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InTech-Materials For Gas Turbines An Overview

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Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview

Nageswara Rao Muktinutalapati
VIT University

1. Introduction
Advancements made in the field of materials have contributed in a major way in building
gas turbine engines with higher power ratings and efficiency levels. Improvements in
design of the gas turbine engines over the years have importantly been due to development
of materials with enhanced performance levels. Gas turbines have been widely utilized in
aircraft engines as well as for land based applications importantly for power generation.
Advancements in gas turbine materials have always played a prime role – higher the
capability of the materials to withstand elevated temperature service, more the engine
efficiency; materials with high elevated temperature strength to weight ratio help in weight
reduction. A wide spectrum of high performance materials - special steels, titanium alloys
and superalloys - is used for construction of gas turbines. Manufacture of these materials
often involves advanced processing techniques. Other material groups like ceramics,
composites and inter-metallics have been the focus of intense research and development;
aim is to exploit the superior features of these materials for improving the performance of
gas turbine engines.
The materials developed at the first instance for gas turbine engine applications had high
temperature tensile strength as the prime requirement. This requirement quickly changed as
operating temperatures rose. Stress rupture life and then creep properties became
important. In the subsequent years of development, low cycle fatigue (LCF) life became
another important parameter. Many of the components in the aero engines are subjected to
fatigue- and /or creep-loading, and the choice of material is then based on the capability of
the material to withstand such loads.
Coating technology has become an integral part of manufacture of gas turbine engine
components operating at high temperatures, as this is the only way a combination of high
level of mechanical properties and excellent resistance to oxidation / hot corrosion
resistance could be achieved.
The review brings out a detailed analysis of the advanced materials and processes that have
come to stay in the production of various components in gas turbine engines. While there
are thousands of components that go into a gas turbine engine, the emphasis here has been
on the main components, which are critical to the performance of the engine. The review
also takes stock of the R&D activity currently in progress to develop higher performance
materials for gas turbine engine application. On design aspects of gas turbine engines, the
reader is referred to the latest edition of the Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook (Boyce,
294 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

2. Compressor parts for aircraft engines – Titanium alloys

Titanium, due to its high strength to weight ratio, has been a dominant material in
compressor stages in aeroengines. Titanium content has increased from 3 % in 1950s to
about 33% today of the aeroengine weight. Unlike predictions made for requirements of
ceramic and metal matrix composites for aeroengines, predictions made for titanium alloys
have come true or even surpassed. High temperature titanium alloys have found extensive
application in aeroengines. Ti-6Al-4V is used for static and rotating components in gas
turbine engines. Castings are used to manufacture the more complex static components.
Forgings are typically used for the rotating components. For example, the alloy is used for
fan disc and low pressure compressor discs and blades for the Pratt and Whitney 4084
engine. The alloy is used in the cooler compressor stages up to a maximum temperature of
about 315 oC. Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V is used for fan blades in military engines (Bayer, 1996). The
alloys 685 (Ti-6Al-5Zr-0.5Mo-0.25Si) and 829 (Ti-5.5Al-3.5Sn-3Zr-1Nb-0.25Mo-0.3Si) are used
in many current European aeroengines such as RB2111, 535E4 in fully beta heat treated

0.5Mo-0.35Si-0.06C), a relatively recent grade, in contrast is used in + condition, with a 5-

condition to maximize creep resistance (Gogia, 2005). Alloy 834 (Ti-5.8Al-4Sn-3.5Zr-0.7Nb-

15% equiaxed  in the microstructure to optimize both creep and fatigue strength (Gogia,
2005). The alloy was aimed at replacing the Alloys 685 and 829 preferred in European jet
engines. Alloy 834 is used as a compressor disc material in the last two stages of the
medium-pressure compressor, and the first four stages of the high pressure compressor in

4Zr-0.4Mo-0.4Si), a competitive alloy to IMI834, is designed to be used in the  heat treated

variants of the Rolls-Royce Trent series commercial jet engine. The Ti-1100 (Ti-6Al-2.8Sn-

condition. The alloy is under evaluation by Allison Gas Turbine Engines for higher thrust
versions of their 406/GMA3007/GMA2100 family of engines, primarily for castings (Gogia,
2005). The alloy has a claimed use temperature of 600 oC. IN US, Ti6-2-4-2 (Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-
2Mo) is the preferred high temperature alloy for jet engine applications. A variant of this
alloy, Ti6-2-4-2S is also commercially available. The ‘S’ denotes addition of 0.1-0.25 % Si to
improve the creep resistance. It is used for rotating components such as blades, discs and
rotors at temperatures up to about 540 oC (Bayer, 1996). It is used in high pressure
compressors at temperatures too high for Ti-6-4, above about 315 oC, for structural
Today, the maximum temperature limit for near- alloys for elevated temperature
applications is about 540 oC. This temperature limitation for titanium alloys mean the hottest
parts in the compressor, i.e. the discs and blades of the last compressor stages, have to be
manufactured from Ni-based superalloys at nearly twice the weight. Additionally, problems
arise associated with the different thermal expansion behavior and the bonding techniques
of the two alloy systems. Therefore enormous efforts are underway to develop a compressor
made completely of titanium. Titanium alloys are required that can be used at temperatures
of 600 oC or higher. This has been the impetus for extensive research and development work
in the area of elevated temperature titanium alloys.
Table 1 gives the chemical composition and the maximum service temperature of various
grades of titanium alloys mentioned above. Figure 1 shows schematically the relative creep
capability of these grades in the form of a Larson Miller plot. The reader is referred to some
excellent reviews on use of titanium alloys in gas turbine engines (Bayer, 1998; Gogia, 2005).
The technical guide on titanium published by ASM International (Donachie, 2000) also gives
much information on titanium as a gas turbine material.
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 295

Fig. 1. Relative creep capability of titanium alloys used for compressor parts in the form of a
Larson Miller plot (Schematic).

3. Compressor blading materials for land based gas turbines – Special steels
Until recently, all production blades for compressors are made from 12% chromium
containing martensitic stainless steel grades 403 or 403 Cb (Schilke, 2004). Corrosion of
compressor blades can occur due to moisture containing salts and acids collecting on the
blading. To prevent the corrosion, GE has developed patented aluminum slurry coatings for
the compressor blades. The coatings are also meant to impart improved erosion resistance to
the blades. During the 1980’s, GE introduced a new compressor blade material, GTD-450, a
precipitation hardened martensitic stainless steel for its advanced and uprated machines
(Schilke, 2004). Without sacrificing stress corrosion resistance, GTD-450 offers increased
tensile strength, high cycle fatigue strength and corrosion fatigue strength, compared to type
403. GTD-450 also possesses superior resistance to acidic salt environments to type 403, due
to higher concentration of chromium and presence of molybdenum (Schilke, 2004).

Grade Nominal chemical composition Maximum service

designation temperature (oC)
Ti64 Ti-6Al-4V 315
Ti811 Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V 400
Alloy 685 Ti-6Al-5Zr-0.5Mo-0.25Si 520
Alloy 829 Ti-5.5Al-3.5Sn-3Zr-1Nb-0.25Mo—0.3Si 550
Alloy 834 Ti-5.8Al-4Sn-3.5Zr-0.7Nb-0.5Mo-0.35Si-0.06C 600
Ti1100 Ti-6Al-2.8Sn-4Zr-0.4Mo-0.4Si 600
Ti6242 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo
Ti6242S Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.2Si 540
Table 1. Titanium alloys used for compressor parts in aircraft engines – chemical
composition and maximum service temperature
296 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

Table 2 gives the chemical composition of the different steel grades used for compressor

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

AISI 403 Fe12Cr0.11C Martensitic stainless steel
AISI 403+Nb Fe12Cr0.2Cb0.15C Martensitic stainless steel with Nb addition
GTD-450 Fe15.5Cr6.3Ni0.8Mo0.03C Precipitation hardening stainless steel
Table 2. Compressor blade materials for land based gas turbines

4. Combustion hardware for aircraft and industrial gas turbines (IGTs)

Driven by the increased firing temperatures of the gas turbines and the need for improved
emission control, significant development efforts have been made to advance the
combustion hardware, by way of adopting sophisticated materials and processes.
The primary basis for the material changes that have been made is improvement of high
temperature creep rupture strength without sacrificing the oxidation / corrosion resistance.
Traditionally combustor components have been fabricated out of sheet nickel-base
superalloys. Hastelloy X, a material with higher creep strength was used from 1960s to 1980s.
Nimonic 263 was subsequently introduced and has still higher creep strength (Schilke, 2004).
As firing temperatures further increased in the newer gas turbine models, HA-188, a cobalt
base superalloy has been recently adopted for some combustion system components for
improved creep rupture strength (Schilke, 2004). Coutsouradis et al. reviewed the applications
of cobalt-base superalloys for combustor and other components in gas turbines (Coutsouradis et
al., 1987). Nickel base superalloys 617 and 230 find wide application for combustor components
(Wright & Gibbons, 2007). Table 3 gives the chemical composition of combustor materials.

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

Hastelloy X Ni22Cr1.5Co1.9Fe0.7W9Mo0.07C0.005B Nickel-base superalloy
Nimonic 263 Ni20Cr20Co0.4Fe6Mo2.1Ti0.4Al0.06C Nickel-base superalloy
HA188 Co22Cr22Ni1.5Fe14W0.05C0.01B Cobalt-base superalloy
617 54Ni22Cr12.5Co8.5Mo1.2Al Nickel-base superalloy
230 55Ni22Cr5Co3Fe14W2Mo0.35Al0.10C0.015B Nickel-base superalloy;
values for Co, Fe and B
are upper limits.
Table 3. Combustor materials
In addition to designing with improved materials, combustion liners and transition pieces of
advanced and uprated machines involving higher firing temperatures are given a thermal
barrier coating (TBC). The coating serves to provide an insulating layer and reduces the
underlying base metal temperature. Section 9 deals with the subject of TBC in detail.

5. Turbine disk applications

5.1 Aircraft engines – Superalloys
A286, an austenitic iron-base alloy has been used for years in aircraft engine applications
(Schilke, 2004). Superalloy 718 has been used for manufacture of discs in aircraft engines for
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 297

more than 25 years (Schilke, 2004). Both these alloys have been produced through the
conventional ingot metallurgy route.
Powder Metallurgy (PM) processing is being extensively used in production of superalloy
components for gas turbines. PM processing is essentially used for Nickel-based
superalloys. It is primarily used for production of high strength alloys used for disc
manufacture such as IN100 or Rene95 which are difficult or impractical to forge by
conventional methods. LC Astroloy, MERL 76, IN100, Rene95 and Rene88 DT are the PM
superalloys where ingot metallurgy route for manufacture of turbine discs was replaced by
the PM route.

The advantages of PM processing are listed in the following:
Superalloys such as IN-100 or Rene95 difficult or impractical to forge by conventional

methods. P/M processing provides a solution
Improves homogeneity / minimizes segregation, particularly in complex Ni-base alloy

Allows closer control of microstructure and better property uniformity within a part
than what is possible in cast and ingot metallurgy wrought products. Finer grain size

can be realized.

Alloy development flexibility due to elimination of macro-segregation.
Consolidated powder products are often super-plastic and amenable to isothermal

forging, reducing force requirements for forging.
It is a near net shape process; hence significantly less raw material input required and
also reduced machining cost, than in case of conventional ingot metallurgy.
Several engines manufactured by General Electric and Pratt and Whitney are using
superalloy discs manufactured through PM route.
Table 4 gives the details of disc superalloys for aircraft engines.

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

A286 Fe15Cr25Ni1.2Mo2Ti0.3Al0.25V Iron-base superalloy; ingot
0.08C 0.006B metallurgy route
718 Ni19Cr18.5Fe3Mo0.9Ti0.5Al5.1Cb 0.03C Nickel-iron-base superalloy;
ingot metallurgy route
IN 100 60Ni10Cr15Co3Mo4.7Ti5.5Al0.15C 0.015B Nickel-base superalloy;
0.06Zr1.0V powder metallurgy route
Rene 95 61Ni14Cr8Co3.5Mo3.5W3.5Nb2.5Ti3.5Al Nickel-base superalloy;
0.16C0.01B0.05Zr powder metallurgy route
LC Astroloy 56.5Ni15Cr 15Co5.25Mo3.5Ti4.4Al Nickel-base superalloy;
0.06C0.03B0.06Zr powder metallurgy route
MERL-76 54.4Ni12.4Cr18.6co3.3Mo1.4Nb Nickel-base superalloy;
4.3Ti5.1Al0.02C0.03B0.35Hf0.06Zr powder metallurgy route
Rene88 DT 56.4Ni16cr13Co4Mo4W0.7Nb3.7Ti Nickel-base superalloy;
2.1Al0.03C0.015B0.03Zr powder metallurgy route
Udimet 720 55Ni18Cr14.8Co3Mo1.25W5Ti2.5Al0.035C Nickel-base superalloy;
0.033B0.03Zr ingot metallurgy / powder
metallurgy route
Udimet 57Ni16Cr15Co3Mo1.25W5Ti2.5Al0.025C0. Low C, low B variant of
720LI 018B0.03Zr Udimet 720.
Table 4. Disc superalloys for aircraft engines
298 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

5.2 IGTs – Steels and superalloys

Turbine discs of most GE single shaft heavy duty gas turbines are made of 1%Cr-1.25%Mo-
0.25%V steel in hardened and tempered condition (Schilke, 2004). 12%Cr steels such as
M152 have higher rupture strength than Cr-Mo-V steel, in addition to outstanding fracture
toughness and capacity to attain uniform and high mechanical properties in large sections.
Use of A286 for IGTs started in 1965, when the technological advancements made it possible
to produce large ingots of this material with required quality (Schilke, 2004).
With the advent of advanced of gas turbine engines with much higher firing temperatures
and compressor ratios, it became necessary to utilize a nickel-base superalloy, alloy 706 for
the rotors. The use of this material provides the necessary temperature capability required
to also meet the firing temperature requirements in the future. This alloy is similar to the
Alloy 718, an alloy that has been used for rotors in aircraft engines for more than 25 years.
Alloy 706 contains lower concentrations of alloying elements known for their tendency to
segregate. Consequently it is less segregation-prone than Alloy 718 and could be produced
in large diameters unlike Alloy 718. Accordingly large sized rotors of Alloy 706 could be
produced to serve large IGTs for land-based power generation (Schilke, 2004). Alloy 718, the
most frequently used superalloy for aircraft gas turbines, because of its segregation
tendency, could be produced, until the turn of the century, to a maximum ingot size of
500mm. Developments made with reference to remelting techniques, together with very
close control on chemical composition have enabled production of ingots of Alloy 718 as
large as 750 mm in diameter. This has resulted in the ability to process Alloy 718 to the large
disk sizes needed in modern IGTs.
The importance of Alloy 718 and Alloy 706 can be seen from the fact that several
international conferences have been devoted to developments related to these alloys (Loria,
1989, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2005; Caron et al., 2008).

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

CrMoV Fe1Cr0.5Ni1.25Mo0.25V0.30C Medium carbon
steel low alloy steel
M152 Fe12Cr2.5Ni1.7Mo0.3V0.12C 12% Cr steel
A286 Fe15Cr25Ni1.2Mo2Ti0.3Al0.25V Iron-base
0.08C 0.006B superalloy
706 Ni16Cr37Fe1.8Ti2.9Cb0.03C Nickel-iron-base
718 Ni19Cr18.5Fe3Mo0.9Ti0.5Al5.1Cb 0.03C Nickel-iron-base
Udimet 55Ni18Cr14.8Co3Mo1.25W5Ti2.5Al0.035C0.033B0.03Zr Nickel-base
720 superalloy
Udimet 57Ni16Cr15Co3Mo1.25W5Ti2.5Al0.025C0.018B0.03Zr Nickel-base
720LI superalloy
Table 5. Disc materials for IGTs
Udimet 720 also evolved as an advanced wrought alloy for land based gas turbines.
Reductions in Cr content to prevent sigma phase formation and in carbon and boron levels
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 299

to reduce stringers and clusters of carbides, borides or carbonitrides have led to the
development of the Alloy 720LI. Both these alloys have been of considerable interest to land
based gas turbines. They have also been incorporated in some aircraft gas turbines (Furrer &
Fecht, 1999). Table 5 gives details of special steels / superalloys used for production of discs
for land-based gas turbines.
The reader is referred to an overview by Furrer and Fecht on nickel-based superalloys for
turbine discs for land based power generation and aircraft propulsion (Furrer & Fecht,

6. Turbine blades and vanes – Cast superalloys

engines, understanding generated between age hardening, creep and  volume fraction and
Recognition of the material creep strength as an important consideration for the gas turbine

the steadily increasing operating-temperature requirements for the aircraft engines resulted
in development of wrought alloys with increasing levels of aluminum plus titanium.
Component forgeability problems led to this direction of development not going beyond a
certain extent. The composition of the wrought alloys became restricted by the hot
workability requirements. This situation led to the development of cast nickel-base alloys.
Casting compositions can be tailored for good high temperature strength as there was no
forgeability requirement. Further the cast components are intrinsically stronger than
forgings at high temperatures, due to the coarse grain size of castings. Das recently
reviewed the advances made in nickel-based cast superalloys (Das, 2010).
Buckets (rotating airfoils) must withstand severe combination of temperature, stress and
environment. The stage 1 bucket is particularly loaded, and is generally the limiting
component of the gas turbine. Function of the nozzles (stationary airfoils) is to direct the hot
gases towards the buckets. Therefore they must be able to withstand high temperatures.
However they are subjected to lower mechanical stresses than the buckets. An important
design requirement for the nozzle materials is that they should possess excellent high
temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance.

6.1 Conventional equiaxed investment casting process

6.1.1 Aircraft engines
Cast alloy IN-713 was among the early grades established as the materials for the airfoils in
the most demanding gas turbine application. Efforts to increase the  volume fraction to
realize higher creep strength led to the availability of alloys like IN 100 and Rene 100 for
airfoils in gas turbine engines. Increased amount of refractory solid solution strengtheners
such as W and Mo were added to some of the grades developed later and this led to the
availability of grades like MAR-M200, MAR-M246, IN 792 and M22. Addition of 2 wt% Hf
improved ductility and a new series of alloys became available with Hf addition such as
MAR-M200+Hf, MAR-M246+Hf, Rene 125+Hf.
General Electric pursued own alloy development with Rene 41, Rene 77, Rene 80 and Rene
80+Hf having relatively high chromium content for improved corrosion resistance at the
cost of some high temperature strength. Other similar alloys with high chromium content
are IN738C, IN738LC, Udimet 700, Udimet 710.
Table 6 gives details of superalloy compositions of airfoils produced by conventional
equiaxed investment casting process.
300 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

Grade designation Chemical composition

IN 713 74.2Ni12.5Cr4.2Mo2Nb0.8Ti6.1Al0.1Zr0.12C0.01B
IN 100 60.5Ni10Cr15Co3Mo4.7Ti5.5Al0.06Zr0.18C0.014B
Rene 100 62.6Ni9.5Cr15Co3Mo4.2Ti5.5Al0.06Zr0.15C0.015B
MAR-M200 59.5Ni9Cr10Co12.5W1.8Nb2Ti5Al0.05Zr0.15C0.015B
MAR-M246 59.8Ni9Cr10Co2.5Mo10W1.5Ta1.5Ti5.5Al0.05Zr0.14C0.015B
IN 792 60.8Ni12.7Cr9Co2Mo3.9W3.9Ta4.2Ti3.2Al0.1Zr0.21C0.02B
M 22 71.3Ni5.7Cr2Mo11W3Ta6.3Al0.6Zr0.13C
MAR-M200+Hf Ni8Cr9Co12W2Hf1Nb1.9Ti5.0Al0.03Zr0.13C0.015B
MAR-M246+Hf Ni9Cr10Co2.5Mo10W1.5Hf1.5Ta1.5Ti5.5Al0.05Zr0.15C0.015B
Rene 41 56Ni19Cr10.5Co9.5Mo3.2Ti1.7Al0.01Zr0.08C0.005B
Rene 77 53.5Ni15Cr18.5Co5.2Mo3.5Ti4.25Al0.08C0.015B
Rene 80 60.3Ni14Cr9.5Co4Mo4W5Ti3al0.03Zr0.17C0.015B
Rene 80+Hf 59.8Ni14Cr9.5Co4Mo4W0.8Hf4.7Ti3Al0.01Zr0.15C0.015B
IN 738 61.5Ni16Cr8.5Co1.75Mo2.6W1.75Ta0.9Nb3.4Ti3.4Al0.04Zr0.11C0.01B
Udimet 700 59Ni14.3Cr14.5Co4.3Mo3.5Ti4.3Al0.02Zr0.08C0.015B
Udimet 710 54.8Ni18Cr15Co3Mo1.5W2.5Ti5Al0.08Zr0.13C
TMD-103 59.8Ni3Cr12Co2Mo6W5Re6Ta0.1Hf6Al
Table 6. Conventionally cast nickel-base superalloys for gas turbine blading applications in
aircraft gas turbines

6.1.2 Land-based gas turbine engines Bucket materials for land based gas turbines
Many of the GE engines used U-500 for stage 1 buckets in mid1960’s. It is being used for later
stages of buckets in selected gas turbine models (Schilke, 2004). IN738 has been used as stage 1
bucket material on several GE engines during 1971-1984. In recent years it has been also used
as stage 2 bucket material in some GE engines (Schilke, 2004). The alloy has an outstanding
combination of elevated temperature strength and hot corrosion resistance and this makes it
attractive for heavy duty gas turbine applications. Developments in processing technology
have enabled production of the alloy in large ingot sizes. The alloy is used throughout the
heavy duty gas turbine industry. Subsequently GE has developed the alloy GTD-111, with
higher strength levels than 738, but maintaining its hot corrosion resistance. GTD-111 has
replaced IN738 as bucket material in different GE engine models (Schilke, 2004).
Table7 gives details of conventionally cast superalloys for blading applications in IGTs.

Grade Chemical composition

Udimet 500 Ni18.5Cr18.5Co4Mo3Ti3Al0.07C0.006B
Rene 77 Ni15Cr17Co5.3Mo3.35Ti4.25Al0.07C0.02B
IN738 Ni16Cr8.3Co0.2Fe2.6W1.75Mo3.4Ti3.4Al0.9Cb0.10C0.001B1.75Ta
GTD 111 Ni14Cr9.5Co3.8W1.5Mo4.9Ti3.0Al0.10C0.01B2.8Ta
Table 7. Conventionally cast nickel-base superalloys for blading applications in IGTs
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 301 Nozzle materials for land based gas turbines

GE engines use FSX 414, a GE-patented cobalt base alloy for all stage 1 nozzles and some
later stage nozzles. Cobalt base alloys possess superior strength at very high temperatures
compared to nickel base superalloys – hence the choice of cobalt base superalloy. It has a
two-three fold oxidation resistance compared to X40 and X45, also cobalt based superalloys
used for nozzle applications. Use of FSX 414 over C40/C45 hence enables increased firing
temperatures for a given oxidation life (Schilke, 2004).
Later stage nozzles must also possess adequate creep strength and GE developed a nickel
base superalloy GTD222 for some stage 2 and stage 3 applications. The alloy has
significantly higher creep strength compared to FSX414. N155, an iron-based superalloy, has
good weldability and is used for later stage nozzles of some GE engines (Schilke, 2004).
Table 8 gives the details of materials used for nozzles in IGTs.

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

X40 Co-25Cr10Ni8W1Fe0.5C0.01B Cobalt-base superalloy
X45 Co-25Cr10Ni8W1Fe0.25C0.01B Cobalt-base superalloy
FSX414 Co-28Cr10Ni7W1Fe0.25C0.01B Cobalt-base superalloy
N155 Fe-21Cr20Ni20Co2.5W3Mo0.20C Iron-base superalloy
GTD-222 Ni-22.5Cr19Co2.0W2.3Mo1.2Ti0.8Al0.10V 0.008C1.0B Nickel-base superalloy

Table 8. Nozzle materials for IGTs

6.2 Directionally solidified (DS) castings

6.2.1 Aircraft engines
The major failure mechanism for gas turbine airfoils involved nucleation and growth of
cavities along transverse grain boundaries. Elimination of transverse grain boundaries
through directional solidification of turbine blades and vanes made an important step in
temperature capability of these castings. Use of DS superalloys could improve the turbine
blade metal temperature capability by about 14 oC relative to the conventionally cast

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

DS MAR 59.5Ni9Cr10Co12.5W2Hf1.8Nb2Ti5Al0.05Zr0.15C0.015B First
M-200+Hf generation
CM247LC 61.7Ni8.1Cr9.2Co0.5Mo9.5W3.2Ta1.4Hf0.7Ti5.6Al0.01Zr0.07C0.015B First
PWA1422 59.2Ni9Cr10Co12W1.5Hf1Nb2Ti5Al0.1Zr0.14C0.015B First
DMD4 66.8Ni2.4Cr4Co5.5W6.5Re8Ta1.2Hf0.3Nb5.2Al0.07C0.01B Third
Table 9. DS nickel-base superalloys for blading applications in aircraft engines
302 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

By early 1980s, DS superalloys became available and were operating in gas turbines. DS
MAR-M-200+Hf became available. Another DS grade CM247LC is the outcome of extensive
efforts to optimize the chemical composition to improve carbide microstructure, grain
boundary cracking resistance, to minimize the formation of deleterious secondary phases
and to avoid HfO2 inclusion problem. Pratt and Whitney developed an equivalent DS grade
PWA 1422.
Table 9 gives details of DS superalloy compositions for aircraft engines.

6.2.2 Land-based gas turbine engines

GE has been using the DS version of DTD-111 for stage 1 buckets of different engines. It is
same as DTD-111 equiaxed, except tighter control on alloy chemistry. DS version of DTD-
111 is stated to possess improved creep life, improved fatigue life and higher impact
strength, compared to equiaxed version (Schilke, 2004). Use of DS superalloys could
improve the turbine blade metal temperature capability by about 14 oC relative to the
conventionally cast superalloys. TMD-103 belongs to the recent advances in DS alloy
castings for IGT airfoil castings. It has very attractive long term creep rupture strength and
hot corrosion resistance. The alloy could be directionally solidified in the form of large
hollow blades for 2000KW IGT. Alloy chemistry of IGT buckets/vanes differs greatly from
that of aeroengine blade/vane alloys, both on account of different operating scenarios and
DS processing difficulties due to the large size of IGT components. Table 10 gives details of
DS superalloy compositions for airfoils in IGTs.

6.3 Single crystals

In single crystal (SC) castings all grain boundaries are eliminated from the microstructure and
an SC with a controlled orientation is produced in an airfoil shape. SCs required no grain
boundary strengtheners such as C, B, Zr and Hf. Elimination of these elements while
designing the SC compositions helped in raising the melting temperature and correspondingly
the high temperature strength. Figure 2 schematically shows the improvement in creep
strength of a cast superalloy by switching over from equiaxed polycrystalline investment
casting to DS casting to SC casting.

Grade Chemical composition Remarks

DTD 111 Same as DTD 111 for equiaxed version, but with tighter
control on alloy chemistry
TMD-103 59.8Ni3Cr12Co2Mo6W5Re6Ta0.1Hf6Al0.07C0.015B Third
Table 10. DS nickel-base superalloys for application as rotating blades in IGTs

6.3.1 Aircraft engines

The early SC superalloys included RR2000, RR2060 of Rolls Royce, PWA1480 of Pratt and
Whitney, CMSX2 and CMSX3 of Cannon Muskegon and ReneN4 of GE. These SC alloys
provided about 20 oC metal temperature advantage over the existing DS alloys.
Attempts to further improve the metal temperature capability of SC superalloys by way of
increasing the refractory alloying elements, prominently Rhenium, led to the development
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 303

of SC superalloy grades PWA 1484, CMSX4, Rene N5, TUT92. These grades gave about 30
oC metal temperature improvement over the early SC superalloys.

Development of SC superalloys continued with the target of achieving another 30 oC

improvement in metal temperature capability while maintaining the environmental
resistance and freedom from appearance of deleterious phases in the microstructure. This
led to emergence of grades CMSX10, Rene-6, TMS75, TMS80, MC-NG developed by Onera
in France, DMS4 developed by DMRL, India, TMS-196, developed by NIMS, Japan. Detailed
studies / evaluation have been carried out on these grades and they are potential candidate
alloys for future gas turbine engines with enhanced performance.
Figure 3 schematically shows the improvement in stress rupture strength of superalloys, by
moving over from DS (CM247) to first generation SC (CMSX2) to second generation SC
(CMSX4) to third to fifth generation (CMSX10 and TMS 196) SCs, in the form of a Larson
Miller plot.
Table 11 gives details of the superalloys used for blading applications in aircraft engines.

6.3.2 Land-based gas turbines

Development of SC castings has also benefited to improve the efficiency of combined cycle
power plants by way of increasing the engine firing temperatures. GE has been applying the
SC bucket technology for last several years. SC alloys such as CMSX11B, AF56, PWA1483
containing about 12%Cr for long term environmental resistance together with additions of
C, B, Hf to enhance alloy tolerance to low angle boundaries have been developed as airfoil
materials. SC alloys such as CMSX 11C and SC 16 have been developed with Cr >12% to
increase resistance to hot corrosion and oxidation. Long term phase stability was an
important consideration in design of these alloys. Gibbons reviewed the improvements that
are taking place with reference to alloys and coatings for integrated gasification combined
cycle systems (IGCC) (Gibbons, 2009)
Table 12 gives details of SC superalloys used for rotating blade application in IGTs.

Fig. 2. Relative creep deformation of equiaxed, DS and SC superalloy castings (schematic)
304 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

7. Vanes - Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) superalloys

A limited use exists for ODS superalloys in gas turbine engines. ODS superalloys are
advanced high temperature materials which can retain useful strength up to a relatively
high fraction of their melting point. This advantage is due to the uniformly dispersed, stable
oxide particles which act as barriers to dislocation motion. MA754 has been in production
by General Electric as a vane material since 1980. Because of its high long time elevated
temperature strength, it has been extensively used for aircraft gas turbine vanes.

Fig. 3. Improvements made in the stress rupture strength of superalloys through

advancements in processing technology (Schematic)
The modern high-performance gas turbine engines would not have been there but for the
major advances made in superalloy development over the past 50 years, as outlined above.
Excellent monographs / handbooks / technical guides are available on the subject of
superalloys, covering different aspects – metallurgy, processing, properties and applications
(Davis, 1997; Davis, 2000; DeHaemer, 1990; Donachie & Donachie, 2002; Durand-Charre,
1998; Reed, 2006). The reader is referred to them for more detailed information.

8. Reaction with the operating environment

During operation the turbine components are subjected to environmentally induced
degradation. The reaction with the environment is essentially of two types – hot corrosion
and high temperature oxidation.
Hot corrosion is a rapid form of attack generally associated with alkali metal contaminants -
sodium and potassium – reacting with sulfur in the fuel to form molten sulfates. Two
distinct forms of hot corrosion have been identified – high temperature hot corrosion
occurring in the temperature range 850-950 oC and low temperature hot corrosion taking
place in the range 593-760 oC. Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics and mechanisms
of the two forms of hot corrosion in gas turbine components have been reviewed (Eliaz et
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 305

Generation Grade Chemical composition Metal

designation temperature
capability oC

First RR2000 62.5Ni10Cr15Co3Mo4Ti5.5Al1V

RR2060 63Ni15Cr5Co2Mo2W5Ta2Ti5Al

PW1480 62.5Ni10Cr5Co4W12Ta1.5Ti5Al 1060

CMSX2 66.2Ni8Cr4.6Co0.6Mo8W6Ta1Ti5.6Al

CMSX3 66.1Ni8Cr4.6Co0.6Mo8W6Ta0.1Hf1Ti5.6Al

Rene N4 62Ni9.8Cr7.5Co1.5Mo6W4.8Ta0.15Hf0.5Nb3.5Ti4.2Al

Second PWA1484 59.4Ni5Cr10Co2Mo6W3Re9Ta5.6Al 1120

CMSX4 61.7Ni6.5Cr9Co0.6Mo6W3Re6.5Ta0.1Hf1Ti5.6Al

Rene N5 63.1Ni7Cr7.5Co1.5Mo5W3Re6.5Ta0.15Hf6.2Al0.05C0.004b0.01Y

TUT 92 68Ni10Cr1.2Mo7W0.8Re8Ta1.2Ti5.3Al

Third to
CMSX10 69.6Ni2Cr3Co0.4Mo5W6Re8Ta0.03Hf0.1Nb0.2Ti5.7Al 1135

ReneN6 57.3Ni4.2Cr12.5Co1.4Mo6W5.4R e7.2Ta0.15Hf5.8Al0.05C0.004B 1110

TMS 75 59.9Ni3Cr12Co2Mo6W5Re6Ta0.1Hf6Al 1115

TMS 80 58.2Ni2.9Cr11.6Co1.9Mo5.8W4.9Re5.8Ta0.1Hf5.8Al0.5B3.0Ir

MC-NG 70.3Ni4Cr<0.2Co1Mo5W4Re5Ta0.1Hf0.5Ti6Al4.0Ru

DMS4 67Ni2.4Cr4Co5.5W6.5Re9Ta0.1Hf0.3Nb5.2Al 1140

TMS 196 59.7Ni4.6Cr5.6Co2.4Mo5.0W6.4Re5.6Ta0.1Hf5.6Al5.0Ru 1150

Table 11. SC nickel-base superalloys for blading applications in aircraft engines

Grade designation Chemical composition

CMSX11B 62.1Ni12.5Cr7Co0.5Mo5W5Ta0.04Hf0.1Nb4.2Ti3.6Al
AF56 61.4Ni12Cr3Mo5Ta4.2Ti3.4Al
PWA1483 60.3Ni12.2Cr9Co1.9Mo3.8W5Ta0.5Hf4.1Ti3.6Al0.07C0.008B
CMSX11C 64.5Ni14.9Cr3Co0.4Mo4.5W5Ta0.04Hf0.1Nb4.2Ti3.4Al
SC16 70.5Ni16Cr3Mo3.5Ta3.5Ti3.5Al
Table 12. SC superalloys for advanced IGTs
al., 2002). When there is no presence of alkali metal contaminants and sulfur in the
environment, high temperature oxidation dominates. Higher the temperature, more rapid is
the oxidation. In this context, it is important to note the difference in the operating
conditions of aircraft engines and heavy-duty gas turbines. Metal temperatures in the
former are higher. The latter are subjected to excessive contamination through presence of
306 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

sodium and sulfur in the operating environment and there is potential for extensive hot
corrosion damage.
Alloying with elements which have a beneficial effect of cutting down the extent of hot
corrosion has been adopted as an important approach to mitigate the problem. Similarly
alloying with aluminum to enable the material form its own protective layer has been
adopted to prevent high temperature oxidation. However these approaches do not take very
far, as there are other functional requirements which also have to be taken care. Accordingly
protective coatings have been developed to ward off the degradation. Most of the
superalloys used for gas turbine components receive protection from specially engineered

9. Coatings
Having to perform under increasing firing temperatures and excessive contamination in the
operating environment, it has become difficult to design superalloys which have the
necessary creep strength on one side and the required resistance to corrosion / oxidation on
the other side. It has hence become inescapable to bring coatings on to the surface of the
blades to provide the necessary protection to the blades. The progress in coatings for gas
turbine airfoils has been reviewed (Goward,1998). The function of the coating is to act as
reservoir of elements which will form very protective and adherent oxide layers, thus
protecting the underlying base material from oxidation, corrosion attack and degradation.
Hot corrosion is distinctly different from the pure oxidation of an aircraft environment; it
can therefore be readily appreciated that coatings for heavy duty gas turbines have different
capabilities, compared to coatings for aircraft engines.

There are three basic types of coatings

Aluminide (diffusion) coatings

Overlay coatings
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs)
The diffusion coatings have been the most common type for environmental protection of
superalloys. An outer aluminide layer (CoAl or NiAl) with an enhanced oxidation resistance
is developed by the reaction of Al with the Ni/Co in the base metal. In recent years
extremely thin layers of noble metals such as platinum have been used to enhance the
oxidation resistance of aluminides. For most stage 1 buckets, GE used a platinum-aluminum
diffusion coating until 1983 (Schilke, 2004). This coating offered superior corrosion
resistance to straight aluminide coatings both in burner rig tests and in field trials. Their
high temperature performance is however limited by oxidation behavior of the coatings.
GE has since switched over to overlay type coatings for stage 1 buckets (Schilke, 2004) . At
least one of the major constituents in a diffusion coating (generally Ni) is supplied by the
base metal. An overlay coating, in contrast, has all the constituents supplied by the coating
itself. The advantage is that more varied corrosion resistant compositions can be applied to
optimize the performance of the coating and thickness of the coating is not limited by
process considerations. The coatings are generally referred to as MCrAlY, where M stands
for Ni or Co or Ni+Co. Incorporation of yttrium improves corrosion resistance. The coatings
are generally applied by vacuum plasma spray process. A high temperature heat treatment
is performed (1040-1120 oC) to homogenize the coating and ensure its adherence to the
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 307

The TBCs provide enough insulation for superalloys to operate at temperatures as much as
150 oC above their customary upper limit. TBCs are ceramics, based on ZrO2 – Y2O3 and
produced by plasma spraying.
The ceramic coatings use an underlay of a corrosion protective layer e.g., MCrAlY that
provides the oxidation resistance and necessary roughness for top coat adherence. Failures
occur by the thermal expansion mismatch between the ceramic & metallic layers and by
environmental attack on the bondcoat. This type of coating is used in combustion cans,
transition pieces, nozzle guide vanes and also blade platforms. Improved efficiency of gas
turbine engines is realized by adopting TBCs (Gurrappa & Sambasiva Rao, 2006)

9.1 R&D efforts in progress in the area of coatings

Development of even more corrosion resistant coating materials has been intensely pursued
over the last few years. In particular, improvement of oxidation resistance and thermal
fatigue resistance has been a focal theme for the R&D efforts in the recent years.
Development work is also on advanced TBCs to tailor their structure in such a way that they
withstand thermal fatigue conditions better and give a longer life (Schilke, 2005).
Development of techniques to ensure uniformity of applied coating has been another
important area of research. High-velocity plasma appears to be getting established as the
technique for application of overlay coatings. Much stronger bond between the coating and
the workpiece and much higher coating densities can be achieved using this technique.

10. Advanced materials under R&D

10.1 Ceramics
Increase in turbine inlet temperatures, beyond what is possible with superalloys, can be
conceived if ceramic materials can be used in place of superalloys in gas turbine engine.
Turbines would then operate at higher temperatures, yielding higher power with smaller
engine sizes. Ceramic materials are known for their capability to withstand high temperatures.
In addition they are quite tolerant to contaminants such as sodium and vanadium which are
present in low cost fuels and highly corrosive to the currently used nickel-base superalloys.
Ceramics are also up to 40% lighter than comparable high temperature alloys. They also cost
much less – their cost is around 5% the cost of superalloys. Ceramic materials based on silicon
carbide and silicon nitride were identified in 1960’s as potential candidates for gas turbine
application. Substantial efforts have subsequently been conducted worldwide to identify and
seek solutions for key challenges: improvement in properties of candidate materials,
establishing a design and life prediction methodology, generating a material database,
developing cost-effective fabrication of turbine components, dimensional and non-destructive
inspection, and validation of the materials and designs in rig and engine testing. Enormous
technical progress has been made, but ceramic-based turbine components still have not found
application in gas turbine engines, because of the problem of brittleness (Richerson, 2006).
There have been efforts to improve their ductility, e.g., through addition of aluminum to
ceramics. Unless the problem of brittleness is overcome satisfactorily, the use of ceramics in
gas turbines will not be practical.

10.2 Intermetallics
During the last 30 years, extensive efforts have gone into development of intermetallic alloys
for application in aircraft gas turbine engines. The primary driving force was to replace
308 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

nickel based alloys with a density of 8-8.5 gm/cm3 with lower density materials (4-7
gm/cm3) and gain weight saving of the engine. Titanium and nickel based aluminides were
the systems which received the maximum attention.
Excellent reviews are available on the subject of development of titanium based
intermetallics for aero-engine applications (Gogia, 2005; Kumphert et al., 1998; Lasalmanie,
2006; Leyans & Peters, 2003)

and the  TiAl based alloys. In the 1970’s the research was centered mainly around the 2
The titanium aluminum system offers two possibilities – the Ti3Al (2) based intermetallics

alloys. Although interesting results were obtained, these materials did not get into flying
engines because their fracture toughness and resistance to growth of fatigue cracks was
significantly inferior to high temperature titanium alloys processed through conventional
methods. They offered little or no advantage with reference to temperature capability over
the alloys such as IMI 834, Ti6242, Ti1100. In their present state of development, there is not

There is large volume of published work on second generation  TiAl alloys, developed in
enough justification for wide spread usage of Ti3Al based intermetallics into aeroengines.

1990’s. Considering the specific strength and oxidation resistance they are potential
candidates to replace nickel alloys in the temperature range 650-750 oC. These alloys have
also interesting properties at lower temperatures – high Young’s modulus and resistance to
fire and good HCF properties. All the main turbine engine manufacturers including
General Electric Aircraft Engines, Pratt and Whitney and Rolls Royce have successfully gone
through demonstration programmes for rotating and static engine components in the

Stronger third generation  TiAl alloys have been developed by GKSS with a wider
compressor, combustor, turbine and nozzle.

temperature range of interest – room temperature to 850 oC, making them candidate
materials also for LP compressor components (Lasalmanie, 2006).
The most recent alloy family within the titanium aluminides is represented by the
orthorhombic titanium based intermetallics based on Ti2AlNb. They appear to have better
toughness, higher ductility, higher specific strength and lower coefficient of thermal
expansion than TiAl base intermetallics. This property profile makes orthorhombic titanium
aluminides attractive for compressor casings. Even compressor discs can be considered, if
their damage tolerance can be improved.
Table 13 is a compilation of representative grades from different groups of titanium
aluminides and their maximum service temperature.

Group of titanium Chemical composition of a typical Maximum service

aluminide grade(s) (At%) temperature oC
Ti3Al based Ti-24Al-11Nb, Ti-25Al-10Nb-3V- 550
-TiAl based (2nd Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb 800
-TiAl based (3rd Ti-45Al-8Nb 850
Ti2AlNb based Ti-22Al-25Nb 700
Table 13. Representative grades of different groups of titanium aluminides
None of the potential applications talked above are expected to enter the production phase
in the immediate future. There are serious hurdles, both technical and economic, on the
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 309

way. The materials show large scatter in mechanical properties, with the result that the
minimum property may be so low that the weight saving becomes negligible. They show
very low tolerance to defects such as casting porosities, ceramic inclusions, machining
cracks etc. There are a number of manufacturing difficulties. The production cost is much
higher, compared to present technologies, particularly for complex components. Further
research in alloy development and processing is required, it appears, before they get into

 NiAl is better than current Ni alloys in high temperature oxidation and in creep at very
flying aircraft engines.

high temperatures and was actively considered for turbine components in the range 1100-
1650 oC. Serious obstacles to productionisation were faced – manufacturing difficulties, high
cost of production, poor properties below 1000 oC, intrinsic brittleness. Large amount of
research was done to improve the mechanical properties by developing complex multiphase
intermetallic structures. The manufacturing difficulties and the brittleness still plague these
materials and they are unlikely to be adopted as gas turbine materials (Lasalmanie, 2006).
Many other intermetallic aluminide systems have been studied, to a lesser extent, in the
context of application in aircraft engines; the materials have not taken off; the problems
faced with their development are similar to those enumerated above.

10.3 Composites
10.3.1 Polymer matrix composites
Substantial progress has been made with reference to development and use of polymer
matrix composites in the cold section of jet engines. GE is producing its front fan blades out
of epoxy resin-carbon fiber composites, resulting in substantial weight savings.

10.3.2 Titanium based metal matrix composites

Continuous fibre reinforced titanium metal matrix composites have been the subject of
intense R&D activity, as they can lead to design changes from the conventional disc and
dovetail arrangement to a bladed ring with a weight reduction of about 70%. A number of
processes are being evaluated for production of these composites. One of the major factors
limiting the use of these composites is the fibre-matrix interaction leading to the degradation
of properties. There have been many studies on the interaction between the fibre and the
titanium based matrix. Different types of coatings have been tried to minimize this
interaction. Titanium aluminides have received interest as matrix materials, because they
show much less reaction with the fibres. Cutting down the cost of production, achieving
improved performance levels and amenability to mass production are the key factors for the
introduction of titanium based composites into gas turbine engines. Good overviews on the
subject of titanium-based composite materials are available for the reader to get more
information.(Gogia, 2005; Kumphert et al., 1998; Leyans & Peters, 2003)

10.3.3 Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs)

The manufacturers of gas turbines are continually striving to increase the operating
temperatures of their engines, leading to greater thermal efficiency, and reduced emission of
harmful exhaust gases. These two drivers place an ever increasing burden on the materials
used in, and the design of, hot gas path components. The introduction of CMCs into hot gas
path components such as combustion chamber liners has long since been identified as a
possible route to the achievement of increasing operating temperatures without incurring
the penalties associated with increased cooling air use.
310 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

SiC-matrix composites appear to be highly tailorable materials suitable to gas turbine

application at high temperatures. Melt infiltrated (MI) SiC/SiC composites are particularly
attractive for gas turbine applications because of their high thermal conductivity, excellent
thermal shock resistance, creep resistance, and oxidation resistance compared to other
CMCs. They are tough, although their constituents are intrinsically brittle, when the fiber-
matrix bonding is properly optimized through the use of a thin interphase deposited on the
fibers prior to the infiltration of the matrix. They display good mechanical properties at high
temperatures when prepared from stable fibers, as well as a high thermal conductivity if
their residual porosity is low enough. The matrix composition can also be tailored to
improve the oxidation resistance of the composites.
Replacing the superalloys by light, tough, refractory and creep resistant SiC-matrix
composites will permit a significant increase of service temperature and hence an increase of
the engine efficiency, a reduction of the NOx/CO emission (through an optimization of the
fuel/air ratio), a simplification of the part design and a weight saving (typically, 30–50%).
However, their use still raises a number of questions dealing with their durability,
reliability, manufacture, design and cost. Presently, the development of SiC-matrix
composites is limited mostly to non rotating parts including combustor liners, after-burner
components (exhaust cone and flame holder) and exhaust nozzles (outer and inner flaps) in
military aerojet engines, as well as combustor liners of large size in stationary gas turbine for
electrical power/steam cogeneration. The GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team’s F136
development engine for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) contains third-stage, low-pressure
turbine vanes made by GE from CMCs.
In summary, although substantial progress has been made, significant risks and challenges
still remain before these composites can be commercialized for gas turbine components. The
reader is referred to an overview on design, preparation and properties of non-oxide CMCs
for application in gas turbine engines (Naslain, 2004)

10.4 Chromium based alloys as gas turbine materials

The increased efficiency associated with higher operating temperatures in gas turbines has
prompted designers to search for new materials that can be used at temperatures above the
useful limit of nickel-based superalloys. Chromium based alloys have been considered as a
possible base for alloy systems due to their high melting point, good oxidation resistance,
low density (20% less than most nickel-based superalloys), and high thermal conductivity
(two to four times higher than most superalloys). Considerable effort was made in the past,
to explore the possibility of developing chromium-based alloys for high-temperature
applications such as in jet engines. Two major disadvantages came in the way of their
commercial exploitation. First, chromium alloys have a high ductile-to-brittle transition
temperature. Second, chromium exhibits further embrittlement resulting from nitrogen
contamination during high-temperature air exposure. Since the late 1970s, chromium alloys
received very little attention. In recent years there is a revival of interest in these alloys (Gu
et al., 2004). Aims of the recent researches have been (i) improvement in high temperature
strength (ii) protection from nitridation / oxidation embrittlement (iii) improvement in the
impact ductility at ambient temperature. There have been some encouraging findings – (i)
trace additions of silver can improve room temperature ductility significantly (ii)
strengthening with intermetallics can improve high temperature strength (iii) substantial
progress has been made in the area of high temperature coatings (Gu et al.,2004). It is still a
long way, however, before the engine manufacturers get interested in these alloys.
Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview 311

10.5 Molybdenum based alloys as gas turbine materials

Molybdenum alloys are currently used as components for ultra-high-temperature
applications under protective atmosphere, taking advantage of their high melting point and,
very good mechanical and creep strength. However, they suffer from severe oxidation in air
above around 500 °C. Compositions based on Mo-9Si-8B have shown promise as structural
materials for applications in excess of 1,100 °C in air (Heilmeier et al., 2009). The silicide and
boride phases serve to provide oxidation resistance. Experiments to increase the oxidation
resistance through alloying with Cr have shown promising results. Alloying with the
reactive element Zr was also found to bring down the rate of oxidation. Creep resistance of
the Mo-9Si-8B composition was found to be comparable or even superior to that of CMSX4
over the temperature range 1100-1200 oC; there is scope for R&D to further increase the
creep strength.

10.6 Platinum based alloys

Platinum-based alloys possess the potential to be used at temperatures up to 1,700 °C.
Despite their high prices, they are attractive for some gas turbine applications due to their
exceptional resistance to oxidation, high melting points, ductility, thermal shock resistance,
and thermal conductivity. They are envisaged to have potential for highly thermally loaded,
but non-rotating parts in gas turbines (Alven, 2004). Work is in progress for development of
platinum-based alloys with microstructures similar to those seen in commercial nickel-based
alloys (Yamabe-Mitarai, 2004; Vorberg et al., 2004). Numerous research groups are currently
involved in the study of these alloys. Significantly more data needs to be generated before
the platinum-based alloys are ready for the designers of gas turbine engines.

11. Conclusion
Turbine entry temperature has increased by ~500 oC over last 6 decades and about 150 oC of
that is due to improved superalloys and introduction of DS / SC technologies for blade
casting. Advanced thermal barrier ceramic coatings on platform and full airfoil have
contributed to another about 100 oC of this improvement. The developments in gas turbine
materials and coatings have been largely due to increasing demands placed by the aircraft
sector – higher engine thrust, thrust to weight ratio and fuel efficiency – necessitating higher
operating temperatures and pressures. The land based industrial gas turbine industry has
placed its own demands on materials, bringing in resistance to hot corrosion as an

aircraft gas turbines on one side and land based gas turbines on the other side. Partial 
important requirement. Several SC superalloy compositions have been developed for

solutioning has been adopted in a number of SC IGT alloys to avoid incipient melting and
control the extent of recrystallisation. Intense R&D is also going on development of
advanced materials for gas turbine engine application – intermetallics, ceramics, composites,
chromium / molybdenum / platinum based materials to improve the engine efficiency and
bring down the harmful emissions. Major improvements in the coating technology have also
been achieved. Present day coatings last 10-20 times longer than the coatings used in the late
90’s. As much as 100% improvement is now being achieved in the blade life in the field
through the process of coating. TBCs are being used in the first few stages in all advanced
gas turbines. Intense R&D is underway to improve the thermal fatigue of the TBC’s and
thereby increase their life. This includes development of techniques for production of
uniform and high density coatings.
312 Advances in Gas Turbine Technology

12. Acknowledgment
The author is grateful to the Management of VIT University for their kind consent to publish
this Chapter. He is also indebted to Ms. Brunda, his wife, for all the support he received
from her in preparing this manuscript.

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Advances in Gas Turbine Technology
Edited by Dr. Ernesto Benini

ISBN 978-953-307-611-9
Hard cover, 526 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 04, November, 2011
Published in print edition November, 2011

Gas turbine engines will still represent a key technology in the next 20-year energy scenarios, either in stand-
alone applications or in combination with other power generation equipment. This book intends in fact to
provide an updated picture as well as a perspective vision of some of the major improvements that
characterize the gas turbine technology in different applications, from marine and aircraft propulsion to
industrial and stationary power generation. Therefore, the target audience for it involves design, analyst,
materials and maintenance engineers. Also manufacturers, researchers and scientists will benefit from the
timely and accurate information provided in this volume. The book is organized into five main sections
including 21 chapters overall: (I) Aero and Marine Gas Turbines, (II) Gas Turbine Systems, (III) Heat Transfer,
(IV) Combustion and (V) Materials and Fabrication.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

Nageswara Rao Muktinutalapati (2011). Materials for Gas Turbines – An Overview, Advances in Gas Turbine
Technology, Dr. Ernesto Benini (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-611-9, InTech, Available from:

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