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lime that sulfuric acid exists almost always. In addition to this there
is also some sulfur combined with the organic matter of the soil.
By digesting a soil for six hours with hot, concentrated nitric acid
the sulfates are dissolved, and there is transformed into sulfuric acid
an important part of the sulfur which is combined with the humic
substances. The quantity of soil to be operated upon should be about
fifty grams.
After filtering and washing with hot water the filtered liquor is
collected, in the French Commission method,[249] in a flask and
carried to boiling, and five cubic centimeters of a saturated solution
of barium chlorid or sufficient to be in slight excess are added. The
boiling is continued for some minutes and the flask is allowed to
stand for twenty-four hours. The filtrate is received upon a filter and
washed with boiling water. The filter is dried and incinerated,
allowed to cool, and as there may have been a slight reduction of the
sulfate a few drops of nitric acid are added and a drop of sulfuric
acid. It is now evaporated to dryness on a water-bath, heated to
redness for a few moments, cooled and weighed. The weight of the
barium sulfate obtained multiplied by 0.3433, gives the quantity of
sulfuric acid obtained from the fifty grams of soil.
If it is desired to estimate only the sulfur which exists in the form
of sulfate it is necessary to treat the soil with hydrochloric acid in a
very dilute state, heating for a few moments only and afterwards
precipitate by barium nitrate. If, on the other hand, it is desired to
estimate the total sulfur which is sometimes of great interest, it is
necessary to employ the process of Berthelot and André.
385. Method of Berthelot and André.—Sulfur may exist in
the soil in three forms; viz.,
1. Mineral compounds, consisting generally of sulfates and
sometimes of sulfids.
2. Sulfur, existing in ethereal compounds or their analogues, as in
3. Organic compounds containing sulfur.
Estimation of Total Sulfur.—The principle on which this
operation, as described by Berthelot and André, rests is that already
described for phosphorus; viz., oxidation in a current of oxygen and
passing the vapors over a column of alkaline carbonate at or near a
red heat.[250]
The ordinary methods of oxidation in the wet way give generally
inexact results.
Estimation of Sulfur Pre-existing as Sulfates.—The sample is
treated with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid. The filtrate is treated with
barium chlorid, the precipitate collected, dried, ignited, washed with
a mixture of sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids to remove silica, and
afterwards weighed as barium sulfate.
Estimation of Sulfur as Sulfids.—The sample is distilled with
dilute hydrochloric acid, and the hydrogen sulfid produced is made
to pass through an acidulated solution of copper sulfate in such a
way as to transform the sulfur in the hydrogen sulfid into a sulfid,
which is afterwards collected and weighed in the usual way. The use
of a titrated solution of iodin is not advisable on account of the
organic matter which may be present.
Estimation of Sulfur in Ethereal Compounds.—These compounds
can be decomposed by boiling with a solution of potash or
concentrated hydrochloric acid. The resulting sulfuric acid is
precipitated with barium chlorid. Subtract from the sulfates thus
obtained those pre-existing as sulfates; the difference represents the
sulfur present in ethers.
Estimation of Sulfur in Other Organic Compounds.—This is
estimated indirectly by subtracting from the total sulfur that present
as sulfates, sulfids, and ethers.
386. Method of Von Bemmelén.—As Von Bemmelén[251]
observes, the estimation of sulfuric acid in soils presents a number of
difficulties. A small part of it can be present as sulfate insoluble in
water. In addition to this, there is always some sulfur in the organic
bodies present. If the soil is extracted with water then the sulfuric
acid can be estimated therein when only a trace of humus substance
has gone into solution. On the contrary, if there is much humus
substance in solution, and also iron oxid, as is the case when the
extraction is made with hydrochloric acid, then both of these must be
removed, otherwise the estimation is very inexact. By fusing the
residue of the solution with sodium carbonate and a little potassium
nitrate the organic substance is destroyed, and after treatment with
water the iron oxid is separated. If any sulfur has been dissolved in
the organic substance present, this is then oxidized to sulfuric acid.
The estimation of the sulfuric acid and of the sulfur, therefore,
remains unsatisfactory.
In a sample of clay from Java, which was rich in calcium
carbonate, but which contained no basic iron sulfate, there was
found the following percentages of sulfuric acid:
Exhausted in the cold with very weak hydrochloric acid, 0.04 per
cent; the residue treated in the cold with concentrated hydrochloric
acid, the solution evaporated and fused with sodium carbonate and
potassium nitrate, 0.07 per cent; again, the residue treated with aqua
regia to oxidize the sulfur, the solution evaporated to dryness, fused
with sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate, 0.14 per cent; in all
0.25 percent. A sample of the same soil treated directly with aqua
regia, and then evaporated and fused as above, gave two-tenths per
cent sulfuric acid. A sample of the same soil ignited in a crucible with
sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate gave 0.16 per cent of
sulfuric acid. The difference between 0.04 and 0.07 per cent can be
attributed to the sulfur in the organic substance which was dissolved
by the concentrated hydrochloric acid; the quantity, however, is too
small to draw any safe conclusion. Possibly it might have been that
the very dilute hydrochloric acid did not dissolve all of the sulfate.
The quantity of sulfur combined in the organic substance in the
above soil may be derived from the following equation; viz., 0.2–0.07
80 ×
32 = 0.05 per cent of sulfur.
The estimation of the sulfur in a sample of soil from Deli was
carried on with still greater exactness by three different methods.
The quantities of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and sodium
carbonate employed were measured or weighed, and the minute
content of sulfuric acid therein estimated and subtracted from the
final results. The methods employed were as follows:
(A) Extraction with water and afterwards with very dilute
hydrochloric acid.
(B) Extraction with cold hydrochloric acid, one part to three of
(C) Extraction with aqua regia.
(D) Ignition with sodium carbonate and potassium nitrate.
(F) Ignition in a combustion tube with sodium carbonate in a
stream of oxygen.
The percentages of sulfuric acid obtained by the different methods
were as follows:

(A) 0.058 per cent.

(B) 0.070 „ „
(C) 0.140 „ „
(D) 0.125 „ „
(F) 0.106 „ „

387. Method of Wolff.—In regard to the sulfuric acid Wolff calls

attention to the fact that in soils which have been ignited, a larger
quantity of this acid is found than in soils containing humus.[252]
This, doubtless, arises from the oxidation of the organic sulfur. The
following special method for determining the sulfuric acid is
therefore proposed:
Fifty grams of fresh air-dried soil are placed in a platinum dish
with a concentrated solution of pure sodium nitrate. After drying, the
heat is raised gradually to redness. In this way the complete ignition
of the humus present takes place. After cooling, the mass is diluted
with hydrochloric acid, with the addition of a little nitric acid, and
boiled. In the solution, the silicic acid is first separated and the
sulfuric acid estimated in the usual way with barium sulfate.
388. Method of the Italian Chemists.—The determination of
the sulfuric acid is conducted as follows by the Italian chemists:[253]
The soil is completely extracted by diluted hydrochloric acid and the
sulfuric acid precipitated in the solution with barium chlorid. If a soil
is very rich in calcium sulfate it should first be treated with a warm
solution of sodium carbonate to decompose the calcium sulfate, and
the sulfuric acid determined in the solution after having added
hydrochloric acid.
389. Estimation of the Chlorin.—The estimation of the
chlorin is of great importance in certain cases. When this element is
lacking in the soil, which, however, is rare, certain plants appear to
suffer from its absence. The quality of the forage plants in particular
is influenced by it; but when the chlorids are too abundant, which is
a frequent case, they prevent or arrest completely the progress of
vegetation. Salty soils are, in general, completely sterile. In the
proportion of one pound in a thousand in the earth, sodium chlorid
is to be regarded as injurious. It is necessary, therefore, in analysis to
take account of two cases; viz., those of soils poor in chlorids and
those of soils rich in chlorids.
For soils poor in chlorids the French method directs that[254] 200
grams of the earth are to be washed on a filter with boiling water.
The liquor is evaporated to dryness and gently heated to a
temperature inferior to redness in order to destroy the organic
matter. The residue is taken up by small quantities of water and to
the filtered liquor the volume of which should not exceed forty to
fifty cubic centimeters are added ten cubic centimeters of pure nitric
acid and a sufficient quantity of silver nitrate to produce a complete
precipitation. The precipitate is vigorously shaken and allowed to
stand for a few hours in a darkened locality. The precipitate is
collected upon a double filter and the silver chlorid, after proper
desiccation, is weighed.
When the soil is rich in chlorids it is washed as has just been
described upon a filter. The wash-waters are made up to one liter
and fifty cubic centimeters, equivalent to ten grams of the soil, are
taken for analysis. This quantity is treated exactly as described
390. Wolff’s Method of Estimating Chlorin in Soils.[255]—
Three hundred grams of the soil are treated with 900 cubic
centimeters of pure water containing a little nitric acid for forty-eight
hours with frequent shaking. Four hundred and fifty cubic
centimeters are then filtered and the clear liquid evaporated to 200
cubic centimeters. The chlorin is then precipitated with silver nitrate.
The quantity obtained, corresponds to that found in 150 grams of the
air-dried soil.
A second method, Mohr’s, is as follows: Fifty grams of the soil are
placed in a platinum dish and moistened with a concentrated
solution of potassium nitrate, free from chlorin. The mass is
evaporated to dryness and gradually heated to a red heat. After
cooling it is moistened with water and washed into a beaker and the
solid mass quickly separated. The clear liquid is poured off and the
residue again washed with water. The clear liquid obtained is
saturated with acetic acid, carefully evaporated to dryness and after
solution in water, filtration and the addition of a little nitric acid, the
chlorin therein is precipitated by a silver nitrate solution, and the
precipitate collected and weighed as usual.
391. Method of Petermann.[256]—Chlorin in the soil is
estimated at the Gembloux station by digesting 1,000 grams of the
sample with two liters of distilled water with frequent shaking for
thirty-six hours. After allowing to stand for twelve hours with the
addition of one gram of powdered magnesium sulfate to facilitate the
deposition of suspended matter one liter of liquid is siphoned and
evaporated in a platinum dish with the addition of a few drops of a
solution of potassium carbonate free from chlorin and nitric acid.
The concentrated solution is filtered, washed, and made up to 250
cubic centimeters. Take 100 cubic centimeters of the solution add
some nitric acid and precipitate the chlorin with silver nitrate. The
rest of the solution is reserved for the estimation of nitrate.
392. Estimation of Silicic Acid.—Direct Estimation.—The
sample of soil in the method of Berthelot and André[257] is mixed with
two or three times its weight of pure sodium carbonate and fused in a
silver crucible until complete decomposition has taken place. The
residue is dissolved in water and dilute hydrochloric acid. The
silicates are decomposed by this treatment and the solution is
evaporated to dryness on the water-bath, and when dry slightly
heated. The silicic acid (silica) is by this treatment rendered
insoluble. It is collected on a filter, washed, ignited, and weighed.
The resulting compound should be mixed with ammonium fluorid
and sulfuric acid, and after the disappearance of the silica the residue
should be dried and weighed. The loss in weight represents the true
silica. The loss in weight should be corrected by calculating the
sulfates of the alkalies back to oxids. This correction can be neglected
when the work has been carefully done, and the washing of the
original silica has been well performed.
Indirect Estimation.—The total silica may be estimated indirectly
by subtracting from the total weight of the sample the sum of the
weights of the other constituents resulting from the separate
estimation of each of them after decomposing the sample with
hydrofluoric acid.
393. Simultaneous Estimation of Different Elements.—
The operations and processes for the estimation of each of the
elements have been described, but it is often best to carry on an
operation in such a way as to gain time by making a single
decomposition upon a quantity of soil of some considerable
magnitude, and using the results of the solution for the
determination of the different substances. From the operations
already described it will be easy to make a combination of methods
by which all or nearly all the important constituents in a soil may be
determined in a single sample. Of the various methods proposed,
that of the commission of the French agricultural chemists may be
taken as a type.[258] In the case of the estimation of lime, potash,
magnesia, and sulfuric acid, in which the operation is carried on in a
soil which is not incinerated, time may be saved by digesting a
considerable quantity of the soil with concentrated nitric acid for a
period of five hours. It is best to take 100 grams of the soil and
increase proportionally the nitric acid. The filtrate, after washing, is
made up to one liter and thoroughly shaken. From this amount of
liquid, portions are taken corresponding to the weights of soil upon
which the operation for the determination of each of the constituents
would be conducted. For example, for the estimation of lime in the
case of a very calcareous earth, ten cubic centimeters representing
one gram of the original sample, in the case of a soil poor in
carbonates 100 cubic centimeters representing ten grams, and for
the estimation of potash, magnesia, and sulfuric acid 200 cubic
centimeters, representing twenty grams of the soil, should be taken.
This method avoids frequent weighings of the earth and separate
treatments thereof by the acid.
On the other hand, in the same portion of the solution, the
different elements can be estimated. For example, for the estimation
of the potash as has been indicated, in the place of precipitating as a
whole the sulfuric acid, lime, etc., and of afterwards separating the
magnesia in the sole aim of eliminating these bodies, they can be
collected separately and weighed, thus securing at a single operation
several determinations.
At the end, some barium chlorid is added and if the barium sulfate
is then collected and weighed, the estimation of the sulfuric acid is
effected. To the filtrate there are afterwards added some ammonia
and ammonium carbonate to precipitate, at once, the excess of
barium and the iron and aluminum oxids, the lime and the
phosphoric acid. This separation being effected the filtrate contains
still the magnesia and the alkalies. The first can be separated by
carbonation by means of oxalic acid, collected, and weighed. Finally
the potash itself can be estimated in the state of perchlorate. It has
thus been possible in the same suite of operations to estimate in a
given quantity of the liquid, the sulfuric acid, the magnesia, the lime,
and the potash.
394. Estimation of Kaolin in Soils.—True kaolin is a hydrated
aluminum silicate, having the formula H₄Al₂Si₂O₉. This substance
is, even in concentrated hydrochloric acid, almost completely
insoluble. It contains, theoretically, 13.94 per cent of water of
combination. The following methods, due to Sachsse and Becker,[259]
can be used for its determination.
Estimation of the Water of Combination.—Heat from one to two
grams of kaolin, dried at 100°, for half an hour in a covered platinum
crucible to a temperature which shows an incipient red heat when
the crucible is partly protected from the daylight with the hand. This
treatment does not quite give the whole of the water of combination
but nearly all of it. A kaolin is changed by this treatment into a
substance which is easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Estimation of the Kaolin in Impure Kaolins.—Mineral kaolin, or
the kaolin obtained by silt analysis, is dried at 100° to constant
weight. It is then heated with strong hydrochloric acid until all the
matters which will pass into solution have been dissolved. The
residual kaolin is then washed thoroughly with water and ignited for
half an hour at a low red heat. The residual mass is a second time
extracted with hydrochloric acid until silica no longer passes into
solution. The soluble silica is then estimated in the usual way and
calculated to kaolin. The result will give the pure kaolin in the sample
The estimation may also be made as follows: Two samples of the
impure kaolin are taken and dried to constant weight at 100°. One is
extracted with hydrochloric acid in the manner described above and
the amount of silica determined. The second is treated directly by
ignition to low redness for half an hour, dissolved in hydrochloric
acid and the amount of silica determined. The difference in the two
percentages of silica corresponds to the silica equivalent to the pure
Statement of Results.—It is convenient to incorporate the data
obtained by the above methods with the complete mass analysis of
the silicate examined. In the sample given below the analysis was
made on a clay silt obtained with a velocity of two-tenths millimeter
per second.
The mass analysis gave the following data:

Loss on ignition 10.04

SiO₂ 51.52
Al₂O₃ 17.93
Fe₂O₃ 7.42
CaO 1.57
MgO 6.27
K₂O 4.1
Na₂O 1.61

The loss on ignition was made up of the combined water and a

trace of humus. On gentle ignition only 7.52 per cent of water came
The examination of the non-ignited and the gently ignited silica by
means of dilute hydrochloric acid, gave the following data:

Non- Gently ignited. Difference.

Water 10.04 10.04
Insoluble residue 40. 34.54 –5.46
Al₂O₃ 9.04 10. +0.96
Fe₂O₃ 5.96 7.27 +1.31
SiO₂ 25.27 28. +2.73
Alkalies and alkaline 9.69 10.15 +0.46

By a comparison of these data with those obtained by the mass

analysis, the following representation of the distribution of the
various components in the clay is obtained:
23.52 per cent SiO₂ in the form of quartz and undecomposed
2.73 per cent SiO₂ in the form of kaolin.
25.27 per cent in the form of easily decomposable silicates and of
the hydrates of SiO₂.
7.93 per cent Al₂O₃ in the form of undecomposed silicates.
0.96 per cent Al₂O₃ in the form of kaolin.
9.04 per cent Al₂O₃ in the form of easily decomposed silicates and
of hydrates.
0.15 per cent Fe₂O₃ in the form of undecomposed silicates.
1.31 per cent Fe₂O₃ in the form of kaolin.
5.96 per cent Fe₂O₃ in the form of easily decomposable silicates
and hydrates.
3.40 per cent of alkalies and alkaline earths in the form of
undecomposed silicates.
9.69 per cent of alkalies and alkaline earths in the form of easily
decomposable silicates.
10.04 per cent of water, including a trace of humus.
Collecting these results the following statement is obtained.
The clay analyzed contained:
10.04 per cent of water, a trace of humus.
35.15 per cent of undecomposed silicates and quartz.
5.00 per cent of kaolin.
50.27 per cent of easily decomposable silicates, hydrates of SiO₂
and hydroxids.
395. Introductory Considerations.—The great economic and
biologic value of nitrogen as a plant food renders its estimation in
soils of especial importance. It is necessary, first of all, to remember
that the nitrogen present in soils may be found in three forms; viz.,
first, in organic compounds, second, as ammonia, and third, as nitric
or nitrous acid. Further than this each of these classes of nitrogen
may be subdivided. The organic nitrogen may be in a form easily
nitrified and rendered available for plant food, or it may be inert and
resistant to nitrification, as in humus, or exist in an amid state. The
ammoniacal nitrogen may exist in small quantities as gaseous
ammonia, or be combined with mineral or organic acids. As nitric or
nitrous acid the nitrogen will be found combined with bases, or
perhaps in minute quantities as free acid, in passing under the
influence of the nitrifying ferment from the organic to the inorganic
state. To the latter state it must finally come before it is suited to
absorption by plants.
In general, far the largest part of soil nitrogen, excluding the
atmosphere diffused in the pores of the soil, is found in the organic
state and is derived from the débris of animal and vegetable life and
from added fertilizers. As ammonia, the nitrogen can only be
regarded as in a transition state, arising from the processes of decay,
or incomplete nitrification. As nitric acid, it is found as a completed
product of nitrification, or as the result of electrical action. The
processes of nitrification and the isolation and determination of the
nitrifying organisms will be considered in a special chapter of this
manual. By reason of the great solubility of the nitrates, and the
inability of the soil to retain them, there can never be a great
accumulation of nitric acid in the soil save in localities deficient in
rain-fall or in specially protected spots, such as caves. The nitric acid,
therefore, produced in the soil passes at once into growing
vegetation, or is found eventually in the drainage waters.
The formation of ammonia in soil containing much vegetable
matter is thought by Berthelot and André[260] to be due to the
progressive decomposition of amid principles under the influence of
dilute acids or alkalies, either in the cold or at an elevated
temperature. Soils of the above description, of themselves, contain
neither free ammonia nor ammoniacal salts, and the ammonia which
is found in the analysis of these soils comes from the reaction above
indicated. The ammonia which comes from these soils, in place of
what is given off to the surrounding atmosphere, comes from the
same class of decompositions, and these decompositions, in this
case, are effected by the water itself, and by the alkaline carbonates
of the soil. The amid principles which are thus decomposed belong
either to the class of amids proper, derived by the displacement of
hydrogen in ammonia by acids, or to the class of alkalamids derived
from nitrogenous bases, both volatile and fixed. Among these
alkalamids some are soluble in water and some insoluble, and the
decomposition of these last by acids or by alkalies may furnish
bodies which themselves are either soluble or insoluble in water.
To determine the nature of the nitrogenous principles in a soil
rather rich in humus, Berthelot and André applied the following
A soil containing 19.1 grams of carbon and 1.67 grams of nitrogen
per kilogram was first subjected to treatment, at room temperature,
with a concentrated solution of potash. By this treatment 17.4 per
cent of the nitrogen content was set free under the form of ammonia.
One-quarter of this was obtained during the first three days; one-
eighth during the next three days. Afterward the action became much
more feeble and was continued during forty days longer, and the
evolution of the gas was diminished almost proportionately to the
time. It appears from the above observations that the amid principles
of the soil, decomposable by potash, belong to two distinct groups,
which are broken up with very unequal velocities. The soil, treated on
the water-bath for three hours at 100° with strong potash, showed
the following behavior in respect of its nitrogenous constituents:
Nitrogen eliminated in the form of ammonia, sixteen per cent;
nitrogen remaining in the part soluble in potash, ten per cent;
nitrogen remaining in the part insoluble in potash, seventy-four per
Treatment with Acid.—The nitrogenous compounds of the soil are
also decomposed by dilute acids, and often more rapidly than by the
alkalies. The method of treatment is substantially the same as that
set forth above. The decompositions effected either by alkalies or by
acids tend in general to lower the molecular weights of the resulting
products. The prolonged action of alkalies at the temperature of
boiling water rendered soluble, after twenty-four hours of treatment,
93.6 per cent of the organic nitrogen found in the vegetable mould.
By treating the earth successively with alkalies and acids 95.5 per
cent of the total nitrogen were decomposed. These experiments show
how the insoluble nitrogen in humic compounds can be gradually
rendered assimilable. The action of vegetables is not assuredly
identical with those which acids and alkalies exercise. However, both
present certain degrees of comparison from the point of view of the
mechanisms set in play by the earthy carbonates and carbon dioxid,
as well as by the acids formed by vegetation. The reactions which
take place naturally, while they are not so violent as those produced
in the laboratory, make up by their duration what they lack in
For a more detailed study of the nature of the nitrogenous
elements in soil the following method of treatment, due to Berthelot
and André, is recommended:
Treatment of the Soil with Alkalies.—1. Reaction with cold, dilute
solution of potash. Take fifty grams of the sample, dried at 110°, and
mix with a large excess of ten per cent potash solution and place
under a bell-jar containing standard sulfuric acid. The mixture is left
for a long time in order to secure as fully as possible the ammonia set
Example: Fifty grams of a soil contained 0.0814 gram of nitrogen.
Treated as above it gave the following quantities of nitrogen as
Nitrogen as Ammonia.
After 3 days 0.0034 gram.
„ 6 „ 0.0054 „
„ 11 „ 0.0065 „
„ 17 „ 0.0078 „
„ 25 „ 0.0093 „
„ 41 „ 0.0107 „
„ 46 „ 0.0141 „

It is seen that the action still continued after forty days. In the
space of forty days 17.4 per cent of the total nitrogen contained in the
soil had been converted into ammonia by dilute potash. According to
the above observations the amid principles transformed into
ammonia under the influence of dilute potash, exist in groups which
are acted on with very unequal rapidity.
2. Reaction with hot dilute solution of potash. Take 200 grams of
the soil sample, mix with one and one-half liters of dilute potash
solution containing fifty grams of potash. Place in a flask and heat on
boiling water-bath for six hours. The flask is furnished with a stopper
and tubes, and a current of pure hydrogen is made to pass through
the liquid, having the double object of preventing any oxidizing effect
from the air and of carrying away the ammonia which may be
formed. The escaping hydrogen and ammonia are passed into a bulb
apparatus containing titrated sulfuric acid.
The sample of soil employed contained in 200 grams, 0.3256 gram
of nitrogen. There was obtained at the end of six hours’ heating,
0.0366 gram of nitrogen. In other words, 11.24 per cent of the total
nitrogen in the sample appeared as ammonia.
Examination of Residue.—After the separation of the ammonia as
above described, pour the residue in the flask on a filter, wash with
hot water, and determine nitrogen in filtrate and in solid matter on
the filter by combustion with soda-lime. The filtrate is, of course,
first evaporated to dryness after being neutralized with sulfuric acid.
The insoluble part contained 0.041 gram of nitrogen, i. e., 12.84
per cent of the entire amount.
The soluble part contained 0.2411 gram of nitrogen, i. e., 74.05 per
cent of the whole.
Summary of Data.—In the sample analyzed the following data
were obtained:

Of the whole.
Nitrogen as ammonia 11.24 per cent.
„ in insoluble part 12.84 „ „
„ „ soluble part 74.05 „ „
„ not determined 1.87 „ „

Sum 100.00 „ „

The same experiment in which the heating on the water-bath was

continued for thirteen hours gave the following data:

Of the whole.
Nitrogen as ammonia 16.03 per cent.
„ in insoluble part 9.98 „ „
„ „ soluble part 74.01 „ „

Sum 100.00 „ „

Further Treatment of Matter Insoluble in Hot Dilute Potash.—A

portion of the insoluble portion from the last experiment was treated
for thirteen hours longer under the same conditions with dilute hot
potash. The soluble and insoluble portions were determined as
already described. Of the nitrogen insoluble after thirteen hours,
64.21 per cent remained insoluble after the second thirteen hours.
This fact shows that slow and progressive decomposition of the
alkalamids in the soil occurs under the influence of hot dilute potash.
Treatment of Matter Insoluble in Hot Dilute Potash with
Hydrochloric Acid.—A part of the material insoluble in hot potash
after thirteen hours is mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid, in such
proportion as to have one-fifth the weight of pure hydrochloric acid
to the dry solid matter. Heat in flask on a boiling water-bath for
thirteen hours. Determine the nitrogen in the insoluble residue.
Example: In the case given it was found that 54.91 per cent of the
nitrogen insoluble in dilute hot potash were dissolved by the hot
hydrochloric acid.
This fact shows that insoluble nitrogen compounds contained in
the soil are dissolved by dilute acids even more readily than by dilute
alkalies at the temperature of boiling water.
Several reactions appear to take place simultaneously when potash
is brought into contact with the nitrogenous principles of arable
earth. Some of these principles, during the first period of the action
become soluble and even form compounds which are not
precipitable by acids. When, however, the action of the potash is
prolonged, the dissolved bodies lose little by little a part of their
nitrogen as ammonia or as soluble alkalamids. They become thus
changed either to compounds no longer soluble in the potash, or to
those insoluble in the solution when acidified. These compounds, it
is true, contain nitrogen, but are poorer in this element and have a
higher molecular weight, or, in other words, are condensation
products. These last principles are not absolutely stable in the
presence of potash, but are decomposed much more slowly than the
original principles from which they were derived.
In general, it may be said that under the influence of alkalies on
the nitrogenous principles of the soil there is a tendency to form two
classes of bodies, the one more soluble with a lower molecular
weight, the other less soluble with a higher molecular weight. The
inverse relation between solubility and condensation is in agreement
with what is observed in similar reactions with organic bodies in
general. It certainly plays an important rôle in the transformations
which an arable soil undergoes, either through the mild influences of
the air and natural waters, or the more energetic action of vegetables
The methods of estimating nitric nitrogen will be made the theme
of a special study in connection with the chapter on nitrification.
There will be considered first, therefore, the methods of determining
organic and ammoniacal nitrogen with only such incidental
treatment of the methods for nitric nitrogen as the processes
applicable to the other forms may contain.
396. Provisional Methods of the Association of Official
Agricultural Chemists.[261]—The nitrogen compounds in the soil
are usually placed in three classes.
1. The nitrogen combined with oxygen as nitrates, or nitrites,
existing as soluble salts in the soil.
2. The nitrogen combined with hydrogen as ammonia, or organic
nitrogen easily convertible into ammonia. The ammonia may exist as
salts, or may be occluded by hydrated ferric or aluminum oxids and
organic matter in the soil.
3. The inert nitrogen of the soil or the humus nitrogen.
Active Soil Nitrogen.—The material proposed for reducing the
nitrates to ammonia, and at the same time to bring ammonia salts
and organic nitrogen into a condition for separation by distillation, is
sodium amalgam. Liquid sodium amalgam may be readily prepared
by placing 100 cubic centimeters of mercury in a flask of half a liter
capacity, covering the warmed mercury with melted paraffin, and
dropping into the flask at short intervals pieces of metallic sodium,
the size of a large pea (taking care that the violence of the reaction
does not project the contents from the flask), till 6.75 grams of
sodium have combined with the mercury. The amalgam contains
one-half per cent of sodium and may be preserved indefinitely under
the covering of paraffin. To estimate the active soil nitrogen, weigh
fifty grams of air-dried soil and place it in a clean mortar. Take 200
cubic centimeters of ammonia-free distilled water, rub up the soil
with a part of the water to a smooth paste, transfer this to a flask of
one liter capacity, washing the last traces of the soil into the flask
with the rest of the water. Add twenty-five cubic centimeters of the
liquid sodium amalgam and shake the flask so as to break the sodium
amalgam into small globules distributed through the soil. Insert a
stopper with a valve and set aside in a cool place for twenty-four
hours. Pour into the flask fifty cubic centimeters of milk of lime, and
distill, on a sand-bath, 100 cubic centimeters into a flask containing
twenty cubic centimeters of decinormal sulfuric acid, and titrate with
decinormal soda solution, using dimethyl-orange as indicator.
Estimate the nitrogen of the ammonia found as active soil nitrogen.
If the ammonia produced is too small in amount to be readily
estimated volumetrically, determine the ammonia by nesslerizing the
Estimation of Nitrates in the Soil.—When it is desired to estimate
separately the nitrates in the soil the following method may be used:
Evaporate 100 cubic centimeters of the soil extract to dryness on the
water-bath, dissolve the soluble portion, of the residue in 100 cubic
centimeters of ammonia-free distilled water, filtering out any
insoluble residue, place the solution in a flask and add ten cubic
centimeters of liquid sodium amalgam, insert stopper with valve, set
it aside to digest in a cool place for twenty-four hours, add fifty cubic
centimeters of milk of lime, distill and titrate as above, and estimate
the nitrogen as N₂O₅.
Nesslerizing may be substituted for titration when the amount of
nitrates is small.
An approximate estimation of the amount of nitrates will be of
value in determining which method of estimation to use. This may be
done by evaporating a measured quantity of the soil extract, say five
cubic centimeters, on a porcelain crucible cover on a steam-bath or
radiator, having first dissolved a minute fragment of pure brucin
sulfate in the soil extract. When dry pour over the residue
concentrated sulfuric acid, free from nitrates, and observe the color
reactions produced.
If the nitrate (reckoned as KNO₃) left upon evaporating the
quantity of water taken does not exceed the two-thousandth part of a
milligram, only a pink color will be developed by adding the sulfuric
acid; with the three-thousandth part of a milligram, a pink with faint
reddish lines; with the four-thousandth part, a reddish color; with
the five-thousandth part, a red color.
By increasing or diminishing the amount of soil extract evaporated
to secure a color reaction of a certain intensity, an approximate
estimate may be made of the amount of nitrates present.
Blank experiments to test the acid and the brucin sulfate will be
required before confidence can be placed in such estimations.
Total Nitrogen of Soils.—The total nitrogen of soils may be
determined by the usual combustion with soda-lime, but this process
is often unsatisfactory because of the large amount of material
required when the organic matter or humus is small in amount.
A modification of the kjeldahl method is more easy to carry out
and gives results equally satisfactory. Place twenty grams of soil in a
kjeldahl flask, and add twenty cubic centimeters of sulfuric acid (free
from ammonia) holding in solution one gram of salicylic acid. If the
soil contain much lime or magnesia in the form of carbonate, enough
more sulfuric acid must be added to secure a strongly acid condition
of the contents of the flask. Add gradually two grams of zinc dust,
shaking the contents of the flask to secure intimate mixture. Place
the flask in a sand-bath and heat till the acid boils, and maintain the
boiling for ten minutes. Add one gram of mercury and continue the
boiling for one hour, adding ten cubic centimeters of sulfuric acid if
the contents of the flask are likely to become solid. Cool the flask and
wash out the soluble materials with 200 cubic centimeters of pure
water, leaving the heavy earthy materials. Rinse the residue with 100
cubic centimeters of water, and add this to the first washings. Place
this soluble acid extract in a liter digestion flask, add thirty-five cubic
centimeters of a solution of potassium sulfid, and shake the flask to
secure intimate mixture of the contents. Introduce a few fragments
of granulated zinc, pour in seventy-five cubic centimeters of a
saturated solution of caustic soda, connect the flask with a condenser
and distill 150 cubic centimeters into a flask containing twenty cubic
centimeters of acid, using the same acid and alkali for titration used
in the kjeldahl method under fertilizers.
Enter the nitrogen found in this operation as total soil nitrogen.
The difference between the total soil nitrogen and the active soil
nitrogen will express the inert nitrogen of the soil.
397. Hilgard’s Method.[262]—The humus determination will, in
the case of virgin soils, usually indicate approximately the store of
nitrogen in the soil, which must be gradually made available by
nitrification. Ordinarily (outside of the arid regions) the
determination of ammonia and nitrates present in the soil is of little
interest for general purposes, since these factors will vary with the
season and from day to day. Kedzie proposes to estimate the active
soil nitrogen (ammonia plus nitrates and nitrites) by treatment of the
whole soil with sodium amalgam and distillation with lime. The
objection to this process is that the formation of ammonia by the
reaction of the alkali and lime upon the humus amids would greatly
exaggerate the active nitrogen and lead to a serious overestimate of
the soil’s immediate resources.
The usual content of nitrogen in black soil-humus is from six to
eight per cent in the regions of summer rains. From late
determinations it would seem that in the arid regions the usually
small amount of humus (often less than two-tenths per cent) is
materially compensated by a higher nitrogen percentage. It thus
becomes necessary to determine the humus nitrogen directly; and
this is easily done by substituting in the grandeau process of humus
extraction potash or soda-lye for ammonia water, and determining
the nitrogen by the kjeldahl method in the filtrate.
The lye used should have the strength of four per cent in the case
of potassium hydroxid, three per cent in that of sodium hydroxid.
The black humus filtrate is carefully neutralized with sulfuric acid,
evaporated to a small bulk in a beaker or evaporating basin, and the
reduced liquid finally evaporated to dryness in the kjeldahl flask
itself by means of a current of air. The beaker or basin is washed
either with some of the alkaline lye, or, after evaporation, with warm
concentrated sulfuric acid, which is then used in the nitrogen
determination in the usual way.
For the determination of nitrates in the soil it is, of course, usually
necessary to use large amounts of material, say not less than 100
grams, and, according to circumstances, five or more times that
amount. In the evaporated solution the nitric acid is best determined
by the reduction method, as ammonia.
Usually the soil filtrate is clear and contains no appreciable
amount of organic matter that would interfere with the
determination; yet in the case of alkaline soils (impregnated with
sodium carbonate) a very dark colored solution may be obtained. In
that case the soil may advantageously be mixed with a few per cent of
powdered gypsum before leaching; or the gypsum may be used in the
filtrate to discolor it by the decomposition of sodium carbonate and
the precipitation of calcium humate. The evaporated filtrate can then
be used for the nitrate determination by either the kjeldahl, griess, or
the nessler process, which will, of course, include such portions of
the ammoniacal salts as may have been leached out.
For the separate determination of these and of the occluded
ammonia, when desired, it is probably best to mix the wetted soil
intimately with about ten per cent of magnesium oxid and distill into

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