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Ap - Barrons Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 AP Calc

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Practice Exercises

Part A. Directions: Answer these questions without using your calculator.

x2 -
1. Iim24
X42 X

(A) I (B) 0 (C) --I (D) -1 (E) 00

42-1 is
2. lim-
X400 X -

(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) -4 (D) -1 (E) 00

3. lim x.,� - 2x - 3 is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) - (D) 00
(E) none of these ·

4. lim f is

(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) 00

(D) -1 (E) nonexistent
x - 8
5. Iim24 is
X42 X -

(A) 4 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 3 (E) 00

6. lim 4
X4oo 4X - X - 2

(A) -2 (B) (C) I (D) 2 (E) nonexistent


x3 +27
7. lim 20x52 + 10x+9 is

(A) -00
(B) -1 (C) 0 (D) 3 (E) 00

3x2 +27
8. lim
X4oo x3 -27

(A) 3 (B) 00
(C) 1 (D) -1 (E) 0

9. lim ;��, is

(A) -1 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) oo (E) none of these

10. lim 2;;' is


(A) -1 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) oo (E) none of these

11. lim sin5x
.r-+0 X

(A) =0 (B) - l (C) =1 (D) =5 (E) does not exist

- 5

12. lim sin2x

.r-+o 3x

(A) =0 (B) - 23 (C) =1 (D) - 1 (E) does not exist

- 2
13. The graph of y = arctan x has

(A) vertical asymptotes at x = 0 and x = 1t

(B) horizontal asymptotes at y = ± f
(C) horizontal asymptotes at y = 0 and y = 1t
(D) vertical asymptotes at x = ± f
(E) none of these

x2 -9
14. The graph of y = -- has

(A) a vertical asymptote at x = 3 (B) a horizontal asymptote at y = !

(C) a removable discontinuity at x = 3 (D) an infinite discontinuity at x = 3
(E) none of these

ls• lim 2
x-+0 x +3x
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 3 (D) oo (E)
. I 1s
16. }"1msmx

(A) 00
(B) 1 (C) nonexistent (D) -1 (E) none of these

2x2 + 4 ?
17• Wh.1ch statement .1s true about the curve y = + x
2 7 _ 4x2 •

(A) The line x = -i

is a vertical asymptote.
(B) The line x = 1 is a vertical asymptote.
(C) The line y = -i
is a horizontal asymptote.
(D) The graph has no vertical or horizontal asymptote.
(E) The line y =2 is a horizontal asymptote.

2x2 + I .
18 • (2-x)(2+x) IS

(A) -4 (B) -2 (C) (D) 2 (E) nonexistent

19. lim�
x--.O X

(A) 0 (B) nonexistent (C) 1 (D) -1 (E) none of these

20. limxsin:}

(A) 0 (B) 00
(C) nonexistent (D) -1 (E) 1

21. lim 1t-X lS

(A) (B) 0 (C) oo (D) nonexistent (E) none of these

22. Let f(x) = {�:/ ifx '* 1

4 ifx=l.
Which of the following statements is (are) true?
I. lim f( x) exists

II. f( 1) exists
III. f is continuous at x = 1

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II

(D) none of them (E) all of them

= x::x
23. If {/(x) for x -:I= 0,
/(0) = k,
and iff is continuous at x = 0, then k =
1 1
(A) -1 (B) (C) 0 (D) (E) 1
2 2

f(x) = x2-Jx+ forx '# 1, 2,
24. Suppose /(1) = -3,

/( 2 ) = 4.
Then f(x) is continuous
(A) except at x = 1 (B) except at x = 2 (C) except at x = 1 or 2
(D) except at x = 0, 1, or 2 (E) at each real number

25. The graph of f(x) = x2 _ 1 has
(A) one vertical asymptote, at x = 1
(B) the y-axis as vertical asymptote
(C) the x-axis as horizontal asymptote and x = ±1 as vertical asymptotes
{D) two vertical asymptotes, at x = ±1, but no horizontal asymptote
(E) no asymptote
26. The graph of y = 4X2 - 4X has

(A) a horizontal asymptote at y = + k but no vertical asymptote

(B) no horizontal asymptote but two vertical asymptotes, at x = 0 and x = 1
( C) a horizontal asymptote at y = } and two vertical asymptotes, at x = 0 and x = 1
(D) a horizontal asymptote at x = 2 but no vertical asymptote
(E) a horizontal asymptote at y = } and two vertical asymptotes, at x = ±1

27. Let f(x) = {

xz; x
if x * 0.
I ifx=O
Which of the following statements is (are) true?

I. /(0) exists
II. limf(x)
III. f is continuous at x = 0

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only

(D) all of them (E) none of them

Part B. Directions: Some of the following questions require the use of a graphing

28. If [x] is the greatest integer not greater than x, then x--+1/2
lim[x] is
(A) (B) 1 (C) nonexistent
. (D) 0 (E) none of these

29. (With the same notation) lim[x] is


(A) -3 (B) -2 . (C) -1 (D) 0 (E) none of these

30. limsin

(A) is -1 (B) is infinity (C) oscillates between -1 and 1

(D) is zero (E) does not exist

31. The functionf(x) = {x 2 x (x * o)


0 (x = 0)
(A) is continuous everywhere
(B) is continuous except at x = 0
(C) has a removable discontinuity at x = 0
(D) has an infinite discontinuity at x = 0
(E) has x = 0 as a vertical asymptote
Questions 32-36 are based on the y
function f shown in the graph and
defined below:

1-x {-l�x<O)
2x -2 (0� X � 1)
f(x)= -x+2 (1 < X < 2)
1 (x = 2)
2x-4 (2 < X � 3)

32. limf(x)

(A) equals O (B) equals 1 (C) equals 2

(D) does not exist (E) none of these

33. The function/is defined on [-1,3]

(A) if x=tO (B) if x :t 1 (C) if x :t 2

(D) if X# 3 (E) at each x in [-1,3]

34. The function/has a removable discontinuity at

(A) x=O (B) x = 1 (C) x=2 (D) x= 3 (E) none of these

35. On which of the following intervals is f continuous?

(A) -l�x�O (B) 0<x< 1 (C) 1 �x�2
(D) 2 � x� 3 (E) none of these

36. The function/has a jump discontinuity at

(A) x=-l (B) x = 1 (C) x=2
(D) x= 3 (E) none of these

I CHALLENGE I 37. lim I 3 + arctan 1-

x-+0 V X

(A) -oo (B) j3-; (C) j3+ �

(D) oo (E) none of these
lim_f(x) = -1, lim. f(x) = -1, and j(-3) is not defined. Which of the
38. Suppose x---.-3 x---.-3
following statements is (are) true?

I. lim j(x) = -1.


II. f is continuous everywhere except at x = -3.

III. /has a removable discontinuity at x = -3.

(A) None of them (B) I only (C) III only

(D) I and III only (E) All of them

39. If y = - -
1 , then limy is
- x---.0
2 + lQx
1 l
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D) (E) nonexistent
12 2 3

Questions 40-42 are based on the y

function/shown in the graph.


2 3


40. For what value(s) of a is it true that lj.!1JJ(x) exists andj(a) exists, but
lj.!1JJ(x) :t=f (a)? It is possible that a=

(A) -1 only (B) 1 only (C) 2 only

(D) -1 or 1 only (E) -1 or 2 only

41. limf(x)
does not exist for a=

(A) -1 only (B) 1 only (C) 2 only

(D) 1 and 2 only (E) -1, 1, and 2

42. Which statements about limits at x = 1 are true?

I. limj(x)
II. limf(x)
III. limf(x)

(A) none of I, II, or III (B) I only (C) II only

(D) I and II only (E) I, II, and III
Answer Key
1. B 12. B 23. B 34. C
2. D 13. B 24. B 35.
3. C 14. C 25. C 36. B
4. A 15. B 26. C 37. E
5. D 16. C 27. D 38. D
6. B 17. A 28. D 39. E
7. A 18. B 29. E 40. A
8. E 19. B 30. E 41. B
9. C 20. E 31. A 42. D
10. D 21. A 32. A
11. D 22. C 33. E
Answers Explained
1. (B) The limit as x� 2 is O + 8.
2. (D) Use the Rational Function Theorem (page 96). The degrees of P(x) and Q(x)
are the same.
3. (C) Remove the common factor x - 3 from numerator and denominator.
4. (A) The fraction equals 1 for all nonzero x.
x3 -8 (x-2)(x2+2x+4)
5. (D) Note that x2_ 4 = (x-2)(x+2)

6. (B) Use the Rational Function Theorem.

7. (A) Use the Rational Function Theorem.
8. (E) Use the Rational Function Theorem.
9. (C) The fraction is equivalent to �x ; the denominator approaches oo.
10. (D) Since 2;; = 2-2x, therefore, as x � -oo, the fraction� +oo.

11. (D) lim sin 5x = lim sin 5x . � = S lim sin 5x = 5

X .r->o X 5 .r->o 5x
12. (B) lim s n 2x = l lim sin 2x . l = l lim sin 2x = l
x:-+O 3X 3 X 2 3 x->O 2X
x-+O 3

13. (B) Because the graph of y = tan x has vertical asymptotes at x = ± 'i , the graph
of the inverse function y = arctan x has horizontal asymptotes at = ± i .

x2-9 (x-3)(x+3) x+3

14. (C) Since Jx _ 9 - J(x-J) 3 (provided x-:;:. 3), y can be defined to be
equal to 2 at x = 3, removing the discontinuity at that point.
sinx sinx sinx 1 I
15. (B) N ote that x2+3x = x(x+3) =�· x+3 � l •3
16. (C) As x � 0, } takes on varying finite values as it increases. Since the sine
function repeats, sin i oscillates, taking on, infinitely many times, each
value between -1 and 1. The calculator graph of Y,=sin(l/X) exhibits
this oscillating discontinuity at x = 0.
2x2 +4 I
17. (A) 2 x)(l + 4x) , both x = 2 and x =
Note that, since y = (- 4
are vertical

asymptotes. Also, y = -f is a horizontal asymptote.

2x2+1 2x2+1
18. (B) (2-x)(2+x) 4_x2 . Use the Rational Function Theorem (page 96).

19. (B) Since lxl = x if x > 0 but equals -x if x < 0, lim l::1
= lim £=1 while
x-+0 X x-+0 X
IXI 1·1m-=-. -x l
x-+0- X x-+0- X

-f- and that, as x �

. 1
x1 � 0.
20. (E) Note that x sin } can be rewritten as 00,

21. (A) As x � 1t, (1t-x) � 0.

22. (C) Sincef(x)=x + 1 if x-:t: 1, limf(x) exists (and is equal to 2).

x(x-I) x-I
23. (B) f(x)=--
2 X =--,
2 for all x -:t: 0. For/to be continuous at x=0, limf(x) �O

must equalftO). limf(x)= 2- -1 •


24. (B) Only x=1 and x=2 need be checked. Since f(x)= }:_2 for x -:t: 1, 2, and

limf(x)= -3=f(l),fis continuous at x= 1. Since limf(x) does not exist,

x-+I x-+2

f is not continuous at x = 2.
25. (C) As x � ±oo, y=f(x) � 0, so the x-axis is a horizontal asymptote. Also, as
x � ±1, y � oo, so x=±1 are vertical asymptotes.
26. (C) As x � oo, y � I ; the denominator (but not the numerator) of y equals 0
at x=0 and at x= 1.
x2 +x
27. (D) The function is defined at O to be 1, which is also lim
=lim(x + 1).
X x-+0

28. (D) See Figure N2-1 on page 88.

29. (E) lim [x]=-3 but lim [x]=-2.
Note, from Figure N2-l, that X-+-T +

30. (E) As x � oo, the function sin x oscillates between -1 and 1; hence the limit
does not exist.

31. (A) Note that x =x if x-:t: 0 and that limf =0.

X x-+0

32. (A) lim f(x)=.t-+2

lim f(x)=0.

33. (E) Verify thatfis defined atx = 0, 1,2,and 3 ( as well as at all other points in
34. (C) Note· that lill!f(x) = limf (x) = 0. However,f(2) = 1. Redefiningf(2) as 0
x--.2 x--.2
removes the discontinuity.
35. (B) The function is not continuous at x = 0, 1,or 2.
36. (B) limf (x) = 1.
limf(x) = 0 -:I: x--.1•

37. (E) Asx� o- ,arctan 1 � - 2 rr ,so

y� [ti" l- o+
2. Asx� ,y� V3+2.
The graph has a jump discontinuity at x = 0. (Verify with a calculator.)
38. (D ) No information is given about the domain off except in the neighborhood
of x=-3.
39. (E) As X� o+, 10 x �00 and therefore y� 0. As X� o-, -X1 � -oo,so
10;� 0 and therefore y� f. Because the two one-sided limits are not
equal,the limit does not exist. (Verify with a calculator.)

40. (A) limf(x) = l, butf(-1) =2. The limit does not exist at a= 1 andf(2) does

not exist.

41. (B) limf(x) = 1 and limf

X--+-1 X--+2
(x) =2.

42. (D) limf(x) =-1 and X--+I+

limf(x) = l,but since these two limits are not the

same, lim
f(x) does not exist.

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