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13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies –

Émile Argand Conference (EGU Series)

Zlatibor, Serbia, 7 – 18 September 2017

Sweetwater and saltwater Miocene on the Čaklovići cross section in Tuzla basin

Sejfudin Vrabac1, Izudin Đulović2, Elvir Babajić3, Samir Ustalić4, Adem Mujanović5, Miralem Kamerić6
– full profesor, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering University of Tuzla, 2 –, associate professor,
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering University of Tuzla, 3 –, Assistent Profesor, Faculty of Mining, Geology
and Civil Engineering University of Tuzla, 4 – student, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering University of Tuzla,
– student, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering University of Tuzla, 6 – student, Faculty of Mining, Geology and
Civil Engineering University of Tuzla

The Čaklovići geological cross-section is located in the Tuzla basin, around 7 km southeastern from
the Tuzla. The southern limb of Čaklovići anticline is made by sedimentary rocks. Based on
paleontological research and law of superposition, the sedimentary rocks of this area are divided on
lower and middle Miocene. Lower Miocene is dominantly composed by laminated and thin-layered
marlstones in which we can find layers of conglomerates and sandstones. Laminated marlstones
contain pieces of molluscus shells. The basis of lower Miocene is made from tuff layer that is around
3 meters thick. These sediments were deposited in a coastal part of a sweetwater lake. Total
thickness of lower Miocene sediments is around 33 meters. Middle Miocene is defined based on
foraminifera fossil, which belong to zones of lower Baden. The older part of lower Baden is
represented by „Ammonia viennensis” and “Nonion commune” zones. This zone is exclusively
represented by marlstones with massive structure. Layered marlstone is only found in a 1 cm thick
interval, in the upper part of this zone. Typical macrofossil associations for this part of lower Baden
are Aporrhais and Tellina. These molluscs in Tuzla basin are represented in immediate upper layer of
rock salt deposits, in which we can find identical foraminifera zones. Massive marlstones of the older
part of lower Baden were deposited in infralittoral zone of Central Parathetis, and their thickness is
around 50 meters. The last part of researched Čaklovići cross-section is made by massive marlstones,
sandstones and conglomerates. This sequence of geological cross-section is a part of lower Baden,
precisely it belongs to the zones Globigerinoides trilobus and Orbulina suturalis. Typical macrofossils
of younger part of lower Baden are Vaginella and Corbula. Sediments of this Baden section were
deposited in circalittoral of Central Parathetis. Their researched thickness is around 7 meters, and
their total thickness is over 100 meters for sure. Based on previously researched cross-sections of
lower Baden in the Tuzla basin, it was concluded that same foraminifera zones are identical to
nanoplancton zone NN5 (Martini, 1971). Čaklovići cross-section points out that in this part of Tuzla
basin, there were no salt formation deposits and in this part of the basin, marine deposits are found
uncomformiticaly over saltwater lake sediments. These marine deposits are regullary representing
immediate upper layer of salt formation. The studied cross-section is a exception in Tuzla basin, and
it's uniqe because of the fact that the margin between foraminifera zone is visible because of the
erosion, hence it's available for differend geological studies.
Keywords: Sweetwater Miocene, lower Baden, foraminifera, Tuzla basin, Central Parathetis.

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13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies –
Émile Argand Conference (EGU Series)
Zlatibor, Serbia, 7 – 18 September 2017

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