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Seismic Provisions For RC Structures ACI318-05

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ACI 318 Seismic Provisions for RC

Provisions of ACI-318-05 chapter 21
must be applied in addition to other
provisions of the ACI code
Limitations on Materials
i. f’c ≥ 3000 psi

ii. f’c ≤ 5000 psi for light-weight concrete, unless suitability is

demonstrated by tests.

iii. Reinforcement shall comply with ASTM A-706. ASTM A-615 Grades 40
and 60 are permitted if they satisfy items iv and v below.

iv. (fy)Actual – (fy)Specified ≤ 18,000 psi

v. fu/fy ≥ 1.25

vi. fyt ≤ 60,000 psi for all transverse reinforcement, including spirals
Flexural Members of Special Moment
Flexural Design:
24 in 24 in
Beam (14" x 20") Column (18" x 24")
2 - #9

2 - #9 2 - #9 2 - #9

24 ft

4 in

20 in #3 Stirrup

14 in 14 in
Section at Column Face Mid-Span Section
Geometric constraints for beams

• Pu ≤ Agf’c/10 (Members resisting primarily flexure)

• Clear span ln ≥ 4d (ACI 318-05,

where d = effective depth of beam

• bw/h ≥ 0.3 (ACI 318-05,

• bw ≥ 10 in (ACI 318-05,

• and bw ≤ c2 (ACI 318-05,

Minimum and maximum ratio of longitudinal
reinforcement (ACI 318-05,
• (ρmin)top = (ρmin)bott. ≥ 3 /fy

• (ρmin)top = (ρmin)bott. ≥ 200/fy

• ρmax ≤ 2.5 %
Minimum positive and negative moment
capacity at each section (ACI 318-05,
• Mn+ ≥ 0.5Mn- at column face

• Mn+ ≥ 0.25 (Mn-)max at any section

• Mn- ≥ 0.25 (Mn- )max at any section

Lap splices to flexural reinforcement (ACI 318-
• Lap splices shall be permitted only if hoop or
spiral confinement is provided and the spacing of
the transverse reinforcement is:
o s ≤ d/4
o and s ≤ 4 in
• Lap splices shall not be used:
o within the joints
o within a distance of twice the member depth from the
face of the joint
o where analysis indicates flexural yielding is caused by
inelastic lateral displacements of the frame
Design of the critical end regions of a beam in a
special moment frame for shear and
confinement (ACI 318-05,
The design shear force, Ve , shall be determined
from consideration of the statical forces on the
portion of the member between faces of the
joints. It shall be assumed that moments of
opposite sign corresponding to probable flexural
moment strength, Mpr , act at the joint faces and
that the member is loaded with the factored
tributary gravity load along its span
Mpr (probable moments)

Moment strengths are to be determined using a strength

reduction factor of 1.0 and reinforcing steel stress equal to at
least 1.25fy. Distribution of the combined moment strength
of the beams to the columns above and below the joint
should be based on analysis. The value of Mpr may be
computed from the flexural member strengths at the beam
column joints (ACI 318-05,
The contribution of concrete to shear, Vc within
the plastic hinge region (length equal to twice
the member depth at each end) may be
negligibly small upon the formation of hinge due
to the deterioration of concrete. Therefore,
when Ve within the hinging region is equal to
one-half or more of the maximum required
shear strength, and the factored axial
compression including earthquake effects is less
than Ag f’c / 20, Vc should be ignored completely
in design i.e. Vc = 0 (ACI318-05,
Special Moment Frame Members
Subjected to Bending and Axial Load
Flexural Design (ACI 318-05, 21.4.1)
• Pu > Agfc’ /10 (Members resisting axial and flexure)
• Minimum and maximum reinforcement ratios are 1% and 6%,
• The 2% reduction in the maximum limit of reinforcement ratio
from the 8% limit is intended to reduce the congestion of
reinforcement and development of high shear stresses in
earthquake resistant columns
• ACI 318-05 also provides limitations on column cross sectional
Flexural Design
• Members designed to resist earthquake forces while
subjected to factored axial compressive force of Pu >
Agf’c/10 are designed following the requirements of
Sec. 21.4 of ACI 318-05. Columns that fall in this
category are designed with minimum and maximum
reinforcement ratios of 1% and 6%, respectively. The
2% reduction in the maximum limit of reinforcement
ratio from the 8% limit specified for ordinary building
columns is intended to reduce the congestion of
reinforcement and development of high shear stresses
in earthquake resistant columns. ACI 318-05 also
provides limitations on column cross sectional
Strong Beam Weak Column Concept

• ∑Mnc is the sum of nominal flexural strengths

of the columns framing into the joint

• ∑Mnb is the sum of the nominal flexural

strengths of the beams framing into the joint

 M nc  5  M nb
Transverse reinforcement for beams

• The volumetric ratio of spiral or circular hoop reinforcement, ρs,

shall not be less than required by Eq. (21-2).
ρs = 0.12 fc′/fyt (21-2)
and shall not be less than required by Eq. (10-5).
ρs = 0.45 (Ag /Ach - 1) fc′/fyt (10-5)

• The total cross-sectional area of rectangular hoop reinforcement,

Ash, shall not be less than required by Eq. (21-3) and (21-4).
Ash = 0.3(sbc fc′/fyt )[(Ag /Ach) –1] (21-3)
Ash = 0.09sbcfc′/fyt (21-4)
Ash : Total area of transverse reinforcement
in the direction of earthquake

bc Ach bc
(shaded Area)

h h

Direction of
earthquake load
bc: Core dimension measured Ach : Area enclosed by perimeter
center-to-center of perimeter tie tie measured out-to-out of tie

Transverse reinforcement
• Transverse reinforcement shall be provided by either single or overlapping
hoops. Crossties of the same bar size and spacing as the hoops shall be
permitted. Each end of the crosstie shall engage a peripheral longitudinal
reinforcing bar. Consecutive crossties shall be alternated end for end along
the longitudinal reinforcement.
Transverse reinforcement

• If the design strength of member core satisfies the

requirement of the design loading combinations including
E, load effects for earthquake effect, Eq. (21-3) and (10-5)
need not be satisfied.
• If the thickness of the concrete outside the confining
transverse reinforcement exceeds 4 in., additional
transverse reinforcement shall be provided at a spacing not
exceeding 12 in. Concrete cover on the additional
reinforcement shall not exceed 4 in

Design for columns Vu


of special moment
hlong D
resisting frames s o h short  12 in D  12 in If beam reinforcement is
continuous over the support:
h short h  20d b ( NWC)
 0.4
(ACI 318-05, 21.4.4) c
h h long

s  h/4 s'  6 in
h  26d b (LWC)

s  6 (db)long. s' 6(d b )long.
0.01  ρ  0.06
ρ  Ast /Ag s  s0 but need not be less than 4 in
 14  h x 
Where; s 0  4     6 in
 3 
o Consecutive crossties
engaging the same
longitudinal bars have their
90 deg hooks on opposite
6db ≥ 3 in sides of columns
6db Extension

 o  h long
o  c / 6
hx hx hx
o  18 in hx shall not exceed 14 inches

Use transverse reinforcement at

spacing “s” throughout the length of
longitudinal reinforcement splice
Shear strength requirements for columns

Design forces
The design shear force, Ve , shall be determined from
consideration of the maximum forces that can be
generated at the faces of the joints at each end of the
member. These joint forces shall be determined using the
maximum probable moment strengths, Mpr, at each end
of the member associated with the range of factored axial
loads, Pu, acting on the member. The member shears
need not exceed those determined from joint strengths
based on Mpr of the transverse members framing into the
joint. In no case shall Ve be less than the factored shear
determined by analysis of the structure.
Transverse reinforcement over the lengths lo ,
identified in, shall be proportioned to resist
shear assuming Vc = 0 when both (a) and (b) occur:

a) The earthquake-induced shear force, calculated

in accordance with, represents one-half
or more of the maximum required shear
strength within lo
b) Pu (including earthquake effects) ≤ Ag fc′/ 20.
Joints of Special Moment Frames
The formation of plastic hinges at the ends of
beams may result in significant shear force
reversals in beam-column joints.
Joint shear can be determined by computing the
internal forces acting on the joint while
assuming that the tension beam reinforcement
anchored into the joint develops 1.25 fy.
Ve1 Ve1

T2 = 1.25As fy C1 = T 1
C1 = T1

j j Vj = Ve1- T2 – C1 j j Vj = Ve1 – C1

C2 = T2 T1 = 1.25As fy T1 = 1.25As fy

Ve2 Ve2

Sidesway to Right Sidesway to Right

Ve3 Ve3

C2 = T2 T1 = 1.25As fy
T1 = 1.25As fy

j j Vj = T1 + C2 – Ve3 j j Vj = T1 – Ve3

T2 = 1.25As fy C1 = T1 C1 = T1

Ve4 Ve4

Sidesway to Left Sidesway to Left

Joint Shear Strength
• For joints confined on all four faces:
Vn  20 f c' A j

• For joints confined on three or two opposite

Vn  15 f c A j

• For other joints:

Vn  12 f A j

Where, Aj is the effective joint cross-sectional area

Joint Reinforcement
• The column confinement reinforcement
provided at the ends of columns should
continue into the beam-column joint if the
joint is not confined by the framing beams on
all four faces, as described in the previous
section. For interior joints, with attached
beams externally confining the joint on all four
faces, the spacing of joint reinforcement can
be relaxed to 6 in

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