IA - 2D Animation NC III v2
IA - 2D Animation NC III v2
IA - 2D Animation NC III v2
2D Animation NC III
Institutional Assessment
Prepared by:
Assessment Modules:
Trainee Prerequisites:
Subject Completed:
2D Animation
Sub Criteria
Each Assessment Criterion is divided into one or more Sub Criteria.
B 2 4 4 10
C 15 15
D 25 25
E 28 28
F 3 3 6 12
Total marks 23 32 45 100
With the provided documents, create an animatic following the sequence of events found in the
exposure sheet.
Provide key drawings of each action as indicated in the sheet.
Perform line testing to make sure all frames are aligned.
Export and save line test as a video format.
Organized files accordingly:
o All raw files stored in “Working files” folder.
o Submitted files stored in “Final” folder.
Technical Specification:
To be submitted:
Provided Materials/Equipment/Tools:
Personal computer:
o 2D animation software
o keyboard and mouse
o drawing tablet
o scanner / camera
Drawing tools and materials:
o Drawing paper
o Pencil and eraser
o Ruler
o Clip
Drawing equipment:
o Lightbox
o Drawing board
What is storyboarding?
Provide 3 principles of animation.
What is the importance of timing charts?
1. Key drawings
2. Model sheet
3. Animation
4. Proportions
5. In-between
Storyboarding is an essential step in animated video production that ensures a well-crafted and
coherent animated story. This step refers to creating a series of illustrations to lay out an animated
video’s composition of shots, flow, look and feel.
Principles of animation:
o Squash and stretch
o Anticipation
o Staging
o Straight ahead and pose-to-pose
o Follow through and overlapping actions
o Ease in, ease out
o Arcs
o Secondary action
o Timing
o Exaggeration
o Solid drawing
o Appeal
They are a nifty tool when it comes to timing characters’ and objects’ movements just right and
creating that lifelike look. This is done by drawing simple charts that indicate the timing of the
smaller, less noticeable movements that take place between key movements. With the help of
timing charts, animators can plan how fast or slow a movement takes place and get the timing just
right to make it look believable.
From the previous module, create a tradigital animation following the sequence of events found in
the exposure sheet and animatic.
Produce in-between and clean-up as needed for the production.
Perform onion skin to make sure all frames are aligned and continuous.
Export and save tradigital animation as a video format.
Organized files accordingly:
o All raw files stored in “Working files” folder.
o Submitted files stored in “Final” folder.
Technical Specification:
To be submitted:
Provided Materials/Equipment/Tools:
Personal computer:
o 2D animation software
o keyboard and mouse
o drawing tablet
What is an animatic?
What is the difference between straight ahead and pose-to-pose?
Explain the importance of layout for animation.
1. Breakdown
2. Exposure sheet
3. Onion skinning
4. Timeline
5. Frame rate
The animatic, also known as leica, comes directly from the storyboard. The animatic is the first
movie of a project and is used to help the animators and compositors. The storyboard is scanned in
and mounted with the sounds and dialogue.
Straight ahead action scenes involve animating each frame from beginning to end. With pose to
pose, animators start by drawing key frames, and they fill in the intervals later.
Layout is a fundamental step to effectively deliver and animate stories visually. It is the process that
involves many film disciplines and key references such as storyboards and animatics to find the best
way to position sets, characters, models, assets, and cameras in each shot and get everything ready
for animation.
Continuing from the previous module, create a cut-out animation following the sequence of events
found in the exposure sheet and animatic.
Create an asset library of all drawings used.
Produce in-between and clean-up as needed for the production.
Perform onion skin to make sure all frames are aligned and continuous.
Export and save cut-out animation as a video format.
Organized files accordingly:
o All raw files stored in “Working files” folder.
o Submitted files stored in “Final” folder.
Technical Specification:
To be submitted:
Provided Materials/Equipment/Tools:
Personal computer:
o 2D animation software
o keyboard and mouse
o drawing tablet
1. Library
2. Keyframe
3. Guidelines
4. References
5. Tween