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Engineering Plastics

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1 Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials,

Properties, Trends

Edward N. Peters
SABIC, Selkirk, NY, United States

1.1 Introduction AETP are distinguished by their unmatched ther-

mal, mechanical, and chemical properties and are at
Plastics are one of the indispensable materials the top position in the plastics performance pyramid.
of modern life that has changed the way we live. These materials have also been among the fastest
Throughout history we have witnessed trends where growing segment of plastics giving way to new ap-
one material has elevated to replace another for per- plications driven by innovation.
formance, or economic reasons. Advancement in Innovation in new plastic materials exploded in
materials has been coeval with the spread of civiliza- the 1950s and 1960s. Continuing technological ad-
tion. Early man used available metals in their natu- vances have resulted in an even greater impact on our
rally occurring state. The progress of civilization was lives and ETP have further penetrated markets domi-
literally determined by man’s ability to discover new nated by metals.
materials, allowing mankind to induce the proper- As substitutes for metal in the construction of
ties necessary for increasingly sophisticated tools mechanical apparatus, ETP offer advantages such
and implements of destruction. Indeed, societies that as corrosion resistance, transparency, lightness, self-
learned to exploit new materials developed distinct lubrication, and economy in fabrication and decorat-
advantages over their neighbors. This was broadly ing. Replacement of metals by plastics is favored as
exemplified in terms of key materials where mankind the physical properties and operating temperature
advanced from the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, the ranges of plastics improve and the cost of metals and
Iron Age, and the age of steel. their fabrication increases [2]. Plastic applications
The age of synthetic plastics began in 1909 with in transportation, a major growth opportunity, have
the discovery by Leo Baekeland of synthetic phenol- been greatly accelerated by the current awareness
formaldehyde resin. In general, plastic materials are of the interplay of vehicle weight and fuel require-
arbitrarily placed into three categories commodity ments. The ability to replace metals in many areas
thermoplastic, engineering thermoplastics (ETP), has resulted in tremendous growth in ETP.
and advanced engineering thermoplastics (AETP), A significant driving force behind the growth in ETP
which are also referred to as specialty, advanced, or is the continuing expansion of electrical/electronic mar-
ultrapolymers. The commodity plastics constitute kets, which demands smaller, lighter components that
the highest volume of usage, their consumption ex- operate at higher speeds. In addition, the same require-
ceeding 1 million tons per annum on global scale. ments are driving the automotive market segment.
ETP comprise a special, high-performance segment Original Equipment Manufacturers strive toward low-
of synthetic plastic materials that offer premium er production cost, style flexibility, lower maintenance
properties. When properly formulated, ETP may and more efficient, lower polluting vehicles that utilize
be shaped into mechanically functional, semipreci- better performing materials under the hood and in ex-
sion parts or structural components. The term “me- terior components.
chanically functional” implies that the parts will The global consumption of ETP in 2012 is esti-
continue to function even if they are subjected to mated at 19.6 million metric tons. ETP are the fastest
factors such as mechanical stress, impact, flexure, growing segment of the plastics industry. It is esti-
vibration, sliding friction, temperature extremes, mated that the use of ETP will reach 29.1 million
and hostile environments [1]. The ETP age began metric tons by 2020. This chapter focuses on the de-
75 years ago. velopment of ETP during the past 75 years.

Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook.

Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 3
4 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

1.2 Aliphatic Polyamides

Polyamides, commonly called nylons, were the
first commercial thermoplastic engineering poly- Figure 1.2 Structure of polyamide 6.
mers. In 1928 Wallace Carothers at DuPont began
polymer experiments on polyamide 66. Nylon 66,
PA66, is prepared from condensation polymeriza- first in Germany around 1939 [4]. Of particular inter-
tion of hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) and adipic est to the plastic industry is Nylon 6, PA6, based on
acid. The structure is shown in Fig. 1.1. PA66 made caprolactam, which became available in Europe in
its commercial debut as a fiber in 1938 with its first 1946. Allied Chemical Company initially introduced
use in bristles for toothbrushes and later in women’s PA6 to the United States for fiber purposes in 1954.
hosiery. PA66 was the exemplar for the whole family Polycaprolactam is semicrystalline and has been suc-
of polyamides. The first use of nylon as a molding cessfully applied as a molding compound. Its Tm of
compound was in 1941. In 1953 the 4536 metric tons 228°C is lower than PA66. The structure of PA6 ap-
of PA66 molding compound represented the entire pears in Fig. 1.2, Nylon 46, PA46, was developed and
annual volume of ETP [3,4]. commercialized in 1990 by DSM Engineering Plas-
Polyamides was a new concept in plastics for tics to address the need for a polyamide with higher
several reasons. It was semicrystalline polymer that heat and chemical resistance for use in automotive
underwent a sharp transition from solid to melt. In and electrical/electronic applications. PA46 is pre-
­addition, it had a relatively high service temperature. pared from 1.4-diaminobutane and adipic acid. PA46
The combination of toughness, rigidity, and “lubrica- has a Tm of 295°C and has higher crystallinity than
tion-free” performance made PA66 peculiarly suited PA6 or 6,6 [3].
for mechanical bearing and gear applications. Poly- In general, the key features of polyamides are
amides acquired the reputation of a quality material fast crystallization, which means fast molding cy-
by showing that a thermoplastic could be tough, as cling; high degree of solvent/chemical resistance,
well as stiff, and perform better than metals in some toughness, lubricity, fatigue resistance, and excellent
cases. This performance gave nylon the label “an flexural-mechanical properties that varies with de-
engineering thermoplastic.” gree of plasticization by absorbed water. Deficiencies
PA66 exhibits a glass transition temperature, Tg, of include a tendency to creep under applied load and
78°C and a crystalline melting point, Tm, of 269°C. very high moisture absorption, which will plasticize
The crystallinity and polarity of the molecule permit the polyamide and lower some properties.
dipole association that conveyed to relatively low Varying the monomer composition has produced
molecular weight polymers the properties normally many different varieties of polyamides. Variations in-
associated with much higher molecular weight amor- clude PA69, PA610, and PA612 (made from HMDA
phous polymers. At its Tm, the polymer collapsed into and the 9-, 10-, and 12-carbon dicarboxylic acids, re-
a rather low-viscosity fluid in a manner resembling the spectively); and Nylon 11 and Nylon 12 (via the self-
melting of paraffin wax. It lacked the typical familiar condensation of 11-aminoundecanoic acid and lauryl
broad thermal plastic range that is normally encoun- lactam, respectively). These specialty nylons exhibit
tered in going from a glassy solid to a softer solid lower Tms and lower moisture absorption to one-third
to a very viscous taffy stage. This factor led to some or one-fourth that of PA6 or PA66.
­complications in molding because very close toleranc- When unsymmetrical monomers are used, the
es were required in mold construction, and very precise normal ability of the polymer to crystallize can be
temperature and pressure monitoring was necessary to disrupted; amorphous (transparent) nylons can then
prevent flash or inadvertent leaking of the mobile melt. be formed. These amorphous nylons are not as tough
Early molders of nylon were highly skilled—they had as PA6 or 66 but they do offer transparency, good
to be because the industry was young. chemical resistance in some environments, and lower
Nylon based on w-aminocarboxylic acids, although moisture absorption.
briefly investigated by Carothers, was commercialized For example, the polyamide prepared from the
condensation of terephthalic acid with a mixture of
2,2,4- and 2,4,4-trimethylhexamethylenediamines
(PA6-3-T) was developed at W.R. Grace and Com-
pany, later produced under license by Dynamit Nobel
Figure 1.1 Structure of polyamide 66. AG, and currently available from Evonik Industries
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 5

under the trade name Trogamid TR. This amorphous 1.4 SemiAromatic Polyamides
polyamide exhibits a Tg of 148°C, high clarity, stiff-
ness, toughness, resistance to chemicals, and very Several semiaromatic polyamides are based on the
good resistance to UV damage. It is used in water reaction of HMDA and terephthalic acid. The structure
filter housings, flow meters, grease containers, and of poly (hexamethylene terephthalate), PA6T, appears
spectacles frames. in Fig. 1.5. However, pure PA6T exhibits a Tg of 180°C
Another amorphous nylon is based on aliphatic and a very high Tm of 370°C. The high Tm results in
amines, cycloaliphatic amines, and terephthalic acid. expensive polymerization processes and difficulty in
It is marketed under the Grilamid trade name by molding. Therefore, modified copolymers based on
EMS-Chemie. This amorphous nylon exhibits a Tg of PA6T have been examined extensively because of use
155°C, high transparency, stiffness, and resistance to of inexpensive monomers and enhanced properties over
chemicals. It is used in viewing glasses, transparent aliphatic polyamides. For example, terpolymers using
housings, and high-quality spectacle frames. an inexpensive, third monomer such as isophthalic
acid, adipic acid, caprolactam, or HMDA have led to
the commercialization of semiaromatic polyamides
1.3 Aromatic Polyamides, Aramids by Amoco, BASF, and DuPont under the trademarks
Amodel R, Ultramid T, and Zytel HTN, respectively.
Nylons prepared from aromatic diamines and aro- These terpolymers exhibit Tgs from 100 to 125°C and
matic dicarboxylic acids can lead to very high-heat Tms from 290 to 320°C and offer enhanced performance
aromatic nylons (aramids). Poly (m-phenyleneisoph- over PA66 or 6—such as, higher stiffness, increased
thalamide), MPIA, is made from the condensation strength, greater thermal, and dimensional stability.
polymerization of m-phenylenediamine and isoph- Polyamide 9T (PA9T) is a semiaromatic polyam-
thaloyl chloride and has a Tg of 280°C. Its structure is ide commercialized under the name of Genestar by
shown in Fig. 1.3. W. Sweeny, a scientist at DuPont Kuraray Co [6]. PA9T uses a long, flexible aliphatic
was responsible for discoveries leading to the com- diamine consisting of nine methylene groups in a se-
mercialization of MPIA and is available under the quence as part of the polyamide backbone. This melt
Nomex trade name. MPIA is used in fibers to make processible polyamide exhibits a Tg of 125°C and Tm
heat-resistant and flame-retardant apparel, electrical of 300°C. The structure of PA9T appears in Fig. 1.6.
insulation, and composites. Features include low water absorption, high heat
Poly (p-phenyleneterephthalamide), PPTA, was in- resistance, high chemical resistance, hydrolysis resis-
vented by S. Kwolek at DuPont in 1965 (first marketed tance, low friction coefficient, high impact strength
in 1971) [5]. It is made from p-phenylenediamine and good fuel barrier properties, and dimensional preci-
terephthaloyl chloride. It exhibits a Tg of 425°C and sion. It offers an alternative to materials such as PA612
Tm of >500°C. It was the first commercialized liquid and PA12. Its applications range from friction and wear
crystalline polymer. Fibers were spun from a lyotropic application, automotive parts to electronic/electrical.
sulfuric acid solution. Its structure is shown in Fig. 1.4
and is available under the Kevlar trade name. PPTA
is used to make highly oriented crystalline fibers de- 1.5 Polyacetals
rived from liquid-crystalline technology. PPTA fibers
exhibit a very high modulus and its uses include com- After nylon, the next engineering polymers to
posites for sporting goods, bullet resistant apparel, au- be commercially introduced were polyacetals [7,8].
tomotive transmission parts, and tires. Polyacetals are polymerized from formaldehyde and

Figure 1.3 Structure of MPIA. Figure 1.5 Structure of polyamide 6T.

Figure 1.4 Structure of PPTA. Figure 1.6 Structure of polyamide 9T.

6 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

are also referred to as polyoxymethylenes (POM). thread strength, creep resistance, and torque retention.
Staudinger explored the basic polyformaldehyde A deficiency of polyacetals is a tendency to thermally
structure rather thoroughly in the late 1920s and early unzip and an essentially unmodifiable flammability.
1930s, but he was unable to synthesize sufficiently
high molecular weight polymer with requisite thermal
stability to permit melt processing [9]. Pure formal- 1.6 Polycarbonates
dehyde could be readily polymerized, but the poly-
mer readily unzips (spontaneously depolymerizes). The aromatic polycarbonates, PC, were the next
In 1947, researchers at DuPont began a development engineering polymers to be introduced. In 1953,
program on the polymerization of formaldehyde D.W. Fox at General Electric Company and H.
and stabilization of the polymer. Twelve years later, Schnell at Bayer AG independently discovered the
DuPont brought the unzipping tendency under con- same unique super tough, heat-resistant, transpar-
trol with proprietary stabilization technology and ent, and amorphous polymer [7,10–13]. When the
commercially announced POM under the Delrin trade companies became aware of each other’s activities,
name. The key to the stabilization of POM was to cap agreements were reached that enabled both parties
the terminal hydroxyl groups that participate in, or to continue independent commercialization activi-
trigger unzipping reactions. Postetherification or es- ties without concern for possible subsequent adverse
terification capped or blocked the hydroxyl groups. patent findings. General Electric Company (now
This material has a Tg of –75°C and Tm of 181°C. The SABIC) introduced their PC into the United States
structure of capped POM is depicted in Fig. 1.7. under the Lexan trademark in 1959 at about the same
Celanese joined DuPont in the market with their time as the polyacetals, and a commercial plant was
proprietary polyacetal polymer under the Celcon brought on stream in 1960.
trademark within a year. Celanese managed to obtain PCs of numerous bisphenols have been exten-
basic patent coverage, despite DuPont’s prior filing. sively studied. However, most commercial PCs are
The Celanese POM was a copolymer that resulted in derived from bisphenol A (BPA) and is depicted in
stabilization against thermal depolymerization. POM Fig. 1.9. Both solution and solvent free, melt-trans-
copolymer has a Tm of 170°C. The structure of POM esterification processes are used to manufacturer
copolymer is depicted in Fig. 1.8. polycarbonates.
Both Celanese and DuPont aimed their products In the solvent processes, PC is produced by an
directly at metal replacement. Items such as plumbing interfacial polymerization process [14]. The BPA
hardware, pumps, gears, and bearings were immedi- and 1–3 m% monofunctional phenol, which controls
ate targets. In many respects, the acetals resemble molecular weight, are dissolved or slurried in aque-
nylons. POMs are highly crystalline, rigid, cold-flow ous sodium hydroxide; methylene chloride is added
resistant, solvent resistant, fatigue resistant, mechan- as a polymer solvent; a tertiary amine is added as a
ically tough and strong, and self-lubricating. They catalyst, and phosgene gas is dispersed in the rapidly
also tend to absorb less water and are not plasticized stirred mixture. Additional caustic solution is added
by water to the same degree as the polyamides. Rapid as needed to maintain basicity. The growing polymer
crystallization of acetals from the melt contributes to dissolves in the methylene chloride, and the BPA and
fast mold cycles. phenolic content of the aqueous phase diminishes.
Key areas of use for POMs are industrial and me- In the solvent free, melt-transesterification, diphe-
chanical products that include molded or machined nyl carbonate reacts with BPA to regenerate phenol
rollers, bearing, gear, conveyor chains, and housings. for recycle and molten, solvent-free polymer.
POMs are widely used in plumbing and irrigation be- BPA based PC is an amorphous polymer with a Tg
cause they resist scale build up, and have excellent of 150°C. It offers outstanding impact strength, glass-
like transparency, heat resistance, excellent electrical
properties, intrinsic flame retardancy, and high dimen-
sional stability up to just below its Tg. This outstanding

Figure 1.7 Structure of capped POM.

Figure 1.8 Structure of POM copolymer. Figure 1.9 Structure of polycarbonate.

1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 7

combination of properties and processing versatility

have made PCs the ideal resin for many applications.
In addition, transparency gave polycarbonates another
dimension and has led to applications in safety glaz-
ing, light covers, automotive headlamp lenses, water
bottles, compact discs, and ophthalmic applications. Figure 1.10 Structure of poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phen-
The PCs, like the nylons and acetals, were directed ylene ether).
toward metal replacement applications. Glass-fiber
filled versions of PCs are available, and this combina- aromatic ethers [18–20]. Polymers were made by
tion is particularly well suited to compete with metal bubbling oxygen through a copper-amine-catalyzed
parts. As in the case of other amorphous polymers, solution of phenolic monomer at ambient tempera-
glass fibers act as stiffening and strengthening agents tures. A wide variety of phenolic compounds were
but do not raise operating temperatures significantly. In explored, but the cleanest reactions resulted from
semicrystalline polymers, fillers tend to act as a crutch those that contained small, electron-donor substitu-
to bridge the soft, amorphous regions that have Tg- ents in the two ortho positions. Hence, research fo-
dependent properties, thereby permitting the plastic to cused on the use of 2,6-dimethylphenol. In 1964
maintain structural integrity up to its crystalline melting General Electric Co. introduced the PPE homopoly-
point. Without filler, crystalline polymers tend to creep mer, poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether), under
under static load at relatively low temperatures because the PPO trademark. PPE had excellent hydrolytic
their Tg values are generally comparatively low. resistance and an extremely high Tg of 215°C. The
PCs are readily modified via copolymerization with structure is shown in Fig. 1.10.
long chain aliphatic dicarboxylic acids to give a resin The very high Tg, high melt viscosity, and a pro-
with improved flow; other bisphenols or phthalates to nounced tendency for PPE to oxidize at process-
increase Tg and give PCs with higher heat resistance; ing temperatures made it very difficult to process.
and trisphenols to give a branched PC with improved However, in 1965 Westlake Plastics Co. started
melt strength for blow molding/extrusion. In addition, production of extruded rods, sheets, and tubing of
PC is amenable for the development of many different PPE under the Alphalux trademark. Also in 1965
commercial polyblends [10,15]. Blending PC with Richardson Co. marketed a miscible blend of PPE
other thermoplastics widens the performance window with crystal polystyrene, PS. In spite of the PPE/PS
and will be discussed later in this chapter. miscibility, the single-phase blend was not a com-
Unique high heat PC copolymers have been de- mercial success [21].
veloped that offers greater thermal resistance than In mid-1966 GE introduced a family of PPE
standard PC. These high Tg PCs have been achieved blends with high impact polystyrene, HIPS, under
through combining BPA monomer with a high-heat the Noryl trademark. This combination of total com-
comonomer. The resulting copolymers have a glass patibility with PS and the added toughness from the
transition temperature of 185°C or higher. These polybutadiene in HIPS were the keys to commercial
copolymers form a family of clear, tough, high heat success. Varying the PPE/HIPS ratio results in a wide
PCs. In addition, their high flow enables greatly ex- range of high temperature, easy to process, tough, di-
panded design options for molding thin-wall parts. mensionally stable plastics [22].
These materials are offered under the Lexan XHT The first applications were those requiring au-
trademark by SABIC [16,17]. toclaving (medical equipment) and outstanding
Application opportunities include automotive light- electrical properties at elevated temperatures. As
ing reflectors and bezels, industrial lighting, protective compounding, stabilization, and processing skills
face shields, heat resistant helmets, heat shields elec- improved, markets for PPE blends expanded to in-
trical components, residential fuses, landscape light- clude office equipment, electronic components, auto-
ing, flashlight lenses, and fluorescent lighting covers. motive parts, water distribution systems, and general
metal replacement.
PPE-based resins are relatively resistant to burn-
1.7 Poly (phenylene ether) ing, and judicious compounding can increase their
burn resistance without the use of halogenated flame
In 1956, A. Hay of the General Electric Compa- retardants. In addition, these blends could be modi-
ny (now SABIC) discovered a convenient catalytic fied with glass fiber and mineral fillers. Because
oxidative coupling route to high molecular weight of low moisture absorption, dimensional stability,
8 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

and ability to be used over a wide temperature

range, PPE-based resins are especially adaptable to
After expiration of the original patent on PPE, sev-
eral manufacturers (e.g., BASF, Huls, Borg-Warner, Figure 1.12 Structure of polyarylsulfone.
Asahi, Engineering Plastics Ltd., Mitsubishi) be-
gan sales of their own blends based on PPE or its
PPE is a versatile material and is used in alloys
with PAs to enhance the performance and decrease
the moisture absorbance of the PAs. These alloys are
described in later in this chapter. Figure 1.13 Structure of polyethersulfone.

1.8 Polysulfones
Polyarylsulfones are a class of high-use tempera-
ture thermoplastics that characteristically exhibit
excellent thermal-oxidative resistance, good solvent Figure 1.14 Structure of polyphenylsulfone.
resistance, hydrolytic stability, and creep resistance
[23,24]. Routes to polysulfones were discovered in- In 1972 ICI started market development of poly-
dependently and almost simultaneously in the labo- ethersulfone, PES. This amorphous polymer has a Tg
ratories of Union Carbide Corporation, ICI, and 3M of 225°C. Compared to PSU, it exhibits higher ther-
Corporation. mal stability, better chemical and solvent resistance,
In 1965 A.G. Farnham and R.N. Johnson of Union and improved toughness [27]. The structure appears
Carbide (this business was acquired by Amoco in Fig. 1.13.
Polymers in 1986 and is currently part of Solvay In 1976 Union Carbide introduced a second-
Advanced Polymers) announced the preparation generation polysulfone resin under the Radel R
of thermoplastic polysulfones, PSU [25]. The first polyphenylsulfone, PPSU, trade name. This higher
commercially available polysulfone was prepared performing PPSU was prepared from 4,4’-biphe-
by the nucleophilic aromatic displacement of the nol and DCDPS [28]. PPSU has a Tg of 225°C. Its
chlorides on 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyl sulfone, DCDPS, structure is shown in Fig. 1.14. The biphenyl moiety
by the anhydrous di-sodium salt of BPA. The reac- imparts enhanced chemical/solvent resistance, out-
tion is conducted in a dipolar aprotic solvent, such standing toughness, greater resistance to combustion,
as dimethyl sulfoxide. This polysulfone, PSU, was and enhanced thermo-oxidative stability.
commercialized in 1966 under the Udel trademark. In general, aromatic polysulfones are somewhat
This amorphous polymer exhibits a Tg of 186°C. The polar, aromatic ethers that offer outstanding oxida-
structure of PSU is shown in Fig. 1.11. tion resistance, hydrolytic stability and very high
In 1967 3M introduced polybiphenyldisulfones thermal endurance in conjunction with a good bal-
under the Astrel 360 trade name. This polymer was ance of mechanical properties which are suitable for
made by the Friedel-Crafts reaction of biphenyl-4,4’- hot water and food handling equipment, range com-
disulfonyl chloride with diphenyl ether and exhibited ponents, TV applications, alkaline battery cases, and
a very high Tg of 277°C [26]. The structure is shown film for hot transparencies. The unmodified prod-
in Fig. 1.12. The price was very high, it was diffi- ucts are transparent with a slightly yellow tint. Low
cult to melt process, and had limited availability. This flammability and low smoke suit it for aircraft and
resin is no longer commercially available. transportation applications. In addition, it can with-
stand rigorous handling and repeated steam steriliza-
tion cycles and is used in medical application. Thus,
polyarylsulfones are used in surgical equipment, lab-
oratory equipment, life support parts, and autoclav-
able tray systems. Blow molding polyarylsulfones
produces suction bottles, tissue culture bottles and
Figure 1.11 Structure of polysulfone. surgical hollow shapes.
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 9

1.9 High-Temperature Sulfone

Polymers (HTS)
There have been several attempts to commercial- Figure 1.16 Structure of poly (ethylene terephthalate).
ize high-temperature sulfone polymers, HTS, with
performance greater than PES and PPSU. HTS was fiber precursors because of their low melting points.
based on the nucleophilic aromatic displacement of The aliphatic polyesters were bypassed for polyam-
the chlorides on 4,4”-bis (4-chlorophenylsulfonyl) ides with much higher Tms. Semiaromatic thermo-
biphenyl with hydroquinone under basic conditions plastic polyesters had their beginning in 1941 when
in a dipolar aprotic solvent. In the mid-1970s and J.R. Whinfield and J.T. Dickson at DuPont substitut-
again in the mid-1980s, ICI had unsuccessful mar- ed terephthalic acid for the previously investigated
keting efforts for polyetherbiphenyldisulfones (Vic- aliphatic dibasic acids and discovered high melting
trex 720P) [29]. crystalline polymers [7,32,33]. Whinfield and Dick-
In 2004 Solvay Advanced Polymers introduced son quickly realized that the polymer poly(ethylene
these HTS under the Supradel trademark. In 2007 terephthalate), PET, based on ethylene glycol and
the trademark was changed to EpiSpire. The struc- terephthalic acid was the best suited for fibers. ICI,
ture appears in Fig. 1.15. HTS is a high-temperature DuPont, and others developed PET into the familiar
amorphous polymer. The more rigid biphenyldisul- polyester fibers and films. PET exhibits a Tg of 70°C
fone unit results in polymer with a Tg of 265°C, which and Tm of 265°C. The structure appears in Fig. 1.16.
is noticeably higher than Tgs other sulfone polymers In addition, other semiaromatic polyesters includ-
[30,31]. The structure of HTS appears in Fig. 1.15. ing poly (butylene terephthalate), PBT, were de-
HTS is transparent and completely amorphous scribed. PBT prepared by the transesterification re-
and can be melt processed by injection molding and action of dimethyl terephthalate and butanediol. PBT
extrusion. HTS exhibits high thermal performance exhibits a Tg of 45°C and a Tm of 225°C. The struc-
capabilities, good strength, stiffness, resistance to hy- ture is shown in Fig. 1.17. Many years later a num-
drolysis by hot water and steam, excellent resistance ber of polyester fiber producers became interested in
to acids and bases, and inherent flame resistance. PBT because it resembled nylon.
The material’s thermal performance combined with While the fiber producers were busily expanding
its good strength and stiffness, dimensional stability, their fiber activities, a number of companies were si-
and creep resistance suggests opportunities in high- multaneously trying to adapt PET as a molding com-
temperature injection molding applications that tra- pound. In 1966, the first injection molding grades of
ditionally have been limited to filled, semicrystalline PET were introduced; however, these early materials
polymers. Applications for HTS include opportuni- were not very successful. The primary problem was
ties in metal and high-performance thermoset resins that PET does not crystallize very rapidly. A molded
replacement in a wide range of engineering applica- object composed of a crystallizable polymer caught
tions, which includes automotive, aerospace, electri- in an amorphous or partially crystallized state would
cal, electronic, and industrial product applications. have limited utility. In service, such a part could
crystallize further, shrink, distort, crack, or fail. The
obvious solution was to use hot molds and hold the
1.10 Thermoplastic Polyesters parts in the mold until the crystallization process was
completed. Postannealing also permits continued
In the late 1920s W. Carothers and his research
crystallization. These approaches, especially with
group at DuPont investigated the formation of
glass fiber incorporation, led to acceptable parts.
polyesters from the condensation polymerization
However, the molding cycles were economically
of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids with diols. These
unacceptable. Alternately, some developers tried to
aliphatic polyesters were found to be inadequate as
use very low molecular weight PET-glass products
that crystallized more rapidly. However, because of

Figure 1.15 Structure of high-temperature sulfone

polymer. Figure 1.17 Structure of poly (butylene terephthalate).
10 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

their low molecular weights, these products lacked

essential properties. A very broad search has been
conducted for such things as nucleating agents and
crystallization accelerators. An improved PET injec-
tion-molding compound was introduced by DuPont
in 1978 under the trade name Rynite. A number of
other companies have followed DuPont into the mar- Figure 1.18 Structure of poly(ethylene naphtha-
ket. The PET-based molding compounds are gaining lene-2,6-dicarboxylate).
acceptance, but actual volume is relatively small.
Other companies look for alternative routes to faster PEN is a slow crystallizing polymer. PEN has
crystallizing polyesters. Celanese researchers focused good transparency, enhanced deflection tempera-
on PBT and found that it met all the requirements for a ture under load compared to PET, very low gas and
molding compound. Compared to PET, PBT had very water permeation. Targeted applications are in areas
fast molding cycles even with a cold to moderately that requires transparency, heat resistance, or chemi-
heated molds. The basic composition of matter patents cal resistance. These include returnable bottles, cos-
had long since expired on PBT when Celanese sam- metic containers, plastic dinnerware, and health-care
pled the market in 1970 with a glass-fiber reinforced product containers. In addition, PEN can be blended
PBT product designated X-917. This PBT molding with PET to enhance the performance of PET to give
compound was subsequently available under the Cel- a good balance of cost and performance, improved
anex trade name. Eastman Kodak followed Celanese moisture and gas barrier, heat resistance, increased
early in 1971, and General Electric (now SABIC) fol- UV-ray absorption.
lowed Eastman Kodak later in the same year with a Poly(butylene naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate),
PBT polyester resin under the Valox trade name. Since PBN, is prepared from naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylic
that time a dozen or more additional companies around acid and 1,4-butsnediol. It exhibits a Tg of 78°C and
the world have entered the business. Tm of 243°C [35]. Its structure appears in Fig. 1.19.
Basically, PBT seems to have a unique and favor- PBN, like PBT, shows fast crystallization rates com-
able balance of properties between nylons and POM pared with other polyesters. The interchain interac-
resins. It has relatively low moisture absorption, ex- tions due to the naphthalene rings and the flexibility
tremely good self-lubrication, fatigue resistance, sol- of the butylene groups can give rise to fast nucleation
vent resistance, and good maintenance of mechanical and spherulitic growth from the melt. PBN exhibits
properties at elevated temperatures. When PBT was the following unique features: excellent abrasion re-
reinforced with glass fiber it has excellent mainte- sistance, excellent in chemical resistance, low gas
nance of properties up to its crystal melting point. and water vapor barrier properties, excellent chemi-
Key markets include under-the-hood automotive ap- cal resistance, and good mechanical, thermal and in-
plications, which require thermal and solvent resis- sulating properties.
tance, electrical and electronic applications, power PBN exhibits much less abrasion in the Taber test
tools, small and large appliance components, and than POM and PPS at room temperature, leading to
athletic goods. use in gears and gear-change levers. Its gas-barrier
Although PET and PBT are widely used, better properties have been applied as a back-sheet material
thermal and mechanical properties are desired for for solar battery chargers where back-sheets are nor-
some applications. Higher performance in semiaro- mally comprised of multilayer structures. Additional
matic polyesters was obtained from polyalkene naph- applications include cable encapsulation for mass
thalates. These semicrystalline polyesters are prepared transportation, where the PBN provides resistance to
by the condensation polymerization of naphtha- abrasion between individual cables.
lene-2,6-dicarboxylic acid and flexible aliphatic diols.
The naphthalene moiety imparts stiffness to the linear
polymer backbone, leading to improved physical and
mechanical, barrier, chemical resistance properties,
and UV-ray screening performance. Poly(ethylene
naphthalene-2,6-dicarboxylate), PEN, became com-
mercially available from Teijin Ltd. in the early 1970s.
PEN has a Tg and Tm of 125 and 268°C, respectively Figure 1.19 Structure of poly(butylene naphtha-
[34]. Its structure appears in Fig. 1.18. lene-2,6-dicarboxylate).
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 11

LCPs exhibit multiple thermal transitions. The tran-

sitions of greatest interest are those of the crystalline
to nematic phase (three dimensional order to two di-
Figure 1.20 Structure of polyester of CHDM. mensional order) and nematic to isotropic phase (two
dimensional order to disorder).
In the molten state the molecules readily slide over
one another giving the resin very high flow under
shear. Hence, melt viscosities decrease significantly
as shear rates increase. In general, the melt viscosity
of LCPs are lowered by increasing injection velocity
Figure 1.21 Structure of polyester copolymer of rather than temperature. The rod-like molecules ar-
CHDM and TMCD. range themselves in parallel domains in the molten
state in the direction of flow and retain this ordered
Another class of polyesters are based on cycloali- condition in the solid state.
phatic diols. Eastman Chemical has a broad portfo- LCPs have anisotropic properties, that is, properties
lio of copolyesters where the combination of cyclo- are different in the direction of flow and perpendicular
aliphatic diols, ethylene glycol, iso- and terephthalic to the flow direction. This generates a self-reinforcing
moieties are varied. Two will be discussed here. The effect in the direction of flow, thereby resulting in
copolyester poly(1,4-cyclohexylene-dimethylene extremely high strength and elastic modulus in the
terephthalate/isophthalate), PCT, is produced from direction of flow. Moreover, the coefficient of linear
1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol (CHDM) and a mixture expansion in the flow direction in is very small—
of terephthalic and isophthalic acid. PCT exhibits a exhibiting values an order of magnitude less than
Tg of 91°C and Tm of 261°C. The structure of PCT conventional plastics. The thinner the molded item,
is depicted in Fig. 1.20. It has good hydrolytic and a higher the proportion of the oriented molecules re-
heat stability. PCT is intended primarily for extrusion sults in greater strength and elastic modulus can be
into film and sheeting for packaging. Applications in- achieved the thinner the product.
clude blister packaging, food packaging, food-con- In general, LCPs are classified according to their
tact applications, meat and poultry packaging. thermal performance in three categories. Type I LCPs
Another copolyester is prepared from two diols, have the lowest thermal performance with heat de-
CHDM and 2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol flection temperatures (HDTs) in the 80–210°C range;
(TMCD). These diols, which have cis and trans con- Type II LCPs have HDTs in the 175–240°C range and
figurations, are reacted with dimethyl terephthalate are typically all aromatic. Type III LCPs have HDT
to give an amorphous, transparent copolyester [36]. values in the 260–355°C or higher and are all aromatic.
This amorphous copolyester features good chemi- Most commercially important polyester LCPs are
cal and heat resistance, which make this copolyester based on p-hydroxy benzoic acid, HBA. Thermoplas-
suitable for hot-fill cosmetics packaging, personal tic liquid crystalline polyesters generally have rigid,
care and fragrance packaging. These polymers are rod-like structures, for example, aromatic rings at-
available from Eastman Chemical under that Tritan tached to parapositions via ester linkages. The homo-
trade name. The structure of CHDM/TMCD copoly- polymer of HBA has a rigid, rod-like structure. The
ester is depicted in Fig. 1.21. earliest reports on making polyesters from HBA was
in the 1880s where dimers, trimers, and oligomers
were prepared [37]. In the 1960s J. Economy of Car-
1.11 Liquid Crystalline Polymers borundum Company prepared high molecular weight
(Polyesters) poly(1,4-benzoate), PHBA. Parts were fabricated by
metal forming techniques such as plasma spray and
Liquid crystalline polymers are termed liquid high-energy rate forging. It was commercialized in
crystal from the fact that the polymers exhibit crys- early 1970 under the Ekanol trade name [38–40]. The
talline properties as a liquid. In LCPs there is little structure appears in Fig. 1.22.
entwining of molecules. LCPs are polymers hav- PHBA exhibits a melting point of ∼600°C. This
ing a degree of molecular order either in solution material was not easy to melt process and probably
(lyotropic) or in a melt (thermotropic) intermediate did not form a liquid crystalline melt. However, mod-
between those of a solid crystals and those of iso- ifications of the rigid, rod-like structure can decrease
tropic liquids and are called liquid crystalline. Most the melting temperature to below 400°C, and render
12 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

LCPs are used in electronic connectors and sockets,

surgical devices, and other parts where thin walls are
Figure 1.22 Structure of poly(1,4-benzoate).

1.12 Poly(phenylene sulfide)

The first poly(phenylene sulfide), PPS, was made
in 1897 by the Friedel–Crafts reaction of sulfur and
Figure 1.23 Structure of HBA/biphenol/TTA based benzene [42]. Various other early attempts have been
LCP. reported, all of which resulted in amorphous resinous
materials that decomposed between 200 and 300°C.
the polyesters liquid crystalline and melt processible. These materials were probably highly branched and
In the mid-1960s work was initiated to prepare melt- even partially cross-linked.
processible copolymers of PHBA with biphenol tere- In 1967, J.T. Edmonds and H.W. Hill at Phillips
phthalate (BPT). Indeed, copolymerizing HBA with Petroleum (now Solvay Advanced Polymers) de-
4,4’-biphenol and terephthalic acid (TTA) resulted in veloped the first commercially viable process for
melt processible liquid crystalline polyesters, which the synthesis of PPS by reacting 1,4-dichloroben-
were commercialized in early 1971 under the Ekkcel zene with sodium sulfide in a dipolar aprotic solvent
trade name. Properties are a function of the monomer [43,44]. The polymer exhibits a Tg of 85°C and Tm
ratios. Typically the Tg is around 180°C and the Tm of 280°C. The structure appears in Fig. 1.25. The
340–400°C. Its structure appears in Fig. 1.23. These polymer precipitates out of solution as a crystalline
polymers were difficult to manufacture and process. powder. However, this limited the molecular weight
In 1979 Carborundum sold the business to Sumitomo of the PPS. Hence, thermal treatment under an oxy-
Chemical and the technology to Dartco. Dartco intro- gen atmosphere was used to advance the molecular
duced their Xydar product line in the fall of 1984 for weight. This could result in branching or slight cross-
use in dual ovenable cookware. Their LCP was based linking which would lower the ultimate performance.
on an improved HBA, biphenol, and terephthalic In 1973, Phillips Petroleum (Solvay Advanced
acid-based resin. This technology was later sold to Polymers) introduced linear and branched products
Amoco Polymers (now Solvay Advanced Polymers). under the Ryton trade name [45].
In the 1970s G.W. Calundann of Celanese was Branched PPS exhibits high heat resistance, ex-
developing LCPs based on copolymers of HBA cellent chemical resistance, low friction coefficient,
with 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (HNA) or with good abrasion resistance, and good electrical prop-
2,6-dihydroxynaphthalene and 2,6-naphthylene di- erties. Physical characteristics include high flexural
carboxylic acid. The structure of the HBA and HNA modulus, very low elongation, and generally poor
copolyester is depicted in Fig. 1.24. In the fall of impact strength. Moreover, branched or slightly
1985 their LCP was commercialized under the Vectra crosslinked PPS is reported to be somewhat difficult
trade name [41]. to process because of their very high melting tem-
Principal US and European suppliers of polyester peratures, relatively poor flow characteristics, and
LCPs are Celanese, Solvay, and DuPont with prod- because some chemistry appears to continue during
ucts under the Vectra, Xydar, and Zenite trademarks, the fabrication step. Molded pieces have limited use
respectively. as regrind. Annealing of molded parts enhances me-
LCPs offer high strength and rigidity, reduced chanical properties but leads to almost total loss of
mold shrinkage, dimensional stability, excellent sol- thermoplastic character.
vent/chemical resistance, wear resistance, high heat In 1986, a linear, high molecular weight PPS was
resistance, and inherent flame retardancy. Polyester developed. Linear PPS overcomes the weak points of
branched or cross-linked PPS, and exhibited several
performance advantages over branched PPS products.

Figure 1.24 Structure of naphthalene based LCPs. Figure 1.25 Structure of polyphenylene sulfide.
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 13

These include faster cycle times, higher elongation

and impact strength, more consistent melt viscosity,
higher weld line strength, and lighter color. Linear PPS
is available under the Fortron trade name (Celanese).
Figure 1.27 Structure of thermoplastic imide.
Glass fiber, glass-mineral, and carbon fiber–re-
inforced grades that have high strength and rigidity
are available. The unreinforced resin is used only in name [48,49]. This amorphous thermoplastic imide,
coatings. The reinforced materials are finding ap- TPI, features a Tg of 249°C, exceptional dimensional
plications in aerospace technology, pump systems, stability, high strength, stiffness, and creep resistance
electrical and electronic equipment, appliances, and at elevated temperatures. In addition, it offers broad
automotive vehicles and machines. chemical resistance including chlorinated solvents
and it is inherently flame retardant. TPI exhibits
good melt flow and can be processed in conventional
1.13 Polyetherimide methods such as injection molding, film and profile
extrusion, thermoforming, extrusion blow mold-
In the early 1970s a research team headed by J.G. ing, and extrusion into stock shapes. The structure
Wirth developed polyetherimides, PEI. The early appears in Fig. 1.27. Potential applications include
laboratory process was costly and difficult. Further thermoplastic composites, fibers, and high heat pow-
development resulted in a number of breakthroughs der coatings, TPI resins meet the material require-
that led to a simplified, cost-effective production ments for the optoelectronics industry.
process. The process involves the imidization of
a dicarboxylic acid anhydride with m-phenylene
diamine. PEI has a Tg of 217°C. The structure of 1.14 Polyimides
PEI is depicted in Fig. 1.26. PEI was formally an-
nounced by General Electric Company (SABIC) in Polyimides are a class of polymers prepared from
1982 [46,47]. the condensation reaction of a dicarboxylic acid an-
PEI offers an impressive collection of attributes hydride with a diamine [50]. Aromatic, ultrahigh
such as high heat resistance, stiffness, impact strength, heat-resistant polymers exhibit useful mechanical
transparency, high mechanical strength, good electri- characteristics through a wide temperature range,
cal properties, high flame resistance, low smoke gen- high tensile strength and modulus, outstanding elec-
eration, and broad chemical resistance. In addition to tric properties, flame resistance, creep resistance,
its unique combination of properties matching those high toughness, and excellent wear resistance, and
of high-priced specialty polymers, PEI exhibits the outstanding long-term heat resistance in air or inert
processability of traditional ETPs, although higher atmosphere. Another advantage inherent in poly-
melt temperatures are required. The excellent ther- imides is high resistance to hydrolysis. Polyimides
mal stability is demonstrated by the maintenance of have excellent resistance to a broad range of chemi-
stable melt viscosity after multiple regrinds and re- cals. However, it will be attacked by 10% and stron-
molding. The processing window is nearly 100°C, ger solutions of sodium hydroxide.
and PEI can be processed on most existing equip- Poly(pyromellitimde-1,4-diphenyl ether), PD-
ment. Furthermore, this excellent flow resin can be MA-ODA, is prepared from pyromellitic anhydride
used for the molding of complicated parts and thin (PMDA) and 4,4’-oxydianiline (ODA). The structure
sections (as thin as 5 mil). PEI is suitable for use in is shown in Fig. 1.28. PMDA-ODA has a Tg around
internal components of microwave ovens, electrical 360–400°C. The very high Tg of this material does
and electronic products, and automotive, appliance, not lend itself to standard melt processing tech-
and aerospace, and transportation applications. niques. PMDA-ODA resins are available as films and
A new higher heat PEI has been developed by
SABIC. It is available under the Extem XH trade

Figure 1.28 Structure of poly(pyromellitimde-1,4-

Figure 1.26 Structure of polyetherimide. diphenyl ether).
14 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Figure 1.30 Structure of polyamide imide.

of properties, which include toughness, high con-

tinuous use temperatures, inherent flame resistance,
Figure 1.29 Structures of biphenyl tetra carboxylic
high-modulus, and very high strength. PAIs contain
dianhydride-based polyimides. amide groups, which will increase moisture absorp-
tion. PAIs have very broad chemical resistance but
are attacked by aqueous caustic and amines. PAIs re-
direct-formed parts from formulated resin. Films and quire very high processing temperatures.
molded parts are available from DuPont under the Typical uses of PAI include injection-molded au-
Kapton and Vespel trade names, respectively. tomotive parts such as housings, connectors, switch-
Another family of aromatic polyimides is produced es, relays, thrust washers, valve seats, bushings, wear
from the condensation reaction between biphenyl rings, ball bearings, rollers, and thermal insulators.
tetra carboxylic dianhydride (BPDA) and aromatic
diamines such as ODA and p-phenylene diamine,
PDA. The polyimides BPDA-ODA and BPDA-PDA 1.16 Aromatic Polyketones
are available from Ube Industries under the Upilex R
and S trademarks, respectively. Their Tgs are reported Polyetherketone (PEK), polyetheretherketone
to be >400°C. Structures appear in Fig. 1.29. (PEEK), polyaryletherketone (PAEK), and poly-
Polyimides based on PMDA and 4,4’-bis(3-amin- etherketoneketone (PEKK) are thermoplastics that
ophenoxy)biphenyl is available from Mitsui Chemi- belong to the family of polyaryletherketones. These
cal under the Aurum trademark [51]. This semicrys- aromatic polyketones are semicrystalline high-
talline polymer has a Tg of 250°C and a Tm of 390°C. performance thermoplastics with a combination of
Aromatic polyimides have been the subject of ketone, aryl ether, and aromatic moieties, which im-
much attention as a material for use in the electron- parts outstanding high-temperature properties com-
ics and other leading-edge industries. Films are used bined with exceptional thermal stability [54]. Indeed,
in flexible printed circuit boards, as wire and cable aromatic polyketones are regarded as among the
wrap, motor-slot liners, transformers and capaci- highest performing materials. In addition, aromatic
tors. Molded parts are used in applications requiring polyketones offer excellent environmental resistance,
resistance to thermally harsh environments such as high mechanical properties, resistance to chemical
automotive transmission parts, thermal and electrical environments at high temperatures, inherent flame
insulators, valve seats, rotary seal rings, thrust wash- retardancy, excellent friction and wear resistance,
ers and discs, bushings. and impact resistance.
Aromatic polyketones were first produced in the
1960s and 1970s by W.H. Bonner at DuPont. Low
1.15 Polyamide Imides molecular weight PEKK by Friedel–Crafts acylation
diphenyl ether using isophthaloyl chloride or tere-
Polyamide imides, PAI, were first developed at phthaloyl chloride were reported [55]. The insolu-
DuPont in 1955. In the early 1960s they became bility of these polymers presented a major synthetic
commercially available from Standard Oil of Indi- problem as it limited the molecular weight that could
ana (Amoco; now Solvay Advanced Polymers) un- be obtained before the growing polymer chains crys-
der the Torlon trade name [52]. PAIs are prepared tallized out from the solution.
from trimellitic anhydride chloride and various aro- In the early- to mid-1970s Raychem Corp. intro-
matic diamines such as ODA and methylene diani- duced a high molecular weight PEK under the Stilan
line, MDA [53]. PAIs are amorphous thermoplastics trade name. This semicrystalline, aromatic polyether
that offer Tgs around 275°C. Structures are shown in was developed by K. Dahl [56,57]. Friedel–Crafts
Fig. 1.30. PAIs offer long-lasting performance in se- chemistry required drastic conditions to make high
vere service environments and a distinct combination molecular weight PEK. Very strong solvents such as
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 15

Figure 1.31 Structure of polyetherketone.

Figure 1.33 Structure of polyetherketoneketone.

hydrogen fluoride or an excess of aluminum chloride 1.17 Polyarylates

were required to keep the polymer in solution so the
polymerization would continue. PEK was expensive Polyarylates, PARs, are a family of aromatic poly-
to manufacture and was mostly made for captive use. esters derived from aromatic dicarboxylic acids and
PEK has a Tg of 166°C and Tm of 364°C. The structure bisphenols. They have been under investigation since
is shown in Fig. 1.31. In the 1980s Raychem licensed the late 1950s. The polyarylates that have received
their patents to BASF and discontinued production. the most attention are based on BPA and isophthalic
The best-known and mostly widely used or terephthalic acids. The homopolymers of bisphe-
polyaryletherketone is PEEK. It prepared under nol A and isophthalic acid or terephthalic acids are
milder conditions via nucleophilic aromatic substitu- semicrystalline [59]. These polymers have Tgs of 183
tion reaction of the dipotassium salt of hydroquinone and 206°C and Tms of 270 and 370°C, respectively.
and 4,4’-difluorobenzophenone. Several companies These semicrystalline polyarylates were not com-
conducted early work on PEEK, which resulted in mercialized because of their high crystalline melting
low molecular weight polymer, again owning to crys- points and very slow crystallization rates. However,
tallization and precipitation from solution. However, amorphous PARs are prepared from a mixture of
Rose and coworkers at ICI (now Victrex Co.) was isophthalic and terephthalic acids and BPA and can
able to obtain high molecular weight PEEK by using be melt-processed without difficulty. The structure
a very high boiling solvent such as diphenylsulfone appears in Fig. 1.34. Unitika of Japan (1974), Union
at temperatures close to the melting point of the poly- Carbide Corporation (now Solvay Advanced Poly-
mer. In 1980 PEEK was commercialized under the mers) (1978), Hooker Chemical Company (1979),
Victrex PEEK trade name. PEEK has a Tg of 145°C and DuPont (1986) commercialized PARs under the
and Tm of 335°C. The structure of PEEK is shown in trade names U-polymer, Ardel, Durel, and Arylon,
Fig. 1.32. respectively. PARs exhibit Tgs of 180–185°C.
Applications are in the chemical process indus- These amorphous PARs are transparent, slightly
try (compressor plates, valve seats, pump impellers, yellow in color, dimensionally stable, resistant to
thrust washers, bearing cages), aerospace (aircraft creep, excellent electrical properties, rigid, and have
fairings, radomes, fuel valves, ducting), and elec- good impact strength. PARs have poor chemical re-
trical (wire coating, semiconductor wafer carriers) sistance to ketones, esters, aromatic, and chlorinated
industries. hydrocarbons. Typical uses include electrical/elec-
The latest generation of PEKK polymers are high tronic and automotive applications, which require
molecular weight made by Friedel-Crafts chemistry. higher heat deflection temperature than PC.
Depending on the isophthalyl and terephthalyl con-
tent, PEKKs can be amorphous or semicrystalline
[58]. When all the linkages are terephthalyl, PEKK 1.18 Aliphatic Polyketones
exhibits a Tg of 165°C and Tm of 391°C. The structure
appears in Fig. 1.33. PEKK exhibits up to 80% great- Aliphatic polyketones are produced from olefin
er compression strength than PEEK and a wider pro- monomers and carbon monoxide. Basic patents on
cessing window of parameters than PEEK. Thanks to catalyst and composition appeared in the early 1970s
its unique mechanical, physical and chemical proper- [60]. However, these early resins were not easy to
ties, it is reported that PEKK lends itself to a broader process due to residual catalyst. In 1982 J. Dent of
range of uses than PEEK. Royal Dutch/Shell discovered a new class of catalyst

Figure 1.32 Structure of polyetheretherketone. Figure 1.34 Structure of polyarylates.

16 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

used polyamides, thermoplastic polyesters, aliphatic

polyketones, and PPS.
However, SPS grades suffered from poor me-
chanical properties relative to other ETPs. Glass-re-
Figure 1.35 Structure of aliphatic polyketone. inforced grades were handicapped by no interfacial
attraction between the glass fiber and the nonpolar,
systems that were capable of copolymerizing carbon nonfunctional SPS. Besides lower strength and stiff-
monoxide and ethylene into linear, perfectly alternat- ness, the weld lines were very poor. In 2005, Dow
ing polyketone polymers of high molecular weight. Chemical discontinued the SPS product line. SPS
In 1996 Shell commercialized terpolymers of carbon plastics are available from Indemitsu Kosan, Co. and
monoxide, ethylene, and a small amount of propyl- LG Chemicals under the Xarec SPS and LUSEP SP
ene under the Carilon trade name. The semicrystal- trade names, respectively.
line, ethylene/propylene/CO terpolymers had a Tg of
around 15°C and Tm of 200°C. The structure appears
in Fig. 1.35. 1.20 Self-Reinforcing
Aliphatic polyketones offer toughness, chemical Polyphenylene
resistance, and wear resistance and was targeted to
compete with polyamides, thermoplastic polyesters, Poly(p-phenylene) is a highly crystalline, rigid
and syndiotactic polystyrene in the electrical connec- rod polymer that is insoluble and infusible. Proper
tor market and POM in gear and barring applications. modification of poly(p-phenylene) can result in an
The material had limited success and was with- amorphous, transparent, and melt-processible poly-
drawn from the marketplace in 2000. mer. The modified polymer is based on a string of
substituted and unsubstituted phenylene units pro-
ducing a highly rigid chain structure. The substi-
1.19 Syndiotactic Polystyrene tuted phenylene units have pendant benzoyl groups.
These benzoyl substituted phenylene units along
Advancements in metallocene catalyst technology with some meta phenylene units were sufficient to
resulted in the production of syndiotactic polystyrene, prevent crystallization. These polymers are prepared
SPS. General purpose polystyrene or atactic PS has by carbon-carbon coupling polymerization reactions
no stereo-regularity, is amorphous with a Tg around of 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 2,5-dichloroacetophenone,
100°C, is relatively brittle, and has poor chemical re- and 1,3-dichlorobenzene. The self-reinforcing phen-
sistance. In contrast, SPS has high stereo regularity, ylenes, SRP, is amorphous and has a Tg of 165°C.
in the syndiotactic configuration the phenyl groups The structure is depicted in Fig. 1.37.
lie on alternating sides of the polymer backbone. SPS SRP retains the rigid rod characteristics and are
has a Tg of 100°C and a Tm of 270°C. SPS exhibits self-reinforcing, which results in very high, isotropic
good high heat resistance, excellent electric proper- mechanical properties. They are one of the stiffest
ties, good chemical/solvent resistance, excellent hy- unreinforced thermoplastics that are commercially
drothermal stability, and low specific gravity [61]. available and provide exceptional strength and stiff-
The structure of SPS appears in Fig. 1.36. ness without fillers. Indeed, SRP exhibits two to four
Dow Chemical commercialized SPS in 1997 un- times the stiffness and two to three times the strength
der the Questra trade name. SPS was targeted for of most thermoplastics. In addition, there are no is-
automotive under-the-hood and specialty electronic sues the orientation of glass- or carbon fibers within
applications. It was competing for applications that the plastic matrix—and the resulting directional dif-
ferences in strength.

Figure 1.37 Structure of self-reinforcing polyphen-

Figure 1.36 Structure of syndiotactic polystyrene. ylene.
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 17

The highly aromatic polymer is inherently flame the monomeric vapor has the ability to cover every
resistant. The high surface hardness results in excel- nook and cranny and can successfully coat even the
lent scratch and wear resistance. Coefficient of fric- most complex structures. Even component configu-
tion is very low and has high compressive strength. rations with sharp edges, points, flat surfaces, crevic-
Mechanical performance is maintained across a es or exposed internal surfaces are coated uniformly
wide range of temperatures. For example, mechani- without voids. An advantage of the CVD process is
cal properties are retained all the way down to liquid that there are no by-products from the polymeriza-
Helium temperatures (4°K). Other characteristics in- tion. Union Carbide commercialized a PPX coating
clude broad chemical resistance. system in 1965.
SRP can be processed by using standard melt pro- There are various modified PPXs available. Three
cessing techniques. The polymer is soluble in com- common variations are PPX-N, PPX-C, and PPX-
mon solvents and can be cast into films and coat- D, which have zero, one, and two chloro groups at-
ings. In addition, machinable stock plastic shapes are tached to the phenyl ring and exhibit Tms of 420, 290,
available. In 2003 Mississippi Polymer Technolo- and 380°C, respectively. PPX-N offers high dielec-
gies (MPT) introduced modified poly(p-phenylene) tric strength and a stable dielectric properties over
under the Parmax trade name [62]. In 2006 Solvay a wide frequency range. PPX-C is the most widely
Advanced Polymers acquired MPT and offers amor- used an exhibited very low permeability to moisture,
phous para-phenylene copolymers under the Primo- chemicals, and corrosive gases. PPX-D maintains its
Spire trademark. physical strength and electrical properties at higher
SRP is suitable for applications that have histori- temperatures.
cally relied on ceramic, composites, and metals for Features of PPX include light weight stress-free
superior mechanical performance. Market potential coatings, low coefficient of friction, transparent, no
includes: aerospace/defense (inherent flame resis- out-gassing, biocompatible, very low permeability
tance, lightweight, superior ablation properties, high to moisture and gases, excellent fungus and bacteria
compressive strength), health care (strength without resistance, high tensile and yield strength, insoluble
fibers, autoclavability, X-ray transparency, chemi- in common solvents, acid and base resistance, and
cal resistance), semiconductor/electronic (chemical extremely high dielectric strength.
resistance, low moisture absorption, high purity, di- Because of its precision application and enduring
mensional stability, low CTE). features, PPX films have been used in various appli-
cations, including hydrophobic coatings (moisture
barriers, e.g., for biomedical hoses), barrier layers
1.21 Poly(p-xylylene) (e.g., for filter, diaphragms, valves), microwave elec-
tronics, implanted medical devices, sensors in hostile
Poly(p-xylylene), PPX, was first prepared via environments (automotive fuel/air sensors), electron-
the reactive intermediate p-xylylene by Szwarc in ics for aerospace and military, corrosion protection
the 1940s. In the 1960s Union Carbide developed for metallic surfaces, reinforcement of microstruc-
a synthetic route based on the dimer di-p-xylylene tures, friction reduction (e.g., for guiding catheters,
([2.2]paracyclophane). These PPXs are commonly acupuncture needles and microelectromechanical
referred to as parylene and are available under the systems) and protection of plastics and rubbers from
GALXYL trade name from Specialty Coating Sys- harmful environmental conditions.
tems, Inc [63,64]. A general structure of PPX is de-
picted in Fig. 1.38.
Most PPX polymers are prepared by a unique
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization 1.22 Polybenzimidazole
method that was developed for coating components. Aliphatic polybenzimidazoles were first synthe-
In the CVD process the paracyclophane dimer is va- sized by scientists in the 1950s. However, it was
porized and the coating forms from a gaseous mono- not until the 1960s that H. Vogel and C.S. Marvel
mer without an intermediate liquid stage. As a result, first synthesized aromatic polybenzimidazoles and
discovered that these unique, highly stable linear
heterocyclic rigid-rod polymers exhibited excep-
tional thermal and oxidative stability [65]. Poly[2,2’-
(m-phenylene)-5,5’-bibenzimidazole], PBI, was
Figure 1.38 Structure of poly(p-xylylene). prepared by the condensation polymerization of
18 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Figure 1.39 Structure of poly[2,2-(m-phenylene)-5,5- Figure 1.40 Structure of poly(2,5-benzimidazole).


Another polymer containing the benzimidazole

3,3’,4,4’-tetraaminobiphenyl and diphenyl isophthal- group is poly(2,5-benzimidazole). It is prepared by
ate in poly(phosphoric) acid, or in a hot molten non- the self-polymerization of 3,4-diaminobenzoic acid
solvent such as sulfolane or diphenyl sulfone [66,67]. [68]. It is referred to as ab-PBI where the ab indicates
PBI exhibits a glass Tg of 427°C. The structure of PBI that the polymer is formed in head-tail manner. It
is shown in Fig. 1.39. is available from Gharda Chemicals LTD under the
PBI research was supported by the National Aero- Gazole trade name. The structure appears in Fig. 1.40.
nautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Air Features of ab-PBI are a Tg of 485°C, low coeffi-
Force Materials Laboratory (AFML). There was in- cient of friction, high wear resistance properties, very
terest in possible use for aerospace and defense ap- high limiting oxygen index (LOI), very high heat
plications as a nonflammable and thermally stable deflection temperature (HDT), and extended high-
textile fiber and as high-temperature matrix resins, temperature mechanical performance and excellent
adhesives and foams. Celanese Corporation became chemical resistance. Indeed, ab-PBI offers high heat
involved in PBI research through contracts with resistance and mechanical property retention over
NASA and AFML and developed polymerization 300°C. Potential uses are PBI areas mentioned ear-
and fiber-spinning technology for a high-temperature lier and in membranes in fuel cells, which operate at
resistant PBI fiber in 1963. Process and application elevated temperatures.
development focused on PBI films, fibrils, papers,
microporous resin, sizing, coatings and molding
resins. In 1983 PBI fiber was commercialized. PBI 1.23 Comparison of Physical
has a continuous service temperature around 400°C. Properties
PBI exhibits excellent tensile and flexural strength,
a decomposition temperature ≥700°F, excellent Some performance attributes of ETPs and AETPs
chemical resistance, good fatigue properties, excel- are summarized in Tables 1.1–1.5. Properties are tak-
lent hardness, low coefficient of friction, low coef- en from product data sheets and published technical
ficient of thermal expansion, high volume resistivity, literature [2]. Data were chosen from grades that did
and very good plasma resistance. It will not burn, not contain any additives for these tables. Since pro-
melt, or contribute fuel to flames and has interesting cessing and test conditions can play an important role
electrical and nonlinear optical properties. It has one in defining optimum performance, the data should be
of the highest compressive strengths of any unfilled viewed as a qualitative summary.
polymer. Properties of semicrystalline thermoplastics are
In 2005 PBI Performance Products, Inc. acquired normally enhanced via reinforcing filler. However,
the PBI fiber and polymer business. Grades of PBI the type and amount of such fillers would compli-
are available under the Celazole trade name. PBI fi- cate any comparison. Hence, properties of various
bers are used in firefighters’ gear, thermal-protective unfilled semicrystalline resins are compared shown
clothing, industrial protective clothing, fire-blocking in Tables 1.1–1.3. For comparison two commodity
layers for aircraft seats, braided pump packings, and semicrystalline polymers, high density polyethylene
other high-performance applications. Parts molded of (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP), are included in
PBI are being used in the manufacture of electronic Table 1.1. Table 1.1 summarizes properties of HDPE,
(semiconductor, flat panel display, photovoltaic), oil PP, POM, and polyesters. Table 1.2 contains proper-
and gas recovery, and industrial applications (cham- ties of polyamides and SPS. Table 1.3 lists proper-
ber seals, wafer transportation devices, electrical in- ties of the highly aromatic, semicrystalline polymers.
sulating parts, glass handling, plasma cutting torch Clearly, semicrystalline ETPs exhibit very broad per-
insulators, valve seats, seals, bearings, bushings, and formance enhancements over commodity semicrys-
thrust washers). talline polymers.
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 19

Table 1.1 Properties of Semicrystalline Polymers: HDPE, PP, POM, and Polyesters


Tg (°C) –120 –15 –75 69 40 125 78 91
Tm (°C) 134 164 170 267 230 268 243 261
HDT @ 0.45 MPa,(°C) 60 90 170 72 154 125 — —
HDT @ 1.8 MPa (°C) — — 136 — 58 — 77 –
Density (g/cm3) 0.96 0.90 1.42 1.34 1.30 1.33 1.31 1.2
Tensile modulus (MPa) 965 1793 2620 2206 2344 — — 1600
Tensile strength (MPa) 30 34.5 69 55 55 74 65 43
Notched Izod (J/m) — 27 74 — 53 39 34 —

Table 1.2 Properties of Semicrystalline Polymers: Polyamides and SPS

Property PA6 PA66 PA46 PA6T/6 PA6T/6I PA9T SPS

Tg (°C) 47 47 75 100 100 125 100
Tm (°C) 225 265 295 300 290 300 270
HDT @ 0.45 MPa, (°C) 165 235 280 100 — — 110
HDT @ 1.8 MPa, (°C) 66 70 190 120 140 120 99
Density (g/cm )
1.13 1.14 1.18 1.16 1.21 1.34 1.01
Tensile modulus (MPa) 2944 3300 3300 3200 2440 2206 3440
Tensile strength (MPs) 76 86 100 100 108 55 41
Notched Izod (J/m) 53 59 96 70 49 — 11

Table 1.3 Properties of High-Performance, Semicrystalline Polymers

PMDA- Type II Type III

Tg (°C) 90 ∼400 120 — 158 150 175
Tm (°C) 280 >400 280 408 360 340 390
HDT @ 1.8 MPa, (°C) 115 360 187 293 165 160 194
Density (g/cm )
1.35 1.43 1.40 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.3
Tensile modulus (MPa) 4,000 — 10,600 2,400 4,000 3,600 4,000
Tensile strength (MPa) 66 86 182 96.5 104 96.5 110
Notched Izod (J/m) 139 43 750 — 100 91 45

Properties of various amorphous polymers appear are summarized in Table 1.5. The amorphous ETPs
in Tables 1.4 and 1.5. For comparison, the properties exhibit very broad performance enhancements over
of two commodity amorphous polymers, high-im- HIPS and ABS with higher HDT, tensile proper-
pact polystyrene (HIPS) and acrylonitrile/butadiene/ ties and enhanced resistance to burning. Moreover,
styrene (ABS), are included in Table 1.4. Since HIPS PEI, PES, and the high-performance thermoplastics
and ABS are multicomponent resins, their average exhibit enhanced chemical resistance. Among
property values are shown. Properties of the highly the ETPs and AETP there are very wide ranges in
aromatic high-performance amorphous polymers performance.
20 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Table 1.4 Properties of Amorphous Polymers


Tg (°C) <100 — 150 215 180 186 225 217
Density (g/cm3) 1.04 1.05 1.20 1.07 1.21 1.24 1.37 1.27
Notched Izod (J/m) 220 200 905 65 220 80 75 53
HDT @ 1.8 MPa (°C) 75 81 132 175 174 173 203 201
Oxygen index (%) 18 18 25 29 34 30 38 48
UL-94 Burns Burns V-2 V-2 V-0 V-2 V-0 V-0
Tensile modulus (MPa) 1560 2280 2380 2690 2060 2480 2410 3590
Tensile strength (MPa) 15 43 69 80 66 70 82 110
Chemical resistance – – – – – – + +

Table 1.5 Properties of High-Performance, Amorphous Polymers


Tg (°C) 360– 220 249 265 277 168 427 467
Density (g/cm3) 1.43 1.29 1.30 1.35 1.38 1.19 1.30 1.3
Notched Izod J/m) 43 690 69 91 136 59 46 21
HDT @ 1.84 MPa (°C) 360 207 230 255 254 159 435 440
Oxygen index (%) 53 38 — 41 55 58 48 —
UL-94 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0
Tensile modulus (MPa) — 2340 — 2500 5200 5520 5900 5900
Tensile strength (MPa) 86 69.6 97 94 117 152 160 160
Chemical resistance + + + + + + + +

Table 1.6 Properties of PPE.PS Blends

PPE (wt.%) 0 20 40 60 80 100

PS (wt.%) 100 80 60 40 20 0
Tg (°C) 98 115 135 156 181 215
Density (g/cm3) 1.048 1.057 1.064 1.068 1.069 1.07
Notched Izod (J/m) 11 18 24 34 48 65
HDT @ 1.84 MPa (°C) 95 107 123 140 159 175
Tensile strength (MPa) 46 66 83 91 90 80

1.24 Trends in Engineering 1.24.1 Copolymers

Thermoplastics An important route to modify performance of
A major trend the ETPs is enhancing performance polymers is making copolymers of an existing ther-
by various routes such as modification via copoly- moplastic. This can be important if existing assets can
mers, blends and alloys, thermoplastic composites, be used to manufacture the copolymer. Copolymers
and specialty additives. of amorphous resins are increasing in popularity. PC,
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 21

PEI, and polyester copolymers, mentioned earlier On the other hand, alloy refers to a nonsoluble mix-
in the chapter, offer a combination of higher HDT, ture, which is mixed together in such a way to give a
increased flow, and better resistance to burning unique combination of properties.
[15–17]. Also as previously mentioned, semicrystal- A polymer blend or alloy can have a single phase
line polymers like polyphenylene, PA6T, and PHBA or multiple phases. The number of phases of the
have been polymerized with comonomers to lower blend depends on the miscibility or solubility of the
their extremely high crystalline melting points i to individual polymers with each other. In a single-
facilitate melt processing. phase blend the polymers dissolve in each other when
A special class of copolymers are functional- mixed together, creating a single, continuous phase.
ized thermoplastics (FTPs) that contain functional Thus, the two different polymer chains are uniformly
groups. FTPs typically have linear backbones, and interdispersed with one another. In general, this is an
functionalization is introduced at the chain-ends or uncommon occurrence.
on the polymer chain via block and graft copolymer- The best known example of miscible blends are PPE
izations. The functional groups allow the polymer to with polystyrene (PS) and high impact polystyrene
be more interactive and have the ability to form inter- (HIPS). These were mentioned earlier in this chapter
molecular and intramolecular bonds [69,70]. [19,20]. A truly unique feature of PPE/PS blends is
Functionalization can result in intrinsic, electrical- that the PPE and PS forms a miscible, single-phased
ly conductive thermoplastics that also possesses op- blends over the entire compositional range. Properties
tical properties. These electrically conductive FTPs of PPE/PS blends are shown in Table 1.6. The Tgs,
have advantages over conventional plastics made HDTs, and impact strengths increase with increasing
conductive via the addition of conductive fillers and levels of PPE. The tensile strength and density exhibit
can offer controlled electrical conductivity. In addi- positive nonlinear behavior. The use of HIPS can give
tion, FTPs can offer enhanced phase compatibility in more significant increases impact strength.
polymer blends. Multiphase alloys have two or more discrete phas-
Functionalized ETPs such as PC, LCP, PSU, es. Multiphase systems can have some interfacial
PEEK, PPS, PI, and polyaramids are reported to have attraction between phases, have partial miscibility
utility in high-temperature applications in the aero- between phases, or have no significant attraction be-
space, automotive, under-the-hood, electronic, and tween the phases.
optic-magnetic storage devices. In two-phase systems, the polymers can be co-
continuous, or one phase can be continuous phase or
matrix while the other is the discrete phase, which is
1.24.2 Blends and Alloys dispersed in the continuous phase. The morphology
depends on the amount of each polymer, the chemical
Polymer blends and alloys are another method to nature of the polymers, and processing conditions.
modify and tailor the performance of thermoplastics Properties of alloys are dependent on the nature of
[71,72]. Thus, two or more different polymers are the polymers, interfacial attraction between the phas-
blended together to give a new product. The goal is es and the morphology. Properties can be additive
to leverage key properties of each material to get a (linear behavior) and based on the linear contribution
unique combination of performance that neither of from each polymer fraction. Properties can exhibit a
the individual polymers offers. synergistic combination of properties (positive non-
Blends and alloys can be economically more at- linear behavior) where the properties are better than
tractive than preparing copolymers or developing a those predicted by linear behavior.
totally new polymer. New products can be developed A multiphase alloy where there is good interfacial
more rapidly by combining available polymers to attraction between phases is exemplified by alloys of
produce desirable and novel polymers. The avail- PC and ABS (terpolymers of acrylonitrile, butadiene,
able degrees of freedom provide almost infinite pos- and styrene). PC/ABS alloys offer a balance of prop-
sibilities and make the opportunity challenging. In erties that combines the most desirable properties of
general, blends and alloys of thermoplastics have an both resins [2]. The ABS improves the melt process-
annual growth rate of 8–10% and constitute greater ing of PC, which facilitates filling large, thin-walled
than 50% of the sales of plastics. Alloys and blends parts. In addition, the ABS enhances the toughness of
of ETPs are of major importance. PC—especially at low temperatures, while maintain-
In this chapter the term blend is used to denote a ing the high strength and rigidity of the PC. The PC
simple mixture of two mutually soluble components. increases the HDT of the alloy. Moreover, PC/ABS
22 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Table 1.7 Properties of PC/ABS Alloys

Property ABS PC/ABC (50/50) PC/ABC (80/20) PC

Density (g/cm )3
1.06 1.13 1.17 1.20
Notched Izod (25°C, J/m) 300 690 750 905
Notched Izod (-20°C, J/m) 110 320 640 150
HDT @ 1.84 MPa (°C) 80 100 113 132
Tensile modulus (MPa) 1800 1900 2500 2380
Tensile strength (MPa) 40 57 60 69
Elongation @ break (%) 20 70 150 110

offers good UV stability, high dimensional stability resistance. The PPE is the dispersed phase and con-
at ambient and elevated temperatures, and the abil- tributes special properties such as reduced moisture
ity for chlorine/bromine-free flame retardance [2,10]. uptake, increase toughness, and higher properties at
PC/ABS alloys were first introduced by Borg-Warner elevated temperatures.
(now SABIC) under the Cycoloy trade name in 1971. Properties of PA66, uncompatibilized PA66/PPE,
In 1977 Bayer (née Mobay) with a license from Borg- and compatibilized PA66/PPE appear in Table 1.8.
Warner launched PC/ABS resins under the Bayblend Compatibilization results in major increases in
trade name. PC/ABS is used in interior and exterior notched Izod toughness and multiaxial impact
automotive applications, lap- and desk-top comput- strength. The alloy features increase heat resistance
ers, copiers, printers, telecommunications, electrical, and better retention of properties at elevated temper-
and appliances. Typical properties of PC/ABS alloys atures and in humid environments.
appear in Table 1.7. PA66/PPE alloys were developed for use in ex-
In immiscible system with very little to no inter- terior automotive parts. It was the first injection
facial adhesion between phases, the properties can moldable thermoplastic with both the strength and
be unpredictable and sometimes can exhibit an an- rigidity needed for large vertical body panels, along
tagonistic effect (negative nonlinear behavior) and with the high heat resistance for inline or online
be worse than those predicted by linear behavior. In painting. PA/PPE alloys can provide a 50% weight
addition to having poor and unpredictable proper- savings over traditional materials. Blends were in-
ties, the morphology or microstructure of immiscible troduced in 1984 under the Noryl GTX trade name
mixture is unstable. The discrete phases can coalesce (SABIC) [20,75].
into larger domains in the molten state. Moreover,
there could be delamination in the solid state when a
stress is applied to the material. 1.24.3 Additives
Compatibilization technology is used to circum-
vent these adverse characteristics of immiscible al- When properly formulated, ETPs may be modified
loys [73,74]. One method of compatibilization is the to tailor performance for mechanically functional,
use of a graft or block copolymer, which contains semiprecision parts or structural components. Clearly
segments of each of the individual polymers to im- property enhancing additives are a key part of ex-
prove the interfacial adhesion between the two phas- panding the performance windows of ETPs through
es and lead to enhanced properties. judicious blending.
A prime example of an immiscible system a mix- Additives include processing aids, stabilizers, per-
ture of the polar, aliphatic PA66 and the nonpolar, formance enhancing additives, aesthetic additives,
aromatic PPE [74–76]. There is no significant inter- and many other. Processing aids facilitate the melt
facial attraction between PA66 and PPE. processing of plastics and fabrication of plastic parts.
Compatibilization technology is essential for en- Stabilizers and antioxidants extend service life and
hancing interfacial adhesion and the development of increase the stability during melt processing. Perfor-
useful properties. PA66/PPE alloys are examples of mance enhancing additives increase key physical and
a multiphase alloy. The morphology of PA66/PPE al- mechanical properties of plastics. Reinforcing ma-
loys shows the PA66 as the continuous phase, which terials—such as glass fiber, carbon fiber, mica, talc,
gives the alloy easy of processing and chemical and clays—are inert solids that increase the stiffness
1: Engineering Thermoplastics—Materials, Properties, Trends 23

Table 1.8 Properties of PA66, PA66/PPE

Property PA66 No Compatibilization Compatibilized
Notched Izod (J/m) 55 10 570
Multiaxial impact:
Total energy (J) — 2.3 55
Maximum load (N) — 734 5093
HDT @ 1.84 MPa (°C) 70 190 190
Flexural modulus:
25°C (MPa) 96 92 92
150°C (MPa) 50 11 140
100% relative humidity (MPa) 26 60 60
H2O uptake at equilibrium (%) 8.5 3.0 3.0

and strength of the plastics. Aesthetics additives are ETPs can be formulated to provide electromag-
colorants that impart hue (shade), brightness (value), netic and radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI) at-
and intensity (color strength) to plastics. tenuation in applications from electronics to material
Some specific examples of performance enhance- handling. The EMI/RFI shielding results from con-
ment from additives include increased thermal con- ductive fibers which form the conductive network.
ductivity, EMI/RFI shielding, decreased coefficient Various internal lubricants can be used in ETPs to
of linear thermal expansion, improved wear resis- improved wear resistance and lower friction. These
tance, and increased strength and rigidity materials can help extend product life and reduce or
Thermally conductive materials can conduct heat eliminate squeaks and other noise from moving parts.
away from devices into a heat sink or the surround- Fiber reinforcement is a standard way to greatly
ing air and extend product life. Thermal conductive increase strength and stiffness. Both glass and car-
ETP can increase the electrical efficiency of encapsu- bon fibers are used extensively. Performance increas-
lated motors by lowering the operating temperature, es with fiber length. Long fiber ETPs are available,
resulting in more power and torque and longer device which offer exceptional mechanical performance,
life than hotter-running devices. combining rigidity with outstanding strength and re-
ETPs can be formulated to give coefficient of lin- sistance to impact failure.
ear thermal expansion (CLTE) of comparable to many A comparison between chopped glass and long
metals. The lower CLTE would decrease stresses glass fiber in PA66/PPE alloys is shown in Table 1.9
from differences in thermal expansion and potentially [76]. At 40 wt.% glass fiber, the strength and rigidity
reduce product failure and extend product life. are significantly higher for the long glass. In addition,

Table 1.9 Comparison of Chopped Glass and Long Glass Fiber in PA66/PPE

Chopped glass fiber, (wt.%) 40 0 0 0

Long glass fiber, (wt.%) 0 40 50 60
Density (g/cm )
1.44 1.43 1.52 1.69
Tensile modulus (MPa) — 12,000 15,520 21,450
Tensile strength (MPa) 161 195 207 228
Flexural modulus (MPa) 10,345 11,175 13,520 19,450
Flexural strength (MPa) 231 273 285 340
Notched Izod (J/m) 69 288 290 294
HDT @ 1.84 MPa (°C) 246 256 257 259
24 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

there is a substantial increase in impact strength. health-care industry. The commercialization of any
Strengths and moduli continue to increase as the long new engineering polymers based on a new mono-
glass content increases. mer, although not impossible, is unlikely. Rather,
Thermoplastic nanocomposites (TPNCs) are the major thrust will take place in molecular shuf-
based on the use of nanoparticle fillers. Nanoparti- fling with existing monomers, alloying activity, fur-
cles have greatly increased surface area and hence ther advanced is performance enhancing additives,
can have increase interaction with the matrix resin. and innovative processing techniques. Competition
Nanoparticles can revolutionize the plastics indus- between end users, resin providers, and formulators
try. With careful processing, low levels (≤5 wt.%) will raise ETP to new heights.
of nanofillers can increase the mechanical and other
properties of thermoplastics to yield a new group of
materials referred to as TPNCs [77,78]. TPNCs fea- References
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