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GEOG Grade 11 Mid-Year Exam 2024 QP - 053140

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JUNE - 2024

MARKS: 150


This Question Paper consists of 17 pages

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Geography Gr 11 2 Limpopo/June 2024


1. This question paper consists of TWO SECTIONS:

QUESTION 1: Atmosphere (60)
QUESTION 2: Geomorphology (60)

QUESTION 3: Geographical Skills and techniques (30)

2. Answer ALL THREE questions.

3. All diagrams are included in the QUESTION PAPER.
4. Leave a line between the subsections of questions answered.
5. Start EACH question at the top of a NEW page.
6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.
7. Answer in FULL SENTENCES, except when you have to state, name, identify or
8. Units of measurement MUST be indicated in your final answer, e.g 1020hPa, 14
°C and 45 m.
9. You may use a non-programmable calculator.
10. You may use a magnifying glass.
11. Write neatly and legibly.


12. Use the 1: 50 000 topographic map 2931CA from Verulam and a 1:10 000
Orthophoto map 2931 CA 11 from Verulam. AND 1: 50 000 topographic map 2930
CA Merrivale and a 1: 10 000 Orthophoto map 2930 CA 5 Merrivale.
13. The area demarcated in RED /BLACK on the topographic map represents the
area covered by the orthophoto map.
14. Show ALL calculations where applicable. Marks will be allocated for this.
15. You must hand in the topographic map and the Orthophoto map to the invigilator
at the end of this examination.

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Geography Gr 11 3 Limpopo/June 2024


1.1. Refer to the figure below and answer the questions that follows. Choose the
correct answer from words/letters in brackets.

[Source: SA Geography]

1.1.1. The side of a mountain where winds descends and warm up (A/B).
1.1.2. A warm dry wind that descends on the leeward side of a mountain is a
(monsoon/fohn) wind.
1.1.3. The rate at which the temperature of dry (unsaturated) air decreases with an
increase in height (10c per 100 metres) is the (dry/wet) adiabatic lapse rate.
1.1.4. The other name of fohn wind used in North America is (berg wind/chinook
1.1.5. The side of the mountain where rainfall is likely to occur is (leeward/windward).
1.1.6. Typical example of berg wind (A/B)
1.1.7. Clear skies are likely to occur above slope (A/B). (7x1) (7)

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Geography Gr 11 4 Limpopo/June 2024

1.2. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.
Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question
numbers, for example 1.2.9 D.
1.2.1. Lines on a map joining places of the same amount of rainfall or precipitation
are known as……….
A. Isohyets
B. Isobars
C. Isotherms
D. Isoline
1.2.2. Air which moves from a high pressure to a low pressure is………
A. Atmospheric air
B. Wind
C. Atmospheric pressure
D. Pressure gradient
1.2.3. The force that causes air to move from a high pressure to a low pressure cell
A. Geostrophic flow force
B. Pressure gradient force
C. Coriolis force
D. Thermal pressure force
1.2.4. ……….is mid-autumn days that fall on the 21st of March when there’s equal
length of day and night in the southern Hemisphere.
A. Summer solstice
B. Winter solstice
C. Spring equinox
D. Autumn equinox
1.2.5. ………is the force which deflects winds due to the earth’s rotation.
A. Coriolis
B. Pressure
C. Ferrell’s
D. Gradient
1.2.6. The zone where two air masses of different temperatures meet is called……..
A. Cyclonic front
B. Polar front
C. Convergence zone
D. Tropical boundary
1.2.7. The amount of insolation that heats the atmosphere depends on……….
A. Wind
B. Coriolis force
C. Latitude
D. Temperature

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Geography Gr 11 5 Limpopo/June 2024

1.2.8. The rotation of the Earth on its axis is completed in………..

A. 365 days
B. 360 days
C. 31 days
D. 24 hours (8x1) (8)

1.3. Refer to the Figure below, showing air pressure belts and wind circulation at
different latitudes on a global scale.

[Source: Google]

1.3.1. Identify pressure belts A and B. (2x1) (2)

1.3.2. Identify planetary winds that develop at E and F. (2x1) (2)
1.3.3. Explain how winds are named. (1x2) (2)
1.3.4. Name the tri-cellular cell which develops at D. (1x1) (1)
1.3.5. Describe how cell F develops. (2x2) (4)
1.3.6. Comment on the reason why the winds at E change direction. (1x2) (2)
1.3.7. Explain the reason for cause of change in direction of wind at E. (1x2) (2)


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Geography Gr 11 6 Limpopo/June 2024

1.4. Refer to the infographic below on Desertification in Africa.

1.4.1. Define the term desertification. (1x2) (2)

1.4.2. Identify the continent with the highest rate of desertification. (1x1) (1)
1.4.3. Which region is the most vulnerable to desertification, on the
Continent identified in Question 1.4.2.? (1x2) (2)
1.4.4. Quote TWO causes of desertification from the infographic above. (2x1) (2)
1.4.5. Discuss the economic implications of desertification on the areas
mentioned in Question 1.4.3. (2x2) (4)

1.4.6. “This area is under constant stress due to frequent drought.”

Suggest management strategies that can be implemented to reduce
the risk of drought in the areas mentioned in Question 1.4.3. (2x2) (4)


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Geography Gr 11 7 Limpopo/June 2024

1.5. Refer to the synoptic weather map below and answer the questions that

Enlarged Station models at E

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Geography Gr 11 8 Limpopo/June 2024

1.5.1. Define the term isobars. (1x2) (2)

1.5.2. What is the atmospheric pressure of the line marked B? (1x1) (1)
1.5.3. What is the atmospheric feature at C.? (1x1) (1)
1.5.4. Identify the season represented by the Synoptic Weather Map above.(1x1) (1)
1.5.5. Give a reason for your answer in Question 1.5.3. Above. (2x1) (2)
1.5.6. Refer to the weather station E: In a paragraph of Approximately
EIGHT lines, explain how Coriolis and pressure gradient forces
influenced the wind direction at these weather stations at E. (4x2) (8)


[60 Marks]

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Geography Gr 11 9 Limpopo/June 2024


2.1. Refer to the figure below showing different types of mass movement. Match
the descriptions with the types of mass movement in the diagram. Write only
the type of mass movement next to the question numbers in the ANSWER
BOOK, for example 2.1.9. Mudflow. You may use the type of mass movement
more than once.

[Source: Google images]

2.1.1. Originates at steep cliff faces.

2.1.2. A combination of slumps and debris flow.
2.1.3. Slowest kind of mass movement.
2.1.4. Earthquakes can trigger this kind of mass movement.
2.1.5. Common in arid and semi-arid regions.
2.1.6. Most rapid kind of mass movement.
2.1.7. Curved tree trunks and tilted fences are the effects of this mass movement.
2.1.8. Rapid flows of mixture of rock or soil and water. (8x1) (8)

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Geography Gr 11 10 Limpopo/June 2024

2.2. Choose a term in Column B that matches the description in Column A. write
only the letter (A-H) next to the question numbers in the ANSWER BOOK, for
example 2.1.8. J.

Column A Column B

2.2.1. Rock formed from the deposition A. Exfoliation

and consolidation of eroded
B. Chemical weathering
2.2.2. Horizontal layer of hard, resistant
rock at the top of the mountain.
2.2.3. Decomposition of rocks due to C. Poort
chemical processes often
involving water, carbon dioxide
and oxygen. D. Sedimentary rock
2.2.4. Movement of eroded materials
downhill due to gravity.
E. Cap rock.
2.2.5. Gap between two mountains
which has been created by river
erosion. F. Back wasting
2.2.6. The peeling off of rock layers
due to expansion and
contraction. G. Mass wasting
2.2.7. Erosion of the land mass in such
a way that landforms becomes H. Physical weathering

(7x1) (7)

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Geography Gr 11 11 Limpopo/June 2024

2.3. Refer to the figure below which illustrates a characteristic of Karoo landscape
found in areas with horizontal strata.

[Source: Google]

2.3.1. Identify the flat-topped hill at A. (1x1) (1)

2.3.2. State how C can be differentiated from A and B. (1x2) (2)
2.3.3. Draw a simple freehand sketch through these flat-topped
hills to illustrate the FOUR slope elements/forms. (4x1) (4)

2.3.4. Scarp retreat/scarp recession also known as back wasting played

an important role in the development of these flat-topped hills.
In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines explain the process
of scarp retreat. (4x2) (8)


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Geography Gr 11 12 Limpopo/June 2024

2.4. Refer to the Diagram below which depicts the various igneous intrusion forms
and answer the questions that follows.

[Source: Google]

2.4.1. Differentiate between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. (2x2) (4)
2.4.2. Identify the igneous intrusive features labelled A, B and C. (3x1) (3)
2.4.3. Name ONE landform that may develop from features A and D when
they are exposed to the earth’s surface. (2x1) (2)

2.4.4. State the rock type and igneous intrusions from which Tors would
develop. (2x1) (2)

2.4.5. Explain how a lopolith is formed. (2x2) (4)


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Geography Gr 11 13 Limpopo/June 2024

2.5. Refer to the diagram below on Homoclinal landscapes.

[Source: Examiner’s own sketch]

2.5.1. Identify ridges A and B. (2x1) (2)

2.5.2. Between C and D which one is a Dip slope? (1x1) (1)
2.5.3. Differentiate the TWO ridges mentioned in Question 2.5.1. (2x2) (4)
2.5.4. Describe the underlying rock structure that is associated with
Homoclinal landscapes. (1x2) (2)

2.5.5. Explain how landscapes associated with inclined strata can be

utilized by people for economic activities. (3x2) (6)


[60 marks]

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Geography Gr 11 14 Limpopo/June 2024



COORDINATES: 29035’S; 3100’E

The town Verulam is located at an elevation of 119.83 meters above sea level, Verulam
has a marine west coast, warm summer climate. The area yearly temperatures is 22.27 0c
and it is 1.05% higher than South Africa’s averages. Verulam typically receives about
103.87 millimetres of precipitation has 155.6 rainy days (42.63% of the time) annually.

The Hazelmere Dam, just a few kilometres north of Verulam, is the main source of water
for the area and is used for a variety of activities, such as water sports and fishing. One of
the main rivers that flows through Verulam is the Mdloti River in which the Hazelmere dam
has been built.

[Adapted from Google]

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Geography Gr 11 15 Limpopo/June 2024

Refer to the topographic map and the orthophoto map of Verulam 2931 CA

3.1 Map skills and calculations.

3.1.1 The contour interval on the orthophoto map is……..metres.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
3.1.2 Refer to the map index/code 2931 CA, 31 is referring to…..
A. Easterly
B. Westerly
C. Latitude
D. Longitude (2x1) (2)
3.1.3 Refer to the topographical map and calculate the current magnetic declination
of Verulam map. Use the following steps.

Difference in years: _________________ (1x1) (1)

Mean annual change: 9’ westwards

Total change: _____________________ (1x1) (1)

Current magnetic declination: ___________________ (2x1) (2)

3.1.4 Refer to Letter G in block B5 and F in block C5 on the topographic map.

Calculate the gradient between G and F. Given: VI=119-80=39m. (4x1) (4)


3.2 Map interpretation.

3.2.1 Identify the type of river dominant in block A3 on the topographic map.
A. No name
B. Hazelmere
C. Non perennial
D. Perennial

3.2.2 Identify the type of slope evident in block B3 on the orthophoto map.
A. Steep
B. Gentle
C. Convex
D. Concave (2x1) (2)

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Geography Gr 11 16 Limpopo/June 2024

3.2.3 Refer to rainfall data below of Verulam and the topographic map.

Month Jan Feb Marc Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

rainfall in











(a) Verulam receives seasonal rainfall. Discuss this statement. (1x2) (2)
(b) In which season does Verulam receive most rainfall? (1x1) (1)
(c) Give TWO reasons from the topographic map to support your
answer in Question 3.2.3. (b). (2x2) (4)

3.2.4 Refer to the figure below showing a House Northeast of Hazelmere in block
A2 on the topographic map.

(a) Describe ONE type of mass movement that is likely to occur

in this area caused by wetting and drying of the soil. (1x1) (1)

(b) Explain ONE method used to minimize the impact of mass

movement in the figure above. (1x2) (2)

3.3 Geographical information systems (GIS)

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Geography Gr 11 17 Limpopo/June 2024

3.3.1 Differentiate between vector and raster data. (2x2) (4)

3.3.2 Identify ONE example of Vector data in block A1 on the
Topographic map (1x1) (1)
3.3.3 State ONE device/example of remote sensing that was used
to capture the orthophoto map of Verulam. (1x1) (1)
3.3.4 Discuss ONE advantage of remote sensing when collecting Data
in mountainous areas around Verulam. (1x2) (2)

[30 Marks]

GRAND TOTAL: [ 150 ]

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