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Is There A Direct Effect of Corruption On Growth?: Ratbek Dzhumashev July 12, 2010

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Is there a direct effect of corruption on growth?

Ratbek Dzhumashev July 12, 2010

Abstract Recent empirical studies nd that the direct effect of corruption on growth is statistically insignicant. However, there exists a discrepancy between these results and the intuition that corruption reduces overall productivity, because total factor productivity also depends on the quality of institutions and their efciency. The current paper addresses this issue and offers a new perspective on growth effects of corruption and shows that both direct and indirect growth effects of corruption are statistically signicant. Moreover, the empirical results conrm the existence of both negative and positive growth effect of corruption.

Key words: corruption, growth JEL classication: D73, O11 , O41

Dept. of Economics, Monash University, 100 Clyde Rd, Berwick, 3805, Australia. Email:


Recent empirical studies nd that the direct effect of corruption on growth is statistically insignicant. This nding is inconsistent with the notion of overall productivity deterioration due to corruption, because the total factor productivity also depends on the quality of institutions and their efciency. This paper addresses this issue and offers a new perspective on modeling the growth effects of corruption and nds that the direct effect of corruption on growth is statistically signicant. In his seminal paper, Mauro (1995) nds some support for a negative relationship between growth and the bureaucratic efciency index and the corruption index. By running various regressions of per capita GDP growth on bureaucratic efciency or the corruption index, he shows that this relationship is robust for bureaucratic efciency, however, not for the corruption index. Nevertheless, Levine and Renelt (1992) show empirically that the investment rate is a robust determinant of economic growth. Taking that into account, Pelegrini and Gerlagh (2004) nd that after controlling for investment, the effect of corruption in la Mauro (1995) specication becomes insignicant. Moreover, Barro and Sala-iMartin (2004) report that estimation based on the indicator from the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) on the extent of ofcial corruption and the indicator for the quality of the bureaucracy, have insignicant effects on growth. Supporting these results, Dreher and Herzfeld (2005), Pelegrini and Gerlagh (2004), and Everhart et al. (2009), nd that the direct effect of corruption appears insignicant with respect to growth in GDP per capita. On the other hand, the indirect effect of corruption working through public investment and quality of governance (e.g. Mo, 2001 and Everhart et al., 2009), and investment and trade openness (e.g. Pelegrini and Gerlagh, 2004) is signicant. These empirical results, which suggest that corruption may not have a signicant direct impact on growth, are likely to stem from theoretical vagueness. Notably, there are some gaps in theoretical approaches, which relates corruption to growth rates. It is well known that corruption distorts the public-private interactions, and hence, the effect of the 2

public sector on economic growth is altered.1 However, in growth studies, corruption has not been modeled as a factor that changes the overall effect of the public sector on economic activity. It is rather captured by its partial effects. For example, Mauros (2002) model incorporates inefciency of the public sector as misuse of public funds, which leads to lower productive public inputs to aggregate production. Although, the effect of corruption on public sector burden has not been accounted for. In a similar manner, in Blackburn et al. (2002), corruption is modeled as bribe-taking from tax-evaders, while in Blackburn et al (2005), corruption is manifested as embezzlement of public funds.2 There are also models that relate corruption to overall productivity. For example, Mo (2001) and Everhart et al. (2009) provide models that capture the direct effect of corruption on growth through the rate of productivity growth. However, in these models, the indirect effect of corruption is not formulated explicitly.

Unlike the existing studies, this paper provides a simple theoretical model that incorporates both indirect and direct effect of corruption on growth. The indirect effect is transmitted via an overall distortion of the impact of the public sector on economic activity and through reduced investment demand. The direct effect works through the change in the total factor productivity, due to corruption. This approach to modeling

corruption is presented in the next section. Further, I test the implications of the model using dynamic panel data estimators. This estimation method is more suitable to panel data with a short time horizon and persistence in time series.3
1 Shleifer and Vishny (1998) show how corruption may distort the public-private interactions. 2 See also Mauro,1998; Tanzi, 1998; Barreto, 2000; Keefer and Knack, 2002; Del Monte and Papagni, 2001; Lambsdorff, 2003; Meon and Weill, 2006; Delavallade, 2006; De la Croix and Delavallade, 2009. 3 See for example, Naud and Krugell (2007) and Romero-Avila (2009).

A simple model with corruption in the public sector

Traditionally, the public sector is modeled as a productive externality provided to private producers by the government which comes at the cost of private disposable income decreased by taxes. Arrow and Kurz (1970) and Barro (1990) incorporated public sector services directly into the production function as follows: y = f (k, g), where k is capital stock per worker, and g is the productive externality of government expenditure in per worker terms. To nance the productive public input, g, private producers have to pay taxes, and hence, their income, net of taxes, is given as (1 )y. This is the case in general, regardless of whether corruption exists in the public sector. However, corruption makes the effective burden of taxes, , deviate from the statutory one. The productive externality provided by government, g, can also be altered by corrupt behavior of the bureaucrats. The resulting distortions in the cost and benet of the public sector caused by corruption leads to a change of the marginal product of private capital. Therefore, corruption affects investment through distortions in private capital productivity. To be more specic, I assume that production at time t is given by:4 Yt = K G (At Lt )1 t


It is assumed that the overall productivity evolves according to the function: At = A0 et , (2)

where is the growth rate of productivity (or technology). Denoting by i , the fraction of income invested into physical capital and expressing output and stock of capital in per unit of effective labour, the equation describing the evolution of physical capital stock is written as: kt = it (n + + )kt y


4 It is also possible to consider the production function similar to Mankiw et al. (1992) given as Yt = At Kt G Ht L . This will not change overall implications. t t

where y = Y /AL = k g is output per unit of effective worker, k = K/AL is capital stock per unit of effective worker, g = G/AL is government expen diture per unit of effective labor, and n is a constant population growth rate, and is a constant technology growth rate. A steady-state value of capital is found from (3): i g n+ +
1 1

k =

By inserting the expression for steady state capital above back into (1) and taking logs, steady state income per capita is derived as: ln yt = ln gt + ln i ln(n + + ) 1 1 1


This is the well-known empirical growth equation used by Mankiw et al. (1992). However, they employed cross-section data for estimations, hence, they were not concerned about the dynamics of the growth process. Islam (1995) has shown how to adjust this model for the panel data framework. I follow his approach and derive a dynamic panel data model. This is done by approximating the pace of convergence around the steady state level of output, y . This leads to the expression of the adjustment process around the steady state: ln yt = (1 e )(ln y e ln yt1 ).

where = (n + + )(1 ). After some rearrangement and substitution for y from (4), we arrive at: ln t ln t1 = (1 e )[ y y ln gt + ln i ln(n + + ) lnt1 ]. (5) y 1 1 1

By noting that ln yt = ln yt ln A0 t, where yt = Yt/Lt , (5) is transformed into the following form:

ln gt + ln i ln(n + + ) + 1 1 1 1+ t(1 )(1 e ) + lnA0 ] + e ln yt1 + + e 1 1 ln yt = (1 e )[


How should corruption be incorporated into this result? As it was discussed above, corruption affects the public input, g, and the investment level, i. By affecting the technology coefcient, A, corruption can also impact growth directly. I employ this rationale to incorporate corruption into this growth model. Let us rst consider how corruption inuences the technology coefcient, At . 5 Since the productivity gains from any technology are likely to be lower for countries with higher corruption, it is reasonable to assume that corruption affects the level of technology, At . Based on the idea that corruption not only directly lowers productivity but also dampens it through miriads of negative externalities it creates, I assume that the impact of corruption on productivity grows at an increasing rate. Thus, the evolution of technology, given by (2), is modied to: A0 et , e

At =


where 0 < < stands for the coefcient that measures corruption, so when = 0, there is no corruption, whereas stands for the maximum value for the corruption measure. Next, let us consider how corruption distorts the economic effect of the public sector. Intuitively it is clear that corruption makes the public sector inefcient. This generally means that for a given tax revenue, the government generates less amount of productive inputs. Therefore, the public productive input, in a very simple case, can be expressed as: g=
y f () ,

with y being the total tax revenue in per capita terms, and f ()

is an increasing function of the level of corruption. However, corruption distorts the collection of taxes, and ultimately the output level is also
The rationale is similar to Rao (2010) who assumes total factor productivity as a function of two important externalities learning by doing and openness to trade.

endogenous and inuenced by corruption. To capture this complex relationship, one can express the public inputs as a function of the average tax rate, , output, yt , and the level of corruption: gt = g(, yt , ). Finally, corruption affects investment through increased uncertainty and reduced productivity.6 Uncertainty requires an additional premium on investment returns, hence, it raises real interest rates, and leads to lower investment demand. Public inputs into production are reduced by corruption, which, in turn, decreases private capital productivity. To capture this idea, one can write the amount of investment as the following function: it = i[rt ()] (8)

where rt is the real interest rate, which itself is an increasing function of corruption. In our context rt () > 0 and it () < 0. Now, based on the discussion above, the growth equation given by (6) can be modied to incorporate the effects of corruption. The modication yields: ln gt (, yt , ) + ln i() ln(n + + ) + 1 1 1 1+ 1+ (1 )(1 e ) + lnA0 ] + e ln yt1 + + e (9) 1 1 1 ln yt = (1 e )[ Equation (9) expresses the direct and indirect inuence of corruption on the evolution of per capita output over time. Corruption directly affects per capita output, decreasing the technology growth rate. Corruption also indirectly inuences per capita output growth by reducing the growth of private capital and diminishing the productive externality provided by the public sector. Using the conventional notation of the panel data literature, (9) is rewritten as follows:

zit = zi,t1 +

j xj + t + i + it , it


where zit = ln yt , zi,t1 = ln yt1 , = e , 1 = (1 e ) 1 , 2 = (1 e ) 1 ,

See Lambsdorff, 2003; Campos, 2001; Shleifer and Vishny, 1993; Aizenman and Marion, 1993. See Angeletos, 2007 for the impact of idiosyncratic production risk on investment.

3 = (1 e ) 1 , 4 = (1 e ) 1+ , x1 = ln gt (, yt , ), x2 = ln i(), it it 1

x3 = ln(n + + ), x4 = , t = it it

(1)(1e ) , 1

and i = (1 e ) 1+ lnA0 + e, 1

it is a zero-mean error term. This modeling approach has several advantages over the models used in the literature: i) importantly, it builds on the well known neoclassical growth model; ii) the model allows the use of the dynamic panel data methods in estimations; iii) in addition, incorporation of the effects of corruption into the model is done in a general way that captures main direct and indirect effect of corruption. The assumptions in modeling are based on the stylized facts, suggested by the empirical and theoretical research mentioned above. Now, in the next section, we turn to the discussions of an empirical model based on equation (10).


The estimation method

To obtain the empirical specication used for estimations, I have made some adjustments to the model given by (10). To capture the effect of corruption on investment and public services, I have included the interaction terms between the level of corruption and log of the public sector input, log(git ) and between the level of corruption, corruptionit ), and log of investment, log(iit ). In addition, I include other conditioning variables given by a vector: Z = {log(git ), log(sch2it ), log(Iit /Nit ), developmentit }, where sch2 is a measure of secondary school enrollment, I/N is the amount of private investment per capita, development is a measure of economic development as GDP per capita or the quality of public institutions.7 After incorporating all adjustments mentioned above, the resulting empirical model to be estimated is written as:
In the estimations, I used as a measure of the quality of institutions, the Economic Freedom Index (EFI) from the Fraser Institute. I also experimented with the Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights Index and the Business Freedom Index from the Fraser Institute. I found that the effects of the different measures of the quality of the institutions on growth are similar. The level of development is peroxide by GDP per capita and with a dummy for the OECD member countries. The OECD dummy is found to be insignicant. The description of the data is given in Section 2.2.

log(yit ) = t + i + 0 log(yit1 ) + 1 (corruptionit log(g)it ) + +2 (corruptionit log(i)it ) + 3 corruptionit + 4 Zit + it (11)

Using OLS methods for estimation of above equation (11) results in biased and inconsistent estimates. The reason is that OLS method cannot account for endogeneity of regressors and may be biased due to omission of variables. To deal with endogeneity of the regressors equation (11) we use the system GMM estimator of Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998). This technique is preferred in the presence of heteroskedasticity as the system GMM estimator is more efcient than the simple IV estimator (Baum et al., 2003). It is argued that the system GMM estimator is the most preferred approach for estimation of empirical growth models due to its superior ability in exploiting stationarity restrictions (see Bond et al. (2001) and Durlauf et al., 2005). It is also known that the system estimators have a downward bias due to smaller SEs of the estimates, when cross-section dimension is small. This may lead to false signicance of the regressors.8 Windmeijers (2005) procedure that allows to compute heteroskedasticity-consistent SEs is used to correct this bias.9 Another argument for using the System-GMM estimator is based on Hayakawa (2007), who shows analytically why the System-GMM estimator in dynamic panel data models is less biased than the rst differencing or the level estimators. Consistency of the System GMM estimator depends on the validity of the instruments. To see if the the instruments are valid, the Hansen test for over-identifying restriction is utilized. In addition, the rst and second order autocorrelation test for the error term is performed. The AR(1) and AR(2) statistics are used to test the null of no autocorrelation. The test results are reported in Table 1 and 2, in section 2.3.
See Judson and Owen (2000). Estimations are done using a Stata package xtabond2 developed by Roodman (2006). This package incorporates the Windmeijer (2005) small-size correction procedure.
9 8


Data description

The dataset used in estimations covers the time period from 2000 to 2007 across 141 countries. This time period is chosen due to data limitations: the data on institutional quaility from the Fraser Institute is avaliable only from 2000. Corruption measures: As measures of corruption (lack of it, in fact), after some transformation, I use the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) complied by the Transparency International, and the Control of Corruption Index (CC) from Governance Indicators Dataset complied by the World Bank (Kaufmann et al., 2004; Kaufmann, 2004). The CPI values are determined in the range of (0,10); the higher the value, the less corruption in the economy. The Control of Corruption Index, CC, ranges within (1.5, 2.8), and again higher values indicate lower corruption. Since, these measures are counterintuitive, I convert them into intuitive measure of corruption by using the following procedure: rst, normalize the original lack of corruption measures as, CP I =
CP I max(CP I)

and CC =

CC max(CC) ,

then I

use, as a measure of corruption, (1 CP I) and (1 CC). Control variables: As a proxy for the quality of public institutions, I use the Index of Business Regulations (busreg).The data on this index come from the Fraser Institute. This index captures the burden on the private agents due to price controls, administrative procedures and other obstacles that hinder starting a new business, time cost of senior management in dealing with government bureaucracy, payments or bribes such as irregular, additional payments connected with permits, licenses, exchange controls, tax assessments, and police protection. The higher values of this index signify public institutions which are of a higher quality. As control variables, I also use GDP per capita in constant $US, (Y/N), secondary gross enrollment rates, (SCH2), government size, (G/Y), and physical capital investment, (I/Y). The data on GDP per capita, G/Y, SCH2, and I/Y are obtained from the World Bank database: the World Development Indicators.



Results and discussion

It is notable, that without the interaction terms in the specication, the direct effect of corruption is not signicant for both measures of corruption. It is likely that the existing empirical results, which nd the direct growth effect of corruption statistically insignicant, are driven by the bias caused by omission of the indirect effects of corruptions in estimations. Although, in specications when at least one of the indirect channels is accounted for, the estimated direct effect of corruption is statistically signicant and has the expected sign. Therefore, we can conclude that corruption is a signicant negative factor for economic growth. The results show that the effects of public sector inputs, log(G/Y), are insignicant in all estimations. Although, the coefcient on the interaction term between lack of corruption and public spending is positive and statistically signicant in cases, when the variable of government spending is excluded from the regression. This conrms our theoretical conjecture that corruption creates signicant inefciencies in the working of the public sector, and hence, negatively affects overall economic performance. The estimations conrm the positive growth effects of physical capital investment. Curiously, the interaction term between the lack of corruption measure (CC or CPI) and investment has a negative coefcient. This result indicates the existence of the positive effect of corruption, described in the literature, (or the negative effect of lack of corruption) on investment through a decrease in red tape and regulatory burden. The estimation results also suggest that human capital accumulation, log(sch2) is not signicant, unless the per capita income level is controlled for. The results also conrm that the quality of institutions (expressed by the Index of Business Regulations, busreg) plays a signicant positive role in economic growth. Another difference of these estimation results from the existing ones is that the term, log(n+ +), is insignicant overall, although the sign of the coefcient is correct. Only when the interaction terms with lack of corruption are omitted, the effect of this term becomes signicant. The possible 11

Table 1: Estimation results. Corruption measure: the Control of Corruption Index

log(Y /N )(1) log(I/Y ) log(G/Y ) log(n + + ) log(sch2) (1 CC) log(I/Y ) CC log(G/Y ) CC busreg Y /N 1 0.95*** (63.9) 0.04** ( 2.41) 0.005 (0.39) -0.087*** (-2.7*) 0.007 (0.28) 0.007 (0.6) 2 0.95*** (53.3) 0.049*** (2.87) 0.013 (1.61) -0.092 (-1.0) -0.001 (-0.11) -0.07*** (-2.7) -0.02 ** (-2.27) 0.011 ( 1.0) 0.007** (2.2) 3 0.94*** (49.6) 0.063*** (3.12) 0.015 (1.6) -0.04 (-1.39) -0.01 (-0.55) -0.091*** (-4.2) -0.01 *** (-4.7) 4 0.95*** (57.8) 0.058*** (3.3) 5 0.93*** (39.0) 0.06*** (2.93)

0.007** (1.98)

-0.049 (-1.39) 0.015 (0.60) -0.088*** (-3.13) -0.031** (-3.3) 0.022** (2.1) 0.008*** (2.7)

-0.01 (-0.26) 0.04** (2.0) -0.085*** (-2.7) -0.036** (-2.49) 0.027** (1.85)

2.76e-03** (2.41)

Specication test statistics Wald test 0 0 0 0 0 AR(1) 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.002 AR(2) 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.14 Hansen test 0.16 0.33 0.19 0.40 0.26 No. Instrum 59 86 77 77 77 No. Groups 98 92 92 92 98 No. Observ 429 385 385 385 429 Note: Models 1-4 are estimated using System GMM. The higher the value for CC, the higher is corruption. In parenthesis, heteroskedasticity-consistent with nite-sample Windmeijer (2005) correction, t-statistics are reported. (***), (**), and (*) denote statistical signicance at 1%, 5%, and 10% level, correspondingly. The Wald test tests for the joint-signicance of all coefcients included in the regression and is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions. The Hansen test is used to test the null hypothesis that the instruments are valid. This statistics is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom determined by the number of instruments and the number of regressors. AR(1) and AR(2) statistics are used to test the presence of autocorrelation in differences and levels respectively.


Table 2: Estimation results. Corruption measure: the Control Perception Index

log(Y /N )(1) log(I/Y ) log(G/Y ) log(n + + ) log(sch2) (1 CP I) log(I/Y ) CP I log(G/Y ) CP I busreg Y /N 6 0.96*** (41.3) 0.036 ( 1.49) 0.006 (0.7) -0.06* (-1.89) -0.006 (-0.22) 0.004 (0.67) 7 0.94*** (43.8) 0.09*** (3.6) -0.006 ( -0.25) -0.03 (-1.25) -0.002 (-0.11) -0.044*** (-3.2) -0.02** ( -2.55) 0.006 (1.44) 0.007** (2.4) 8 0.94*** (43.8) 0.072*** (3.16) 0.021* (1.95) -0.028 (-0.87) -0.006 (-0.31) -0.045*** (-3.87) -0.005*** (-4.84) 9 0.94*** (41.7) 0.098*** (4.31) 10 0.93*** (51.0) 0.08*** (4.1)

0.007** (2.0)

-0.032 (-1.15) -0.011 (0.65) -0.043*** (-4.0) -0.009*** (-4.19) 0.005*** (2.63) 0.007*** (2.7)

-0.011 (-0.51) 0.04* (1.73) -0.041*** (-3.4) -0.008*** (-4.4) 0.004*** (2.7)

2.5e-03*** (2.89)

Specication test statistics Wald test 0 0 0 0 0 AR(1) 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 AR(2) 0.18 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.18 Hansen test 0.29 0.72 0.59 0.59 0.55 No. Instrum 65 86 77 77 83 No. Groups 89 87 87 87 89 No. Observ 391 370 370 370 391 Note: Models 6-10 are estimated using System GMM. The higher the value for CP I, the higher is corruption. In parenthesis, heteroskedasticity-consistent with nite-sample Windmeijer (2005) correction, t-statistics are reported. (***), (**), and (*) denote statistical signicance at 1%, 5%, and 10% level, correspondingly. The Wald test tests for the joint-signicance of all coefcients included in the regression and is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom equal to the number of restrictions. The Hansen test is used to test the null hypothesis that the instruments are valid. This statistics is distributed as 2 with degrees of freedom determined by the number of instruments and the number of regressors. AR(1) and AR(2) statistics are used to test the presence of autocorrelation in differences and levels respectively.


explanation is that when the interaction between investment and corruption (or lack of it) is included in the specication, the assumption that the rate of technology growth, , and the rate of depreciation, , is the same across the countries, is not valid anymore. Hence, the impact of these three parameters becomes blurred and insignicant. The overall effect of corruption is negative, as the negative effects transmitted directly and through the public sector inefciencies dominate the positive effect through increased investment, which is possibly caused by collusive corruption that allows rms to overcome excessive red tape and the burden of regulations.

Concluding remarks

the author should provide in an appendix a table with descriptive statistics and the sample of countries included. By using a model that treats corruption as distortions created in the public-private sector nexus and a factor that affects overall productivity, it has been shown how corruption affects growth directly and indirectly. Empirical estimations conrm that corruption can affect growth in both ways. This result differs from the previous ndings in that even after controlling for the effect of corruption through investments and public sector inputs, there is evidence of an overall direct negative effect. From this result one can infer that corruption inhibits growth by distorting the publicly provided productive externality and by deteriorating the overall business climate and perpetuating bad expectations about economic opportunities. However, the results also indicate that investment levels are higher with an increase in corruption levels, other things being equal. Therefore, the model presented in the paper is able to capture both negative and positive effects of corruption on growth simultaneously. Nevertheless, the overall effect of corruption is negative, as the negative effects transmitted directly and through the public sector inefciencies are greater than the positive effect through investment.


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