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Exploring the Complexities of Adolescent Appearance Anxiety: A

Comprehensive Analysis

Xiaohan Yu

People’s concern for appearance is almost instinct, and pursuing beauty is a universal human behavior. However, the
pervasive emphasis on appearance and the singularity of beauty standards has become the prevailing cultural trend,
impacting everyone. Teenagers exposed to this cultural trend are more likely to develop appearance anxiety. Current
research has progressively shifted its focus toward the concern of appearance anxiety, categorizing it within the realms
of anxiety disorders and depression. This classification places the appearance of anxiety within the broader discussion
surrounding psychological disorders. In this article, we will discuss the formation and impact of adolescent appearance
anxiety from different perspectives. Personal, familial, and societal factors will all be explored in our analysis, as prior
studies have not extensively investigated this dimension of adolescents’ sensitivity to appearance.
Given that adolescent appearance anxiety can exert far-reaching effects on personal development, we will examine
its consequences both in the short term and over the long term. In terms of the prevention and treatment of adolescent
appearance anxiety, we will analyze traditional methods, such as psychological counseling and the regulation of social
media use. Additionally, we will explore innovative approaches like art-based therapy, which may yield more favorable
outcomes. In contrast to prior research, we have identified that teenagers’ sensitivity can diminish the efficacy of
conventional treatment approaches, underscoring the distinct advantages of art-based therapies.
Keywords: Adolescents, Appearance Anxiety, Art Therapy

Introduction and familial factors. A skewed perception of self-worth

can include peer pressure, personal experiences, social
Today, the prevalence of teenage depression is steadily on media, cultural beauty ideals, etc. Therefore, I will analyze
the rise. This concerning phenomenon can be attributed the issue of adolescent appearance anxiety from different
not only to the heavy academic pressure that adolescents perspectives and explore how it exerts its influence on
face but also to often overlooked factors, one of which the physical and mental well-being of teenagers. The
is appearance anxiety. When I was taking a sketch class, consequences of adolescent appearance anxiety are non-
our teacher asked us to draw a portrait of ourselves. An negligible and far more severe than we expected, often
intriguing observation came to light: the self-portraits manifesting as both mental and physical problems like
of my classmates were usually more idealized than depression and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). I will
their actual appearances. Therefore, I started to think examine both the short-term and long-term influences
about this apparent distortion in self-perception. Is of appearance anxiety on teenagers. Although grappling
the pursuit of image perfection concealing underlying with adolescent appearance anxiety is an intricate and
appearance anxiety among adolescents? People suffering subjective experience, we are expected to seek and
from appearance anxiety tend to internalize external develop solutions that can prevent or alleviate the negative
beauty standards, which can, in turn, result in diminished effects of appearance anxiety on teenagers. Conventional
self-esteem and even mental health issues like anxiety and approaches such as counseling and cognitive-behavioral
depression. therapy will be discussed. In addition, we will introduce
Recent research conducted by the C.S. Mott Children’s the concept of art-based therapy as an innovative means
Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI, proposed that 64% of parents of addressing appearance anxiety in teenagers. With the
acknowledged their children’s self-consciousness about hope of implementing art-based therapy as a supplement
some aspects of their appearance, such as weight, skin or alternative, this paper is devoted to providing parents
condition, or breast size. Alarmingly, this sentiment was and educators with more creative ways to help adolescents
echoed by 73% of adolescent girls and 69% of adolescent overcome their struggles and steer them toward a brighter
boys (Schimelpfening). The origins of anxiety are tangled, future.
stemming from a complicated interplay of social, personal,


Thesis imagery circulated online. Consequently, exposure

to this misleading information misleads teenagers to
Adolescent appearance anxiety derives from various compare their appearance with perfectly retouched online
sources, encompassing social media’s influence on photos, resulting in feelings of inferiority and ultimately
young minds, the rapid evolution of cultural trends, culminating in appearance-related anxiety.
and adolescents’ escalating sensitivity to their physical The impact of social media on teenagers mirrors the
appearance and changes. In the short term, appearance impact of prevailing cultural trends.
anxiety can manifest as distraction and disruption to the Misusing social media platforms reflects how these trends
learning process, gradually impacting the mental and can become distorted, particularly regarding aesthetic
physical well-being of adolescents potentially leading ideals, leading young individuals to form misguided
to severe conditions like Body Dysmorphic Disorder notions and judgments about beauty. For instance,
(BDD). In the long run, there will be gender differences among the movies and TV shows that teenagers love to
in terms of the profound influence of appearance anxiety. watch now, teenagers are more likely to prefer actors
Appearance anxiety can also negatively affect adolescents’ and characters whose physical attributes align with
intimate relationships when they grow up, along with a conventional standards of perfection. In popular franchises
lack of leadership. It is an urgent need for both parents like the Marvel cinematic universe, many characters
and schools to acknowledge and address this issue while have perfect figures and looks that stand out in contrast
guiding adolescents on responsible social media usage. In to everyday life. This trend strongly impacted teenagers,
addition to direct intervention, employing non-aggressive particularly during the peak popularity of Marvel movies.
art-based methods can be efficient in the prevention and It sparked a pervasive trend of emulating superheroes,
reduction of adolescent appearance anxiety. a genuine desire shared by boys and girls to attain
Causes of Adolescent Appearance Anxiety admirable appearances and body shapes. This pursuit of
perfection gradually invades young minds, leading to a
As technology advances and evolves, the Internet has skewed perception of beauty. However, imperfection is
been perfectly integrated into our lives. This integration not only normal in real life but should also be celebrated
has, however, raised concerns about teenagers being as a part of our life journey. The relentless pursuit of an
increasingly exposed to misleading information on unattainable aesthetic is both distorted and unrealistic.
social media, subsequently leading to the development When teenagers internalize this idealized image, they
of appearance-related anxiety. The pursuit of internet imagine themselves as flawless individuals, magnifying
celebrities, often called ‘star chasing,’ has become a their perceived appearance flaws and gradually eroding
common trend and popular entertainment for teenagers. their self-confidence.
Although star chasing is an effective way for adolescents Although appearance anxiety is also common in
to relieve stress and gain emotional support to a certain adults, it manifests distinctly in teenagers. Adolescents,
extent, excessive attention to these glamorous internet going through rapid changes in their appearances, find
celebrities can trigger appearance-related anxiety among themselves particularly sensitive to changes in their
young individuals. Many inaccurate and toxic information bodies. The adolescent body undergoes a significant
is circulating on the Internet, including images, videos, transformation, with hormones surging and emotions
and sounds that have been carefully designed and intensifying. Therefore, teenagers may feel anxious about
artificially altered to attract other people’s attention. what they have never encountered before. Approximately
Much of the content encountered online is artificially 18% declined to participate in photographs, 17%
curated rather than an accurate representation of reality. attempted to conceal their looks using clothing, and 8%
For example, platforms like Instagram, frequently used resorted to restrictive eating (Schimelpfening). At this
by adolescents, provide a variety of photo filters that age, the external influence of the surrounding environment
can alter one’s appearance—lightening skin, enhancing is significant. For example, peer evaluations can become
eyes, and even reshaping facial features. These filters a pressure on teenagers and even alter adolescents’ self-
are all fake disguises used by people who want to perception. Within the family dynamic, adolescents are
make themselves conform to conventional standards of also acutely attuned to their parents’ assessments of
beauty and allure. However, these technologies have their appearance. Unintentional comments from parents
gradually made everyone hypocritical, leading to a can have a potent effect, causing teenagers to perceive
gradual erosion of authenticity. Therefore, young people themselves in a distorted way. Compared with peer
are likelier to lose their sense of discernment and then evaluation, parents’ comments may be more emotionally
struggle to differentiate between reality and the idealized impactful and potentially destructive as adolescents


care more about the opinions of those closest to them. these individuals enter the professional world, they often
Adolescents’ heightened sensitivity to appearance struggle to develop leadership. Leadership entails making
changes and concerns will expose them to a higher risk of decisive decisions and possessing strong confidence,
developing appearance anxiety when compared to adults. crucial for career advancement. However, individuals with
long-term appearance anxiety can easily be trapped in a
Effects of Adolescent Appearance Anxiety cage of self-denial and, therefore, less likely to possess
The impact of appearance-related anxiety on teenagers is leadership. Consequently, teenagers without appearance-
more profound and far-reaching than we expected, so we related anxieties generally have better prospects for
need to examine the harm it causes in both the short term employment opportunities and career development
and long term. The most direct impact is often manifested than their counterparts dealing with appearance-related
in the disruption of teenagers’ daily lives, which usually concerns.
leads to a gradual decline in academic performance.
These consequences, in turn, can intensify the anxiety
How to Prevent and Alleviate Adolescent
experienced by teenagers. Teenagers’ physical health
Appearance Anxiety
will also be affected. Many students resort to unscientific The issue of appearance anxiety among teenagers is a
and irregular diets to achieve a perfect body shape. problem that needs attention in today’s society. While
Long-term irregular eating can lead to eating disorders conventional approaches like psychological counseling
and even develop severe problems like BDD (Body and social media regulation have shown efficacy, we
Dysmorphic Disorder). According to the Anxiety and should consider some innovative methods to deal
Depression Association of America, “Body Dysmorphic with teenagers’ appearance anxiety. As mentioned in
Disorder (BDD) is when a person has a preoccupation the opening paragraph, my experience in identifying
with a perceived flaw in their physical appearance. appearance anxiety during sketching classes has inspired
Although in reality there might be a slight flaw, the me to recognize the role of art in addressing this issue.
distress is excessive”. During teenagers’ crucial growth I not only observe how art helps us detect teenagers’
and development stage, the pursuit of drastic weight appearance anxiety but also see its potential to offer us a
loss and body alterations can significantly raise the risk way of prevention and treatment. Admittedly, traditional
of malnutrition, hampering their normal developmental methods are effective in solving the problem of appearance
progress. Aside from the harm to physical health, there anxiety among teenagers. For example, psychological
will also be an enduring impact of appearance anxiety counseling can help teenagers vent their stress and better
on teenager’s mental well-being. It often leads teenagers understand their appearance. However, these approaches
to experience lowered self-esteem, social withdrawal, may be less suited for today’s tech-savvy youth. This is
and other serious problems. As appearance anxiety due to two primary factors. First, the rapid integration of
deepens, gender disparities become increasingly evident. technology, particularly social media, into teenagers’ lives
Typically, girls are more susceptible to its effects due to exposes them to potentially misleading information. The
the escalating beauty standards prevalent in contemporary impact may fall short of expectations even with attempts
society, exemplified by shrinking women’s clothing to regulate social media use. The large amount of content
sizes and the proliferation of skin-whitening products on these platforms and their easy accessibility make it
advertised on social media. difficult to fully protect teenagers from harmful messages
In the long run, appearance anxiety will also have a about appearance.
significant impact on intimacy because individuals Furthermore, anonymity online can lead to the promotion
burdened by such anxiety often have high expectations of damaging beauty ideals and cyberbullying, making
regarding their partner’s appearance, which can hinder appearance-related anxieties worse. Second, as discussed
the emotional connections between individuals. The in the first part, teenagers navigating the sensitive period
weighty burden of striving for a perfect appearance can of adolescence may resist or reject traditional treatments
often extend beyond an individual and onto their partners. like one-on-one psychological interviews. They may be
This transfer of expectations places significant pressure hesitant to share their thoughts or feelings with people
on partners about their appearance and body shape. they have no close connection to. Teenagers can even
Moreover, as appearance anxiety persists, it tends to erode show aggressive behavior against any intervention in
self-confidence. Persistent appearance anxiety doesn’t just their lives. Therefore, traditional methods of controlling
make people unhappy with their appearance; it also makes adolescent appearance anxiety may be less effective and
them overly critical of every little flaw they see. When feasible than we expected before.


In contrast to traditional methods, art-based therapy offers such scenarios, VR can prove particularly advantageous.
a gentle and non-invasive approach that avoids triggering It can present teenagers with creative prompts and themes,
resistance in teenagers. Art therapy does not create a tense offering them a wide range of topics to explore and
treatment environment but introduces adolescents to a affording them creative freedom. Most importantly, VR
relaxing atmosphere that can evoke their enthusiasm to excels in protecting privacy, alleviating teenagers’ anxiety
evolve into the treatment procedure. The creative nature about potential judgment or commentary from others. As
of art therapy encourages teenagers to gradually open their technology advances, we can anticipate the emergence of
minds, making them more likely to express their thoughts increasingly sophisticated tools and technologies, similar
and feelings. According to the American Art Therapy to VR, that seamlessly integrate art therapy with the
Association, “Art Therapy is used to improve cognitive digital realm.
and sensory-motor functions…” and “through integrative
methods, art therapy engages the mind, body, and spirit in Conclusion
ways distinct from verbal articulation alone.” If teenagers The issue of appearance anxiety among teenagers has
do not want to discuss their feelings and thoughts about become a problem worthy of attention from the entire
appearance, traditional approaches like psychological society. The reasons for appearance anxiety in teenagers
counseling will be useless because these methods largely are varied, primarily stemming from the idolization
depend on verbal communication. The distinctiveness of of celebrities and the impact of social media, which
art-based therapy is that it does not depend on a single eventually leads to a distortion of beauty standards.
form of treatment since it is an integrative approach When beauty is defined as a one-size-fits-all standard, it
seamlessly combining visual, spiritual, and physical becomes a prevailing cultural trend, causing teenagers to
elements. It enables teenagers to express themselves and conform to this skewed norm. This toxic cultural trend
release emotions, ultimately reshaping their perceptions will result in adolescents becoming hyper-sensitive to
of appearance. For instance, self-portraits created in any changes in their bodies and extremely attuned to how
sketching classes can help teenagers identify their ideal others perceive and evaluate them, thereby leading to
self-image and recognize the discrepancies between magnified appearance-related anxieties among teenagers.
this ideal and their realistic appearance. Through art From a short-term perspective, appearance anxiety can
therapy, teenagers can come to terms with these divisions, lead to a distraction from teenagers’ normal life. They
fostering a more accurate understanding of aesthetics and may encounter a series of issues like declined academic
realizing that beauty should be diverse. performance, reduced focus, and increased stress in
We can also integrate technology into art-based therapies school. Appearance anxiety can also lead to significant
besides traditional art therapies like painting, dancing, and physical health issues, notably eating disorders, as
singing. Given that technology has become an integral teenagers may resort to strict dieting in pursuit of an ideal
aspect of young people’s lives today, we can harness its appearance. In the long run, it will profoundly impact
potential to transform technology into a potent tool for career development and family relationships. Controlling
addressing appearance anxiety. Virtual reality (VR) is a and preventing appearance anxiety is a problem that
good example of how powerful it is to combine technology requires long-term attention and intervention. Existing
with art-based therapy. VR is an advanced technology that traditional methods, such as psychological counseling
enables individuals to immerse themselves in alternate or reducing social media, are now widely used, but their
realities distinct from their everyday lives. It can craft effectiveness may be limited. Conventional methods like
tailored experiences, generating scenes and environments psychological counseling and regulating social media
aligned with therapeutic goals and objectives. Researchers usage are commonly employed, but their effectiveness
found that “VR can be a therapeutic alternative for clients may have limitations. Therefore, we have to consider
who are afraid of making mistakes in their work because some creative methods like art-based therapy because they
it allows for an experiential exploration without any can alleviate the burden of appearance anxiety among
physical or real-world implications” (Shamri Zeevi). In teenagers in a gentler manner.
other words, VR allows individuals to explore themselves Nonetheless, this innovative approach’s widespread
in ways they may not be able to achieve in the real world. applicability and feasibility have yet to be substantiated.
For example, in traditional art therapy, such as drawing, Even if it proves effective compared to traditional
teenagers may encounter challenges deciding what to methods, it may still face challenges regarding large-scale
draw and how to do artistic expressions. They might conduction. My primary goal in composing this article is
also fear drawing something they consider inappropriate, to raise awareness about the seriousness of appearance
potentially leading to judgment or criticism from others. In


anxiety, urging everyone to recognize the necessity of Conscious about Their Appearance.” Healthline, Healthline
including appearance anxiety as a vital facet of adolescent Media, 20 Sept. 2022,
mental health research. 3-of-parents-say-their-kids-are-self-conscious-about-their-
Work Cited Shamri Zeevi, Liat. “Making Art Therapy Virtual: Integrating
“Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): Anxiety and Depression Virtual Reality into Art Therapy with Adolescents.” Frontiers,
Association of America, ADAA.” Body Dysmorphic Disorder Frontiers, 15 Jan. 2021,
(BDD) | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, fpsyg.2021.584943/full.
ADAA, “2017_DefinitionofProfession.” American Art Therapy
disorder. Accessed 24 Sept. 2023. Association, 15 Sept. 2023,
Schimelpfening, Nancy. “2/3 of Parents Say Their Kid Is Self- upload/2017_DefinitionofProfession.pdf

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