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Hydrogen Synthesis From Hydrocarbon Reforming

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Hydrogen synthesis from hydrocarbon reforming.

Carol Camila Camargo Cuitiva 0000279208 Chemical engineering.

Angelina Andrea Mantilla Galvis 0000271733 Chemical engineering.
Transport phenomena, Manuel Fernando Valero Valdivieso, Engineering faculty, Universidad de la Sabana.
Date: 18/04/2024
1. Abstract Initially, some hydrocarbons such as methane
The present document outlines the hydrogen and natural gas are non-renewable resources,
production process from hydrocarbon reforming. meaning they cannot be recovered for reuse. The
The research aims to determine pressure drop in implementation of these compounds for hydrogen
a linear duct with accessories under different production processes would lead to their depletion,
conditions. Principles of green engineering and contradicting the principle based on the minimization
mixing rules were considered, with substances of non-renewable resources. (Anastas et all, 2003).
like natural gas, ethane, propane, and methanol
forming the basis for the study. Furthermore, hydrocarbon reforming to
2. Objectives produce hydrogen mostly releases carbon dioxide
• General: Calculate the pressure drop of a (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the Earth's
hydrogen synthesis process under varying atmosphere. These emissions contribute to climate
conditions. change, violating the principle of minimizing
• Specific: Simulate the synthesis of hydrogen pollutant emissions. However, although hydrocarbon
from the reforming of hydrocarbons. reforming can generate CO2 emissions, these can be
• Incorporate green engineering criteria into captured and stored, significantly reducing net
process planning of synthesis of hydrogen. greenhouse gas emissions compared to direct
3. Introduction combustion of fossil fuels. (Rai, 2023)
Over the years, there has been evidence of an
increase in energy demand to drive faster and higher- Regarding energy consumption, the process
quality life cycles, leading to the depletion of energy requires large amounts of energy to ensure all process
resources, as well as the emergence of environmental units are in optimal conditions, typically derived from
pollution issues and an increase in waste generation fossil fuels. This not only contradicts the principle of
(Boddula et al., 2024). Faced with these challenges, it minimizing energy consumption but also exacerbates
is imperative to resort to environmental and the implementation of non-renewable energies.
sustainable technologies that focus on clean energy (Anastas et all, 2003).
sources to address the current energy crisis. In
contrast, alternatives to this energy source have been On the other hand, hydrocarbon reforming
sought, such as hydrogen, which has emerged as a processes can generate pollutants such as nitrogen
clean and versatile energy source with the potential to oxides (NOx) and particulate matter, causing air
address the energy and environmental challenges of pollution and potential health risks. Additionally, the
the 21st century. (Guo et al., 2023). liquid and solid waste generated during the process
can have adverse environmental impacts, violating
One of the main pathways for industrial-scale the principle of minimizing environmental impact and
hydrogen production is hydrocarbon reforming, a harming society. (Anastas et all, 2003).
chemical process involving the conversion of carbon-
rich materials such as natural gas, propane, or Additionally, two other important points are
methanol into hydrogen and other byproducts. This the implementation of large amounts of water for
method offers an efficient and proven route to obtain steam generation and the generation of a significant
hydrogen in large quantities, being widely used in amount of waste, both solid and liquid. Both factors
various applications, from the chemical industry to present a detriment to both the environment and
sustainable mobility (Guo et al., 2023). society.

4. Green Engineering Principles 5. Component route

First, is the selection of the raw material, in The selection of the appropriate catalyst is
this case the natural gas, propane, ethane and essential, considering factors such as temperature and
methanol was selected. feed composition, to ensure high selectivity towards
hydrogen and prolonged catalyst lifetime, many times
Steam reforming is the procedure where nickel is use for this propose (Fowles et al., 2021).
hydrocarbons and steam undergo a conversion In addition, control of temperature and pressure
process within high-temperature tubular reactors during the reforming process is crucial to maximize
utilizing a catalyst, resulting in a blend of carbon conversion efficiency and minimize the formation of
oxides and hydrogen. During the steam reforming of unwanted byproducts.
natural gas (ec.1), the chemical reactions involve both The mix of water with hydrocarbons like natural
the reversible conversion of methane and the gas, ethane, propane, and methanol yields different
irreversible transformation of higher interactions. Natural gas is primarily methane, which
hydrocarbons(ec.2) (Fowles et al., 2021). means that it is minimally soluble in water but can form
𝐶𝐻4 + 𝐻2 𝑂 ↔ 𝐶𝑂 + 3𝐻2 ∆𝐻(298 𝐾) = hydrates under high pressure and low temperature. Ethane
+206 𝐾𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1 and propane, while less soluble than methane, can also
ec.1 form hydrates under similar conditions, and Methanol,
𝑚 being an-alcohol, is highly soluble in water, forming
𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑚 + 𝑛𝐻2 𝑂 → 𝑛𝐶𝑂 + (𝑛 + ) 𝐻2
2 homogeneous solutions.
𝐞𝐜. 𝟐
7. References
∆𝐻(298 𝐾)
= +(150 + 50)𝐾𝐽𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑠. Anastas, P., & Zimmerman, J. (2003). 12 principles of
Green Engineering. American Chemical Society.
At the same time of the reforming reactions (ec.
1, 2), the water gas shift reaction (ec. 3) occurs, leading to 2-design-principles-of-green-engineering.html
the formation of syngas with a customizable composition
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the specific needs (Fowles et al., 2021). G.-P., Pothu, R., Srivastava, R. K., Sarangi, P. K.,
𝐶𝑂 + 𝐻2 𝑂 ↔ 𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 ∆𝐻(298 𝐾) = −41 𝐾𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1 Selvaraj, M., Basumatary, S., & Al-Qahtani, N.
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permeation membrane, in this case Hydrogen diffuses
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