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Chapter 5

Use of Watersheds Boundariesin

the Landscape Planning

Aybike Ayfer Karadağ

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Interactions between human society, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere have
increased extensively, sometimes for the welfare of mankind and environment, but
frequently for their man. These interactions are characterized by increasing complexity,
diversity, use, and misuse of natural resources, the latter permanently decreasing. And this
holds true for any scale in space and time, from global to local and from long-term to short
term.On the regional and local scale the interactions between society, hydrosphere, and
biosphere are relevant (Kaden, 2003) and these interactions determine the future of the

Landscape is complex and far-reaching. People have strong ties to landscapes and use them
in various ways. Thus landscape is interweaves with climate change and ecology,
development, economics, politics, and culture (Bastian et al., 2006; Jones, et al., 2007).
Landscape changes as a result of these relationships that human-nature interaction. The
changes in landscape were brought up idea of planning for sustainable use, conservation
and management. But landscape character and structure make difficult landscape planning
decisions. Therefore it must be understood primarily “landscape” to successful landscape

Two different approaches have emerged to defining landscape, when the definitions of
landscape are evaluated. According to the first approach, landscape is ecological units. In
this context Forman (1995) defined landscape as a mosaic where the mix of local ecosystems
or land uses is repeated in similar form over a kilometers-wide area. A landscape manifests
an ecological unity thought its area. Within a landscape several attributes tend to be similar
and repeated across the whole area, including geologic land forms, soil types, vegetation
types, local faunas, natural disturbance regimes, land uses, and human aggregation pattern.
Thus a repeated cluster of spatial elements characterizes a landscape. Burel and Baudry

© 2013 Karadağ, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative
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106 Advances in Landscape Architecture

(2003) argue that landscape is a level of organization of ecological systems that is higher than
the ecosystem level (Farina et al., 2005). It is characterized essentially by its heterogeneity and
its dynamics, partly governed by human activities. It exists independently of perception.
Landscape is considered mainly a mosaic of geographical entities in which organisms deal
with the spatial arrangement of these entities determined by complex dynamics (Farina et al.,
2005). Landscape is geographic unit at second approach. Geography, where the landscape
plays a central role and may be considered a fundamental unit, is of particular importance in
the attempt to delineate a clear, scientifically useful concept of landscape. The definitions in
geography essentially focus on the dynamic relationship between natural landforms or
physiographic and human cultural groups (Forman and Godron, 1986). Landscape refers to a
common perceivable part of the earth’s surface. Landscape became a core topic of geography,
in particular regional geography. It was seen as a unique synthesis between the natural and
cultural characteristics of a region (Mander and Antrop, 2003). As Zonneveld (1979) stated,
landscape is part of the spaces on the earth’s surface, consisting of a complex of systems,
formed by the activity of rock, water, air, plants, animals and man, and that by its
physiognomy forms a recognizable entity (Forman and Godron, 1986). The European
Landscape Convention defines landscape as “an area, as perceived by people, whose character
is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors” (Anonymous, 2000).
In this context Turner et al.(2002) indicated landscape as an area that is spatially heterogeneous
in at least one factor of interest. Opdam et al. (2006) defined landscape as a “geographical unit
characterized by a specific pattern of ecosystem types, formed by interaction of geographical,
ecological and human-induced forces.”

Regardless of how landscape is defined, landscape can be characterized by structure,

function, and change (Kurum and Şahin, 2000). Structure, the spatial relationships among the
distinctive ecosystems or elements present-more specifically, the distribution of energy,
materials, and species in relation to the sizes, shapes, numbers, kinds, and configurations of
the ecosystems. Landscape structure is generally defined in terms of “composition” and
“configuration”. Dunning et al. (1992), these are, respectively, the kinds of patches present in
the landscape and the amount of each, and the spatial relationships among them as indices
of landscape structure, landscape metrics can be used to describe the composition and
spatial arrangement of a landscape (Forman and Godron, 1986). They can be applied at
different levels to describe single landscape elements by such features as size, shape,
number or for whole landscapes by describing the arrangement of landscape elements and
the diversity of landscape (Forman and Godron, 1986; Waltz, 2011). Forman and Godron
(1986) defined landscape function from a systems-theoretical point of view as "the interactions
among the spatial elements, that is, the flows of energy, materials, and species among the
component ecosystems”. Leser (1997) emphasized that it is necessary to analyze functions
and functional interactions between landscape factors and landscape components in order
to understand the relationships within the system (Bastian, et al. 2006). Change, the alteration
in the structure and function of the ecological mosaic over time (Baker, 1989).

Landscape change, because they are the perceivable expression of dynamic interactions
between the physical and material environment and natural and cultural forces. In addition,
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 107

Consequently, landscapes differ from place to place and different landscape types can be
recognized as well as different landscape regions (Mander and Antrop, 2003). In this context
three main factors can be identified in determining landscape: physical, biological and
anthropic. Their interaction are continuously composing the landscape in such a way that
we can distinguish between a spatial and a temporal aspect of this composition. The spatial
landscape variety consists in the present interrelation of these three factors in a certain place
(Kerkstra et al., as cited in Makhzoumi, 1973 and Pungetti, 1999). In addition history and
ecology are essential factors in the structuring and understanding of landscapes. No
reference is made to “special” landscapes such as “spectacular” or “ordinary” ones, to rural,
industrial or urban ones; all landscapes should be considered equally (Antrop, 2005).

Landscape ecology provides understanding of change of landscapes. In addition landscape

ecology provides a strong conceptual and theoretical basis for management and planning at
the landscape level by contributing to a better understanding of the structure and function
(Uzun, 2003; Ivits et al., 2005). Landscape ecology, a subdiscipline of ecology, is the study of
how landscape structure affects the abundance and distribution of organisms. Landscape
ecology is the study of the pattern1 and interaction between ecosystems within a region of
interest, and the way the interactions affect ecological processes, especially the unique
effects of spatial heterogeneity on these interactions (Clark, 2010). Landscape pattern
consists of three elements: patches2, corridors3 and a matrix4. In addition, landscape ecology
involves the application of these principles in the formulation and solving of real-world
problems (Forman, 1995).

Landscape planning has come up in the process of understanding, maintainable usage and
preservation of the landscape that changed as a result of the relationship and interaction
between the man and the nature (Bastian et al., 2006; Jones, et al., 2007). Landscape planning
is the key planning instrument for nature conservation. The basis for the concept of
planning is formed by the idea of ‘’balancing the needs and the sources by complying with
rational priorities in the long term to reach certain goals with scarce resources’’ (Keleş, 2004).
From upper scale to subscale, the planning includes physical environment, socio-cultural
life, history on economic and political issues, decisions concerning today and future (Uzun,
et al., 2012). Also, social and physical are grouped as executive and object planning
(Zaimoğlu, 2003). At that point, landscape planning is evaluated as the subtopic of physical
planning (Köseoğlu, 1982) and accepted as the basis for it (Zaimoğlu, 2003).

The European Landscape Convention defines landscape planning as “strong forward-

looking action to enhance, restore or create landscape” (Anonymous, 2000). Landscape
planning is an activity that analyses, plans and localises landscape and environmental
characteristics, resources and values (Dökmeci, 1996). Steiner (1999) used the term of

1 Pattern refers to its spatial arranges of ecosystems and their type, number, size, shape, and relative relationship over

the landscape (Forman, 1995).

2Patch is a wide relatively homogeneous area that differs from its surroundings. Patches have familiar attributes, such

as large or small, rounded or elongated, and straight or convoluted boundaries (Forman, 1995).
3Corridors, as strips that differ from their surroundings, permeate the land (Forman, 1995).

4 Matrix is the background ecological system of a landscape (Forman, 1995).

108 Advances in Landscape Architecture

landscape plan to emphasize that such as plans should incorporate natural and social
consideration. Uzun et al., (2012) stated that landscape planning had two basic approaches
which were ‘’depending on a certain territory’’ and ‘’directed to problem solving’’. The
landscape planning studies that depend on a certain territory are examples of the planning
studies concerning an area having a developmental potential. It contains the approaches
concerning the formation of criteria about determining the territorial usage (agriculture,
recreation, etc.) in the process of development of a newly developing region or a sub-region.
The landscape planning studies directed to problem solving have the aim of solving the
present problems in the landscape planning and the problems concerning the planned
usage. Choosing places for industry, settlement, highway route, etc. and landscape
renovations are examples for these planning. In addition Uzun and Gültekin (2012)
emphasized landscape planning which is one of the fields of study that creates a balance
between natural sciences and engineering sciences in the best possible way is also important
for natural resource management. One of the main purposes is a balanced planning of
people and nature, instead of people oriented planning. In landscape planning, the
approaches in which landscape functions are analyzed and the structure and change of
landscape is presented have been supported by ecology and landscape ecology sciences.

L. McHarg (1920-2000), the pioneer of the environmental movement, revealed that natural
sciences should be evaluated in solving the problems, by focusing on the natural life
processes and their determinative effects on area usage plans (Şahin, 2009a). In this context,
putting preservation and usage balance forward, examining the ecological features,
analysing the usages and accordingly the ecological relationships, and after these
examinations, defining the actions and forming an environment which people will take the
most benefit of, but will be less threat for other animals are emphasised in the landscape
planning (Uzun et al., 2012). At the same time landscape planning provides a coordinated
information basis for all natural resources, which enables us to rapidly obtain an overview
of the nature and landscape situation within the planning areas; fragmented changes to
individual parts of nature and the landscape can be assessed with respect to their effect on
the whole existing condition; planning and nature conservation experts in the
administration can use this as basis for quick and uncomplicated comments. The complex
interaction of all the factors affecting the balance of nature such as soil, water, air and
climate, plants, and animals, as well as diversity, characteristic features and beauty and the
recreational value of nature and landscape as well as the effects of existing and foreseeable
land usages, are analysed and assessed within the landscape planning. As a result, extensive
basic information about nature and the landscape is available for the whole area. The spatial
objectives, measures and requirements developed in the landscape on the protection,
maintenance and development of nature and the landscape (Anonymous, 2008).

In the basis of a successful landscape planning lies understanding and knowing the
landscape. In this context, landscape structure, landscape processes and the changes in
landscape were effective items. Uzun et al. (2012) states that the structure and functions of
landscape are evaluated, landscape processes are analysed and landscape ecology based
approaches are put forward in the recent landscape planning studies. In this context
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 109

landscape ecology have also attached great significance to the issue of scale, and the
“landscape units” is more widely canvassed as a framework for analyzing inter-relationship
and delivering joined-up policy within a comprehensible and identifiable space (Selman,

In this study, the concept of boundary in landscape planning is emphasized. Additionally,

the use of the ArcHydro Model was described to delineate watershed boundaries.

2. Exploring the boundaries in landscape planning

Natural systems are usually considered parts of hierarchies—an ordering from biggest to
smallest (or vice-versa). For our purposes (planning, management, etc.), ecological hierarchy
will be discussed from the largest to the smallest scale.

Scale is the dimension of an object or process. It can be described as resolution and range,
which indicate in how much detail the object or process has been understood (Du-ning and
Xiu-Zhen, 1999). Scale is a key issue in planning. Due to the interdependencies of
ecosystems, a planning approach is need that examines a site in its broader context. Scale is
related to three dimensions (Selman, 2006).

 A spatial dimension: -the mostly cited component of landscape scale, based on both a
rational and intuitive recognitions of distinct physical units.
 A temporal dimension: -implying a continuum from the earliest human use of a
landscape into the sustainable use by future generation.
 A modification dimension: -from intensely urbanized areas, through farmland and
other types of natural use, to pristine or wilderness areas, with some areas processing
such intense degrees of alteration that the landscape requires human assistance to
accelerate the recovery of its “regenerative” properties.

The concept of scale can allow to the analysis on the level of different hierarchal system that
can be related to each other and it can be related to the hierarchy theory. Allen and Star
(1982) stated that the hierarchy theory was developed as a study outline for analysis of
complex systems or situations which became organized in certain types. The systems that
become organised hierarchically can be divided into functional components. These
elements’ structure, function and characteristics related to time and space can be formed in
scale or on different levels. There is no basic hierarchy in the hierarchy theory. Its focus level
can change according to considered events (Hersperger, 1994 as cited in Uzun, 2009). The
hierarchical theory is a useful instrument for exploring numerous patterns and processes
through various scales in space and time. Considering complexity as an attribute that is
intrinsic to a landscape, the hierarchy paradigm explains how the various components
located on certain scales enter into contact with other ones that are visible on different scales
of resolution. The hierarchical theory views a system as a component in a larger system that
consists of subsystems (Allen and Starr, 1982; O’Neill et al., 1986; Allen and Hoekstra, 1992
as cited in Farina, 2001).
110 Advances in Landscape Architecture

The concept of boundary is a spatial expression of the scale and it can be expressed in
different ways with hierarchy theory. Such as the biosphere or planet is boundary and is
subdivided into continents (and oceans) within hierarchical theory. Continents are
subdivided into regions, region into landscapes, and landscapes into local ecosystems or
land uses. Region is a broad geographical area with a common macroclimate and sphere of
human activity and interest. This concept links the physical environment of macroclimate,
major soil groups, and biomes, with the human dimensions of politics, social structure,
culture, and consciousness, expressed in the idea of regionalism (Forman, 1995). A region
therefore almost always contains a number of landscapes (Forman and Godron, 1986; Du-
ning and Xiu-Zhen, 1999). In addition the region is composed of patches, corridors and a
matrix that vary widely in size and shape. In this case the spatial elements are whole
landscapes. Unlike the recurring landscape elements in a landscape, a region does not
exhibit a pattern of repeated landscape. Usually the distribution of landscape simply mirrors
the typically coarse-grained, geomorphic land surface. Thus, most regions are coarse
grained or variable-grained with group of small landscapes. In short, the spatial pattern or
arrangement of landscape in a region is just as important functionally as the pattern of
continents on the globe, local ecosystems in a landscape (Forman, 1995).

Landscape is a dynamic and hierarchical setting. Landscape comprises so many

hierarchically constructed ecosystems from a single molecule to the whole Earth and even
the limitless emptiness called the space (Selman, 2006). Considering complexity as an
attribute that is intrinsic to a landscape, the hierarchy paradigm explains how the various
components located on certain scales enter into contact with other ones that are visible on
different scales of resolution (Farina, 2001). Every ecosystem has its own boundaries yet is in
relation with other ecosystems through the flow of energy and data which ensure the
continuity of the system. A system is theoretically in balance when the inputs and outputs
required for its functions within its natural boundaries are equal. Therefore, the assessments
in defining the capability, capacity and sensitivity of the area for any human activity should
be performed within the natural boundaries (Şahin, 2009b). For instance, bioregionalists
have argued that “nature” defines its own integral systems and that, historically,
sustainability in human systems has been a consequence of close alignment between socio-
economic practices and environmental capacity. This leads to arguments, discussed more
fully below, that natural, rather than political, boundaries could form the basis of many
planning and management choices (Selman, 2006).

A landscape can vary in size from a few centimeters to tens of kilometers. The heterogeneity
might be expressed as physically identifiable structures. At any rate, the degree of
heterogeneity varies according to the spatial arrangement of the single component parts.
Landscapes do not exist in isolation. Landscapes are nested within larger landscapes that are
nested within larger landscapes, and so on. In other words, each landscape has a context or
regional setting, regardless of scale and how the landscape is defined. The landscape context
may constrain processes operating within the landscape. Landscapes are “open” systems;
energy, materials, and organisms move into and out of the landscape. This is especially true
in practice, where landscapes are often somewhat arbitrarily delineated. That broad-scale
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 111

processes act to constrain or influence finer-scale phenomena is one of the key principles of
hierarchy theory and “supply-side” ecology. The importance of the landscape context is
dependent on the phenomenon of interest, but typically varies as a function of the
“openness” of the landscape. The “openness” of the landscape depends not only on the
phenomenon under consideration, but on the basis used for delineating the landscape
boundary. For example, from a geomorphological or hydrological perspective, the
watershed forms a natural landscape, and a landscape defined in this manner might be
considered relatively "closed". Of course, energy and materials flow out of this landscape
and the landscape context influences the input of energy and materials by affecting climate
and so forth, but the system is nevertheless relatively closed. Conversely, from the
perspective of a bird population, topographic boundaries may have little ecological
relevance, and the landscape defined on the basis of watershed boundaries might be
considered a relatively “open” system (Farina, 2001).

Landscape has different hierarchical systems. The classification of a landscape as one goes
from lower to increasingly higher levels in the hierarchy: ecotope (the basic unit in a
landscape consisting of biotic and abiotic elements); microchore (the spatial distribution of
ecotopes); mesochore (the environmental system composed of a group of microchores);
macrochore (a mosaic of landscapes); and megachore (a group of geographical elements
covering several kilometers). A system exists independently of its components and is
generally able to organize itself and to transmit information; in other words, it is able to
exist as a cybernetic system. A landscape exhibits its own type of complexity, and in order to
understand it fully it is necessary to focus on a certain organizational level. There are
innumerable hierarchical levels and thus an equal number of systems that are nested inside
them in one way or another. The behavior of a given subsystem conditions nearby systems
both above and below it. The speed with which the processes unfold and thus the scales in
time are specific to each level. When going from one level to another, it is therefore
necessary to adjust the resolution (Farina, 2001). In the most variants of the landscape,
researchers refer to something framed at the human scale. However, this is revised upwards
to reveal patterns from satellites, and downwards to reveal mosaics related to the life-spaces
of meso- and micro- organism. McPherson and DeStefano (2003), writing from an ecological
perspective, identify landscape studies as being those undertaken at quite an extensive
spatial scale: less extensive than the “biome” or biosphere”, but larger than the ecosystem,
community, population, organism or cell (Selman, 2006).

Landscape ecological concepts and applied metric are likely to be useful to addresses the
spatial dimension of sustainable planning. The landscape ecological aspect of spatial scale
has received so much attention in the literature. Landscape ecology is the study of the
interactions between the temporal and spatial aspects of a landscape and its flora, fauna,
and cultural components in so far as this impact on ecosystem properties. However, the
subject also incorporates the study of water movements, particularly insofar as these impact
on ecosystem properties. An understanding of ecological and hydrological pattern and
processes not only reveals the complex web of natural interdependencies, but also enroll
economic and social systems at these strongly modify the energy and materials inputs into
112 Advances in Landscape Architecture

landscape (Selman, 2006). In this context, watershed boundaries, for having well-defined
edges make up a fundamental unit for landscape planning (Makhdoum, 2008).

A widely advocated approach to landscape planning is to steward resources on the basis of

biogeographic units: that is, segments of the earth’s surface defined, not on the basis of
traditional political and administrative boundaries. Selman (2006) stated that landscape
planning has three main reasons for the popularity of biogeographic units. First, natural
systems, as watershed, often form logical units for many resources management decisions,
and focusing on an integrative landscape unit may help reduce fragmentation of
environmental processes and of policy delivery. Second, neither wildlife species nor
hydrological systems recognize administrative boundaries, and their natural geographical
range and extend must be taken into account in spatial planning, or even serve as its
framework. Finally, people develop particular attachments to landscape on the basis of both
physical and cultural factors, and so may possibly identify with distinctive biogeographic
space more than with, say, local government districts (Selman, 2006).
Graff, 1993; Metzger and Muller, 1996; Şahin, 1996; Tangtham, 1996; Farrina 2006; Uzun,
2003; Selman, 2006; Bulley et al., 2007; Karadağ, 2007; Şahin, 2007; Makhdoum, 2008; Şahin,
2009b; Uzun, 2003 and Uzun et al., 2012 have drawn attention to the information of
watershed in landscape planning. Watersheds can be considered as landscapes. It seems
useful to study landscapes by applying the scale of watersheds, which can be considered as
multifunctional units in which flows of water and the transfer of nutrients are distinctive
processes (Farina, 2001).

3. Watershed
Water effects on the environmental and on life in all forms in distribution and circulation of
waters (O’Callaghan, 1996). Surface flow, travel of water which is called hydrological circuit
and feeding of ground waters, form the basis for ecological processes. The flow of water not
only provides a unique ecological feature, but also forms geographically unique
Surface flow, travel of water which is called hydrological circuit and feeding of ground
waters affect landscape from different aspects. Surface flow of water and feeding of the
ground waters are related to water period of landscape. Water period depends on
permeability values (Uzun and Gültekin, 2013). Hydrological circuit is the process of
evaporation and condensation of surface waters with the effects of climactic factors
(Karadağ, 2007).
A watershed is the area drained by a river or stream and its tributaries. Generally many
watersheds are included in a landscape, and a landscape boundary may or not correspond
to the boundaries of watershed (Forman and Godron, 1986). A watershed is a landscape
surface area that surrounds and drains into a common waterbody such as a lake, small
stream or river basin system (Anonymous, 2012a). Davenport, et al. (2012) defined as
watershed is an area of land that drains into a lake or river. As rainwater and melting snow
run downhill, they carry sediment and other materials into streams, lakes, wetlands and
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 113

groundwater. According to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

watershed is the area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains off of it goes
into the same place (Anonymous, 2012b). A watershed is a catchment basin that is bound by
topographic features, such as ridge tops (Anonymous, 2012c). In addition watershed defined
as a physiographic landscape (Şahin, 2007) and units of hydrologically independent areas
(McHarg, 1991). In addition a functioning natural unit with interacting biotic and abiotic
components in a system whose boundaries is determined by the cycles and flux of energy,
materials and organisms. It is valid to describe different ecosystems with different,
overlapping sets of boundaries in the same geographic area (e.g. forest ecosystems,
watershed ecosystems and wetland ecosystems). A watershed is one of many types of
ecosystems (O’ Keefe et al., 2012).

A large numbers of terms are very frequently and loosely used to classify watershed in
different sizes (micro, small, and large). “Small watersheds are those where the overland
flow is the main contributor to peak runoff / flow and channel characteristic do not affect the
overland flow”. “Large watersheds are those give peak flows are greatly influenced by
channel characteristics and basin storage”. Watershed classified according to drainage
systems; main river watersheds, watersheds and sub-watersheds (micro watersheds). River
watersheds are the areas which all the flows on the ground (river, lake, etc.) flow into the
sea through a single river mouth, an estuary or delta from a certain point on the water route.
Watersheds are defined as multiple territorial areas which feed a certain water resource
(river watershed). However, sub-watersheds (micro watersheds) are defined as catchment
areas concerning drainage lines in various sizes which feed watersheds and river
watersheds (Karadağ, 2007).

Hydrological systems have along with ecological units, long been viewed as a natural basis
for division of the earth’s surface. Thus the “watershed” or “catchment” has often been
proposed as the most appropriate division for landscape planning. Key reasons have been:
its relative self-containment in terms of flows of water, other materials and energy; its
relationship to geomorphic processes and the consequent recognisability of landform
characterizing individual catchments; and the importance of water, often in short or excess
supply, to human settlements. Increasingly, landscape ecologists also recognize the
importance of water catchments in influencing the nature and functionality of ecosystem,
through their role not only in supplying moisture but also moving chemical nutrients along
rivers and though ground and soil water (Selman, 2006).

Watershed classification provides a means for generalizing or grouping watersheds by

characteristics such as ecological properties, or land use patterns, so that they can be
managed, treated, or compared efficiently. Classification can be based on a number of
attributes related to natural or anthropogenic differences in watersheds. Natural features
include climate, physiography, soils, nutrient productivity, watershed size and connectivity
to other aquatic ecosystems. Anthropogenic features are primarily related to land use and
include land-use types (urban, agriculture, forest), the degree of hydrologic disturbance and
imperviousness, water withdrawals, water quality, in stream habitat conditions, and
riparian integrity (Page, et al., 1999).
114 Advances in Landscape Architecture

Climate, hydrology, and geomorphology are physical template to shape forces of

ecosystems. The three elements of the physical template and other factors also interact
significantly in determining the structure and composition of a watershed and its biotic
communities. As a result of different combinations of these formative processes, different
types of watersheds are created (O’ Keefe et al., 2012). Besides watersheds are continually
changing and evolving. Some changes are natural, or are accelerated by human activities. A
watershed contains information about all the things happening and lands use history within
it (Anonymous, 2012d). Because of that watersheds are frequently used to study and
manage environmental resources because hydrologic boundaries define the flow of
contaminants and other stressors (O’ Keefe et al., 2012).

Each part of a watershed is unique, even though the characteristics of any watershed are
similar. All watersheds flow from headwaters to outlets, eventually ending in an ocean. As
the water flows, it passes through many parts. And like the parts of a puzzle, if one happens
to be damaged, the result affects the whole picture (Anonymous, 2012d). The watersheds are
complex ecosystems in which land use, surficial geology, climate, and topography are
interrelated with biological components such as vegetation communities (Page, et al., 1999).
Weekes (2009) believe that headwater stream flow patterns are homogenous when they
have similar climate, bedrock type and hardness, topographical range, drainage area, soils
and vegetation). In addition his investigations strongly support that meso-scale geomorphic
processes and structures are first order drivers of hydrologic regimes. Geomorphic
processes are a part of landscape function. Landscape ecology and catchment hydrology,
both disciplines deal with patterns and processes as well as their interactions and functional
implications (Schroder, 2006).

A watershed has three primary functions. First, it captures water from the atmosphere.
Ideally, all moisture received from the atmosphere, whether in liquid or solid form, has the
maximum opportunity to enter the ground where it falls. The water infiltrates the soil and
percolates downward. Several factors affect the infiltration rate, including soil type,
topography, climate, and vegetative cover. Percolation is also aided by the activity of
burrowing animals, insects, and earthworms. Second, a watershed stores rainwater once it
filters through the soil. Once the watershed's soils are saturated, water will either percolate
deeper, or runoff the surface. This can result in freshwater aquifers and springs. The type
and amount of vegetation, and the plant community structure, can greatly affect the storage
capacity in any one watershed. The root mass associated with healthy vegetative cover
keeps soil more permeable and allows the moisture to percolate deep into the soil for
storage. Vegetation in the riparian zone affects both the quantity and quality of water
moving through the soil. Water moves through the soil to seeps and springs, and is
ultimately released into streams, rivers, and the ocean. Slow release rates are preferable to
rapid release rates, which result in short and severe peaks in stream flow. Storm events
which generate large amounts of run-off can lead to flooding, soil erosion and siltation of
streams (Anonymous, 2012b). This situation, as Schroder (2006) stated, forms the interaction
between the landscape and watershed.
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 115

Implementing a watershed approach has environmental, financial, social and administrative

benefits. As well as its potential for considerable impact on the environment, this type of
approach can result in cost savings by building upon the financial resources, knowledge and
the willingness of interested people in the watershed to take action. An action plan that
focuses on solutions evolves from those knowing the local issues and opportunities. This
can help to enhance local and regional economic viability in ways that are environmentally
sound and consistent with defined watershed objectives (Anonymous, 2012b).

4. How to delineate watershed using the archydro model

The advantage of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology lies in its data
synthesis, the geography simulation, and spatial analysis ability. Spatial analytical
techniques, geographical analysis and modeling methods are therefore required to analyses
data and to facilitate the decision process at all levels within an urban regional context. GIS
approach is very efficient as a tool to facilitate the decision-making process (Laurini, 2001).
GIS has emerged as a significant support tool for managingand analyzing water resources
using digital elevation models (DEM) of land surface terrain.
Various methods are used in determining the river basin boundaries. The traditional
methods are determining and drawing the boundaries of drainage divides, peaks, stream
beds on the topographical maps by hand. However, the modern methods are determining
the boundaries by digitising and analysing the contour lines developed by GIS.
Arc Hydro is a geospatial and temporal data model for water resources designed to operate
within ArcGIS (Maidment, 2003). Arc Hydro is a geographical data model that describes
hydrological systems. A data model is a set of conceptsexpressed in a data structure; the
data model describes a simplification of reality using tables and relationships within a
database. Geographic data models use database structures to describe the world or part of it
usingGIS technology. The ArcHydro data model is a conceptualization of surface water
systems and describes features such as river networks, watersheds and channels. The data
model can be the basis for a “hydrologic information system” which is a synthesis of
geospatial and temporal data supporting hydrologic analysis and modeling. Arc Hydro
integrates geospatial and temporal information into a defined structure. Based on this
structure analysis and modeling tools can be applied. The data model provides a common
characterization and understanding of the hydrological system and this description canbe
utilized by multiple models, analysis tools and decision support systems all referring to the
same common structure (Kovar and Nachtnebel, 1996; Strassberg et al.,2011).
This study is going to demonstrate the use of the ArcHydroModel to determine watershed
boundaries of a small stream (Köprü stream) in the Central Mediterranean Basin. The
hydrologic modeling involves delineating streams network and watersheds, and getting
some basic watershed properties such as area, flow length, stream network density, etc.
Traditionally this was (and still is!) being done manually by using topographic/contour
maps. But in ArcHydro Model analysis is performed by using DEM (Ayhan et al., 2012).
DEM generation from topographic maps that derived from a 10 meter DEM from the
General Command of Mapping (Turkey).
116 Advances in Landscape Architecture

Watershed and drainage systems can define generally with 4 stages and 11 analysis in
ArcHydro module. At the first stage of the analysis, ‘’DEM reconditioning’’ and ‘’fill sink’’
analysis, which are confirmation and preparation processes for the given analysis, are
carried out. At the second stage, ‘’Flow direction, Flow Accumulation, Stream Definition’’
and ‘’Stream Segmentation’’ analysis, by which evaluations concerning surface flow are
made, are carried out. At the third stage, ‘’Catchment Grid Delineation’’ and ‘’Catchment
Polygon Processing’’ analysis, by which catchment areas are determined, are carried out. At
the last stage, “Drainage Line Processing”, “Drainage Point Processing” and “Batch
Watershed Delineation” analysis, by which watershed boundaries are defined by evaluating
drainage systems according to surface flow and catchment areas, are carried out. But first of
all, Archydro tools must be downloaded to the computer to start the analysis. Archydro tool
1.3 is downloaded because of ArcMap 9.3 is used in this study.

First stage of Archydro Model is Terrain Preprocessing. Arc Hydro Terrain Preprocessing
should be performed in sequential order. All of the preprocessing must be completed before
Watershed Processing functions can be used. DEM reconditioning and filling sinks might
not be required depending on the quality of the initial DEM. DEM reconditioning involves
modifying the elevation data to be more consistent with the input vector stream network.
This implies an assumption that the stream network data are more reliable than the DEM
data, so you need to use knowledge of the accuracy and reliability of the data sources when
deciding whether to do DEM reconditioning. By doing the DEM reconditioning you can
increase the degree of agreement between stream networks delineated from the DEM and
the input vector stream networks (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

DEM Reconditioning: This function modifies a DEM by imposing linear features onto it
(burning/fencing). The function needs as input a raw dem and a linear feature class (like the
river network) that both have to be present in the map document (Mervade et al., 2009;
Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012). This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the
ArcHydro Toolbar (Terrain Preprocessing→ DEM Manipulation→ DEM Reconditioning)
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Select the appropriate Raw DEM (köprü_dem) and AGREE stream feature (köprü_str). Set
the Agree parameters as shown. You should reduce the Sharp drop/raise parameter to 10
from its default 1000. The output is a reconditioned Agree DEM (default name Agree DEM).
A personal geodatabase with the same name as your ArcMap document has also been
created as shown in the following ArcCatalog view (Figure 1.)(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Fill Sinks: This function fills the sinks in a grid. If cells with higher elevation surround a
cell, the water is trapped in that cell and cannot flow. The Fill Sinks function modifies the
elevation value to eliminate these problems.The model readjusts the height value with this
stage to solve the problem. Therefore, the drainage networks’ being asunder is prevented.
This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydrotoolbar (Terrain
Preprocessing→ DataManipulation→ Fill Sinks) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 117

Figure 1. DEM Reconditioning menu and AgreeDEMlayer.

Confirm that the input for DEM is AgreeDEM. The output is the Hydro DEM layer, named
by default Fil. This default name can be overwritten. Leave the other options unchanged.
The Fil layer is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 2.) (Mervade et al.,
2009; Ayha net al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Figure 2. Fill Sinks menuand Fillayer.

Flow direction: This function computes the flow direction for a given grid. Each grid has a
value of height and water flow will be towards the lowest one, by comparing the height
values of 8 grids. The flow direction is defined as ‘’8 directional flow model’’ in the
computer environment. Digital values, which are developed depending on the directions,
are used to show the flow direction of the grid in the module. This function is located on
118 Advances in Landscape Architecture

Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar (Djokic 2008, Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that the input for Hydro DEM is Fil. The output is the Flow Direction Grid, named
by default Fdr. This default name can be overwritten. The flow direction grid Fdr is added
to the map, when the process completed (Figure 3.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).

Figure 3. Flow direction menu and Fdrlayer.

Flow Accumulation: This is the stage in which the cells taking place in the catchment area of
each cell are calculated. The water gathered in the lowest grade is calculated, by assuming that
each cell has 1 unit of water. The system defines the value of the cells having no flow as zero,
and cells in which water gathers are defined in the number of cells having flow. The flow
calculation is carried out by taking 8 cells as basis. This function is located on Terrain
Preprocessing on the ArcHydrotoolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Confirm that the input of the Flow Direction Grid is Fdr. The output is the Flow
Accumulation Grid having a default name of Fac that can be overwritten. The flow direction
grid Fac is added to the map, when the process completed. Adjust the symbology of the
Flow Accumulation layer Fac to a multiplicatively increasing scale to illustrate the increase
of flow accumulation as one descends into the grid flow network (Mervade et al., 2009;
Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Zoom-in to a stream network junction to see how the symbology changes from light to dark
color as the number of upstream cells draining to a stream increase from upstream to
downstream. If you click at any point along the stream network on Fac grid using the
identify button you can find the area draining to that point by multiplying the Fac number
by the area of each cell (cell size x cell size which is 30.89 x 30.89 in this case) (Figure 4.)
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 119

Figure 4. Flow Accumulation menu and Faclayer.

Stream Definition: This function computes a stream grid which contains a value of "1" for
all the cells in the input flow accumulation grid that have a value greater than the given
threshold. All other cells in the Stream Grid contain no data. This function is located on
Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that the input for the Flow Accumulation Grid is “Fac”. The output is the Stream
Grid. “Str” is its default name that can be overwritten. The stream grid Str is added to the
map, when the process completed (Figure 5.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012;
Mervade, 2012).

Figure 5. Stream Defination menu and Str layer.

120 Advances in Landscape Architecture

Stream Segmentation: This function creates a grid of stream segments that have a unique
identification. Either a segment may be a head segment, or it may be defined as a segment
between two segment junctions. All the cells in a particular segment have the same grid
code that is specific to that segment. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the
ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that Fdr and Str are the inputs for the Flow Direction Grid and the Stream Grid
respectively. Unless you are using your sinks for inclusion in the stream network
delineation, the sink watershed grid and sink link grid inputs are Null. The output is the
stream link grid, with the default name StrLnk that can be overwritten. The link grid StrLnk
is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 6.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et
al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Figure 6. Stream Segmentation menu and StrLnk layer.

Catchment Grid Delination: This function creates a grid in which each cell carries a value
(grid code) indicating to which catchment the cell belongs. The value corresponds to the
value carried by the stream segment that drains that area, defined in the stream segment
link grid. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that the input to the Flow Direction Grid and Link Grid are Fdr and Lnk
respectively. The output is the Catchment Grid layer. Cat is its default name that can be
overwritten by the user. The link grid StrLnk is added to the map, when the process
completed. The Catchment grid Cat is added to the map, when the process completed. In
addition study case will have 70 catchment (Figure 7.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al.,
2012; Mervade, 2012).

Catchment Polygon Processing:This function converts a catchment grid into a catchment

polygon feature. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro toolbar
(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 121

Figure 7. Catchment grid menu and Cat layer.

Confirm that the input to the CatchmentGrid is Cat. The output is the Catchment polygon
feature class, having the default name Catchment that can be overwritten. The polygon feature
class Catchment is added to the map, when the process completed. In addition there are
important information (HydroID assigned, Length and Area attributes of catchment) in
attribute table of Catchment (Figure 8.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Figure 8. Catchment polygon processing menu and Catchment layer.

Drainage Line Processing: This function converts the input Stream Link grid into a
Drainage Line feature class. Each line in the feature class carries the identifier of the
122 Advances in Landscape Architecture

catchment in which it resides. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the

ArcHydro toolbar (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that the input to Link Grid is Lnk and to Flow Direction Grid Fdr. The output
Drainage Line has the default name DrainageLine that can be overwritten.The linear feature
class DrainageLine is added to the map, when the process completed (Figure 9.) (Mervade et
al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Figure 9. Drainage line processing menu and Drainageline layer.

Drainage Point Processing: This function allows generating the drainage points associated
to the catchments. This function is located on Terrain Preprocessing on the ArcHydro
tools(Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade, 2012).

Confirm that the inputs are as below. The output is Drainage Point with the default name
DrainagePoint that can be overwritten. Upon completion of the process, the point feature
class “DrainagePoint” is added to the map (Figure 10.) (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al.,
2012; Mervade, 2012).

Watershed Processing: Arc Hydro toolbar also provides an extensive set of tools for
delineating watersheds and subwatersheds. These tools rely on the datasets derived during
terrain processing.

Batch watershed delineation function delineates the watershed upstream of each point in an
input Batch Point feature class. Batch Point Generation can be used to determine the outlet
of the watershed. Arrange your display so that Fac, Catchment and DrainageLine datasets
are visible. Zoom-in near the outlet of the Köprü stream watershed (Figure 11.). The display
should look similar to the figure shown below and be zoomed in sufficiently so you can see
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 123

and click on individual grid cells. Our goal is to create an outlet point on the flow
accumulation path indicated by Fac grid where the flow leaves the Köprü stream watershed
(Mervade, 2012).

Figure 10. Point processing menu and Drainage point layer.

Figure 11. Batch Point generation

124 Advances in Landscape Architecture

Batch watershed delineation function delineates the watershed. This function is located on
Watershed Processing on the ArcHydro Toolbar. Confirm that Fdr is the input to Flow
Direction Grid, Str to Stream Grid, Catchment to Catchment, AdjointCatchment to
AdjointCatchment, and BatchPoint to Batch Point. For output, the Watershed Point is
WatershedPoint, and Watershed is Watershed (Figure 12.). WatershedPoint and Watershed
are default names that can be overwritten (Mervade et al., 2009; Ayhan et al., 2012; Mervade,

You can see that area and length, if you open the attribute table of Köprü_watershed. In
addition you will see that these two are related through HydroID–the DrainID of
WatershedPoint is equal to the HydroID of the watershed, when you open the attribute
table of catchment and DranaigePoint. At the same time you can learn length of drainage
line from attributes table of DranaigeLine (Mervade et al., 2009; Mervade, 2012).

Figure 12. Batch watershed delineation and Köprü stream watershed

5. Conclusion
The future of our present societies is determined by environmental, social, economic and
political situations and the problems and the solutions concerning these issues. Landscape,
which can be defined as the interaction space or product of natural and cultural processes,
puts its relation with future at this point. The concept of future brought about the concept of
Use of Watersheds Boundaries in The Landscape Planning 125

planning, which is evaluated in different topics, and transformed landscape planning into a
part of the future. Therefore, ecological, aesthetic and economic importance of landscape has
become a topic for many researchers and the need for landscape planning is emphasised. At
last, vital importance of landscape and need for its being planned were transferred to a legal
text when European Landscape Convention was signed in 20 October 2000.

The aims of European Landscape Convention are to promote landscape protection,

management and planning, and to organise European co-operation on landscape issues. The
Convention applies to the entire territory of the Parties and covers natural, rural, urban and
peri-urban areas. It includes land, inland water and marine areas. It concerns landscapes
that might be considered outstanding as well as every day or degraded landscapes.
Landscape planning means strong forward-looking action to enhance, restore or create
landscapes in the Convention (Anonymous, 2000). The convention intended to plan
landscape with a “comprehensive, pedant, holistic, coordinated, participant, rationalist”
approach. Also, with the expression “transboundary landscape”, which took place in 9th
clause of the convention and which emphasised local and regional cooperation, brought
about the concept of “planning boundary”.

The planning, which is defined as balancing the needs and the resources in the long run by
complying with the reasonable priorities to reach certain aims with limited resources (Keleş,
2004), is a versatile activity from upper scale to subscale and a body of decisions related to
past, present and future integrating social, economic, political, physical, anthropogenic and
technical elements, as Alipour (1996) stated (Uzun et. al. 2012). This general definition of
planning requires landscape planning to be made in different scales and accordingly in
certain boundaries. Also, as Uzun et. al. (2012) stated, the boundaries of the study area are
the first stage of planning and are very important in clarifying the goal. The data gathering,
which enables the planning to be carried out systematically and defines success (Mcharg,
1967), depends on the boundaries of the planning area. Ultimately, the management process
of realising the plan will be integrated with the administrative structuring within the
boundaries. All these put the importance of the question ‘’What should be the boundary of
landscape planning?’’ forward.

When determining the boundaries of landscape, the fact that landscape is “a space in which
natural, socio-cultural and economical life come together” should not be ignored. This
situation emphasises that the boundary of landscape shouldn’t just describe the natural
areas (eco-zone, ecoregion, habitat, etc.) or administrative spaces. Therefore, the boundary
will be integrated with the body of the landscape. Within this context of approach, there are
various consistent points of view about the boundary of landscape. Meijerink (1985)
considered that watersheds were the best units in which the interactions of human and
natural resources, and the geographical distribution of their consequences could be
observed and modeled (Metzger and Muller, 1996). Gregersen et al. (1987), said watersheds
can use as a physical-biological and a socioeconomic-political units for planning of natural
resources (Graff, 1993). According to Farrina (2006) watersheds are examples of the
hierarchical organization of the landscape. River watershed is composed of sub-watershed,
126 Advances in Landscape Architecture

each of which is composed of smaller-order watershed. The upper and lower limits of this
hierarchy are not definitive but it is possible to move in both directions, including smaller
and larger basins. Tangtham (1996) and Karadağ (2007) lay stress on watershed
classification is thus anticipated as a useful tool for management and planning of natural
resources. Selman (2006) emphasized the importance of watershed boundaries in landscape
ecology. Makhdoum (2008) indicated that the mapping unite (or land unit) is freely derived
from watershed, land system, land form units and ecosystems, at different scale level. He
accepted watershed as one of mapping units in land ecology. Bulley et al. (2007) point out that
watershed provides an important spatial framework to develop a classification system. Şahin
(2007) and Şahin (2009) suggests that watershed can be descriptive and administrative units
for landscape planning. According to EPA watershed is an example of hierarchical system in
nature (Anonymous 2012a). Efe and Aydın (2009), indicated that the provincial boundaries
which constitute the framework of the administrative organization where planning is
currently authorized do not coincide with the natural boundaries. They suggest redefining the
provincial boundaries compatible with watershed for the protection of the nature.

Actually watershed clarifies the complexity of boundary in the landscape. When we

consider the importance of water in life of living things, its effect on establishing,
developing and even collapsing civilisations, it is clear that watershed will be effective
boundaries in landscape planning; because water turns into the interaction space of natural
and cultural life while forming socio-cultural and economical life by its presence. This
situation enables a watershed to turn into not only a natural boundary, but also a boundary
that effects a human’s life. Also, the landscape changes as nature reshapes with human life.
The changing landscape gains a new character. This character is not only a product of the
change of the natural structure caused by the human presence, but also can be expressed
with a hierarchal system from a local scale to upper scales. Thus, the watershed supports the
scale approach in the planning with its hierarchal structure (main river basin, basin,
subbasin, microbasin). Along with that, the main river basins that go beyond the national
boundaries will be able to easily define its collaborators in the transnational landscapes.

Author details
Aybike Ayfer Karadağ
Düzce University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Landscape Architecture, Turkey

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