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SA - 1 (2023-24)
11th class- Biology
Time 3 hours M M : 70

Part- A
One marks each. 1x16=16
1. First vascular plant is
a) Thallophyta. B) pteridophyta
b) Bryophyta. C) spermatophyta
2. Phytoplankton are
a) Heterotrophs. C) saprotrophs
b) Autotrophs. D All of these
3. Yellow green pigment is found in
a. Xanthophyta. C. Phaeophyta
b. Chlorophyta. D. Rhodophyta
4. An open circulatory system occur in
a. Reptiles. C. Aves
b. Humans. D insects
5. Which of the following is a true fish
A. Jelly. B. Flying
B. Cuttle. Silver fish.
6. Egg laying mammal is
A. Armedillo. C. Duck billed platypus
B. Pangolin. D. All
7. Fibrous root system is mostly found in.
A. Dicot. B. Monocot. C. Pteridophytes. D. Bryophyta.
8. What type of placentation seen in sweet pea ?
A. Marginal b. Basal C. Axile D. Free Central
9. Pattern of arrangement of leaves on stem is known as.
A. Phyllode. B. Phyllotaxy. C. Phylloclade. D. Heterophylly
10. Plumule is covered by protective sheath called
A. Coleorrhiza. B. Scutellum C. Coleoptile. D. Tegmen
11. Centrosome are present in.
A. Plant cell b. Animal cell c. Both cell d. None
12. Lysosomes contain
A. Hormone B. Lytic enzyme C. Hydrolytic enzyme D. Useful material
13. Axoneme having 9+2 doublet microtubule arrangement is found in.
A. Cilia. B. Flagella C. Cilia and flagella D. Centriole
14. Synapsis occure in which of the following stage of meiosis.
A. Leptotene B. Zygotene C. Pachytene D. Diakinesis
15. In a cell cycle during which phase chromosomes are arranged in equatorial plate ?
A. Metaphase B. Anaphase C Telophase D. Prophase
16. The no of mitotic cell division required to produce 256 cells from single cell would be.
A. 10. B.12 C. 8 D. 6

Part- B 2x8=16

A) What are monocot and dicot plants give one example of each .
B) Differentiate between phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae.
C) Define the following terms : bioluminescence, metameres, radula, poikilothermous
D) Differentiate between pinnately, palmately compound leaves and Racemose and
cymose inflorescence.
E) Identify the following aestivation in corolla : imbricate, twisted, vexillary, valvate

Identify the structure and label it at least 8 name.

F) How is the study of plant anatomy useful to us

G) Describe the following: centrosome & chromatin .

Part C 3x6=18

A) 1. Write down the significance of meiosis.

2. What is g0 of cell cycle phase
B) Describe the following: synapsis , bivalent, chiasmata.
C) Explain plastids and it’s type and sectional view of chloroplast
D) Explain the following in solanaceae family : Floral formula , economic
importance, floral diagram .

E) Write differences between ascocarp and basidiocarp .

Define the term mycorrhiza. How are these associations affect a plant ?
Explain with examples.
F) Write brief account of mosses?
Part D ( 1x4=4)

Q A. Early morning meeta and her family returned back from few days holiday trip while
preparing breakfast mitasa her mother using bread with Himesh layer grown over see
stop her mother no to use such that she also explain her that it was due to the growth of
bread mould see also advised her to keep bread in refrigerator for avoiding such growth
I. Name the class to which bread mould belongs
II. Name the bread mould
III. Give two examples of the same class
IV. What values shown by Mita?
Q.B Match the column I with column II (1x4=4)
Column I. Column II
Porifera. Canal system
Aschelminthes. Muscular pharynx
Annelida. Jointed appendages
Arthropoda. Metameres
Q.C Write the symbols of the following. (4)
Zygomorphic , perianth, actinomorphic ,carpels two free, epipetalous, inferior ovary,
superior ovary
Q.D Explain Meiosis I prophase with diagrams.
Q E. Define different types of chromosomes and functions of chromosomes
What are the aim of zoological parks botanical gardens and museums.

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