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Watson Assistant Level 2 Quiz

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Watson Assistant Level 2 Quiz

Question 1
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A client came across the term Webhooks in a Watson Assistant capability
video on YouTube and texted your cell to ask what they are, you tell them that

Webhooks enable Watson Assistant to deal with unclear or ambiguous

phrasing of questions.

Webhooks provide clients with an end-to-end security envelop during any

conversation their customers might be having with Watson Assistant.

Webhooks pull external data into your virtual assistant (for example, account
information) and can invoke actions in other systems (for example, opening a
support ticket).

Refers to the integration Watson Assistant has with WebEx.

Question 2
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are prospecting a new territory for Watson Assistant opportunities. As
you book meetings, what are the best personas to focus on for clients that are
looking to accelerate digital experiences for their customers?

Chief Marketing Officer. The digital journey is now owned by Marketing.

Any manager of a knowledge worker group

Customer Care is primarily a Tech support issue. Any senior leader in
Technical support.

VP of Customer Experience
Question 3
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are in a competitive virtual assistant opportunity with Microsoft, and
the client seems biased towards Microsoft technologies. With this in mind,
you want to be focused on the right areas to compete on. As you prepare
your presentation for this client, you focus on what three themes?

Microsoft has little to no innovation

Microsoft does not have a differentiating offering
Microsoft architecture is old

Focus on IBM's breadth of Analytical offerings

Rely heavily on IBM's strong services offerings
Weave in a strong narrative about IBM's Quantum Computing research and
development capabilities and investment

IBM protects client data and insight

Better features
Language Support

Microsoft virtual assistant solutions are developer-centric

Watson Assistant integrates with Microsoft Teams
Gartner does not see Microsoft as a leader
Question 4
1.00 points out of 1.00
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You are talking to a client whose Chief Information Officer (CIO) discovered
that Watson Assistant is part of their licensed catalog as a result of an
Enterprise License Agreement (ELA). They are definitely interested in doing
something, but they are not sure where to start, given the varied types of
customer inquiries. You respond by saying that "Watson Assistant empowers
your team to design an assistant that can tell, show, and do." Why is this

Because every problem has an optimal solution, and Watson Assistant can
guide customers down the right path and give the client team the ability to
deliver the best customer experience (tell, show, and do) for each unique

Because every problem has an optimal solution, and Watson Assistant gives
customers different ways to articulate their issues (tell, show, and do).

Because every problem has an optimal solution, and Watson Assistant moves
the customer into the proper channel that can best solve their issue.

Because every problem has an optimal solution, and Watson Assistant is

trained to find the correct answer in every circumstance across all channels.
Question 5
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A CIO recounts how, a year after deploying a new customer relationship
management (CRM) software, they have not realized the kind of business
value they expected. She wants to know what to expect 12 months after
deploying Watson Assistant. How do you respond?

A year into the engagement, IBM clients know and understand customer
expectations of their products, services, and customer support. This allows the
system to start formulating the response before the customer is finished
articulating their inquiry.

A year into the engagement, most clients remain focused on transforming a

single channel, such as chat or voice, with a goal of improving customer
outcomes. It’s therefore vital to understand the experience from a customer’s

A year into the engagement, IBM clients significantly improve their ability to
produce differentiated memories that build loyalty, by providing a
personalized, unified, and consistent experience. They can identify and react
to support problems in the same day, which encourages a culture that is
focused on the customer, and on digital solutions.

A year into the engagement, IBM clients start to transform their digital
channels, giving them new paths to solve problems and complete transactions.
At the same time, customer support teams are empowered to augment the
customer experience as needed. These continual improvements encourage an
organization-wide transformation to customer centricity.
Question 6
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A client is also considering solutions from AWS and Azure. You know this
client uses multiple clouds. Which of the following gives you the most
leverage to counter the competition?

The client likely already uses AWS and Azure, so it'll be a difficult sales
cycle. Flank with proposing IBM's platform for Data and AI, Cloud Pak for
Data. Not only will Watson Assistant come with it, but they will get much
more value, from being able to collect, organize, and analyze all contact
center data.

Watson Assistant is available as a cartridge on Cloud Pak for Data, which

makes deployments on any cloud (including AWS and AZURE) or on
premises possible. Compared to its SaaS-only competitors, the ability to avoid
platform lock-in provides Watson Assistant a significant competitive
IBM is always cheaper in overall total cost of ownership. Send the client the
Forrester Total Economic Impact report.

AWS and Azure will propose SaaS offerings on their respective clouds. Let
the client know that the easiest and fastest way to get started with Watson
Assistant is with the SaaS service on the IBM Cloud.
Question 7
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are talking to your client's procurement team as they review your
proposal for a solution that requires data isolation. They want to know why
the Enterprise pricing plan is the best fit for them. How do you respond?

The Enterprise plan provides higher throughput

The Enterprise plan provides higher uptime guarantees

The Enterprise plan provides dedicated single-tenant use

The Enterprise plan provides better collaboration capabilities

Question 8
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are prepping for an upcoming session with a new prospect and working
on your elevator pitch. For the Market Landscape portion you of your
presentation, what trend should you focus on?
In the aftermath of the global pandemic, it is becoming obvious that
organizations will be abandoning much of their digital go-to-market
strategies and move back to pre-pandemic approaches.

With the continued focus on AI, organizations need to get serious and adopt
AI today. The global pandemic has proven to everyone that organizations are
simply not making decisions on the right set of data.

The global pandemic showed the world that transparency is key, and as such
organizations should look to a vendor whose solutions provide transparency
via features like dashboards and an end-to-end view of the customer support

The global pandemic forced many companies to allow agents to work from
home. In addition, phone support is either no longer optimal, or it is not
desired by customers. It may be inconvenient, not available at all hours, and
may have long wait times. It is also synchronous, and out-of-step with a self-
service experience.
Question 9
0.00 points out of 1.00

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During a recent conversation with a prospect you learn that RASA is the
competition. Your internal champion tells you that RASA is saying that
“RASA performs better.” What is your response?

Watson Assistant is flexible for all types of users. IBM focuses on making its
conversational platform and tooling more business user friendly; however,
developers can choose to use the IBM user interface made for business users
or APIs to build out their conversational applications.

RASA does perform better – that much is true. However, IBM's support for
multiple languages, and features like OpenAPIs can be a differentiator if
deployed correctly. You offer to demo these features.

Benchmark tests show that Watson Assistant is not only more accurate, but it
can also be trained faster and with a smaller set of data. Furthermore,
RASA’s build experience is highly technical. You offer to show the client
the benchmark test results.
You suggest that RASA is in fact significantly slower, and RASA has
struggled to make real gains in the market. You offer to show the client the
appropriate analyst reports.
Question 10
1.00 points out of 1.00

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What is the industry term used to describe a situation where an assistant is
able to answer a customer’s questions without transferring the call to a live




Question 11
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are having a conversation with a prospect, and they express concern
with Watson Assistant in general, stating, "We like your software, but to be
honest, we don't use IBM Cloud, so Watson Assistant is not going to work
for us." How do you respond?

Frankly, this is not a valid concern. Watson Assistant is an on-premises

offering, so the client does not have to worry about the cloud infrastructure.
That’s fine. I would ask that you trust us in the short term. Our roadmap
clearly shows that we are moving to support this product on third party public
cloud vendors.

You can deploy Watson Assistant with Cloud Pak for Data on any cloud –
IBM, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, in a private cloud, or on-premises.

This is not an issue, IBM has a robust services program that will move your
data to IBM Public cloud without charge.
Question 12
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are attempting to pay your internet bill online. During that experience
you are asked multiple times for your account number, your phone number,
and your date of birth. What are these all examples of?

Exemplary customer service. You need to ensure that you are speaking to the
correct customer.

Data Gathering. AI needs data and this is how many organizations gather their

Data Cleansing. By asking multiple times for what appears to be the same
information - organizations are in fact validating the data that they are

Friction. When friction is introduced into the customer journey it can cause
significant customer satisfaction issues. 91% of customers will not return to
business after a bad customer satisfaction issue.
Question 13
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are involved in a discussion with the CEO of a mid-sized retail company
about the merits of a virtual assistant solution for their organization.
Throughout your conversation you pick up on the fact that this CEO is very
security conscious, and it seems to be at the root of any technology they bring
into the organization. The CEO goes on to tell you that they excluded
Amazon from the deal because they feel that Amazon is their competitor.
What is your next move?

Suggest to the CEO that IBM's Services arm is much better positioned to win
out against Google which is not Enterprise ready.

Focus on the notion that IBM has the broadest Analytics suite in the market.
This has been backed up numerous analyst and industry reports.

Focus on the fact that IBM protects Client’s data and insight. Google uses
client’s data to improve their AI models. In July 2019, Google admitted to a
breach that allowed humans to access data.

Explain to the CEO that IBM has over 2000 patents in 2020 alone, so we are
continuing to innovate.
Question 14
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are prepping for an upcoming proof of concept (POC) on Watson
Assistant. When deciding on the strategy for Watson Assistant Voice
Interaction (WAVI) what is the best approach to take?

Focus on the high-level pitch and value proposition only.

The real value of WAVI is to train it on a customer's business domain.

General speech models do not handle domain-specific content, like product
names, business names, or other specific words.

Avoid domain specific content. Focus on general content.

The real value of WAVI is the overall experience - focus on the user journeys.
Question 15
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A client CFO asks you to explain what Watson Assistant is. How do you

Watson Assistant is a subset of IBM's Conversational AI platform, designed

to pick up and route customer questions using normal human conversation.

Watson Assistant is IBM's basic chatbot, able to answer questions, converse,

collect information, schedule appointments, and more.

During the customer journey a customer will speak to up to 6 different agents

for the duration of the interaction. Watson Assistant is the Conversational AI
platform that asks the initial questions, so that it can route each inquiry to the
proper agent for actual resolution.

Watson Assistant is a Conversational AI platform designed to connect to

customer support channels and back-end systems that companies have already
invested in. It contains IBM’s industry-leading AI to understand customers
and engage them in nuanced conversations.
Question 16
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are talking to a client who recently suffered a number of bad Customer
Care reviews on Yelp! The CEO implemented a new call center technology to
ensure that phone conversations are as clear as possible. What is the problem
with this approach?
Call quality is almost always associated with bandwidth and latency in the
network. A better investment would have been to roll out fiber to the various
call centers.

Customer Care deals exclusively with Technical Support and therefore the
CEO should have invested more money in technology for case management

This approach should not have prioritized phone calls but rather FAQ support.
As most customer/prospects do NOT want to interact with live agents.

Customer Care is not solved by addressing one point of interaction, but rather
by improving every interaction point a customer has within an organization.
Question 17
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A client is resistant to investing in virtual assistants as they already have a
reputation of having top customer service. You remember an interview with
the client's CEO where she admits that the competition is copying their
successful business model. While the CEO professed her intent to stay ahead
by continuing to delight customers, she also admitted that their profit margins
are shrinking, which may limit their ability to hire more agents. You should
ensure that the client understands what?

In over 40,000 client engagements, IBM has found that deploying Watson
Assistant is cost-comparable to hiring a handful of more agents, but is shown
to be 15% more accurate in answering customer questions. This is guaranteed
to reduce their cost and improve their profit margin.

99 percent of organizations using AI-based virtual agent technology report an

increase in customer satisfaction; and, Watson Assistant will virtually
eliminate their need for live agents.
99 percent of organizations using AI-based virtual agent technology report an
increase in customer satisfaction; and, with Watson Assistant, they can scale
up their contact center capacity without having to hire more agents.

Virtual agents serve a dual purpose, including that of a guardian to the human
agents, with the goal of agents spending less time talking to customers.
Question 18
1.00 points out of 1.00

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As you prospect Watson Assistant opportunities in your territory, what are
two key questions to ask potential clients?

• How have the trends of 2020 and 2021 changed the behavior of your clients?
• Do you feel like you provide the right amount of digital support for your

• Do you have any intention on hiring knowledge workers in the upcoming

• Are you familiar with IBM's Cloud Pak strategy?

 Have you heard of the Watson brand?

 Guess how many IBM patents were granted in 2020?

• Have you moved to model where you now support a containerization

• How many services have you deployed on IBM Public Cloud?
Question 19
0.00 points out of 1.00

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When people are conversing with a virtual agent – or even with another
person – it’s common for things they express to be unclear. How does Watson
Assistant deal with this?

When people talk to one-another, it’s natural to ask for clarification. Watson
Assistant asks only for the missing details, so as not to feel repetitive.

When people talk to one-another, it’s natural to ask for clarification. Watson
Assistant uses Auto AI to continuously learn from interactions and better
understand customer questions.

Watson Assistant doesn’t jump to conclusions. With Disambiguation, it

automatically asks for clarification.

Sometimes in conversations people ask questions, but don’t think to express

important details. Slots are the mechanism that you can configure in Watson
Assistant to get this extra contextual information.
Question 20
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are with a key retail client and they are impressed with Watson Assistant.
During one of the meetings, someone in the decision team announces that they
don't think moving forward makes a lot of sense as the CEO has recently
indicated that next year the organization will be changing their go-to-market
model and has requested that no decisions that relate to this opportunity be
made until that new model is in place. How do you respond?

You reply with how Watson Assistant is a virtual agent that customers want to
engage with and has proven to increase customer satisfaction by increasing
first call resolution and decreasing wait times.

You reply with how Watson Assistant is an omni-channel virtual agent that
can assist in any voice or digital platform, as well as adapt to their changing
channels and services. In addition, clients can take advantage of the
JumpStart MVP program to identify an optimal use case to prove business
You reply that regardless of the strategy going forward, IBM, with its depth
and breadth in Analytics, will surely have a solution to address any number
of different go-to-market models.

You reply and suggest to the team that given this late breaking news, you
agree that a proper decision cannot be made until the new go-to-market is well
Question 21
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A client asks you what is meant by Natural Language Processing (NLP), and
you respond by saying "It is... "

The method in which computers learn how to communicate with humans in

consumer products such as Siri or Alexa.

The use of dictionaries and static files to estimate what humans are saying.

The newest hybrid chip from Power that deliver almost 'thought like' speed
and performance for processing text to the mainframe.

The use of algorithms to clean up incoming requests by correcting spelling,

identifying synonyms and interpreting grammar.
Question 22
0.00 points out of 1.00

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IBM's view is that clients should evolve their customer service into customer
care. This includes what concept?
Customer service should evolve from being a cost center, to being cost neutral

Customer service should evolve so that the client can understand the channel
customers prefer and focus on it

Customer service should evolve from being optimized for the agent to being
optimized for the customer

Customer service should evolve so that it provides 100% self-service, making

agents unnecessary
Question 23
0.00 points out of 1.00

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You are discussing the need for companies to transform their customer service
into customer care. The client's CEO agrees. However, the CIO asks, "what
does this mean, in practical terms, for me and my team?" How do you

It means unifying the inter-departmental layout of a company’s support

functions and channels is a pre-requisite to deploying Watson Assistant, so
that you can provide a support experience that is consistently exceptional and
focused on self-service, no matter what channel customers prefer, or what
channel a company wants to grow.

It means connecting every customer touchpoint with everything relevant on

the back end. You already have all of the components; you just need to deploy
the right AI in the middle of the solution.

It means Watson Assistant will replace all of your existing customer

touchpoints and channels, so that you can provide a support experience that is
consistently exceptional and focused on self-service, no matter what channel
customers prefer, or what channel a company wants to grow.

It means we need to understand your technology stack, in order to understand

how to can migrate it, so that you can provide a support experience that is
consistently exceptional and focused on self-service, no matter what channel
customers prefer, or what channel a company wants to grow.
Question 24
0.00 points out of 1.00

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The ability to improve coverage of virtual assistants by using existing
content within a client’s organization is an example of what capability in
Watson Assistant?


Pre-message or post-message webhooks


Pre-built integration with Watson Discovery

Question 25
0.00 points out of 1.00

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A retail client has seen a significant shift in online sales as a result of the
global pandemic. Believing this will be a lasting trend, they want to partner
with IBM to deliver outstanding online customer care. How can IBM help?

Watson Discovery integrates into Watson Assistant, allowing it to discover

customer behavior and anticipate customer needs while they shop online.

In a world in which both customers and companies want more self-service,

the support experience needs to be rooted and founded on the principle of
self-service, and IBM’s Conversational AI solution can solve this problem
Watson Assistant is purpose-built for website-based online customer care, the
other channels are secondary.

Watson Assistant is a technology that can be omni-present for customers,

meaning it uses trackers to follow online customer behavior across multiple
websites customers visit, so that it can anticipate customer needs.

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