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Tarikh Book 9 Exam-1

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Name: ______________________________________


1. How many Muslims accompanied Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w in the Umra in 7 th Hijrah?
a. 1000 Muslims
b. 1500 Muslims
c. 2000 Muslims
d. 3000 Muslims
2. Which animal is part of Ashab e Kahf?
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Horse
d. Cow
3. On which date did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w left Madina to march towards Makkah?
a. 10th Muharram 8th Hijrah
b. 10th Rajab 8th Hijrah
c. 10th Ramadan 8th Hijrah
d. 10th Dhul Hijrah 8th Hijrah
4. What was the name of Imam Hasan a.s wife, who gave him poison?
a. Judah
b. Hinda
c. Ayesha
d. Ramla
5. Which tribe was attacked that provoke Muslims to march towards Makkah in 8 th Hijrah?
a. Banu Hashim
b. Banu Umayya
c. Banu Kalab
d. Banu Khuzaah
6. Who accepted Islam upon reading the letter from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?
a. Emperor of Persia
b. Caeser of Rome
c. Ruler of Egypt
d. King of Abyssinia
7. What is the name of the treaty that took place in Hudaybiyya?
a. Treaty of Hudaybiyya
b. Treaty of Aqaba
c. Treaty of Ridwan
d. Treaty of Muslim
8. Who did Imam Hussain a.s sent to Kufa as his delegator?
a. Muslim ibne Osaja
b. Muslim ibne Aqeel
c. Habib ibne Mazahir
d. Mukhtar e Sakafi
Name: ______________________________________

9. What was the name of leader of hypocrites who wanted to build the mosque?
a. Abdullah bin Ubay
b. Abdullah bin Umar
c. Abdullah bin Zubair
d. Abdullah bin Ibaad
10. Who tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?
a. Emperor of Persia
b. Caeser of Rome
c. Ruler of Egypt
d. King of Abyssinia
11. Why Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w did sent Uthman to Makkah to discuss matters with Quraysh?
a. Because he was brave
b. Because he was rich
c. Because he had excellency in such matters
d. Because he was the nephew of Abu Sufyan
12. What the title of Hazrat Abbas a.s?
a. Qamar e Bani Hashim
b. Bawafa
c. Bab ul Hawaij
d. All of the above
13. In which Hijrah did Allah declare Hajj as wajib?
a. 2nd Hijrah
b. 3rd Hijrah
c. 4th Hijrah
d. 5th Hijrah
14. What was the worst sin of people of Jordon?
a. Singing
b. Merry-making
c. Gambling
d. Homosexuality
15. Who was leader of Yazid army in Karbala?
a. Marwan bin Hakam
b. Walid bin Uqba
c. Obaidullah ibne Ziyad
d. Umar ibne Saad
16. What the meaning of Dirar?
a. Scratch
b. Hole
c. Harmful
d. Insects
17. What’s the meaning of Zainab?
a. Mother of her father
b. Blessing to her father
c. Adornment for her father
d. Daughter of her father
Name: ______________________________________

18. How many Christians came to debate Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?

a. 60
b. 63
c. 65
d. 68
19. Where did hypocrites tried to ambush Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w on his return from Tabuk?
a. Makkah
b. Uqba
c. Aqaba
d. Abwa
20. Who blocked the way of Imam Hussain a.s to Kufa and made him come to Karbala?
a. Umar ibne Saad
b. Shimr ibne Ziljoshan
c. Hussain bin Numair
d. Hur ibne Yazid e Rihahi
21. To which Prophets did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w symbolized his relationship with Imam Ali a.s?
a. Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail
b. Prophet Yaqoob and Prophet Yusuf
c. Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun
d. Prophet Dawud and Prophet Suleiman
22. How men soldiers were in the army of Muslims during battle of Hunayn?
a. 10 thousand
b. 12 thousand
c. 15 thousand
d. 20 thousand
23. How men soldiers were in the army of Muslims when they left for Makkah in 8 th Hijrah?
a. 10 thousand
b. 20 thousand
c. 30 thousand
d. 50 thousand
24. What was the name of the man that Quraysh sent to make peace treaty with Muslims?
a. Abu Sufyan
b. Uthman
c. Sahil
d. Suhayl
25. What was the relationship between mother of Prophet Ibrahim a.s and mother of Prophet Lut a.s?
a. Mother/Daughter
b. Sisters
c. Aunt/Niece
d. Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law
26. How men soldiers were in the army of Muslims during battle of Tabuk?
a. 10 thousand
b. 20 thousand
c. 30 thousand
d. 50 thousand
Name: ______________________________________

27. Who did Yazid made ruler of Kufa?

a. Marwan bin Hakam
b. Walid bin Uqba
c. Obaidullah ibne Ziyad
d. Umar ibne Saad
28. What is the meaning of Hussain?
a. Beautiful
b. Merciful
c. Blessed
d. Little Hasan
29. After how many years did Ashab e Kahf woke up again?
a. 100 years
b. 200 years
c. 300 years
d. 400 years
30. What is Hunayn?
a. A well near Makkah
b. A pond near Makkah
c. A cave near Makkah
d. A mountain passage near Makkah
31. How many arrows were shot on the body of Imam Hasan a.s?
a. 50
b. 70
c. 72
d. 100
32. When Banu Umayya refused to bury Imam Hasan a.s with Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w, where was
he buried then?
a. Jannat ul Baqi
b. Jannat ul Mawla
c. Kufa
d. Makkah
33. What was the name of woman who shot arrows on the body of Imam Hasan a.s?
a. Jadah
b. Hinda
c. Ayesha
d. Ramla
34. How long did Imam Hasan a.s had caliphate?
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 9 months
d. 12 months
35. What is the meaning of ‘Al-Mujtaba’?
a. The Chosen one
b. The Merciful one
c. The Bright one
d. The Blessed one
Name: ______________________________________

36. What was the punishment sent by Allah on the people of Jordon?
a. Heavy rain
b. Thunderstorm
c. Earthquake
d. Rocks falling from sky
37. How many Muslims accompanied Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w to perform Hajj in 6 th Hijrah?
a. 1000 Muslims
b. 1200 Muslims
c. 1400 Muslims
d. 1600 Muslims
38. Who did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w sent from Hudaybiyya to settle matters by discussion
between Quraysh and Muslims?
a. Abu Bakr
b. Umar
c. Uthman
d. Imam Ali a.s
39. Who was the famous warrior who fought from the enemy side during the battle of Hunayn?
a. Abu Jundal
b. Abu Jungal
c. Abu Jabal
d. Abu Judal
40. What was the name of the masjid that hypocrites built?
a. Masjid e Haram
b. Masjid e Quba
c. Masjid e Dirar
d. Masjid e Aqsa
41. Which surah has Ayat e Mubahila?
a. Surah e Bakra
b. Surah e Aal e Imran
c. Surah e Maidah
d. Surah e Maryam
42. What was the name of the Bishop of Najran?
a. Amr
b. Marhab
c. Abu Harith
d. Harith
43. What was the name of area from which the Christians came from to have debate with Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w.w?
a. Khyber
b. Madina
c. Abyssinia
d. Najran
Name: ______________________________________

44. When did the incident of Mubahila happened?

a. 24th Dhul Hijrah 8th Hijrah
b. 24th Dhul Hijrah 9th Hijrah
c. 24th Dhul Hijrah 10th Hijrah
d. 24th Dhul Hijrah 11th Hijrah
45. Which companion of Prophet Muhammad was called ‘The Keeper of Rasulullah s.a.w.w Secret?
a. Hazrat Miqdad
b. Hazrat Abu Zār
c. Hazrat Huzaifa e Yamani
d. Hazrat Measum e Tammar
46. Who did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w made in-charge of Madina when he left for battle of Tabuk?
a. Hazrat Salman
b. Hazrat Amaar
c. Hazrat Bilal
d. Imam Ali a.s
47. When did battle of Tabuk took place?
a. 8th Hijrah
b. 9th Hijrah
c. 10th Hijrah
d. 11th Hijrah
48. In which year did battle of Hunayn took place?
a. 8th Hijrah
b. 9th Hijrah
c. 10th Hijrah
d. 11th Hijrah
49. Where did Muslim army camp outside Makkah during the conquest of Makkah?
a. Hudaybiyya
b. Ridwan
c. Safa
d. Jufah
50. Who debated with the messenger after reading the letter from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?
a. Emperor of Persia
b. Caeser of Rome
c. Ruler of Egypt
d. King of Abyssinia
51. For how many years did Prophet Lut a.s preached?
a. 30 years
b. 40 years
c. 50 years
d. 60 years
52. In which country the cave of Ashab e Kahf is located?
a. Turkey
b. Jordon
c. Egypt
d. Italy
Name: ______________________________________

53. Who came to Madina from Quraysh to ask Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w to not to march towards
a. Abu Sufyan
b. Abu Lahab
c. Abu Jahl
d. Abu Bakr
54. Where did Prophet Lut a.s settled?
a. Syria
b. Palestine
c. Jordon
d. Egypt
55. For how many days did Muslim stayed in Makkah after performing Umra?
a. 1 day
b. 2 days
c. 3 days
d. 5 days
56. Who was impressed with the content of the letter from Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w?
a. Emperor of Persia
b. Caeser of Rome
c. Ruler of Egypt
d. King of Abyssinia
57. Who gave adhan on the roof of Kabbah after doing the tawaf?
a. Hazrat Salman
b. Hazrat Amaar
c. Hazrat Bilal
d. Imam Ali a.s
58. In which year did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w performed Umra?
a. 5th Hijrah
b. 6th Hijrah
c. 7th Hijrah
d. 8th Hijrah
59. Which year is known as ‘Aam al-Wufud’?
a. 5th Hijrah
b. 6th Hijrah
c. 7th Hijrah
d. 8th Hijrah
60. What is the meaning of ‘Aam al-Wufud’?
a. Year of sorrow
b. Year of happiness
c. Year of deputation
d. Year of war
61. For how many years the peace treaty lasted between Muslims and Quraysh?
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years
Name: ______________________________________

62. What is the name of the pledge that took place in Hudaybiyya?
a. Pledge of Hudaybiyya
b. Pledge of Aqaba
c. Pledge of Ridwan
d. Pledge of Muslims
63. How many soldiers did Quraysh dispatched to ambush Muslims in 6th Hijrah?
a. 100 soldiers
b. 200 soldiers
c. 300 soldiers
d. 400 soldiers
64. How far is Hudaybiyya from Makkah?
a. 10 miles
b. 20 miles
c. 30 miles
d. 40 miles
65. How many camels were chosen to scarify during the Hajj in 6th Hijrah
a. 40 camels
b. 50 camels
c. 60 camels
d. 70 camels
66. In which Hijrah did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w actually performed the Hajj?
a. 7th Hijrah
b. 8th Hijrah
c. 9th Hijrah
d. 10th Hijrah
67. In which Hijrah did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w decided to perform the Hajj?
a. 5th Hijrah
b. 6th Hijrah
c. 7th Hijrah
d. 8th Hijrah
68. To whose house archangel Jibrail a.s stopped before coming to Jordon?
a. Prophet Musa a.s
b. Prophet Ishaq a.s
c. Prophet Ibrahim a.s
d. Prophet Yaqoob a.s
69. In which Surah, Allah condemns homosexuality by discussing about the people of Prophet Lut a.s?
a. Surah e Shura
b. Surah e Araf
c. Surah e Ibrahim
d. Surah e Kahf
70. What was the relationship between Bibi Sarah a.s (wife of Prophet Ibrahim a.s) and Prophet Lut a.s?
a. Brother/Sister
b. Father/Daughter
c. Uncle/Niece
d. Aunt/Nephew

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