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Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

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A Systematic Literature review for the rig scheduling problem:

Classification and state-of-the-art
Iuri Martins Santos a,b, Silvio Hamacher a,b, Fabricio Oliveira c,∗
Department of Industrial Engineering. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tecgraf Institute, PUC-Rio, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rigs are critical capital-intensive resources for oil and gas exploration and production operations, such
Received 20 January 2021 as drilling, completion, and workover. The Rig Scheduling Problem (RSP) comprises deciding which rigs
Revised 29 June 2021
will serve each of the wells and when the operations must be performed. Several studies considering the
Accepted 4 July 2021
theoretical and practical perspectives of the RSP are available, but no complete literature review exists.
Available online 9 July 2021
Aiming to fill this gap, we developed an extensive and systematic literature review. We propose a classifi-
Keywords: cation for the RSP and examine 130 studies selected after implementing a structured search and analysis
Rig routing and scheduling problem protocol. The majority of the papers surveyed consider homogeneous workover rigs for onshore wells,
Drilling usually employing heuristics. Moreover, we observe a trend towards addressing more complex problems
completion and workover involving heterogeneous fleets and more realistic assumptions through advanced analytical methods. The
Field development planning opportunities for further research identified include considering uncertainty, integrating the RSP with
Systematic literature review
other decisions, and validating technical developments in real instances.
Exploration and production
Oil and gas © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction evaluations, development, and production (Suslick et al., 2009).

Moreover, several techniques from interdisciplinary areas might be
The exploration and production (E&P) of oil and gas involves applied to the RSP (Khor et al., 2017). Many studies aiming at sup-
several complex, expensive, and high-risk operations (Suslick and porting those companies have been made using quantitative and
Schiozer, 2004). One of the most critical phases of the E&P is well analytical methods, such as mathematical programming, heuristics,
construction and maintenance, which relies mainly on rigs. Such and data science techniques, including some literature reviews. The
rigs are typically costly and scarce resources, for which daily rate RSP involves multiple dimensions of the E&P and different solution
can vary between US$ 50,0 0 0 and US$ 70 0,0 0 0, depending on the techniques, making it arduous to identify research gaps, opportu-
rig type, market, and operational specifications (Kaiser and Snyder, nities, and trends.
2013; Osmundsen et al., 2010). In general, companies hire rigs to An essential contribution of this integrated literature review is
perform essential well operations such as drilling, evaluation, com- to propose a proper classification of the RSP, considering the vari-
pletion, and workover. An undersized fleet of rigs can result in oil ous perspectives, levels, and aspects of the RSP. To the best of our
production delays that affect the profitability of the wells. On the knowledge, only a few literature reviews on this topic are available,
other hand, an oversized fleet may lead to high idleness and oppor- being either outdated or focusing only on particular dimensions of
tunity costs. Consequently, rig fleets must be appropriately planned the RSP (Bissoli et al., 2016; Tavallali et al., 2016; Khor et al., 2017).
and scheduled to ensure that the rigs will be available at the right Moreover, the lack of a standardized classification for the RSP is
place at the right time with the lowest possible cost. a critical shortcoming in the available literature. Against this back-
However, the decision-making comprising the rig scheduling drop, this paper proposes a new taxonomy and presents an exten-
problem (RSP) is highly complex, as it involves numerous widely sive and systematic literature review of the RSP. With the purpose
varied tasks from different phases of the E&P (Tavallali et al., 2016). of supporting future studies, this analysis also describes the cur-
Operations are subject to risks in geological prospects, economic rent gaps in the RSP literature and trends. By assembling this liter-
ature review, our goal is to find answers to the following research

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Oliveira).
0098-1354/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 1. Exploration and Production of oil and gas - phases and decisions. Adapted from Santos (2018); Agarwal et al. (2016); TOYO (2019); NORWEP (2019).

• How can we classify the different dimensions of the RSP un- confirm hydrocarbon presence. Then, in the appraisal phase, delin-
der the perspective of available case studies and solution ap- eation wells are drilled to estimate the reservoir properties. In the
proaches? development phase, wells injecting water, fluids, or gas into the
• How the RSP has been most often addressed in the literature, reservoir (injection wells) and wells retrieving oil or gas from the
both from academic and industrial perspectives? reservoir (production wells) are drilled and completed also using
• What are the trends that can be observed after analyzing the rigs. In this phase, the rig fleet size is decided, as well as the op-
literature related to the representation of the RSP in terms of eration schedules of the rigs. While in the production phase, com-
modeling choices and analytical methods? pleted wells often require workover rigs to perform an intervention
• What are the main gaps between the academic literature and aiming to increase productivity, correct oil flow losses, and solve
industrial practice? mechanical failures. Finally, wells must be plugged and abandoned
(a process in which wells are abandoned and cannot be used again
2. Problem description after the installation of well barriers or plugs), which is often per-
formed using rigs. Each of these operations requires a specific rig
The RSP plays a central role in the decision-making of the sup- type (Bakker et al., 2017). In what follows, we describe the differ-
ply chain of the oil and gas sector. The exploration and produc- ent types of oil rigs and their purpose.
tion (E&P) can take many years, and it is a crucial part of the pro-
2.1. Oil rigs
cess to the company’s profitability. As mentioned by Baker (1996),
IFP School (2015), and Pereira (2005), the E&P can be separated
As pointed out earlier, the rigs are one of the primary resources
into five main phases:
used in the exploration of oil and gas. These highly complex and
(1) Discovery phase: mapping of possible oil fields with geological expensive structures are used in critical activities such as evalua-
and seismic studies and the drilling of exploratory wells to con- tion, drilling, completion, and workover. There are several types of
firm the presence of hydrocarbons; oil rigs, each one with a specific purpose in terms of operations
(2) Appraisal phase: after the oil presence confirmation, delineation it can perform and its own technical specifications. Fig. 2 presents
wells are drilled and reservoir modeling studies are performed the different types of oil rigs.
to estimate the properties, size, value of the reserve, and its As shown in Fig. 2, the main classification is according to
techno-economic development feasibility; the location of the well, which can be onshore or offshore (Al-
(3) Development phase: comprising essential activities and produc- Azani, 2014). According to Bourgoyne et al. (2016), onshore drilling
tion decisions, including field design (well location and type, rigs are mainly classified based on their mobility, being either con-
surface network, and facilities design), field operation planning ventional or mobile rigs. The first is a fixed rig, in which the der-
(well drilling scheduling, flow scheduling, rig fleet scheduling, rick is assembled at the drilling location and is the most frequently
and offshore logistics), and field construction (facilities fabri- used land rig type. The second is a mobile rig coupled on wheeled
cation and installation, well construction, drilling, and comple- trucks, allowing it to be moved between drilling facilities more ef-
tion); ficiently. On the other hand, the most common offshore rigs are:
(4) Production phase: can extend through decades and has many fixed rigs (bottom-supported oil platform used until 300 m wa-
different successive phases to increase productivity, correct oil ter depth); semi-submersibles rigs (floating platforms used up to
flow loss, and solve mechanical failures; 2,0 0 0 m of water depth); jack-up rigs (bottom-supported platform
(5) Abandonment phase: when the hydrocarbon production rate be- with elevating legs used until 150 m) and drill-ships (floating plat-
comes economically infeasible and the reservoir is abandoned. forms constructed in a vessel hull used up to 2,0 0 0-meter water
depth) (Petrobras, 2014; Markit, 2019; Al-Azani, 2014; Baker, 1996).
Fig. 1 describes the aforementioned phases and their significant
decisions, in which the underlined ones are related to the RSP. 2.2. The rig scheduling problem
From the oil discovery to the field abandonment, rigs are used
to drill, complete, maintain, and abandon wells, as shown in Fig. 1. Generally, an oil and gas company operates many oilfields and
In the discovery phase, exploratory wells are drilled using rigs to wells simultaneously, each one in a different E&P stage. To meet

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 2. Different types of onshore (left) and offshore (right) rigs. Adapted from Santos et al. (2017); Petrobras (2014); IADC (2015); Khodro Diesel (2019).

Fig. 3. Taxonomy for the rig scheduling problem and its attributes/characteristics.

expected production and delivery dates, well activities must be well operations, as the latter is a more complex and high-risk en-
adequately scheduled and allocated to rigs, aiming to avoid de- vironment (Bassi et al., 2012). The problems also vary according
lays and optimize the use of resources (Eagle, 1996). This decision- to the types of rig operations that are scheduled. Some studies
making is called the Rig Scheduling Problem (RSP). consider drilling activities, while others focus on the completion,
In essence, the RSP considers a set of wells (e.g., onshore or off- which are interventions to prepare the well for production after
shore, injection or production), a set of tasks (drilling, completion, being drilled. Also, some papers consider problems with workover
or workover; note that the terms operation, activity, and job are activities, which consist of well interventions performed after their
used interchangeably in this context) that have to be executed on completions (Holmager and Redda, 2013; IOM3, 2015).
these wells and a set of resources (onshore or offshore rigs) avail- Rig scheduling is a multidimensional decision task related
able or to be hired to perform these activities. Usually, the objec- to several planning levels of the E&P. Most studies tackle rig
tive is to provide a schedule that minimizes the total costs or the scheduling as an independent decision-making process; we refer
total oil production loss, considering a list of operating and engi- to this planning level stand-alone. However, some studies have
neering constraints and assumptions (Tavallali et al., 2016). an integrated field development planning, considering other prob-
The RSP can be classified according to several characteristics in- lems such as reservoir modeling, field design, facilities locations,
volving the problem setting (oil field location, well operations, field and production scheduling. Similar behaviors were noticed by
development integration, resources considered) or the approach Lasschuit and Thijssen (2004) in planning and scheduling of the
(how the problem is addressed and solved: modeling, rig fleet, sin- downstream of the oil and gas sector. The more decisions are con-
gle/multiple jobs, and type of objective functions). The setting at- sidered, the harder it will be to solve the problem. Rig operations
tributes refer to characteristics of the problem that may have im- involve multiple resources and thus, another classification is possi-
plications for the approach, attributes connected with the oil and ble, according to the planned resources. Usually, only rigs are con-
gas exploration and production. And the approach refers to how sidered in the planning. However, some studies have also consid-
the problem is being modeled and solved, attributes related to the ered crews, pieces of equipment, and other vessels.
technique and modeling. Fig. 3 presents our taxonomy for the RSP. In some studies, the wells are physically close to each other and
The first division of the RSP is according to the oilfield lo- the operations have processing times that are much longer than
cation: onshore or offshore. Onshore well operations are gener- the traveling time between the wells, precluding the need of taking
ally more straightforward, faster, and less expensive than offshore into account routing considerations in the planning process. There-

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

fore, the RSP can also be classified according to the employment (4) Resource Planning (RP): the rig scheduling problem is integrated
of routing techniques, dividing the problems into: scheduling-only with the planning of other resources that also affect the deci-
(or simply scheduling) problems, in which the traveling times be- sion or are affected by the RSP, such as offshore support vessels
tween wells are negligible; and routing and scheduling (to which (OSVs), equipment, and crews. For instance, many OSVs vessels
we refer simply as routing hereinafter, presuming that the schedul- are used to lay pipes connecting the wells and platforms. As
ing activities are implied by context), when the rigs transporta- noted by Abu-Marrul et al. (2020), the connections can only
tion costs are significant and vary between wells, and thus rout- start after the drilling and completion of the well. Also, all rig
ing decisions have also to be considered (Bissoli et al., 2016). Usu- operations demand the use of other resources, such as equip-
ally, routing and scheduling problems are classified according to ment and crews. To assure that the equipment and crews will
the fleet of vehicles or the set of machines (resources) available be available on time to execute the rig tasks, it is important
(Georgiadis et al., 2019; Eksioglu et al., 2009). The fleet of rigs to consider the inventory level (equipment) or schedule (crew)
can be homogeneous, when all rigs share the same costs, process- within the RSP. This supply chain perspective usually aims to
ing times, technical specifications, and so forth, or heterogeneous, minimize the logistic costs of the operations.
meaning that the rigs possess different characteristics and might
be capable of performing specific operations or require particular This classification and the taxonomy in Fig. 3 answer our first
well conditions. According to the level of complexity of the prob- research question: How can we classify the different dimensions of
lem, a well might have more than one operation to be executed, or the RSP under the perspective of available case studies and solution
the rigs may consider operations with different characteristics, as approaches?. Next, we present the methodology used to assemble
in Hasle et al. (1996) and Fernández Pérez et al. (2018). Therefore, this literature review of the RSP.
another RSP classification depends on the number of jobs: whether
a single job for each well is considered or multiple jobs from the 3. Methodology
same well are allocated to the rigs.
Another critical attribute is the objective function that will be This systematic literature review (SLR) was executed based on a
optimized. The problem can consider a single objective (when step-by-step method adapted from Thome et al. (2016), which can
there is only one objective to be optimized) or be multi-objective be divided into: (i) research delineation; (ii) literature search; (iii)
(when there are multiple objectives to be optimized). As to the na- data collection; (iv) data analysis; (v) interpretation. This complete
ture of the objective function, it can be a non-monetary indica- SLR process is illustrated in Fig. 4, in which green labels represent
tor (such as completion time, tardiness, distance traveled, number the outputs of each step.
of rigs used, wells served), a monetary indicator (total costs, net The first step was the research delineation, the problem de-
present value, cash flow), or an oil-related indicator (oil produc- scription in the previous section, and the methodology definition
tion, oil production loss or expected oil recovery). (current section). In the second step, we have chosen to use Scopus
Analyzing the RSP literature according to the aforementioned and Web of Science (WOS) as the primary search databases. Aim-
characteristics, similarities between the papers were observed, en- ing to define the most common keywords, a collection of bench-
abling us to gather them in four major classes of problem: mark RSP studies was manually selected and their titles, keywords,
and abstracts were analyzed. As mentioned earlier, one of the main
contributions of this paper is to propose a taxonomy and classi-
(1) Drilling Rig Scheduling Problem (DRSP): refers to drilling and fication for the RSP that can be used in its different dimensions
completion rig scheduling problems in a stand-alone planning and decision levels. This literature gap can be observed through
level, when the rig scheduling is an independent decision from our SLR and especially after analyzing the selected RSP papers.
the rest of the field development problems. Drilling and com- With the help of a word cloud plot (shown in the Appendix),
pletion usually take place in the development of non-completed using titles, keywords, and abstracts, we selected a search query
(new) wells and the goal is to minimize the rigs fleet costs that was simultaneously broad to avoid limiting results and limited
meeting a due date for the wells to start oil production. Some to avoid too many unwanted results. This search query combines
DRSP problems consider a well to have a single job to be per- the following keywords: scheduling, rescheduling, routing, mobiliza-
formed while others consider multiple jobs for each well; tion, move, programming, simulation, optimization, model, algorithm,
(2) Workover Planning: problems in which the rigs are used in heuristic, procedure, technique, system, well, oil, petroleum, onshore,
workover operations. These operations occur in the production offshore, workover, drilling, completion, downhole, reservoir, evalua-
phase, when existing and completed wells require maintenance tion, rig, and vessel. No specific time frame was considered, and all
or rework to be performed. As a result, this decision-making is articles found have been included as long as an online version of
usually separated from the other rig-related decisions and there the paper could be found. The complete search query is presented
is only a single job (a single maintenance) to be scheduled for in the Appendix.
each well. It can be divided according to the use of routing This search query was executed on the Scopus and WOS
in two sub-groups: workover rig scheduling problems (WRSPs) databases on 27th November of 2020, resulting in 3248 papers
and workover rig routing and scheduling problems (WRRSPs); from Scopus and 551 documents from WOS. By reviewing of ti-
(3) Field Planning (FP): refers to problems in which the rig tles, keywords, and abstracts, 3130 and 459 documents were elim-
scheduling is integrated with other field development deci- inated from Scopus and WOS, respectively. The elimination criteria
sions, such as reservoir modeling, field design, and production used was to select only papers that consider routing or scheduling
flow scheduling. In these cases, the RSP depends on or influ- of oil rigs and written in English or Portuguese. This large num-
ences other decisions related to the oilfield development. For ber of unwanted papers is a direct consequence of the lack of a
instance, the location of the platforms influences the duration robust classification and taxonomy system for the RSP, which this
of the drilling and the traveling time between the platforms, SLR tries to address. The 118 (Scopus) and 92 (WOS) resulting ar-
which are in turn crucial parameters in the RSP. On the other ticles were read and 52 (Scopus) and 60 (WOS) documents were
hand, the rig scheduling affects the well production schedule, eliminated from the review. After joining the 98 documents found
as the well can only start producing after being drilled and in Scopus and WOS, 27 duplicated papers were eliminated, culmi-
completed. Usually, these problems aim to maximize the net nating in the selection of 71 papers. The articles cited by them
present value (NPV) of the oilfield; were searched using Google Scholar and Scopus databases, and

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 4. Framework for the systematic selection process.

Table 1
Summary of the others literature reviews found.

Literature Review Main goal Papers revised (RSP) Papers revised (total) Years

Tavallali and Karimi (2014) Field planning, development decisions and process system perspectives 9 48 1990–2014
Tavallali et al. (2016) Field planning, development decisions and process system perspectives 8 100∗ 1990–2016
Bissoli et al. (2016) Workover planning, its drivers and vehicle routing perspectives 33 64 1977–2015
Khor et al. (2017) Optimization methods for field development problems 13 100∗ 1972–2017

69 new documents were appended to the list, of which just 16 many papers were being revised, but the total number was bigger
and 9 were actually in Scopus and WOS, respectively. Then, the than 100. As none of them did a systematic literature review and
papers citing the selected papers in Google Scholar and Scopus many classes of the RSP were not considered, the number of RSPs
databases were read and 50 new studies (13 from Scopus and 4 revised by them is considerably smaller than the number of pub-
from WOS) were found. Last, 61 documents were eliminated af- lications found using our methodology. Their results will be com-
ter a more profound analysis to double-check the selection, re- pared with our findings later on.
sulting in 130 papers, of which 68 and 35 were available in Sco- For the third step (data collection), the papers were thoroughly
pus and WOS Databases, respectively. During this process, some examined. With the support of the classification presented in the
literature reviews were found: Bissoli et al. (2016), Tavallali and previous section, the data was gathered in a table with the essen-
Karimi (2014), Tavallali et al. (2016), and Khor et al. (2017). We tial information. Other data, such as co-citation networks and key-
chose to exclude these papers from the final selection as they word occurrence, were manually generated and assembled in bib-
do not specifically propose a new method, model, or case study. liographic citation files.
Table 1 summarizes these literature reviews, their scope, number The fourth and fifth steps, data analysis and interpretation, are
of studies revised (RSP and total), and the time frame (the years presented in the following sections. Qualitative and quantitative
considered). The literature reviews with asterisk did not count how content analyses were performed with the assist of the following

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 5. Evolution of the Rig Scheduling studies over the years.

tools: CitNetExplorer® (a software for bibliography analysis, co- Table 2

Author affiliation’s country distribution for the rig
citation and keyword analysis of the papers), R (a programming
scheduling problem.
language and free software environment used for statistical com-
puting and graphics), Excel® and Tableau® (an interactive data vi- Author’s Country Number of Publications
sualization software). Brazil 144
USA 78
Norway 24
Argentina 20
4. Literature review United Kingdom 14
Canada 13
Saudi Arabia 11
The use of Operations Research and quantitative methods in
United Arab Emirates 10
oil rig scheduling dates back to the 1960s when Aronofsky and Iran 8
Williams (1962) and Aronofsky (1962) proposed two linear mod- Austria 8
els for oil production planning. At that time, these models re- India 6
quired substantial computational resources, preventing any prac- France 6
Indonesia 5
tical application to the problems (Pittman, 1985). As a result, Others 17
most developments concerning rig scheduling employed approxi-
mation techniques (Barnes et al., 1977) and decision-making rules
(Cochrane, 1989). The body of research around the topic only Table 3
The number of rig scheduling publica-
started to fully develop in the 1990s with the improvement in tions per type of study.
computational capacity and optimization methods, as shown in
Fig. 5. Type Publication

It is possible to observe in Fig. 5 that there is a signifi- Conference 56

cant growth of workover rig planning (scheduling/routing and Journal 49
Master Thesis 10
scheduling) research in the early 20 0 0s. This particular growth
Doctoral Dissertation 7
is mainly due to the interest of Brazilian researchers and indus- Book 4
try stakeholders in the problem, for which we can identify three Graduate 2
main reasons. First, the Brazilian Petroleum Investment Law man- Tech Report 1
dates that part of the royalties of oil and gas exploration and Book Chapter 1

production is invested in research and development applications

(Pessôa Filho et al., 2006). Second, during the 20 0 0s and 2010s,
major oil fields were discovered in Brazil, leading to a significant lated by summing the number of authorship from each country in
growth in its oil production and, consequently, in the investments each study.
in research (Iachan, 2009). Finally, the Brazilian exploration and Regarding the type of publication, the majority of studies was
production of oil and gas are concentrated within the state-owned from conference proceedings. However, there is a significant vol-
company Petrobras, which used to hold a monopoly in the Brazil- ume of papers published in journals (49), as shown in Table 3.
ian downstream and midstream supply chain (Iachan, 2009). As a Using the CitNetExplorer® software, we developed the cita-
result, Brazil is one of the main rig markets, with 57 active rigs tion network of the rig scheduling publications found in the lit-
in 2011, of which 10 are owned by Petrobras (Kaiser and Sny- erature review shown in Fig. 6. Studies without any citation link
der, 2013). This large fleet of active rigs poses significant chal- were omitted from the chart for the purpose of clearance and
lenges concerning its planning. Consequently, with the massive clarity. The four major groups are marked in the chart: Drilling
amount of investments in research and operations optimization, Rig Scheduling (green labels); Workover Planning (blue labels); Re-
many rig scheduling studies were published by authors affiliated source Planning (purple labels); and Field Planning (orange labels).
with Brazilian institutions, as shown in Table 2. Also, it is pos- The citation links in Fig. 6 are also helpful to understand
sible to observe that other petroleum-producing countries have a the connection between these RSP groups. For instance, workover
large number of publications. The values in Table 2 were calcu- planning problems are highly centralized and connected, suggest-

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 6. The citation network of the RSP studies.

ing a greater level of discussion inside the literature. As expected, scheduling oil projects using linear programming and a genetic
the drilling rig scheduling problems are closer to the workover algorithm (GA) with a greedy heuristic (GH). Glinz and Beru-
planning problems, as these two groups share many modeling sim- men (2009) presented a mathematical programming model to
ilarities. The integrated problems, resource planning and field plan- schedule drilling resources. Falex (2009) proposed a GA to the
ning, are more scattered, as these problems are more diversified. drilling rig scheduling problem with heterogeneous fleet that min-
Next, we study each of these groups, analyzing how the research imizes the rigs hires and oil production loss. Addressing a real
outputs evolved and answering the second research question of study case of an Emirati oil company, Sumaida et al. (2013) pre-
How the RSP has been addressed in the literature. sented a systematic methodology for manually routing onshore
rigs. Amrideswaran et al. (2015) presented a framework for risk
assessment in workover and plug and abandonment (P&A) oper-
4.1. Drilling rig scheduling problem
ations in which offshore rigs are scheduled according to a GH,
based on a priority ranking matrix. Another systematic approach
Aronofsky and Williams (1962) and Aronofsky (1962) were the
was later proposed by Arnaout et al. (2017) focusing on the oper-
first known studies addressing the RSP using linear programming.
ational perspective of onshore drilling RSP. Amer et al. (2016) de-
They proposed a model for scheduling the oil production curve
scribed a system for scheduling and managing a fleet of drilling
under a fixed drilling rig schedule and another one to schedule
and workover rigs with feasibility validation over a master sched-
rigs and drilling tasks under a predefined production. Hartsock and
Greaney (1971) developed a mixed-integer non-linear program-
Some authors combined simulation and optimization tech-
ming (MINLP) inventory model for optimizing the drilling sched-
niques for RSP. Flager (2014) proposed a multi-objective GA with
ule of an oilfield considering the rigs operation and transporta-
Monte Carlo simulation to schedule a heterogeneous fleet of on-
tion costs. Benefiting from the improved computational resources
shore drilling rigs maximizing oil production and minimizing its
made available since then, Haugland et al. (1991) proposed a
cost. Zahran and Al-Fardan (2014) proposed an automated system
linear programming model for allocating fixed and movable off-
for scheduling and routing rigs that used both simulation and op-
shore rigs to routes maximizing the net presented value (NPV).
timization algorithms.
Gutleber et al. (1995) presented a fuzzy ranking method used in
Meanwhile, other studies focused on mathematical formula-
the drilling schedule. One year later, Eagle (1996) used a simulated
tions and solving techniques. Gonçalves (2009) used a GA for
annealing (SA) algorithm to schedule drilling rigs and to maximize
the drilling rig routing and scheduling problem, taking advan-
NPV in a multi-period horizon.
tage of the ease of GA modeling to introduce complex constraints,
A decade later, Irani (2007) described a system implemented
such as environmental and regulatory laws and rigs displace-
in a Mexican oil company that allows real-time managing and vi-
ment costs. Al Gharbi (2011) addressed the routing and schedul-
sualization of the rig schedule and the drilling tasks. Irgens and
ing of a homogeneous fleet of onshore drilling rigs and pro-
Lavenue (2007) and Irgens et al. (2008) used a stochastic local
posed a heuristic based on the Dijkstra algorithm. Haugland and
search to maximize oil production and provide real-time visualiza-
Tjøstheim (2015) presented alternative linear programming formu-
tion to schedule a heterogeneous fleet of drilling rigs. Meanwhile,
lations for scheduling and routing a heterogeneous fleet of off-
a drilling rig fleet sizing model was proposed by Husni (2008) for

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

shore rigs. First, they introduced a model for drilling and location Aloise et al. (2002) tested variations of ant colony with path-
decisions. As an alternative method, the authors proposed a dy- relinking (AC-PR) against a GA and a greedy randomized adaptive
namic network flow model for rigs moving and drilling decisions. search procedure (GRASP). Gouvêa et al. (2002) proposed two evo-
Chowdhury (2016) optimized the routes and schedules of onshore lutionary heuristics for scheduling workover operations in a homo-
drilling rigs using the program evaluation and review technique geneous fleet of onshore rigs: a transgenetic algorithm (TA) and
and critical path method techniques. Silva et al. (2016) proposed a memetic algorithm (MA). Maia et al. (2002) compared a sim-
a mixed-integer programming (MIP) model for the rig routing and plified tabu search (TS)-based heuristic with the heuristics from
scheduling problem of a heterogeneous offshore fleet, minimizing Gouvêa et al. (2002) and Aloise et al. (2002). The AC-PR re-
the production loss and the rig utilization costs. They tested their mained achieving the best results. According to Bassi (2010), this
approach considering a small instance with a variety of tasks and study was related with a geo-referenced computational system for
realistic assumptions, resulting in non-linear constraints. workover onshore rigs management that was also discussed in
Aiming to address technical and economic constraints, Maia et al. (2002), Gouvêa et al. (2002), Aloise et al. (2002), and
Tavallali and Zare (2018) proposed a mixed-integer linear pro- Aloise et al. (2006).
gramming (MILP) model for routing and scheduling the drilling After modeling the WRSP as a binary integer linear model,
activities on a fleet of owned/hired rigs, minimizing drilling Costa and Ferreira Filho (2004) created a maximum priority three-
costs, rigs movements costs, and hiring costs and considering criteria heuristic (MPTH), whose simplicity allows it to be imple-
eligibility, rig’s contract length, and others constraints. Using mented in simulations and sensibility analysis. Later, Costa and
advanced techniques of the VRP literature, Kulachenko and Ferreira Filho (2005) tested a dynamical assemble heuristic (DAH)
Kononova (2020) presented a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) that overperformed the MPTH even in large examples. These two
based matheuristic in which a MILP solver is used to optimize the methods can also be found in Costa (2005), which also presents a
well-drilling work distribution and the VNS solves the routes. GRASP and 300 real-life instances for the problem.
A decision support system was presented by Carrilho and Vil- Several other authors used these instances later and tested
las Boas (2016) for the RSP. It uses a MILP model to maximize the them with different solution algorithms: a GA (Alves and Ferreira
tasks allocation to the rigs already hired and minimize the fleet Filho, 2006); a scatter search (SS) by Oliveira et al. (2007) and
of rigs to be hired. To reduce computational requirements, the au- Lorenzoni and Polycarpo (2010); a bubble swap (BS) by
thors considered the jobs in blocks and the time horizon in weeks. Pacheco et al. (2009a); a GA-2opt (Douro and Lorenzoni, 2009); a
Using this block structure, Santos (2018) presented two models for GRASP-PR from Pacheco et al. (2009b) and Pacheco et al. (2010); a
the offshore RSP, one for minimizing the fleet of rigs and another simulated annealing (SA)-based heuristic from Ribeiro et al. (2011);
minimizing its costs. Some local searches, constructive heuristics, a memetic algorithm (MA) from Pacheco (2011). The greedy ran-
and matheuristics were also developed and tested in real-life in- domized adaptive search procedure with path-relinking (GRASP-
stances. However, most methods required considerable computa- PR) from Pacheco et al. (2009b) and Pacheco et al. (2010) was
tional effort as result of the time-indexed formulation consider- based on Costa (2005)’s GRASP. To achieve better solutions for
ing long-term planning horizons. An alternative formulation for the WRSP, Lorenzoni and Polycarpo (2010) enhanced the SS
the time-indexed parallel machine scheduling was introduced by (Oliveira et al., 2007) using MPTH as a solution generator and
Carrilho et al. (2018), based on bucket-indexing. This time formula- found 11 new best solutions. Ribeiro et al. (2011) tried to solve the
tion divides the planning horizon in periods of equal length (buck- WRSP’s harder instances, proposing a simple, yet robust, simulated
ets with a size that can assume values between 1 and the shortest annealing (SA)-based heuristic to generate an initial solution and
processing time of jobs) and achieved promising results that en- apply the SA iterative, ultimately outperforming DAH, GRASP,
able realistic rig scheduling models for large instances with long GRASP-PR, SS, BS, GA-2opt and MA.
planning horizons. A few variations of the WRSP can be found in the literature.
A trend that has become popular since 2015 is the use of Specifically, Lasrado (2008) created an application based on a man-
machine learning and data science techniques to support op- ual methodology that adapted the reservoir simulation technique
timization algorithms, also known as data-driven optimization. from de Andrade Filho (1994) to generate schedules and to min-
Ma et al. (2018) proposed a method that uses a data mining sys- imize the number of rigs and traveling distances, reducing trans-
tem for extracting key information from daily drilling reports and portation and contract costs. Marques et al. (2014) presented a de-
historical data, converts and aggregates it in a database, identifies cision support system that uses a MILP model to size and to sched-
drilling opportunities, and uses it to optimize the short-term rig ule homogeneous offshore rigs, minimizing the fleet size and max-
schedule. Castiñeira et al. (2018) used machine learning and natu- imizing its utilization.
ral language processing (NLP) for an automated analysis of drilling Meanwhile, Monemi et al. (2015) addressed the heterogeneous
data. The historical data was then used to optimize the rig sched- WRSP, proposing a new MILP model based on arc-time-indexed
ule through heuristics, maximizing NPV and oil production. Both formulations and two solution techniques: branch-price-and-cut
studies have used advanced machine learning techniques, but the (BPC) and hyper-heuristic (HH), which found near-optimal solu-
optimization methods and formulation are not defined in sufficient tions with just a few seconds. Danach (2016) also tackled this
detail, preventing us to compare them with others formulations. A problem with a (1,0)-linear programming model and a HH using
summary of the total of the DRSP studies discussed in this section algorithms for construction, local search, perturbation, and recon-
is illustrated in Fig. 15 in the Appendix. struction. The HH was tested in a real case and faced difficulties to
solve large instances. Hence, future works on the mathematical for-
4.2. Workover rig scheduling problem mulation were suggested by the authors to improve its efficiency.
Aiming to achieve better solutions, Pérez et al. (2016) pro-
Barnes et al. (1977) investigated the workover rigs schedul- posed a decomposed reformulation of the (1,0)-linear model from
ing problem and proposed two approximate techniques to min- Costa and Ferreira Filho (2004) for the WRSP of homogeneous
imize the oil production loss, testing it on a small and short- onshore rigs that had fewer variables and constraints and was
term instance. Decades later, several other papers addressing the tested in the instances of Costa (2005), finding new exact solu-
WRSP were published. Noronha and Aloise (2001) presented a tions for large instances and outperforming the heuristic meth-
GH for planning operations in onshore rigs that minimizes not ods. Based on their model, Fernández Pérez et al. (2018) and
only the oil production loss but also the environmental risks. Pérez et al. (2019) presented deterministic and stochastic mod-

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

els for the WRSP to fleet size and to minimize the oil pro- heterogeneous WRRSP and compared it with three others meth-
duction loss and rig fleet costs. The authors adapted the in- ods: VNS (Aloise et al., 2006), branch-price-and-cut (Ribeiro et al.,
stances from Costa (2005), Paiva (1997), Soares et al. (2011), 2012a), and ALNS (Ribeiro et al., 2012b). The BPC, ALNS, and HGA
Ribeiro et al. (2012a), and Bissoli (2014), testing it with several sce- were consistently superior to the VNS, having the first, faster solu-
nario generation methods, including Monte Carlo simulation, sce- tions than the alternative methods, but with lower qualities than
nario reduction, and Quasi-Monte Carlo, and achieving robust solu- the ALNS and HGA, which in turn was the method that found all
tions even for large instances. A summary of the number of WRSP the best solutions. Last, Bissoli et al. (2014) and Bissoli (2014) also
studies discussed in this section is illustrated in Fig. 16 in the Ap- addressed the WRRSP using a bi-objective ALNS that minimizes the
pendix. production loss and the onshore rig fleet size, which, according to
the authors, also minimizes the total costs. However, this assump-
4.3. Workover rig routing and scheduling problem tion is a simplification as, in reality, a minimal fleet does not mean
that chartering costs are optimal.
Building upon advances in vehicle routing problem formula- A different approach to the WRRSP was proposed by
tion and solution techniques, Paiva et al. (20 0 0) proposed a SA, Vasconcelos et al. (2017). The authors developed a genetic algo-
based on Paiva (1997), for the workover rig routing and schedul- rithm that uses operational historical data integrated into an op-
ing problem minimizing rigs expenses and oil production losses. timization workflow to minimize the total non-productive time of
Since then, many other authors have tackled the homogeneous the offshore wells served by a heterogeneous fleet of vessels with
WRRSP with several heuristics. Rocha et al. (2003) presented 3 different load capacities and limited abilities. The proposed algo-
variations of variable neighborhood search to the WRRSP, ob- rithm was tested on real data of a petroleum company and im-
taining the best results with a cooperative parallel VNS (CPVNS) proved, in terms of navigation and operation time, between 20–
with PR. Trindade and Ochi (2004) proposed 6 variations of 40% of the original plan. Later, Tozzo et al. (2020) proposed a hy-
GRASP-PR, later enhanced by Trindade (2005) and Trindade and brid GA for the WRRSP with heterogeneous fleet minimizing oil
Ochi (2005) to a hybrid GRASP-PR. To improve the GRASP-PR production loss and rig fleet costs in a multi-objective perspective.
efficiency, Neves (2007) and Neves and Ochi (20 06, 20 07) pre- A trend in the optimization models is to consider uncertainty
sented a GRASP with adaptive memory (GRASP-AM) and tested in the decision-making. This trend is important to RSP, which
it against other heuristics such as TS and iterated local search emerged from the need to consider the uncertainties related to
(ILS). Ribeiro et al. (2012b) compared this ILS with a clustering geological concepts (structure, reservoir seal, and hydrocarbon
search (CS) and an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS). charge), economic evaluations (costs, probability of finding, and
In this study, the ALNS outperformed the other methods. Finally, producing economically viable reservoirs, technology and oil price),
Shaji et al. (2019) proposed a new aggregated rank removal heuris- development and production (infrastructure, production schedule,
tic (ARRH) to the ALNS (Ribeiro et al., 2012b) and compared it quality of oil, operational costs, and reservoir characteristic), travel-
with others heuristics: VNS (Aloise et al., 2006); GA; GA with VNS ing time between wells and well service time (especially in the off-
(GA+VNS) and ALNS (Ribeiro et al., 2012b). These heuristics were shore fields that are subjected variable conditions such as weather
tested in some theoretical instances, in which the ARRH based and sea state) (Suslick et al., 2009).
ALNS outperformed the other methods. Following this tendency, Bassi (2010) and
Some authors focused on new formulations for the homoge- Bassi et al. (2012) proposed a simulation-optimization approach
neous WRRSP. Sabry et al. (2012) proposed a new MILP formula- to minimize production loss for heterogeneous offshore rigs in
tion minimizing oil production and rig operation costs for a com- two phases: simulation of well service times and oil potentials;
pany that owned a dedicated rigs fleet and could hire additional and optimization using GRASP. These phases were repeated for a
rigs. The authors tested their model considering a short-term the- significant number of times, instances, and fleet sizes, enabling to
oretical instance using a MA and GRASP. Duhamel et al. (2012) pro- make scheduling decisions under uncertainty and to unveil the
posed three models and hybrid methods for onshore workover trade-off between fleet size and oil loss as a larger number of rigs
rigs aiming to minimize the total production loss: a MILP model results in better performance measures and higher operating costs.
based on Aloise et al. (2006); an open vehicle routing problem Bassi et al. (2012) also provide a literature review concerning
(OVRP) strategy with lifted constraints and better bounds; and a workover rigs with fruitful discussions.
set-covering formulation, obtained through a Dantzig-Wolfe de- Most WRRSP studies consider that the decision-maker knows
composition of the OVRP and enhanced using column genera- beforehand which wells will require intervention. However, in re-
tions with GRASP and VND. Last, Kromodihardjo and Kromodi- ality, often one cannot know with certainty which and when a
hardjo (2016) used a discrete simulation software to propose ex- well will be due maintenance. To tackle this problem, Silva and
haustive search and combinatorial algorithms for the WRRSP, ob- Silva (2018) proposed a dynamic approach to the WRRSP, minimiz-
taining near-optimal or optimal solutions in small instances based ing the total oil production loss of wells that are revealed along
on real data. the planning horizon, called as D-WRRSP (dynamic workover rig
Another variation of the WRRSP is to consider a heterogeneous routing and scheduling problem). The model was based on the for-
fleet of rigs. Aloise et al. (2006) addressed this problem using mulation of Ribeiro et al. (2012a) and was tested considering new
a VNS that mixes several swap and insert moves (e.g., chang- small and short-term instances adapted from Costa (2005). we pro-
ing the wells allocated to a rig or allocating different rigs to a vide a summary of the total of the WRRSP studies discussed in this
well). The problem was tested in real-life instances and later im- section in Fig. 17 in the Appendix.
plemented in a Brazilian oil company, generating potential sav-
ings of US$2.5M per year. Soares et al. (2011) analyzed the char-
acteristics of the WRRSP and proposed constructive heuristics and 4.4. Integrated problems
a new objective function minimizing the rigs fleet cost. Mean-
while, Ribeiro et al. (2012a) tried to find exact solutions with a The interdependence of operations in the oil and gas sector re-
branch-price-and-cut (BPC) approach (based on TS, column gen- quires that oil and gas companies plan and optimize their pro-
eration, ng-path-relaxation, and subset-row inequalities) that en- cesses on an enterprise-wide level (Oliveira et al., 2013). As a result
abled it to solve real-life examples with up to 200 wells and 10 of the rig scheduling being a multifaceted decision process, many
rigs. Later, Ribeiro et al. (2014) presented a hybrid-GA (HGA) to studies approach this problem by integrating this rig scheduling

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

decision with others. We divide these studies into two classes of mizing the flow balance between production platforms, wells plat-
integration: field planning and resource planning. forms, and the reservoirs. As showed by Smith (1956), rig avail-
ability constraints for the case of one rig can be considered as
4.4.1. Field planning a RSP. The authors also considered the travel time between the
Before scheduling the rigs to drill new wells, field design and wells when scheduling the rigs operations. Barnes and Kokos-
planning decisions are needed, such as well drilling schedule, well sis (2007) introduced a MILP model for the analysis, design, and
placement, facility design, and flow scheduling. Ideally, these prob- scheduling of offshore oilfields, considering the drilling schedule,
lems should be solved together from a field planning perspective. platform locations, and a single rig available. Last, Calderón and
Using the Eclipse reservoir simulator and a polytope search Pekney (2020) focused on the field planning decisions related to
optimization algorithm, de Andrade Filho (1994) addressed the the enhanced oil recovery to reduce gas flaring in shale oil de-
drilling RSP deciding main development dates combined with the velopment. The authors proposed a sophisticated model that op-
drilling rigs allocation and schedules. Since then, other studies timizes drilling rig schedules, workover decisions, pipeline and fa-
also integrated reservoir simulator models with optimization al- cilities infrastructure, location of wells, and injection rates. A sum-
gorithms, such as: linear programming and simulation approaches mary of the total of FP studies discussed in this section is illus-
(Nesvold et al., 1996); a procedure for BP’s top-down reservoir trated in Fig. 18 in the Appendix.
modeling tool using an enhanced GA by Litvak et al. (2007),
Litvak and Angert (2009) and Litvak et al. (2011); a GA 4.4.2. Resources planning
(Litvak et al., 2007) with statistical proxies procedures using The E&P operations need several resources, which are often
clustering-based techniques from Onwunalu et al. (2008); design planned separately. However, as their decisions might affect each
space exploration (Cong et al., 2008); automated decision-making other, resource usage should ideally be integrated with the E&P
system with a first-in-first-out algorithm (Davidson et al., 2009); operations planning. This is the case for the rigs and the other
MINLP model and GA (Tavallali et al., 2015); approximation algo- resources involved in the E&P, such as crews and vessels. For
rithms with optimization and local searches (Tavallali et al., 2016). instance, Hasle et al. (1996) used constraint reasoning for the
Several authors proposed formulations for field design and well activity scheduling problem, where drilling rigs and wire-line
planning considering rigs. Iyer et al. (1998) proposed a multi- cranes are appointed for drilling, completion, perforation, and log-
period MILP model with branch and bound to maximize the NPV. ging activities. Horton and Dedigama (2006) presented a resource
Currie et al. (1997a,b) presented a simplified MIP model for the scheduling system used by an Australian oil company to schedule
redevelopment and reservoir management of wells, deciding the several operations, such as drilling, completion, and workover, and
projects, wells, and drilling rigs to be used annually. Van Den others that do not involve rigs, such as interconnections.
Heever and Grossmann (20 0 0, 20 06) presented a MINLP model After completing an offshore well with a rig and before starting
maximizing the NPV, which was solved using a dynamic program- its production, offshore support vessels (OSV) are used to intercon-
ming (DP) approach with an iterative aggregation/disaggregation nect wells, manifolds, and platforms. Focusing on integrating the
algorithm. Carvalho and Pinto (2006) proposed a model and a rig scheduling with the OSVs’ decisions, Accioly et al. (2002) used
decomposition method to determine the drilling rigs (platforms) a constraint programming (CP) model to maximize oil produc-
locations, the well to be drilled by each one, and the drilling tion considering drilling, completion, workover, and pipelines con-
schedule. Later, Barnes and Kokossis (2007) proposed mathemat- necting activities, priorities, precedence, wells, and ship charac-
ical models for an integrated field development when deciding teristics. To enable the use of optimization solvers, the authors
the location, drilling schedule, and production rate of the wells. used different search heuristics to explore the solution space. Since
Similar models were also proposed by Wang et al. (2019) and then, several authors tested formulations and solution methods:
Ondeck et al. (2019), but none of these previous studies consid- CP model solved with hybrid TS algorithm (Nascimento, 2002);
ered the rig scheduling as a decision, but only as something that GRASP (Pereira, 2005; Pereira et al., 20 05a; 20 05b; Moura et al.,
affects their decisions. Ondeck et al. (2019) performed a sensitivity 2008); GA (Vasconcellos and Ferreira Filho, 2006); CP model (Serra
analysis demonstrating the impact of the drilling rig fleet and crew et al., 2011; Serra, 2012; Serra et al., 2012b; 2012a); continuous-
mobilization costs in their model. time MILP formulation with upper bound relaxations (Serra et al.,
A system for field planning was presented by 2012c). Pereira (2005) and Pereira et al. (2005a,b) formulated a CP
Martin et al. (2010), mainly for well design. The system de- model for scheduling drilling, completion, and interconnection op-
signs the well-pad layout, determines the production facilities, erations in offshore wells with rigs, OSVs, and production units.
allocates wells to rigs considering the fleet availability, rig loca- The authors tested a GRASP to solve it in real instances of the
tions, and other related attributes, and returns the rig schedule as Brazilian oil company Petrobras, which resulted in considerable
one of its outputs. Omosebi et al. (2014) proposed a methodology savings for the company and, according to the authors, was imple-
based on project management to correctly plan drilling projects mented in a system called ORCA. Moura et al. (2008) adapted the
and rigs schedules. However, the authors did not mention the formulation to consider resource displacement, proposing a GRASP
employment of optimization methods. Lange and Lin (2014) and to solve it. Based on the model proposed in Serra et al. (2011),
Dewan et al. (2016) presented solutions that model the well Serra (2012), and Serra et al. (2012b,a) proposed a CP model for
scheduling process as a multi-agent system to allow optimal offshore resource scheduling of a heterogeneous fleet of rigs and
decisions, including the rig schedule, for all parts involved in PLSVs, aiming to maximize production.
the scheduling process. As mentioned by Neiro and Pinto (2004), Others studies have tackled the RSP considering its equipment
this modeling strategy allows to integrate the business entities requirements. Drouven and Grossmann (2016) proposed a MINLP
involved in the supply chain management. Kelly et al. (2017) in- based on generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) for the shale
troduced a MILP model for well startup considering each well gas development. The presented model maximizes the NPV defin-
as a batch process subject to resource availability constraints ing which wells will be drilled, when they will be drilled, which
(processing plants, drilling rigs, and crew). rigs, crews, and equipment will perform the drilling, and the lay-
Also addressing the planning of an offshore oilfield infrastruc- out of the gathering pipelines. Mazzini et al. (2010) proposed a
ture, Aseeri et al. (2004) proposed a sample average approxima- MILP model that decides rigs equipment and drilling/completion
tion (SAA) algorithm to maximize the NPV considering constraints rigs schedules, minimizing the costs associated with resources con-
of budget and the availability of one rig to drill the wells, opti- tracts and rigs tardiness. Finally, Marchesi et al. (2019) proposed

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 7. Problems count according to their taxonomy and classification group.

a MILP model for the construction of wells considering rigs and A summary of the total of RP studies discussed in this section is
equipment aiming to minimize tardiness and earliness. illustrated in Fig. 19 in the Appendix, together with further details
There are several types of workover operations and, as a re- on all of the literature presented.
sult, different types of equipment are needed. With this as-
sumption, McKechnie et al. (2002) presented a management
5. Remarks, trends and opportunities
system for workover operations that allows to control the rig
schedule and the equipment needed. Later, a different prob-
The papers found in the literature review were classified ac-
lem was introduced by Pandolfi et al. (2010). The authors de-
cording to the taxonomy proposed in Section 2.2. These results are
scribed a system called PAE (evolutionary algorithm for plan-
presented in the supplementary files and analyzed with data vi-
ning), applied in an extension of the WRRSP considering other
sualization tools in what follows. Fig. 7 contains the number of
resources such as crews and equipment used to service onshore
papers found for each taxonomy (rows) and classification group
wells. Later, Villagra et al. (2013) adapted the model proposed by
(columns), summarizing the answer for the second research ques-
Pandolfi et al. (2010) to consider penalty functions and repair al-
tion How the RSP has been most often addressed in the literature,
gorithms to transform infeasible solutions into feasible ones in a
both from academic and industrial perspectives?. Note that ”Schedul-
constrained version of the problem. Achkar et al. (2019a,b) pro-
ing” refers to problems that only consider scheduling, while ”Rout-
posed a MILP model for this extended WRRSP, considering a
ing” refers to problems that consider routing integrated with
heterogeneous rigs fleet, precedence constraints, crew shifts, and
failure risks and minimizing production loss and costs. Finally,
Clearly, there is a pattern between the problem classification
Aurachman et al. (2020) used an influence diagram analysis to
groups and the taxonomy. DRSPs tackle drilling/completion in
model a variation of the WRRSP considering equipment decisions.
stand-alone planning considering only the rigs. In some cases, they
According to the authors, they are developing a dynamic program-
might consider other operations (workover or P&A) as well. Usu-
ming model in which the oil production loss changes with the
ally, the duration of the drilling operations is long and the dis-
waiting time.
tance (specifically the travel time) between wells is short. As a
The decision-making integrated with other resources is espe-
result, these studies are usually modeled as scheduling problems.
cially important for offshore P&A campaigns, which relies on rigs
The workover rig planning problems (WRSPs and WRRSPs) are also
and lighter vessels, such as light well intervention vessels (LWIVs)
set in a stand-alone planning level considering only the rigs. How-
and light construction vessels (LCVs). Bakker et al. (2017) ap-
ever, differently from the DRSP, workover rig planning focuses on
proached the planning of the offshore P&A campaign, presenting
workover operations on the wells, usually considering single jobs
a MILP model based on the VRP that aims to minimize costs of
representing interventions that are often unplanned and can be of
a heterogeneous fleet of semi-submersible rigs, mobile offshore
much shorter duration than drilling operations. Therefore, the dis-
drilling units, and light well intervention vessels. Adapting the
tance between the wells becomes a relevant aspect that is consid-
model from Bakker et al. (2017), Bakker et al. (2019) developed a
ered by modeling the problem as a routing problem (i.e., WRRSP).
commodity flow type formulation for the P&A planning that al-
In addition, most workover problems consider a homogeneous fleet
lowed to tackle larger instances and consider different assump-
of rigs.
tions such as multiple routes per vessel and reduced operability
Field planning problems are those problems that tackle rig op-
of lighter vessels in the winter. Bakker et al. (2021) adapted these
erations at an integrated planning level and are usually for drilling
formulations to consider learning curve effects on the vessel’s pro-
operations. Due to its complexity, most of these RSPs are modeled
cessing times. All these P&A models were part of Bakker (2020), in
as scheduling problems and consider single jobs and homogeneous
which the author also presented a study problem using stochastic
fleet. Resource planning problems are related to those RSPs that
dual dynamic integer programming for the development of a ma-
consider others resources when planning well operations (usually
ture offshore oilfield.
drilling or workover). As there are multiple types of resources,

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 8. Problem setting evolution.

these problems consider multiple jobs per well and a heteroge-

neous fleet of rigs. Fig. 7 also reveals some literature gaps: few
DRSPs modeled as routing problems; even fewer RSP considering
P&A operations and workover rig planning problems for offshore
wells; and a lack of field planning and resource planning for on-
shore oilfields or considering routing approaches.

5.1. Problem setting

Aiming to analyze the problem setting (oilfield and tasks type,

planning level, resources considered, and study case presented)
evolution, the studies were separated according to the publishing
date in two groups: Before 2010 (orange bars) and 2010–2020 (blue
bars). Fig. 8 contains the number of papers found in each group
and problem characteristic.
In the past, the majority of studies were related to offshore Fig. 9. Evolution of the study planning level and the resources considered in the
wells, but the onshore problems have gained more attention in study.
the last decade. Another notable point regarding the type of oper-
ations considered is that drilling RSP studies have decreased over
the last decade. Meanwhile, the WRSP and WRRSP have increased
considerably. However, the P&A field remains with few studies and
it might be thus an important direction for future works.
We can observe that the number of studies using public data
has increased significantly in the last decade. The majority of the
research uses real or public data, which means that there are stud-
ies with a practical perspective fostering the exchange of knowl-
edge between the academia and industry. Nonetheless, few studies
were verified or implemented by companies, highlighting a gap in
the literature. Futures work should therefore focus more closely on
meeting the industry demands.
Furthermore, there was a decrease in integrated field develop-
ment problems and an increase in stand-alone problems as the
RSP gained priority in the decision-making. In contrast, we can
observe a slight growth in studies considering other resources be-
sides rigs, such as offshore support vessels (OSVs), lighters vessels,
crews, equipment, and wire-line cranes, as shown in Fig. 9.
With the purpose of understanding more about the relation- Fig. 10. Relationship between oilfield, task type, and the study planning level.
ships underneath the problem characteristics, Fig. 10 presents a

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 11. Problem approaches evolution.

classification of the papers according to their oilfield, task types, A similar pattern is observed in the way that the jobs (operations)
and planning levels. are modeled. Studies considering multiple jobs to be optimized
First, we observe in Fig. 10 that the problems considering have gained more attention. Meanwhile, single jobs have become
P&A are more relevant for offshore wells and require an inte- less frequent. Finally, just as the previous attributes, the RSP con-
grated field development perspective. Second, as mentioned by sidering a heterogeneous fleet has grown and was accountable for
Tavallali et al. (2016), workover planning is a field operation (pro- the majority of the studies in the last decade. In summary, there
duction phase) decision and is usually separated from field de- seems to be a trend towards turning modeling assumptions more
velopment. Therefore, studies addressing workover planning are realistic, and thus rig scheduling studies started to consider more
usually stand-alone problems. Third, most of the attention of the complex assumptions, such as considering routing, multiple jobs,
workover problems has been to onshore wells, so there is an op- heterogeneous fleet, and other more realistic aspects, as mentioned
portunity for WRSP and WRRSP for offshore oilfields. Last, we can by Santos (2018).
observe that most of the drilling RSPs were for offshore wells and As to the solution methods (the approach row in Fig. 11),
integrated field development. there was a reduction in the use of heuristics and metaheuris-
According to Suslick et al. (2009), the offshore environment is tics, even though they still represent the most common type of
immersed with uncertainties, high investments, and high-risk op- method used. On the other hand, there was an increase in oth-
erations, which makes the offshore RSP more complex, requiring ers approaches: exact (mathematical programming), matheuristic
the drilling RSP to be treated as an integrated field development (hybrid methods combining heuristic and mathematical program-
decision. Also, these results show new possibilities to studies re- ming), simulation, simu-optimization (a hybrid approach combin-
lated to applying an integrated field development for onshore wells ing simulation and optimization), and data-driven optimization (an
and workover operations. Bissoli et al. (2016) suggested that in real emerging approach that uses machine learning methods applied
situations, the WRSP and WRRSP models should consider all the to the optimization). This pattern follows Khor et al. (2017) liter-
possible elements that affect the optimization. ature review of the optimization methods used in field develop-
ment problems, where sophisticated methods are being employed
5.2. Approach more often, in particular matheuristics and models that consider
uncertainties in the costs, geological aspects, processing and trav-
Aiming to observe the evolution of problem approaches (rout- eling times, tasks occurrence, and rig availability.
ing/scheduling, jobs, fleet type, and method) over time, the stud- We also highlight that a dynamic programming approach for
ies were separated according to the publishing date in two groups: the WRRSP (Silva and Silva, 2018) was found during our review.
Before 2010 (orange bars) and 2010–2020 (blue bars). Fig. 11 con- Bissoli et al. (2016) and Bassi et al. (2012) suggested, as fu-
tains the number of papers found in each group and problem char- ture works, dynamic models allowing real-time optimization and
acteristic. The row R/S stands for Routing/Scheduling. Recall that rescheduling. Another crucial point is the employment of data-
the ”Scheduling” and ”Routing” taxonomies refer to problems that driven optimization (Ma et al., 2018; Castiñeira et al., 2018), which
only consider scheduling and problems that consider routing with is a new trend in the areas of Operations Research and Man-
scheduling, respectively. agement Science and entails using big data and machine learn-
One can observe in Fig. 11 that there were some changes in ing (ML) techniques to devise improved models and/ or solu-
the modeling approach over the last decade. Before 2010, most tion methods. Both authors focused on using ML to support the
of the studies focused on scheduling, but since then, the num- mathematical modeling, but there is the possibility of using the
ber of studies incorporating routing has grown considerably and ML to improve the performance of the solution method as well.
the scheduling-based approaches alone have fallen proportionally. Next, Fig. 12 presents the number of publications found of each

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 12. Relationship between Objective Function and task types.

modeling approach (routing or scheduling), the task type studied 6.1. Uncertainty models
(drilling/completion, P&A or workover), and the objective function
used (time indicator, rig fleet size, oil production, oil production As mentioned by Suslick et al. (2009) and Santos et al. (2017),
loss, costs, multi-objective or economic indicator). the RSP has emerged in a risky environment, with uncertainties
Fig. 12 allows us to observe the most common objective func- related to geological aspects (structure, reservoir seal, and hy-
tion type for each problem. Drilling rig scheduling problems drocarbon charge), economic evaluations (rigs, transportation, and
usually consider economic (NPV, CAPEX, cash flow, etc.), time operation costs, chances of finding hydrocarbonates and produc-
(makespan, tardiness, or completion time) or oil production indi- ing economically viable reservoirs, and oil prices), development
cators, or a combination of these indicators using a multi-objective and production (infrastructure, production schedule, oil quality, op-
approach. However, drilling rig routing and scheduling problems eration times, and reservoir characteristic), and logistics (travel
usually consider a monetary objective function (costs or an eco- time, resource availability, inventories, and weather). Therefore, it
nomic indicator), as a routing problem often has transportation is paramount that any analytical approach for the RSP considers
costs associated. As mentioned earlier, few studies were published the uncertainty that affects its decision-making.
with P&A operations. We can observe that all of these use a Uncertainty in this context can be presented in the optimization
routing approach and consider objective functions associated with method (e.g., simulation-optimization, when the uncertain param-
costs, which is expected, as P&A operations involve more than one eter is simulated and then the simulation result is used as an input
vessel and the distance between wells and ports in these opera- in the optimization) or in the modeling approach (e.g., optimiza-
tions is not negligible. Finally, most of the WRSP and WRRSP focus tion under uncertainty). According to Diwekar (2008), optimization
on minimizing oil production loss and some WRRSP might con- under uncertainty can be divided into: (i) “wait and see”: when
sider objective function with costs or multiple objectives. As men- the decision is made only after the observation of the random
tioned by Attia et al. (2019), the oil and gas upstream is a multi- values; (ii) “here and now”: optimization over some probabilistic
dimensional supply chain that requires multi-objective models to measure, which includes stochastic and robust optimization; and
represent it properly. Therefore, future multi-objective approaches (iii) “chance-constrained optimization”: when constraints that are
should also be considered in other RSPs. not expected to be always satisfied. Chaari et al. (2014) propose
Fig. 13 presents the evolution of the heuristics in the RSP. The a classification for scheduling under uncertainty, dividing the ap-
greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) and the ge- proaches into proactive (robustness measures, probabilistic meth-
netic algorithm (GA) are common heuristic methods for the RSP ods, simulation, and optimization under uncertainty), reactive (pri-
due to its general-nature implementation and flexibility. These ority rules), and hybrid (rescheduling or offline planning with real-
are powerful well-known methods that, if appropriately designed, time scheduling).
can provide good solutions reasonably fast. In some studies pub- The most common approach in the RSP to assess the im-
lished between 2010–2020, the adaptive large neighborhood search pact of uncertainties is through simulation models. de An-
(ALNS) metaheuristic has also achieved outstanding results for rig drade Filho (1994), Cong et al. (2008), Lasrado (2008),
scheduling problems: Ribeiro et al. (2012b), Bissoli et al. (2014), and Litvak et al. (2011) used reservoir simulation tools
Bissoli (2014), and Shaji et al. (2019). to model the uncertainty associated with the reservoir.
In summary, refined techniques, such as hybrid optimization Gutleber et al. (1995) simulated the oil production for a given rig
methods, sophisticated metaheuristics, and uncertainty models, are fleet availability and Zahran and Al-Fardan (2014) used simulation
being used to approach complex problems involving multiple tasks, to assemble scenarios for a rig scheduling system.
multiple types of resources, and realistic assumptions. Hybrid methods combining simulation models and heuris-
tics in a "here and now” approach are also standard.
Onwunalu et al. (2008) simulated the oil production of drilling
rig schedules, aiming to maximize the NPV in a hybrid GA.
6. Perspectives and insights Bassi (2010) and Bassi et al. (2012) approached the WRSP using
a GRASP heuristic in which the job processing time was esti-
As mentioned earlier, the RSP has several dimensions and mated with Monte Carlo simulation. Flager (2014) also proposed
levels. Therefore, it is important to analyze the previous trends a method for the onshore RSP that simulated the job processing
and opportunities from different perspectives. In this section, we times.
present insights according to the perspectives of uncertainty, data- Other "here and now” approaches were presented by
driven, integrated field planning, and collaboration between the Fernández Pérez et al. (2018) and Pérez et al. (2019). The au-
academia and the industry. thors proposed stochastic and robust optimization models for the

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 13. Evolution of the heuristics and metaheuristics methods for the rig scheduling problem.

WRSP considering the uncertainty in the processing time. The and historical data, identifies drilling opportunities, and uses it to
main difference between these models was the use of stochastic optimize the short-term rig schedule. Castiñeira et al. (2018) used
programming techniques to obtain globally optimal solutions. ML and NLP for automated analysis of drilling data. The historical
Bakker (2020) also uses linear programming methods to obtain data was then used to optimize the rig schedule through heuristics,
optimal solutions, but there were no specific details about the maximizing NPV and oil production. Both studies have used ad-
uncertain variables considered. Silva and Silva (2018) presented a vanced machine learning techniques to support the optimization,
dynamic programming model for the WRRSP that deals with the but none consider the uncertainty.
uncertainty in the workover occurrences, that is, which wells will According to Ning and You (2019), data-driven optimization
need workover and when. under uncertainty extracts rich information about the uncer-
Despite the number of RSP studies considering uncertainty, this tainty data in an automatic and smart data-driven process. It
trend has several gaps and opportunities. For instance, no chance- can be divided in: (i) data-driven stochastic programming and
constrained optimization model has been proposed for the RSP, de- distributionally robust optimization (models the uncertainty us-
spite their potential of generating robust solutions. Furthermore, ing a family of probability distributions); (ii) data-driven chance-
uncertainties related to costs are a critical feature for industrial constrained optimization (focuses on chance-constraint satisfaction
stakeholders and should receive more attention. Lastly, there is the under the worst-case probability); (iii) data-driven robust opti-
opportunity of employing data-driven optimization under uncer- mization (a particular case of robust optimization); and (iv) data-
tainty, which will be further discussed in the next section. driven scenario-based optimization (does not require knowledge of
the probability distribution and uses a discrete uncertainty set).
6.2. Data-driven models Data-driven optimization under uncertainty is a trend in the field
of Operations Research that has not been employed in the RSP and
Data-driven techniques are a recent trend in the literature that is a clear opportunity for future studies.
relies on the intelligent use of data. These techniques use ma-
chine learning, big data, and data science to analyze data and ex-
tract relevant, accurate, and valuable information to ease knowl- 6.3. Integrated planning
edge discovery and decision-making (Ning and You, 2019). As a
multifaceted problem, the RSP relies heavily on data from multi- As mentioned earlier, the RSP is a multifaceted problem that
ple sources. Data-driven techniques become crucial to extract the depends on and affects other E&P decisions and resources, such as
information from this vast amount of data. OSVs, equipment, and crews. According to Tavallali et al. (2016),
For instance, ML can be used for predicting when an inter- only a few references addressed the integration of well placement
vention will become necessary or how long workovers will last. with drilling scheduling. On the other hand, in Section 4.4, 51 stud-
As mentioned by Carvalho et al. (2019), machine learning tech- ies were found with integrated decisions, of which 24 were from
niques (e.g., support vector machine, random forests, adaptive neu- field planning and the others 27 integrating rig scheduling with
ral networks, deep learning, and k-means) have been successfully decisions comprising other resources. This finding suggests that
applied to design predictive maintenance applications on others there has been a trend for models with an integrated planning per-
fields. These promising developments involving predictive mainte- spective.
nance could be adapted to the context of RSP. In Section 5, these studies were analyzed, and some trends
Ma et al. (2018) proposed a method that uses a data mining and opportunities were detected. For instance, optimizing the RSP
system for extracting key information from daily drilling reports with other resources is a trend that has gained more traction

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

between 2010 and 2020, as shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 10 showed ing the RSP with other decisions and resources. Not only the ap-
that very few studies had an integrated perspective for onshore proach ought to have an integrated perspective, but when propos-
fields, which could be an opportunity for future studies. How- ing a system, a critical factor for implementation is that the system
ever, it is important to notice that most field planning studies pre- can be easily integrated with others systems (Hasle et al., 1996).
sented in Section 4.4.1 tackled the RSP with simplified assump- Finally, researchers must use realistic constraints and objectives
tions. Tavallali et al. (2015), Martin et al. (2010), and Calderón and functions for the problem. As mentioned by Tavallali et al. (2016),
Pekney (2020) were the only references to consider the RSP with considering technical constraints and removing unreasonable sim-
more realistic assumptions and integrated with the field devel- plifying assumptions are critical for gaining industrial acceptance.
opment planning. Future opportunity still exists in tackling the
field planning problem with constraints more closely represent-
ing industrial stakeholders’ goals. This collaboration between the 7. Final considerations
academia and industry will be discussed in the next section.
This paper conducted an extensive and systematic literature re-
6.4. Industry and academia collaboration view (SLR) in the rig scheduling problem, resulting in the compi-
lation of 130 papers and four literature reviews. As a result, this
Oil companies often collaborate with academic institutions to SLR generated four relevant contributions for the rig scheduling
develop advanced decision support frameworks and achieve bet- problem (RSP) literature. First, it proposes a taxonomy and a new
ter results in their decision-making. As many others decisions in classification methodology that gathers the different dimensions of
the E&P, the RSP was born from this type of collaboration. How- the problem. Second, it is the first study to our knowledge that
ever, while the number of studies using public data by academic performs a complete literature review in the different dimensions
stakeholders has grown exponentially, the collaboration between of the RSP. Third, it maps how the RSP has been addressed and
the industry and academia has reduced in number considerably solved in the literature from the academic and industrial perspec-
between 2010 and 2020 (Fig. 8). This cutback suggests a widen- tives, highlighting its current trends. Last, it analyzes the main gaps
ing gap between the industry demands and the academia research between the literature and the industry, suggesting analytical and
agenda. Aiming to understand this gap better, this section analyzes quantitative tools that are available to address them.
RSP studies from both industrial and academic perspectives. The RSP has several characteristics that are important when
Eagle (1996) implemented a SA algorithm to schedule drilling approaching a problem. This paper has proposed a methodology
rigs maximizing the NPV for BP (Alaska), which lead to savings of that divides problem characteristics in two groups: setting (oil
30 million dollars. Hasle et al. (1996) developed a system with Saga field location, well operations, planning level, and resources con-
Petroleum and other companies for scheduling well activities on sidered) and approach (modeling, rig fleet, single/multiple jobs).
rigs and wire-line cranes. The system used constrained program- According to this taxonomy, a study can be classified into Drilling
ming and considered some technological precedence constraints Rig Scheduling Problem, Workover Scheduling Problem, Workover
in the model. Furthermore, it had an efficient and easy user in- Routing and Scheduling Problem, Field Planning, and Resource
terface fully integrated with other systems from the company. Planning. This taxonomy and classification were used to analyze
Currie et al. (1997a) and Currie et al. (1997b) implemented a linear the papers selected in the review, detecting trends and opportuni-
programming model for a Norwegian company to integrate and op- ties.
timize the development decisions. Another resource planning sys- The first publications were in the 1960s and 1970s and referred
tem was developed by Horton and Dedigama (2006) for the Aus- to the drilling rigs scheduling problem under an oil field develop-
tralian oil company Santos Ltd. According to the authors, the sys- ment perspective. However, only in the second half of the 1990s,
tem, named PRISM (Plan Resource Implement Schedule Manage), the discussions started to gain traction. New mathematical models
was validated and resulted in gains of approximately 450 million were proposed, but they were still not suitable for real-world in-
Australian dollars per year. Irgens and Lavenue (2007) presented stances. In the 20 0 0s, there was an increase in the research of new
a system called Aris that was implemented in Saudi Aramco. This and more efficient methods, most of them focusing on workover
software consisted of an interactive application for drilling rig rigs. The improvement in the model formulations and algorithms’
scheduling minimizing costs that reduced traveling costs by 35%. performance allowed for approaching more realistic scenarios. We
Another system with an integrated field planning approach was also highlight that there are very few P&A studies.
discussed by Davidson et al. (2009). The authors presented Exxon The current trends identified in the RSP literature take advan-
Mobil’s simulator EM power , which has a module for drilling rig tage of sophisticated optimization techniques that are available in
scheduling using first-in-first-out rules. Another system used by the literature. Developing hybrid methods (combining mathemat-
Saudi Aramco was reviewed by Amer et al. (2016), ASAS (Auto- ical programming, metaheuristics, or simulation) and considering
mated Services Assignment System) was used for scheduling and multiple types of tasks (drilling, completion, or workover), oth-
monitoring the fleet of drilling and workover rigs with potential ers resources (OSVs, equipment, and crews), and realistic objec-
savings of 15% in contrast with the previously employed process. tive functions and assumptions (such as heterogeneous fleet, vari-
Lastly, Ma et al. (2018) presented a decision support technique that able costs rates over the time horizon, rigs capabilities learning,
was successfully applied in several major oil fields from the Middle fleets availability, machine eligibility, net present value, and ex-
East, North America, and South America. This tool used natural lan- pected monetary value). Furthermore, the dynamic and high-risk
guage processing and deep neural network models to extract infor- operations of the RSP demands for studies considering uncertainty,
mation from daily drilling reports and historical data and to detect only a few approaches use stochastic and robust models, dynamic
non-productive time in the short-term rig scheduling, reducing it programming, simulation-optimization, and data-driven optimiza-
between 14–30%. tion.
In summary, answering the fourth and last research question Many of these gaps and trends emerge from the needs of the
What are the main gaps between the academic literature and indus- oil and gas sector. The rig scheduling problem is a crucial decision
trial practice?. From the 130 RSP studies found in this SLR, only in the E&P phases, considerably influencing the field profitability.
nine studies presented a method that was implemented in a real Nevertheless, there were only a handful of studies that were im-
company, and from those nine, only five were verified within the plemented or validated in the industry. Future works on the RSP
company as a successful tool. Most of these studies were integrat- ought to apply the advanced quantitative methods available in real

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

instances, validating it with industry stakeholders and supporting

the integration between the academic and practical points of view.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Iuri Martins Santos: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,

Writing – original draft. Silvio Hamacher: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Writing – review & editing. Fabricio Oliveira: Data
curation, Writing – review & editing.


This study was supported in part by PUC-Rio, the Coordenação

de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) -
Finance Code 001, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Fig. 14. Word clouds plot.
Tecnológico (CNPq) and the Tecgraf Institute. We would also like to
acknowledge the contributions from the two anonymous referees,
which have markedly improved our manuscript. Note: The search queries selects only final studies published in
Journals, Conference and Books and in English. And some terms
Appendix A. Search Query Generation might be in Portuguese.

Fig. 14 shows the word plot that supported the search query Appendix B. Problems Details
used in this SLR.
Table 4 contains the complete search query used in the Scopus Follow, Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 contain the number of pa-
database during this SLR. pers found for each taxonomy (columns) for the DRSP, WRSP,
Table 5 contains the complete search query used in the Web of WRRSP, FP, and RP, respectively. Recall that that the ”Scheduling”
Science database during this SLR. and ”Routing” taxonomies refer to problems that only consider

Table 4
Scopus search query used for the rigs scheduling literature review.

(TITLE-ABS-KEY(schedul∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(reschedul∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(rout∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(mobilization) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”move∗ ”) OR

TITLE-ABS-KEY(”programing”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(simulat∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(optimiz∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(model∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(algorithm) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY(∗ heuristic∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(procedure) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(technique) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(system)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(wells) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY(”oil well”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(oil) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (oilfield) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(petroleum)) AND (((TITLE-ABS-KEY(onshore) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY(offshore)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(workover) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(drilling) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”well completion”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”downhole
completion”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (”reservoir evaluation”))) OR ((TITLE-ABS-KEY(onshore) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(offshore)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(rig) OR
completion”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”downhole completion”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”reservoir evaluation”)))) OR ((((TITLE(rig) OR TITLE(rigs) OR TITLE(vessel)) AND
(TITLE(workover) OR TITLE(drilling) OR TITLE(”well completion”) OR TITLE(”downhole completion”) OR TITLE(”reservoir evaluation”) OR TITLE(well))) AND
((TITLE-ABS-KEY(schedul∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(reschedul∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(rout∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(mobilization) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”move∗ ”) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY(planning) OR TITLE(problem)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY(simulat∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(optimi?∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(model∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
(algorithm) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(∗ heuristic∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(programming)))) OR (((TITLE(rig) OR TITLE(rigs)) OR (TITLE(workover) OR TITLE(drilling) OR
TITLE(”well completion”) OR TITLE(”downhole completion”) OR TITLE(”reservoir evaluation”) OR TITLE(well))) AND ((TITLE(schedul∗ ) OR TITLE(reschedul∗ ) OR
TITLE (rout∗ ) OR TITLE(mobilization) OR TITLE(”move∗ ”) OR TITLE(planning)) AND (TITLE(simulat∗ ) OR TITLE(optimi?∗ ) OR TITLE(model∗ ) OR TITLE(algorithm) OR
TITLE(∗ heuristic∗ ) OR TITLE(programming) OR TITLE(problem))))) OR (((TITLE(rig) OR TITLE(rigs)) OR (TITLE(workover) OR TITLE(drilling) OR TITLE(”well
completion”) OR TITLE(”downhole completion”) OR TITLE(”reservoir evaluation”)) OR (TITLE(well))) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(schedul∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(reschedul∗ )
OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(rout∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(mobilization) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(”move∗ ”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY (oil) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(oilfield) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY(petroleum)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY(simulat∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(optimi?∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(model∗ ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(algorithm) OR

Table 5
Web of Science search query used for the rigs scheduling literature review.

(TS=(schedul∗ OR reschedul∗ OR rout∗ OR mobilization OR ”move∗ ” OR ”programing”) AND TS=(simulat∗ OR optimiz∗ OR model∗ OR algorithm OR ∗ heuristic∗ OR
procedure OR technique OR system) AND TS=(”wells” OR ”oil well” OR ”oil” OR oilfield OR petroleum) AND ((TS=(onshore OR offshore) AND TS=(”workover” OR
drilling OR ”well completion” OR ”downhole completion” OR ”reservoir evaluation”)) OR (TS=(onshore OR offshore) AND TS=(”rig” OR ”rigs”)) OR (TS=(”rig” OR
”rigs”) AND TS=(”workover” OR drilling OR ”well completion” OR ”downhole completion” OR ”reservoir evaluation”))) OR ((TI=(”rig” OR ”rigs” OR vessel) AND
TI=(”workover” OR drilling OR ”well completion” OR ”downhole completion” OR ”reservoir evaluation”) AND (TS=(schedul∗ OR reschedul∗ OR rout∗ OR
mobilization OR ”move∗ ” OR planning) OR TI=(problem) OR TI=(simulat∗ OR optimi?∗ OR model∗ OR algorithm OR ∗ heuristic∗ OR programming))) OR ((TI=(”rig”
OR ”rigs”) OR TI=(”workover” OR drilling OR ”well completion” OR ”downhole completion” OR ”reservoir evaluation” OR well)) AND TI=(schedul∗ OR reschedul∗
OR rout∗ OR mobilization OR ”move∗ ” OR planning) AND TI=(simulat∗ OR optimi?∗ OR model∗ OR algorithm OR ∗ heuristic∗ OR programming OR problem))) OR
((TI=(”rig” OR ”rigs”) OR TI=(”workover” OR drilling OR ”well completion” OR ”downhole completion” OR ”reservoir evaluation” OR well)) AND TS=(schedul∗ OR
reschedul∗ OR rout∗ OR mobilization OR ”move∗ ”) AND TS=(”oil” OR oilfield OR petroleum) AND TS=(simulat∗ OR optimi?∗ OR model∗ OR algorithm OR

heuristic∗ OR programming))) AND LANGUAGE: (English) AND DOCUMENT TYPE: (Article OR Abstract of Published Item OR Book OR Book Chapter OR Book
Review OR Early Access OR Proceedings Paper)

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 15. Distribution of the drilling rig scheduling problem studies according to the taxonomy.

Fig. 16. Distribution of the workover rig scheduling problem studies according to the taxonomy.

Fig. 17. Distribution of the workover rig routing and scheduling problem studies according to the taxonomy.

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Fig. 18. Distribution of the field planning studies according to the taxonomy.

Fig. 19. Distribution of the resource planning studies according to the taxonomy.

scheduling and problems that consider routing integrated with scheduling, respectively. In the ”Fleet” row, ”Homog.” and ”Het-
scheduling, respectively. erog.” are a shorten for ”Homogeneous” and ”Heterogeneous”, re-
spectively. In the Method row, ”Heur.”, ”Matheur.”, ”Simu.”, ”Simu-
Appendix C. Results Details Opt.”, and ”Data Driven Opt.” refer to ”Heuristic”, ”Matheuristic”,
”Simulation”, ”Simulation-Optimization”, and ”Data Driven Opti-
The following Table 6 summarizes the rig scheduling publi- mization”, respectively. Last, the ”O.F.” row is the Objective Func-
cations found on this literature review. The ”Rout./Sched.” row tion row, it’s field ”Econ. Index” refers to ”Economic Index” and
means ”Routing/Scheduling” and recall that the ”Scheduling” ”Prod.” refers to ”Oil Production”.
and ”Routing” taxonomies refer to problems that only consider For more details about each paper, see the complete table in
scheduling and problems that consider routing integrated with the supplementary file SupplementaryFile-IuriSantos.xlsx.

I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Table 6
Rig scheduling publications found in this literature review.

Authors (Year) Oilfield Task Fleet Rout./Sched. Method Section O.F.

Aronofsky (1962) - Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Econ. Index

Aronofsky and Williams (1962) - Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Econ. Index
Hartsock and Greaney (1971) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Econ. Index
Barnes et al. (1977) - Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Haugland et al. (1991) Offshore Drilling Homog. Rout. Exact 4.1 Econ. Index
de Andrade Filho (1994) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Gutleber et al. (1995) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Simu. 4.1 Econ. Index
Eagle (1996) Onshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 Econ. Index
Hasle et al. (1996) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Time
Nesvold et al. (1996) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.1 Multi
Currie et al. (1997a) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Currie et al. (1997b) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Paiva (1997) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Multi
Iyer et al. (1998) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Matheur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Paiva et al. (2000) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Multi
Van Den Heever and Grossmann (2000) Offshore Drilling Heterog. - Matheur. 4.4.1 Costs
Noronha and Aloise (2001) Onshore Workover - Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Accioly et al. (2002) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Multi
Aloise et al. (2002) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Gouvêa et al. (2002) - Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Maia et al. (2002) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Multi
McKechnie et al. (2002) Offshore Workover Heterog. Sched. - 4.4.2 -
Nascimento (2002) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.2 Prod.
Rocha et al. (2003) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Aseeri et al. (2004) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Costa and Ferreira Filho (2004) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Trindade and Ochi (2004) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Costa (2005) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Costa and Ferreira Filho (2005) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Pereira (2005) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.2 Prod.
Pereira et al. (2005a) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.2 Prod.
Pereira et al. (2005b) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.2 Prod.
Trindade (2005) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Trindade and Ochi (2005) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Aloise et al. (2006) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Alves and Ferreira Filho (2006) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Carvalho and Pinto (2006) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Matheur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Horton and Dedigama (2006) Onshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. - 4.4.2 -
Neves and Ochi (2006) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Van Den Heever and Grossmann (2006) Offshore Drilling Heterog. Sched. Matheur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Vasconcellos and Ferreira Filho (2006) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Heur. 4.4.2 Time
Barnes and Kokossis (2007) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Irani (2007) - Drilling; Others - Sched. - 4.1 -
Irgens and Lavenue (2007) Onshore Drilling Heterog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 Multi
Litvak et al. (2007) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.4.1 Multi
Neves (2007) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Neves and Ochi (2007) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Oliveira et al. (2007) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Cong et al. (2008) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.4.1 Prod.
Husni (2008) - Drilling; Others Homog. - Exact; Heur. 4.1 Econ. Index
Irgens et al. (2008) Onshore Drilling Heterog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 Multi
Lasrado (2008) Offshore Workover Homog. Sched. Simu. 4.2 Multi
Moura et al. (2008) Offshore Completion Heterog. - Exact; Heur. 4.4.2 Prod.
Onwunalu et al. (2008) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Davidson et al. (2009) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.4.1 -
Douro and Lorenzoni (2009) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Falex (2009) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 Multi
Glinz and Berumen (2009) Offshore Drilling Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Econ. Index
Gonçalves (2009) Offshore Drilling Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.1 Econ. Index
Litvak and Angert (2009) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Pacheco et al. (2009b) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Pacheco et al. (2009a) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Bassi (2010) Offshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Simu-Opt. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Lorenzoni and Polycarpo (2010) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Martin et al. (2010) Offshore Drilling Heterog. - - 4.4.1 Distance
Mazzini et al. (2010) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Costs
Pacheco et al. (2010) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Pandolfi et al. (2010) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.4.2 Time
Al Gharbi (2011) Onshore Drilling Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.1 Costs
Litvak et al. (2011) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Pacheco (2011) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Ribeiro et al. (2011) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Serra et al. (2011) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Multi
Soares et al. (2011) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Bassi et al. (2012) Offshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Simu-Opt. 4.3 Prod. Loss
(continued on next page)
I.M. Santos, S. Hamacher and F. Oliveira Computers and Chemical Engineering 153 (2021) 107443

Table 6 (continued)

Authors (Year) Oilfield Task Fleet Method Section O.F.


Duhamel et al. (2012) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur.; Matheur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Ribeiro et al. (2012a) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Matheur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Ribeiro et al. (2012b) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Sabry et al. (2012) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Costs
Serra (2012) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Prod.
Serra et al. (2012a) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Prod.
Serra et al. (2012b) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Prod.
Serra et al. (2012c) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Prod.
Sumaida et al. (2013) Onshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Rout. - 4.1 -
Villagra et al. (2013) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.4.2 Time
Bissoli (2014) Onshore Workover Homog.+Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Multi
Bissoli et al. (2014) Onshore Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Costs
Lange and Lin (2014) Onshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. - 4.4.1 Costs
Marques et al. (2014) Offshore Workover Homog. Sched. Exact 4.2 Rigs Fleet
Omosebi et al. (2014) Offshore Drilling Heterog. Sched. - 4.4.1 -
Ribeiro et al. (2014) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur.; Matheur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Zahran and Al-Fardan (2014) - Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Simu. 4.1 Multi
Amrideswaran et al. (2015) Offshore Workover; Others Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 -
Haugland and Tjøstheim (2015) Offshore Drilling Heterog. Rout. Matheur. 4.1 Econ. Index
Monemi et al. (2015) Onshore Workover Heterog. Sched. Heur.; Matheur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Tavallali et al. (2015) - Drilling Homog. - Exact; Heur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Amer et al. (2016) - Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. - 4.1 -
Carrilho and Villas Boas (2016) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Multi
Chowdhury (2016) Onshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Heur. 4.1 Time
Danach (2016) Onshore Workover Heterog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Prod.
Dewan et al. (2016) Onshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. - 4.4.1 Costs
Drouven and Grossmann (2016) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Econ. Index
Flager (2014) Onshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.1 Multi
Kromodihardjo and Kromodihardjo (2016) - Workover Homog. Rout. Heur. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Pérez et al. (2016) Onshore Workover Homog. Sched. Exact 4.2 Prod. Loss
Silva et al. (2016) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Rout. Matheur. 4.1 Multi
Tavallali et al. (2016) - Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Arnaout et al. (2017) Onshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. - 4.1 Time
Bakker et al. (2017) Offshore P&A Heterog. Rout. Exact 4.4.2 Costs
Kelly et al. (2017) Offshore Completion Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Prod.
Vasconcelos et al. (2017) Offshore Workover Heterog. Sched. Heur. 4.2 Time
Carrilho et al. (2018) Offshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Exact 4.1 Rigs Fleet
Castiñeira et al. (2018) Onshore Drilling; Others Heterog. Sched. Data Driven Opt. 4.1 Multi
Fernández Pérez et al. (2018) Onshore Workover Heterog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Ma et al. (2018) Onshore Drilling; Others - Sched. Data Driven Opt. 4.1 Econ. Index
Santos (2018) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact; Heur. 4.1 Multi
Silva and Silva (2018) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Exact 4.3 Prod. Loss
Tavallali and Zare (2018) - Drilling Heterog. Rout. Exact 4.1 Costs
Achkar et al. (2019a) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Matheur. 4.4.2 Multi
Achkar et al. (2019b) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Matheur. 4.4.2 Multi
Bakker et al. (2019) Offshore P&A Heterog. Rout. Exact 4.4.2 Costs
Pérez et al. (2019) Onshore Workover Heterog. Sched. Simu-Opt. 4.2 Prod. Loss
Marchesi et al. (2019) Offshore Drilling; Others Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.2 Time
Shaji et al. (2019) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Prod. Loss
Aurachman et al. (2020) Onshore; Offshore Workover Homog. Rout. - 4.4.2 Prod. Loss
Bakker (2020) Offshore P&A Heterog. Rout. Exact; Simu-Opt. 4.4.2 Costs
Bakker et al. (2021) Offshore P&A Heterog. Rout. Exact 4.4.2 Costs
Calderón and Pekney (2020) Offshore Drilling Homog. Sched. Exact 4.4.1 Econ. Index
Kulachenko and Kononova (2020) Onshore Drilling Homog. Rout. Matheur. 4.1 Distance
Tozzo et al. (2020) Onshore Workover Heterog. Rout. Heur. 4.3 Multi

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