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Smart Parking System

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Project Report on



Submitted To


In partial fulfilment of the requirement of the
Award of degree of
Bachelors of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Submitted By: Supervisor:

Ratish Sharma (2003729) Dr. Jagroop S. Sidhu
Sayam Rana (2003733) (Asst. Prof.)
Taranpreet Singh (2003737)
Uday (2003738)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar

To whom it may concern

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department of
Electronics And Communication Engineering, DAV INSTITUTE OF
ENGINEERING, AND TECHNOLOGY , a final year project work entitled “Smart
Parking System Using Image Processing and IoT” submitted by Ratish Sharma,
Sayam Rana, Taranpreet Singh, Uday in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Electronics And Communication during the academic year 2020-24 and that
this project has not submitted previously for the award of any other degree, diploma
and fellowship.


Dr. Jagroop S. Sidhu (Project Guide)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.



hereby declare that we have undergone our project at “DAV Institute Of
Engineering And Technology” from July 2023 to November 2023. We have
completed a Technical project tilted “SMART PARKING SYSTEM USING
IMAGE PROCESSING AND IOT” under the guidance of Dr. Jagroop S. Sidhu.

Further I hereby confirm that the work presented herein is genuine and original and
has not been published elsewhere.


Students name and signature


I hereby declare that the students “RATISH SHARMA, SAYAM RANA,

TARANPREET SINGH, UDAY” of B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication
Engineering) have undergone their Project under my periodic guidance on the

Further I hereby declare that the students were periodically in touch with me during
their training period and the work done by students is genuine & original.


Dr. Jagroop S. Sidhu

(Project Supervisor)


AND IOT, aims to reduce the traffic congestion on roads, in multi-storied buildings
and malls due to unavailability of parking spaces. The project displays the nearest
empty slot with respect to user location. Our project aims to make efficient use of
parking spaces and assign that to the user.

Recently, the concept of Smart Cities has become very popular. With the evolution of
technologies like Internet of Things, these concepts seem to be achievable. Consistent
efforts are being made in the field of IoT to maximize the productivity and reliability
of urban infrastructure. The Smart Parking System is to be deployed on the site, which
monitors the availability of parking slots and signalize its state. A web application is
also provided that allows a user to see the status of the parking slots. This report
provides a high level view of the operating architecture of the smart parking system.

On this great occasion of accomplishment of our project on “SMART PARKING

sincerely express our gratitude to Dr. Neeru Malhotra (HOD ECE DEPT.) and Dr.
Jagroop S. Sidhu, who has been a support through the completion of this project.

We would also like to thank Dr. Sanjeev Naval, Principal of DAV Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar for providing all the required facilities in
completion of this project.

Finally, as one of the team members, I would like to appreciate all my group
members for their support and coordination. I hope we will achieve more in our
future endeavours.

S.No. Topic Page No.

1. Certificate ii
2. Student declaration iii
3. Faculty declaration iv
4. Abstract v
5. Acknowledgement vi
6. Introduction 1-2
7. Problem Statement 3
8. Objectives 4
9. Methodology 5
10. Literature Survey 6
11. Flowchart 7
12. Circuit Diagram 8
13. Hardware Components Required 9-15
14. Software Required 16-25
15. Website Interface 26
16. Cost Estimation 27
17. Benefits 28
18. Future Scope 29
19. Conclusion 30
20. Reference 31

S.No. Figure Page No.

1. Flowchart of Smart Parking System 7
2. Circuit Diagram of Smart Parking System 8
3. NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module 9
4. Pin Config. of NodeMCU ESP8266 10
5. IR Sensor 11
6. Servo Motor 12
7. Pin Config. Of Servo Motor 13
8. Breadboard Front and Back view 14
9. LCD Display 15
10. Pin config. Of LCD Display 15
11. Arduino IDE 16
12. Arduino IDE 17
13. Arduino IDE 17
14. Arduino IDE 18
15. Arduino IDE Homepage 19
16. Arduino IDE 20
17. Selecting board in Arduino IDE 21
18. Selecting Port 21
19. Programming Board to Blink 22
20. LED starts blinking 22
21. Setting for NodeMCU ESP8266 23
22. Downloading Additional Boards 23
23. Managing Boards 24
24. Board Manager 24
25. NodeMCU ready to be programmed 25
26. Status of Parking Slot 26

S.No. Table Page No.

1. Hardware Components 9
2. Cost Estimation 27

The Internet of Things (IOT) is a system of interconnected computing devices,

mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or humans, each with a unique
identifier (UID) and the ability to transmit data over a network without human
intervention – manual connection is required, provided Human-to-computer
interaction or computer-to-computer interaction. Things on the Internet of Things
could be people implanted with heart monitors, farm animals with biochip
transponders, cars with built-in sensors that warn drivers when tire pressure is too
low, or any other natural or Man-made objects can be assigned Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses and can transmit data over a network.

The web of things helps individuals live and work more astute, as well as deal with
their lives. As well as offering savvy gadgets to robotize homes, IOT is fundamental
for business. IOT furnishes organizations with a continuous investigate how their
frameworks truly work, conveying bits of knowledge into everything from the
exhibition of machines to inventory network and strategies tasks

As urbanization continues to accelerate globally, the surge in vehicular traffic has

posed unprecedented challenges to conventional parking systems. The burgeoning
number of vehicles has not only led to increased competition for parking spaces but
has also given rise to issues of traffic congestion, wasted time, and heightened
frustration among drivers. The Smart Parking System using the Internet of Things
(IoT) emerges as a pioneering solution, harnessing cutting-edge technology to
revolutionize the parking landscape.

In the contemporary urban scenario, traditional parking infrastructure faces significant

limitations. The linear and static nature of conventional parking systems often results
in inefficiencies, where drivers spend valuable time navigating through congested
parking lots in search of available spaces. The lack of real-time information regarding
parking space availability further compounds the problem, contributing to traffic
snarls and diminishing the overall efficiency of urban mobility.
The Smart Parking System aims to transcend these challenges by integrating IoT
technology into the parking ecosystem. By doing so, the project endeavours to
optimize the utilization of parking spaces, provide real-time information to drivers
about available parking slots, and consequently, alleviate the burdens of traffic
congestion. This introduction delves into the core elements of the Smart Parking
System, emphasizing the need for such innovation, the objectives it aims to achieve,
and the methodology employed for its implementation.

The escalating urbanization and the subsequent rise in the number of vehicles on the
road have led to a critical need for more intelligent and responsive parking solutions.
In many urban areas, the existing parking infrastructure is struggling to keep pace
with the burgeoning demand. This results in a multitude of issues, including
inefficient use of available parking spaces, increased traffic congestion, and frustrated
drivers circling blocks in search of elusive parking spots.

The Smart Parking System recognizes the shortcomings of traditional methods and
seeks to address them through the application of IoT. The essence of this system lies
in its ability to connect individual parking spaces to a centralized network, creating a
dynamic and interconnected parking ecosystem. Through the integration of sensors,
cameras, communication devices, and a central server, the Smart Parking System has
the potential to transform the urban parking experience.

In metropolitan cities, the drivers face a number of annoying issues, parking their
vehicles, due to unavailability of parking slots.

The conventional parking infrastructure struggles to cope with the growing number of
vehicles, causing inefficiencies and traffic congestion. Lack of real-time information
about parking space availability adds to the problem.

This project aims to resolve these issues by introducing an intelligent parking system
that optimizes space usage and provides accurate real-time information to drivers.

Smart Parking involves the use of low-cost sensors, cameras, real-time data and
applications that allow users to monitor available and unavailable parking spots. The
goal is to automate and decrease time spent manually searching for the optimal
parking floor, spot and even lot. A parking solution can greatly benefit both the user
and the lot owner.

 Optimized Parking: The first objective is to develop a system that optimizes

the utilization of parking spaces through the integration of IoT. Unlike static
parking solutions, the Smart Parking System aims to create a dynamic
environment where information about parking space availability is
continuously updated in real-time.
 Improving Efficiency: The third objective revolves around the broader goal
of improving the overall efficiency of parking. By reducing the time spent
searching for parking spaces, the Smart Parking System contributes to fuel
savings, reduced emissions, and a more streamlined urban mobility
 Decreased management: More automation and less manual activity saves on
labour cost and resource exhaustion.
 Increased Safety: Parking lot employees and security guards contain real-
time lot data that can help prevent parking violations and suspicious activity.
License plate recognition cameras can gather pertinent footage. Also,
decreased spot-searching traffic on the streets can reduce accidents caused by
the distraction of searching for parking.
 Reduced Pollution: Searching for parking burns around one million barrels of
oil a day. An optimal parking solution will significantly decrease driving time,
thus lowering the amount of daily vehicle emissions, and ultimately reducing
the global environmental footprint.

The methodology employed in the Smart Parking System revolves around the
utilization of IoT technology to create a connected and intelligent parking
infrastructure. The key components of this methodology include the deployment of
Infra Red Sensors and cameras in individual parking spaces, the establishment of a
secure and reliable communication network, and the integration of a centralized server
to process and disseminate parking space availability information.

The Infra Red Sensors and cameras serve as the eyes of the system, detecting the
presence or absence of vehicles in each parking space. The cameras check the density
of each parking slot. This information is then transmitted through a secure network to
a centralized server. The server acts as the brain of the system, processing the
incoming data and updating the status of each parking space in real-time. Users, in
turn, can access this information through a dedicated mobile application or a web

The interconnected nature of the system ensures that changes in parking space
availability are instantly reflected in the user interface. For example, when a vehicle
occupies a parking space, the sensor detects this change and communicates it to the
server, which, in turn, updates the status on the user interface. In this project, we are
using NodeMCU as the communication medium to the server. NodeMCU is an open
source IoT platform. It includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC
from Espressif Systems, and hardware, which is based on the ESP-12 module. The
ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi enabled microchip with full TCP/IP stack and
microcontroller capability. NodeMCU includes CPU core, faster Wi-Fi, more GPIOs,
and supports Bluetooth 4.2, and low power Bluetooth.

The idea behind our methodology is very simple usually users spend most of their
time in looking for an empty slot where they can park their vehicle which increases
fuel consumption and time wastage. We came-up with a new method where we
provide the user an empty slot number where he can park his vehicle without wasting
his time for finding one. Similarly, we try to display the start time and end time so that
the user can know for what amount of time he has parked his vehicle.

Developing a smart parking management system using the internet of things.

Searching for parking wastes significant amounts of time and effort and leads to
substantial financial costs. This is particularly the case for people who are always
pressured to be on time. Smart cities employ all kinds of modern technologies to
manage and enhance resources effectively. Urban parking facilities are one of the
essential assets that must be managed. We developed a smart parking management
system as a modern solution to manage parking and save users time, effort, and cost.
In the context of today’s modern life, it has become necessary to improve search
methods for available parking and minimize the congestion that occurs at the parking
entrance. Searching or booking available parking online earlier is a better substitute
than searching at a parking lot where there is a possibility of not being able to find
parking. Our smart parking management system is developed to:
• Manage parking and solve problems efficiently using technology
• Apply technical solutions to improve the smart cities concept
The proposed system uses a variety of technologies that help manage parking. It
provides essential services for users, including searching for parking, reservations,
and payment. It is extended to cover more advanced services such as receiving
notifications, statistics and monitoring the parking state. The system is connected to
sensors to detect occupancy.

The flowchart serves as the visual representation of the logical sequence of operations
within the Smart Parking System. This visualization provides a clear understanding of
how the different components of the system work together to create a responsive and
efficient parking system.

Fig. 1 – Flowchart of Smart Parking System


The Circuit diagram for IoT based Smart Parking System is given below

Fig. 2 – Circuit Diagram of Smart Parking System

In this smart parking system, we are using IR sensors and cameras deployed at the
parking slots and at the entry and the exit gates. IR sensors and Servo Motors are
connected to the NodeMCU. It controls the complete process and sends the parking
availability and parking time information to the server used. Two IR sensors are used
at entry and exit gate so that it can detect the cars at entry and exit gate and
automatically open and close the gate.

Two servo motors are used as entry and exit gate, so whenever the IR sensor detects a
car, the servo motor automatically rotates from 45° to 140°, and after a delay, it will
return to its initial position. Another three IR sensors are used to detect if the parking
slot is available or occupied and send the data to NodeMCU.

To accomplish this project, the following hardware components have been used:

NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module 1
IR Sensors 5
Servo Motor 2
Breadboard 1
2*16 LCD Display 1
Table 1 – Hardware Components

1. NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module:

The NodeMCU, based on the ESP8266 microcontroller, serves as the communication
hub for each parking space. It facilitates the connection between the IR sensors and
the centralized server. Its compact size, low power consumption, and built-in Wi-Fi
capabilities make it an ideal choice for IoT applications.

Fig. 3 – NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

Fig. 4 – Pin Config. of NodeMCU ESP8266

Descriptions of Wi-Fi Module:

• Operating Voltage: 3.3V

• Input Voltage: 7-12V

• Digital I/O Pins (DIO): 16

• Analog Input Pins (ADC): 1

• Flash Memory: 4 MB

• Clock Speed: 80 MHz

• Microcontroller: Tensilica 32-bit RISC CPU Xtensa LX106

• Prototyping of IoT devices

• Low power battery operated applications

• Network projects

• Projects requiring multiple I/O interfaces with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities
2. IR Sensors:
Infrared (IR) sensors are devices that can detect or measure the presence or absence of
objects by utilizing infrared radiation. These sensors operate based on the principle
that objects emit, reflect, or transmit infrared light, which is not visible to the human

Fig. 5 – IR Sensor
Working Principle:
The working principle of an infrared sensor is like the object detection sensor. This
sensor includes an IR LED & an IR Photodiode, so by combining these two can be
formed as a photo-coupler otherwise optocoupler. The physics laws used in this
sensor are planks radiation, Stephan Boltzmann & weins displacement.
IR LED is one kind of transmitter that emits IR radiations. This LED looks like a
standard LED and the radiation which is generated by this is not visible to the human
eye. Infrared receivers mainly detect the radiation using an infrared transmitter. These
infrared receivers are available in photodiodes form. IR Photodiodes are dissimilar as
compared with usual photodiodes because they simply detect IR radiation. Different
kinds of infrared receivers mainly exist depending on the voltage, wavelength,
package, etc. Once it is used as the combination of an IR transmitter & receiver, then
the receiver’s wavelength must equal the transmitter. Here, the transmitter is IR LED
whereas the receiver is IR photodiode. The infrared photodiode is responsive to the
infrared light that is generated through an infrared LED. The resistance of photodiode
& the change in output voltage is in proportion to the infrared light obtained.
Descriptions of IR Sensor:
• 5VDC Operating voltage

• I/O pins are 5V and 3.3V compliant

• Range: Up to 20cm

• Adjustable Sensing range

• Built-in Ambient Light Sensor

• 20mA supply current

3. Servo Motor:
A servo motor is a rotary actuator that allows for precise control of angular position. It
is widely used in various applications, including robotics, automation, aerospace, and
electronics. Servo motors offer a high level of accuracy, speed, and torque control,
making them suitable for tasks that demand precise positioning and motion control.

Fig. 6 – Servo Motor

Servo motors operate on a closed-loop control system. The feedback system
continuously monitors the actual position of the motor shaft and compares it to the
desired position (set by the user or a controller).

If there is a deviation between the actual and desired positions, the control circuitry
sends signals to the motor to adjust its position until the error is minimized.

The closed-loop system allows for precise control, accurate positioning, and the
ability to resist external disturbances.

Descriptions of Servo Motor:

• Model: SG90

• Rotation (in degree): 180° (±15 °)

• Operating Voltage: 3.0 V ~ 7.0 V (5v typical)

• Operating Current: 10mA (typical), 100-250mA (during movement)

Fig. 7 – Servo Motor Pin Configuration

4. Breadboard:
Breadboard is a solder-less board which provide the base to a electronics circuit
connections. The breadboard is framed to fix the different types of Arduinos,
Microcontrollers, NodeMCU onto it. The board provides users to make connection
very conveniently without any soldering. Usually, jump wires are used to make such
connections. The below figure shows the front and back view of breadboard.
Pins are made up of tin plated phosphor bronze or nickel silver alloy. Whereas board
is made of perforated block of plastic
Typically the spring clips are rated for 1 ampere at 5 volts and 0.333 amperes at 15
volts (5 watts).

Fig. 8 – Breadboard Front and Back view

There are 30 rows in middle part of the board which are separated from one-another.
Whereas Column pins a-to-e are shorted in each row. Similarly, column pins f-to-j are
also shorted in each row from 1-30. Vertical line indicated with (+) sign in red colour
are shorted and are used to provide +VCC supply to a circuit. Similarly, pins
indicated with (-) sign is supplied with ground.The spacing between the clips (lead
pitch/pin) is typically 0.1 inches (2.54 mm).
5. LCD Display:
The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of display that uses the liquid crystals
for its operation. The LCD display has a 16-pin interface. The Liquid Crystal Display
has a parallel interface. It means that the microcontroller operates several pins at once
to control the LCD display.

Fig. 9 – LCD Display

Fig. 10 – Pin Configuration of LCD Display

1. Arduino IDE:
The Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board
offline. The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino
Software (IDE) - connects to the Arduino boards to upload programs and
communicate with them. Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE) are
called sketches. These sketches are written in the text editor and are saved with the
file extension .ino. It supports most of the programming languages like C, C++, Java

Setting up Arduino IDE:

Follow the given steps below to set up the Arduino IDE to program properly:
a) To download the Arduino IDE, click on the link given:

b) Once the download is completed, open the folder where the downloaded app is
stored, click to install, then an Arduino Setup dialog box will appear as “License
Agreement”, then click on “I Agree” in the bottom-right of the dialog box as shown
in the figure given below.

Fig. 11 – Arduino IDE

c) On clicking on “I Agree”, again the Arduino Setup dialog box will appear as
“Installation Options”, on that page click on “Next”.

Fig. 12 – Arduino IDE

d) Then click on “Install”, on the “Installation Folder” dialog box. You can also
change the folder path as per your requirements.

Fig. 13 – Arduino IDE

e) Then the installing process will start once the installation is completed click on

Fig. 14 – Arduino IDE

Now, your Arduino IDE is ready to use.
Using Arduino IDE:
 Home Page: Click on the IDE shortcut on desktop to start writing your code.
As you open the Arduino IDE, the home page looks like the figure given

Fig. 15 – Arduino IDE Homepage

 A Toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of menus. The
toolbar buttons allow you to verify and upload programs, create, open, and
save sketches, and open the serial monitor.
 The message area, gives feedback while saving and exporting and also
displays errors.
 The text editor for writing your code.
 4. The text console displays text output by the Arduino Software (IDE),
including complete error messages and other information.
 The bottom right-hand corner of the window displays the configured board
and serial port.

Fig. 16 – Arduino IDE

 Connect your Arduino or Genuino board to your computer.

 Now, you need to select the right core & board. This is done by
navigating to Tools > Board > Arduino AVR Boards > Board. Make sure
you select the board that you are using. If you cannot find your board, you
can add it from Tools > Board > Boards Manager.
Fig. 17 – Selecting Board in Arduino IDE

 Now, let's make sure that your board is found by the computer, by selecting
the port. This is simply done by navigating to Tools > Port, where you
select your board from the list.

Fig. 18 – Selecting a Port

 8. Let’s try an example: navigate to File > Examples > 01.Basics > Blink

Fig. 19 – Programming Board to Blink

 To upload it to your board, simply click on the arrow in the top left corner.
This process takes a few seconds, and it is important to not disconnect the
board during this process. If the upload is successful, the message "Done
uploading" will appear in the bottom output area.
 Once the upload is complete, you should then see on your board the yellow
LED with an L next to it start blinking. You can adjust the speed of
blinking by changing the delay number in the parenthesis to 100, and
upload the Blink sketch again. Now the LED should blink much faster.

Fig. 20 - LED Starts Blinking


To Program in NodeMCU with Arduino IDE follow the given steps below:

 Go to File →Preferences →Settings or press ctrl + (,).

Fig. 21 – Setting for NodeMCU ESP8266

 Enter
into the ‘Additional Board Manager URL’ field and click ‘Ok’.

Fig. 22 – Downloading Additional Boards

 Now go to Tools →Board →Boards Manager

Fig. 23 – Managing Boards

 In Boards Manager window, Type esp8266 in the search box, esp8266 will
appear. Now select the latest version of the board and click on install. I have
already installed the esp8266 board.

Fig. 24 – Board Manager

 After installation is complete, go to Tools → Board → select NodeMCU
1.0(ESP-12E Module). Now you can program NodeMCU with Arduino IDE.

Fig. 25 – NodeMCU ready to be programmed


Fig. 26 – Status using Web Sockets



NodeMCU ESP8266 1 Rs. 450
Servo Motor 2 Rs. 120
Breadboard 1 Rs. 80
IR Sensors 5 Rs. 150
LCD Display 1 Rs. 180
Jumper Wires 30 Rs. 60
TOTAL Rs. 1040

Table 2 – Cost Estimation of Project


 Optimized Utilization: Smart parking systems provide real-time information

about available parking spaces, allowing drivers to locate and occupy vacant
spots quickly. This optimization of parking space utilization reduces
congestion and enhances efficiency.

 Environment: One goal of Smart Parking is to reduce the time taken and the
hassle factor of locating an available parking space. Being able to accurately
direct a driver to an available space has many environmental benefits; it
reduces CO2 emissions, noise, and other pollutants. Smart Parking can be
combined with Smart Environment, measuring air quality and parking space
 Convenience: Drivers can use mobile apps or other interfaces to check
parking availability and even reserve spaces in advance. This convenience
significantly improves the overall user experience, making parking less
stressful and more predictable.

 New Business Model: Smart Parking creates the possibility of new business
models that are only made possible using technology. Reward programs, app-
based payments and dynamic parking tariffs are just some examples.
 Surveillance and Lighting: Smart parking solutions often incorporate
surveillance cameras and smart lighting systems, contributing to improved
safety in parking areas. Well-lit spaces and surveillance technology can deter
criminal activities and enhance overall security.

 Integrated Payments: Smart Parking systems can include real-time and

electronic payment methods via an app or a browser. This makes the parking
experience far easier and provides more structured data to income streams (i.e.
Categorising revenue by parking facility, area, road, etc).
 Scalability and Integration: Smart parking solutions are designed to be
scalable and adaptable to evolving technologies. This future-proofing ensures
that parking systems can integrate new features and technologies as they

 Integration with Navigation Apps: Integration with popular navigation apps

can provide drivers with real-time information on parking availability as part
of their route planning. This seamless integration contributes to a more
comprehensive urban mobility experience.
 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Integration: With the increasing adoption of
electric vehicles, smart parking systems can integrate EV charging stations.
This not only supports the growing trend of sustainable transportation but also
ensures that parking spaces with charging facilities are appropriately managed.
 Automated Parking Facilities: Robotic parking systems, where robotic
platforms handle the parking and retrieval of vehicles, represent a futuristic
approach. These systems can optimize space utilization and provide a unique
solution for densely populated urban areas.
 Flexible Pricing Strategies: Implementing dynamic pricing models based on
real-time demand can optimize revenue for parking facilities. Prices can be
adjusted dynamically, encouraging users to choose less congested areas or off-
peak times.
 Intelligent Traffic Control: Smart parking systems can be integrated with
traffic management systems to dynamically control traffic flow. This can
include directing vehicles to less congested areas during peak times or events.

 Vehicle Recognition: Addition of Machine learning to store various other

information of the vehicle like its colour, design and number which would
further add security.

In conclusion, the implementation of a smart parking system using IoT offers

significant advantages and potential solutions to the challenges faced in urban parking
management. By leveraging IoT technologies, such as sensors, connectivity, and data
analytics, smart parking systems provide real-time monitoring, efficient resource
allocation, and enhanced user experiences.
The integration of IoT sensors in parking spaces enables the accurate detection and
transmission of parking occupancy data to a centralized system. We have also used
cameras to detect the density of the parking slots and update its status. This data is
then made available to drivers through user-friendly interfaces, such as web
applications and digital displays. Drivers can access up-to-date information on
available parking spaces, reserve spots in advance, and receive navigation guidance,
streamlining the parking process and reducing congestion on roads.
From a management perspective, smart parking systems offer valuable insights for
optimizing resource allocation and improving operational efficiency. By analyzing
real-time data on parking occupancy, usage patterns, and demand fluctuations,
parking operators can make informed decisions regarding parking infrastructure
development and traffic flow management. This optimization leads to increased
revenue generation, reduced operational costs, and improved overall efficiency of
parking facilities.
Moreover, the data collected by smart parking systems can contribute to broader
urban planning and transportation management efforts. By analysing parking patterns
and demand trends, urban planners can make informed decisions regarding future city
planning initiatives and create more sustainable transportation systems.
Overall, smart parking systems using IoT have the potential to revolutionize the way
parking is managed and experienced in urban areas. With real-time information,
efficient resource allocation, and improved user experiences, these systems contribute
to more sustainable and intelligent urban environments, addressing the challenges
associated with parking in modern cities.

 Li, X., Zhang, Y., & Guo, H. (2019). A Smart Parking System Based on IoT
and Cloud Computing. IEEE Access, 7, 30177-30187.
 Cai, Q., Han, Z., & Lin, Z. (2020). Smart parking system based on IoT and
cloud computing. In 2020 5th International Conference on Robotics,
Automation and Communication Engineering (RACE)
 (pp. 418-422). IEEE.
 Kumar, A., Kumar, R., & Dhiman, G. (2021). Smart parking system using
IoT. In Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Toward Next-Generation
Intelligence (pp. 369-378). Springer.
 Yousaf, S., Nawaz, M. H., & Ahmad, F. (2019). Smart parking management
using IoT-based cloud computing. Wireless Personal Communications,
107(4), 2977-2994.
 Details about Arduino IDE:

 Details about Wi-Fi Module:

 Details about IR Sensor:
 Details about Servo Motor:
 Arduino IDE download link:

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