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Chapter 7 The Asset Market, Money, and Prices

7.1 What Is Money?

1) A disadvantage of the barter system is that

A) no trade occurs.
B) people must produce all their own food, clothing, and shelter.
C) the opportunity to specialize is greatly reduced.
D) gold is the only unit of account.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) The use of money is more efficient than barter because the introduction of money
A) reduces the need for economic specialization.
B) reduces the need to exchange goods.
C) reduces the need for other stores of value.
D) reduces transaction costs.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

3) In economics, money refers to

A) income.
B) wealth.
C) assets used and accepted as payment.
D) currency.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) moneys primary role in the economy comes from the benefits of lowering transactions costs
and allowing specialization. This function of money is called
A) store of value.
B) medium of exchange.
C) standard of deferred payment.
D) unit of account.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) For something to satisfy the medium-of-exchange function of money, it must be
A) backed by gold.
B) readily exchangeable for other goods.
C) issued by a central bank.
D) an inherently valuable commodity.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

6) The following are all functions of money EXCEPT

A) medium of exchange.
B) store of value.
C) unit of account.
D) source of anxiety.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: New

7) In some countries, prices in stores are listed in terms of U.S. dollars, rather than in units of the
local currency. That's most likely because
A) the country's political system is unstable.
B) interest rates are higher using U.S. dollars than using the local currency.
C) there is no other store of value.
D) the country has experienced high rates of inflation.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) The number of units of one good that trade for one unit of alternative goods can be determined
most easily when
A) there is one unit of account.
B) the goods all weigh about the same.
C) the goods are all new.
D) the goods are actively traded through barter.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) A good that is used as a medium of exchange as well as being a consumption good is called
A) a barter money.
B) a commodity money.
C) a legal tender.
D) a debased money.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

10) Why do people keep currency in their pockets when bank deposits pay interest?
A) Because banks might steal your money.
B) Because currency is more liquid.
C) Because bank deposits lose value due to inflation.
D) Because bank deposits lose value due to changes in interest rates.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) One of moneys primary roles in the economy comes from the use of money to transfer
purchasing power to the future. This role of money is called
A) store of value.
B) unit of account.
C) medium of exchange.
D) standard of deferred payment.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) Which of the following measures is the best measure of money as a medium of exchange?
A) M1
B) M2
C) M3
D) None of the above
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
13) Suppose your bank raises its minimum-balance requirement for free checking on checking
accounts by $500. You take $500 out of your passbook savings account and put it in your
checking account. What is the overall effect on M1 and M2?
A) M1 rises by $500, M2 falls by $500.
B) M1 is unchanged, M2 is unchanged.
C) M1 rises by $500, M2 is unchanged.
D) M1 is unchanged, M2 falls by $500.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

14) M1 does not include

B) travelers' checks.
C) currency.
D) transaction accounts.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Revised

15) Which of the following is not part of M1?

A) Transaction accounts
B) Checking accounts
C) Time deposits
D) Traveler's checks
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Revised

16) Which of the following statements about M1 and M2 is true?

A) Demand deposits are not part of M1.
B) M2 is more liquid than M1.
C) M1 is larger than M2.
D) Savings deposits are part of M2.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
17) Which of the following statements about M1 and M2 is not true?
A) Transaction accounts are part of M1.
B) M2 is more liquid than M1.
C) M2 is larger than M1.
D) Transaction accounts are part of M2.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: New

18) M2 includes
A) large-denomination time deposits.
B) institutional MMMFs.
C) commercial paper.
D) M1.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

19) M2 does not include

A) Treasury bonds.
B) passbook savings accounts.
C) small-denomination time deposits.
D) M1.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

20) Over half of U.S. currency is

A) held abroad.
B) used in the underground economy.
C) held by banks as reserves.
D) held by businesses, especially retailers, for making transactions.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
21) People in other countries want to hold U.S. dollars as a
A) medium of exchange.
B) store of value.
C) unit of account.
D) standard of deferred payment.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

22) We shouldn't be concerned about U.S. currency held abroad because

A) the currency will never return to the United States.
B) foreigners use it to buy U.S. bonds.
C) it represents an interest-free loan to the United States.
D) foreigners can't spend it in their own countries.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

23) What's the most common way for a central bank to reduce the money supply?
A) Collect higher taxes
B) Sell bonds to the public
C) Buy bonds from the government
D) Buy bonds from the public
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

24) Suppose you read in the paper that the Federal Reserve plans to expand the money supply.
The Fed is most likely to do this by
A) printing more currency and distributing it.
B) purchasing government bonds from the public.
C) selling government bonds to the public.
D) buying newly issued government bonds directly from the government itself.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
25) A developing country does not have enough taxes to cover its expenditures and is unable to
borrow. This government would be most likely to cover its deficit by
A) purchasing government bonds from the public.
B) selling government bonds to the public.
C) selling newly issued government bonds directly to the central bank.
D) buying newly issued government bonds directly from the central bank.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

26) What are the major components of M1? What are the major components of M2? Describe
each component.
Answer: The principal components of M1 are currency, transaction accounts, and traveler's
checks. Currency includes coins and Federal Reserve notes (i.e., paper money). Transaction
accounts are those against which checks may be drawn. Traveler's checks are a substitute for
currency that can be replaced if lost or stolen. The principal components of M2 are M1, savings
account deposits including money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), small time deposits, and
money market mutual funds (MMMFs). Small time deposits are certificates of deposit (CDs) of
less than $100,000 denomination. MMMFs invest their shareholders' funds in short-term
securities, pay market-based interest rates, and allow holders to write a limited number of
checks. MMDAs are like MMMFs, except they are offered by banks or thrift institutions such as
savings and loan associations.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: New

27) What function is money playing in each of these situations:

a. You walk into a store in Germany and see that all the prices are in euros.
b. You buy a candy bar for $1.25.
c. Your Aunt Jane keeps $100 bills tucked into many books in her house.
Answer: a. unit of account; b. medium of exchange; c. store of value.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
28) What happens to M1 and M2 due to each of the following changes?
(a) You take $500 out of your checking account and put it into a passbook savings account.
(b) You take $1000 out of your checking account and buy traveler's checks.
(c) You take $1500 out of your money-market mutual fund and deposit into your checking
(d) You cash in $2000 in savings bonds and invest the money in a certificate of deposit.
(a) M1 falls $500, M2 is unchanged (remember that M1 is part of M2).
(b) M1 and M2 are both unchanged.
(c) M1 rises $1500, M2 is unchanged.
(d) M1 is unchanged, M2 rises $2000.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

29) Why is per-capita U.S. currency demand so large? Who is holding large amounts of U.S.
currency and why are they doing so? Should U.S. policymakers be concerned about this? Why?
Answer: Currency demand is large mostly because foreigners hold many dollars. They do so
because of inflation or political instability in their countries. Policymakers shouldn't be very
concerned, since foreigners' dollar holdings represent an interest-free loan to the United States.
However, a cause for concern may be that fluctuations in our money supply may reflect
conditions abroad that are unrelated to the U.S. economy.
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.1
Question Status: Previous Edition

7.2 Portfolio Allocation and the Demand for Assets

1) People's best guesses about returns on assets are called

A) expected returns.
B) liquidity.
C) risk.
D) the term structure of returns.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) The set of assets that a holder of wealth chooses to own is called

A) an asset assortment.
B) a wealth strategy.
C) a portfolio.
D) an investment envelope.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) The uncertainty about the return an asset will earn is
A) liquidity.
B) risk.
C) time to maturity.
D) stochastic dominance.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) The risk premium is

A) the amount by which the expected return on a risky asset exceeds the return on an otherwise
comparable safe asset.
B) a measure of the riskiness of the overall economy in a domestic country compared with a
foreign country.
C) the amount an investor must pay to insure his or her stock portfolio to protect against a fall in
D) the amount an investment bank charges to guarantee an annuity that pays a fixed rate of
return in the future.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: New

5) The amount by which the expected return on a risky asset exceeds the return on an otherwise
comparable safe asset is known as the
A) CDS spread.
B) risk premium.
D) term spread.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: New

6) The ease and quickness with which an asset can be exchanged for goods, services, or other
assets is its
A) risk.
B) time to maturity.
C) velocity.
D) liquidity.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) Time to maturity refers to the amount of time until
A) an asset repays the principal to an investor.
B) an asset pays interest for the first time.
C) a bond can be sold on the secondary market.
D) the yield curve shows an upward slope.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) Compared with money, bonds have

A) less risk and less liquidity.
B) less risk and more liquidity.
C) more risk and less liquidity.
D) more risk and more liquidity.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

9) AAA Company stock has a higher expected rate of return than ZZZ Company stock. All else
being equal, you would expect that relative to ZZZ, AAA company stock provides
A) less risk and less liquidity.
B) less risk and more liquidity.
C) more risk and less liquidity.
D) more risk and more liquidity.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

10) The least liquid asset on this list is

A) money.
B) bonds.
C) houses.
D) stocks.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
11) In the early 2000s, lenders began issuing mortgage loans to people who would normally not
be qualified to take out loans because they did not meet lending standards. Those borrowers are
known as
A) alternative borrowers.
B) weak borrowers.
C) subprime borrowers.
D) credit risks.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) The financial crisis occurred in 2008 in large part because of losses on securities consisting
of bundles of mortgage loans known as
A) home loan loss reserves.
B) credit default swaps.
C) mortgage-backed securities.
D) naked put options.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) A one-year bond has an interest rate of 5% today. Investors expect that in one year, a one
year bond will have an interest rate equal to 7%. According to the expectations theory of the term
structure of interest rates, in equilibrium, a two-year bond today will have an interest rate equal
A) 3.0%.
B) 5.0%.
C) 5.5%.
D) 6.0%.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

14) The idea that investors today compare the returns on bonds with differing times to maturity
to see which is expected to give them the highest return is the underlying principle behind the
________ of the term structure of interest rates.
A) expectations theory
B) investors' viewpoint analysis
C) segmented-markets theory
D) yield comparison theory
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) The interest rate on long-term bonds is somewhat higher than suggested by the expectations
theory because
A) the expectations theory doesn't account for taxes.
B) a risk premium exists.
C) an inflation premium must be added to long-term bonds.
D) the Fed can only control short-term interest rates.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

16) By spreading her investments out over many different assets, an investor achieves
A) a higher expected return.
B) increased risk.
C) diversification.
D) greater liquidity.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

17) Suppose that you could buy a one-year bond today, which has an interest rate of 3%. If you
wait a year and buy a one-year bond then, the interest rate will be 4%. Two years from now, a
one-year bond is expected to offer an interest rate of 5%. According to the expectations theory of
the term structure of interest rates, what is the interest rate on a two-year bond today? What is the
interest rate on a three-year bond today?
Answer: Two-year bond: (3% + 4%)/2 = 3.5%; Three-year bond: (3% + 4% + 5%)/3 = 4%.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
18) Suppose that:
1) The interest on a one-year bond today is 3%;
2) The interest on a one-year bond starting one year from now is expected to be 4% per year;
3) The interest on a one-year bond starting two years from now is expected to be 5% per year;
4) The risk premium on a two-year bond is 0.5%; and
5) The risk premium on a three-year bond is 1.0%.

Use that information to answer the following questions.

a) According to the expectations theory, what is the interest rate today on a two-year bond?
Show your work.
b) According to the expectations theory, what is the interest rate today on a three-year bond?
Show your work.
c) Plot the yield curve.
a) (3% + 4%)/2 + 0.5% = 4.0%
b) (3% + 4% + 5%)/3 + 1.0% = 5.0%
c) plot 3 points with 1, 2, and 3 years to maturity vs. yields of 3%, 4%, and 5%.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.2
Question Status: Previous Edition

7.3 The Demand for Money

1) A 10% decrease in real income usually leads to ________ in money demand.

A) an increase
B) no change
C) a decrease of less than 10%
D) a decrease of 10%
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) A 5% increase in real income usually leads to ________ in money demand.

A) a decrease
B) no change
C) an increase of less than 5%
D) a decrease of 5%
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
3) Which of the following is most likely to lead to a decrease of 10% in the nominal demand for
A) An increase in real income of 5%
B) A decrease in real income of 5%
C) A decline of 10% in the price level
D) An increase of 10% in the price level
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) Which of the following is most likely to lead to an increase of 1% in the nominal demand for
A) An increase in real income of 0.5%
B) A decrease in real income of 0.5%
C) A decline of 1% in the price level
D) An increase of 1% in the price level
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

5) The opportunity cost of holding currency decreases when

A) income decreases.
B) the interest rate on bonds decreases.
C) the interest rate on money decreases.
D) wealth decreases.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

6) An increase in the real interest rate would cause an increase in the real demand for money
A) no matter what the change in expected inflation.
B) if expected inflation fell by less than the rise in the real interest rate.
C) if expected inflation fell by the same amount as the rise in the real interest rate.
D) if expected inflation fell by more than the rise in the real interest rate.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
7) An increase in expected inflation is likely to cause
A) a decline in the demand for real balances.
B) an increase in the demand for real balances.
C) no change in the demand for real balances.
D) no change in the demand for real balances only if the income elasticity of real money demand
is zero.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) Mr. Pierpont has wealth of $200,000. He wants to keep at least $80,000 in bonds at all times,
and will shift $10,000 into bonds from his checking account for each percentage point that the
interest rate on bonds exceeds the interest rate on his checking account. If the interest rate on
checking accounts is 4% and the interest rate on bonds is 9%, how much does Mr. Pierpont keep
in his checking account?
A) $50,000
B) $70,000
C) $130,000
D) $150,000
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

9) Mr. Pierpont has wealth of $200,000. He wants to keep at least $80,000 in bonds at all times,
and will shift $10,000 into bonds from his checking account for each percentage point that the
interest rate on bonds exceeds the interest rate on his checking account. Currently, he keeps
$100,000 in bonds, which pay him 7%. What is the current interest rate on checking accounts?
A) 5%
B) 7%
C) 9%
D) 10%
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
10) Money demand is given by
Md/P = 1000 + .2Y - 1000i.
Given that P = 200, Y = 2000, and i = .10, real money demand is equal to
A) 1,300.
B) 1,500.
C) 260,000.
D) 300,000.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) Over time, the wealth of society increases and payments technologies get more efficient.
What is the effect on money demand of these two changes?
A) Money demand rises proportionately to the rise in wealth.
B) Money demand rises, but less than proportionately to the rise in wealth.
C) The overall effect is ambiguous.
D) Money demand declines.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) If there is a financial panic and increased uncertainty about the returns in the stock market
and bond market, what is the likely effect on money demand?
A) Money demand declines first, then rises when inflation increases.
B) Money demand rises.
C) The overall effect is ambiguous.
D) Money demand declines.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) Suppose a new law imposes a tax on all trades of bonds and stock. What is the likely effect
on money demand?
A) Money demand declines first, then rises when inflation increases.
B) Money demand rises.
C) The overall effect is ambiguous.
D) Money demand declines.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
14) If real income rises 4%, prices rise 1%, and nominal money demand rises 4%, what is the
income elasticity of real money demand?
A) 3/4
B) 4/5
C) 5/6
D) 1
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

15) If real income rises 5%, prices rise 3%, and nominal money demand rises 7%, what is the
income elasticity of real money demand?
A) 3/4
B) 4/5
C) 5/6
D) 6/7
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: New

16) If the interest elasticity of money demand is -0.1, by what percent does money demand
change if the nominal interest rate rises from 2% to 3%?
A) -0.1%
B) 5%
C) 0%
D) -5%
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

17) If the income elasticity of money demand is 3/4 and the interest elasticity of money demand
is -1/4, by what percent does money demand rise if income rises 10% and the nominal interest
rate rises from 4% to 5%?
A) 7.50%
B) 6.25%
C) 5.00%
D) 1.25%
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
18) Velocity is defined as
A) nominal money stock/nominal GDP.
B) nominal GDP/nominal money stock.
C) real money stock/real GDP.
D) mc2.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

19) If real GDP is $4 billion, the price level is 1.25, and the nominal money stock is $500
million, then velocity is
A) 0.1.
B) 1.
C) 10.
D) 100.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

20) Money demand is given by

Md/P = 1000 + .2Y - 1000i.
Given that P = 200, Y = 2000, and i = .10, velocity is equal to
A) 0.65.
B) 0.75.
C) 1.33.
D) 1.54.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

21) Suppose velocity is 3, real output is 9000, and the price level is 1.5. What is the level of real
money demand in this economy?
A) 2000
B) 3000
C) 6000
D) 30,000
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
22) Suppose real money demand is 1000, real output is 6000, and the price level is 200. What is
the level of velocity in this economy?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 12
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: New

23) Suppose velocity is constant at 4, real output is 10, and the price level is 2. From this initial
situation, the government increases the nominal money supply to 6. If velocity and output remain
unchanged, by how much will the price level increase?
A) 2.4%
B) 20%
C) 24%
D) 50%
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

24) What happens to real money demand (rise, fall, no change) due to a change in each of the
following factors?
(a) A tax on stock market transactions is introduced.
(b) Computerized bond trading reduces transactions costs.
(c) People's average level of wealth rises.
(d) The threat of a recession increases the riskiness of stocks and bonds.
(e) The interest rate paid on checking account balances declines.
(f) The price level falls in a one-time jump.
(a) Rises
(b) Falls
(c) Rises
(d) Rises
(e) Falls
(f) Is unchanged
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
25) Give five examples of factors that could reduce the demand for money.
Answer: Lower price level, lower real income, higher real interest rate, higher expected
inflation, lower nominal interest rate on money, lower wealth, lower risk on alternative assets,
higher risk on money, increased liquidity of alternative assets, or increased efficiency of
payments technologies.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

26) Suppose the money demand function is

Md/P = 1000 + 0.2Y - 1000 (r + πe).
(a) Calculate velocity if Y = 2000, r = .06, and πe = .04.
(b) If the money supply (Ms) is 2600, what is the price level?
(c) Now suppose the real interest rate rises to 0.11, but Y and Ms are unchanged. What happens
to velocity and the price level? So if the nominal interest rate were to rise from 0.10 to 0.15 over
the course of a year, with Y remaining at 2000, what would the inflation rate be?
(a) V = PY/M = Y/(M/P). From the money demand function, M/P = 1300. So V = 2000/1300 =
(b) P = Ms/( Md/P) = 2600/1300 = 2.
(c) Now Md/P = 1250. So V = 2000/1250 = 1.6. P = Ms/(Md/P) = 2600/1250 = 2.08. The
inflation rate would be 4%.
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.3
Question Status: Previous Edition

7.4 Asset Market Equilibrium

1) Under a situation of asset market equilibrium,

A) the quantity of money supplied equals the quantity of money demanded.
B) the quantity of money supplied equals the quantity of nonmonetary assets demanded.
C) the quantity of nonmonetary assets supplied equals the quantity of monetary assets demanded.
D) the quantity of money supplied equals the quantity of nonmonetary assets supplied.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
2) When the real quantity of money supplied equals the real quantity of money demanded, there
is said to be
A) goods market equilibrium.
B) asset market equilibrium.
C) monetary neutrality.
D) money illusion.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

3) Which of these variables is not a variable in the equation for the asset market equilibrium
A) Nominal money supply
B) Price level
C) Real income
D) Investment
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: New

4) Which of these variables is not a variable in the equation for the asset market equilibrium
A) Saving
B) Expected rate of inflation
C) Real interest rate
D) Real income
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: New

5) If the quantity of money demanded exceeds the quantity of money supplied, then
A) the quantity of nonmonetary assets demanded exceeds the quantity supplied.
B) the quantity of nonmonetary assets supplied exceeds the quantity demanded.
C) the quantity of nonmonetary assets demanded will still equal the quantity supplied, all else
being equal.
D) you can make no conclusions about the relative supply and demand of nonmonetary assets.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
6) Suppose the real money demand function is
Md//P = 2400 + 0.2 Y - 10,000 (r + πe).
Assume M = 4000, P = 2.0, πe = .03, and Y = 5000. The real interest rate that clears the asset
market is
A) 3%.
B) 6%.
C) 11%.
D) 14%.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

7) Suppose the real money demand function is

Md/P = 2400 + 0.2 Y - 10,000 (r + πe).
Assume M = 5000, πe = .03, and Y = 5000. If the price level were to decrease from 2.5 to 2.0,
then the real interest rate would decrease by how many percentage points (assuming Md/, πe, and
Y are unchanged)?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 9
D) 14
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) Suppose the real money demand function is

Md/P = 2400 + 0.2 Y - 10,000 (r + πe).
Assume M = 5000, P = 2.0, and πe = .03. If Y were to increase from 4000 to 5000, then the real
interest rate would increase by how many percentage points?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) 7
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) Suppose real money demand is
L = 0.8 Y - 100,000 (r + πe).
If the nominal money supply is 12,000, real output is 15,000, the real interest rate is .02, and the
expected inflation rate is .01, then the price level is
A) 3/4.
B) 1.
C) 4/3.
D) 3.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

10) Suppose the real interest rate is 4% and the expected inflation rate is 3%. If the money
supply increases by 10% and output, the real interest rate, and the expected inflation rate are
unchanged, then the price level increases by
A) 3%.
B) 4%.
C) 7%.
D) 10%.
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) Define asset market equilibrium and state the asset market equilibrium condition.
Answer: Asset market equilibrium exists when the quantity of assets supplied equals the
quantity of assets demanded in a national economy in some time period. The asset market
equilibrium equation is M/P = L(Y, r + πe).
Diff: 1
Topic: Section 7.4
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
12) Suppose the money demand function is given by
Md/P = 640 + 0.1Y - 5000 (r + πe).
Suppose the central bank changes the nominal money supply depending on income and inflation:
Ms = 1000 + 0.1Y - 4000π.
(a) If expected inflation equals actual inflation = 0.03, Y = 1000, and r = 0.02, calculate the price
(b) If inflation rises to 0.04 while the other variables remain as in part a, calculate the price
(c) If expected inflation rises to 0.04 while the other variables remain as in part a, calculate the
price level.
(d) If the real interest rate rises to 0.03 while the other variables remain as in part a, calculate the
price level.
Plug in the value of Y and use text Eq. (7.10) to get P = [1100 - 4000π]/[740 - 5000(r + )].
When r = 0.02, this becomes P = [1100 - 4000π]/[640 - 5000π].
(a) P = 980/490 = 2.
(b) P = 940/490 = 1.92.
(c) P = 980/440 = 2.23.
(d) P = 980/440 = 2.23.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

13) Assume that prices and wages adjust rapidly so that the markets for labor, goods, and assets
are always in equilibrium. What are the effects of each of the following on output, the expected
real interest rate, and the current price level?
(a) a temporary increase in taxes
(b) a reduction in the effective tax rate on capital
(c) an increase in expected inflation
(a) Under Ricardian equivalence, no effect on output, real interest rate, or price level. Without
Ricardian equivalence, higher national saving means a lower expected real interest rate. Output
is unchanged because of no change in labor supply or demand. The lower expected real interest
rate increases real money demand, thus reducing the price level.
(b) The lower tax rate on capital increases desired investment, thus raising the expected real
interest rate. No effect on the labor market, so output is not changed. The higher expected real
interest rate reduces real money demand, thus increasing the price level.
(c) The increase in the expected inflation rate has no effect on the labor market or goods market,
so output and the expected real interest rate do not change. The higher expected inflation rate
reduces real money demand, thus increasing the price level.
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.4
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
7.5 Money Growth and Inflation

1) If the nominal money supply doubles while real money demand is unchanged, what happens
to the price level?
A) The price level increases by a factor of four.
B) The price level doubles.
C) The price level is unchanged.
D) The price level falls by one-half.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

2) If real money demand doubles while the nominal money supply is unchanged, what happens
to the price level?
A) The price level increases by a factor of four.
B) The price level doubles.
C) The price level is unchanged.
D) The price level falls by one-half.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

3) If nominal money supply grows 3% and real money demand grows 8%, the inflation rate is
A) -5%.
B) 8/3%.
C) 5%.
D) 11%.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

4) If real money demand increases 5% and real money supply increases 10%, by about how
much does the price level change?
A) Falls by 5%
B) Unchanged
C) Rises by 2%
D) Rises by 5%
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
5) If the income elasticity of money demand is 3/4 and income increases 8%, by about how much
does the price level change?
A) Falls by 6%
B) Unchanged
C) Rises by 6%
D) Rises by 8%
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

6) If the nominal money supply grows 5%, real income falls 2%, and the income elasticity of
money demand is 0.8, then the inflation rate is
A) 3.0%.
B) 3.4%.
C) 6.6%.
D) 7.0%.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

7) If the nominal money supply grows 6%, real income rises 2%, and the inflation rate is 5%,
then the income elasticity of money demand is
A) 0.5.
B) 0.75.
C) 1.0.
D) 1.5.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

8) If the nominal money supply grows 10%, the inflation rate is 6%, and the income elasticity of
money demand is 1.0, then real income growth equals
A) 1%.
B) 2%.
C) 3%.
D) 4%.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
9) Large differences in inflation rates among countries are almost always the result of large
differences in
A) productivity.
B) real income growth.
C) the growth rates of real money demand.
D) the growth rates of nominal money supplies.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

10) When a government prints money to finance its expenditures, it is likely to cause
A) unemployment.
B) inflation.
C) deflation.
D) reductions in the use of barter.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

11) The most likely explanation for the high inflation rates that countries like Russia and the
Ukraine have suffered is that
A) large inflows of foreign funds increase the money supply, causing inflation.
B) without inflation, these countries would be unable to achieve high rates of growth.
C) borrowing from the central bank is the most expedient method of funding the government's
D) the flood of financial innovations has increased liquidity in these nations' economies.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

12) Bonds sold by the U.S. government that offer a certain real interest rate are known as
A) zero-coupon bonds.
B) Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.
C) denominalized securities.
D) savings bonds.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: New

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
13) Calculate the change in the price level for each of the following events, taken one at a time,
with other variables unchanged.
(a) Money supply increases 10%.
(b) Money demand increases 5%.
(c) Money supply decreases 5% while money demand increases 5%.
(d) Money supply increases 15% while money demand increases 5%.
(a) 10%
(b) -5%
(c) -10%
(d) 10%
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

14) Why did some of the formerly Communist countries of Eastern Europe have inflation rates
over 100%, while others didn't? Which factor was more important in explaining the differing
inflation rates, real money demand or nominal money supply? Why did the countries with high
inflation rates allow inflation to get so high?
Answer: Some countries had high inflation while others didn't because of differences in rates of
money growth. Real money demand didn't vary enough to explain the differences in inflation
rates; instead, nominal money supply growth was strongly correlated with inflation. The
countries allowed inflation to get so high because they were trying to finance government
expenditures by printing money.
Diff: 1
Topic: Section: 7.5
Question Status: Previous Edition

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Partout la volupté, la mélodie errante...
O matin de Stresa, turquoise respirante,
Sublime agilité du cœur vers le soleil!

O soirs italiens, terrasses parfumées,

Jardins de mosaïque où traînent des paons blancs,
Colombes au col noir, toujours toutes pâmées,
Espaliers de citrons qu’oppresse un vent trop lent,
Iles qui sur Vénus semblent s’être fermées,
Où l’air est affligeant comme un mortel soupir,
Ah! pourquoi donnez-vous, douceurs inanimées,
Le sens de l’éternel au corps qui doit mourir!

Ah! dans les bleus étés, quand les vagues entre elles
Ont le charmant frisson du cou des tourterelles,
Quand l’Isola Bella, comme une verte tour,
Semble Vénus nouant des myrtres à l’Amour,
Quand le rêve, entraîné au bercement de l’onde,
Semble glisser, couler vers le plaisir du monde,
Quand le soir étendu sur ces miroirs gisants
Est une joue ardente où s’exalte le sang,
J’ai cherché en quel lieu le désir se repose...
Douces îles, pâmant sur des miroirs d’eau rose,
Vous déchirez le cœur que l’extase engourdit.
Pourquoi suis-je enfermée en un tel paradis!

Ah! que lassée enfin de toute jouissance,

Dans ces jardins meurtris, dans ces tombeaux d’essence,
Je m’endorme, momie aux membres épuisés!
Que cet embaumement soit un dernier baiser,
Tandis que, sous les noirs bambous qui vous abritent,
Sous les cèdres, pesants comme un ciel sombre et bas,
Blancs oiseaux de sérail que le parfum abat,
Vous gémirez d’amour, colombes d’Aphrodite!

Des parfums assoupis aux rebords des terrasses

Des parfums assoupis aux rebords des terrasses,
L’azur en feu, des fleurs que la chaleur harasse,
Sur quel rocher d’amour tant d’ardeur me lia!...
Colombes sommeillant dans les camélias,
Dans les verts camphriers et les saules de Chine,
Laissez dormir mes mains sur vos douces échines.

Consolez ma langueur, vous êtes, ce matin,

Le rose Saint-Esprit des tableaux florentins.
Tourterelles en deuil, si faibles, si lassées,
Fruits palpitants et chauds des branches épicées
Hélas! cet anneau noir qui cercle votre cou
Semble enfermer aussi mon âpre destinée,
Et vos gémissements m’annoncent tout à coup
Les enivrants malheurs pour lesquels je suis née...
Que tu es heureuse, cigale,
quand, du sommet des arbres,
abreuvée d’une goutte de rosée,
tu dors comme une reine.

’air brûle, la chaude magie

De l’Orient pèse sur nous,
Nous périssons de nostalgie
Dans l’éther trop riche et trop doux.

On entrevoit un jardin vide

Que la paix du soir inclina,
Et là-bas, la mosquée aride
Couleur de sable et de grenat.

La dure splendeur étrangère

Nous étourdit et nous déçoit;
Je me sens triste et mensongère:
On n’est pas bon loin de chez soi.

Ce ciel, ces poivriers, ces palmes,

Ces balcons d’un rose de fard,
Comme un vaisseau dans un port calme
Rêvent aux transports du départ.

Ah! comme un jour brûlant est vide!

Que faudrait-il de volupté
Pour combler l’abîme torride
De ce continuel été!
Des œillets, lourds comme des pommes,
Épanchent leur puissante odeur;
L’air, autour de mon demi-somme,
Tisse un blanc cocon de chaleur...

Dans la chambre en faïence rouge

Où je meurs sous un éventail,
J’entends le bruit, qui heurte et bouge,
Des chèvres rompant le portail.

Ainsi, c’est aujourd’hui dimanche,

Mais, dans cet exil haletant,
Au cœur de la cité trop blanche,
On ne sent plus passer le temps;

Il n’est des saisons et des heures

Qu’au frais pays où l’on est né,
Quand sur le bord de nos demeures
Chaque mois bondit, étonné.

Cette pesante somnolence,

Ce chaud éclat palermitain
Repoussent avec indolence
Mon cœur plaintif et mon destin;

Si je meurs ici, qu’on m’emporte

Près de la Seine au ciel léger,
J’aurai peur de n’être pas morte
Si je dors sous des orangers...
’éther pris de vertige et de fureur tournoie,
Un luisant diamant de tant d’azur s’extrait.
Virant, psalmodiant, le vent divise et ploie
La pointe faible des cyprès.

C’est en vain que les eaux écumeuses et blanches,

Captives tout en pleurs des lourds bassins romains,
S’élèvent bruyamment, s’ébattent et s’épanchent:
Neptune les tient dans sa main.

Je contemple la rage impuissante des ondes;

Dans cette vague éparse en la jaune cité,
C’est vous qu’on voit jaillir, conductrice des mondes,
Amère et douce Aphrodite!

L’odeur de la chaleur, languissante et créole,

Stagne entre les maisons qui gonflent de soleil;
Comme un coureur ailé le ciel bifurque et vole
Au bord tranchant des toits vermeils;

Et là-bas, sous l’azur qui toujours se dévide,

Un jet d’eau, turbulent et lassé tour à tour,
Semble un flambeau d’argent, une torche liquide
Qu’agite le poing de l’Amour.

Rome ploie, accablé de grappes odorantes,

La surhumaine vie envahit l’air ancien,
Les chapiteaux brisés font fleurir leurs acanthes
Aux thermes de Dioclétien!

Dans ce cloître pâmé, des bacchantes blêmies

Gisent; silence, azur, léthargiques dédains!
G se t; s e ce, a u , ét a g ques déda s!
Le soleil tombe en feu sur la gorge endormie
De ces Danaés des jardins...

Ils dorment là, liés par les roses païennes,

Ces corps de marbre blond, las et voluptueux:
O mes sœurs du ciel grec, chères Milésiennes,
Que de siècles sont sur vos yeux!

L’une d’elles voudrait se dégager; sa hanche

Soulève le sommeil ainsi qu’un flot trop lourd,
Mais tout le poids des temps et de l’azur la penche:
Elle rêve là pour toujours.

De vifs coquelicots, comme un sang gai, s’élancent

Parmi les verts fenouils, à Saint-Paul-hors-les-Murs
Un dôme en or suspend des colliers de Byzance
Au cou flamboyant de l’azur.

Ce matin, dans le vent qui vient puiser les cendres

Pour les mêler au jour ivre d’air et d’éclat,
Je respire ton cœur voluptueux et tendre,
Pauvre Cécile Métella!

Tu n’es pas à l’écart des saisons immortelles,

Un tourbillon d’azur te recueille sans fin;
Je n’ai pas plus de part que tes mânes fidèles
A l’univers vague et divin!

Les blancs eucalyptus et le cyprès qui chante,

Où viennent aboutir les longs soupirs des morts,
Racontent, chers défunts, vos détresses penchantes,
Votre sort pareil à nos sorts.
Quels familiers discours sur la voie Appienne!
Tissés dans le soleil, les morts vont jusqu’aux cieux;
Vous renaissez en moi, ombres aériennes,
Vous entrez dans mes tristes yeux!

Là-bas, sur la colline, un jeune cimetière

Étale sa langueur d’Anglais sentimental,
Les délicats tombeaux, dans les lis et le lierre,
Font monter un sang de cristal.

Midi luit; la villa des chevaliers de Malte

Choit comme une danseuse aux pieds brûlants et las.
Comme un fauve tigré l’air jaunit et s’exalte;
Une nymphe en pierre vit là.

Elle a les bras cassés, mais sa force éternelle

Empourpre de plaisir ses genoux triomphants;
Le néflier embaume, un jet d’eau est, près d’elle,
Secoué d’un rire d’enfant.

Les dieux n’ont pas quitté la campagne romaine,

Euterpe aux blonds pipeaux, Erato qui sourit,
Dansent dans le jardin Mattei, où se promène
Le saint Philippe de Néri.

Mais c’est vous qui, ce soir, partagez mon malaise,

Dans l’église sans voix, au mur pâle et glacé,
Déesse catholique, ô ma sainte Thérèse,
Qui soupirez, les yeux baissés!

Malgré vos airs royaux, et la fierté divine

Dont s’enveloppe encor votre cœur emporté,
L’angoisse de vos traits permet que l’on devine
Votre douce mendicité.

O visage altéré par l’ardente torture

D’attendre le bonheur qui descend lentement,
Appel mystérieux, hymne de la nature,
Désir de l’immortel amant!

Je vous offre aujourd’hui, parmi l’encens des prêtres,

Comme un grain plus brûlant mis dans vos encensoirs,
Le rire que j’entends au bas de la fenêtre
Où je rêve, seule, le soir;

C’est le rire joyeux, épouvanté, timide

De deux enfants heureux, éperdus, inquiets,
Qui joignent leurs regards et leurs lèvres avides,
Et dont tout le sanglot riait!

Ils riaient, ils étaient effrayés l’un de l’autre;

Un jet d’eau s’effritait dans le lointain bassin;
La lune blanchissait, de sa clarté d’apôtre,
La terrasse des Capucins.

Une palme portait le poids mélancolique

De l’éther sans zéphyr, sans rosée et sans bruit;
Rien ne venait briser son attente pudique,
Que ce rire aigu dans la nuit!

Et je n’entendis plus que ce rire nocturne,

Plus fort que les senteurs des terrasses de miel,
Plus vif que le sursaut des sources dans leur urne,
Plus clair que les astres au ciel.

Je le prends dans mes mains, chaudes comme la lave,

p , ,
Je le mêle aux élans de mon éternité,
Ce rire des humains, si farouche et si grave,
Qui prélude à la volupté!
e soir baigne d’argent les places de Vérone;
Les cieux roses et ronds, rayés d’ifs, de cyprès,
Font à la ville une couronne
De tristes et verts minarets.

Sur les ors languissants du palais du Concile,

On voit luire, ondoyer un manteau duveté:
Les pigeons amoureux, dociles,
Frémissent là de volupté.

L’Adige, entre les murs de brique qu’il reflète,

Roule son rouge flot, large, brusque, puissant:
Dans la ville de Juliette
Un fleuve a la couleur du sang.

O tragique douceur de la cité sanglante,

Rue où le passé vit sous les vents endormis:
Un masque court, ombre galante,
Au bal des amants ennemis.

Je m’élance, et je vois ta maison, Juliette!

Si plaintive, si noire, ainsi qu’un froid charbon.
C’est là que la fraîche alouette
T’épouvantait de sa chanson!

Que tu fus consumée, ô nymphe des supplices!

Que ton mortel désir était fervent et beau
Lorsque tu t’écriais: «Nourrice,
Que l’on prépare mon tombeau!

«Qu’on prépare ma tombe et mon funèbre somme,

Que mon lit nuptial soit violet et noir,
Que o t upt a so t v o et et o ,
Si je n’enlace le jeune homme
Qui brillait au verger ce soir!...»

Auprès de ta fureur héroïque et plaintive,

Auprès de tes appels, de ton brûlant tourment,
La soif est une source vive,
La faim est un rassasiement.

Hélas! tu le savais, qu’il n’est rien sur la terre

Que l’invincible amour, par les pleurs ennobli;
Le feu, la musique, la guerre,
N’en sont que le reflet pâli!

Ma sœur, ton sein charmant, ton visage d’aurore,

Où sont-ils, cette nuit où je porte ton cœur?
La colombe du sycomore
Soupire à mourir de langueur...

Là-bas un lourd palais, couleur de pourpre ardente,

Ferme ses volets verts sous le ciel rose et gris;
Je pense au soir d’automne où Dante
Ecrivit là le Paradis;

La céleste douceur des tournantes collines

Emplissait son regard, à l’heure où las, pensifs,
Les anges d’Italie inclinent
Le ciel délicat sur les ifs.

Mais que tu m’es plus chère, ô maison de l’ivresse,

Balcon où frémissait le chant du rossignol,
Où Juliette qui caresse
Suspend Roméo à son col!
Ah! que tu m’es plus cher, sombre balcon des fièvres,
Où l’échelle de soie en chantant tournoyait,
Où les amants, joignant leurs lèvres,
Sanglotaient entre eux: «Je vous ai!»

Que l’amour soit béni parmi toutes les choses,

Que son nom soit sacré, son règne ample et complet;
Je n’offre les lauriers, les roses,
Qu’à la fille des Capulet!
h! la douceur d’ouvrir, dans un matin d’automne,
Sur le feuillage vert, rougeoyant et jauni
Que la chaleur d’argent éclabousse et sillonne,
Les volets peints en noir du palais Manzoni!

Des citronniers en pots, le thym, le laurier-rose

Font un cercle odorant au puits vénitien,
Et sur les blancs balcons indolemment repose
Le frais, le calme azur, juvénile, ancien!

Ah! quelle paix ici, dans ce jardin de pierre,

Sous la terrasse où traîne un damas orangé!
On n’entend pas frémir Venise aventurière,
On ne voit pas languir son marbre submergé...

Qu’importe si, là-bas, Torcello des lagunes

Communique aux flots bleus sa pâmoison d’argent,
Si Murano, rêveuse ainsi qu’un clair de lune,
Semble un vase irisé d’où monte un tendre chant!

Qu’importe si là-bas le rose cimetière,

Levant comme des bras ses cyprès verts et noirs,
Semble implorer encor la divine lumière
Pour le mort oublié qui ne doit plus la voir;

Si, vers la Giudecca où nul vent ne soupire,

Où l’air est suspendu comme un plus doux climat,
Dans une gloire d’or les langoureux navires
Bercent la nostalgie aux branches de leurs mâts;

Si, plein de jeunes gens, le couvent d’Arménie

Couleur de frais piment, de pourpre, de corail,
Cou eu de a s p e t, de pou p e, de co a ,
Semble exhaler, le soir, une plainte infinie
Vers quelque asiatique et savoureux sérail;

Si, brûlant de plaisir et de mélancolie,

Une fille, vendant des œillets, va, mêlant
Le poivre de l’Espagne au sucre d’Italie,
Tandis que sur Saint-Marc tombe un soir rose et lent!

Je ne quitterai pas ce petit puits paisible,

Cet espalier par qui mon cœur est abrité;
Qu’Éros pour ses poignards retrouve une autre cible,
Mon céleste désir n’a pas de volupté!...
a prier dans Saint-Marc pour ta peine amoureuse;
Le temple de Byzance est sensible au péché;
Un parfum de benjoin, d’ambre, de tubéreuse,
Glisse des frais arceaux et des balcons penchés.

Va prier dans Saint-Marc pour ta douce folie;

Les pigeons assemblés sur la façade en or
Protègent les transports de la mélancolie,
Et les anges des cieux sont plus cléments encor.

Va prier dans Saint-Marc; les dalles, les rosaces

Ont l’éclat des bijoux et des tapis persans;
Depuis plus de mille ans dans ce palais s’entassent
Les profanes souhaits parfumés par l’encens.

Vois, sous leurs châles noirs, les tendres suppliantes

Joindre des doigts brûlants et songer doucement.
Divine pauvreté! cet Alhambra les tente
Moins que les cabarets où boivent leurs amants!

Va prier dans Saint-Marc. Le Dieu des Evangiles

Marche, les bras ouverts, dans de blonds paradis;
On entend les bateaux qui partent pour les îles,
Et les pigeons frémir au canon de midi.

Des mosaïques d’or, limpides alvéoles,

Glisse un mystique miel, lumineux, épicé;
Et vers la Piazzetta, de penchantes gondoles
Entraînent mollement les couples exaucés...

Beau temple, que ta grâce est chaude, complaisante!

O jardin des langueurs, ô porte d’Orient!

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