Canusa CPS Mis-65 Mis-100
Canusa CPS Mis-65 Mis-100
Canusa CPS Mis-65 Mis-100
Pre-Heat Temperature
Ensure that the mainline coating edges are beveled Ensure that the pipe is dry and surface moisture Wipe clean or air blast the steel and adjacent line If the MIS sleeve is to be installed immediately
to 30°. Clean exposed steel and adjacent pipe coat- has been removed prior to surface preparation. coating to remove foreign contaminants For CTE, after welding procedures, the entire joint area must
ing with a solvent cleanser to remove the presence If required, use propane torch heating to raise remove any outer paper wrapping to a distance be allowed to cool below 180°C. Pre-heat the joint
of oil, grease, and other contaminants. Cleansing of the steel temperature accordingly (to > 40°C). of 6” (150 mm) adjacent to the bare steel cutback area using an induction coil or torch to the mini-
coating overlap not required for AE coating type. Prepare the bare steel cutback to ISO 8501:1 class to expose the coal tar surface. For White Wash mum temperatures as specified for MIS-65 and
St 3 preparation standards using mechanical wire Painted Coating, remove all white wash paint MIS-100. Using a temperature measuring device,
brush or grinder equipment. materials using an approved solvent cleanser for ensure that the correct temperature is obtained
the entire width to be covered by the MIS sleeve. both on the steel surface and both sides of the
adjacent coating.
Sleeve Installation
9 10 11 12
Remove the release liner from the adhesive sur- Gently heat the backing of the underlap, the adhe- Press the closure firmly into place. Ensure the Gently heat the closure and pat it down with a
face of the sleeve. Centre the sleeve over the joint sive side of the overlap and the adhesive side of the closure is in complete contact with the underlying gloved hand. Repeating this procedure, move from
such that a minimum overlap of 50 mm is obtained closure until it becomes shiny. sleeve. one side to the other. Smooth any wrinkles by gen-
onto both sides of the adjacent mainline coating. tly working them outward from the centre of the
Complete the wrapping of the sleeve around the closure with a gloved hand.
pipe, ensuring there is minimal sag at the pipe bot-
tom. Clean the overlap of the sleeve to remove any
dirt or dust. The overlapped portion of the sleeve
should be aligned. The closure seal should be
positioned between the 10 and 2 o’clock positions.
Sleeve width shall be selected to fit within the mini-
mum CWC cutback dimension.
Western Hemisphere
Inspection SFL Canusa - WH
4757 93rd Ave NW
16 17 18
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2T6
Tel: +1 587-754-8701
SealForLife Industries
Nijverheidsstraat 13
B-2260 Westerlo
While the sleeve is still hot and soft, use a hand Continue the procedure by also firmly rolling the Visually inspect the installed sleeve for the Belgium
roller to gently roll the sleeve surface and push closure with long horizontal strokes from the weld following:
any trapped air upband out of the sleeve, as shown outwards.
above. If necessary, reheat to roll out air. • Sleeve is in full contact with the steel joint.
• Adhesive flows beyond both sleeve edges.
Middle East
• No cracks or holes in sleeve backing. SFL Canusa Middle East PPTS LLC
KLP5, Block B, Unit B-01,
Sector no.: KHIA8, Al Ma’mourah
Infilling Work PO Box 2621, Abu Dhabi,
The United Arab Emirates
Quality Management
Application of infill materials system registered to
(HDPUF) can begin immediately ISO 9001
following completion of the shrink
sleeve application process.