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The Lifeguarding Experts

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual

Published by the Lifesaving Society. First Printing, December 1994. Twenty-second Printing, September 2017.

Copyright, 1994 by the Royal Life Saving Society Canada. Reproduction, by any means, of materials con-
tained in this book is prohibited unless authorized by the publisher. Requests should be directed to the Na­
tional office of the Society (see inside back cover for address).

The Lifesaving Society is Canada's lifeguarding expert. The Society works to prevent drowning and
water-related injury through its training programs, Water Smart® public education initiatives, drowning
prevention research, aquatic safety management services and lifesaving sport.

Annually, over 1,000,000 Canadians participate in the Society's swimming, lifesaving, lifeguard and
leadership training programs. The Society sets the standard for aquatic safety in Canada and certifies
Canada's National Lifeguards.

The Society is an independent, charitable organization educating Canadian lifesavers since the first
Lifesaving Society Bronze Medallion Award was earned in 1896.

The Society represents Canada internationally as an active member of the Commonwealth Royal Life
Saving Society and the International Life Saving Federation. The Society is the Canadian governing
body for lifesaving sport - a sport recognized by the International Olympic Committee and the
Commonwealth Games Federation.

Note: The Lifesaving Society® is the simplified style of the Royal Life Saving Society Canada (RLSSC). Both
styles may be found in this publication until a new edition is released.

Canadian Cataloguing fn Publication Data:

Main entry under title:
The Canadian Lifesaving Manual
Issued also in French tinder title: Manuel canadien de sauvetage. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-920326-46-6
1. Life-saving I. Royal Life Saving Society Canada GV837.C33 1994 363.14 (94-900230-5

Ce manuel est disponible en fran�ais.

Water Smart� Swim to Survive� Swim for Life� and Lifesaving Society'" are registered trademarks of the Royal Life Saving Society Canada.
Trademarks other than those owned by the Lifesaving Society used in this document belong to their registered owners.
The Lifeguarding Experts

The Lifesaving Society is dedicated to preventing drowning and

other water-related deaths and injuries. To achieve this, the
Society develops products, programs, and services that will help
people enjoy water activities safely.

This manual, The Canadian Lifesaving Manual (CLSM), is one of

those products. And the courses it's used in- Bronze Medal­
lion, for example- are just some of the programs the Society
has developed to prevent drowning and other water-related
deaths and injuries in Canada. This manual reflects current
knowledge about suggested or preferred methods of lifesaving.

Countless individuals have contributed to the writing, editing,

technical review, and production of this manual. Among them
are both volunteers and staff of the Society and numerous
individuals outside the Society who gave generously of their
time and talents. The Society would like to extend special thanks
to the following:

The Society staff, who provided invaluable assistance through­

out the project. Particular thanks to Catherine Haza and Susan
Casey for facilitating the project through the national office.
0 the CLSM contract staff-·
• Shelley Henderson, for her good-natured coaching of
Society staff, contract staff, and the Editorial Board. As
project manager, Shelley provided the helpful, resourceful
guidance so necessary in a project of this magnitude.
• Richard Huint, for his efforts in the early days of the
•, for their commitment and attention to the
translation into French.
• Ari Niemi, for his skill and dedication in the production of
countless illustrations.
• Louise Wood, for her tireless dedication to "getting it
right." Her combination of strong opinions and willing­
ness to work as a teammate made the editorial experience
a most positive encounter for the Editorial Board.

i Lifesaving Society

0 technical experts. Many were consulted to ensure the

technical accuracy and completeness of The Can.adian
Lifesaving Manual. A special thanks for their assistance on the
topic of hypothermia to Gordon Giesbrecht, Ph.D.,
University of Manitoba; Ron Colling, Kelowna Fire
Department; and Rod-Paul Martin, British Columbia &
Yukon Branch. Also, thanks to Steve B. Beerman, B.Sc., BSR,
MD, CCFP, for his technical review of material on near­
drowning and first aid.
0 The many Lifesaving Society Branches that responded
generously with feedback. In particular, thanks go to the
Alberta & Northwest Territories Branch and Ontario Branch
for their detailed, helpful guidance.
0 The Society's Quebec Branch, for co-ordinating the review of
the French translation.
0 The Editorial Board, which guided the manual from rough
draft through several rewritings and editings -
• Barney Chanda, for his overall insight and direction.
Thanks too, for writing the draft of Chapter 8 and for
providing assistance on Chapter 9.
• Phil Fournier and the members of his Saskatchewan
writing team, for paying consistent attention to detail and
contributing significantly to the drafing of Chapters 4, 5,
and 8.
• Sue Glover Takahashi, for her stewardship as Chair of the
Editorial Board. Her talent in both project management
and writing - especially on Chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10
- were critical to the completion of The Can.adian
Lifesaving Manual.
• Anne Jackson, for her thoughtful, reflective approach and
her guidance in the drafting of Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5.
• members Calum MacLeod, Alphonse Montminy, and Sue
Stewart-Greene, for guiding and directing the early
"parts" of the project.
• Ed Madill, for his consistently incisive and witty
contributions. Without losing sight of "the grand design,"
Ed never failed to find missing commas or misspelled
words. He also wrote drafts of Chapters 4, 6, and 9 and
provided materials for Chapters 3 and 5.

The Lifesaving Society believes that The Can.adian Lifesaving

Manual will continue to play an important role in the prevention
of drowning and other water-related deaths and injuries for
many years to come. Lifesavers in Canada will learn from this
manual, teach from it, and - ultimately - contribute to it.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual ii

How to Use This Manual
Welcome to the world of lifesaving! This manual, The Can.adian
Lifesaving Manual (CLSM), will be used in lifesaving and
lifeguarding courses offered by the Lifesaving Society.
Lifesaving skills focus on preventing water-related injuries and
saving lives. Participants of all ages and abilities can be
included in lifesaving.

The Can.adian Lifesaving Manual presents up-to-date information

on how to be a lifesaver. The manual focuses on key steps, and
it describes the most common techniques. To become an
effective lifesaver, you need to learn this material and adapt it:
to the situation, to the person you're rescuing, and to yourself
as a rescuer.

We've tried to make this manual as practical and easy to use as

possible. We've included lots of special notes and tips, and
there are over 350 illustrations. There's also an index, which
you can use to quickly find information on specific topics.

Each chapter in the manual provides bwwledge that's vital to

rescues. This knowledge will help you develop your judgment
in rescues. Practising specific techniques will help you refine
the skill needed in rescues. When you add personal fitness, you
have it all - the four components of water rescue!

The manual has 10 chapters and three appendices:

0 Chapter 1 - Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference!
0 Chapter 2 - Drowning Prevention
0 Chapter 3 - Self-rescue
0 Chapter 4 - The Rescue of Others
0 Chapter 5 - Specialized Lifesaving Skills
0 Chapter 6 - First Aid: The Rescue Process
0 Chapter 7 - Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs
0 Chapter 8 - First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury
0 Chapter 9 - Rescue Strokes and Skills
0 Chapter 10 - Physical Fitness and Lifesaving
0 Appendix A - Stress Reactions to Rescues
0 Appendix B - The Society's Policy Guidelines on Rescue
Breathing Practice
0 Appendix C - Swimming Principles.

We hope you enjoy and benefit from The Can.adian Lifesaving


iii Lifesaving Society �

Foreword ................................................................................................................................................i
How to Use This Manual .......................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1 Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference! ..................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Drowning: Some Facts .................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3 How to Make a Difference ........................................................................................... 1-5
1.4 What Is the Royal Life Saving Society Canada?....................................................... 1-5
1.5 Want to Know More?..................................................................................................... 1-9
Chapter 2 Drowning Prevention .................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Be Water Smart-Prevent Drownings! ...................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Want to Know More?..................................................................................................... 2-7
Chapter 3 Self-rescue ........................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Self-rescue: The Rescue Process................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Self-rescue Skills ............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.4 Follow-up and Evaluation .......................................................................................... 3-12
3.5 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 3-13
Chapter 4 The Rescue of Others..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 The Rescue of Others: The Rescue Process................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Victim Recognition......................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 The Ladder Approach ................................................................................................... 4-4
4.5 The Rescuer's Checklist .............................................................................................. 4-10
4.6 Hazards ........................................................................................................................... 4-11
4.7 Assists............................................................................................................................. 4-12
4.8 Entries............................................................................................................................. 4-15
4.9 Approaches.................................................................................................................... 4-19
4.10 Reverse, Ready, and Reassess .................................................................................... 4-19
4.11 Talk, Tow, or Carry....................................................................................................... 4-20
4.12 Removals........................................................................................................................ 4-24
4.13 Follow-up....................................................................................................................... 4-28
4.14 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 4-29

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual


Chapter 5 Specialized Llfesaving Skills ........................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Avoidance ....................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Defences ........................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Releases ............................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.5 Searches for Missing Persons ....................................................................................... 5-5
5.6 Using Skin-Diving Equipment..................................................................................... 5-7
5.7 Ice Rescue ...................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.8 Multiple-Victim Rescues .............................................................................................. 5-11
5.9 Multiple-Rescuer Procedures ..................................................................................... 5-12
5.10 Rescue Procedures for Spinal Injuries ...................................................................... 5-13
5.11 Rescue Breathing in Deep Water ............................................................................... 5-23
5.12 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 5-24
Chapter 6 First Aid: The Rescue Process ...................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 First Aid: The Rescue Process ...................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Assess the Rescue Environment, and Remove Hazards ......................................... 6-3
6.4 Conduct the Primary Assessment ............................................................................... 6-3
6.5 Get a History of the Victim and the Emergency ..................................................... 6-4
6.6 Conduct the Secondary Assessment ........................................................................... 6-5
6.7 Want to Know More?..................................................................................................... 6-9
Chapter 7 Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs ................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 The ABC Priorities ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Coping with Complications during the ABCs .......................................................... 7-6
7.4 Rescue Breathing .......................................................................................................... 7-10
7.5 CPR and AED ............................................................................................................... 7-12
7.6 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 7-18
Chapter 8 First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury............................................................. 8-1
8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Shock ................................................................................................................................ 8-2
8.3 Airway and Breathing Problems ................................................................................. 8-3
8.4 Circulatory Disorders .................................................................................................... 8-6
8.5 Bleeding ........................................................................................................................... 8-8
8.6 Trauma Injuries.............................................................................................................. 8-11
8.7 Burns............................................................................................................................... 8-15
8.8 Medical Disorders ........................................................................................................ 8-17
8.9 Heat/ Cold Disorders ................................................................................................... 8-21
8.10 Bone, Joint, and Soft-Tissue Disorders ..................................................................... 8-24
8.11 Scuba-Diving and Skin-Diving Disorders................................................................ 8-27
8.12 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 8-30
Chapter 9 Rescue Strokes and Skills.............................................................................................. 9-1
9.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Swimming Strokes ......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Swimming Skills............................................................................................................. 9-9
9.4 Want to Know More?................................................................................................... 9-18

Lifesaving Society

Chapter 10 Physical Fitness and Lifesaving................................................................................. 10-1

10.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Benefits of Physical Fitness......................................................................................... 10-2
10.3 Components of Physical Fitness ................................................................................ 10-2
10.4 Evaluating, Developing, and Maintaining Physical Fitness ................................. 10-5
10.5 Want to Know More? ................................................................................................ 10-11
Appendix A Stress Reactions to Rescues ......................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B The Society's Policy Guidelines on Rescue Breathing Practice.............................. B-1
Appendix C Swimming Principles..................................................................................................... C-1
Index ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual

Chapter 1
Be a Hero:
You Can Make a Difference!

1.1 Introduction
As a lifesaver, you can make a difference. You can help other
people or even save them from drowning, and you can be very
influential in helping others be Water Smart in, on, and around

This chapter presents key facts on drownings in Canada.

It shows what behavior increases risk and what behavior
reduces risk in, on, and around water, and it describes how
you can make a difference in drownings in Canada.

When you help someone else or save someone from

drowning, you are being a hero. In lifesaving, being a
hero means having the training to be a hero, and it means
staying safe as you do this. It is NOT about risking your life
to save others!

There are many ways to be a hero, and several stories about

real-life rescues in Canada are included in this chapter. In
each of the stories presented, the rescuer exercised judgment,
put lifesaving knowledge into practice, showed skill, and
demonstrated fitness. Can you see these in the stories?

The training programs of the Royal Life Saving Society Canada

("the Society'') focus on these four components of a successful
rescue. The techniques presented in this manual and in the
lifesaving programs of the Society will help you make a

If every lifesaver influences just one family member or friend,

change can occur and lives can be saved! Canada needs more
heroes. You can be one tool!

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1-1

Chapter 1

1.2 Drowning: Some Facts

The Society is dedicated to saving lives through drowning
prevention. Since 1991, the Society has conducted research
on all drownings and water-related deaths in all Canadian
provinces and territories. This research provides the facts
on the drowning "problem," and these facts are used to
help the Society and others develop drowning-prevention
"solutions." The Society's drowning research is the basis of
its public-education campaigns, and it plays a major role in
the development and refinement of the Society's lifesaving,
lifeguarding, and leadership programs.

This research tells us a lot about drowning and fatal aquatic

incidents in Canada, for example, who the victims are, where
and when drownings occur, and what factors contribute to
drowning. The rest of this section highlights these and other
key facts on drowning in Canada.

How Serious Is the Drowning Problem?

0 About 500 Canadians die each year in water-related incidents,
and most of these deaths are preventable.
0 Drowning is the third leading cause of all accidental deaths
in Canada, exceeded only by motor vehicle collisions and
Rescue from Ice falls.
On Sunday, January 0 Among children under 10, drowning is the second leading
13, 1993, 9-year-old
cause of accidental death.
Jordan McMullan,
dressed in full hockey
0 More people die from drowning tha n from fires or
equipment, skated
poisonings in Canada.
onto thin ice chasing a 0 Drowning is the leading cause of death in recreational
puck and broke through activities.
the frozen surface of 0 Drownings can result
Mill Pond in Strathroy, in severe emotional
Ontario. His friend, and financial crises.
Christopher Siddall, 13
years of age, went to Who Drowns?
his aid, lay down on the
0 No one is immune to
ice which was cracking
around him, and pulled
drowning. People in
Jordan to safety using
all age groups, from
his hockey stick. the very young to the
very old, die in water­
related incidents.
0 The age groups
at greatest risk of
drowning are
• young adults 18 to
• young children
under 5. BE WATER SMART.

1-2 Lifesaving Society

Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference!

0 Males are far more likely to drown than females. About four
out of every five people who drown in Canada are male. City 6oy Saved from
0 Swimmers and non-swimmers drown. Knowing how to Drowning
By Peter Smith a nd
swim is ,wt enough to protect against drowning. Kevin Martin
Ca lgary Sun
What Activities Are Involved? CALGARY - Two Ca lgary
0 About two-thirds of the people who drown are near the l ifeg uards saved a you ng
water but do ,wt intend to go in. boy's l ife yesterday.
0 Two-thirds of water-related deaths occur during recreational Matthew Brown, 7, of
activities in, on, or near the water. Fishing, powerboating, northeast Calgary, had
and swimming are the leading activities involved in water­ been taking swi m m i ng
related deaths occurring during recreational activity. Other l essons with a day-care
g roup. "After their l essons
significant activities are playing or walking near water,
had ft n ished, they had
canoeing, and snowmobiling. a spe l l of free swi m m ing
0 About 50 people drown every year in bathtubs. time, and the boy was
seen on the bott-om in
1 ° metres of water," said
Average Number of Water-related Deaths per Year Const. Larry Lafreniere.
in Canada, 2001-2005, by Recreational Activity
Ken Schaffer, of the
100 Emergency Medica l
85 Services, said t h e boy
wasn't breathi ng when he
rll 80 was taken from 'the water.

tlS "By the time paramed ics
cu a rrived, the boy was
0 60 53

conscious, alert a nd was
doing wel l," said Schaffer.
31 "We would l ike to g ive a
pat on the back to the
19 l ifeguards for a job wel l
20 10 done. Their promptness
a nd professional care
saved a you ng l ife."
Fishing Power- Swimming Playing Walking Canoeing Snow-
boating near near mobiling
Water Water

Recreational Activity
Source: Lifesaving Society Canada drowning research.

When Do Drownings Occur?

0 Canadian drownings usually peak in the summer. While
about half of all drownings happen in June, July, and
August, drownings are a year-round problem.
0 Many drownings and water-related deaths occur on the
weekend, when participation in aquatic recreation is highest.
0 Two-thirds of all drownings occur in the afternoon and

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1-3

Chapter 1

Where Do Drownings Happen?

0 Drowning rates are highest in the coastal provinces.
0 Almost all drownings in Canada happen in unsupervised
areas (without lifeguards).
0 About three-quarters of the drownings in Canada happen
at lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans. Very few occur at
supervised pools.

What Are the Contributing Factors?

0 About 90% of drowning victims are not wearing a lifejacket
or PFD. Fewer than 3% of boating victims are wearing one,
and a surprising proportion do not have one in their boat.
0 Alcoholic beverages are a factor in almost half of all
0 In almost half of all drownings, the victim is alone. There is
no chance for a buddy to help.
0 Cold water is an important factor in drownings. Nearly
three-quarters of all deaths from exposure involve cold

Profiles of Some Typical Drowning Victims

Unattended Toddlers
Children under 5 who are playing near the water or bathing can
fall into the water or submerge and drown if left unattended,
even for a very short time.

Young Explorers
These are children between 5 and 12 who are playing near
lakes, rivers, streams, and private pools, often without adult

Risk Takers
These are males aged 18 to 34 who powerboat, fish, swim,
canoe, and snowmobile. Risk takers often party with friends,
drinking alcohol and wearing neither a lifejacket nor a PFD.

Older, Not Wiser

These are males 35 to 64 who powerboat, fish, swim, and walk
near water. They often drink during these activities, especially
on open water.

Unsuspecting Seniors
These include males and females over 65. They are often alone
when they drown, and they are at risk while walking near
water or taking baths because they cannot rescue themselves.

1 -4 Lifesaving Society
Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference!

Shallow- Water Divers

These are usually male teenagers, often drinking or partying,
who dive into shallow water in backyard pools or at unsuper­
vised waterfronts. They break their neck when they hit the

1.3 How to Make a Difference

Here are just some of the ways you can make a difference:
,I Become aware of who's at risk. Do you fit one of the high­
risk profiles? (See page 1-4.)
,/ Learn the keys to being Water Smart.
Do you follow the Water Smart tips? Hou5e Com mentf5 Youth for Plucking Fa mily
(See page 2-2.) from Death
By Craig Weetcott
,/ Get involved in drowning preven­ The Evening Teleg ra m
tion by contacting your local pool, ST. JOH N'S - There's a new hero in the province,
your Society Branch, or the Society a 13-yea r-old g irl from Nain [Newfound la nd] who
national office. saved three mem bers of her fam i ly a nd a friend from
,I Become a trained lifesaver. The next drowning after their snowm obi les pl u nged through thi n
section contains an overview of the ocean ice.
Society, which is responsible for life­
saving training in Canada. Sherry Dicker wa s riding a snowm obil e Sunday with
her 11-yea r-old friend Shel ly Dicker on the back when
1.4 What Is the Royal Life she saw the machine ca rrying her father. brother a nd
sister sl i ce throug h the ice a head of her.
Saving Society Canada?
Dicker j u m ped off her snowmobi l e a nd hopped onto a
The Lifesaving Society works to safe pan of ice before [her snowmobi le] also dropped
prevent drowning and water-related into the water. ca rryi ng her friend with it. Dicker th rew
injury. The Society sets the standard for her coat to the g i rl and pul led her to safety.
aquatic safety in Canada and certifies
all of Canada's National Lifeguards. With her father David, 38, brother David Jr., five, and
her eig ht-yea r-old sister Stacy- Lee thrashing around
Millions of Canadians hold Lifesaving in the water trying to keep afloat. Dicker crawled to
the edg e of the ice a nd aga i n flung out her jacket and
Society certifications. Over 1,000,000
pul led eac h of them to safety.
Canadians participate in the Society's
training programs every year. Torngat Mountains M HA Garfield Warren asked the
House of Assembly Tuesday to officia l ly tha n k the
The Society is a national, volunteer Grade 8 student for being so brave. "The people
organization and registered charity of Nain a re extremely pleased that they have a n
composed of tens of thousands outsta nd i ng citizen that deserves credit a nd
of individual members and over recogn ition for her heroic d eeds;· Wa rren sa id .
4,000 affiliated swimming pools,
waterfronts, schools and clubs. The
Lifesaving Society represents Canada
internationally in the Commonwealth
Royal Life Saving Society and the
International Life Saving Federation.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1 -5

Chapter 1

What Are the Aims and Values of the Society?

The aims of the Society are as follows:
0 Prevention - to increase awareness of the responsibility that
individuals assume for themselves and others when working,
playing, or boating in, on, or near water
0 Education- to provide education in response to current
needs in water rescue, resuscitation, lifeguarding, and aquatic
risk management
0 Leadership - to provide leadership training and develop-
ment for lifesaving and lifeguarding programs and activities.

The Society summarizes its values as follows:

.I Humanitarian principles are the basis of the Society.
.I People are the Society's most important resource .
.I The Society is dynamic and action-oriented .
.I The Society is based on mutual respect, trust, and integrity.
.I The Society supports innovation and creativity.

How Does the Society Accomplish Its Aims?

The Society accomplishes its aims through
0 program education
0 public education
0 research
0 partnerships
0 consultation.

Program Education
Program education refers to the formal training in swimming,
lifesaving, lifeguarding and leadership provided by the Society.
The Society reviews and revises its programs on a regular basis.

The programs of the Society are offered through the Society's

affiliate members . Affiliate members include the pools and
waterfronts of municipal recreation departments, local YMCA­
YWCAs, youth camps, private programs, and the athletic
facilities of schools, colleges, and universities . Over 1,000,000
Canadians are trained and certified every year in the Society's

Public Education
Public education refers to the Society's efforts to ensure that
all Canadians are "Water Smart." Being Water Smart involves
acting safely near water and avoiding water-related hazards.
The Society creates Water-Smart messages featuring personal
lifesaving tips for people involved in unsupervised activities
in, on, or near water. These messages are directed at Canadians
who do not emol in aquatic training programs. These people are
not exposed to information on self-rescue and the prevention

1-6 Lifesaving Society

Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference!

of aquatic accidents and may not know how to cope with aquatic
emergencies involving others. The Society's public-education
efforts reach millions of Canadians every year.

Each year, the Society conducts research that profiles drownings and
other water-related deaths in Canada. This research is presented in
national drowning reports that identify the key
factors contributing to these incidents. Education initiatives are
developed from this research. The Society also holds
symposiums on key lifesaving and public- ----------------
education topics each year. In addition, the Father and Son Rescued from
Society investigates issues that affect the Cap5ized Boat
development and technical excellence of its Kim Richardson completed her Bronze
programs and services. Medal lion course at Centennial Pool in Hope,
British Columbia, on August 11, 1991 . Six
days later she found herself employing those
Partnerships skills she had learned when she was faced
The Society works in co-operation and consul­ with a real l ife and death situation.
tation with national, provincial, regional, and
community agencies, governments, and organi­ She a nd her husband were camping on Gil l is
zations in the areas of prevention, education, Lake. About 6:00 p.m. Kim heard a l oud
safe boating, and aquatic safety. splash accompanied by an ear-piercing cry.
Looking out onto the lake she saw a capsized
Consu ltation boat with one person in the water and one
The Society provides advice to education, hanging onto the craft.
recreation, health, and government agencies that
oversee aquatic recreation in Canada. In addition, Kim's husband Bob went for hel p and
Kim rowed her rubber dinghy out to the
Society representatives act as expert witnesses at overturned boat. As she approached the
coroner's inquests and in court cases. victims, the father, who was beginning to
submerge because of his heavy clothes,
How Can You Get Involved? cal led desperately to his son. Suddenly, his
The Society has Branches, volunteers, and staff son let go o f the overturned boat and bega n
serving every province and territory in Canada. to swim towards his drowning father. Both
men began to submerge. Kim cal led to them,
At the national level, the Society is governed by encouraging them to roll onto their backs.
a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board is
responsible for policy development and stra­ Using her paddle, Kim pulled the son to her
boat a nd held onto him. Just then, a small
tegic management of the Society. The Society's motor boat arrived and helped the father.
national office is in Ottawa.

At the provincial / territorial level, a Branch Council or Board of

Directors directs the management of Society activities. There are
10 Branches, and all provinces and territories are represented by
a Branch. Branch Councils consist of volunteers serving as
Branch officers and committee chairpersons. Most Branches
elect or appoint committee members, event co-ordinators, or
area representatives to extend the work of their Council. All
Branches have offices, and most have paid staff. Staff and volunteers
work closely in pursuit of the aims of the Society.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1-7

Chapter 1

Once you receive a Society program award, you become a

"member" of the Society and are invited to participate in the
activities of its provincial and territorial Branches. But you don't
have to own a bathing suit to help save lives through drowning
prevention. You can help in your local or provincial public­
education or fund-raising campaigns.

The Society encourages you to get involved. There are many

ways to be a hero!

How Does the Society Honor Heroes?

The awa rd for the most The Society acknowledges significant acts of bravery with its
courageous rescue i n rescue awards:
the Com m o nwea lth is 0 Letter of Commendation. The letter of commendation
ca l l ed the M o u ntbatten acknowledges a successful rescue by a person who does not
Medal, a n d it is awa rd ­ hold a Society award.
e d b y t h e Roya l Life
0 Rescue Commendation Certificate. This certificate recognizes an
Saving Society. The
outstanding rescue by a person who does not hold a Society
Ca nadian nom i natio n for
the M o u ntbatten Meda l
is selected from a n n u a l
0 M. G. Griffiths Certificate and M. G. Griffiths Plaq ue. These two
recom m endations for awards acknowledge significant acts of bravery and the use
the M . G. Griffiths of approved techniques by a person who holds a Society
Plaque. award in an attempt to save a life. The M. G. Griffiths Plaque
is the highest Society rescue award.

Anyone may nominate a person for a Society rescue award.

Recognition is primarily given for a lifesaving act in a volunteer
capacity, but outstanding on-duty rescues are also eligible
for consideration. Nominations for a rescue award should be
submitted to the provincial or territorial Branch as soon as
possible after the rescue.

The Society encourages you to nominate your local hero for

a rescue award. Please contact your provincial or territorial
Branch to find out how.

1-8 Lifesaving Society

Be a Hero: You Can Make a Difference!

1.5 Want to Know More?

Royal Life Saving Society Canada. Swim Patrol Award Guide and
Bronze Medals Award Guide. Ottawa: Royal Life Saving Society
Canada, 2009.
Award guides present the test items, evaluation criteria and
teaching suggestions for the three awards in the Society's
Canadian Swim Patrol Program - Rookie, Ranger and Star
Patrol, and the three bronze medal awards - Bronze Star,
Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross.

Royal Life Saving Society Canada. Program Guide. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada.
The Program Guide is produced by individual Society
Branches. It presents the details of Society programs and
describes how to run them. This publication, which is of
interest to aquatic programmers, covers Branch policies and
administrative procedures.

Royal Life Saving Society Canada. The National Drowni ng Report,

2011 Edition. Ottawa: The Royal Life Saving Society Canada. May
2011 .
This report profiles the who, what, when, where and why of
drowning trends in Canada since 1997.

Sportsmart Canada. Sudden Impact. Toronto: Sportsmart Canada,

A 20-minute video on diving injuries, Sudden Impact focuses
on the potential dangers of diving into both known and
unknown water. The video has been produced for young
people, and it features interviews with teenagers who
have been seriously injured while diving. The video also
stresses the role of alcohol in diving injuries and the dangers
associated with diving in backyard pools.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1-9

Chapter 2
Drowning Prevention

2.1 Introduction
Being a lifesaver is of course about rescuing others
from danger around water. But it's also about drowning
prevention and self-rescue. These two topics are so
important that each has its own chapter in this book.
This chapter covers drowning prevention, and Chapter 3
discusses self-rescue.

Drowning prevention matters. Drowning is a leading

cause of accidental death in Canada. In fact, it is the third
leading cause of such death, with more fatalities every
year than poisonings or even fires.

Many drownings and other serious aquatic incidents

can be prevented. They are therefore not real "accidents."
Research conducted by the Royal Life Saving Society Enter unknown water
Canada shows just how true this is. All too often, feet first, first time
drownings happen because people take chances around
water. In many cases, people would not have drowned if
they had been Water Smart - if they'd worn a personal The tips presented i n
flotation device (PFD), for example. this chapter are a l l
d rawn from the Society's
This chapter presents specific tips on how to prevent resea rch on d rowning. To
drownings. By following these tips, you can decrease -A nd out more a bout ·t;his
your chances of getting into trouble in, on, or near the resea rch, see Chapter 1 .

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 2-1

Chapter 2

2.2 Be Water Smart - Prevent Drownings!

Here are some important Water-Smart tips to help you prevent
,/ Learn to swim.
,/ Wear a lifejacket or PFD.
,/ Behave responsibly if you consume alcohol, drugs, or
,/ Behave responsibly when boating.
,/ Supervise toddlers and young children at all times.
,/ Swim with a Water-Smart buddy nearby.
,I Don't dive into shallow or unknown water.
,/ Check for hazards, and create a safe aquatic setting.
,/ Swim in supervised areas.
,I Know the dangers of cold water.
,I Know the dangers of warm water.

Canadian Swim to Learn to Swim

Survive@ Standard Basic swimming ability is a fundamental requirement to
Society research finds effective drowning prevention. Everyone should learn to swim
that over 70% of d rown ing - at least to the Lifesaving Society's Canadian Swim to Survive®
victim s do not plan to Standard.
enter the water. And they
don't have the essentia l
skills requ ired to su rvive And once you know how to swim,
a n unepected fa l l into deep 0 never swim alone
water: orient and su pport 0 swim parallel to shore
you rself at the su rface 0 have someone accompany you by boat if you plan to swim
after an u nexpected e ntry,
in open water
a nd swim to safety.
0 be realistic about your strength and swimming ability.
The following ba sic skills
form the Canad ia n Swim to
Su rvive® Standard: Wear a Lifejacket or PFD
./ Roll i nto dee p water
Wear a lifejacket whenever you are playing or working on
or near water. This is very important, especially for boaters,
,I Tread wate r 1 m i n ute
toddlers, young children, and non-swimmers. Set an example
./ Swim 50 metres
for children, guests, and others- wear a lifejacket or PFD when
Contact the L ifesaving you expect them to wear one.
Society or your loca l
aquatic facil ity for
I nformation about Swim to
Most people who drown weren't "swimming" when they
Su rvive® . drowned. Most weren't planning to be in the water. And most
weren't wearing lifejackets or PFDs. Instead, they were on or
near the water, and something unexpected happened.

Proper Fitting and Wearing of Lifejackets and PFDs

,/ Pick a lifejacket or PFD you like that suits each of your
activities well. (You may need different lifejackets or PFDs
for different activities.)
,I Be sure any snaps, ties, or zippers work well.
,/ Make sure the lifejacket or PFD fits snugly but comfortably.
Lift up your arms; if the lifejacket or PFD goes above your
chin, it's too big.

2-2 Lifesaving Society

Drowning Prevention

,/ Make sure the lifejacket or PFD is easy to put on and take

,/ Check that your arms can move freely and you can bend at
the waist without the top riding up in your face.
,/ Sit down with your lifejacket or PFD on. If it pushes up
under your chin and you feel very uncomfortable, it's too
,I A lifejacket or PFD for a child should have a strap between
the legs and a collar with a grab handle.
,I Test old lifejackets and PFDs for flotation - flotation
material deteriorates over time.

Behave Responsibly if You Consume Alcohol,

Drugs, or Medication
If you consume alcohol, drugs, or medication, avoid activities Proper-fitting PFD
requiring quick reaction times, fine motor skills, and judgment.
For example, DON'T dive off a dock, DON'T go water skiing,
and DON'T drive a boat. Because intoxication interferes with
your ability to handle dangerous situations, it increases the
chances that a drowning or severe accident will occur. If you
are taking medication, ask your doctor how it could affect your
ability to swim, drive, or react to stress.

Behave Responsibly when Boating

When going out in any boat,
,I wear a lifejacket or PFD.
,/ obey boating regulations.
,I make sure that mandatory and recom­
mended safety equipment is on board.
No matter how little storage space the
boat has, make sure there is one life­
jacket or PFD for each person. (See
sidebar for some of the basic equipment
required by law for many small boats.)
,/ know the boat's limits, especially
those regarding stability and Required Equipment for Many Small Boate;
buoyancy. ,/ 1 Canadian-a pproved PFD or l ifejacket of
,I always check weather conditions appropriate size for each person on boa rd
before going out. ,1 Buoyant heaving l ine at least 15 m long
,/ watch the sky for changes, and head ,1 Manua l propell i ng device (e.g., paddles, oa rs) or a n
for safety if bad weather threatens. anchor with a t least 1 5 m of cable, rope o r cha i n
,/ keep your weight low and ,/ Ba iler or manual water pum p
centred- never stand up in small ,I Watertight flashlight o r 3 Ca nad ian-approved fla res
boats. ,/ Sound signall ing device (e.g., whistle, horn)
,/ stay away from swimming areas,
rocks, strong currents, dams, and Required equipment varies with the size and type of
other boats. boat. For details, refer to Lifesaving Society BOAT
,I always tell someone where you're Study G u ide or the latest edition of Transport
Canada 's Safe Boating Guide.
going and when you think you'll be

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 2-3

Chapter 2

./ always dress warmly enough to protect against losing body

heat - if you get too cold, you won't be able to operate your
boat. Dress appropriately, and wear such added protection as
waterproof boots or shoes, a warm hat or toque, and gloves.

Supervise Toddlers and Young Children at All

Never leave toddlers and young children alone near water. They
can slip underwater and drown even if they're alone for an

Be especially careful in the home- toddlers and young children

can drown in the bathtub even if you leave the room for just a

Swim with a Water-Smart Buddy Nearby

People of any age or swimming ability can find themselves in
trouble in the water. This is why it's so important to swim with
a Water-Smart buddy- there's someone there to help.

Don't Dive into Shallow or Unknown Water

Always enter unknown or shallow water feet first, first time.
Diving into unknown or shallow water shatters lives. Don't do
it- you could drown or be totally paralyzed.

NEVER dive into

unknown or shallow
water, and NEVER
push anyone into the
HOW DOYOU water! l
FOOT Dl�ER Check for Hazards,
IN A 4½ � / ,,; and Create a Safe
FOOT Aquatic Setting
Checking for hazards
SPACE? and creating a safe
� aquatic setting are key
parts of preventing
drownings. Page 2-5
presents detailed tips
on these aspects of
drowning prevention.
Check for underwater
Swim in hazards
Whenever possible, swim in areas supervised by qualified
lifeguards. At such locations, staff plan, supervise, and control
activities, and lifeguards provide help when it's needed.

2-4 Lifesaving Society

Drowning Prevention

Checking for Hazards and Creating a Safe Aquatic Setting

Streams, Rivers, Ponds, l.akes, and Oceans
,/ Check for currents before entering the water, and assess their strength.
,I Before swimming, check for and note any sandbanks, weeds, rocks, tree branches, or other
underwater hazards.
,I Before swimming, check whether the bottom is uneven or soft. With underwater drop-offs
and holes, you can suddenly find yourself in deeper water. It's a good idea to use a pole and
wear shoes.
,I Be cautious the first time you swim where there's a current.
,I Before walking near the water's edge, check for slippery surfaces, loose rocks, soft shoulders,
,I Avoid overhanging banks - Swimming Swimming

they can give way suddenly. Path Path

,/ When swimming, be aware of

<G••db& · �
and avoid nearby boats. Subm
,I To avoid drifting too far from �
the swimming area, choose
and refer regularly to a Lateral � Lateral
specific landmark.

� - · . ?Rz
Current RIP � Current
,/ Watch for and avoid water

�7F??p;7 __�
toys (surfboards, balls, etc.).
They can be hazardous even
·• · :- ·: . ·•• . . . : • . • . . • 1 - . ' • • . . • . . . . . • . ·: . . . .. .
when abandoned. : . . • • · :·:_- ·. -;·
,/ Never rely on inflatable ·: · · Beach · .
cushions, air mattresses, Swimming path across current
water toys, etc., for the
support of non-swimmers.
Supervised Pools, Waterparks, and Watezfronts
,/ Read and abide by all rules and instructions.
,/ Co-operate with those in charge (lifeguards, supervisors, etc.) - they're there to keep the area
safe for you and others.
,/ Take responsibility for your own safety - don't assume lifeguards or others can do it all for
,/ Ensure that toddlers and young children are supervised at close range.
,/ Check any depth markings to determine which areas are shallow and deep and where drop-
off or transition zones are.
,/ Stay out of deep water unless you can swim well.
,I Always WALK on pool decks, in shower or locker rooms, or on docks.
Unsupervised Pools and Waterfronts
Do as for supervised pools, waterparks, and waterfronts, but add the following:
,/ Make sure there's a phone right at the water 's edge - that way, you can answer the phone
and keep supervising activity. Keep the phone line open in case there's an emergency.
,/ Post emergency numbers near the phone.
,I Have rescue equipment and a first aid kit.
,/ Never let anyone swim alone.
,I Avoid diving in backyard pools - they rarely have the depth or distance required for safe
,I Secure access to pool areas from both yard and home - it prevents small children from
entering when they shouldn't. Install a fence and a locking gate.
,/ Use unbreakable containers near the water.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 2-5

Chapter 2

Know the Dangers of Cold Water

Always wear a lifejacket or PFD in conditions where the water
feels cold to you. The longer you are in cold water, the greater
the risk of death. (In fact, prolonged exposure to water that does
------------------ not feel cold at the start can be dangerous
So What Vo You Mean by Cold Water? and may lead to drowning. ) And the
Many factors affect how you r body responds to cold
colder the water, the faster uncon-
water. Here are some of them: . .
0 I eng th of t.1 m e ·in th e wa ter sc10usness and drowrung occur. Cold
o water tem peratu re water is dangerous even for excellent
o a mount of body fat swimmers, because it reduces endurance,
0 a mount of the body that is submerged impairs judgment, and causes muscle
0 whethe r clothing or a lifejacket is worn cramps.
0 body position
0 age. Falling into cold water from ice can be
deadly. Driving or snowmobiling on ice
Water tem peratu res as wa rm as 20' Cel sius are can of course be extremely dangerous,
considered a risk for hypothermia (a d ropping of the but so can just walking on it. This is
body's core tem perature). For i nformation on the why it's so important to know the facts
treatment of this condition, see page 8-24. about ice.

Some Facts about Ice

0 Ice seldom freezes or thaws at a uniform rate. It can be 30
centimetres thick in one spot but only 2 centimetres thick a
few metres away. So before
heading onto ice, check with ·SIi liM
someone who knows about

[@J��r;;�� ,l�.t('. . ·:,� g11:

�:,"Q-����>I?"��. . ·. 01,

rural areas. (This is because - - ;- �

0 :..:
-�-� . �::..

of the greater temperature

changes in urban areas and
the salt from nearby roads.)
0 Ice in towns and cities often involves more water
movement - and therefore more danger.

Know the Dangers of Warm Water

The warm water in bathtubs, home spas, and public hot tubs
can be dangerous. You can be overcome by the heat, and you
can lose consciousness . In the water, this can lead to drowning.

Warm-water spas and hot tubs (40 ° Celsius) are not recom­
mended for those with heart or circulatory problems, the very
young, the elderly, and pregnant women. Do NOT use these
facilities if you have any open sores or infections. And if you
are receiving medical treatment, consult your doctor about the
use of warm-water spas and tubs.

2-6 Lifesaving Society

Drowning Prevention

Here are some tips on how to avoid getting into trouble in warm
.I Stay in warm water for less than 15 minutes .
.I Always have someone nearby who can help in an
emergency- never use a spa or hot tub alone .
.I Consult your doctor if you're unsure about using warm-water
spas and tubs.

2.3 Want to Know More?

Royal Life Saving Society Canada. BOAT Study Guide, Ninth
,Pleae;ure Craft '
Printing, Revised, March 2011 . Royal Life Saving Society Operator Card
Canada, 1999. U nder federa l reg ulations
The 80-page, full colour BOAT Study Guide is the required introduced in 1999. Cana ­
d ian recreational boaters
reference for those taking the Society's Boat Operator
require a Pleasure Craft
Accredited Training course. It presents all the information Operator Card (PCO card)
required to earn the Pleasure Craft Operator (PCO) card. to drive a boat powered
by a motor. As of 2009.
Royal Life Saving Society Canada. The National Drowning Report, every recreational power­
2011 Edition. Ottawa: The Royal Life Saving Society Canada. boat operator. regard less
May 2011 . of age or size of craft.
This report profiles the who, what, when, where and why requires the PCO ca rd .
of drowning trends in Canada since 1997.
Age & Horsepower
Sportsmart Canada. Sudden Impact. Toronto: Sportsmart Canada, Restrictions
1992. Reg ulations matching
A 20-minute video on diving injuries, Sudden Impact focuses boat power with capabil ity
on the potential dangers of diving into both known and a nd maturity are also
unknown water. The video has been produced for young now i n effect. Youth u nder
16 yea rs may not operate
people, and it features interviews with teenagers who have
boats above certain power
been seriously injured while diving. The video also stresses l im its unless accompanied
the role of alcohol in diving injuries and the dangers in the boat a nd directly
associated with diving in backyard pools. supervised by someone 16
yea rs or older.
Transport Canada. Safe Boating Guide. Ottawa: Ministry of
Transport, 2009. Age Max. power
This booklet provides up-to-date information on Canadian restriction
safe boating practices and on laws affecting watercraft U nder 10 hp
in Canada. The guide is one of many tools the Office of 12 yea rs (unaccompanied)
Boating Safety uses to help educate recreational boaters 12 - 16 40 hp
about safety. See also years (unaccompanied)

Nobody under 1 6 yea rs

may operate persona l
watercraft (e.g .• Sea ­
Doos. WaveRunners. Jet
Skis) accom panied or not.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 2-7

Chap ter 3
Se lf-rescue

3.1 Introduction
Chapter 2 discussed how to be Water
Smart and prevent aquatic accidents. But
even the best prevention is not always
enough. Despite taking Water-Smart
precautions, you might someday get into
trouble in, on, or around the water. For
example, the canoe you are in might
capsize if the water suddenly becomes very
rough. Or you might slip and fall from a Self-rescue: You never know when
dock when you're alone. you'll be put to the test!

Self-rescue refers to the steps you take to get yourself out of

these and other difficulties in, on, or near water. It's normal to
feel surprised, confused, or afraid in such situations. But there is
a basic process to use in any rescue situation, including self­
rescue. And there are self-rescue skills you can learn for dealing
with specific situations - falling into cold water, for instance.
This chapter covers the following aspects of self-rescue: Having strong swimming
0 self-rescue: the rescue process - the basic process to use in skills can help you handle
any self-rescue situation dangerous situations in,
0 self-rescue skills- instructions on how to handle specific self­ on, and around the
rescue situations water (see Chapter 2,
0 follow-up and evaluation - a summary of what to do once page 2-2) . Experienced
you're out of danger. swimmers also develop
good judgment about
Once you've mastered these steps to self-rescue, you'll be what situations in, on, or
ready to learn how to rescue others. That topic is covered in near water are
Chapter 4.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-1

Chapter 3

3.2 Self-rescue: The Rescue Process

Whether you're rescuing yourself or another person, your
rescue will have the same three elements. In any self-rescue,
you must
.I recogruze
.I assess
.I act.

The rescue process applies to all self-rescue, and it's dynamic.

You repeat the three elements again and again until you're out
of the water, and you go through them again once you're out of
the water. In some cases, you may recognize-assess-act many
times, changing the procedures you choose as conditions
change. It all depends on the rescue situation.

The rescue process is used in self-rescue, the rescue of others,

and first aid. The three elements are the same in every type of
rescue or first aid situation, but the element details are different.
See Chapter 4 for how the process applies to the rescue of
others, Chapter 6 for how it applies to first aid.

The rest of this section describes the elements in the rescue

process as they apply to self-rescue.

.I Recognize that you are in trouble and that you must rescue
What'ei EMS?
The Emerg ency Medical
.I Recognize that aspects of the situation, such as your
System ( E M S) is a condition, water conditions, and weather conditions, may be
com m u n ity-wide system changing.
for respond ing to
emergencies. It consists Assess
of pol ice, fi re, a nd .I What self-rescue skills do you (and those with you) have?
ambula nce services. To .I What is your physical condition? Are you injured? Which of
fi nd these numbers i n your injuries are the most important? How fit are you?
your com m u nity, check .I Where is the closest point of safety?
the front pag es of the
.I What are the water and weather conditions? How will they
tel ephone book.
affect your options?
.I What equipment do you have that might be useful in a self-
.I What is the lowest-risk way of rescuing yourself?
.I Are there bystanders? How can they help?

.I Do the things you decided to do in your assessment.
.I Watch for changes that make reassessment necessary .
.I Direct bystanders as needed.
.I Contact the Emergency Medical System (EMS) if you need it.
(See page 3-3.)
.I Contact the authorities if the incident should be reported.
3-2 Lifesaving Society

Calling EMS
After removing the victim from the water, direct him or her to a suitable location. Ask if
the victim has friends or family he or she would like to call. If the victim is unconscious,
ask if anyone knows the victim. Shout this if you have to!

Provide first aid and medical assistance if necessary (see Chapters

6, 7, and 8 for information on first aid). Be on the alert for
indications of shock that might not have been clear earlier.

In contacting EMS, you need to give or get the following

0 who you are and who the victim is
0 what the victim's condition is
0 where you are
0 how the accident happened
0 when EMS will arrive.

How you call EMS depends on where you are:

0 Many communities use the 911 emergency telephone number, which connects the
caller to an operator. The operator directs the call to any of the emergency-response
services: ambulance, police, fire department, and so on. After the call has been
transferred, a trained dispatcher leads the conversation and asks questions to obtain
the required information.
0 In communities not served by a 911 system, a separate telephone number is usually
used for each emergency-response service. If you don't know the number, dial 0, and
ask the operator for help.
0 When calling from a public telephone, you don't need money to call EMS.
Information on how to make an emergency call is often posted on the telephone

After calling EMS, give a responsible person the job of meeting it and directing the
emergency-response team to the victim. If you're alone, give EMS detailed instructions
about your location.

When the EMS team arrives, the team assumes responsibility for the care of the victim.
In some cases, emergency-response teams won't assume responsibility for the victim of
an aquatic accident until he or she has been removed from the water. Offer help as
needed, and provide information as you are asked for it (EMS teams follow their own
action plans, and they ask for information as it is needed).

Reporting the Incident

When an incident occurs in an area where there is a relevant authority (provincial or
territorial park authorities, lifeguards) or where additional assistance may be required
(for example, from an electrical utility for the removal of electrical hazards), you may
need to contact the relevant authority about the incident. Also, write things down while
they're still fresh in your mind- how many witnesses there were, what the conditions
were, what happened, etc. When doing this, refer to the guidelines and questions in
Sections 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6- they're a helpful framework for incident reports.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-3

Chapter 3

3.3 Self-rescue Skills To su rvive fal l ing into

water, non-swim mers
This section provides information should wear a l ifejacket
that will help you assess and act in or PFD whenever they are
specific self-rescue situations: near water. Many non­
D self-rescue from good water swim mers who drowned did
conditions N OT expect to have to
swi m (they were fishing, for
D self-rescue from cold water
exa m ple, and their boat
D self-rescue from hot water overturned).
D self-rescue from moving water.

Self-rescue from Good Water Conditions

The elements presented in Section 3.2 are an excellent general
guide to self-rescue from good water conditions. But there are
some specific conditions and factors you also need to consider:
.I If the water is deep, move to safety if you can. If you camwt,
call or signal for help as soon as you can. In the meantime,
swim, tread water, or do a motionless float to keep yourself
at the surface (see pages 3-6 and 3-7). Here are some pointers
on when to use each of these three self-rescue skills:
• Consider swimming if no one can respond to your call for
help within a few minutes. Swimming is a reasonable
choice if you are in known water and the distance you
need to swim is appropriate for your swimming skills,
your energy level, and the environmental conditions.
• Treading water may result in less heat loss than
"Warm" water motionless floating on the back (see below). But treading
temperatures water may also take more effort than motionless floating.
• Any motionless position maintained at the surface of the
water while breathing is called a motionless float. This self­
rescue skill is useful whenever you have to conserve
energy while waiting for help or resting. Motionless
floating can be a useful survival skill in calm, warm water
(water whose temperature is more than 20 ° Celsius).
Motionless floating is not recommended for self-rescue in cold
water (water whose temperature is 20 ° Celsius or less),
because the head is a high heat-loss area, and placing it in
water may increase the rate of heat loss and reduce core
body temperature (the temperature of the internal organs) .
.I If your boat swamps or capsizes, think carefully about
whether to stay with the overturned boat or swim to safety.
Here are some points to consider:
• In general, stay with your boat, and wait to be rescued.
Try to right your boat.
Always right canoes, and use them as rescue craft. (You
can use your hands to slowly paddle a swamped canoe
to shore.)
• If help will probably not come, consider trying to reach
shore safely while conserving as much energy as possible.

3-4 Lifesaving Society


• Before deciding to swim to safety, carefully consider its

pros and cons. See below for information on using
swimming as a self-rescue skill.
,/ If your clothing is weighing you
down, take steps to remove it. U6ing Clothing a6 a Self-re5cue A66i6t
But NEVER take your clothes off While PFDs or l ifejackets are m uch m ore effective, som e
clothing items m a ke useful self-rescue assists or towing
if you're wearing a PFD, and assists.
remove clothing in cold water
only if wearing it threatens your Pant6 a6 Self-re6cue A66i6t6
survival. When removing clothing ,/ Tie a knot in each l eg of the pa nts, cl ose to the cuffs.
in the water, Fasten the waist a nd the fly.
,/ Hold the pa nts in front of you with one hand with the
• remove one clothing item at a waist open toward you. With your other hand, ,plash
time. Make sure you get water i nto the wa ist of the pants. The pa nts fi l l with
enough breath between each air from the splash i ng .
item removal - you can sink ,/ When the pants a re "fu l l," cl ose their wa istba nd. The
while removing heavy clothes. wet fabric wil l slow the passage of air throug h the
• remove boots or shoes first. materia l, making the pa nts buoyant. You can the n use
• save lighter items for use in them a s a n assist.
self-rescue or in the rescue of Shirt6 a6 Self-re6cue A66i6t6
others. ,/ If it isn't too heavY or the water is cold, you may
./ If you get into difficulty while decide to keep you r shirt on. Button the shirt at the
sailboarding, remember that cuffs a nd up the front. Tuck or tie the shirt at your
signalling distress is not as easy waist.
as with other such craft. Waving ,/ Exha le throug h your mouth i nto the neck open ing of
the arms in an exaggerated the shirt. The shirt fil l s with air. When the shirt is
motion is one way to attract "fu l l," button the shirt at the neck. The wet fabric w i l l
attention. So is setting off pocket­ s l ow the passage o f air throug h the material, making
sized flares. Furl the sail, and the shirt buoya nt.
place the mast and sail on the board as a distress signal.
Either paddle to shore, or wait to be rescued.
Removing Clothing in Self-re6cue
,/ Boots or shoes - g et i nto a tuck position, a nd remove shoes one at
,/ Jacket - i n a bac k float position, use both hands t o u nfasten a nd
rem ove the jacket.
,/ Pa nts - if necessa ry, u nfasten the pa nts. You may do this whi l e
tread i ng water l e g s only in a vertica l position or while floating on your
back. Then, i n a tuck position, slide your pants off.
,/ Shirt - in either a back-fl oat or a backward - lea ning position, unfasten
a nd remove the shirt.
,/ Pul l over shirt or sweater - g rasp the base of the sh irt or sweater
with c rossed a rm s, a nd pul l it over your head a nd arms in a sing l e
,/ Other clothes - there's no need to rem ove clothing that doesn't
i nterfere with swi m m i ng m ovem e nts.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-5

Chapter 3

Here are some tips on using swimming as a self-rescue skill:
.I If you have a watercraft or boat, decide if you will use it as a
swimming assist.
.I If there are currents, winds, or tides you can use to your
advantage, consider them in planning your swimming route.
.I If there is a buoyant object that will help keep you afloat, use
.I PFDs or lifejackets make swimming a bit more difficult, but
DON'T discard them.
.I Swim with your head up unless you're in warm water .
.I Don't swim too fast. Pace yourself, and keep your breathing
relaxed and controlled. If you're in warm water or are
wearing a PFD, you can rest if you feel fatigue in your
muscles or breathing becomes difficult; otherwise, keep
moving, but with reduced effort.

See Chapter 9 for detailed information on rescue strokes and


Treading Water
You can use one of the following
kicks when treading water. You
may also alternate among these
kicks to reduce fatigue:
.I modified whip kick. This is the
most common choice in
treading water. Instead of
finishing the kick by bringing
the legs together, make a
wide and continuous rotary
motion to give yourself more
consistent support.
.I scissor kick, modified so that
the legs never fully close. Treading water with
.I slow eggbeater kick. slow eggbeater kick
For arm action, use either a wide sculling action or a modified
finning action. Technique for these leg and arm actions is
presented in detail in Chapter 9.

Motionless Floating
In a motionless float, you need to find a position that keeps your
nose and mouth above the water. You also need to keep your
lungs as full as possible (this is especially important if you tend
to sink easily). Hold your breath when you float motionless-
blowing out makes you sink.

3-6 Lifesaving Society


There are four kinds of motionless floats:

0 horizontal float. Lie face up, horizontally,
at the surface. For stability, either keep
your arms straight and extended :zr-.
sideways OR extend them slightly
backward and parallel. If you do the Horizontal float
latter, keep your palms upward and
just below the surface. The body rotates
about the lungs. For optimal buoyancy,
get into this position gradually, and
control your breathing.
0 angled float. If you have trouble with the
horizontal float, you can use an angled float.
Bend the knees, but keep the rest of the body
in the position for the horizontal float. Again,
the body rotates about the lungs. Angled float
0 vertical float. "Stand" in deep water with your
head tilted backward and all but your face
submerged. You can use your arms to scull until you are
motionless. Once motionless, drop your arms to your sides,
or fold them below the surface and in front of your chest.
Arch your back somewhat- it stabilizes the position.
0 front float. In this variation of the vertical float, you hang
motionless at the surface with your face in the water and
hold your breath. By adjusting the position of your arms,
you can find the best angle for this float. In preparation for a
breath, exhale below the surface. As your mouth clears the
surface to take a breath, press your arms downward lightly
to help support your head. You can also use a scissor kick to
help in this manoeuvre. Return to a resting position at the
surface, with your face in the water, after taking a breath.

Vertical float

Front float

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-7

Chapter 3

Self-rescue from Cold Water

In self-rescue from cold water (see page 2-6), the priority is to
get out of the water fast:
,I Get out of the water, using a quick burst of energy to do so.
,I Remove wet clothing immediately.
,I Dry off and keep warm.

If you cannot do this, you must take appropriate action to

extend your survival time while waiting to be rescued. Keep
the following in mind while carrying out the elements in the
rescue process:
,/ If you expect to be in the water for a long time, move slowly
and deliberately to conserve heat. Expect a decrease in your
"Cold" water strength and in your ability to move. Make the harder
temperatures manoeuvres while you can.
,I While in the water, keep your clothes on - it will help you
conserve heat.
,/ If you aren't wearing a PFD or lifejacket, tread water (see
page 3-6).
,/ If you are wearing a PFD or lifejacket, use one of the
following strategies:
• The self-rescue skill of
choice is HELP- the
Heat Escape Lessening Immersion in Cold Water
Position. Press your Sudden i m mersion in cold water
ca uses an i m m ediate a nd larg e
legs together, tuck them decrease in skin tem perature.
up, and press your Severa l reflex "shock" responses
arms against the sides occur:
of your chest. The head, Cl a gasp reflex, which causes a
sides of the chest, sudden breathing in, fol lowed by
armpits, and groin are u ncontrolled, i nvol u nta ry
the body areas that lose hyperventilation i n which water
the most heat. Using may be breathed in
Heat Escape Lessening Cl a g reatly reduced capacity to
HELP limits heat loss
Position (HELP) hold the breath
because the head is out
of the water, the tuck Cl an i m m ed iate a nd widespread
position protects the constriction of blood vessel s a nd
a n increase in heart rate a nd
large blood vessels in
blood pressure.
the groin, and the arms
cover the sides of the Continued exposure t o cold causes a
chest. ra pid dec l i ne i n strength and i n the
• Small groups of two to abil ity to use the fingers, ha nds, and
four can use the l i m bs. It a lso becomes harder to hold
Huddle Position to onto rescue a ssists. The risks
reduce the rate of heat a ssociated with sudden i m mersion in
loss. People in the cold water are greatest when the
group should face one body suffers a severe chang e of
another, press their tem perature, for exa m ple, on a hot
own legs together, day in ea rly spring or late fal l .
Huddle position press their chests

3-8 Lifesaving Society


together, and interlock arms (one arm over and the other
arm under a partner's). If the water is calm and currents
aren't strong, it may be easier and more efficient to use
HELP. But if these conditions are not present or there are
children in the group, the Huddle Position is preferable
(children in the middle). This position keeps the group
together, and it can also boost morale .
.I If you fall through ice, call for help. Use any
combination of kicking, clawing, crawling, and breaking
loose ice to find solid support. Move your feet and legs -
into a swimming position. Try to push yourself forward
on your stomach onto the unbroken ice. DON'T stand
up. Roll away from the break until you find solid ice.
.I If you fell into cold water from a car or truck, try to
escape while the vehicle is still floating. The most
practical escape hatches are the windows; water and ..._......,
ice pressure make it very hard to open the doors of a Ice self-rescue: Keeping low,
submerging vehicle. push forward on your stomach

Self-rescue from Hot Water

The negative effects of hot water (water whose temper­
ature is at least 40 ° Celsius, such as that in spas or hot
tubs) include dizziness and weakness, which can affect
balance. These effects don't usually appear until people
stand up to get out of the water.

If you stand up in hot water and feel dizzy,

./ get into a horizontal position
./ crawl out of the water
./ lie down on your side until you feel better
./ call for help.

After any self-rescue from hot water, rest before starting

your regular activities again. And drink water or other "H ot" water: Limit your contact
fluids before getting into hot water- it replaces fluids lost
through sweating and so helps prevent negative effects.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-9

Chapter 3

Self-rescue from Moving Water

This section describes how to rescue yourself from
0 undertows, rip currents, and lateral currents
0 river and hydraulic currents.

Self-rescue from Undertows, Rip Currents, and Latera l

Undertows are backwash currents that occur when the water of
an incoming wave flows out from a beach. Undertows in wave
pools are similar to those at ocean beaches. The greater the slope
of the beach or the size of the wave, the greater the strength of
the undertow.

The combined force of the incoming wave and the outgoing

backwash current can knock you down, especially when loose
sand is the only footing available. You are then carried outward,
usually to deeper water. Here are the steps in self-rescue from
an undertow:
.I Stay calm- it will make self-rescue easier when the next
incoming wave carries you back to shore.
.I Regain your footing when you are carried back to shore.

Rip currents occur when water accumulates near shore because it

can't return outward. The water returns seaward where there is
a break in the surfline, for example, between two sandbars or in
an underwater gully. A rip current's strength depends on how
much water is returning to sea and how big an opening the
water tries to pass through. There are several indicators of rip
0 a break in the surfline
0 darker water (because of the reduced wave motion on the
surface of the current)
0 an area that looks muddy (because the water is carrying so
much sand).

Rip currents are the most dangerous hazard at ocean beaches.

The steps in self-rescue from them are as follows:
0 Don't fight the current- rip currents weaken and dissipate
as they head seaward.
0 Swim across the current and back to safety.

Lateral (side) currents often feed into rip currents. Lateral currents
can be dangerous because they can carry unsuspecting bathers
out of their depth, into a hazardous area or even into a rip
current. Too often, people don't recognize that they're travelling
in a lateral current. All swimmers, body surfers, and waders
should periodically confirm their location relative to onshore
landmarks. Because lateral currents usually flow parallel to
shore, self-rescue consists of swimming either toward or away
from shore.

3-10 Lifesaving Sodety


Self-rescue from Rive1' and Hy draulic Currents

Never underestimate the power of a river
current- even one that seems slow. You can find
yourself swept into a river current when a boat
overturns or a river bank suddenly collapses.
Here are some tips on how to rescue yourself
from river currents:
0 Don't fight the current.
0 Turn onto your back, and try to stay at the
0 Move, feet first, with the current.
0 Scan for and avoid obstacles and debris ahead.
0 Manoeuvre diagonally out of the current to
shore. Escaping from a river current

Hydraulic currents are recirculating currents that occur near low­

head dams. The tops of these dams are below the water
surface. These dams look innocent, but they are very dangerous,
particularly because the recirculating current at the base of the
downstream side of the dam is hard to see from upstream. This
current holds anything or anyone, and it is almost impossible
to get out of the current without help.

Here are the steps in self-rescue from such currents:

ti' Stay calm, and don't fight the current.
ti' Grab onto and hold a large object such as a rock or a boat,
and wait for help.
ti' Look for and avoid becoming entangled in debris, which is
often trapped in hydraulic currents. Tree branches are often
found in such currents, and they are particularly dangerous.
ti' If you can't grab onto a boat or other large object,
• swim underwater, at the bottom of the hydraulic current,
and away from the dam. Allow the current to carry you
to the dam and to pull you under. When you get to the
bottom, swim with the downstream current to safety. You
might have to try this several times before you succeed.


• try to move to shore along the face of the dam. This might
work, but only if the shore is close enough and someone
is there to help you over the dam's vertical wall or onto

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-11

Chapter 3

3.4 Follow-up and Evaluation

Once you're out of immediate danger, you need to decide what
further action is needed. Here are some questions to help you
with this:
0 Do you need medical or other help? Should the incident be
reported? (See page 3-3.)
0 Can bystanders be of any help? (See page 4-2.)
0 Do you need first aid? (See Chapters 6, 7, and 8.)

It is also important to evaluate self-rescues and learn from them.

Go over the rescue from beginning to end. Review every
element in the rescue process (see page 3-2), and ask yourself
questions like these:
0 Recognize. How accurately and how fast did you recognize
that you were in trouble?
0 Assess. How effective was your assessment? Did you choose
the safest rescue possible? Did you change your assessment
as conditions changed?
0 Act. How well did you perform the self-rescue? How can you
improve your self-rescue efforts? How and why did this
incident happen? What could prevent such incidents in the

3-12 Lifesaving Society

Self- rescue

3.5 Want to Know More?

American Red Cross. Canoeing and Kayaki ng. United States: The
American National Red Cross, 1982.
This text provides an introduction to safe canoeing and
kayaking. Included in the text is information on paddling
environments (rivers, currents, etc.), techniques, and self­
rescue skills using canoes and kayaks.

Bechdel, Les, and Slim Ray. River Rescue, second edition.

Boston: Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1989.
This is an indispensible aid for anyone who spends time
on rivers. It contains clear instructions and high-quality
drawings and photographs covering accident prevention
and steps to take if accidents do happen. Self-rescue,
rescue equipment, patient care and evacuation, and many
other topics are covered.

Canadian Canoe Association. Sprint Racing Canoeing: Level 1

Coaching Certification. Ottawa: Canadian Canoe Association,
This manual is designed for people who are just starting to
coach canoeing or kayaking. The purpose of the manual is
to provide new coaches with the information they need to
ensure safe, fun practices for their athletes. Topics covered
include safety, equipment, the planning of practices, basic
skills, and basic rules. Each chapter finishes with a self­
test, and the answers to all the self-tests are in the manual.

Canadian Canoe Association. Sprint Racing Canoeing: Level 2

Coaching Certification. Ottawa: Canadian Canoe Association,
This manual extends the information presented in Sprint
Raci ng Canoeing: Level 1 Coaching Certification (see imme­
diately above). Both manuals are designed mainly for
coaches, with the Level 2 manual focusing on how to help
athletes achieve higher performance levels. Information on
advanced training and technique is presented, as is basic
information on strength training and the prevention and
care of injuries. Goal setting is also emphasized in the

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 3-13

Chapter 4
The Rescue of Others

4.1 Introduction
Rescues involving others can be physically and emotionally
demanding for both rescuer and victim. This chapter
covers the skills needed to perform safe, effective, and
efficient rescues. The recurring theme is the rescue Recognize
process, which involves the following three elements:
./ Recognize Assess
./ Assess
./ Act.
The rescue process is used in self-rescue, the rescue of
others, and first aid. The three elements are the same in
every kind of rescue or first aid situation, but the
element details are different. See Chapter 3 for how the
process applies to self-rescue, Chapter 6 for how it
applies to first aid.

Your safety is your primary and ongoing priority in a

rescue. Two "tools" presented in this chapter will help you in
your assessments and actions. The Ladder Approach to rescues
helps you assess the situation and choose the safest rescue
possible. The Rescuer's Checklist is a guide to the actions
appropriate for the rescue you've chosen.

This chapter provides you with the knowledge so vital to

developing good judgment in rescues. Practising the techniques
covered here will help you develop and refine the skill you need
to rescue others. When you add personal fitness, you have it
all- the four components of water rescue!

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4- 1

Chapter 4

4.2 The Rescue of Others: The Rescue Process

This section summarizes the rescue process as it applies to the
rescue of others . The process applies to all such rescues, and it's
dynamic. You repeat its elements again and again until you're
out of the water, and you go through them again once y ou're
out of the water. In some cases, you may recognize-assess-act
many times, changing the procedures you choose as conditions
change. It all depends on the rescue situation.

.I Recognize that someone is in trouble, and that you must
perform a rescue.
,I Recognize that aspects of the situation, such as your
condition, the victim's condition, or water and weather
conditions, may change .
.I Recognize hazards, the cause of the incident, and the number
of victims and their condition.

Using Bystanders Assess

Du ring a rescue, you have many actions to Here are some of the questions to ask yourself
perform . Bysta nders ca n help you by when assessing a situation:
,/ ca l l ing for medical hel p or other .I What self-rescue skills does the victim have?
a ssistance .I What rescue skills and physical skills do you
,/ hel ping you remove the victim from the
.I What is the victim's physical and emotional
,/ getting blankets, first a id suppl ies, or
other equipment condition?
,/ helping with first aid .I Where is the closest point of safety?
,/ hel ping to ma nage crowds that form .I What are the water and weather conditions?
,/ waiting for emergency services and How will they affect your options?
d i recting them to the accident scene ,I What human and equipment assistance is
,/ writing down d etails of first aid available?
treatment. ,I What is the lowest risk rescue possible in the
Instructing Bystanders
I n dea l ing with bystanders, Act
,I ask for hel p
Act is the third element of the rescue process (see
,/ identify the bystander(s) to whom you're
speaking page 4-1). Given your assessment, choose your
,/ find out if bystanders have a ny l ifesaving option before you start (see Section 4.4) and carry
or first aid training - tra ined bystand­ it out as well as you can. If you recognize that
e rs can usua l ly do more soph isticated conditions are changing, reassess your options
tasks tha n u ntrained ones and change your actions as needed:
,/ g ive clear, specific directions .I Do the things you decided to do in your
,/ speak slowly a nd firm ly, a nd control your assessment.
voice .I Direct bystanders as needed.
,I ask them to report to you when they've .I Contact the Emergency Medical System
finished their task (EMS) if you need it (see page 3-3) .
,/ than k them when it's a l l over.
,I Contact the authorities if the incident should
be reported.

4-2 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

The next sections discuss the following elements of the rescue

process in detail:
0 victim recognition
0 the Ladder Approach
0 the Rescuer's Checklist
0 hazards
0 assists
0 entries
0 approaches
0 reverse, ready, and reassess
0 talk, tow, or carry
0 removals
0 follow-up.

Expectations for Lifesavers and Lifeguards

Lifesavers and lifeguards are both important rescuers, but the
expectations for each group are different.

Lifesavers are trained in what to do, but the situations they find
themselves in can vary greatly. The environment, equipment, and available
personnel are not plannable in a lifesaving situation.

Lifeguards, however, are undertaking a responsibility to have the

knowledge. skill, fitness. and judgment needed to prevent accidents and
perform rescues. They know their specific facility and have practised h ow
to work together with available staff and equipment in various

4.3 Victim Recognition

As a lifesaver, you must recognize when someone is in danger of
drowning. Here are just some of the signs this is happening:
./ fear on the face of someone close to shore
./ lack of progress of a swimmer
./ a distressed call for help
./ an overturned boat
./ an inflatable toy moving away
./ a crowd gathering.

People in danger of drowning may be either

0 distressed swimmers or
0 drowning victims.

Distressed swimmers can be novice swimmers with limited

swimming ability, tired or weak swimmers, and people who are
ill or injured. This group also includes swimmers who become
disoriented after playing in or falling into the water. Unless they Tired or weak
are rescued, distressed swimmers can become drowning swimmer

� Tiie Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4- 3

Chapter 4

While there are variations from person to person, the keys to
recognizing distressed swimmers are the following:
0 Their body position approaches the vertical.
0 They are making little forward progress.
0 Distress is obvious on their face.
0 They are breathing, and so they may call or wave for help.
0 If they are injured or ill, they might be holding the affected
area of the body.
0 They may be facing a point they consider "safety," such as the
shore, a raft, a boat, or a dock.
( ',) Drowning victims are unable to support themselves at the surface.
Distressed swimmer They are not always non-swimmers, and they may or may not
struggle against drowning. Many factors can prevent people from
==-== struggling- illness, injury (a blow to the head, for instance),
alcohol or other intoxicants, hyperventilation (people who
hyperventilate become unconscious without a struggle),
fatigue, or unconsciousness.

Those who do struggle against drowning stay on or near the

surface for only a short time. In addition, they
0 are probably vertical in the water; they
Drowning victim do not use their legs for propulsion. �������:.,__.s

( unconscious) 0 show fear on their face.

0 may seem to be playing in the water.
Voes the Victim Want This is because of their arm move­
Your Help? ments.
The issue of a victim 0 cannot call for help. They need all the
g iving consent t o be air they breathe to stay alive.
hel ped is a complex one. 0 canno t control their reaction to
I n a resc u e s ituation, you struggle.
wil l have to use j udg m e nt 0 may not be moving at all.
i n this a rea. Discuss 0 may not be visible (because they are ('_..)
(with you r instructor, submerged). Drowning victim
you r fa m i ly doctor, a nd (non-swimmer)
others) the situations. if
a ny, i n wh ich it m i g ht be 4.4 The Ladder Approach
rea sona b l e to a ct in a
man ner d ifferent from the There are many decisions to make when someone is in danger
expressed or perceived of drowning. In assessing what to do, you must know your
wishes of th e victi m . In a l l options and choose appropriate actions from them. These
rescue situations, you options are summarized in the Ladder Approach to rescues.
should ide ntify you rself Before you do anything as a rescuer, choose the safest rescue
and say what you're possible - consider the ladder.
g o i n g to do. For
i n sta nce, say "Stay
In rescues, you do NOT have to do everything yourself.
ca l m . My n a m e i s
---� a nd I'm
Bystanders can be a great help (see page 4-2), and the possibility
g o i ng to h e l p yo u g et to of such help is an important factor in your assessment.
s h o re."

4-4 Lifesaving S o ciety

The Rescue of Others

The Ladder Approach

As you go up the ladder, you r risk i ncreases. The options, in
order of increasing risk, a re as fol l ows:
TALK RESCUE: From a d ry, safe position, talk to the Highest
victi m, and encourage him or her to safety. Risk
2 THROW RESCU E: From a dry, safe l ocation, throw a
buoyant a ssist to the victim, and ta l k him or her to
3 REACH RESCUE: From a d ry, safe location, reach with an
assist t o the victim, a nd pull him or her t o safety. The
assist may be buoyant or non-buoya nt; it may a l so be a
buoyant assist on a rope.
4 WADE RESCUE: Wade i nto sha l l ow water, a nd extend a n
assist t o the victi m . OR Enter deep water whi l e hold i ng
the edge of a sol id object (ladder uprig ht, dock, tree root,
etc.), a nd extend a n a ssist to the victim .
5 ROW RESC U E: Row to the victim i n a watercraft, a nd
extend a n a ssist whi l e staying i n the craft.
6 SWI M RESCUE: Swim to the victim , provide a buoyant
assist. and tal k him or her to safety without ma king
d i rect contact.
7 TOW RESCU E: Swim to the victim, provide a buoya nt Lowest
assist, and tow him or her to safety without making Risk
d i rect contact.
8 CARRY RESCUE: Swim to the victim, a nd ca rry him or her
to safety.

The Ladder Approach to water rescue presents, in order of

increasing risk, your options for helping someone in trouble
in the water (see illustration above).

As a rescuer, you should always choose the rescue method

that involves the least amount of risk. The first "rung" on
the ladder is a Talk Rescue- you encourage the victim to
safety without even entering the water.

As a rescuer, you move up the rungs of the ladder only if

0 you have the knowledge, judgment, skill, and fitness to
accept the greater risk involved
0 the victim's condition worsens
0 suitable assists are available for use
0 the environmental conditions change.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-5

Chapter 4

The Rungs of the Ladder

Ta lk Rescue
.I From a dry, safe location,
provide positive verbal
support with clear, simple
instructions about what to
.I From a crouched position, tell the
victim to "watch me, keep your
head up, kick your feet, and grab
the side."
Eye contact and positive encourage­
ment can have immediate results on
a victim at close range, without
putting you in any danger.

Pr= Throw Re� c � e .
ll 1// .I If the victim 1s a short distance from shore and a
A' suitable buoyant object is available, throw the
object so the victim can grasp it for support .
.I Be careful not to hit the victim on the head when
throwing the object.
.I Encourage the victim verbally, and direct him or her toward
----" safety .
.I Remember that wind and waves make it harder to throw
with accuracy.

r� D Reach Rescue
.I If you can find a
suitable rescue
#3 1/ assist, extend it,
1/ and pull the victim
If) to safety.
.I If the victim is close enough,
a towel might do the trick.
For victims farther away, a .,.���
�� �� �� �� �
pole or a branch works well.
you can reach even farther
if a rope is attached to the buoyant object.
.I Buoyant objects are usually best, because they support
victims in the water. This means you don't have to lift and
.I Keep your centre of gravity as low as possible. Anchor
yourself by holding onto a solid object such as a tree root,
ladder, or dock with your free hand. This will help prevent
you from being pulled into the water.

4-6 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

''l Wade Rescue

1 .I When the victim cannot be
reached from shore, wade into the
I water with a rescue assist, and
extend it to the victim.
Keep risk as low as possible by keeping �
your feet on the solid bottom at all times or
by grasping a solid object (ladder upright,
dock, tree root, etc.) with your free hand .
./ If there are several rescuers, you can form a human chain by
taking hold of one another's wrists. The rescuer nearest the
victim extends the assist and encourages the victim. Another
rescuer acts as leader and guides the "chain" back to shore.

H �'7
Row Rescue
ffl i This rescue involves greater risk because you do it in It's a g ood idea to l ea rn
#s . 0_ ;
I open water from a small boat (rowboat, canoe, etc.). how to operate sma l l

ff] /!J
P �ge 4-8 summarizes _ the pros and cons of using
d1fferent small boats m rescues.
boats. I f you use the m i n
a rescue, you'l l need to
know the provincial or
.I Try to manoeuvre the boat so that you approach the victim territoria l regulations
with wind in your face. This reduces the chances of the boat and com ply with them .
being pushed into the victim and injuring him or her. But if
you're alone in a strong wind, you may need to approach
from the windward side.

Approach with wind in your face

.I Apply the principles of the Ladder Approach from the boat
as you would on land. First talk to the victim, and then
throw him or her a lifejacket, PFD, or boat cushion. If the
victim needs further support, pull on the object to bring the
victim in, or offer a paddle or throwing line .
.I Once the victim has the assist securely in his or her grasp,
decide whether to row to shore with the victim in the water
or to put the victim in the boat. The decision you make will
depend on the victim's condition and size, the boat's
stability, your distance from shore, the water temperature,
your boating skill, and the number of rescuers.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4- 7

Chapter 4

Small Boats in Rescues

Here are the key pros and cons of using d ifferent sma l l boats in rescues:
Q Canoee;. Ca noes can be quite unstable. This is why only experienced ca noeists should use canoes for
a rescue. It is hard to get a victim into a ca noe when the water is ca l m a nd almost i m possibl e to do
so in rough water.
Q Inflatable 8oate;. The stabil ity of these boats va ries. Those powered by outboard m otors can be
easily ma noeuvred in many water a nd weather conditions. They make rescu e easy and comfortable for
both rescuers and victims.
Q Kayake,, Rowing Gcul/e;, Paddleboarde;, Etc. Kaya ks and rowing scu l l s usua l ly have l i mited stabil ity.
But victim s can often hold onto them while being towed to safety, a nd rescuers can a lso use them
a s a "buoya nt assist" while su pporting a victim i n the water. Padd leboard s a re convenient for short­
d i stance rescues and buoyant enoug h to support two people. Padd leboards can also be used as a
buoyant a ssist, and you can, if necessa ry, sta rt rescue breathing while hold i ng the board .
Q Powerboat6. Sma l l outboa rd motors (5-25 horsepower) provide adequate power a n d a re adaptable
enoug h to make a sma l l powerboat a usefu l rescue d evice. When nea r the victim, cut the power to
avoid injuring him or her.
Q Rowboate;. Rowboats are easy to manoeuvre, and they are very stable. Boats with a square stern
a re best for rescues, becau se it's easy to help a conscious person climb aboard . If n ecessa ry, rescue
breathing can be a ppl ied from the stern a nd the victim l ifted i nto the boat as resuscitation
contin ues.
Q Gallboarde;. Only ski l l ed boardsa i lors should use these craft in rescues. Without their sails,
sailboards ca n be used like paddleboards (see a bove).
Q Gallboat6. It takes experience and skil l to operate a sa i lboat wel l enough to use it i n rescues - to
stop where the victim is, ma noeuvre the boat i nto position, and head d i rectly i nto the wind. The
stability of sai lboats varies. General ly, the stern is the best place to dea l with a victim .
Q Water Scooters. These sma l l motorized craft are fast a nd manoeuvrable. Typical ly i ntended for one
rider, scooters could be used to tra nsport a second person to safety i n a n emerg ency. They could
a lso be used a s larg e "buoyant assists" u ntil further help arrives.

lf:-==fllSwim Rescue
The following circumstances may make it necessary for
# 6/i�'11
JI .1// you to e�te� the wate� _dunng a rescue:

6/,! 0 The ':-ct
0 The �' � condition gets worse. _ _
VIchm 1s too far away to reach with a throwmg
0 You've tried to throw an assist but haven't succeeded.
0 No small craft is available.

In a swim rescue,
.I enter the water with a buoyant assist, and swim to the
victim .
.I minimize your personal risk by pushing the assist to the
victim from the ready position (see page 4-19). Avoid even
indirect contact with the victim .
.I back up in a ready position, maintain eye contact, and
encourage the victim to safety.

The success of this kind of rescue depends on the victim's ability

to hold the assist and support his or her head above the water's
surface. It is important to learn about and be skilled in defences
and releases before practising swim rescues.

4-8 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

Tow Rescue
# 7 fJ!!_w tl7
/ . / If you've tried a swim rescue and the victim cannot
/2 / move to safety while holding an assist, pull from the
1/ other end of the assist and tow the victim to safety.
This indirect contact with the victim brings you very close to
him or her, and it increases your personal risk. To ensure your
own safety, be ready to move away quickly at any time.
f=,TJ Cany Rescue
J,r{8/; Direct contact between rescuer and victim may be
required _ w�en
the victim cannot support his or her head above
uJ - 7Jj the surface while holding an assist
./ no assist is available, and the victim is not responding to
verbal encouragement
./ the victim is unconscious.

Drowning victims need support to clear their mouth above the

water's surface and get air. Victims may see an approaching
rescuer as a high, stable object and seize him or her to get the
needed support. Contact rescues without a buoyant assist
present the greatest risk to rescuers.

Here are some key principles of contact rescues:

0 No matter how skilled a rescuer you are, direct contact with
victims should be chosen last, after you've tried or ruled out
all the other "rungs" on the ladder.
0 Try this kind of rescue only if you are trained and fit
to do so.
0 Talk to the victim throughout the rescue to calm # 8 Carry
and reassure him or her as much as possible. Tell
the victim what you are doing and what you are # 7 Tow
going to do.
0 Maintain eye contact when approaching the victim,
and watch him or her closely at all times.
0 Whenever possible, contact the victim from
behind == it's safer. Act quickly and effectively to
take full control of the victim. Some rescuers
#5 Row
expect victims to turn around on command == this
is unrealistic. #4 Wade
0 Take control of the victim from the moment of
contact. Do this to provide support and air for the
victim, not to subdue him or her. Be ready to move #3 Reach
away if necessary.
0 If possible, have someone else ready to provide
immediate support if help is needed.
0 If you have to change your carrying technique, Lowest
maintain victim control. #1 Talk Risk

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4- 9

Chapter 4

4.5 The Rescuer's Checklist

How do you actually carry out your rescue? In any rescue other
than a talk rescue, there are lots of ways to reach a victim,
different methods to swim to a victim, and many ways to carry a
victim. This raises two questions: How do you decide? And
how do you do it once you've decided?

Use the Rescuer 's Checklist to answer the first question. The
Rescuer' s Checklist is a guide to action. Wherever you are on the
ladder, use the checklist to review your options on that rung and
choose the appropriate option.

Here are the items in the Rescuer's Checklist, as well as guide­

lines to help you choose the appropriate option:
./ HAZARDS. Before doing anything else, deal with items in the
environment that could be dangerous for you or the victim.
Either remove these hazards from the environment or move
the victim away from the hazards .
In any rescue. treat the ./ ASSISTS. Always enter water with an assist - it limits your
victim as an individual. risk. Buoyant objects are best, but any suitable substitute will
Take into account do (see page 4-12) . Choose portable assists of appropriate
factors such as his or size. If you cannot use the assist, leave it aside.
her abilities (including ./ ENTRIES. The entry you choose depends on water depth
physical or learning and on the victim's location and condition. It also depends
disabilities). Modify on your personal knowledge of the water bottom and on the
techniques as
assists available for use.
./ APPROACHES. If the victim can hear, shout encouragement
to him or her. If you have to swim, use a head-up stroke to
maintain both visual and verbal contact with the victim .
./ REVERSE, READY, AND REASSESS. When you are 2 or 3
metres from the victim, reverse, and take a "ready" position.
Push the assist to the victim, and talk to him or her while
reassessing the situation.
./ TALK, TOW, OR CARRY. From your ready position, decide
whether the victim can reach safety on his or her own by
using the assist while you encourage him or her. If this isn't
possible, intervene, and use either a tow or a carry. Choose
the safest method that suits the victim and the water con­
ditions . Make contact only if the victim cannot hold the
assist or is unconscious .
./ REMOVALS. Remove victims from the water as soon as
possible, and use the removal method with the least risk for
you and the victim .
./ FOLLOW-UP. Once the victim is out of immediate physical
danger, evaluate his or her condition, and start follow-up
procedures. If possible, get help moving the victim to a
comfortable environment. Call EMS if necessary. Decide
whether the incident should be formally reported to an

4-10 Lifesaving Society

The Rescue of Others

'How the Ladder Approach and Rescuer's Checklist Work Together "'
The chart below shows the relationship between the Rescuer's Checklist and the Ladder
Approach. It shows, for example, that removing hazards is part of every rescue. Similarly,
follow-up must happen in every rescue. But reverse, ready, and reassess occurs only in swim,
tow, and carry rescues.

Rescuer's Checklist The Ladder Approach

Talk Thraw Reach Wade Raw Swim Taw Carn;
Hazards ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
Assists ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
En tries ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
Approaches ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
Reverse, Ready, and Reassess ,/ ,/ ,/
Talk, Taw, or Carn; ,/ ,/ ,/
Removals ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/
\... Follaw-up ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ �

The next sections describe each element of the Rescuer's

Checklist in detail.

4.6 Hazards
In any rescue situation, there may be hazards in the
environment that could endanger you or cause further
danger to the victim. Either remove such hazards from the
area or remove the victim from the hazards.

Common hazards include Reducing Stress in Rescues

0 water Rescues can be stressful for you and the victim. Here are some
0 poisonous gas, such as things you can do to reduce your stress during and after rescues:
engine exhaust or ,/ Practise simulated rescue situations.
chlorine gas ,/ Mentally rehearse rescue situations .
./ Keep physically fit.
0 other types of poisons
,/ Practise your rescue skills.
0 live electrical wires
,/ U pdate your knowledge and skills regularly.
0 debris, such as broken
glass See Appendix A for more information on how to deal with stress
0 extreme cold or heat reactions to rescues.
0 animals.
And here are som e things you can do to reduce victims' stress:
,/ Identify yourself, and learn victims' names.
,/ Talk to victims cal mly and reassuringly.
,/ Hold victims securely during water rescues .
./ Make decisive body movements .
./ Keep victims' faces above water.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-1 1

Chapter 4

4.7 Assists fl'

An assist is any object that can be used to help someone in
difficulty in the water.

Possible Assists
Possible assists include the following:
0 lif ejackets an.d PFDs. Because of their buoyancy, lifejackets
and PFDs are excellent assists.
0 kickboards. Kickboards (flutterboards) are used as assists in
many facilities because they are so widely available. They
are, however, hard to throw and tend to blow away.
0 improvised buoyant assists. Buoyant objects such as plastic
bottles (for example, bleach containers), plastic coolers,
gasoline containers, oars, paddles, boards, and branches can
all be used in rescues. Poles, oars, paddles, and sticks make
excellent extensions because they are usually light and
strong and can be extended with accuracy.
0 reaching poles. Reaching poles are used when the victim is
within reaching distance. These poles vary in length and are
made of various materials. Some models are very light, and
some are electrically insulated. Reaching poles that are
hooked are called "shepherd's hooks."
0 ring buoys. Ring buoys are required at public pools and
beaches by regulation in many regions in Canada. They are
also found at many docks and marinas. A length of rope
allows them to be thrown to someone at a distance.
0 rescue cans. Rescue cans (torpedo buoys) come with a length
of rope and a strap that slips over the rescuer's shoulder.
Cans are rigid and easy to hold onto; they can be used as
reaching assists or as assists to tow or carry distressed
swimmers or drowning victims.
0 rescue tubes. Rescue tubes are similar in shape to rescue cans,
but they are made of soft foam with a waterproof coating.
They have an attached shoulder loop and line at one end, a
snap at the other. The tube can be wrapped around a victim
and secured with the snap. Because they have no handles,
rescue tubes can be hard for victims to hold onto.
0 throw bags. Throw bags are generally a white-water assist.
They consist of a bag with a length of rope. The rope comes
out of the bag while it is in "flight." With practice, you can
throw these bags both far and accurately.

Choosing an Assist
When choosing an assist, consider
,I availability. The assist must be readily available.
,I buoyancy. Floating objects support victims higher in the
water and allow you to rest as needed.

4-12 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

./ manageability. The assist must be

Shirts and Pants as rowing Assists
easy to handle on land and in CJ Whi l e PFDs or l ifejackets are m uch more effective. som e
the water, and it should add clothing items make useful towing assists.
little or no resistance on your 0 During your a pproach, swi m
approach. with pa nts or a shirt on your
./ strength. The assist must be shoulders, with the legs or
strong enough for the task at
sl eeves stretched forwa rd
over your shoulders a nd back

./ your fitness and strength. Be sure u nder your arms .

you can carry and use the assist 0 Use c l othes to

effectively. If you don't, you tow a calm,
could be putting yourself in passive victim . =-

t;:;o:. i 0) �{
F ro � behind the
· ./ your immediate surroundings. The
v1ct1 m, pass the �£ ---
�__s .V:-,. __,,.� , ·
C:::.i_;. �-
legs or sl eeves •- • --5
assist you choose should "fit" u nder his or her arms a nd back over h is or her shoulders.
the surroundings. While a (You are using clothes m uch as you u se you r arm s in a
reaching pole is long, for mod ified body carry (see page 4-23).) Hold both l egs or
example, it's harder to man­ sl eeves i n one ha nd d u ring the tow, and use your other
oeuvre if there are people a rm to scu l l or fin.
nearby. It's also harder to
manoeuvre if there's a fence or
wall close to the water's edge-
you can't pull a long pole in all
the way. A smaller or shorter
object is more suitable when the
victim is close to shore.

Using an Assist Ueing a Reaching Pole

You can use assists either by ,I Make sure victim s can
extending them or by throwing g rab the pol e without
them. g etting h u rt.
,I Control the pole to
When extending an assist, keep avoid i nj u ring people
your centre of gravity as low as around you .
,I When reach i ng out to
possible to avoid being pulled into som eone in the water, �
the water by the victim. Take care
not to jab the struggling victim
stay low to ensure
you r own stabil ity. __-=:;,
«.-.::. , �
with the assist. After extending the ,I When the victim has �
assist, crouch or drop to one knee, g rabbed the end of the
staying as far from the water's pole, bring it in slowly in a hand -over-hand motion.
edge as the length of the assist ,I Let the victim contact the edg e of the pool or dock
permits. Drawing the assist in before usi ng your hand to secu re him or her. Reach out
hand-over-hand, move gradually to victims only if they have trouble g ra bbing the edge of
to the edge to secure the victim. the pool or dock on their own.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-1 3

Chapter 4

If the victim is just out of reach, you can lie down to stretch out
as far as possible:
� Lie down at an angle of about 45 ° to the side of the dock or
pool with your legs spread. This position is most stable,
because your centre of gravity is as low as possible. The
angled position places one shoulder over the edge of the
dock or pool, allowing freedom of movement and offering
the longest reach.

If reaching poles or buoyant assists

are not readily available, you can
use non-floating materials such as
clothing, towels, or blankets to
reach out to victims:
� Lie down as described above.
� Extend the assist to the victim.

This type of assist is harder to

extend because it is flexible and
must be "flipped" to the victim.
This makes placement less precise
and may slow down the rescue.

If no assist is available, you can reach directly with an arm or a

leg from the prone position described above. Keep a firm hold
on the pool edge, dock, or boat. Because there is greater risk
when making direct contact with a victim, use an arm or leg
extension only when reaching assists are not readily available.

When throwing an assist (rope, ring buoy, throw bag, etc.),

� secure the trailing end of the rope. For example, make a knot
at one end, and place it under one foot or tie it to the dock.
� consider currents and other factors that could affect your
throw. If you are throwing an assist in a current, throw
upstream so that the assist follows the current to the victim.
� throw past the victim, and use a pendulum swing. For
maximum distance, release assists at a 45 ° angle (compared
with the horizontal).
� drop to one knee or lie flat on your stomach after throwing.
This increases your stability.
� pull the assist back slowly and hand-over-hand once the
victim has it.
� let the victim contact the edge of the pool or dock before
Pendulum swing using your hand to secure him or her. Reach out to victims
only if they have trouble grabbing the edge of the pool or
dock on their own.

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The Rescue of Others

Here are some tips on specific assists:

0 To improve your throwing accuracy with rope, attach a
lightly weighted, buoyant object to the throwing end of the
line. An example of such an object is a semi-filled plastic
container (a bleach container, for instance).
0 Throwing ropes should always be ready for use in emer­
gencies. It's a good idea to have such ropes permanently
knotted and uniformly coiled - that way, you lose less time

in emergencies.

4.8 Entries
Emergency situations can require a rapid entry into the water
for searches and rescues in varying circumstances. You need to
know different ways of entering the water - that way, you can
choose the best one for the situation.

Possible Entries
0 Wading or running
0 Slip-in entry
0 Stride jump
0 Head-up dive
0 Shallow dive
0 Compact jump
0 Modified compact jump

Wading or Running
If the water is shallow but you aren't sure of the water
conditions in the area,
./ consider keeping your shoes on
./ wade in slowly and carefully
./ go to the victim by sliding your feet along the bottom,
testing the depth with a reaching assist, stick, or pole
./ test the bottom for firmness and underwater obstructions
before transferring your weight to the front foot.

If the water is shallow and you know the area's water

./ run to the victim if
conditions permit,
swinging your legs
sideways to clear the
surface as water depth

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-15

Chapter 4

Slip-in Entry
If the water is deep and you're unsure of the water conditions,
use a slip-in entry. Any other entry is extremely dangerous. You
can also use this entry if you want to minimize movement (for
example, when approaching injured victims) . Here's how to do
this entry:
,,/ Place one or both hands at the point
of entry, and use your arms to lower
yourself slowly and deliberately,

-- -- - feet first, into the water.

� - - -= � - -=-� �- - ,,/ Maintain visual and verbal contact

with the victim.

Stride Jump
The goal of this entry is to jump as far as possible while looking
at the victim. Your head does not go under the water. This is
NOT an entry for unknown or shallow water or for heights
greater than 1 metre.

,,/ Start from a standing

position at the edge
of a poot dock, deck,
,,/ The legs are astride,
and the knees are
slightly bent.
,,/ Angle the trunk
forward from the
waist, and hold the
head erect.
,,/ Take a long stride,
stepping through :-::=
with the back leg while pushing off with the front leg.
,,/ The trunk stays angled forward as both arms swing over the
shoulders to the front of the body to press down against the
water on entry. The action of the legs and the momentum of
the arms enable you to cover the greatest distance before
,,/ On entry, use a strong scissor kick to stop the momentum of
the jump and to start to lift the lower body into a horizontal
position for the approach to the victim.
,,/ Angle the upper body forward to increase forward momen­
tum and ease the change into the swimming position.

4-1 6 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of O thers

Head-up Dive
This dive is faster than the stride jump, because you enter the
water in a position that lets you start swimming earlier. This
dive also allows you to keep victims in your sight. Because of
the head-up position on entry, this dive is used only from a
very limited height (15 centimetres or less). This is NOT an
entry for unknown or shallow water.

.I Start from a standing position at the edge of a pool, dock,

deck, etc.
.I The legs are together, and the knees are slightly bent.
.I Angle the upper body forward from the waist, and hold the
head erect.
.I Swing the arms forward, and push
off with both legs, arching the back
and stretching the hands out in
.I In flight, the body is in a diagonal
.I First contact with the water is made by the lower legs.
Resistance starts to reduce your speed, and you enter the
water with a rocking motion caused by the action-reaction
of the entry. The hands slap the water, pressing down to
prevent submersion.
.I Don't stop after your entry- take your first swimming
stroke as soon as you can.

Shallow Dive
The depth of water required for a safe shallow dive depends on
your skill in shallow dives. A minimum of 1 metre (3 feet) is
recommended for skilled divers. Under stress, however, your
judgment about whether the depth is safe may be affected.
There are documented cases of spinal injuries in which skilled
divers dove into water between 3 and 4 feet deep.

When you know the water is free of underwater hazards and is

deep enough, a shallow dive is an appropriate entry. It is faster
than the stride jump, because you are in a streamlined position.
Its disadvantage is that you lose sight of the victim.

.I Start from a standing position at the edge of a pool, dock,

deck, etc.
.I The feet are slightly apart.
.I The knees and hips are bent so
that you are crouched and your --�
back is roughly parallel to the
.I Throw your arms forward
forcefully while pushing off with
the legs.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-1 7

Chapter 4

.I In flight, the head drops slightly between the outstretched

arms and the body is fully extended.
.I Try to make your dive as shallow as possible. Stay
streamlined as long as you can, and then start to swim.

Compact Jump
This jump is used to enter the water from a great height, such
as from a wharf. This is NOT an entry for unknown or shallow

.I Cross the legs, and keep the arms close to the body.
.I Cross the arms across the chest, placing one hand over the
mouth and nose.
.I Once underwater, use the arms and legs to stop downward
.I Surface, and swim to the victim.
Modified Compact Jump
This entry is used from an intermediate height- 1 to l1/2
metres. This entry is useful when victims are close to the edge
of a pool, dock, or boat or when they are in the deep end of a
wave pool. This entry keeps your head above the surface, and
you always see the victim. Since the jump' s vertical descent
eliminates the forward motion of the stride jump, the entry
doesn't swamp victims. This is NOT an entry for unknown or
' \ shallow water.

.I Start from a standing position at the edge of a pool, dock,
deck, etc.
.I The legs are straddled, the knees are slightly bent, and the
upper body is straight.
.I Step off the edge, and drop straight down.
.I Do a whip kick on contact with the water.
.I Reduce downward pressure by pressing on the water with
the hands and arms.
-� .I Move to a horizontal position, and swim to the victim.

Choosing an Entry
Consider the following when choosing your entry:
0 the victim's condition and location
0 your abilities
0 your condition and location
0 water conditions (depth, currents, waves, temperature,
pollution, etc.)
0 the condition of the bottom
0 the speed with which you need to get to the victim
0 the need to keep the victim in sight
0 the assists available for use
0 your familiarity with the area.

4-18 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

4.9 Approaches t/' Carrying Assist5 during Approaches

./ When swimming, an assist with a l ine is most eas i ly towed.
It's important to reach victims as If this isn't possible, hold the assist in front with one
fast as possible. Use your most hand, and use your most efficient stroke to swim to the
efficient stroke, given the water victim.
conditions and the assist being ./ You can d rape clothing or a towel across your neck and
used. Possible approaches in­ over your shoulders. Thi s leaves both arms free for
clude head-up front crawl and swimming. Do this only if it doesn't interfere with breathing
head-up breaststroke. Head-up or swimming.
approaches let you maintain ./ You can g rip a buoyant assi st such as a fl utterboa rd
between your l eg s on d ive entries. Be sure to cross your
visual and verbal contact with
legs at the ankles.
victims. ./ Before starting your approach, remove any heavy clothing
( l ightweight clothing probably won't seriously hinder good
Choosing an Approach swimmers). In most cases, shoes should be removed before
Take these factors into account: you enter the water.
0 the victim's condition ./ When you plan to use clothing as a reaching or towing
0 your abilities assist, it might be preferable to 1) wear the item during
0 environmental conditions your approach, 2) reverse and ready (see below), and
0 your familiarity with water 3) remove it when you're a safe d istance from the victim.
conditions in the area. Thi s is often faster than swimming whi le carrying clothing
i n one hand.
Remember that head-up
breaststroke keeps you more
horizontal in unknown water.

4.10 Reverse, Ready, and Reassess

When you are 2 to 3 metres from the victim, stop, reverse your
direction, assume a "ready" position, and talk to him or her.
This position allows you to swim away quickly if you
think you'll be grabbed.

"Sit" in the water with one leg bent in front and the
foot at the surface. Face the victim, and maintain your
stability with a sculling action (see page 9-13). If
necessary, use your bent leg to push the victim away,
or swim away until he or she is calm.

While in your ready position, assess your original plan again. Ready position
Circumstances may have changed:
0 The victim's condition may have changed, or your
assessment of the victim may have changed:
• The victim may have become tired.
• A conscious victim may have become unconscious.
• A distressed victim may have become a drowning victim.
0 The victim may be larger or smaller than you had originally
0 The victim may have injuries or disabilities you weren't
aware of.
0 The victim may not accept a buoyant assist.
0 The water may have become rougher or calmer.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-1 9

Chapter 4

Once you reassess things, you'll know whether to continue the

rescue by talking the victim to safety from your ready position

or by using a tow or carry.

4.11 Talk, Tow, or Carry

If possible, talk victims to safety. If that isn't possible, tow or
carry them. Choose the safest method, considering your safety,
the victim's condition, and water conditions. Make contact only
if victims cannot hold an assist or are unconscious.

While it's easier to tow victims if they are in a horizontal

position, it isn't possible every time. Most conscious victims
instinctively want to sit - it keeps their heads above water-
and so you need to try to tow them in this position. Use any
suitable kick to move to safety. While towing, keep your eyes
on the victim, and constantly offer encouragement
and reassurance.

Throughout a tow, be ready to release rescue assists or towing

lines and swim away if the victim's behaviour becomes
unpredictable. If this happens, assume a ready position, and
wait until the victim is calm or manageable before continuing
the tow.

When the victim's condition makes towing impossible, use a

carry. In a carry, you hold the victim- he or she doesn't hold

Possible Carries
0 Assistive carries. These carries provide you with the most
safety but the least control over victims. They allow victims
to help while being pulled to safety. Assistive carries are
used mainly with victims who are
• weak
• tired
• injured below the waist.
0 Control carries. These carries put you at greatest risk but give
you maximum control over victims. In all such carries, keep
the victim's head out of the water. Control carries are used
mainly with victims who are
• non-swimmers
• in rough water conditions
• distressed
• injured above or below the waist
• unconscious.

4-20 Lifesaving Society

The Rescue of O thers

Assistive Carries
Any carry that allows the victim to help and provides the most
safety for the rescuer can be considered an assistive carry. Some
examples are provided below.
0 Elbow or wrist carry
0 Clothes carry
0 Underarm carry
0 Single-chin carry

Elbow or Wrist Carry. For this carry,

./ position yourself as for the underarm carry
./ hold the victim's wrist or elbow, and pull the victim to

Clothes Carry. Technique is as follows:

./ If the victim is wearing clothes, hold
onto them, support the victim's head �
with the arm holding the clothing, and O • � ..--\
pull the victim to safety. �
./ Avoid grabbing clothing that could put t:>
pressure on the throat and choke the 0


Underarm Carry. Technique is as

./ Approach the victim from behind,
and place your hand under the
victim's shoulder.
./ With a secure grip, pull the victim
to safety while swimming on your
side or back.
./ Use any kick that works.
v-· 0

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-21

Chapter 4

Single-Chin Carry. For this carry,

.I get behind the victim, and hold his or her chin with one
.I with a secure grip, provide support, and pull the victim to
.I go only short distances, because victims must hold their neck
.I DON'T put pressure on the victim's throat.

Contro l Carries
Any carry that allows you to hold the victim's head out of the
water can be considered a control carry. Some examples are
provided below.
0 Head carry
0 Double-chin carry
0 Modified body carry
0 Cross-chest carry

Head Carry. In this carry,

.I get behind the victim.
.I place your hands firmly on the side of the victim's head (one
hand on each side).
.I spread your fingers to avoid covering the victim's ears. This
avoids further upsetting the victim and lets him or her hear
what you're saying.
.I alternatively, cup the victim's chin with one hand, and put
your other hand on the back of his or her head.
.I pull the victim to safety.

- ---��-= �

' - · :!/_ ·//7 /_

.. �;; o

4-22 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

Double-Chin Carry. Technique is as follows:

./ From behind the victim, cup his or her chin
with both your hands.
./ Place your forearms on the victim's
shoulders- it gives you the leverage you
need to tilt the victim's head.
./ Pull the victim to safety, avoiding his or her. c::::::- _,,.,,.../
throat throughout the carry. • o�
./ To prevent the victim's head from falling � / ( /--
back, lift the victim's chin, secure his or her ·C:::::::_I/
J / _.,,-

., 0 o __.-\ \
head by gently squeezing with your
forearms. Alternatively, put his or her head
on your chest.

Modified Body Carry. In this carry,

./ from behind the victim, pass your arms under the
victim's arms
./ curl your arms, and grab the victim's shoulders or
./ using one arm and kicking, pull the victim to safety.

Cross-Chest Carry. Technique is as follows:

./ From behind, draw the victim close to you by
reaching over his or her shoulder, across the chest,
and under the far arm.
./ To increase control, put your wrist under the
victim's far armpit - it brings the palm of your
hand against the victim's back or shoulder.
./ Pull the victim to safety, and avoid putting pressure
on his or her throat throughout the carry.

Choosing a Carry
./ When choosing a carry, consider both your swim­
ming skills and the circumstances of the rescue.
./ Choose a carry that is efficient, one that
• always keeps the victim's mouth above the surface
• gives you freedom of movement
• provides maximum safety with conscious victims
• lets you conserve energy, given the water conditions
and the distance to safety.

Once you've chosen a carry, adapt it as necessary to suit

yourself For example, if you have short arms for your height,
you may want to adapt one or more carries to make them more

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-23

Chapter 4

You might want to change from one carry to another. You might
be tired, the victim's condition might have changed, the water
conditions might have changed, etc. Maintain full support and
control of the victim throughout the change-over. With conscious
victims, explain what you will be doing, why it must be done,
and how you will do it. Don't change carries until you and the

victim are ready for it.

4.12 Removals

Remove victims from the water as soon as possible, and use the
removal method with the least risk for you and the victim .

Here are some general tips on removal from the water:

0 When using vertical lifts, ask for assistance whenever help is
Principles of Safe needed. Bystanders can be directed both to support victims
Lifting and to help during the removal.
,/ Use your l egs, not your 0 In single-rescuer methods, take care to ensure everyone's
back. safety: the victim's and yours.
,/ Bring the person you 0 Removing wet, heavy victims from the water can be hard if
a re lifti ng a s cl ose to they can't help themselves or are injured. You risk injury,
your body as possible. especially to the back, if you don't use safe lifting techniques
,/ Avoid twisting (see sidebar).
m otions. 0 Always think of the victim being removed. Be sure you have
,/ Use s m ooth, contro l l ed full control of the victim in all lifting and removal
m ovements.
techniques. Avoid any movements that pull or twist victims'

Possible Removal Methods

0 Underarm lift
0 Cradle lift
0 Walk out
0 One-rescuer drag
0 Firefighter's carry
0 Over-one-shoulder carry

Underarm Lift
This removal works well for removing a victim to a deck or
.I Hold the victim in a stable position in which he or she faces
away from you.
.I Reach from behind, and hold the victim securely under the
armpits. Place your hands securely on the victim's chest.
.I Lift the victim vertically until he or she is above the surface
you're standing on (deck, dock, etc.). Make sure you don't
scrape the victim's back.
.I Step back gently, and lower the victim to a secure sitting
position on the surface you're standing on. The victim
should be far enough from the edge that he or she can't fall
back into the water.

4-24 Lifesaving Society

The Rescue of Others

If the victim is unconscious, a second rescuer can be very help­

ful. This rescuer does NOT have to be a trained lifesaver. To
remove an unconscious victim when there is no bystander to
help, modify the underarm lift as follows:
.I Reach past the armpits, and hold the victim's wrists.
.I Make sure the victim's elbows are pointing down (not out)
and your arms are pointing forward, not down. These
precautions ensure that the victim is comfortable and that
you lift safely.

The modified underarm lift is awkward to establish and

requires more strength than the regular underarm lift.

./ If a second rescuer is available, there are two options for

removal. Here are the key points about each:
• The second rescuer is in front of the victim and in the
water. Remember that the second rescuer need NOT be a
trained lifesaver. With the victim in a sitting position, the
second rescuer supports the victim's upper legs on his or
her shoulder. On a signal they have agreed to, the
rescuers lift together until the victim's back clears the deck,
dock, etc.
• Both rescuers are on the same surface (deck, dock, etc.),
and the victim's back is to them. Each rescuer grabs one
of the victim's armpits from behind. On a signal they have
agreed to, the rescuers lift together and pull the victim
away from the edge of the surface. The rescuers take care
not to scrape the victim's back.

Removale; with Two or More Ree;cuer6

./ When m ore tha n one rescuer is i nvolved. tea mwork is essential for a
sm ooth remova l . Ag ree on a signal, for example. "Lift on a count of 3.
1 . . . 2 . . . 3."
./ Rescuers m u st g rasp each other's hands firm ly:
• With you r fingers together, curl you r fingers toward you r pal ms.
• Have the other rescuer do the same thing.
• You ca n "hook" you r fingers together i n a hold that wrestlers use.
It's comfortable and doesn't break easily.
• Avoid g ri pping each other's wrists or using a handshake g ri p -
they both slip when wet.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l 4-25

Chapter 4

Cradle Lift
This removal works best for removing victims from
shallow water to a dock or deck:
./ The victim is at the surface, cradled in your
outstretched arms and parallel to the lip or edge
of a pool, deck, dock, etc.
./ Hook one arm under the victim's thighs and the
other under his or her neck.
./ Lift the victim, and place him or her gently on
the deck, dock, etc.

Unless the victim is much smaller than you, DON'T do this

removal alone.

If a second rescuer or bystander is available, modify the cradle

lift as follows:
./ Rescuer 1 holds the victim as in the cradle lift described
./ Rescuer 2 or bystander crouches on the deck or dock and
crosses his or her arms .
./ Rescuer 2 grasps Rescuer l's right hand with his or her right
hand, Rescuer l's left hand with his or her left hand.
./ On an agreed-upon signal, both rescuers stand up. Rescuer 2
steps back from the edge, moving the victim into position on
the deck or dock.

Wa lk Out
This removal is especially useful at a beach or in other open­
water situations:
./ If the victim is conscious and exhausted and you' re both in
shallow water, pause there briefly.
./ Supporting the victim, walk out of the water. Put one arm
around the victim's waist; the victim's arm is over your

One-Rescuer Drag
This technique is useful if you are
alone, the victim is unconscious, and
you need to move him or her a short
distance fast. It is also useful at a
beach or in other open-water
./ From behind the victim, reach
under his or her armpits, and grab
his or her wrists.
./ Pull the victim out of the water,
heels dragging.
./ Place the victim in a position
suitable for treatment.

4-26 Lifesaving Society

The Rescue of Others

Firefighter's CarnJ
This removal requires either a small-sized victim or a rescuer
with a high level of strength and power. It is quite useful at a
beach or in other open-water situations. This is a useful removal
method when you're alone:
.t' In shallow water, face the victim .
.t' Pick up the victim in one of two ways:
• Grab the victim's nearer upper arm with one hand.
Place your other hand on the inside of the victim's
nearer leg and just above the knee. Submerge beneath
the victim in a squatting position, keeping your chin
tucked close to your chest. Roll the victim over, and
stand up with the victim draped over your shoulders
as you do so. With one hand, clasp the victim's lower
arm and lower leg against your body. Balance with
the other hand while walking to shore.
• Kneel down, and draw one of the victim's arms across
your shoulders. Slip your own arm between the
victim's legs. As you turn your back to the victim,
support him or her across your shoulders .

.t' To put the victim down,

• bend your knees and hips, allowing
the victim's feet to touch the
• holding the victim on your
shoulders, turn from the hip to
grasp the victim around the chest
with both hands.
• once the victim is supported, lower
him or her gently to the ground.
Protect the victim's head as you do

With practice, you will know when to start this carry to ensure
that the victim's head is always clear of the water.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 4-2 7

Chapter 4

Over-One-Shoulder Carry
This removal requires either a small-sized victim or a rescuer
with a high level of strength and power. It is quite useful at a
beach or in other open-water situations. This carry is used when
no help is available:
./ Lift the victim over one of your shoulders so that he or she
pikes at the waist.
./ Grasp the victim's dangling legs .
./ Transport the victim to safety slowly and deliberately. (Vvalking
hurriedly can cause victims to vomit, especially if they've eaten
recently or swallowed water during their near-drowning.)

Choosing a Removal Method

When choosing a removal method, consider
0 the victim's condition
0 the availability of assistance
0 your abilities
0 characteristics of the removal site, for example, water depth,

water conditions, and the height of the deck, dock, or shoreline.

4.13 Follow-up
Once the victim has been removed from the water, evaluate his
or her condition, and start follow-up procedures. If possible, get
help moving the victim to a more comfortable environment (see
page 4-2 for how to use bystanders in a rescue). Call EMS if
necessary, and decide whether the incident should be formally
reported to an authority.

The drowning process may result in Acute Respiratory Distress

some hours after the initial drowning event and rescue. After rescue
from the water, the victim should be sent to hospital if he or she:
./ suffered any loss of consciousness
./ required resuscitation (rescue breathing, CPR)
./ has any concurrent condition (e.g. seizure, spinal injury,

After the rescue is over, evaluate your experience, and learn

from it. Go over the rescue from beginning to end. Review
every element in the rescue process (see page 4-2), and ask
yourself questions like these:
0 Recognize. How accurately and how fast did you recognize
the victim's condition?
0 Assess. How effective was your assessment? Did you choose
the safest rescue possible? Did you change your assessment
as conditions changed?
0 Act. How well did you perform the lifesaving skills you
chose? How and why did this incident happen? What could
prevent such incidents in the future?

4-28 Lifesaving Society �

The Rescue of Others

For the Assess element of the rescue process, use the Ladder
Approach as your evaluation tool; for the Act element, use the
Rescuer's Checklist.

When you do your evaluation, be honest and realistic. By being

honest with yourself about what you did and didn't do well,
you'll become a better rescuer. By being realistic, you'll set
reasonable standards for yourself in future rescues.

4.14 Want to Know More?

Huint, Richard. Understanding Drowning (and Related Topics).
Montreal: AquaLude Inc., 1992.
This text presents detailed information on the physiology of
drowning and summarizes significant scientific research on
the subject. It is of particular interest to lifeguards and
aquatics instructors.

Pia, Frank. On Drowning. Frank Pia: 1992. (Available from Water

Safety Films Inc., Larchmont, New York.)
This video features footage of actual near-drownings and
rescues at a New York beach. Also included in the film are
Frank Pia's discussions of distressed swimmers and
drowning research.

Lifesaving Society. Alert: Lifeguarding in Action. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada, 1993.
Alert is the text of the National Lifeguard Service. Designed
for professional lifeguards, Alert presents information on
accident prevention and rescue skills and procedures.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Ma nual 4-29

Chapter 5
Specialized Lifesaving Skills

5.1 Introduction
Chapter 4 described the fundamental skills needed to perform
safe, effective, and efficient rescues of others. Those key skills
make up the rescue process, and they're usually all you need to
use in a rescue.

But sometimes these basic skills aren't enough.

For example, the person you're rescuing might
grab you - and put your life in danger. Or a
drowning victim could have a spinal injury, and
this requires specialized treatment skills.

This chapter covers the following specialized

lifesaving skills:
0 avoidance
0 defences
0 releases
0 searches for missing persons
0 using skin-diving equipment
0 ice rescue
0 multiple-victim rescues
0 multiple-rescuer procedures
0 rescue procedures for spinal injuries Stride entry using
0 rescue breathing in deep water. skin-diving e quipment

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-1

Chapter 5

5.2 Avoidance
Avoidance is a primary goal for all rescuers. With distressed
swimmers and drowning victims, you need to minimize the risk
of being grabbed during a rescue. Here are some tips on how to
avoid victims to ensure your own safety:
,/ Watch the victim.
,I Be attentive to the victim's body movements and intentions.
,I Be watchful about the possibility of being grabbed.
,I Use the Ladder Approach to choose the safest rescue
method, given the situation (see pages 4-4 to 4-9 for
information on the Ladder Approach) .
,/ If the victim tries to grab you, either swim away or
submerge (see below
for information on
defences) .

,I Resume a ready position. � -""-..--�
,/ Talk to the victim to
explain that he or she
mustn't try to hold onto
you. --..___,..._____.
,I Repeat the rescue
approach if and when you
and the victim are ready.
Rescuer in ready
5.3 Defences position

You may need to use defences to avoid contact with victims

in certain situations. A rescue may not go as planned, or you
may be taken by surprise. For instance, in a boating accident,
you and others might suddenly find yourself within a victim's

Whenever you have to use a defence,

,I move away quickly
,I resume a ready position
,/ talk to the victim to explain that he or she mustn't hold onto
,/ repeat the rescue approach if and when you and the victim are
Choose defences on the basis of where the victim is relative to
you when he or she approaches. Here are the defences you need
to know:
0 duck away from the front
0 duck away from the rear
0 foot block
0 arm block.

5-2 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

Duck away from the Front

,I Move away from the victim, submerging as quickly as
possible and avoiding all contact.
,I A modified foot-first surface dive, in which there is no
upward scissor kick, is usually the quickest technique to
use to submerge.
,/ Orient yourself and the victim so that you can swim
underwater to a safe distance from the victim.
,I Stay in the reverse and ready position as you surface.

Duck away from the Rear

If you sense the victim approaching from behind you,
,/ submerge to get away
,/ orient yourself and the victim so that you can swim
underwater to a safe distance from the victim
,/ stay in the reverse and ready position as you surface.
Duck away from front
Foot Block
Use the foot block to push away a victim who moves toward
you when you're in the foot-first ready position:
,/ Place one foot against the victim's upper chest or shoulder.
,/ Extend the leg to push the victim away.
,/ Return to the reverse and ready position, and make sure
there's enough distance between you and the victim.

Arm Block
,/ Extend one arm, and press forcefully against the victim's
upper body to move away.
,/ This is the highest risk block, and you should avoid it if at all
,/ Return to the reverse and ready position, and make sure
there's enough distance between you and the victim.

Duck away from rear


Foot block Arm block � -

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-3

Chapter 5

5.4 Releases
You may be grabbed by a victim during a rescue. This might
happen if the victim's condition changes (getting tired or
confused, for example) or if you don't plan effectively for
your own safety. Because of panic, the intensity of the victim's
strength and power are often intensified. Releases can be used in
such situations.
It is not at all certain that releases will succeed if a victim grabs
you. That's why this section does not include specific release
techniques -it could give the impression there are sequential
steps to success in such situations. Instead, release principles are
listed, with the warning they are guidelines for these potentially
life-threatening situations.

Release Principles
If you have to use a release, remember the following:
0 This is a life-threatening situation for you.
0 Submerge the victim if possible.
0 The next option is to submerge yourself and the victim if he or
she is still holding onto you.
0 Try to use quick, high-velocity movements.
0 Orient yourself to water surface and depth. Resurface in the
reverse and ready position a safe distance from the victim.
0 If you are grabbed around the neck, tuck your chin.
0 Do not further endanger yourself. Consider a low-risk rescue,
and remember self-rescue principles.

Pull victim over your

Submerge head Release from
i rear, pushing
up on arm

Push up on
elbow and
back on head Push victim away

5-4 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

5.5 Searches for Missing Persons

Searches must be started when
./ a missing person is believed to be in the water
./ a person is known to have submerged and his or her exact
location is unknown.

If a missing person is not known to be in the water, both land

and water searches are required.

Searches in Shallow Water

./ Shallow-water areas are best searched by a team +---- -----i
that walks through the area in a straight line with
hands joined. �-------- -
... -- - - - -----IJ
./ If the water is murky, the team needs to close up
the space between each searcher and rely on what
.- - - - - - -- - - -
searchers feel, not on what they see.
./ One person should be the leader, directing search +-- --- - - - -¢
participants and other bystanders, ensuring that
the entire area is covered, and co-ordinating the
line's speed of movement. Group search, overhead view, using
./ If you' re alone, call for help while scanning the boat and rocks as reference points
area from shore. If you can't see the victim, wade
out to the farthest point necessary, and walk back and forth
in lines parallel to shore, moving closer to shore on each
sweep. Use reference points on land to ensure that the entire
water area is covered.

Searches in Deep Water

./ Whenever possible, deep-water searches should be
conducted by two or more people using a series of surface
dives and a systematic pattern to cover the area .
./ Always swim in straight lines underwater, and turn
corners only at the surface. This helps you
determine what area has been covered .
./ Use land markings to develop a grid
pattern and determine the area to cover I I I I
underwater. The width of the grid pattern
will depend on water clarity- the better
the clarity, the farther you can see, and the

_. I
wider the grid pattern can be . L _ _ _,
./ Searchers should be able to easily see one
another underwater. 5
./ The depth of the search will depend on the
clarity of water. Searchers need to swim Landmarking and grid pattern,
at a depth where they can clearly see the overhead view

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-5

Chapter 5

.I Foot-first surface dives are rec­

ommended for underwater
searches. These dives protect the
rescuer's head if there are under­
water hazards. (See pages 9-14
and 9-1 5 for more information on
these dives.)
.I Searchers who decide to do a
head-first surface dive must back
up before submerging to ensure
they cover the entire area.
,I Rescuers should surface fre­

quently to avoid getting tired.
Searchers tire quickly if they try
Foot-first surface dive to cover too large an area all at
� ·- ,/ If there are three or more
--�-- rescuers and the victim is not
known to be in the water, one
G person should conduct a land
search while the best swimmers
conduct a water search.
,/ Skin-diving equipment can in­
crease the efficiency of under­
water searches (Section 5.6 des­
cribes this equipment and its

Head-first surface dive

Searches in Swimming Pools
.I Clear the pool of all swimmers before starting a search.
,/ Investigate all unidentifiable shadows or objects on the
bottom of the pool.
,/ Search swimming pools with a visual scan from the deck or
a higher vantage point. Pay special attention to the corners
and to the bottom drains.
,/ If it is not known that the victim is in the pool, two rescuers

-- -- -- - ",,t
should scan the water
while other rescuers start
a search of shower rooms, f CJ
locker rooms, and all other
possible areas (including
I '
,/ If the water being -- -- � - - -
searched is cloudy, use
---- _,
the techniques presented I

- t
above for deep-water I
searches. I �
\ D ../

5-6 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

5.6 Using Skin-Diving Equipment

Skin-diving equipment increases the efficiency of underwater
0 Face masks provide clear vision. This makes it possible for
each rescuer to search a greater area than he or she could
without a mask.
0 Snorkels allow you to concentrate completely on the search,
because you don't have to lift your head to breathe.
0 Fins increase propulsion and reduce the swimming effort
required. With fins, you don't have to use your hands for

Face Masks
To test a face mask for proper fit, hold it in place, and inhale
through the nose. When you remove your hand, the mask
should stay in position on your face.
One of the first skills to learn is how to clear the mask when
it fills with water. There are three ways to do this, and each
involves displacing water by exhaling through the nose. The
three methods are Testing for proper fit
0 doing a horizontal roll
0 doing a vertical tilt
0 using the mask's purge valve.

Doing a Horizontal Roll

When you are swimming or searching, the horizontal roll is
more useful for clearing the mask than the vertical tilt .
.,/ Get into a horizontal position, and press one side of the
mask firmly against your face .
.,/ Blow air through your nose while rolling onto the opposite
side to displace water out the lower side of the mask. (The
mask should be clear as you complete your roll.)
./ Use a minimum of exhaled air to clear the mask-you also
have to exhale to clear the snorkel. Horizontal roll
Doing a Vertical Tilt
./ Get into a position in which your upper
body is vertical in the water.
./ Press the top part of the mask firmly
against your forehead .
./ Exhale slowly and steadily through the
nose, tilting your head back to about a 45 °
angle to the surface.

Vertical tilt

I11e Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-7

Chapter 5

Using the Mask's Purge Valve

.,/ Move your head so that the purge valve is the lowest part of
the mask in the water.
./ Press the mask firmly against your face as you exhale
through your nose, forcing water out through the valve .
.,/ Keep your head in the same position throughout.

The design of purge valves varies from model to model. Practise

to discover the best method for the model you're likely to use.

Facts a bout Face Snorkels

Masks Snorkels are hollow plastic tubes with a flexible rubber
CJ Water vapor may form mouthpiece. Divers attach snorkels to the side of their mask.
on the i nside of the Divers bite on two protrusions; the flange of the mouthpiece
lens. You can prevent rests between the teeth and the inside of the lips.
this from ha ppeni ng
by a pplying an anti­
When you submerge, the snorkel partially fills with water. To
fog com pound to the
clear the snorkel at the surface, exhale a quick, sharp puff of air
i nside surface of the
lens. that forces water out of the tube.
CJ The deeper you
submerge. the more To inhale immediately after surfacing,
pressure there is .,/ ascend vertically with your head tilted slightly back so that
aga inst your face. the tip of the snorkel is lower than the mouthpiece (look
You can equal ize th is toward the water surface) .
pressu re by exha l ing .,/ blow into the snorkel while still submerged. This displaces
a sma l l am ount of a i r the water in the tube, and the tube should be clear by the
through you r nose. time you reach the surface.

With practice, you can learn to clear your mask and your
snorkel with one breath.

Fins are easier to put on if your feet are wet. Here are some tips
on choosing fins:
0 It's important that fins fit your feet. Fins that are
too large cause sores and blisters; fins that are
too tight can cause poor blood circulation and
even muscle cramps.
0 Fins should be rigid enough to stay still during
downward leg movement.
f O The larger the surface area, the more energy it
takes to kick.
0 Fins with an inclined blade provide maximum

You use two basic kicks with fins - a flutter kick

and a dolphin kick:
0 The leg action of the flutter kick is slower than
that used in the crawl. The kick is initiated from
Flutter kick the hips, and the fins stay submerged.

5-8 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

0 In the dolphin kick, the legs move together, with the

knees and hips flexing and then extending in the
drive phase. The leg action is slow and relaxed.

When swimming underwater with fins, keep one

or both arms extended directly in front of you - it
streamlines your body, minimizes resistance, and
provides extra protection for your face.

Entering the Water with Skin-Diving

Equipment Dolphin kick

Entering Shallow Water from a Beach

.I Enter by walking backward (it's easier
than walking forward when you're
wearing fins) .
.I Take care not to trip or slip .
.I Start to swim when you reach deep
enough water.

Entering with a Forward Roll

.I Using one or both hands to hold the mask
Walk backward when wearing fins
and snorkel in position, roll forward in a
pike position .
.I Keep your chin tucked, and enter the water with your
shoulders and neck leading and your feet together.

Forward roll entry

Entering with a Back-Sit Entry

.I Use one or both hands to hold the mask and
snorkel in position .
.I With your back to the water, fall backward
into a V-sit position .
.I The buttocks and lower back strike the
water first.
.I Do this entry only from a limited height (a Back-sit entry
small boat, for instance) .

I11e Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-9

Chapter 5

Entering with a Stride Jump

Your head does not submerge in this entry:
.I Take a wide stride .
./ Enter the water feet first.
./ Use your hands and chest to resist downward momentum.

Precautione; for Scuba Diving and Skin Diving

Preventing Squeezee
0 Practise scuba diving or skin diving only if you a re i n good physical a nd
denta l health.
0 Avoid d iving with a cold or breathing problem .
0 Avoid usi ng decongesta nts or other m edication before dives.
0 Equa l ize pressure early and often by pi nching the nose. closing the
mouth, and blowi ng gently from the th roat. Do not wait to feel pa i n i n
your ears t o d o this.

Preventing Air Emlza/iBm

0 Breathe reg ularly-avoid breath holding .
0 Ascend sl owly- no faster than 20 metres per m i n ute.

Preventing DeaampreBeian SiakneBB

0 Use d ecom pression tables when scuba d iving . They help you adj u st to
the pressure at different depths.
0 If possible, avoid things that red uce blood flow: a l cohol, extreme fatig ue,
extremely hot or cold showers, dehyd ration, obesity, etc.
0 Fol low the bubbles when ascend i ng - no faster tha n 20 metres per
m i n ute.

5.7 Ice Rescue

When a person falls through thin ice, you must understand that
the same thing can happen to you if you approach the area of
the hole. You can help victims only from a distance:
./ Anyone on or near the weak ice should immediately but
slowly get low to the ground and distribute his or her
weight over as large an area as possible. This could involve
crawling, for example, or moving commando-style on the

5-10 Lifesaving Society �

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

./ Use a long assist: a ring buoy with a rope, a rope or hose, a

long stick, a ladder, etc .
./ When the victim grasps the assist, pull gently to help him or
her ease out of the water.
./ Advise the victim to ease along the ice, distributing his
or her weight as much as possible until it's safe to do
otherwise. In many situations, it's best to crawl along the ice
with the feet spread .
./ As soon as you can approach the victim, help him or her to
safety. Wet clothing can then be removed .
./ Assess the victim's condition, looking especially for signs
or symptoms of hypothermia (see page 8-24). Provide any
necessary treatment and follow-up care. This can include
sending the victim to hospital.

·-· . - . . . . . __J� -IB -


5.8 Multiple-Victim Rescues I n a ny rescue, treat the

victi m as an individua l .
Some rescues involve more than one victim. For example, a Take i nto account
boat may swamp or capsize unexpectedly, a weak swimmer factors such as his or
may grab another swimmer for support, or a current may carry her abil ities (incl uding
swimmers into deep water. physica l or learn i ng
d isabil ities). Modify
Rescuing more than one victim at the same time is hard. It also techniques as necessary.
requires advanced lifesaving judgment, knowledge, skill, and
fitness. As a lifesaver, you need to understand the risks in­
volved in such rescues.

Here are the basic principles of multiple-victim rescues:

./ If possible, take two or more assists, and tow the victims to
shore. This may involve towing two or more victims at the
same time.
./ If a boat is involved, have victims cling to it or to an
attached rope, ladder, etc., and transport the victims to
safety. If the boat is very small, transport victims one or two
at a time in order of the seriousness of their condition.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Man ual 5-11

Chapter 5

Towing or Carrying Two Victims

,/ If you have two assists or if both victims can hold one assist,
you can tow both victims to safety at the same time.
,/ If both victims stay calm, try to get them on their backs, side
by side.
,/ Swim in front of and between the two victims, pulling them
to safety with an assist.
,/ If you have to use a carry, use the safest one possible, and
pull the victims to safety. If the victims are calm, ask one
to hold the feet of the other during your carry. If you're
strong and the water is calm, you might be able to carry two
victims this way for a short distance. If you can't do this, tell
the victim in the carry to hold the other victim under his or
her arms.

5.9 Multiple-Rescuer Procedures

When there's more than one rescuer, having a leader ensures
both the best teamwork and the fastest rescue of the victim.
Trained rescuers should be prepared to assume this leadership
role in any situation involving more than one rescuer. This is
especially important when the rescuer has recruited untrained
assistants. Trained rescuers should
,/ recruit bystanders to assist in the rescue (see page 4-2)
,/ give clear, specific direction to assistants
,/ ensure ongoing communication among everyone parti-
cipating in the rescue
,/ quickly determine the swimming skills of individuals
recruited to assist in the water.

� When there's more than one rescuer, one might be

?! -f....-:::::=

..? � ,:::;---- directly involved in the rescue while others get first
-:: - aid supplies, call EMS, etc. If there are two rescuers
� --.... �
...J �
- 1 .,_ -
and both are involved in the rescue, there are many
ways they can team up on the tow or carry. Here
are just a few examples:
,/ Rescuer 1 carries the victim while Rescuer 2
carries Rescuer 1 .
,/ Rescuers 1 and 2 both carry the victim, one on
each side.
,/ Rescuer 1 carries the victim while Rescuer 2
assesses the victim's condition.
,I Rescuer 1 carries the victim while Rescuer 2
immobilizes an injured body part.

5-12 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

5.10 Rescue Procedures for Spinal Injuries

While injuries to the head and spine account for a small
percentage of all injuries, they represent a large number of
serious injuries and deaths . Injuries to the head and spine
can damage both bone (skull, vertebrae) and soft tissue (brain,
spinal cord, nerves). Prompt care can prevent further damage
to some head and spine injuries. (See pages 8-1 2 and 8-1 3 for
more information on the treatment of spinal injuries.)

Proper treatment of a victim with spinal injuries requires the

co-ordination of many skills into a sequence that
0 immobilizes the spine
0 maintains the airway, breathing, and circulation
0 allows for removal and transportation to hospital or other
medical facility.

Rescuers must use judgment in deciding how and when to

stabilize a victim using a rollover and when to use a spinal
board. Factors to consider when making these decisions include
the number of rescuers available, the victim's condition, and the
water and weather conditions.

The essential tasks in spinal rescues focus on the following:

0 contacting EMS
0 approach
0 rollover and immobilization
0 ABCs (airway, breathing, and circulation)
0 stabilization and spinal board
0 removal
0 treatment for shock
0 further treatment.

While the ABCs are listed fourth in the sequence, they are
still the priority. This means you must do the first three steps
efficiently so that the ABC priorities can be assessed, treated,
and monitored.

Contactin g EMS AE D sta nds for

./ Send a second rescuer or bystander to contact EMS and Automated External
return with an AED if available. Deft bri l lation. An AED
./ If you are alone, contact EMS and get an AED (if one is unit is an Automated
immediately available) before initiating the spinal rescue. External Defibri l lator.
./ For more information about contacting EMS, see page 3-3. (See sidebar on page 7-13).

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-13

Chapter 5

,/ Slip into the water.
,/ Approach the victim
carefully to minimize
water movement.
,I Do not jump or dive into
the water near the victim.

Rollover and Immobilization

When the victim is on his or her back or floating with the
head up, a rollover is not needed. If the victim is face down or
partially submerged, you may need to roll him or her over to
assess and maintain the ABCs and immobilize the head and

Rollover and immobilization techniques involve the alignment

or realignment of the head in the neutral position (the nose is in
a straight line with the belly button).

In the following cases, however, you should NOT move the

victim's head in line with the body:
D if you feel resistance when trying to move the head
D if the victim complains of pain-like pressure or muscle
spasms when you first try to move the head
D if the victim's head is severely angled.

In these cases, support the victim's head in the position you

found it.

There are many rollover and immobilization techniques to

choose from (three basic techniques are described in detail
below). Choose and modify as necessary any technique that
meets all of the following criteria:
,/ The required number of trained rescuers is available.
,/ The technique reduces or prevents movement of the victim's
head and neck.
,/ The technique allows you to assess and monitor the ABCs.
,/ The technique allows you to do rescue breathing.
,/ The technique allows you to hold the victim's body at or just
below the surface.

5-14 Lifesaving Society �

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

Canadian Rollover and Immobilization

This technique is useful when the victim is in very
shallow water, the victim is much smaller than the
rescuer (for example, an adult rescuer and a child
victim), or there are few trained rescuers (one,
two, or three rescuers) . In the Canadian rollover,
the victim's head and neck are splinted between
his or her extended arms. This technique may
not be suitable for victims with bulky, muscular
shoulders, because the extended arms may not be
able to squeeze the victim's head.

Technique is as follows:
.I Stand on either side of the victim .
.I Grasp the victim's arms midway between the
elbow and the shoulder - your right hand on
the victim' s right arm, your left hand on the
victim's left arm .
. .I Gently float the victim's arms up alongside his
or her head, parallel to the water surface .
.I Position the victim's arms so that they
extend against his or her head .
.I Apply pressure to the arms with your
fingers while placing your thumbs on
the back of the victim's head to eliminate
back-and-forth movement of his or her
head .
.I Lower your body to chest depth, and
move the victim slowly forward and to
a horizontal position, gliding the victim' s
body to the surface .
.I As the victim becomes horizontal in the
water, keep moving forward slowly and
rotating the victim toward you until he
or she is face up .
.I Rest the victim' s head in the crook of
your arm .
.I Assess the victim's breathing.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-15

Chapter 5

Vice Grip Rollover and Immobilization Techniq ue

This technique is useful when there are few trained rescuers (one,
two, or three rescuers). In the vice grip, the victim is sandwiched
front to back between the rescuer's forearms. When there is only
one rescuer and he or she is much smaller than the victim, it may
be difficult or even impossible to assess the ABCs and perform
rescue breathing using this technique.
Technique is as follows:
.I Stand beside the victim, and face his
or her head .
.I Lower your body until your
shoulders are at water level.
.I Reaching into the water with one
arm, place your forearm along his or
her sternum. Place your other fore­
arm along the spine .
.I The hand in front supports the chin;
the thumb is on one side, the fingers
on the other.
.I At the same time, use the other hand
to support the victim's neck at the
base of the skull. To do this, spread
the fingers, and cradle the head .
.I Lock both your wrists, squeeze your
forearms together, and clamp the
victim's chest and back between your
forearms and hands .
.I Turn the victim face up by keeping
your hands in position and rotating
the victim toward you while you start
to lower yourself in the water.
.I Carefully roll under the victim while
turning him or her over in the water.
The victim is face up when stabilized.
Move slowly to avoid any twisting of
the victim's body.

5-16 Lifesaving Society �

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

Modified Body Rollover and Immobilization Techniq ue

This technique should be used only if there are at least two trained
rescuers - otherwise, the ABCs cannot be assessed or monitored
during rollover and immobilization.

Technique is as follows:
,/ Stand beside the victim, facing his or her head.
,/ Place your hands between the victim's arms and
,/ Reach in front of the victim's shoulders with
your hands (your right hand to the victim's
right shoulder, your left hand to the victim's left
,I Gently move your arms forward until your hands
reach the sides of the victim's head. Your hands
are open with the thumb behind the ear and the
fingers in front. The base of each hand is along
the jawline. Do not apply pressure yet.
,I Squeeze your elbows into the victim's body, and
then apply pressure with your forearms and
,/ Lower your body, and place your head beside
the victim.
,/ Turn the victim face up, keeping your hands in
position on either side of the head with your
elbows secured. Rotate the victim toward you
while you submerge yourself.
,/ Carefully roll under the victim while turning him or her over in
the water. Both you and the victim are face up when you surface
on the other side.
,I Move slowly to avoid twisting the victim's body.
,/ The second rescuer assesses and monitors breathing and

Spinal Injuries In Deep Water

People ra re ly suffer spi na l i nj u ries i n deep wate r. But if this d oes happen,
you wi l l n eed to d o one of the fol lowi n g :
,I M ove you rself a n d t h e victim t o sha l l ow water after t h e rol l over
and i m m ob i l ization by doing a l ifesaving kick. Egg beater is the kick
o f cho ice, beca use it i nvolves the least water m ove m ent a ro u nd the
victim .
,I I f you ca n't m ove to shal l ow water, sec u re the victim to the edge of
the d ock, pool, boat, or other sta ble object.
,/ The final choice wou ld be to stradd l e an assist such as a rescue tube
to provid e buoya ncy.

� Tlze Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-1 7

Chapter 5

Checking for breathing does not always require rolling the
victim onto his or her back. A cry of pain, chest movement,
or the sound of breathing tells you the victim is breathing.
Here are the key points about the ABCs as they relate to
spinal injuries (for a detailed description of the ABCs,
see Chapter 7) .

While airway is always a high priority, you need to modify
what you do when you
suspect a spinal injury:
,/ If the victim is
breathing, monitor
breathing closely.
,I To assess the airway
or to perform rescue
breaths, attempt to
open the airway
using a jaw thrust
technique. If the jaw thrust does not work (i.e., rescue
breaths do not go in), use the head-tilt / chin-lift technique.

Jaw Thrust Technique.

,/ Place your hands
on each side
of the victim's
head with 2
or 3 fingers
behind the angle
of the jaw.
,/ Place your thumbs on the cheek bones and thrust the jaw
upward without moving the neck.
,/ Unless using a pocket mask, seal the victim's nose with the
thumbs or cheek while performing rescue breaths.

Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift Technique. If the victim is an adult,

,/ place one hand on the victim's forehead, and apply firm
backward (downward) pressure with the palm to tilt the
head back.
,/ place the first two fingers of the other hand under the bony
part of the lower jaw, near the chin. Lift to bring the chin
forward (upward) and almost close the teeth. If you are
using a rescue breathing pocket mask, you may find that you
can also lift the chin by hooking your fingers under the angle
of the jaw and gently lifting the jaw up.

If the victim is a child or infant,

,/ be careful not to hyperextend the neck.

5-18 Lifesaving Society �

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

./ Perform a quick, visual check (5 sec.) for
absent or abnormal breathing. Look for chest
movement and listen for breathing. Abnormal
breathing can include noisy and gasping
(agonal) breaths.

See pages 7-1 0 to 7-1 2 for a full description of

how to do rescue breathing.

If the victim is breathing, assume effective circulation.
If the victim is not breathing, or not breathing
effectively (gasping), perform CPR. If the victim is
found on land, start CPR with chest compressions. If
found in the water, start with 2 rescue breaths.

Apply an AED (automated external defibrillator) as

soon as it arrives .
./ Remove the victim promptly to the pool deck or
beach, and start CPR. If several rescuers and a
spinal board are available (see below), quickly
but carefully place the victim on a spinal board,
<.<__ � _
and remove him or her immediately. Start CPR.

Spinal board remova/6 6hould not delay CPR

When the need for CPR i s i nd i cated, use of a spinal boa rd
should n ever delay victi m remova l and the i m mediate
com mencement of C PR.

Stabilization and Spinal Board

This involves stabilizing the victim's hips, head,
and neck and placing the victim on a spinal board if 0
enough rescuers and a spinal board are available. Three or
four rescuers are needed for effective stabilization. If
the rescuers are lifeguards, one or two may be enough
if there are bystanders who can help (see page 4-2
for information on what bystanders can do during a a 0
rescue) .

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-19

Chapter 5

Lifeguards and advanced lifesavers should practise stabilization

and removal to develop their skills in these techniques. See
below for an example of spinal-board placement by two

A sample technique for stabilization is described below.

Procedures will vary, depending on such factors as the victim's
condition, rescuers' skill, the number of rescuers, and the
equipment available. It is important to remember to check
the ABCs at least once a minute throughout the stabilization

.I Rescuer 1 has the

victim immobilized and
is checking and re­
checking breathing .
.I Rescuer 2 moves to
hold the victim's hips
and thighs up .
.I Rescuer 3 holds the
victim's feet up .

.I Rescuer 4 brings the spinal board into the water and

approaches the victim from the side.

.I Rescuer 4 holds the board under the water so that it doesn't

bump the victim. He or she then slides the board under the
victim and positions it lengthwise along the victim's spine.
.I The board is allowed to rise under the victim.

5-20 Lifesaving Society �

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

./ Rescuer 3 places a hand on each side of the victim's head to

help minimize movement as Rescuer 1 slowly and carefully
withdraws his or her hands from the victim's head .
./ Rescuers 1 and 4 secure chest straps snugly under the victim's
armpits .

./ Hip straps are secured with the victim's arms at his or her sides .
./ The victim's head is secured on both sides. If the board has a
head harness, it is used. Sandbags, rolled towels, etc., may also
be used. The head should not be moved while being secured .
./ All remaining straps are secured at the thighs and feet.

Alternative Immobilization Techniques

Several techniques can be used for immobilization on land or to
maintain immobilization in the water while transferring a spinal­
injured victim onto a spinal board. The techniques described below
allow a spinal board to be positioned without interference because
the rescuer's arm is not under the victim.

Trapezius Squeeze
./ usually used to transfer from the vice grip or modified
./ place your hands and forearms alongside the victim's
./ place your tumbs on the victim's collarbone or
trapezius muscle and your fingers below the
./ squeeze your forearms together to splint the head and

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-21

Chapter 5

Reverse Canadian
,/ usually used to transfer from the Canadian
immobilization technique
,/ grasp the victim's arms as close to the ears as
,/ gently squeeze the victim's arms together to
maintain the immobilization

Whenever possible, a person with a suspected spinal injury
EMS transport and should be removed from shallow water. Removal requires at
spineboarde least two rescuers if a spinal board is involved, and having three
Spineboard s, a l so or four rescuers is preferred.
known as backboard s,
are often used to
remove a suspected There are many techniques for removing victims from the water.
spinal-inj ured victim But you risk injury, especially to the back, if you don't use safe
from the water. E MS lifting techniques (see page 4-24). Any removal procedure that
may d ecide to remove allows for efficient, careful removal is appropriate. For example:
the spineboard when ,/ Rescuers check that their grip is secure.
preparing to transport ,/ If the victim is in a pool, the board is positioned at right
the victim. angles to its side.
,/ The board is removed head-first.
,/ The board is kept horizontal for as long as possible while
being removed.
,/ Bystanders can help by smoothly lifting and sliding the board.
,/ The rescuer at the victim's head should direct the removal
by instructing all other rescuers to lift at an agreed-on signal.
For instance, rescuers might agree to lift on the count
of 3 in "1 . . . 2 . . .3."

5-22 Lifesaving Society

Specialized Lifesaving Skills

Treatment for Shock

Because a serious head or spinal injury can affect the body's
heating and cooling mechanisms, victims with such injuries are
quite susceptible to shock. See page 8-2 for information on how
to treat shock.

Further Treatment
./ Monitor vital signs .
./ Do a secondary assessment, including a head-to-toe
examination (see pages 6-5 to 6-7) .
./ Treat injuries.

5.11 Rescue Breathing in Deep Water

Rescue breathing in deep water is an option for highly skilled
rescuers when the distance to shore, dock, or shallow water is
too far to travel without ventilating the victim. You should use
this lifesaving skill only when safer, less demanding procedures
are not likely to save the victim. Deep-water rescue breathing
can cause several problems for rescuers:
0 Airway management is extremely difficult.
0 Complications, such as vomiting, are difficult to handle in
deep water.
0 You and the victim lose body heat rapidly in the water.
Because you and the victim travel more slowly during rescue
breathing than during a control carry, the problem becomes
more serious.

Deep-water rescue breathing requires a strong lifesaving

kick. Because it provides continuous propulsion, eggbeater is
most efficient. Be sure to pinch the victim's nose continuously
during this rescue procedure. You can use any of the following
techniques to support the victim:
./ Support the victim with one hand under his or her neck and
the other hand on his or her forehead. (This is like posi­
tioning the head for rescue breathing on land.) You may put
your leg through a ring buoy or the armholes of a PFD or
the neckhole of a lifejacket for additional support.
./ Secure a rescue tube around the victim's torso, and support
the head using one' of the above techniques.

Modify these techniques according to your abilities, the victim's

size, and the assists available. Whatever technique you use,
maintain the airway, and ensure that water in the victim's face
is minimal.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 5-23

Chapter 5

5.12 Want to Know More?

Pierce, Albert. Scuba Life Saving. Champaign, Illinois: Leisure
Press, 1 985.
Produced by the Royal Life Saving Society Canada, this is a
comprehensive guide to scuba safety and rescue techniques.
The book goes beyond the basics, describing in detail the
issues involved in real-life emergencies. Self-rescue tech­
niques are covered, as are techniques involving one or more

Lifesaving Society. Alert: Lifeguarding in Action. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada, 1 993.
Alert is the text of the National Lifeguard Service. Designed
for professional lifeguards, Alert presents information on
accident prevention and rescue skills and procedures.

Lifesaving Society. Ice: The Winter Killer: a resource manual about

ice, ice safety and ice rescue. Ottawa: Royal Life Saving Society
Canada, 1 998.
Features ice-related drowning statistics; facts about ice,
ice smart safety tips; signs and symptoms of cold shock
response and hypothermia; ice rescue procedures; signs
and symptoms of critical incident stress; steps to help
communities promote ice safety.

5-24 Lifesaving Society �

Chapter 6
First Aid: The Rescue Process

6.1 Introduction
./ Preserve life .
./ Prevent further injury.
./ Promote recovery.

The first P is the most important. In first aid, you need to take
care of life-threatening emergencies first. This chapter covers
the rescue process for dealing with such emergencies. The
elements in this process are as follows:
./ Recognize .
./ Assess .
./ Act.

The rescue process is used in. self-rescue, the rescue of others,

and first aid. The three elements are the same in every type of
rescue or first aid situation, but the element details are different.
See Section 3.2 for how the process applies to self-rescue,
Section 4.2 for how it applies to the rescue of others.

The following sections discuss the elements of the rescue

process as they apply to first aid. Special attention is paid to the
assess part of the rescue process.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 6-1

Chapter 6

6.2 First Aid: The Rescue Process

The rescue process applies to all first aid. You use it when first
approaching a victim on land - for instance, when you find
someone who's fainted from heat exhaustion. You use it when
doing follow-up procedures in a water rescue, for example, treating
a victim for shock. Whatever first aid emergency you deal with,
follow the rescue process.

The rescue process is dynamic. You repeat its elements again

and again until the victim has recovered or Emergency Medical
System (EMS) personnel have taken over. In some cases, you will
recognize-assess-act only once; in other cases, you will recognize­
assess-act many times. Every emergency is different.

,I Recognize that the victim is in trouble and that help is needed.
,I Recognize signs of danger to you at or near the emergency scene.
,I Recognize clues about what happened to the victim.
,I Recognize that aspects of the situation, such as the victim's
condition, your condition, or the environment, may have

Much of this recognizing happens before you reach the victim. Use
all your senses as you approach him or her. Rely on what you feel,
smell, and hear, not just on what you see.

There are four different assessments you must do in the rescue
process. You must also do these assessments in order:
1 Assess the rescue environment, and remove hazards.
2 Conduct the primary assessment.
3 Get a history of the victim and the emergency.
4 Conduct the secondary assessment .

As a result of your assessment, you take action. Here are some of
the actions you'll take:
./ Treat the lifesaving priorities. (See Chapter 7 for a full
./ Treat other conditions. (See Chapter 8 for specific descriptions of
signs, symptoms, and treatments.)
./ Contact EMS if the victim' s condition is serious or life­
threatening (see page 3-3) .

6-2 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Rescue Process

,I Use bystanders where possible (see page 4-2).

,/ Transport the victim to safety if emergency services are not
needed (see pages 4-20 to 4-24 for information on carries) . This
may mean moving the victim away from a hazard, removing him
or her from the water, or taking him or her to the hospital.
,/ Contact the relevant authorities if the incident should be reported
(see page 3-3).

6.3 Assess the Rescue Environment, and

Remove Hazards
The rescue environment may
Ae;e;ee;e;mente;: Factore; to Cone;ider
involve dangers: live electrical
During your assessments, you need to consider the fol lowing
wires, fire, extremely cold factors - each can affect your -A rst aid efforts:
water, gas leaks, etc. If you 0 victim priority. Some situations involve more tha n one victim .
think the environment could Always remember the ABC priorit ies (see Section 7.2), and focus
put you in danger, do NOT try on those most seriously i njured . I n such situations, do a primary
to give first aid alone. Contact assessm ent on a l l victim s, and contact the Emergency Med ica l
EMS instead. (See page 3-3 for System (EMS) if necessary. Go on to a secondary assessment
information on how to contact only after you're sure you've d ea lt with the ABC priorities for a l l
such services.) If it is safe to do victims.
so, remove hazards from the 0 changes in the victim's condition or in the environment. Continue
rescue environment, or remove to assess the victim (s) and the environment even after you
the victim from the hazardous start treatment. As conditions change, you may need to adjust
what you do.
area. 0 bystanders. If there a re bystanders a nd you thi n k they can hel p
you, use them . Bystanders ca n hel p a lot d u ring -A rst a id and
You must assess the environ­ other emergencies. They ca n cal l for med ical help, hel p remove
ment even when you know victims from the water, perform -Arst aid, etc. (See pag e 4-2 for
you're not in immediate more detailed information on what bystanders can do a nd how to
danger. Look for clues about use them effectively.)
what happened; a ladder that's 0 -Arst aid skil ls. Be real i stic about your -A rst a id skil l s a nd the
fallen over, a nearby poison, ski l l s of those with you, and let this real ism g u ide your -A rst a id
or an electrical appliance may efforts. This could hel p prevent further i njury to the victi m . lf
indicate the type and severity of you're not sure what you can do i n a -A rst a id emergency, get help.
the victim's injuries.

6.4 Conduct the Primary Assessment

After making sure the rescue environment won't
endanger you or the victim, do a primary assessment of Level of Conscioue;nee;e;
the victim's condition. In this assessment, you check Level of consciousness is a n extre mely
the ABC priorities (see Chapter 7) and identify any i m porta nt vital sig n . Here a re the
life-threatening condition: de-Anitions of d ifferent l evels:
,/ Determine the victim's level of consciousness. 0 conscious alert - the victim is oriented
,/ If the victim is conscious, ask simple questions to ti me, place, a nd person
0 conscious confused - the victim is
( "What happened?" ''What's your name?"). awake but has trouble with questions
,/ If there's no response, pinch the skin or rub a 0 unconscious, reacts to voice
knuckle on the victim's sternum. 0 unconscious, reacts to pain
0 unconscious, does not react.

11,e Canadian Lifesaving Manual 6-3

Chapter 6

.I If there is still no response, send a second rescuer or

bystander to contact EMS and return with an AED if
available (see page 3-3).
,I Maintain an open airway (see pages 7-2 and 7-3) .
.I Assess breathing (see page 7-3) .
.I Look for signs of significant bleeding.

6.5 Get a History of the Victim and the

Talk to the victim to find out what happened, where he or
she is injured, and whether the
Making Flret Contact victim's medical history needs to le There a Spinal Injury?
with Victime be considered. You can also get The possibil ity of a spinal
,I Start reassuring i nj u ry complicates ftrst aid
information from a conscious victim
victi ms rig ht away efforts:
or witnesses. Ask questions like ,/ Continue to concern
- they need com­
these to complete a history: yourself with the l ifesaving
fort a nd reassura nce
because of the rescue 0 Where does it hurt? Can you priorities while ca ring for a
sit uation and thei r describe the pain? Have you had spinal i njury.
i njuries. this before? ,/ Look for cl ues at the
,/ Say "Hello;' a nd emergency scene. Was
i ntroduce you rself. 0 How long have you been in pain? there a fa l l or a blow to
,/ Ask if you can help. Can you describe how it started? the head'? Can a nyone tel l
,/ Learn and use victims' you about the injury'?
0 What have you been doing ,/ If the victim is uncon­
,/ Assure them of your today? What were you doing scious, if i l l ness isn't the
ski l l s a nd experience before this happened? suspected cause: a nd
as a lifesaver. 0 Are you under a doctor's care? if the scene suggests
a spinal i nj u ry is l ikely,
When did you last see your
continue your assess­
doctor? Why did you last see
ment as if there is a spina l
your doctor? i nj u ry.
0 Are you on any medication? ,/ When you suspect a
Have you taken any medication spinal i njury, avoid moving
today? What kind? How much? the victim, and maintain
a irway, breathing, and
0 Do you have any allergies? circulation accord ing to
the modifications outl ined
0 Have you eaten today? What
in pages 5-18 a nd 5-19.
have you eaten? ,/ I n the secondary
a ssessment, check
If possible, write down the answers ca refully for swell i ng.
to these questions, or have a by­ deformity, d iscoloration,
stander do it. Give the information a nd sensation.
to EMS personnel.

6-4 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Rescue Process

6.6 Conduct the Secondary Assessment

Once the primary assessment is complete and all life­ Signs and Symptoms
threatening conditions have been dealt with (including the An assessment is an evaluation
ABCs and calling EMS), do a head-to-toe examination. The of the victim's signs and
purpose of this examination is to determine whether there symptoms.
are other injuries, illnesses, or complicating factors: 0 Signs are the indications of
.I Check all areas of the body for pain, swelling, deformity, the victim's condition that
discoloration, and bleeding. you can observe in him or
.I Check for the specific signs and symptoms identified in her. You will look for signs in
your primary and secondary
the figure on page 6-7.
.I Check for necklaces, bracelets, cards, etc., identifying a assessments
0 Symptoms are the indications
medical condition (Medic Alert bracelets, for instance). of the victim's condition that
.I Assess the vital signs to assess changes in condition: he or she can feel. Through
• Assess breathing. Look, listen, and feel close to the a verbal assessment of the
victim's mouth. Note the rate, regularity, and rhythm history, the victim ca n tell you
of breathing. Gurgling, wheezing, or other abnormal the symptoms he or she is
sounds and odors provide clues to the victim's experien cing.
• Assess circulation. Start
CPR immediately if the victim is
unresponsive and not breathing or
not breathing normally (gasping) .
Apply an AED as soon as it arrives.
If the victim is breathing, check
pulse to assess circulation. Check
the pulse rate (at rest, it is normally
60 to 1 00 beats per minute for Brachia! pulse check
adults, 80 to 1 00 beats per minute
for children, and 1 00 to 1 50 beats
"""'"---- per minute for newborns), rhythm
(regular or irregular, with an
irregular pulse a sign of potential
difficulty), and quality (strong
in healthy individuals, weak or Carotid pulse
"thready" among those whose check
cardiovascular system is failing) .
• Record the victim's pulse rate and rhythm at least once, and
send this information to hospital with the victim. If possible,
include information on the pulse's quality.
• Check the victim's skin temperature (normal, warm, or cool).
• Check the victim's skin condition (normal, dry, or clammy).
• Check the victim's skin color - normal, pale, red, cherry red, Radial pulse
bluish, yellowish, and so on. (Skin color varies with race, check
general condition, and health. To check for cyanosis (blue­
colored lips and skin under the fingernails) in dark-skinned
victims, look under the eyelids, lips, or nails to see if the pink
color has changed to blue.)

Tlze Canadian Lifesaving Manual 6-5

Chapter 6

.t' Assess the victim's diagnostic signs:

• eyes. Pupils should be equal and round, and they should
respond to light. Unequal pupils indicate the possibility
of an internal injury to the head. Most people have round
pupils. Pupils normally constrict when exposed to more
intense light and dilate when light is diminished.
• ability to move. Note and investigate any change in the
ability to move the entire body or parts of it.
• reaction to pain. Reactions to pain are to be expected. The
normal response includes a description or an expression
of pain, a position that minimizes pain, protection of the
injured area, and movement away from the source of pain.
The responses of unconscious victims can vary consider­
ably. Try to stimulate unconscious victims with noise
(clapping, shouting) and physical stimuli (gently shaking
the shoulders, rubbing the sternum) . Note and report any
response that could be considered abnormal (for instance,
leg movement when an arm is stimulated). Do the same
for any response that is absent. Both are indications of the
severity of the victim's difficulty.

Pereonal Safety In Aeeeeemente

0 In many rescues, you'll come into contact with ftuids from the victim's
bod y - mainly blood, vomit, or spittle.
0 Disposable gloves s hould be in every nrst aid kit (see page 6-8 for infor­
mation on the contents of these kits) . USE them in nrst aid situations
to avoid the risk of cross-contamination from blood, mucus, u rine, or
other bodily ft uids (from bacteria and vir uses, for instance) .
0 Dispose of gloves after using them.
0 The most important prevention against cross-contamination is to wash
your hands with warm water and soap (preferably liquid soap) for 1-2
minutes. Then rinse your hand s and d ry them thoroughly. This s hould
be done as soon as possible after performing a rescue or administering
nrst aid .

6-6 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Rescue Process

Head-to-Toe Examination
Ci bumps
Ci bleeding Eyes
Ci swelling Ci pupils - equal, responsive
Ci bruises Ci bruising around eyes
Nose and Mouth
Ci fluids
Ci breathing - presence
Ci bruises
and quality
Base Ci bleeding
Ci odors - alcohol, poisons
Ci fluid of Collarbone and Shoulders
Ci bleeding Skull Ci bruises
Ci bumps Ci bumps
Ci bruises Ci symmetry
Ci necklace
identifying a
condition Ribs
Ci ability to
Arms expand 1 ungs
Ci bruises Ci bruises
Ci burnps Abdomen
Ci burnps
Ci symmetry Ci rigidity
Ci symmetry
Wrists Ci bruising
0 bracelet identifying a Ci distension Spine
medical condition Ci bruises
Ci bruises Ci burnps
O bumps
O symmetry
Ci bruises
Ci bumps
Ci return of blood
Ci symmetry
when squeezed
Ci strength or bowel control
Ci bruises
Ci reaction to Ci bleeding
Ci bumps
Ci temperature
Ci color
Ci bruises
Ci symmetry
Ci ability ot move

Ci reaction to pain
Ci strength
Ci bruises
Toes O bumps
Ci return of color Ci anklet identifying
when squeezed a medical condition
O bruises O symmetry
O bumps O color
Ci temperature Ci temperature

The Cana dian Lifesaving Manual 6-7

Chapter 6

First Aid Kits

First aid kits should be
,/ easily accessible ,/ clearly labelled "First Aid"
,/ well organized ./ in a bright-colored container
./ water resistant or waterproof

Recommended Equipment and Supplies

Q Please check local guidelines and legislation for area-specific equipment required.
Q Equipment and supplies for first aid kits fall into several categories (see below):
• Basic - items that must be immediately available when EMS is readily accessible.
• Advanced - items that are necessary if EMS is not necessarily accessible.
• Extras - items that are useful to have but are not readily. When the first aid kit is a "base" kit
for a recreational facility, items from this list should be considered.
Q Leaders such as lifeguards or instructors should also include the following in their kit:
• EMS phone numbers • participants' medical information
• accident report forms • patient monitoring charts
• pencil • quarter for coin-operated telephones
• matches in waterproof container • pocket knife
• flashlight • whistle
• sunscreen, lip balm

•• •••
Contents of a First Aid Kit

Q Basic:
Attendant scissors

Surgical gloves Cotton-tip applicators

• ••
Antiseptic towelettes Wound closures (e.g., Steristrips)
Sterile telfa pads (individually Absorbent pads (unscented sanitary

wrapped 25 X 10 cm)

Sterile gauze pads individually Adhesive tape (2 cm)
wrapped 10 X 10 cm) Adhesive tape 5( cm)
Bandage strips or assorted adhesive Cloth triangular bandages, at least 3


Crepe bandages (2)

Q Advanced:

Parrafin-impregnated gauze dressing Cloth triangular bandages, at least 7
e.g., Jelonet individually wrapped) Ice, ice pack, or instant cold pack
Metal splints (4) Sandbags/head rolls
Spinal board

ASA tablets (e.g., Aspirin)

Q Extras:

• Razor and blades Additional cloth triangular bandages
Thermometers (oral and rectal ranging Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope
from 32Q to 45Q Celsius) Large syringe
Additional rolls adhesive tape (2 cm) Pressure dressing
Waterproof, air-permeable dressing ASA tablets (e.g., Aspirin)
(e.g., Jelonet individually wrapped)

Q Luxuries:
e Penlight
• Finger splints
•• Sterile saline solution
Forearm tendonitis splints

6-8 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Rescue Process

6.7 Want to Know More?

Huint, Richard. A First Aid Guide for Lifeguards. Montreal:
AquaLude Inc., 1987.
This booklet presents possible signs and symptoms and
first aid treatments for a variety of conditions. It is aimed
at lifeguards and aquatics instructors.

Lifesaving Society. Alert: Lifeguarding in Action. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada, 1 993.
Alert is the text of the National Lifeguard Service. Designed
for professional lifeguards, Alert presents information on
accident prevention and rescue skills and procedures.

Lifesaving Society. Canadian First Aid Manual. Toronto: First

edition, April 2005, fourteenth printing, revised, October 201 6.
The Canadian First Aid Manual is the comprehensive
reference text for Lifesaving Society first aid training

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 6-9

Chapter 7
Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

7.1 Introduction
As a lifesaver, you may be faced with life-threatening emer­ Age of victim
gencies that occur in, on, or near the water. For example, a U n less s peciflca l ly
picnicker at a beach might have a heart attack, or someone n oted, the tec h n iques
might fall on the dock at the cottage and injure himself or descri bed in t h i s c h a p­
herself. ter a re fo r a d u lts.
Use the fo l l owi n g
When emergencies involve the ABCs - Airway, Breathing, or age g u id e l i n es wh e n
Circulation - you must act fast. If victims don't receive treat­ se lecti ng tec h n iques:
0 Ad u lt - 8 yea rs
ment, their chances of survival drop quickly as time passes.
a nd older
0 C h i ld - 1 to 8 yea rs
This chapter describes the procedures to follow when dealing 0 I nfa nt - b i rth to 1
with _A BC priorities. It shows how to handle possible com­ yea r
plications in airway management and choking, discusses when
and how to use rescue breathing, and presents detailed infor­
mation on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) .

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-1

Chapter 7

7.2 The ABC Priorities

In all rescues, follow the ABC priorities when starting resus­
citation attempts on a victim:
0 Airway -maintain an open airway
0 ·Breathing- perform a quick, visual check (5 sec.) for absent
or abnormal breathing
0 Circulation -if the victim is not breathing, or not breathing
effectively (gasping), start CPR. If the victim was found on
land, start CPR with compressions. If found in the water, start
with 2 rescue breaths. Apply an AED as soon as it arrives.

Before You Start Any Rescue . . .

.I Survey the scene for any hazards to yourself and the victim
(hazards include electrical wires, fires, broken glass, harmful
gas, etc.). Either remove hazards, or move the victim away
from the hazards.
,I Determine unresponsiveness. Gently shake the victim and
shout "Are you okay"? If the victim doesn't respond, call
the Emergency Medical System (EMS) right away. (EMS is
a community-wide system for responding to emergencies.
It includes police, fire, and ambulance services.) Send a
bystander if one is available; otherwise, go yourself.

A: Maintain an Open Airway

Opening and maintaining an airway is perhaps the most impor­
tant action in a rescue. The tongue and pharynx may obstruct
the airway and prevent breathing. Awareness of the airway
and the potential for obstruction is an important priority in the
management of unconscious persons .

.I Open the airway using the head-tilt/ chin-lift technique:

Head-tilt • If the victim is an adult,
- place one hand on the victim's forehead, and apply
firm backward (downward) pressure with the palm to
tilt the head back.
- place the first two fingers of the other hand under the
bony part of the lower jaw, near the chin. Lift to bring
the chin forward (upward) and almost close the teeth. If
you are using a rescue breathing
pocket mask, you may find
that you can also lift the chin
Chin-lift by hooking your fingers under
the angle of the jaw and gently
lifting the jaw up.
• If the victim is a child or infant,
- be careful not to overextend the
neck. Don't overextend
the neck

7-2 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Airway Management in Drowning Victims

Water- re lated accidents present u n ique c h a l l enges to resc uers. I n
most doc u mented cases, a i rway ma nage ment i n d rown i ng victi ms
has been a sig n i-Aca nt cha l lenge. Resc uers need to be extremely
atte ntive to clearing
fl u ids. The a mo u nt of fl u id
a n d vom it that n eeds
to be managed is often
u nexpected. Resc uers may
therefo re need to place Recovery position
the victi m in a recovery o r
late ra l position i n order t o clea r the a i rway o f fl u id a nd othe r debris.
Rescuers m u st be awa re of the pote ntia l c h a l lenge a nd re m e m ber
that a i rway ma nagement is both the priority and th e c h a l lenge.

B: Assess the Victim's Breathing, and Start

CPR If Needed
./ Determine whether the victim is breathing normally,
having trouble breathing, or not breathing at all:
• Perform a quick, visual check (5 sec.) for absent
or abnormal breathing. Look for chest movement
and listen to the victim's breathing .
./ If a responsive victim is having trouble breathing,
find out why.

C: Start CPR if Needed

If an unresponsive victim is not breathing, or not Quick, visual check for
breathing normally (gasping), perform CPR. If the breathing
victim was found on land, start CPR with chest compressions. If
found in the water, start with rescue breaths. (These techniques
are described in Sections 7.4 and 7.5.) Apply an AED as soon as
it arrives .
le There a Spinal Injury?
The possi bi l ity of a spi nal i nj u ry com p l icates
-A rst a id efforts:
./ Conti n u e to concern you rse lf with the
lifesavi ng prioriti es wh i le ca ri ng fo r a
s p i n a l i nj u ry.
./ Look for c l ues at the emergency scene.
Was there a fa l l or a blow to the h ead'?
Ca n a nyo ne tel l you a bout the i nj u ry'?
.I If the victi m is u n conscious, if i l l n ess isn't
the s u spected ca use, and if the scene
s uggests a spi n a l i nj u ry is l i kely, conti n u e
you r assessment as i f there is a spi na l
i nj u ry.
./ When you suspect a spina l i nj u ry, avoid
m ovi ng the victi m . Mainta i n a i rway,
b reath i ng, and c i rc u lation (see pages 5-1 8
a nd 5-1 9) .

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-3

Chapter 7

The Anatomy and Physiology of the ABCs

Airway refers to the parts of the respiratory system that connect the
lungs to the "outside world." These parts include the nose, mouth,
pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box, or Adam's apple), and trachea

Breathing is the exchange of air between the lungs and the atmosphere. The air passages consist
of the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles. These passages lead to
the true lung tissues, or alveoli, the clusters of air spaces at the end of the bronchioles. In the
alveoli, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass between the atmosphere and the blood. Because of the
microscopic distances involved, this exchange is almost instantaneous.
Nose -­
Mouth--> ........
Trachea ----#-----\11

Bronchi --+.,.._-1,,__�
Bronchioles ---t--+-+,1----::.,11

The air-containing lungs are elastic. When you breathe in, your lungs inflate - the diaphragm
moves down, the lower ribs swing outward to increase the width of the chest, and the upper
ribs and breastbone move outward to increase the front-to-back diameter. Breathing out happens
passively, as the muscles relax.

7-4 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

The Anatomy and Physiology of the ABCs (cont'd)

Breathing is largely automatically controlled by the "respiratory control centre," deep within the
brain. When the muscle cells are actively working -for example, during swimming -the cells
produce carbon dioxide, which is picked up by the blood. The rise in blood carbon dioxide is
sensed by the respiratory control centre, which causes an increase in breathing.

About 21 % of room air consists of oxygen. About 16% of exhaled air consists of oxygen. This
difference shows that there is plenty of oxygen in exhaled air for use in rescue breathing to
rescue a non-breathing victim.

21 % oxygen •J!!JA 16% oxygen

Room air Exhaled air

The circulatory system is a closed "plumbing" system of heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins
through which blood flows continuously. Its purpose is to transport oxygen and other materials
to the cells of the body and to remove wastes, including carbon dioxide.


0 The circulatory system conducts blood through a simple circuit powered by two pumps
working simultaneously. The pumps are the right and left ventricles of the heart.
0 Darker venous blood, having given up some of its oxygen to the cells, flows centrally
through veins back to the heart, where it is pumped to the lungs for oxygenation. The blood
returns from the lungs to the heart and is pumped throughout the body through the aorta
and arteries.
0 The blood flow then divides into many pulmonary capillaries, where blood is re-oxygenated
after it releases its carbon dioxide.
0 The aorta and larger arteries stretch with each ventricular beat. When the circulatory system
is functioning properly, all tissues in the body receive a full supply of blood -and with it

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-5

Chapter 7

7.3 Coping with Complications during the ABCs

Complications can occur during ABC emergencies. This section
describes how to deal with airway obstruction complications.

Airway Obstruction
Airway obstruction (choking) can occur in conscious or
unconscious victims. If the conscious victim does not receive
prompt treatment, he or she will quickly become unconscious.
Airway obstruction is most often caused by food or other
objects getting stuck in the throat.

You need to know how to treat the following kinds of airway

0 mild airway obstruction
0 severe airway obstruction in conscious victims
0 severe airway obstruction in conscious victims who become
0 severe airway obstruction in unconscious victims
0 vomiting.

Obstructed Airway Mild Airway Obstruction

Techniques With a mild obstruction, the victim has adequate air exchange.
Bac k blows, a bdominal The victim can speak or cry, breathe and cough effectively.
thrusts or chest th rusts Encourage the victim to cough. Do not interfere while the
a re effective for relievi ng victim is clearing the airway blockage by coughing.
severe airway obstruction
i n con scious ad u lts
a nd ch i ld ren. These
Severe Airway Obstruction
tec h niques should be In a severe obstruction, the airway is blocked. The victim nods
a pplied i n ra pid sequence "yes" when asked "Are you choking?", clutches neck or cannot
u ntil the obstruction speak, cry or make any sound. The rescuer must take action to
is relieved or the victi m clear the obstruction.
becomes unconscious.
More tha n one tech n ique Severe Airway Obstruction in Conscious Victims
may be needed; there is Adults and Children. The procedure is as follows:
insufficient evidence to .I Ask "Are you choking?"
determine wh ich should .I If you don't hear any sounds (speaking, coughing, or other
be u sed n rst. noises), assume complete airway obstruction.
Some ju risdictions fol low .I Clear the airway using one or more of the techniques
a sta nda rd ized protocol.
E.g ., for E mergency or
described in the following pages.
Sta ndard First Aid .I If the selected technique does not work (e.g., after 5
in Quebec, a bdomi na l abdominal thrusts), attempt another technique (e.g., 5 back
thrusts o r chest blows). Continue alternating techniques until the object
com pressions a re used; is cleared (the victim can breathe) or the victim becomes
wh i le in Onta rio, 5 back unconscious.
blows a lternate with 5
a bdominal th rusts. Fol low
provi ncia l protocols.

7-6 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Infants. The procedure is as follows:

.I If you don't hear any sounds (gurgling, coughing, or other
noises), assume complete airway obstruction .
.I Give 5 back blows followed by 5 chest thrusts, and repeat
until they are effective (the object is cleared and the victim is
breathing) or the victim becomes unconscious.

Abdominal or Chest Thrusts for a Conscious Victim Back Blows for a

.I Sta n d i ng be h i nd the victi m, wra p you r a rms Conscious Adult or
a ro u nd h i s o r her wa ist . Child
.I Make a fist with o n e ha n d . .I Place o n e a rm
.I P lace the th u m b sid e o f the fi st ag a i n st a c ross the victi m's
the vi cti m's a bd o men, i n the m id li n e, s l ig htly c h est a nd ove r the
a bove the navel, a nd we l l be low the soft l ower o pposite s h o u ld e r
ti p of the breastbo n e (tec h n ica l ly k n own as for s u ppo rt.
the x i p h oid process) . ,I Bend the vi ct i m over
.I G ra s p yo u r fi st with yo u r oth e r ha nd, a nd ( plac i ng thei r hands
press the fist i nto the victi m's a bdomen with o n t h e i r k n ees fo r
a quick u pwa rd th r u st . additi ona l su pport)
.I Ea c h th rust s h o u ld be a se pa rate a n d u nti l the ai rway
disti n ct move m ent. is pa ra l le l to the
.I Re peat the t h r u sts u nti l the a i rway is c l ea r. g ro u nd
.I Fo r l a rge victi ms or fo r wo m e n i n late ,/ A p p ly -A r m bac k
preg n a n cy, use c hest th r u sts i n stead of b l ows with t h e
a bd o m i n a l th ru sts. To do this, pa l m of you r free
• sta n d be h i nd t h e vi cti m h a n d between th e
• c i rc l e h i s or h e r c h est u nder the a r m pits s h o u lder blad es.
• g ra b yo u r -Ast with the oth e r ha nd, a n d
p l a ce t h e th u m b side i n the centre o f t h e
victi m's stern u m
• p ress with qu ick bac kward th rusts.

Note: A bdom i n a l th rusts ca n be perfo rm ed

effectively wh i l e sta n d i n g i n s h a l low water.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7- 7

Chapter 7

Severe Airway Obstruction in Conscious Victims

Who Become Unconscious

Adults and Children. The procedure is as follows:

1 Assist the victim to the floor to prevent injury. If victims are
in the water, remove them, and place them on a firm sur­
face-it increases the chances that chest compressions will
be effective.
2 If the victim does not respond, send a bystander to call EMS
and return with an AED if one is available. If you are alone
with an adult victim, call EMS without delay and return
with an AED if one is immediately available. If you are alone
with a child, perform 2 minutes of resuscitation and then call
EMS and return with an AED if available.
3 Perform 30 chest compressions. Open the mouth and look
inside for the obstruction. If you see it, remove it.
4 Open the airway, and try to blow air in (ventilate) . If the
airway is still obstructed, reposition the victim's head, and
try again to ventilate.
5 If the airway is still obstructed, perform 30 chest
compressions. Use same landmarking and compression
technique as used for adult or child CPR (see pages 7-1 3 and
6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 until they are effective (the object is
cleared and the victim is breathing). Continue until EMS
7 If the victim is breathing or starts breathing, treat for shock
(including placing him or her in the recovery position).

Infants. The procedure is as follows:

1 Place the infant on a firm surface.
2 If the victim doesn't respond, send a bystander to phone
EMS. If you are alone with an infant, perform 2 minutes of
resuscitation and then call EMS. See AED Use on Infants,
page 7-15.
3 Perform 30 chest compressions. Open the mouth and look
inside for the obstruction. If you see it, remove it.
4 Open the airway, and try to blow air in (ventilate) . If the
airway is still obstructed, reposition the victim's head, and
try again to ventilate.
5 If the airway is still obstructed, perform 30 chest
compressions. Use same landmarking and compression
technique as used for infant CPR (see pages 7-1 4 and 7-15).
6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 until they are effective (the object is
cleared and the victim is breathing). Continue until EMS

7-8 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Severe Airway Obstruction in Unconscious Victims

1 Survey the scene for any hazards.
2 If the victim does not respond, send a bystander to call EMS
and return with an AED if one is available. If you are alone
with an adult victim, call EMS without delay and return with
an AED if one is immediately available. If you are alone with
child or infant victims, perform 2 minutes of resuscitation
and then call EMS and return with an AED if available.
3 Open the airway using the head-tilt / chin-lift technique.
Perform a quick, visual check for absent or abnormal
breathing. Look for chest movement and listen to the victim's
4 If an unresponsive victim is not breathing, or not breathing
normally (gasping), perform 30 compressions if there no
history of submersion. Use the CPR landmarking and
compression technique appropriate for the victim type (see
pages 7-1 3 to 7-1 5) .
5 Attempt to give 2 normal (not deep) rescue breaths, each
delivered over 1 second and making the chest rise (allow for
exhalation between breaths) . If air does not go in on the first
breath, reposition the airway and try again. If the airway is
still obstructed, perform 30 chest compressions.
6 Open the mouth and look inside for the obstruction. If you
see it, remove it.
7 Repeat steps 4 to 6 until they are effective (the object is Th e u pper a i rway ca n be
cleared and the victim is breathing). Continue until EMS obstru cted by fo reig n
arrives. matter s u c h as p la nt
8 If the victim is breathing or starts breathing, treat for shock debris from water, d e n ­
(including placing him or her in the recovery position) . tu res, g u m, food, b ro k e n
teeth, blood, or m u c u s.
Vomiting Tu rn the victi m to h i s
Most victims vomit during or after a rescue. Vomit is full of o r h e r side, a nd re move
acids, and if they go down the windpipe (trachea) and into the th is mate ria l fro m t h e
lungs, it will be hard- if not impossible- to resuscitate the mo uth and th roat with
victim. It is therefore very important to prevent vomit or any sweeps of the -A n g e r.
other fluid from going into the lungs .

.I Be prepared to react to vomiting very quickly.

.I Turn the victim immediately to a position that allows fluid to

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-9

Chapter 7

7.4 Rescue Breathing

Rescue breathing refers to various techniques in which expired air
passes directly from a rescuer to a victim not breathing on his or
her own. Rescue breaths are performed as part of the CPR sequence
on victims who are not breathing or not breathing normally. Stand­
alone rescue breathing may be performed prior to initiating CPR if
a victim is far from the shore or removal is delayed (the rescuer is
waiting for bystanders to help remove the victim from the water).
Rescue breathing in the water should only be attempted if the
rescuer can effectively maintain the victim's airway above the water
and deal with complications such as vomiting. See Appendix B for
lifesaving Society policy guidelines on rescue breathing practice.
Rescue breathing has the following features:
,/ It can be started early in a rescue because no special
equipment is needed.
,/ It's versatile. Rescuers can use it almost anywhere they find
The body's supply of a victim (including the water).
oxygen is usua l ly suf­ ,/ The rescuer can tell right away if air is going into the lungs.
ficient to susta i n l ife for ,I Success in rescue breathing does NOT depend on the
about 4 m i n utes. This rescuer's size.
is why you m ust quickly ,/ The rescuer is close to the victim's face. This means the
tra nsport victims to rescuer can quickly see and respond to signs of recovery or
where rescue breath i ng complications.
can be sta rted.
Rescue Breathing Technique
1 Survey the scene for hazards, and make the area safe.
2 Establish unresponsiveness. Gently shake and shout, and
ask "Are you okay''? If the victim does not respond, send
a bystander to call EMS and return with an AED if one is
available. If you are alone with an adult victim, call EMS
without delay and return with an AED if one is immediately
available. If you are alone with child or infant victims,
perform 2 minutes of resuscitation and then call EMS and
return with an AED if available. See AED Use on Infants,
page 7-14.
3 Open the airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique.
Perform a quick, visual check for absent or abnormal
breathing. Look for chest movement and listen to the victim's
4 If an unresponsive victim is not breathing, or not breathing
normally (gasping), start CPR with compressions. If there is
a history of submersion, start CPR with 2 rescue breaths.
If the rescuer is unable to start CPR (e.g., distance to shore
or delayed removal from the water), stand-alone rescue
breathing should be initiated (2 initial breaths followed up
by 1 breath every 5 seconds for an adult and 1 breath every
3 seconds for a child or infant).
5 Rescue breathing - give 2 initial rescue breaths (normal
breaths, not deep), each delivered over 1 second and each
7-10 Lifesaving Society �
Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

making the chest rise. Watch the chest rise and allow
Rescue breathing rate
exhalation between the breaths.
• Pinch the nose, and seal the victim's mouth with your Rescue breathing alone
mouth. With small children and infants, you might have is performed at a rate of
1 breath every 5 seconds
to seal the mouth and nose with your mouth because for adults; 1 breath every
their faces are small. Also, extend their neck gently. 3 seconds for children
and infants.
Rescue Breathing in Water
General Recommendations
.I Ensure your own safety and that of the victim .
.I Call EMS .
.I Start rescue breathing as soon as you and the victim are in a
stable position .
.I When you are doing rescue breathing in the water, only the
head-tilt manoeuvre may be possible .
.I Keep the victim's nose pinched throughout rescue breathing
in the water.
.I Get out of cold water as soon as possible if you started
rescue breathing in water. ---�
��-� 1"
.I Strong currents make it harder to control the victim. So move =-=---= ___ 4P - ·
away from them, or work with currents, not against them.
Rescue Breathing in Shallow Water
.I Find a secure location where
• slips and submersion will not occur
• complications can be treated if they occur
• other rescuers can come to help
• removal is possible.
Rescue Breathing in Deep Water
0 Deep-water rescue breathing is an advanced lifesaving skill
(see page 5-23). It can be very tiring, and you risk injury
when you do it.
0 Consider deep-water rescue breathing only if you have a
reaching assist and can stabilize yourself and the victim. Rescue breathing in
0 Deep-water rescue breathing should generally be avoided shallow water
because it is hard to maintain an airway and nearly im­
possible to perform if the victim vomits.

Special Rescue Breathing Techniques

There will be times when mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing
may not be possible because of injury to the victim's mouth or
previous surgery. In such cases, you will have to use one of the
following rescue breathing techniques:
0 mouth-to-nose rescue breathing. When it isn't possible to
seal the victim's mouth, try mouth-to-nose rescue breathing.
Close the victim's mouth, and seal your mouth around the Mouth-to-nose
victim's nose. Give 2 normal breaths, and observe the chest rescue breathing
rise to see that air goes in.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-11

Chapter 7

0 mouth-to-stoma rescue breathing. Some people have had

surgery to remove part of their trachea (windpipe). They
breathe through a hole called a stoma in the front of the

neck. Perform rescue breathing using the stoma. Observe the
chest rise to see that air goes in.

Mouth-to-stoma rescue breathing
0 mouth-to-mask rescue breathing.
Handkerchiefs and
tissues are not effective
Mouthpieces, face masks, and face shields
barriers and d o not
are barriers that offer protection against
decrease the risk of disease in rescue breathing. Those who
cross-contamination are expected to routinely provide
from bodily fl uids (from first aid are advised to keep
bacteria and viruses, for such a barrier handy in a first Face mask barrier
instance) . aid kit. Follow the manufacturer's
instructions to learn how to use barriers properly.

7.5 CPR and AED

Automated External Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a sequence of chest
Defibrillator (AED) compressions and ventilations designed to maintain a victim's
circulation. CPR can be performed by one or two rescuers.

Technique for two-rescuer CPR is the same as that for one­

rescuer CPR, except that one rescuer performs compressions
while the second provides ventilations. It is easier to
co-ordinate two-rescuer CPR if the rescuer performing
The upper-right chest pad compressions counts out loud. Alternatively, two CPR-trained
should not go over top
rescuers can take turns performing one-rescuer CPR. When
of the sternum, clavicle
or nipple. The lower-left the AED arrives on scene, one rescuer performs CPR while
pad should wrap around the second rescuer begins the AED protocol. Rescuers should
the rib cage. Do not place alternate CPR and AED every two minutes to minimize fatigue.
on the abdomen.
The chart on page 7-1 7 presents the steps in one-rescuer and
two-rescuer CPR and AED use.

If a child victim is small, do not let the pads touch each other. If
necessary, place one pad on the centre of the chest and the other on the
back between the shoulder blades.

7-12 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Adult and Child: One-Rescuer CPR and AED Automated External

1 Survey the scene for hazards. Defibrillator (AEO)
2 Determine umesponsiveness. Gently shake the victim, a nd An AED is a
shout "Are you okay" ? If the victim does not respond, send sophisticated
a bystander to call EMS and get an AED if one is available. computerized device
If you are alone with a n adult victim, call EMS without desig ned to restore the
normal rhythm of the
delay (on your cellphone if you have one) a nd get an AED heart with an electric
if immediately available. If you are alone with a child (and shock. AEDs and AED­
have no cellphone), perform 2 minutes of resuscitation and trained responders
then call EMS and get an AED (if available). a re located in m a ny
3 Open the airway using the head-tilt/ chin-lift technique. public fac i l ities such as
com m un ity recreation
Perform a quick, visual check for absent or ab normal centres. shopping malls,
breathing. Look for chest movement a nd listen to the victim's seniors' centres and
breathing. airports.
4 If an umesponsive victim is not breathing, or not breathing Access to early
normally (gasping), start CPR with 30 compressions. If there
d enbrillation is a key link
i n the "Canadian Chain
is a history of submersion, start CPR with 2 rescue breaths. of Surviva l" a nd when
• Landmark on the centre of the chest between the nipples combined with early
and position both hands on the sternum, one hand on top a nd effective CPR can
of the other for vertical compressions. d ra matica l ly improve
• Keep elbows locked and straight during compressions. the victi m's chance
of surviva l . For more
• Perform compressions at a rate of 1 00/min . to 1 20/min. i nformation a bout AED
and allow for full chest recoil between compressions. training. contact the
• Adult - Compress at least 5 cm (2 in.) but no more than Lifesaving Society.
6 cm (2.4 in .).
• Child - Compress at least 1 /3 the front-back diameter of
the chest up to 5 cm (2 in .).
5 Rescue breathing - give 2 normal ( not deep) breaths, each
breath delivered over 1 second and each making the chest rise.
Watch the chest rise and allow exhalation between the breaths. Child Comprese;ions
6 Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations until For child com pressions,
EMS takes over treatment, the AED arrives or the victim the rescuer ca n perform
compressions usi ng 1
begins to move. If the victim begins to move, reassess ABCs
or 2 hands as long as
and treat appropriately. suitable compression is
7 When the AED arrives, turn o n the power and follow the achieved.
8 Expose the chest and if necessary, shave a nd dry the skin

prior to the application of the AED pads. Apply the pads
properly as required for adults and children.

9 Do not touch the victim while the AED is 1
,' l
a nalyzing for a heart rhythm or during a
SHOCK sequence. After a "shock" or "no-
shock" prompt, perform 2 minutes of CPR ­

unless the � �

·J ::t' (-
victim shows
signs of life. � - , '/ � ( .· � '/ _ · ,.
\� j � ·- ( , , · ' 1-handed child CPR

�- �
Adult/child landmarking and adult/child CPR

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-1 3

Chapter 7

Compression Rate CPR with Pregnant Victims

Compression rate P ut a pillow or some wedge­
refers to the speed
shaped object under the right
of compressions, not
side of the woman's abdomen -
the actual number of
compressions delivered it shifts the uterus to the left
in one minute. Aim side. This helps blood return to
for a minimum of 100 the heart.
compressions per
minute to a maximum of
120 compressions per Infant: One-Rescuer CPR
minute, or j ust under
two compressions per 1 Survey the scene for hazards.
second. This means 30 2 Determine unresponsiveness. Gently shake the victim, and
compressions in 15 to 18 shout "Are you okay"? If the victim does not respond, send a
bystander to call EMS. If you are alone, perform 2 minutes of
resuscitation and then call EMS. See AED Use on Infants, page
AEO Use on Infants 7-14.
The need for 3 Open the airway using the head-tilt/ chin-lift technique.
deftbril lation on infants Perform a quick, visual check for absent or abnormal
is uncommon, and the breathing. Look for chest movement and listen to the victim's
preferred treatment
involves the use of a
manual defi brillator
4 If an unresponsive victim is not breathing or not breathing
by trained health care normally (gasping), start CPR with 30 compressions. If there
professionals. In an a history of submersion, start CPR with 2 rescue breaths.
emergency, an A E D could • Landmark 1 finger width below the centre of the nipple
be used on an infant. If line and use 2 fingers for compressions.
so, use pediatric pads if
• Perform compressions at a rate of at least 1 00 per minute
available. Otherwise, use
adult pads.
and allow for full chest recoil between compressions.
• Compress at a depth of at least 1 /3 the front-back
diameter of the chest up to 4 cm (1 .5 in.).
5 Rescue breathing - give 2 gentle puffs sealing over the
mouth and nose, each puff delivered over 1 second and
each making the chest rise. Watch the chest rise and allow
exhalation between breaths.
6 Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations until
EMS takes over treatment or the victim begins to move.
If the victim begins to move, reassess ABCs and treat

Landmarking for infant


7-14 Lifesaving Society

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Two-Rescuer CPR Two Re6cuer6 -

Fatigue can begin to affect the effectiveness of compressions in Two Cholce6
as little as 2 minutes. Two-rescuer CPR allows rescuers to take A second rescuer can
turns doing compressions and minimize fatigue by changing replace the first rescuer
the person doing compressions about every 5 cycles of 30:2 who becomes fatigued
(about 2 minutes). One-rescuer CPR is done until a second performing one-rescuer
rescuer is available. If EMS and the AED have not been called CPR. Alternatively, one
for, the second rescuer makes the call and returns with an AED rescuer performs chest
compressions while
if available.
the other perfor m s
rescue breathing,
,I Rescuer 1 switching roles when
• performs one-rescuer CPR. the person doing chest
,I Rescuer 2 compressions tires.
• identifies self as trained in CPR
• calls EMS and returns with an AED (if available) if it
hasn't already been done.
,I One rescuer does chest compressions while other remains Three tipe for good.
at the victim's head, maintains an open airway and gives 2 effective CPR:
rescue breaths between each set of 30 compressions. Change .I Pueh hard a nd faet
the person doing compressions about every 5 cycles of 30:2 (100/min. to 120/
(about 2 minutes) to reduce fatigue for the rescuers. min.). Forceful, fa st
,I Rescuers should minimize the time it takes to switch CPR provides better
positions - less than 1 0 seconds. circulation of blood
and oxygen.
,I Rescuers communicate and cooperate in decision making
and CPR performance. .I Al low cheat to
recoil fu l ly t,etween
compreeelona: 50%
compression, 50%
relaxation. Relaxing
the pressure on
the chest between
compressions a l l ows
the heart to refill and
pump more blood with
each compression.
,I M i n i mize
interru ptione i n
c o mpreeeione.
Blood flow stops if
compressions stop.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-15

Chapter 7

Disease Control during Resuscitation Training

Manikins that are used in resuscitation tra i ning (incl uding CPR) must be
clea ned thoroug hly and disinfected after training . Wear g loves when clean­
i ng manikins.

All the pa rts that come into contact with a i r m ust fi rst be clea ned with
brushes in soapy water (d ishwashing liquid is recom mended). The pa rts
a re then left to soa k for 10 minutes in a disinfecting solution made up of
60 m i l l i l itres of household bleach such a s Javex to 4 litres of tap water.

The l u ngs blown into must be disposable and must be discard ed prom ptly
after use.

When practising resuscitation skills and CPR using manikins,

Q do not chew g u m or eat
Q do not pa rticipate in ventilation if you have a respiratory i nfection
(cold, fl u, etc.) or open sores on you r hands or mouth
Q do not wear l ipstick
Q wash you r hands before and after working on manikins.

When shari ng a manikin during training,

./ d ry the face of the manikin with a ga uze pad or clea n paper towel
./ wipe the face of the manikin with a d isinfecting sol ution (alcohol or
bleach; s e e a bove), and scrub even i nside the manikin's mouth
./ l eave the manikin's face wet for 30 seconds before a nother person
takes over the manikin.

7-16 Lifesaving Society �

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

One- and Two-Rescuer CPR Summary

1 Check for danger. Establish unresponsiveness (shake/squeeze shoulders, speak into both ears,
and ask "Are you okay"?).
2 Phone EMS and get an AED - send a bystander to call EMS and get an AED if one is available
- or, if you have a cellphone, call EMS immediately and place in speaker mode.
If you are alone with an adult victim, call EMS without delay and get an AED if one is
immediately available.
If you are alone with a child or infant (and have no cellphone), perform 2 minutes of
resuscitation and then call EMS and get an AED if one is available.
See AED Use cm Infants, page 7-14.

3 Check for breathing:

Position the victim. Tum victim over if necessary to open the airway.
Open airway. Head-tilt/chin-lift.
Perform a quick, visual check (5 sec.) for absent or abnormal breathing. Look for chest
movement and listen to the victim's breathing.
4 If an unresponsive victim is not breathing, or not breathing normally (gasping), start CPR
with 30 compressions. If there is a history of submersion, start CPR with 2 rescue breaths.
Adult and Child - Landmark on the center of a line drawn between the nipples and position
both hands, one on top of the other for vertical compressions. Keep elbows locked straight
during compressions. Infant - Landmark 1 finger width below the centre of the nipple line
and use 2 fingers for compressions.
Depth of compressions: Adult - at least 5 cm (2 in.) but no more than 6 cm (2.4 in.); Child - at
least 1 / 3 the front-back diameter of the chest up to 5 cm (2 in.); Infant - at least 1 / 3 the front­
back diameter of the chest up to 4 cm (1½ in.).
5 Rescue Breathing: 2 normal (not deep) breaths, each breath delivered over 1 second and each
making the chest rise. Watch chest rise and allow exhalation between breaths.
Adult and Child - seal mouth, pinch nose, normal breaths. Infant - seal over baby's mouth
and nose, blow gentle puffs. If available, use a rescue breathing barrier device.

6. Continue cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations until EMS takes over treatment, the
AED arrives on the scene, or the victim begins to move. If the victim begins to move, reassess
ABCs and treat appropriately.
7 Two-rescuer CPR options may include:
• 2 rescuers take turns doing one-rescuer CPR.
• 1 rescuer does chest compressions while other does rescue breathing; switch roles about
every 5 cycles of 30:2 (about 2 minutes).

8 When the AED arrives on the scene, turn on the power and follow the prompts.

9 Expose the chest and if necessary, shave and dry the skin prior to applying AED pads
properly as required for adults and children.
10 Avoid touching the victim while the AED is analyzing for a heart rhythm or during a shock
sequence. After a "shock" or "no-shock" prompt, perform 2 minutes of CPR unless the victim
shows signs of life.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l 7-1 7

Chapter 7

7.6 Want to Know More?

201 5 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular
Care. Visit:

201 5 Canadian Resuscitation and First Aid Guidelines.


Christensen, Anna, editor. Wilderness First Aid. Vancouver:

Wilderness First Aid and Safety Association, 1 986.
This comprehensive manual is a wealth of information. It
covers a variety of injuries in considerable detail and also
explores related topics such as legal issues.

La federation frarn:;aise d' etudes et d� sports sous-marins.

Plongee, sante, securite, third edition. Editions Ouest-France, n.d.
This text presents a detailed examination of medical
conditions that may result while scuba diving. It also
describes the circumstances that contribute to them. The
text stresses the safety practices that divers should follow.

Huint, Richard. Understanding Drowning (and Related Topics).

Montreal: AquaLude Inc., 1 992.
This text presents detailed information on the physiology
of drowning and summarizes significant scientific research
on the subject. It is of particular interest to lifeguards and
aquatics instructors.

7-18 Lifesaving Society �

Lifesaving Priorities: The ABCs

Lifesaving Society. Alert: Lifeguarding in Action. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada, 1993.
Alert is the text of the National Lifeguard Service. Designed
for professional lifeguards, Alert presents information on
accident prevention and rescue skills and procedures.

Lifesaving Society. Canadian First Aid Manual. Toronto: First

edition, April 2005, fourteenth printing, revised, October 201 6.
The Canadian First Aid Manual is the comprehensive
reference text for Lifesaving Society first aid training

Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). Open

Water Dive Manual. Santa Ana: PADI, 1 988.
This manual is about the fun and adventure of learning to
scuba dive. A manual for candidates in PADI courses, Open
Water Dive Manual presents information on scuba equip­
ment, clothing, scuba safety, and the physiology and psy­
chology of scuba diving. Information on how to use the
decompression tables is also included.

Wilkinson, James, Cameron Bangs, and John Hayward.

Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries. Seattle: The
Mountaineers, 1986.
This is a short but comprehensive work on cold-related
injuries and the complications associated with them. It
contains an excellent chapter on immersion hypothermia.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 7-19

Chapter 8
First Aid: The Treatment of
Illness or Injury

8.1 Introduction Helping with

First aid is the immediate and temporary care of illness or Victims suffering from a
injury. The goals of first aid are- in order- to preserve life, variety of conditions may
prevent further injury, and promote recovery. have medication they
know will help them. You
can help victims by:
This chapter describes first aid for specific conditions rescuers 0 Getting medication
may encounter. Conditions have been divided into 1 0 groups for them.
on the basis of similarity in causes, signs, or symptoms: 0 Helping them take the
0 shock medication by opening
0 airway and breathing problems -includes airway obstruc­ the container it s in
tions, anaphylaxis, aspiration, asthma, hyperventilation, and or supporting victims
while they take
respiratory distress medication.
0 circulatory disorders- includes angina, heart attack, cardiac 0 Administering an
arrest, and stroke epinephrine a uto­
0 bleeding-includes external bleeding, internal abdominal injector according
bleeding, and nosebleeds to the package
instructions to
0 trauma injuries - includes head injuries, spinal injuries, victims suffering from
chest wounds, injuries from embedded objects, bites, and eye a life-threatening
injuries allergy who cannot
0 burns -includes first-degree, second-degree, and third­ do it themselves. Use
only the victim's auto­
degree burns injector, never another
0 medical disorders- includes insulin shock, diabetic coma, person's.
tonic-clonic seizures, near-drowning, water intoxication, With the exception of an
fainting, and poisoning auto-injector, if victims
0 heat/ cold disorders - includes heat cramps, heat exhaustion, can't administer the
heatstroke, frostbite, and hypothermia medication them selves,
0 bone, joint, and soft-tissue disorders - includes bruising, DO NOT do it for them.
sprains and strains, simple and compound fractures,
dislocations, and muscle cramps
0 scuba-diving and skin-diving disorders - includes squeezes,
air embolism, and decompression sickness.

This chapter describes each condition, lists prominent signs and

symptoms, and summarizes effective treatment. All prominent
signs and symptoms are listed, but the number observed in an
actual rescue will vary with the seriousness and extent of the
victim's injuries. Suggestions for treatment are presented in the
order treatment should occur.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-1

Chapter 8

8.2 Shock
Shock is a depression of the body's circulatory system. Shock
It is your responsibi l ity
as a rescuer to assess
occurs when the body is responding to a stress such as physical
risk in an emergency. If illness or injury or to emotional or psychological distress. f,xpect
you a re in doubt, cal l shock in anyone requiring rescue or first aid.
the Emergency Medica l
System (E MS), a nd get Shock can be mild, with few signs and symptoms, or very
directions from them . serious, with life-threatening signs and symptoms. The extent
But remem ber- not of shock is usually related to the severity of the stress on the
a l l emergencies require body.
Signs and Symptoms
,I Pale, cool, clammy skin
,/ Restlessness, weakness
,I Fear, anxiety
,I Confusion, disorientation
,I Weak, rapid pulse
,I Shallow, rapid respiration
,I Blue-colored lips and fingernails (cyanosis)

The way to remember treatment for shock is the word WARTS:
1 Warmth. Maintain body temperature. If the victim is in the
sun, provide shade. If the victim's body is cool, maintain
2 ABCs:
• Airway- Maintain an open airway
• Breathing - assess the victim's breathing and start CPR if
• Circulation-Monitor responsiveness and breathing. Start
CPR if needed.
3 Rest and assurance. Reassure the victim, and make sure he or
she rests. Pursed-lip breathing (see page 8-4) is a technique
you can use to calm the victim. Talk calmly, positively, and
personally to the victim. Make eye contact when you talk to
him or her, and use a gentle, confident touch. Maintain your
calm - your ability to cope with stress directly affects the
victim, and that's your priority.
4 Treatment. Treat the cause of the stress - the cut, for example,
or the heart attack.
5 Semi-prone (recovery) position. This is the position
of choice for victims. But if the illness or
injury indicates that another position would
be better, the victim should get into that
position. For example, a semi-sitting position
is recommended with heart attacks, and spinal
victims should be on their back with their head

8-2 Lifesaving Society -- --- ----

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

8.3 Airway and Breathing Problems

The Administration of Oxygen
Airway Obstruction Basia Principles
Airway obstruction (choking) can occur in conscious 0 Give oxygen if you are trained to do
or unconscious victims. If the conscious victim so and it is both medically necessary
doesn't receive prompt treatment, he or she will and available.
quickly become unconscious. In conscious victims, 0 Most victims who need oxygen are
airway obstruction is most often caused by food or breathing, perhaps with difficulty.
other objects getting stuck in the throat. 0 Victims are best treated with a free­
flow inhalator.
Unconscious people lose control of their tongue, and 0 Victims with absent or abnormal
it slips back, blocking the airway and preventing breathing require CPR.
breathing. This is the most common cause of airway Procedure
obstruction in unconscious people.
Expla in to the victim what you'll be
See Section 7.3 for detailed information on how to doing.
treat airway obstruction. 2 Turn on the flow of oxygen using the
key and then turn the regulator to
10-15 litres/minute.
Anaphylaxis 3 Approach the victim's face slowly with
Anaphylaxis is a severe, often life-threatening the mask.
allergic reaction. Substances associated with this 4 Allow the victim to feel the oxygen
condition include medications such as penicillin, as it flows.
some foods such as nuts and seafood, bee stings, and 5 Have the victim breathe from the
some environmental substances such as moulds. mask.
6 If the victim is not breathing. or not
The reaction can be sudden and rapid. People who breathing normally. start CPR. The
know they have this condition may wear a necklace, oxygen mask tubing can be connected
to the oxygen port on the pocket
bracelet, etc., identifying a medical condition and mask. Oxygen will be delivered each
may even carry an antidote kit. time the rescuer ventilates the victim.
Sign s and Symptoms Precautions
,/ Generalized itchiness, rash (red), hives 0 Verify the volume of oxygen contained
,/ Difficulty breathing, including wheezing in the cylinder.
,/ Lower level of consciousness (confusion, Q If the cylinder is under high pressu re:
disorientation) protect the tank and the valve.
,/ Swelling of central facial features (lips, tongue, face) 0 Get rid of all impurities that may be
on a ny equipment. especially products
Treatment like grease.
1 Some individuals may have medication for this Q Be sure to check the cylinder, its
situation - preloaded syringes and tablets to attachments and especially its
calibration at least once a year.
reduce allergic reactions. Help victims administer 0 Store in a cool place.
their medication if they have it. A second dose
may be given if signs and symptoms do not
improve within 5 minutes.
2 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway
and assess the victim's breathing. Start CPR if
3 Contact EMS.
4 Treat for shock.
5 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is
both medically necessary and available.
� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-3
Chapter 8

The drowning process

Aspiration occurs when water or other liquids enter the airway.
may result in Acute
Respiratory Distress
some hours after the Signs and Symptoms
initial drowning event .I Coughing
and rescue. After res­ .I Raspy breathing
cue from the water, the .I Pain in the chest
victim should be sent .I Nausea
to hospital if he or she: .I Distress, anxiety
• suffered any loss of
consciousness Treatment
• required resuscitation 1 Most people cope well just by coughing.
(rescue breathing, CPR)
2 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
• has any con current
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
condition (e.g. seizure,
3 Advise the victim to seek medical help immediately if breath­
spinal injury, asthma)
• has on -going coughing ing difficulty occurs within 72 hours.
4 Treat for shock.
5 Arrange for transportation to hospital if coughing continues
or breathing or level of consciousness is a problem.

Asthma is a breathing disorder in which the airway' s sensitivity
is increased. This sensitivity results in spasms of the muscles
of the airway (and therefore a narrowing of the airway) and
increased production of mucus (and therefore a blockage of the
airway) .

Pu rsed - Li p B reath i ng People with asthma are likely to have specific "triggers" to
Asthmatics have the condition. Common triggers include allergies, emotional
trouble getting air out.
distress, and extreme temperatures.
P ursed-lip breathing
occurs when the lips are
in a "pucker" position
Signs and Symptoms
and the victim actively .I Difficulty breathing
blows the air out in a .I Anxiety
slow, steady stream. .I Wheezing
You and the victim can
do this together. I nhale Treatment
through the nose, ex­ 1 Assist the victim to a comfortable position. This often
hale through the pursed involves sitting and leaning forward slightly or standing and
lips, and focus on get­ leaning forward with the arms resting on some object.
ting air out. 2 Help the victim take any medication he or she has.
3 Loosen tight-fitting clothing around the neck or chest.
4 Assist or encourage the victim in pursed-lip breathing.
5 Treat for shock.
6 If the asthma attack continues or is severe, arrange for
transportation to hospital by contacting EMS .

8-4 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Hyperventilation, sometimes called overbreathing, occurs when
breathing is faster or deeper than necessary. Hyperventilation
decreases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, causing the
body to depress the breathing centre in the brain. This can
result in loss of consciousness.

How serious hyperventilation is depends on where it occurs.

Loss of consciousness that occurs on land is usually temporary,
as the carbon dioxide level in the blood flowing to the brain
normalizes (unless additional injury results f,rom a fall when the
victim loses consciousness). But if loss of consciousness occurs
underwater, the risk of drowning and aspiration is serious.

Voluntary hyperventilation is extremely dangerous and should

not be practised.

Sign s and Symptoms

,/ High rate of respiration, panting
,/ Lightheadedness, weakness, headache
,/ Tingling of hands, feet, and the area around the mouth
,I Confusion, unconsciousness

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Assist or encourage pursed-lip breathing.
3 Treat for shock.
4 Arrange for transportation to hospital if breathing problems
are severe or ongoing or there is a decreased level of con­

Respiratory Distress
Several unrelated medical conditions can cause respiratory
distress. Conditions causing this distress include emphysema
and chronic bronchitis (chronic obstructive lung diseases),
pneumothorax (abnormal pressure in the lungs), and collapsed

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Difficulty breathing
.I Anxiety
,I Cyanosis
.I Shock

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-5
Chapter 8

Treatment is as for hyperventilation, above:
1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Assist or encourage pursed-lip breathing.
3 Treat for shock.
4 Arrange for transportation to hospital if breathing problems are
severe or ongoing or there is a decreased level of consciousness.

8.4 Circulatory Disorders

An gina
Angina is a medical disorder caused by poor blood circulation
to the heart. The heart muscle is having what might be
considered muscle pain or muscle spasm.

Victims of angina often wear a necklace, bracelet, etc., identi­

fying a medical condition. Known angina victims also usually
carry medication for its treatment. Angina usually responds to
treatment, but EMS assistance is required.

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Pain, pressure, or tightness in the chest or shoulder
,/ Trouble breathing, shortness of breath
,/ Flushed face, sweating
,/ Anxiety, fear
,/ Shock

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Assist the victim into a comfortable position. This is often a
semi-sitting position.
4 Help the victim take his or her angina medication as per the
physician's directions. Encourage the victim to chew 1 adult or
2 low dose ASA (e.g., Aspirin), unless the victim is allergic to
ASA or has been advised by a doctor not to take ASA tablets.
5 Loosen tight clothing around the neck and chest.
6 Treat for shock.
Semi-sitting position
7 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
medically necessary and available.

Heart Attack
Heart attack, sometimes called myocardial infarction, is a
medical condition where the circulation of blood to the heart
is severely affected. The severity of the heart attack and the
damage to the heart muscle depend on the duration of the
interruption in blood flow to the heart and the extent of the
muscle affected.

8-6 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain, pressure, or tightness in the chest or shoulder
.I Pain in the arms, neck, back, or jaw
.I Trouble breathing, shortness of breath
.I Flushed face, sweating
.I Anxiety, fear
.I Weak, rapid pulse
.I Denial of symptoms
.I Shock
.I Confusion
.I Nausea and weakness

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess the
victim' s breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Assist the victim into a comfortable position. This is often a semi­
sitting position.
4 Help the victim take his or her angina medication as per the
physician's directions. Encourage the victim to chew 1 adult or 2
low dose ASA (e.g., Aspirin), unless the victim is allergic to ASA
or has been advised by a doctor not to take ASA tablets.
5 Loosen tight clothing around the neck and chest.
6 Treat for shock.
7 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both medically
necessary and available.

Cardiac Arrest
"Cardiac arrest'' means the heart has stopped beating. The evidence is
absent or abnormal breathing (gasping) and other signs of circulation
such as skin colour or a pulse. Blood stops carrying oxygen to the
brain, heart, lungs, and vital organs, and tissue damage begins. Tissue
damage becomes significant after about four minutes.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Unconsciousness, unresponsiveness
.I Not breathing
.I Shock
.I Gradual onset (angina or heart attack) or sudden onset (no

1 Contact EMS.
2 Initiate CPR immediately (see pages 7-1 3 to 7-1 5) .
3 Treat for shock.
4 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both medically
necessary and available.

Strokes, also known as cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs), occur when
part of the brain has an insufficient supply of blood. Causes of this
interruption in supply include blockage or bleeding.
The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-7
Chapter 8

The severity of a stroke (and the number of signs and symp­

toms) varies with the extent and location of the blockage of
blood to the brain. For example, with mild blockage, the result
might be mild arm or leg weakness on one side and decreased
muscle co-ordination. And with more severe blockage, victims
might be disoriented, lose control of their bowel or bladder, and
be unable to move an arm or leg on one side. (Most nerves from
one side of the body originate in the other side of the brain.)

Signs and Symptoms

,I Gradual or sudden onset
,I Head pain
,I Lack of strength or co-ordination in the muscles in the arm
and leg on one side of the body
,/ Facial problem on the side of the body opposite the area
Nerve distribution of the brain affected (facial muscle weakness, swallowing
from brain to body problems, drooling)
,/ Trouble understanding or speaking
Transient lschemic ,I Unequal pupils
Attack (TIA) ,I Anxiety, agitation
A tra nsient i schem ic ,I Decreased level of consciousness (confused, disoriented,
attack results in unconscious)
tem pora ry stroke ,/ Loss of control of bowel or bladder
sym ptom s lasting less ,/ Shock
than twenty m i n utes.
The signs a nd sym ptoms Treatment
a re similar t o those for 1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
stroke a nd treatment is the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
the same. Victi m s may
2 Contact EMS.
be at risk for stroke.
Encourage them to seek
3 Assist the victim into a comfortable position (often
m edical attention . semi-sitting) or a recovery position if there are airway
management problems.
4 Loosen tight clothing around the neck and chest.
F.A.S.T. 5 Treat for shock.
Use the a c ronym F.A.S.T. 6 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
( Face - Arms -Speech - medically necessary and available.
Time) to help assess a
suspected stroke victim .
Is their Face d rooping?
8.5 Bleeding
Ask if they can sm il e. Is
one a rm wea k or n u m b? External Bleeding
Ask if they can ra ise one Injury (trauma) to tissue can cause bleeding. The severity of the
or both Arms. Does one situation varies with the extent of the tissue damage and the
a rm d rift downward? Is amount of blood lost.
their Speech sl u rred or
i m pa i red? Ask them to
Skin tears (for example, skin sliced on metal) bleed, require
repeat a simple sentence.
treatment, and usually recover quickly. Facial cuts and head
If you notice one or a ny of
these sig ns do not d elay,
cuts and wounds result in more blood loss because of the
it is Time to act: ca ll number of blood vessels in the skin of the face and head.

8-8 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Deep cuts and wounds may require stitches for tissue to heal.
Cuts and wounds that involve bleeding from larger veins and
arteries are more serious, and EMS must be called promptly.
The more blood the victim loses, the greater the extent of the
Signs and Symptoms
.I Blood
.I Pain
.I Distress, anxiety
.I Shock

Minor wounds
For superficial wounds and abrasions, gently clean affected area
by flushing with clean water (e.g., tap water) over the wound
and apply an antibiotic ointment to promote healing. Apply a
sterile dressing (e.g., adhesive bandage strip). Treatment of bleeding
Severe bleeding
1 One way to remember the treatment of severe bleeding Bandaging Notes
is the 2 Ps:
• Position: have the victim lay down to prevent further
injury should he or she become unresponsive.
• Pressure: apply firm, direct pressure over the wound with
the cleanest material available (a bandage, for example).
Direct pressure is the most important factor in stopping
blood flow. Secure direct pressure with a tied bandage. If
blood starts to seep through the bandaging material, place
a second bandage on top of the first. Do NOT lift the
bandage- it interrupts the clotting of blood and increases Q When securing
bleeding. ba ndages, tie the knot
2 Treat for shock. securely over the wound.
3 Contact EMS if there is a lot of blood loss, if you cannot Q Signs that a ba ndage is
control the bleeding, or if moderate to severe shock becomes t o o tig ht incl ude
a factor. When direct pressure fails to control life-threatening the part beyond the
external limb bleeding, apply a tourniquet. bandage getting cool,
becom ing pale, or
Applying a tourniquet lacking a pulse.
A com mercial tourniquet consists of a wide Velcro band and one-ha nded a When there is a foreig n
cra n k system used to tig hten the ba nd a round the circumference of the object in the wou nd, d o
wou nd. Place the ba nd j u st above the wou nd, turn the cra n k u ntil bleeding N OT rem ove the object.
stops. a nd secure Apply pressu re a round
the c ra n k into the the object to avoid
l ocking position of the pushing it in d eeper. The
tourniquet. If necessa ry, priority is to stop the
i m provise a tourniquet bleeding.
by tig htening a bandage
(e.g ., i n sert a pen or
stick i nto the knot and
twist) u ntil bleeding Appl y and tighten Secure crank rod in
stops. tourniquet locked position
The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-9
Chapter 8

Internal Abdominal Bleeding

Internal abdominal bleeding occurs when a trauma or medical
disorder (ulcers, for example) causes bleeding into the abdom­
inal tissues. Because the skin is intact, the blood pools inside.
The severity of this condition varies with the amount and
location of the bleeding.
Sign s and Symptoms
,/ Abdominal muscle spasm or rigid abdomen
,/ Pain in the abdomen
,/ Difficulty breathing
,/ Shock
,I Decreased level of consciousness
,/ Anxiety
1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Treat for shock.

Nosebleeds can be caused by trauma to the nose, or they can
start spontaneously. Nosebleeds often look serious because of
the amount of blood lost, but they usually respond promptly to
treatment. Nosebleeds that last for more than a few minutes or
recur in a short period of time may require medical attention.
Sign and Symptoms
,/ Blood from the nose
,/ Pain associated with the trauma (being hit, for instance)
,/ Anxiety
,/ Shock

1 Pinch the nose where the
soft nostril meets cartilage.
2 Treat for shock.
3 Tilt head slightly forward.
This helps any blood drain
from the nose or mouth
instead of back into the
4 Contact EMS if the nose­
bleed lasts more than a few
minutes, if it recurs, or if
the victim is in moderate to severe shock.

8-10 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

8.6 Trauma Injuries

Head Injuries Concussions
Head injuries occur when a force comes in contact with the head. A concussion is a brain
This can happen when a victim's head hits an object or an object injury caused eit-her by a
strikes the victim's head. d i rect blow to the head,
face, neck or a blow
Head injuries need to be evaluated carefully. The bones of the elsewhere on the body which
head are quite strong and protective, but the brain tissues inside is transm itted t-o the head .
the skull are quite fragile. A seemingly minor head injury can A concussion may result
from fa l l s, col lisions a nd
have serious complications after a delay of several hours.
blows d u ring daily l iving
activities or d u ring sport
Whenever there is trauma to the head, you need to assess what and recreation a ctivity.
area is probably affected:
Suspect a concussion in
0 skin? the presence of one or more
0 bones? sig ns or sym ptoms (l isted
0 brain tissue? under head injuries) - which
can ta ke up t-o a few days
The deeper the tissue affected, the more severe the injury. to a ppear.
The Canadian Paediatric
A victim can have a brain injury even if no bones are broken. The Society notes that
brain is loose inside the skull, and shaking can damage the brain concussion is a common
(just as you can shake a yolk in an egg without breaking the shell). injury a mong child ren and
adolescents participating
Significant trauma to the head can also cause damage to the in organized sports and
upper spinal column. Such situations should be treated as a recreational activities. The
combined problem (head and neck injury). Society recom mends that
any child or yout-h who
sustains a concussion
Signs and Symptoms t
should be removed from
,I Head pain play i m m ediately and
,/ Bleeding, swelling, or bruising at the site of the trauma medica l ly eva luated as soon
,I Nausea and vomiting as possible.
,I Decreased level of consciousness, confusion, disorientation,
,I Anxiety, agitation
,I Unequal, unreactive, fixed, or dilated pupils
,/ Shock
,I Blood or clear fluid from the eyes, ears, nose, or mouth
t Spina l-related signs and symptoms are covered on page 8-12.

1 Immobilize the head and neck in the position found unless
breathing cannot be assessed.
2 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess the
victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
3 Contact EMS.
4 Treat the area of trauma for bleeding, bruising, or swelling.
5 Treat for shock.
6 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both medically
necessary and available.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-11

Chapter 8

Spinal Injuries
Spinal injuries occur when trauma Spinal lnjurie6
affects the nerves in the spinal column. Here are som e com mon
Spinal injuries of the upper neck are causes of spinal injuries:
often associated with head trauma and Q diving head -fi rst into
head injuries. shallow water and
hitting the bottom
Most of the injury to the spinal cord 0 being thrown into the
occurs at the time of impact. Never­ water
theless, caution is essential to minimize Q diving into a sandbar
further damage. Q making aggressive
contact in water polo
Q falls
The part of the body affected depends
Q severe head injuries
on the level of the injury. N eek (or Q car accidents
cervical) spinal injuries can affect the

Q bicycle accidents.
ability to swallow, breathe, or use the
arms. Chest (or thoracic) spinal injuries
can affect breathing, the chest wall, or
Spinal rollover and
internal organs. Low-back (or lumbar)
spinal injuries can affect the bowel, bladder, or legs.

See Section 5.10 for additional information on spinal rescue


Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain at the site of the trauma
.I Loss of co-ordination, sensation, or
movement in parts beyond the injury
.I Weakness or altered sensation usually
affecting both sides of the body (both feet, for
instance, or both arms)
.I Bruising, swelling, or bleeding at the site of
the trauma
.I Shock
* Injury site Treatment
1 If the victim is face down or partially submerged, roll the
victim over using one of the rollover and immobilization
techniques described on pages 5-1 4 to 5-1 7.
2 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway (see
Jaw Thrust Technique, page 5-1 8) and assess the victim's
breathing. Start CPR if needed.
3 Immobilize the head and body in proper alignment (see
page 5-14) by packing the head and neck with such things as
rolled towels, sandbags, or books.
4 If you are trained to do so and a spinal board is available,
immobilize the victim on the board (see pages 5-1 9 to 5-21 ).
5 Treat the trauma site if there is bleeding (see Section 8 .5).
6 Contact EMS.
7 Treat for shock.

8-12 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Chest Wounds
Chest wounds include injuries to the chest wall or
ribs. These injuries can include bruising, fractures,
and bleeding wounds. Common causes include falls,
collisions, and blows from blunt objects.
Signs and Symptoms
./ Trauma at the site of the injury (swelling, bruising, or
./ Pain at the site of the injury
./ Difficulty in breathing
./ Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
./ Shock

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Apply a non-occlusive dressing - a special type of non­
adhering dressing that allows liquids or air to pass through
preventing further complications. If the dressing becomes
blood soaked, change it immediately to avoid complications.
Apply direct pressure if there is massive external bleeding.
3 Contact EMS.
4 Protect and support the injured area.
5 Treat for shock.
6 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
medically necessary and available.

Injuries from Embedded Obj ects

Occasionally an object gets "stuck" in a wound. This requires
additional consideration beyond treatment of the specific injury.
It is generally advisable to treat the wound with the object in the
wound (for instance, glass in a cut or metal in a wound). If the
embedding is superficial - as it is with splinters, for example
- removing the object with a clean instrument is acceptable.
Signs and Symptoms
.I Object protruding from or embedded in a wound
.I Bleeding
.I Pain
.I Swelling, redness
.I Shock

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-13

Chapter 8

1 Leave the object in place.
2 Control bleeding, stabilize
the object to prevent further
damage, and bandage the
3 Contact EMS.
4 Treat for shock.
5 If the embedding is
superficial, remove
the object with a clean
instrument (a needle or
tweezers, for example),
and treat the wound for
bleeding (see Section 8.5) or
other local injury.

Bites by humans, animals, and insects often require first aid .
I f the victim has an allergy or sensitivity t o the specific type
of bite, anaphylaxis may be an issue (see page 8-3) . For most
bites, treatment of the injury site is the primary issue.

Signs and Symptoms

(for localized injury due to bites)
.I Localized pain
.I Bleeding
.I Bruising, redness
.I Puncture-type lacerations in the skin
.I Shock

(for localized injunJ due to bites)
1 Control bleeding.
2 Seek medical assistance (to have the risk of infection and
immunization needs evaluated) .
3 Treat for shock.

Eye Injuries
Because of the sensitive nature of the eye, you must take
special care when treating injuries to or around the eye. The
injury could be due to a foreign object such as chemicals in
the eye.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain in or around the eye
.I Swelling, redness, bleeding, burning, or other injury
.I Anxiety
.I Shock

8-14 Lifesaving Society

First Aid: The Treatmen t of Illness or Injury

1 Treat for shock.
2 Do not remove a foreign object manually or take
any action that would embed an object deeper.
3 If a foreign object is floating in the eye, try
flushing the eye with water.
4 If chemicals are the cause of the eye injury, flush
the eye with running water for a long time - 1 5
to 20 minutes.
5 Contact EMS if there is an object in the eye or
vision is affected.
6 If the eye area is wounded, treat the injury (for
instance, a cut).
7 Bandage the injured eye by placing a patch
bandage over it and securing the bandage.

8.7 Burns
Causes of burns include heat, chemicals, and
electricity. Burns are classified in several ways. This
section classifies them in terms of the depth of the skin Chemical Burns
affected: first-degree burns, second-degree bums, and Q Do not touch chem ical prod ucts or
third-degree burns. First-degree burns are the least the container they a re i n .
serious, third-degree burns the most serious. Q Brush dry chemicals careful ly to
avoid a chemical cloud that can be
Burns to small children and infants are considered inha led.
more serious because of the greater risk of shock. Burns Q Since clothes can a bsorb chem ica ls,
to the neck and face require special attention because of they should be removed or fl ushed
the possible effect on breathing function. with water.
Q Remove the victi m's shoes a nd
socks -they ca n act as reservoirs
First-De gree Burns for chemicals.
First-degree burns are those in which damage is a Use larg e volumes of water to fl ush
restricted to the surface of the skin. First-degree burns these burns.
can be quite painful; in cases such as sunburn, these
burns can also be widespread.

Signs and Symptoms

,I Redness
,/ Pain
,/ Mild swelling
,/ Anxiety
.I Shock

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess the
victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Flush the burned area with cool, dean water or apply rold (not ice).
3 Repeat the flushing until the victim notes that the heat in the
affected area has subsided.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-15

Chapter 8

4 Treat for shock.

5 Contact EMS if the area burned is large, the face and neck
are affected, the victim is a small child or infant, or moderate
to severe shock is a factor.

Second-Degree Burns
Second-degree burns affect the upper layers of skin. These
burns are characterized by blisters, redness, pain, and swelling.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Blisters
.I Redness
.I Pain
,/ Mild swelling
.I Anxiety
.I Shock

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and
assess the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Flush the burned area with cool, dean water or apply cold
(not ice).
3 Repeat the flushing until any heat in the affected area
4 Apply a dry sterile dressing to the wound.
5 If the hands and feet are affected, separate the fingers
or toes with dressings.
6 Treat for shock.
7 Contact EMS if the area burned is large, the face and
neck are affected, the victim is a small child or infant,
or moderate to severe shock is a factor.

Bandaging burned fingers

Third-Degree Bums
Third-degree burns (also called "full-thickness burns") affect all
the layers of tissue. Because the burn goes through the skin, the
muscles, nerves and bones in the area may also be affected.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain
,I Red, black, and grey tissue
,/ Underlying tissue and organs exposed (muscles, nerves, and
bones, for example)
.I Second- and first-degree burns in nearby areas
.I Anxiety
.I Shock

8-16 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess the
victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Flush the burned area with cool, clean water or apply cold
(not ice).
4 Repeat the flushing until any heat in the affected area subsides.
5 Apply a dry sterile dressing to the wound.
6 If the hands and feet are affected, separate the fingers or toes
with dressings.
7 Treat for shock.

Electrical 13urns
Separating burned
E lectrica l burns ca n occur in one of two ways: when a
short circuit ca uses a spa rk or when a n el ectrical cur­
rent passes th roug h the body (el ectrification) . Elec­
trica l c u rrents can cause death (electrocution). With
these burns,
Q make sure the cu rrent is O F F before touching the
victim or the electrica l source
Q sta nd i n a d ry a rea
Q if the cu rrent ca nnot be turned off, use a l ong, dry,
non-cond ucti ng object (wood or plastic, for ex­
a m p l e) to sepa rate the victi m from the current
Q look for wou nds where e lectricity entered a nd exited
the body.

8.8 Medical Disorders

Diabetic Emergencies
Hypoglycemia occurs when there is not enough sugar in the
bloodstream. This condition is found mainly in people with
diabetes and is associated with not eating enough, exercising too
much, being under a lot of stress, or taking too much insulin.
Signs and Symptoms
.I Pale, cold, clammy skin
.I Restlessness, weakness
.I Fear, anxiety
.I Confusion, disorientation
.I Weak, rapid pulse
.I Shallow, rapid respiration
.I Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
.I Bracelet, necklace, etc., identifying diabetic condition

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-1 7

Chapter 8

Hyperglycemia occurs when there is too much sugar in the

Fi rst aiders do bloodstream (because there isn't enough insulin in the body to
not have to be carry sugar from the blood to the cells).
able to te l l the
difference between Sign s and Symptoms
hypog lyce mia and ,/ Flushed, dry skin
hyperg lycem i a . Sig n s ,/ Drowsiness to unconsciousness
a nd sym pto m s m ay ,/ Excessive thirst and urination
va ry but -A rst a id ,/ Acetone smell (for example, nail polish remover) on breath
treatment i s the
sa me. Treatment for Diabetic Emergencies
1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Help victim test their blood sugar if a test kit is available
and help them self-administer prescribed medication and /
or sugar preferably in order of glucose tablets; candy (e.g.,
Mentos, Skittles, Jelly beans); orange juice or other fructose
juice drinks.
3 Treat for shock.
4 Contact EMS if the victim is unconscious or if a conscious
victim does not improve after eating sugar.

Seizure Disorders
Seizures occur when there is abnormal electrical activity in the
brain. Seizures can be associated with the medical disorder
epilepsy, with high fevers, and with drug intoxication.

There are several types of seizures. Of these, only tonic-clonic

can be considered emergencies. Other types of seizures are
of concern only if they cause a loss of consciousness and the
victim is in the water. In such cases, the focus must be on
checking breathing and circulation, rather than managing the

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Loss of consciousness
.I Arching of the back and rigidity in the body
.I Contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the arms and
.I Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
.I Loss of control of the bowel or bladder
,/ Confusion, disorientation, fatigue after seizure

1 If the victim is in water, get his or her head out of water; after
the seizure, remove the victim from the water.
2 If the victim is on land, clear objects from the surrounding
area to prevent him or her from striking them and getting

8-18 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

3 DO NOT place anything between the victim's teeth.

4 Contact EMS.
5 After the seizure is over,
• assess the victim for injuries
• assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and
assess the victim' s breathing. Start CPR if needed.
• treat for shock.

Drowning The d rowning process

Whenever distressed swimmers, non-breathing victims, or other may result in Acute
victims of drowning are rescued, they must be evaluated and Respiratory Distress
treated. some hours afcer the
initial drowning event
Signs and Symptoms a nd rescue. After
.I Coughing rescue from the water,
.I Anxiety the victim shou ld be
.I Weakness sent to hospital if he
or she:
.I Nausea, vomiting
• suffered a ny loss of
.I Rapid breathing
.I Shock • requi red resuscitation
(rescue breathing, CPR)
Treatment • has a ny concurrent
1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess condition (e.g . seizure,
the victim' s breathing. Start CPR if needed. spinal injury, asthma)
2 Contact EMS. • has on-going coug hing
3 Treat for shock.
4 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
medically necessary and available.
CPR and the
Water Intoxication Vrownlng Victim
Water intoxication is a rare medical condition found in children The most detrimental
less than a year old. The condition occurs when swallowed consequence of
water changes the chemical balance in the body. This condition
submersion is hypoxia
- lack of adequate
can occur several hours after the water is swallowed.
oxygen. If the victim has
been pul l ed from the
Young children should be carefully observed - it's important to water, open the ai rway,
decrease the risk of water intoxication by preventing them from check for breathing and
swallowing water. Water intoxication can o ccur when young start CPR with rescue
children are intentionally immersed, for example, in swimming breaths before initiating
classes. Intentional immersion should be avoided with young com pressions.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Restlessness, disorientation
.I Lethargy, weakness
.I Gastric distension
.I Nausea, vomiting
.I Seizures

The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l 8-19

Chapter 8

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Treat for shock.

Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness. It is associated
with several medical disorders, stress, fatigue, and shock.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pale, cool, clammy skin
.I Restlessness, weakness
.I Fear, anxiety
.I Confusion, disorientation
.I Weak, rapid pulse
.I Shallow, rapid respiration

Poisoning Treatment
Poisoning can also occur in 1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
these three ways: the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
0 inhalation. Inhaled 2 Identify and control the cause of the fainting.
poisons include chlorine 3 Treat for shock.
gas, chemical product
powders and vapors,
and car bon monoxide.
See pages 8-5 and This section refers to ingested, or swallowed, poisons. Ingested
8-6, on respiratory poisons include spoiled or contaminated food, medications or
distress; for infor­ drugs, cleaning agents, and plants.
mation on chlorine gas,
see page 8-21. Rescuers should avoid contact with caustic agents. When
0 contact and absorp­ assessing whether to induce vomiting, consider the poison.
tion. Contacted and Read the instructions on the original container's label-it will
absorbed poisons provide directions for treatment. Caustic poisons that burn the
include chemicals used passages to the lungs and stomach when swallowed probably
for pool-water main­
do the same during vomiting; in such cases, do NOT induce
tenance. Insecticides,
herbicides, fertilizers,
and plants (poison
oak and poison ivy, for Signs and Symptoms
example). Treat this .I Abdominal pain or cramps
form of poisoning as a .I Reduced level of consciousness
burn (see Section 8.7) . .I Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
0 injection. I njected .I Coughing, difficulty breathing
poisons include stings .I Vomiting
and bites (from insects .I Rash, blisters
or marine life, for .I Changes in behavior, hallucinations, agitation, drowsiness
example), medication,
.I Headache
or non-prescription
drugs. See page
8 -14 for information on
how to treat bites.

8-20 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Contact the Poison Information Centre for assistance. (Check
the front pages of your telephone book for the local number.)
4 Induce vomiting if the original product label recommends it.
5 Treat for shock.
6 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
medically necessary and available.
7 If hazardous material has been spilled, call the fire
8 Whenever possible, put the poison and its container in a
clear plastic bag. Note the name of the poison, and give that
information and the poison container to EMS.

If There'e; a Chlorine Ga6 Leak . . .

./ Clea r the water a rea a nd a l l a reas near the l eak by moving swi m mers
upwind from the source of the l eak.
,I Evacuate the facil ity. staying u pwind of the gas sou rce .
./ Contact EMS .
./ Treat victims for respiratory difficulties. apply resuscitation meas­
u res as needed. and monitor victims' vita l sig ns.
./ If you a re trained to d o so. put on a self-conta ined a i r pack. turn off
the source of the gas. a nd remove to safety any victim s who have
col l a psed
./ Treat for shock .
./ Refer a nyone who inhaled chlorine gas to medical attention.

If the gas l eaking is a heavy gas. stay as u prig ht as you ca n.

8.9 Heat/Cold Disorders

Heat Cramps
Heat cramps are caused by the dehydration and salt depletion
associated with excessive sweating. Heat cramps are charac­
terized by painful cramps in large muscles.

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Pain and spasms in muscles
,I Cool, clammy skin (sweating)
,I Fatigue, dizziness, headache
,I Nausea
,/ Shock

The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l 8-21

Chapter 8

1 Remove the victim from the hot environment.
2 Give the victim cool water or a sport drink (e.g., Gatorade) if
3 Stretch the cramp.
4 Advise the victim to eat well to restore the depleted body salt.
5 Treat for shock.

Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion can occur when a person is exposed to high
temperatures for a long time. Water loss occurs through
perspiration and can result in mineral and salt loss.

Signs and Symptoms

,I Nausea
Alcohol and Heat/
,I Headache, dizziness
Cold Disorders
,I Pale, cool, clammy skin (sweating)
Alcohol accelerates ,I Restlessness, weakness
and worsens the effect ,I Fear, anxiety
of heat or cold -it ,I Confusion, disorientation
stimulates blood vessel ,I Weak, rapid pulse
dilation at the skin's ,/ Shallow, rapid respiration
surface, which speeds ,/ Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
up heat loss. This
means that the body's Treatment
ability to adjust its 1 Remove the victim from the hot environment.
core temperature up or 2 If the victim is alert and nausea is not a problem, give him or
down is further com­
her cool water or a sport drink (e.g., Gatorade) if available.
promised. Those being
treated for heat- or
3 Advise the victim to eat well to restore the depleted body salt.
cold-related diffi culties 4 Treat for shock.
should NOT drink alco­ 5 Contact EMS if the victim's level of consciousness is
holic beverages! decreased or moderate to severe shock is a factor.

Heatstroke is a rare but serious condition in which the body' s
cooling mechanism stops working. The body's core temperature
starts to rise, and the body organs are at risk of tissue damage,
convulsions (tonic-clonic seizures; see page 8-1 8), and cardiac
arrhythmia. Those most likely to suffer heatstroke are young
children and infants, the elderly, and cardiac patients.

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Fever
,I Hot, dry skin, flushed face
,I Nausea, vomiting
,I Full, pounding pulse
,/ Decreased level of consciousness (confused, disoriented,
,/ Seizures

8-22 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess the
victim' s breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
3 Remove the victim from the hot environment.
4 Remove the outer layer of the victim's clothing.
5 Cool the victim's body core (head, neck, chest, back and groin)
by wrapping him or her in wet sheets or fanning the body. If the
victim is alert, walk him or her into cool water up to the knees.
Ask the victim to sit down so he or she is immersed up to the
6 Treat for shock.

Be Sun Smart
Overexpm:;ure to the sun can be extremely dangerous. I n the short run.
unprotected exposure can cause moderate to severe su n burn. I n the
long run, the skin and eyes can be damaged. The risk of skin cancer and
cataracts i ncreases with exposure.

Suntans and sunburns a re both signs of skin damage. Eve n after a

sun burn heals, the damage remains and increases with each bum .

Reflections from water, sand, and concrete can intensify the effect of
the sun's rays. Even on overcast days, sunscreen is necessary, because
the sun's ultraviolet ( UV) radiation is still present. Eve ryone doing
aquatic activities outdoors should take Sun-Smart precautions:
,I Wear clothing that covers exposed skin.
,I Wear a hat that protects the face and the back of the neck.
,I U se sunscreen with a sun protection fa ctor (SP F) of at least 30.
,/ Apply sunscreen and lip bal m to protect exposed skin. Apply and
reapply sunscreen according to the manufacturer's directions.
,I Wear protective sunglasses.
,/ If ap propriate, wear a wetsuit or other protective clothing to prevent
sunbu rn or wind chill. Chemical Warmer6
,I Monitor UV ratings and forecasts in weather reports. Do not apply chemical
warmers (e.g., pocket
Frostbite warmers) directly on
Frostbite is freezing that occurs in external tissue. The tissue most frostbitten tissue.
at risk is exposed skin (usually the ears and face), fingers, and toes. The high temperatures
produced from chemical
warmers can cause more
Signs and Symptoms
harm, potentially burning
.I Pain
the injured tissue .
.I Altered sensation (burning sensation, pins and needles, numbness)
.I White area on the skin
1 Remove the victim from the cold environment.
2 Reheat the affected area with body heat (for instance, put

frostbitten fingers under the armpits, or cup the frostbitten face "---.:::J
or ears in the hands) or immerse the affected body part in warm L
water - ideally 37° to 40 ° Celsius - for 20-30 minutes. "'

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-23

Chapter 8

Hypothermia refers to a dropping of the body's core tempera­
ture. This medically serious condition can occur with exposure
to cold water or air. Most of Canada's lakes, streams, rivers, and
oceans are cold year-round; hypothermia can therefore happen
So What /Jo You Mean
any time of year. (For more information on hypothermia, see
by Cold Water?
M a ny factors affect how
page 2-6.)
you r body responds to
cold water. Here a re som e
Signs and Symptoms
o f them : .I Shivering, feeling cold
Cl l e ngth of ti m e in the ,/ Loss of muscular co-ordination
water .I Decreased consciousness, confusion, disorientation,
Cl water tem peratu re unconsciousness
Cl a m ou nt of body fat ,/ Fatigue
Cl a m ou nt of the body ,/ Shock
that is submerged
Cl whether c l oth i ng or a Treatment
l ifejacket is worn 1 Assess responsivenss, maintain an open airway and assess
Cl body positio n
Cl a g e .
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Contact EMS.
Water tem peratures as
3 Remove the victim from the cold environment.
wa rm as 20 Celsius are 4 Warm the victim's body core (head, neck, chest, back, and
considered a risk for groin) by giving warm beverages if the victim is alert,
hypotherm i a . wrapping him or her in warm blankets, or getting into the
huddle position.
5 Treat for shock.
6 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both
medically necessary and available.

8.10 Bone, Joint, and Soft-Tissue Disorders

Bruising occurs when tissue or muscle bleeds below the skin.
Bruising is usually associated with trauma (being hit, for
Signs and Symptoms
,/ Pain
,I Redness and blueness in the affected area
.I Mild swelling

1 Ice the injured part for 1 0 to 1 5 minutes every hour until the
swelling subsides.

8-24 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatmen t of Illness or Injury

Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains both refer to stretching or tearing of muscle,
tendons, or ligaments. Soft-tissue injuries (injuries to muscles,
tendons, or ligaments) can occur during physical activity or by
trauma (falls, hits, etc.) .

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain
.I Swelling

.I Discoloration (bruising)
.I Difficulty moving the affected area

1 The way to remember treatment of sprains and strains is the ,,,,- �

: <fl .:.
word RICE: ' I

I '
• Rest. Rest the injured part.
''' ''•

• Immobilize. Immobilize the injured part in a comfortable I '

position - don't move it! ; : �

• Cold. Ice the injured part for 1 0 - 1 5 minutes every hour
until the swelling subsides. Icing is the most important
component of treatment.
• Elevate. Elevate the injured part - it helps control
2 Contact EMS.
3 Treat for shock.

Closed Fractures
Oosed fractures are breaks in a bone. Undisplaced closed Closed
fractures are like a crack in a teacup - there's a break in the undisplaced ____...,,
surface but not in alignment. Undisplaced fractures can be fracture
distinguished from sprains and strains only on X-rays. Displaced
fractures are fractures in which there' s a break in the surface and
in alignment.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain
.I Swelling
.I Discoloration
.I Difficulty moving the affected area

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-25

Chapter 8

1 The way to remember treatment of simple fractures is the
word RICE:
• Rest. Rest the injured part.
Im mobilization • Immobilize. Immobilize the
.I To immobi l ize a hand, injured part in a comfortable
wrist, a rm, elbow, or
position - don 't move it!
shoulder, you can
• Cold. Ice the injured part for
use a n arm sling.
.I To i m m obil ize a wrist, 1 0 -1 5 minutes every hour until
a n kl e, or foot, you the swelling subsides. Icing is
ca n use a pil l ow or the most important component of
towel t o spl int. treatment.
• Elevate. Elevate the injured,
splinted part (it helps control
swelling) but not if it increases
pain, discomfort or harm.
2 Contact EMS.
.I To im mobil ize 3 Treat for shock .
joints, you can 4 Assess the pulse and movement
use air spl ints, beyond the site of the injury. For
wooden spl ints, instance, assess the pulse and
or splints made movement in the ankle if the leg
out of card board is broken.
or rol l ed newspaper.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain
.I Swelling
.I Bone protruding through the skin

-��/l ./ Difficulty moving the affected part

.I Bleeding
,/ Discoloration

� Treatment
1 Rest the affected part, and immobilize it as you found it. Do
not attempt realignment.
2 Place a clean bandage over the exposed bone.
3 Ice the injury for 1 0 to 1 5 minutes. Avoid wetting the open
4 Contact EMS.
5 Treat for shock.

8-26 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

A dislocation is an injury in which the bones at a joint
are displaced from their usual alignment. The joints most
commonly dislocated are shoulders, fingers, and toes.

Signs and Symptoms

.I Pain
.I Swelling
.I Discoloration
.I Difficulty moving the affected area

1 Rest the injured part. Immobilize it in a comfortable
position- don 't move it!
2 Ice the injured part for 1 0 to 1 5 minutes every hour.
3 Support the injured part in a position of comfort.
4 Contact EMS.
5 Treat for shock.

Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps (sometimes called charley horses) are spasms
in the muscle. They can occur because of loss of body salt (see
the information on heat cramps on pages 8-21 and 8-22) or as
a reaction to cold air or water. Not warming up enough before
activity can also lead to muscle cramps .

Sign s and Symptoms

.I Pain in the muscle
.I Muscle twitching or spasms

1 Stretch the muscle (slowly lengthen the muscle fibres) .
2 Gently massage along the length of the muscle.
3 Apply mild heat (warm shower or warm, wet cloth).

8.11 Scuba-Diving and Skin-Diving Disorders

Scuba-diving and skin-diving disorders include squeezes, air
embolism, and decompression sickness. Some of these con­
ditions occur because people don't take necessary precautions,
for example, in dives or entries.

In scuba-diving and skin-diving disorders, victims' signs and

symptoms often mirror those of other medical disorders. Treat
the medical disorder you find in your assessment. Also, be sure to
advise EMS that the condition is related to scuba diving or skin

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-27

Chapter 8

Squeezes result from the increasing pressure water exerts on
a body as it descends. Water exerts pressure on air spaces in
the body: ears, sinuses, cavities, and lungs. Water also exerts
pressure on equipment such as masks.

Signs and Symptoms

./ Severe pressure pain in the affected area

1 Ascend for a short distance, and try to equalize pressure.
2 With mask squeezes, blow gently through the nose.
3 If the squeeze occurs during a dive, initiate your established
procedures for ending the dive.
4 If the pain persists, contact EMS.
Equalizing pressure
Air Embolism
An air embolism is an air bubble in the bloodstream. Holding
the breath or ascending faster than its bubbles are rising may
lead to this condition. Air bubbles may escape from the lungs,
block small arteries and capillaries, and prevent blood flow to
the heart or brain.

Signs and Symptoms

,/ Fast onset during ascent
,/ Weakness, dizziness
,/ Paralysis, change in vision
./ Chest pain, blood in mouth
./ Convulsions
./ Unconsciousness
./ Stoppage in breathing

1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Give oxygen if you are trained to do so and it is both medi­
cally necessary and available.
3 Treat for shock.
4 Call EMS, advise them that the emergency is related to scuba
diving or skin diving, and make arrangements for transport
to a decompression chamber.

8-28 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Decompression S ickness
In decompression sickness, also known as "the bends," small
pockets of nitrogen form in the body tissues and blood. This
condition is most likely to occur after a long, deep dive -
deeper than you can do in most pools. Decompression sickness
is also associated with surfacing too fast.
Signs and Symptoms
.I Pain
.I When nitrogen bubbles go to the brain
• blindness, dizziness
• paralysis, convulsions
• unconsciousness
.I When nitrogen bubbles go to the joints, muscles, or bones
• pain
• blocked circulation
.I When nitrogen bubbles go to the spinal cord
• paralysis
• loss of feeling
.I When nitrogen bubbles go to the lungs
• labored breathing
• coughing
• burning chest pain
.I When nitrogen bubbles go to the skin
• itch, rash
1 Assess responsiveness, maintain an open airway and assess
the victim's breathing. Start CPR if needed.
2 Call EMS, advise them that the emergency is related to scuba
diving or skin diving, and make arrangements for transport
to a decompression chamber.
3 Treat for shock.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-29

Chapter 8

8.12 Want to Know More?

201 5 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular
Care. Visit:

201 5 Canadian Resuscitation and First Aid Guidelines. Visit:

Christensen, Anna, editor. Wilderness First Aid. Vancouver:

Wilderness First Aid and Safety Association, 1 986.
This comprehensive manual is a wealth of information. It
covers a variety of injuries in considerable detail and also
explores related topics such as legal issues.

La federation frarn;aise d' etudes et d� sports sous-marins.

Plongee, sante, securite, third edition. Editions Ouest-France, n.d.
This text presents a detailed examination of medical
conditions that may result while scuba diving. It also
describes the circumstances that contribute to them. The
text stresses the safety practices that divers should follow.

Huint, Richard. Understanding Drowning (and Related Topics).

Montreal: AquaLude Inc., 1 992.
This text presents detailed information on the physiology
of drowning and summarizes significant scientific research
on the subject. It is of particular interest to lifeguards and
aquatics instructors.

Lifesaving Society. Alert: Lifeguarding in Action. Ottawa: Royal

Life Saving Society Canada, 1 993.
Alert is the text of the National Lifeguard Service. Designed
for professional lifeguards, Alert presents information on
accident prevention and rescue skills and procedures.

8-30 Lifesaving Society �

First Aid: The Treatment of Illness or Injury

Lifesaving Society. Canadian First Aid Manual. Toronto: First

edition, April 2005, fourteenth printing, revised, October 201 6.
The Canadian First Aid Manual is the comprehensive
reference text for Lifesaving Society first aid training

Lifesaving Society. Ice: The Winter Killer: a resource manual about

ice, ice safety and ice rescue. Ottawa: Royal Life Saving Society
Canada, 1 998.
Features ice-related drowning statistics; facts about ice,
ice smart safety tips; signs and symptoms of cold shock
response and hypothermia; ice rescue procedures; signs
and symptoms of critical incident stress; steps to help
communities promote ice safety.

Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). Open

Water Dive Manual. Santa Ana: PADI, 1 988.
This manual is about the fun and adventure of learning to
scuba dive. A manual for candidates in PADI courses, Open
Water Dive Manual presents information on scuba equip­
ment, clothing, scuba safety, and the physiology and psy­
chology of scuba diving. Information on how to use the
decompression tables is also included.

Wilkinson, James, Cameron Bangs, and John Hayward.

Hypothermia, Frostbite and Other Cold Injuries. Seattle: The
Mountaineers, 1 986.
This is a short but comprehensive work on cold-related
injuries and the complications associated with them. It
contains an excellent chapter on immersion hypothermia.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 8-31

Chapter 9
Rescue Strokes and Skills

9.1 Introduction
Lifesavers use swimming in self-rescue and the rescue of
others. As a rescuer, you need to apply swimming prin­
ciples and adapt stroke technique to your needs . This
chapter presents strokes and skills as lifesavers would use
them. Strokes and skills are both described in terms of
maximum efficiency: how to get the most out of them
with the least amount of energy.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-1

Chapter 9

9.2 Swimming Strokes

The following strokes are most useful to lifesavers:
.I front crawl, head-up front crawl
.I back crawl, back crawl for rescues
.I breaststroke, head-up breaststroke.

The rest of this section describes these strokes in detail. In some

cases, technical terms such as propulsion (forward movement)
and resistance (drag) are used. These terms are discussed in
Appendix C to this manual.

Front Crawl
Front crawl is the most efficient stroke. It keeps the body level
at the surface. It also creates little frontal resistance, because the
kick is shallow and the arms recover above the water. The long
bent-arm pull of front crawl provides continuous propulsion.

Body and Head Position

.I The body is on the front, streamlined, relaxed, and
.I Roll the body throughout the stroke along an imaginary line
that runs down the middle of the body.
.I Cradle the head with the waterline at the hairline and the
eyes looking forward. If necessary, adjust body angle by
changing your head position (for example, lowering the
head raises the feet).

Leg Action
.I The flutter kick balances and
stabilizes the rolling swimmer.
For many swimmers, this kick
also levels the body. Those with
proportionally stronger kicks
can maintain good propulsion
throughout the kick.
.I The kick used depends on your
need for stability. It may be a
regular kick (for example, 3
downward beats to 1 arm pull).
Or it may be an irregular or
periodic kick. Choose a flutter
kick that maintains body posi­
tion and prevents side-to-side
.I Kick the legs rhythmically, up and down, from the hips.
Relax the legs so that the knees are slightly bent. The feet
should be loose and relaxed.

9-2 Lifesaving Society

Rescue S trokes and Skills

Arm Action
./ One arm pulls underwater while the other recovers above
the surface. Try to alternate the arms continuously. The arms
provide most of the forward movement in front crawl.

Drive. Drive in the arm action is as follows:

./ The arm enters the water in front of its shoulder. The hand
leads, thumb first, and is held comfortably at a 45 ° angle.
The body rolls toward the arm as it extends in front.
./ The hand pulls backward through an S-shaped pattern. The
hand pushes inward until the hand is under the chest. The
elbow bends increasingly until halfway through the pull. At
this point, the elbow is bent at most 90 °.
./ As it passes the waist, the elbow extends. The hand pushes
backward and outward past the side of the thigh. The
thumb almost touches the thigh as the shoulder and wrist
come out of the water. The elbow leads the recovery out of
the water, and the hand follows.

Recovery. Recovery in the arm action is as follows:

./ Reach forward into the water on the leading arm, and roll
toward the arm as it pulls.
./ Raise the shoulder of the recovering arm - it helps the arm
clear the surface.
./ The bent elbow is carried higher than the hand. The hand is
as close to the body and the surface as is comfortable. (A
wide recovery can lead to excessive sideways body move­
./ The arm extends forward, returning to its entry position in
front of the shoulder.

./ Exhale below the surface through the mouth and
nose. Finish exhaling as the mouth clears the
./ Roll the head with the body, turning sideways just
enough to allow inhalation. Inhale through the
mouth or mouth and nose.
./ Do not lift the head out of the water to breathe in
or out.
./ Breathing follows a regular pattern. You may
breathe after every 2, 3, 4, or more strokes. Choose
the breathing pattern that is most comfortable for
you. (This pattern will depend on such things as
what the water conditions are and how far you
have to swim.)

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-3

Chapter 9

./ Since the recovery takes less time than the drive, one arm
should enter as the other is about halfway through the drive.
Individual variations may occur. These variations will
depend on such factors as your swimming speed and your
swimming background (sprinter or distance swimmer).
./ Timing of the leg action should occur naturally. Tempo varies
with the arm action.
./ Maintain the kick's tempo even when your arms get tired.

Head-up Front Crawl

Lifesavers often use the head-up version of front crawl as they
approach victims. This stroke allows you to keep the victim in
view and to reach him or her quickly. Head-up front crawl is
preferable to regular front crawl in cold water because it
reduces heat loss from the head.

While the stroke is almost the same as regular front crawl, there
are the following differences:
./ The head is held up to provide an unrestricted view ahead.
This causes the feet to sink.
./ Use the breathing rhythm that is most comfortable for you.
./ The knees are more bent in the kick, which is more vigorous
than in regular front crawl. These changes compensate for
the feet sinking .
./ The arm stroke includes a downward push while pulling to
help raise the head and keep it above water.

9-4 Lifesaving Society

Rescue Strokes and Skills

Back Crawl
Like the front crawl, back crawl uses an alternating
arm action with recovery over the water, combined
with a flutter kick.

Body and Head Position

'1' The body is stretched on its back in a streamlined
position. The hips are just below the surface.
'1' The head is held comfortably at the surface, in line
with the body.
'1' The head is held steady as the body rolls about an
imaginary line down the middle of the body.
'1' The eyes can focus on the ceiling, sky, or other
"object" - it helps keep you on course.


Leg Action
The flutter kick is more important in back crawl than in front
crawl. In addition to being needed for stability, this kick is
..,.... _____
needed for lift and propulsion. Here are the important features -��
of flutter kick for back crawl:
'1' The knees flex more, but the kick still starts in the hips.

'1' The kick is done in a regular cycle (usually 3 upward beats
to every arm pull). -�
'1' The toes- but no part of the leg- just break the surface. ..;

'1' The ankles are relaxed, and the feet turn slightly inward.
'1' The upward beat of the kick is the driving part of the kick. - . � )-
• ..r

Arm Action
Drive. Drive in the arm action is as follows:
'1' The hand leads the extended arm into the water above and
beside the head. Try to have the little finger enter the water

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-5

Chapter 9

.I The body rolls toward the extended arm. This pushes the
hand below the surface. As the hand starts to pull, the elbow
.I The bent elbow points downward to the bottom (not to the
feet). The elbow bend increases to at most 90 ° as the hand
passes the shoulder.
.I The hand pushes down and back in a curved or elongated S­
shaped path. The elbow straightens near the end of the push.
Water pressure is felt on the palm and the inner surface of
the arm.
.I The hand finishes with a vigorous push, palm downward.
This starts a body roll away from that arm as the other arm
enters the water.

Recovery. Recovery in the arm action is as follows:

.I The arm recovers over the shoulder, which may lightly
brush the cheek during the transition to the entry.
.I The arm stays straight but relaxed, with the palm turning

.I Breathing presents few problems, since the face is always
above water.
.I The breathing pattern should be regular.

.I As one arm finishes the drive, the other arm is ready to start
the next propulsive phase.

Back Craw I for Rescues

You can use back crawl in rescues when you're using a towing
assist with shoulder loops. Such assists include rescue cans,
rescue tubes, and lifejackets.

Using back crawl with a

Technique for this stroke is like that for back crawl, except that
towing assist can be
.I the head is raised so that you can see the victim
dangerous, because .I the arm action may be shorter, with the arms entering
victims can pull you farther away from the head
toward them and .I flutter kick or eggbeater kick may be used:
increase your chances of • If the flutter kick is used, you don't have to make any
being g rabbed. P ractise changes in the kick.
getting out of the • If eggbeater is used, time the stroke so that the left leg
shoulder loop faet! kicks while the right arm pulls. The right leg kicks while
the left arm pulls.
• The body is almost in a sitting position.

9-6 Lifesaving Society

Rescue Strokes and Skills

Breaststroke is very useful in lifesaving because
,/ you can approach victims quickly and see
· - - � ;e ;.:szs

,/ it is a survival skill in self-rescue
,/ you can easily adapt it for underwater swim­
,/ most swimmers find it a less tiring stroke
than front crawl for long distances.

Body and Head Position

,/ Keep the body as horizontal as possible- it
reduces resistance.
,/ Let the water support your head. Look
forward, and lift the head during the arm
stroke to breathe.

Leg Action
,/ In the position of full extension, the legs are extended, in
line with the trunk, and just below the surface. The toes are
pointed, the ankles relaxed.

Recovery. Recovery in the leg action is as follows:

,/ The legs recover from full extension by bending at the knees,
hips, and ankles. This action starts naturally as the shoulders
rise. The heels are drawn along the surface, toward the
buttocks. The heels are close to- but do not break- the
surface of the water.
,/ The toes turn outward, the ankles flex, and the knees
separate to about shoulder width as they fully bend. The
ankles continue to flex with the toes bent and pulled up
toward the shins.

Drive. Drive in the leg action is as follows:

,/ The insides of the feet and legs face backward to provide the
surface area for backward thrust.
,/ The drive starts when the feet are thrust apart and backward.
The heels trace an arc pattern as they travel backward. Water
pressure is felt on the insides of the legs and feet.
,/ The feet accelerate smoothly, reaching maximum speed at
midstage in the kick.
,/ The knees extend, accelerating the feet. Since knee extension
provides speed, the knees should finish their extension as the
feet come together at the end of the kick.
,/ The feet come together momentarily, just after the legs
straighten. The ankles and feet are loose.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l 9- 7

Chapter 9

Arm Action
Drive. Drive in the arm action is as follows:
./ The pull starts with the arms pressing downward and
outward in a diagonal motion. The
hands are held at a 45 ° angle with the -

palms outward. The body and arms
outline the letter "Y." · C1C.>
./ The hands accelerate toward the centre
line of the body. They are at a 45 ° angle
with the palms inward .
./ The elbows stay high until the hands
finish the inward movement.
./ The hands pull to the shoulder, but not
past it.

Recovery. Recovery in the arm action is as

./ The hands are together and slide for­
ward to full arm extension beyond the
head .
./ The palms are pitched toward each
other (thumb-side up). As the arms
near full extension, the hands rotate
(thumb-side down to 45 °), ready for the
next arm cycle.

./ Take a breath on every stroke as the
arms start to move outward .
./ Exhale below the surface.
./ Extend the neck early in the arm stroke.
./ Return the face to the water by the
middle of the arm pull.

Here's a sequence you can use to co-ordinate
movement in this stroke:
./ Pull.
./ Breathe.
./ Kick.
./ Stretch.

9-8 Lifesaving Society �

Rescue S trokes and Skills

Head-up Breaststroke
The head-up version of breaststroke is used to maintain eye
contact while approaching victims in rescue situations. The
head-up position gives you a clear view and reduces heat loss
in cold water. While slower than head-up front crawl, this
stroke is often less tiring over long distances. While the stroke
is very similar to regular breaststroke, there are some
./ The head is held high enough to
stay above the water at all times
and to allow the eyes a clear for­
ward view .
./ Because of the raised head, the legs
are slightly deeper.
./ The arm motion is modified to
include pulling down to help raise the head and keep it
above water.

9.3 Swimming Skills

This section covers a number of swimming skills used in
0 lifesaving kicks
0 sculling and finning
0 surface dives
0 underwater swimming.

Lifesaving Kicks
Lifesavers use various kicks to tow or carry victims to safety.
You can also use these kicks to support yourself vertically, or
you can modify them for use in underwater swims. Because of
their uses in rescues, you need to practise these kicks without
using your arms. These are the kicks:
0 eggbeater kick
0 whip kick
0 scissor kick
0 inverted scissor kick.

Eggbeater Kick
Eggbeater kick provides steady and powerful
propulsion, and it is the most useful lifesaving
kick for vertical support. Because it provides
smooth propulsion, eggbeater is also the most
useful kick for transporting victims with spinal
injuries. It may be used with a variety of carries
(see pages 4-20 to 4-24). In demanding water
conditions, lifesavers often find they get "bounced
around" with eggbeater, making kicks such as
whip kick or scissor kick more useful in such

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-9

Chapter 9

Body Position for Vertical Support. Body

position is as follows:
.I Sit in the water with the back straight,
the knees bent, the legs spread at the
hips, and the thighs almost parallel to
the water surface .
.I Flex the feet at about 90 ° to the shins.

Leg Action. Leg action is as follows:

.I The legs drive in a semi-circular pattern
toward the midline of the body, with rotation about the
.I As one leg drives, the other recovers.
.I The insides of the legs push water down on an angle as the
insides of the feet slice through the water and the feet press
and slide down and out from the midline of the body.

Eggbeater Kick in a Lifesaving Tow or Carry. Here's how to

use eggbeater kick in a lifesaving tow or carry:
.I To travel backward in
the near-vertical
position, lean back in
the water, and adjust
the leg position to
push water in the
direction opposite the
line of travel.
.I To travel while towing or carrying a victim, lean back into a
semi-sitting position. Cradle the back of your head at the
water surface. The nature of the kick causes some lowering
of the hips.

Eggbeater Kick in Underwater Swims. The key points are as

.I For underwater swims, eggbeater can be performed on the
front. There is less of a bend at the waist than for eggbeater
on the back.
.I Leg action is the same.
.I For underwater searches, sweep the bottom with one arm,
and protect your head with the other in murky water.
Propulsion from the kick is enough to move you forward
effectively even if you don't use your hands for movement.

Whip Kick
The whip kick is a powerful lifesaving kick. Because it provides
a stop-start type of forward propulsion, it is less useful than
eggbeater for vertical support or for transporting victims with
spinal injuries. Whip kick may also be used with a variety of
carries (see pages 4-20 to 4-24). It is especially effective with
large or heavy victims and in adverse water conditions.

9-10 Lifesaving Society �

Rescue Strokes and Skills

Body and Head Position. Start on the back with the hips at or
just below the surface. Let the water support the head in line
with the body.

Leg Action. The key points of the recovery are as

ti The legs are together, fully extended at or just
below the surface. The toes are pointed.
ti The legs start to recover with the knees
bending. This allows the lower legs to drop.
ti As the heels are drawn toward the buttocks,
the knees separate to about shoulder width.
The feet are flexed at 90 ° to the shins.
Throughout these actions, the body stays
close to the horizontal.

Technique for the drive is as follows:

ti Start the drive by thrusting the feet apart and tracing an arc
pattern with the heels as the legs are extended. You will feel
the water pressure on the insides of your legs and feet.
ti Accelerate the feet smoothly, reaching maximum speed at
the kick's midstage.
ti As the feet accelerate, extend the knees. This extension
provides speed; so complete the extension of the knees only
when the feet are coming together at the end of the kick.
ti Bring the feet together in a momentary pause, just after the
legs straighten. Point the toes.
ti Start the recovery as soon as the drive is finished. This will
minimize jerkiness.
ti Make sure the recovery is gentle, the drive vigorous.

Breathing. Inhale during the recovery, and exhale during the


Scissor Kick
Lifesavers who have trouble with eggbeater or whip kick do
have alternatives. Scissor kick may be preferable for lifesavers
with knee problems. Its forward movement is not continuous,
and it can create a lot of frontal resistance in the recovery phase.
It is therefore not as useful for vertical support or transporting
victims with spinal injuries. Rescuers using the scissor kick
during carries must make a conscious effort to avoid or
minimize kicking victims.

Body and Head Position. The key points are as follows: ��

ti The body is stretched out on its side in a relaxed and
streamlined position, as horizontal as possible.
ti The head is cradled on its side in a position of maximum
buoyancy. The head and upper body may twist toward the

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-11

Chapter 9

Leg Action. Recovery in the leg action is as follows :

3 ,/ Start the kick by bending at the hips and knees with the legs
�3 �- and feet together.
, ,/ Recover the legs together, and keep them in front of the
trunk to reduce resistance. Some leg separation may be
necessary to avoid kicking victims.
,/ Extend the top leg forward with the ankle flexed (toes drawn
up toward the shin) until the legs are straight.
,/ Extend the bottom leg backward with the toes pointed.

The key points in the drive are as follows:

,/ Drive the legs backward. Water pressure is felt against the
sole of the top foot and the upper surface of the bottom foot.
,/ The legs are held together for a short pause in a streamlined
position. The toes are pointed.

Breathing. Inhale during the recovery, and exhale during the


Inverted Scissor Kick

Inverted scissor kick may also be preferable for lifesavers with
knee problems. It has fewer limitations than scissor kick, but
more than eggbeater or whip kick. As in scissor kick,
propulsion is not continuous, and the kick creates a lot of
frontal resistance in its recovery phase. The kick is therefore not
very useful for vertical support or for the transporting of
victims with spinal injuries . Unlike scissor kick, the inverted
kick can be used with most carries because the top leg recovers
backward. This makes it less likely that victims will be kicked.

Technique is as follows :
Body and Head Position.
,/ The trunk is stretched out on its back. The hips are turned so

�-- =� that the legs are on their side. The body is in a streamlined
position, as horizontal as possible.
,/ The back of the head is cradled by the water in a position of
maximum buoyancy.

Leg Action. Recovery in the leg action is as follows :

,/ Start the kick by bending at the hips and knees with the legs
and feet together.
,/ Recover the legs together, and keep them in front of the
trunk to reduce resistance. Keep the shins parallel to the
,/ Extend the top leg backward, with the toes pointed.
,/ Extend the bottom leg forward with the ankle flexed (toes
drawn up toward the shin) until the legs are straight.

9-12 Lifesaving Society �

Rescue S trokes and Skills

Technique for the drive is as follows:

./ Drive the legs backward. Water pressure is felt against the
sole of the bottom foot and the upper surface of the top foot.
./ Kick continuously, trying not to pause.

Breathing. Inhale during the recovery, and exhale during the


Sculling and Finning

Lifesavers use sculling and finning for movement and
support (for example, the ready position in rescues).

Body and Head Position

./ Lie on your back, with your arms relaxed at your
./ Cradle the head on the water in line with the body. Ready position

Sculling Arm Action

./ Hold the hands bent at about 45 °, with the palms always
facing opposite the line of travel and the elbows bent the way
they would be if your hands were on your hips.
./ Lift the little-finger sides of the hands to about 45 °. Sweep
the palms outward to a point where the elbows are almost
straight. The drive comes from the palms pushing the water.
./ Quickly tilt the hands so that the thumb sides are lifted to
about 45 °. D rive the hands inward to the body again .
./ Scull with the wrist and fingertips in the same plane- it
helps you stay in one place.
./ To travel, change the angle of the wrist:
• fingers up to travel head-first
• fingers down to travel feet-first.

Sculling, overhead view

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-13

Chapter 9

Finning Arm Action

Technique for the recovery is as follows:
.I The elbow flexes, and the hands are drawn along the body
to the waist.
.I Fingers first and just below the surface, the hands move
away from the body. They bring the forearm to about 90 ° to
the body, wrist extended and palms facing the feet.

The key points for the drive are as follows:

.I Without pausing, the elbows and wrists are vigorously
extended. The palm pushes through to the thigh .
.I A short glide precedes the next recovery.

• �
o •
its _.,,,,,-,�

Finning, side view

Surface Dives
When practising surface Surface dives enable rescuers to move quickly and efficiently
dives. you need to from the surface to the desired depth underwater. To start an
understa nd the dangers underwater swim for a search, victim recovery, or rescue
of hyperventilation. See approach, you need to be able to do surface dives.
page 17 of this chapter.
Foot-first Surface Dive
When you do not know the water or the area might have
underwater hazards, you should do a foot-first surface dive:
.I From a swimming position, raise the head and tuck the
knees toward the chest to stop forward motion and to rotate
into an upright position.
When you use this dive .I Press the arms vigorously downward to the thigh. At the
as a defence, do NOf same time, give a vigorous whip or scissor kick with the
ra ise the trunk out of
legs. These actions raise the trunk out of the water, which
the water before sub­
merg i ng . A victim could eases the descent phase.
easily g ra b you. .I At the highest point in the ascent, take a breath. The body is
streamlined, the arms at the sides, the legs straight and
together, and the feet pointed to the bottom .
.I You sink. When the head is below the surface, rotate the
hands so that the palms are turned out and up .
.I With the elbows bent, push vigorously up. Keep the legs
extended in a streamlined position. These actions aid the

9-14 Lifesaving Society

Rescue Strokes and Skills

,/ Various techniques can be used to get into the

underwater swim from a foot-first surface dive.

� -�
One way is to tuck the knees toward the chest
and extend the arms and head forward. Another
way is to arch the back during the descent and �
bend the legs at the knees. This produces a
levelling action at the desired depth, with the =
action depending on the amount of arch and knee
Head-first Surface Dive
You can do head-first surface dives using a pike or a lii
tuck position. Most surface dives are preceded by head-up
·-v_�__,.,;- ��

Using a Pike Position. Technique using

a pike position is as follows:
,I From a position of full extension
in the breaststroke or front crawl,
start the arm pull, take a breath,
and pull down into a pike posi­
tion. When swimming front crawl,
use a one-arm pull down to start.
,/ The head and shoulders are now
completely submerged. Hold the
legs extended and streamlined.
,/ Rotate the arms and wrists so that
the palms face downward. Pull
the arms vigorously down and
forward so that they extend to­
ward the bottom.
,/ The extended legs lift, partly because of the arm movement
and partly because of the work the abdominal muscles and
back do to extend the legs. The body is fully extended,
directed toward the bottom at about 15 ° from the vertical.
The legs are mainly above the surface.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-15

Chapter 9

.I The weight of the legs pushes you below the surface.

.I To level off underwater, raise the head and arms while
arching the back slightly. The underwater swim may now

Using a Tuck Position. Technique using a tuck position is as

.I The arm action is identical to that for dives from a pike
position (see above).
.I During the forward arm thrust, tuck the legs by drawing the
knees toward the chest. This action makes it easier to rotate
into the head-downward position.
.I Once the head and arms are streamlined, extend the hips,
knees, and ankles suddenly and straight up. This action

makes the body descend rapidly.

Safety in Surface Dive5

0 Use foot-first d ives i n u nknown water.
0 Use head -first d ives only in clea r. d eep water.
0 Dive with a pa rtner.

0 You r ears may h u rt whi l e descend ing. You can rel ieve the pai n by
closing you r mouth, holding your nose. a nd gently blowi ng.
0 If you r ea rs sti l l h u rt, return to th e surface, a nd do not keep d iving .

0 Ascend sl owly. Fol l ow your bubbles to the surface.
0 DON'T HOLD YOU R BREATH ! Exhal e slowly whi l e ascend ing.
0 Rotate through 360 ° when sea rc h i ng i n unknown water - it helps
you see haza rds more effectively.
0 Extend an a rm above your head, a nd l ook up!

I n the dolphin kick. the Underwater Swimmin g

l eg s move together, To perform underwater searches or recover victims underwater,
with the knees a nd h ips you need to be able to swim well underwater. One of the most
fl exing a nd then extend­ efficient techniques for such swimming is a modified breast­
ing i n the d rive phase. stroke. An alternating whip kick and dolphin kick is also very
The l eg action is slow propulsive.
and relaxed.
Body Position
.I Start in a position of full extension, with the arms stretched
in front of and below the head.

Ann Action
Drive. Drive in the arm action is as follows:
.I Flex the wrists and elbows as the arms are pulled backward
and upward. When the arms pass a 90 ° angle to the trunk,
draw the elbows in to the sides.

9-16 Lifesaving Society �

Rescue Strokes and Skills

,/ The wrists are hyperextended and the elbows extended

as the arms push through to the thigh. Throughout this
pull, the palms are nearly vertical and face backward.
At the end of the pull, the hands are streamlined at the
thighs, with the palms facing upward.
,/ If the water is not clear, one arm should be extended
and held at the side of the head. This will protect the
head and face from injury and assist in victim search.

Recovery. Technique is as follows:

,I Draw the hands forward under the body. Keep the
forearms in line with the hands as the arms fully
extend again in front of and below the head.

Leg Action
,/ Use a whip, scissor, or flutter kick.

,/ If using a whip or scissor kick, hold the body �--
streamlined following the arm pull.
,I Recover the legs as the arms recover. �- -� .
c__..._ • • • .,_ •
,/ Drive with the legs as you bring the arms to full
,/ Drive with the arms right after finishing the kick. While the
arm pull is occurring, do a vigorous dolphin kick.
,I A pause or glide can be very effective if you have a powerful
whip kick.

To control depth, you may

,I raise or lower your head
,/ arch or flex at the waist
,I push downward at the start of the arm pull
,/ pull upward at the end of the drive phase of the arm action.
Whe n practising u nderwater swims, m a ny people wa nt to increase the ti m e they can stay submerg ed
a nd the dista nces they ca n swi m . They often try ta k i ng a series of deep breaths i n wh ich they qu ickly
i n ha le a nd exha l e fu l ly. This overbreathing is ca l led hyperventilation, a nd it is da ngerous.

Hyperventi lation does not increase the OxYgen l evel i n the body m u ch, a nd so it does not provide a ny
adva nta g e to the swi m m e r. It does, however, g reatly decrease the l evel of ca rbon dioxide i n the body.
Th is is dang erous, because the carbon-d ioxide l evel ca uses the bra i n to sig n a l the body to breathe.

Whe n overbreath i ng is fol l owed by exercise, oxyg en is used u p, a n d the ca rbon-dioxide l evel is slow to
rise. The oxyg en l evel may d rop so fa r that the swi m m er l oses consciousness before fee l i ng the need to
ta ke a b reath .

The swi m m er's l oss of consc iou sness may be hard to d etect, as he or she may swi m for a few seconds
afterwa rd . Or the swi m m e r may s u rface when cl ose to l os i ng consciou sness - but lack the stre ngth to
l ift the head to b reathe.

Know the dangers of hyperventilation, and avoid it!

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 9-1 7

Chapter 9

9.4 Want to Know More?

Paul, Marianne. Instructor Notes. Ottawa: Royal Life Saving
Society Canada, 1987.
This manual is for Lifesaving Instructors and Examiners. It
covers principles of learning, teaching, and evaluating
lifesaving knowledge, skill, rescue, and fitness.

Swimming/ Natation Canada. Coaching Young Swi.mmers.

Gloucester: Swimming / Natation Canada, 1990.
This manual is designed mainly for coaches of swimmers
12 and under, and it focuses on the technical aspects of
competitive swimming. There are 19 chapters, with 6 on
strokes, starts, and turns. Each of these technical chapters
includes a teaching progression and charts on error
detection and correction.

Swimming / Natation Canada. The Essa Swim Canada Instructor

Manual. Gloucester: Swimming / Natation Canada, 1982.
This manual is for instructors in Esso Swim Canada's skill­
development program. The manual describes how to teach
and evaluate the basic skills of modern competitive

9-18 Lifesaving Socie ty �

Chapter 10
Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

10.1 Introduction
Thousands of articles and books have been written about
physical fitness. Researchers have found that fitness reduces the
risk of many diseases, helps people feel better and work more
effectively, and increases people's overall sense of well-being.

But why is physical fitness important to you as

a lifesaver? Because you need fitness in rescues.
It plays a major role in how effectively you
perform physical skills in a rescue. It also
helps you make the most of your mental skills.
For example, your fitness strongly affects how
well you make judgments, reach decisions,
and deal with stress in a rescue. Performing
positively as a lifesaver thus requires both the
"physical" and "mental" sides of fitness.

This chapter provides an overview of physical fitness. It stresses

the role of fitness in lifesaving, and it presents tips on how to
develop and maintain fitness. This information should help you
make any needed adjustments in your fitness training. The
following aspects of fitness are covered:
0 the benefits of physical fitness
0 the components of physical fitness
0 evaluating, developing, and maintaining physical fitness.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 10-1

Chapter 1 0

10.2 Benefits of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is the ability to do what
you want or need to do without getting Physical fitness is about
too tired. For instance, you can play a lot more than bei ng
basketball or run for a bus without strong or thin. And
feeling exhausted. You can lifeguard fitness isn't something
after classes and feel energetic while on you ha ve - it's a
duty. You can even stay up later than process, or something
you should to study - and feel fresh you do.
and alert the next day. In a word, being
physically fit makes things easier.

As the introduction to this chapter pointed out, fitness has both

physical and mental benefits. Here are just some of the physical
,/ better performance of physical skills
,/ lower risk of muscle injury
,/ faster and better healing from injuries that do occur
,/ improved blood circulation
,/ improved cardiovascular ("heart and lung") fitness, including
lower risk of heart attack or stroke
,/ better body composition (see page 10-3)
,/ decreased risk of osteoporosis (thinning of bones).

The mental benefits include

Phy6ical Activity. Exerci6e, and Active
,/ better mental functioning
,/ better self-concept and higher self-esteem
Physica l fitness is related to some terms you've
probably hea rd many times: physica l activity, ,/ less anxiety and depression
exercise, a nd active l iving. But how is it d if­ ,/ greater capacity to cope with stress.
ferent from them'?
10.3 Components of Physical
Physica l activity refers to a l l the movements Fitness
you m a ke i n your da i ly activities. Recreational
activities are pa rt of physica l activity, and so When experts talk about physical fitness, they
are work-re lated activities. Even sleep is a
physical activity!
divide it into five components. Each of these
components plays an important role in
Exercise is part of physical a ctivity, but it isn't lifesaving:
the same as physical activity. Exercise is 0 body composition
physical activity that is planned, structured, 0 flexibility
and repetitive - swim m ing three times a week, 0 muscular strength
for exa m pl e. Exercise a l so has a purpose: 0 muscular endurance
i m proving or maintaining physical fitness. 0 aerobic fitness.
Active living is an approach to physica l activity. The rest of this section defines the five
Active l iving means making physical activity components of fitness. Section 10.4 then
part of your life. For insta nce, wa l ki ng to school
describes how to evaluate, develop, and
instead of ta king the bus is active l iving, a nd so
maintain each component.
is taking the sta i rs instead of the elevator
when you go to an office build ing.

10-2 Lifesaving Society �

Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

Body Composition
Body composition refers to how your body is made up: for
example, the amount of fat compared with the amount of
muscle in your body or your height relative to your weight.
There are three basic body types:
0 ectomorphs- bodies with light frames, low percentage of
body fat, and long, thin, muscles
0 mesomorphs - bodies with medium frames, medium
percentage of body fat, and well-developed muscles
0 endomorphs - bodies with heavy frames, higher percentage
of body fat, and a higher capacity for good muscular

Everyone is born with a certain body type. Because of this, there

are aspects of our body composition we CANNOT control. But
we can all get the right balance of fat and muscle for our type.

The body mass index (BMI) is a widely accepted measure of this

balance. To find out what your BMI is, use the equation
BMI = body weight (in kilograms) + height2 (in metres). For
example, if you weigh 64 kilograms and are 1.7 metres tall, your
BMI is 22 (64 + l.?2 = 22).

For those aged 15 to 19, a BMI of less than 19 or more than 24 is

believed to represent a health risk. It is recommended that you
consult your physician or a nutritionist if your BMI is less than
19 or more than 24.

FlexibilihJ refers to your ability to move easily
within your normal range of motion. If you
have good flexibility, you can- if
necessary- move to the very end of this
range of motion without pain or injury.

Flexibility is specific to each joint in your

body. The flexibility of your muscles,
ligaments, and tendons determines the
amount of movement at each joint.
Back and leg flexibility are
needed for reaching assists
In lifesaving, you need flexibility in your back
and legs to do such things as foot-first surface
dives or dive entries.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 10-3

Chapter 1 0

Muscular Stre ngth

Muscular strength refers to the peak force produced by a parti­
cular muscle group in a one-time effort (single contraction). This
strength does not refer to overall body strength.

In lifesaving, you need muscular strength to do removals.

Muscular strength is needed for removals

Muscular Endurance
Muscular endurance refers to your muscles' ability to keep
producing force for a moderate amount of time.

In lifesaving, you need muscular endurance in head-up

approaches and endurance swims.
\ �

Muscular endurance is needed for approaches

Aerobic Fitness
Aerobic fitness refers to your body's ability to perform tasks for
an extended period of time. This kind of fitness is also called
cardiorespiraton; fitness or cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic fitness is
often described as the most important component of fitness.

10-4 Lifesaving Sodety �

Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

The greater your aerobic fitness, the longer you can work at a
given level of intensity.

In lifesaving, aerobic fitness is needed in underwater swims and

endurance swims.

10.4 Evaluating, Developing, and Maintaining

Physical Fitness
As a lifesaver, you need to develop and maintain all five
components of physical fitne_s s (see Section 10.3 for information
on the role each plays in lifesaving). The first step in this
process is to find out where you are now. In other words, you
need to evaluate the five components.

The chart on pages 10-8 and 10-9 shows how to do this for all
five components of fitness. Here are some tips on using this
,/ First, evaluate where you are on each component. If you feel
you need to take specific tests, consult a certified fitness
appraiser (see page 1 0-9). ---------------------..
Choo6e Activitie6 and Location6 You Enjoy
./ Before you start any new activity, ask
,I Do land or water a ctivities - or both!!
Yourself if there's any health reason
,/ If you l i ke to exercise alone, consider swi m m ing,
for you not to do it. If you have any wa l king, cycl i ng, or run n i ng . Or do exercises a"t
d oubts at all, you may want to con- home. perhaps with exercise videos. You m ig ht even
suit your doctor. do weig ht tra i n i ng at home .
./ Next, decide how to develop and ,/ If you l ike exercising with oth ers, fi nd c lasses, c l u bs,
maintain each component. When or teams that i nterest you .
you're making this decision, choose ,/ If you prefer team activity, how a bout tennis,
activities and locations you enjoy basketbal l , vol l eybal l , or water pol o?
- it'll keep you motivated. ./ Remem ber that there a re as m a ny ways to d evelop
,/ Start from where you are now. For fitness as there a re people. The possibil ities a re
example, use your current level of end l ess - just use your creativity!
participation as a base. This is much
better for your health than suddenly and dramatically
increasing your activity level. But it'll also motivate you,
because setting unrealistic goals can discourage you if you
don't reach them.
,/ Exercise at a moderate level of intensity. Make sure you can
pass the "talk test" - talk at your normal volume and pace,
without gasping - while you exercise. If you can't do this,
you could be working your heart and lungs too much.

,/ Increase your activity gradually - it reduces the risk of
injury, and it'll keep you motivated. 0
./ Watch out for signs you're doing too much. Feeling fatigue
' •
in your muscles is normal. But some muscle aches indicate
overtraining or potential injury . Any sharp pain in your
muscles or joints is a sign the activity isn't appropriate.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 10-5

Chapter 1 0

ti Vary the activities you do- it makes things more inter­

esting, keeps you more motivated, and increases the chances
of all-round development.
ti If you want to, keep track of your fitness progress- that
way, you can see your progress. A chart like that below is
just one of the ways you can record your progress on all five
components of fitness.
� ti Enjoy!!

Choose activities you enjoy

r My Personal Fitness Goals and Gains

My Goals My Goals My Goals My Goals
for for for for
( date) ( date) (date) (date)
of Fitness Goal Gains Goa l Gains Goal Gains Goa l Gains
\.. �

10-6 Lifesaving Society �

Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

Heart Rate and Training Zone

Taking your pulse (heart rate) tells you directly how hard your heart is working. During aerobic
exercise, your heart rate should be in the so-called training zone. Your heart rate should fall to its
resting rate within a few minutes of stopping exercising. Here is some basic information on
heart rates and training zones.
Taking Your Heart Rate
Taking your heart rate involves feeling your pulse and counting the number of beats. You can
take your pulse at the carotid or radial artery (see illustrations, page 6-5). To take your pulse at
the carotid artery,
,I put the thumb of one hand on your chin
,/ place the middle three fingers of the same hand on the side of the neck, just below and in
front of the jaw
,I press just hard enough to feel the pulse
,/ with the first beat counting as zero, count the number of beats in 10 seconds.
To take your pulse at the radial artery,
,/ place the middle three fingers of one hand along the edge of the wrist at the base of the
,I press just hard enough to feel the pulse
,I with the first beat counting as zero, count the number of beats in 10 seconds.
Being in Your Training Zone
,I Refer to the chart below to find the training zone. The training zone is the range your heart
rate needs to be in for you to benefit aerobically from physical activity.
,/ Find your pulse, and determine your heart rate (number of beats) for 10 seconds.
,I Look along the bottom axis, find your age, and locate your heart rate on the chart. Are you
within the training zone?
,/ If your heart rate is below this zone, you won't benefit enough from your training. And if
your heart rate is above this zone, you're probably working too hard.
Heart Rate Training Zone

A Word of Caution
I Lowe�Limit Up�Limit Age-Pndlcted �- Hurt Rate
The heart rates presented in the training-zone chart are guidelines. There are no absolutes in this
area, and many factors go into determining your training zone:
0 There is great individual variation in resting and exercise heart rates. Two equally fit people
can have different resting and exercise heart rates. By knowing and keeping track of your
heart rate, you can apply the chart to yourself.
0 Many factors can raise or lower your heart rate. For example, being tired or sick can affect it.
So can gaining weight or exercising in difficult weather conditions (heat and humidity, for
instance). Be sure to take this into account when you use the chart.
0 The chart refers to exercise on land. There is evidence that exercising in the water results in a
lower heart rate than exercising at the same intensity on land. Some research suggests this
difference in heart rates is about 10%. While this research is still inconclusive, you need to
account for the existence of this difference when using the chart for aquatic exercise.

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 10- 7

Chapter 1 0

r How to Develop and Maintain Physical Fitness

How to Evaluate How to Develop and Maintain
Component This Component This Component
Body Composition ,I Use the body mass ,I All physical activity can improve
[the amount of fat index equation, on page body composition.
compared with the 10-3. ,I A healthy diet, as outlined in
amount of muscle in Canada's Food Guide to Healthy
your body] Eating, can also improve this

Flexibility ,I To evaluate your general ,I Stretching will improve your

[the ability to move flexibility, do the long flexibility and decrease the risk of
easily within your sitting test. 1 It tests the injury. (See page 10-10 for
normal range of flexibility of the illustrations of stretching
motion] shoulders, back, thighs, exercises.)
and the backs of the ,I Stretch slowly and steadily, and
legs. hold each stretch for 5 to 10
,I For a more specific seconds.
evaluation, move an ,I DON'T bounce - it can cause
individual joint to the injuries.
end of its range of ,I Stretch each muscle group 3 to 5
motion, and feel the times before activity. For example,

volume and intensity of • do shoulder and gluteal
the muscle's resistance. stretches before removals
,I After working on your do back and leg stretches before

flexibility for a few dives, surface dives, or front-
weeks, see if you can roll entries
stretch farther. If you do arm and leg stretches before
can, your flexibility has endurance swims.

Muscular Strength ,I Using principles of safe ,I Practise safe movements in all

[the peak force lifting (see page 4-24), lifting (see page 4-24).
produced by a muscle do a maximal one-time ,I Do 3 to 5 repetitions at mild to
group in a one-time lift. Start with no moderate intensity. Rest enough
effort] weight, increase to a between repetitions that you can
low weight, and then do the activity again at the original
try a maximal weight. level of resistance. For instance,
,I You can also evaluate • lift a weight from the bottom of
muscular strength in the pool 3 to 5 times
the upper body. To do • do 3 to 5 removals
this, place weigh scales • tread water for 1 minute 3 to 5
on a counter or table times
(above the waist). Push • do 3 to 5 push-ups at the side
down on the scale with of the pool.
your hands, and read
the number. Note: Intensity is specific to the
individual, and it is affected by your
age, size, and skill level.

10-8 Lifesaving Society �

Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

/' "I
How to Develop and Maintain Physical Fitness (cont'd)
How to Evaluate How to Develop and Maintain
Component This Component This Component
Muscular Endurance .,/ Do as many repetitions .,/ Do 5 to 10 repetitions at mild to
[the ability to keep of an activity as you moderate intensity. Rest enough
producing force for a can in 1 to 2 minutes. between repetitions that you can
moderate amount of .,/ Push-ups, chin-ups, do the activity again at the original
time] and sit-ups can all be level of resistance. For instance,
used to test muscular • tread water for 1 minute 5 to 10
endurance, as can the times
number of pool-side • swim 5 lengths of the pool 5
pull-ups you can do in times
1 minute. • do 5 to 10 removals
• do 5 to 10 pull-ups from the
side of the pool.
Note: Intensity is specific to the
individual, and it is affected by your
age, size, and skill level.

Aerobic Fitness .,/ Take the Canadian .,/ To improve your aerobic fitness,
[the ability to perform Standardized Test of you need to do 15 to 20 minutes of
tasks for an extended Fitness (see page 10-11) exercise three times a week with
period of time] from a certified fitness your heart rate in its training zone
appraiser2 or other (see page 10-7).
fitness tests as recom- ./ Swimming, cycling, walking,
mended by your local running, and dancing are all
recreation centre. aerobic activities.
.,/ Step tests and treadmill
tests should be con-
ducted and admin-
istered by certified
fitness appraisers. �

1. For the long sitting test (see page 10-10), measure the number of centimetres between
the fingers and foot placement. A negative score is obtained if the fingertips do not
reach the foot placement, and a positive score is obtained if the fingertips reach beyond
the feet.
2. If you feel you need to take specific tests for any component, consult a certified fitness
appraiser. Local pools, recreation centres, YMCA-YWCAs, and many fitness centres
have such appraisers on staff.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 10-9

Chapter 1 0

Stretching Exercises

Stretching calf Stretching

and hamstring hamstring




Long Sitting Test

10-10 Lifesaving Society �

Physical Fitness and Lifesaving

10.5 Want to Know More?

Caspersen, C. J. , K. E. Powell, and G. M. Christenson. "Physical
Activity, Exercise and Physical Fitness," Public Health Reports
100:126-131, 1985.
This is an advanced article that reviews different definitions
and descriptions of physical fitness used in studies on fit­
ness. The authors are widely respected experts, and the
article is considered a classic.

Fitness and Amateur Sport Canada. Ca.nadian Standardized Test of

Fitness, third edition. Ottawa: Fitness and Amateur Sport, 1986.
Canadian Standardized Test of Fitness (CSTF) is a set of pro­
cedures that can be used to evaluate specific components of
fitness, including cardiovascular fitness. CSTF is designed
mainly for fitness appraisers, and its purpose is to provide
simple, safe, and practical procedures for evaluating fitness.

Nieman, David C. The Sports Medicine Fitness Course. Palo Alto,

California: Bull Publishing, 1986.
This is a comprehensive textbook (455 pages) covering
fitness principles and assessment techniques.

Ontario, Ministry of Health. Healthy Weights. Toronto: Ministry

of Health, 1991.
The purpose of this 14-page booklet is to help people set
and achieve weight goals that are realistic and healthy. The
booklet explains why strict diets don't work and describes
an outlook on eating and exercise that will help people
achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Included in the
booklet are weight guidelines, a summary of Canada's
Food Guide, and suggestions for getting on the right track
regarding eating habits.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual 1 0- 1 1

Appendix A
Stress Reactions to Rescues

Rescuers can have strong reactions to emergencies. These

reactions may be physical, mental, or emotional. When these
reactions interfere with the ability to function during or after the
emergency, they are referred to as critical incident stress

Many things can cause critical incident stress syndrome. Here

are just a few examples:
0 rescuing and treating a victim who was injured or died
0 knowing the victim or having the victim resemble someone
you know
0 being involved in an incident that got a lot of media attention
0 being involved in a threatening situation, such as one with
severe water or weather conditions
0 being involved in an incident when rescuers had to decide
which victims got priority for treatment.

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of acute critical

incident stress syndrome.

r Signs and Symptoms of Acute Critical Incident "I

Stress Syndrome
Physica l Menta l Emotiona l
0 Nausea, sweating, 0 Impaired 0 Anxiety, fear,
tremors thinking and guilt
0 Disorientation, decision making 0 Grief, depres-
loss of co-ordina- 0 Poor concentra- sion
tion tion, confusion, 0 Emotional
0 Increase in heart difficulty numbness
rate and blood performing 0 Feeling lost,
pressure simple mental abandoned,
0 Hyperventilation, tasks helpless
with chest pains 0 Difficulty with 0 Withdrawal
and headaches tasks involving from others
0 Muscle soreness the memory 0 Anger, resent-
0 Difficulty sleep- 0 Flashbacks ment, scape-
ing, fatigue goating
0 Feeling
\.. overwhelmed �

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l A - 1

Appendix A

Signs and symptoms of delayed critical incident stress syndrome

0 increasing feelings of depression, anxiety, and irritability
0 sleep disturbance
0 changes in eating habits
0 loss of emotional control
0 feelings of isolation
0 disturbances of the menstrual cycle
0 increased problems with interpersonal relations
0 disturbing memories
0 fear of repetition of the incident.

You need to be aware of the reactions associated with critical

incident stress syndrome. It is also important to deal with such
stress. Debriefing meetings, group discussions, team meetings,
peer counselling, and professional counselling are all useful
ways to cope with and relieve the stress reaction. Here are some
tips on what to do and what NOT to do after a critical incident.

r �
After a Critical Incident: Some Do's and Don'ts
Do Don 't
,/ Expect the incident to bother )( Deny your reactions, for
you example, by drinking or
,/ Follow a good diet taking drugs
,/ Exercise )( Withdraw from family,
,/ Take time for leisure activi­ friends, and co-workers
ties )( Automatically avoid work
,/ Remind yourself that your )( Use off-duty time for training
reactions are normal immediately after the
,/ Learn as much as you can incident
about critical incident stress )( Look for easy answers to
syndrome explain why the incident
,/ Spend time with family, happened
friends, and co-workers )( Think you're crazy
,/ Find someone you're com­ )( Have unrealistic expectations
fortable with, and share for recovery
your feelings about the
incident with him or her
,/ Realize that it can take
months or years to deal with
all aspects of an incident
'-,/ Get extra help if necessary

A -2 Lifesaving Society �
Appendix B
The Society's Policy Guidelines
on Rescue Breathing Practice

The Royal Life Saving Society Canada acknowledges its

responsibility to inform participants of possible cross­
contamination resulting from rescue breathing practice.

Medical evidence suggests that cross-contamination may result

from mouth-to-mouth, hand-to-mouth, hand-to-eye, or hand-to­
nose contact. Diseases that may be transmitted in this manner
include infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis A (infectious
hepatitis), hepatitis B (serum hepatitis), herpes simplex, the
common cold (rhinovirus), and tuberculosis.

There is no evidence that acquired immune deficiency

syndrome (AIDS) can be transmitted by mouth-to-mouth

The Society does not require direct contact with another person
in rescue breathing to achieve a Society award. Instructors and
Examiners should respect candidates' preference to
demonstrate rescue breathing with a partner of their choice
(with or without direct contact) or manikin or suitable device.

When a partner is selected, candidates demonstrate all steps in

rescue breathing (including airway management) up to the
point of contact. The evaluator should question the candidate to
ensure that he or she understands the reasons for, and methods
of, effectively sealing the mouth and nose and inflating the
victim's lungs.

When manikins are used, candidates demonstrate all the

procedures for rescue breathing including an effective seal of
the mouth or nose and ability to inflate the victim's lungs. To
minimize the risk of transferring an infection between par­
ticipants, minimize the number of individuals using the same
manikin. After each candidate uses it, the manikin should be
effectively cleaned according to acceptable medical procedures.
(For detailed cleaning instructions, see page 7-16.)

When a device is selected, it should allow the candidate to

demonstrate correct seal and inflation.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual B- 1

Appendix B

To minimize the risk of transferring an infection, individuals

with known transmittable diseases or with obvious infections
(e.g., colds, cold sores, coughs, or respiratory infections) should
not participate in rescue breathing practice.

B-2 Lifesaving Society �

Appendix C
Swimming Principles

To develop efficient strokes, you need to apply certain swim­
ming principles. These principles are about what happens in
0 flotation - what makes you float or sink
0 propulsion- what makes you move
0 resistance - what holds you back
0 levers- what helps you move loads.

This appendix describes each of the four principles and includes

experiments you can do to learn about these principles first­
hand. It also describes how to apply each principle i

Flotation Principles
The principle of flotation is about what makes you float or sink
in water. Flotation is affected by
0 water pressure
0 water displacement
0 density
0 specific gravity
0 body type
0 balance.

Water Pressure
Water exerts pressure equally in all directions on Try Thie;/ Water Pree;e;ure
anything submerged in it. This pressure increases To Bee how water exertB preBBu re that
with the depth of the water. While the water's increaBeB with depth,
pressure is equal on the sides of the body, water Q ta ke a n i nflated ba l l oo n to the
pressure under the body is greater than that above it, bottom of a pool or lake. What
because the bottom of the body is deeper. The result ha ppenB to it'?
is an upward force, called buoyancy or buoyant force. Cl try it aga in, but Burface Bl owly thiB
The larger a body is, the greater its buoyant force. ti m e . What h a ppenB to the ba l loon aB
"Effective" buoyancy occurs whenever the weight of you get c l oBer to th e Burface'?
a body in water is less than the weight of the water
it displaces.

� Th e Canadian Lifesaving Manual C-1

Appendix C

Try Thi!il Den5ity Water Displacement

Try Thi5l Water
Large bodies displace, or move, large
Float in the most relaxed Di!iplacement
position you ca n: amounts of water. The weight of the
Run a few inches of water
0 Try it with your l ungs displaced water seems to be "taken i n the bathtub. What
ful l of air. How wel l do away" from the weight of bodies in happens to the water
you float? water. Bodies float if the weight of level when you sit down i n
0 Blow a i r out slowly. water they displace is greater than t h e tub'? I s the effect
What happens? their own weight. d ifferent if you sit i n
d ifferent positions:
Many people sink when Density 0 with your leg s
they breathe out or l ift a A body's volume (or size) affects extended'?
l i m b out of the water. whether the body will float. The ratio 0 with your knees bent'?
This happens because
of a body's mass to its volume is called
they have increased their
its density. Density equals mass divided
density. Their mass has
stayed the sam e. but by volume:
they have lowered the
vol u m e of water they Density = Mass / Volume.
Objects with a high density, such as those made of metal, tend
to sink. Objects with a low density, such as cork or wood, tend
to float.

Specific Gravity
Buoyancy is often measured in terms of specific gravity. The
specific gravity of a body is its weight divided by the weight of
the water it displaces when completely submerged:

Specific gravity = Weight of body / Weight of water displaced.

Here are some facts about specific gravity:

0 A body will float in water if the water it displaces when
completely submerged weighs more than it does (specific
gravity is less than 1).
0 A body will sink in water if the water it displaces weighs less
than it does (specific gravity is greater than 1).
0 A submerged body will stay in the same position (neither
floating nor sinking) if the water it displaces weighs the same
as it does (specific gravity equals 1).

Body Type
The human body contains muscle, bone, and fat. The specific
gravity of muscle and bone is greater than 1. The specific
gravity of fat is less than 1 . This is how body type affects whether
you float:
0 People with a high percentage of body fat (endomorphs)
usually have a specific gravity less than 1. So they tend to
0 People with a low percentage of body fat and light bone
density (ectomorphs) usually have a specific gravity less than
1 . They tend to float.

C-2 Lifesaving Society �

Swim m ing Principles

0 People with heavy bone density or a high percentage of

muscle tissue (mesomorphs) usually have a specific gravity
greater than 1. They therefore tend to sink.

People keep their balance on land by Try Thi5/ Balance
maintaining support under their centre T ry fl oati ng in d ifferent positions without moving:
of gravity. This is the point in the body 0 T ry to float on you r ba ck with you r a rm s at you r
around which its mass is evenly sides. Ca n you h o l d you r position without sinki ng'?
balanced. When the body isn't sup­ 0 T ry floati ng on you r back with you r a rms extended
ported at this point, the body moves i n the water a bove your head . )s it ea sier o r
ha rder'?
until the centre of gravity is as low as
0 Try fl oating vertical ly, with o n ly you r face out of the
possible. For example, if you lean over
water. Does you r body stay sta bl e, or do you " l ose
too far, you'll fall to the ground! you r ba l ance"'?
0 What other positions can you fl oat in without
Swimmers must also keep their balance m ovi ng'?
in water. They can do this by keeping
their centre of gravity directly below
their centre of buoyanetJ (which is near
the lungs).

Applying Flotation Principles

To apply flotation principles in swimming,
./ keep as much of your body as possible in the water
./ control your breathing- keep the lungs full to float, and
breathe out to descend
./ keep your muscles as relaxed as possible (don't tense up).

Propulsion Principles
The force that pushes you through the water is called propulsion.
Propulsion is affected by several aspects of motion:
0 inertia
0 acceleration
0 action and reaction.

Try Thiel Inertia
The principle of inertia says that
0 Swi m a poo l - l ength of breaststroke. How m a ny
0 bodies at rest tend to stay at rest until strokes did it ta ke'?
acted upon by an outside force 0 Swi m the same d i stance aga i n, but let you r body
0 bodies in motion tend to stay in come to a complete stop between strokes. Did it
motion until acted upon by an ta ke more or fewer strokes to cover the same
outside force. d istance'?

When you want to start swimming from

a stationary position, you have to pro­
vide the force to overcome inertia. Once
you're moving, water provides the force
to stop you.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual C-3

Appendix C

Acceleration is an increase in speed. The principle of acceleration
says that when a force is applied to a body, the body's accele­
0 increases as the force does
0 is less for heavier bodies.

Try This! Acceleration A force can make a body accelerate if it is

CJ Swim a length of the pool on your ba ck, using applied in the same direction as the mass is
o n ly your legs a nd using a whip kick. moving. A force can make a body decelerate
CJ N ext d o 10 to 12 kicks where you bend the legs (decrease in speed) if it is applied in the
u p at the sa me speed as you extend them direction opposite the one the mass is
d own. What d i rection did you travel, com pared moving.
with your fi rst length?
CJ Then do the sam e n u m be r of kicks as a bove, In breaststroke, for example, the legs kick
b ut bend the legs d own slowly a nd extend hard rearward on the drive portion of the
them fast. Which d i rection d id you go this whip kick to get maximum forward
time? movement. On the recovery portion of the
kick, the legs move slowly to avoid pulling
the body backward.

Action and Reaction

Try This! Action and Reaction
The principle of action and reaction says that
Hold a pencil between you r m iddle and ring fingers
so that it is perpendicular to you r fi ngers. Place
every action has an equal and opposite
the pencil so that th e sha rpened end points in reaction.
the same d i rection as the pa l m of you r hand.
In swimming, this means you have to push
Try scu l l ing on you r back, still holding the penci l . against water in the direction opposite your
First, t ry sc u l l ing with you r hands flat, para l lel to line of travel. For example, to go forward,
the water: you push water backward. Any movements
CJ Where does the sharp end of the penc i l point? that push water up, down, or to the side use
CJ Are you travel l i ng? If so, i n which d i rection? energy without helping to move you f01ward.
N ext, sc u l l with you r wrist bent so that you r On a foot-first surface dive, for example,
fi ng ers p o i n t stra ig ht u p:
you make your arms pull and your legs kick
CJ Where d oes the pencil point now?
CJ Are you travel l i ng? Wh ich di rection?
toward the bottom to make the trunk come
out of the water. Once the body submerges
N ext, sc u l l with you r wrist bent so that you r (because of the flotation principles discussed
fi ng ers poi nt stra ig ht down: above), you push your arms toward the
CJ Where is the pencil poi nting? surface. The result is that you are forced
CJ Are you trave l l i ng? Which d i rection? toward the bottom.

C-4 Lifesaving Society �

Swimm ing Principles

Applying Propulsion Principles

To increase the forces that make you move,
./ make propulsive actions as continuous as possible. Avoid
long glides on breaststroke and during lifesaving kicks. Use
continuous arm action on front crawl and back crawl.
./ do the drive phase of strokes vigorously and the recovery
phase slowly.
./ apply forces in the direction opposite the one you want to go .
./ don't apply forces in other directions.
./ use the largest areas possible in propulsive actions. For
instance, hold the palm of the hand flat, not cupped, during
front and back crawl.
./ use S-shaped pulls to pull "still" water. Water that isn't
moving provides a stronger reaction to pulls and kicks than
moving water. Use straight-line actions to pull against water
that is already moving.
./ pitch the hands at an angle of 30 ° to 45 °
to your path through the water. Besides
giving good propulsion, this action gives
some "lift," much as sculling does.

Resistance Principles
The force that holds you back in the water
is called resistance. This is caused by
water's density. While you can use Try This! Resistance
resistance positively to move forward Get a fl utterboa rd or PFD, a nd swi m some lengths of
(action and reaction), negative resistance fl utter kick or whip kick with it i n d ifferent positions:
can force you to work harder. Cl Hold the fl utterboard or P F D l i ke a portrait,
perpend icular to the water. with a bout 20
centi m etres of it submerg ed .
The main types of resistance are Cl H o l d the fl utterboard o r P F D l i ke a la ndsca pe.
0 frontal resistance again perpendicular to the water, with a bout 20
0 eddy resistance. centi m etres submerg ed .

Fronta l Resistance Try both o f th e a bove positions aga in, but th is ti m e

Frontal resistance is created by water t ry them with th e fl utterboa rd o r P F D a l m ost pa ra l l e l
"piling up" in front of you when you are t o t h e water:
swimming, the way snow piles up in Cl In which position was it hardest to swi m with the
front of a shovel or snowplough. Any a id'?
part of the body that faces forward can Cl In which position was it ea siest'?
create this resistance. The greater the Cl I n which position was the bigg est surface a rea of
the aid pushing aga i n st th e wate r'?
body area exposed to the flow, the
Cl I n which position was the l ea st surfa ce area
greater the resistance.
push ing aga i n st the water'?

Eddy Resistance
As a body moves through water, water flows around the body.
The result is eddy resistance, or drag. Eddy resistance increases
when you fishtail- move too much from side to side- rather
than travel in a straight line. Streamlining the body reduces the
effect of eddy drag.

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manua l C-5

Appendix C

Applying Resistance Principles

To lessen the effects of resistance,
./ streamline your body. Make sure the submerged
surface area facing the line of travel is as small
as possible. For example, in front and back
crawl, roll to both sides. Since the top shoulder
is out of the water, this action reduces the
resistance caused by the shoulders facing the
line of travel.


Ii) •
Good streamlining
streamlining ./ use a body position as close to the horizontal as
possible. (Some adjustments will be needed for
whip kick.)
./ don't submerge the head completely. Instead, let
the water support it .
./ travel in a straight line. (Keeping your eyes open
Cradling the head will help you travel in a straight line.) Make
sure you apply force in the right direction
(opposite the line of travel). In addition, travel at
constant speed throughout the distance being

Straight-line travel
./ minimize the force of movements that oppose
forward motion. For example, recover the legs
slowly on the whip kick and drive them quickly
and hard.

Minimizing forces

C-6 Lifesaving Society �
Swimm ing Principles

Lever Principles Try Thie;! Levere;

Levers help you move loads that would Stand with your hands on the top of the ba ck of a
otherwise be too heavy for you to move chair:
by yourself. Tools such as crowbars, Q Keeping your arms perfectly straight. lift the
corkscrews, and bottle openers are levers. chair.
Body parts are also levers. Q T ry lifting the chair again. but bend your elbows
this time.
Levers rotate around a point called a Q Which time was the load (chair) closer to the
fulcrum. A force is applied at one point of ful crum (your shoulder)'?
Q Whi ch time was it easier to lift the chair'?
the lever, turning around the fulcrum to
move the load.

Levers help you most when the load is as close

to the fulcrum as possible. You can increase
the efficiency of the drive phase of most arm
actions by keeping the load (where the fingers
and arms feel or push against the water) close
to the main fulcrum (the shoulder) and close to
the body's centre line.

Applying Lever Principles

To apply lever principles in swimming, use
bent-arm pulls on front and back crawl. For
instance, in front crawl, use a bent-arm pull
during the drive phase.

Bent-arm pull

Efficient (left) and inefficient (right)

arm action

� The Canadian Lifesaving Manual C- 7


A approaches BMI see body mass index (BMI)

ABCs see airway; breathing; drowning victim 4-19 boat
circulation spinal injury victim 5-14 capsized 3-4
abdominal thrusts 7-7 arm block see defences for rescue 4-7, 4-8
absorption poisoning 8-20 arms boating
active living 10-2 as assists 4-14 regulations 4-7
aerobic fitness as defence 5-3 required equipment 2-3
evaluating, developing, in floating positions 3-7 safety tips 2-3 to 2-4
maintaining 10-8 to 10-9 in treading water 3-6 self-rescue 3-4
of lifesavers 10-4 to 10-5 aspiration, signs and treatment body composition
age, see also children 8-4 evaluating, developing,
cold water safety 2-6 assessment maintaining 10-8 to 10-9
drowning 1-2, 1-4 first aid of lifesavers 10-3
hot water safety 2-6 primary 6-3 to 6-4 body mass index (BMI) 10-3
AIDS see disease control second ary 6-5 to 6-6 breaststroke
air embolism rescues 4-2 head-up 4-19, 9-9
preventing 5-10 self-rescues 3-2, 3-12 how to do 9-7 to 9-8
signs and treatment 8-28 assistive carries 4-20 to 4-22 to approach victim 4-19, 9-9
air mattresses 2-5 assists breathing, see also rescue breathing
airway carrying 4-19 assessing 7-3
adults 7-2 choosing 4-12 to 4-13 first aid priority 7-1, 7-2
aspiration 8-4 defined 4-12 how it works 7-4 to 7-5
children 7-3 in ice rescues 5-1 1 problems 6-5, 8-3 to 8-6
defined 7-4 in water rescues 4-13 to 4-15 pursed-lip 8-4
drowning victims 7-3 asthma, signs and treatment 8-4 to spinal injury victims 5-19
first aid priority 7-1, 7-2 8-5 bronchitis 8-5
spinal injury victims 5-18 automobile see vehicle bruising
airway obstruction avoidance, when to use 5-2 signs and treatment 8-24
causes 7-9, 8-3 buddy system 1-4, 2-2, 2-4
complete B buoyant objects, as assists 4-12,
victim conscious 7-6 to 7-7 back crawl 4-15, 4-19
victim goes unconscious 7-8 how to do 9-5 to 9-6 bums
victim unconscious 7-9 when to use 9-6 chemical 8-15
from vomit 7-9 back-sit skin-diving entry 5-9 electrical 8-17
partial 7-6 bandaging 8-9 first-degree 8-15 to 8-16
alcohol bathtubs second-degree 8-16
drowning risk factor 1-4, 2-3 drownings 1-3 sunburn 8-15 to 8-16, 8-23
and heat/ cold disorders 8-22 safety tips 2-6 to 2-7 third-degree 8-16 to 8-17
and skin-diving 5-10 bites, signs and treatment 8-14 bystanders
allergic reactions, signs and bleeding during rescue of others 4-2, 4-4,
treatment 8-3 external, signs and treatment 4-24
anaphylaxis, signs and treatment 8- 8-8 to 8-9 during self-rescue 3-12
3 internal, signs and treatment first aid helpers 6-3
angina, signs and treatment 8-6 8-10 in rescue team 5-12
angled float 3-7 blood rescue breathing helpers 7-12
animal hazards 4-1 1 circulation 7-5
and rescuer safety 6-6

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual I- 1


C cold water diving

dangers 1-4, 2-6, 3-4 from surface 9-14 to 9-16
Canadian rollover and
defined 2-6, 3-8, 8-24 safety tips 2-4
immobilization technique 5-15
self-rescue from 3-4, 3-5, 3-8 to to enter rescue area 4-17 to 4-1 8
3-9 diving injuries 1-5
capsized 3-4
collapsed lungs 8-5 dolphin kicks, how to do 5-9, 9-16
for rescue 4-8
coma, diabetic 8-18 double-chin carry 4-23
cardiac arrest, signs and treatment
compound fractures, signs and drag, one-rescuer 4-26-
treatment 8-26 drowning
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
consciousness levels 6-3 contributing factors 1-3 to 1 -5
contact poisoning 8-20 during recreation 1-3
control carries 4-20, 4-22 to 4-23 in bathtubs 1 -3
one rescuer 7-13, 7-1 7
CPR see cardiopulmonary peak times 1 -3
two rescuers 7-15
resuscitation (CPR) references 1-9
cradle lift 4-26 research 1 -2
one rescuer 7-14 to 7-15
cramps signs and treatment 8-1 9
two rescuers 7-15
heat where they happen 1-4
defined 7-12
signs 8-21 drowning prevention
and disease control 7-16
treatment 8-22 alcohol 2-3
infants, one rescuer 7-14 to 7-15
muscular boating 2-3 to 2-4
pregnant woman 7-14
signs 8-21, 8-27 children 2-4
references 7-1 8 to 7-19
treatment 8-22, 8-27 cold water 2-6
cardiovascular fitness see aerobic
crawl see back crawl; front crawl drugs 2-3
critical incident stress see Appendix importance 2-1
assistive 4-20 to 4-22
A lifejackets 2-3
cross-chest carry 4-23 references 2-7
choosing 4-23 to 4-24
currents swimming 2-2 to 2-3, 2-4
control 4-20, 4-22 to 4-23
checking for 2-5 warm water 2-6 to 2-7
carry rescue
self-rescue from 3-6, 3-10 water hazards 2-4 to 2-5
defined 4-5
types 3-10 to 3-1 1 drowning victims, profiles 1-4
when and how 4-9
CVA see cerebrovascular accident dmgs
cerebrovascular accident, signs and
drowning risk factor 2-3
treatment 8-7 to 8-8
charley horses, signs and treatment D helping victims with 8-4
and skin-diving 5-10
8-27 dams, hydraulic currents 3-1 1
ducking away see defences
chemical burns 8-15 deaths by drowning 1-2 to 1-3
chest wounds, signs and treatment debris hazards 4-1 1
8-13 decompression sickness E
children, see also age preventing 5-10 eggbeater kicks, how to do
airway 5-1 9 signs and treatment 8-29 9-9 to 9-10
airway obstruction 7-6 deep water elbow carry 4-21
as rescuers 1 -2, 1-5 entries into 4-1 6 elderly see age
bathtub safety 2-4 rescue breathing in 5-23, 7-11 electrical burns 8-1 7
cold water rescue 3-9 searches in 5-5 to 5-6 electrical wire hazards 4-11
CPR 7-14 to 7-15 self-rescue from 3-4 embedded objects
lifejackets 2-2 to 2-3 and spinal injury victims 5-1 7 signs 8-13
rescue breathing 7-10 to 7-1 1 defences treatment 8-9, 8-14
supervising 2-4, 2-5 arm block 5-3 Emergency Medical System (EMS)
water intoxication 8-19 to 8-20 ducking away 5-3 defined 3-2
chlorine gas leak 8-21 foot block 5-3 for first aid 6-2, 6-3, 6-4
choking see airway obstruction diabetic coma, .signs and treatment for spinal injury 5-1 3
circulation 8-18 lifesaving priority 7-2
first aid priority 7-1, 7-2 disease control rescue of others 4-2, 4-28
how it works 7-5 CPR 7-16 self-rescue 3-2
spinal injury victims 5-19 first aid 6-6 when to report to 3-3
clothes carry 4-21 rescue breathing see Appendix B emphysema 8-5
clothing dislocations, signs and treatment EMS see Emergency Medical System
as assists 4-13, 4-14, 4-19 8-27 (EMS)
in self-rescue 3-5, 3-8 displaced fractures 8-25 endurance, of lifesavers 10-4, 10-8 to
of rescuer 4-19 10-9

I-2 Lifes aving Society

In dex

entries for cold disorders 8--23 to 8-24 fractures

choosing 4-18 for diabetic coma 8--18 closed
compact jump 4-18 for dislocations 8--27 displaced 8-25
back-sit 5-9 to 5-10 for diving disorders 8--27 to 8--29 signs 8-25
head-up dive 4-1 7 for embedded objects 8--13 to treatment 8-26
modified compact jump 4-18 8--14 undisplaced 8--25
running 4-15 for eye injuries 8-14 to 8-15 open, signs and treatment 8--26
shallow dive 4-17 to 4-18 for fainting 8--20
skin-diving 5-9 to 5-10 for fractures 8--25 to 8--26 front crawl
slip-in 4-16 for head injuries 8-11 head-up 4-19, 9-4
stride jump 4-16 for heat disorders 8-21 to 8-23 how to do 9-2 to 9-4
wading 4-15 for insulin shock 8-17 to 8-18 to approach victim 4-19, 9-4
evaluation see follow-up for near-drownings 8-19 front float 3-7
examination for nosebleeds 8--10 frostbite, signs and treatment 8-23
head-to-toe 6-5 to 6-6 for seizures 8-18 to 8--19
illustration 6-7 for shock 8-2 G
exercise for spinal injuries 6-4, 7-3, 8--12 to garbage hazards 4-11
defined 1 0-2 8--13 gas leak 4-11, 8--21
heart rate 10-7 for sprains and strains 8-25 gender, drowning risk factor 1-3,
intensity 10-5 for water intoxication 8-19 to 1-4
stretching 10-10 8--20 groups, cold water 3-8 to 3-9
types 1 0-5 to 10-6 history-taking 6-4
eye injuries importance 6-1
signs 8--14 in rescue process 6-2 to 6-3 H
treatment 8--15 in self-rescue 3-12 hazards
eyes, victim assessment 6-5 to 6-6 references 6-9, 8--30 to 8--31 rescue environment 2--4 to 2-5,
wise use of 6-3 4-11, 6-3, 8--21
F first aid kits 6-8 head carry 4-22
head injuries, signs and treatment
face masks fitness
aerobic 10-4 to 10-5 8-1 1
rescue breathing 7-12 head-first surface dives
skin-diving 5-7 to 5-8 benefits of 10-2
components of 10-2 to 10-5 pike 9-15 to 9-16
fainting, signs and treatment 8--20 tuck 9-16
finning (rescue skill), how to do developing 10-5 to 10-6, 10-8 to
10-9 head-tilt/ chin-lift technique
9-13 to 9-14 how to do 7-2
fins, for skin-diving 5-8 to 5-9 evaluating 10-5 to 10-6
and heart rate 10-7 spinal injury victims 5-1 8 to 5-19
firefighter's carry 4-27 head-up breaststroke 9-9
first aid, see also victims, injured maintaining 10-5 to 10-6, 10-8 to
10-9 head-up front crawl 9-4
assessment of environment 6-3 heart attack, signs and treatment
assessment of victim of lifesavers 1-1, 10-1
references 10-1 1 8--6 to 8-7
illustration 6-7 heart rate, fitness 1 0-7
primary 6-3 to 6-4 flexibility
evaluating, developing, heat cramps
secondary 6-5 to 6-6 signs 8--21
defined 8--1 maintaining 10-8 to 10-9
lifesavers 10-3 treatment 8--22
for airway obstruction 7-6 to Heat Escape Lessening Position
7-9 floating, self-rescue 3-4, 3-6 to 3-7
flotation principles see Appendix C (HELP) 3-8 to 3-9
for airway problems 8--3 heat exhaustion, signs and
for bites 8-14 flutter kicks, how to do 5-8
flutterboards, as assists 4-12, 4-19 treatment 8--22
for bleeding heatstroke
external 8--8 to 8--10 follow-up
rescue of others 4-28 to 4-29 signs 8--22
internal 8--10 treatment 8--23
for breathing problems 8--3 to self-rescue 3-12
foot block see defences HELP skill 3-8 to 3-9
8-6 history-taking, first aid victim 6-4
for bruises 8--24 to 8-25 foot-first surface dives, how to do
9-14 to 9-15 horizontal float 3-7
for burns 8--15 to 8--17 horizontal roll 5-7
for chest wounds 8--13 foreign objects
signs 8--13 hot tubs
for circulation problems 8-6 dangers 2-6 to 2-7
to 8--8 treatment 8-9, 8--14
forward roll skin-diving entry 5-9 self-rescue from 3-9

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual I-3


Huddle Position 3-8 to 3-9 L M

hydraulic currents, defined 3-11
lakes, safety tips 2-5 M. G. Griffiths Certificate 1 -8
leadership, rescue team 5-12 M. G. Griffiths Plaque 1-8
dangers 9-17
legs medication see drugs
signs and treatment 8-5
as assists 4-14 missing persons
as defence 5-3 deep water 5-5 to 5-6
signs 8-1 7
in floating positions 3-7 shallow water 5-5
treatment 8-1 8
in treading water 3-6 swimming pool 5-6
letter of commendation 1-8 modified body carry 4-23
defined 2-6, 3-8
lever principles see Appendix C modified body rollover and
signs and treatment 8-24
lifeguards immobilization technique 5-1 7
importance 2-4, 2-5 modified whip kick 3-6
I responsibilities 4-3, 6-8 motionless float 3-4, 3-6 to 3-7
ice and spinal injury victims 5-20 to Mountbatten Medal 1-8
rescue of others 5-10 to 5-1 1 5-21 movement, and victim assessment
safety tips 2-6 lifejackets 6-6
self-rescue 3-9 as assists 4-12 moving water, self-rescue 3-10 to
IlS Federation see International Life for non-swimmers 3-4 3-11
Saving (ILS) Federation how to wear 2-2 to 2-3 muscle cramps
immobilization importance of 1-4 signs 8-21, 8-27
alternative techniques 5-21 in cold water 2-6 treatment 8-22, 8-27
fractures 8-26 and self-rescue 3-6 muscular endurance
spinal injury see rollover and lifesavers see also rescuers evaluating, developing,
immobilization fitness 1-1, 1 0--1 maintaining 10--8 to 10--9
incident reports responsibilities 4-3 of lifesavers 1 0-4
rescue of others 3-3 and spinal injury victims 5-20 to muscular strength
self-rescue 3-12 5-21 evaluating, developing,
infants lifesaving kicks maintaining 10--8 to 10--9
airway obstruction 7-7 to 7-8 eggbeater 9-9 to 9-10 of lifesavers 1 0-4
CPR 7-14 to 7-15 inverted scissor 9-12 to 9-13 myocardial infarction, signs and
rescue breathing 7-10 to 7-11 scissor 9-1 1 to 9-12 treatment 8-6 to 8-7
water intoxication 8-19 to 8-20 whip 9-1 0 to 9-1 1
infection, hot tubs 2-6 lifesaving priorities N
inflatable boats, for rescue 4-8 airway 7-2 to 7-3, 7-6 to 7-9 911 emergency number 3-3
inhalation poisoning 8-20 breathing 7-3, 7-1 0 to 7-12 non-swimmers, lifejackets 3-4
injection poisoning 8-20 circulation 7-3, 7-13 to 7-1 7 nosebleeds, signs and treatment
injuries see specific hjpes or body part references 7-18 to 7-19
8-1 0
insulin shock lifesaving skills
signs 8-17 avoidance 5-2
treatment 8-1 8 defences 5-2 to 5-3 0
International Life Saving (ILS) ice rescue 5-1 0 to 5-11 oceans, safety tips 2-5
Federation 1 -5 importance of 5-1 one-rescuer drag 4-26
and multiple victims 5-1 1 to over-one-shoulder carry 4-28

Jjumping, to enter rescue area 5-1 2

references 5-24
4-minute limit 7-10
releases 5-4 how body uses 7-4 to 7-5
compact jump 4-1 8
rescue breathing 5-23 how to administer 8-3
modified compact jump 4-1 8
stride jump 4-16 searches for missing persons 5-5
to 5-6 p
K skin-diving 5-7 to 5-1 0
and spinal injury victims 5-13 to
paddleboards, for rescue 4-8
pain, victim assessment 6-6
kayaks, for rescue 4-8 5-23 personal flotation devices (PFDs)
kickboards, as assists 4-12 and two or more rescuers 5-12 as assists 4-12
lifting victims see removals for non-swimmers 3-4

I-4 Lifesaving Society

In dex

how to wear 2-2 to 2-3

importance of 1-4
references 4-29
removals 4-24 to 4-28
in cold water 2-6 self see self-rescue for rescue 4-8
and self-rescue 3-6 skills needed 4-1 self-rescue from 3-5
PFDs see personal flotation devices talking 4-20 sailboats, for rescue 4-8
(PFDs) towing or carrying 4-20 to 4-24 sandbars, checking for 2-5
physical activity 10-2 types 4-5 scissor kicks
physical fitness see fitness rescue breathing, see also Appendix B how to do 9-11 to 9-12
pneumothorax 8-5 change-over 7-12 in front float 3-7
poison hazards 4-1 1 deep water 5-23, 7-11 inverted 9-12 to 9-13
poisoning defined 7-10 scuba-diving disorders 8-27 to
signs 8-20 mouth-to-mask 7-12 8-29
treatment 8-21 mouth-to-mouth 7-11 sculling (rescue skill), how to do
types 8-20 mouth-to-nose 7-11 9-13
ponds, safety tips 2-5 mouth-to-stoma 7-12 sculls, for rescue 4-8
pools shallow water 7-11 searches
safety tips 2-5 rescue cans, as assists 4-12 deep water 5-5 to 5-6
searches in 5-6 rescue commendation certificate 1- pools 5-6
powerboats, for rescue 4-8 8 shallow water 5-5
pregnancy, hot water safety 2-6 rescue tubes, as assists 4-12 seizures, tonic-clonic 8-18 to 8-19
pregnant victim, CPR 7-14 rescuers, see also lifesavers self-rescue
pressure 5-8, 5-10, 8-27 to 8-29 qualities of 1-1, 10-1 defined 3-1
propulsion principles see Appendix C safety of 6-6, 7-16 follow-up 3-12
pulse check 6-5, 7-3, 7-10 two or more 5-12 from cold water 3-8 to 3-9
purge valve, face mask 5-8 resistance principles see Appendix C from hot water 3-9
pursed-lip breathing 8-4 ·respiratory distress, signs and from moving water 3-10 to 3-11
treatment 8-5 to 8-6 from sailboard 3-5
R ring buoys, as assists 4-12 process 3-2 to 3-3
reach rescue rip currents references 3-13
defined 4-5 defined 3-10 skills 3-4 to 3-7
when and how 4-6 self-rescue from 3-10 seniors see age
reaching poles, as assists 4-12 risk factors sex, drowning risk factor 1-3, 1-4
ready position 4-19 in drownings 1-4 to 1-5 shallow water
releases of rescue 4-5 rescue breathing 7-11
principles 5-4 rivers searches 5-5
when to use 5-4 safety tips 2-5 shepherd's hooks 4-12
removals self-rescue from 3-1 1 shock
about 4-24 rocks, checking for 2-5 from lack of insulin 8-17 to 8-18
choosing 4-28 rollover and immobilization signs and treatment 8-2
cradle lift 4-26 Canadian technique 5-15 spinal injury victims 5-2
firefighter' s carry 4-27 modified technique 5-1 7 signalling for help, self-rescue 3-5
one-rescuer drag 4-26 vice grip technique 5-16 signs, defined 6-5
over-one-shoulder carry 4-28 when not to use 5-14 simple fractures
spinal injury victims 5-22 ropes, as assists 4-14 to 4-15 signs 8-25
two or more rescuers 4-25 row rescue treatment 8-26
underarm lift 4-24 to 4-25 defined 4-5 types 8-25
walk out 4-26 when and how 4-7 single-chin carry 4-22
rescue rowboats, for rescue 4-8 skin color, victim assessment 6-5
approaches 4-19 Royal Llfe Saving Society Canada skin temperature, victim assessment
assists 4-12 to 4-15 rums 1-6 6-5
checklist 4-10 awards 1-8 skin-diving
entries 4-15 to 4-18 consultation 1-6 to 1-7 disorders 8-27 to 8-29
follow-up 4-28 to 4-29, 8-19 getting involved in 1-7 to 1-8 entering water 5-9 to 5-10
hazards 4-11 partnerships 1-6 to 1 -7 face masks 5-7 to 5-8
ladder process 4-4 to 4-9 public education 1-2, 1-6 to 1-7 fins 5-8 to 5-9
lifeguards and lifesavers 4-3 purpose 1 -5 safety 5-10
process 3-2, 4-2 to 4-3, 6-2 to 6-3 research 1-2, 1-6 to 1-7 snorkels 5-8
reassessment 4-19 to 4-20 training programs 1-1, 1-6 slip-in entry, at rescue area 4-16
recognizing victim 4-3 to 4-4 values 1-6 slow eggbeater kick 3-6
running, to enter rescue area 4-15

The Canadian Lifesaving Manual I-5


snorkels 5-8 rescue strokes 9-2 to 9-9 victim priority 5-1 1, 6-3
snowmobiling on ice 1 -5, 2-6 rescuer's abilities 9-1 victims
spas self-rescue 3-4 to 3-5, 3-6 choking 7-6 to 7-7
dangers 2-6 to 2-7 skills 3-1 drowning
self-rescue from 3-9 underwater 9-16 to 9-1 7 airway management 7-3
spinal boards 5-19 to 5-21 swimming ability, and drown4lg approaching 4--9
spinal injuries 1 -3 getting their consent 4-4
signs 6-4, 7-3, 8-12 swimming pools multiple 5-11 to 5-12
treatment 5-1 8 to 5-19, 8-12 to safety tips 2-5 panicking 5-2
8--13 searches in 5-6 reassessing 4--9 to 4--10
spinal injury victims symptoms, defined 6-5 recognizing 4-3 to 4-4
ABCs 5-1 8 to 5-19 removing from water 4--24
approaching 5-14 T to 4--28
in deep water 5-1 7 unconscious 4-4
talk rescue
removals 5-22 with disabilities 5-14
defined 4--5
reporting to EMS 5-1 3 injured, see also first aid 4-4,
when and how 4-6
rollover and immobilization 4--16, 4--20, 5-13 to 5-23
5-14 to 5-1 7 changes in condition 6-3
to drowning victim 4-19, 4--20
shock 5-22 recognizing 6-2
to injured victim 6-4
stabilization 5-19 to 5-21 unconscious 6-3, 7-9
telephones, in emergencies 3-3
spittle, rescuer safety 6-6 vomit, rescuer safety 6-6
sprains, signs and treatment 8--25 vomiting, during or after rescue
as hazard 4--1 1
squeezes 7-9
of victim's skin 6-5

preventing 5-10 throw bags, as assists 4-12
signs and treatment 8--28 throw rescue
stabilization, spinal injury victims defined 4--5 wade rescue
5-19 to 5-21 when and how 4-6 defined 4--5
stings, signs and treatment 8--14 tonic-clonic seizures 8-1 8 to 8--1 9 when and how 4-7
strains, signs and treatment 8-25 torpedo buoys, as assists 4-12 wading, to enter rescue area 4--15
streams, safety tips 2-5 tow rescue walk out removal 4--26
strength, of lifesavers 1 0-4, 10-8 to defined 4--5 warm water
1 0-9 when and how 4-9 dangers 2-6 to 2-7
stress, see also Appendix A towels, as assists 4--14 self-rescue from 3-4
rescuer 4-11 towing water
victim 4--11 two or more victims 5-12 cold see cold water
stretching exercises 10-10 using back crawl 9-6 deep see deep water
stride jump, skin-diving entry using eggbeater kick 9-10 hot see warm water
5-10 when and how 4--20 moving, self-rescue 3-10 to 3-11
stroke, signs and treatment 8-7 to training programs 1-1 shallow see shallow water
training zone (heart rate) 10..7 warm see warm water
sun safety 8--23 treading water, self-rescue 3-4, 3-6 water hazards
sunburn tree branches, checking for 2-5 checking for 2-4, 2-5
risk factors 8--23

types 4--11
signs and treatment 8--15 fo 8--16 water intoxication
underarm carry 4--21 signs 8--1 9
by lifeguards 2-4
underarm lift 4--24 to 4--25 treatment 8-20
of children 2-4
undertows water safety
surface dives importance 2-1
foot-first 9-14 to 9-15 defined 3-10
self-rescue from 3-10 public education 1-6 to 1 -7
head-first 9-15 to 9-16 tips 2-2
safety 9-16 underwater swimming, how to do
9-16 to 9-1 7 water scooters, for rescue 4--8
swim rescue Water Smart see water safety
defined 4--5 undisplaced fractures 8--25
water toys, safety tips 2-5
when and how 4-8 waterfronts, safety tips 2-5
swimmers, distressed 4--3 to 4-4 V waterparks, safety tips 2-5
swimming, see also Appendix C vehicle, under ice 3-9 weeds, checking for 2-5
buddy system 1-4, 2-2, 2-4 vertical float 3-7 whip kicks, how to do 9-10 to 9-1 1
learning how 2-2 vertical tilt 5-7 wind, self-rescue 3-6
references 9-1 8 vice grip rollover and wrist carry 4-21
rescue skills 9-9 to 9-1 7 immobilization technique 5-1 6

I-6 Lifesaving Society

Publications of the Lifesaving Society are avai lable from any Branch office. Inquiries from outside Canada
should be directed to the N ational Office.

Alberta & Northwest Territories Branch Nova Scotia Branch

1 3 1 23 - 1 56 Street NW 5 5 1 6 Spring Garden Road, 4th Floor
Edmonton, Alberta TSV 1 V2 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1 G6
Telephone: (780) 41 5-1 755 Telephone: (902) 425-5450
Fax: (780) 427-9334 Fax: (902) 425-5606
E-mai l : E-mail:
Web site: www.l Web site: www. l

British Columbia & Yukon Branch Ontario Branch

1 1 2 - 3989 Henning Drive 400 Consumers Road
Burnaby, British Columbia VSC 6 N 5 Toronto, Ontario M2J 1 P8
Telephone: (604) 299-5450 Telephone: (41 6) 490-8844
Fax: (604) 299-5795 Fax: (41 6) 490-8766
E-mai l : E-ma i l : experts@l
Web site: www. Web site: www.
www. l
Manitoba Branch
1 00-383 Provencher Blvd. Prince Edward Island Branch
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2 H OG9 40 Enman Crescent
Telephone: (204) 956-2 1 24 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Cl E 1 E6
Fax: (204) 944-8546 Telephone: (902) 368-7757
E-mai l : Fax: (902) 368-1 593
Web site: www. l E-mai l : info@
Web site: www. l ifesavingsocietypei .ca
National Office
1 1 45 Hunt Club Road, Suite 001 Quebec Branch
Ottawa, Ontario Kl V 0Y3 4545 Pierre de Coubertin Avenue
Telephone: (61 3) 746-5694 Montreal, Quebec H l V 0B2
Fax: (61 3) 746-9929 Telephone: (51 4) 252-3 1 00 or 1 -800-265-3093
E-mai l : Fax: (51 4) 2 54-6232
Web site: www.lifesavi E-mail:
Web site:
New Brunswick Branch
70 Melissa Street Saskatchewan Branch
Fredericton, N ew B runswick E3A 6W1 2224 Smith Street
Telephone: (506) 455-5762 Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2 P4
Fax: (506) 450-7946 Telephone: (306) 780-92 55
E-mai l : i Fax: (306) 780-9498
Web site: www. l E-mail: l
Web site: www. l
Newfoundland & Labrador Branch
1 1 Austin Street
P.O. Box 8065, Station "A"
St. John's, Newfoundland A 1 B 3 M 9
Telephone: (709) 576-1 953
Fax: (709) 738-1 475
E-mai l : info@l ifesavingnl .ca
Web site: www.


The Lifeguarding Experts

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