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On The Frame-Stewart Algorithm For The Multi-Peg T

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On the Frame–Stewart algorithm for the multi-peg Tower of Hanoi problem

Article in Discrete Applied Mathematics · August 2002

DOI: 10.1016/S0166-218X(01)00287-6 · Source: DBLP


36 1,177

3 authors, including:

Uroš Milutinović
University of Ljubljana


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On the Frame-Stewart algorithm for the
multi-peg Tower of Hanoi problem

Sandi Klavžar a,1, Uroš Milutinović a,1 , Ciril Petr b

a Department of Mathematics, PEF, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160,
2000 Maribor, Slovenia
b Institute of Information Sciences, Prešernova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


It is proved that seven different approaches to the multi-peg Tower of Hanoi problem
are all equivalent. Among them the classical approaches of Stewart and Frame from
1941 can be found.

Key words: Multi-peg Tower of Hanoi problem, Frame-Stewart algorithm,

recursion, dynamic programming

1 Introduction

The Tower of Hanoi problem(s) presents an unusual phenomenon in the mathe-

matical and computer science literature. On one side it was extensively studied
by many authors, Stockmeyer’s survey [14] lists 207 relevant references, not
included articles in psychological journals and textbooks in discrete mathemat-
ics. On the other hand, many papers only rediscover known results, “prove”
results under wrong assumptions, or claim to solve the general multi-peg prob-
lem by solving a particular recursion for which it is not known whether it is
really an optimal one. For instance, Stockmeyer [13] lists 13 (!) references
which more or less only rediscover contributions of Frame [6] and Stewart
[12] from 1941. Another concrete example of several wrong approaches is the
false assumption that the largest disk moves at most once in a shortest path
between two regular states of the three peg problem. This confusion is nicely
1 Supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia under the grant

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 28 June 2003

described and clarified by Hinz in [8]. We also refer to a nice semi-survey of
Poole [10].

Probably the greatest challenge related to the Towers of Hanoi is given by

increasing the number of pegs to more than three. In 1908 Dudeney [4] posed
the problem for four pegs and called it the Reve’s Puzzle. Then, in 1941,
two nowadays famous “solutions” for any number of pegs followed, one due
to Frame [6] and the other to Stewart [12]. Most researchers believe that the
solutions proposed by Frame and Stewart are optimal. Interestingly, many also
feel no need to prove this fact, even if it was pointed out already in 1941 by the
problems editor of the American Mathematical Monthly [5] that their proofs
of optimality only apply to algorithms of a certain scheme! For instance, in
the ’seventies additional “solutions” followed [11,1]. Then in the early ’eighties
Wood [15] and Cull and Ecklund [3] correctly pointed out that the problem
is still open. However, even this was not enough to prevent new “solutions”.
For instance, very recently [9] one can read in the abstract: “This paper solves
completely the generalized p-peg Tower of Hanoi problem when p ≥ 4”. In
reality the author restricts himself to Stewart’s recursive scheme and on this
particular scheme applies the dynamic programming.

In literature the solutions of Frame and Stewart are presented in different

forms. In fact, even if the solutions of Frame and Stewart are “essentially the
same”, cf. [13], we could find no published rigorous proof of this fact. (It is true,
though, that for the Reve’s Puzzle the solutions are easily seen to be the same.)
Since in the context of the Tower of Hanoi problems there has already been
several obvious (but wrong) facts around, we feel justified to clarify this point
of view. More precisely, we present seven 2 different approaches and prove that
all of them are equivalent, i.e. yield the same number of moves. Thus, after
proving this result one can really speak about the presumed optimal solution.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce
the following functions (here and later n stands for the number of disks, and
p for the number of pegs):

F (n, p) . . . reflects Frame’s algorithm;

F ′ (n, p) . . . same as F (n, p), but no monotonicity is required;
S(n, p) . . . reflects Stewart’s algorithm;
A′ (n, p) . . . reflects an algorithm taking into account all partitions;
A(n, p) . . . same as A′ (n, p), but monotonicity is required.

In Section 3 we continue with a proof that A′ = F ′ = S. Then we introduce

2 Or maybe six — it depends on whether two different presentations of X(n, p) are
counted separately or not.

an explicit formula

X(n, p) . . . which is (essentially) a sum of powers of 2,

and prove an equivalent expression for it. In Section 5 we demonstrate that

X = S. In the final section we show that F and A coincide with all the rest
which enables us to state the result of this paper:

A(n, p) = A′ (n, p) = F (n, p) = F ′ (n, p) = S(n, p) = X(n, p) .

2 Recursive definitions

Let M(n, p) be the minimum number of moves required to solve the Tower of
Hanoi problem with n disks and p pegs.

Only for p ≥ 4 pegs and n ≥ p disks the problem considered is nontrivial, i.e.
it has been proved that M(n, 3) = 2n −1, and that M(n, p) = 2n−1 for n < p.
Therefore, in the trivial case p = 3 or n < p we shall define all the functions
treated here to be defined as M(n, p). For technical reasons it is useful to note
that M(1, 2) = 1. We shall not define M(n, 2) for n ≥ 2.

Definition 2.1 If p = 2, 3 or n < p

F (n, p) = F ′ (n, p) = A(n, p) = A′ (n, p) = S(n, p) = M(n, p).

All five different definitions for recursive calculations of presumed optimal so-
lution will be now given only outside the trivial range, for n, p ∈ ZZ+ satisfying
p ≥ 4 pegs and n ≥ p, taking the values from the trivial range as initial values,
when required. Also, when proving results about these functions and about
explicit formulas, discussed in Sections 4 and 5, some care will be taken about
the trivial range.

The following definition reflects the Frame’s algorithm for the multi-peg Tower
of Hanoi problem, but it differs from the original definition, since it does not
require partitions of n to be monotone.

Definition 2.2 For p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p let F ′ (n, p) be the minimum of

{2F ′ (n1 , p) + 2F ′(n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2F ′ (np−2 , 3) + 1 | n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n},

where ni ∈ ZZ+ .

Note that 1 in the sum above may be interpreted as F ′ (1, 2).

The original Frame’s definition was essentially the following:

Definition 2.3 For p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p let F (n, p) be the minimum of

{2F (n1 , p) + 2F (n2 , p − 1)+ · · · + 2F (np−2 , 3) + 1 |

n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n, n1 ≥ n2 ≥ · · · ≥ np−2 } ,

where ni ∈ ZZ+ .

Note that 1 in the sum above may be interpreted as F (1, 2).

In Figure 1 we present strategy for disk moves corresponding to F (n, p) or

F ′ (n, p).

First we have all n disks on the source peg 0. We divide the n − 1 smallest
disks into p − 2 groups of disks of consecutive size. The top n1 smallest disks
are moved from the source peg 0 to the auxiliary peg 1 using all p pegs. The
next n2 smallest disks are moved from the source peg 0 to the auxiliary peg 2
using p − 1 pegs. We continue removing groups of disks from the source peg to
the auxiliary pegs, in each step using one peg less than in the previous one. At
the end the last group of disks is moved from the source peg 0 to the auxiliary
peg p − 2 using the remaining 3 admissible pegs. The last (n-th) disk is then
moved from the source peg 0 to the destination peg p − 1. After that we move
all groups of disks to the destination peg, taking them in the reverse order.

We now introduce the function S(n, p) which corresponds to the Stewart’s

algorithm for the multi-peg Tower of Hanoi problem.

Definition 2.4 For p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p let

S(n, p) = min{2S(n1 , p) + S(n2 , p − 1) | n1 + n2 = n},

where n1 , n2 ∈ ZZ+ .

In Figure 2 we present a strategy for disk moves corresponding to S(n, p).

First all n disks are on the source peg 0. We divide the disks into two groups,
the first consisting of the smallest n1 disks and the second consisting of the
remaining n − n1 disks. The top n1 disks are moved from the source peg 0
to the auxiliary peg 1 using all p pegs. The remaining n − n1 disks are then
moved from the source peg 0 to the destination peg p − 1 using p − 1 pegs
(all of them but peg 1). Finally, disks from peg 1 are moved to the destination
peg p − 1 using all p pegs.

By simple examples it can be show that S(n, p) does not have a monotone
counterpart (i.e. it gives a different function). For example, the minimum of

n1+n .. 2
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

n1+n. 2
.. .1
n1+n2+...+np-2 ..
n n1
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

n1+n. 2+1
.. n1+1
. .1 .
n1+n2+...+np-2 .. ..
n n1 n1+n2
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

n1+1 n1+n2+...+np-3+1
.1 .
.. ..
n n1 n1+n2 n1+n2+...+np-2
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

n1+1 n1+n2+...+np-3+1
.1 . .
.. .. ..
n1 n1+n2 n1+n2+...+np-2 n
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

Fig. 1. Disk moves corresponding to F (n, p) or F ′ (n, p)

2S(n1 , 5) + S(n2 , 4) taken over all pairs n1 , n2 with n1 + n2 = 9 is 27, while

the minimum taken only over pairs with n1 ≥ n2 is 31 (note that it suffices to
compare minima of sums involving only function S, without introducing the
monotone version of it explicitly).

Next we introduce an algorithm that takes into account all partitions:

0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

n1+1 .1
.. ..
n-1 n1-1
n n1
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

.1 n1+1
.. ..
n1-1 n-1
n1 n
0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

0 1 2 ... p-2 p-1

Fig. 2. Disk moves corresponding to S(n, p)

Definition 2.5 For p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p let A′ (n, p) be defined as the minimum


{2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1)+ · · · + 2A′ (np−2 , 3) + 1 |

n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n} ∪
{2A (n1 , p) + 2A (n2 , p − 1)+ · · · + 2A′ (np−3 , 4) + A′ (np−2 , 3) |
′ ′

n1 + · · · + np−2 = n} ∪ · · · ∪
′ ′
{2A (n1 , p) + A (n2 , p − 1) | n1 + n2 = n},

where ni ∈ ZZ+ .

Note that 1 in the sum above may be interpreted as A′ (1, 2).

The monotone version of A′ (n, p) is as follows:

Definition 2.6 For p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p let A(n, p) be defined as the minimum


{2A(n1 , p) + 2A(n2 , p − 1)+ · · · + 2A(np−2 , 3) + 1 |

n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n, n1 ≥ n2 ≥ · · ·} ∪
{2A(n1 , p) + 2A(n2 , p − 1)+ · · · + 2A(np−3 , 4) + A(np−2 , 3) |
n1 + · · · + np−2 = n, n1 ≥ n2 ≥ · · ·} ∪ · · · ∪
{2A(n1 , p) + A(n2 , p − 1) | n1 + n2 = n, n1 ≥ n2 },

where ni ∈ ZZ+ .

Note that 1 in the sum above may be interpreted as A(1, 2).

3 Proof of A′ = F ′ = S

We first state the following two lemmas on the function A′ (n, p). Even if the
first one is more or less obvious (from the fact that A′ (n, p) ≥ M(n, p) ≥ 2n−1)
and the second deals basically only with the trivial cases, we include their
formal proofs, the reason being that several “obvious facts” related to the
Tower of Hanoi problem turned out to be false.

Lemma 3.1 For any n ≥ 1, p ≥ 3 we have A′ (n, p) ≥ 2n − 1.

PROOF. For n < p the claim holds by the definition of A′ (n, p). For p = 3
and n ≥ 3 we have A′ (n, 3) = 2n − 1 ≥ 2n − 1. Finally, for p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p
we have

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′ (np−i+1 , i) ,

where n1 + n2 + · · · + np−i+1 = n and 2 ≤ i ≤ p − 1. By induction we have

A′ (n, p) ≥ 2[(2n1 − 1) + · · · + (2np−i − 1)] + 2np−i+1 − 1

= 2(n1 + · · · + np−i + np−i+1 ) + 2(n1 + · · · + np−i ) − 2(p − i) − 1
= 2n + 2(n1 + · · · + np−i ) − 2(p − i) − 1 ≥ 2n − 1 ,

and we are done. 2

Lemma 3.2 For any n ≥ 2, p ≥ 3, and i, n1 , . . . , np−i+1 with 2 ≤ i ≤ p − 1

and n = n1 + n2 + · · · + np−i+1 we have

A′ (n, p) ≤ 2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′ (np−i+1 , i) .

PROOF. If p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p the statement follows directly from the defini-


For p = 3 it follows i = 2 and we have to prove only A′ (n, 3) ≤ 2A′ (n1 , 3) +

A′ (n2 , 2), which is nondegenerate only for n2 = 1. But then we have to prove
A′ (n, 3) ≤ 2A′ (n − 1, 3) + A′ (1, 2), which is trivial (since it says 2n − 1 ≤
2(2n−1 − 1) + 1).

The final case is when n < p, p ≥ 4, is done by induction on n.

If n = 2 then 2 = n = n1 +n2 +· · ·+np−i+1 ≥ p−i+1. Thus p−i ≤ 1 and as on
the other hand we have p − i ≥ 1 it follows that p − i = 1. Then n1 = n2 = 1.
Therefore one only has to show that A′ (2, p) ≤ 2A′ (1, p) + A′ (1, p − 1), which
is indeed the case (3 ≤ 2 · 1 + 1).

The inductive step is as follows:

2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′ (np−i+1 , i)
≥ 2A′ (n1 , p) + A′ (n − n1 , p − 1) .

Therefore, our claim will be proved by showing that 2A′ (n1 , p)+A′(n−n1 , p−1)
≥ A′ (n, p). By Lemma 3.1 we have

2A′ (n1 , p) + A′ (n − n1 , p − 1) ≥ 2(2n1 − 1) + 2(n − n1 ) − 1

= 2(n1 + n − n1 ) + (2n1 − 3) ≥ 2n − 1 = A′ (n, p) ,

which completes the argument. 2

Proposition 3.3 For any n ≥ 1, p ≥ 3 we have A′ (n, p) = S(n, p).

PROOF. The proof is by induction on n. More precisely, we are going to

prove that the claim holds for all n ≥ 4, and, for a fixed n, that it is true for
all p with 4 ≤ p ≤ n.

For n = 4 we only need to consider p = 4. A direct simple computation shows

that in this case we have

A′ (4, 4) = S(4, 4) = 9 .

Assume now that the induction hypothesis is true for all m with 4 ≤ m < n.
Let p be an arbitrary integer satisfying 4 ≤ p ≤ n.

The induction hypothesis implies that for all n1 , n2 ∈ ZZ+ for which n1 +n2 = n
we have

2S(n1 , p) + S(n2 , p − 1) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + A′ (n2 , p − 1) .

Thus, the set by which we define S(n, p) (as its minimum) is a subset of the set
by which we define A′ (n, p) (as its minimum). It follows that A′ (n, p) ≤ S(n, p).

It remains to prove that A′ (n, p) ≥ S(n, p). If for some n1 and n2 with n1 +n2 =
n we have A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + A′(n2 , p − 1), then we are done, since in this

case A′ (n, p) is in the set of which S(n, p) is the minimum. Suppose therefore

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′ (np−i+1 , i) ,

where n1 + n2 + · · · + np−i+1 = n and 2 ≤ i ≤ p − 2. (Note that in the

particular case of i = 2 we have np−i+1 = np−1 = 1 and A′ (nn−1 , 2) = 1.) Then
n2 + n3 + · · · + np−i+1 = n − n1 . By Lemma 3.2 we have

A′ (n − n1 , p − 1) ≤ 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′ (np−i+1, i) ,

and therefore, using the induction hypothesis, we conclude

A′ (n, p) ≥ 2A′ (n1 , p)+A′(n−n1 , p−1) = 2S(n1 , p)+S(n−n1, p−1) ≥ S(n, p) .

Proposition 3.4 For any n ≥ 1 and any p ≥ 3 we have A′ (n, p) = F ′ (n, p).

PROOF. As in the proof of Proposition 3.3 we proceed by induction on n.

For n = 4 we have:

F ′ (4, 4) = min{2F ′(n1 , 4) + 2F ′(n2 , 3) + 1 | n1 + n2 + 1 = 4}

= min{2A′ (n1 , 4) + 2A′ (n2 , 3) + 1 | n1 + n2 = 3}
= min{2A′ (1, 4) + 2A′ (2, 3) + 1, 2A′(2, 4) + 2A′ (1, 3) + 1}
= min{2(1 + 3) + 1, 2(3 + 1) + 1} = 9 = A′ (4, 4) .

Assume now that F ′ (m, p) = A′ (m, p) for all m with 4 ≤ m < n. The set
by which we define F ′ (n, p) (as its minimum) is a subset of the set by which
we define A′ (n, p) (as its minimum), because for all n1 , . . . , np−2 for which
n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n we have

2F ′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2F ′ (np−2 , 3) + 1 = 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2A′ (np−2 , 3) + 1 .

Therefore, F ′ (n, p) ≥ A′ (n, p).

To prove the other inequality, we use the following dynamic programming

argument. By Proposition 3.3 we can write

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + A′ (n

b 2 , p − 1) ,

where n1 + n b 2 = n. Applying this argument again we have A′ (n

b 2 , p − 1) =
2A (n2 , p − 1) + A (n3 , p − 2) , where n2 + n
′ ′ b b3 = n
b 2 and so

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + 2A′ (n2 , p − 1) + A′ (n

b 3 , p − 2) .

Now, how far can this procedure be executed? We distinguish two cases.

Case 1. A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · ·+ 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′(n

b p−i+1 , i) , with i > 2
and n
b p−i+1 = 1.

Set r = max{k | nk > 1} and note that r ≤ p − i. Then we have:

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2A′ (nr , p − r + 1) + 2A′ (1, p − r) +

· · · + 2A′ (1, i + 1) + A′ (1, i)
= 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2 2A′ (n′r , p − r + 1) + A′ (n′r+1 , p − r) +
2A′ (1, p − r − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (1, i) + A′ (1, i − 1)
> 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2A′ (n′r , p − r + 1) + 2A′ (n′r+1 , p − r)) +
2A′ (1, p − r − 1) + · · · + 2A′ (1, i) + A′ (1, i − 1) ≥ A′ (n, p) .

Note that in the above computation the change of variables in the second
equality is possible since all the values of A′ (1, p − r), . . . , A′ (1, i) as well of
A′ (1, p − r − 1), . . . , A′ (1, i − 1) are equal 1 and i − 1 ≥ 2. Thus we have a
contradiction which shows that this case is not possible.

Case 2. A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · ·+ 2A′ (np−i , i + 1) + A′(n

b p−i+1 , i) , with i = 2
and np−i+1 = 1.

Now we have

A′ (n, p) = 2A′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2A′ (np−2 , 3) + 1

= 2F ′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2F ′(np−2 , 3) + 1
≥ F ′ (n, p)

and we are done. 2

Combining Propositions 3.3 and 3.4 we can state:

Corollary 3.5 For any n ≥ 1 and any p ≥ 3 we have

A′ (n, p) = F ′ (n, p) = S(n, p) ≥ M(n, p) .

4 Explicit formulas

Explicit formulas we are going to discuss in this section had appeared already
in Frame [6], but have been treated rather heuristically, and — which seems to
be the major deficiency of Frame’s approach — they appeared as statements

about M(n, p). Therefore, we believe it is a necessity to give an independent
treatment of them, and using only their properties as well as properties of
A′ , F ′ , S, to prove they really represent these functions (that shall be done in
the following section — and it will turn out to be rather nontrivial).

Definition 4.1 Let n ≥ 2 and p ≥ 3. Then X(n, p) is defined as

" #
t (p
− 3 + t)! (p − 3 + s)!
X(n, p) = 2 + 2s n − ,
t=0 (p − 3)!t! (p − 2)!(s − 1)!

where s is the largest integer for which the last term on the right side is positive,
i.e. ( )
+ (p − 3 + k)!
s = max k ∈ ZZ | n − >0 .
(p − 2)!(k − 1)!
X(1, p) is defined as
X(1, p) = 1 .

Using binomial coefficients notation, this definition (in case n ≥ 2) can be

reformulated in the following way:
! " !#
X p−3+t
t p−3+s
X(n, p) = 2 + 2s n − ,
t=0 p−3 p−2

where ( ! )
s = max k ∈ ZZ | n − >0 .

Already this is a sufficient motivation for the introduction of functions hp (x),

p ∈ ZZ+ :

Definition 4.2 For p ≥ 3, let

hp (x) = , x ∈ IR, x ≥ 0.

From their direct presentation in the form

x(x + 1) · · · (x + p − 4)(x + p − 3)
hp (x) =
(p − 2)!

it is obvious that (for p ≥ 3) these functions are strictly increasing polynomials

(on nonnegative reals).

Since they are strictly increasing, they have inverses

gp = h−1

which are strictly increasing on nonnegative reals as well.

Definition 4.3 Define (for p ≥ 3)

fp (x) = ⌈gp (x)⌉ ,

where gp = h−1
p .

Lemma 4.4 The number s from Definition 4.1 (for n ≥ 2) can be written as

s = fp (n) − 1 .

PROOF. Obviously
n o
s = max k ∈ ZZ+ | n − hp (k) > 0 .

Since hp is strictly increasing, this means that s is determined as the unique

integer satisfying
hp (s) < n, hp (s + 1) ≥ n
or equivalently
s < gp (n), s + 1 ≥ gp (n) ,
gp (n) ≤ s + 1 < gp (n) + 1 ,
and that proves the lemma. 2

By Lemma 4.4 X(n, p) (for n ≥ 2) may be described by a single formula as

fp (n)−2 ! " !#
X p−3+t p + fp (n) − 4
X(n, p) = 2t + 2fp (n)−1 n − .
t=0 p−3 p−2

Lemma 4.5 X(n, p) − X(n − 1, p) = 2fp (n)−1 , for any n ≥ 2 and p ≥ 3.

PROOF. X(2, p) − X(1, p) = 2fp (2)−1 is true, because fp (2) = 2. For n ≥ 3

we distinguish two cases.

Case 1. fp (n − 1) = fp (n).

In this case, X(n, p) − X(n − 1, p) equals

" !# " !#
fp (n)−1 p + fp (n) − 4 fp (n)−1 p + fp (n) − 4
2 n− −2 n−1− ,
p−2 p−2

which in turn equals 2fp (n)−1 (n − (n − 1)) = 2fp (n)−1 .

Case 2. fp (n − 1) 6= fp (n).

If we denote fp (n) − 1 by s, then s = gp (n − 1). Suppose not. Then it would

be gp (n − 1) < s, hence n − 1 < hp (s). If hp (s) ≥ n, then s ≥ gp (n), and
finally s ≥ fp (n), which contradicts fp (n) = s + 1. Therefore hp (s) < n. It
would follow that the integer hp (s) is strictly between n − 1 and n — and it’s
a contradiction.

Obviously, it follows also that fp (n − 1) = s.

Therefore, in this case X(n, p) − X(n − 1, p) can be written as

! " !#
fp (n)−2 p + fp (n) − 5 p + fp (n) − 4
2 + 2fp (n)−1 n − −
p−3 p−2
" !#
fp (n−1)−1 p + fp (n − 1) − 4
2 n−1− .
This simplifies to
! " !# " !#
s−1 p+s−4 p+s−3 p+s−4
2 + 2s n − −2 s−1
n−1− =
p−3 p−2 p−2
" ! ! !#
s−1 p+s−4 p+s−3 p+s−4
=2 −2 + + 2s−1 [2n − n + 1] =
p−3 p−2 p−2
" !#
s−1 p+s−3
=2 n+1− = 2s ,
since !
= n − 1.

Summing up these equalities, together with X(1, p) = 1 = 2fp (1)−1 , we obtain

Theorem 4.6 For any n ≥ 1 and p ≥ 3

X(n, p) = 2fp (k)−1 .

5 Proof of X = S

In this section we prove the following theorem:

Theorem 5.1 For all p ≥ 3, n ≥ 1, it holds true that

X(n, p) = S(n, p) .

PROOF. We shall prove the claim inductively, together with the following

S(hp (k), p) = 2S(hp (k − 1), p) + S(hp (k) − hp (k − 1), p − 1),

for p ≥ 4, and k ≥ 2.

This additional claim forms an important ingredient of our inductive proof of

the original statement, but also, together with presentations of S(n, p) in the
form 2S(n1 , p)+S(n2, p−1) given in the proof, it can be used for computational

Note that hp (k) − hp (k − 1) = hp−1 (k) — what we have here are binomial
coefficients in disguise!

The trivial range is settled easily.

S(n, 3) = 2n − 1 = 1 + 2 + · · · + 2n−1 = X(n, 3), since f3 (k) = k.

Also, for p ≥ 4 and n < p, we have X(n, p) = 1 + (n − 1)2 = 2n − 1 = S(n, p).

In addition to that, we see that 2S(hp (1), p) + S(hp−1 (2), p − 1) = 2 · 1+

2(p − 2) − 1 = 2p − 3 = 2(p − 1) − 1 = S(hp (2), p).

Now, let n satisfy the inequality

hp (k) + 1 ≤ n ≤ hp (k + 1) ,

for some k ≥ 2. Our inductive assumption is that S(m, p) = X(m, p) for all
m, 1 ≤ m < n, and that S(hp (k), p) = 2S(hp (k − 1), p) + S(hp−1 (k), p − 1).

Then fp (n) = k + 1, fp (hp (k)) = k, and fp (ℓ) ≥ k + 2, for all ℓ > hp (k + 1).

If n1 > hp (k), then fp (n1 ) > k (in fact fp (n1 ) = k + 1), and therefore

2S(n1 , p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) = 2X(n1 , p) + X(n − n1 , p − 1) =

2 X(n1 − 1, p) + 2fp (n1 )−1 +X(n − n1 , p − 1) >
2S(n1 − 1, p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) + 2k ≥ S(n − 1, p) + 2k =
S(n − 1, p) + 2fp (n)−1 = X(n, p) .

If n1 ≤ hp (k − 1), then

n − n1 ≥ n − hp (k − 1) > hp (k) − hp (k − 1) = hp−1 (k) ,

and therefore fp−1 (n − n1 ) ≥ k + 1. It follows

2S(n1 , p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) = 2X(n1 , p) + X(n − n1 , p − 1)

= 2X(n1 , p) + X(n − n1 − 1, p − 1) + 2fp−1 (n−n1 )−1 ≥
S(n − 1, p) + 2k = X(n, p) .

In the remaining case hp (k − 1) < n1 ≤ hp (k), since fp (n1 ) = k, we have

2S(n1 , p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) = 2X(n1 , p) + X(n − n1 , p − 1) =

2 X(n1 − 1, p) + 2fp (n1 )−1 +X(n − n1 , p − 1) =
2S(n1 − 1, p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) + 2k ≥ S(n − 1, p) + 2k = X(n, p) .

Thus, since these three cases cover all the possibilities, it follows that S(n, p) ≥
X(n, p). Also, if some n1 satisfies 2S(n1 , p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1) = X(n, p), it
means that S(n, p) = X(n, p) = 2S(n1 , p) + S(n − n1 , p − 1).

Suppose S(n − 1, p) = X(n − 1, p) = 2S(m1 , p) + S(n − 1 − m1 , p − 1), where

hp (k − 1) ≤ m1 , m1 + 1 ≤ hp (k). In that case fp (m1 + 1) = k and

2S(m1 + 1, p) + S(n − (m1 + 1), p − 1) =

2 S(m1 , p) + 2fp (m1 +1)−1 +S(n − (m1 + 1), p − 1) =
2S(m1 , p) + S(n − 1 − m1 , p − 1) + 2k = S(n − 1, p) + 2k =
X(n − 1, p) + 2fp (n)−1 = X(n, p)

and it follows that S(n, p) = X(n, p) = 2S(m1 + 1, p) + S(n − 1 − m1 , p − 1).

Using this result, starting from inductive assumption

S(hp (k), p) = X(hp (k), p)

= 2S(hp (k − 1), p) + S(hp (k) − hp (k − 1), p − 1)

we get 3

S(hp (k) + 1, p) = X(hp (k) + 1, p)

= 2S(hp (k − 1) + 1, p) + S(hp (k) − hp (k − 1), p − 1) ,
3 In [7] Hinz uses a similar approach for the proof of X(n, 4) = S(n, 4).

S(hp (k) + 2, p) = X(hp (k) + 2, p)
= 2S(hp (k − 1) + 2, p) + S(hp (k) − hp (k − 1), p − 1) ,
S(m, p) = X(m, p) = 2S(hp (k), p) + S(hp (k) − hp (k − 1), p − 1) ,

where m = hp (k) + (hp (k) − hp (k − 1)).

It is obvious that m < hp (k + 1) (since it is equivalent to hp (k) − hp (k − 1) <

hp (k + 1) − hp (k), i.e. to hp−1 (k) < hp−1 (k + 1)).

Hence, it remains to fulfill the inductive step in the remaining case when n
satisfies m < n ≤ hp (k + 1). “Inductive proof” now means that inductively
we prove S(t, p) = X(t, p) = 2S(hp (k), p) + S(t − hp (k)) for all t satisfying
m ≤ t ≤ hp (k + 1). Note that by the choice of m that is true for t = m.

Let n satisfies m < n ≤ hp (k + 1) and let the assumption hold true for n − 1.

In that case hp (k) − hp (k − 1) = m − hp (k) < n − hp (k) ≤ hp (k + 1) − hp (k).

It means hp−1 (k) < n − hp (k) ≤ hp−1 (k + 1), and therefore it follows that
fp−1 (n − hp (k)) = k + 1.

Now we have

2S(hp (k), p) + S(n − hp (k), p − 1) =

2X(hp (k), p) + X(n − hp (k), p − 1) =
2X(hp (k), p) + X(n − 1 − hp (k), p − 1) + 2fp−1 (n−hp (k))−1 =
X(n − 1, p) + 2k = X(n, p) .

Note that as a special case (for n = hp (k + 1)) we get

2S(hp (k), p) + S(hp (k + 1) − hp (k), p − 1) = S(hp (k + 1), p) ,

thus finishing also the inductive proof of the additional claim, introduced at
the beginning of the proof. 2

6 And finally: All together now

Finally, we are able to show that the original Frame’s function F , as well as
our function A, both coincide with all the rest.

Lemma 6.1 X(n, p) − X(n − 1, p) ≤ X(n, p − 1) − X(n − 1, p − 1).

PROOF. It means 2fp (n)−1 ≤ 2fp−1 (n)−1 , hence is equivalent to fp (n) ≤
fp−1 (n), which is easily seen to be true. 2

Corollary 6.2 X(m, p) + X(n, p − 1) ≥ X(n, p) + X(m, p − 1), if m < n.

PROOF. The inequality is equivalent to

X(n, p) − X(m, p) ≤ X(n, p − 1) − X(m, p − 1)

and this follows by summing up inequalities

X(n, p) − X(n − 1, p) ≤ X(n, p − 1) − X(n − 1, p − 1)

X(n − 1, p) − X(n − 2, p) ≤ X(n − 1, p − 1) − X(n − 2, p − 1)
X(m + 2, p) − X(m + 1, p) ≤ X(m + 2, p − 1) − X(m + 1, p − 1)
X(m + 1, p) − X(m, p) ≤ X(m + 1, p − 1) − X(m, p − 1)

which hold by Lemma 6.1. 2

Proposition 6.3 For any n ≥ 1 and any p ≥ 3 we have F ′ (n, p) = F (n, p).

PROOF. For the trivial range it is so by definition. Therefore we shall prove

the equality by induction on n for p ≥ 4 and n ≥ p.

Obviously, F ′ (n, p) ≤ F (n, p), since more partitions are taken into account on
the left hand side.

Let F ′ (n, p) = 2F ′ (n1 , p) + · · · + 2F ′ (np−2 , 3) + 1, where n1 + · · · + np−2 + 1 = n

and ni < ni+1 , for some i.

Then, using Corollary 6.2 and inductive assumptions, we get

F ′ (n, p) =

2 F (n1 , p) + · · · + F (ni−1 , p − i + 2) +

F (ni , p − i + 1) + F (ni+1 , p − i) + · · · +1 =

2 X(n1 , p) + · · · + X(ni−1 , p − i + 2) +

X(ni , p − i + 1) + X(ni+1 , p − i) + · · · +1 ≥

2 X(n1 , p) + · · · + X(ni−1 , p − i + 2) +


X(ni+1 , p − i + 1) + X(ni , p − i) + · · · +1 ≥

2 F (n1 , p) + · · · + F (ni−1 , p − i + 2) +

F (ni+1 , p − i + 1) + F (ni , p − i) + · · · +1 .

After finitely many repetitions of this procedure, we get that F ′ (n, p) is at least
as large as one of the defining sums for F (n, p), hence F ′ (n, p) ≥ F (n, p). 2

Proposition 6.4 For any n ≥ 1 and any p ≥ 3 we have A′ (n, p) = A(n, p).

PROOF. The trivial range is once again trivial. In the nontrivial range we
have A′ (n, p) ≤ A(n, p), since the set defining the right hand side is a subset
of the set defining the left hand side. Then, we have A(n, p) ≤ F (n, p), for the
same reason, and we already know that A′ (n, p) = F (n, p). 2

Hence, we have completed the proof of

Theorem 6.5 For any n ≥ 1 and any p ≥ 3 we have

A(n, p) = A′ (n, p) = F (n, p) = F ′ (n, p) = S(n, p) = X(n, p) ≥ M(n, p) .


We wish to thank A.A.K. Majumdar for several discussions on the topic of the
Tower of Hanoi and the referees for their careful reading of our manuscript.


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