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Beltran 2018 Diversidad

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Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

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Fungal diversity in the roots of four epiphytic orchids endemic to Southwest T

Mexico is related to the breadth of plant distribution
María de los Angeles Beltrán-Namboa, Miguel Martínez-Trujilloa, Juan Carlos Montero-Castrob,

Rafael Salgado-Garcigliac, Joel Tupac Otero-Ospinad, Yazmín Carreón-Abuda,
Genetic and Microbiology Laboratory, Biology Faculty, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Múgica s/n, Col. Felicitas del Río, C.P. 58060
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
Plants´ Molecular Systematics Laboratory, Biology Faculty, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Múgica s/n, Col. Felicitas del Río, C.P.
58060, Mexico
Vegetal Biotechnology Laboratory, Chemical-Biological Researchs Institute, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Múgica s/n, Col. Felicitas del
Río, C.P. 58060, Mexico
Biological Sciences Department, Agricultural Sciences Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira sede, Colombia


Keywords: Fungi associated with plant roots are important for different plant processes, including germination and de-
Nonmycorrhizal fungi velopment. In Mexico, the knowledge about fungal species that interact with orchid roots and their possible roles
Mycorrhizal fungi in plant success and dispersion in different geographical locations is still very limited. For this reason, this work
Shannon-Wiener index aimed to determine the community composition and diversity of fungi associated with orchid roots at seven sites
Beta diversity
in the Transversal Volcanic Belt region in Michoacán, México. The roots of four endemic orchid species were
Fungal diversity
analyzed: Laelia autumnalis, L. speciosa, Euchile citrina and P. squalida. In total, 71 isolates were obtained and
Mycorrhiza classified into 20 genera, including one mycorrhizal genus (Tulasnella) and 19 genera classified as basidiomy-
Endemic cetes and ascomycetes, such as Coprinus, Trichoderma and Xylaria. The diversity among different orchid species
and sampling sites was compared using the Chao 1, Shannon-Wiener and Whittaker indexes. In this work, species
such as L. autumnalis, L. speciosa and P. squalida were found in different sites and seemed to be more generalists
with regard to endophytes; they were typically associated with and found to be in symbiosis with species from
the orchid mycorrhizal genus Tulasnella. Other orchids seem to be more specific, such as E. citrina, which showed
the lowest diversity index and poor local distribution. This situation has been reported for species with a high
degree of endemism.

1. Introduction antagonistic relationships with other organisms to provide advantages

to plants and their potential as a source of bioactive compounds
A large number of fungi associated with the Orchidaceae family are (Bayman and Otero-Ospina, 2006; Khamchatra et al., 2016;
described in some reviews (Dearnaley et al., 2012; Liu, et al., 2010; Nontachaiyapoom et al., 2011).
Rasmussen and Rasmussen, 2007; Xiaoya et al., 2015). However, re- In other plant families, fungi from both groups (mycorrhizal and
search about fungal diversity in orchid roots is mainly focused on the nonmycorrhizal) present in the roots support water and nutrient ab-
fungi forming orchid mycorrhiza (OM), due to their primordial role in sorption, increase plant resistance to various stresses by releasing me-
seed germination and their contribution to plant development and tabolites, and stimulate germination and seedling development. For this
nutrition (Freudenstein and Chase, 2015; Rasmussen et al., 2015; reason, these organisms have a profound impact on the evolution,
Wright et al., 2011). Recently, it was reported that beneficial associa- ecology, health, structure and diversity of plant communities (Jiménez
tions with other endophytic fungi might also coexist (Herrera et al., et al., 2011; Mapperson et al., 2014; Otero-Ospina and Bayman, 2009;
2017), so interest in the nonmycorrhizal fungi of orchids has increased, Otero et al., 2011; Ye et al., 2014). Therefore, knowledge about the
due to their possible physiological functions, the synergistic or different fungi associated with orchid roots can provide a better

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo), (M. Martínez-Trujillo), (J.C. Montero-Castro), (R. Salgado-Garciglia), (J.T. Otero-Ospina),, (Y. Carreón-Abud).
Received 31 May 2018; Received in revised form 22 July 2018; Accepted 23 July 2018
Available online 24 July 2018
2452-2198/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo et al. Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

perspective on the interactions that occur in orchids’ natural habitats at risk category at this country (SEMARNAT, Secretaría del Medio
(Gamboa-Gaitán, 2006) and how these fungi can contribute to orchid Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, 2010). Because of this, it is important
survival and adaptation (Swarts and Dixon, 2009). to develop new strategies for orchid conservation. One of these con-
Some works have pointed out that the diversity of mycorrhizal and servation strategies is the use of fungal symbionts that could increase
nonmycorrhizal fungi in roots changes according to the orchid species germination rates and stimulate the orchids’ development and adaptive
and life cycle and that different patterns can be present. Some orchids capacity, because it was reported that some of the orchid distribution is
maintain an association with a single mycobiont, while others can ex- influenced by the disturbance degree of sites where they develop, the
pand their associations or can change symbionts during the transition species adaptability and their association with widely dispersed fungi,
from the juvenile to adult stage or during some environmental dis- among other factors (Beltrán-Nambo et al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2013).
turbance (Rasmussen et al., 2015). For this reason, it is considered that In this country, more than 40% of orchid species are endemic, and
the study of endophytes that can stimulate the development of the their mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal fungi associations have been
embryo and promote plant growth in combination with mycorrhizal poorly studied, although some works have emphasized that the abun-
fungi or on their own is a topic that remains little explored, although it dance, distribution and heterogeneity of symbiont fungi are important
is very promising (Teixeira et al., 2015). for orchid adaptation and distribution on a local scale (McCormick
One of the central challenges facing ecology and conservation et al., 2018). Therefore, this research aimed to compare the diversity of
biology is the identification of factors influencing the spatial distribu- fungi associated with the roots of four epiphytic orchid species endemic
tion and abundance of rare or endangered plant species (Waud et al., to Mexico with those of populations threatened due to their ornamental
2014). Additionally, little is known about the physiological role and and artisanal use: Laelia autumnalis (Lex.) Lindl., L. speciosa (Kunth)
degree of association or specificity of fungi in the roots of epiphytic Schltr, Euchile citrina (Lex.) Withner and Prosthechea squalida (La Llave
orchids compared with those of terrestrial species. However, most y Lex.) Soto Arenas and Salazar. Here, we also analyze whether the
orchids are epiphytic and tropical or subtropical (Ávila-Díaz et al., presence of a high fungal diversity (generalist association) is related to
2013). At a global scale, it is mentioned that mycorrhizal fungi are a wider orchid distribution or if a more efficient association with fewer
found less consistently, but they seem to be strongly associated with fungi (specific association) is a factor that allows greater adaptive
epiphytic orchids compared to their terrestrial counterparts (Bailarote success for orchids.
et al., 2012; McCormick et al., 2018). Furthermore, many of the fungi in
these plants are not mycorrhizal endophytes, and these make up a
largely overlooked component of fungal biodiversity within roots (Yuan 2. Materials and methods
et al., 2009).
In Mexico, the depletion of large areas of pine, oak and mesophilic 2.1. Plants and sample sites
mountain forests have caused the loss of entire orchid populations,
whose major diversity is found in this kind of ecosystem (Gual-Díaz and Sampling was performed in seven sites located in different muni-
Rendón-Correa, 2014). A significant proportion of orchid species are cipalities of the physiographic province called the Transversal Volcanic
mainly found in the Transversal Neovolcanic Belt mountain chain, and Belt in the state of Michoacán (Fig. 1). Sites were selected based on
they are threatened due to the conversion of native forests to orchards distribution records of the four selected species in the state (Instituto de
for the cultivation of avocado and other plants (CONABIO and SUMA, Ecología AC-INECOL) and field trips to select sites where plants popu-
2005), causing approximately 15% of the orchid species to be reported lations were located. The reference data for the sampling sites and the
orchid species found in each one are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 1. Sampling site locations. The locations of the seven collection sites and the limits of the regions (municipalities) in which they are located are shown. (Dark
green = physiographical province; pale green = municipalities; black circles = sampled sites) (Map elaborate using QGIS program V. 9) (QGIS Development Team,

M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo et al. Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

Table 1
Collection sites. Reference data for the different collection sites and orchid species analyzed in each of the sampling points. (Types of vegetation observed and
corroborated according to INEGI, 1985).
Collection sites Reference data (coordinates) Vegetation and altitude Orchid

# Municipality Nearby locality

1 001 Acuitzio Acuitzio N 19°29´36.35´´ Forest of pine- oak, cedar and oyamel. 2145 msnm. L. autumnalis
W 101°20´49.73´´

2 032 Erongaricuaro Oponguio N 19°38´42´´ Forest of oak 2114 msnm. L. autumnalis

W 101°39´43.9´´ L. speciosa

3 053 Morelia Cuanajillo N 19°38´34.18´´ Forest of oak 2200 msnm. L. speciosa

W 101°20´ 45.09´´

4 073 Quiroga Sta. Fe de la Laguna N 19°41´37.37´´ Forest of pine-oak and oak. 2281 msnm L. speciosa
W 101°33´45´´

5 100 Tzintzuntzan Cucuchucho N 19°36´18.4´´ Mixed forest of pine, oak and cedar, some nopal and copal. 2049 msnm L. autumnalis
W 101°37´18.62´´

6 016 Coeneo Carretera N 19°43´02.16´´ Forest of pine-oak. 2239 msnm L. autumnalis

W 101°37´45.53´´ P. squalida

7 111 Ziracuaretiro San Andrés Coru N 19°27´41.5´´ Mixed pine-oak forest, deciduous tropical forest ceiba, cedar, parota, tepeguaje. L. autumnalis
W 101°56´55.2´´ 1700 msnm. E citrina
P. squalida

The orchids Laelia speciosa and Euchile citrina are listed as species at mycorrhizal fungi, fungal coils and hyphae not forming pelotons were
risk by the Official Mexican Norm 059 (SEMARNAT, 2010) and as extracted by dissection, and the velamen and exodermis of selected root
priority species for conservation by the National Commission for fragments were removed under a stereoscopic microscope and laminar
Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO, 2012). In the case of L. flow hood (Rasmussen and Whigham, 2002). Sterilized distilled water
autumnalis and P. squalida, their current conservation status is un- drops containing coils or hyphae were dispersed in petri dishes con-
known. Orchids were located in different phorophytes or substrata, taining fungal isolation culture medium (FM) (Clements, 1988;
depending on the species, but mainly on oak (Quercus desertícola Trel., Mitchell, 1989). Then, samples were incubated at 26 °C under dark
Quercus sp. L.). In the case of L. autumnalis, in some areas, it was found conditions. For morphologic characterization and molecular determi-
growing on prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Linnaeus Miller), cedar nation of the fungal isolates, hyphae segments were cut and transferred
(Callitropsis lusitanica (Mill.) D.P. Little) and ash (Fraxinus sp. Tourn. Ex to Petri dishes with potato dextrose agar (PDA) culture medium and
L.), together with P. squalida, and in other sites growing on rocks. incubated at 26 °C for two or three days until hyphal growth was ob-
Samples were collected during the flowering season in the years served.
2014–2016. Their identity was confirmed by INECOL specialists from
photographs and/or flower collection (Fig. A1a–f, Supplementary ma-
terial). The taxonomic names given for the orchid species described in 2.3. Morphological characterization
this work are based on the accepted nomenclature of the Kew Royal
Garden, reported in "The Plant List" (2013), which was consulted The color of the surface colony in culture media was determined
electronically. after 15 days using Munsell (2000) soil color charts. Furthermore, other
A 100 m2 quadrant was established at each collection site and di- macroscopic characteristics of fungal culture were analyzed: brightness,
vided into 20 × 33 m areas. A single tree with plants of any of the texture, odor and growth mode (Pereira et al., 2005). Additionally,
chosen species was selected (Fig. A1g, Supplementary material), for a growth rates were determined using the Currah et al., (1987) and were
total of 15 trees sampled per site (when this was possible; not all orchid represented in average values based on three replicates per strain. After
species were present in all the sites). Subsequently, three to five roots of 30 days, the presence of sclerotia, ascospores, basidiospores or mon-
each orchid species were randomly chosen from each tree for a total of ilioid cells were analyzed, including their dimensions (Shan et al.,
63 roots analyzed from L. autumnalis, 75 from L. speciosa, 30 from P. 2002). Fixed preparations on slides were stained with trypan blue and/
squalida and 10 from E. citrina. The roots were properly labeled and or acid fuchsin to measure the length and width of monilioid cells and
transported to the laboratory under refrigeration. spores. A Leica microscope with an integrated camera (Z1000) and the
AMScope V. 3.7 software was used for both measurements. Enzymatic
2.2. Isolation capacity tests were performed by reaction with polyphenyl oxidases in
culture medium with tannic acid as proposed by Davidson et al. (1938)
Roots were cut transversely using a scalpel to obtain 1 cm length and Zelmer (1994). Three petri dishes were inoculated with each strain
fragments. Then, a 1 mm transversal section from each fragment was obtained from the PDA isolation by placing a mycelium fragment of
mounted in polyvinyl-lactoglycerol alcohol and observed under an 1 mm3 in the dish and incubating it at 25 °C for 5–15 days. Subse-
optical microscope to detect the presence of hyphae or coils. For each quently, the reaction was observed; those that changed the growth
root, three to five colonized fragments were selected for fungal isola- medium coloration were considered positive.
tion. The isolates were grouped using a WARD hierarchical clustering
The selected fragments were superficially disinfected following the analysis based on Euclidean distances that were estimated from the
methodology of Ortega-Larrocea (2008) using commercial sodium hy- similarity of both qualitative and quantitative characteristics, including
pochlorite diluted at 10%, followed by an antibiotic solution (2% ery- their coefficient of cophenetic correlation. This procedure was per-
thromycin and 1% gentamicin), and rinsed three times with sterile formed using R version 3.3 software (R-Development Core Team,
distilled water. To ensure that isolates represented endophytic or 2008).

M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo et al. Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

2.4. Molecular determination

Peroxidase reaction

Representative isolates of each group obtained from clustering

analysis were selected. From the isolates grown in PDA, a 1 mm3

fragment was cut and placed in potato-dextrose broth medium (PDB)

and incubated for 15–20 days at 25 °C with a 50 rpm agitation speed

and exposure to light. Fungi grown in PDB medium were liquefied in
Morphological characterization. Principal qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fungal strains obtained from epiphytic orchid roots and classified according to WARD clustering analysis.

150 ml of distilled water for 1 min, and aliquots of 1 ml were placed

No. of nuclei

into a dialysis membrane mounted in vacuum pump (manifold). The

2 or more
2 or more

species identification was made based on the internal transcribed

spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. Total DNA was extracted using the

DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) from fresh tissue previously grown in
PDB medium and washed with a vacuum pump. For amplification, the
Growth average rates (mm) n = 268 (P≤ 0.05)

universal primers ITS1 and ITS4 (White et al., 1990) were used, fol-
lowing the protocol suggested by Swarts et al. (2010) but using a DNA
polymerase from the Qiagen company. Sequencing in both directions
(5´-3´ and 3´-5´) was performed at Macrogen (Seul, Korea).
All sequences were edited in Sequencher 5.2.4 (GeneCodes, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, USA), and the identification of similar sequences was
performed using the NCBI database (
with MegaBLAST option (Morgulis et al., 2008).
0.9 to 2.5 ± 1.4

1.2 to 2.5 ± 0.7

2.5. Diversity analysis

2 to 3 ± 1.2
3 or more

Fungal diversity was compared among orchid species and among

sampling sites. Alpha richness and diversity were determined using the
nonparametric method Chao 1 (Chao, 1984), Shannon-Wiener index
Spores dimensions (µm)

(Baev and Penev, 1995; Shannon and Weaver, 1949) and Pielou (1981)
species evenness index (J´), which refers to how similar in number each
species in an environment is. Additionally, the sampling effort was
determined by cumulative curves using EstimateS V.9.0 software


(Colwell, 2013). General beta diversity, which indicates the magnitude



of change in fungal species composition among all studied orchid spe-

cies and among the seven sites was calculated using the Whittaker

(1972), with PAST V. 3.17 software (Hammer et al., 2001). Further-

Spore type


more, beta diversity was determined for each pair of orchid species and
each pair of sampling sites by using the same index.

3. Results
Waxy flat to plush, irregular growth
Plush to cottony, radial growth

3.1. Isolation and characterization of fungal isolates

A total of 268 fungal samples were isolated from 83 of the 168

processed roots (49.4%) of four orchid species analyzed. Based on
Plush to cottony
Plush to cottony

morphological characterization, the constructed distance tree generated

Colony aspect

four main groups of isolates (A–D) (Fig. A2 Supplementary material).

Group A included isolates with characteristics similar to those of
orchid mycorrhizal fungi, such as 90° branching angles, a slight con-
striction at the branching point, the absence of sporulation, and mon-
ilioid cell formation, among other features (Table 2). Groups B and C
Gray to olive or sepia (3/1 2.5Y, 6/4 10YR)

included isolates with ascospore formation, and group D included those

Colony color (Munsell catalogue, 2000)

isolates with basidiospore and fruiting body formation in some cases as

White to gray (8/1 2.5Y, 3/1 2.5Y)

its main characteristics (Table 2).

Pale yellow (8/2 to 8/3 5Y)

3.2. Molecular determination

Pale yellow (8/2 5Y)

From 268 isolates obtained, 100 were selected for molecular iden-
tification. All isolates from groups A and D (6 and 12, respectively)
were included; 40 isolates from group C were selected according to
colony similarity, and the remaining samples were taken from group B.
Identities were determined for 71 morphotypes (6 from group A, 31
from group B, 30 from group C and 4 from group D) (Table A1,
Supplementary material); 32 morphospecies were classified, with 18

showing identity at the species level in the GenBank database, ten at

Table 2

genus level and four at the order level. The strains were grouped


into three genera of Basidiomycota, including one recognized as an

M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo et al. Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

Table 3
Fungal genera by site and orchid species. Distribution of fungal genera identified in axenic cultures from the species of orchids studied by sampling site and number of
fungal strains obtained from each.
Endophyte Host

L. autumnalis (sites) L. speciosa (sites) P. squalida (sites) E. citrine (sites)

Division Order Genera 1 2 5 6 7 2 3 4 6 7 7 Total

Basidiomycota (3 genera) Agaricales Clitopilus giovanellae 2 2

Coprinus sp. 10 10
Tulasnellales Tulasnella calospora 1 1 1 3

Ascomycota (17 genera) Eurotiales Paecilomyces inflatus 1 1

Glomerellales Colletotrichum sp. 1 1
Helotiales Lachnum sp. 1 3 4
Neofabraea actinidiae 1 1
Neofabraea sp. 1 4 5
Ascomycete sp. 4 3 8 1 1 2 19
Hypocreales Trichoderma atroviride 10 10
Trichoderma rossicum 39 39
Trichoderma viride 2 8 13 4 27
Trichoderma viridialbum 2 1 3
N/D 3 6 3 12
Pleosporales Alternaria alternata 6 6
Preussia minima 5 3 6 14
Preussia cymatomera 2 2
Sordariales Chaetomium nigricolor 6 1 7
Chaetomium sp. 3 2 5
Fusarium tricinctum 1 2 3
Fusarium sp. 4 4
Trichocladium opacum 1 1
Trichocladium sp. 2 2
Ascomycete (uncultured) 2 3 1 2 2 2 12
Xylariales Xylaria sp. 4 2 12 7 3 3 31
Ascovirgaria occulta 16 6 22
Muscodor albus 7 1 8
Nemania sp. 3 4 7
Virgaria nigra 3 3
Xylaria enteroleuca 2 2
Not defined Spegazzinia sp. 1 1

Uncultured N/D 1 1
Morphospecies/site (Total) 5 12 14 69 30 8 71 31 10 13 5

Total of strains 130 110 23 5 268

Total genera 15 11 4 1
Total morphospecies 22 18 7 2

orchid mycorrhizal genus (Tulasnella) and 17 genera of Ascomycota highest richness and diversity of fungi in their roots were those asso-
(Table 3). ciated with the two species of Laelia. However, the evenness index (J´)
indicated the existence of dominant fungal species in some orchid
3.3. Diversity of fungal isolates species (Fig. 2a).
With the analysis of fungal alpha diversity by sampling site, it was
The results for alpha diversity showed that orchid species with the observed that the highest richness and diversity of fungal species was

Fig. 2. Alpha diversity and shared species. A) Graph of richness and fungal diversity among orchid species, b) Graph of richness and fungal diversity among sampling
sites, c) Venn diagram that shows the number of fungal species shared among orchids. (U = Shannon-W Evenness index).

M.d.l.A. Beltrán-Nambo et al. Rhizosphere 7 (2018) 49–56

present in site 7 (San Andrés Coru), where three of the orchids analyzed comprised of 18 accepted species (Teik-Khiang and Hyde, 1999), most
were found (L. autumnalis, P. squalida and E. citrina) (Fig. 2b). The of them saprotrophs of wood, bark or other plant tissues. Although this
lowest species uniformity according to the evenness index occurred in genus is not considered mycorrhizal, many species in this genus un-
site 3 (Cuanajillo). dergo asexual reproduction, and it appears to be beneficial in at least
The general beta diversity for the sampled orchids was 2, according two Trichocladium species (T. lignicola I. Schmidt and T. opacum (Corda)
to the calculated Whittaker index (this parameter does not have a S. Hughes). It has been observed to have monilioid-like cell formation
maximum value). When the beta diversity between pairs of orchid (Teik-Khiang and Hyde, 1999) and for this reason, the cladistic analysis
species was analyzed, it was observed that orchids of the same genus or included it in group A. In America, this genus has been found in plants
those that shared a substrate exhibited the lowest index values (Table such as Fraxinus, Quercus, Pseudotsuga and Castanea (Seidl, 2009),
A2, Supplementary material) and share fungal species, as L. autumnalis which are like the phorophytes in this work. Due to the limited number
with L. speciosa, as is demonstrated in Fig. 2c. of studies of endophytes associated with orchids, the role that many of
When analysis by sampling site was performed, the global beta di- them play is unknown (Rodríguez et al., 2009).
versity was 3.4. The pair of sites analyzed with the lowest index values In the present work, most of the fungal isolates were nonmycor-
of fungal species turnover was site 2 and sites 1 and 6 (Table A3, rhizal. In the Ascomycota phylum, diverse groups were found, in-
Supplementary material). L. autumnalis was present at all three sites. cluding the pathogenic species Fusarium, Alternaria, Colletotrichum and
The species accumulation curves indicated that in the case of L. Neofabraea; the beneficial or synergistic endophytes Trichoderma,
speciosa, a better sampling effort is required since the number of fungal Preussia, Chaetomium, and Paecilomyces; and the saprobes Lachnum and
species would increase if collection sites were expanded (Fig. A3a, Xylaria. Among the endophyte genera, the most widely reported species
Supplementary material). Finally, the curve for sampling sites indicated in orchids are Xylaria, Trichoderma and Colletotrichum (Almanza-Álvarez
that the sampling effort was satisfactory since the generated curve et al., 2017; Ávila-Díaz et al., 2013; Gamboa-Gaitán and Otero-Ospina,
is asymptotic, which indicates that the fungal species number 2016). In this study, the dominant genera in both the number of species
will remain constant even with a greater number of samples (Fig. A3b, and number of isolated strains were Trichoderma and Xylaria, mostly
Supplementary material). isolated from Laelia speciosa and L. autumnalis. These genera are con-
sidered to stimulate plant germination and development by releasing
4. Discussion growth factors or metabolites that stimulate auxin production or act as
antagonists for other organisms that could damage these plant species
4.1. Fungal isolation and orchid rarity (Rivera-Orduña et al., 2011). It has been suggested that replacement of
the Rhizoctonia complex for ectomycorrhizal fungi or other endophytes
Because the identification was performed in axenic cultures of fungi could be an orchid strategy because these fungi are more stable and
from orchid roots, it is possible that fungal species were underestimated high-throughput carbon/nutrient resources (Stark et al., 2009).
compared to a metagenomic approach that includes noncultivable Group D included 2 genera of the Basidiomycota phylum, Coprinus
species. The highest number of fungal isolates obtained in this work and Clitopillus. Some studies have pointed out that some orchids can be
were extracted from Laelia autumnalis and L. speciosa. The first orchid mycorrhized by fungi not included in the Rhizoctonia complex, such as
species was present in five of seven sample sites with large populations, Coprinus and Russula (Kikuchi et al., 2008; Osgura-Tsujita et al., 2009);
contrasting with the E citrina species that was only located in site 7 (San Coprinus have been characterized as a mycorrhizal species of orchids
Andrés Coru). Although the number of samples of each orchid was an such as Epipogium roseum (Yamato et al., 2005). Previous reports in-
important factor in the number of fungi obtained (Kassem and dicate that endophytic fungi act as a communication bridge between
Nanniperi, 1995), other factors have been reported to influence fungal several plants and fulfil different functions, such as promoting orchid
isolation, such as special requirements preventing their development in seed germination (Dearnaley et al., 2012; Marmeisse and Girlanda,
standard culture media (Garden and Whitbeck, 2007) and sensitivity to 2016; Rasmussen et al. 2015).
environmental changes (Gadd et al., 2007). Plant species that are cri-
tically dependent on these symbionts are more selective and sensitive 4.3. Fungal diversity and orchid distribution
than others during symbiosis establishment, so symbiont sensitivity can
be expected to have a major impact on successful colonization and The Shannon-Wiener diversity indexes between orchids and sites
establishment, and thus ultimately on species rarity (Bonnardeaux obtained in this study were similar or slightly lower than those reported
et al., 2007; Otero et al., 2013; Roche et al., 2010; Swarts et al., 2010; in other studies for terrestrial and epiphytic orchids, where values from
Waud et al., 2017). E. citrina is an at-risk species that has experienced 1.3 to 3.5 are reported (Stark et al., 2009; Tao et al., 2008). According
habitat deterioration, and only two different fungi morphospecies were to beta diversity results between orchids and sites, it was observed that
isolated from its roots. the fungal species diversity in sampling sites was related to the orchid
richness and the presence of certain orchid species. Species of Laelia are
4.2. Orchid fungal identity and their reported ecological role evidently capable of maintaining diverse fungi in their roots, and this
ability could be a significant asset as it increases the likelihood of
Only one genus of mycorrhizal fungi was obtained, identified as forming a partnership with whichever fungus is present or obtaining
Tulasnella calospora, which was isolated from three of the orchid species some benefit at a given site and thus the likelihood of seeds starting to
analyzed. This genus is widely reported, together with Ceratobasidium germinate; it may also enhance dispersion processes (Waud et al.,
and Serendipitia (Jacquemyn et al., 2017), as one of the principal my- 2017). L. autumnalis not only showed the highest fungal community
corrhizal fungi of different orchids in the subtribe Laeliinae (which values of richness and diversity but also was the species with the
includes the species in this work), and its role in germinative and de- highest territorial coverage. This confirms what has been established
velopment processes in these plants is well known (Ding et al., 2014; for some orchid species, which is that their adaptive talent to disperse
Linde et al., 2014; Pereira et al., 2014; Phillips et al., 2014). In Mexico and colonize new environments is related to their ability to interact
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affn. sphacelatum. In: CONABIO-Viccon-Ávila-Nava (Ed.), Memorias del Segundo
made the performance of this work possible; and to M.C. Aarón
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Giovanni Munguía for helping to improve the translation of this work. Jacquemyn, H., Waud, M., Brys, R., Lallemand, F., Courty, P., Robionek, A., Selosse, M.,
2017. Mycorrhizal associations and trophic modes in coexisting orchids: an ecological
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