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A Study On Recruitment and Selection in Selected IT Sector Companies.

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Human Resources are very helpful for the success of an organization without their efforts the
company may not get good survival in Market. The success of an organization is directly associated to the
strength of an organization and the efficiency. Human Resources of organization the key to success.
Human resources are responsible for the arrangement of all departments staff. The staff of all such
departments like Production, Marketing, Finance, and Research and Development all under the
responsibility of Human Resources. Production is another key to success because of the product only
business will exist in market but these products will be produced by the Humans who are selected by
Human Resource Department. The first department to frame the success of business is Human Resources.
The main functions of Human Resources will be hiring correct one for the work. Finding suitable person
for given task is quiet difficult for any one. But the expertise can be the key for an employee to get
placed. Human Resources takes the major consideration for the success factor of the business. The
success of an organization is directly associated to the strength of an organization and the efficiency.
Human Resources of organization the key to success. The staff of all such departments like Production,
Marketing, Finance, and Research and Development all under the responsibility of Human Resources.
Production is another key to success because of the product only business will exist in market but these
products will be produced by the Humans who are selected by Human Resource Department.

The prime factors of business can be achieved through differed ways by Human resources dept.
The key to almost every one organization is the functionality of the staff of all such departments like
Production, Marketing, Finance, and Research and Development all under the responsibility of Human
Resources. Production is another key to success because of the product only business will exist in market
but these products will be produced by the Humans who are selected by Human Resource Department.

The main functions of HR Departments are starting from the Identification of all tasks that are to
be performed in an organization and the similar tasks are to be assigned to a job creation. The process
may differ from one to other. Overall process assist the job creation in an organization. The success of the
job is must that will be proper aligned one. One person point of view the task is to be analyzed and his
behavior with task to be estimated for the clarity that may be achieved or not at the end of day. Business
organization is the formed one if Human resources are working good.

Human resources Department may be called as HR Dept. , HR Dept. is very crucial for the
winning position of a business. The main functions are approaching rapidly for competition world to hire
talent in to the organization. The company which hires the best can have more chance to win and sustain
in the market. The first department to have care is HR dept. because of its importance in business. All
other departments also indirectly depending on the HR team for their success. The main functions of this
department will be differ in differ companies because of the size, level of operation, strength of
department and other aspects.

HR team size also differ from one to other as it ranges to differ due to the operational execution
size , capacity , level of operations, employee no, mode of operations. The above factors will assist one
company to have the optimum size of HR Team. HR team should be precise to an organization for the
commitment and effective work. HR Dept. is very crucial for the winning position of a business. The
main functions are approaching rapidly for competition world to hire talent in to the organization. The
company which hires the best can have more chance to win and sustain in the market. The first
department to have care is HR dept. because of its importance in business. All other departments also
indirectly depending on the HR team for their success.


The main functions of HR Department are listed from the initial phase of deciding the Job , Title,
Nature, Work, Tasks involved, Knowledge Required, Place of operations. Work related experience
required. All these above are decided well in advance to decide the placement notification. After this
advertisement, screening, selection process , offer – acceptance , induction , training, Placement,
managing employee information and exit interview. All these works will be done by HR Department.

The key functions of HR Department are

Job Analysis

Job description







Pay role management

Job Analysis includes the clear analysis of a job which is considered for understanding the total
work and tasks performed by an individual in the job.

Job description is explaining the work and tasks to be performed by an individual in the job.
This is crucial to attract people to apply job.

After the basic steps performed to understand the job , HR Dept. will issue a job notification in
media Specifying the description.

After the issue of notification HR Dept. will do initial screening of all applicants for separating
the eligible candidates from the all applicants.

Recruitment is the process where total common people can apply for a job in our organization.
There are many types of approaches to attract people to apply for a job in our organization.

Selection the process of finding the right person for the available position in our organization.
Selection includes different phases and methods to judge the skills.

After selection the candidate will be intimated for the selection.

Induction takes place after acceptance from the candidate for the company offer. Induction
process is the introduction of company to new comer in organization. Introduction includes the rules and
regulations, Hierarchy, policies etc.

Placement is the positioning a selected person in a position i.e designation.

Pay role management is a continuation process of HR Dept. where total data of an employee is
stored and managed like his performance, attendance, operational output, etc.

a. IT sector is developing at a rapid phase and is expected to develop a lot in future but
which is depending on employee performance hence recruitment in IT Sector is much
crucial for understanding the happenings of market for getting good employee in. The
study performs that

b. Selecting a correct person is much difficult task where time required is very little to
judge him. The study focuses different options for it.

c. The Present study focuses most on Methods of recruitment and selection.


The current study helps to learn and update recruitment and selection trends in market.

a. Methods of recruitment and selection will be introduced to the business.

b. The evaluation procedure and the tricks are learnt for future purpose.
c. The applicant perceptions are given priority for understanding the new generations.
d. The modern HR roles of department are understood by the study.
e. Appropriate recommendations are expected to have good HR practices.
f. The current study limits to only recruitment and selection will not extends to other aspects of
HR Department.

 To learn new methods of Recruiting.

 To know important things in selection.
 To assist objectives of business completes.
 To know challenges in recent times.


The study was conducted by considering 100 employee in different MNC’s. Like Virtusa, Tech
Mahindra, Broad ridge, TCS and Wipro.


Data was collected from respondents with the help of electronic media to share a questionnaire to
collect information and responses.


Graphical and chart methods are used for presenting data and to make it easily understandable to
all users. The main reason for it is to compare the different aspects and responses from different


The research was done for a period of 45 days. During tenure respondents were asked to give
their responses for the study.


Different tools were used for analyzing the responses of different people working for MNC’s.
These responses are used for the research of current study.

 Current study is restricted for specific period of 45 days.

 Results are not generalized and can’t applicable for all other companies and Industries.
 Trends and changes in process will be according to time and location of organization.
 Respondents nature, work and level of their work environment may leads different ideas
and opinions to influence their perceptions.
 Results are not universally applicable.
 This study is an observational which doesn’t allow any changes in research.

Recruitment and selection plays very crucial role in determining the quality of work force and the
level of operations and future developments. If recruitment and Selection is accurate then will be ensuring
good and smooth functioning of organization even economical benefits to the company. The main issue
with the Selection process is Many updated approaches will happen in business era which has to be
updated on time and is to regulated on timely. This research ensures and aims for updated methods
understanding the Recruitment and selection.

Author: Collins C J & Han J K

Year: 2014

Article " Exploring Applicant Pool Quantity and Quality : The Effects of Early
Recruitment Practice Strategies , Corporate Advertising , and Firm Reputation "

The earlier models of recruitment and selection were used to conduct the study to identify and
analyse the methods of different recruitment and selection.

Author : Bauer , T N & Erdogan B

Year: 2011

Article : " Organizational Socialization : The Effective On boarding of New

Employees "

Explained different stges in on boarding the employee in an organization which is discussed in


Author : Gatewood , R D Field H. S., & Barrick , M.R.

Year : 2015

Article : "Human Resource Selection"

Explained the different ways of testing skill set of aspirants of a particular job. The different
procedures of selection and Recruitment are explained with the uses.

Author : Aguinis , H.

Year : 2019

Article : "Performance Management (3rd Edition)"

Performance of employee and measurement processes along with the management of employee
work in different industries are explained in his study.

Author : Cascio, W.F.

Year : 2018

Article : " Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits "
Covered different aspects of Human Resources and the functions of HR are focused to understand
them for the betterment of employee performance and returns awarded by the organization.

Author : Ryan , A .M., & Ployhart, R. E.

Year : 2014

Article : "Recruitment and Selection in Organizations: A Decade of Progress"

The article covered with the proceedings of Recruitment and selection in generalised manner and
the importance of each staged process. Many organizations will have their own methods of selecting
people for the specific job and they follows appropriate methods of selecting. This research mainly
focuses on literature of selection and recruitment.

Author : Barber , A. E., & Roehling , M. V.

Year : 1993

Article : "Job Posting Practices and Applicant Characteristics in External Labor Markets"

This research mainly covers the job posting after selection of an individual what are the steps to
take for employee placement in a designation according to his performance, qualification and
requirements of job and organization as well.


Differed researches focused on Recruitment and selection in different company levels and
industry level as well. The major target of any organization is to get the applications from different people
who are eligible for the given post. If the company gets huge applications we can expect more talent and
knowledge people in to our organization. If the applications are low we can not expect the talent, the
organization may loose the good employee into the organization hence the success of recruitment starts
with getting good no of applicants. The organization should also consider the main objectives of
conducting the recruitment drive. Without any objective if success is expected then it is not considered as
a good plan hence the organizational goals are given priority to think about future aspects and
expectations in their employee. If the basic requirement is identified for a process it will be the route map
for the process that can be used for achieving success.

Selection Process

Employee skill, knowledge, Credits in work, Previous experience, Expertise, Level of talent in
doing the job, Communication skills are the basic criteria for getting a job and placement. These all
criteria will be measured with different tests or selection procedures. The general process for selection is
given below

Resume Screening

Written test

Group discussion/ JAM/ Debate

Technical Rounds

Manager interview

Final Selection Interview for negotiation

Once these selection steps completed then aspirants will be intimated for the offer and
appointment dates. Mean while they may be asked for physical test then the Joining process will be
scheduled. Once the employee is willing to join and after the formalities got completed then the will be
organized with an induction session where company will be introduced to the new joiners. The
induction/orientation will be including the introducing rules and regulations of company, levels, levels of
management, approval procedures, pay and perquisites,

IT stands for Information Technology. The sector responsible for the work with computers,
Hardware, Software, and equipment, Process, Services etc. IT sector deals with business services,
Internet services, networking, software, e commerce, digital content etc.. Due to increased usage the
systems implementation in all aspects of business, IT sector is growing very rapidly.
Indian economy significantly depending on IT Sector in FY22 total GDP share from IT Sector is
7.4%, can expect to 10% stake by FY25. Around 76% of Indian people are using Internet because of the
IT revolution. Indian IT Companies even focusing on global level companies to compete and expand their
operations. Now India is leading service provider to global companies. So many Outsourcing companies
are working with India and lending Services from our nation. Recently studies explains depending on
India for Outsourcing Services as we are Witnessing the construction of IT hub in Hyderabad. Different
activities are simplified with Internet and non paid rent.
The Basic uses of IT Sector are e-commerce, Payment gateway, Digital payments, Healthcare,
Education, Agriculture etc.
The major challenges are Shortage of skills, new talent requirement, New comers competition to
existing companies, Data theft and privacy issues, Infrastructure issues etc. With all these factors Indian
IT Sector is expecting to make some changes for the changing scenarios and to face the future challenges
 Skilling
 Research
 Regulations
 Security
The above aspects in IT Sector to be strengthen to cope up with the changes in India and to meet
the demand of users.

My research not limited to a single company I mainly covered the Top IT MNC in India for my
research purpose and the sample is limited and random sample is collected. The study was conducted by
considering 100 employee in different MNC’s. Like Virtusa, Tech Mahindra, Broad ridge, TCS and

1. Gender:

SNO. Gender No Ratio

1 Male 51 51
2 Female 48 48
3 Others 1 1


The respondents were evenly distributed across gender as 51% male , 48% female , and 1% as
2. Age:

SNO. Category No %
1 18-25 75 75
2 26-35 15 15
3 36-45 5 5
4 46-55 5 5
5 > 55 0 0


Very huge respondents were under 18-25 years of age, little were 26-35 yrs rest of the age groups are
3. Division:

SNO. Category No %
1 Marketing 25 25
2 Operations 11 11
3 BPO 52 52
4 Human Resources 8 8
5 IT 4 4


Most of respondents were under the BPO Division. The next department to have major respondents is
4. Is recruitment process is transparent and fair?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 60 60
2 Agree 30 30
3 Disagree 5 5
4 Strongly disagree 5 5


The respondents agreed that MNC companies will follow the fair practices to hire the employee
5. Is Job postings are Fair enough to give insights?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 55 55
2 Agree 15 15
3 Disagree 15 15
4 Strongly disagree 15 15


Majority of respondents agreed that job postings in advertisements are fair.

6. The recruitment process in IT attracts high-quality candidates.

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 75 75
2 Agree 15 15
3 Disagree 10 10
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


The significant no of respondents strongly agreed that the recruitment process attracts quality
7. Is recruitment process identifies candidates skills and qualifications?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 43 43
2 Agree 42 42
3 Disagree 5 5
4 Strongly disagree 10 10


Most of the respondents agreed and strongly agreed skills and knowledge of candidates identified in
Recruitment process.
8. HR department have clear communication of recruitment process.

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 45 45
2 Agree 45 45
3 Disagree 10 10
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


There is a positive feedback on HR Department for giving clear briefing on Recruitment process.
9. Does HR Dept values the employee preferences in recruiting?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 44 44
2 Agree 36 36
3 Disagree 16 16
4 Strongly disagree 4 4

Employee believe that the HR Team will consider their preferences for selecting new people.
10. Does all aspirants have equal opportunities while recruiting?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 80 80
2 Agree 15 15
3 Disagree 5 5
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


Almost all employee felt there is an equal opportunity for all aspirants to get selected.
11. Is HR Dept. managing actively while on boarding new employee?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 65 65
2 Agree 35 35
3 Disagree 0 0
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


All the employee felt the HR Team is Very active while on Boarding newly selected candidates.
12. Does selection process includes various rounds for analyzing aspirants in recruitment?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 65 65
2 Agree 30 30
3 Disagree 5 5
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


Significant ratio of employee felt that the recruitment stages are meant for choosing different
skilled persons in to the organization.
13. Is selection process checks both technical and cultural fit to the job?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 85 85
2 Agree 10 10
3 Disagree 05 05
4 Strongly disagree 0 0


Majority of employee felt that the HR Team will choose the right skilled and suitable culture
inheriting people are bought in.
14. Does stake holders involve in panel of selection?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 53 53
2 Agree 27 27
3 Disagree 10 10
4 Strongly disagree 10 10


Most of employee expressed that the related stake holders will be involved in interview process for
choosing the right candidate.
15. Does HR Team provide feedback at every stage of interview?

SNO. Category No %
1 Strongly agree 50 50
2 Agree 40 40
3 Disagree 05 05
4 Strongly disagree 05 05


50% of employee Strongly agreed and 40% of employee agreed the Team will give feedback to
the candidates after each stage of recruitment.

 The respondents were evenly distributed across gender as 51% male , 48% female , and 1% as
 Very huge respondents 75% were under 18-25 years of age, little 15% were 26-35 yrs rest of the
age groups are negligible.
 Most of respondents 52% were under the BPO Division. The next department to have major
respondents is marketing with 25%.
 The 60% of respondents Strongly agreed, 30% of respondents agreed that MNC companies will
follow the fair practices to hire the employee.
 Majority of respondents 75% strongly agreed and 15% were agreed that job postings in
advertisements are fair.
 The significant no of respondents with 75% strongly agreed that the recruitment process attracts
quality candidates.
 Most of the respondents 42% agreed and 43% strongly agreed skills and knowledge of candidates
identified in Recruitment process.
 There is a positive feedback on HR Department for giving clear briefing on Recruitment process
with 45% Strongly agreed and 45 % agreed.
 44% of Employee strongly believe that the HR Team will consider their preferences for selecting
new people where 36% were agreed as well.
 Almost all employee 85% felt there is an equal opportunity for all aspirants to get selected.
 All the employee felt the HR Team is Very active while on Boarding newly selected candidates
where 65% strongly agreed and 35% agreed.
 Significant ratio of employee 65% strongly felt that the recruitment stages are meant for choosing
different skilled persons in to the organization and 30% agreed.
 Majority of employee 85% felt that the HR Team will choose the right skilled and suitable culture
inheriting people are bought in and 10% agreed that.
 Most of employee 53% strongly expressed that the related stake holders will be involved in
interview process for choosing the right candidate and other 27% were agreed.
 50% of employee strongly agreed and 40% of employee agreed the Team will give feedback to
the candidates after each stage of recruitment.

The division of employee in different departments is expected to improve as the stake is restricted
at more quantity in few departments and other departments are not having the strength. If all the
departments are expected to have balanced strength then they can expect the growth in all aspects of
business. In IT companies as per the present research observed to have little strength in some departments
that is to be improved.
The feedback mechanism is expected to improve in IT sector to have clear analysis and self check
for the employee and own analysis is very important for self check and improvement. In this research I
observe the few improvement chances as employee opinion is expressing the chances to improve them.
The good feedback mechanism will enhance the standards of one performance and involvement and his
personal learning to grow as well.
Employee gave positive Response in employee consideration while choosing the New employee
but there some of the employee gave nominal representation which is found to be improved for more
satisfaction and good participation of existing employee which will enhance the employee satisfaction,
commitment towards their involvement in all aspects of organisation. This positive impact will generate
more work and efficiency to the overall performance and growth individually and as a team and
organisation as well. By the involvement of all employee we can expect good rapid growth in market for
all aspects of business.
Continuous improvement in policies for recruitment were also found to give scope to develop, as
employee were concerned with external environment and may expect to have the policies to match
organisation, external changes and the existing policies. Its always important to be vigilant for external
market changes and new approaches that are to be implemented in organisation for smooth functioning
and matching the environment as well.
In overall the IT sector is performing in good manner in India but very little aspects are found to
improve for the innovative and up gradation of all fundamental aspects of Recruitment and selection.

My research gave a clear idea of HR Team and the functions performed by them. The most of my
respondents were positive towards the Human Resources Department and their work. The same were
concluded in findings. Because of HR Team employee feeling safe with the work environment and the
positive opinion built in employee minds. Even IT sector HR Team should be attentive for the smooth
and clear progression of their organizations.
Still found some chance and need for more attention and to improve them in some aspects like
feed back to candidates in Selection process, More preference to employee note on candidates,
Implementing more chances to interact with top level for suggestions. Even though IT sector is having
positive feedback still some of these lagging points to be improved for more growth and employee

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