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Literasi Inggris # 1 - Bimbel Sinteta

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1 Indonesian sinetron TV shows are worlds filled with brutal clichés and absurd
occurrences. Most plots
seem to involve evil stepmothers, characters being hit by cars in slow motion, or babies
who were accidentally swapped at birth. Some sinetrons verge on the fantastical, where
Batman randomly shows up wearing a shiny costume, or the protagonist keeps a poorly
animated dragon as a mode of transport.
Nowadays, Indonesian prime time TV is an empire ruled almost single-handedly
by sinetron. The word is abbreviated from sinema elektronik (Bahasa for ‗electronic
cinema‘), a form of Indonesian soap opera. In Indonesia, sinetron has been a television
fixture for almost as long as the screen‘s existence as a household staple. Nonsensical as
they are now, sinetrons have not always been this way. The first sinetron serials shown in
the country date back to the 1980s, while the nation‘s first TV station, TVRI, was
established in 1962.
Sinetron uses a live-shoot system known in the Indonesian film industry as
‗striping‘. No one really knows how the name came to be, but some say it was inspired
from the tight-packed stripes on busy airtime schedule tables. Some call it ‗stripping‘,
which seems to fit the reality of depriving the shooting process of proper time and
Unlike pre-produced series, the hasty shooting process allows producers to
create and air new episodes every single day, (or at least every weekday). Writers have
very little time to brainstorm plot development and end up throwing conflicts around,
often without a sense of continuity. Young, new actors barely have time to develop
characters, resulting in rigid evil versus good in a black-and-white world. Crews are
encouraged to get things done fast, because it‘s only 24 hours before the next episode has
to air.
Naturally, this has an impact on the quality of the final product. Writers rush to
come up with a new storyline every day, actors and crews work overtime, and there isn‘t
much time to finalise pre-production steps. Hence why sinetron plots flow faster than
human logic can follow, as the audience can see through the absurdity of drama often
portrayed by sinetron.
In the sinetron world, a wealthy heiress falling in love with a humble worker
from the lower classes looks like an everyday occurrence. Not to mention the prevalence
of amnesia as the aftermath of any illness or accident. Sometimes random beasts and
mythical figures make their way into the story. One time, a sinetron brought a poorly
crafted rendition of Marvel‘s Thanos onto the screen – just because people were buzzing
about the newest Avengers movie. At one point, the popularity of the Twilight series
even inspired a werewolf-themed sinetron, Ganteng- Ganteng Serigala (Handsome
The Broadcasting Commission of Indonesia (KPI) has repeatedly reproved
sinetron for presenting unrealistic stories, joined by critics and audiences who are
concerned about the substandard quality. Regardless of this, the sinetron industry shows
no sign of slowing down. Ratings are as high as ever, with popular titles being continued
for the 1,000th episode, plots stretched as long as people are still watching
Source: fira://

1. What can we infer from the text?

(A) Sinetrons storyline tells story of real-life experiences that happen to almost everyone in
(B) Sinetrons have made through a long research and it could take months to produce a
single script of sinetron.
(C) Ratings and ‗stripping‘ production system has caused the substandard of sinetron
quality in Indonesia.
(D) Sinetrons originated from India and were produced and broadcasted on TVRI before
being produced by production houses as the common practice nowadays.
(E) The Broadcasting Commission of Indonesia (KPI) appreciated sinetrons with high
rating despite the absurdity of the storyline.

2. What is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The creative process in Sinetron production impacted the storyline quality of sinetron
in Indonesia.
(B) The irrational and absurd storyline in Sinetron showing the preference of sinetron’s
audiences in the country.
(C) Most Indonesian audiences love to watch beasts, mythical creatures or superhero
characters to be featured in sinetron.
(D) Creative labours in sinetron industry are please and satisfy with the fast paced
production process.

3. Storyline in sinetrons are highly influenced by foreign movies especially Hollywood

and Bollywood movies. Which of the following statement is FALSE about sinetron’s
characteristic mentioned in the passage?
(A) Imitating Hollywood movies characters and storyline.
(B) Character get amnesia easily as the impact of any illness.
(C) Absurd and illogical storylines.
(D) Consisting of hundreds or even thousands of episodes.
(E) Relatable and educative storylines.

4. Which of the following options below is NOT the synonym of the word
―absurdity‖ (paragraph 5)?

(A) Ridiculousness konyol

(B) Irrationality rasional
(C) Ludicrousness menggelikan
(D) Sensibleness kepekaan
(E) Silliness kekonyolan

2 The dragon, the only mythical creature among the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac, is
regarded as a symbol
of might and intelligence. In ancient China, the dragon was associated with the emperor.
Boys born in the year of the dragon, especially, are said to be destined to be successful
and wealthy. The next year of the dragon begins on 23 January, on the first day of the
Chinese New Year, and lots of dragon babies are set to make an entrance.
In previous dragon years, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and countries such as

Singapore with a strong Chinese diaspora have experienced baby booms. In 2000, Hong
Kong saw a more than 5% rise in the number of births, according to official data. Last
month, state news agency Xinhua reported that China was anticipating a 5% increase in
the number of babies this year.
Makers of baby products and companies offering pre-natal and infant care services are
fired up by the business prospects. A Bloomberg report, citing Euromonitor International,
estimated that sales of nappies in China will grow about 17% to 28.4 billion yuan
£2.9bn) this year.
Paying for nappies, however, is not the biggest worry for parents of dragon babies.
''It might affect this birth cohort when they get into school, go to the labour market
because more people means more competition,'' said Dr Tong Yuying, assistant
professor, department of sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Schools
may increase their capacity, but it still means more children battling it out in national
exams to get into top schools. ''It was a blessing, and not so, at the same time,'' said
Alicia Loo, whose son Timothy, born in Singapore, was the fourth dragon in the
Malaysian Chinese family.
Timothy has to sit for the national Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE)
in Singapore this year. His results will determine which secondary school he attends. ''He
is not stressed at all, being his usual dragon self,'' said the dance teacher and mother of
three. ''But I am worried about secondary school.''
The race for school among bumper dragon cohorts is similar in Taiwan, if not
more pronounced. ''Competition is definitely more intense for kids born in this year,'' said
Dr Chen Shee-Uan, director of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the National
Taiwan University Hospital. He believes there will be an increase of 20 to 30% this year
in the number of babies delivered at the hospital. He is also expecting the same spike for
in vitro fertilisation treatments at his clinic. In fact, he added, this has already started
happening in the last three months, as couples tried to get a head start in the process. ''The
dragon is really a special year,'' he said.
Source: fira://

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) The year of dragon has brought economic impact and increase households income
significantly in Taiwan.
(B) The perception of people under dragon sign has influenced the birth rate significantly
in countries with strong Chinese diaspora.
(C) It is important for a Chinese family to have at least one kid with dragon sign to bring
wealth and prosperity to the family.
(D) Just like any other Chinese zodiac signs, the year of dragon does not bring any major
difference in terms of birth rate in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.
(E) Chinese tend to give birth in the year of Dragon through an insemination process to
have a prosperous family

6. What is the synonym of the word ―cohort‖ (par 3) ? kelompok

(A) Group
(B) Grade
(C) Rate
(D) Level
(E) Class

7. According to the passage above, which of the following option is NOT the reason why
dragon is considered as a special sign among the Chinese twelve zodiacs?

(A) It is a symbol of might and intelligence

(B) People under dragon sign is believed to be wealthy in the future.
(C) People with dragon sign will be the leader of the country.
(D) It has a close association with the Emperor.
(E) People under dragon are destined to be successful.

8. What can we infer from the text?

(A) The Chinese government encourages its people to have more kids in the year of
dragon to bring prosperity to the country.
(B) Schools prepares extra quotas and higher the acceptance standards to tackle the
baby boom in the year of dragon.
(C) The Chinese government sets up more difficult questions for those who were born
under the dragon sign since they are believed to be more intelligent than those of
other zodiacs.
(D) The Chinese‘s belief to the zodiac sign reflects the educational level gained by its
(E) The Chinese strongly believe in the luck brought by the Dragon and it‘s reflected
on the birth rate in the year of dragon.

Text 3

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires. ‗A teacher has the power to transform souls and touch someone‘s life in
a positive way. It is one of the noblest of professions that deal with life-changing and destiny-
altering powers. The teacher has the present as raw material on which she will finally carve and
design the future- the children. It‘s an ever evolving yet challenging and lifelong learning
environment of which we are an integral part.

Teaching is a chance to touch someone‘s life in a positive way. Teachers are the pillars of
society for they educate and mould the future citizens of a country. Teaching, like any other
activity, emerges from ones inwardness. Motivating and exciting students is the key. Passion for
teaching is innate. At the core of caring relationships are positive and high expectations that not
only structure and guide behaviours, but also challenge students to perform what they believe they
can do. The influence of a teacher does not stay for a limited period of time but it extends over a
A good teacher inspires. She teaches from the heart, not from the book. A teacher is capable
of dispelling the clouds of ignorance from the minds of students and lighting the spark of
knowledge in them. The art of teaching is the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds
for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards. Teaching has the power to redefine lives. Teachers still
use the most simple tools, articles and examples to teach the most complicated of lessons. Teaching
requires creativity, innovation, passion, intellect, heart and head, love of subject and love of
Good teachers learn by reflecting on their experience of the teachers who inspired them, and
by watching inspiring teachers in the schools to which they are attached. ‗If you can reach them,
you can teach them.‘ Making a significant contribution to someone‘s life is something money can
never buy. Teaching allows teachers to make a positive difference in the lives of the children in
their care.

Adapted from :

9. If teachers ... teach with heart and head, they wouldn‘t give their students inspiration to do
something better.
(A) wouldn‘t
(B) didn‘t
(C) haven‘t
(D) don‘t
(E) aren‘t

10. A teacher ... clear out the ignorance in students' mind and settle their knowledge.
(A) can
(B) will
(C) should
(D) must
(E) may

11. The word mediocre in paragraph 1 means biasa biasa saja

(A) head.
(B) main.
(C) ordinary.
(D) plain.
(E) exceptional.

12. What is the most appropriate title for the passage?

(A) How The Best Teacher Educates His Students
(B) How To Be A Good Teacher
(C) How A Good Teacher Inspires His Students
(D) Teaching As The Best Method of Educating Students
(E) The Difference between A Good Teacher and An Inspiring Teacher

13. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusees about
(A) The difference between a good and great teacher in transferring knowledge.
(B) The role of knowledge in improving people status from low to middle class.
(C) How passion impacts on the teachers ability to transfer knowledge excellently.
(D) The importance of positive vibes in alleviating discrepancy between teachers and students.\
(D) Pentingnya getaran positif dalam mengentaskan kesenjangan antara guru dan siswa.
(E) Bagaimana kontribusi divergensi positif terhadap kehidupan siswa dalam
(E) How positive divergence contributes to students‘ lives in their learning.

Text 4

GeNose C19 or Gadjah Mada Electronic Nose is the newest medical device innovation
designed by UGM to detect Covid-19 symptoms only using people's breath rapidly. The tool
developed by prof. Dr. Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.Sc., and the team are currently proceeding to the
diagnostic test phase before being mass- produced at the end of the year. "We want to set the price
cheaper so that we can achieve the social value to help the society in overcoming Covid-19,"
Kuwat told reporters. After signing the memorandum of understanding for the GeNose C19
diagnostic test cooperation between UGM and Sardjito Hospital on Monday (26/10) at Sardjito
Hospital Training Room, he conveyed this information.
He revealed that this tool had been permitted by the Ministry of Health to promptly undergo
diagnostic tests at nine partner hospitals. The diagnostic test design was cross-sectional and triple
blinded. Meanwhile, the subjects' recruitment is multicenter consecutive sampling until balanced
sample size is achieved between the positive Covid-19 and Covid-19 negative groups. In the initial
stages of implementing GeNose C19, it will run as a Covid-19 screening tool. As it is being
evaluated for accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, it can hopefully be enhanced to a Covid-19
diagnostic tool equivalent to a swab / PCR.
Dr. Dian Kesumapramudya Nurputra, PhD., another member of the research team, said that
each patient would take a breath sample and a nasopharyngeal swab sample in this diagnostic test
simultaneously. She has a target estimation of about 1,500 samples tested for three weeks, 10
percent of which were Covid-19 positive
patients. "We do not know whether the patient samples taken were positive or negative, so there
would be no aberration in the diagnostic test study," she said.
As is known, GeNose C19 is the first innovation in Indonesia to detect Covid-19 by breath
sample that is next proceeded to the cloud computing system to obtain real-time diagnosis results.
GeNose C19 can also run in parallel through a centralized diagnostic process so that data validity
can be maintained for all connected devices. GeNose C19 had undergone a profiling test at the
Bhayangkara Polda Yogyakarta Hospital and the Bambanglipuro Covid-19 Special Field Hospital,
Bantul, with a system accuracy of more than 95 percent.
In its implementation, GeNose C19 is expected to stop the Covid-19 transmission with the
advantage of a lower cost per test. Because the test result is known to be more instant, it also can
expedite the isolation decision. This electronic-based tool is easy to mass-produce because it uses
parallel and massive Artificial Intelligence (AI) data analysis and has high specificity and

14. With what idea does the author primarly concern?
(A) The using of GeNose in nine hospitals in Indonesia approved by government.
(B) The development of new device in detecting corona virus.
(C) The implementation of GeNose in halting the spread of Covid -19.
(D) The finding of device called GeNose for detecting Covid-19.
(E) The effectiveness of GeNose to unveil the cause of Covid-19.

15. What is the purpose of the passage?

(A) To describe the methodology in detecting Covid-19 using GeNose
(B) To prove the effectiveness of GeNose in stopping the spread of Covid-19
(C) To inform the invention of new device for detecting covid-19 through breath.
(D) To explain the process of detecting Covid-19 by using a device called GeNose.
(E) To present a new method of spreading Covid-19 that could affect someone‘s breath.

16. To whom is the text likely intended?

(A) Oncologists.
(B) General readers.
(C) Biologists.
(D) Clerks.
(E) Psychologists.

17. What is the author‘s motive in writing the passage?

(A) People have sufficient information about the role of GeNose in halting the widespread of
Covid-19. Masyarakat mempunyai informasi yang cukup mengenai peran GeNose dalam
menghentikan penyebaran Covid-19.
(B) People lack of information about the new device for detecting Covid-19. Masyarakat
kekurangan informasi tentang alat baru untuk mendeteksi Covid-19.
(C) Indonesian goverment makes less effort in reducing the number of Covid-19 patients.
Pemerintah Indonesia kurang berupaya dalam mengurangi jumlah pasien Covid-19.
(D) The abundant information is given to public in detecting the Covid-19 spread. Banyaknya
informasi yang diberikan kepada masyarakat dalam mendeteksi penyebaran Covid-19.
(E) The involvement of UGM students in reducing the number of Covid-19 suspects is
significant. Keterlibatan mahasiswa UGM dalam menurunkan jumlah suspek Covid-19
cukup signifikan.

18. It can be inferred from the passage that

(A) The GeNose will be further applied by mid-low societies because of its cost.
(B) The demanding for GeNose absolutely will exchange the use of SWAB test.
(C) People have already applied GeNose for its accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.
(D) GeNose C19 has undergone a profiling test with a system accuracy of more than 95 percent.
(E) GeNose is the most sophisticated tool produced by Indonesian to combat Covid-19.

Text 5

As its name suggests, hydroculture typically involves growing plants in nutrient-rich water rather
than in soil. Hydroponics is the most widely-known method of hydroculture. Some believe it has

potential to reduce the impact of the food crisis by allowing farmers to produce large quantities of food
in a sustainable and cost-effective way. In a typical hydroponics system, crops are grown indoors in
controlled environments. The plants grown in containers filled with water and the nutrients that they
need to thrive. These nutrients vary depending on the crop being grown, but typically include
nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and copper, among other trace elements. A light source
provides the energy the sun would usually deliver.
In so-called static systems, the nutrient solution is changed or replaced either according to
a schedule or when the plants require it. In continuous-flow systems, the nutrient solution flows
constantly past the roots of the plants. Although it may seem like a technologically sophisticated
form of agriculture, scientists have been experimenting with hydroculture since at least 1627.
Early experiments showed that plants grow best when raised in water rich in various nutrients
rather than in distilled water. By the early decades of the twentieth century, the concept of
hydroponics was becoming more widely known and some commercial applications of the
technology were even in place. These days, NASA, the US government agency in charge of space
missions, is even researching hydroponics.
Hydroponics offers a number of benefits over conventional agriculture. It happens
indoors, and so does not require large areas of land. In fact, hydroponics farms can be located in
industrial warehouses in or near large cities. This gives them another advantage over traditional
farms since they can be located much closer to the markets for their produce, reducing distribution
and transportation costs for hydroponics farmers. The indoor location allows farmers to create
controlled environments. This means not only does the weather not affect crops, but farmers can
grow crops that would not normally thrive in a particular region, such as tropical vegetables in
Canada. But hydroponics farms are not without their drawbacks. For one thing, some important
food crops do not grow well hydroponically. Most herbs and vegetables thrive, but important
sources of nutrition like carrots, potatoes, and corn are either not suitable or hard to grow. And so
much space would be required to raise staple crops like rice and wheat cost-effectively that their
hydroponic cultivation is not practical. Further, most foods that grow well hydroponically are
relatively low in protein, a vital nutrient for human health.
A variation on hydroponics that solves some of these issues is aquaponics. (1) A basic
aquaponics system is a hydroponics farms with a second layers. On top are plants growing
hydroponically in nutrient- rich water. (2) A below that is a tank of fish being raised as part of a fish
farm. In traditional aquaculture, farmers must spend time and money cleaning the water in which the
fish live, if they do not, the health of the fish will suffer as waste from the fish concentrates in water.
(3) The clever part of aquaponics is that instead of having to filter and discard the fish waste, farmers
can use it as the source of nutrients for the plants. (4) By closing the system in this way, aquaponics
farms can produce the same kinds of herbs, fruits, and vegetables as hydroponics farm, as well as
high-quality protein from farm-raised fish, too. (5)

19. What does the author say about hydroponics in paragraph 1?
(A) The food crisis will be greater without food from hydroponics farms.
(B) Food that has been grown hydroponically costs less than all other food.
(C) The goal of hydroponics farms is to produce food in a sustainable way.
(D) Hydroponically-grown plants need a source of water, energy, and food.
(E) Hydroponics system is very suitable for those who live in a big city.

20. Which of the following expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence
in paragraph 3?
(A) Hydroponics farms benefit from reduced costs by being placed near markets.
(B) Farmers contemplating growing hydroponically should consider factors like distribution.
(C) The main advantage of hydroponics compared to conventional farming is its location.
(D) The markets for both conventional and hydroponics crops are situated close to farms.
(E) Growing plants using hydroponics system can reduce the cost of distribution to the markets.


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