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Sci 1310

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The art of selecting, designing, and constructing the elements that transfer the weight
(Weight may also include horizontal loads in addition to vertical loads) of a structure to the
underlying soil or rock. A foundation is interfacing element between the superstructure and the
underlying soil or rock. The loads transmitted by the foundation to the underling soil must not
cause soil shear failure or damaging settlement of the superstructure.
The term “foundation engineering” is used to include the design of foundations for buildings
and other structures and also for such non foundation problems as designs of retaining walls,
bulkheads, cofferdams, tunnels, and earth dams, as well as the design of natural slopes,
dewatering of soils, and stabilization of soils mechanically and chemically.
The geotechnical engineer is responsible for all geotechnical requirements of all types of
structures. For any construction project, the geotechnical engineer‟s responsibilities include:
 developing a soil exploration plan;
 preparing the Preliminary Geotechnical Report (PGR) to assist in the selection of
foundation type and to perform a preliminary seismic analysis/evaluation;
 identifying the proposed boring locations and anticipated foundation type;
 Assisting the Construction engineers by preparing pile driving criteria, reviewing pile
installation plans and determining acceptance of as-built piles.
 Also assisting bridge designer in determining pile production lengths based on field
load tests.
 Strength: Load bearing capacities: Crystalline rocks (very strong - 12,000 ),
sedimentary rocks (intermediate - 6,000 ) and other types of soils (relatively lower -
2,000 to 3,000 )
 Stable under loads (creep, shrinkage and swelling)
 Drainage characteristics: Porosity and permeability
 Soil property estimation: Subsurface exploration (test pits - less than 8 ft in depth;
borings - greater than 8 ft) - Estimate level of water table - Testing of soil sample
in laboratory for various properties: Particle size distribution, Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Water
content, Permeability, Shrinkage/ swelling, Shear/compressive strength, Consolidation (creep
and settlement)

 Some amount of excavation required for every building - Top soil consisting of organic
matter is removed - Below the region of soil erosion (by water and wind) & below the
level of permafrost - To the required depth at which the bearing capacity necessary for
the building is met - A variety of machines used for excavation - The sides of
excavation too be protected from caving in by benching, sheeting (soldier beams and
lagging, sheet piles, slurry walls, etc.) or bracing (cross-slot, rakers or tiebacks) - De-
watering using well-points & sumps, and watertight barriers - Mixing the soil by
rotating paddles
 Bulldozers, Shovel dozers, Back hoes ,Bucket loaders, Scrapers, Trenching machines
Power shovels, Tractor-mounted rippers, Pneumatic hammers, Drop balls, Hydraulic
splitters and Blasting.

Purpose of Foundation:
All engineering structures are provided with foundations at the base to fulfill the following
objectives and purposes;
i. To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area so as to bring intensity
of loading within the safe bearing capacity of the soil lying underneath.
ii. To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate so as to prevent unequal settlement.
iii. To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting material.
iv. To secure a level and firm bed for building operations.
v. To increase the stability of the structure as a whole.

Factors Affecting the Depth of Foundation

For economic consideration, the depth at which the foundation is located (i.e. Df) is kept as
small as possible. Typically it is in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 m below the ground surface for
buildings that do not have a basement. For those building having a basement, Df can be 3.5
m or more. In determining Df, the soil profile is carefully studied and the influence of the
following factors accounted for.

1. Presence of Loose Fill
Often one encounters pockets of loose fill of recently dumped soil or construction waste at or
near the ground surface. Foundations should be placed below such loose fills.
2. Depth of Water Table
Wherein possible, shallow foundations are not placed below the ground water level to avoid
expensive de-watering costs during foundation construction.
3. Lateral Variability
Usually all foundations are placed at the same Df. there are soil profiles that calls for a
different Dffor different footings. For example, consider a profile in which rock exist at
shallow depth and is gently sloping in some direction. In an attempt to take advantage of the
high allowable soil pressure associated with placing the foundation on rock, we will have a
different Df for each footings so that each can be placed on the rock.
4. Zones of Volume Change
In cold regions where temperature changes cause soil near the ground surface to go through
cycles of freezing and thawing with consequent changes in soil volume, foundation are placed
below the zone so affected.Similarly in swelling soils, there is a zone that undergoes volume
change due to wetting and drying cycles. Df is selected such that it is more than the thickness
of this zone.
5. Scour
When shallow foundations are designed to be placed below the river bed for river crossing
structures, one must recognize that the elevation of the river bed changes on account of scour
that occurs when the water flows at high velocity such as during floods.
Soil Exploration
The knowledge of subsoil conditions at a site is a prerequisite for safe and economical design
of substructure elements. The field and laboratory studies carried out for obtaining the
necessary information about the surface and subsurface features of the proposed area including
the position of the ground water table, are termed as soil exploration or site investigation.
The primary objectives of soil exploration are
 Determination of the nature of the deposits of soil.
 Determination of the depth and thickness of the various soil strata and their extent in
the horizontal direction.

 The location of ground water table (GWT).
 Obtaining soil and rock samples from the various strata.
 The determination of the engineering properties of the soil and rock strata that affect
the performance of the structure.
 Determination of the in-situ properties by performing field tests.

Scope of Soil Investigation

The scope of a soils investigation depends on the type, size, and importance of the structure,
the client, the engineer's familiarity with the soils at the site, and local building codes.
Structures that are sensitive to settlement such as machine foundations and high-use buildings
usually require a thorough soils investigation compared to a foundation for a house. A client
may wish to take a greater risk than normal to save money and set limits on the type and extent
of the site investigation. If the geotechnical engineer is familiar with a site, he/she may
undertake a very simple soils investigation to confirm his/her experience. Some local building
codes have provisions that set out the extent of a site investigation. It is mandatory that a visit
be made to the proposed site.In the early stages of a project, the available information is often
inadequate to allow a detailed plan to be made.

A site investigation must be developed in phases.

Phases of a Soils Investigation : The soil investigation is conducted in phases. Each preceding
phase affects the extent of the next phase. The various phases of a soil investigation are given

Phase I. Collection of available information such as a site plan, type, size, and importance of
the structure, loading conditions, previous geotechnical reports, topographic maps, air
photographs, geologic maps, hydrological information and newspaper clippings.

Phase II. Preliminary reconnaissance or a site visit to provide a general picture of the
topography and geology of the site. It is necessary that you take with you on the site visit all
the information gathered in Phase I to compare with the current conditions of the site. Here
visual inspection is done to gather information on topography, soil stratification, vegetation,

water marks, ground water level, and type of construction nearby.

Phase III. Detailed soils exploration. Here we make a detailed planning for soil exploration in
the form trial pits or borings, their spacing and depth. Accordingly, the soil exploration is
carried out. The details of the soils encountered, the type of field tests adopted and the type of
sampling done, presence of water table if met with are recorded in the form of bore log. The
soil samples are properly labeled and sent to laboratory for evaluation of their physical and
engineering properties.

Phase IV. Write a report. The report must contain a clear description of the soils at the site,
methods of exploration, soil profile, test methods and results, and the location of the
groundwater. This should include information and/or explanations of any unusual soil,
waterbearing stratum, and soil and groundwater condition that may be troublesome during

Soil Exploration Methods

1) Trial pits or test pits
2) Boring
3) probes (in situ test) and geophysical methods
Specific recommendations are made by Indian standards regarding the type, extent and details
of subsurface explorations and the number, depth and spacing of boreholes for the following
civil engineering works. Following is the list of various codes specified for the said purpose:
Foundations of Multi-storeyed Buildings (IS: 1892, 1979)
Earth and rockfill Dams (IS: 6955, 1973)
Power House Sites (IS: 10060, 1981)
Canals and Cross Drainage Works (IS: 11385,
1985) Ports and Harbours (IS: 4651 – Part 1,

The methods available for soil exploration may be classified as follows
 Direct methods ... Test pits, trial pits or trenches
 Semi-direct methods ... Borings
 Indirect methods ... Soundings or penetration tests and geophysical methods

The direct method of soil exploration usually consists of sinking a borehole at a

predetermined location to the required depth by a method suitable for the site and to obtain
fairly intact samples of soils from every stratum encountered or at suitably selected depths.
The samples obtained are utilized to get necessary information about the soil characteristics by
means of laboratory tests.
During recent years, indirect methods of soil exploration have also been used for civil
engineering structures. These methods include various sounding and geophysical methods. In
sounding methods, the variation in penetration resistance of sample or cone is utilized to
interpret some of the physical properties of the strata. In geophysical methods, the change in
subsoil strata are identified by measuring certain physical characteristics, e.g. electrical
conductance, wave velocity of subsurface deposits. In addition to these methods, projectiles,
probes, and aerial photographs are also useful in interpreting the soil characteristics.
Trial pits or test pits
Applicable to all types of soils
Provide for visual examination in their natural condition
Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples can be conveniently obtained at different
Depth of investigation: limited to 3 to 3.5 m.

i) Cost effective
ii) Provide detailed information of stratigraphy
iii) Large quantities of disturbed soils are available for testing
iv) Large blocks of undisturbed samples can be carved out from the pits
v) Field tests can be conducted at the bottom of the pits

i) Depth limited to about 6m
ii) Deep pits uneconomical
iii) Excavation below groundwater and into rock difficult and
costly iv)Too many pits may scar site and require backfill soils.

i) Undisturbed sampling is difficult ii) Collapse in granular soils or below ground water table

Semi Direct Methods –Boring

Boring: Making or drilling bore holes into the ground with a view to obtaining soil or rock
samples from specified or known depths is called „boring‟
The common methods of advancing bore holes are: Auger boring, Wash boring, rotary boring
and Percussion boring.

Exploratory borings
Boring is carried out in the relatively soft and uncemented ground (engineering „soil‟) which is
normally found close to ground surface. The techniques used vary widely across the world.

Location, spacing and depth of borings

It depends on: i) Type of structure ii) Size of the structure iii) Weight coming from the

General guidelines for location and depth of bore holes Boreholes are generally located at
The building corners The centre of the site
Where heavily loaded columns or machinery pads are proposed.
At least one boring should be taken to a deeper stratum, probably up to the bedrock if
practicable other borings may be taken at least to significant stress level.

Spacing of Bore Holes – Codal Recommendations

According to IS 1892 (1979) Code of practice for subsurface investigation:

 For a small building one bore hole or test pit at the centre can give necessary data

 For a building covering not more than 4000 sq.m, one bore hole or test pit at each
corner and one at centre is adequate.

 For a large project, the number will depend on its geological features and variation of
strata. Generally a grid of 50 m spacing should be used with a combination of bore
holes and sounding tests.

Depth of Investigation

The depth of investigation depends on the size and type of proposed

structure Sequence of proposed strata.

The depths of boreholes should cover the zone of soil that will be affected by the structural
loads. There is no fixed rule to follow. In most cases, the depths of boreholes are governed by
experience based on the geological character of the ground, the importance of the structure, the
structural loads, and the availability of equipment

Guidelines for depth of investigation:

1. At least one boring should be taken to deeper stratum, probably up to the bedrock if
2. Borings should penetrate at least 3 m into rock.
3. Other borings may be taken at least to significant stress level.
4. In compressible soils such as clays, the borings should penetrate at least between I and 3
times the width of the proposed foundation or until the stress increment due to the heaviest
foundation load is less than 10%, whichever is greater.

5. In very stiff clays, borings should penetrate 5-7 m to prove that the thickness of the stratum
is adequate.
6. Borings must penetrate below any fills or very soft deposits below the proposed structure.
7. The minimum depth of boreholes should be 6 m unless bedrock or very dense material is

Significant depth The investigation shall be carried out to the point at which the vertical stress
due to proposed structure is equal to or less than 10% of original effective stress at the point
before the structure is constructed – significant depth

Methods of borings i) Auger boring – preferred for shallow depths , low ground water table
ii) Wash boring: high water table, deeper soil deposit iii) Rotary drilling: high quality boring,
also for rock drilling iv) Percussion drilling: fast drilling, not taking samples, gravel

Auger boring:-Augers are used in cohesive and other soft soils above water table. They may
either be operated manually or mechanically. Hands augers are used up to a depth up to 6 m.
mechanically operated augers are used for greater depths and they can also be used in gravelly
soils. Augers are of two types: (a) spiral auger and (b) post-hole auger.

Hand Augers Sand pump

Samples recovered from the soil brought up by the augers are badly disturbed and are useful for
identification purposes only. Auger boring is fairly satisfactory bore explorations at shallow
depths and for exploratory borrow pits.

Auger and shell boring:- cylindrical augers and shells with cutting edge or teeth at lower end
can be used for making deep borings. Hand operated rigs are used for depths up to 25 m and
mechanized rigs up to 50 m. Augers are suitable for soft to stiff clays, shells for very stiff and
hard clays, and shells or sand pumps for sandy soils. Small boulders, thin soft strata or rock or
cemented gravel can be broken by chisel bits attached to drill rods. The hole usually requires a

Wash boring:-Wash boring is a fast and simple method for advancing holes in all types of soils.
Boulders and rock cannot be penetrated by this method. The method consists of first driving a
casing through which a hollow drilled rod with a sharp chisel or chopping bit at the lower end is
inserted. Water is forced under pressure through the drill rod which is alternativety raised and
dropped, and also rotated. The resulting chopping and jetting action of the bit and water
disintegrates the soil. The cuttings are forced up to the ground surface in the form of soil-water

slurry through the annular space between the drill rod and the casing. The change in soil

stratification could be guessed from the rate of progress and colour of wash water. The samples
recovered from the wash water are almost valueless for interpreting the correct geo-technical
properties of soil.

Percussion drilling:-In this method, soil and rock formations are broken by repeated blows of
heavy chiesel or bit suspended by a cable or drill rod. Water is added to the hole during boring, if
not already present and the slurry of pulverised material is bailed out at intervals. The method is
suitable for advancing a hole in all types of solis, boulders and rock. The formations, however,
get disturbed by the impact.

Rotary boring:- Rotary boring or rotary drilling is a very fast method of advancing hole in both
rocks and soils. A drill bit, fixed to the lower end of the drill rods, is rotated by a suitable chuck,
and is always kept in firm contact with the bottom of the hole. A drilling mud, usually a water
solution of bentonite, with or without other admixtures, is continuously forced down to the
hollow drill rods. The mud returning upwards brings the cuttings to the surface. The method is
also known as mud rotary drilling and the hole usually requires no casing.

Rotary core barrels, provided with commercial diamond-studded bits or a steel bit with shots, are
also used for rotary drilling and simultaneously obtaining the rock cores or samples. The method
is them also known as core boring or core drilling. Water 15 circulated down drill rods during

Wash boring

Soil Samples and samplers.

Types of Samples
Samples of soil taken out of natural deposits for testing may be classified as:
 Disturbed sample
 Undisturbed sample
A disturbed sample is that in which the natural structure of the soil gets modified partly or fully
during sampling and an undisturbed sample is that in which the natural structure and other
physical properties remain preserved.

Disturbed but representative samples can generally be used for v Grain-size analysis v
Determination of liquid and plastic limits, Specific gravity of soil solids, Organic content
determination and Soil classification

Undisturbed samples must be used for -- Consolidation test, Hydraulic conductivity test and
Shear strength test
There is an increasing variety of plant, sampling methods and tools, with particular advantages in
cost, quality of sampling, speed of operation, use in conditions of limited access or headroom,
etc., and the choice of rig is affected by the likely soil conditions to be encountered.
Spacing of Borings
Type of project Spacing (m)
Multistory buildings 10 – 30
One-story industrial plants 20 – 60
Highways 250 – 500
Residential subdivision 250 – 500
Dams and dikes 40 – 80

Soil Sampling

Need for sampling: -Sampling is carried out in order that soil and rock description, and
laboratory testing can be carried out.

Laboratory tests typically consist of:

i). Index tests (for example, specific gravity, water content)
ii). Classification of tests (for example, Atterberg limit tests on clays); and
iii) Tests to determine compressibility, and permeability.

Factors to be considered while sampling soil

i) Samples should be representative of the ground from which they are taken.
ii) ii) They should be large enough t and fissuring and fracturing.
iii) iii) They should be taken in such a way that they have not lost fractions of the situ soil
(for compressibility disturbance as possible.

Type of soil samples
Non-Representative samples:-Non-Representative soil samples are those in which neither the
in-situ soil structure, moisture content nor the soil particles are preserved.
• They are not representative
• They cannot be used for any tests as the soil particles either gets mixed up or some particles
may be lost.
• e.g., Samples that are obtained through wash boring or percussion drilling.

Disturbed soil samples:- Disturbed soil samples are those in which the in-situ soil structure and
moisture content are lost, but the soil particles are intact.
• They are representative
• They can be used for grain size analysis, liquid and plastic limit, specific gravity, compaction
tests, moisture content, organic content determination and soil classification test performed in the
• e.g., obtained through cuttings while auguring, grab, split spoon (SPT), etc.

Undisturbed soil samples:-Undisturbed soil samples are those in which the in-situ soil
structure and moisture content are preserved.
• They are representative and also intact
• These are used for consolidation, permeability or shear strengths test (Engineering properties) •
More complex jobs or where clay exist
• In sand is very difficult to obtain undisturbed sample
• Obtained by using Shelby tube (thin wall), piston sampler, surface (box), vacuum, freezing,

Design Features affecting the sample disturbance

 Area ratio
 Inside Clearance
 Outside Clearance
 Recovery Ratio


 Inside wall friction
 Design of non-return value
 Method of applying force
 sizes of sampling tubes

Inside clearance ratio Ci = 𝑿𝟏𝟎𝟎 %

The soil is under great stress as it enters the sampler and has a tendency to laterally expand.
The inside clearance should be large enough to allow a part of lateral expansion to take place, but
it should not be so large that it permits excessive deformations and causes disturbances of the
For good sampling process, the inside clearance ratio should be within 0.5 to 3 %.
For sands silts and clays, the ratio should be 0.5 % and for stiff and hard clays (below water
table), it should be 1.5 %.
For stiff expansive type of clays, it should be 3.0 %.

𝟐 𝟐
𝑫 −𝑫 𝒄
Area ratio Ar = 𝑫𝟐𝒄
X 100%

Outside clearance ratio Co =𝑫𝒘 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

For good sampling process, the ratio should be within 0-2 %. Minimum inside diameter = =
The length (L) should be at least equal to (the intended length + 100mm) for residual soils.
The tube should be uniform and should not have any protrusions or irregularities. The inside of
the tube should be clean and smooth.

Recovery ratio R =𝑳 𝑿𝟏𝟎𝟎


Where, L is the length of the sample within the tube, H is the depth of penetration of the
sampling tube. It represents the disturbance of the soil sample. For good sampling the recovery
ratio should be 96 to 98 %. Wall friction can be reduced by suitable inside clearance, smooth
finish and oiling. The non-returned wall should have large orifice to allow air and water to

Inside wall friction

 The friction on the inside wall of the sampling tube causes disturbances of the sample.
 Therefore the inside surface of the sampler should be as smooth as possible.
 It is usually smeared with oil before use to reduce friction.

Design of non-return value

 The non – return value provided on the sampler should be of proper design.
 It should have an orifice of large area to allow air, water or slurry to escape quickly when
the sampler is driven.
 It should close when the sample is withdrawn.

Method of applying force

The degree of disturbance depends upon the method of applying force during sampling and
depends upon the rate of penetration of the sample.
For obtaining undisturbed samples, the sampler should be pushed and not driven
Requirement of good sampling process

Penetration Tests
These tests involve the measurement of the resistance to penetration of a sampling spoon, a cone
or other shaped tools under dynamic or static loadings. The resistance is empirically correlated
with some of the engineering properties of soil as density index, consistency, bearing capacity,
etc., These tests are useful for general exploration of erratic soil profiles, for finding depth to bed
rock or hard stratum, and to have an approximate indication of the strength and other properties
of soils, particularly the cohesionless soils, from which it is difficult to obtain undisturbed
samples. The two commonly used tests are the standard penetration test and the cone penetration

Standard Penetration Test

 Test is performed in a clean hole,55 OD to 150 IDmm in diameter
 A thick all split tube sampler,50.8 mm and 35 mm is driven into the undistributed soil at
the bottom of the hole
 A 65kgdrive weight with 75cm free fall is used to drive the sampler
 The sampler is first driven through 15cm as a seating drive

 It is further driven through 3cm
 The number of blows required to drive the sampler 30cm beyond the seating drive is
termed as penetration resistance N.
 In very fine silty saturated sand an apparent increase in resistance occurs
 For overburden pressure on the value of N(Terzaghi and Peck)
No = 15+ 1 (N-15)

 For air-dry or moist sand, No =N 50

1.42𝜎 ′+10

Where,Ne= corrected value for overburden effect

N= actual value of blows
𝜎′=effective overburden pressure in t/m2 (not to exceed 28.2 t/m2)
Meyerhoff∅= 25 + 0.15 ID fines greater than 5 %
Ф= 20 + 0.15 ID fines less than 5 %

Dutch Cone Test

 Test is used for getting a continuous record of the resistance of soil by penetrating
steadily under static pressure
 A cone with a base of 10cm2 and an angle of 60 ºat the vertex
 The cone is carried at the lower end of a steel driving rod
 To know the cone resistance,the cone alone is first forced down upto 8cm and resistance
is recorded
 The steel tube is then pushed down upto the cone,and both together are furher penetrated
upto 20cm
 Cone test is useful in determaining the bearing capacity of pits in
cohesionlesssoils,particularly fine sands
 The cone resistance(kg/cm2) is approximately equal to 10 times the penetration resistance

Soil investigation is required for the following purposes –
 To know the allowable bearing capacity of foundation for proposed building. 
 To know the depth and type of foundation for the proposed building. 
 To know the allowable passive resistance for the foundation of proposed building.
 To know the type, grading and nature of soil. 
 To know the ground water level. 
Methods of soil investigation

The common methods of soil investigation are –

 Inspection
 Test pits
 Probing, and
 Boring.

Inspection: In some places you don't have to investigate much. You'll get enough data to design
the foundation of the proposed building by just inspecting the plot. This method of soil
investigation includes know the geological condition of the plot, getting data about neighbor
buildings, their foundation type and depth, etc.

Test pits: This is done to collect soil samples for detail analysis. In this method several pits are
dug by hand or excavator. The depth of pit is below 5 feet so that one can have visual inspection.
Several samples are collected from the pit of both disturbed and undisturbed soil.

Probing: In this method a 25 mm or 40 mm diameter steel bar is driven into the ground till solid
soil strata is found. It is normally driven by hammer. The penetration and withdrawal of the steel
rod is closely observed to know the nature of soil layer.

Boring: In this method several bore holes are made for the purpose of collecting soil sample
from below the ground. Then the collected sample is analyzed for preparing the soil report.

Typical steps of soil investigation

Soil investigation involves following steps -

 Details planning for the sequence of operations

 Collecting the samples of soil from the plot.
 Determining the soil characteristics by conducting field tests.
 Study the condition of ground water level. 
 Collecting ground water sample for chemical analysis.
 Soil exploration.
 Testing all collected samples in the laboratory.
 Analysis the test results.
 Preparing report.

 
A recommended procedure is as follows:
 Collect data, categorize it and rough out a preliminary draft.
 Edit the draft and seek methods of visual presentation and tabulation.
 Polish re-draft and check for improvements in presentation check for typing errors and

Factors affecting quality of report.

There are other factors which can affect the quality of the investigation, recommendations and
the engineering judgment. Among those which may affect some engineers are:
(1) Uncritical acceptance of well-presented opinion, results of sophisticated (but not necessarily
relevant) tests and over- and unqualified respect for some specialists.
(2) Allowing site difficulties to dictate the investigation in an attempt to keep the investigation
simple and cheap.
(3) Lack of recognition that piling and other foundation techniques can be used to economic
advantage even on good sites.
(4) Lack of recognition that some fills, possibly upgraded by ground improvement techniques,
can provide an adequate and economic bearing strata.

(5) Lack of appreciation that advances in structural design can accommodate relatively high
(6) Under-estimation of the importance of the designer, at least, visiting the site during the
investigation or dismissal of trial pits as unscientific or out-dated.

Sequence of report
Foundation reports follow the normal sequence of items of engineering reports in having a title,
contents list, and synopsis, and introduction, body of the report, conclusions and
recommendations. Lengthy descriptions of tests and similar matters are best dealt with in
appendices and the test results tabulated in the body of the report. The client tends to read the
synopsis and recommendations; the main and sub-contractors concentrate on the body of the
report and the design office on its conclusions and recommendations.

Site description
This, as far as possible, should be given on small-scale plans showing site location, access and
surrounding area. The proposed position of the buildings and access roads should be shown. The
site plan should also show the general layout and surface features, note presence of existing
buildings, old foundations and previous usage, services, vegetation, surface water, any
subsidence or unstable slopes, etc.

Written description of the site exposure (for wind speed regulations) should be given together
with records of any flooding, erosion and other geographical and hydrographic information.

Geological maps and sections should, when they are necessary, be provided, noting mines,
shafts, quarries, swallow holes and other geological features affecting design and construction.

Photographs taken on the site, preferably color ones, can be very helpful and should be
supplemented by aerial photographs if considered necessary.

The ground investigation

(1) Background study and location of holes. This should give a full account of the desk-top
study, examination of old records, information from local authorities, public utilities and the
like, and the field survey. It should detail the position and depth of trial pits and boreholes,
equipment used and in situ testing and information.

(2) Boreholes, trial pits and soil profiles. This section will be mainly a visual presentation of the
logs and profiles together with colour photographs of the trial pits.Where possible, written
information should be given in note form on the soil profiles.

(3) Soil tests. This should list the site and laboratory tests drawing attention to any unusual,
unexpected or special results. The results of the tests should be tabulated, for ease of reference,
and diagrams of such information as particle size distribution, pressure–void ratio curves and
Mohr‟s circles should be given.

This must give details of ground conditions, previous use of site, present conditions, groundwater
and drainage pattern
The tests must give adequate information to determine the soil‟s bearing capacity, settlement
characteristics, behavior during and after foundation construction and, where necessary, its
chemical make-up and condition
Recommendations This is both comment on the facts and also opinions based on experience;
the difference should be made clear. Since the discussion is usually a major part of the report it
should be broken down into sections for ease of reference and readability.
The final section should give firm recommendations on the foundation type or types to be

Objectives of Site Investigation

 To access the general suitability of the site.
 To achieve safe and economical design of foundations and temporary works.

 To know the nature of each stratum and engineering properties of the soil and rock,
which may affect the design and mode of construction of proposed structure and
 To foresee and provide against difficulties that may arise during construction due to
ground and other local conditions.
 To find out the sources of construction material and selection of sites for disposal of
water or surplus material.
 To investigate the occurrence or causes of all natural and man made changes in
conditions and the results arising from such changes.
 To ensure the safety of surrounding existing structures.
 To design for the failed structures or remedial measures for the structures deemed to be
 To locate the ground water level and possible corrosive effect of soil and water on
foundation material.
Methods of site exploration

The various types of site investigation are:

Open excavation, Boring, Subsurface Sounding and Geophysical Methods
Geophysical exploration

Geophysical exploration may be used with advantage to locate boundaries between different
elements of the subsoil as these procedures are based on the fact that the gravitational, magnetic,
electrical, radioactive or elastic properties of the different elements of the subsoil may be
different. Differences in the gravitational, magnetic and radioactive properties of deposits near
the surface of the earth are seldom large enough to permit the use of these properties in
exploration work for civil engineering projects. However, the resistivity method based on the
electrical properties and the seismic refraction methods based on the elastic properties of the
deposits have been used widely in large civil engineering projects. Different methods of
geophysical explorations

Electrical resistivity method
Electrical resistivity method is based on the difference in the electrical conductivity or the
electrical resistivity of different soils. Resistivity is defined as resistance in ohms between the
opposite phases of a unit cube of a material.


𝜌 is resistivity in ohm-cm, R is resistance in ohms, A is the cross sectional area (cm 2), L is
length of the conductor (cm).

Applications of resistivity soundings are:
Characterize subsurface hydrogeology, Determine depth to bedrock/overburden thickness,
Determine depth to groundwater, Map stratigraphy, clay aquitards, salt-water intrusion and
vertical extent of certain types of soil and groundwater contamination .Estimate landfill thickness

Resistivity profiling is used to:

Map faults, Map lateral extent of conductive contaminant plumes, Locate voids, Map heavy
metals soil contamination ,Delineate disposal areas ,Map paleochannels, Explore for sand and
gravel ,Map archaeological sites

Seismic Method

Seismic refraction is a geophysical method used for investigating subsurface ground conditions
utilizing surface-sourced seismic waves. The methods depend on the fact that seismic waves
have differing velocities in different types of soil (or rock): in addition, the waves are refracted
when they cross the boundary between different types (or conditions) of soil or rock. The
methods enable the general soil types and the approximate depth to strata boundaries, or to
bedrock, to be determined.


Pulses of low frequency seismic energy are emitted by a seismic source such as a hammer-plate,
weight drop or buffalo gun. The type of source is dependent on local ground conditions and
required depth penetration. Explosives are best for deeper applications but are constrained by
environmental regulations.

The seismic waves propagate downward through the ground until they are reflected or refracted
off subsurface layers. Refracted waves are detected by arrays of 24 or 48 geophones spaced at
regular intervals of 1 - 10 metres, depending on the desired depth penetration of the survey.
Sources are positioned at each end of the geophone array to produce forward and reverse wave
arrivals along the array. Additional sources may be used at intermediate or off-line positions for
full coverage at all geophone positions.

A geophone is a device that converts ground movement (velocity) into voltage, which may be
recorded at a recording station. The deviation of this measured voltage from the base line is
called the seismic response and is analyzed for structure of the earth.

 Measures Bedrock Depth & Overburden Thickness
 Determines Rip ability Parameters
 Investigates Pipeline Routes
 Locates Geological Structures
 Evaluates Sand & Gravel Deposits
 Defines Ancient Landfill Sites

Boring Log
During soil exploration all suitable details are recorded and presented in a boring log. Additional
information consisting mainly of lab and field test result is added to complete the boring log.

Details of Boring Log

The ground conditions discovered in each borehole are summarised in the form of a bore log.
The method of investigation and details of the equipment used should be stated on each log. The
location, ground level and diameter of the hole should be specified. The names of the client and
the project should be mentioned.

Other Details of Boring Log

 The soil profile with elevations of different strata.
 Ground water level.
 Termination level of the bore hole.
 The depth at which samples were taken or at which in-situ tests were performed.
 The type of soil samples.
 N-values at the measured elevation.
 The results of important laboratory tests

Soil Exploration Report

At the end of the soil exploration program, the soil and rock samples, collected from the field are
subjected to visual observation and laboratory tests. Then, a soil exploration report is prepared
for use by the planning and design office. Any soil exploration report should contain the
following information:
1. Scope of investigation
2. General description of the proposed structure for which the exploration has been conducted
3. Geological conditions of the site
4. Drainage facilities at the site
5. Details of boring

6. Description of subsoil conditions as determined from the soil and rock samples collected
7. Ground water table as observed from the boreholes
8. Details of foundation recommendations and alternatives
9. Any anticipated construction problems
10. Limitations of the investigation

The following graphic presentations also need to be attached to the soil exploration

1. Site location map

2. Location of borings with respect to the proposed structure
3. Boring logs
4. Laboratory test results
5. Other special presentations

The boring log is the graphic representation of the details gathered from each bore hole.




Bearing capacity is the power of foundation soil to hold the forces from the
superstructure without undergoing shear failure or excessive settlement. Foundation soil
is that portion of ground which is subjected to additional stresses when foundation and
superstructure are constructed on the ground. The following are a few important
terminologies related to bearing capacity of soil.

Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qf) : It is the maximum pressure that afoundation soil can
withstand without undergoing shear failure.

Net ultimate Bearing Capacity (qn) : It is the maximum extra pressure(in addition to
initial overburden pressure) that a foundation soil can withstand without undergoing
shear failure.

qn = qf - qo

Here, qo represents the overburden pressure at foundation level and is equal to D for
level ground without surcharge where the unit weight of soil is and D is the depth to
foundation bottom from Ground Level.

Safe Bearing Capacity (qs): It is the safe extra load the foundation soil is subjected to
in addition to initial overburden pressure.

Allowable Bearing Pressure (qa) : It is the maximum pressure the foundation soil is
subjected to considering both shear failure and settlement.

Foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with soil. Foundation
transfers the forces and moments from the super structure to the soil below such that the
stresses in soil are within permissible limits and it provides stability against sliding and
overturning to the super structure. It is a transition between the super structure and
foundation soil. The job of a geotechnical engineer is to ensure that both foundation and
soil below are safe against failure and do not experience excessive settlement. Footing
and foundation are synonymous.

Modes of shear failure

Depending on the stiffness of foundation soil and depth of foundation, the following
are the modes of shear failure experienced by the foundation soil.

1. General shear failure

2. Local shear failure
3. Punching shear failure

Shear failure in foundation soil P – curve in different foundation soils

Footing on ground that experiences: a) General shear failure, b) Local shear

failure and c) Punching shear failure

General Shear Failure

This type of failure is seen in dense and stiff soil. The following are some
characteristics of general shear failure.
1. Continuous, well defined and distinct failure surface develops between the edge of
footing and ground surface.

2. Dense or stiff soil that undergoes low compressibility experiences this failure.

4. Continuous bulging of shear mass adjacent to footing is visible.

5. Failure is accompanied by tilting of footing.

6. Failure is sudden and catastrophic with pronounced peak in P – curve.

7. The length of disturbance beyond the edge of footing is large.

8. State of plastic equilibrium is reached initially at the footing edge and spreads
gradually downwards and outwards.

9. General shear failure is accompanied by low strain (<5%) in a soil with

considerable ( >36o) and large N (N > 30) having high relative density (ID> 70%).

Local Shear Failure
This type of failure is seen in relatively loose and soft soil. The following are some
characteristics of general shear failure.
1. A significant compression of soil below the footing and partial development of
plastic equilibrium is observed.

2. Failure is not sudden and there is no tilting of footing.

3. Failure surface does not reach the ground surface and slight bulging of soil around
the footing is observed.

4. Failure surface is not well defined.

5. Failure is characterized by considerable settlement.

6. Well defined peak is absent in P – curve.

7. Local shear failure is accompanied by large strain (> 10 to 20%) in a soil

with considerably low ( <28o) and low N (N < 5) having low relative density (I D>

Punching Shear Failure

This type of failure is seen in loose and soft soil and at deeper elevations. The following
are some characteristics of general shear failure.
This type of failure occurs in a soil of very high compressibility.
1. Failure pattern is not observed.
2. Bulging of soil around the footing is absent.

3. Failure is characterized by very large settlement.

4. Continuous settlement with no increase in P is observed in P – curve.

The below figure presents the conditions for different failure modes in sandy soil
carrying circular footing based on the contributions from Vesic (1963 & 1973)

Modes of failure at different Relative densities & depths of foundations

Distinction between General Shear & Local or Punching Shear Failures

The basic distinctions between general shear failure and punching shear failure
are presented in Table.
Distinction between General Shear & Local Shear Failures
General Shear Failure Local/Punching Shear Failure
Occurs in dense/stiff soil Occurs in loose/soft soil
o o
>36 , N>30, ID>70%, Cu>100 kPa <28 , N<5, ID<20%, Cu<50 kPa
Results in small strain (<5%) Results in large strain (>20%)
Failure pattern well defined & clear Failure pattern not well defined
Well defined peak in P- curve No peak in P- curve

Bulging formed in the neighbourhood of No Bulging observed in the

footing at the surface neighbourhood of footing

Extent of horizontal spread of Extent of horizontal spread of

disturbance at the surface large disturbance at the surface very small
Observed in shallow foundations Observed in deep foundations
Failure is sudden & catastrophic Failure is gradual
Less settlement, but tilting failure Considerable settlement of footing
observed Observed

Terzaghi’s bearing Capacity Theory

Terzaghi (1943) was the first to propose a comprehensive theory for evaluating the
safe bearing capacity of shallow foundation with rough base.

1. Soil is homogeneous and Isotropic.

2. The shear strength of soil is represented by Mohr Coulombs Criteria.

3. The footing is of strip footing type with rough base. It is essentially a two
dimensional plane strain problem.

4. Elastic zone has straight boundaries inclined at an angle equal to the horizontal.

5. Failure zone is not extended above, beyond the base of the footing. Shear
resistance of soil above the base of footing is neglected.

6. Method of superposition is valid.

7. Passive pressure force has three components (P PC produced by cohesion, PPq

produced by surcharge and PP produced by weight of shear zone).
8. Effect of water table is neglected.

Footing carries concentric and vertical loads.

1. Footing and ground are horizontal.

2. Limit equilibrium is reached simultaneously at all points. Complete shear failure

is mobilized at all points at the same time.

3. The properties of foundation soil do not change during the shear failure

1. The theory is applicable to shallow foundations
2. As the soil compresses, increases which is not considered. Hence fully plastic zone
may not develop at the assumed.

Terzaghi’s concept of Footing with five distinct failure zones in foundation soil

3. All points need not experience limit equilibrium condition at different loads.
4. Method of superstition is not acceptable in plastic conditions as the ground is near
failure zone.

A strip footing of width B gradually compresses the foundation soil underneath

due to the vertical load from superstructure. Let q f be the final load at which the
foundation soil experiences failure due to the mobilization of plastic equilibrium. The
foundation soil fails along the composite failure surface and the region is divided in to
five zones, Zone 1 which is elastic, two numbers of Zone 2 which are the zones of radial
shear and two zones of Zone 3 which are the zones of linear shear. Considering
horizontal force equilibrium and incorporating empirical relation, the equation for
ultimate bearing capacity is obtained as follows.
Ultimate bearing capacity,

qf cNc γDNq 0.5γBNγ

If the ground is subjected to additional surcharge load q, then

q f = cNc (γD q)N q 0.5γBNγ

Net ultimate bearing capacity,


qn= cNc+γD(N q-1)+0.5γBNγ

Safe bearing capacity,

qs=[cNc+γD(Nq-1)+0.5γBNγ] 1/F + γD

Here, F = Factor of safety (usually 3) c

= cohesion
γ= unit weight of soil D=
Depth of foundation
q = Surcharge at the ground level B
= Width of foundation

Nc, Nq, Nγ = Bearing Capacity factor

Effect of shape of Foundation

The shape of footing influences the bearing capacity. Terzaghi and other contributors
have suggested the correction to the bearing capacity equation for shapes other than
strip footing based on their experimental findings. The following are the corrections for
circular, square and rectangular footings.

Circular footing

q f= 1.3cNc γDN q 0.3γBNγ

Square footing
q f= 1.3cNc γDN q 0.4γBNγ

Rectangular footing

qf =(1+0.3 𝑩 ) c Nc +𝜸DNq + (1-0.2 𝑩) 0.5𝜸 BN

Summary of Shape factors
Table gives the summary of shape factors suggested for strip, square, circular
and rectangular footings. B and L represent the width and length respectively of
rectangular footing such that B < L.
Shape factors for different shapes of footing

Shape sc sq s
Strip 1 1 1

Square 1.3 1 0.8

Round 1.3 1 0.6
Rectangle (1+0.3B/L) 1 (1-0.2B/L)

Local shear failure
The equation for bearing capacity explained above is applicable for soil experiencing
general shear failure. If a soil is relatively loose and soft, it fails in local shear failure.
Such a failure is accounted in bearing capacity equation by reducing the magnitudes
of strength parameters c and as follows.

tan Φ‫ = ׀‬2/3 tan Φ

c‫ = ׀‬2/3 c

Table summarizes the bearing capacity factors to be used under different situations. If
Φ is less than 36o and more than 28o, it is not sure whether the failure is of general or
local shear type. In such situations, linear interpolation can be made and the region is
called mixed zone.

Bearing capacity factors in zones of local, mixed and general shear conditions.

Local Shear Failure Mixed Zone General Shear Failure

o o o o
Φ< 28 28 < Φ< 36 Φ> 36

1 1 1
N ,N ,N m m m
Nc, Nq, Nγ
c q γ Nc , Nq , Nγ

Effect of Water Table fluctuation

The basic theory of bearing capacity is derived by assuming the water table to be at
great depth below and not interfering with the foundation. However, the presence of
water table at foundation depth affects the strength of soil. Further, the unit weight of
soil to be considered in the presence of water table is submerged density and not dry
density. Hence, the reduction coefficients R W1 and RW2 are used in second and third
terms of bearing capacity equation to consider the effects of water table.

Ultimate bearing capacity with the effect of water table is given by,

q f cNcgDN q Rw10.5gBNg Rw2

Rw1 = ½ (1+ Zw1)


where ZW1 is the depth of water table from ground level.

1. 0.5<Rw1<1

2. When water table is at the ground level (Zw1 = 0), Rw1 = 0.5
3. When water table is at the base of foundation (Zw1 = D), Rw1 = 1
4. At any other intermediate level, Rw1 lies between 0.5 and 1
Rw2 = ½ (1+Zw2)

where ZW2 is the depth of water table from foundation level.
1. 0.5<Rw2<1

2. When water table is at the base of foundation (Zw2 = 0), Rw2 = 0.5

3. When water table is at a depth B and beyond from the base of foundation
(Zw2>= B), Rw2 = 1
4. At any other intermediate level, Rw2 lies between 0.5 and 1

Effect of eccentric foundation base

The bearing capacity equation is developed with the idealization that the load on
the foundation is concentric. However, the forces on the foundation may be eccentric or
foundation may be subjected to additional moment. In such situations, the width of
foundation B shall be considered as follows.

B1= B -2e

If the loads are eccentric in both the directions, then

B1= B -2eB& L1= L -2eL

Further, area of foundation to be considered for safe load carried by foundation is not
the actual area, but the effective area as follows.

A1= B1 X L1

1 1 1
In the calculation of bearing capacity, width to be considered is B where B < L .
Hence the effect of provision of eccentric footing is to reduce the bearing capacity
and load carrying capacity of footing.

Factor of Safety

It is the factor of ignorance about the soil under consideration. It depends on many
factors such as,

1. Type of soil

2. Method of exploration

3. Level of Uncertainty in Soil Strength

4. Importance of structure and consequences of failure

5. Likelihood of design load occurrence, etc.

Assume a factor of safety F = 3, unless otherwise specified for bearing capacity

problems. Table 7.5 provides the details of factors of safety to be used under different

Typical factors of safety for bearing capacity calculation in different situations

Density of soil: In geotechnical engineering, one deals with several densities such as
dry density, bulk density, saturated density and submerged density. There will always
be a doubt in the students mind as to which density to use in a particular case. In case of
Bearing capacity problems, the following methodology may be adopted.

1. Always use dry density as it does not change with season and it is
always smaller than bulk or saturated density.

2. If only one density is specified in the problem, assume it as dry density and

3. If the water table correction is to be applied, use saturated density in stead of

dry density. On portions above the water table, use dry density.

4. If water table is some where in between, use equivalent density as follows.
In the case shown in Fig. 7a, eq should be used for the second

term and sat for the third term. In the case shown in Fig. 7b, d should be
used for second term and eq for the third term.
g=( g1 D1 + g2 D2) / (D1+D2)




(a) Water table above base (b)Water table below base

Fig. Evaluation of equivalent density

Factors influencing Bearing Capacity

Bearing capacity of soil depends on many factors. The following are some important

1. Type of soil

2. Unit weight of soil

3. Surcharge load

4. Depth of foundation

5. Mode of failure
6. Size of footing
7. Shape of footing

8. Depth of water table

9. Eccentricity in footing load

10. Inclination of footing load

11. Inclination of ground

12. Inclination of base of foundation

Brinch Hansen’s Bearing Capacity equation

As mentioned in previous section, bearing capacity depends on many factors and
Terzaghi’ s bearing capacity equation doers not take in to consideration all the factors.
Brinch Hansen and several other researchers have provided a comprehensive equation
for the determination bearing capacity called Generalized Bearing Capacity equation
considering the almost all the factors mentioned above. The equation for ultimate
bearing capacity is as follows from the comprehensive theory.

q f cNc sc dc icqN q sq d q iq0.5gBNg sg dg ig

Here, the bearing capacity factors are given by the following expressions which depend
on .

Nc(N q1) cotf

N q=(eptanf) tan2(45+f/2)
Ng=1.5(N q-1) tanf

Equations are available for shape factors (sc, sq, s ), depth factors (dc, dq, d ) and load
inclination factors (ic, iq, i ). The effects of these factors are to reduce the bearing

Determination of Bearing Capacity from field tests

Field Tests are performed in the field. You have understood the advantages of field tests
over laboratory tests for obtaining the desired property of soil. The biggest advantages
are that there is no need to extract soil sample and the conditions during testing are
identical to the actual situation.

Plate Load Test

Sand Bags

for loading

Dial Gauge

Testing Plate

Fig: typical set up for Plate Load test Foundation

assembly Level

Major advantages of field tests are

· Sampling not required

· Soil disturbance minimum Major
disadvantages of field tests are

· Labourious
· Time consuming
· Heavy equipment to be carried to field
· Short duration behavior

1. It is a field test for the determination of bearing capacity and settlement

characteristics of ground in field at the foundation level.
2. The test involves preparing a test pit up to the desired foundation level.

3. A rigid steel plate, round or square in shape, 300 mm to 750 mm in size, 25

mm thick acts as model footing.

4. Dial gauges, at least 2, of required accuracy (0.002 mm) are placed on plate
on plate at corners to measure the vertical deflection.

6. Loading is provided either as gravity loading or as reaction loading. For smaller
loads gravity loading is acceptable where sand bags apply the load. In reaction
loading, a reaction truss or beam is anchored to the ground. A hydraulic jack
applies the reaction load.

7. At every applied load, the plate settles gradually. The dial gauge readings are
recorded after the settlement reduces to least count of gauge (0.002 mm) &
average settlement of 2 or more gauges is recorded.

8. Load Vs settlement graph is plotted as shown. Load (P) is plotted on the

horizontal scale and settlement ( ) is plotted on the vertical scale.

9. Red curve indicates the general shear failure & the blue one indicates the local
or punching shear failure.

10. The maximum load at which the shear failure occurs gives the ultimate
bearing capacity of soil.

Reference can be made to IS 1888 - 1982.

The advantages of Plate Load Test are

1. It provides the allowable bearing pressure at the location considering both shear
failure and settlement.

2. Being a field test, there is no requirement of extracting soil samples.

3. The loading techniques and other arrangements for field testing are
identical to the actual conditions in the field.

4. It is a fast method of estimating ABP and P – behaviour of ground.

The disadvantages of Plate Load Test are

1. The test results reflect the behaviour of soil below the plate (for a distance of
~2Bp), not that of actual footing which is generally very large.

2. It is essentially a short duration test. Hence, it does not reflect the long term
consolidation settlement of clayey soil.

3. Size effect is pronounced in granular soil. Correction for size effect is

essential in such soils.

4. It is a cumbersome procedure to carry equipment, apply huge load and carry

out testing for several days in the tough field environment.

Standard Penetration Test

65 kg Hammer


Bore Hole, Split Spoon Sampler

Fig. : Typical set up for Standard Penetration test assembly

1. Reference can be made to IS 2131 – 1981 for details on Standard

Penetration Test.

2. It is a field test to estimate the penetration resistance of soil.

3. It consists of a split spoon sampler 50.8 mm OD, 35 mm ID, min 600 mm long
and 63.5 kg hammer freely dropped from a height of 750 mm.

4. Test is performed on a clean hole 50 mm to 150 mm in diameter.

5. Split spoon sampler is placed vertically in the hole, allowed to freely settle under
its own weight or with blows for first 150 mm which is called seating drive.

6. The number of blows required for the next 300 mm penetration into the
ground is the standard penetration number N

7. Apply the desired corrections (such as corrections for overburden pressure,
saturated fine silt and energy)

8. N is correlated with most properties of soil such as friction angle,

undrained cohesion, density etc.
Advantages of Standard Penetration Test are

1. Relatively quick & simple to perform

2. Equipment & expertise for test is widely available

3. Provides representative soil sample

4. Provides useful index for relative strength & compressibility of soil

5. Able to penetrate dense & stiff layers

6. Results reflect soil density, fabric, stress strain behavior

7. Numerous case histories available

Disadvantages of Standard Penetration Test are

1. Requires the preparation of bore hole.

2. Dynamic effort is related to mostly static performance

3. SPT is abused, standards regarding energy are not uniform

4. If hard stone is encountered, difficult to obtain reliable result.

5. Test procedure is tedious and requires heavy equipment.

6. Not possible to obtain properties continuously with depth.

Cone Penetration Test

1. Reference can be made to IS 4968 (P3) – 1987 for details on Standard
Penetration Test.

2. Cone Penetration Test can either be Static Cone Penetration Test or Dynamic Cone
Penetration Test.

3. Continuous record of penetration resistance with depth is achieved.
2 o
4. Consists of a cone 36 mm dia (1000 mm ) and 60 vertex angle.

5. Cone is carried at the lower end of steel rod that passes through steel tube of 36
mm dia.

6. Either the cone, or the tube or both can be forced in to the soil by jacks.

7. Cone is pushed 80 mm in to the ground and resistance is recorded, steel tube is

pushed up to the cone and resistance is recorded. Further, both cone and tube are
penetrated 200 mm and resistance is recorded. Total resistance (q c) gives the CPT
value expressed in kPa.
8. Cone resistance represents bearing resistance at the base and tube resistance gives
the skin frictional resistance. Total resistance can be correlated with strength
properties, density and deformation characteristics of soil.

Fig. 7.9 : typical set up for Static Cone Penetration test assembly

9. Correction for overburden pressure is applied. Approximately, N = 10qc (kPa)

Advantages of SCPT are

1. Continuous resistance with depth is recorded.

2. Static resistance is more appropriate to determine static properties of soil.

3. Can be correlated with most properties of soil.

Disadvantages of SCPT are

1. Not very popular in India.

2. If a small rock piece is encountered, resistance shown is erratic &


3. Involves handling heavy equipment.

Presumptive Safe Bearing Capacity

It is the bearing capacity that can be presumed in the absence of data based on visual
identification at the site. National Building Code of India (1983) lists the values of presumptive
SBC in kPa for different soils as presented below.

A : Rocks

Sl Description SBC
1 Rocks (hard) without laminations and defects. For e.g. 3240

trap & diorite

2 Laminated Rocks. For e.g. Sand stone and Lime stone in 1620

3 Residual deposits of shattered and broken bed rocks and hard 880

shale cemented material

4 Soft Rock 440

B : Cohesionless Soils

Sl Description SBC
1 Gravel, sand and gravel, compact and offering resistance to 440

penetration when excavated by tools

2 Coarse sand, compact and dry 440
3 Medium sand, compact and dry 245
4 Fine sand, silt (dry lumps easily pulverized by fingers) 150

5 Loose gravel or sand gravel mixture, Loose coarse to medium 245

sand, dry
6 Fine sand, loose and dry 100

C : Cohesive Soils

Sl Description SBC
1 Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in deep bed, dry 440
2 Medium clay readily indented with a thumb nail 245

3 Moist clay and sand clay mixture which can be indented with 150

strong thumb pressure

4 Soft clay indented with moderate thumb pressure 100

5 Very soft clay which can be penetrated several centimeters 50


the thumb
6 Black cotton soil or other shrinkable or expansive clay in dry 130 - 160

condition (50 % saturation)

Note :

1. Use d for all cases without water. Use sat for calculations with water. If simply
density is mentioned use accordingly.

2. Fill all the available data with proper units.

3. Write down the required formula

4. If the given soil is sand, c = 0

Problems & Solutions

1. A square footing is to be constructed on a deep deposit of sand at a depth of 0.9 m to carry a
design load of 300 kN with a factor of safety of 2.5. The ground water table may rise to the
ground level during rainy season. Design the plan dimension of footing
given 𝛾 sat = 20.8 kN/m , Nc = 25, Nq = 34 and Nγ =32. (Feb 2002)

F = 2.5
D = 0.9 m

RW1 = RW2 = 0.5

𝛾 sat =20.8 kN/m

Nc = 25

Nq = 34
N = 32
qs =P/A = [1.3cNc+γD(N q-1)RW1+0.4γBNg RW2]

B = 1.21 m

o 3
2. What will be the net ultimate bearing capacity of sand having = 36 and 𝛾d = 19 kN/m for
(i) 1.5 m strip foundation and (ii) 1.5 m X 1.5 m square footing. The footings are placed at a
depth of 1.5 m below ground level. Assume F = 2.5. Use Terzaghi’ s equations. (Aug 2003)

Nc Nq N
35 57.8 41.4 42.4

40 95.7 81.3 100.4

By linear interpolation Nc = 65.38, Nq = 49.38, Nγ = 54 at = 36


B = 1.5 m
D = 1.5 m
𝛾d = 19 kN/m
Strip Footing

qn= cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)+0.5𝛾BNg

qn = 2148.33 kPa
Square Footing

qn=1.3cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)+0.4𝛾BN𝛾

qn = 1994.43 kPa

3. A square footing 2.5 m X 2.5 m is built on a homogeneous bed of sand of density 19
kN/m3 having an angle of shearing resistance of 36o. The depth of foundation is 1.5 m below the
ground surface. Calculate the safe load that can be applied on the footing with a factor of safety
of 3. Take bearing capacity factors as Nc= 27, Nq = 30, N = 35. (Feb 2004)


B = 2.5 m
D = 1.5 m
𝛾d = 19 kN/m

Nc = 27 Nq = 30 N𝛾 = 35
qs= P/A =  1.3cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)RW1+0.4gBN𝛾 RW2 

 Safe load, P = qs*B*B = 3285.4 kN

4. A strip footing 2 m wide carries a load intensity of 400 kPa at a depth of 1.2

m in sand. The saturated unit weight of sand is 19.5 kN/m and unit weight above water table
3 o
is 16.8 kN/m . If c = 0 and = 35 , determine the factor of safety with respect to shear failure
for the following locations of water table.

a. Water table is 4 m below Ground Level

b. Water table is 1.2 m below Ground Level

c. Water table is 2.5 m below Ground Level

d. Water table is at Ground Level.

Using Terzaghi’ s equation, take Nq = 41.4 and N𝛾 = 42.4. (Feb 2005)

C = 0 and C = 35

D = 1.2 m

b = 19.5 kN/m3 (bottom) 𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡t = 16.8 kN/m3 (top)

Nc = 0

Nq = 41.4
N𝛾 = 42.4

Safe load intensity = 400 kPa

qs=400= cN c+𝛾D(N q-1)R W1 +0.5𝛾BN𝛾 R W21/F+D

a. Water table is 4 m below Ground Level

RW1 = RW2 = 1
𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 16.8 kN/m
F = 4.02

b. Water table is 1.2 m below Ground Level

RW1 = 1, RW2 = 0.5

400 16.8X1.2 X 40.4 X1 0.5X19.5X 2 X 42.4 X 0.51/F16.8X1.2

F = 3.227
c. Water table is 2.5 m below Ground Level

RW2 = 0.5(1+1.3/2) = 0.825

geff 16.8X1.319.5X0.7 17.745kN/m3

400 16.8X1.2 X 40.4 X1 0.5X17.745X 2 X 42.4 X 0.8251/F16.8X1.2

F = 3.779

d. Water table is at Ground Level

RW1 = RW2 = 0.5

𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡t = 19.5 kN/m

400 19.5X1.2X 40.4 X 0.5  0.5X19.5X 2X 42.4 X 0.51/F19.5X1.2

F = 2.353

5. A square footing located at a depth of 1.3 m below ground has to carry a safe load of 800
kN. Find the size of footing if the desired factor of safety is 3.

Use Terzaghi’ s analysis for general shear failure. Take c = 8 kPa, Nc = 37.2, Nq =
22.5, N = 19.7. (Aug 2005)
𝛾d = 18 kN/m (Assumed)
c = 8 kPa
D = 1.3 m

Nc = 37.2

Nq = 22.5
N = 19.7
P = 800 kN
RW1 = RW2 = 1

qs=P/A =P/B =2=1.3cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)RW1+0.4𝛾BNg RW21/F+gD

3 2
47.28B + 320.06B - 800 = 0

B = 1.436 m

6. A square footing 2.8 m X 2.8 m is built on a homogeneous bed of sand of density 18 kN/m
and = 36 . If the depth of foundation is 1.8 m, determine the safe load that can be applied on
the footing. Take F = 2.5, Nc = 27, Nq = 36, N𝛾 = 35. (Feb 2007)
𝛾 = 18 kN/m c = 0
(sand) F = 2.5

B = 2.8 m
D = 1.8 m
Nc = 27

Nq = 36
N𝛾 = 35

RW1 = RW2 = 1

qs=P/A=P/B2=1.3cN c+𝛾D(N q-1)RW1+0.4gBN g RW21/F+𝛾𝐷

P = qs*B*B = 6023 kN

7. A strip footing 1 m wide and a square footing 1 m side are placed at a depth of 1 m below
the ground surface. The foundation soil has cohesion of 10 kPa, angle of friction of 26 and
unit weight of 18 kN/m . Taking bearing capacity factor from the following table, calculate
the safe bearing capacity using Terzaghi’ s theory. Use factor of safety of 3. (July 2008)

Nc Nq N

15 12.9 4.4 2.5

20 17.7 7.0 5.0

25 25.1 12.7 9.7

As = 28 , the ground experiences local shear failure C’ =
(2/3)X10 = 6.67 kPa

tan ’ = (2/3) X tan’ = 18.01

c q
By linear interpolation, N ’ =15.79, N ’ =5.97, N ’ =4.01

𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡t = 18 kN/m

Strip footing

qs= cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)+0.5𝛾BN𝛾 F +gD =94.96 kPa

Square footing

qs= 1.3cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)+0.4gBN𝛾 1/F+gD =103.08 kPa

8. A square footing placed at a depth of 1 m is required to carry a load of 1000kN. Find the
o 3
required size of footing given the following data. C = 10 kPa, = 38 , = 19 kN/m , Nc =
61.35, Nq = 48.93, N𝛾 = 74.03 and F = 3. Assume water table is at the base of footing. (July


C = 10 kPa = 38
D = 1 m = 19 kN/m

Nc = 61.35

Nq = 48.93
N𝛾 = 74.03

RW1 = 1
RW2 = 0.5
qs= A=B 2= 1.3cNc+𝛾D(N q-1)R W1+0.4𝛾BN𝛾 RW21/F+gD
B = 0.72 m

The vertical downward movement of the base of a structure is called settlement and its effect upon
the structure depends on its magnitude, its uniformity, the length of the time over which it takes
place, and the nature of the structure itself. Settlement has got several implications on a foundation.

The implications include:

1. Appearance of structures
2. Utility of structures
3. Damage to the structures

Appearance of structures Settlement affects the appearance of structures. If a structure settles
excessively, its aesthetic is impaired. It causes doors and windows to distort, walls and plasters to
crack and the structure to tilt.
Utility of Structures – Settlement interfere the utility of structures in many ways. If settlement is
excessive overhead cranes do not operate correctly, machinery may go out of plumb and tracking
units such as radar become inaccurate.
Damage to the Structure – If the settlement is severe, it may lead to the complete collapse of the
structure even though the factor of safety against shear failure is high.

All foundations settleto some extent as the earth materials around and beneath them adjust to loads of
the building. Foundations on bedrock settle a negligible amount. Foundations in other types of soil
may settle much more. Foundations in clay settle more. Where foundation settlement occurs at
roughly the same rate throughout all portions of a building, it is termed uniform settlement.
Settlement that occurs at differing rates between different portions of a building is termed differential
When all parts of a building rest on the same kind of soil, and the loads on the building and the design
of its structural system are uniform throughout, differential settlement is normally not a concern.
However where soils, loads, or structural systems differ between parts of a building, different parts of
the building structure may settle by substantially different amounts, the frame of the building may
become distorted, floors may slope, walls and glass may crack, and doors and windows may not work
properly. Figure 1 shows the details of settlement.

Fig. 1: Types of settlement of foundation of building

Settlement deals with the sinking of structure due to compression of soil. As per IS code, the
following types of settlements are reported:
1. Total settlement: - it is combination of initial and consolidation settlement Elastic settlement/
initial settlement: - initial/elastic settlement is the settlement caused due to elastic properties of
the soil due to applied load. Consolidation settlement - Primary consolidation: - is the
consolidation occurs due to the expulsion of air from the voids. Secondary/creep:- is the
consolidation due to expulsion of water from the voids.
2. Differential settlement/ angular distortion: - it is the difference in settlement between two
points below the footing.
3. Time dependent settlement: -for sands, settlement is called immediate settlement as it is the
major settlement, there being no or very less consolidation settlement. For clays, we talk about
initial or elastic settlements and not immediate settlements.

Foundation settlement is the shifting of the foundation (and the structure built upon it) into the soil.
This can cause damage to the structure. Whether the soil is moist or dry is central to predicting the
amount of settlement to expect in a given foundation. Areas with moist soils will have more
foundation settlement than dry areas. The idea is that as water is squeezed out from the soil, the
structure will shift according to the empty spaces the water left. The more water, the more shift.

Immediate Settlement
 Immediate settlement concerns the initial pressure on the soil under and surrounding the
foundation. It is "immediate" because it occurs during and right after construction. It has nothing
to do with water displacement, but is merely caused by the weight of the structure. In terms of
building foundations, immediate settlement is relatively easy to predict and measure. In many
cases, given the nature of the soil, foundations are constructed with the ability to withstand a
certain amount of shift without damage. Damage usually occurs only in the long term, as the
shift slowly continues over time.
 Consolidation settlement is distinguished from immediate settlement both by the duration of the
settlement and by displacement of water. Consolidation is the more worrisome form of
settlement because it is difficult to predict over months or years. Consolidation settlement is the
settling of a foundation, over time, due to pressure exerted by the structure and squeezes out the
water content of the soil, thus compressing it. Expulsion of moisture from the soil usually is a
long-term process.

Primary and Secondary Consolidation
 Consolidation settlement has two components, primary and secondary. The former deals
explicitly with the settlement caused by soil moisture displacement, and the latter deals with the
elastic settlement after all movable water has been squeezed out of the soil.

Primary consolidation is the most significant and potentially harmful of the two. Primary
consolidation takes quite a bit of time, from weeks to years. Secondary consolidation is the quicker
result of primary consolidation. Once primary has been completed, and all movable water has been
moved, secondary kicks in. Secondary consolidation occurs immediately after primary, and takes far
less time to complete. After secondary consolidation is complete, the structure remains in its
permanent position. As a result, many builders advise a resident in new homes to avoid repairing any
settlement damage until secondary consolidation is complete, which is normally after two years at

Causes of foundation Settlement

The causes of foundation settlement are rarely due to the design (or under-design) of the structure
itself. More commonly, damage is caused as changes occur within the foundation soils that surround
and support the structure

Foundation settlement may be caused by some or a combination of the following reasons

1. Elastic compression of the foundation and the underlying soil.
2. Inelastic (or plastic) compression of the underlying soils, which is much larger than the
elastic compression. The inelastic compression can be predicted by the theory of consolidation.
3. Ground water lowering. Repeated lowering and rising of water level in loose granular soil
tends to compact the soil and cause settlement of the ground surface. Lowering of water level in
fine grained soils cause consolidation settlement. The major settlements in the city of Maxico has
been due to ground water lowering, and due to this, the city has been called as the ‘sinking city
4. Vibrations due to pile driving, blasting and oscillating machineries may cause settlement in
deposits of granular soils.
5. Seasonal swelling and shrinkage of expansive clays.
6. Ground movement on earth slopes, such as surface erosion, slow creep or landslide.
7. Other causes such as adjacent excavation, mining subsidence, underground erosion, etc.

(a) (b)
(a) Cracks in your home’s walls and sticking doors and windows are two of the symptoms of
foundation settlement.
(b) Bricks crack when foundation walls sink

Check out these common causes that call for professional evaluation and
foundation repairs.
Do you have foundation cracks, wall cracks, sticking doors and windows and sloping floors?
Foundation cracks due to differential foundation settlement can be caused by several conditions.
Frost heave
Building codes that require at least 30 inches for a building’s footing depth were established to resist
frost heave from ice expansion in the ground during the winter months. The top layer of soil has gone
through these types of changes over the decades and is typically not very compacted.
Soil type
Some soils, like those we have here in the Greater Cincinnati area, are classified as expansive clay.
This type of soil changes volume when its moisture content changes. The soil shrinks in the dry
summer and fall, when the rain quits falling as seen by cracks in ground. When the moisture returns to
the soil during the winter and spring due to higher quantities of rain and snow, the soil swells back to
its previous volume. This type of differential movement can be seen in houses that have cyclical
cracks which open and close, doors rubbing the frames part of the year during the various seasons.
Watering along the exterior house foundation may help control this movement, but should be started
very early in the year.

Varying foundation depth
Foundations that are supported at different soil depths are likely to settle differentially. This condition
is typical when a shallow foundation is placed near a deeper basement foundation or on sloping lots.
Water leaks
In older homes, underground waste piping and/or underground downspout piping can crack or break.
When the piping fails; water leaks along the footing, softening the soil, causing the foundation to
settle differentially. After a building has been constructed, some settlement is quite normal.
Differential settlement, however, is when a building’s piers or foundation settles unequally.
Differential settlement can result in damage to the structure, and is therefore, of concern.

Common causes of foundation settlement

1. Weak Bearing Soils
Some soils are simply not capable of supporting the weight or bearing pressure exerted by a building's
foundation. As a result, the footings press or sink into the soft soils, similar in theory to how a person
standing in the mud sinks into soft, wet clay.
In such cases, footings may be designed to spread the load over the weak soils, thereby reducing
potential foundation settlement. However, the majority of settlement problems caused by weak
bearing soils occur in residential construction, where the footings are designed based upon general
guidelines and not site-specific soil information.

2. Poor Compaction

Placement of fill soils is common practice in the development of both commercial and residential
subdivisions. In general, before a foundation can be constructed on a plot, hilltops are cut down and
valleys are filled in order to create buildable lots. Properly placed and compacted fill soils can provide
adequate support for foundations, and are sometimes brought in from off-site locations. When the soil
fills are not adequately compacted, they can compress under a foundation load resulting in settlement
of the structure.

3. Changes in Moisture Content

Extreme changes in moisture content within foundation soils can result in damaging settlement.
Excess moisture can saturate foundation soils, which often leads to softening or weakening of clays
and silts. The reduced ability of the soil to support the load results in foundation settlement. Increased
moisture within foundation soils is often a consequence of poor surface drainage around the structure,
leaks in water lines or plumbing, or a raised groundwater table. Soils with high clay contents also
have a tendency to shrink with loss of moisture. As clay soils dry out, they shrink or contract,
resulting in a general decrease in soil volume.
Therefore, settlement damage is often observed in a structure supported on dried-out soil. Drying of
foundation soils is commonly caused by extensive drought-like conditions, maturing trees and
vegetation and leaking subfloor heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

4. Maturing Trees and Vegetation

Maturing trees, bushes and other vegetation in close proximity to a home or building are a common
cause of settlement. As trees and other vegetation mature, their demand for water also grows. The
root systems continually expand and can draw moisture from the soil beneath the foundation. Again,
clay-rich soils shrink as they lose moisture, resulting in settlement of overlying structures. Many
home and building owners often state that they did not have a settlement problem until decades after
the structure was built. Foundations closer to the surface are more often affected by soil dehydration
due to tree roots than are deep, basement level foundations. As a general rule, the diameter of a tree's
root system is at least as large as the tree's canopy.
5. Soil Consolidation
Consolidation occurs when the weight of a structure or newly-placed fill soils compress lower, weak
clayey soils. The applied load forces water out of the clay soils, allowing the individual soil particles
to become more densely spaced. Consolidation results in downward movement or settlement of
overlying structures. Settlement caused by consolidation of foundation soils may take weeks, months,
or years to be considered "complete."
As this occurs, the foundation will experience downward movement -- sometimes at an uneven rate.
This leads to cracks and structural damage.
Differential settlement
Differential settlement occurs when the soil beneath the structure expands, contracts or shifts away.
This can be caused by drought conditions, the root systems of maturing trees, flooding, poor drainage,
frost, broken water lines, vibrations from nearby construction or poorly compacted fill soil.

Differential settlement can cause cracks in a structure’s foundation and interior walls, as well as
uneven settling of doors and windows. Other signs of differential settlement include tilting chimneys,
exterior stairs that tilt or sink, bulging walls, leaking through openings and sunken slabs. Since soil
settlement tends to be gradual, cracks due to differential settlement tend to be larger at the top,
diminishing to nearly nothing at the bottom. You may also see signs of vertical movement.

The best way to prevent differential settlement is to analyze the soil you are planning to build on, as
well as the surrounding environment. In the ideal situation, the site soils will be non- expansive,
meaning they have little clays or silts. Also ideally, the structure will be laid on undisturbed, native
soil. An engineer can determine the load bearing capacity of the soil and estimate settlement of the
planned structure. Once these calculations have been performed, make amendments to the soil before
construction begins, in order to minimize differential settlement. If it is necessary to build on
disturbed soil or fill, the foundation can be built on piles which extend down to good load bearing

In conclusion, you now know what differential settlement is, some common causes and signs, what to
do if you suspect that it is an issue with your structure and the best strategies to avoid it in the first
places. If you see cracks in a structure’s foundation and interior walls, uneven settling of doors or
windows, bulging walls, or tilting chimneys or exterior stairs, it is best to contact a structural engineer
and schedule an onsite evaluation.
Aspects of Settlement
(i) Uniform settlement
(ii) Differential settlement

Uniform settlement does not cause harm to the structural stability of the structure.
Differential Settlement:
 Different magnitude of settlement at different points underneath a structure;
 Supplementary stress and cause harmful effects- cracking; permanent; irreparable
damage; ultimate yield; failure of structure.

Definition of Differential Settlement
Differential settlement refers to the unequal settling of a building's piers or foundation that can result
in damage to the structure. The damage occurs when the foundation sinks in different areas at
different times.
 Differential settlement is primarily due to the condition of the soil upon which the structure sits.
Soil has the capacity to expand or contract based upon the temperature or weather conditions. It
can also shift or wash away due to poor drainage, heavy rainfall, soil drying unevenly, or
changes in the water table.
 The settlement causes cracks in a structure's foundation, slab or supporting piers. These cracks
lead to cracks in the building's interior walls and uneven settling of the building's doors,
windows and trim.
Prevention and Solution
 The best way to prevent damage from differential settlement is to thoroughly analyze the soil and
make necessary amendments before construction begins. It may be necessary to reinforce the
structure's piers or foundations if a problem occurs after the building has been constructed.

Methods of minimizing settlement:-

Improve the soil character

Select suitable or better foundation system to distribute the structural loads as smooth as pressure
on soils
Take precautions to avoid soil disturbances in the surrounding of structures for also below
the structural foundations including any vibratory motion disturbances
Tightening loose sand, consolidating soft days, grouting and freezing or solidifying soil mass with
chemicals - all weak pockets or uneven soil layers are mode to have homogeneous and isotropic
medium – distribute the pressure evenly to avoid differential settlement.
Soil nailing, micro pile, geotextile membrane, reinforcing of soils, geogrid reinforcement laying in
embankment soil fill -reduce long term settlement

Compaction by roller, vibratory roller, vibrofloatation& compaction by preloading, sand drain
provisions to accelerate consideration- long term & immediate settlement shall be minimized
Providing stone column in loose soil, lime sand mix compaction piles, lime clay mix
piles, cement day mix, cement fly ash soil stabilization reduce settlement in soft day for loose sand.
Water loving trees suck water & Moister from soil up to 3m deep ,Selection of foundation & veerendal
systems framed foundation in expansive soils to minimize different settlement
Organize spacing of footings – footing interface problem
Raft foundation – shallow depth
Pile group, Spacing of piles, no of piles in group and palter of pile lay out contribute, Avoid adjacent
are excavation below foundation level, providing storm water discharge channel. Providing apron and
avoiding or taking precautions for soil subsidence due to tunnel or pipe line
Selection of raft or pile, fooling faming or shear wall providing ground beam, grade beam, plinth
beam, continuous linter, reinforced continuous stripes at all opening level, sill level at window bottom,
reinforce brick masonry
Slab on grade like systems compacting in layers the basement fill, lime water treatment in clay below
strip footing.

Total Settlement
Total foundation settlement can be divided into three different components, namely Immediate or
elastic settlement, consolidation settlement and secondary or creep settlement as given below.
S= Si + Sc +Ss
Here, S = Total Settlement SI
= Immediate / Elastic
Settlement SC = Consolidation
SS = Secondary Settlement

The components of settlement of a foundation are:
1. Immediate settlement
2. Consolidation Settlement, and
3. Secondary compression (creep)
ΔH = ΔHi + U ΔHc + ΔHs
ΔH = total settlement, ΔHc = consolidation settlement, ΔH = secondary
compression, U
= average degree of consolidation. Generally, the final settlement of a foundation is
of interest and U is considered equal to 1 (i.e. 100% consolidation)
1. Immediate Settlement
 Immediate settlement takes place as the load is applied or within a time period of about 7
 Predominates in cohesion less soils and unsaturated clay
 Immediate settlement analysis are used for all fine-grained soils including silts and clays
with a degree of saturation < 90% and for all coarse grained soils with large co-efficient
of permeability (say above 10.2 m/s)
2. Consolidation Settlement (ΔHc)
 Consolidation settlements are time dependent and take months to years to develop. The
leaning tower of Pisa in Italy has been undergoing consolidation settlement for over 700
years. The lean is caused by consolidation settlement being greater on one side. This,
however, is an extreme case. The principal settlements for most projects occur in 3 to 10
 Dominates in saturated/nearly saturated fine grained soils where consolidation theory
applies. Here we are interested to estimate both consolidation settlement and how long a
time it will take or most of the settlement to occur.
3. Secondary Settlement/Creep (ΔHs)
 Occurs under constant effective stress due to continuous rearrangement of clay particles
into a more stable configuration.
 Predominates in highly plastic clays and organic clays.

(1) Immediate settlement of cohesive soils
Immediate settlement in cohesive soil may be estimated using elastic theory, particularly for saturated
clays, clay shales, and most rocks. The linear theory of elasticity is used to determine the elastic
settlement of the footing on saturated clay.Schleicher (1926) gave the formula for the vertical
settlement under a uniformly distributed flexible area.
1 − µ2
𝑆i = 𝑞𝐵 𝐼𝑤
Where q = intensity of contact pressure in units of Es (Undrained Modulus of
Elasticity) B = least lateral dimension of contributing base area in units of S i Es=
modulus of elasticity of soil,
μ = Poisson’s ratio of Soil.(0.5 for saturated clay)
Iw= Influence factor
The value of Es can be determined from stress-strain curve obtained from a triaxial
consolidated –undrained test, unconfined compression tests, and in-situ tests like SPT,
CPT, Plate load tests, Pressure meter etc. The value of influence factor I w for s saturated
clay layer of semi- infinite extent can be obtained from the table 3.1

Shape Flexible Footing Rigid

Centre Corner Average Footing
Circle 1 0.64 0.85 0.79
Square 1.12 0.56 0.95 0.82
L/B=1.5 1.36 0.68 1.20 1.06
L/B=2.0 1.53 0.77 1.31 1.20
L/B=2.0 1.78 0.89 1.52 1.42
L/B=5.0 2.10 1.05 1.83 1.70
L/B=10 2.52 1.26 2.25 2.10
L/B=100 3.38 1.69 2.96 3.40

Table 3.1 Value of influence factor

For a semi elastic medium,
1 − µ2
𝑆i = 𝑞𝐵 𝐼𝑠

Where, Is= Influence factor.

L/B Circle 1 2 5 10
Is 0.73 0.82 1.00 1.22 1.26

Immediate Settlement in cohessionless soil

 Elastic and primary compression effects occur more or less together in cohessionless
soil because its permeability values are high.
 SPT value is used for fining immediate settlement,
𝑯 ′𝝈+∆𝝈′
Si = 𝒍𝒐𝒈e [ ]
𝑪𝒔 𝝈′𝒐

Where Cs =thickness of layer compressed, 𝜎′ = effective overburden pressure @ the centre

of the layer before any excavation or application of load, ∆𝜎′ = vertical stress increment
@ centre of layer, Cs = Compressibility constant.

Cs = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝒄
𝑞𝑐 = Static cone resistance, (400 N as per
Meyerhof) N = No of blows.

(2) Consolidation settlement computation
Primary settlement, also known as primary consolidation settlement (Sc), is the reduction in volume
of a soil mass caused by the application of a sustained load to the mass and due principally to a
squeezing out of water from the void spaces of the mass and accompanied by a transfer of the load
from the soil water to the soil solids (ASTM D 653). The rate of settlement is controlled by the
permeability of the soil. As a result, in higher permeability cohesion less soils, the settlement occurs
rapidly, and in lower permeability cohesive soils, the process is gradual.

The following equation is used to estimate the primary settlement in normally consolidated
clays or loose granular materials:

′𝝈+ ∆𝝈 ′
Sc = 𝑯𝑪𝒄 𝒍𝒐𝒈 [ 𝒐
′ ]
𝟏+𝒆𝟎 𝝈𝒐

Where H = thickness of the layer after excavation to be evaluated, Cc =

primary compression index,
eo = initial void ratio,

𝝈′ = ef𝒐fective vertical stress at the middle of the layer after excavation, but before loading and
∆𝝈′= increase or change in effective vertical stress due to loading


Coefficient of Consolidation
It is one of the important properties of consolidation theory that helps in evaluating
consolidation settlement. It is determined from odometer test. The below mentioned
formula is used to determine coefficient of consolidation,
𝐂𝐯 = (Tv H2) / t
Cv = average coefficient of consolidation
t = Time @ which settlement is required
H= distance of the drainage path.
Time rate of settlement
 If clay layer is sandwiched between sand layers, pore water could be drained from top as
well as from bottom – double drainage
 Drainage is either from top or bottom- single drainage.
The following equation is used to estimate the consolidation settlement in over consolidated clays.
Dense cohessionless materials do not settle significantly and thus do not have to be evaluated using
this equation.

If the increase in vertical stress at the middle of the consolidation layer is such that ( o’ +
o’) exceeds the pre consolidation pressure ( p’) of the consolidating layer, the folwnig
equation should be used:

The increase in vertical stress is caused by the application of a surcharge to the consolidating layer.
Usually the engineered components and waste of a facility will be the surcharge. The entire vertical
stress that will be induced at the middle of each consolidating layer should be used in the calculations.
This vertical stress typically corresponds to the maximum weight of the facility (e.g., when a solid
waste facility is at its maximum waste height or a waste water lagoon is operating at minimum

(3) Secondary Settlement (Ss)
Secondary settlement, also known as creep, is the reduction in volume of a soil mass caused by the
application of a sustained load to the mass and due principally to the adjustment of the internal
structure of the soil mass after most of the load has been transferred from the soil water to the soil
solids (ASTM D 653). Due to the absence of pore water pressure, the solid particles are being
rearranged and further compressed as point-to-point contact is experienced.


Permissible & Differential Settlement

1. The effect of settlement depends on its magnitude, its uniformity, length of time over
which it take place the nature of structure
2. Maximum settlement of any individual foundation is 25 mm
3. Office building, flats – 18 mm
4. National Building code of India (SP:7:1970)
 Allowable pressure should be such that the different of settlement does not
exceed 1/300
 SAND – limited to 50 mm
 Clay – limited to 75 mm
Types of structure Allowable max.settlement

 Commercial & Industrial buildings 25

 Industrial bldg 38
 Ware house 50
 Special Machinery foundation often less than 0.5 mm




Strip Footing: A strip footing is provided for a load-bearing wall. A strip footing is also
provided for a row of columns which are so closely spaced that their spread footings
overlap or nearly touch each other.

Spread or Isolated Footing: A spread footing (or isolated or pad) footing is provided to
support an individual column. A spread footing is circular, square or rectangular slab of
uniform thickness. Sometimes, it is stepped or hunched to spread the load over a large
Combined Footing: A combined footing supports two columns. It is used when the two
columns are so close to each other that their individual footings would overlap. A
combined footing is also provided when the property line is so close to one column that
a spread footing would be eccentrically loaded when kept entirely within the property
line. By combining it with that of an interior column, the load is evenly distributed. A
combined footing may be rectangular or trapezoidal in plan.
Strap or Cantilever footing: A strap (or cantilever) footing consists of two isolated
footings connected with a structural strap or a lever. The strap connects the two footings
such that they behave as one unit. The strap is designed as a rigid beam.
Mat or Raft Foundations: A mat or raft foundation is a large slab supporting a number
of columns and walls under the entire structure or a large part of the structure. A mat is
required when the allowable soil pressure is low or where the columns and walls are so
close that individual footings would overlap or nearly touch each other.Mat foundations
are useful in reducing the differential settlements on non-homogeneous soils or where
there is a large variation in the loads on individual columns.


i. In the conventional method of design, the raft is assumed to be infinitely rigid
and the pressure distribution is taken as linearly varying.
ii. The assumption is valid when the raft rests on soft clay which is highly
compressible and the eccentricity of the load is small.

iii. In case when the soil is stiff or the eccentricity is large, the method does not give
accurate results.

Rectangular Combined Footings

Space restrictions or architectural features may require one footing to carry at least two
column loads as shown in given Fig. Conventional design and analysis are based on the
assumption that the footing is infinitely stiff and that stress distribution on the base of
the footing is planar.

Design steps:
1. AssumeQ1, Q2 and S are known; therefore Σ𝑄 = 𝑄1 + 𝑄2
2. Find the base area of the footings, A= Q/ qna ,whereqna is the allowable soil
3. Locate the line of action of the resultant of the column loads measured from one
of the column ,centre of gravity of the load 𝑥 = (Q2 x c/c distance) / Q: the
location of the resultant force Σ𝑄with respect to any pointmay be obtained by
taking moments about that point.
4. For uniform stress distribution, the required length L of the footing is: 𝐿= 2(𝑥 + 𝑏1)

5. The required width B of the footing is: B =Area /L = (Q1+ Q2) / (q all x L)
6. Actual allowable soil pressure
qo= Q/Ao Where Ao= B x

Design of Combined Footings by Rigid Method (Conventional Method)
The rigid method of design of combined footings assumes that
1. The footing or mat is infinitely rigid; hence, the deflection of the footing or mat does
not influence the pressure distribution,
2. The soil pressure is distributed in a straight line or a plane surface such that the
centroid of the soil pressure coincides with the line of action of the resultant force of all
the loads acting on the foundation.

Design of Combined Footings

Two or more columns in a row joined together by a stiff continuous footing form a
combined footing as shown in Fig. 3.3(a). The procedure of design for a combined
footing is as follows:

1. Determine the total column loads ∑Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 ... and location of

the line of action of the resultant ∑Q. If any column is subjected to
bending moment, the effect of the moment should be taken into account.
2. Determine the pressure distribution q per lineal length of footing.
3. Determine the width B, of the footing.
4. Draw the shear diagram along the length of the footing. By definition, the
shear at any section along the beam is equal to the summation of all
vertical forces to the left or right of the section. For example, the shear at
a section immediately to the left of Q1 is equal to the area abed, and
immediately to the right of Q1 is equal to (abcd - Q1) as shown in Fig.
5. Draw the moment diagram along the length of the footing. By definition
the bending moment at any section is equal to the summation of moment
due to all the forces and reaction to the left (or right) of the section. It is
also equal to the area under the shear diagram to the left (or right) of the
6. Design the footing as a continuous beam to resist the shear and moment.
7. Design the footing for transverse bending in the same manner as for
spread footings.

It should be noted here that the end column along the property line may be connected to
the interior column by a rectangular or trapezoidal footing. In such a case no strap is
required and both the columns together will be a combined footing as shown in Fig. b. It
is necessary that the center of area of the footing must coincide with the center of
loading for the pressure to remain uniform.

Design of Mat Foundation by Rigid Method

In the conventional rigid method the mat is assumed to be infinitely rigid and the bearing
pressure against the bottom of the mat follows a planar distribution where the centroid
of the bearing pressure coincides with the line of action of the resultant force of all loads
acting on the mat.
The procedure of design is as follows:
Step 1: The column loads of all the columns coming from the superstructure are
calculated as per standard practice. The loads include live and dead loads.
Step 2.Centre of gravity of the mat foundation:
(1)Taking moment about X and Y direction, we can calculate 𝑋 and 𝑌 .The line
of action of the resultant of all the loads is found. However, the weight of the mat
is not included in the structural design of the mat because every point of the mat
is supported by the soil under it, causing no flexural stresses.
(2) ex = 𝑳𝐱 -𝑿 and ey = 𝑳𝐲 -𝒀
𝟐 𝟐

Step 3. Calculate the soil pressure at desired locations by the use of

𝑸 𝑸𝒆𝒙 𝑸𝒆𝒚
𝐪= − 𝑿− 𝒚
𝑨 𝑰𝒚𝒚 𝑰𝒙𝒙
Where 𝑄= Σ 𝑄= total load on the mat

A = total area of the mat
x, y = coordinates of any given point on the mat with respect to the x and y axes passing through
the centroid of the area of the mat
𝑒x ,y = eccentricities of the resultant force
Ix ,Iy= moments of inertia of the mat with respect to the x and y axes respectively. To calculate
all the corner column loads, we have to know the coordinates from the origin.

Step 4. The mat is treated as a whole in each of two perpendicular directions. Thus the total
shear force acting on any section cutting across the entire mat is equal to the arithmetic sum of
all forces and reactions (bearing pressure) to the left (or right) of the section. The total bending
moment acting on such a section is equal to the sum of all the moments to the left (or right) of
the section.

Step 5: The pressure intensity on the strip = 𝐐𝐚𝐯𝐞


Step 6: Factor of safety = 𝐐𝐚𝐯𝐞


And = eccentricities in x and y direction of the load from the centroid.

And = moment of inertia of the area of the raft respectively about the x and y axis through
the centroid

For the whole area about x and y axis through the centroid.

Numerical problems
1.A raft foundation 10m wide and 12m long is to be constructed in a clayey soil having a shear
strength of 12KN/m2 .Unit weight of soil is 16Kn/m3.If the ground surface carries a surcharge of
20KN/m2.Calculate the maximum depth of foundation to ensure a factor of safety of 1.2 against
base failure. Nc for clay is 5.7.

Bearing capacity of soil for rectangular footing in cohesive soil is given by
qf = cNc(1+0.3𝐵)+ σ =cNc(1+0.3𝐵)+( D+q)

qf=12x 5.7 (1+ 0.3 x 10) + 16 D +20 = 105.5 + 16 D


Base failure will occur when qf is equal to zero.

D = -(105.5) = - 6.59 ( minus sign indicates that it is excavation)


Therefore Critical depth = 6.59 m and Safe depth = 6.59 = 5.49m


2. A Trapezoidal footing is to be produced to support two square columns of 30cm and 50cm
sides respectively. Columns are 6meters apart and the safe bearing capacity of the soil is
400KN/m2.The bigger column carries 5000KN and the smaller 3000KN.Design a suitable size of
the footing so that it does not extend beyond the faces of the columns.


Area (A) =((𝑎+𝑏)(L)) = (𝑃1+𝑃2))

2 𝑞𝑠

=a+b= ( 2 )x ((5000+3000)=5.882m……(1)
6.8 4000

Also = (0.5) x (x’) = 0.25+( 3000𝑥6.4) )=2.65 m

2 5000 +3000

But =(3 𝑎+𝑏 )

(2𝑎 +𝑏)
= ( 3 )x2.65 =1.169......................................... (2)
𝑎+𝑏 6.8

(or) 0.831a- 0.169b =0 (or) b=4.917a

Substituting this values in (1),we get a=( 5.882)= 0.994m and b= 4.889m

Hence use trapezoidal footing of size a=1m and b=4.9m and L=4.889m

3. A footing 3m x 1.5m in plan transmits a pressure of 160KN/m2 on a cohesive soil having

E= 8x 104 kN/m2 and µ = 0.48.Determine the immediate settlement at the centre, assuming the
footing to be (a) flexible, and (b) Rigid.

L/B = 3/1.5 =2 .From table Iw= 1.52 for flexible footing and 1.22 for rigid footing.

(a) Si = 160 x 1.5 ((1)−(0.48)2 ) x 1.52 = 3.51 mm

8𝑥10 4

(b) Si = 160 x 1.5 ((1)−(0.48)2 ) x 1.22 = 2.82mm

8𝑥10 4

Floating Foundation
General Consideration A floating foundation for a building can be defined as a foundation in which the
weight of the building is approximately equal to the full weight which includes water of the soil
removed from the site of the building. With reference to Fig, this principle of flotation may be
explained. Fig. (a) shows a horizontal ground surface with water table at a depth dw below 16the
ground surface. Fig. (b) shows an excavation made in the ground to a depth D where, D > dw and Fig.
(c) shows a structure built in the excavation and completely filling it. If the weight of the building is
equal to the weight of the soil and water removed from
the excavation, then it is clear that the total vertical pressure in the soil below depth D in Fig. (c) is the
same as in Fig. (a) before excavation. Since there is no change in the water level, the neutral pressure
and the effective pressure remain unchanged. If we could move from Fig. (a) to Fig. (c) without
coming across the intermediate case of (b), the building in Fig. (c) would not settle at all, since an
increase in effective vertical pressure cause settlements.
Principle of a floating foundation:
An exact balance of weight removed against weight imposed. The obtained result is zero settlement of
the building

Problems to be considered in the Design of a Floating Foundation
The following problems are to be considered during the design and construction stage of a floating
1. Excavation
The excavation for the foundation has to be done with care. The sides of the excavation should suitably
be supported by sheet piling, soldier piles and timber lagging or some other standard method.

2. Dewatering
Dewatering will be necessary when excavation has to be taken below the water table level. Care has to
be taken to see that the adjoining structures are not affected due to the lowering of the water table.
3. Critical depth
In Type 2 foundations the shear strength of the soil is low and there is a theoretical limit to the depth to
which an excavation can be made. Terzaghi (1943) has proposed the following equation for computing
the critical depth D
4. Bottom heave
Excavation for foundations reduces the pressure in the soil below the founding depth which results in
the heaving of the bottom of the excavation. Any heave which occurs will be reversed and appear as
settlement during the construction of the foundation and the building. Though heaving of the bottom of
the excavation cannot be avoided it can be minimized to a certain extent. There are three possible
causes of heave:
1. Elastic movement of the soil as the existing overburden pressure is removed.
2. A gradual swelling of soil due to the intake of water if there is some delay in placing the foundation
on the excavated bottom of the foundation.
3. Plastic inward movement of the surrounding soil.
The last movement of the soil can be avoided by providing proper lateral support to the excavated sides
of the trench. Heaving can be minimized by phasing out excavation in narrow trenches and placing the
foundation soon after excavation. It can be minimized by lowering the water table during the
excavation process. Friction piles can also be used to minimize the heave. The piles are driven either
before excavation commences or when the excavation is at half depth and the pile tops are pushed
down to below foundation level. As excavation proceeds, the soil starts to expand but this movement is
resisted by the upper part of the piles which go into tension. The heave is prevented or very much
reduced. It is only a practical and pragmatic approach that would lead to a safe and sound settlement
free floating





A deep foundation is a type of foundation which transfers building loads to the earth farther
down from the surface than a shallow foundation does, to a subsurface layer or a range of
A pile is a vertical structural element of a deep foundation, driven deep into the ground at the
building site

Need for pile foundation

 very large design loads,
 a poor soil at shallow depth,
 site constraints (like PROPERTY LINE)

Fig.1.pile foundation.

Fig.2 Classification of piles

Types of Piles based on Materials

Timber piles

 Timber piles are made of-tree trunks driven with small end as a point
 Maximum length: 35 m; optimum length: 9 - 20m
 Max load for usual conditions: 450 kN; optimum load range = 80 - 240 kN

Disadvantages of using timber piles:

Difficult to splice, vulnerable to damage in hard driving, vulnerable to decay unless treated with
preservatives (If timber is below permanent Water table it will apparently last forever), if
subjected to alternate wetting & drying, the useful life will be short, partly embedded piles or

piles above Water table are susceptible to damage from wood borers and other insects unless


Comparatively low initial cost, permanently submerged piles are resistant to decay, easy to
handle, best suited for friction piles in granular material.

Steel piles

 Maximum length practically unlimited, optimum length: 12-50m

 Load for usual conditions = maximum allowable stress x cross-sectional area
 The members are usually rolled HP shapes/pipe piles. Wide flange beams & I beams
proportioned to withstand the hard driving stress to which the pile may be subjected. In
HP pile the flange thickness = web thickness, piles are either welded or seamless steel
pipes, which may be driven either open ended or closed end. Closed end piles are usually
filled with concrete after driving.
 Open end piles may be filled but this is not often necessary., dm

Advantages of steel piles:

Easy to splice, high capacity, small displacement, able to penetrate through light obstructions,
best suited for end bearing on rock, reduce allowable capacity for corrosive locations or provide
corrosion protection.


 Vulnerable to corrosion.
 HP section may be damaged/deflected by major obstruction

Concrete Piles

 Concrete piles may be precast, prestressed, cast in place, or of composite construction

 Precast concrete piles may be made using ordinary reinforcement or they may be

 Precast piles using ordinary reinforcement are designed to resist bending stresses during
picking up & transport to the site & bending moments from lateral loads and to
provide sufficient resistance to vertical loads and any tension forces developed during
 Prestressed piles are formed by tensioning high strength steel prestress cables, and

casting the concrete about the cable. When the concrete hardens, the prestress cables are
cut, with the tension force in the cables now producing compressive stress in the concrete
pile. It is common to higher-strength concrete (35 to 55 MPa) in prestressed piles because
of the large initial compressive stresses from prestressing. Prestressing the piles, tend to
counteract any tension stresses during either handling or driving.
 Max length: 10 - 15 m for precast, 20 - 30 m for prestressed
 Optimum length 10 - 12 m for precast. 18 - 25m prestressed
 Loads for usual conditions 900 for precast. 8500 kN for prestressed
 Optimum load range: 350 - 3500 kN


1. High load capacities, corrosion resistance can be attained, hard driving possible
2. Cylinder piles in particular are suited for bending resistance.
3. Cast in place concrete piles are formed by drilling a hole in the ground & filling it with
concrete. The hole may be drilled or formed by driving a shell or casing into the ground.


1. Concrete piles are considered permanent, however certain soils (usually organic) contain
materials that may form acids that can damage the concrete.
2. Salt water may also adversely react with the concrete unless special precautions are taken
when the mix proportions are designed. Additionally, concrete piles used for marine
structures may undergo abrasion from wave action and floating debris in the water.
3. Difficult to handle unless prestressed, high initial cost, considerable displacement,
prestressed piles are difficult to splice.
4. Alternate freezing thawing can cause concrete damage in any exposed situation.

Composite piles

In general, a composite pile is made up of two or more sections of different materials or different
pile types. The upper portion could be eased cast-in-place concrete combined with a lower

portion of timber, steel H or concrete filled steel pipe pile. These piles have limited application
and arc employed under special conditions.

Timber pile Steel pile.

Composite pile Concrete pile

2. Types of Piles based on construction methods

Precast Concrete Piles

May be defined as a reinforced concrete pile which is moulded in circular, square, rectangular or
octagonal form. The precast concrete piles are cast and cured in a casting yard and then
transported to the site for driving. In case space is available, pile can also be cast and cured near
the site of works. They are driven in a similar manner as timber piles with the help of pile
drivers. The diameter of the pile normally varies 1mm 35 cm to 65 cm and their length varies
from 45 in to 30 m.

Cast-in-situ piles

Are those piles which are cast in position inside the ground. Since the cast-in-situ piles is not
subjected to handling or driving stresses, it is not necessary to reinforce the pile in ordinary cases
or in places where the pile is completely submerged in the soil. Reinforcements are necessary to
be provided in a cast-in- situ piles, when the pile acts as a column and is subjected to lateral
forces. Cast- in-situ piles can be divided into two types. In one the metallic shell of the pile is
permanently left in place inside the ground along with the core while in the other type the outer
shell is withdrawn.

2. Types of Piles based on installation type.

Piling techniques can be split into 2 categories;

1. Displacement piling technique
2. Replacement. piling technique

In simple terms, during the displacement piling method, piles are driven into the ground
pushing the ground out of the way, as you would see in sheet piling. Displacement piling is good
for e.g. contaminated sites where it costs a lot to take the spoil away.
Using the replacement piling method, muck is dug out and replaced with the pile. We can use
far bigger piles using replacement piling.

4. Types of Piles based on load transfer.

End bearing piles.

In end bearing piles, the bottom end of the pile rests on a layer of especially strong soil or
rock. The load of the building is transferred through the pile onto the strong layer

Friction piles

Friction piles work on a different principle .the pile transfer load of the building to the soil
across the full height of the pile by friction.

5. Classification based on method of installation:

(i) Bored piles:

Bored piles are constructed in pre-bored holes either using a casing or by circulating stabilizing

agent like betonies slurry. The borehole is then filled with concrete after placing the

reinforcement. The advantage of board pile is that there is no damage due to handling and

driving which is common in driven piles.

Board piles are of following types:

Small diameter piles-up to 600 mm diameter; large diameter piles-diameter greater than 600

mm; under reamed piles.

(ii) Driven piles:

Driven piles may be of concrete, steel or timber. These piles are driven into the soil by the

impact of hammer. Boring is not required for this type of piles. When a pile is driven into

granular soils it densities the soil and increases strength of soil. But when a pile is driven in

saturated clay, the soil instead of being compacted gets remolded with reduction in strength.

(iii) Driven and cast-in-situ piles:

It is a type of driven pile. They are constructed by driving a steel casing in to the ground. The

hole is then filled with concrete by placing the reinforcement and the casing is gradually


(c) Classification based on the function:

Piles are of following types based on its use:

(i) End bearing piles:

The piles which transfer its load to a hard and relatively incompressible stratum like rock or

dense sand are called end bearing piles. These piles derive its bearing capacity from end

bearing at the pile tip.

(ii) Friction piles:

The piles which do not rest on hard stratum but derives its carrying capacity from skim friction or

adhesion between the pile surface and surrounding soil are called friction piles.

(iii) Tension pile:

Tension piles are also called uplift piles. These piles are used to anchor down the structures

subjected to uplift due to hydrostatic pressure.

(iv) Compaction piles:

These piles are used to compact loose granular soil to increase its bearing capacity.

Compaction piles do not carry load and hence they can be of weaker material. Sand piles can

be used as compaction piles.

(v) Anchor piles:

These piles are used to provide anchorage against horizontal pull from sheet piling.
(vi) Fender piles and dolphins:

Fender piles and dolphins are used to protect water front structure from impact of any floating

object or ship.

Piles based on uses

Selection of pile foundation

Selection of pile types and length depends on following conditions:

Soil conditions
Loads from structures
Nature of loads
Number of piles to be used
Cost of construction

If hard soil is available at deeper levels of earth, then there is a need of some source that
can transfer the load of the structures on the deep hard soil strata. This source can be said
to be as the deep foundation. Pile foundation is a type of foundation in which pile is
usually used as the source to transfer the load to deep soil levels. Piles are long and
slender members that transfer the load to hard soil ignoring the soil of low bearing
capacity. Transfer of load depends on capacity of pile. There is a need that pile should
be strong enough to transfer the whole load coming on it to underlying hard strata. For
this purpose, pile design is usually given much consideration. Depending on the load, type
of material is usually selected for the piles.

Factors affecting the selection of piles.

Length of pile in relation to load and soil condition

Behavior of structure
Availability of material in locality of construction
Type of loading
Ease of maintenance
Availability of funds
Factors causing damage
Cost of piles

Load carrying capacity of pile

The Ultimate load carrying capacity of a pile is defined as the maximum load which can be
carried by a pile and at which the pile continues to sink without further increase in load.

The allowable load is the load which the pile can carry safely which can be determined from
the ultimate load carrying capacity divided by suitable factor of safety

Following are general methods available to establish load capacity:

1. Static Analysis
2. Dynamic Analysis
3. Pile Load Testing
4. Correlation with field tests (SPT, CPT etc)(Penetration tests)
Dynamic formulae are used for driven piles. Static formulae are used both for bored and driven
piles. Load testing is the most reliable method to determine the load capacity of the pile in the

They should be performed on all piling projects. However, they are considerably more expensive
than the other methods used to determine pile capacity, and economic considerations sometimes
preclude their use on projects.

Field tests like SPT, CPT are also used to correlate to load carrying capacity particularly for
cohesion less soils.

1. Static method

Based on the assumption that the ultimate bearing capacity Qup of a pile is the sum of the total
ultimate skin friction Rf and the total ultimate point or end bearing resistance Rp

Qup = Rf +Rp or

Qup = As. rf +Ap .rp

As = surface area of pile upon which the skin friction acts.

Ap= area of cross section of pile on which bearing resistance acts.

rf= average skin friction


rp=unit point or toe resistance.

A factor of safety of 2.5 or 3 may be adopted for finding the allowable load.

For cohesive soil,

rf =average skin friction along the length of the pile

=m c’

rp=point resistance


=9 Cp.

Qup = m c’ As +9 CpAp

Where m = adhesion coefficient

Cp= average undrained cohesion of soil @ pile tip

C’= average undrained cohesion along of the pile

c’= cp= qu/2

2. Dynamic formulae.

Engineering News Formula

As per the Engineering News formula the allowable load of driven pile is given by:


Where, Qa = Allowable load in kg

W = Weight of hammer

h = Height of fall in cms

S = Final settlement per blow known as set

C = Empirical constant

(c = 2.5 cm for drop hammer and 0.25 cm for single acting and double acting hammer)

F = Factor of safety (Usually taken as 6)

(1) Drop hammer Qa =
(2) Single acting stream hammer Qa =
(3) Double acting hammer Qa =

a= effective area of piston in square cm.
p= mean effective stream pressure (kg/cm2)

Hiley’s Formula (IS: 2911 part-I) 1964

The relation suggested by Hiley for ultimate bearing capacity of the pile is:

Qu =

Where, c = Sum of elastic compression ( c = cp + cc + cq)

cp = Compression of pile

cc = Compression of pile head

cq = Compression of ground

W = Weight of hammer

H = Height of fall of hammer

s =penetration or Set in cm /blow

𝜼𝒉 = Efficiency of hammer [65% for DAH and 100% for DH]

ram)𝜼𝒃 = Efficiency of hammer blow (ratio of energy after impact to

striking energy of

W > eP , 𝜼𝒃 = (𝑾 + 𝒆𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

P= Weight of pile
E= Coefficient of restitution
It should be noted that η depends on the coefficient of restitution, which is given in Table 2, η
being obtained from Fig.2. Hammer coefficient is given in Table 1

Hammer K

Drop Hammer, Winch operated 0.8

Drop Hammer, Trigger release 1.0

Single Acting Hammer 1.9

BSP Double Acting Hammer 1.0

McKiernan-Terry Diesel 1.0


Table 1 Values of Hammer Coefficient K


o To determine settlement under working load

o To determine ultimate bearing capacity
o To ascertain as a proof of acceptability

The test can be initial or routine test

 The load is applied in increments of 20% of the estimated safe load. Hence the failure load
is reached in 8-10 increments.
 Settlement is recorded for each Settlement is recorded for each increment until the rate of

settlement is less than 0.1 mm/hr.

 The ultimate load is said to have reached when the final settlement is more than 10% of the
diameter is more than 10% of the diameter of pile or the settlement keeps on increasing at
constant load. 45
 After reaching ultimate load the after reaching ultimate load, the load is released in
decrements of 1/6th of the total load and recovery is measured until full recovery is
measured until full rebounds is established and next unload is done.
 After final unload the settlement is measured for 24 hrs to estimate full elastic recovery.
 Load settlement curve depends on the type of pile


Distance of anchor piles from test pile – The distance cannot be less than 1.5 m. It should
not be less than 4 times the diameter of test pile for straight pile and not less than 2 times the
diameter of the bell for belled pile.

Load Application – The load is applied in the pile in the following sequence.

o Load applied in increment at the rate of 25 % of working load till working load is reached
o For each load increment maintain the load constant till settlement is 0.1 mm for 5 min as
per IS Code, 0.1 mm for 20 min as per BS Code
o Go for next loading
o When working load is reached hold the load for 24 hr and unload
o Reload from working load to higher loads
o Hold load constant till settlement is 0.1 mm for 5 min as per IS Code, 0.1 mm for 20 min
as per BS Code
o Repeat the process for subsequent load increments
o Go either up to 5/2 times the working load for initial or routine test or to a settlement equal
to 10 % of pile diameter for straight piles and 7.5 % of base diameter for belled pile

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

Pile group.

When several piles are clustered, it is reasonable to expect that the soil pressures produced
from either side friction or point bearing will overlap.

The super-imposed pressure intensity will depend on both the pile load and spacing, and if
sufficiently large the soil will fail in shear or the settlement will be excessive.

The stress intensity from overlapping stressed zones will obviously decrease with increased
pile spacing s; however, large spacing’s are often impractical in a pile cap is cast over the pile
group for the column base and/or to spread the load to the several piles in the group.


Capacity of pile group is the sum of the individual capacities of piles, but it is influenced by the
spacing between the piles.

Piles are driven generally in groups in regular pattern to support the structural loads. The
structural load is applied to the pile cap that distributes the load to individual piles. If piles are
spaced sufficient distance apart, then the capacity of pile group is the sum of the individual

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

capacities of piles. However, if the spacing between piles is too close, the zones of stress around
the pile will overlap and the ultimate load of the group is less than the sum of the individual pile
capacities specially in the case of friction piles, where the efficiency of pile group is much less.

Group action of piles is evaluated by considering the piles to fail as a unit around the perimeter
of the group. Both end bearing and friction piles are considered in evaluating the group capacity.
End bearing pile is evaluated by considering the area enclosed by the perimeter of piles as the
area of footing located at a depth corresponding to the elevation of pile tips. The friction
component of pile support is evaluated by considering the friction that can be mobilized around
the perimeter of the pile group over the length of the piles as shown in figure below:

Efficiency of pile group

1. When closely spaced piles are grouped together it is reasonable to expect that the soil as
resistance will overlap.
2. The bearing capacity of pile group may or may not be the sum of the bearing capacity of
individual piles constituting the group.
3. Theory and tests have shown the total bearing capacity Qug of a group of friction piles
particularly in clay may be less than the product of the friction bearing value Qup of
individual pile multiplied by the number of piles in a group.
4. There is no reduction in the case of end bearing piles.
5. For combined end bearing and friction piles only the load carrying capacity of the
frictional portion is reduced.
6. A method of estimating the bearing capacity of a pile group of friction piles is to multiply
the quantity nQup by a reduction factor called the efficiency of pile group.

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

Qug=n.Qup. ηg

Qug = load carried by group of friction piles Qup=

load carried by each friction piles

n = number of piles

ηg== efficiency of pile group.

The efficiency of the pile group depends upon the following factors

 Characteristics of pile
 Spacing of pile
 Total number of piles
 No of formulae are available for finding the efficiency of pile.

Pile Spacing

The spacing of piles depends upon the method of installing the piles and the type of soil. The
piles can be driven piles or cast-in-situ piles. When the piles are driven there will be greater
overlapping of stresses due to the displacement of soil. If the displacement of soil compacts the
soil in between the piles as in the case of loose sandy soils, the piles may be placed at closer

When piles are placed in a group, there is a possibility the pressure isobars of adjacent piles will
overlap each other as shown in Fig. b. The soil is highly stressed in the zones of overlapping of
pressures. With sufficient overlap, either the soil will fail or the pile group will settle excessively
since the combined pressure bulb extends to a considerable depth below the base of the piles. It
is possible to avoid overlap by installing the piles further apart as shown in Fig. c. large spacing
are not recommended sometimes, since this would result in a larger pile cap which would
increase the cost of the foundation.

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))


The spacing of piles in a group depends upon many factors such as

1. Overlapping of stresses of adjacent piles,

2. Cost of foundation,
3. Efficiency of the pile group.

The minimum allowable spacing of piles is usually stipulated in building codes. The spacing for
straight uniform diameter piles may vary from 2 to 6 times the diameter of the shaft. For friction
piles, the minimum spacing recommended is 3d where d is the diameter of the pile. For end
bearing piles passing through relatively compressible strata, the spacing of piles shall not be less
than 2.5d.
For end bearing piles passing through compressible strata and resting in stiff clay, the spacing
may be increased to 3.5d. For compaction piles, the spacing may be Id. Typical arrangements of

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

piles in groups are shown in Fig.

Negative Skin Friction

Pile installed through compressive soils can experience “down drag” forces or negative
resistance along the shaft, which results from downward movement (settlement) of adjacent
soil. Negative resistance results primarily from consolidation of soft deposits caused by
dewatering or fill placement.

Negative skin friction (NSF) is in fact a downward friction imposed on foundation piles as a
result of subsoil settlement. It needs only few millimeters of relative displacement between the
settling subsoil and the pile shaft surface, which is not uncommon to have relative
displacement at the pile-soil interface more than these values in normal subsoil settlement
problem, to fully mobilize the shaft resistance in either upward or downward directions.

There are five probable, but not limited to, reasons of existence of NSF, namely,

a. Self-weight of unconsolidated recent fill,

b. Surcharge-induced consolidation settlement,

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

c. Consolidation settlement after dissipation of excess pore pressure induced by pile driving,

d. Lowering of groundwater level,

e. Collapse settlements due to wetting of unsaturated fill, and

f. Crushing of crushable subsoil under sustained loading, causing subsoil settlement

For individual piles the magnitude of negative friction Qnf may be taken as follows
For cohesive soils =Qnf = p.c.Lf
For granular soils = ½ Lf 2.p.r.K.f
P perimeter of the pile. r- unit weight
o C cohesion
K earth pressure
F-coefficient of friction.

When the fill starts consolidating under its own overburden pressure, it develops a drag on the
surface of the pile. This drag on the surface of the pile is called 'negative friction'. Negative
friction may develop if the fill material is loose cohesion less soil. Negative friction can also
occur when fill is placed over peat or a soft clay stratum as shown in Fig.C.
The superimposed loading on such compressible stratum causes heavy settlement of the fill
with consequent drag on piles.

Negative friction may develop by lowering the ground water which increases the effective
stress causing consolidation of the soil with resultant settlement and friction forces being
developed on the pile.

Negative friction must be allowed when considering the factor of safety on the ultimate carrying
capacity of a pile. The factor of safety, Fs, where negative friction is likely to occur may be
written as

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

Problem 1

(1) A group of 9 piles arranged in a square pattern with diameter and length of each pile as
25cm and 10m respectively, is used as a foundation in soft clay deposit. The unconfined
compressive strength of clay as 120kN/m2 and the pile spacing as 100cm c/c. Find the
load capacity of the group. Assume the bearing capacity factor as (Nc) 9 and adhesion
factor (m) =0.75. Factor of safety of 3.5 may be taken.


Formula used: Qup= Ap r p + As rf

(1) Pile acting individually,

C=120/2 =60kN/m2
Ap= 𝝅𝒅𝟐/𝟒 =0.049m2 rp=
c Nc = 60 X 9
As = 𝝅𝒅𝒍
rf = m c
Qup = 380 kN

Load capacity of 9 piles = 9X 380 = 3419kN

(2) Pile acting on a group,

B= 2s +d = 2.25m

Ap= B2 = (2.25X 2.25) m2

rp= 9 c = 60 X 9

As = 4B l= 4X 2.25X 10
rf = c = 60 kN/m2 a

Qug = 8133kN

Minimum of Qup and Qug is Qn min= 3419 kN

𝐐𝐮 𝐦𝐢𝐧 = 3419 /23.5 = 1367kN

Qa =

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))

(2). A group of 16 piles of 600mm diameter is arranged in a square pattern with the c/c spacing
of 1.2m. The piles are 10m long and are embedded in soft clay with cohesion of 30kN/m2.
Bearing resistance may be neglected for the piles. Adhesion factor is 0.6. Determine the Ultimate
load capacity of the pile group.


Neglecting the bearing resistance, Qup= As rf

(1) Pile acting individually,

Qun = n Qup= n(As rf)

As = 𝝅𝒅𝒍 = 𝝅𝑿 𝟎. 𝟔 𝑿 𝟏𝟎 = 18.84 m2

rf = m .C = 0.6 X 30 = 18 kN/m2 Qun

= 16(18.84 X 18) = 5428.7 kN

2. Pile acting on a group,

B = 2 X 1.2 + 0.6 = 4.2 m.

Qug= Asg rf

Asg = 4 X B L = 4X 4.2 X 10 = 16.8 m2

rf = c = 30 kN/m2

Qug= Asg rf

= 16.8 X 30

= 5040 kN

(𝑾 + 𝒆Sch𝟐 𝑷)/((𝑾 + 𝑷))



Retaining Wall:

Retaining walls are structures that support backfill and allow for a change of grade.

Lateral Earth Pressure

Lateral earth pressure is the force exerted by the soil mass upon an earth-retaining
structure, such as a retaining wall. It is of two types –
i. Active Earth pressure
The soil exerts a push against the wall making the wall to move slightly away from the
backfilled soil mass. This kind of pressure is known as the active earth pressure of the soil.

σV – Major principal stress σH

- Minor principal stress

Sin Ф =
(σV + σH) sin Ф = (σV -
σH) σV sinФ + σH sinФ = (σV -
σH (1+ sinФ) = σV (1- sinФ)
= = Ka

ii. Passive earth pressure
The retaining wall is caused to move toward the soil and the soil provides the resistance
which soil develops in response to movement of the structure toward it is called the passive
earth pressure

sinФ = AB/OB
(σV + σH) sin Ф = (σH – σV)
σV sinФ + σH sinФ = (σH – σV)
σV (1+ sinФ) = σH (1- sinФ)
= = Kp

iii. Earth pressure at rest

Neither the soil moves nor wall moves

Active Case At Rest Case Passive Case

(Wall moves (No (Wall moves
away from movement) into soil)

Rankine’s Theory:

1) The soil mass is semi infinite, homogeneous, dry and cohesionless.
2) The ground surface is a plane which may be horizontal or inclined.
3) The face of the wall in contact with the backfill is vertical and smooth. In other
words, the friction between the wall and the backfill is neglected (This
amounts to ignoring the presence of the wall).
4) The wall yields about the base sufficiently for the active pressure conditions to
develop; if it is the passive case that is under consideration, the wall is taken to be
pushed sufficiently towards the fill for the passive resistance to be fully mobilised

Cohisionless soil

i) Active earth pressure

For a total height of H of the wall, the total thrust Pa on the wall per unit length of the
wall, is given by Pa acting at a height of (1/3)H.

ii) Passive earth pressure

For a total height of H of the wall, the total thrust Pa on the wall per unit length of the
wall, is given by Pp acting at a height of (1/3)H.

Effect of Submergence
Under submerge or saturated condition, the lateral earth pressure will due to –

a. Lateral earth pressure due to submerged unit weight of the backfill soil
b. Lateral pressure due to pore water

Lateral pressure at base of wall = Ka ’H + wH

’ = sa t - w
Total active thrust, P = x ( Ka ’H + wH) x
Effect of partial submergence

H1 = depth of submerged fill,

Ka = active earth pressure coefficient,

H2 = depth of fill above water table (taken to be moist),
= moist unit weight, and
’ or sub = submerged or effective unit weight

Lateral pressure at base of wall = Ka ’H2 + Ka H1+

P1 = x (Ka H1) x H1

P2 = [(Ka H1 x H2 )] + [ x(Ka ’H2 + wH2 ) x H2]

Total thrust, P = P 1 + P2
Acting at a distance of x = [P1 x (H2 + ) + ( P2 x )] / [P1 + P2] from the base

Effect of uniform surcharge

q = Uniform surcharge
P1 = Ka q H
P2 = x Ka H x H = Ka H2

Total thrust = P 1 + P2
Acting at a distance of x = [(P1x ) + (P2 x )] / [P1 + P2 ] from the base

Effect of inclined submergence

Total thrust, P = x Ka H xH = Ka

H2 Problem:
1. A retaining wall 4m height has a smooth vertical back. The backfill has horizontal surface in
level with top of wall. The unit weight of back fill is 18 kN/m3 and the angle of shear resistance
is 30 degrees. The cohesion is zero. Determine –
i. the magnitude of earth pressure per meter run and the point of application
ii. when the water table is at top with saturated unit weight of 18kN/m3
iii. when the retaining wall has the surcharge of 36kN/m2 with unit weight of 18kN/m3

H = 4m
= 18kN/m3
Ф = 30˚
Ka = = 1/3 P

Earth pressure at top =0 H

Earth pressure at bottom = Ka H = (1/3) x 18 x 4 = 24 kN/m2

P = x (Ka H) x H
= 0.5 x 24 x 4

= 48 kN/m

H/3 = 4/3 = 1.33m

Hence earth pressure of 48 kN/m is acting at height of 1.33m from the bottom

ii. Water table at top:

sa t = 18 kN/m3

sub = sa t - w = 18 – 9.8 = 8.2 kN/m3

P H/3

Ka subH wH

Ka = 1/3

Earth pressure at top =0

Earth pressure at bottom = Ka subH + wH

= [(1/3) x 8.2 x 4 ] + [ 9.8 x 4]

= 50.13 kN/m2

P = (1/2) x (Ka subH + wH ) x H

= (1/2) x 50.13 x 4

= 100.26 kN/m

H/3 = 4/3 = 1.33m

Hence earth pressure of 100.26 kN/m is acting at height of 1.33m from the bottom

iii. Retaining wall has the surcharge of 36kN/m2 with unit weight of 18kN/m3

q = 36kN/m2

Ka = 1/3

Earth pressure at top = Ka x q = (1/3) x 36 = 12 kN/m2

Earth pressure at bottom = Ka q + Ka H

= [(1/3) x 36] + [(1/3) x 18 x 4]

= 36 kN/m2

P1 = Ka q H = 12 x 4 = 48 kN/m
H/2 = 4/2 = 2m

Earth pressure of 48 kN/m is acting at height of 2m from bottom

P2 = Ka H2 = (1/2) x 24 x 4 = 48 kN/m
H/3 = 4/3 = 1.33m

Earth pressure of 48 kN/m is acting at a height of 1.33m from the bottom Total

thrust, P = P1 + P2 = 48 + 48 = 96 kN/m

x = [(P1x ) + (P2 x )] / [P1 + P2 ]

= [ (48 x 2) + (48x1.33) ] / 96

= 1.66m
Total earth pressure of 96kN/m is acting at a height of 1.66m from the bottom

Coulomb’s wedge theory:

 Coulomb’s theory considers the soil behind the wall as a whole instead of as an element
in the soil. If a wall supporting a granular soil were not to be there, the soil will slump
down to its angle of repose or internal friction.
 It is therefore reasonable to assume that if the wall only moved forward slightly a rupture
plane would develop somewhere between the wall and the surface of repose.
 The triangular mass of soil between this plane of failure and the back of the wall is
referred to as the ‘sliding wedge’.
 It is reasoned that, if the retaining wall were suddenly removed, the soil within the sliding
wedge would slump downward.
 Therefore, an analysis of the forces acting on the sliding wedge at incipient failure will
reveal the thrust from the lateral earth pressure which is necessary for the wall to
withstand in order to hold the soil mass in place.
 However, Coulomb recognised the possibility of the existence of a curved rupture
surface, although he considered a plane surface for the sake of mathematical simplicity.
1. The soil is isotropic and homogenous
2. The surface of rupture is plane
3. The failure wedge is a rigid body
4. There is a friction between wall and the back fill soil and is known as ‘wall
5. Back of wall need not be vertical
6. Failure is two dimensional
7. The soil is cohesionless
8. Coulomb’s equation of shear strength is valid

 Coulomb’s theory is applicable –
o to inclined wall faces
o to a wall with a broken face
o to a sloping backfill curved backfill surface, broken backfill surface
o to concentrated or distributed surcharge loads.
 One of the main deficiencies in Coulomb’s theory is that, in general, it does not satisfy
the static equilibrium condition occurring in nature.
 The three forces (weight of the sliding wedge, earth pressure and soil reaction on the
rupture surface) acting on the sliding wedge do not meet at a common point, when the
sliding surface is assumed to be planar.

 Even the wall friction was not originally considered but was introduced only some time

Active earth pressure of cohesionless soil:

A simple case of active earth pressure on an inclined wall face with a uniformly sloping
backfill may be considered first. The backfill consists of homogeneous, elastic and isotropic
cohesionelss soil. A unit length of the wall perpendicular to the plane of the paper is considered.
The forces acting on the sliding wedge are
(i) W, weight of the soil contained in the sliding wedge,
(ii) R, the soil reaction across the plane of sliding,
(iii) the active thrust Pa against the wall


For a vertical retaining wall a horizontal backfill for which the angle of wall friction =
Hence, substitute = 90° , = 0° and =

For a smooth vertical retaining wall a backfill with horizontal surface, = 90° , = 0° and
= 0. Hence,

Passive earth pressure of cohesionless soil:
The passive case differs from the active case in that the obliquity angles at the wall and
on the failure plane are of opposite sign.
Plane failure surface is assumed for the passive case also in the Coulomb theory but the
critical plane is that for which the passive thrust is minimum. The failure plane is at a much
smaller angle to the horizontal than in the active case


For a vertical retaining wall a horizontal backfill for which the angle of wall friction =
Hence, substitute = 90° , = 0° and =


For a smooth vertical retaining wall a backfill with horizontal surface, = 90° , = 0° and
= 0. Hence,

Culmann’s graphical method:

Culmann’s method permits one to determine graphically the magnitude of the earth
pressure and to locate the most dangerous rupture surface according to Coulomb’s wedge theory.
Active earth pressure:
From the figure, the force triangle may be imagined to the rotated clockwise through an
angle (90° – φ), so as to bring the vector W, parallel to the φ-line; in that case, the reaction, R ,
will be parallel to the rupture surface, and the active thrust, P, parallel to the ψ-line (pressure

The Various steps in the procedure are:
1. Draw Φ-line AE at an angle Φ with the horizontal.
2. Choose an arbitrary failure plane AV. Calculate weight of the wedge ABV and plot it as AV
to a convenient scale on the φ-line
3. Similarly lay off on AE distances A1, A2, A3 etc to a suitable scale to represent the weight
of wedges AB1, AB2, AB3, and so on.
4. Lay off AD at an angle equal to (α- δ) to the line AE. The line AD is called pressure line.
5. Draw lines parallel to AD from points V, 1, 2, 3 to intersect the assumed lines AV, A1,
A2, A3 at points V’, l’, 2’, 3’ etc respectively.
6. Join points V’, l’, 2’, 3’ etc by a smooth curve which is the pressure locus.
7. Select the point C’ on pressure locus such that the tangent to the curve is parallel to Φ the -
line AE.
8. Draw CC’ parallel to the pressure line AD. The magnitude of CC’ in its natural units gives
the active pressure Pa.

9. Join AC’ and produce to meet the surface of the backfill at C. AC is the rupture line.

Passive earth pressure:

The φ-line is to be drawn through point B at an angle – (φ), i.e., it must be drawn at an
angle φ below the horizontal. On the line, the weights of the arbitrarily assumed sliding wedges
are plotted to a convenient force scale. The position line is drawn through A at an angle – (φ + δ)
(or to the left of the back face AB of the wall).

The Various steps in the procedure are

1. Draw Φ -line AE at an angle Φ below the horizontal.

2. Lay off on AE distances A2, A3, A4 etc to a suitable scale to represent the weight of wedges
AB2, AB3, AB4, and so on.
3. Lay off AD at an angle equal to (α+ δ) to the line AE. The line AD is called pressure line.
4. Draw lines parallel to AD from points, 2, 3, 4 etc to intersect the weight vectors A2, A3,
A4 at points 2’, 3’, 4’ etc respectively.
5. Join points, 2’, 3’, 4’ etc by a smooth curve which is the pressure locus.
6. Select the point C’ on pressure locus curve such that the line tangent to the curve is parallel
to Φ -line AE.
7. Draw CC’ parallel to the pressure line AD. The magnitude of CC’ in its natural units gives
the passive pressure Pp.
8. Join AC’. The line cuts the surface of the backfill at C. The line AC is the rupture line.



An exposed ground surface that stands at an angle () with the horizontal is called slope.
Slopes are required in the construction of highway and railway embankments, earth dams,
levees and canals. These are constructed by sloping the lateral faces of the soil because
slopes are generally less expensive than constructing walls. Slopes can be natural or man
made. When the ground surface is not horizontal a component of gravity will try to move
the sloping soil mass downwards. Failure of natural slopes (landslides) and man-made
slopes has resulted in much death and destruction. Some failures are sudden and
catastrophic; others are widespread; some are localized. Civil Engineers are expected to
check the safety of natural and slopes of excavation. Slope stability analysis consists of
determining and comparing the shear stress developed along the potential rupture surface
with the shear strength of the soil. Attention has to be paid to geology, surface drainage,
groundwater, and the shear strength of soils in assessing slope stability.

In this chapter, we will discuss simple methods of slope stability analysis from
which one will be able to:

Understand the forces and activities that provoke slope failures. Understand
the effects of seepage on the stability of slopes.
Estimate the stability of slopes with simple geometry for different types of

Man made slopes are used in

Earth Dams
River Training works

Slope Failure Triggering Mechanisms

Intense Rain-Fall

Water-Level Change Seepage Water Flow Volcanic Eruption

Earthquake Shaking Human activity

Causes of Slope failure

1. Erosion: The wind and flowing water causes erosion of top surface of slope
and makes the slope steep and thereby increase the tangential component of
driving force.
2. Steady Seepage: Seepage forces in the sloping direction add to gravity forces
and make the slope susceptible to instability. The pore water pressure
decrease the shear strength. This condition is critical for the downstream

3. Sudden Drawdown: in this case there is reversal in the direction flow and
results in instability of side slope. Due to sudden drawdown the shear stresses
are more due to saturated unit weight while the shearing resistance decreases
due to pore water pressure that does not dissipate quickly.

4. Rainfall: Long periods of rainfall saturate, soften, and erode soils. Water
enters into existing cracks and may weaken underlying soil layers, leading to
failure, for example, mud slides.
5. Earthquakes: They induce dynamic shear forces. In addition there is sudden
buildup of pore water pressure that reduces available shear strength.
6. External Loading: Additional loads placed on top of the slope increases the
gravitational forces that may cause the slope to fail.
7. Construction activities at the toe of the slope: Excavation at the bottom of
the sloping surface will make the slopes steep and there by increase the
gravitational forces which may result in slope failure

Types of failure

Broadly slope failures are classified into 3 types as

1. Face (Slope) failure

2. Toe failure

3. Base failure

1. Face (Slope) Failure: This type of

failure occurs when the slope angle ( ) is
large and when the soil at the toe portion
is strong.

2. Toe Failure: In this case the failure

surface passes through the toe. This
occurs when the slope is steep and

3. Base Failure: In this case the failure

surface passes below the toe. This
generally occurs when the soil below
the toe is relatively weak and soft.

Definition of Key Terms


Slip or failure
toe of slope

Slip or failure zone: It is a thin zone of soil that reaches the critical state or residual
state and results in movement of the upper soil mass.
Slip plane or failure plane or slip surface or failure surface: It is the surface of
Sliding mass: It is the mass of soil within the slip plane and the ground surface.

Slope angle : It is the angle of inclination of a slope to the horizontal. The slope
angle is sometimes referred to as a ratio, for example, 2:1 (horizontal: vertical).

Stability Analysis consists of

 Determination of the potential failure surface.

 Forces that tend to cause slip.

 Forces that tend to restore (stabilize)

 Determination of the available margin of safety.

Introduction on Effects of Water on Slope Stability :

Very soft, saturated foundation soils or ground water generally play a prominent role in
geotechnical failures in general. They are certainly major factors in cut slope stability and in the
stability of fill slopes involving both “internal” and “external” slope failures. The effect of water
on cut and fill slope stability is briefly discussed below.

Concepts and Formulas of Effects of Water on Slope Stability:

Importance of Water:

Next to gravity, water is the most important factor in slope stability. The effect of gravity is known,
therefore, water is the key factor in assessing slope stability.

Effect of Water on Cohesionless Soils:

In cohesionless soils, water does not affect the angle of internal friction (φ). The effect of water on
cohesionless soils below the water table is to decrease the intergranular (effective) stress between soil
grains (σ'n), which decreases the frictional shearing resistance (τ').

Effect of Water on Cohesive Soils:

Routine seasonal fluctuations in the ground water table do not usually influence either the amount of
water in the pore spaces between soil grains or the cohesion. The attractive forces between soil particles
prevent water absorption unless external forces such as pile driving, disrupt the grain structure.
However, certain clay minerals do react to the presence of water and cause volume changes of the clay

An increase in absorbed moisture is a major factor in the decrease in strength of cohesive soils as shown
schematically in Figure below. Water absorbed by clay minerals causes increased water contents that
decrease the cohesion of clayey soils. These effects are amplified if the clay mineral happens to be
expansive, e.g., montmorillonite.

Fills on Clays:

Excess pore water pressures are created when fills are placed on clay or silt. Provided the applied loads
do not cause the undrained shear strength of the clay or silt to be exceeded, as the excess pore water
pressure dissipates consolidation occurs, and the shear strength of the clay or silt increases with time.
For this reason, the factor of safety increases with time under the load of the fill.

Cuts in Clay:

As a cut is made in clay the effective stress is reduced. This reduction will allow the clay to expand and
absorb water, which will lead to a decrease in the clay strength with time. For this reason, the factor of
safety of a cut slope in clay may decrease with time. Cut slopes in clay should be designed by using
effective strength parameters and the effective stresses that will exist in the soil after the cut is made.

Slaking - Shales, Claystones, Siltstones, etc.:

Sudden moisture increase in weak rocks can produce a pore pressure increase in trapped pore air
accompanied by local expansion and strength decrease. The "slaking" or sudden disintegration of hard
shales, claystones, and siltstones results from this mechanism. If placed as rock fill, these materials will
tend to disintegrate into a clay soil if water is allowed to percolate through the fill. This transformation
from rock to clay often leads to settlement and/or shear failure of the fill.

Types of Slopes

1. Infinite Slopes

2. Finite Slopes

Infinite slopes: They have dimensions that extend over great distances and the soil
mass is inclined to the horizontal.

Infinite Slope

Finite slopes:
A finite slope is one with a base and top surface, the height being limited. The
inclined faces of earth dams, embankments and excavation and the like are all finite

Factor of safety

Factor of safety of a slope is defined as the ratio of average shear strength (τf ) of
a soil to the average shear stress (τd) developed along the potential failure surface.
FS = τ d

FS = Factor of safety

τ f = average shear strength of the soil

τ d = average shear stress developed along the potential surface.

Shear Strength:-

Shear strength of a soil is given by

τ f = c + σ tanϕ

Where, c = cohesion

= angle of internal friction

= Normal stress on the potential failure surface

Similarly, the mobilized shear strength is given by

τ d = c d + σ tanϕ d

cd and ϕd are the cohesion and angle of internal friction that develop along the
potential failure surface.

When Fc = F it gives Factor of safety w.r.t strength

FS c   tan /cd   tand

When FS = 1, then the slope is said to be in a state of failure.

Infinite Slopes:

Infinite slopes have dimensions that extended over great distances and the soil mass is
inclined to the horizontal. If different strata are present strata boundaries are assumed
to be parallel to the surface. Failure is assumed to occur along a plane parallel to the

A slope that extends for a relatively long distance and has a consistent subsurface profile may be
analyzed as an infinite slope. The failure plane for this case is parallel to the surface of the slope and the
limit equilibrium method can be applied readily.

Concepts and Formulas of Infinite Slope Analysis:

Infinite Slopes in Dry Cohesionless Soils:

A typical section or “slice” through the potential failure zone of a slope in a dry cohesionless soil, e.g.,
dry sand, is shown in Figure 6-3, along with its free body diagram. The weight of the slice of width b
and height h having a unit dimension into the page is given by:

where γ is the effective unit weight of the dry soil. For a slope with angle β as shown in Figure below:

The normal (N) and tangential (T) force components of W are determined as follows:

The available shear strength along the failure plane is given by:

The factor of safety (FS) is defined as the ratio of available shear strength to strength required to
maintain stability. Thus, the FS will be given by:

For an infinite slope analysis, the FS is independent of the slope depth, h, and depends only on the angle
of internal friction, φ, and the angle of the slope, β. The slope is said to have reached limit equilibrium
when FS=1.0. Also, at a FS = 1.0, the maximum slope angle will be limited to the angle of internal
friction, φ.

Infinite Slopes in c-φ Soils with Parallel Seepage:

If a saturated slope in a c-φ soil has seepage parallel to the surface of the slope as shown in Figure
below, the same limit equilibrium concepts may be applied to determine the FS, which will now depend
on the effective normal force (N'). In the following analysis, effective shear strength parameters, c' and
φ' are used.

From Figure above, the pore water force acting on the base of a typical slice having a unit dimension
into the page is:

where h is any depth less than or equal to the depth of saturation and b is a unit width.

The available frictional strength, S, along the failure plane will depend on φ' and the effective normal
force, N' =N-U, where N is the total normal force. The equation for S is:

The factor of safety for this case will be:

By substituting W = γsat b h into the above expression and rearranging terms, the FS is given by:

where γ' = (γsat - γw).

For c' = 0, the above expression may be simplified to:

From Equation above it is apparent that for a cohesionless material with parallel seepage, the FS is also
independent of the slope depth, h, just as it is for a dry cohesionless material as given earlier. The
difference is that the FS for the dry material is reduced by the factor γ'/γsat for saturated cohesionless
materials to account for the effect of seepage. For typical soils, this reduction will be about 50 percent in
comparison to dry slopes.

The above analysis can be generalized if the seepage line is assumed to be located at a normalized
height, m, above the failure surface where m =z/h. In this case, the FS is:

and γsat and γm are the saturated and moist unit weights of the soil below and above the seepage line.
The above equation may be readily reformulated to determine the critical depth of the failure surface in
a c'-φ' soil for any seepage condition.

Introduction on Circular Arc Failure of Slope Analysis :

Experience and observations of failures of embankments constructed over relatively deep deposits of
soft soils have shown that when failure occurs, the embankment sinks down, the adjacent ground rises
and the failure surface follows a circular arc as illustrated in Figure below.

Concepts and Formulas of Circular Arc Failure of Slope Analysis:

At failure the driving and resistance forces act as follows:

 The force driving movement consists of the embankment weight. The driving moment is the
product of the weight of the embankment acting through its center of gravity times the
horizontal distance from the center of gravity to the center of rotation (LW).
 The resisting force against movement is the total shear strength acting along the failure arc. The
resisting moment is the product of the resisting force times the radius of the circle (LS).

The factor of safety against slope instability is equal to the ratio of the resisting moment to
driving moment.

Failure takes place when the factor of safety is less than 1, i.e., the driving moment > resisting moment.

Simple Rule of Thumb for Factor of Safety:

A rule of thumb based on simplified bearing capacity theory can be used to make a preliminary
"guestimate" of the factor of safety (FS) against circular arc failure for an embankment built on a clay
foundation without presence of free water. The rule of thumb is as follows:

Where: c = unit cohesion of clay foundation soil (psf); γFill = unit weight fill (pcf); HFill = height of fill

Since the rule of thumb assumes that there is no influence from groundwater, c and γ Fill are effective
stress parameters.

Stability Analysis Methods (General):

There are several available methods that can be used to perform a circular arc stability analysis for an
approach embankment over soft ground. The simplest basic method is known as the Normal or Ordinary
Method of Slices, also known as Fellenius’ method or the Swedish circle method of analysis. The
Ordinary Method of Slices can easily be performed by hand calculations and is also a method by which
the computation of driving and resisting forces is straightforward and easily demonstrated. For this
method, the failure surface is assumed to be the arc of a circle as shown in Figure 6-7 and the factor of
safety against sliding along the failure surface is defined as the ratio of the moment of the total available
resisting forces on the trial failure surface to the net moment of the driving forces due to the
embankment weight, that is:

Note that since the method consists of computing the driving and resisting forces along the failure arc,
the moment arm R is the same for both the driving and resisting forces. Thus, the above equation
reduces to:

For slope stability analysis, the mass within the failure surface is divided into vertical slices as shown in
Figures above. A typical vertical slice and its free body diagram is shown in Figure below for the case
where water is not a factor.

The case with the presence of water is shown in Figure below.

The following assumptions are then made in the analysis using Ordinary Method of Slices:

1- The available shear strength of the soil can be adequately described by the Mohr-Coulomb equation:

τ = effective shear strength
c = cohesion component of shear strength
(σ - u) tan φ = frictional component of shear strength
σ = total normal stress on the failure surface at the base of a slice due to
the weight of soil and water above the failure surface
u = water uplift pressure against the failure surface
φ = angle of internal friction of soil
tan φ = coefficient of friction along failure surface

2- The factor of safety is the same for all slices.

3- The factors of safety with respect to cohesion (c) and friction (tan φ) are equal.

4- Shear and normal forces on the sides of each slice are ignored.

5- The water pressure (u) is taken into account by reducing the total weight of the slice by the water
uplift force acting at the base of the slice.

The equation above is expressed in terms of total strength parameters. The equation could easily have
been expressed in terms of effective strength parameters. Therefore, the convention to be used in the
stability analysis, be it total stress or effective stress, should be chosen and specified. In soil problems
involving water, the engineer may compute the normal and tangential forces by using either total soil
weights and boundary water forces (both buoyancy and unbalanced hydrostatic forces) or submerged
(buoyant) soil weights and unbalanced hydrostatic forces. The results are the same. When total weight
and boundary water forces are used, the equilibrium of the entire block is considered. When submerged

weights and hydrostatic forces are used, the equilibrium of the mineral skeleton is considered. The total
weight notation is used herein as this method is the simplest to compute.

Ordinary Method of Slices - Step-By-Step Computation Procedure:

To compute the factor of safety for an embankment by using the Ordinary Method of Slices, the step-
by-step computational procedure is as follows:

Step 1- Draw a cross-section of the embankment and foundation soil profile on a scale of either 1-inch =
10 feet or 1-inch = 20 feet scale both horizontal and vertical.

Step 2- Select a circular failure surface

Step 3- Divide the circular mass above the failure surface into 10 - 15 vertical slices as illustrated in
Figure below

To simplify computation, locate the vertical sides of the slices so that the bottom of any one slice is
located entirely in a single soil layer or at the intersection of the ground water level and the circle.

Locate the top boundaries of vertical slices at breaks in the slope. The slice widths do not have to be
equal. For convenience assume a one-foot (0.3 m) thick section of embankment. This unit width
simplifies computation of driving and resisting forces.

Also, as shown in figures above the driving and resisting forces of each slice act at the intersection of a
vertical line drawn from the center of gravity of the slice to the failure circle to establish a centroid point
on the circle. Lines (called rays) are then drawn from the center of the circle to the centroid point on the
circular arc. The α angles are then measured from the vertical to each ray.

When the water table is sloping, use Equation 6-16 to calculate the water pressure on the base of the

where: αw = slope of water table from horizontal in degrees.

hw = depth from ground water surface to the centroid point on the circle.

Step 4- Compute the total weight (WT) of each slice.

For illustration, the resisting and driving forces acting on individual slices with and without water
pressure are shown on Figures above.

To compute WT, use total soil unit weight, γt, both above and below the water table.

WT = γt × Average Slice Height × Slice Width

Step 5- Compute frictional resisting force for each slice depending on location of ground water table.

N = total normal force acting against the slice base

N′ = effective normal force acting against the slice base
WT = total weight of slice (from Step 4 above)
α = angle between vertical and line drawn from circle center to midpoint (centroid) of slice base (Note:
α is also equal to the angle between the horizontal and a line tangent to the base of the slice)
u = water pressure on the base of the slice = average height of water, hw × γw. Use γw = 62.4 pcf (9.8
l = arc length of slice base. To simplify computations, take l as the secant to the arc.
u l = water uplift force against base of the slice per unit thickness into the plane of the paper.
φ = internal friction angle of the soil.
tan φ = coefficient of friction along base of the slice.

Note that the effect of water is to reduce the normal force against the base of the slice and thus reduce
the frictional resisting force. To illustrate this reduction, take the same slice used in Step 4 and compute
the friction resistance force for the slice with no water and then for the ground water table located 5 feet
above the base of the slice.

Step 6- Compute cohesive resisting force for each slice.

c = cohesive soil strength

l = length of slice base

Step 7- Compute tangential driving force, T, for each slice.

T is the component of total weight of the slice, WT, acting tangent to the slice base.
T is the driving force due to the weight of both soil and water in the slice.

Step 8- Sum resisting forces and driving forces for all slices and compute factor of safety.

Slope stability guidelines for design:

Foundation Type of Source of Strength

Soil Type Analysis Parameters
Use Bishop Method. An angle of
 UU or field vane
internal friction should not be
Short-term shear test or CU
used to represent an increase of
(embankments on soft triaxial test.
shear strength with depth. The
clays – immediate end of  Use undrained
clay profile should be divided
construction – φ = 0 strength
into convenient layers and the
analysis). parameters at po
appropriate cohesive shear
strength assigned to each layer.
 CU triaxial test.
Some samples
should be
consolidated to Use Bishop Method at each stage
higher than of embankment height. Consider
existing in-situ that clay shear strength will
Stage construction
stress to determine increase with consolidation under
(embankments on soft
clay strength gain each stage. Consolidation test
clays – build embankment
due to data needed to estimate length of
in stages with waiting
consolidation waiting periods between
periods to take advantage
under staged fill embankment stages. Piezometers
of clay strength gain due
heights. and settlement devices should be
to consolidation).
 Use undrained used to monitor pore water
strength pressure dissipation and
Cohesive parameters at consolidation during construction.
appropriate po for
staged height

 CU triaxial test
with pore water
pressure Use Bishop Method
Long-term measurements or with combination of cohesion
(embankment on soft CD triaxial test. and angle of internal friction
clays and clay cut slopes).  Use effective (effective strength parameters
strength from laboratory test).

 Direct shear or
direct simple shear
test. Slow strain
rate and large Use Bishop, Janbu or Spencer
Existing failure planes deflection needed. Method to duplicate previous
 Use residual shear surface.

Foundation Type of Source of Strength
Soil Type Analysis Parameters
Obtain effective friction
angle from charts of
standard penetration Use Bishop Method with an
Granular All types
resistance (SPT) versus effective stress analysis.
friction angle or from
direct shear tests.

Note: Methods recommended represent minimum requirement. More rigorous methods such
as Spencer’s method should be used when a computer program has such capabilities.
Remarks on Safety Factor:

For side slopes of routine highway embankments, a minimum design safety factor of 1.25 as determined
by the Ordinary Method of Slices is used. For slopes that would cause greater damage upon failure,
such as end slopes beneath bridge abutments, major retaining structures, and major roadways such as
regional routes, interstates, etc., the design safety factor should be increased to at least 1.30 to 1.50. For
cut slopes in fine-grained soils, which can lose shear strength with time, a design safety factor of 1.50 is

Introduction on Critical Failure Surface :

The step-by-step procedure presented in the Circular Arc Failure of Slope Analysis article illustrates
how to compute the factor of safety for one selected circular arc failure surface. The complete analysis
requires that a large number of assumed failure surfaces be checked in order to find the critical one, i.e.,
the surface with the lowest factor of safety.

Concepts and Formulas of Critical Failure Surface:

This task would obviously be a tedious and time consuming operation if done by hand. Therefore a
computer program becomes a valuable tool for performing such computations. Any method for stability
analysis is easily adapted to computer solution. For critical circle methods a grid of possible circle
centers is defined, and a range of radius values established for each. The computer can be directed to
perform stability analyses for each circle center over the range of radii and then to print out all the
safety factors or just the minimum one and its radius. A plot of minimum safety factor for each circle
center in the form of contours can be used to define the location of the most critical circle and the
minimum safety factor as shown in Figure below. The radius of the most critical surface can be used to
locate the intersection points of the circle with the ground surface above and below the slope. This is
useful in identifying structures above and below the slope that may be potentially impacted by slope

Figure above shows just one of several ways that computer programs can be used to search for the most
critical failure surface. It is beyond the scope of this manual to discuss these in detail. However, the
following points should be noted as one uses a computer program for locating the most critical failure

1. Check multiple circle center locations and compare the lowest safety factors. There may be more
than one “local” minimum and a single circle center location may not necessarily locate the
lowest safety factor for the slope.
2. Search all areas of the slope to find the lowest safety factor. The designer may find multiple
areas of the slope where the safety factors are low and comparable. In this case, the designer
should try to identify insignificant failure modes that lead to low safety factors for which the
consequences of failure are small. This is often the case in cohesionless soils, where the lowest
safety factor is found for a shallow failure plane located close the slope face.
3. Review the soil stratigraphy for “secondary” geological features such as thin relatively weak
zones where a slip surface can develop. Often, circular failure surfaces are locally modified by
the presence of such weak zones. Therefore computer software capable of simulating such
failures should be used. Some of the weak zones may be man-made, e.g., when new fills are not
adequately keyed into existing fills for widening projects.
4. Conduct stability analyses to take into account all possible loading and unloading schemes to
which the slope might be subjected during its design life. For example, if the slope has a
detention basin next to it, then it might be prudent to evaluate the effect of water on the slope,
e.g., perform an analysis for a rapid drawdown condition.
5. Use the drained or undrained soil strength parameters as appropriate for the conditions being
6. Use stability charts to develop a “feel” for the safety factor that may be anticipated. Stability
charts are discussed in the next section. Such charts may also be used to verify the results of
computer solutions.

Finite Slopes

A finite slope is one with a base and top surface, the height being limited. The
inclined faces of earth dams, embankments, excavation and the like are all finite

Investigation of the stability of finite slopes involves the following steps

a) assuming a possible slip surface,

b) studying the equilibrium of the forces acting on this surface, and

c) Repeating the process until the worst slip surface, that is, the one with
minimum margin of safety is found.


I. Total stress analysis for purely cohesive soil.

II. Total stress analysis for cohesive –frictional (c-ϕ) soil – (Swedish method of
slices or Method of slices)

III. Effective stress analysis for conditions of steady seepage, rapid drawdown and
immediately after construction.

IV. Friction circle method

V. Taylor‟s method.

For simplicity, when analyzing the stability of a finite slope in a homogeneous soil, we need to
make an assumption about the general shape of the surface of potential failure.

The simplest approach is to approximate the surface of potential failure as a plane.

However, considerable evidence suggests that slope failures usually occur on
curved failure surfaces

Hence most conventional stability analyses of slopes have been made by assuming that the curve of
potential sliding is an arc of a circle.

Culmann’s method assumes that the critical surface of failure is a plane surface passing through the
Culmann’s analysis is based on the assumption that the failure of a slope occurs along a plane when
the average shearing stress tending to cause the slip is more than the shear strength of the soil.

(a) The angle of the critical failure plane q can be calculated from:

(b) The critical depth of the cut slope can be calculated from:

The safe (design) depth of the cut slope.

Like Culmann’s method, the other methods are

The Swedish Slip Circle Method

Friction Circle Method
Tailor Stability Number and Stability Curves
Bishop Method of Stability Analysis

Finite Slopes with Circular Failure Surface

Modes of Failure

i. Slope failure

Surface of sliding intersects the slope at or above its toe.

The failure circle is referred to as a toe circle if it passes through the toe of the slope
The failure circle is referred to as a slope circle if it passes above the toe of the slope.

ii. Shallow failure

Under certain circumstances, a shallow slope failure can occur.
Base failure

The surface of sliding passes at some distance below the toe of the slope.

Shallow slope

Toe Circle all circles for soils with f > 3° & b > 53°
• Slope Circle always for D = 0 & b < 53°
• Midpoint Circle always for D > 4 & b < 53°

Various procedures of stability analysis may, in general, be divided into two major classes:
Mass procedure

Method of slices

Types of Stability Analysis Procedures

• In this case, the mass of the soil above the surface of sliding is taken as a unit.
• Most natural slopes and many manmade slopes consist of more than on soil with different properties.
• This procedure is useful when the soil that forms the slope is assumed to be homogeneous. • In this
case the use of mass procedure is inappropriate.
• In the method of slices procedure, the soil above the surface of sliding is divided into a number of
vertical parallel slices.
The stability of each slice is calculated separately.
• It is a general method that can be used for analyzing irregular slopes in non-homogeneous slopes in
which the values of c’ and f’ are not constant and pore water pressure can be taken into consideration.

cd = g H m
m = S ta bility num be r
H = height of slope
γ = unit we ig h t of soil

Friction Circle Method

Cd = . H. m

Method of Slices • Non-homogenous soils (mass procedure is not accurate)

• Soil mass is divided into several vertical Parallel slices

• The width of each slice need not be the same
• It is sometimes called the Swedish method

It is a general method that can be used for analyzing irregular slopes in non-homogeneous slopes in
which the values of c’ and f ’ are not constant.

Because the SWEDISH GEOTECHNCIAL COMMISION used this method extensively, it is
sometimes referred to as the SWEDISH Method.

In mass procedure, only the moment equilibrium is satisfied. Here attempt is made to satisfy force

Non homogeneous Slope Irregular slope

 The soil mass above the trial slip surface is divided into several vertical parallel slices.
 The width of the slices needs not to be the same (better to have it equal).
 The base of each slice is assumed to be a straight line.
 The inclination of the base to the horizontal is a.
 The height measured in the center line is h.
 The height measured in the center line is h.
 The accuracy of calculation increases if the number of slices is increased.
 The procedure requires that a series of trial circles are chosen and analyzed in the quest for the
circle with the minimum factor of safety.

Two Methods:

• Ordinary Method of Slices

• Bishop's Simplified Method of Slices

 Bishop’s simplified method is probably the most widely used (but it has to be incorporated into
computer programs).
 The ordinary method of slices is presented in this chapter as a learning tool only.
 It is used rarely now because it is too conservative.
 It yields satisfactory results in most cases.
 Analyses by more refined methods involving consideration of the forces acting on the sides of
slices show that the Simplified Bishop Method yields answers for factors of safety which are
very close to the correct answer.
 The Bishop Simplified Method yields factors of safety which are higher than those obtained with
the Ordinary Method of Slices.
 The two methods do not lead to the same critical circle.
 The Fs determined by this method is an underestimate (conservative) but the error is unlikely to
exceed 7% and in most cases is less than 2%.

Stability Number

In a slope the component of the self weight () causes instability and the cohesion contributes to

The maximum height (Hc) of a slope is directly proportional to unit cohesion (Cu) and inversely
proportional to unit weight ()

Sn = c/(Fc. . H)
Hc= Fc. H
Hc = Critical Height
Fc = Factor of Safety with respect to cohesion


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