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Effect of environmental factors on occurrence of cockchafers (Melolontha

spp.) in forest stands

Article in BALTIC FORESTRY · June 2017


17 556

1 author:

Marzena Niemczyk
Forest Research Institute, Poland


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Effect of Environmental Factors on Occurrence of

Cockchafers (Melolontha spp.) in Forest Stands
Department of Silviculture and Genetics, Forest Research Institute, Braci Leúnej 3, Sækocin Stary, 05-090
Raszyn, Poland
The Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159,
02-776 Warszawa, Poland
Corresponding author. Tel: +48 22 7150 681; fax +48 22 7200 397; E-mail address:

Niemczyk, M., Karwañski, M. and Grzybowska, U. 2017. Effect of Environmental Factors on Occurrence of
Cockchafers (Melolontha spp.) in Forest Stands. Baltic Forestry 23(2): 334-341.


Cockchafers (Melolontha melolontha and Melolontha hippocastani ) are some of the most damaging forest insect
pests in Europe. This study evaluated environmental factors that influence the occurrence of cockchafer grubs in forests,
including location of the stand relative to open space, the stage of stand development, tree species composition, canopy
openness, and cover of forest floor vegetation. To determine grub infestation in soil and to characterise forest stands,
300 sampling pits (1×0.5×0.5 m) were excavated in 12 stands in major centres of Melolontha spp. outbreak in Poland.
A hurdle regression model was used to analyse the dependence of the occurrence of cockchafer grubs on environmental
factors. Our results show that the boundary between open space and forest is associated with a significantly higher
probability of occurrence of cockchafer grubs. Stands adjacent to meadows are particularly susceptible to infestation.
The high numbers of grubs predicted by the model were observed in most stages of stand development. Characteristics
associated with increased numbers of cockchafer grubs included moderate canopy openness (21–35%) and the presence
of dense vegetation cover (>75%). Stands containing beech, birch and oak had slightly more cockchafers than stands
containing pine, for which the predicted number of grubs was significantly lower.

Key words: Hurdle model, Melolontha melolontha, Melolontha hippocastani, Phytoclimate, Stand canopy openness,
Stage of stand development.

Introduction lation density of cockchafers threatens sustainability

of forests in certain regions of Poland. Cockchafers
Among the many insects that have substantial are especially numerous in central and south-eastern
impacts on forest management in Europe, the cock- Poland. In these regions both species of cockchafers
chafers’ genus Melolontha (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) occur in forests frequently.
are especially important. These include the common Melolontha spp. have a 3- to 5-year life cycle; in
cockchafer Melolontha melolontha L. and the forest Central Europe, the life cycle is typically four years
cockchafer Melolontha hippocastani F. (Ðvestka 2007, (Ðvestka 2006, Sierpiñska 2008). Their biology is very
Woreta and Sukovata 2010, Wagenhoff et al. 2014). similar (Sukovata et al. 2015). During its life cycle, the
The distribution range of both species covers most of insect undergoes a complete transformation character-
Europe. The area, in which the forest cockchafer oc- ised by varying morphology and behaviour at each life
curs, is particularly large and extends to Mongolia, stage. Adult beetles feed in tree crowns, which caus-
parts of Central Asia, and Siberia (Niemczyk and Neyko es defoliation, reduces photosynthetic capacity, and
2009). In Poland, both species occur at varied frequency weakens the tree (Szujecki 1995). The larvae (grubs)
throughout the country. However, the areas of their are more problematic in forest management because
mass occurrence have increased a hundredfold over they damage the roots of nursery plants, seedlings,
the last twenty years, to 125,799 ha in 2015 (Instytut and trees. According to the Instruction of Forest Pro-
Badawczy Leúnictwa 2016). Currently, the high popu- tection (2012) 3 second instar grubs per 0.5 m 2 are like-

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


ly to cause serious damage and economic losses in days. We selected these locations because the most
plantations and nurseries in areas with fertile soils. In important outbreak centres of cockchafers in Poland
areas with the poorest soils even 1 second instar lar- have occurred in these areas.
vae per sampled soil (0.5 m 2 ) is a critical number for After preliminary verification of the most attrac-
young forest plantation. tive habitats for cockchafers (Niemczyk 2012, 2013,
The first records of cockchafer biology and of 2015) we established plots in two types of forest sites:
methods for reducing their populations in forests are fresh mixed broadleaved forest and fresh broadleaved
from the 19th century, when the idea of planned for- forest, in all stages of stand development. These stag-
est management was introduced (Flatt 1829, Tràmp- es included stand initiation (0–10 y), thicket (10–20 y),
czyñski 1856, Satkowski 1899). Since then, cockchafers small pole stand (20–35 y), high pole stand (35–50 y),
have been acknowledged as one of the most serious maturing stand (50–80 y), and mature stand (³ 80 y).
forest insect pests, although their abundance chang-
es periodically. The full outbreak cycle lasts for ap- Study treatments
proximately 40 years (Altenkirch et al. 2002, Ma- In autumn 2012 and spring 2013, we evaluated the
linowski 2007), which means that the number of cock- concentration of grubs in soil in 12 selected stands.
chafers in population has reasonably predictable pat- In each stage of stand development, we chose two
terns of change. stands: one in fresh mixed broadleaved forest and the
The current mass outbreak has more severe effects second in fresh broadleaved forest. During the study
than previous occurrences, during which foresters had period, second-instar cockchafer larvae (L2) dominat-
more options for controlling insect pests. In light of ed in all the forest districts. The larvae of both cock-
restrictions imposed on the application of chemicals chafer species are almost identical and there is no
for forest protection (EU Directive No. 91/414/EEC reliable diagnostic key that can be used for their dis-
resulted in elimination of almost all insecticides used crimination (Krell 2004). Thus, the grubs counted in
to control cockchafers), new (non-chemical) methods our study were only identified to genus level (Melo-
of controlling root pests are needed. Some research lontha sp.) using the key presented by Sierpiñski
should focus on identifying environmental risk factors (1975). The instar was determined by measuring the
that increase the habitat value of forest ecosystems width of the head capsule (L1: 2.6-2.7 mm, L2: 4.2-4.5
to cockchafers. Forest plant communities generate mm, L3: 6.5-6.9 mm) (Úliwa 1993).
microclimates that affect the accessibility and attrac- In each stand, 25 sampling pits (1 × 0.5 m and at
tiveness of the food source and of living conditions a depth at least of 0.5 m, (0.5 m 2); in accordance with
for cockchafer adults and grubs and their natural an- Instruction of Forest Protection (2012)) were excavat-
tagonists. In this context, it is important to investi- ed in a network of 30 × 50 m to assess grub infesta-
gate the ecological preferences of cockchafers so that tion in soil. The centre of the pit marked the centre of
silvicultural and forest protection measures that de- a 100-m2 circular plot (5.65-m radius), in which vege-
crease the habitat value of forest ecosystems for this tation cover (visual assessment in %) and species
pest can be developed. composition were recorded, including all trees with
The aim of this study was to evaluate forest en- diameter at breast height (DBH) >7 cm. Hemispherical
vironmental factors, including stand location in rela- images were also taken, on each circular plot, to meas-
tion to open space, the stage of stand development, ure light conditions in the stand. To do this a Nikon
species composition, canopy openness, cover of for- D5000 camera with Sigma 4.5-mm F2.8 EX DC HSM
est floor vegetation, and the influence of these fac- circular fisheye lens, which creates a full 180° field of
tors on cockchafer abundance. view, was used. The images were analysed using the
Gap Light Analyser software (Frazer et al. 1999) based
Materials and Methods on thresholding; each pixel was classified as either sky
(white) or non-sky (black) (Frazer et al. 1999). The
Study site consecutive step in the analysis calculated canopy
Our research plots were located in three forest openness as the percentage of total sky area in the
districts in south-eastern Poland: Ostrowiec Úwiæ- forest overstory (Matusz 1960, Frazer et al. 1999).
tokrzyski (50°56’00” N 21°24’00” E), Lubaczów
(50°09’33” N 23°07’19” E), and Narol (50°21’01” N Statistical analysis
23°19’38” E). The mean annual temperature ranges from The risk analysis of grub occurrence was per-
7.2 °C in Lubaczów to 8.3 °C in Ostrowiec Úw. The formed using a regression approach. Observations with
annual rainfall exceeds 700 mm in all research sites, a score = 0 (i.e. no grubs) were made in 134 (45%) of
and the growing season lasts for approximately 200 300 pits and were included in the analysis using hur-

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


dle generalised linear mixed models (hurdle-GLMM). ry light conditions in the stand (21–35% canopy open-
The final hybrid model (hurdle regression) assumed a ness) and dense vegetation cover (>76%) correspond-
binomial distribution for modelling the occurrence of ed to increased numbers of grubs (Table 1).
grubs, a negative binomial for modelling grub frequen-
cy (Xie et al. 2013), and a compound symmetry struc- Table 1. Average number of Melolontha spp. grubs per pit
ture to determine the covariate matrices. in relation to various environmental factors. Different let-
The probability of cockchafer occurrence (Model ters indicate significant differences at a = 0.05. SE denotes
the standard error, Cl denotes confidence intervals, N = 300
I) was modelled using binary logistic regression with
a randomised structure of the covariance matrix based Environmental factors Number SE
5- 95% 95%
on the blocks defined by the sampling sections. For a of grubs CI CI
per pit
number of positive results (Model II), a randomised
Stage of stand Stand initial stage 2.5 bc
0.59 1.30 3.62
negative binomial regression was used. The covariance development 0–10
blocks were calculated similarly as in Model I. Selec- (years) Thicket stage 0.1 c
0.07 0.01 0.25
tion of the optimal model was made based on the gen- Small pole stand 4.6 ab
0.78 3.03 6.09
eralised coefficient of determination. In addition, the 21–35
High pole stand 2.6 bc
0.50 1.60 3.56
global hypothesis regarding the equality of the effect 36–50
of the risk drivers was examined, and a bootstrap Maturing stand 3.4 b
0.85 1.75 5.09
method was used to adjust the confidence intervals. Mature stand 7.5 a
1.17 5.20 9.80
We considered the following risk factors: stage 80+
Forest/meadow No 1.7 b 0.25 1.17 2.15
of stand development; type of forest site; canopy ecotone Yes 5.9 a 0.64 4.67 7.19
openness; general vegetation cover; forest/meadow Canopy 0–10 3.1 ab 0.93 1.22 5.05
ecotone; and the presence of dominant tree species openness (%) 11–20 3.3 b 0.47 2.34 4.18
including Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), European 21–35 5.9 a 1.06 3.82 8.09
36–100 2.3 b 0.47 1.37 3.26
beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), English oak (Quercus Vegetation cover 0–25 0.8 b 0.35 0.06 1.44
robur L.), and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.). (%) 26–50 2.3 b 0.49 1.39 3.32
Because of the strong correlation between stand 51–75 2.4 b 0.47 1.44 3.31
(76% +) 5.0 a 0.59 3.83 6.15
development stage and type of forest site, the latter

was excluded from the model. This decision was based
on the goodness-of-fit measure of the model as a Modelling risk factors
whole. In Model I, which investigated the likelihood of
Continuous scale factors, such as canopy open- occurrence of cockchafer grubs in the sampled soil (Fig-
ness and vegetation cover, were divided into catego- ure 1), two factors were significant: the location of the
ries. Canopy openness was classified into four inter- stand in relation to open space (forest/meadow ecotone)
vals: 0–10%, 11–20%, 21–35% and 36–100%, taking into and the stage of stand development (Table 2). The most
consideration ecological consequences such light threatened stages of stand development, in terms of the
conditions for plants and trees as well as number of probability of grub occurrence, were high pole stands
observations in each interval. Vegetation cover was and stand initiation stage (model probability = 0.93 and
divided into four equal intervals. The analyses were 0.86, respectively). A high risk of cockchafer larvae
performed using SAS software, version 12.3 occurrence was also estimated for small pole stands and
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) with the significance mature stands (model probability = 0.77 and 0.43, re-
level set at a = 0.05. spectively). However, the factor that was most signifi-
cantly related to grub occurrence regardless of stand
Results development stage was location relative to open area.
The probability of grubs occurring in stands that were
Occurrence of cockchafer grubs in response to adjacent to meadows/open areas was significantly high-
environmental factors er (model probability = 0.93) than that in interior stands
During the study period the second instar larvae (model probability = 0.15).
dominated (i.e. L2 = 96.2%, L1 = 1.2%, L3 = 2.6%). In Model II, the following factors were significant
Grub density varied among stands (a = 0.05). The (a = 0.05) in predicting the number of grubs in pits (in
largest number of grubs was found in mature stands, which grub occurrence was demonstrated in 166 of 300
whereas the occurrence of grubs was incidental in pits): canopy openness, vegetation cover, and pres-
thickets (Table 1). The number of grubs in stands ence of Scots pine in the stand (Table 3). Among these
bordering open spaces (ecotones) was significantly factors, the largest number of grubs was predicted to
higher than of stands in the forest interior. Understo- occur in stands with canopy openness (during the

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


Figure 1. Effect of environmental fac-

tors on the probability of Melolontha
presence in soil (Model I). Bars indicate
95% confidence intervals (CI); different
letters indicate significant differences at
a = 0.05 between particular levels in
each environmental factor, N=300

Table 2. Global F-test for Model I. Assump-

tion H 0 : probability of occurrence of Mel- Table 3. Global F-test for Model II. Assump-
olontha spp. grubs is equal for all levels in tion H0: grub frequency is equal for all levels
each environmental factor. Significant differ- in each environmental factor. Significant dif-
ences bolded (p < 0.05), N=300 ferences bolded (p < 0.05), N=166.
Environmental factor Global p-value Environmental factor Global p-value
F-test F-test
Forest/meadow ecotone 4.97 0.0266 Forest/meadow ecotone 0.55 0.4577
Stage of stand development 2.34 0.0417 Stage of stand development 1.04 0.3981
Canopy openness (%) 0.15 0.9271 Canopy openness 6.50 0.0004
Vegetation cover (%) 0.94 0.4209 Vegetation cover (%) 4.10 0.008
Scots pine 0.54 0.4613 Scots pine 24.40 <0.0001
European beech 0.02 0.8877 European beech 3.24 0.0739
Silver birch 0.002 0.9661 Silver birch 2.66 0.1049
English oak 0.05 0.8168 English oak 2.50 0.1161

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


growing season) of 21–35% (predicted number of grubs ciduous trees (beech, birch, oak) slightly increased the
per pit = 5.08). Fewer grubs were predicted for stands attractiveness of the stand to cockchafers (p > 0.05),
with gap light transmission of 11–20% or 36–100% whereas the predicted number of grubs was signifi-
(predicted number of grubs per pit = 3.93 and 3.44, cantly lower in stands with pine than in stands with-
respectively); the lowest numbers were estimated for out pine (2.97 vs. 4.70) (Figure 2).
the densest stands (light transmission <10%; predict- Although the stage of stand development was not
ed number of grubs per pit = 2.83). a significant factor in Model II, and although the
Vegetation cover strongly influences the number number of grubs did not differ among stages, most
of cockchafer grubs in stands by increasing the at- stages of stand development produced high-modelled
tractiveness of the feeding base. The modelled number values of soil infestation (Figure 2). The largest num-
of cockchafer grubs predicted per 0.25 m3 increased bers of grubs were predicted for maturing stands,
with increasing plant cover (Figure 2). With regards mature stands, and small pole stands (predicted number
to species composition of the stand, the tree species of grubs per pit = 5.63, 5.44, and 5.24, respectively). A
were differentially attractive to Melolontha spp. De- high risk of infestation was also estimated for high pole

Figure 2. Prediction of Melolontha

spp. grub frequency (per 0.25 m3 of
soil) in relation to environmental fac-
tors (Model II). Bars indicate 95%
confidence intervals CI; different let-
ters indicate significant differences at
a = 0.05 between particular levels in
each environmental factor, N=166

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


stands and stand initiation stage (3.72 and 3.27 grubs despite a dense infestation of one-year grubs in the
per pit, respectively). The lowest value (1.40 grubs per pine thicket stage. A different situation occurs in the
pit) was predicted for the thicket stage. stand initiation stage, in which the high probability
and predicted number of grubs (>3 per 0.5 m2 sampled
Discussion soil) according to Instruction of Forest Protection
(2012) can lead directly to the destruction of a stand.
Melolontha melolontha and M. hippocastani are The initial high density of the stand canopy de-
typical eurytopic organisms, in that their natural hab- creases from the small pole stand stage as a result of
itat is extremely variable (Sierpiñski 1975). The statis- natural succession and silvicultural management prac-
tical model (randomised hurdle regression model) used tices. These processes continue throughout the stand
in this study enabled us to identify stand character- lifecycle, and microclimatic conditions that develop in
istics that were significant risk drivers. In the con- the forest interior are conducive not only to the ap-
structed model, the factors associated with the high- pearance of vegetation but also to the appearance of
est probability of grub occurrence were stand location cockchafers.
relative to open space (the forest/meadow ecotone) and Depending on the stage of stand development and
stage of stand development. silviculture management practice, the forest commu-
The probability of grub occurrence in a stand is nity forms a characteristic phytoclimate that can fur-
modified by the location of the stand with respect to ther increase the attractiveness of the stand to cock-
open area, similar to the important role played by vis- chafers. Therefore, stand composition is an important
ual stimuli in locating host plants for many insect factor. The number of cockchafer grubs (L2) was low-
species (Prokopy and Owens 1983). After leaving the er in stands with pine and higher in stands in which
soil, cockchafers move towards taller objects includ- pine was replaced by other species, such as Europe-
ing trees, poles, and houses, which create contrast- an beech, English oak, and silver birch. Although these
ing silhouettes on the backdrop of the horizon at dusk results reflect trends only, they confirm earlier reports
(Schneider 1952, Robert 1963). Until recently, the abil- about species preference of cockchafers (Ðvestka
ity of cockchafers to differentiate trees from other ob- 2007). Experiments conducted by Woreta and Sukovata
jects was not known. However, it was discovered that (2014) indicated that one-year-old cockchafer grubs
M. melolontha is highly sensitive to light at 520 nm feeding on both Quercus species characterized the
(green wavelength), which characterises the conditions lowest mortality. Additionally, the grubs feeding on the
of the tree canopy at dusk (Labhart et al. 1992, He- latter as well as on, F. sylvatica and B. pendula
gedüs et al. 2006). This light sensitivity indicates the showed the largest relative increase in body weight.
ability of cockchafers at an early stage of flight to be Moreover, the survival of older grubs (L2, L3) was
guided to host trees by visual stimuli, which can ex- relatively high (66.7–100%).
plain the high probability of cockchafer occurrence in The relationship between stand canopy openness
ecotones. This also indicates that these stands are and the number of grubs indicates that Melolontha
most attractive during supplementary feeding, after are more numerous in stands with medium canopy
which females (which are generally in close proximi- openness (21–35%). Light transmission enables the de-
ty) lay eggs, thus determining where grubs (which lack velopment of forest vegetation and natural regenera-
the potential for long-range transport) will develop. tion (Matusz 1960, Canham 1988, Canham et al. 1994,
In connection with the other factors, the risk of Gray and Spies 1996, Wright et al. 1997, Nicotra et al.
cockchafer occurrence is influenced by the stage of 1999, Robakowski et al. 2001, Beaudet and Messier
stand development. However, the hurdle model re- 2002). In our model of grub frequency, locations with
vealed large irregularity in the distribution of grubs. the least plant cover also had the lowest grub densi-
Comparing the two models, a small probability of grub ty. Similar results were obtained by Ðvestka (2007), who
occurrence and small numbers of grubs were predict- investigated the localisation of egg laying by female
ed only for the thicket stage. This could be explained cockchafers and found the greatest damage in stands
by the high canopy density that shades the soil (over- with a high degree of weed infestation, and signifi-
shadowing is connected with increasing humidity) and cantly less damage in stands without vegetation cov-
restricts the development of plant cover and by the er. Ðvestka (2007) also found that females preferred
presence of entomopathogenic microorganisms (Read areas shaded by canopy or other vegetation in select-
1968, Xie et al. 1995, Jagodziñski and Oleksyn 2009). ing a location for their eggs. In Poland, both factors
Ðvestka and Drapela (2009) reported similar results, in are important: moderately shaded stands and well-
which only 10% of grubs survived to the next year developed forest floor vegetation.

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


Discussion and Conclusions References

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Received 15 December 2015

Accepted 24 February 2017

2017, Vol. 23, No. 2 (45) ISSN 2029-9230


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