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Two or more companies may amalgamate, and continue as one company, which may be one
of the amalgamating companies, or may be a new company.


(1) An amalgamation proposal shall set out the terms of the amalgamation, and in

(a) the name of the amalgamated company, where it is the same as the name of one of
the amalgamating companies; and

(b) the registered office of the amalgamated company; and

(c) the full name or names and address or addresses of the director or directors,
and secretary (if any) of the amalgamated company; and

(d) the address for service of the amalgamated company; and

(e) the share structure of the amalgamated company, specifying–

(i) the number of shares of the company; and

(ii) the rights, privileges, limitations, and conditions attached to each share of
the company, where different from those set out in Section 37; and

(f) the manner in which the shares of each amalgamating company are to be converted
into shares of the amalgamated company; and

(g) where shares of an amalgamating company are not to be converted into shares of
the amalgamated company, the consideration that the holders of those shares are to
receive instead of shares of the amalgamated company; and

(h) any payment to be made to a shareholder or director or secretary of an

amalgamating company, other than a payment of the kind described in Paragraph (g);

(i) details of any arrangement necessary to complete the amalgamation and to

provide for the subsequent management and operation of the amalgamated company.

(2) The amalgamation proposal shall include the proposed constitution of the
amalgamated company, if any.

(3) An amalgamation proposal may specify the date on which the amalgamation is
intended to become effective.

(4) Where shares of one of the amalgamating companies are held by or on behalf of
another of the amalgamating companies, the amalgamation proposal–

– 119 – s. 234.

Companies 1997

(a) shall provide for the cancellation of those shares without payment or the
provision of other consideration when the amalgamation becomes effective; and

(b) shall not provide for the conversion of those shares into shares of the
amalgamated company.

(1) The board of each amalgamating company shall resolve that–

(a) in its opinion the amalgamation is in the best interests of the company; and

(b) it is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the amalgamated company will,

immediately after the amalgamation becomes effective, satisfy the solvency test.

(2) The directors who vote in favour of a resolution required by Subsection (1)
shall forthwith sign a certificate stating that, in their opinion, the conditions
set out in that subsection are satisfied, and the grounds for that opinion.

(3) The board of each amalgamating company shall send to each shareholder of the
company, not less than one month before the amalgamation is proposed to take

(a) a copy of the amalgamation proposal; and

(b) copies of the certificates given by the directors of each board; and

(c) a summary of the principal provisions of the constitution of the amalgamated

company, where it has one; and

(d) a statement setting out the rights of shareholders under Section 91; and

(e) a statement of any material interests of the directors in the proposal, whether
in that capacity or otherwise; and

(f) such further information and explanation as may be necessary to enable a

reasonable shareholder to understand the nature and implications for the company
and its shareholders of the proposed amalgamation.

(4) The board of each amalgamating company shall, not less than one month before
the amalgamation is proposed to take effect–

(a) send a copy of the amalgamation proposal to every secured creditor of the
company; and

(b) give public notice of the proposed amalgamation, including a statement that–

(i) copies of the amalgamation proposal are available for inspection by any
shareholder or creditor of an amalgamating company, or any person to whom an
amalgamating company is under an obligation, at the registered offices of the

– 120 – Companies 1997

s. 235.

companies and at such other places as may be specified during normal business
hours; and

(ii) a shareholder or creditor of an amalgamating company, or any person to whom an

amalgamating company is under an obligation, is entitled to be supplied free of
charge with a copy of the amalgamation proposal upon request to an amalgamating
(5) The amalgamation proposal shall be approved–

(a) by the shareholders of each amalgamating company, in accordance with Section

88; and

(b) where a provision in the amalgamation proposal would, if contained in an

amendment to an amalgamating company’s constitution or otherwise proposed in
relation to that company, require the approval of an interest group, by a special
resolution of that interest group.

(6) A director who fails to comply with Subsection (2) commits an offence and is
liable on conviction to the penalty set out in Section 413(1).


(1) A company and one or more other companies that is or that are directly or
indirectly wholly owned by it may amalgamate and continue as one company (being the
company first referred to) without complying with Section 233 and 234 where–

(a) the amalgamation is approved by a resolution of the board of each amalgamating

company; and

(b) each resolution provides that–


the shares of each amalgamating company, other than the amalgamated company, will
be cancelled without payment or other consideration; and

(ii) the constitution of the amalgamated company, if it has one, will be the same
as the constitution of the company first referred to, if it has one; and

(iii) the board is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the amalgamated company
will, immediately after the amalgamation becomes effective, satisfy the solvency

(2) Two or more companies, each of which is directly or indirectly wholly owned by
the same company, may amalgamate and continue as one company without complying with
Section 233 or 234 where–

(a) the amalgamation is approved by a resolution of the board of each amalgamating

company; and

(b) each resolution provides that–

– 121 – s. 236.

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(i) the shares of all but one of the amalgamating companies will be cancelled
without payment or other consideration; and

(ii) the constitution of the amalgamated company, if it has one, will be the same
as the constitution of the amalgamating company whose shares are not cancelled, if
it has one; and

(iii) the board is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the amalgamated company
will, immediately after the amalgamation becomes effective, satisfy the solvency
(3) The board of each amalgamating company shall, not less than one month before
the amalgamation is proposed to take effect, give written notice of the proposed
amalgamation to every secured creditor of the company.

(4) The resolutions approving an amalgamation under this section, taken together,
shall be deemed to constitute an amalgamation proposal that has been approved.

(5) The directors who vote in favour of a resolution required by Subsection (1) or
(2), as the case may be, shall forthwith sign a certificate stating that, in their
opinion, the conditions set out in Subsection (1) or (2) are satisfied, and the
grounds for that opinion.

(6) A director who fails to comply with Subsection (5) commits an offence and is
liable on conviction to the penalty set out in Section 413(1).


For the purpose of effecting an amalgamation copies of the following documents,

together with an application in the prescribed form shall be submitted to the
Registrar for registration:–

(a) the approved amalgamation proposal;

(b) any certificates required under Section 234(2) or 235(5);

(c) a certificate signed by the board of each amalgamating company stating that the
amalgamation has been approved in accordance with this Act;

(d) the constitution of the company, if it has one;

(e) where the amalgamated company is a new company or the amalgamation proposal
provides for a change of the name of the amalgamated company, the notice reserving
the name of the company, if any;


a document in the prescribed form signed by each of the persons named in the
amalgamation proposal as a director or secretary of the amalgamated company
containing his consent to be a director or secretary and a certificate that he is
not disqualified from being appointed or holding office as a director or secretary
of a company.

– 122 – Companies 1997

s. 237.


(1) After receipt of the documents required under Section 236, the Registrar


(a) where the amalgamated company is the same as one of the amalgamating companies,
issue a certificate of amalgamation in the prescribed form; or

(b) where the amalgamated company is a new company–

(i) enter particulars of the company on the register; and

(ii) issue a certificate of amalgamation in the prescribed form together with a
certificate of incorporation.

(2) Where an amalgamation proposal specifies a date on which the amalgamation is

intended to become effective, and that date is the same as, or later than, the date
on which the Registrar receives the documents, the certificate of amalgamation, and
any certificate of incorporation shall be expressed to have effect on the date
specified in the amalgamation proposal.


On the date shown in a certificate of amalgamation–

(a) the amalgamation is effective; and

(b) where it is the same as a name of one of the amalgamating companies, the
amalgamated company has the name specified in the amalgamation proposal; and

(c) the Registrar shall remove the amalgamating companies, other than the
amalgamated company, from the register, and otherwise give effect to the
amalgamation; and

(d) the amalgamated company succeeds to all the property, rights, powers, and
privileges of each of the amalgamating companies; and

(e) the amalgamated company succeeds to all the liabilities and obligations of each
of the amalgamating companies; and

(f) proceedings pending by, or against, an amalgamating company may be continued

by, or against, the amalgamated company; and

(g) a conviction, ruling, order, or judgment in favour of, or against, an

amalgamating company may be enforced by, or against, the amalgamated company; and

(h) any provisions of the amalgamation proposal that provide for the conversion of
shares or rights of shareholders in the amalgamating companies have effect
according to their tenor.

– 123 – s. 239.

Companies 1997


(1) Where an amalgamation becomes effective, no person charged with the keeping of
any books or registers shall be obliged, solely by reason of the amalgamation
becoming effective, to change the name of an amalgamating company to that of the
amalgamated company in those books or registers or in any documents.

(2) The presentation to any person of any instrument (whether or not comprising an
instrument of transfer) by the amalgamated company–

(a) executed or purporting to be executed by the amalgamated company; and

(b) relating to any property held immediately before the amalgamation by an

amalgamating company; and

(c) stating that the property has become the property of the amalgamated company by
virtue of this Part,

shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be sufficient evidence that the
property has become the property of the amalgamated company.

(3) Without limiting Subsection (1) or (2), where any security issued by any person
or any rights or interests in property of any person become, by virtue of this
Part, the property of an amalgamated company, that person, on the presentation of a
certificate signed on behalf of the board of the amalgamated company, stating that
that security or any such rights or interests have, by virtue of this Part, become
the property of the amalgamated company, shall, notwithstanding any other law or
the provisions of any instrument, register the amalgamated company as the holder of
that security or as the person entitled to such rights or interests, as the case
may be.

(4) Except as provided in this section, nothing in this Part derogates from the
provisions of the Land Registration Act 1981.

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