.

13.32.4 Page Properties dialogue - OSFK page

Use this dialogue to specify the OSFK pane associated with a particular pane, if more than one OSFK pane is
configured. To access the dialogue from the Page Set window,
right-click the Page icon and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu, or
highlight the Page icon, then pull down the Edit menu and click Properties > Page…

The Off Screen Function Key (OSFK) pane is only available if the Target Screen type supports Off Screen
Function Keys.

Click the ‘OSFK’ tab to see the OSFK page of the dialogue.

13.32.5 OSFK Pane list

Use the list to select the required OSFK pane. The selected OSFK Pane is then associated with this Page.

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13.32.6 Page Properties dialogue - Target page

Use this dialogue to inspect the target associated with an existing Page. To access the dialogue from the Page
Set window right-click the Page icon and select Properties… from the context menu, or highlight the Page icon,
then pull down the Edit menu and click Properties > Page… Click the ‘Target’ tab to see the ‘Target’ page of the
dialogue. The (read-only) fields are:
This field shows the target panel associated with the current Page Set, which was selected via the ‘New Page
Set’ dialogue when the Page Set was created.
This field shows the type of pane selected for this Page. If a Pop-up Pane was selected, the Width and Height
of the pane are also displayed.
These fields show the dimensions of the selected Pane.


Use this dialogue to inspect and edit the properties of an existing Page Set. You can access the dialogue from
the Edit menu by clicking Properties > Page Set…. The fields are:

13.33.1 Name of Page Set

The Name of new Page Set is used within the User Screen Editor to identify the Target Instrument or Project,
e.g. 'T2900_0f'. This field will automatically include the Page Set file (.uxp) extension when saved.

The Page Set name MUST match the LIN Database (*.dbf) filename so the correct screens are displayed
when downloaded. Failure to ensure this may result in downloading a Page Set to the Target Instrument,
which may be incorrect. This could cause problems with the operation of the instrument.
To resolve this problem rename the Page Set: Select Edit > Properties > Page Set to display the Page Set
Properties dialogue.

13.33.2 Location of DB file for Page Set

Shows the full path and filename of the LIN Database file (*.dbf, control strategy) that Dynamic Page Items in
the Page Set will be linked to.
Use the ‘Browse…’ button to help locate the LIN Database file, if required.

This field can initially be left blank.

13.33.3 Status Pane OIFL file

This field specifies a path to the .ofl file that is added automatically to User Screen Editor output to define the
required Status pane.

If left in its pre-configured default value (blank) the default Status pane will be specified.

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13.33.4 Target panel

Lists all the Target Instrument Panes type currently configured in the Targets directory.

13.33.5 OK
Accepts and closes the configured Page Set dialogue. An empty Page Set window appears on the worksheet
entitled with the name entered in the Name of new Page Set field.

A Page Set can also be saved using the Save commands.

13.33.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Set properties.


This dialogue permits the Pane setup for the current Target Screen type.

13.34.1 Default Pane

Default Pane Use this list to select the required default Pane.


This password can be used to prevent unauthorised personnel from viewing or editing Target definitions. To
change (or disable) the password, click 'Set Password' in the Target Panels dialogue, to pop-up the Change
Password dialogue. Type the new password into both fields and click 'OK' to effect the change.
To disable the password, simply leave both fields completely blank before hitting 'OK'.

Space characters are valid password characters.

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The Properties page allows a 'PROGCTRL' block to be assigned to the item. The page is accessed by:
1. Double clicking on the Program profile.
2. Right-clicking on the item and selecting 'Properties...' in the resulting pop-up (context) menu,
3. Via the Properties/Page item... in the Edit menu
4. Using the shortcut <Alt> + <Enter>.

Access. See separate topic 'Access Properties page'.

Appearance. See separate topic 'Appearance Properties page'.
Colour attribute See separate topic 'Colour attribute Properties page'.
Colour limits. See separate topic 'Colour limits Properties page'.
Miscellaneous. See separate topic 'Miscellaneous Properties page'.

13.36.1 Program profile

This tab allows the user to browse the associated database and to select that profile block which is to appear
on the screen.
Preview Shows the program profile as a static profile.
Monitor As Preview (above) but with a moving indicator showing which segment is currently running.

13.36.2 Program Profile appearance

The Program Profile window is drawn on the User Screen Editor page containing a question mark until a
'PROGCTRL' block has been assigned to it using the properties page.
Once such a block has been assigned, the question mark disappears.

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This dialogue permits the user to permanently include a defined Instrument Type and Version in this Page Set.

13.37.1 Instrument
Type Enter the required Instrument type name, i.e. T800, T820, T940, etc., used in the system.
Version Enter the Version of the Instrument type specified in the Type field, i.e. v4.7, v4.8, etc., used
in the system.

Use existing table entries as a guide to clarifying the Instrument Type and Version.


Use this dialogue to create or edit, either Pixel-based Target Screen types or Character-based Target Screen
types. To access the dialogue, from the Editor window pull down the File menu and click ‘Target Definitions’.
The fields are:

13.38.1 Currently defined Target Panels

Select the required Target Screen type from the list. This is a list of all the Target Screen types currently
configured in the Targets directory.

13.38.2 New
Initiates the Target Panel wizard. This wizard makes creating a Target Screen type easy.

Customised Target Screen types can be created. This is not recommended as each file (.uxt) contains the
unique default configuration of the selected Target Screen type.

13.38.3 Edit
Displays the Target Panel dialogue after selecting the Target Screen type that requires editing.

13.38.4 Remove
Deletes the selected Target Screen type.

13.38.5 OK
Stores the new Target Screen type specifications and closes the dialogue.

13.38.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Set properties.

13.38.7 Set Password

Click this button to display the Change Password dialogue. This allows a password to be configured that will
restrict access to the Target Panels dialogue.

Use the Set Password button to restrict access to the Target Panels dialogue. Any attempt to open this
dialogue will request a password to continue.

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This dialogue is available for non-variable Text-based Page Items (buttons and text). It allows the User to specify
the characteristics of the text, and a dictionary entry number for international text languages.
To access the dialogue, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to pop-up the
relevant Page Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Text’ tab. The fields are:

13.39.1 Font
Use Windows Fonts Use this checkbox to indicate that the defined Target Screen type supports Windows Fonts,
installed in the Fonts directory.
Font name Use this list to specify a required Font type for the specified Target Screen type.
Flashing Use this checkbox to specify a flashing text is required. Predetermined colour-pairs in the
instrument palette provide the flashing. The Editor shows only one of an alternating pair of
colours, i.e. does not flash.
Highlighting Use this checkbox to specify a highlighting text is required.
Select Font Shows the Font dialogue. This dialogue permits the selection of a specific Font already
installed in the Fonts directory.

13.39.2 Alignment & Underlining

Alignment Use this list to align the selected Text to the nearest character width.

‘Left Centre’ and ‘Right Centre’ bias the alignment one character-width in the specified direction when the
string cannot be positioned in the exact centre.

Underlining… Click this button to access the target’s underline options. (Only for targets supporting

13.39.3 Text
Use Dictionary Use this checkbox if you want the text to change if the language is changed.
Dictionary Entry No Enter the correct user-dictionary reference number in this field, e.g. 'U123'. At runtime, the
current user-dictionary is consulted and the string referred to by the specified reference
number is displayed as the text.

User dictionaries have filenames such as _user.uyl (for single-language systems), or _user n.uyl (for
multilingual systems, where n = 0 to 9).

13.39.4 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.39.5 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.39.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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The Properties page is accessed by:

1. Double clicking on the relevant page item
2. Right-clicking on the item and selecting 'Properties...' in the resulting pop-up (context) menu,
3. Via Properties/Page item... in the Edit menu
4 Using the shortcut <Alt> + <Enter>.

13.40.1 Text Tab

This is available for Text Variable page items and is used to specify the font, alignment, and underlining
characteristics of the text.
Font name Select a font from the list of fonts (specified for the target).
Flashing Tick the checkbox to specify ‘flashing’ text. If the box is disabled, the instrument does not
support flashing text.
Highlighting Tick the checkbox to specify ‘highlighting’ text. If the box is disabled, the instrument does
not support highlighting text.
Alignment Select a horizontal alignment from the list. (Text is aligned to the nearest character width.
‘Left Centre’ and ‘Right Centre’ bias the alignment one character-width in the specified
direction when the string cannot be positioned in the exact centre.)
Underlining… Click this button to select an underline option. If the box is disabled, the instrument does
not support text underlining.

13.40.2 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.40.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.40.4 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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This is a defined area on a touch-sensitive screen that responds to pressure in a specific way, e.g. by screening a
new Page. Touch areas created with the Touch Area tool are invisible, but can be identified to the operator by
overlapping them with suitable graphics.
Alternatively the ‘Touch Area Properties’ page of several other page objects (rectangles, ellipses, bitmaps, and
buttons) can be configured to make them touch-sensitive.
To access this Properties page, right-click the object and select ‘Properties…’, from the context menu. This
displays the relevant Page Item Properties page. Then click the ‘Touch Area’ page. The fields are:

13.41.1 Touch Area Type

No Touch Click this radio button to disable the touch-sensitivity of the object.
Go to page Click this button to cause the specified destination agent display (see below) to appear when
the object is touched, with no return to the original page via the <Escape> or <Exit> button
being available automatically.
Go to page with EXIT
Click this button to cause the specified destination agent display to appear on touch, and to
give the operator the ability to return to the original page via a target-specific <Escape> or
<Exit> button, e.g. on a keypad.
Action Click this button to allow a User Screen Action to be configured in the Action box (see

13.41.2 Destination Page ID & Name

Destination ID Enter the ID number of the required ‘go to’ destination Agent, or use the ‘Browse…’ button
(see below).
Name Enter the name of the ‘go to’ destination agent, or use the Browse… button.
Browse… Click this button to pop up a Display Page IDs dialogue. This lists the IDs and Names of all
the pages you have configured in the current Page Set. Click the required ID number and hit
the dialogue’s ‘OK’ button to select that Page. Its details appear in the properties dialogue.

13.41.3 Action
In this edit box, type a comma-separated list of User Screen Actions to be executed when the object is
activated. Up to 200 characters may be entered.
Typical user screen actions might include, setting a function block field to a specified value, acknowledging
alarms, and changing the programmer state.

13.41.4 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.41.5 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.41.6 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties

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This properties page applies to the Trend Graph Page Item only, and lets you specify the growth direction of
the trended value.
To access the dialogue, right-click the trend graph object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to
display the Trend Graph Page Item Properties page. Then click the ‘Trend Graph’ tab. The fields are:

13.42.1 Growth direction

Horizontal Value (Vertical Scroll)
Click this radio button to make values grow horizontally in a rightwards direction, with the
trend 'paper' scrolling down the display (like a conventional chart recorder).
Vertical Value (Horizontal Scroll)
Click this button to make values grow vertically upwards, with the trend 'paper' scrolling
leftwards across the display.

13.42.2 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.42.3 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.42.4 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.


This properties page applies to the Trend Graph Page Item only. Use it to assign up to six LIN Database points
for trending on the Trend Graph. For LIN Databases, points to be trended must each be allocated a channel
number (from 1-16) within a single GROUP LIN function block. This LIN function block type is in the ORGANISE
category of LIN function blocks.
To access the dialogue, right-click the trend graph object and select ‘Properties…’ from the context menu to
pop up the Trend Graph Item Properties dialogue. Then click the ‘Trend Graph Variable’ tab. The fields are:

13.43.1 Variable
Group FB Name Enter the tagname of the relevant GROUP LIN function block in this box, or click the
'Browse…' button to locate the LIN function block name in the associated LIN Database if
needed (see next).

The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

Browse… Click this button to pop up a LIN Database Browser window. This lets you to select the
required GROUP LIN function block tagname from the LIN Database associated with the
Page Set (via the Page Set Properties dialogue), or the New Page Set dialogue.)

13.43.2 Channel selection

Channel In this box, enter up to six valid channel numbers separated by commas (no spaces) – e.g.
1,3,4,5,7,16. These channels will be trended at runtime in the selected item.

13.43.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.43.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

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13.43.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

The types of Variable that can be used are:
LIN Database field names. Example: PIC_004.PV
LIN Database Bitfields. Example: Dig_A.Out;
Aliases. Example: Dig_A.Out;
LIN Sequence step variables. Example: END_STEP.X

13.44.1 Variable Properties page

The Properties page is accessed by:

1. Double clicking on the relevant page item
2. Right-clicking on the item and selecting 'Properties...' in the resulting pop-up (context) menu,
3. Via Properties/Page item... in the Edit menu
4 Using the shortcut <Alt> + <Enter>.

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13.44.2 Variable Tab

This allows the user to select a link between a LIN Database, or Instrument Variable and the selected Page
Item, so that it can be displayed dynamically (that is, the item reacts in real-time to the value of the variable).
The fields are,
LIN Variable This radio button is used to link the Page Item to a LIN Database Variable. The 'Browse…'
button can be used to display the LIN Database Browser to assist in locating the required
Instrument Variable
This radio button is used to link the Page Item to an Instrument Variable.
Name This field is used to identify the name of the Variable to be linked. The Variable Type (e.g.
Integer) is automatically entered from the list to the right of the ‘Name’ box. Standard LIN
formats should be used for the Variable name, i.e.' blockname.fieldname' (e.g. TIC001.PV) or
'blockname.bitfield.bit' (e.g. Dig_A.Out.Bit3).
Browse... Clicking on this button opens the LIN database browser as an aid to locating the relevant
The Editor auto-validates entries, a red cross indicating an invalid field; a green tick a valid field.

For those instruments which support the facility, if a variable is selected which takes a file name as its value, the
'Data Entry' configuration area appears.
Offer file picklist when editing this variable
If this is enabled (ticked), then all the files on the instrument which match the search string
defined in the 'Filter' field (below), appear in a drop-down list at the instrument's operator
interface, when the associated text is touched.
Filter Allows the user to define the types of file which are to appear in the drop-down list on the
user screen. Multiple filters can be specified separated by commas. The '?' and '*' wildcards
can be used in the filter.

13.44.3 OK
Accepts the parameter changes and closes the dialogue.

13.44.4 Apply
Accepts the changes, and allows further configuration.

13.44.5 Cancel
Closes the dialogue without making any changes to the Page Item Properties.

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The default Password is,

HA260749U005 Page 125

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.bmp file .................................................................... 80, 104 Agents ................................................................................. 92
.dbf file.............................................................. 92, 119, 125 Alarm ................................................................................... 92
.emf file ............................................................................. 104 Align
.gif file ............................................................................... 104 left/right centre biased ............................................. 133
.ofl file ...................................................... 94, 119, 121, 125 Text ................................................................................ 131
.pcx file.............................................................................. 104 Align................................................................................... 131
.png file ............................................................................. 104 Align................................................................................... 133
.txt file ................................................................................. 87 Appearance
.uxp file ...................................................................... 16, 125 Properties dialog ........................................................ 100
.uxt file ...................................................................16, 19, 47 Appearance ...................................................................... 100
.uyl file...................................................................... 123, 131 ASCII key code .................................................................. 83
3D Styling Properties dialog .......................................... 95 Background colour .......................................................... 44
ABORT ................................................................................. 50 Background/Fill colour ................................................... 44
Access level Bar Chart
page ............................................................................... 123 fill direction ................................................................. 100
Access level ........................................................................ 22 linkable data types ....................................................... 92
Access level ...................................................................... 123 Properties dialog ........................................................ 100
Access Properties dialog................................................. 95 underline characters.................................................. 100
ACK_ALL .................................................................... 50, 122 Bar Chart ............................................................................ 92
Action Bar Chart .......................................................................... 100
Example......................................................................... 122 Barchart tool ..................................................................... 44
execute via touch area.............................................. 135 Bevel effects
supported ....................................................................... 50 depth ............................................................................... 95
syntax............................................................................... 50 Bevel effects ...................................................................... 95
writing ............................................................................. 50 Binary format .................................................................. 116
Action .................................................................................. 50 Bitmap
Action ................................................................................ 122 Enumeration Properties dialog ............................... 102
Action ................................................................................ 135 language-dependent ................................................. 102
Action qualifier Properties dialog ........................................................ 104
T# ..................................................................................... 64 selection ....................................................................... 102
Action qualifier ................................................................. 64 Bitmap ............................................................................... 102
Add/Edit Bitmap dialog .................................................. 97 Bitmap ............................................................................... 104
Agents Bitmap tool ........................................................................ 44
Alarm history ................................................................. 92 BlockRef .............................................................................. 92
built-in ............................................................................. 92 Boolean ...................................................................... 92, 102
Clock setup .................................................................... 92 Bordering effects .............................................................. 95
default ............................................................................. 92 Browser
preconfigured................................................................ 92 'expand' box ................................................................ 105

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LIN Database window.................................................. 94 New Page ........................................................................ 22

selection box ............................................................... 105 New Page Set .............................................................. 119
type box ........................................................................ 105 Page Properties .................................................. 123, 125
Browser ............................................................................... 94 Dialog .................................................................................. 22
Browser ............................................................................. 105 Dialog .................................................................................. 24
Build Window .................................................................... 48 Dialog ................................................................................ 100
Button Tool ........................................................................ 44 Dialog ................................................................................ 104
Channel selection for trending ................................... 136 Dialog ................................................................................ 108
Character ............................................................................ 92 Dialog ................................................................................ 117
Colour Dialog ................................................................................ 119
Attribute Properties dialog ...................................... 108 Dialog ................................................................................ 123
change ........................................................................... 108 Dialog ................................................................................ 125
change (hi/lo limits) .................................................. 109 Dictionary
change items ................................................................. 92 refence number ............................................................ 22
selection ....................................................................... 108 Dictionary ........................................................................... 22
Colour ................................................................................. 44 Double ................................................................................ 92
Colour ................................................................................. 92 Draw bar ............................................................................. 44
Colour ............................................................................... 108 Edit
Colour Limits Properties dialog .................................. 109 Page Item Properties ................................................... 24
Comments in ST ............................................................... 64 Edit ....................................................................................... 24
Constants Editing
Integer ............................................................................. 64 Structured Text ............................................................. 64
Real .................................................................................. 64 Editing ................................................................................. 64
String ............................................................................... 64 Editor project files ........................................................... 16
Time ................................................................................. 64 Editor Regions ................................................................... 20
Constants ............................................................................ 64 Ellipse tool.......................................................................... 44
Control strategy .............................................................. 119 Engineering notation ..................................................... 116
Data Entry......................................................................... 138 Enumeration
Data type ................................................................... 92, 107 bitmap ........................................................................... 102
Date ..................................................................................... 92 linkable data types ....................................................... 92
Decimal places ................................................................ 116 Enumeration ...................................................................... 92
DESC .................................................................................... 50 Enumeration .................................................................... 102
Description Enumerations Properties dialog ................................. 114
page ................................................................................. 22 Error
Description ......................................................................... 22 messages ......................................................................... 48
Dialog Error ..................................................................................... 48
Appearance Properties ............................................. 100 Example
Bitmap Properties....................................................... 104 of User Actions ........................................................... 122
Colour Attribute Properties ..................................... 108 Example ............................................................................ 122
Find .................................................................................. 24 Field selection ................................................................. 105
Grid Settings ................................................................ 117 Field Type ......................................................................... 107

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Fill direction (bar chart) ............................................... 100 Legend................................................................................. 22

Fill Style Properties page .............................................. 115 Legend............................................................................... 123
Fill/Background colour ................................................... 44 Limits Properties dialog ................................................ 118
Filter................................................................................... 138 LIN Database
Find address .......................................................................... 105
Dialog .............................................................................. 24 block name .................................................................. 105
Find ...................................................................................... 24 browser block icon .................................................... 105
Fixed decimal point ....................................................... 116 Browser Field (with subfields)................................. 105
Flashing text............................................................ 131, 133 browser multibit field ............................................... 105
Font name ............................................................... 131, 133 browser selection box ............................................... 105
Format Properties dialog.............................................. 116 browser type box ....................................................... 107
Function Block browser window ......................................................... 138
category ........................................................................ 105 Database Browser dialog ............................................ 94
select ............................................................................. 105 file location ......................................................... 119, 125
understanding ............................................................... 88 function block ............................................................... 88
Function Block .................................................................. 64 linking variable to page item .................................. 138
Function Block .................................................................. 88 points trending ........................................................... 136
Function Block ................................................................ 105 select a field with no subfields ............................... 105
Go to page (touch area) ............................................... 135 selecting a function block ........................................ 105
GOTO.......................................................................... 50, 122 variable ......................................................................... 138
Grid LIN Database ..................................................................... 88
Settings dialog ............................................................. 117 LIN Database ..................................................................... 92
Grid .................................................................................... 117 LIN Database ..................................................................... 94
GROUP block associated with trend graph ............. 136 LIN Database ................................................................... 105
Hexadecimal format ...................................................... 116 LIN Database ................................................................... 105
High & low limits for colour changes ....................... 109 LIN Database ................................................................... 119
High/low display ranges for page items ................... 118 LIN Database ................................................................... 125
HOLD ................................................................................... 50 LIN Database ................................................................... 136
Horizontal trend ............................................................. 136 LIN Database ................................................................... 138
ID ........................................................................................ 123 LIN Variable .......................................................... 34, 49, 92
Identifiers in ST ................................................................. 67 Line / Text Colour ............................................................ 44
In-place toggle ................................................................ 114 Line tool.............................................................................. 44
Instrument Variable ............................................34, 49, 92 Line/Text
Integer ........................................................................ 92, 102 background colour .................................................... 100
Integer number formats ............................................... 116 colour ............................................................................ 100
ISE ....................................................................................... 125 weight ............................................................................ 100
language systems ............................................................ 131 Line/Text ........................................................................... 100
Legend Maximum & minimum limits ....................................... 118
dictionary ..................................................................... 123 Minimum & maximum limits ....................................... 118
fixed ............................................................................... 123 Miscellaneous Properties dialog................................. 119
page ........................................................................ 22, 123 Monitor ............................................................................. 128

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Multi-bit field selection (whole field) ....................... 105 Properties dialog ............................................... 123, 125
Name title .......................................................................... 22, 123
Page Set ............................................................... 119, 125 Page ..................................................................................... 22
Name ................................................................................. 119 Page ................................................................................... 123
Name ................................................................................. 125 Page ................................................................................... 125
New Page Page Item
dialog ............................................................................... 22 Edit ................................................................................... 24
New Page ............................................................................ 22 high/low display ranges ............................................ 118
Normalised ......................................................................... 92 linking variable to ...................................................... 138
NormHigh ........................................................................... 92 Properties dialog .......................................................... 24
NormLow ............................................................................ 92 visibility ........................................................................... 95
NULL .................................................................................... 50 writability ........................................................................ 95
Number accuracy ........................................................... 116 Page Item ........................................................................... 24
Offer file picklist when editing this variable ........... 138 Page Item ........................................................................... 95
OIFL tool ............................................................................. 44 Page Item ......................................................................... 118
Operator access level ...................................................... 95 Page Item ......................................................................... 138
Operator InterFace Language Page Properties dialog - OSFK page .......................... 124
.ofl file .................................................................. 119, 121 Page Set
adding code ................................................................. 121 associated target panel ............................................. 125
Properties dialog ........................................................ 121 creating new ................................................................ 119
Status pane .................................................................. 125 DB file location ........................................................... 125
string generation ........................................................ 119 name .............................................................................. 125
viewing strings ............................................................. 121 Properties dialog ........................................................ 125
What is? .......................................................................... 94 verify ................................................................................ 48
Operator InterFace Language ....................................... 94 Page Set .............................................................................. 48
Operator InterFace Language ..................................... 119 Page Set ............................................................................ 119
Operator InterFace Language ..................................... 121 Page Set ............................................................................ 125
Operator InterFace Language ..................................... 125 Pane
Operators and Functions associate with page .................................................... 125
Structured Text ............................................................. 68 popup ..................................................................... 22, 125
Operators and Functions................................................ 68 select ............................................................................... 22
Padding with leading zeroes........................................ 116 Pane ..................................................................................... 22
Page Pane ................................................................................... 125
access level ........................................................... 22, 123 Panel
built-in ........................................................................... 123 Target ............................................................................ 125
decription ....................................................................... 22 Panel .................................................................................. 125
description ................................................................... 123 Password entry format.................................................... 95
home ............................................................................. 123 Preview .............................................................................. 128
legend..................................................................... 22, 123 Program profile .............................................................. 128
name & ID ............................................................. 22, 123 Program Profile tool ........................................................ 44
new .................................................................................. 22 Properties

HA260749U005 Page 129

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.ofl file ........................................................................... 121 Report Window ................................................................. 94

3D styling ........................................................................ 95 Rounded Rectangle Tool ................................................ 44
bar chart ....................................................................... 100 RUN............................................................................. 50, 122
bitmap ........................................................................... 104 Scientific notation .......................................................... 116
bitmap enumeration.................................................. 102 Scroll direction of trend ............................................... 136
colour limits ................................................................. 109 Selection tool .................................................................... 44
enumerations .............................................................. 114 Single ................................................................................... 92
limits .............................................................................. 118 SKIP ...................................................................................... 50
miscellaneous dialog ................................................. 119 Statements in ST............................................................... 71
Page ............................................................................... 123 Status pane
PageSet.......................................................................... 125 .ofl file ........................................................................... 119
text ................................................................................. 131 default ........................................................................... 119
touch areas .................................................................. 135 Status pane ...................................................................... 119
trend graph .................................................................. 136 String ................................................................................... 92
trend graph variable .................................................. 136 Structured Text (ST)
variable ......................................................................... 138 aliases .............................................................................. 72
Properties ........................................................................... 95 assignments ................................................................... 71
Properties ......................................................................... 100 bitfields ........................................................................... 72
Properties ......................................................................... 102 comments in .................................................................. 64
Properties ......................................................................... 104 constants in.................................................................... 64
Properties ......................................................................... 118 Database names............................................................ 72
Properties ......................................................................... 119 editing ............................................................................. 64
Properties ......................................................................... 121 expressions in ................................................................ 67
Properties ......................................................................... 123 Function .......................................................................... 64
Properties ......................................................................... 125 identifiers in ................................................................... 67
Properties ......................................................................... 131 If... statements .........................................................64, 71
Properties ......................................................................... 135 operators and functions ............................................. 68
Properties ......................................................................... 136 Reference ....................................................................... 50
Properties ......................................................................... 136 SFC step .......................................................................... 72
Properties ......................................................................... 138 spaces in ......................................................................... 71
Pushbutton using rectangle ........................................... 95 statements in ................................................................. 71
Ranges transitions in .................................................................. 72
display ........................................................................... 118 Variable ........................................................................... 64
Ranges ............................................................................... 118 variables in ..................................................................... 72
Real number format ...................................................... 116 what is? ........................................................................... 63
Rectangle Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 50
3D styling ........................................................................ 95 Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 63
Rectangle ............................................................................ 95 Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 64
Rectangle tool ................................................................... 44 Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 64
Report Window Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 64
What is ............................................................................ 94 Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 67

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Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 67 Target Properties dialog - Grid page........................... 81

Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 68 Target Properties dialog - Instruments page ............ 82
Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 71 Target Properties dialog - OSFK page ........................ 84
Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 71 Target Properties dialog - Variables page ................. 87
Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 72 Target Screen
Structured Text (ST) ........................................................ 72 See Target Panel ........................................................... 19
Style of bevel effect ........................................................ 95 Target Screen .................................................................... 19
Subfield Text
select ............................................................................. 105 align ............................................................................... 131
Subfield ............................................................................. 105 enumerated string display ....................................... 114
Subfield16 .......................................................................... 92 flashing ................................................................. 131, 133
Subfield8............................................................................. 92 font name............................................................ 131, 133
System Variables...................................................... 87, 138 highlighting .................................................................. 133
T# Properties dialog ........................................................ 131
Action qualifier ............................................................. 64 underlining ................................................................... 131
T# ......................................................................................... 64 Variable ......................................................................... 133
Tab Variable Properties dialog........................................ 133
Name ............................................................................. 123 Text .................................................................................... 131
Target ............................................................................ 125 Text .................................................................................... 133
Tab ..................................................................................... 123 Text Colour ........................................................................ 44
Tab ..................................................................................... 125 Text Tab ............................................................................ 107
Target Text tool ............................................................................. 44
associated with page ................................................. 125 Text Variable tool ............................................................ 44
LIN Database ................................................................. 64 Time
panel ..................................................................... 119, 125 constants ........................................................................ 64
panel associated with PageSet ................................ 125 Time ..................................................................................... 64
specify ........................................................................... 125 Time ..................................................................................... 92
Tab ................................................................................. 125 Touch Area
Target .................................................................................. 64 Properties dialog ........................................................ 135
Target ................................................................................ 119 screens .......................................................................... 135
Target ................................................................................ 125 understanding ............................................................. 135
Target ................................................................................ 125 Touch Area ...................................................................... 135
Target Definition Touch Area tool................................................................ 44
.uxt file ............................................................................ 16 Trend
File .................................................................................... 16 assigning database points ........................................ 136
Target Definition .............................................................. 16 channel selection ....................................................... 136
Target Definition .............................................................. 47 Graph Properties dialog............................................ 136
Target Panel Graph Variable Properties dialog ........................... 136
dialog ............................................................................... 47 horizontal scroll .......................................................... 136
Templates ....................................................................... 47 vertical scroll ............................................................... 136
Target Panel ....................................................................... 47 Trend ................................................................................. 136

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Trend ................................................................................. 136 Variable ............................................................................... 92

Trend Graph tool ............................................................. 44 Variable ............................................................................. 128
Trend type ........................................................................ 128 Variable ............................................................................. 133
Triangle tool ...................................................................... 44 Variable ............................................................................. 138
UInteger .............................................................................. 92 Variables in ST .................................................................. 72
ULong .................................................................................. 92 Verify PageSet ................................................................... 48
Underline characters for bar chart ............................ 100 Vertical trend .................................................................. 136
Underlining ...................................................................... 131 Warning messages............................................................ 48
User Screen Actions What is
Example......................................................................... 122 a LIN Database? ............................................................ 88
writing ............................................................................. 50 a LIN function block? .................................................. 88
User Screen Actions ........................................................ 50 a Report Window ......................................................... 94
User Screen Actions ...................................................... 122 a Variable? ..................................................................... 92
Variable an Operator InterFace Language?............................ 94
LIN .................................................................................. 138 Structured Text? ........................................................... 63
name .............................................................................. 138 the Operator InterFace Language (OIFL) ............... 94
Properties dialog ........................................................ 138 What is ................................................................................ 63
system ........................................................................... 138 What is ................................................................................ 88
text ................................................................................. 133 What is ................................................................................ 88
Text Action ..................................................................... 64 What is ................................................................................ 92
type ................................................................................ 107 What is ................................................................................ 94
types ................................................................................ 92 What is ................................................................................ 94
Variable ............................................................................... 64 Windows bitmap file ....................................................... 80

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HA260749U005 (CN32547) User Screen Editor User Guide

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