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Species Name Herbaceous Plants Acorus americanus Asclepias incarnata Aster novi-belgii Carex stricta Chelone glabra Eupatorium

dubium Eupatorium perfoliatum Iris versicolor Lobelia cardinalis Mimulus ringens Onoclea sensibilis Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda regalis Panicum virgatum Scirpus cyperinus Scirpus fluviatilis Scirpus tabernaemontani Verbena hastata Vernonia noveboracensis Shrubs Aronia melanocarpa Cephalanthus occidentalis Clethra alnifolia Ilex verticillata Lindera benzoin Magnolia virginiana Morella cerifera Sambucus canadensis Viburnum dentatum Trees Betula nigra Taxodium distichum
Native Plant Attractions Key B= Beneficial insects P= Pollinators

Common Name

Shade Tolerance


Water Tolerance


Flowering Period Apr. - May


sweet flag swamp milkweed New York aster tussock sedge turtlehead joe-pye weed boneset blue flag cardinal flower monkey flower sensitive fern cinnamon fern royal fern switch grass woolgrass river bulrush soft stem bulrush blue vervain New York ironweed black chokeberry buttonbush sweet pepperbush winterberry spicebush sweet bay magnolia wax myrtle elderberry arrowwood river birch bald cypress
H= Hummingbirds M= Mammals S= Songbirds W= Waterfowl

2'-3' up to 6' 1'-3' 2'-4' 1'-3' 2'-5' 2'-5' 1'-3' up to 5' 1.5'-4' up to 3.5' up to 5' up to 6' 2'-4' 4'-5' 2'-7' 6'-10' up to 5' 3'-7' 6'-12' 6'-12' 6'-12' 6'-12' 6'-12' 12'-20' 6'-15' 6'-12' 6'-12' 50'-75' 75'-100'
Shade Tolerance Key = Full Sun = Partial Shade = Full Shade

RI (0"-6") SI II, U RI SI, U SI, U II, U RI (0"-6") II, U SI, RI RI, PI SI, RI II, PI II, U SI RI (0"-6") PI (0"-12") II SI II, SI PI (0"-12") SI, RI SI SI SI, RI (0"-3") II SI SI SI RI, PI P S,M P,B,M,W P,B,M,W,S S,W,M S,M,P B,S,M S S,M S,M S W
Water Tolerance Key SI= Season Inundation RI Regular Inundation

green spathe pink violet reddish purple whitish pink purple white blue red pink, blue yellow reddish green green green green violet


June - Aug. July - Oct. May - Aug. July - Sept. July - Sept. July - Oct. May - June July - Oct. June - Oct. June - Oct. Apr. - May Apr. - June July - Oct. June - Sept. June - Sept. June - Oct.

Aug. - Sept. brown

Aug. - Sept. purple Apr. - May July - Aug. July - Aug. June - July Mar. - May May - July Mar.- June June - July May - June Apr. - May Mar. - Apr. white, pink white white, pink greenish white yellow white yellowish green white white dark brown deep purple
U= Upland

II= Irregular Inundation PI= Permanent Inundation

What is a rain garden and how does it work? A rain garden is designed to catch and retain stormwater run-off from impervious surfaces such as roofs, parking areas, or roadways. Plants that are tolerant of both dry and periodically saturated conditions are best suited for a rain garden. Why use native plants? Native plants provide further benefits because they are adapted to local soil and climate conditions, create habitat for a variety of wildlife, and are the beautiful, authentic landscape of the Chesapeake Bay region. How to construct a rain garden or wet meadow: Place your rain garden in an area that collects water from a downspout, driveway, or other impervious surface. Make sure it is at least 15-20 ft. away from the foundation of a building. Size, shape, soil: The rain garden should be 20%-30% the size of the impervious areas draining into it. Create a shallow depression approximately 6 inches deep in an irregular or kidney shape. Till the soil 1 foot deep (2 feet if clay soil). To improve water retention and drainage for clay soils, mix 50% sand, 20-30% organic matter, and 20-30% top soil into the top foot of the garden.

For More Information:

Chesapeake Ecology Center Montgomery County, MD Rainscapes Program DEP/Rainscapes/home.html Rain Gardens: A How-to Manual for Homeowners shore/documents/rgmanual.pdf Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping pdf/chesapeakenatives.pdf Wetland Planting Guide for the Northeastern United States publications_home.htm

Using Native Plants for Rain Gardens and Wet Meadows

Environmental Concern Inc. Native Wetland Plant Nursery P.O. Box P St. Michaels, MD 21663 P: (410) 745-9620 F: (410) 745-4066 For information on current availability or to place an order, please contact Nursery Sales.

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