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201176B Eptl 999 - 50N - S 230225 - Fj3Sr5, A1,3

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Valuation Report

Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd

Locations EPTL plant complex:

District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan

Requested by Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd

Report ref 999_50201176B_19180502

Date 25 February 2023
Prepared by Joseph Lobo (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan

Eng BakhatAli Naper

Engineering Joseph Lobo (Pvt) Ltd

Yusuf Dossa
Engineering Valuation Risk Joseph Lobo (Pvt) Ltd
Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 February 2023 | Pg/ 1 of 6.
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Valuation Report
(Issued Without Prejudice - for the internal use of EPTL only)

At the request of Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd [EPTL], we have assessed the subject projects & their assets in order to
estimate, for the internal use EPTL, their Present Market Value [PMV] & Forced Sale Value [FSV] as of 15-Jan-2023.
The report of our findings for EPTL is provided as follows.
Assessment request by [a] Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd [EPTL]
16th Floor, Harbor Front Building
HC# 3, Marine Drive, Block-4, Clifton, Karachi, Pakistan.
On behalf of EPTL.
Subject Valuation | Assessment of Present Market Value [PMV] for:
[a] Land.
[b] Building & structures.
[c] Plant, machinery, ancillary equipment & infrastructure modules.
[d] Vehicle fleet.
[e] Computers, office & IT networking equipment.
Location [a] EPTL plant site complex, District Tharparkar, Sindh.
Dates of Survey At 11- to 15-Jan-2023.
Persons liaised with [a] Mr Anosh Khan [AK]: Deputy Manager - Treasury, SECMC / EPTL, Head Office,
Karachi; [b] Mr Zia Haider [ZH]: Site Head, Administration, EPTL plant complex; [c]
Mr Muneeb Imran Qureishi [MQ]: Deputy Manager, Operations, EPTL plant
complex; [d] Mr Tasawuf Iqbal [TI]: Deputy Manager, Maintenance, EPTL plant
complex; [e] Mr Asad Iqbal [MQ]: Manager, Mechanical, EPTL plant complex; as
well as several other staff members at the aforementioned complex.

0100 Preamble
0101 EPTL is a 660MW pulverized-coal type power generation plant sited 25km NE of Islamkot, District Tharparkar.
The project includes 2x 1,015mt/h circulating fluidized bed coal-fired boilers, 2x 330MW steam turbines with
all ancillaries as well as flue gas & water treatment plants.
0102 The project was established in 2014 as an SPV between Engro Energy Ltd [EEL, formerly Engro PowerGen
Ltd [EPL]], China Machinery Engineering Corp [CMEC], Habib Bank Ltd [HBL] & Liberty Mills Ltd [LML]. The
project attained commercial operation in Jul-2019.

0200 Scope of Assignment

0201 Full scope valuation of the plant, machinery & ancillary equipment, infrastructure, land, buildings & structures,
vehicle fleet, computers & IT networking & office equipment, for Present Market Value [PMV], of the selected
assets as listed, at the EPTL complex.
0202 The JL asset-group & listing was followed as the primary reference, & main sub-heads. The FAR provided,
with its asset reference numbers, etc, was used as a basis for the historical cost work-forward derivation of
PMV. The assessment will be based upon several methodologies including cost & market approaches for the
installed plant / machinery, ancillary equipment, buildings & structures:
0203.1 Cost-approach-1: New Replacement Value work-back for Present Market Value [PMV2] as of
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0203.2 Cost-approach-2: FAR historical cost recasting & work-forward for Present Market Value [PMV1]
as of 15-Jan-2023.
0203.3 Comparative-plant / market-approach: The market-sourced data values & specifications for other
existing plants & facilities of similar configuration was used, as well as figures from the extensive
databases compiled by JL & our international partners during other valuations, risk & sums-
insured assessments, as well as claims & loss adjusting assignments in Pakistan, &
0203 Assessment of the Present Market Value [PMV] for the EPTL power plant project component as of 15-Jan-
0204 The survey report is to be accompanied by a Photo file of the subject assets.
0205 The report is not intended to have comprehensive self-contained descriptives of subject assets, but short
asset captions using existing nomenclature received from EPTL who already have access to and are familiar
with the detailed technical specifications of the subject assets.
0206 No material testing is to be performed to assess value &/or condition of the assets inspected. Assessment is
to be based on physical inspection, measurements &/or data provided by EPTL, in addition to market inquiries
& the combined proprietary database resources of Joseph Lobo (Pvt) Ltd & our international partners.

0300 Definitions
0301 New Replacement Value [NRV1] is the estimated cost of replacing the existing subject asset with an unused
substitute of identical or equivalent asset of like kind, quality, equal utility & output/capacity/specifications,
having zero wear-&-tear, using current standards of materials & design, and with no deduction for
0302 Present Market Value [PMV] also termed as Fair Market Value is the estimated value of a tangible asset, in
its current state, as-is-where-is, in an unrestricted market, founded on market information, extrapolation &/or
precedent, based on what an informed, willing, & unpressured buyer without any obligation would likely arrive
at and agree with a similarly knowledgeable, willing, unpressured & unobligated seller in the market, with
neither party under any compulsion to buy or sell. The assessed PMV apply to a degree & form of deployment
related to identical utilization &/or project requirement. Any deviations with respect to differing utility will entail
adjustments or an entirely revised appraisal.
0303 Operational / Useful Life is the estimated life during which an asset is projected to generate revenue or
provide other valuable or quantifiable service. Equivalent to the period over which an asset can be
depreciated, useful life refers to the duration for which the item will be useful to the entity, not how long the
asset will or could actually last before being reduced to scrap at the end of its useful life. Many factors affect
a property's useful life including the frequency of use, the age or running hours already incurred at the time
of acquisition as well as the repair policy & the prevailing environmental conditions during operation or storage
of the asset. Useful life of identical type of assets will differ from user to user depending on the above factors
as well as additional factors as foreseeable technological improvements, economic changes & changes in
0304 End-Life Residual Value / Scrap Value [ERV] is the estimated value of a physical asset &/or its component/s
after completion of its economic operational life and is deemed no longer usable in original form. The
individual components may at times be put to other use in original form or more often be processed before
reuse. Scrap value is also dependent on the supply & demand for the component materials of the scrapped

0400 Valuation | Methodologies, Parameters, Metrics, Productivity & Reserves

◼ Plant / Machinery: Cost & Market Comparative Approaches
0401 A listing of the assets including plant components, buildings, structures & vehicles was provided by EPTL.
Prevailing & historical market values for these listed assets of identical or similar specifications & age were
researched & used for: [a] Market-based cost-approach derivation of PMV1: NRV1-PMV1 [where new, unused
replacement assets are available] with work-forward for PMV1; [b] Comparative-plant-based cost-approach
derivation of PMV2-NRV2-PMV1 [for independently commissioned &/or custom-designed assets, &/or assets
no available in their original specifications] with work-back / work-forward inter- & extrapolations for PMV1; &
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[c] Historical-cost-based OAV-PMV3 extrapolated work-forward derivations, followed by work-back / work-

forward for using the FAR & historical data provided by EPTL.
0402 The assessment incorporates a multiple approach to achieve the most broad-based derivation. The
methodologies employed include stand-alone itemized NRV derivations based on worldwide procurement of
materials & services, coupled with a parallel NRV derivation using the JL’s in-house databases, statistical &
trend-derived project costs for comprehensive & comparative appraisal.
0403 Prevailing & historical market values of assets of identical or similar specifications & age were researched &
used for NRV-PMV, PMV1-PMV2, OAV-PMV derivations which were then used as a comparative basis, with
work-back / work-forward using the following factors for assets of older or later YoM (year-of-manufacture)
&/or of an independently commissioned design nature:
0404 Scaling & equivalence factors were applied to normalize production / output capacities, dimensions, dry
weight for asset values of slightly differing specs & enable proper comparative analyses.
0405 Assets were re-grouped in accordance with specific machinery classes to enable more accurate itemized
NRV-PMV / PMV-NRV derivations.
0406 Straight-line depreciation was applied on an asset class basis adjusted & categorized to reflect residual value,
operational life, Mean-Time-Between-Failure (MTBF) trends, & cyclical utility patterns [where applicable].
0407 1st order derivatives for the host-country &/or supplier-country Producer Price Index (PPI) were applied on
an asset-class sector-wise basis as applicable.
0408 Lapsed-period exchange-differential impact was applied for non-offshore items & other host-country
expenses. USD was used as the primary denominations wherever possible. Exchange rates on the basis of
the annual mean were utilized for each year till 2021. The key USD - PKR exchange rates used for this
assessment include: 01-Apr-2016 [104.7724975], 22-May-2016 [104.794325], 01-Apr-2017 [104.828458],
15-Nov-2022 [221.451922], & 15-Jan-2023 [228.030262] was applied for the year 2023.
0409 The relevant obsolescence factors were applied selectively to equipment, components, electro-mechanical
machinery & ancillaries where the base technology &/or instrumentation has undergone significant change in
core &/or display technology, & including assets where primary functions are dependent on installed
microprocessors, IC-modules & logic controllers.
0410 Initial import, logistical & installation costs were factored into the values.
0411 Capitalized modifications, standard overhaul &/or major refit expenditures were excluded but their impact on
the operational life of the target assets were applied & adjustments made accordingly, as a matter of course.
0412 Market-derived NRV & PMV data were compared with our proprietary databases compiled from decades of
experience in plant valuation, machinery insurance claim adjustments, as well as plant & PML / MFL
derivations for project risk assessments.
0413 Market-sourced import, landed cost & installed NRVs as well as direct locally fabricated cost-based NRVs
were obtained &/or computed for identical &/or similar & the relevant factors from above-mentioned basis
0414 Market-derived individual itemized PMV & NRV data were used as far as possible, under the said
0415 The Modal Mean of the results from the 4x methodologies was used to derive the final definitive PMV for
◼ Building: Cost Approach
0416 Physical inspection, examination & measurements of buildings & structures to identify the construction types,
standards & levels of finish.
0417 Physical surveys on the ground were followed up by satellite photogrammetry & referenced information from
EPTL & our own type & rate databases in order to establish the bases for computing the dimensions,
construction types & rates for derivation of the NRV.
0418 Physical surveys & measurements were conducted independently wherever physical or remote access was
possible & integrity of the superstructure permitted, for the buildings & structures in order to identify the
construction types, dimensions, standards & levels of finish & current condition.
0419 Condition assessment was made on the basis of physical inspection from the ground as well as our own
extensive experience in a wide range of civil engineering projects for ERV, Balance-Operational-Life [BOL],
RCA, post-fire evaluations & other condition / loss-damage assessment assignments.
0420 Structure Mean Operational Life [MOL] & End-Life Residual Values [ERV] was determined by the type of
building construction & building materials.

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0421 The covered area was coupled with the applicable construction rates & NRV for 15-Feb-2023 computed for
the entire developed, built-up & constructed area.
0422 The derived value was then depreciated using declining balance basis [computed on mean life & End-Life
Residual Values [ERV]] work-back computation & our proprietary financial models for buildings & civil
0423 Details for the individual rates & computed values are listed in the attached Annexures.
0424 The cost-approach derived values were then depreciated using our proprietary financial models using
declining balance basis [computed on mean operational life & end-life residual values] work-back computation
from the Year-of-Completion.
◼ Land: Market Approach & Comparatives
0425 Total land component for EPTL project has been advised as 313acres [126.67hectares].
0426 The versatility of the locations wrt ‘best-use’ was also to be taken into account.
0427 The assessment was carried out to obtain the existing-use value of the land on an open market comparative
transactions basis wherever possible for identical, near-identical & similar properties. The appraisal also
included additional trade opinions & in-depth discussions with patwaris, land owners, private & institutional
investors, brokers, other localized market intelligence as well as other reliable sources with respect to land
values & their movements to determine the current market value of asset. Due consideration was given to all
relevant factors affecting the current, prevailing salability of the assets, availability of buyers as well as the
assessment of its real value under the existing economic conditions.

0500 Assessment Summary

◼ Plant, Ancillary Equipment & Plant / Production-Related Vehicles | 15-Jan-2023 | FAR historical-cost based
Cost-Approach / OAV Recasting with OAV-NRV1 work-forward + NRV2-PMV2 work-back:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0501 Plant, ancillary equipment & mine production-related vehicles 819,433,950

0502 Plant, ancillary equipment, production-related vehicles | PMV: USD 819,433,950

◼ Buildings & Structures | 15-Jan-2023 | FAR historical-cost based Cost-Approach / OAV Recasting with OAV-
NRV1 work-forward + NRV2-PMV2 work-back:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0503 Buildings & structures component 173,593,430

0504 Buildings / structures component | PMV: USD 173,593,430

◼ Computers, Office Equipment, Furniture, Appliances, Recreation & Kitchen / Cafeteria Equipment | 15-Jan-
2023 | FAR historical-cost based Cost-Approach / OAV Recasting with OAV-NRV1 work-forward + NRV2-
PMV2 work-back:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0505 Computers, Misc Equipment 1,427,940

0506 Computers, Misc Eqp | PMV: USD 1,427,940

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◼ Commuter Vehicles & Passenger Cars [CV] | 15-Jan-2023 | FAR historical-cost based Cost-Approach / OAV
Recasting with OAV-NRV1 work-forward + NRV2-PMV2 work-back:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0507 Commuter vehicles & passenger cars [CV] 213,700

0508 Commuter vehicles, cars | Total PMV: USD 213,700

◼ Land component-1 [pre-COD-1 + post-COD component] | 15-Jan-2023 | Market Approach:

Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0509 Land component-1 rate from market research: 1,054,600

0509.1 313x acres
0509.2 PMV 15-Jan-2023 = USD 3,369/acre
= PKR 768,309/acre

0510 Land component-1 | Total PMV: USD 1,054,600

◼ Plant + Buildings + C / Misc Eqp + Land + CV | 15-Jan-2023 | Comparative Plant / Cost Approach / PMV:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0511 Plant component Plant, ancillary equipment & mine production-related vehicles 819,433,950

0512 Buildings & structures component 173,593,430

0513 Computers, Misc Equipment 1,427,940

0514 Commuter vehicles & passenger cars 213,700

0515 Land component 1,054,600

0516 Total PMV: USD 995,723,620

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

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◼ Plant + Buildings + C-OE-Furn-App-R-KC + CV + Land | 15-Jan-2023 | FAR historical-cost based Cost-

Approach / OAV Recasting with OAV-NRV1 work-forward + NRV2-PMV2-FSV1 work-back:
Asset Group Present Market Value USD
[rounded up 10]

0517 Plant component Plant, ancillary equipment & mine production-related vehicles 668,330,320

0518 Buildings & structures component 57,616,110

0519 Computers, Office Equipment, Furniture, Appliances, Recreation & Kitchen / 39,720
Cafeteria Equipment [C-OE-Furn-App-R-KC]
0520 Commuter vehicles & passenger cars 204,890

0521 Land component 892,400

0522 Total FSV: USD 756,853,440

0600 Annexures
0601 Annexure-01 Plant, machinery & land PMV.
0602 Annexure-02 Satellite views.
0603 Annexure-03 Photo file.

The above inspection was carefully carried out to the best of our ability & our responsibility is limited to an exercise of reasonable care. This report represents our
findings on the date & at the place stated & is issued without prejudice to the rights of whomsoever concerned. It does not intend to relieve any party from its legal
&/or contractual obligations. All relating documents that were provided to us will be preserved for 03 years from this day. Neither the whole nor any part of the report
nor any reference thereto may be included in any published document or statement nor published in any way without our written approval of the form & context in
which it will appear.

Bakhat Ali Naper Yusuf Dossa

Engg Engg Val Risk

Joseph Lobo are a professional firm of licensed Surveyors & Valuers, enlisted by
the Pakistan Banks Association as class-A Valuers with no limit on the Asset value

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Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

1 1 Eptl 1030000000 Buildings & EPTL Colony Road 2022 1 101,600

2 2 Eptl 1050000098 Buildings & Building & Structures 2019 1 173,481,140
3 3 Eptl 1120000007 Buildings & Container for scaffolding material 20" 2019 1 1,410
4 4 Eptl 1120000008 Buildings & Container for scaffolding material 40" 2019 1 2,320
5 5 Eptl 1120000009 Buildings & Container for scaffolding material 40" 2019 1 2,320
6 6 Eptl 1120000010 Buildings & Container for scaffolding material 40" 2019 1 2,320
7 7 Eptl 1120000011 Buildings & Container for scaffolding material 40" 2019 1 2,320
structures 173,593,430
8 1 Eptl 1050000103 Computers, CCTV system installed at evaporation ponds. 2019 1 25,350
furniture, office-,
9 2 Eptl 1120000012 software-,
Computers,& misc HD Projector Sony Day Light Model EW455 2020 1 1,320
furniture, office-,
10 3 Eptl 1120000013 software-,
Computers,& misc Samsung Ultra HD flat Smart TV 65NU7100 2020 1 1,940
furniture, office-,
11 4 Eptl 1120000017 software-, & misc LAPTOP HP G3 PRO430 i7 MWM- Kamal
Computers, 2016 1 220
furniture, office-,
12 5 Eptl 1120000018 software-,
Computers,& misc Laptop Rabeeya Asrar Siddiqui -Spare 2016 1 430
furniture, office-,
13 6 Eptl 1120000020 software-,
Computers,& misc HP pro 430 i7 laptop - Khurram - Ahmed Memon 2016 1 470
furniture, office-,
14 7 Eptl 1120000021 software-,
Computers,& misc HP pro 430 i7 laptop with spftware - Faizan Unnar 2016 1 470
furniture, office-,
15 8 Eptl 1120000022 software-, & misc HP elitebook folio 9480m - manzoor zaidi
Computers, 2016 1 360
furniture, office-,
16 9 Eptl 1120000023 software-,
Computers,& misc HP i5 450 Laptop - Saad Salim Kasbati- Shuja 2016 1 200
furniture, office-,
17 10 Eptl 1120000025 software-,
Computers,& misc 1 HP laptop i7 - Faisal Sahar 2017 1 600
furniture, office-,
18 11 Eptl 1120000026 software-,
Computers,& misc Apple iPad Pro 9.7-inch Wi-Fi Cellular 128GB 2017 1 250
furniture, office-, Space
19 12 Eptl 1120000027 software-, & misc 1 HP IDS UMA G3 Pro430 Ci7 - Talha Moin
Computers, 2017 1 420
furniture, office-,
20 13 Eptl 1120000029 software-,
Computers,& misc Acer Laptop 2017 1 90
furniture, office-,
21 14 Eptl 1120000032 software-,
Computers,& misc APPLE IPAD FOR SYED MANZOOR HUSSAIN 2017 1 60
furniture, office-, ZAIDI
22 15 Eptl 1120000036 software-, & misc HP Laptop for Jahanzeb Dal
Computers, 2018 1 500
furniture, office-,
23 16 Eptl 1120000037 software-, & misc HP Laptop i7 for Wajahat Mehdi- Sharyar Rashid
Computers, 2018 1 400
furniture, office-,
24 17 Eptl 1120000038 software-,
Computers,& misc HP Laptop core i7 -faruque Saeed 2018 1 440
furniture, office-,
25 18 Eptl 1120000039 software-,
Computers,& misc HP Laptop core i7 -Umer Farooqi 2018 1 440
furniture, office-,
26 19 Eptl 1120000041 software-, & misc HP Laptop core i7 -Farhan Hassan- Talha Moin
Computers, 2018 1 370
furniture, office-,
27 20 Eptl 1120000043 software-, & misc HP IDS UMA Core i7 for Klausguater PO#EEL640
Computers, 2019 1 730
furniture, office-,
28 21 Eptl 1120000045 software-,
Computers,& misc Microsoft Office 365 - Ramish 2019 1 570
furniture, office-,
29 22 Eptl 1120000046 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell Laptop - Usama Sheikh-Maryan Hayat 2020 1 660
furniture, office-,
30 23 Eptl 1120000047 software-, & misc Dell vostro notebook 5391-M. Rahimuddin Imad
Computers, 2020 1 940
furniture, office-,
31 24 Eptl 1120000048 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell vostro notebook 5391-Najda Ahsan-Farjad 2020 1 910
furniture, office-,
32 25 Eptl 1120000049 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell vostro notebook 5391-Rubaab 2020 1 740
furniture, office-,
33 26 Eptl 1120000050 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell vastro 13 for Saad Awan 2020 1 930
furniture, office-,
software-, & misc

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Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

34 27 Eptl 1120000051 Computers, Macbook Pro 13" space gray Manzoor EPTL-CEO 2020 1 1,450
furniture, office-,
35 28 Eptl 1120000054 software-,
Computers,& misc HP - SCANNER 7000-S3 2021 1 920
furniture, office-,
36 29 Eptl 1120000055 software-, & misc Weight bridge Firewall (FortiGate 60F)
Computers, 2021 1 640
furniture, office-,
37 30 Eptl 1120000056 software-,
Computers,& misc Fiber Wire connectivity Weight bridge 2021 1 1,460
furniture, office-,
38 31 Eptl 1120000057 software-,
Computers,& misc Weighbridge system Intregration with ONESAP 2021 1 11,620
furniture, office-,
39 32 Eptl 1120000058 software-,
Computers,& misc Sony VPL EW 455- Projector - Site Meeting Room 2021 1 840
furniture, office-,
40 33 Eptl 1120000059 software-, & misc TCL P615 55 INCH UHD LED TV
Computers, 2021 1 640
furniture, office-,
41 34 Eptl 1120000060 software-,
Computers,& misc TCL P615 55 INCH UHD LED TV 2021 1 640
furniture, office-,
42 35 Eptl 1120000061 software-,
Computers,& misc TCL P615 55 INCH UHD LED TV 2021 1 640
furniture, office-,
43 36 Eptl 1120000062 software-,
Computers,& misc TCL P615 55 INCH UHD LED TV 2021 1 640
furniture, office-,
44 37 Eptl 1120000063 software-, & misc TCL P715 65 INCH UHD LED TV
Computers, 2021 1 1,220
furniture, office-,
45 38 Eptl 1120000064 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell Vestro- Ali Muhammad Mehanti 2021 1 790
furniture, office-,
46 39 Eptl 1120000066 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell Vestro- Kamal Uddin 2021 1 780
furniture, office-,
47 40 Eptl 1120000067 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell Vestro- Denise 2021 1 820
furniture, office-,
48 41 Eptl 1120000068 software-, & misc Dell Vestro- Fahad Somroo
Computers, 2021 1 820
furniture, office-,
49 42 Eptl 1120000069 software-,
Computers,& misc DELL VESTRO- MUHAMMAD JAZIB SIDDIQUI 2021 1 850
furniture, office-,
50 43 Eptl 1120000070 software-,
Computers,& misc DELL VESTRO- MUHAMMAD SOHAIB D 2021 1 850
furniture, office-,
51 44 Eptl 1120000071 software-,
Computers,& misc DELL VESTRO- Saad Ahmed 2021 1 850
furniture, office-,
52 45 Eptl 1120000072 software-, & misc DELL VESTRO- 135391 Muhammad Samad CAD
Computers, 2021 1 890
furniture, office-,
53 46 Eptl 1120000073 software-,
Computers,& misc Laptop for Abdul Wahab 2022 1 980
furniture, office-,
54 47 Eptl 1120000074 software-,
Computers,& misc Laptop for Abdul Basit 2022 1 980
furniture, office-,
55 48 Eptl 1120000075 software-, & misc HP Probook 450 G8 - Qazi Hassam Uddin
Computers, 2022 1 1,200
furniture, office-,
56 49 Eptl 1120000076 software-, & misc HP Probook 450 G8 - Muhammad Hamza Awais
Computers, 2022 1 1,150
furniture, office-,
57 50 Eptl 1120000077 software-,
Computers,& misc HP Probook 450 G8 - Adnan Arif 2022 1 1,030
furniture, office-,
58 51 Eptl 1120000078 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Osama Saigal 2022 1 1,160
furniture, office-,
59 52 Eptl 1120000079 software-, & misc HP Pro Book 450G8 - MFS
Computers, 2022 1 1,160
furniture, office-,
60 53 Eptl 1120000080 software-, & misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Ali Khan
Computers, 2022 1 1,160
furniture, office-,
61 54 Eptl 1120000081 software-,
Computers,& misc Dahua FR Camera 2022 1 730
furniture, office-,
62 55 Eptl 1120000082 software-,
Computers,& misc Dahua FR Camera 2022 1 730
furniture, office-,
63 56 Eptl 1120000083 software-, & misc Dahua FR Camera
Computers, 2022 1 730
furniture, office-,
64 57 Eptl 1120000084 software-,
Computers,& misc Dahua FR Camera 2022 1 730
furniture, office-,
65 58 Eptl 1120000085 software-,
Computers,& misc Dahua FR NVR 2022 1 730
furniture, office-,
66 59 Eptl 1120000088 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Sana Aslam 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
software-, & misc

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2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

67 60 Eptl 1120000089 Computers, HP ProBook 450 - Ayesha Moin 2022 1 1,240

furniture, office-,
68 61 Eptl 1120000090 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Sohaib Nizaam 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
69 62 Eptl 1120000091 software-, & misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Namrah
Computers, 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
70 63 Eptl 1120000092 software-,
Computers,& misc Laboratory Testing Furnace 2022 1 3,780
furniture, office-,
71 64 Eptl 1120000094 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Sarmad Khan 2022 1 1,190
furniture, office-,
72 65 Eptl 1120000095 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Sana Nazir 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
73 66 Eptl 1120000096 software-, & misc HP ProBook 450 G8 - Faisal Farooq
Computers, 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
74 67 Eptl 1120000097 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook - Mehwish 2022 1 1,190
furniture, office-,
75 68 Eptl 1120000099 software-,
Computers,& misc PlayStation 5 Console 2022 1 1,140
furniture, office-,
76 69 Eptl 1120000101 software-,
Computers,& misc Dell Laptop - Ebsilon 2022 1 980
furniture, office-,
77 70 Eptl 1120000102 software-, & misc OT Cyber Security Equipment
Computers, 2022 1 74,250
furniture, office-,
78 71 Eptl 1120000103 software-,
Computers,& misc HP ProBook - Taha Ahmed 2022 1 1,210
furniture, office-,
79 72 Eptl 9350000000 software-,
Computers,& misc 3 SAP ID's for Accounts officers 2016 1 10,970
furniture, office-,
80 73 Eptl 9350000002 software-,
Computers,& misc Adobe Acrobat Pro-2020 Perpetual Licience 2021 1 450
furniture, office-, M.Samad
81 74 Eptl 9350000003 software-, & misc One Sap Capitalization
Computers, 2021 1 1,138,600
furniture, office-,
82 75 Eptl 9350000004 software-,
Computers,& misc Ebsilon Software License with Dongle 2022 1 28,240
furniture, office-,
83 76 Eptl 9350000005 software-,
Computers,& misc PID Optimization software for plant DCS 2022 1 9,030
furniture, office-,
84 77 Eptl 1120000015 software-,
Computers,& misc 4th & 16th floor Assets from E Corp 2018 1 46,160
furniture, office-,
85 78 Eptl 1120000093 software-, & misc Bicycles
Computers, 2022 1 5,620
furniture, office-,
86 79 Eptl 1120000100 software-,
Computers,& misc Gardening and Gym Equipment 2022 1 18,200
furniture, office-, 1,427,940
87 1 Eptl 1020000000 software-,
Land & misc LAND TRANSFER TO EPTL - ASSOCIATED 2016 1 1,054,600
COST 1,054,600
88 1 Eptl 1030000001 Null entries Colony Shifting 2022 1 0
excluded from
89 2 Eptl 1050000106 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - December 2019 2019 1
excluded from
90 3 Eptl 1050000107 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - January 2020 2020 1
excluded from
91 4 Eptl 1050000108 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - February 2020 2020 1
excluded from
92 5 Eptl 1050000109 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - March 2020 2020 1
excluded from
93 6 Eptl 1050000110 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - April 2020 2020 1
excluded from
94 7 Eptl 1050000111 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - May 2020 2020 1
excluded from
95 8 Eptl 1050000112 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - June 2020 2020 1
excluded from
96 9 Eptl 1050000113 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - July 2020 2020 1
excluded from
97 10 Eptl 1050000114 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - August 2020 2020 1
excluded from
98 11 Eptl 1050000115 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - September 2020 2020 1
excluded from
99 12 Eptl 1050000116 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - October 2020 2020 1
excluded from

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

100 13 Eptl 1050000117 Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - November 2020 2020 1
excluded from
101 14 Eptl 1050000118 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - December 2020 2020 1
excluded from
102 15 Eptl 1050000119 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - January 2021 2021 1
excluded from
103 16 Eptl 1050000120 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - February 2021 2021 1
excluded from
104 17 Eptl 1050000121 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - March 2021 2021 1
excluded from
105 18 Eptl 1050000122 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - April 2021 2021 1
excluded from
106 19 Eptl 1050000123 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - May 2021 2021 1
excluded from
107 20 Eptl 1050000124 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - June 2021 2021 1
excluded from
108 21 Eptl 1050000125 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - July 2021 2021 1
excluded from
109 22 Eptl 1050000126 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - August 2021 2021 1
excluded from
110 23 Eptl 1050000127 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - September 2021 2021 1
excluded from
111 24 Eptl 1050000128 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - October 2021 2021 1
excluded from
112 25 Eptl 1050000129 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - November 2021 2021 1
excluded from
113 26 Eptl 1050000130 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - December 2021 2021 1
excluded from
114 27 Eptl 1050000131 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - January 2022 2022 1
excluded from
115 28 Eptl 1050000132 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - February 2022 2022 1
excluded from
116 29 Eptl 1050000133 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - March 2022 2022 1
excluded from
117 30 Eptl 1050000134 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - April 2022 2022 1
excluded from
118 31 Eptl 1050000135 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - May 2022 2022 1
excluded from
119 32 Eptl 1050000136 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - June 2022 2022 1
excluded from
120 33 Eptl 1050000138 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - July 2022 2022 1
excluded from
121 34 Eptl 1050000139 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - August 2022 2022 1
excluded from
122 35 Eptl 1050000141 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - September 2022 2022 1
excluded from
123 36 Eptl 1050000142 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - October 2022 2022 1
excluded from
124 37 Eptl 1050000143 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - November 2022 2022 1
excluded from
125 38 Eptl 1050000145 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - December 2022 2022 1
excluded from
126 39 Eptl 1050000151 valuation
Null entries Exchange Gain/Loss - January 2023 2023 1
excluded from
127 40 Eptl 1120000030 valuation
Null entries SECMC DEBIT NOTE FOR APR 2015 - USAMA - 2017 1
excluded from Spare
128 41 Eptl 1120000031 valuation
Null entries EPTL DEBIT NOTE FOR APR 2015 - AZS MAC 2017 1
excluded from BOOK 0
129 1 Eptl 1050000000 valuation
Plant-1 Steam turbine Generator 2019 1 127,420,320

130 2 Eptl 1050000001 Plant-1 Net Meetring Systen 2019 1 1,811,660

131 3 Eptl 1050000002 Plant-1 Feed water pump turbines 2019 1 2,109,540

132 4 Eptl 1050000003 Plant-1 Built in Dearator 2019 1 222,670

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

133 5 Eptl 1050000004 Plant-1 driven Feed water Booster pumps 2019 1 200,530

134 6 Eptl 1050000005 Plant-1 Turbine driven Feed water pumps 2019 1 240,360

135 7 Eptl 1050000006 Plant-1 Motor driven feed water booster pumps 2019 1 92,310

136 8 Eptl 1050000007 Plant-1 Motor driven feed pump 2019 1 789,170

137 9 Eptl 1050000008 Plant-1 Condensate pump 2019 12 651,000

138 10 Eptl 1050000009 Plant-1 Condenser 2019 1 10,778,050

139 11 Eptl 1050000010 Plant-1 Steam turbine control valve , Regulating system 2019 1 1,539,260

140 12 Eptl 1050000011 Plant-1 Condensate polishing treatment system 2019 1 18,989,630

141 13 Eptl 1050000012 Plant-1 Steam drum 2019 1 869,600

142 14 Eptl 1050000013 Plant-1 Air pre heater 2019 1 12,576,100

143 15 Eptl 1050000014 Plant-1 PA (primary) fan 2019 1 1,590,710

144 16 Eptl 1050000015 Plant-1 SA (secondary) fan 2019 1 1,177,060

145 17 Eptl 1050000016 Plant-1 HP fan ,Boiler high pressure fluidized blower 2019 1 704,080

146 18 Eptl 1050000017 Plant-1 ESP 2019 1 23,132,470

147 19 Eptl 1050000018 Plant-1 Rotating slug cooler 2019 1 141,990

148 20 Eptl 1050000019 Plant-1 Mechanical accelerator 2019 1 1,963,960

149 21 Eptl 1050000023 Plant-1 Gravity filters 2019 1 3,715,730

150 22 Eptl 1050000032 Plant-1 Double geared roller crusher 2019 1 40,740

151 23 Eptl 1050000033 Plant-1 Gravimetric feeder 2019 1 4,638,500

152 24 Eptl 1050000034 Plant-1 with stand scarpe feeder 2019 1 16,680

153 25 Eptl 1050000035 Plant-1 Bucket wheel stack reclaimer 2019 1 7,865,820

154 26 Eptl 1050000036 Plant-1 HV Auxiliary transformer 2019 1 4,688,860

155 27 Eptl 1050000037 Plant-1 Water ring vaccum pump 2019 1 193,840

156 28 Eptl 1050000038 Plant-1 ID (induced draft fan) fans 2019 1 1,691,610

157 29 Eptl 1050000039 Plant-1 Mechanical draft cooling towers 2019 1 11,883,750

158 30 Eptl 1050000040 Plant-1 High amplitude probability combination screen 2019 1 5,760

159 31 Eptl 1050000041 Plant-1 Auxilary boiler 2019 1 294,480

160 32 Eptl 1050000042 Plant-1 Auxilary boiler feed pumps 2019 1 24,490

161 33 Eptl 1050000043 Plant-1 Force draft fan for aux boiler 2019 1 77,680

162 34 Eptl 1050000044 Plant-1 Hammer fine crusher 2019 1 80,500

163 35 Eptl 1050000046 Plant-1 Combined drier 2019 1 139,570

164 36 Eptl 1050000048 Plant-1 Coal belts conveyor 2019 1 38,539,320

165 37 Eptl 1050000054 Plant-1 HP bypass device for steam turbine 2019 1 2,153,790

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

166 38 Eptl 1050000055 Plant-1 LP bypass valve for steam turbine 2019 1 5,320,630

167 39 Eptl 1050000068 Plant-1 Industrial water pump 2019 1 87,630

168 40 Eptl 1050000074 Plant-1 Main Boiler 2019 1 163,559,670

169 41 Eptl 1050000075 Plant-1 Column mill ,Verticle roller mill with conveyor 2019 1 43,197,330

170 42 Eptl 1050000083 Plant-1 Ash Handling 2019 1 15,856,000

171 43 Eptl 1050000137 Plant-1 Coal Handling Rehabilitation 2022 1 3,638,060

172 44 Eptl 1050000148 Plant-1 Impact bed on C-6AB Sample 2022 1 8,370

173 45 Eptl 1120000006 Plant-1 REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM ABB PGIM 5.1 2019 1 24,850

174 46 Eptl 1170000000 Plant-1 Capital Spares 2019 1 15,166,550

175 47 Eptl 1050000024 Plant-2 UF (ultra filtration) System 2019 1 336,390

176 48 Eptl 1050000025 Plant-2 RO system 2019 1 265,250

177 49 Eptl 1050000026 Plant-2 Dosing system 2019 1 32,320

178 50 Eptl 1050000027 Plant-2 Circulating water pumps 2019 1 338,250

179 51 Eptl 1050000028 Plant-2 Grundfos pumps 2019 1 338,080

Vijihar facility
Peerless verticl
180 52 Eptl 1050000045 Plant-2 Air compressors 2019 1 1,267,720

181 53 Eptl 1050000047 Plant-2 air bottles 2019 1 820,780

182 54 Eptl 1050000052 Plant-2 Electro Mobile 2019 1 2,250

183 55 Eptl 1050000053 Plant-2 Vaccum Truck 2020 1 136,480

184 56 Eptl 1050000064 Plant-2 Diesel engine fire water pump 2019 1 3,423,510

185 57 Eptl 1050000065 Plant-2 Motor driven fire pumps 2019 1 3,329,890

186 58 Eptl 1050000066 Plant-2 Pressure maintenanace pump 2019 1 579,910

187 59 Eptl 1050000069 Plant-2 Desalinated RO unit 2019 1 294,230

188 60 Eptl 1050000070 Plant-2 pre-desaltinated water tank 2019 1 447,240

189 61 Eptl 1050000071 Plant-2 demineralized water tank 2019 1 5,077,640

190 62 Eptl 1050000072 Plant-2 demineralized water pumps 2019 1 129,890

191 63 Eptl 1050000073 Plant-2 Industrial waste water treatment system 2019 1 750,140

192 64 Eptl 1050000100 Plant-2 HVAC 2019 1 4,246,690

193 65 Eptl 1050000102 Plant-2 Misc Plant 2019 1 117,390

194 66 Eptl 1050000105 Plant-2 Fire Protection 2019 1 2,169,950

195 67 Eptl 1050000144 Plant-2 Portable Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter 2022 1 11,750

196 68 Eptl 1050000146 Plant-2 Online Battery Analyzer 2022 1 1,740

197 69 Eptl 1050000147 Plant-2 Vajihar Lighting System 2022 1 19,790

198 70 Eptl 1050000149 Plant-2 Schenck Belt Weighing Scale 2022 1 52,730

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

199 71 Eptl 1120000000 Plant-2 Digital Earth Tester basic unit 2016 1 2,840

200 72 Eptl 1120000001 Plant-2 Aver EVC300 Video Con multipoint unit 2017 1 50

201 73 Eptl 1120000004 Plant-2 Fiber Glass water Tank - EPTL Colony 2018 1 1,690

202 74 Eptl 1120000005 Plant-2 Areena vision light for construction Site 2019 1 4,590

203 75 Eptl 1120000014 Plant-2 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP FOR FOUNTAIN 2020 1 840

204 76 Eptl 1120000052 Plant-2 RAPID PCR TEST INSTRUMENT - ABBOT 2021 1 3,360

205 77 Eptl 1120000053 Plant-2 Eletoronic Siren with activation Panel 2021 1 14,430

206 78 Eptl 1120000086 Plant-2 Rapid PCR Machine 2022 1 2,700

207 79 Eptl 1120000087 Plant-2 Rapid PCR Machine 2022 1 2,700

208 80 Eptl 1120000098 Plant-2 Dewatering Pumps 2022 1 4,570

209 81 Eptl 1050000020 Plant-3 Diesel Generators 2019 1 430,020

Reinjection wells-OFF SITES
210 82 Eptl 1050000021 Plant-3 Diesel Generators 2019 1 664,260
Vijihar facility
DieselKVA Tel
211 83 Eptl 1050000022 Plant-3 Generators 2019 1 19,970
Vijihar facility
100 KVA Diese
212 84 Eptl 1050000029 Plant-3 SIEMENS Motors 2019 1 209,120
Vijihar facility
250HP motor 1475
213 85 Eptl 1050000030 Plant-3 Switch gears 2019 1 118,480
Vijihar facility
18 GE SenPlus swi
214 86 Eptl 1050000031 Plant-3 PLC 2019 1 53,060
Vijihar facility
Siemens S7-1200 PLC gear
215 87 Eptl 1050000056 Plant-3 Medium voltage switch 2019 1 49,843,570

216 88 Eptl 1050000057 Plant-3 vaccum circuit breaker 2019 1 275,780

217 89 Eptl 1050000058 Plant-3 Hydrogen generator 2019 1 145,600

218 90 Eptl 1050000059 Plant-3 ciculation pumps for hydrogen system 2019 1 13,780

219 91 Eptl 1050000060 Plant-3 Dryer 2019 1 27,260

220 92 Eptl 1050000061 Plant-3 Hydrogen seperation scrubber 2019 1 27,140

221 93 Eptl 1050000062 Plant-3 oxygen seperation scrubber 2019 1 27,140

222 94 Eptl 1050000063 Plant-3 Hydrogen storage tank 2019 1 5,624,730

223 95 Eptl 1050000067 Plant-3 Emergency Diesel generator 2019 1 862,180

224 96 Eptl 1050000084 Plant-3 Diesel Generators 2019 1 122,870

Ash Management Station
225 97 Eptl 1050000099 Plant-3 Piping 2019 1 107,016,660

226 98 Eptl 1050000101 Plant-3 Cabling 2019 1 95,710,090

227 99 Eptl 1050000104 Plant-3 Electrical Plant 2019 1 245,380

228 100 Eptl 1120000002 Plant-3 Petrol Generator(Honda-Japan) Model EU 65is 2017 1 3,630
229 101 Eptl 1120000003 Plant-3 Diesel Generator(Denyo) Soundproof Model DCA- 2017 1 19,130
230 102 Eptl 1050000049 Plant-related Truck Crane - 25T 2019 1 67,640
231 103 Eptl 1050000050 Plant-related Forklift - 3T 2019 1 3,370

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
Ref 999.50201176B.1519180502
Engro PowerGen Thar Ltd Annexure 01
District Tharparkar, Sindh

Present Market Value | Cost Approach-1,-2 / FAR-based historical cost

Sr# 1 Sr# 2 Location Asset# Asset Class Description YoM Qty PMV-2023 USD PMV-2023 sub-total USD

232 104 Eptl 1050000051 Plant-related Lift Truck 2019 1 3,370

233 105 Eptl 1050000076 Plant-related Bulldozer - TY220 2019 1 540,970
234 106 Eptl 1050000077 Plant-related Bulldozer - TY220 2019 1 540,970
235 107 Eptl 1050000078 Plant-related Bulldozer - T80 Belt 2019 1 473,360
236 108 Eptl 1050000079 Plant-related Bull Dozer - TY 160 2019 1 473,360
237 109 Eptl 1050000080 Plant-related Loader - ZL 50 2019 1 169,070
238 110 Eptl 1050000081 Plant-related Loader - ZL 50 2019 1 169,070
239 111 Eptl 1050000082 Plant-related Loader -CLG816A 2019 1 169,070
240 112 Eptl 1050000085 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
241 113 Eptl 1050000086 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
242 114 Eptl 1050000087 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
243 115 Eptl 1050000088 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
244 116 Eptl 1050000089 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
245 117 Eptl 1050000090 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
246 118 Eptl 1050000091 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
247 119 Eptl 1050000092 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
248 120 Eptl 1050000093 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 20T 2019 1 70,480
249 121 Eptl 1050000094 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 30T 2020 1 103,530
250 122 Eptl 1050000095 Plant-related Dump Trucks - 30T 2020 1 103,530
251 123 Eptl 1050000096 Plant-related Ash Truck 2019 1 72,680
252 124 Eptl 1050000097 Plant-related Ash Truck 2019 1 72,680
253 125 Eptl 1050000150 Plant-related Excavator Machine 2022 1 128,670
254 126 Eptl 1070000002 Plant-related Fire Vehicle- Site 2021 1 109,980
vehicles 819,433,950
255 1 Eptl 1070000000 Other vehicles Land Cruiser V8 2013 AXG - AZS 2016 1 122,700

256 2 Eptl 1070000003 Other vehicles Toyota Corolla Altis - Onail Abbas (Prev Farukh) 2021 1 19,000

257 3 Eptl 1070000005 Other vehicles Toyota Altis 1.6- Black Saad Ahmed 2021 1 19,000

258 4 Eptl 1070000009 Other vehicles Comp. Car EPTL M.Ali Khan BVE-486 2021 1 18,000

259 5 Eptl 1070000012 Other vehicles Toyota Yaris - Samad 2022 1 14,400

260 6 Eptl 1070000013 Other vehicles Honda City - Zubair Khan 2022 1 20,600

Total Quantity ► 271

Present Market Value | as of 15-Jan-2023 ► USD 995,723,620

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A1 Usd

2023-04-11 | 16:43 ■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 1 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

1▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Name 4▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Chimney

2▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Admin Building 5▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boilers

3▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Power Plant 6▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal crusher Building

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

p 1/6
2023-04-11 | 11:26

■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 2 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

7▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal crusher 10▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal crushing Building

8▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal conveyor 11▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal conveyor

9▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Conveyor 12▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal Transfer Stations

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

p 2/6
2023-04-11 | 11:26

■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 3 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

13▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | RO Plant 16▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler House

14▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Coal unloading 17▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler

15▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Cooling Tower 18▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

p 3/6
2023-04-11 | 11:26

■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 4 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

19▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler 22▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler

20▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler 23▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Warehouse

21▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Boiler 24▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Turbine Building

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

p 4/6
2023-04-11 | 11:26

■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 5 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

25▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Steam Turbine-1 28▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Steam Turbine-2

26▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Name plate Steam Turbine Generator 29▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Turbine Hall OH Cranes

27▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | GIS 30▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Turbine

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

p 5/6
2023-04-11 | 11:26

■ ►
.Ref 999.50201176B.19180502 | 25 Feb 2023 | Pg/ 6 of 6.

▬ ►
Annexure 03 | Photo File

31▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | GIS Substation 34▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Name plate Steam Turbine

32▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | GIS 35▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Air vessel

33▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Air compressor 36▲ EPTL | Tharparkar | Vessel

201176B Eptl 999_50N_S = 230225_A3 Pf

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■ ►

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